bizarretrev · 3 years
1.99$ USD a month includes.. -FASP theory and all discussion. A blogger is reformatting every blog to present "the perfectness of the blog form." -Art being worked on. Very good art for a beginner. Very interesting "collage" presentation. Abrahamic monthly art. Maybe just a presentation of each Faith, or a more "driven" approach. And there will be monthly "mythology/ancient history" art. It's very good, actually. I'll post a Christian art image I made in 10 minutes. I wouldn't call myself righteous, but on a "God-given journey"... for me and you all. -My movie scripts as they get crafted. Proven soon that I have 150k+ in USD in movie/cartoon worlds in my hands, AT WORSE. -The story of my life expounded on. The bizarreness of the entire thing. My unbelievable life, with unbelievable bizarreness. My memoir, a summed up form, is a few weeks away. You'll be shocked. Malpractice destroying 13 years, what appears to be "the cosmos" involved in me coming out... all kinds of bizarre things. And I soon post my criminal record, proving every claim! The truth is capable of being known here! And it's insane! -Poker tips and writings posted as I create my course for the interweb poker players. -I can think of great quotes for any mind-set. Random Stoic, Hellenist, Christian, Jewish, etc.. quotes. All very good. -Themed discussion on philosophy once a month, with several writers and their insights paid for. A blogger paid to format it all together. -Going up to the higher payment per month in one month to two. Remember: The entire point of this entire thing is to prove "A Good Source" being possibly religious... and that's through this theory. The mathematical theory the cosmos gave me the EXACT page of the book helps prove several Abrahamic theories. Very crazy that the "ghosts" that possessed me gave me 200k+ USD in ideas, again, AT WORSE. That's being "painted" in my memoir, and fleshed out in a separate autobiography. A memoir and autobiography are sort of needed here for you to grasp the situation. Why you'll be glad to pay 1.99$ a month for this insane world. ... I have one "forms" blog posted. Not the actual blog, but more of a "summed" up of the blog for the blogger to flesh out. Here is a taste of the next... "The idea of the repulsion of knowing right from wrong couldn’t hold much esteem with Aristotle. To be ignorant, or disguised in desires, was a more rational instinct to the esteemed philosopher. He saw the chaos of the individual and couldn’t grasp “a law-giver” given to odds and the playable chance. But, the truth? Plato always knew the plausibility of the cosmos and our given allocation of time." ....soon to come. ...and instead of "proving" philosophy, or attempting to "religious" the source, I'll use actual PHILOSOPHY to make "thought guesses." The political version is my main weapon in these blogs. The political war philosophy. ... The other one is found here. And remember, this isn't an actual blog but just the "ball" for the blogger to work on. Maybe even two to three blogs in here. Maybe not, since it's just "putting everything in place." https://bizarretrev.tumblr.com/post/673859752750710784/fasp-theory-plato-augustine-freud-the-idea Coming soon: The death of atheism series. Even against every "strong" Atheist case, I perfect "goodness." If you don't believe me, pay the 2.99$.. I can present a case that defeats their "unknowing" view point 10x over. And that's the point of the whole blog, to prove "The Goodness Perfected!".. and we know the source is good. And another series soon coming.. The merits of Apostolic Succession.... but how do we "define" the Church? Does "The Bible" lay the ground from the schism? Or to... and then from? And trying to explain my miracles as different from the cosmos experiences I explain here in detail, in my memoir, and in my autobiography. Does knowledge exist without Faith? Does faith exist without knowledge? The eternal perplexing universe... but I swear, I got miracles from Christ that "the unknowable" isn't the end result of any of this.
Abrahamic followers, I do not present "philosophy equal to God".. I try teaching how "getting to philosophy" takes jumping over Faith. And Faith, what is it? I think I know well enough to show like an Abrahamic scholar in FASP theory terms. And to put it in layman terms, "Faith is goodness. The top of the forms."
0 notes
a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Nemegtonykus citus
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By Ripley Cook 
Etymology: Nemget Claw
First Described By: Lee et al., 2019
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoromorpha, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Alvarezsauria, Alvarezsauroidea, Alvarezsauridae, Parvicursorinae
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: 70 million years ago, in the Maastrichtian of the Late Cretaceous 
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Nemegtonykus is known from the Nemegt Formation of Ömnögovi, Mongolia 
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Physical Description: Nemegtonykus is known from a partial skeleton, showing a one meter long, lightly built bipedal animal. Like other Alvarezsaurs, it had a long tail and long, thin legs. We don’t know much about its arms or head, but it’s reasonable to suppose it - like other Alvarezsaurs - would have had single thumb claws, and no other digits on its arms; and a small head, ending in a very pointed snout. Parvicursorines, like Nemegtonykus, were of the small and lightly-built vein of Alvarezsaurs - and the apparently much more diverse group - rather than the heavily built Patagonykines. As a small birdie dinosaur, Nemegtonykus would have been covered in feathers, and possibly even had small wing-like feathers on its arms as display structures.
Diet: Alvarezsaur diets is a bit of question - one of the most popular hypotheses is that Alvarezsaurs are insectivores, however there is still a question and they may have been more generalist omnivores. 
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By José Carlos Cortés 
Behavior: Nemegtonykus, as an Alvarezsaur, would have been extremely specialized in speed - its legs were well built for running, both to escape predators and potentially search for prey. It also would have been fairly good at hopping, able to leap out of the way in times of danger or distress. It is possible that the little claws of Nemegtonykus would have been useful in digging up insects or other sources of food out of hard to reach places. Nemegtonykus, like other Alvarezsaurs, would have been a very skittish and anxious animal, using its ability to run to escape danger as quickly as possible. The feathers would have been useful both in thermoregulation (given its small size) and display to other members of the species; and it probably took care of its young to some extent.
Ecosystem: Nemegtonykus lived in the famous and diverse Nemegt Formation, an environment filled to bursting with different kinds of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. This was a vast wetland, flooded with river channels that created extensive lakes, mudflats, and floodplains, much like the modern Okavango Delta in Botswana. This swamp field was surrounded by extensive coniferous forests, where the ground became somewhat drier. This was an area of animals highly specialized for their environment - especially creatures specialized for feeding on water plants, making them all various kinds of vaguely-duck-like animals. There was Duck Satan Deinocheirus, and the ornithomimosaurs Gallimimus and Answerimimus who also had duck-like bills for feeding on soft plants. There was the Hadrosaur (Duck-Billed Dinosaur) Saurolophus, which also fed on soft, mushy plants; and the actual early duck-like thing, Teviornis. In terms of non-duck dinosaurs, there was the large tyrannosaur Tarbosaurus and the smaller Alioramus; Troodontids like Tochisaurus, Zanabazar, and Borogovia; a million kind of chickenparrots like Avimimus, Elmisaurus, Conchoraptor, Nemegtomaia, Nomingia, and Rinchenia; the Hesperornithine Brodavis; Pachycephalosaurs like Homalocephale and Prenocephale; Ankylosaurs such as Tarchia and Saichania; the titanosaur Nemegtosaurus; the Therizinosaur Therizinosaurus; the raptor Adasaurus; and another Alvarezsaur - Mononykus. There was also an Azhdarchid pterosaur, the mammal Buginbaatar, and a variety of crocodilians and turtles. 
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By Scott Reid 
Other: Nemegtonykus was found alongside a specimen of Mononykus, potentially indicating that different Alvarezsaurs potentially socialized with each other, or at least didn’t avoid each other within their shared habitats. This may also indicate a level of niche partitioning between different Alvarezsaurs.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources Under the Cut 
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jojosasassignment · 6 years
Bray, F. et al., “Global cancer transitions according to the Human Development Index (2008 -2030): a population-based study”, The Lancet, Oncology, Volume 13, Issue 8, August 2012, p. 790- 801. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470204512702115
 Meldrum, C. et.al, “Next-Generation Sequencing for Cancer Diagnostics: a Practical Perspective”, Clin Biochem Rev, 2011, Nov, Vol 32(4), p. 177-195. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3219767/ 
 “Clinical applicability and cost of a 46-gene panel for genomic analysis of solid tumours: Retrospective validation and prospective audit in the UK National Health Service”, PLOS, 2017, February. https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1002230 
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jpoakbrook · 3 years
chapter 5: you; cody
summary: Part 1 of 'the accident that brought Neyo and Cody closer but also nearly killed you'
Cody spent months trying to figure you out. There was some down time for the 212th, so he was on Kamino a lot. Which meant he saw you a lot. After the success of the mission with Plo Koon, Cody regarded you as one of the best leaders he had ever met. It was a high compliment coming from a man with high standards. He could understand your clockwork brain easily enough; he ran his battalion the same way. What he couldn’t figure out, 5 months into your friendship with him, was your relationship with Neyo… or lack thereof.
He was well aware that the two of you had been seeing each other, and had been for around a year at this point. He knew that the two of you weren’t exclusive in the traditional sense because he had heard plenty from other clones about your nights with them. There weren’t many of them and they were bound to some form of secrecy. None of them spent the night at your apartment, and you didn’t want them to. That was a privilege you reserved for Neyo. They spoke of you in high regards, but none ever gave any details after getting back to your apartment or their room or wherever. You made them swear it since you didn’t want details to get back to Neyo.
Cody knew that when Neyo was on the base, you were his as much as he was yours. He saw the way you looked at him; he wasn’t stupid; he knew you were into Neyo much more than a casual relationship. He couldn’t figure out why the two of you weren’t together, and he mustered the courage to ask you.
“What?” you asked, eyebrows furrowing as you looked at him. You were sitting in your office, the official one that was connected to the HL: C0 room that was stationed in the C-Main. Cody had come to bring you lunch, and you were nibbling at it as your fingers rapidly flew across the keyboard, answering emails and messages. Today was exceptionally busy, and Cody knew it. That’s why he knew he would have to force you to eat today.
“You and Neyo are clearly together, but you’re… not together? Explain that to me,” he said with a wave of his hand in her direction. He was trying so hard to act cool, but the thumping of his heart in his chest sent blood rushing through his ears. He was hoping she couldn’t hear his breathing. Was it always so hot in this office?
“Neyo…” A sad smile came to your face. It was the same smile you got whenever they talked about the other Commander in private. It was the smile you got when you were speaking your honest feelings about Neyo. It was the smile that made your heart ache and your stomach drop. “Neyo and I started off as… casual partners. Then, as our relationship progressed, my feelings for him developed. Unfortunately, it is unrequited.” The way you spoke showed no emotion, and it almost sounded like you were just reading off of a task-list on your computer screen. You didn’t even stop typing as you spoke. “So, we’re left with a mutual understanding that, when he is on base, I don’t see other people. When he is with me, he is mine and mine alone. But, other than the times we are together… we’re not.”
Cody studied your face carefully. It was the first time he had managed to bring himself to ask about your relationship, and he wanted to understand it so that he would never have to ask you again. He saw that, despite your unemotional tone, there was a pain in your face that made his own stomach ache. “That sounds complicated,” he noted.
“It’s not. We take care of each other when we see each other. There’s nothing more to it. The only thing making it complicated is…” you sighed and leaned back in your chair. The sun through the window caught your face just right, and he could see the exhaustion on your features. He could see the wisps of what hair came loose from your bun. He could see the way your eyes were heavy-lidded as you looked into the distance, staring at your bookshelf as you did. “My own inability to handle my emotions,” you finished with a dry laugh. It was the exact phrase that Neyo had spoken to you when you first admitted you were starting to feel something toward him. He told you not to get attached at the start of your relationship, not to feel anything for him, but it was too late at that point. You had felt something the moment you saw him, and you both knew it. When you told him you might feel something for him, he laughed, told you that you had an inability to handle your emotions, and ignored you for 3 weeks. Then after a week of seeing each other again, that was when he asked you to stay with him overnight for the first time.
Things with Neyo were complicated, and you knew it. He knew it. Cody knew it. Cody also knew that Neyo had feelings for you, but it wasn’t in his place to tell you that. And he really didn’t want to. Because he had feelings for you, and he hadn’t even been in a physical relationship with you like Neyo.
“Maybe… maybe you just need a clean break,” Cody suggested. You shook your head.
“No. I can’t. I… I can’t be done with him. Honestly, having what I do with him right now is so much better than nothing at all,” you said with a small sigh. It hurt, but you couldn’t imagine the hurt of not having him to hold, not having him to kiss and to talk to at night. Just imagining it made you hurt. Cody pursed his lips, and he took in a deep breath to ask you something, but there was an alert on your computer.
“What’s that?” he asked, leaning back in his chair. Your fingers flew over the keyboard.
“I’ve actually gotta go. Master Plo Koon needs me for a mission!” you said excitedly, standing up with a grin.
“A mission?” Cody asked, alarms going off in his head as he stood up in shock. You were scrambling around your office, grabbing your comm link and data pad, motioning for him to follow you out of your office.
“Yes! I’ve been helping him gather intel on it for a while now, and he said he may need my expertise on it. I didn’t realise he meant so soon!” you gushed. He followed you through the corridors, and you were heading to her apartment. “I get to actually go out in the field! Which means I get to actually wear armor,” you said and ushered him through your door. He stayed in the living room as you spoke to him from your bedroom. “We’re going off planet, and I know it’ll only be a 2 week mission, but that’s so much longer than I usually get to leave! When I leave for business, it’s usually a week at the longest. I can’t believe I finally get to go!”
“What is the mission?” Cody asked.
“We’re going on a diplomacy run to Oba Diah. There’s going to be a small gathering of minds there, and some of them are people I’ve run into in the past,” you said.
“Like, your father’s people?” Cody called out in shock.
“Yeah. Exactly,” you said with a grin as you stepped from your room. He had to stop his jaw from dropping open as he took in the sight of you. You stood in dark grey armour, 3 green stripes wrapped around your bicep plates. There were three diagonal stripes across your left chest plate, and the pauldron on your left shoulder was green and black. There was a black kama on your waist. You held your helmet under your arm, a phase 1 with a thin t-visor and the raised mohawk stripe being painted green. There was a big, green handprint on the front of the face. “Man, feels nice to break this out again,” you said with a laugh, twirling on the spot for him.
“You okay?” you asked in concern, seeing his face. It was bright red, and he looked like he was in pain.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he coughed, straightening up. His face was on fire, but you didn't notice in your excitement. You smiled at him and motioned with your head for him to follow you, and you headed to the launch pad. You were meeting Plo Koon and his 104th on Base G.
“Will your father be there?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed. You shook your head.
“No, thank the stars. I don’t think I could handle seeing him. Not yet,” you said with a sigh. Cody knew all about your tumultuous relationship with that person. There had been plenty of nights where you spoke about it, cried about it, opened up about it. As far as clones were concerned, Cody was the only one who knew you better than Neyo. When you were together, you and Neyo didn’t really talk much. About yourselves, anyways. And as much as you wanted to open up to him, get to know him, he made the limits of your relationship clear. But Cody? What else was there to do when you were sitting in your offices, working, and chatting away? Cody was easy to talk to; he was a great listener and provided helpful feedback and thoughtful insights.
“You’ll be safe, right?” Cody asked as you walked up to the launch pad. A pilot was going to jet you over to G quickly, and he was getting his shuttle set up.
“Of course! And I’ll be with Wolffe and Master Plo Koon. It’s just a meeting,” you reassured him. He took in a deep breath and pulled you into a tight hug. You were startled by the action, never having done this with him before, but it was only a moment’s hesitation before you were hugging him back. He squeezed you tightly before letting go, and you could see the worry etched on his face. “Don’t worry, Commander. I’ll be safe. I promise,” you swore with a smile. He forced a smile back at you.
“Chloe!” A familiar voice shouted out as another Commander came jogging up. You turned to him with a smile, your ears turning pink. Neyo looked both angry and confused. “Were you just going to leave without saying goodbye?” he asked.
“I messaged you. They’re waiting on me, so I didn’t have time to go find you,” you responded. He swept you into a big hug, lips finding yours with a practiced ease. Cody looked away. When you and Neyo broke apart, he pressed his forehead to yours.
“Be safe, cyar’ika,” he whispered. You smiled and nodded, patting his cheek. You got onto the shuttle, belted in, and waved goodbye to the two clones who stood and watched you leave.
“She’ll be fine,” Neyo said, and Cody didn’t know if he was talking to him or to himself. They both waited until your shuttle was nothing but a speck in the distance. “Yeah, she’ll be fine,” Neyo said after he lost sight of you. The two Commanders looked at each other. There was a growing tension between the two, specifically from Neyo to Cody, and it only broke when Neyo turned on his heel and stormed away.
~ * ~
“Where is she?” Cody demanded as he burst onto the launch pad. It had been 3 weeks since he watched Chloe du Klein leave for her mission, and he had spent the last week of it worried sick. On the last day of the mission, the Pyke Palace had been attacked by separatists who learned that there were a jedi and republic troopers at the establishment. It had been a long week of fighting, hiding, and trying to escape the planet. Cody clung to every word that came out of the comms, and when the 104th landed, he was there on the launch pad waiting. Neyo had been called away during the 2nd week of the mission, and he wasn’t slated to return for a few days yet. Cody watched in horror as some clones rushed a field-ready bacta tank off of the ship, handing it off to the medical team who were scrambling and running with it.
“Who was in there?” Cody demanded of a clone who passed by.
“The HL of this base, sir,” he responded immediately. Cody’s heart dropped. He ran after the tank, but the medical team wouldn’t allow him into the surgery with her.
“Sorry, Marshal Commander, but not even someone of your rank is allowed in,” a nurse said.
“You don’t understand. I have to be with her,” Cody insisted.
“And you can be. After she’s out of surgery. For now, you are more than welcome to the viewing room,” she said and led him to a small, private waiting room. The room had large glass windows, mirrored on the inside, that allowed the visitors of the patients to watch the procedures from a safe distance as to not dirty up the sterile suite. He watched in horror as they pulled her body out of the bacta tank and laid her on a surgical table. Her body was covered with deep lacerations, her entire left leg looked horribly burned, her face had a distinct lack of colour, and she looked like she had barely survived an explosion. He couldn’t actually see anything after that, since they put up a paper screen in order to cut the clothes off of her body, but he could see the silhouettes. They set to work immediately, extracting shrapnel and debris from her wounds, and Cody collapsed into one of the many waiting chairs.
“Commander,” Wolffe greeted him as he was also escorted into the room. Cody had to stop his temper from flaring; he desperately wanted to punch Wolffe in his face. He knew it wasn’t his fault, but he had to blame someone for the heavy dread in his stomach.
“You were supposed to take care of her,” Cody spoke softly, his voice wavering only slightly.
“The fight was sudden. We were ambushed. She fought amazingly for a week. A couple days before we got off planet, we were hit in the middle of the night. Explosions. Woke us up in surprise,” Wolffe was explaining, pointing to her as he did. “But she saved a few of us. She took a few of them down with her bare hands. The explosion that did that was from when she tackled Comet out of the way of a dropped explosive. She saved his life.”
Cody took in a deep breath and nodded, both of them falling silent as they watched the surgeon and nurses set to work on the countless bits of shrapnel and debris embedded in her body.
“She was really brave, Cody. You should’ve seen her. I didn’t think she had it in her,” Wolffe admitted after a lengthy pause.
“She doesn’t seem like it, but she’s gone through a lot. She’s a lot tougher than people give her credit for,” Cody said with a little sigh. He had thought her to be fragile as well. Then he got to know her ahd realised she was anything but.
“Did you call Neyo?” Wolffe asked. Cody shook his head, and Wolffe’s lips pursed just a little. “I’ll do it,” he said after Cody made no effort to volunteer to do it, and he left the room to make the call.
Cody spent the next few hours waiting, watching, carefully studying the medical personnel for any indication of her status. There was nothing to report. An officer brought him a data pad so he could continue working from the viewing room. The hours passed, and he got more and more worried with every passing moment. A relief surgeon came in to take over the operation at the 6 hour mark, and Cody's fingertips were nearly bleeding from him chewing on them. The stress got to him at some point, and he fell asleep in the chair.
"Cody?" He woke up to a gentle voice and a firm hand on his shoulder. He jumped up.
"What's wrong? Is she okay?" He demanded, his head whipping around. Asli had her lips pursed, biting back a smile, but he could see she had clearly been crying.
"Um… well, it doesn't look good," Alsi admitted, motioning to the window. There was yet another surgeon there. Cody looked at his commlink in confusion, and he saw he had been asleep nearly 4 hours. "They… they're doing their best. But it… it looks grim." There was a crack in her voice, and Cody pulled her into a tight hug. She buried her face in his chest and sobbed, her body shaking.
Cody wanted to reassure her that Chloe would be okay. He wanted to talk about how tough she was and how there's no way she would leave them all like this. But he couldn't. He didn't want to give her false hope, and he certainly couldn't afford to give it to himself either.
"They're moving her to bacta in an hour. I have a meeting, but will you be there for her?" Asli asked, hiccuping and pawing the tears away from her face. Cody nodded.
"Yes, of course. I don't intend to leave her side," he reassured her. She nodded, looked at the surgical room, and then left before she could break into more tears. Cody rubbed his face wearily. His sleep had been long but fitful. They put her in a tight, black wetsuit that had cords and IV tubes and wires connected all over it. They slipped a mask over her face, just enough to cover her nose and mouth, and it was her breathing tube. He managed to get access to the room just as they lowered her into the large tank.
"Marshal Commander," one of the nurses greeted him with a curt nod.
"I would like a cot set up for me," he said. He raised an eyebrow at Cody.
"Marshal Commander Neyo has already called ahead to reserve one for him in here. Would you still like yours set up?" Cody's lips pursed at the idea of having to share the room with Neyo, but he looked at her suspended in the green liquid and nodded.
"Yes," he spoke firmly. The nurse nodded and headed out to get it set up. He didn't know when Neyo was getting there, but he wasn't going to leave her alone just because of some guy who has all the opportunity in the world to call her his and still won't.
Asli came back, and as much as she wanted to stay, she and the other C0-B's now had to cover all of the things that Chloe normally did. They were all very capable assistants, but they still felt lost without their boss to guide them. They came when they could, and it was a surprise to Cody when Maurice broke down crying.
~ * ~
"You can't do this to us," he was whispering at her. Cody had asked him if he wanted privacy to talk to her, but he had declined the offer. Now, the large, imposing man was clinging to one side of the bacta tank, sobbing, and he had his face pressed to the glass. "You can't just leave us like this. You have to keep fighting, boss. I'm lost without you…" his voice trailed off as he cried.
"You… you really care for her, huh?" Cody asked. Maurice swiped at his tears and nodded, clearing his throat.
"She saved my life. Many years ago."
"Oh, I didn't realize you've known each other that long!" Cody figured Maurice had been like Asli, where he met her during HA training. But the older man nodded his head, and the lines under his eyes turned weary.
"I've known the boss since she was in diapers," he admitted with a sigh. This startled Cody. The look of surprise was evident on his face, and Maurice nodded as he continued. "I used to work for Klein de Lorenz."
"Her dad?!" Cody felt like he had just plunged into ice water. The hairs on the back of his neck stood straight up. He had heard the name a couple of times before, but never in a positive way. And it wasn't like Maurice was saying it positively now, but just hearing the name of the Yellow Star Smuggler so casually spoken was… a lot.
Maurice nodded, and his face was full of pain and regret. He sat in a chair near Cody, and he started to speak.
"I… I tried to help her, to protect her. But there wasn't much I could do. I only saw her a couple times a month, but I was strung out on spices then. She was always so kind, though. A tough little thing. When she finally got away, she came to me. She wanted to help me, repay me for what little I could do for her. She sobered me up, helped me leave the trade, and took me with her when she came to the HA group." Maurice rubbed his face wearily, and he looked at Cody. "She changed my life. Always been there for me. And now? There's nothing I can do to help her. Do you know how helpless I feel?"
Cody did. He had seen so many of his brothers fall to this stars forsaken war, and he had lost plenty of men he was close to. But, on top of it, he was sitting here as well, helpless, waiting for her to either wake up or die. Cody went to try and comfort him, but Maurice’s comm went off at that moment.
"Yeah, go ahead," he said into the device. His voice wasn't the soft, broken voice he had just been talking to Cody in. It was back to his gruff, harsh, laconic way.
"Hey, Mo, I know you're seeing Hops right now, but we've got a tunnel leaking in C8," Asli said. Maurice nodded.
"Be right there." He hung up and looked at Chloe in the tank again. He lay a hand to the glass and nodded. "I'll be back, Chlo. Just hang in there. Don't leave me now," he whispered. His pale blue eyes settled on Cody. "I appreciate your discretion." It wasn't a question, it was a vague threat. Cody just nodded and watched the mechanic leave.
~ * ~
Dar'win came visiting with his wife. She was a Rodian chef from C9. Dar'win introduced the famous Commander Cody to her as she stared with wide eyes.
"A pleasure to meet you, Commander," she said with a small blush. She could never get used to the famous or high ranking people Dar'win so casually knew.
"The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Ortu. Your husband is a great asset, and I have had the great pleasure of working with him," Cody said. It was true. Dar'win was a genius with more connections than a starfleet. Rhonda Ortu smiled and patted her husband's arm.
"We left the kids at home. Didn't want them to see her like this. What did they say about her?" Dar'win asked Cody.
"She's… not looking too hot. I'm sure you've seen the charts by now," Cody said with a motion to Dar'win's perpetual datapads in his arm. He nodded. "Well, the charts make it seem better than it is. One of the shrapnel pieces cut her heart. They managed to stop her from bleeding out then, but it tore a little more on the transport before she managed to get here. They're doing what they can, but she's a human." Cody shook his head and sighed.
"Stars… Does Asli know?" Dar'win asked. Cody shook his head.
"They told me after they moved her to bacta. I'm waiting for her to come back before I tell her," Cody said. Dar'win nodded in agreement to the decision, and he stepped forward to lay a hand on the glass. There were tears in his eyes.
"Chloe is so strong. She'll be okay," Rhonda assured him. He just nodded.
"Hey, did you know Maurice knew her while she was growing up?" Cody asked suddenly. Dar'win looked at him in shock.
"Of course I knew. How did you know?"
"Oh… it came up in conversation. How long have you known her?" Cody asked, scratching the back of his neck. He had forgotten about Maurice’s warning of discretion, but he figured he would be safe since it was likely that they all knew each other. He knew how close they all were.
"Not nearly as long as they have. I didn't know her until she became an HL. She was a brand new C0-B when I first met her, after I was transferred here from H-base. I was just an AM: C7-B at that point, which is an Account Manager. Handled money and specific trade routes and inventory stuff. Rhonda and I were expecting Lu'cy, our eldest, and I was looking to get a better job somewhere.” He paused as his fingers drummed a small beat on the glass. “Chlo took a chance on me. Said she saw something in me that the others didn't. I got the AM: C0-A job on her recommendation." He was smiling sadly as he remembered her actions, and he looked at the floating boss with soft eyes. "After she became the HL: C0-A, I was the first person she moved to C0-B with her. Some thought it was because then I would owe her, but she's never treated me like that. She knew that I was capable of great things, greater than I knew." He wiped away a tear, Rhonda squeezed his shoulder. "I've grown so much, as a father, a husband, and especially in my profession all because of her."
Cody smiled at that, and he let the two talk to Chloe. After they left, he sat thinking about how impactful she was on the people around her. Her underlings would kill for her, and her C0-B's would die for her. And he? He was willing to share a room with Neyo for her.
~ * ~
He stared into the tank for a while. There were couple of lights from machinery left on, and it cast an eerie green glow across his face. The door slid open, and a Marshal commander came rushing in. He took off his helmet as he approached the tank, and Cody could see the pain in his face.
"Neyo," he started, but Neyo was checking her charts and her machines. He sighed and grumbled to himself as he read, and he finally looked over at Cody. He seemed shocked to see him there.
"Oh! Cody. Hello," he greeted him with a tight voice. Cody nodded. "Sorry, I rushed back as soon as Wolffe called me. Didn't realise you were in here," he explained, dropping his helmet onto his cot.
"No worries. I've been here since they landed," Cody explained. Neyo looked at him warily, but he didn't say anything, so Cody continued. "She's… gonna need a miracle."
"Or a jedi," Asli said, and they whipped to look at her in shock. She stood in the doorway, leaning on the panel, and her eyes were still leaking tears.
"What?" Cody asked in confusion.
"Jedi have healing powers. Anyone with a connection to the Force can do it, but it's a light magic like they use. My healing can only do so much, and it certainly can't help her enough," Asli said and stepped forward until her hand lay on the tank. "Mo told me what happened," she whispered and clenched her jaw.
"Oh, easy, I'll just call up Obi-wan then," Cody said, standing up. He was sure the general could get to them within a day, so it would be easy waiting for him to be there.
"Not so fast… a wound that serious? It's gonna be a rather… intimate healing," Asli said.
"What does that mean?" Neyo asked, his chest tightening. He didn’t like the idea of “intimacy” being a word used to describe Chloe with anyone that wasn’t him.
"Well, they have to transfer over energy, right? But they have to take something in exchange. Usually it's memories and emotions. Hops wouldn't want Kenobi probing around in her brain, Cody. He's just a little too-uptight for her. I think a better pick would be Mace Windu or Plo Koon," Asli said, looking at Neyo.
“She has worked closely with both of them, and I, of course, know Mace much better,” Neyo weighed. He sighed. “She may have interacted with Mace more often, since we're stationed on her base, but I know she's had more mission and professional interactions with Plo Koon. And, considering what happened on this mission, I feel like he owes her a little bit.”
“Maybe he’ll agree with you. I can contact him first thing in the morning," Asli said, but Neyo shook his head.
"I'll call Wolffe and have him get in contact with him. Asli, you should get some rest," Neyo said as he stood up, motioning to the door. His tone left no room for argument, and the exhausted woman agreed. She sighed and bid her friends a good night, telling Neyo to message her any updates and call in an emergency, before leaving for bed. Neyo sighed softly as he sat down on his cot, his face burying into his hands. Cody was shocked to see tears actually spilling between the other clone's hands.
"Neyo," he started softly. Neyo's head snapped up as he looked Cody in the eye.
"You love her, don't you?" He challenged, eyes a mixture of fury and despair. The grey eyes were red rimmed and watery, and he looked like he was in pain.
"What?" Cody asked, shock freezing up his limbs.
"Chloe. You're in love with her, aren't you?"
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
مطالعہ سے پتہ چلتا ہے کہ فرنٹ لائن ورکرز کوویڈ سے نمٹنے کے لیے مزید ذہنی صحت کی مدد درکار ہے۔ صحت کی خبریں۔
مطالعہ سے پتہ چلتا ہے کہ فرنٹ لائن ورکرز کوویڈ سے نمٹنے کے لیے مزید ذہنی صحت کی مدد درکار ہے۔ صحت کی خبریں۔
یارک: مطالعات کے ایک عالمی جائزے میں COVID وبائی امراض کے دوران فرنٹ لائن میڈیکل سٹاف میں ڈپریشن ، PTSD ، بے چینی اور برن آؤٹ کی اعلی سطح پائی گئی ہے۔ اس سے پتہ چلتا ہے کہ وبائی امراض سے نمٹنے والے اسپتال کے کارکنوں کے لیے مزید مدد کی ضرورت ہے۔
یونیورسٹی آف یارک اور مینٹل ہیلتھ فاؤنڈیشن کی جانب سے کئے گئے جائزے میں یہ بھی انکشاف کیا گیا ہے کہ COVID-19 کے دیگر جسمانی صحت کے مسائل اور بچے اور نوعمر افراد وبائی امراض کے دوران ذہنی صحت کے کئی مسائل سے دوچار ہیں۔
یہ مطالعہ جرنل PLOS ONE میں شائع ہوا۔ اس مطالعے نے وبائی امراض کے ابتدائی مہینوں کے دوران کیے گئے 25 منظم جائزوں کو دیکھا۔ ان میں سے بہت سے مطالعے چین میں ہسپتال کے کارکنوں کے تھے۔
ہسپتال میں ہیلتھ کیئر ورکرز کے ایک جائزے میں اضطراب کے 12 فیصد سے مختلف تخمینے ، ڈپریشن اور پی ٹی ایس ڈی کے ایک اور جائزے میں 51 فیصد تک مختلف تھے۔
بچوں کے لیے ، گھریلو روابط میں تبدیلی اور سکول کی بندش جیسی سماجی تبدیلیاں ذہنی صحت کے منفی نتائج کے خطرے کو بڑھا سکتی ہیں۔ یہ جائزہ یونیورسٹی آف یارک کے سینٹر فار ریویوز اینڈ ڈیسیمینیشن اور مینٹل ہیلتھ فاؤنڈیشن کے درمیان باہمی تعاون تھا۔
اس کے علاوہ ، برطانیہ کے چھ ہیلتھ کیئر ورکرز کے ایک پینل نے محققین کو جائزے کے نتائج کی تشریح کرنے میں مدد کی۔ پینل کے تاثرات کی بنیاد پر ، مطالعہ کے مصنفین صحت کی دیکھ بھال کرنے والے کارکنوں کی مدد کے لیے برطانیہ کی حکومت کی جانب سے ذمہ داری کے فقدان کو اجاگر کرتے ہیں ، اور اس کے لیے ’’ تالیاں بجانے والوں ‘‘ سے زیادہ ٹھوس مدد کی ضرورت کی نشاندہی کرتے ہیں۔
پینل نے ساتھیوں سے تعاون کی اہمیت ، کام کی جگہ پر واضح مواصلات ، اور کمیونٹی ورکرز کے لیے گھر سے کام کرنے کے لیے وسائل اور مدد کی ضرورت پر جائزہ لینے کے نتائج کی تصدیق کی۔ مرکزی مصنف ، نورٹجے اپوف ، یونیورسٹی آف یارک کے سینٹر فار ریویوز اینڈ ڈیسیمینیشن کے ریسرچ فیلو ، نے کہا کہ COVID-19 وبائی امراض جیسے وبا کے دوران اضافی مدد سے آبادی میں ذہنی صحت کے مسائل کے بڑھتے ہوئے بوجھ کو روکا جا سکتا ہے۔
انہوں نے کہا ، “دنیا بھر میں بہت سے لوگوں نے اپنی ذہنی صحت پر کوویڈ وبائی مرض کے اثرات کو محسوس کیا ہے ، لیکن لوگوں کے کچھ گروہوں کو دوسروں کے مقابلے میں خراب ذہنی صحت کا سامنا کرنے کا زیادہ خطرہ ہوسکتا ہے۔”
“صحت کی دیکھ بھال کرنے والے کارکنوں کو پہلے ہی اپنے کام کی دباؤ والی نوعیت کی وجہ سے ذہنی صحت کے منفی نتائج کا زیادہ خطرہ ہوسکتا ہے۔ تاہم ، کچھ اشارے تھے کہ متعدی بیماری پھیلنے کے دوران فرنٹ لائن پر کام کرنے کے نتیجے میں ذہنی صحت مزید متاثر ہوسکتی ہے۔ “
یہ جائزہ اس بات کی نشاندہی کرتا ہے کہ اس وبائی امراض اور مستقبل کے کسی بھی کورونا وائرس پھیلنے کے دوران صحت کی دیکھ بھال کرنے والے کارکنوں اور دیگر کمزور گروہوں کی ذہنی صحت کی حفاظت کے لیے کس قسم کی مدد کی جانی چاہیے۔
مینٹل ہیلتھ فاؤنڈیشن کے ڈائریکٹر ڈاکٹر انتونیس کوسولیس نے کہا کہ “صحت کی دیکھ بھال کرنے والے کارکنوں پر وبائی امراض کے اثرات کے بارے میں بہت کچھ کہا جا چکا ہے۔ تاہم ، اس جائزے کو مکمل کرنے کے لیے ہمارے ناول پارٹنرشپ کے نقطہ نظر نے اس منصوبے کے لیے منفرد نقطہ نظر کی ایک رینج لائی ہے۔ ہماری ٹیم پر مشتمل ہے۔ تعلیمی ، تیسرے شعبے ، کلینیکل اور زندہ تجربے کے ساتھ محققین اور کارکن ، اس طرح اس خیال کی تائید کرتے ہیں کہ اگر تحقیق شامل ہو تو زیادہ معنی خیز ہو سکتی ہے۔ “
ہماری تحقیق نے مختلف فرنٹ لائن ورکرز کے مابین کچھ واضح اختلافات کو اجاگر کیا جو دوسرے مطالعات میں ظاہر نہیں تھے ، جیسے کمیونٹی ورکرز زیادہ تنہائی محسوس کرنے ، واضح ڈھانچہ یا کنٹرول کا احساس نہ ہونے کی وجہ سے زیادہ تناؤ کا سامنا کرتے ہیں ، اور ایسا محسوس کرتے ہیں کہ ان کی کافی مدد نہیں کی گئی وبا میں
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newslookout · 4 years
PLO’s Saeb Erekat on ventilator, with COVID-19
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Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, hospitalized in Israel with COVID-19, was placed on a ventilator after his condition deteriorated, a spokeswoman for the facility said.
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The post PLO’s Saeb Erekat on ventilator, with COVID-19 appeared first on News Lookout.
source https://newslookout.com/world-news/plos-saeb-erekat-on-ventilator-with-covid-19/
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sakrumverum · 4 years
Analyse: Die konkrete Diplomatie von Johannes Paul II. und ihr Erbe:
<img src="https://de.catholicnewsagency.com/image/cpp_186934_1589749166_1589886738.jpg/640" style="margin: 10px 0"><p>"<strong>Es gibt viel Polen und viel Kirche in den diplomatischen Gedanken des heiligen Johannes Paul II"</strong> schreibt der Vatikanist Andrea Gagliarducci von <a href="https://www.acistampa.com/story/giovanni-paolo-ii-la-sua-diplomazia-concreta-nata-nel-polmone-est-deuropa-14215">ACI Stampa</a>, der italienischsprachigen Schwesternagentur von CNA Deutsch, im folgenden Artikel.</p> <p><span>Viel <strong>Polen, weil</strong> <strong>das Land, aus dem der Papst kam</strong>, mit seiner Geschichte und diesem qualvollen historischen Abschnitt <strong>einen jungen Menschen nicht gleichgültig lassen konnte</strong>. Und viel <strong>Kirche, weil Papst Johannes Paul II trotzdem nie nur ein polnischer Papst war.</strong> Er war der Papst der universalen Kirche. Er war der Papst, der die Religion nirgendwo mit Füßen getreten sehen wollte, denn das hatte er in Polen gesehen und generell in den Staaten unter sowjetischer Herrschaft. </span></p> <p><span><strong>Die Diplomatie des heiligen Johannes Paul II. wird mit ihm vor hundert Jahren, am 18. Mai, zwischen 17.00 und 18.00 Uhr abends in Wadowice geboren</strong>. Sie wird geboren in einem Polen, das seit kurzem wieder eine Nation ist und doch bereits Druck von Osten und Westen erleidet. Sie entwickelt sich in einem Polen, das erst von den Nazis eingenommen wird und dann von den Kommunisten, um sich dann später, während des Pontifikats, voll zu entfalten. </span></p> <p><span><strong>Der Papst wird im Jahr 1978 ans Steuer des Schiffes Petri berufen</strong>. Karol </span>Wojtyła ist ein Papst, der weiß, was es heißt, unterdrückt zu werden und der weiß, was es heißt, auch für das einfache Recht, seinen Glauben zu bekennen, zu kämpfen. Es ist ein Papst, der sich für die erste heilige Messe <strong>als Erzbischof von Krakau</strong> entschlossen hatte, die wertvollsten und historischen Paramente zu benutzten, um zu bezeugen, dass die Kirche in Polen da ist, dass sie lebt, dass sie eine Institution mit Geschichte ist, obwohl der Atheismus des Staates sie auslöschen will. Aber er ist auch der Papst, der zum stillen – aber nicht zu sehr –<strong> Anführer einer Bürgerbewegung wird, um dem Arbeiterviertel von Nowa Huta eine Kirche zu verschaffen</strong>. Die Sowjets bauten es ohne Kirche, denn sie wollten die Idee von Gott fernhalten.</p> <p><span><strong>Dieses ganze Bewusstsein bringt der Bischof Karol Wojtyła während des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils auch ins Zentrum der Kirch</strong>e. </span></p> <p><span>Das Konzil stellt auch einen neuen Abschnitt<strong> der päpstlichen Diplomatie dar</strong>, die durch die Kubakrise und die Rolle des Heilige Stuhls, um sie zu verhindern, gezeichnet ist. Infolge der diesbezüglichen Vermittlungsarbeit erschien die Enzyklika <a href="http://www.vatican.va/content/john-xxiii/de/encyclicals/documents/hf_j-xxiii_enc_11041963_pacem.html"><em>Pacem in Terris</em></a>. </span></p> <p><span>Die Inspiration von <em>Pacem in Terris</em> nimmt der junge Karol Wojtyła auf, der am Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil teilnimmt. Der Mann, der das nationalsozialistischen und das kommunistischen totalitäre Regime erlebt hat, entwickelt eine ganz besondere Opposition gegen den Kommunismus. Nicht mit Protesten, nicht durch frontale Angriffe, sondern durch intellektuelle Bildung, durch Erziehung zur Freiheit und zur Würde der menschlichen Wesens.</span></p> <p><span>Das Erklärung <a href="http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decl_19651207_dignitatis-humanae_ge.html">Dignitatis Humanae</a>, an deren Erstellung Wojtyła eifrig mitarbeitet, stellt ein unglaubliches Werkzeug dar für jene Bischöfe, die sich jenseits des <strong>Eisernen Vorhangs</strong> befinden und die nun ein Insturment haben, um eine stille Opposition zu schaffen. Karol Wojtyła verbindet die Verteidigung der Menschenwürde mit dem Begriff Nation und stellt sie dem Begriff Staat entgegen. </span></p> <p><span>In der Zwischenzeit hat die vatikanische Ostpolitik begonnen. <strong>Agostino Casaroli</strong> wird zuerst von <strong>Johannes XXIII.</strong> und dann von <strong>Paul VI.</strong> in die Länder jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs geschickt, um einen schwierigen Dialog zu beginnen, eine Politik der kleiner Schritte. Das ist keine leicht Aufgabe, die man später<strong> "Martyrium der Geduld"</strong> nennen wird. Ein vielleicht wenig verstandenes Martyrium, das aber Beziehungen knüpft und die Bedingungen für die Christen beachtlich verbessert.</span></p> <p><span>Johannes Paul II. wählt Casaroli als seinen Staatssekretär. Während der Papst mit seinen Äußerungen übder die Freiheit und Menschenwürde die Völker des Warschauer Paktes erschüttert, garantiert die Diplomatie Casarolis einen Schutz und sorgt dafür, dass die Beziehungen gut bleiben. </span></p> <p><span>Zwischenzeitlich wird <strong>Paul Poupard</strong>, der unter Johannes XXIII. Staatssekretär war, von Johannes Paul II. berufen, das Sekretariat für die Nichtglaubenden zu leiten und in dieser Rolle beginnt er einen Dialog mit Philosophen und Intellektuellen der Länder jenseits Eisernen Vorhangs, der ganz auf die Kultur gegründet ist. </span></p> <p><span>Die Äußerungen Johannes Pauls II. einerseits, die Diplomatie Casaroli andererseits und im Hintergrund die kulturelle Debatte, zu denen sich große diplomatische Missionen gesellen, die von Persönlichkeiten wie <strong>Kardinal Roger Etchegaray</strong> und raffinierten Köpfen wie <strong>Kardinal Jean Louis Tauran</strong> durchgeführt werden: Dadurch wurde die Berliner Mauer niedergerissen.</span></p> <p><span>Im Augenblick des Mauerfalls beginnt einen neue Ära in der päpstlichen Diplomatie. Ohne die beiden Blöcke als Bezugspunkt <strong>arbeitet Johannes Paul II um dem östlichen Teil Europas wieder Atem und Kraft zu verleihen, damit es wirklich wieder mit beiden Lungenflügeln atmet</strong>. Er beginnt auch wieder eine <strong>Politik der "Konkordate", die jene von Benedikt XV. mit den Staaten, die sich nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg gebildet hatten, gewesen war. </strong></span></p> <p><span>Das letzte vom Heiligen Stuhl feierlich geschlossene Konkordat betraf Polen, im Jahr 1993. Dann kam die Zeit der Abkommen und Johannes Paul II. war ein Großer darin: <strong>Zwischen 1979 und 2004 wurden bilaterale Abkommen mit 36 Staaten geschlossen</strong> (vor allem mit den ehemals "sowjetischen" Republiken). </span></p> <p><span>Unter diesen Abkommen haben zwei eine besondere "politische Bedeutung" Bedeutung: Der Grundlagenvertrag <strong>mit Israel im Jahr 1993</strong> und jener <strong>mit der Palästinensischen Befreiungsorganisation PLO im Jahr 2000</strong>. Sie sprechen von einer diplomatischen Linie, die zum Dialog mit allen neigt und hierin die antike vatikanische Tradition aufgreift. <strong>Der Heilige Stuhl ergreift nie die Initiative, diplomatische Beziehung zu eröffnen.</strong> Er wartet immer auf den Schritt des entsprechenden Staates. Gleichzeitig ist es nie der Heilige Stuhl der diplomatische Beziehungen unterbricht, denn vorrangiges Ziel ist das pastorale Ziel der Präsenz. </span></p> <p><span>Johannes Paul II. verband diese institutionelle Linie mit einer pastoralen Linie. <strong>Die Diplomatie war im Grunde ein Dienst pastoraler Art. </strong>Das bezeugen unzählige internationale Reisen: Es waren insgesamt 105, in denen er 136 Länder besucht hat. </span></p> <p><span>Das hauptsächliche Thema war jened der Freiheit der Kirche. <strong>Johannes Paul II. machte die Kirche dort sichtbar, wo sie es nicht war, oder schlimmer noch, wo sie verfolgt wurde.</strong> Seine erste Reise führte ihn nach Mexiko, wo sich die Priester nicht einmal als Priester kleiden durften. Die zweite Reise ging in seine Heimat Polen, wo er den Vorhang des Kommunismus entzwei riss. Als die Berliner Mauer fiel, besuchte er sofort die ehemals sowjetischen Länder, angefangen mit der tschechischen Republik, in der der Dialog äußerst schwierig war. Er war es, der die Freiheit für die griechisch-katholischen Gläubigen in der Ukraine und in Rumänien forderte. Er war es, der die schwierige Versöhnung mit der orthodoxen Welt förderte, so sehr, dass er zum Patron der polnisch-ukrainischen Versöhnung ernannt wurde. </span></p> <p><span>In seiner <a href="https://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/de/homilies/1979/documents/hf_jp-ii_hom_19790602_polonia-varsavia.html">Predigt in Warschau</a>, vor 300.000 Personen, betonte er: "Ist meine Pilgerfahrt ins Vaterland in dem Jahr, da die Kirche in Polen den 900. Jahrestag des Todes des hl. Stanislaus feiert, nicht zugleich ein besonderes Zeichen für unser polnisches Pilgern durch die Geschichte der Kirche — nicht nur auf den Pfaden unseres Vaterlandes, sondern auch auf denen Europas und der Welt?"</span></p> <p><span>Er ist ein Kind Polens, das die Sehnsucht nach Freiheit in die ganze Welt bringt. In der Enzyklika <a href="http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/de/encyclicals/documents/hf_jp-ii_enc_04031979_redemptor-hominis.html">Redemptor Hominis</a> aus dem Jahre 1979 wird er zum Sprachrohr der Gläubigen der ganzen Welt. </span></p> <p><span>Die Diplomatie Johannes Pauls II. ist konkret, aber er war sich auch der führenden Rolle der Kirche bewusst. Mehr noch, er wollte, dass die Kirche die Welt leite. Es ist kein Zufall, dass die <strong>diplomatischen Beziehungen des Heiligen Stuhls während seines Pontifikats exponentiell ansteigen</strong>. </span></p> <p><span>1978 unterhielt der Heilige Stuhl diplomatische Beziehungen zu etwas mehr als 80 Nationen. Als Johannes Paul II. 2005 starb, gab es diplomatischen Beziehungen zu 174 Nationen. Das ist ein Zeichen dafür, dass der Heilige Stuhl anerkannt und respektiert wird. Das bezeugt auch die Tatsache, dass Chile und Argentinien Anfang der 80er Jahre Johannes Paul II. bitten, den Streit um den Beagle-Kanal zu lösen, der dabei war, zu einem Krieg zu führen. </span></p> <p><span>Sicherlich waren es die Reisen, die zu diesem starken Bild der Kirche beitrugen.</span><strong><span> Aber es waren auch die starken Worte des Papstes zu den großen Fragen der Welt und die Initiativen des ökumenischen und religiösen Dialogs. </span></strong></p> <p><span>Man denkt dabei natürlich an den<strong> Gebetstag in Assisi 1986</strong>, die erste große Initiative diesbezüglich. Zu den großen Reden über die Freiheit zählt auch jene an die muslimischen Jugendlichen in <strong>Casablanca 1985</strong>. Eine Rede, die aufgrund ihrer Auswirkungen und ihrer Bedeutsamkeit mit dem Schreiben an die Oberhäupter der unterzeichnenden Staaten der Schlussakte von Helsinki verglichen werden kann. Dazu gesellt sich als drittes auch die Rede, die Johannes Paul <strong>1983 in Lourdes</strong> hielt, wo er Präsident François Mitterrand traf. </span></p> <p><span>Es sind Worte, die auch heute noch gelten und eine Warnung für jeden Staat darstellen: "Es ist notwendig - ohne die Komplexität der finanziellen und sozialen Probleme zu leugnen – zuallererst die schwerwiegende spirituelle Dimension zu betrachten, die ihnen zugrunde liegt, wie ich vor zwei Monaten in meinem Heimatland sagte: <strong>Ihre konkrete Lösung impliziert die Treue eines jeden zu seinem eigenen Gewissen, einem gut geformten Gewissen, das Gut und Böse unterscheiden kann, das Gerechtigkeit, Liebe und Wahrheit will</strong>; ein Gewissen, das das Gehemnis Gottes achtet, der allein den moralischen Anforderungen ihren vollen Sinn geben kann: Ein Gewissen, das empfänglich ist für die Botschaft des Evangeliums."</span></p> <p><span>Das Thema der Freiheit ist zentral, aber diese Freiheit ist zuallererst die Freiheit, an Gott zu glauben und den Glauben zu leben. Aus diesem Glauben kommt die inhärente Würde der Kinder Gottes, die zu den großen Kämpfen für Leben und Familie führt: Die Positionen des Heiligen Stuhl bei der <strong>Weltbevölkerungskonferenz 1994 in Kairo</strong> und bei der <strong>Weltfrauenkonferenz 1999 in Peking</strong> sind in die Geschichte eingegangen. Positionen, die der "Kultur des Todes" die sich durch Drängen für die Liberalisierung der Abtreibung abzeichneten, offen entgegenstanden. </span></p> <p><span>D<strong>as Thema der Freiheit ist auch zentral, wenn über den Frieden gesprochen wird</strong>. Mit Johannes Paul II. entwickelt sich der Begriff der "humanitären Einmischung" - die Notwendigkeit einzugreifen, wenn es notwendig ist, um die humanitären Bedingungen zu verteidigen. Das ist ein Thema, mit dem der Heilige Stuhl sogar die Aporie der Schlussakte von Helsinki übertraf, die die Unverletzlichkeit der Grenzen und auch das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker vertrat. </span></p> <p><span>Aber dieser Papst, der tausend diplomatische Kämpfe kämpft mit Worten, Reisen, Treffen, Gesten, Aufrufen... ist sich auch bewusst, dass die Diplomatie eine komplexe Maschinerie ist, und geht mit Ausgewogenheit vor. </span>Hier ist es, wo der Pfarrer von Nowa Huta dem Erzbischof von Krakau weicht.</p> <p><span>Wie damals, als sich Johannes Paul II. in der schwierigen Situation befindet, vom 28. Mai bis 2. Juni 1982 eine Reise nach Großbritannien geplant zu haben. Kurz zuvor entfesselte sich der <strong>Falklandkrieg</strong> und auch die Mahnungen des Papstes hatten den Konflikt nicht verhindern können. Argentinien nimmt die Inseln ein, England schickt Truppen. </span></p> <p><span>Johannes Paul II. befindet sich in der schwierigen Lage, zu entscheiden, ob er die Reise bestätigen und so den Eindruck erwecken soll, England zu unterstützen; oder ob er sie absagen und so den Eindruck erwecken soll, Argentinien zu unterstützen. Überraschend kündigt er eine Reise nach Argentinien vom 11. bis 13. Juni an; er schickt einen Brief an das argentinische Volk, in dem er erklärt, warum er die Reise nach Großbritannien nicht absagen kann, die wichtige ökumenische Auswirkungen hat und bei der er auch den argentinischen Katholiken dort Unterstützung bringen wird. Am Tag nach seiner Abreise aus Argentinien sind die Falklandinseln wieder unter englischer Herrschaft und General Galtieri, der Präsident des Landes, tritt zurück. </span></p> <p><span>Die Diplomatie Johannes Pauls II. ist voll von derartigen Gesten: Nach dem "Balconazo" (einer politischen Ansprache von einem Balkon aus) des chilenischen Diktators Pinochet, der den Papst mit einer List dazu brachte, auf dem Balkon der Casa Rosada zu erscheinen, um dann sofort selbst neben ihm aufzutauchen, organisierte Johannes Paul II. sofort ein Treffen mit den Führern der chilenischen Opposition, das ursprünglich nicht vorgesehen war; als der Papst 1989 <strong>Osttimor</strong> besuchen wollte, das von Indonesien besetzt war, küsste er – statt der Erde, wie er immer tat, wenn er in ein Land kam – ein Kruzifix, das auf die Erde gelegt wurde, um nicht den Eindruck zu erwecken, die Idee der Besetzung zu unterstützen. </span></p> <p><span><strong>Johannes Paul II. liebte den Begriff der Nation, mehr als den Begriff Staat</strong>. Er blickte auf die Würde der Völker und unterstützte deshalb die multilateralen Organisationen: Er besuchte zwei Mal die <strong>Vereinten Nationen</strong> in New York, ein Mal den <strong>Europarat</strong>, ein Mal die <strong>Internationale Arbeitsorganisation</strong> in Genf. Immer mit der Idee, die Freiheit der Kirche zu verteidigen. Denn – wie er im UNO-Glaspalast in New York erklärte – <strong>die Freiheit ist "auf die Wahrheit hin geordnet und sie verwirklicht sich in der Suche nach der Wahrheit und in Umsetzung der Wahrheit.</strong> Von der Wahrheit über die menschliche Person getrennt, verfällt sie im individuellen Leben in Zügellosigkeit und im politischen Leben in die Willkür der Starken und die Arroganz der Macht. Deshalb ist die Bezugnahme auf die Wahrheit über den Menschen, die universell erkennbar ist durch das moralische Gesetz, das im Herzen eines jeden eingeschrieben ist, weit davon entfernt, eine Begrenzung oder eine Bedrohung der Freiheit zu sein; sie ist, in Wirklichkeit, <strong>die Garantie der Zukunft der Freiheit. </strong></span></p> <p><span>Die Diplomatie Johannes Pauls II, ist keine Diplomatie, die mit der Tradition der Kirche bricht, wie einige behaupten. Es ist eine konkrete Diplomatie des Zeugnisses, mit einem festen Bewusstsein der Rolle der Kirche. Eine Diplomatie, deren Leitlinien sich in gewisser Weise in den Herausforderungen zusammenfassen lassen, von denen der Papst in seiner letzten <a href="http://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/de/speeches/2005/january/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_20050110_diplomatic-corps.html">Ansprache an das Diplomatischen Korps</a> am 10. Januar 2005 sprach: Die Herausforderung des Lebens, die Herausforderung des Brotes, die Herausforderung der Friedens, die Herausforderung der Freiheit. Diese vier Herausforderungen sind es, die die diplomatischen Aktivitäten des Heiligen Stuhls seit jeher durchdrungen haben und die in Johannes Paul II. einen außergewöhnlichen Vermittler gefunden haben. </span></p> <p><span><strong>Johannes Paul II. hat es geschafft, die Berliner Mauer einzureißen und dem Brandenburger Tor seine ursprüngliche Rolle wiederzugeben. </strong>Er hat versucht, denen eine Stimme zu geben, die keine Stimme haben. Er hat gearbeitet, um die Schwächsten zu verteidigen. Er hat gekämpft, damit Gott nicht von der Geschichte ausgeschlossen<strong> würde.</strong> Vor allem aber hat er für die Freiheit aller, zu glauben, gekämpft. Er hat es immer auf konkrete Weise getan, aber nie ohne die Zeichen der Kirche beiseite zu lassen. Er hat sie vielmehr für seinen vorrangigen pastoralen Zweck genutzt: jenen, das Evangelium zu verkünden.<strong> Letztendlich war der Erzbischof, der die wertvollen historischen Gewänder der Erzdiözese Krakau trug, dann doch immer auch der Erzbischof von Nowa Huta. </strong></span></p> <p><strong><em><span>Das könnte Sie auch interessieren: </span></em></strong></p> <p>https://twitter.com/cnadeutsch/status/1261206276295532544?s=21 </p> <p>https://twitter.com/cnadeutsch/status/1262241957969092610?s=21</p> <p>https://twitter.com/cnadeutsch/status/1262314662831456256?s=21 </p><img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/cnadeutsche/nachrichten/~4/QsSMeOoOjkY" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>
--Quelle: https://de.catholicnewsagency.com/story/johannes-paul-ii-seine-konkrete-diplomatie-entstanden-in-der-ostlichen-lunge-europas-6287
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joangates81 · 6 years
via health - Google Newshttp://news.google.co.in/news?gl=in&pz=1&cf=all&ned=in&hl=en&q=health&output=rss
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Week 2
Johne Locke’s idea of personal identity is a relationship serving to tie all the different experience of a person into a bundle. What is needed instead is an interpretation of what he is saying about personal identity that will be about something that continues throughout the different experiences of the person and constitutes his or her way of existing in the way the organisms life continues throughout existence.
Pain is different from everyone “pain is similar to what a pain is like for you. Nevertheless, we will want to talk about how the pain seems for each of us, and you will be able to compare how the pain in your knee fees to how your headache feels but not to how my headache feels, thus because each person has his or her consciousness, each has his or her own distinctive internality”(1)
Writing about the pain of the vultures is an attempt to call others into responsibility for them and their suffering; an attempt to motivate action towards conservation. Vultures like all embodied individuals, are throughly relational beings pain and responsibility for that pain cannot be viewed in isolation from these relationships.
Van Doreen explains how the vultures are getting extinct, by telling us the process of the “painful” process they go through. India is a cattle rich country and where asian white-backed vultures have become an integral part if the entangled biosocial relationship in which farming and many other activities takes place. Cows have an important role in the religious life of a nation therefore creating a complex social and political environment. Cows die each year not eaten by people but people skinning them for the leather industries. These cows are them taken to the carcass dumps pr left at the edge of the villages. The vultures then feed on the cows and this highlights the central part if indian farming practices and ecologies. Since cattle are used for different purposes in india, ploughing, milking, etc. Cows are given Diclofenac a non steroidal and flamatory drug to reduce inflammation. For that eases lives of cattle and humans but have an opposite effect on Vultures. Diclofenac poisoning causes renal failure for vultures, and the kidneys basically gets chocked up with uric acid which are not being excreted. The kidneys just get choked up with that and its crystalline, so destroying the tissues and so the kidneys become swollen. “The pain of another is a sufficient, but by no means necessary, condition for ethical regard” (Van Dooren, T. 2010) (2)
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Figure 1: Population index of Vultures in india (3)
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 Figure 2: Vultures feeding on cattle carcass (4)
All living beings emerge from and make their lives within multi species communities. As Gregory Bateson put it, the fundamental unit of survival is the “organism-in-its-environment.”(Bateson, 457) (5)
There is no doubt that human civilisation has had a negative impact on biodiversity, particularly since the industrial revolution. Green roofs and other green spaces form ecological networks within cities that provide birds and insects, as well as some plants, with a flexible ecosystem on a relatively modest total surface area. Green buildings can also be important outside cities by mitigating the impact of barriers, such as roads and railways, to the movement of animals and plants. “We have come up with a kind of building across a highway, as an ecological corridor across a road,” said Snep, whose team is now working with architects to design green buildings. (6) 
1. Google Books. (2018). Contemporary Perspectives on the History of Philosophy, Viewed on 12 May 2018 <https://books.google.com.au/books?id=Cayd6gAa1eMC&pg=PA283&lpg=PA283&dq=%E2%80%9Cpain+is+similar+to+what+a+pain+is+like+for+you.+Nevertheless,+we+will+want+to+talk+about+how+the+pain+seems+for+each+of+us,+and+you+will+be+able+to+compare+how+the+pain+in+your+knee+fees+to+how+your+headache+feels+but+not+to+how+my+headache+feels,+thus+because+each+person+has+his+or+her+consciousness,+each+has+his+or+her+own+distinctive+internality%E2%80%9D&source=bl&ots=vhjusLe3l3&sig=L6v_lBNLzt09Kb0OoRgDF0V6g6A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiD7enugoDbAhXLT7wKHY20BRsQ6AEwAHoECAAQKg#v=onepage&q=%E2%80%9Cpain%20is%20similar%20to%20what%20a%20pain%20is%20like%20for%20you.%20Nevertheless%2C%20we%20will%20want%20to%20talk%20about%20how%20the%20pain%20seems%20for%20each%20of%20us%2C%20and%20you%20will%20be%20able%20to%20compare%20how%20the%20pain%20in%20your%20knee%20fees%20to%20how%20your%20headache%20feels%20but%20not%20to%20how%20my%20headache%20feels%2C%20thus%20because%20each%20person%20has%20his%20or%20her%20consciousness%2C%20each%20has%20his%20or%20her%20own%20distinctive%20internality%E2%80%9D&f=false> 
2.  Dooren, T.van, Pain of Extinction: The Death of a Vulture. PAM Review: Energy Science & Technology., Viewed 12 May 2018 <http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/journals/index.php/csrj/article/view/1702>
3. Prakash, V. et al., The Population Decline of Gyps Vultures in India and Nepal Has Slowed since Veterinary Use of Diclofenac was Banned. PLOS Medicine., Viewed 12 May 2018 <http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0049118>
4. Anon, Diclofenac Ban Helps Vulture Populations. Conservation India., Viewed 12 May 2018 <Available at: http://www.conservationindia.org/news/diclofenac-ban-helps-vulture-populations
5. Dooren, van et al., 2016. Multispecies StudiesCultivating Arts of Attentiveness. History of Political Economy, Viewed 12 May 2018 <https://read.dukeupress.edu/environmental-humanities/article/8/1/1/61679/Multispecies-StudiesCultivating-Arts-of> 
6. Hunter, P., 2007. Advances in pediatrics, Viewed 12 May 2018 <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1852758/> 
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magusbotanicus-blog · 7 years
Factsheet 01/2018
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Plate 2: Helicobasidium purpureum.
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tumimmtxpapers · 7 years
Plasma microRNA profiling: Exploring better biomarkers for lymphoma surveillance.
Plasma microRNA profiling: Exploring better biomarkers for lymphoma surveillance. PLoS One. 2017;12(11):e0187722 Authors: Khare D, Goldschmidt N, Bardugo A, Gur-Wahnon D, Ben-Dov IZ, Avni B Abstract Early detection of relapsed lymphoma improves response and survival. Current tools lack power for detection of early relapse, while being cumbersome and expensive. We searched for sensitive biomarkers that precede clinical relapse, and serve for further studies on therapy response and relapse. We recruited 20 healthy adults, 14 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients and 11 Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) patients at diagnosis. Using small-RNA sequencing we identified in DLBCL patients increased plasma levels of miR-124 and miR-532-5p, and decreased levels of miR-425, miR-141, miR-145, miR-197, miR-345, miR-424, miR-128 and miR-122. In the HL group, we identified miR-25, miR-30a/d, miR-26b, miR-182, miR-186, miR-140* and miR-125a to be up-regulated, while miR-23a, miR-122, miR-93 and miR-144 were down-regulated. Pathway analysis of potential mRNAs targets of these miRNA revealed in the DLBCL group potential up-regulation of STAT3, IL8, p13k/AKT and TGF-B signaling, and potential down-regulation of the PTEN and p53 pathways; while in the HL group we have found the cAMP-mediated pathway and p53 pathway to be potentially down-regulated. Survival analyses revealed that plasma levels of miR-20a/b, miR-93 and miR-106a/b were associated with higher mortality. In conclusion, we identified sets of dysregulated circulating miRNA that might serve as reliable biomarkers for relapsed lymphoma. PMID: 29131834 [PubMed - in process] http://dlvr.it/Q0sZcV
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newslookout · 4 years
Senior PLO official Erekat taken to Israeli hospital after COVID-19 condition worsens
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Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Israel on Sunday for treatment of a worsening case of COVID-19, the Palestine Liberation Organization said.
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nonviable-hostage · 7 years
via computational biology - Google News
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oscarhgreene · 7 years
Is Lyme Disease the Cause of Alzheimer’s?
Today we are delving into Lyme disease again.  Rarely do we come  across a topic with such diametrically  opposed opinions. In today’s broadcast we will present some of the literature regarding Alzheimer’s disease being  caused by Lyme disease.
Please forward us any comments here on our website or go to our Power Health Facebook page http://ift.tt/1LslSK0
1. A lack of correlation between the incidence of lyme disease and deaths due to Alzheimer’s disease. O’Day DH, Catalano A. J Alzheimers Dis. 2014;42(1):115-8. doi: 10.3233/JAD-140552. PMID: 24840565 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
2. Nervous system lyme disease: is there a controversy? Halperin JJ. Semin Neurol. 2011 Jul;31(3):317-24. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1287652. Epub 2011 Sep 30. Review. PMID: 21964848 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
3. Borrelia burgdorferi persists in the brain in chronic lyme neuroborreliosis and may be associated with Alzheimer disease. Miklossy J, Khalili K, Gern L, Ericson RL, Darekar P, Bolle L, Hurlimann J, Paster BJ. J Alzheimers Dis. 2004 Dec;6(6):639-49; discussion 673-81. PMID: 15665404 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
4. Plaques of Alzheimer’s disease originate from cysts of Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease spirochete. MacDonald AB. Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(3):592-600. Epub 2006 May 3. PMID: 16675154 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
5. Alzheimer’s disease Braak Stage progressions: reexamined and redefined as Borrelia infection transmission through neural circuits. MacDonald AB. Med Hypotheses. 2007;68(5):1059-64. Epub 2006 Nov 17. PMID: 17113237 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
6. Transfection “Junk” DNA – a link to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease? MacDonald AB. Med Hypotheses. 2006;66(6):1140-1. Epub 2006 Feb 14. PMID: 16481123 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
7. Concurrent neocortical borreliosis and Alzheimer’s disease. MacDonald AB, Miranda JM. Hum Pathol. 1987 Jul;18(7):759-61. PMID: 3297997 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
8. A life cycle for Borrelia spirochetes? MacDonald AB. Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(4):810-8. Epub 2006 May 22. PMID: 16716532 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
9. Alzheimer’s neuroborreliosis with trans-synaptic spread of infection and neurofibrillary tangles derived from intraneuronal spirochetes. MacDonald AB. Med Hypotheses. 2007;68(4):822-5. Epub 2006 Oct 20. PMID: 17055667 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
10. Spirochetal cyst forms in neurodegenerative disorders,…hiding in plain sight. MacDonald AB. Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(4):819-32. Epub 2006 Jul 7. PMID: 16828236 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
11. Use of an autologous antigen in the serologic testing of patients with erythema migrans of Lyme disease. Berger BW, MacDonald AB, Benach JL. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1988 Jun;18(6):1243-6. PMID: 3290287 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
12. Interstitial cystitis and Borrelia burgdorferi. Schwan TG, MacDonald AB. Ann Intern Med. 1989 Sep 15;111(6):537. No abstract available. PMID: 2774376 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
13. Stillbirth following maternal Lyme disease. MacDonald AB, Benach JL, Burgdorfer W. N Y State J Med. 1987 Nov;87(11):615-6. No abstract available. PMID: 3480464 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
14. Temporal arteritis associated with Borrelia infection. A case report. Pizzarello LD, MacDonald AB, Semlear R, DiLeo F, Berger B. J Clin Neuroophthalmol. 1989 Mar;9(1):3-6. PMID: 2522942 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
15. Giant cell arteritis and Borrelia infection. MacDonald AB. J Clin Neuroophthalmol. 1987 Sep;7(3):180-1. No abstract available. PMID: 2958514 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
16. Lyme disease. A neuro-ophthalmologic view. MacDonald AB. J Clin Neuroophthalmol. 1987 Dec;7(4):185-90. Review. PMID: 2963023 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
17. Gestational Lyme borreliosis. Implications for the fetus. MacDonald AB. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 1989 Nov;15(4):657-77. Review. PMID: 2685924 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
18. Borrelia burgdorferi tissue morphologies and imaging methodologies. MacDonald AB. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2013 Aug;32(8):1077-82. doi: 10.1007/s10096-013-1853-5. Epub 2013 Mar 12. PMID: 23479042 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
19. No evidence for contamination of Borrelia blood cultures: a review of facts. MacDonald AB. J Clin Microbiol. 2014 May;52(5):1803. doi: 10.1128/JCM.02275-13. No abstract available. PMID: 24744404 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Free PMC Article Similar articles
20. Characterization of biofilm formation by Borrelia burgdorferi in vitro. Sapi E, Bastian SL, Mpoy CM, Scott S, Rattelle A, Pabbati N, Poruri A, Burugu D, Theophilus PA, Pham TV, Datar A, Dhaliwal NK, MacDonald A, Rossi MJ, Sinha SK, Luecke DF. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e48277. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048277. Epub 2012 Oct 24. PMID: 23110225 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Free PMC Article Similar articles
21. Evidence of In Vivo Existence of Borrelia Biofilm in Borrelial Lymphocytomas. Sapi E, Balasubramanian K, Poruri A, Maghsoudlou JS, Socarras KM, Timmaraju AV, Filush KR, Gupta K, Shaikh S, Theophilus PA, Luecke DF, MacDonald A, Zelger B. Eur J Microbiol Immunol (Bp). 2016 Feb 9;6(1):9-24. doi: 10.1556/1886.2015.00049. eCollection 2016 Mar. PMID: 27141311 [PubMed] Free PMC Article Similar articles
22. Clinical implications of delayed growth of the Lyme borreliosis spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi. MacDonald AB, Berger BW, Schwan TG. Acta Trop. 1990 Dec;48(2):89-94. PMID: 1980573 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
23. Human fetal borreliosis, toxemia of pregnancy, and fetal death. MacDonald AB. Zentralbl Bakteriol Mikrobiol Hyg A. 1986 Dec;263(1-2):189-200. No abstract available. PMID: 3554838 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
24. Acute postnatal exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate adversely impacts hippocampal development in the male rat. Smith CA, Macdonald A, Holahan MR. Neuroscience. 2011 Oct 13;193:100-8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2011.06.082. Epub 2011 Jul 18. PMID: 21782900 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
25. Borrelia in the brains of patients dying with dementia. MacDonald AB. JAMA. 1986 Oct 24-31;256(16):2195-6. No abstract available. PMID: 3761515 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
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27. Nutrition and shiftwork: evaluation of new paramedics’ knowledge and attitudes. Macdonald AB, Rossiter MD, Jensen JL. Can J Diet Pract Res. 2013 Winter;74(4):198-201. PMID: 24472169 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
28. Development and psychometric evaluation of a brief version of the hyperventilation questionnaire: the HVQ-B. Sabourin BC, Stewart SH, Watt MC, Macdonald AB. Cogn Behav Ther. 2013;42(3):193-202. doi: 10.1080/16506073.2012.756059. Epub 2013 May 22. PMID: 23697597 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
29. Acute and general medicine on opposite sides of the world. MacDonald AB. Acute Med. 2011;10(2):67-8. No abstract available. PMID: 22041603 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
30. What does the future hold for general medicine? Jenkins PF, Thompson CH, MacDonald AB. Med J Aust. 2011 Jul 4;195(1):49-50. PMID: 21728946 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
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33. Effects of alcohol on the response to hyperventilation of participants high and low in anxiety sensitivity. MacDonald AB, Baker JM, Stewart SH, Skinner M. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2000 Nov;24(11):1656-65. PMID: 11104113 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
34. Biochemical and functional antigenic mimicry by a polyclonal anti-idiotypic antibody for chlamydial exoglycolipid antigen. An LL, Hudson AP, Prendergast RA, O’Brien TP, Stuart ES, Whittum-Hudson JA, MacDonald AB. Pathobiology. 1997;65(5):229-40. Erratum in: Pathobiology 1998;66(1):48. PMID: 9459493 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Similar articles
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Veba Hastalığı
Veba Hastalığı
VEBA (Yersinia pestis)
Veba insanlara vektörler aracılığı ile bulaşan, Yersinia pestis’in (Y.pestis) etken olduğu, literatür verilerine göre en virulan bakteriyel enfeksiyondur. Enfeksiyon başladıktan sonra, önce lenf düğümlerine daha sonra kana ve ardından da akciğerlere doğru yayılım göstermektedir. Akciğer yayılımı oluşunca “Pnömonik veba” olarak isimlendirilmektedir. Kolaylıkla insandan insana geçebilir. Vebanın bu türü orta çağlarda hatta Osmanlı döneminde bile “Kara ölüm” adıyla birçok insanın ölümüne neden olmuştur. Vebanın tüm türlerinde ani bir toksik şok meydana gelir ve hatta ölümle sonuçlanır. Diğer bakteriyel enfeksiyonlara nazaran sağlıklı olan kişilerde çok kısa sürede ölümün görülmesi dikkat çekicidir (2).
Tanımlama ve tarihçe
Yersinia cinsi üç’ü insan patojeni olmak üzere (Yersinia pestis, Yersinia enterocolitica ve Yersiniapseudotuberculosis) toplam 11 tür içermektedir (1).
Veba hastalığına neden olan etken Y. pestis’tir, ilk kez Hong Kong’da 1884 yılında görülmüştür. Bakteriyolog Alexandre Yersin 1894’te, vebaya yol açan Yersinia pestis isimli bakteriyi izole edip, tanımlamış. ve insanlara sıçan piresi (Xenopsylla cheopis) adı verilen bir kemirgen tarafından ısırılma ile geçmektedir/bulaşmaktadır. Vebanın yaşam döngüsüne bakıldığında pirelerin enfekte olmuş kemirgenler ile beslenmelerinden sonra enfekte olmaları ile döngü başlar. Y.pestis pirelerin bağırsaklarında çoğalır ve konağın ısırılması ile bulaşır. Bu pire ısırığı normalde bulaşıcı olmayan “bubonik veba” adı verilen lezyonlara neden olur (3).
Dünyada ve Türkiye’deki epidemiyolojisi
Veba öncelikli olarak kemirgenlerden, vahşi ve evcil hayvanlardan bulaşan zoonotik bir enfeksiyondur (4) ve pireler tarafından nakledilir; insanlar doğal hastalık döngüsüne katkıda bulunmayan tesadüf konakçı olarak kabul edilir. İnsanlara bulaş, enfekte ev kedilerinden, kemirgen pire ısırıkları, çizikler veya ısırıklar, enfekte hayvan dokularının doğrudan taşınması, enfekte olmuş hayvanlardan gelen solunum salgılarının inhalasyonu, enfekte insanlardan aerosol haline getirilmiş damlacıkların inhalasyonu, kontamine gıda tüketimi veya laboratuar maruziyeti yoluyla olmaktadır (5). Kuluçka süresi genellikle iki ila yedi gün arasındadır.
Y.pestis infeksiyonu iki tip olarak kendini gösterir: 1) Doğal rezervuarın sıçan olduğu Kentsel veba, 2) tavşan, tarla faresi, sincap ve evcil kedilerde infeksiyona neden olan Orman vebası.
Tarihe bakıldığında Y.pestis’in etken olduğu Veba en kötü ve ölümcül hastalıklar içerisinde yer alır. Epidemiyolojik veriler incelendiğinde İncil içinde Veba’dan söz edilmiştir. Bilinen üç veba pandemisini birincisi Mısır’dan başlayarak Avrupa, Kuzey Afrika, Güney ve Orta Asya ile Arabistan’a kadar yayılım göstermiştir. Daha sonraki pandemi 1320’li yıllarda kendini göstermiş beş yıldan uzun bir zamanda yalnızca Avrupa’da bile milyonlarca kişinin ölümüne neden olmuştur. Çin, Amerika, Avrupa ve Afrika’yı da esir alan Veba 1860’lı yıllarda yayılarak ölüm saçmaya devam etmiştir. CDC verilerine göre son on yılda yine Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nden bildirilen çoğu orman vebası olarak tanımlanan vakalar olmuştur (5­10).
Tarihsel gelişim incelendiğinde Ülkemizde 18.yy’da Osmanlı İmparatorluğunu yıkıma uğratan ve 19.yy ortalarına kadar devam eden veba vakaları bildirilmiştir (11, 12).
Patogenez ve İmmün yanıt
Veba patogenezi pireden memeli konağına infeksiyonun geçişi ve infeksiyona karşı verilen konak yanıtından oluşmaktadır. Bubonik veba, Pnömonik veba ve Septisemik veba olarak iç klinik forma sahiptir.
Y.pestis konağa girdiğinde önce deri engelini aşar daha sonra konak ve pire arasındaki vücut sıcaklık ve ortam farkı bakterinin virulans faktörlerinin ortaya çıkmasına neden olur.
Y.pestis’in önemli virulans faktörlerinden biri olan F1 proteini jelimsi bir kapsül yapısı oluşturup bu yapı bakteriyi fagositozdan korur ve çoğalmasına neden olur. Fagositoza dirençli olmalaı patojenik Yersinia türleri için bilinen ortak bir özelliktir (13).
Bakteriler enfeksiyonu takiben, lenf nodlarına lenfatikler yoluyla göç ederler, burada yoğun bir inflamatuar reaksiyon başlar ve lenf nodlarında fagosite edilirler ancak yok olmaları mümkün olmaz. Veba etkeni olan Y.pestis, enzimatik sindirime dirençlidir ve oldukça sağlam bir kapsüle sahiptir; bunun sonucunda Y.pestis asıl olarak fagozom ve lizozomların birleşmesinden oluşan fagolizozom denilen yapılarda çoğalırlar (13, 14).
Yersinia virulan enzimler ve lipopolisakkaritlerin salınması ile bir toksisite meydana getirmektedir. Bakteriler daha sonra akciğer ve diğer organlara yayılım gösterir. Pire ısırması sonrasında hastalardaki kuluçka süresi iki ile yedi gündür. Ateş, titreme, halsizlik ve kasık bölgesinde çıkan ağrılı bubolar hastalığın başlıca bulgularıdır. Tedavi edilmediğinde sepsis meydana gelebilir hastalar septik şok sonucu hayatlarını kaybedebilir (15, 16).
Tanı ve tedavi
Mikrobiyoloji-Tanı Y. pestis gram negatif, hareketsiz, spor oluşturmayan, fakültatif anaerop çomaktır. Enterobacteriaceae ailesi içerisinde yer alan fermenter ve oksidaz negatiftir. Protein bir kapsüle sahip olan Y. pestis; Somatik O polisakkariti, kor polisakkariti ve endotoksin olarak Lipid A bileşenlerine sahiptir. Kanlı agar ve MacConkey agar gibi birçok kültür besiyerlerinde üreyebilir.
Veba’nın tanısının konulabilmesi için yüksek bir şüphe olmalıdır. Oldukça risklidir ve uzmanlık gerektirmektedir. Ateşli ve ağrılı lenfadenopati geçiren hastalar, endemik hastalık alanlarına seyahat etmeleri konusunda sorgulanmalıdır. Buna ek olarak, son 10 gün içinde hayvan veya kemirgen vektör teması, veba bulguları için şüphe uyandıran ipuçları olabilir. Vebanın teşhisi, organizmada mikroorganizmanın izole edilmesi ya da serolojik testlerle saptanabilir.
Laboratuvarın enfeksiyona yakalanmasını önlemek için uygun korunma önlemleri alabilmeleri için mikrobiyoloji personeline organizmayı barındırdığından şüphelenilen hasta ile ilgili bir numune gönderildiğinde mutlaka numune hakkında bilgi verilmelidir.
Y.pestis, balgamdan, beyin omurilik sıvısından (BOS) veya bubo aspirasyon örneğinden kültür edilerek izole edilebilir. Periferik kan örneğinin Wright-Giemsa boyasıyla incelenmesi ile çubuk şeklinde mikroorganizmaları görmek mümkün olabilir.
Serolojik tanıda, Y.pestis ‘in F-1 antijenine karşı oluşan antikor araştırılabilir.
Hızlı testler araştırıldığında; Balgamda veya serumda Y. pestis F1 antijeni 15 dakika içerisinde tespit edebilen hızlı bir tanı testi geliştirilmiştir.
Y.pestis ‘in polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (PCR) veya enzim bağlı immünosorbent testlerle de tanısı yapılabilir ancak çok yaygın değildir (6, 16, 17).
Y.pestis’rn tedavisi Streptomisini ile yapılmaktadır. Bunun             dışında      Gentamisin,
Kloramfenikol, Trimetoprim-sülfametaksazol (SXT), veya tetrasiklin alternatif olarak tercih edilebilir (6).
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