#PK writes things
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
I want to point out something in 1.16 “Shadow” regarding Dean’s resourcefulness and the derision with which his contributions are treated within the writing. In “Shadow”, multiple shots are taken at Dean’s methods of earning money and working cases as well as his intelligence level.
It starts with another small squabble about money that clearly frames Dean as still, at this point, the sole person supporting him and Sam financially through credit card scams, gambling, and hustling pool.
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Yet again we have a jab at the ways Dean earns money. I wouldn’t make a big deal about this one at all if not for the outside context—the three previous episodes where Sam (while happy to benefit from Dean’s ill-gotten gains and provide no financial support to their two-man team) criticizes or is dismissive toward the work involved in how Dean earns money for them (1.01, 1.05, 1.08). Dean deserving to have his contributions dismissed is explicit in the text, but Sam's failure to actually assist with finances is implicit.
Next, it's how Dean gets information. He flirts with a cop and a bartender:
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In the case of the cop, he gets information that is valuable to the case—unreleased details. In the case of the bartender, he doesn't, but he learns there's nothing to learn. But because Dean was also having fun, his actions are reduced down to him thinking with his dick, when he is actually intentionally using charm and even (see below) offering sexual favors in exchange for information:
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Additionally, Sam (despite having seen Dean research just fine on his own multiple times) questions how Dean was able to do research on his own, which—you do you, Kripke, I guess? But we get "Haha name the last book you read" in a similar vein to 1.03 "Dead In the Water" (and just as Sam demands that Dean name one child he knows and Dean can't but it means nothing because Dean actually does like kids, Dean also does read—as established multiple times throughout the series.)
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But also—if Dean called Caleb, why does that matter? Is talking to people to get the information you need, somehow inferior to finding some old tome and finding it in there? No. But it's treated that way in the framing of the episode. Weirdly like Dean took a shortcut or something and that's... "bad"...? When a shortcut in this context literally just means you're being efficient and resourceful and yeah—smart.
Then Meg jabs at Dean's intelligence as well:
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What's also interesting, is that this is the first (I believe—I don't think I missed one at least) example of Dean's eye for visual patterns within the series.
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So Dean, in this episode
Finances the suits Sam wanted to buy so they could sneak into the victim's apartment
Gets valuable information from a cop twice by charming her
Is able to recognize a symbol on the floor from blood spatter and is able to trace that symbol back to discover the monster they are dealing with using his hunting connections.
And all of this is treated in a dismissive way within the writing—like Dean's contributions don't matter or are earned in some way that causes them to deserve to be dismissed and even used as points against him. What's more, Dean doesn't fight back much. He leans into the very thinly-veiled suggestions of him just being dumb and horny and covers with jokes and a light jab about how the only thing valuable EITHER of them have gotten at the bar is the bartender's number (note that this is after he gets secret information from the cop and finds the symbol on the floor, which he could have pointed out but doesn't). He also leans into other narratives about himself suggested by Meg in the episode, but that's a separate post.
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nonuggetshere · 7 months
PK and Radi political marriage
Nobody has a good time, it sucks for everyone, at this point PK wished the two of them could have killed each other while fighting instead
Can't decide if I prefer it when Flower is a kid or an adult?
Kid version; they were just outed as not hollow, hence this fucked arrangement. Both PK and WL are extremely protective over then with Radi around, though she honestly couldn't give two shits about the kid. Unfortunately for all 3 involved, said kid thinks she's the coolest person around
Adult; they wouldn't be outed as hollow yet PK still made this decision for whatever reason. Now they don't know if they should out themself or not, so in the meanwhile they just suffer in silence 'cause. What the fuck. What the hell dad. What possessed you to do this?
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ruthlesslistener · 5 months
girl help i'm thinking about Them(tm) again (pk/lurien/wl)
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justpked · 1 year
Me: Hey, I'm making decent progress on my works so far. Nice. Time for me to get some rest-
My intrusive thoughts:
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scamperin-shroom · 1 year
Claus Collage for my BM AU✌️
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I'm going to describe each slide (this was the word I used for Instagram but it works here too) separately since there's no particular order so here we go (Please read if you want lore/answers🙏)
Slide 1: Claus and Flint making amends in Post Game. Claus doesn't hold a grudge against Flint at all. I see him as being a kid who's very respectful to his parents and always tries to find a reason for why they do the things they do. He does everything he can for them
Slide 2: Claus gaining PSI Love from Ionia in Chapter 4. As I mentioned in my Story before, Claus's PSI is unique where his attacks are so powerful it takes all his strength to use one move. His magic is the same as canon so he has lightning attacks
Slides 3-4: The Commander burned Claus's wrist horribly during one of their fights. He practically threatened to burn his hand off and got carried away. One day, I'll post concept art for this scene since I scribbled a part of it. I headcanon Claus has a high pain tolerance and this was by far one of the most painful things he experienced and it sticks with him even in Post Game. He was, thankfully, able to heal his wrist. Lucas doesn't hold Claus's hand with his magic hand in Post Game for this reason :)
Slides 5-6: Tanetane Island. The time has finally come. Claus blames himself that Lucas is gone especially since his words are what pushed him to go after the Drago in the first place
Slide 7: Final Battle concept. Live reaction of seeing your brother get William Afton'd /j (Self destruction at its finest :'))
Slide 8: Golden child syndrome. A touch on what Claus struggles with and how he hides it. Everyone sees him as a good, energetic kid but no one knows the amount of pressure and guilt he feels from everything. He never told anyone about his fight with Lucas prior to when he disappeared. Claus is the type of depressed that keeps himself going to ignore what he's feeling
He is traumatized! :D✨
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bluegekk0 · 10 months
Can we learn more abour Radi and Grim's dad 👀
i don't have any specifics just yet, mostly just a general outline of him and how i picture the gods in the au. it's all still subject of change cause i haven't had the time or inspiration to really think about it from a worldbuilding lens
to avoid confusion, i'll be calling the home of the gods "the higher plane" and individual domains "realms". working names and all that. will probably contradict previous asks but like i said, i'm still working on it. and i kinda just came up with this distinction on the spot. oops
so basically: the higher plane = the dream realm (before it was split) + other individual realms
(also, i'm accepting suggestions for the name for this specific plane. i was considering just calling it "the dream plane" but it gets really confusing when you get to realms)
ok now for some more details. below the cut cause it's kinda long
i'm taking a lot of inspiration from existing mythologies, and in the case of the higher plane in the au, i like to think it's a bit like what you see in the norse mythology. a shared plane for all the gods, like asgard, with each of them having their own hall/realm. also, i imagine there are multiple planes like that, each watching over different regions of the world. so in the case of hallownest and its surrounding territories, i'll be focusing on this particular gods plane, which includes the radiance, grimm, the white lady and unn in its pantheon (as well as the two others i'm going to talk about now). possibly more, if i'm ever in the mood to design new gods. i definitely don't think it spans all over the world, otherwise the infection would've affected territories outside of hallownest. so i think this is the most reasonable option
grimm and radiance's father, i call him the dream lord (to match the shade lord, which will make more sense later), is kind of like odin, the most powerful of the gods and the ruler of the higher plane, as well as his domain, the dream realm
he was the god of dreams, his mission to help the mortals find hope and learn from their dreams, and to lead them towards the light. the shade lord stood in opposition, causing doubts and chaos, shrouding the hopes and dreams in shadow. for many years, the two maintained balance between light and shadow, doubt and hope, but the void was unpredictable, it feared the light and wanted to consume it. soon enough it became a threat to the higher plane, and so to protect it he decided to seal the void away, in the deepest pits of the mortal realm, too weak to return to the gods plane
but the void was powerful, and fearing that his beloved home would lose its ruler, he decided to split his domain between his two children - the radiance, and the nightmare (as grimm was then called), so that they would get an equal share of his power and responsibilities, and rule over their father's realm and protect the higher plane together. the shade lord was defeated, and the void it was made of scattered around the abyss, but not before consuming the dream lord
i once mentioned that grimm and radi were half-sibling and had different mothers, but i like the idea of them being born from just the father. perhaps he created them in a similar manner that grimm now creates his physical form. i think it would tie the two ideas together rather nicely, and would explain where grimm got that life-creating power in the first place
as for what each of them were given by their father: the radiance was responsible for the positive, hopeful dreams, and she was to guide them towards the light. the nightmare, as the name suggests, was responsible for the bad dreams, those rooted in fear and anxiety, and he was meant to guide the mortals through those nightmares to help them overcome and learn from them
but as i already mentioned, that peace between the siblings didn't last. the radiance became obsessed with sticking to her responsibilities and their father's legacy, while the nightmare had a much more independent and chaotic lifestyle, which in his sister's mind went against what their father stood for. the two would argue more and more, until they battled, and the nightmare was defeated. seeing her brother as unworthy of their father powers, she stripped him of most of them, most notably the ability to enter the higher plane. the dream realm was split in two, and the nightmare's half was separated from the higher plane. he was severely weakened, and restricted only to his own realm and the mortal plane. it was after this that he began calling himself the nightmare king - to state his independence from the sister, but also as his last attempt at spite towards her. and as we know, among the mortals, he's simply just known as grimm
like i said, it's still relatively vague and subject to change. and very out-there when it comes to interpretations, i think. or maybe not. i haven't actually read many headcanons and AUs that specifically deal with how the dream realm works. but considering that in the game it's very heavily tied to the actual concept of dreams (as opposed to it just being the name for the god realm, with only some gods being tied to dreams like in my au), i'm gonna guess this is probably more of an unpopular take haha
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tasmanianstripes · 1 year
People need to practice minding their own damn business
Don't come into people's inboxes giving unsolicited advice or criticizing their personal stuff. Don't reblog somebody's posts saying how much you hate it and their opinions.
Don't like somebody's characterisation, AUs or the kind of art they post? It might even annoy you?
Okay, cool. Go make your own post. Block them. Be a little hater about it to your friends. It's good for your soul!
But don't be goddamn rude to people. Don't make it their problem.
"I don't like what this artist likes mah mah mah"
Here's a wild idea;
Artists...don't need to cater to you. You are not entitles to their work. Nobody on the internet should coddle you and post only stuff you like.
Shocker, I know.
#thylacines can talk#Yes this is about PK#When you like an antagonist people expect you to be a negative nancy 24/7 and put a disclaimer everytime you make something with them about#how much they suck as a person#Guess what! Having to shittalk your fave all the time to not risk being 'that kind of fan'...isnt fun. It's miserable even!#Anmoying as fuck too! Yes I know he did this unforgivable thing. I'm not an idiot. That's why I like PK. Fucker's got nuance#Is he a bad person? Absolutely. Will I talk about him being a bad person and the horrible things he did? Also yes. When I want to. It's#very fun to explore that part of the story and how it influenced their victims. Will I give you a fucking essay on why he's a bad person#everytime I want to post something funny or lighthearted about him? No. Piss off.#I cannot only focus on angst and heart-wrenching part of the story. I also like to make stuff of the lighthearted parts of my AUs.#And I don't feel like writing down an entire disclaimer and breakdown of how PK's and WL's redemption arcs went to justify it#Having to constantly put disclaimers to justify you liking a morally grey and bad characters is EXHAUSTING. Only being able to talk about#this character with someone when it proteins to how awful they are is EXHAUSTING.#YES they're bad people. But going into peoples dms or inbox or tags and talking to them about how ugly and bad and evil their fave is#exhausting to deal with and NOT fun. Like I. KNOW. LIKE LET ME LIKE A DEEPLY FLAWED NUANCED FUCKED UP CHARACTER IN PEACE WITHOUT HAVING TO#ALWAYS PUT A DISCLAIMER OUT THERE ABOUT HOW AWFUL THEY ARE. GOOD GOD.#It's especially annoying because I like characterisation of PK that is very morally grey. To me purely evil and not compassionate PK is#fun...in a short run. I much prefer a man whos riddled with guilt over what he did even if he believed it to be necessary evil and who dies#Because of his regret. I love the idea of a father who sacrificed his own children so that no parent had to lose their own. And the tragedy#of him deeply loving PV and still doing what he did. A good person who was faced with an impossible choice and committed unspeakable#cruelty for what he believed to be the greater good. A man who doesnt believe he's deserving of redemption not forgiveness and who doomed#himself. I like a nuanced morally grey PK with LAYERS. Treating him as a purely evil uncaring person who never loved his children sucks ALL#the fun out of him for me. And don't get me wrong I LOVE villains who are evil for evil's sake. I LOVE old school Disney villains who are#scumbags just because they can be and have a little bit a swag to it. But PK just. Isn't that kind of villain to me.#I don't even like calling him a villain. An antagonist? Maybe. A morally grey character that kicked off the entire story with his one act#of unspeakable cruelty? Yup. But I don't see him as the villain of HK.#Wow that was a long rant#Well I got that out of my system at least#I love the Pale King and I could talk for HOURS about why I love him as a character and about his actions. It's just tiring when I have to#do it to justify myself and my lighthearted content of him.
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vulturereyy · 2 years
Going to be a brave Rey and share this snippet from my "Hegemol confronts the Pale King and he's fucking Pissed" little. Mini fanfiction? I am working on.
Set post embrace the void ending, PK/everyone survived, anyone killed by infection was brought back
Sorry about the asterisks, it was originally for discord, and I've spent 10 mins fighting Tumblrs editing thing on mobile to italicize ; ;
As soon as the King's Trident was leveled toward him, Hegemol *wrenched* it toward himself. He nearly ripped the Pale King from his throne as he brought the points to his own neck, ignoring the strained commands of the guards struggling - and failing - to keep him held back.
"What are you going to do, My King?" It was not rage that filled Hegemol's voice, but a low, lilting *taunt*, just barely concealing the venom below each word. "Kill me again? Before your own court, held down by knights *I* trained for you?" He cocked his head to one side.
"*Do it.*"
Hegemol lowered his great head to meet the Pale King's eyes, feeling the points of the King's Trident press into the soft flesh just below his chin. He held it there in a vice grip as he *loomed*, shattered mask opposite pale visage.
"*Do it,*" Hegemol repeated, *urged* now, as building ire was spat from his maw. "Let all of Hallownest know that the *revered* Pale King felled his own Great Knight and spilled his blood across the palace floor, for *daring* to condemn the actions that killed *thousands.*"
Hegemol did not waver.
As the last echoes of his booming demand faded from the Pale Court, he swore he felt the King's Trident shake.
Then - and only then - did Hegemol *thrust* the weapon back toward it's master. He rose to his full height once more, expression unreadable in the shadow of such blinding light.
"The *very first* lesson I teach my squires, when we move to training wasters," He began again, voice low, measured, *patient*; the very tone he always seemed to take when correcting his men's misdeeds, "Is to never point a weapon at someone if you do not intend to use it. I give them one chance to remember this. If you do so again, I will treat it as an attack. Do I make myself *clear*, Wyrm?"
Worthy to note that I don't write PK as necessarily intimidated by this in the usual since... But given that he is very fragile right now and gets his strength from adoration and the belief his kingdom has in him, he very much just realized that this is /not/ a fight that the people would side with him on. And what he does with Hegemol right now can very well make or break him.
The downside to working and fighting alongside someone for decades... is they know exactly when to call your bluff. And Hegemol has had. Enough.
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euclydya · 7 months
waow art is coping <= in hel
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I'm in immense pain today so I'm going to ramble a little bit about a piece of dialogue from Bardoon in the game that's lived in my brain since the very first time I read it.
"This falling ash is moult. The Wyrm's corpse decaying. Endless. Rmm... Serene. Sad. With its like gone, the world is smaller."
It always made me wonder if like most/all the wyrms were dead? And if so, what happened??? Like, the first thing PK did do when he got into the caverns of the game world was die and come back looking more like a bug. What if he was one of the last wyrms?
Idk lmao, it's just something I've been wanting to analyze but atm I can't really keep my thoughts coherent enough to do it.
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agentplutonium · 11 months
. things are being thought.
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nonuggetshere · 10 months
HIIIII making my AU thoughts yalls problem once more
Sealed Flower AU, aka FaaF but it follows more of a Embrace The Void ending timeline- I'm getting closer and closer to just canonically transing PK's gender in that version even more
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
it is admittedly kind of funny that everyone associates me with pk when he's not even my favorite character. i just talk about him a lot because he's a uniquely complex and terrible person, and this fandom constantly posts braindead takes on his awfulness, which irritates the fuck out of my autistic ass. the only trait of his that actually stands out to me would be that hes the bug version of a draconic entity and even then he sucked ass at it. my fanfictions are all specifically dedicated to beating the shit out of him both emotionally and physically, then forcing him to clean up his act so that his children stop suffering. he is a piece of roadkill that i hit with my car and then tossed in the back to dissect later because it was a uniquely ugly-looking specimen. i want to stick him with a cattle prod and see how he jumps
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Oh these all look so lovely. May i ask about good dog bad dream for WIP files?
of course!!! 🥰💕 i answered a little bit about it here, but this is one of the tag stories i really, REALLY want to actually become a fic so i did promise a little snippet of the 2K that is done:
Things that Dylan should do: turn off the light, shut the door, walk back inside to the rumpled sheets still warm from when he left them to grab a glass of water. Leave the creature outside to the lightning bugs and the quarter moon and the shifting shadows of the woods along the gap-toothed fenceline of his yard, and then come out in the morning to nothing more than a paw print and the clean reassurance of sunlight to tell him nobody’s there, to ignore the prickle of discomfort that shivers its way across his body as goosebumps and raised hairs when he thinks about turning his back on the memory of those red eyes.
Things that Dylan does instead: whistle.
#the two moods of just:#HI THIS IS TERRIFYING 😭 i think this is the first time i have a) shared something in progress and b) shared something that is like. real fic#and then also:#YAY TYSM FOR ASKING 😭😭😭 me rn just like 🥹🥺🥰💕✨‼️☺️ you want to hear about my fic???#ALSO ALSO ALSO. i forgot to mention in the last post my formative m*ggie st*efvater influences growing up (read shiver) & seeing the video#on twitter the other day of them actually starting to film??? for a shiver tv show/movie??? made me be like OH GOD I HAVE TO ACTUALLY WRITE#(also a devastating notesapp sentence i have written down that i said prior to the bertuzzi trade but you know it’s fine i’m fine)#liv in the replies#also i work so much better FOR things (creating for people etc) akdjskdjak so i’m just like. who wants to beta read now#so that i have to write in order to not disappoint you is this not what beta readers are for#other tag stories i also want to become fics (and technically could have listed since their docs are me stealing tags & accumulating them:#pk carey ​lonesome cowboy au / the vestigial old gods detroit au / jackty the breakup / catch carter faerie prince)#tyler borzoituzzi#anyWAY. the absolute poetic justice of me sitting on these two asks for like. days bc busy and then coming to tumblr & IMMEDIATELY seeing#a post and going TYLER BORZOITUZZI about it i can’t explain to you how hard i’m laughing akdhskdjaksj#also yes i DID write another 300 words so i could say 2k in this post instead of 1.7k we love to be a stubborn taurus rising l m a o#wip ask game
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scamperin-shroom · 2 years
Old "Friend"
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When I was drawing this, I realized that Claus and Porky do have a parallel. They both brought Lucas back. One was for his own gain and the other because he loves him dearly. One taught him to fear the world while the other is teaching him to embrace it. They both gave him a second chance at life and in doing so impacted him differently. All he wanted was to be free and he got that chance
Get fucked Porky. We all hate you. No, Porky apologists aren't welcome here. He's a villain and the definition of a person who is irredeemable :)
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