#PHEW i hope this made sense & thank you for the ask!!
deerspherestudios · 1 year
Hi! I played your game and really, really like it, I am a huge fan of slow burn - combined with Yandere too? That's kinda rare nowadays, haha. Thanks for making it and creating Mychael, I love his design. Two questions: How many days are planned to be playable in the full release?
Since in just one day Mychael feels very friendly towards us (according to a post you made with where his feelings are based on a meter) does that mean he's very clingy??? Like, in just one day he feels like our friend. What little effort and words will it take for him to go from crush, to love, to whatever yandere thing he might be??? Like, is he okay??? Should I be worried???
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This guy? Clingy? Nahhh. Nothing to worry about, anon :-) 🍄❤️
As for the game, long (!!!) answer below cut: might be spoiler-y might be not.
For context, here's the post mentioned above.
I'm still not sure how many days it will be, but it's definitely ranging between 4-5 days. Granted it'll be a while before the game is finished finished but I think progress will pick up as I complete assets that will be reused. I'm writing Days 2, 3 and 4 simultaneously (anyone who writes can probably relate to wanting a specific thing to happen in the story but dread writing up to it, so I skip around in order to keep my motivation and interest up)
As for relationship progression, slow burn usually means a long time passes before anything develops. But this is a VN and I'm a solo part-time dev so the scope still has to be small 😔 That said!
Mychael, as a person, is quite solitary in nature; he likes being alone and you'll find out why. He does however desire company and he's only realized just how pleasant having someone around can be (hence his reaction for the Bad Endings in Day 1 if you wish to leave/run away)
Although I'm not a fan of the 'you do one (1) nice thing any decent person would do and yandere is already head-over-heels for you' trope, I do have to make use of it but, drip-feed style? You grow closer to Mychael as you hang out with him and do little things that he appreciates. (Honestly I just realized I'm describing the typical visual novel experience just without the yandere beginning-- go! figure!!! /lh)
Example: the first thing that boosts you to immediate friend status is your willingness to accept his physical looks, something that's never happened to him before. (I know my artstyle makes him a yassified pretty boy but imagine genuinely meeting a sentient creature in real life with patchy green skin, a dextrous tail and four blinking pitch black eyes, I think I'd freak too haha) Little things like that mean a lot to him and motivates him to prolong your stay.
In a way, the MC is written to be more kinder and open-minded (at least outside of Bad Ends) than the sweet/sour personalities that come in a VN, so (for narrative AND coding purposes) I can't really diversify it much. I hope that's okay ¯\_(; v ; )_/¯ If Mychael met a more grouchy/mean MC on Day 1 he'd probably not be as attached. He'd just save you, feed you and send you home when you ask hahaha. Of course this will change as he gets to know you better, at that stage he'll be willing to overlook your flaws like any upstanding yandere
Phew this was a lot to dump in an ask but I did wanna explain my vision for the game! I enjoy yandere VNs as an escape fantasy, but it's common they start out with the yan already being invested in you or fall for you too fast!!! if that makes sense. I'm interested in yanderes in the aspect of how love (romantic or otherwise) starts from innocent affection and spirals into dark obsession!!! It's also compelling as to why a character is so devoted to someone, in this situation the MC, and I wanna write the kind of person Mychael would fall for. And personally 'love-at-first-sight' as a reason just doesn't do it for me 💔
(Disclaimer!!! I'm not saying my game is any more original or better than the other wonderful yan VNs in the works, but hopefully with Mychael as a character I can deliver that 'slow-burn-and-yearn' storyline I'd like it to be. As my itchio profile says: I make games I thirst for in secret but are sadly lacking around the internet 💔 )
Thank you for the ask!! :-D
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messedupfan · 1 year
Chapter 4
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Summary: Wanda is anticipating Vision picking up Tommy and Billy with her protective brother around.
A/N: Happy Friday!! I hope you all enjoy!
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Wanda wakes to her brother ringing the doorbell again. She groans, regretting every decision she made that led to this moment. She doesn't understand why her brother insists on working when the sun isn't even up yet. She gets up when he gets more persistent and she doesn't want him to disturb the boys. 
“Good morning little sister,” he greets as he hands off Luna to her. “Awe did someone not get enough sleep?” Pietro taunts. 
Her hair is a mess and her eyes are hardly open but she's still able to shoot intimidating daggers at her brother. She in fact did not get a lot of sleep. She is dreading whatever interaction she may or may not be having with Vision today. She didn't sell, pawn off, or destroy any of his stuff as she had threatened. She sat in the basement for hours willing the rage that had taken down her wall to return. But it never did. All she could think about is how happy and proud he was to have this space. She surprised him with it on their fourth wedding anniversary. Wanda had drawn out the plans, budgeted the project, got some help from Pietro and found all of the decorations. She couldn't tear down this present but she knew if she didn't, he would only ever see her as weak. 
It was only a couple of hours ago that she was able to fall asleep. Wanda was not ready for her brother's chipper energy right now. She takes Luna upstairs with her and falls fast asleep after tucking the girl into bed. Wanda wakes a few hours later to an empty bed and voices. There are many different voices, all scrambled and she is unable to make sense of their words. She lays there until she can decipher the sounds. The loud saw isn’t helpful and only makes it more unpleasant to wake up. Wanda sighs and gets out of bed and walks into her bathroom to clean up before going downstairs. 
Wanda walks down in clean clothes and wet hair. You and Pietro are focused on working and she is shocked to see you here. She looks at her smartwatch and checks the time. She hadn't realized she slept in so much. Feeling bad for the kids, she gets to work in the kitchen to make lunch as it was close to two in the afternoon. 
When you stop the loud saw, you hear noise from the kitchen and you look at Pietro to see if he noticed it too. “What?” He asks confused, then he hears some pans clash. You act fast and walk around the table to check and make sure none of the kids are hurting themselves. You relax when you see Wanda. 
“Phew, it's just you,” you say with a dramatic hand on your chest. 
Wanda looks at you funny, “Who else would it be?” 
“Well, we made sure the kids were properly distracted in the boys room, but you never know who might sneak by and get hurt,” you explain. 
“Oh,” she closes a drawer, “Thank you for watching the kids while I slept. I've got it now. And I'm starting lunch so you guys can have a break soon.” 
“That sounds great, I’ll leave you to it,” you say as you return to Pietro. “Your sister is up, she’s getting started on lunch,” you inform him. 
“Good, the last thing we need is a trip to the hospital.” He relaxes as he puts his goggles back on to start the table saw. “Now we can focus on work and not jump at every little noise.” You chuckle at his remark but feel a little more relaxed because you were so worried about the kids getting hurt while they worked. Especially Luna since she is the youngest of all of them and was a curious little girl. You already had to catch her from falling off of the kitchen counter because she wanted a cup out of the cabinet. Then Pietro had to stop her a couple of times from crossing over the tape. And although he could have woken up his sister, he felt that she deserved the time to rest. 
When lunch is ready, Wanda calls everyone to the table and everyone hungrily makes their way to the dining area that had quite an alluring aroma. The kids and the adults were starving. You wanted to be here early with Pietro so that the two of you had more time to work but you slept past your alarm. You didn't have time to fix you and Rachel breakfast, you did pick up a dozen donuts for everyone but the one donut you ate wasn't filling enough and you couldn't wait to try some more of Wanda's food. 
After lunch, while you're making Wanda laugh as she cleans up the table, a knock on the front door interrupts the moment. Wanda freezes as she looks between you and the door and you grow concerned for her. She shuts the water off and dries her hands. “Tommy, Billy, your dad is here!” She shouts from the bottom of the stairs. You stay put, not certain if you should look busy or get the door or what. 
Pietro drops his tool in the box and walks over to answer the door as the knocking gets more persistent. “Would you cut it out? Couldn't you hear her from out there? We know you're here, geez.” He gestures to the almost completely missing wall. 
“You wouldn't open the door,” Vision says as he tries to step past his former brother-in-law. “Where are my boys? I expect them to be down here and ready to leave by the time I arrive.” He checks his watch and clicks his teeth. “That woman knows this. I have a strict schedule I must abide by.” 
“Wanda is getting them,” Pietro says, his glare never faltering. You weren't used to this hostile behavior from your friend. He was the most affable, laid back person that you know. He wasn't an angry person. It sets off alarms about the type of person the twins' father is. “Why don't you go wait in your car? I hear you like the convenience of an easy escape.” Pietro found out from Billy what Vision did to his sister during drop off last Sunday. His blood is boiling at the sight of the man that was once married to his sister. A person he once had to consider family. He cannot believe he hates Wanda so much to blatantly disrespect her in front of her own children, time and time again. 
“I’d rather stand inside,” Vision says. “Unless there's some reason I shouldn't be in here.” He shoves past Pietro, only upsetting the man further, and stands in the middle of the living room. You are leaning against the stairs now, cleaning your hands with a rag. Vision notices you and with cold eyes he scoffs. “Are you what they're trying to hide from me?” He accuses. 
Your eyebrows connect in confusion on how he jumped to that conclusion. “No, I'm not here to cause any problems. I’m just helping with the repairs.” 
Vision raises his eyebrows, “Oh is that what they're calling it these days?” You shake your head seeing no reasoning with this man. “What’s your name?” You ignore him as you walk across the room to return to your work and he grabs you by your bicep. “I asked you a question.” His tone is meant to be threatening but you're bored by him. “You are in my house and around my boys. As a man, I have a right to know.”
“Leave them alone,” Wanda says as she walks down the stairs without her kids in sight. “They’ll be down in a few minutes. They want to finish up a round in the game they're playing. I said that it's fine and told them you would be patient.” 
Vision shakes his head as he lets you go, “And why would you do that? You know that it's my time with them now. You have no say in what is okay and what isn't until four in the afternoon next sunday.” You walk over to stand by Pietro, preparing to hold him back from making a decision he might regret later.
“Vis, they are always my kids too. I would never tell you something like that. That's ridiculous, and it's not how a custody agreement works,” Wanda says, shaking her head. “Why are you even in here? A couple of honks and I would have sent them out to you—”
“Clearly, you wouldn't! Otherwise they'd be down here!” Vision cuts her off. 
Wanda takes a beat, not wanting to start a screaming match that has the boys running down to prevent it. “Are you finally going to clean out your stuff from my basement?”
“Are you still on about that? I like the space the way it is, I'm not giving it up,” Vision replies. 
“You seemed to have no problem giving my sister up.” Pietro steps forward. “Why are you so stubborn about a damn room that's in a house you don't own?” Wanda tries to nonverbally tell him that it's not his fight but he ignores her. “Either you want your shit or you don't,” he snaps as he tries to get closer to Vision but you're quick to grab him.
“You’re mistaken, Pietro. Everything on this property is mine. I know this might be hard to wrap around your poorly developed uneducated mind. But just because I lost my name on the deed, doesn't mean I don't own it. This house was purchased under my dollar! Money I'll never get back. I will forever own it. So, if I want to keep my entertainment room for myself and my friends here, in this house, I will do as I please. Are we clear?” 
Pietro tries to breathe to calm himself down but all he sees is red. His impulses are begging to take over but he knows he can’t lose total control. He grabs the sledgehammer and fear flashes across Vision's face for a second as Pietro stomps in his direction. Wanda holds her breath, uncertain about what she is about to witness. You try to snap him out of his trance. Luckily, he storms past Vision and opens the basement door, carrying the sledgehammer with him. “Pietro, don't!” Wanda yells as she chases after her brother. 
“Wanda this is the only way he'll listen,” Pietro says as he stacks the few boxes that Wanda did pack up. Vision rushes down the stairs as well, shouting about how ridiculous it was that Wanda and her family were so upset over one room. Revealing that her mother was harassing him with phone calls and text messages and emails. 
As he arrives at the bottom of the stairs, he notices that the decorations are torn down and that the usually neat and organized place is a mess. “What the hell happened here?” Pietro wastes no time and slams the metal head of the hammer into the boxes. “Pietro! Have you gone completely mad!” Vision shouts. “What is with this family and hammers?”
Meanwhile, you are still upstairs on the main floor, waiting to escort the boys so they don't have to witness the scene happening in the basement. When Tommy and Billy are running down the stairs you overhear them arguing back and forth about how they knew they shouldn't have asked for a few extra minutes. They are blaming themselves for what's happening downstairs. “Hey boys,” you say as you step in their way. “Let's get you to your dad's car. Okay? Let the adults handle themselves.” There's a loud sound of something breaking and they rush to the open basement door. You stand in front of the door and repeat yourself.
“No, they always stop when we're there. We have to go down there,” Billy explains. You feel bad for the kids that they carry the weight of their family's problems on their shoulders. Not sure what to do, you go by your instincts and protect them from whatever is happening down there. It's not on them to end an argument. 
“Come on,” you take their hands. “I promise, everything will be okay.” As you're walking towards the front door, their footsteps are loud as the adults rush up the stairs. You aren't sure what transpired to result in Pietro holding onto Vision by the collar of his shirt with a red mark on his face. Wanda is furiously yelling at the two men to stop with angry tears rolling down her face. And as the boys claimed, once they make their presence known, it all comes to a screeching halt. 
“Mom!” the twins call out as they rush to hug her. 
“Mommy is okay,” she says as she rubs their backs. “Pietro, let him go,” she quietly demands.
Pietro has a short battle within himself on whether or not to stop now. He has him in his hands. At his mercy. But if he doesn't stop now, then when will he? What was he or anyone going to benefit from him beating Vision to death? Vision has kids that would be without a father. And with the likelihood that Pietro would have to serve time in prison for murder, Luna would be without a father. Finally, thinking clearly, he lets go of Vision and steps away. Horrified by the anger that had taken over him.  
“I’m going to go clean up,” he says as he looks around the room apologetically. He stops by Billy and Tommy, he taps both of them on their backs. “I’m sorry boys, it's… a long journey to become a man. I will see you next Sunday. I love you,” he says to them. He heads up stairs and you worry that he might have injured his hands. Which might make him unable to work until they’ve healed. You stand at the front door and try to make yourself disappear so that nothing else happens. This wasn't your problem. You don't know their stories or dynamics other than the few details that Pietro has drunkenly shared with you a time or two over the years that you've known him. 
Vision straightens himself out and clears his throat. He looks at Wanda, “Mind if I…?” He tips his head towards the bathroom door. 
“Help yourself,” she says softly as she plays with her boy's hair. She looks down at their worried eyes and it's taking all of her strength to not break down. They're still so little and all she has ever wanted to do is protect them. She opens her mouth to say something but she has nothing to say. 
Vision comes out of the bathroom and acts like nothing happened at all. He lowers himself to his son's height and taps their shoulders so that they face him. “Come on boys, I have a very important appointment that we're late for.” He fixes Billy's glasses and dusts off something from Tommy's shirt. “It was going to be a surprise, but we're finding out if you're having another little brother or maybe you’ll finally have a little sister.” He looks up at Wanda and then looks back at the boys before the hurt in her eyes can fill him up with guilt. He rises and takes their hands. He bids Wanda a goodbye and thanks you as you hold the door open for him and the kids. 
“Are we going to see you on Sunday?” Tommy asks as they pass. 
You look at Vision, who lets you know he doesn't want you around with a simple glare. Next you look at Wanda, who's only focus right now is holding herself together in front of her kids. Finally, you look at Tommy and hold your fist up to bump. “Of course, pal. Someone has to fix that wall and between you and me, your uncle isn't as good as I am.” You smile at him. You shut the door once they're off the porch and as you're about to check on Wanda, she's running up the stairs. 
Her bedroom door slams and you hear the words “What the hell is wrong with you?” and “I don't need you to protect me!” You go into the boys room where the girls are sitting unaffected as they play the video game with noise canceling headphones on. 
“I was wondering why it was so quiet in here,” you say after you nudged the headphones off of Rachel's ear. “Where’d you get these?”
“Tommy and Billy,” she says. “We heard a loud noise and they told us to put these on.” She pauses the game and Luna is snapped out of her trance. “Hold on, Luna.” She says as the girl starts to get upset. “Where are Tommy and Billy?” She asks you. 
“They went with their dad, so it'll only be you and Luna for the rest of the day. Is that okay?” You ask, although you think you might be sent home early. 
“That stinks but I guess it's their dad's turn. Like what you and mom do with me.” Rachel frowns as she's bummed about not having her friends around. “I just wish he could have waited to get them until after I beat Tommy.” 
You laugh as you shake your head. “I’m sure his dad would have been happy to help his son lose.” 
Rachel nods, “I think so too. It helps build character.” 
You smile at your daughter as you recognize so much of her mother. You mess up her hair as you tell her as much. “I’ll let the two of you get back to it. Keep the headphones on. Okay?” 
She nods, “Okay.” She places the headphones back on and Luna perks up as the two can continue to play the game. You close the door behind you as you leave the room. Wanda's door was left open when you pass and you see her crying into her hands on her bed. You want to comfort her but you don't want to overstep boundaries that haven't been set. Thankfully, you don't get much of a choice as Pietro is calling you to come downstairs. 
He isn't on the main floor so you go down to the basement. You can't imagine what the place once looked like, but it must've been something special enough for Vision to fight to keep it. “I’m not going to ask you to help me clean this up,” Pietro says as he carefully places broken pieces of things into a black trash bag. “I’m sorry that I reacted the way that I did. I shouldn't have let him get to me like that. Especially not with the kids here.” He huffs as he looks at the mess he made and thinks about how horrified he would have been if his little girl walked downstairs and saw him. “I understand if you no longer want to help. Wanda understands as well and even offered to pay you. And you don't have to stay today. You and Rachel can go home now if you'd like.” He seems genuinely upset and remorseful. 
“Is that what it's always like between the two of you?” You ask as you cross your arms over your chest and lean against the wall. 
“No,” Pietro answers. “He’s been digging under my skin for years and when he went on and on about how everything was still his it sounded like he thought my sister is included in that. I,” he shakes his head shamefully. “He has put her through a lot. She isn't the person she used to be before him. And I hate him for it.” You nod as you listen to him. “I thought when he left her, that would be the end of it. But it’s been years and he’s still harassing her. I just… I don’t know how to help her anymore.” 
You grab a trash bag and put on your gloves to start helping. “Pietro, it isn’t up to you to help her with this,” you start, testing to see if he wants your advice or just your ear. He looks at you and he waits for you to continue. “I know you have good intentions but I think you might be doing more harm than good.”
“How so?” He says, intrigued by your take on the situation. 
“Vision isn’t going to listen to anyone but Wanda.” Pietro opens his mouth to argue. “Hold on, let me finish my thought.” He nods and lets you proceed. “Wanda might not be able to gain Vision’s respect as a co-parent and an ex partner if everyone else is fighting her battles. It might help her for the moment. But in the long run, it’s only hurting her. If she can’t grow confidence in her own strength, she will still be vulnerable to his manipulations. I know that you want to protect her, but she might be better off without your help when it comes to Vision.” 
Pietro slouches down onto one of the chairs he didn't break with a defeated sigh. “You’re probably right. I mean, this definitely didn't do her any good. Vision is probably speaking to a lawyer right now in order to keep me away from my nephews.” You nod along, the man did seem like the type to call his lawyers about every little thing.
“Your sister is clearly strong. She has the house and she has shared custody. I doubt Vision handed any of that to her.” You point out to help Pietro see that she doesn't need this kind of protection. 
“Actually, Vision made a prenuptial agreement that ended up backfiring on him. The lawyer that drew it up for him was a secret feminist and made sure that Wanda wouldn't be screwed over in case Vision chose to divorce her. He isn't as smart as he seems, he didn't read over the entire contract.” He shakes his head. 
“Oh, well,” you pause as you think of what to say next. You were trying to spin things positively but it was hard when you knew only pieces of the story. “She sure is lucky when it comes to people looking out for her, huh?” Pietro nods and gets up to continue cleaning. The two of you finish cleaning the basement in less than an hour and resume working on the wall for a couple more before it's time to go home. 
You volunteer to get the girls while Pietro packs up the tools he'll need for the week. Wanda's door is still cracked open as you pass. She is laying on her bed with a remote in her hand, searching for something to watch. “Pietro? Have you finally come to apologize,” she says with her eyes locked in the television. You mentally curse yourself for standing here long enough for her to notice you. 
“Uh, actually,” you say as you step a little past the door. “It’s me, I'm up here to collect the girls. Pietro and I are done for the day.” 
Wanda places the remote on her nightstand and adjusts her pillows behind her back. “So you're still willing to help with the wall? After all of that?” 
You shrug as you lean against the door frame. “I promised Tommy I'd be here on Sunday. I keep my promises, Maximoff.” 
A small smile flashes and disappears quickly on Wanda's face as she's addressed by her maiden name. It's been a long time since she's heard it without it being for her brother or her mother. “Well, I'm sure he'll appreciate that. As stuck up and punctual as his father is, he's not the best at keeping promises.” 
“Clearly,” you say in remarks to their divorce and mock Vision’s accent. “Actually, as a divorcee, I take that one back.” 
Wanda lets out a small laugh. “Ah, yes, the promises of having and holding until death. You couldn't keep those?” There's a lightness to her tone that makes you smile. 
You shake your head, “Nah, that's expert level. I was like what? Eighteen when I made those vows…” You shiver at the reminder and the intrusive thoughts of that someday being your daughter. “I don't think our kids can be friends anymore. My daughter isn't allowed to hangout with… people until she's at least twenty-five.”
Wanda laughs again, “Wow, I had no idea you were so young.”
You make a face, “I don't know if that's a compliment or not.”
Wanda covers her face with her hand. “I’m sorry, I know that sounds bad.” She removes her hand and plays with a loose thread in her blanket. “I just meant the way you carry yourself is someone much older than you are. Well… come to think of it, I don't think I had an age in mind for you. I just didn't think you were still in your twenties.”
You smile, “Had to grow up fast, I guess.” 
“I can't imagine what that must've been like at first,” Wanda says as she tries to imagine the place you and Jean were in when the two of you found out about Rachel while the two of you were still in high school. Wanda had one scare with her high school boyfriend, Simon Williams. It turned her world upside down and made her put her life into focus on her education and her career. Once she got her period again, she refused to sleep with him the rest of the time they were together. He ended up leaving her because of it, which hurt at the time. But she doesn't regret her decision to wait until marriage after that. 
“It wasn't terrible,” you say simply. “Maybe I’ll tell you about it someday. But for now, I have to get Rachel home. I have to make dinner and finish packing for our trip.” 
“Oh right! You two are going camping. I hope you two have fun. I won't keep you longer.” She shoo's you away and you thank her. 
“Do you think you'll still be up for drinks Friday night?” You ask before you step away. 
“I think that's a question for Friday, because I don't know how I'll feel then.” She answers honestly. 
“No worries, I'll ask you Friday then. Have a wonderful night, Wanda.” You walk away and enter the boys room to interrupt the girls game. 
Wanda grabs the remote to put something on as she tries to quiet the many thoughts and questions she has for you. Maybe she'll push through on Friday, regardless of how she's feeling that day. She grabs her phone and texts her best friend. Make me go out on Friday night. No exceptions. No ifs, ands, or buts. She sends before she can change her mind. 
Seconds later she receives a reply. You've made a dangerous request. But no worries, I've got you. 
Wanda hopes she isn't making a mistake for future Wanda who will probably only want to lay in bed all night watching a reality show or a reboot of one of her favorite childhood shows. Then an image of your smile pops up in her head and she relaxes at the thought of getting drinks with you and her friend. Everything will be alright.
Chapter 5
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @evenbeingcrazy1998 @olsensnpm @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @lizziesplant @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss
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For any of your OCs
🌖 - What is your OC’s favorite scent? Is it nostalgic? 
🌗 - How much does your OC care for their appearance? Are they vain? Are they well-dressed or strictly utilitarian?  
🌘 - Write a flowery description about an aspect of your OC: appearance, personality, past experiences, etc. 
🌑 - Hint at your OC’s darkest secret. 
🌒 - Under what circumstances is your OC their most genuine self? 
Thank you for the asks @casp1an-sea & @firowisteria appreciate it sm!
Ya’ll are probably so tired of seeing Emma, I’m sorry but I'm literally an Oc artist, what can I say?? (This is a bit of a long one, I hope you like reading! Don’t worry there are pictures too lol! 🖼 I spent a lot of energy on all of these, my brain is very soupy rn tbh)
Ask #1:
🌖 — Sea Salt & Hibiscus Flowers . . .
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(I’ll fix the coloring on this one later, I literally didn’t see how much of his colors I actually failed to put in until now. Fixed it 🙃 — Also why are reptiles so much harder to draw than mammals???)
🌗 — Sincerly Emma will throw on anything that feels comfortable. Most times it’s not even her’s. Although in public she dresses better than she feels. Sometimes you’ll see her walking around with sun glasses just to hide the bags under her eyes.
(This is just a sketch so we’ll see if I get around to finishing it later. I was struggling because Emma is supposed to be a lot taller but I didn’t measure the proportions very well. I was just trying to figure out how to draw a gosh darn grocery cart!)
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🌘 — Emma is truthfully just doing her best. I don’t know how else to put it. She puts all the world’s problems on her shoulders and expects very little in return. At the end of the day she knows bad things will happen, but as long as they happen to her she doesn’t mind all that much.
She’s constantly throwing herself at problems just to keep her friends and family safe. Her worst fear is letting her team down and she likes to beat herself up if anyone where to get hurt on her watch. She’s had a lot of hospital visits and bed rest days if you know what I mean. But at the end of the day she’s still a very sad individual and isolates herself from everyone.
(It’s partially the Maned Wolf in her, they aren’t really pack animals if that makes sense)
Ofc Emma has a team that loves and cares about her, and in a way they’re like her family aside from the A.S.A. She’d do anything for them. I think it’s just a matter of not wanting to be in their way. She hates being selfish, but sometimes just a hug can heal the day’s strains.
🌑 — . . . ❤️‍🩹
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(My babiesssss)
🌒 — When Emma is with her team nothing can stop her . . .
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(I wonder if they’ll notice how I didn’t mention anything about Kwazii . . .)
Ask #2:
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This is such a good question, I’m not joking! Thank you so much for asking @firowisteria !!! Also I believe what they are referring to is the branches of the A.S.A. so let’s get into it.
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C.L.A.D.E. — Justice/Legal Department
S.O.S. — Coast Gaurd/Aerial Protection
S.S.Jade — Forest Conservation
R.S.R. — Animal Rahabilitation/Reserves, Search and Rescue
The Octonauts — Ocean Safegaurding
Thank you again for the asks! That is now 5/8 of the original asks done! Phew! Thank you to everyone who continues to send stuff in, it may take a long time to put each one together but it’s still very fun for me! Have a wonderful day and here’s a cookie for those who made it this far! 🍪
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Could I request, if you have time, Warren Chae with someone who secretly does cage fights for money and everyday they have to hide their injuries until one day their discovered. I adore your writing ❤️❤️
Anon, this ask made me smile, it's so specific! Another sorry for taking so long. Thank you for the ask and for reading all my nonsense! Warren is obviously the best househusband btw.
Warren Chae x Reader: Househusband and The Fighter
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The fight today sucked.
It was a close call, but you somehow managed to squeak out a win. You're exhausted though you can't help feeling your pride swell. You have come so far since your first match - the championship title is within reach.
And you can't deny that the money is nice too.
"Oh! Hey Warren, didn't you see there!" You plaster a smile and immediately hide your hand behind your back, hoping your boyfriend didnt catch the bandages.
Warren pauses, a small mountain of vegetables sits next to him as he preps for tonight's dinner, "[Where] have you been?"
"Just with some friends! Phew! I need a shower!" You give him a little wave with your other hand as you quickly duck out of sight.
Warren doesn't buy it. He can smell the disinfectant on you.
"Y/N! What happened [to your] eye?!" Warren grips you by the shoulders, worriedly examining your face.
"I'm so stupid!" you force out a giggle, and try to angle the offending black eye away from view, "I bashed it on the window ledge this morning-"
Your mouth continues to ramble. You can't recall the exact words you say, the story is a reach but it should be believable enough.
Warren stares at your shiner through the day with a frown, and his stomach drops when he notices the bruised and broken skin on your knuckles.
"Happy Friday!"
You had won your match today and the extra cash was burning a hole in your pocket. As a treat, you grabbed some of Warren's favourite food on your way home.
"This is great, [but] I'm not sure how we can [afford it]?
"Don't worry," you say, even as his brows crease with said worry, "I've got this!"
This doesn't make sense. Warren keeps a close eye on the finances, and it is tight this month with little room for manoeuvre.
Wednesdays are Warren's laundry days.
The sun is even shining and there's a light breeze. Perfect.
He prepares the clothes and bedding, but a mark on your top halts his movement. He studies the patch, which looks to have been hastily scrubbed. Is that... dried blood?
Warren connects the dots. It's a little far-fetched but...
"What happened to your forehead [this time]?
Warren greets you by the front door, preventing any room for escape.
"Can you believe how clumsy I've been lately! I-"
Your next lie is cut off as Warren holds out a flyer. Your name and image is clearly printed in full colour. You try to formulate something, but the guilt is already written all over your face.
"Are you [doing] this to provide [for] us?"
Warren takes a deep breath. He's not sure if he has the guts to go through this conversation. That he has failed you so completely that you are putting your body through hell to provide for him. How could he deserve to be your partner if this is what you have to do?
"No!" It comes out louder than expected. You know him. You know the thoughts running through his head.
The lies start to unwind and the truths from the last couple months spill out. With each word, the burden from your secrets lessens. You describe it all to Warren, eyes shining brightly and passion obvious.
The improvements in your skill. The triumph of each victory. The thrill of every fight.
At your next match, you obliterate your opponent as Warren cheers you on.
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illyrian-dreamer · 2 years
Changing Shadows (Part 19)
Azriel x Reader
Summary: After a passionate night with Azriel, you both struggle to hide it from the others. And when Rhys sends the two of you on a mission alone, you know it will be impossible to keep your hands to yourself.
AN: Going into more detail about the night our reader had her wings clipped. Angst and fluff with all 3 bat boys, then some more smut with our Shadowsinger 🌶️I hope you like it! 😍18+ (Minors DNI).
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Image by koike9023
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5* | Part 6* | Part 7* | Part 8 | Part 9* | Part 10 | Part 11* | Part 12* | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15* | Part 16* | Part 17* | Part 18*
Warnings: Sex, swearing, violence, PTSD 18+ (Minors DNI)
Word count: 2,010
Part 19:
The next morning, you awoke alone in your bed, craving the touch of Azriel’s hands on your body. It was if a fire was lit in your heart, and there was not stamping it out.
And after last night when he had asked you to stay by his side a little while longer, you thought Azriel might feel the same way.
But guilt dawned on you as it always did. You had to put your court first, put the lives of your brother and the rest of your family first. 
If anyone found out the Spymaster and Head Guard to the Night Court were romantically involved, they could use it against you in an instant. You did not need anymore targets on your back, especially still recovering from war. You could not risk the lives of those you loved just to play games with Azriel. This wasn’t a mateship, after all.
You rose early, hoping to avoid the crowd at breakfast.
Azriel had the same idea.
You jumped, almost steering into him in the dining room as you were lost in thought.
"Shit!” you swore, spilling the hot coffee you carried onto yourself.
“Sorry! I was just-,” Azriel started, raising from his seat to leave.
“Don’t be. I’m sorry,” you interjected. An awkward silence hung between you.
Cassian entered the room, already munching on some oats. Thank the Mother.
“Morning you two,” he drawled, mouth half full. He sensed the tension, and paused to take a dramatic sniff. “Good morning indeed.”
You cursed in your mind, as you saw Azriel’s cheeks flood with colour. You realised yours had done the same.
“It’s none of my business,” Cassian said neutrally, pulling up a seat at the table. “But Rhys and Feyre are visiting the house before midday. A scent glamour would do you well.” He winked at both of you.
You could have killed him, but his advice was sound.
“Consider it done,” Az said quietly as he left the room.
You sighed. So much for a quiet breakfast.
Rhys had called an informal meeting to check in with rest of the circle, provided updated movements for the team as there were new missions ahead.
He ordered Cassian to take over night patrol before turning to you and the Shadowsinger.
“Y/N and Azriel,” Rhys said. You gulped, wings twitching. Even Azriel’s shadows stilled.
Oh gods, he knew.
“I need the two of you to work as a team to retrieve hidden documents from the Illyrian camps,” he explained.
“I know they’re hiding records from us,” Rhys continued. “I need the Spymaster to retrieve it without being traced, and Prythian’s fastest flyer to get it out of there should anything go wrong.”
You both nodded. You worried Rhys could sense the tension, but he carried on with his meeting as per normal. You did catch Mor’s eyes on you briefly, and noted a smug look on Cassian’s face that he tried to hide.
You were to leave that night.
You arrived late at your Mother’s cottage close to the Illyrian camps. The plan was for Azriel to infiltrate security, his stealth making their disappearance untraceable. He would then signal for you to winnow into the records room, while he would guard the room from the outside. If one of you had the records, the other could act as a diversion should you get caught.
You hated this place. The cottage itself held sentimental value for the boys, but it only reminded you of a harsh childhood and made you ache at the loss of your Mother. On top top of that, being so close to the camps reminded of the night you were captured and dragged back there to have your wings clipped.
That horrible, hideous night, when you were merely a teenager. A group of Illyrian males had tracked you down, unhappy with new laws Rhys had implemented to improve female living conditions across the camps. They sought revenge through misogynistic violence, knowing it would hurt him more than anything else.
Just like in your dream, they had pinned you down, sneering and threatening as they danced the blade in front of your face. Entertained by your pain, they had promised to clip your wings slowly.
It was a blessing in disguise, because only half the incisions were made before Azriel kicked through the door, immediately snapping the neck of the male who held the knife. The others were killed before Rhys and Cassian arrived in a panic, just few minutes later.
Your recovery was grim, and you didn’t remember much except for a lot of sleep at the infirmary, and excruciating pain from the damage to the nerve endings in your wings. Nights were restless as flashbacks haunted your dreams.
Rhys did not leave your side, blaming himself for the whole thing. He worked to block the pain in your mind and whispered comforts to you, holding your hand while you cried.
Cassian and Azriel also spent a lot of time at your bed, the latter’s shadows soothed you through fights of infection, his presence the only thing that truly calmed you.
It was also Az who pulled you out of the darkness as you struggled with the aftershock of the event. Once Madja confirmed there was some hope in saving your wings, he got to work on your rehabilitation, teaching you new methods of self defence while allowing your wings to heal. It helped you to keep working for the court, to keep travelling and seeing the world. Somehow he knew what you needed, knew how to get you standing on your own two feet again.
It was for that reason you hated to depend on him so much. You wanted to show him — after all this time — his hard work had paid off and that you were strong again.
Your wings had taken many years to heal fully, with a lot of work with Madja and training with Az and Cas. When you were well enough, you tried to comfort Rhys who continued to feel guilty, explaining that it wasn’t his fault. He had been so protective of you ever since. You sensed Azriel also had some guilt for not finding you sooner. It was a miracle he knew how to track you in the first place.
You breathed in deep, sitting at the table while trying to calm your heart at the horrible memory.
Azriel sensed your stress, and moved from lighting the fireplace to brushing a thumb across you face. He was free to express his affection in the absence of the rest of the circle.
“It’s going to be ok,” he said. “A simple in-and-out mission, I’ll be with you the whole time.”
Your heart calmed a little, annoyed at how safe he made you feel.
“Have I ever told you how thankful I am,” you asked.
“Only a million times,” he smiled sadly, knowing what you meant. “And you don’t need to thank me.” He took a seat next to you.
“You saved my life,” you stated plainly.
“I should have gotten there sooner,” he said, looking to the side, his eyebrows furrowing in pain.
You frowned, placing your hand atop of his. “The fact that you found me in the first place was a miracle.”
He didn’t reply, but instead turned his head, looking at you as if there was no excuse.
“Besides,” you piped up, flexing your wings playfully. “I’m all fixed now,” winking at him. It broke you to see him blame himself, you wanted to cheer him up.
He smiled, looking down at first, before raising his eyes, a slight mischief hidden behind them.
He ran a hand across your wing as he gently touched your scars, new ones on top of old ones. “Yes, you are.”
You shivered at the touch. He knew what he was doing, having wings of his own. He knew just how good that would feel. You couldn’t help but whimper.
He stood, towering over you as he placed one hand on the table, and one on the back of your chair, capturing you in his breadth. His own wings began to extend.
“What if I gave you another reason to thank me, sweetheart?” His eyebrows raised in question, his voice silken and lustful, eyes swirling as he looked down at you.
You swallowed. “What do you mean?”
He moved his hand to touch your other wing, your insides throbbing and liquid began to pull below you. “I can take your mind off things for a while… should you so wish.”
You could hardly concentrate, let alone reply.
“I know this place holds some bad memories for you, Y/N,” he said truthfully. “How about we make some good ones instead?” Azriel winked at you, his gaze animalistic as he drank you in.
Mother above.
You blinked up at him through your lashes, before walking by the fireplace, extending yourself on the small lounge.
“And what would that involve, Shadowsinger?”
Azriels eyes darkened at your choice of words as he stalked over to where you lay, and hovered his body over yours, noses almost touching.
“What that would involve, smart-ass,” he smirked down at you, “is this.”
He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your neck, his tongue swirling at the spot as he started to suck.
“And this,” he repeated, leaving your neck to pry your top open, running his tongue along your bust.
“And this,” he said one final time, voice huskier than before as he pressed his lips pressed against yours, his tongue demanding entrance to your mouth. You reached your arms around his neck, fingers lacing and pulling at the roots of his dark hair as you let him in.
Azriel let out a deep moan, and you felt him harden against his leathers. It was all too familiar now, and you took comfort in knowing and understanding his body.
You slipped a gentle hand into his leathers, rubbing his shaft within his pants. He groaned at your touch, kissing you harder as one hand grabbed your jaw passionately.
He started to move against your hand, humping his shaft while you continued to rub. Your thumb found his head, circling around it as he bucked with  sensitivity.
“Wicked, wicked thing,” he purred, pulling your leathers open roughly.
There was not much time to spare before you would have to leave the cottage for your mission, both of you working quickly to pull his shaft in deep within you, sharing moans as he sunk into place.
Azriel began slow and sensual movements, allowing you to adjust to his size and he pushed into you again and again.
You moaned freely, you touched him all over while you admired his beautiful face as it contorted in lust.
“Oh gods, baby girl,” Azriel breathed as he increased his pace. “I will never get sick of taking you.”
You twitched around him, your mind feral at his words. If only he knew you felt the exact same way.
You leaned up on your elbows, moving your hips faster to meet his thrusts as you pulled him into your breasts, encouraging him to latch on. You threw your head back in pleasure as he found your nipples, tongue flicking over them.
Azriel pushed you further into the lounge, reaching a new depth that made your eyes roll.
“Oh Az,” you moaned breathlessly. “You’re so deep.”
“Yes sweetheart,” he replied, panting while he rocked against you. “Look at how well you take me.”
Mother above.
It did not take long your you to reach your end in this new position, your sex tightening and contracting as you built to a release.
Knowing you were close, Azriel placed a gentle hand on your sex as he started to rub, hitting your sensitive spot again and again.
Your mind exploded and you hips rutted in place, your sex milking Azriel as he growled his delightful sounds, finishing in your depths.
The fire cracked as Azriel lay on top of you, his head resting on your breasts as you clung to each other, nestled like two pieces to a puzzle.
How in Cauldron’s name were you going to pull off the mission in this state?
Part 20 >>>
AN: ANOTHER smut!! I hope you guys liked the background to the reader’s past. There’s more mission-based and family-based storyline coming up in the next parts. As always, I would love your feedback on what you think about the story so far :) And comment to join the tag list <3
Tags: @slvtherinseeker​ @judig92​ @kennedy-brooke @hyacinthoideshispanica @brekkershadowsinger​ @its-me-meg​ @acotar-thirst​ @5moremin​ @honeyrydernot​ @azzydaddy @lucyysthings @highladyofillyria @paasrin​ @starswholistenanddreamsanswered​ @littleshopofwhoress @blurredlamplight​ @hanasakr​
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atths--twice · 2 years
The next story in the sentence prompt- “daydreaming about me?” is ready. This one was very fun to write. Hope you enjoy! ❤️
Friday Night at Jose’s
Dinner, drinks, and some flirting is the perfect way to end a long week.
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February 3, 2017
Mulder walked into Jose’s, the Mexican restaurant Scully had suggested for dinner, and he drew in a deep breath. His stomach growled as the aroma of fajitas and many spices caused his mouth to water.
He spotted her across the room, a large margarita on the table in front of her as she stared absentmindedly ahead of her. Grinning, he made his way to the table, his stomach growling once again.
“Hey,” he said as he walked up beside her and sat down. She jumped and he chuckled. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You didn’t. Just… startled me I suppose.”
“Daydreaming about me?” he teased and she rolled her eyes.
“It’s six thirty,” she said, pushing her margarita toward him, offering him a drink.
“And?” he asked, taking a long drink from the neon green straw. “Phew… did you ask for extra tequila?” He coughed, but took another sip before pushing it back to her, shaking his head. “Thanks. That’s all I need.”
“Such a lightweight,” she teased, taking a long drink as she stared at him and he shrugged with a smile.
“Did you order?”
“Just this. Thought I’d wait to see if you wanted to share something.” She twirled the straw in her drink and licked her lips. He tried not to stare, but she saw and raised her eyebrows.
“I’m not sharing a salad,” he said, knowing he had been caught and choosing not to bring attention to it. “Unless it includes steak and comes with tortillas.”
“So… like a taco or a burrito?” she asked with a roll of her eyes.
“Exactly,” he said and she laughed quietly before taking another drink.
“And no I wasn’t.”
“You weren’t what?” he asked. “Talking about salad?”
“No,” she said with a snort as she laughed again. “Well, that or what you asked earlier.”
“What did I ask earlier?” he asked, frowning at her in confusion.
“Aww… memory loss. That old age catching up to you?” she asked, biting her bottom lip as she tried not to smile.
“Shut up,” he said and she shrugged, her eyes closing briefly as she raised her eyebrows. Reaching for a menu on the table, he opened it and held it out, squinting before bringing it closer.
“Do you want to borrow my glasses?” she asked and he looked up, staring at her with narrowed eyes. “Mulder, I’m right here. Can you see me?”
“Shut up,” he said as he laughed and she grinned before taking another drink. He shook his head as he looked back at the menu.
“Fajita platter? Chips and guacamole? And a small Mexican salad?” he asked and he heard her hum in agreement. “You want another drink?”
“Not yet, but maybe in a bit.”
A waiter came by a couple of minutes later and took their order, smiling at Scully as she stirred her drink and smiled back, almost languidly.
Oh. She was definitely feeling buzzed.
“How’s your drink?”
“Really good,” she said, looking at him with the same smile.
“I can tell.”
“So,” he said, smiling at her as he leaned a little closer. A buzzed, or drunk, Scully was always fun to behold. “What was it you were saying earlier? That you weren’t talking about something?”
She stared at him, blinking her eyes slowly and then shaking her head.
“What?” she asked and he grinned.
“You said you weren’t doing or talking about something that I said earlier.”
“What?” she asked again and he shook his head solemnly.
“You’re having memory loss, aren’t you? It’s you, but you're projecting your own problems onto me.”
“No. You’re just speaking in riddles. You don’t make sense.”
“Hmm,” he hummed with a smile, watching her stir the straw around in her nearly empty glass.
“Oh, wait. I know now. I remember.”
“Let’s hear it.”
“When you arrived, you asked me if I was daydreaming about you.”
“Which you obviously were,” he said with a shrug and she snorted again, looking at him with slightly glassy eyes.
“No, I wasn’t. And even if I was, it’s nearly seven now.”
He frowned, but then he realized what she was saying and he smiled.
“And by your logic, it wouldn’t be daydreaming because it’s night time. Or evening,” he said and she snapped her fingers and pointed at him as he laughed again. “Well… it’s hard to argue with such sound logic.”
“Not to mention, I wasn’t thinking about you before you arrived.”
“Do they include steak knives with the silverware?” he asked, unrolling the napkin and sighing with disappointment. “I’ll have to ask them for one to let you do the job properly. Right in the heart. Here specifically.” He tapped his chest and she put her fingers to her mouth to hide her smile. “Make sure you get me right here when you physically wound me just as your words have done emotionally.”
“But then our meal would be interrupted. The cops would need to get involved. We’d have to make a statement… It’s just too much to deal with tonight.” She shrugged and as he smiled, his finger still on his chest.
“Well, just know that it was right here, should you want to revisit it later.”
“Yeah. It would actually be better to do it without numerous witnesses.”
He laughed as she looked around with a nod, scoping out the room. The waiter arrived with the salad and set it in the middle of the table. As he walked away, Scully pulled it toward her, sliding her margarita to Mulder.
“Another?” he asked.
“After the salad. That first one is doing the job quite nicely. You can finish it if you’d like.”
“Thanks,” he said. “Nothing like “second drink” margarita.”
She smiled at his Office reference and he finished the drink as she ate the salad, offering him a few bites, which he accepted happily, despite his previous protests of wanting one.
Their meal arrived not long after, along with another margarita and glasses of water . She licked her lips appreciatively as she took a sip, humming as she wiggled in her seat. He smiled as he watched her begin to build her fajita, knowing the exact order in which she would do it.
As the meal ended, he offered to take her home, seeing as how she was not in any fit condition to drive. She accepted, smiling at him as she stood to use the bathroom before they left. Watching her walk away, a little unsteady on her feet, he laughed quietly.
Driving to her apartment, a place he did not visit as regularly as he would have liked, their separation leaving some things in a gray area, she hummed along with the radio. Rolling her window down despite the chill in the air, she drew in a deep breath.
“I’m a little bit drunk,” she said, her words slurring a bit.
“Are you?” he teased with a chuckle. “I hadn’t noticed.”
“Liar. You notice everything.”
“Like the fact that you were daydreaming, or evening dreaming, about me?”
“Hmm,” she hummed, but offered no further comment and he grinned as he made a left toward her apartment.
He pulled up and parked in one of the empty visitor spots and looked over at her. Her eyes were closed and he would have thought she was asleep, but he knew by her breathing that she was awake.
“Do you want me to walk you in?” he asked and her eyes opened slowly.
“Naaaaah,” she drawled. “I’m good. Thanks for the ride.”
She sighed as she unbuckled her seatbelt and gathered her things. Glancing at him, she smiled and opened the door.
“Goodnight, Mulder,” she said and he nodded.
“Goodnight, Scully.”
“It’s Friday. Let’s stay out of trouble until Monday, yeah? Let me sleep in tomorrow?”
“Sure. I’ll see what I can do,” he said, smiling at her.
“Thanks. I appreciate it.” She squeezed his forearm and then got out of the car, shivering as she closed the door.
She walked in front of the car towards the stairs and then turned around, walking back to his side of the car.
“Yes?” he asked as he rolled the window down.
“Do you think that daydreams only apply to things you’ve not yet had? Like winning the lottery? Or a trip you’ve yet to take? Things you’ve not experienced, but may want to someday?”
“Only? Never would I think that’s the only type of daydream a person can or should have. A daydream represents something you want, wish you could have, or know you will have, but it’s not yet come to fruition. Daydreams are different from sleeping dreams as we are in control of them. Therefore, in my opinion, they hold more weight than a dream we have while sleeping. We are active participants during the day.”
“And not just with dreams, as that’s when we are active,” she said, her eyes closed and eyebrows raised.
“True,” he agreed with a smile, his eyes traveling across her face. Her mascara was smudged under one eye and he wished he could cup her face in his hands and smooth it away as he had done countless times in the past.
“I think you’re right,” she said, opening her eyes and focusing on him. “It’s good to have daydreams about what could be, even if you may have had it before.”
“Yeah,” he said quietly as they both stared at one another.
“Well, goodnight again,” she said, stepping back from the car and nodding as she scrunched her chin.
“And to you,” he replied.
“Behave,” she said.
“Let you sleep in. I got it,” he said with a small chuckle.
“Bye, Scully.”
He watched her walk inside as he let out a deep breath, counting to sixty before he started the car and drove away.
“New message from Scully,” was heard through the speakers a minute later, his phone lighting up on its holder.
He grinned as he waited for it to be read, imagining her taking her shoes off by the door and stumbling to the couch, sitting down tiredly upon it with a sigh.
“It’s remotely plausible to consider that I may daydream about you from time to time.”
Laughing loudly, he slapped the steering wheel as he pulled up to a stoplight. He shook his head and laughed again, picturing her smile as she sent that message.
“Ahh, Scully,” he said, smiling as the light turned green and he continued on his way.
He knew by the time he got home, perhaps before he even drove too much further, she would be asleep on the couch, a blanket wrapped snugly around her.
“Message Scully,” he said.
“What do you want the message to say?”
“More than plausible,” he said, still smiling.
“It reads more than plausible. Send it to Scully?”
“Yes,” he said.
“Good,” he replied with a nod. “Good.”
He smiled nearly the entire drive home.
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aquariaries · 9 months
Kou Mukami 07 - Chaos Lineage
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At long last, here's the remainder of Kou's Chaos Lineage chapters!
I want to give a BIG thank you to @46snowfox for allowing me to use their Spanish translations as a base for me to get these out faster. I didn't just copy and paste from one language to another, I redid a majority of the translations myself to make sure it made sense in English.
As usual, ***I do not mind if you use my translations as a base for another language, I just ask that you credit both 46snowfox as the original translator and myself as the English translator if you do!***
Original translation credit: @46snowfox
You can find Kou's previous chapters in @tournesolia's masterlist linked down below!
PLACE: Forest
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Azusa: When I returned to the mansion, I was surprised to learn that Kou and the others were in the dungeon ... ...
Kou: I'm sorry I scared you. I thought that Subaru-kun would recover his memories if he suffered some sort of a shock.
Yet he didn't end up remembering anything.
Yui: (I think that the shock we suffered when we recovered our memories was something a bit different though ... ...)
But I hope that today we can make some progress.
Kou: Yes, today's goal is to collect information, I'm sure it will work out well.
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Yui's Monologue:
–- If we cannot recover the memories, then we must find some way to leave this land.
After talking about it, we decided to investigate this place further.
Because the information we could get in the mansion was very scarce and since Kou-kun and Azusa-kun were worried that I would remain there alone, the three of us decided to go out together.
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Azusa: It's good that we managed to get out of the mansion safely ... ...
Kou: For real, since Carla-kun has no openings and Laito-kun is too observant.
As for Subaru-kun ... ... Well, he was pretty easy to avoid. He had a hard time getting out.
Yui: Hey, where are we heading now?
Azusa: The church and the other mansions are ... ... in the opposite direction.
Kou: When we went out to do some scouting, we didn't come through this area.
So we thought that if there was something, then it must be around here.
Azusa: It would be nice if we could get out of these lands or be able to ask for help ... ...
Yui: That's true. Even though I'm walking here I am unable to recognize this place.
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Yui: Where did they bring us? ... ... And, just who did it?
(That's right, I don't think this happened naturally, someone must have kidnapped us.)
Kou: When talking with the others, we came to the conclusion that someone altered our memories and brought us to this place.
I don't know who it was, but it puts me in a really bad mood.
Azusa: Yeah ... ... it doesn't make me happy ... ...
Kou: If we want to get out of here, then we can't miss today's opportunity. We must collect information, no matter what kind.
Yui: You're right. I don't think we'd be able to escape the mansion multiple times after all.
Azusa: It's alright for us to search but ... … but I don't think we can relax much ... ...
If we're late to return, Carla-san might notice ... ...
Kou: That's the most dangerous. We have no choice, let's hurry up. With that being said, M-neko-chan?
Yui: Eh?
*He moves closer and picks her up*
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Yui: Kya!
(H-he picked me up ... ... !)
Kou: We're faster, so you have to make sure to hold on tight so you don't fall off.
Yui: Y-yes ... ...
*She grabs onto him*
Kou: Alright! Let's get going!
*They start running, time passes*
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Azusa: Phew ... ... We've walked quite a bit ... ...
Kou: We should be leaving the forest soon. Ah, hey, look!
Yui: (There's an opening between the trees. Is that the forest's exit?)
(If we go there, it's possible that we will find something!)
PLACE: The Edge of the Miniature Garden
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Kou: Eh ... ... ?
Yui: What ... ... is this ... ...
Azusa: It can't be ... ...
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Yui's Monologue:
-- There must be something beyond this point.
Within my chest were high hopes for it, but what lay ahead was an endless cliff.
And no matter how far we looked down, all there was was an invisible abyss.
No matter how hard I squinted my eyes, I couldn't see another side as the horizon was vague and blurry.
I never expected to see such a sight with my own eyes.
All we could do was stare at the storm in a daze, speechless.
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Yui: The fact that this cliff has no end means that ... ...
The land we are on is like some kind of isolated island in the middle of the air ... ... ?
Azusa: So then ... ... we won't be able to go out ... ... or ask for help ... ...
Kou: It was impossible to imagine that a place as rare as this could exist.
Just where are we ... ...
Yui: That's ... ...
Azusa: ... ... ... ...
PLACE: Forest
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Kou: ... ... ... ...
Azusa: ... ... ... ...
Yui: (Not even in my dreams would I have thought that this landscape would be what we would find when we came out of the forest.)
(Due to shock, these two haven't talked much ... ...)
(... ... Just what is this place?)
Kou: ... ... Was it really that naive to think that we would get some kind of information?
In the end we only found that cliff.
Azusa: But ... ... we already understand what this land is ... ...
I'm sure ... ... that this is a world unknown to us ... ...
Even in the demon world ... ... there was no place like this either ... ...
And in the human world there would be a big fuss if there was a place like this ... ...
Yui: ... ... ... ...
(A world separated from the rest and where no one can intervene, it's as if it were ... ...)
It's like a miniature garden ... ...
Kou: ... ... A miniature garden ... ...
Yui: Ah ... ... Sorry, I said something weird.
Kou: No, I thought so too.
Anyway, let's get back to the mansion. If we don't hurry Carla-kun is going to --
Kou: ... ...?! Someone's coming.
Yui: ... ...
(Is it Carla-san or the others? Or is it someone from another family ... ...?!)
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Yuma: Oh, I finally found something similar to a path ... … Wait, it's you guys?!
Kou: Yuma-kun?!
Azusa: Why are you here Yuma ... ...?
Yuma: That's my line. Why is Eve here? ... ...Though the reason doesn't matter.
*He draws his sword*
I was just bored, I didn't think we'd end up meeting out here.
I don't care if it's two against one, come at me!
Kou: Yuma-kun ... ...
Yui: (For the Yuma-kun with altered memories, Kou-kun and Azusa-kun are enemies ... ...)
(At this rate, just like with Ruki-kun they are going to-–)
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Yui: Please Yuma-kun, drop your weapon! We want to have a talk with you!
Kou: M-neko-chan ... ...
Yuma: A talk? You're saying that to lower my guard, aren't you?
Yui: That's not–-
Yuma: It's fine so just come at me. No matter what, I'm coming either way?
Azusa: Yuma ... ...
Kou: There's no way I can fight against Yuma-kun ... ... !
Yui: (Kou-kun, Azusa-kun ... ...)
( ... ... I have to think of something. I have to think of a method so they don't fight.)
(Yuma-kun doesn't want to talk. What should I do to convince him?)
(... ... I know.)
Yuma: They're not even going to bare their weapons? Then that means I can take Eve right?
Kou: Anything but that!
Yuma: Then hurry up and grab your weapon!
Yui: Wait!! Don't fight here, Yuma-kun.
You can take me!!
Yuma: Huh ... ... ? Huuh?!
Kou: Wha- ... ... ?! Are you serious?!
Azusa: T-That's right. If you do that, you're going to ... ...
Yui: I'll be fine. Since I'm Eve, I'm sure that they will not kill or do anything cruel to me.
Besides, we have to avoid fighting with Yuma-kun no matter what, and risk hurting each other.
Kou: Still ... ... There's no way I'd allow that!
Nothing guarantees that they won't hurt you. If ... ... If they do something cruel to you, I'll ... ... !
Yui: Kou-kun ... ...
Azusa: I'm also against it ... ... We don't know what could happen, so we can't hand you over ... ...
Yui: ... ...Thank you. But no matter what, you guys can't fight Yuma-kun.
If you did that, I'm sure you'd never get over it.
I'll be fine! Besides, if I stay with Yuma-kun there is a chance that I will recover his memories!
Kou: So that's ... ... your choice.
... ... Understood.
*He walks over to Yuma*
Kou: Hey Yuma-kun. Take me too.
Yui: Eh?!
Yuma: ... ... Huh?!
Yui: You want us to take you too ... ...
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-> You can't do that ♙♡
Yui: You can't do that! You could be put in danger ... ...
Kou: So you can put yourself at risk, but I can't?
I love that kind side of you, but I won't give in either.
I know you're thinking of me.
But it's the same for me ... ... No, I think of you even more.
-> Thank you ♟
Yui: (I did say that but ... ... Truthfuly I'm actually scared. Since they don't have their memories, I don't know what they could do to me.)
(Kou-kun will also be coming ... ...)
Thank you ... ... But is it really okay?
Kou: Of course! Even if it was against your will, I wouldn't leave you alone.
Yui: Kou-kun ... ...
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Kou: Besides, just like you said, there's a chance we'll get Yuma-kun back.
Even if it's a bit dangerous, I'm determined to go.
Azusa: Then I too ... ... will go with you ... ...
Yui: Azusa-kun ... ... !
Azusa: I feel the same ... … as Kou ... ... Even if you ask me not to, I will definitely follow you ... ...
Yui: Yeah ... ... !
Kou: So, now that that's settled ... ...
I ask that you to take us away, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: ... ... Are you for real ... ... ?
*They start walking, some time passes*
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Kou: Hey Yuma-kun. We've walked quite a lot. Haven't we reached the Scarlet mansion yet?
Yuma: Shut it. We're almost there, so keep quiet and walk.
Kou: Kaaaay. Aahh~, he got mad.
Yuma: Damn, what's wrong with them? There's just no way ... ...
These guys are following after me without an ounce of caution.
I'm glad I caught Eve, but this is definitely weird ... ...
PLACE: Forest Stone Path
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Yui: (We've been walking for quite a long time now, aren't we there yet? This is starting to get difficult.)
(I feel like I'm far behind compared to the others.)
(There's a great distance between Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun ... ...)
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Kou: Are you okay M-neko-chan? Aren't tired?
Yui: (Ah, did Kou-kun noticed that I was having a hard time?)
No, I'm fine. This is nothing.
(Although instead of using a rope to tie my arms, Yuma-kun used ivy ... ...)
Yui: (It doesn't bother me when I walk.)
Kou: I see, that's good. But let me know if it gets hard for you, okay?
Yui: Yes, thank you. I'm sorry I worried you.
Kou: Don't worry about it! After all, we're a very lovey-dovey couple!
Because of that, it's normal for us to worry about each other, isn't it?
I love you so much. So much so that I'm always worried about whether or not you're going through something bad?
That's why I have to touch and examine you like this.
*He starts touching Yui*
Yui: K-Kou-kun! Don't get clingy to me at a place like this ... ...
Kou: It's fine. It actually makes you happy, right? Also, by doing this ... ...
*He comes closer to her*
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Yui: Kya ... ... !
Kou: Fufu, are you nervous? Your face is all red, how cute.
Even though this isn't the first time I've done this, you never really get used to it.
Hey, I'm sure we'll arrive at the Scarlet mansion soon. Can you walk a little more?
Yui: Yes I can! Thanks for cheering me up.
Kou: You're welcome!
I'm sure everything will be fine. Bad things don't last long. Isn't that right?
Yui: (Kou-kun ... ...)
Kou: When I'm with you I can think like that. That's why let's do our best together without giving up.
Yui: You're right! When I'm with Kou-kun I feel like I can do anything.
(That's why I'm not going to give up. We'll definitely get out of here!)
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delborovic · 1 year
Del Replies To Asks
Gonna answer a bunch of all of yours asks beneath the cut!! So if you sent me a message recently, please check below~ It's gonna be LONG!!!!
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@mrdurepei Hello~!! During Law of Talos Del (me) was 22, currently I am 37 ;) Time flies~
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We don't! I haven't spoken to him since about a year after Law of Talos ended. He was always so lovely to talk to and very busy. I hope he's doing well whatever he's doing now, he always was so kind all the way around!
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Yes, Rellik is "Killer" backwards ;) I made him originally when I was about 13, shhhhh~
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Hi @mari-anokhiafton ♥ ! Thank you so much for your kind message! I really appreciate it and I'm so glad that you enjoy my art & style!
And hmmm, let me see~ how to describe Rellik... I agree he is a little grumpy like an old man ;) and he can be cold-blooded in a way a lot of vampires are. Rellik puts up a lot of walls and keeps himself distant from people, though underneath he has a kind heart that he doesn't want anyone to know about. He talks very flat with little inflection and is introverted. It's very easy to lose people as a vampire who lives for a long time, so he tends to like objects and can be fussy about keeping his things nice, because things will last longer if you treat them well. Whereas.... people.... you can't count on. Rellik also doesn't like to start fights, but has no issues ending them if he's pushed to violence.
I hope that helps! I also think whatever sense you get from him is legitimate too! Thank you so much for your kind message!
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HEYYYY @captainmera ♥
Oh my goodness flash from the past!! I didn't keep up with EfN but your art (and Brother) definitely look familiar to me! (bro knucks in the people who lost to Zeurel group ♥) Thank you so much for the message!!! So glad to see that you're around too! The OCT people are art lifers, I think so ;) I hope all is well with you and you keep it up with all your art as well! Thanks for saying hi!!!
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@yeeyeeravioli Hello~! As long as you aren't claiming the character as your own, that's totally fine! I'd love to see if you end up doing it :) thank you very much for asking, I appreciate it!
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Hello (new!) Anon! Thank you so much for being so kind and asking! For one, if it's a private story.. honestly feel free to do whatever you want. That doesn't bother me at all, and if it's for your person use + space, no issue whatsoever! If you end up posting it or posting about it, I don't mind that- I just appreciate keeping straight what things I'm involved with or not. I've obviously drawn some shippy stuff of Rellik with friends' ocs that I know personally! So as long as you just specify that it's your own ideas/ocs and that Rellik belongs to me, that's totally fine! ♥ You feel free to make fanworks to your hearts' content! I hope he treats your OC well!!
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Hello Anon~! SO! My OC Del would KNOW of Climber. Because she (like me) is a dA artist and would know about Endzone and those things from online, thus prompting her to make Rellik join an OCT also. BUT she would not PERSONALLY know Climber, as she never met him "in person" in the art universe. (I know i've made this complicated by its own meta nature, but I hope this makes sense.) Crowley and Chimbley were both in Law of Talos and thus would have been around to meet Del-character in the flesh so to speak :) Hope that helps!
PHEW. OKAY. There, I'm sorry you've all been waiting so long! I will do my best to reply- but seriously, if you have a quick question or comment, please feel free to DM me in messenger on Tumblr instead of using the ask function :) I can reply much more quickly that way! (especially since so many of these are just saying THANK YOU to everyone's so sweet messages!)
Anywho, please have a lovely weekend everyone! I'll see ya next time~
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twilightarc-gm · 6 months
Ask games are fun! ❤️ 👻 🎁 :)
ROBIN! 😊 Hi~ My perennial friend~ Always enabling me~
For this ask game~ Here
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic? Round 2 of this question, I need to go find another line...[dial up noises]... Gonna cheat and say it's the last line here that inspired this art HERE! From Jiaoren!JC AU, of course. I really don't think I'll ever be that good at writing again. //dreamy sigh// Crying and sobbing over this one. Just STAY WWX!! 😭😭😭
Wèi Wúxiàn’s arms tighten around him. “Let’s walk back together, just lean on me.” “It’s fine.” “Take a step. I got you.” “I know how to walk.” But now it’s like the second night he tried, clinging to Wèi Wúxiàn’s shoulders and wishing he were in the water instead. And wishing that Wèi Wúxiàn would just stay so he wouldn’t fall at all.
👻 What is your wildest headcanon? Round 3 of this question!! I'm really boring, lovelies, my headcanons aren't that wild in general. Like I try to be very reasonable about what makes sense to extrapolate from canon material. //spins the wheel// May I interest you in the headcanon that (novel) Mianmian is from the Laoling Qin sect? 1. In a sect big enough to be worth taking disciples hostage during Evil Summer Camp. 2. Regarded well enough to have a seat at the Midnight Meeting to complain about (in her case, defend) WWX. Possibly meaning she was in the SSC too, during which Qin Su was known to be rescued by JGY (who now does the seating arrangements). 3. Though Qin Su's mother had her maid Bicao, (Watsonian observation) Qin Su has no maid by the time we see her, which coincidently is also after Mianmian has already left her sect. 🔍 Is any of this related? Who knows!
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🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share? Round 2 of sharing time~ Snippet of upcoming chapter for JC Gets a Divorce AU
"Aiya! I wanted to see the academy again for nostalgia's sake. A-Líng’s there you know? I was hoping to see him and turns out he's friends with Jǐngyí so that worked out. He was mad you didn't show up though. Madder still when I made excuses for you. Just like his father, right? I can't catch a break."  "It's your fault because you won't just suck it up and talk to a-Jiě. What the fuck is wrong with you Wèi Wúxiàn?" Seriously.... SERIOUSLY!  For the first time since Wèi Wúxiàn trapezed back into Jiāng Chéng's life, he didn't have enough face to take the shame. All the light goes out him, and the bruises under his eyes become pronounced. "How would you tell her you never called because you knew she would talk you into returning?"  He feels glued to the ground. He feels like he's become a pillar holding up all the world. He can barely move, but what he can manage means he's straightening the cuff of his right sleeve. It's not a nervous tick. It isn't.  He has jaw pain trying to make the words leave his tongue and get past his teeth. "I would have let her. I would not have left."
Get his ass, JC! BWahahah ... aheM! Anyway...
I have so many WIPs now just hanging out for all the world to see and it makes me very nervous that they aren't complete, but it's so much fun sharing them regardless. Phew! Okay I got no work done today, that was amazing, thanks for playing!! 😘
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lokislytherin · 2 years
Heyyyyyyyy so this ask is just out of pure curiosity, but what is your lookism
kinda popular pairing u cant just jive with so much
hello curious anon! thank you for the ask hope you're having a pleasant timezone!
otp: idk if you've seen my posts or my ao3 but i am literally a janiel writer. jaeseok is literally The lookism otp for me. but if i had to pick a second otp it would be zami bc they're so good for each other sorry vinzackers but zami is one of my only few valid het ships that i'll actually die fighting for (i like danizoe too but i think they're better off besties bc they both need a bestie of the opposite gender so 1) zoe can realize guys are not that great 2) daniel can realize he can be good friends with girls without having to date them)
rarepair: idk if anyone ships this other than me but yuimira? i made a bs headcanon post when i saw lookism rarepairs prompt-ish thing and i'm too lazy to link it but if you search yuimira on my blog i bet you'll find it but anyway! mira's 'i can fix them' energy is so strong (read: zack, johan) but she's also really sweet and her angel energy could really balance out yui's bitch energy you get me? hence why i raise you the even rarer rarepair of zamiyui bc zack is also a bitch at least to others you can't tell me no
non-ship: hmmge. HMMGE. CURIOUS ANON YOU'RE GONNA GET ME STONED FOR THIS but i'm gonna say quite a few ships actually so i might as well let the homies flame me sooner rather than later btw some of this might get a little nsfw!
gundaniel: i'm sorry but you can't tell me daniel would ever love gun romantically of his own volition. i only ship it as gun simping for daniel and daniel being terrified and disgusted / noncon / possibly dead dove ish with the broken bone and blood kind of gore combined with noncon
gungoo & jakemuel: they act like brothers. i thought they were brothers for the longest time i can't ship them romantically, sorry for the anon who asked me to write gun x goo and jake x samuel sheesh both of my non-ships!
jakejiho: idm jake but i HATE jiho with a burning passion. i love his bastardisation arc and it was really well written but 1) it took up too much of the main story imo like daniel literally wasn't the mc of lookism for that arc 2) his ending SUCKED. he just died like that and i think it was just like ??? why so sudden?? why he just end like that? haiyaa ptj-nim you already made him bad why not make him Worse and keep him in the story (and keep me fuming every other chapter /LOL jiho's the one guy i would hate irl more than gun bc he's so fucking pathetic istg)
vasco and jace: this is the one i'm gonna get flamed for more than anything but LOOK. vasco's neurodivergent aroace vibes are so strong to me and just. male friendship yk. they're platonic soulmates bc that's good too yk. they're more than besties but not lovers in that sense... not me hinting at my vascojace platonic soulmates agenda in hit and run with "jaeyeol and hyungseok have the special bestie telepathy like vasco and beomjae, but it's different for jaeyeol and hyungseok" as in romantic difference, and one of my readers immediately went omg yeah vascojace should totally get married and i was sobbing like NO THAT WASN'T WHAT I MEANT AT ALL
vinzack: i just can't see it. sorry. i believe in mira supremacy but that might be bc i'm gay and i would date mira if zack doesn't
phew that was a lot LMAO but it had to be said! once again thank you for the ask curious anon feel free to come back to ask more!
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shibaraki · 1 year
Monty.... How do you do it? Seriously! It's like every time I read one of your fics and think, welp she surely couldn't write anything more perfect than this cuz I am already obsessed; giggling and kicking my feet re-reading the same fic over and over again like a lovesick fool AND THEN YOU COME OUT WITH THIS! THIS...this is the loveliest thing I have laid my eyes upon.
How did you read my mind tho? How did you know that I am hopelessly devoted to this peppermint man and that I yearn to see him happy and content; and in every fic I read I search for scenes of him spending time with his family (all of them who I wanna smother in love CUZ GOSH DARN IT FUYUMI SUPREMACY) (also can't help my bias since I am elder sister lol) ALSO! The sweet moments of his friends who are more like his family sprinkled within- Uraraka choosing the chair for his balcony, Momo listening to him so patiently and being so understanding, Bakugo's gruff teasing and clear love and concern for his friends AND OH MY GOSH THE KIRISHIMA SCENE HAD ME SOBBING! THAT MAN! Shouto dearie I would never be mad at you bidding for kiri CUZ I'LL BE FIRST ONE IN LINE XD ; Oh and just for good measure incase I wasn't already smitten you added nori too (ngl reading this made me sit staring at the ceiling abruptly aware of the profound lack of a cat in my life :( My mom won't lemme adopt one cuz she's afraid of them) ANYWAYS lmao something that I couldn't get out of my head was what if the reader liked shouto but told them they were kind of cautious getting into a relationship yk cuz the wildly different lives but shouto just pulls out nori and reader is like YES!YES!I'LL MARRY YOU! (Ik I would lol)
Sorry for this being so long but it's important to bring to your attention that this is not a fic but really a masterpiece that I will go back to when I am feeling down. This fic just seeped into my heart and now has made a home for itself there. I have been having a hard time rn cuz of how busy my life is and I feel like I am wasting my youth not doing anything fun, but shouto being a workaholic and regretting isolation but being content with his life at he same time gave me such a strange sense of comfort. No pressure, but please write for shouto again in the future. You do our husband justice. Ok phew I REALLYY should be wrapping up *mwah *mwah Goodnight <3
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p.s. here's a little treat and apology for coming and rambling your ear off in your inbox
ljsskjfskjfjd thank you for the crusty little kitty, first of all! they are so darling I must wrap them up!!!!
second, thank you so so so much beloved. I really do not know how I do it!!!! like you, I adore scenes which involve shouto being loved on, and I find it incredibly rewarding to explore those relationships even in fics that are x reader. I really wanted his life to feel full. I wanted you all to be endeared to him!! (moreso than you already were lmao) and it is such a relief to see everyone liking those parts.
please never feel like you need to apologise!! it’s asks like this that keep me motivated; that silence any and all of my worries about being indulgent!!! I appreciate you and I’m glad you felt connected to shouto here. I hope things ease up for you soon <3 please take care in the meantime!!
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
"Goodbye and Thank You" Mousebraingirl AU Oneshot
Dr. Jenkins slowed his pace as he hesitated in front of the door. He didn't know what to expect when he walked in but he was pretty sure he was going to get fired by Steven or asked to leave the lab. After what happened with the gas explosion and Jenkins new steps into villainy, he didn't blame Steven for going with the logical choice. It would be weird and awkward for a villain to work with a hero in the same living space after their history together with Jenkins aiding Steven in hero support when the scientist moonlighted as Wordman. This didn't mean that Jenkins would not stop helping Steven outside of hero work or as what his mentor calls it, being a 'mother hen' to him and Mouse. A mantle James Jenkins took with pride. He at least hoped that Steven would give him a chance to plead his case before the scientist made any decision. Taking a deep breath, James opened the door into the lab where he and Steven worked on hero stuff or their general workload. He soon spotted Steven Boxleitner near a desk, putting stuff in a portable cardboard box. 'Yep, I'm fired.' Jenkins thought with a gulp. Upon sensing another presence in the room, Steven turned around and saw Dr. Jenkins standing there a bit apprehensively. "Ah Jenkins. There you are." Steven said in a calm tone, no signs of anger or betrayal coming from the scientist. Though relaxed a bit, Dr. Jenkins could not help but frown as he noticed the lack of feeling in Steven's voice and some type of...dullness in his brown eyes. Still, James decided to take this opportunity to get his mentor to hear him out. "Look Professor Boxleitner. I know what happened a few days ago was chaotic and I know you are most likely upset with me being a villain now, but I swear I have no intentions to act like a villain all the time and I still need a legal job to pay the bills so please don't fire me." Steven just stared stoically at Jenkins' rambling and pleading before he spoke. "Jenkins I'm not going to fire you." Steven said in an emotionless voice. Dr. Jenkins blinked in surprise and shock at the statement. "You..You're not." He stuttered out. Steven just shook his head apathetically. Jenkins smiled with relief. "Phew. Thank goodness. You know I really appreciate that. Definitely a load off of my mind. Thank you." He then frowned with confusion. "But still, what's with the box of stuff your packing?" James asked. Steven briefly looked at the box before responding. "I'm using it to pack up my things. I'm quitting." He responded so casually with a quick shrug.
Dr. James Jenkins did a mental double take. He could not believe what he was hearing. He was stunned by not only the words, but by the indifferent tone. "You're quitting?" Dr. Jenkins exclaimed in a questionable voice as he could right now only observe Steven finishing with his task of packing up his stuff. "Yes well I am going to only to continue teaching or tutoring at the university. I am quitting my profession as a scientific researcher." Steven explained, uncaring to his former assistant's shocked reaction. Jenkins just stared in disbelief, trying to find a response to this. "Hold on I don't understand something here. Just why the heck are you quitting being a scientist? Your one of the most brilliant people I know. You can't just suddenly stop doing something you enjoy." At that last statement, Dr. Jenkins grabbed Steven by the shoulder just as the man finished up packing. Steven quickly whipped his head around to face the young scientist. Jenkins could only stare as he saw a spark of emotion come back to Steven's eyes. Only it was fueld with grief, anger, regret, and pain...so much pain.
"Don't you get it Jenkins!" Steven yelled at the man, "I have only brought pain and misery and sorrow by doing what I love and what I am good at! I have done more harm than good in this line of work. All of my actions and mistakes have permanently damaged people I know, people I care about, people I LOVE! Look what has happened because of my work as a scientist. I ended up hurting my daughter's oldest friend, I ended up hurting you, I ended up hurting Bec." Steven paused as he once again almost spoke his daughter's old name. He furiously wiped away the tears streaming down his face and then looked back towards James who was shocked with silence. Steven continued to speak before his old assistant could try to interrupt, the spark in his eyes beginning to dim. "I am a hazard to everyone in this field. I can't work here anymore without ruining more lives. So go ahead and turn this lab into your villain lair I don't care. The last thing I am going to work on is finding a way to free my child from Squeaky. Then no more inventing or scientific experiments for me. I am done." Steven then turned away from the scientist as he headed towards the door to leave. His hand reached for the doorknob, but Steven then paused as he turned back to Jenkins who was at a loss now for what to even say here. "I do want to thank you Jenkins, for trying to help. Goodbye and good luck." Steven said with a pained smile as Jenkins watched the last bit of the scientist's spark die in his eyes.
"Professor Boxleitner!" Dr. James Jenkins shouted, trying to get the scientist to stop and at least talk about this, but it was futile. Professor Steven Boxleitner walked into the lab for a final time that day, and a shell of his former self was all that left with nothing but a box of heartache and painful reminders and memories.
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taestefully-in-luv · 2 years
I'm at work right now and I just finished the chapter! I'm going to make this fast lol!
I don't know what to say... The chapter made me feel all emotions! I was smiling like an idiot when oc remembered Pingu. That is so funny how she remembered him! It was so cute how Jungkook was telling oc about the fond memories they had during their marriage. I was hoping it would continue like that, but it didn't DUN DUN DUUNNN.
I understand why he panicked when oc found out they were married. She didn't talk to him for TWO YEARS! I wonder what happened between them. I have so many questions! Like did oc have the picture frames still hanging when Jungkook went to put them away? Was Jungkook living in that apartment for the whole two years? Or did he come back from somewhere else and got it as soon as it was possible? It makes sense why Misuk doesn't like him. I can also understand why he reacted like he did when oc asked him if he loves her. Like he was telling her pre-amnesia self that he does love her. In a way, I feel like he's taking advantage of this opportunity to hopefully start fresh with her. But how long will this last? He knows he has a time limit before she has her memories back. Will the new good memories erase the bad ones? I still firmly believe it has something to do with the coffee shop girl. And I think oc caught them cheating in the park that they always go to. Makes sense why there are bad memories tied to the park! That's why Jungkook wants to create good ones in the park. Because, like, why would you take her to the park on the first date? There has to be a motive lol.
What also got me wondering was the scene where oc saw a shadow pass by. What was that? For some reason, I thought she might be schizophrenic. How she couldn't differentiate what was real and what wasn't. Especially when she doesn't have all her memories. OR SHE HAS A STALKER. SINCE IT WAS A HIT AND RUN AND THIS IS A CRIME AU. But I don't think it is lol. What I really want to know is when is Seokjin coming in? I want to know what drama will occur when he comes in lmaooo.
Also, phew! That sofa scene was too steamy! Jungkook was ready to give in and take her right there and then. I'm glad he didn't since they didn't talk for two years because that would make things WORSE.
I can no longer wait Brinny! I need to know what happens next! I'm literally on the edge of my seat. But sighhhhhh, I will just have to be patient lol. But as always, amazing chapter! Love how you can capture the suspense/build up!
it’s always my goal to make y’all feel a bunch of different emotions ❤️‍🔥
the picture frame…someone else has mentioned it (can’t remember where now) about how the photo had obvious dust so it must have been a while that no one’s touched it so…it probably wasn’t hanging on the walls :/
it will become clear in this next update if jungkook has truly been living in that apartment 👀
and also, what you said about him taking advantage of this state will be explored as well.
oc was freaking out because it’s hard to know what’s a memory or not because she doesn’t understand them fully!
as for seokjin…..perhaps a light in the darkness?
only hint i’m giving lol
the sofa scene oh man poor man, he was struggling so bad lmao but yeah, he knew it wasn’t right for them to have the kind of intimacy when he knows the truth of their relationship
no matter how much it kills him:/
THANK YOU THANK YOU💗💗❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 so happy you’re enjoying this! thanks for sharing all of this.
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remyfire · 6 months
I return, halfway through season 7 and having watched yet another Sidney episode. I was so excited to see him show up in The Billfold Syndrome, even though every appearance is one less I have to look forward to in the future 😅 And admittedly I didn't find the hypnotism to be one of his best ideas, but I mean it worked! And the way he hugged that soldier once he figured out what happened just got me right in the heart, he's just the sweetest man I SWEAR 💕 I also just love his dynamic with both Hawkeye and BJ, he works with them so well and it delights me to no end. In my humble opinion, this show seriously underused Allan Arbus. Also, last time I sent an ask you mentioned you had some favorite episodes in S7 that you wouldn't mention yet, and I now request that you mention them! I like to look out for episodes I know other people enjoy. And I've definitely had some that I've loved--None Like It Hot was just so fun and light! And Point Of View was such an interesting take on the show, it was a fascinating way to mix up the standard episode format and show us something a little different yet still so in tune with the tone of the rest of the show. It also gave me the opportunity to experience BJ and Hawkeye smiling at me in a first person point of view, which, I'm not complaining 😂 Anyway that will conclude my rambling for now, but I also wanted to let you know that it made me very happy to know you enjoy my random appearances into your inbox 💕 I hope you're doing well, and thank you so much for all your contributions to this fandom!
HURRAY, I'm so glad the message was delivered :D And I'm happy to see you back and delighted that you're having such a lovely time.
Augh, The Billfold Syndrome is such an interesting peek into how Sidney's mind is working and how his craft is shifting, advancing, growing through the war. I always find it fun to remember that in the midst of the early '50s when he's operating, there really is a lot of stuff being thrown at the psychiatric wall to see if it sticks or not. Add in the fact that a lot of the more popular or "accepted" treatments involved a lot of violence being done against institutionalized patients without their full consent, and frankly it is remarkable what techniques Sidney works with in comparison. Like the hypnotism is a bit of a question mark in a lot of ways, especially to us modern viewers, but there is such a sense of compassion in him choosing to work with a technique like that and it softens me toward him even more. A surprise to no one, I'm sure.
No one is surprised either to know that Hawkeye, BJ, and Sidney are a HUGE rare ship of mine. I'm also obsessed with their interplay. They're so much fun to consider (especially given BJ who absolutely should've had sessions with Sidney and who never does, whether intentionally or unintentionally, oops who said that).
I really would've loved to see more Allan use also. I adore so many of the episodes he's in—a lot of them are my high high favorites tbh—and I always take some measure of delight in knowing that many people involved in the show clearly knew what a gem they had in him. I think a lot about Alan writing/directing Dear Sigmund and War of Nerves, for example, these episodes that give us interesting peeks into multiple characters but that really had Sidney at the center of them. They wouldn't have flowed so well without Sidney being the linchpin, and Alan clearly knew that as he was constructing them. Good on you, sir. Thank you for shining such a bright light on our special guy.
Oh man, S7, so many bangers (same with S8 and S9, PHEW, you're in a good run of them rn). I'm legit just gonna pull up the episode list here and go through all of the ones in S7 that I enjoy so so much for various reasons (some agonizing). I love Peace on Us, Lil, The Billfold Syndrome, None Like It Hot, Major Ego, Eye for a Tooth, Dear Sis, Hot Lips Is Back In Town, Preventative Medicine, A Night at Rosie's, and The Party. If I can be honest, I enjoy almost all of them to quite a high degree, but those are the ones that if I saw them gifsets or caps of them, I'd probably go !!!!! and be pointing emphatically at the screen. Also just fucking ones like They Call The Wind Korea, B.J. Papa San, C*A*V*E, like, FUCK, it's just a GOOD FUCKING SEASON AAAAAA wow wow wow. Did you know MASH is a good show?
Anyway, this is long enough, so I'll just thank you for being so incredibly sweet ;v; I love this show more than I can put words to and I know there's not a ton I can bring to the fandom besides, like, caps of episodes and my fanfics of many, many unexpected ships—I always wish I could do more—so you saying that really made my morning already. Thanks again!!
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greensagephase · 1 year
Alondra… where do I even begin… nonviolent communication part 7 was absolutely incredible. As soon as I saw part 7 come out I literally planned my day around it so I could read it. The way you described the holiday season was so cozy, now I really can’t wait for the holidays to roll around! It’s nice to see that reader is progressing in her life in terms of healing from Peter- it’s still sad and bittersweet but I’m so happy she doesn’t feel so alone anymore. The little conversation with Miles’s parents was so heartwarming, and when they mentioned Miguel!! The fact they specifically asked for reader to bring him food and spend some time with him… they know what they’re doing. Oh and don’t get me started on when reader enters Miguels penthouse, seeing him in normal clothes for the first time, I mean just imagining Miguel in that chunky sweater and everything… so hot I mean… cozy (those arm veins tho…). I swear I was smiling at every little interaction reader and Miguel had- I mean their relationship is progressing and changing for the better. It was great to see Miguel and reader bond and get to know each other even more than before, even feeling more comfortable around each other. You just write Miguel so well, he’s so caring… but it makes me so sad because he’s lost so much. Your descriptions of Miguels world and little details like the holographic trees just add so much to the story, I just love all the effort you put into writing details like that. The ending too!!! I thought it would end bittersweet with reader leaving for the night but the fact we’re coming back for recalentado!! Phew… the slow burn… amazing Alondra, I always want to say more but then this would just be an essay about how much I love your writing. ✨
And thanks for always responding back to my asks too, I feel like I write way too much too sometimes, but I just got to let you know how much I appreciate and love each part that comes out. Your work always makes my day, and I’ve even drawn some fan art inspired by it. I love drawing and you’ve inspired me to draw Miguel even more ever since the movie came out (it’s a problem). Anyways, amazing job as always! ✨✨✨
Anon... I'm currently freaking out about the fact that you said you've drawn art inspired by it but I'm gonna add my thoughts on this at the end even though it's very hard because I'm freaking out (in a good way)!!
Okay, now that I've calmed down a bit, thank you for the kind words as always!! You're the sweetest!! 🥹
Regarding the reader and their life progressing in terms of Peter's death: me, too! I'm happy things are turning around for her after being alone for so long. And it's sad and bittersweet for me because I don't think Peter will be mentioned as much now and I've grown so fond over him despite being... you know, dead the entire time. Peter has really put me in my feels 😭!
MIles's parents definitely know what they're doing. You know that little look they shared... they see it. When I was writing that part I was thinking how they probably talked about reader's reaction later that night, and you know they definitely noticed reader didn't return to the party!
Miguel in normal clothes had me giggling and kicking my feet, not even going to lie lmao and the arm veins... I died. He sounded so cozy and huggable and hot and - I could go on but I'll be here all night and this man already lives rent free in my mind 24/7, I should probably not let it show online!
Their interaction in this chapter made me so happy even though I feel a little conflicted about it! I think we know by now reader is more open to having these moments and conversations but for Miguel this is much harder and him asking reader to stay for dinner was a big moment. I was worried it might be too quick of a move on his part but at the same time, in my head at least, Miguel is comfortable with reader even though he doesn't show it all the time, if that makes sense? So yeah, I was a little conflicted but I hope it didn't feel too out of character for him. And anon, I feel so sad for Miguel, too. I just want him to catch a break... and be happy.
And haha, the holographic trees were fun to think about! I actually did research on the comics to see if that was a thing but found nothing, so I just went with the idea lol thank you for showing it some love!!
And the end! I was going to go with what you said, reader just going home but - as I said - I was feeling emotional (thanks period) and selfish and didn't want to think of Miguel all alone on Christmas, so I decided to change the ending at the last minute and hoped it was still a believable thing our Miguel would do, which lowkey, I feel like Miguel would be okay with since he's realized reader is his friend now.
And please, don't thank me for responding to your asks!! As I said before, they always make my day!! I appreciate your thoughts and support very much🥹, so never hesitate to send them!
Now... back to the art... you cannot just drop that and expect me to be okay, anon!! If it's not too much to ask, would you mind sharing what parts have inspired you? I wish I could see and admire your art but I know you may not be comfortable with that, so I'd be happy just knowing the parts that inspired you, which I also want to add makes my heart leap with happiness!! It's an honor that the story has inspired you to draw fanart, truly!! ❤️ And I get what you mean by it being a problem! I recently got into drawing because of... Miguel. I'm in so deep, I don't think anyone can help me because I'm out here trying to learn and all I've drawn has been his face and eyes specifically (THEY ARE SO PRETTY!), so anon, I feel you. Miguel has so many of us on a chokehold, it's not funny!!
Thank you, as always, for the lovely words anon! I hope you don't mind the super long response. I appreciate you very much and hope you have a wonderful day/night!! ✨✨✨
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
theme is so pretty!!!! icba to link things so here’s like a clear up of everything :)))
my october tests aren’t my gcses (the big ones) - they happen in march-y time, but my mocks are in november and i’m scared af because my teachers haven’t decided what they’re on yet (this years work or everything since last sept)
i have technically two skirts and around six shirts and then two sports kits (a top and skort for summer and winter) summer is white, winter is blue :) (one of my everyday skirts is stitched up a few inches, but the other isn’t so i just have one th at i wear :)) tehehe)
i have my rescue remedy thingys (the sweets / candy) but i’m trying not to use them until nov / match so i don’t get used to them 👀
my grades that i do get (in oct) soon are my atl (attitude to learning - 1 is the best, 2 is mid, 3-4 bitch you’re in trouble) and that’s just how you are in class / hw being done
i then get graded as well and they changed it last year to correspond with gcse grades (so 9 is best 5 is pass 4-1 fail) they give you what level you are rn and what you should be aiming for (usually a grade or two higher)
yeh reason from a change of a,b,c etc to 9-1 is because certain sixth forms / universities have a rule that you need a certain number, so when you add all your numbers up you can see if you get in! i learned this reasonably recently and it makes a lot more sense.
phew that was a lot - sending love!! also i got a really angry dm by that kinda sort of racist boy on friday and THAT was interesting 👀
sending love ❤️
also also i made lockscreens for my phone and ipad since i saw a harry styles one but wanted a taylor one that no one had tehe and i think they’re kinda cute 🥰
also also also i changed my url slightly since icedfaeriie sounded a bit like a costa coffee ☕️
yes thank you!! <33
oh okay thats more understandable. that it’s at the end of the year. which one do you hope the teachers choose tho?
that’s cool how they change the colors!  that’s pretty sweet! i why though… mhmmm. I wish I had some skirts- anyways, slayyy!!! youuu!! :DDD yeha but do you actually wear it? isn’t your school very strict..? i remember you telling me something about them not allowing like any makeup. :/ but i mean slayy!! though :DDD
that’s great!! hopefully they can/do last and/or maybe you can get more!
that’s a whole different system of what and how you are getting graded. like whoa-
that is great!! like honestly that sounds so smart to do and it sounds so useful too! i dont got much to say on six because I understand it but I don’t.
what I want to say is that basically for me at keeping up with assignments. homework and all of that. yk. I procrastinate on it a lot. but i now know that it’s okay to ask for help and if you were to get like a bad score on a test, it’s okay because it’s a learning experience, learn what you got wrong and mistaken and learn from it. but next time study. —
okay whatever. idk. but I’m not saying that you need to like ask for help or anything I’m just saying I don’t put so much pressure on yourself to get above and beyond. do the best your ability and if they do not like it then learn. yeah :)
i’m very high right now and it’s 5 AM. i’m gonna try going to bed. goodnight and good morning!! if none of this makes sense to you please ignore all of it :$)
also I’m sending so much love to you!!! wait so you made a Taylor Swift lock screen? that’s amazing!!! i’m loving all of her songs right now!! yes I did notice that you changed your url, because of so I had to go and re-change the link on my moot page which was perfectly fine ofc!! I just wanted to tell you!! anyways I love you 💗 hope you have a great day, make sure to stay hydrated and just know that you are perfect, wonderful and beautiful!!! <333
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