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asgardian--angels · 2 years ago
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onpurposebreezy · 6 years ago
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 After I got home I went upstairs I checked Lori’s room she wasn’t in there so I was guessing she was still in mine and I couldn’t wait to wake her up. I went into my room and there she was sleeping on her right side and right next to her was Kim knocked out I let out a little chuckle there was no way I was going to get anymore tonight since Kim was sleeping in here.
I put the cover over the both of them and I left the room going down stairs where I kicked off my shoes and turned on the game and played my games for the next 3 hours till I fell asleep on the couch.
I was sleeping good when I felt someone touching my face I laid there till I couldn’t sleep anymore. I slowly opened my eyes and looked seeing it was Lori who was touching me.
I sat up and smiled then stretched out pulling her to my lap I kissed her burying my face in her hair.
“I missed you”
“I missed you too I tried to stay up to wait on you but I fell asleep in your bed with Kim” she laughed
“I saw that that’s why I was sleeping on the couch cause yall had my bed”
“You could have slept in my room if you wanted too”
“I thought about it but did I played some games before falling asleep.”
“I see so how was it did you kiss her? Did she kiss you for the gift? Did she twerk on you or anyone else did? Tell me I wanna know”
Laughing “No she didn’t kiss me for her gift, no one twerked on me even tho they tried I was a good boy I promise”
“You kissed her huh?”
“On the cheek after she cried when she found out that I asked you to be my wife”
“You told her?”
“Yes I did I wanted her to be clear that we wasn’t going to happen anymore and that we are friends nothing else and that I wanted to be with you don’t doubt me baby”
“I’m sorry I never doubted you just didn’t like the fact that your friends with a woman you slept with”
“You think I shouldn’t be friends with woman I slept with?”
“What about Sarah you think I should end my friendship with her, I slept with her a few times”
“No you didn’t”
“Ask Kim Sarah was my girlfriend before I met my ex-wife after we broke up she introduce me to Ashley”
“Y'all don’t seem like yall slept together”
“Because our friendship means a lot to us and we just ignored it, I can be friends with a woman I’ve slept with and not make it feel any different for us.”
“I could never be friends with anyone I slept with hell me and Miles never did nothing other than kiss and we aren’t friends anymore”
“I guess different strokes for different folks plus people love me I’m a good guy to keep in your life”
“Yea whatever but I don’t want you around her without me got it?”
“Yea ma’am I got it”
“I have a question for you and if you don’t wanna answer it I will understand”
“Okay, what’s the question?”
Your ex wife what caused yall to really break up I mean I know you told me some of it but I wanna know all of it”
“I see, you wanna see what you’re getting yourself into with marrying me just in case you wanna run now huh”
“No that’s not it”
“Yea it is I don’t blame you I could be crazy as a husband instead of the loving guy you see before you right now.”
“No I was just wondering that’s all”
“She had her friends in her ear telling her I was smothering her with all my love and affection that I was around her too much” Lori looked at me like I wasn’t telling the truth. “For real when I wouldn’t sleep with her friends they figured they can ruin our marriage another way and they did… they talked her into thinking being married was a waste of time and how she could be having fun doing other things other than being a wife and trying to start a family with me… She left me when I was away for work I called her she answered and played a role with me as if she was home and happy but when I got home all her stuff was gone.”
“Thought you said she cheated on you?”
“She did that’s the part where she hung out with her friends and met a man that she thought was better than me for her. She left me for him and I did nothing wrong but be a loving husband to her now she sees that and calls me trying to get me to be that loving husband to her now. Those same friends are telling her she should have never left me those same friends tried to holla at me when we broke up now she wanna come back the guy is not doing this or that for her so she calls me trying to get me to do which I won’t I have nothing to do with her anymore.”
“I will never do you like that my friends like you hell my best friend is your sister she would kick my ass if I hurt you”
“The same for me too, you should show off your belly more where a short shirt so I can see your belly” I was rubbing her belly feeling the baby move.
“So I have a whole day planned for us so go shower and come back down stairs”
“I was planning on finishing the game I got one more level then I will shower and change for you”
“Okay one more level” she kissed me and moved off my lap and laying her head on my shoulder watching me as I turned on the game then started to play.
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 Cody and I had fun today we went to the doctor then to the mall to do some shopping and after that we went to a movie and then came back to the trailer. I'd told him I had something planned, but I refused to elaborate, no matter how Cody tried to sweet-talk me. Oh, I how loved being the Woman of Mystery!
The first thing I did when we got inside was to have Cody show me how to work the stereo. He had a fairly big new model that looked complicated enough to drive the space shuttle. He said he'd paid just $350 for it.
Once I had the basics down, I arranged the three songs I had chosen to dance to, without letting Cody see what they were. Then I got him a beer from the fridge to keep him occupied, and I took myself and my duffel bag into the bedroom to change.
On the way, I tapped on Kim's door, stuck my head in and said "Look Kim, me and Cody are alone out here, got it?" Kim didn't even look up from her computer, just shrugged and muttered
"Yeah, yeah, I heard you, whatever you say." Satisfied that she was out of the way, I headed on in to get dolled up.
When I emerged from the bedroom, Cody was sitting on the couch drinking his beer. When he saw me, he did a double take and stared. "What are you supposed to be?" he wanted to know. I just smiled mysteriously.
Cody had good cause to be startled. I'd gone into his room looking like I usually did, in fitting jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers. But I'd come out in a short white skirt, a red, white and blue floral-print blouse tied beneath my breasts and my favorite bright-red four-inch stiletto heels. I was quite the sight if I must say so myself.
I picked up the TV remote and channel-surfed with the volume off until I found one of those Japanese cartoons on cable, the kind that's mostly those flashing colored lights that can give you seizures if you look at them directly for too long. That was the closest I could come to disco lights, and with the room lights turned off, the effect wasn't half-bad.
As I turned on the stereo I looked at Cody to see his reaction. The penny had dropped and so had his jaw. I think he'd probably pretty much forgotten that he'd suggested I strip for him, but he was remembering now.
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