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chanothy · 3 months ago
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“Some College Ex Miyaji Headcanons”
Ex Miyaji who respectfully accepts when you ask to break up, but is clearly very hurts
Ex Miyaji who can’t help but get a little quieter when you’re r around.
Ex Miyaji who still offers to walk you home because he still worries about your safety.
Ex Miyaji who feels betrayed when you start getting closer with Lucas.
Ex Miyaji who can’t help but start to resent you a little bit.
Ex Miyaji who resents himself for not being the one for you.
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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Butler's Christmas 2042
Episode two
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One day nearing Christmas, i was invited by Lono to come to the town of Espoir.  As Lono says it seems like the whole town is decorated for Christmas.
(Carriage stopping noise)
LONO :: My Lord, we’ve arrived in town!
LONO :: Please watch your step as you get off.
[Thank you]
Espoir, the center land
LONO :: Wow, just like Espoir before Christmas!  There are a lot of people in the market
LONO :: Lord. Please hold my arm tightly so you don’t fall, even if you get pushed
LONO :: It will probably be especially busy near popular items!
[Thank you, Lono]
LONO :: Even so, the town is completely filled with the Christmas atmosphere
LONO :: The ingredients on display in the stores are all typical CHristmas dinner items
LONO :: What should i make for Christmas dinner this year
LONO :: I’ll keep the standard menu in mind… is there anything you’d like to eat, Lord?
[Hmm, i guess so…]
LONO :: Hehe, when someone asks you “What do you want to eat?” it’s hard to decide
[Yeah, i’ll think about it]
LONO :: Please feel free to tell me anything!  You don’t have to be shy!
LONO :: Ah, i mean…. Will you be spending Christmas at the mansion this year?
LONO :: If possible, i would like my master to spend some time relaxing at the mansion
LONO :: Please enjoy each and every Christmas dish slowly….
LONO :: Of course, i have prepared a preset for you!  Hehe, the contestants are still a secret though.
[I’m sorry if i made you do that]
LONO :: That’s terrible, my Lord, I'm the one who feels so sorry!
[Lono? Why?]
LONO :: Because….
LONO :: Thanks to you, Master, i am able to live such a fulfilling life every day…. The only thing i can do is cook and give presents.
LONO :: Lord…?
[I get a lot from Lono]
Lono always…. Does his best for me.  As feelings of gratitude welled up inside me…i suddenly had the idea of giving Lono a gift in return.  It was just a idea, but…. I told Lono that I wanted to give something back.
LONO :: My lord, give me something in return….
LONO ::........Um… I think that this is probably a situation that a butler should not take seriously…
LONO :: But…. well, if you, Master, want to give something back to me
LONO :: From here on, i don’t want people around me to hear me
Lono quietly comes close to my ear
LONO :: If you’d like, would you like to go on a date with me?
LONO :: ….Yeah, it’s a date.
LONO :: It’s not random idea… it’s something i’ve been thinking about for a long time.
LONO :: Is it true?  As proof of this, i have thought up plan for dates with you many times before
LONO :: I haven’t actually done it yet though…
LONO :: What do you think….?  A date with me… are you not interested, Master?
[I’m happy…. Let’s go on a date]
LONO :: Heheh… that was good! I was sure my master would say that.
LONO :: Ok!  Now that that’s decided, we need to make some plans!
LONO :: Let’s have as much fun as we can together on the day!
LONO :: ….Hutu. Ha… that was good
LONO :: Ah, ah… sorry!  I was just talking to myself, but…
[Was it good…?]
LONO :: Um, well….
LONO :: Actually, i’ve been wondering for a long time when I should ask you out on a date.
LONO :: But i just can’t make up my mind…
LONO :: See, timing is important, isn’t it?
LONO :: If i get turned down….then….
LONO :: Oh my Lord, that made me laugh!
[Lono thinks the same way]
LONO :: I’ll think about it! Since i’m serious this…. It makes me feel down.
[I’m more than happy to hear that]
LONO :: Damn… let’s stop talking about this!
LONO :: Phew.. hehehe….
LONO :: Ah, i’m so relieved. I’m so glad.
LONO :: Ah, that’s right, my lord….can you please listen to me one more time?  Hehe, i’m sorry….
LONO :: Let’s keep our date a secret between the two of us
LONO :: Sharing secrets like this is sure to add some spice to your date and make it more fun.
LONO :: Hehe….how is it?  I think about it a lot too, don’t I
LONO :: I told my master that it was a way to give back to me, but…
LONO :: Personally, i see it as a opportunity to entertain you in a way that i normally can’t
LONO :: Oh no… i said “date” out loud.
And then, Lono and i made a secret promise. We enjoyed our time alone together.  
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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Butler's Christmas 2024
Episode One
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One day when Christmas approaches, i promised to go out with Berrien. However, the day before we promised to go out I was feeling unwell and resting in bed
Knock knock
[Come In]
(Door opening sound)
BERRIEN :: Excuse me lord, I've proud you a change of towels
[Thank you Berrien…]
BERRIEN :: So… how are you feeling…? If you’ll excuse me i’ll take your temperature
[Go ahead]
BERRIEN :: …Hmm, it still feels a little hot… Let’s change the towel on your forehead for a new one.
BERRIEN :: It should cool you down and give you some relief.
BERRIEN :: What do you think?  Does it feel cool and comfortable
BERRIEN :: Also, here you go
[Is that… a snow globe?]
BERRIEN :: It’s beautiful, isn’t it? It’s my favorite.
BERRIEN :: I brought it with me hoping it could bring you some healing
BERRIEN :: Hehe, it does have a Christmas feel to it
[Thank you for everything….]
BERRIEN :: Oh….? Master, you seen less energetic than before
BERRIEN :: Maybe something’s gone awry 
BERRIEN :: Huh… is something different?
[Tomorrow’s promise… I'm so sorry]
BERRIEN :: Haha…i see, so that's what it was
BERRIEN :: That’s right…. I’ve been looking froward to going out tomorrow for a long time, too.
BERRIEN :: But, but the only thing on my mind right now is… i just want the Lord to get better quickly
BERRIEN :: I hope that you, Lord, feel the same way i do
BERRIEN :: Now, close your eyes, Lord
BERRIEN :: The date will soon change.  Anyway, get some rest now.
BERRIEN :: When you feel better,  then lets go out together again
[I’m sorry]
BERRIEN :: Don’t worry, there will be another chance
BERRIEN :: For now, please just be concerned about your health
[I made you feel sad, didn’t i?]
BERRIEN :: Hehe…. No no.  In fact, the opposite is true now
[The opposite?...]
BERRIEN :: Master, you treasure your promise to me
BERRIEN :: I could really feel that from the Lord’s voice and expression, and it made me very happy
BERRIEN :: That means…
BERRIEN :: Does that mean you want to spend more time with me?
Saying that, Berrien looks at me with a delighted smile on his face
There is only one answer, but embarrassment gets the better of me  and i can’t bring myself to say it out loud. I felt my face get even hotter
BERRIEN :: Hehe…even when your shy, the master is adorable
[.....Don’t say anymore]
BERRIEN :: Excuse me
BERRIEN :: Sorry.  Apparently I'm a little excited today
[I want to apologize for something]
BERRIEN :: Apologize…?
[Making up for not keeping a promise]
BERRIEN :: I see…
BERRIEN :: Oh, that’s right… then, may I ask you for a present ?
[A present?]
BERRIEN :: The present i want more than anything right now is…
BERRIEN :: It’s the Lord’s smile that cheers me up
BERRIEN :: Fufu….are you feeling better than before?  That’s the wy it is , Lord
BERRIEN :: Well, go and rest now…. I’ll be by your side watching over you until you fall asleep
BERRIEN :: If there’s anything want, please just tell me.
[So, hold my hand…]
BERRIEN :: Hehe, of course, with pleasure
As Berrien holds my hand i close my eyes. Then Berrien called out to me in a gentle voice
BERRIEN :: Come on …. I’m here. Don’t worry, Master….you have nothing to be worried about…
BERRIEN :: breath in… breath out… in… phew
BERRIEN :: Without thinking about anything… i just concentrate on breathing…. I’m gradually getting sleepy…
Before long, in a state of quiet peace, i was gently lulled into a world of slumber
BERRIEN :: ………..Hmm…………. Have you fallen asleep yet.
BERRIEN :: But just a little longer… i’ll hold your hand like this
BERRIEN :: Holding hands with someone so special…..i feel the same sense of security 
BERRIEN :: Oh?... it looks like the day has changed
BERRIEN ::...As Christmas approached, i get more and more excited.
BERRIEN :: I want to spend Chrstimas day with Lord
BERRIEN :::....Oh, how selfish….that’s not good
BERRIEN :: Hehe, i hope you have pleasant dreams.
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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Butler’s Christmas 2024
Episode One :: Promise with Berrien ( here )
Episode Two :: Promise with Lono ( here )
Episode Three :: Promise with Bastien ( here )
Episode four :: Promise with Haures ( here )
Episode Five :: Promise with Fennesz ( here )
Episode Six :: Promise with Boschi ( here )
Episode Seven :: Promise with Ammon ( here )
Episode Eight :: Promise with Lucas ( here )
Episode Nine :: ???
Episode Ten :: ???
Episode Eleven :: ???
Episode Twelve :: ???
Episode Thirteen :: ???
Episode Fourteen :: ???
Episode Fifteen :: ???
Episode Sixteen :: ???
Episode Seventeen :: ???
Episode Eighteen :: ???
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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The Light Shinning in the Blue Mirror
Episode nine
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The next morning
Lono prepared breakfast for me in the dining room of the house of Mirrors, but.. Even after finishing breakfast, Mr.Miller did not show up.
[I wonder if he’s still sleeping]
NAC :: …That’s right, maybe he was tired from cleaning, which he wasn’t used to.
NAC :: Shall I  let him rest for a little while longer
LONO :: I agree! If he was here, he’d be complaining about something.
LONO :: I’ve always wanted to stuff a jar of chili peppers into that mouth….
LUCAS :: Also… it seems Lato is nowhere to be seen.
MU :: oh, that remind me.  I haven’t seen those two since last night
LONO :: Hehe. I didn't realize those two were together.
LONO :: Maybe he made Lato angry again
LONO :: He hasn’t buried him somewhere has he?
LUCAS :: Moth-... no way.
LUCAS :: …Just to be sure…. Let’s agree on an alibi for last night
MU :: I…. i’ve been with you the whole time, master…!
[(What are you talking about?)]
LATO :: Hey, everyone did you eat?
LONO :: Ah, Lato, good morning
LONO :: I didn’t see you this morning… where were you?
LATO :: Yes, i’ve been in the woods since last night
LATO :: I also wanted to do something to sooth Aruji-sama’a mind, so i decided to collect beautiful flowers.
LATO :: here, Aruji-sama, a banquet made from lily of the valley
[Lily of the valley?]
LATO :: Yes.  Actually i asked Ammon about it before coming to the house of mirrors
LATO :: It blooms beautifully this season.  That flower is suitable to sooth Aruji-sama’s heart.
LATO :: I thought that lily of the valley would be good… so i went and collected flowers tht grew wild in the forest
LATO :: Lily of the valley is said to have a flower language of “Happiness returns”
LATO :: ..How do you like it?  Don’t you think it’s the perfect flower for times when you feel tired?
[Thank you , Lato]
LATO :: No, no. the purpose of this is to heal Aruji-sma
LATO :: However,... there is one thing  i would like to warn you about
LATO :: Lily of the valley is poisonous, so you should never eat it.
LATO :: That’s right. Just because your hungry doesn’t mean you should snack on it.
LATO :: For a normal person, it might kill them
[I’ll be careful]
LATO :: Kufufu then i will display these flowers in a place where my Aruji-sama can see them.
LATO :: …That’s right. Just to be on the safe side, i have to tell Miller not to eat it
LATO :: I’m sure he’ll be feeling hungry by now.. It would be disastrous if he mistook it fo parsley and ate it.
LUCAS :: Huh…? Mr.Miller
LUCAS :: Lato, perhaps were you with him?
LATO :: Yes. Last night, i spent the night with him in the woods
MU :: Eh…? Just the two of them in the forest…
MU :: It’s not like he was buried, right?
LATO :: I can to deliver flowers to Aruji-sama and pick up his breakfast
LATO :: And he prepare my breakfast
[Lato’s breakfast?]
LATO :: Kufufu if you don’t mind, would you all like to come with me
LATO :: Miller-kun must have been lonely last night, he cried all night.
Forest near the Millers’ Mansion 
MILLER :: Ugh…why did this happen to me?
MILLER :: Ah, i’m sleepy and hungry
LATO :: Miller, did you pick any parsley?
MILLER :: Ah, Lato-san! Welcome back…
MILLER :: As instructed…. I gathered parsley form all over the forest!
LATO :: Hmm…. it’s a little small, but that’s okay
LATO :: Thank you for your hard work.  Shall we have breakfast now?
LATO :: Lono prepared it for you.
MILLER :: Yes…! Thank you Lono!
LONO :: Huh? Yes…you’re welcome….
LONO :: …What can i say… he’s like a completely different person form yesterday
MILLER :: Yes! Thanks to Lato’s guidance!
LATO :: Is that so?  I haven’t done anything though…
LATO :: I just asked you not to be rude to my Aruji-sama and the other butlers.
NAC :: …I see. A ‘request’
LUCAS :: as for how he ‘requested’ it… i won’t ask
MU :: Apparently, he cried all night
[He was so scared that he cried]
LATO :: Come on Miller, have your breakfast
MILLER :: Ha, yes! So..
MILLER :: After breakfast… can io go back to teh mansion?
LATO :: Oh? Why?
LATO :: You finally managed to escape from you r”hikikomori” lifestyle…. That was th whole purpose, right?
MILLER :: No, no… that’s up to him, uncle…
LATO :: Rest assured.  If you want to hide form people, the best place to live is the forest.
LATO :: Moreover, you will also learn the skills to survive on your own.  It’s much better being confined to your mansion .
MILLER :: ……………….I want to go home…..
LATO :: However, that will be difficult at first, so let me be there for you
LATO :: How to avoid danger, how to secure water, ect. I’ll teach you everything
MILLER :: As expected.. He didn’t listen to me at all
LATO :: Ah, that’s right, i can’t live in the forest in this outfit
LATO :: It would ruin the costume Flure had so painstakingly made for me.
LATO :: Huh… now, please take of your jacket  too
MILLER :: Huh… ?! Oh, that’s it…
MILLER :: Exposing your skin in public… how indecent…
LATO :: It’s okay. Because no one else is watching but us
LATO :: So… are you going to take it off by yourself, or should i help you?
MILLER :: …………. I’ll take it off myself
LONO :: Haha, he’s completely at Lato’s mercy
LUCAS :: Even so.. It;s unusual for Lato to try and take care of others
LUCAS :: Maybe.. he likes Miller?
LATO  :: No, not at all.
MILLER :: …………….
NAC :: As expected of Lato-san, you answered right in front of him.
LATO :: Kufufu this is all for my Aruji-sama
[For me?]
LATO :: Yes.  I hate people who are rude to you
LATO :: But you shouldn't exclude someone just because you odn’t like them…… that’s what professor Miyaji taught me.
LATO :: If you can’t get rid of them, then the only thing you can do is ‘change’ their attitude
LATO :: If we do this, one by one, we can change their behavior so that they are no longer rude
LATO :: Someday, surely, ther will be no one left who speak ill of Aruji-sama. I think so
LATO :: In order to cheer up Aruji-sama, all you have to do is remove the factors that are making them feel down… isn’t that so?
[Lato ]
LATO :: So… i’m going to do my best to help Miller-kun change
LATO ::If that’s not possible… after all, there is no choice but to eliminate them.
MILLER :: I-I took it off just lke i was told!  Rato-san!
LATO :: Yes, well done.
After discussing with the butlers, they decided that as long as Lato was nearby, everything would be fine.  
Leaving behind Lord Miller, who look sat me with a resentful look. We return to the house of mirrors
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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The Light Shining in the Blue Mirror
Episode eight
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NAC :: Thats’ good,, keep it up.
NAC :: That’s fine.  Continue wiping in the same manner, putting you heart and soul into it all the way down to your fingertips
MILLER :: Sigh…. Why would a noble like me do something like this….
NAC :: Dear Miller, i have no intention of telling you how to live your life
NAC:: It might be a good idea to retreat back into the mansion, away from prying eyes. But…
NAC :: The human world is fragile and changeable… we don’t know when our current lifestyle will crumble from it’s foundations.
NAC :: So, Mr.Miller… I want you to acquire the ”life force” to survive in any situation
MILLER :: Hmm… That’s a common man’s way of thinking. My life would crumble form the ground up?
MILLER :: The house of Grosvennor will prosper forever! As it always has.
NAC :: Yeah… but you already know about the political upheaval in the eastern land, right?
NAC :: The long-ruling house of Sardis was deposed after only a few months.
NAC :: Can we be so sure the same thing won’t happen in the central region?
MILLER :: Mugh…Well, that’s….
NAC :: Hehe.. of course, i think it’s unlikely.
NAC :: That’s because the current house of Grosvennor is ruled by the noble head of the family. Lord Finley
NAC :: Under the rule of Lord Finley, who is kind to the common people. There won't be any chaos like what happened to the Sardis Household.
MILLER :: …………..
NAC :: Ah, Mr.Miller, there's a lot of dust up there.
MILLER :: Hmm…. It’s true, there is a lot
MILLER :: All this… Is what my servants usual do?
MILLER :: It seems like the invisible parts haven’t been cleaned properly
NAC :: Mr.Miller, please don’t blame them like that.
NAC :: Servants are human beings too… There are rarely any visitors, and the mansion is inhabited by a master whose face you don’t even know.
NAC :: They don’t feel like cleaning every nook and cranny that can’t be seen… That is humanity
NAC :: In that respect, i cn confidently say that there is not a singular cut corner of our devil mansion.
MILLER :: What? Is your mansion really that well maintained?
NAC :: Yes. After all, it is where our precious Aruji-sama lives
NAC :: Not just to make Aruji-sama feel comfortable…
NAC :: So that i, myself, may welcome Aruji-sama with pride…. I never skimp on cleaning
NAC :: Doing your best to clean the manor for the people you care about.  The feeling that I am contributing to the people I care about.
NAC :: How do you like it? You can see how something as simple as cleaning can bring you joy in life, right?
MILLER ::....No, i have no idea
NAC :: Hehe… it’s okay. I’m sure one day you’ll understand too.
NAC :: So, next, please take this needle
MILLER :: Needle…? What do we do with this?
NAC :: Look, like this… There’s dust accumulating between the tiles of the floorboard, right?
MILLER :: No… you don't have to go that far…
NAC :: What are you saying! Aruji-sama will be staying in this mansion for a while
NAC :: It;’s my job to always keep it perfectly clean, since it’s where my Aruji-sama sleeps!
MILLER :: This is my mansion though….
Master Miller seemed to want to say something, but…. Nac had begun to concentrate on cleaning, so his words didn’t reach him.
Having said that, it’s too late now to go against Nac…he obediently cleaned the grooves in the floor with a needle.
A few hours later
NAC :: Hehe… thank you for your hard work, Aruji-sama
NAC :: You did a great job, Millers!
MILLER :: Haa…haa… what a terrible experience
LONO :: Oh! It looks like the room is much cleaner now
LUCAS :: Yes yes ♪ As expected of Nac
LATO :: Kufufu… it has become a suitable place fro Aruji-sama to spend time in.
MILLER :: This is my mansion…
[Thank you both]
NAC :: Thank you, Aruji-sama
NAC :: That’s all for today anyways… we’ll continue tomorrow
MILLER :: Eh?! We’re still going to continue?
NAC :: Of course, The House of Mirrors is till very large.
NAC :: Once you finish cleaning up, you heart will be refreshing and you’ll be reborn
MILLER :: …………I’ll die……….
LONO :: Ishishi, please do your best Miller!
MU :: If it’s wiping the floor, i’ll help out!
LUCAS :: Hehe… we’ll be taking full care of Miller for a while
LUCAS :: I hope you will absorb the thoughts of many different people and use them as nourishment for your future.
Miller didn’t say anything, he had a very displeased look on his face.  The butlers ignored his silent protest an decided to stay the night at the Mirror Mansion. 
I fell asleep in the guest room prepared for me.
That Night
NAC :: Well… shall we start our patrol now ?
NAC :: This mansion is bigger than the devil mansion, so i need to get around efficiently.
NAC :: For now, i’ll focus on keeping an eye on the area around my Aruji-sama’s room.
NAC :: Also.. there was a large forest surrounding the house of mirrors
NAC :: Let’s be careful to not let any suspicious people approach.
NAC :: ….Someone’s outside the window
NAC :: Is that…Miller?  He’s sneaking our of the mansion and headed towards the outer gate.
NAC :: …oh dear. Looks like he’ splanning to sneak away
NAC :: Can we say that in a state he has escaped from his state of social isolation?
NAC :: But,,, I don’t deny that the idea of running away from a difficult situation, but…
NAC :: To get a comfortable place, sometimes you have to earn it with your own efforts.
NAC :: For now, i’ll chance after him and bring him back
NAC :: …Oh? What’s that..?
Miller Residence Garden
LATO :: Kufufu… where are you going?
MILLER :: Geez! Oh, you…
LATO :: Ah, okay.  So you want to go outlook for parsley in the woods?
LATO :: Actually, i am too…. Also i would also like some flowers to sooth the heart.
LATO :: That’s perfect. Then come with me to the forest
MILLER :: No, no… Well, never mind
LATO :: Don’t be shy. You’ll be safer with me around
LATO :: Even if bandits or wild animals appear… i can protect you.
MILLER :: No, no…! You are more frightening than bandits or wild animals!
MILLER :: Someone…! Help me…!
NAC :: ……….
NAC :: Well then, it was during a patrol
NAC :: There was noting abnormal in the mansion’s garden.
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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“The Light Shinning in the Blue Mirror”
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Episode One :: Heavy Steps ( here )
Episode Two :: Aristocrat Melancholy ( here )
Episode Three :: Hall of Mirrors ( here )
Episode Four :: First Impressions (here )
Episode Five :: Patience and Release (here )
Episode Six :: The Mouth is the Source of Trouble ( here )
Episode Seven :: My Place ( here )
Episode Eight :: Escape To Freedom ( here )
Episode Nine :: Obedience ( here )
Episode Ten :: Butler's Book ( here )
Episode Eleven :: From the Depts of Darkness ( here )
Episode Twelve :: Light Steps ( here )
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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“Idol Ammon”
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Idol Ammon who knows people only think about how to better their image using others
Idol Ammon who thought that’s what you were trying to do when you approached him behind the scenes at a music show.
Idol Ammon decided he would entertain you and whatever you thought you could get from him
Idol Ammon who cursed himself when this turned into late night texts and I side jokes
Idol Ammon who didn’t take your confession seriously and straight up asked you what you were trying to get from him
Idol Ammon who feels like shit for making you cry
Idol Ammon who swears to you he’ll never make you cry again
Idol Ammon who winks at you during award shows
Idol Ammon sings you to sleep some night when things are rough.
Idol Ammon who hates spending money but always has money to spend on you
Idol Ammon who performs his best when you’re watching
Idol Ammon who buys you guys matching perfumes so you always smell like him
Idol Ammon who sneaks into your dorm late at night to snuggle
Idol Ammon who finally, because of you, sees the idol industry in a less transactional manner.
Idol Ammon who suggests keeping your relationship under STRICT wraps to avoid problems
Idol Ammon got sloppy and suddenly there were rumors all around about you guys.
Idol Ammon who isn’t going to lie the idea of loosing his career over a dating scandal scares him.
Idol Ammon who goes against his promise and makes you cry again.
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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“College a boyfriend Lono”
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College Boyfriend Lono who fell in love with his upperclassman.
College Boyfriend Lono who asked you on a date one night while out eating together.
College Boyfriend Lono always checks up with you during the day and asks if you’ve eaten
College Boyfriend Lono gets visibly excited when you run into each other around campus.
College Boyfriend Lono who packs you a lunch in your busy days to ensure you eat something’s. Even makes you study snacks
College Boyfriend Lono asks you to be his taste tester
College Boyfriend Lono sits with an arm thrown over your should ALWAYS!
College Boyfriend Lono is just a guy trying to show you how much he loves you in any way possible.
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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The Shinning Light in the Blue Mirror
Episode seven
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After a while
FINLEY :: ……….I see
FINLEY :: I understand what’s happening.  It was something i had expected, but…
FINLEY :: As expected, he was rude to you guys
FINLEY :: I apologize on behalf of Miller, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
LONO :: Well, no… there’s nothing for you to apologise for , Mr.Finley
NAC :: Yes. Since we are from a different backgrounds, it is inevitable that we will have different values.
FINLEY :: No, i am responsible or his ignorance 
FINLEY :: When his parents died.. I should have paid more attention
FINLEY :: If only they had taken him and kept him nearby, rather than leaving him here.  This situation could have been prevented.
FINLEY :: ….There’s no regretting it now
FINLEY :: Well then… i’m sorry for causing you so much trouble.
FINLEY :: As long as he has no intentions of going outside.. It will be a waste of time to continue trying to persuade him.
FINLEY :: Rather than persuading him now, i think he’d prefer if i left him alone.
LUCAS :: Thank you for your kind words, Mr.Finley, but i think it’s too early to give up
FINLEY :: Huh.. Then Lucas…
FINLEY :: Do you still think Miller has a chance to change
LUCAS :: Of course.  I don’t think we’ve done everything yet.
LUCAS :: The core of a persons personality doesn’t change that easily.
LUCAS :: Nevertheless… By gaining a deeper understanding of the world and other people….
LUCAS :: I am convinced there is a way to change the way he lives his life.
LUCAS :: And to achieve that,,, i will serve Mr.Miller not as a butler
LUCAS :: But as a human being… i have to face him head on.
FINLEY :: As a human being, huh…?
FINLEY :: …Okay, if you say so, i’ll ask you to do it.
FINLEY :: I’ll leave it up to you to decide how to do it,  There’s no need to pamper me like before
LONO :: Huh? Is that okay?
LATO :: So, punishment is okay…
NAC :: Hehe… if that's the case, i’ll give him proper education
FINLEY :: Ah, please be gentle.
FINLEY :: Well… i asked about Miller
Miller’s bedroom
FINLEY :: Sorry to keep you waiting, Miller
MILLER :: Ah, uncl-... Mr.Finley
MILLER :: So.. what happened to those guys?
FINLEY :: Ah, i decided to have the demon butler continue to stay in the mansion
FINLEY :: They will do their best to help you reintegrate into society… and will provide a progress report within a week.
FINLEY :: Take their words as my own, just obey obediently.
MILLER :: Huh.. Mr.Finley
FINLEY :: Now, i;m heading back to the main house.  Take care, Miller
MILLER :: Wait a sec….wait a sec!  You didn’t punish them?
MILLER :: Sir Finely….! Uncle FInley….!
Step step step...
LUCAS :: Hehe… Mr.Miller. Thats what it means
LUCAS:: From now on, please feel free to contact me… i will treat you as a person
MILLER :: W-what are you saying?... You’re just a butler
LONO :: Oops… is it okay to say that?
LONO :: Finley just told you a moment ago, didn’t he? “Listen to what the demon butler say”
MU :: Haha! If you don't listen tome, I’ll tell Master Finley!
NAC :: Or… would you rather be hung again
NAC :: Please rest assured, although our status may be different we are all human beings
MILLER :: ……………
MILLER :: ………….ha……..
MU :: Fufu… i suddenly became every honest
MU ::  I think we can become even closer from now on Miller!
[...everyone is so alive…]
MILLER :: gunnu…..
And so we ended up staying in the house of Mirrors for a while.  Miller’s “Escape from Hikikomori Plan” is about to begin anew!
(note:: a Hikikomori, for those who don’t know, is someone who withdraws themselves from society for a period of time.)
After a while…
NAC :: Let’s start by cleaning up your room.
MILLER :: Huh..? Cleaning the room?
As the first step of “The first steps to changing Miller’s way of life” Nac suggested cleaning his room.
And today…for some reason i was also called here
NAC :: Thank you, sir, for you efforts
NAC :: Actually, i would like you two to cleanse your minds through cleaning today.
MILLER :: Cleaning Cleanses the mind…? What does that mean?
NAC :: Hehe.. i mean exactly what i said
NAC :: If the room is beautiful… the hearts of those who spend time there are also lightened
MILLER :: Hmm…Well, i do prefer a clean room
MILLER :: If you want to clean it that badly… go ahead and do it
NAC :: …Mr.Miller, you will also clean up.
MILLER :: Wh-what di you say…?  I’m the son of a distinguished family, and i have to clean my room?
MILLER :: That kind of chore is a servants job!  Not something a noble aristocrat would do…
NAC :: ………
MILLER :: ……….
MILLER :: Is this a good cleaning tool?
NAC :: Yes, if you don’t know how to use it, please feel free to ask me.
Perhaps he sensed Nac’s silent pressure, Mr.Miller begins cleaning obediently.  As he cleaned up, he was grumbling.  Nac turned to me and bowed once again.
NAC :: I’m sorry, Aruji-sama.  Normally, i shouldn't have you do this kind of work.
NAC :: …Today you cleaning…. I thought it would ease Aruji-sama’s heart.
[Is this to cheer me up?]
NAC :: Yes.  I believe that you have already heard our wishes from Lono.
NAC :: We want to cheer up Aruji-sama in any way we can
NAC :: So i thought… if i could lighten Aruji-sama’s heart through cleaning.
NAC :: Cleaning is a never ending task.  No matter how many times you do it, it never ends.
NAC :: Some people may think it’s unproductive work but…
NAC :: By deliberately allocating time to such an unproductive task… you may actually find peace of mind.
NAC :: “Even though im busy, i still have time to clean.” By gaining this awareness and feeling of accomplishment 
NAC :: You will feel mor relaxed and happy in your heart…. Ultimately, you will be able to live a more fulfilling life.
NAC :: You concentrate mindlessly on something and feel a sense of accomplishment when you finish.  You is an  easy way to do this.
[That may certainly be the case]
NAC :: Hehe… of course, i won’t be asking Aruji-sama to clean all the rooms
NAC :: For now, i would be happy if you could realize what i have said by cleaning this room
NAC :: Hmmm…there seems to be no soul in your movement, Mr.Miller
Seeing Mr.Miller’s movements had slowed down, Nac immediately went to him to give him instructions.  Watching this i started absentmindedly wiping off any dirt that had caught my eye.
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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“College boyfriend Fennesz”
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College boyfriend Fennesz who agreed to tutor you with a blushing face
College boyfriend Fennesz who blushed even more when you asked him on a date during one of you regular tutoring sessions.
College boyfriend Fennesz who’s insecure and thinks you could do way better. Reassure him that you love him pls 🙏🏻
College boyfriend Fennesz who nearly had a fucking stroke when you finally kiss him
College boyfriend Fennesz who’s stood around like he wasn’t allowed to be there when he first came over to your place. You had to reassure him he was allowed to sit in the couch
College boyfriend Fennesz helps you with your school works no questions asked
College boyfriend Fennesz who’s insecure wishes he was enough for you
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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“College boyfriend Haures”
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College Boyfriend Haures who couldn’t ask you out, you asked him. Bro thought he was dreaming and didn’t believe it was real
College Boyfriend Haures who takes care of work around your apartment cuz your landlord won’t.
College Boyfriend Haures is a little awkward and but you just gotta give him some time to build up courage for some things
College Boyfriend Haures comes to your apartment to take care of you during finals week. He can’t have his attractive lover not taking care of themselves
College Boyfriend Haures who is very protective of you and worries a shit tone when you go out at night. He’d rather just go with you.
College Boyfriend Haures who is wrapped around your finger.
College Boyfriend Haures who is just a clumsy guy trying to love you the best he can.
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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The Shinning Light in the Blue Mirror
Episode six
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NAC :: So you were fed up with that way of life and chose to retreat to your mansion, away from the public eye
LONO :: For someone who says he cares abut what other people think… he’s pretty blunt when it comes to what he says to others.
LONO :: Well, we’re talking about a noblemen after all. You don’t think of us as other people
MU :: It’s rare to find someone so hard to sympathize with
MILLER :: Hey! I hear you guys!
MILLER :: Seriously.. Even though he’s a butler, he doesn't know how to treat a noble
MILLER :: But other than that you pass the test. Yes, i’ll hire you at the mansion
LONO :: You’re hiring us… in this “House of Mirrors?”
MILLER :: yes. I’ll pay you 10 times what you’ve been padi so far
MILLER :: Besides, you are a butler serving the Grosvenor family. Surely, there’s nothing wrong with being a servant of that clan
LONO :: No, it would just be inconvenient. Even if i could get padi 100 times more, i would still choose to be with Aruji-sama
MU :: Yes! Even working fo free is better with Aruji-sama
MILLER :: What's with that attitude… i went to the trouble of scouting you
MILLER :: More than i, a noble aristocrat…. What’s so good about them?
LATO :: Hmm… did i hear it wrong?
LATO :: Did you just say to my Aruji-sama “whats so good about them?”
MILLER :: Huh…? You..
LATO :: Hmm.. that’s not right. Pointing at Aruji-sama’s face like that
LATO :: … I think that’s very rude
With that said Lato walks up to Miller….Grabs him by the neck and lifts him with one hand
MILLER :: Whoa?! Wha… What are you doing?!
LATO :: Please apologize to Aruji-sama
LATO :: If you’re polite.. I’ll put you down right away
MILLER :: Hey, hey…! You think you can do this to me and get away with it?!
MILLER :: It should be permissible for a butler to make a move on a nobleman… but..
MILLER :: Ugh..! ugh! It hurts…!
LATO :: hmmm.. I couldn't hear you very well.
LATO :: Maybe.. You didn’t understand the meaning of my words?
LATO :: If you don’t understand, then ,maybe you need to be punished.
MILLER :: HEEEY! You guys! What are you staring at?!
MILLER :: Quickly do something about this guy!
NAC :: I-i agree.. I understand Lato’s feelings very well, but…
NAC :: You’ll have to bear this here… that’s right Lucas
LUCAS :: yeah.. This person is supposedly a relative of Sir Finely
LUCAS :: We have to help him before he gets hurt. Right Lono?
LONO :: Yep, that’s right!
LONO :: Even if the noble is annoying, using force is wrong. Mu thinks the same, right?
MU :: Yes! We need to stop Lato now!
All the butler agree they have to stop it but… There was no sign of them taking any action. It seemed that deep down, they all harbored dissatisfaction with Mr.Miller. However, i can’t just stare forever. When i tried to call out to Lato…
At that time an unexpected person entered the room.
FINLEY :: Hmm… I was curious about the situation, so i came to take a look…
FINLEY :: It’s a lot busier than i expected
MU :: Geez! Ah, you..
LONO :: Mr.Lato…! You’d better let go…!
LATO :: Oh…? You’re right
LATO :: You’re the head of the Grovenner family. Why are you here?
MILLER :: Geho…! …cough..!
MILLER :: Th-thank goodness… Did you see that, Uncle Finley?
MILLER :: These guys are so savage! Please punish them!
FINLEY :: ..Miller. Stop calling me “Uncle FInley”
FINLEY :: You’re not a child anymore. You should call me “Mr.Finely” like the rest of your family.
MILLER :: AH..yes.. Mr.Finley
FINLEY :: Anyways.. I’d like to hear more about what happened
FINLEY :: Miller, please go back to your room. I’ll get the details from them directly.
MILLER :: There’s no need to hear the circumstances! Please execute him immediately!
FINLEY :: …Miller, didn’t you hear me?
FINLEY :: Go back to your room. We’ll talk later.
MILLER :: Ugh… Y-yes,,, i understand..
Trudge.. Trudge..
LONO :: Oh my.. Even the mighty Miller seems unable to stand up to Finley
LATO :: Kufufu.. He was like a burrowed cat.
FINLEY :: That cat is my relative
FINLEY :: Well… let me hear your story
FINLEY :: I thought i asked you to help persuade Miller to return to society
FINLEY :: Why did you grab him by the throat and lift him up?
[It is..]
LUCAS :: I would like to explain this point to you
LUCAS :: That was just an unfortunate misunderstanding… Lato-kun didn’t mean any hard to Mr.Miller.
FINLEY :: I understand that. Anyway, please let me knwo the current situation
Lucas gave a detailed report of what had happened. Lord Finley listened to the report in silence until the very end.
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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Light Shinning in the Blue Mirror
Episode five
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At first, Lono didn’t seem in the mood, but… When he started cooking, he becomes a serious Lono. He seemed to be working wit his usual serious expression. Delicious looking dishes are benign prepared one after another. I will stay by Lono’s side and support him as much as i can.
[Lono, is this presentation okay?]
LONO :: Yes! Thank you Aruji-sama!
LONO :: Now it looks great! Now the question is, do you like the taste?
[Lono’s cooking is fine]
LONO :: I hope so. It seems that nobles has much more refined plates than commoners like me
LONO :: To think that i would cook for such a rude person… to be honest, i wasn’t motivated at first
[But you never give up]
LONO :: Yeah.. that is a matter of pride for me as a chef
LONO :: After all, eating delicious food is important!
LONO :: If he was full in a good mood… he might become more approachable
LONO :: If you get enough nutrition, you might even have the energy to go outside
LONO :: Hehe.. and to tell you the truth..
LONO :: Today’s meal wasn’t made for that nobleman… I made it for my Aruji-sama
[For me?]
LONO :: Yes! Because it’s better to have the feeling, “i want to make this for someone special”
LONO :: Because it makes me feel happy too.
LONO :: I hope that your physical and mental health will improve and that you will feel more energetic. I did some research into these ingredients and menu items.
LONO :: Apparently red meat is good for relieving stress! Also fermented foods, dairy products, nuts and wen it come to fruit, bananas are good.
LONO :: So, today menu is,,, broccoli cheese soup, nut and tomato salad…
LONO :: Red meat steak…. And for desert, we have banana pudding!
LONO :: Hehehe, ot be honest, i’d like to eat it right now, Aruji-sama
LONO :: But it would be a hassle to keep the nobleman waiting. I’ll comeback later to enjoy some freshly made food!
[Thank you, Lono]
LONO :: No no! We are the ones who should be thanking you.
LONO :: This time, i was able to realize once again just how blessed i am in my everyday life.
LONO :: Even if it’s the same dish… the satisfaction can be so different on whose face you imagine eating it.
LONO :: The feeling of being able to be of use to the butlers and Aruji-sama makes me so happy.
[Sounds like Lono]
LONO :: Well… that's all i can do
LONO :: So, in order to put Aruji-sama’s heart at ease… we decided to encourage you in any way we could
LONO :: Of course, completing grequests is important, but what’s more important is the health of the client.
[Thank you, Lono]
LONO :: Hehe… sorry for the long talk. The delicious food will get cold soon.
LONO :: Well then…. Shall i deliver the food to Mr.Miller?
LONO :: I’m sure he’ll complain about something. But i’ll just smile and bear it
LONO :: …But i’ll take a bottle of chili peppers with me just in case
[Oh that’s right]
We put the food on a cart and roll it into the Dinning room. In the Dining room Nac and the others had already arranged the tableware and prepared the wine
And when everything was ready, i politely summoned Mr.Miller
Miller Mansion DInning Room
MILLER :: Hmm…! It’s ot quite bad
MILLER :: It’s impressive for a lowly demon butler, i commend you.
LONO :: Ha ha ha… thank you
MILLER :: Also, this wine taste good. Where is it from?
LUCAS :: Yes, it is an 8 year old toblis
LUCAS :: Today we have this brand Mr.Miller… it is perfect for connoisseurs
MILLER :: I see… That was a good idea
MILLER :: I like it, i’ll buy about 100 boxes of the same wine!
LUCAS :: Hehe… i understand
MU :: ….Huh? I think Miller-sama just became an adult…
MU :: are such people accustomed to drinking wine?
NAC :: heh, of course not
NAC :: What Lucas has prepared is… an inexpensive wine that is easy to drink even fro beginners
NAC :: Of course, i won’t tell him that
[That’s right]
LONO :: I see.. So in short.., he’s just trying to show off
MILLER :: Hey there! Did you say something?
LONO :: No, nothing
LONO :: By the way… is it time for desert
MILLER :: Desert… oh well
MILLER :: But… you have to be able to judge those things based on your Aruji-sama’s facial expressions, right?
MILLER :: A first class butler is one who anticipated what his Aruji-sama wants before they evne asks. That point still remains.
LONO :: …. I will do my best….
LONO :: ..Phew, hold on, hold on..
Lono was holding a bottle of chili peppers in one hand… Even afterwards he continued to treat Miller with forced polite hospitality.
After a while
MILLER :: Huh… it was surprisingly delicious
LUCAS :: I’m glad you were satisfied, Mr.Miller
LUCAS :: After your meal.. How about taking a walk in the garden to work off your hunger?
LUCAS :: The sunshine is warm today… it’s perfect for a walk.
MILLER :: Hmph!... won’t fall for that Lucas!
MILLER :: There’s no need to go out to the garden, just walking around the mansion is good enough!
MILLER :: After all, my mansion is spacious!
LONO :: … “My mansion”... isn’t it just an inheritance from your parents that came rolling in?
MILLER :: Hey you there! Did you essay something?
LONO :: No, nothing
LONO:: But.. don’t you get bored staying in the mansion all the time?
LONO :: Theres plenty of fun things to do outside, including tons pf delicious food and drinks.
MILLER :: Hmp.. what are you talking about? You can get delicious food and alcohol without leaving the mansion ru…
MILLER :: You guys have just proven that.
NAC :: Yes, and it seems like he’s just going to indulge even more
MILLER :: Alright, I decided! In the future, i plan to invite top chefs from all over the country
MILLER :: I have plenty of money. Yes, i’ll hire a sommelier
LONO :: … this is not good. It’s like he has no intension of leaving the mansion
NAC :: Yes, and it look like he’s going to indulge even more.
NAC :: If you indulge in this kind of debauchery… it won’t be good for you.
MU :: Hmm… Why is he so reluctant to go outside!
LUCAS :: …Mr.Miller. I understand how you may find social interaction bothersome.
LUCAS :: Sir Finley, head of the Grosvennor family, has always been fed up with the flattery of those around him
LUCAS :: However, being born into a noble family… it's inevitable to socialize with those around you
LUCAS :: To reassure Sir Finley…. Would you please return to social life as before?
LUCAS :: Sir Finley is worried about you Mr.Miller
MILLER :: Hmm.. i think what my uncle is worried about is the reputation of the Grosvennor family
MILLER :: So were my parents. Ther family name and reputation always came first…
MILLER :: I was raised to always be concerned about how others see me… I never paid any attention to my own feelings.
MILLER :: Everytime is ee myself in the mirror. I feel like my parents were constantly watching me
MILLER :: But my parents are long dead now. I have nothing tying me down now.
MILLER :: Deep inside the mansion, out of reach of other people’s eyes… i’ll do my best to live my life however i like.
LUCAS :: Mr.Miller…..
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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Light Shinning Is The Blue Mirror
Episode Four
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MU :: …huh? Did i hear it wrong?
MU :: Just now, when he saw us he went “ugh”
MILLER :: HUh?! The cat spoke?!
MILLER :: Wow.. They’re a freaky bunch with a talking cat.
MILLERS :: This is why i hate filthy demon butlers
MU :: ………………
MU :: ugh… I have never regretted being able to understand human language more than i do now.
[Come on, Mu]
I  heard in advance that he would behave in a “unpleasant manner” i was prepared for it, but…
Sir Miller’s attitude was exactly, “The attitude of a typical noble towards a demon butler”
However, his attitude would only hinder Lucas’ and the others negotiation
As i stroke Mu’s head i try to calm my mind
[(Patients, patients)]
LUCAS :: Come on, Mr.Miller… Please don’t be so rude
LUCAS :: Sir Finley is very worried
MILLER :: Hmph, as i said in the beginning, i have no intention of leaving the mansion
MILLER :: Since it was my uncle’s order, i had no choice but to allow the interview.  But to begin with, i am of a different status than you guys.
MILLER :: Just benign able to exchange words with you like this is an honor you all don’t deserve
NAC :: Yes, yes. Of course, i understand
LONO :: …wow…how can i put this…
LONO :: Apparently he’s been a recluse ever since his parents died.  At first i felt a bit sorry for him
LONO :: …The moment i met him, my impression changed.  In fact, it’s negative
LONO :: I mean, if he’s like that… wouldn't it be better for the world if he wasn’t allowed outside the mansion?
MU :: ….I think so too
[Uh, well, calm down…]
MILLER :: hey you guys! WHat are you whispering about?
MILLER :: It is strictly forbidden to talk in font of the master.  Even though you are a servant, you don’t know such common sense?
LONO :: (...I’m not your servant)
NAC :: My apologies, Mr/Miller…I’m late in introductions
NAC:: This person is not a servant… Their our Master
MILLER :: …yeah? This person?
MILLER :: Nac has been praising them for hours, calling them ‘beautiful’.  That master?
MILLER :: ……………….
NAC :: Hehe… There’s nothing to apologise for Aruji-sama
NAC :: Being too beautiful is not a sin.
NAC :: You are so beautiful… even Lord Miller seems to be at a loss for words.
MILLER :: That can’t be true.  The difference was so huge that i was at a loss for words.
MILLER :: With so much praise, you’d think some amazing person would emerge. But…
MILLER :: It seems his words were exaggerated.
NAC :: ……….huh
NAC :: I see, i see…. Those are your last words…
MILLER :: huh…?
LUCAS :: Hey, Nac-Kun? Calm down
LUCAS :: In situations like this, first take a deep breath
NAC :: Oh, yeah… it was..
NAC :: To control you ranger…. Take a deep breath and count to six, right…?
NAC :: So…
NAC :: 1…2…3…4…5…6
NAC :: Phew,,, now, Mr.Miller
NAC :: (takes out weapons) …Are you prepared?
MILLER :: Huh…?
LUCAS :: Nac-kun…! Let’s put away our weapons for now.
LUCAS :: (Nac-Kun… i understand your feelings well though )
LUCAS :: (If you take action now…you’ll end up causing trouble for our Aruji-sama)
LUCAS :: (If you’re serious about it… you need to wait a while and do it in a way that won’t arouse suspicion)
NAC ::( …! Yes that’s true…)
NAC :: Hehe… i’m very sorry, Mr.Miller
NAC :: When it comes to my Aruji-sama… i tend to be a little indiscriminate 
NAC :: Please forgive my rudeness
MILLER :: Hmm, hmm… !  It’s good enough if i understand
MILLER :: First of all, you guys… isn’t it your job to take me outside?
MILLER :: If you upset me, you will end up upsetting my uncle… Don’t forget that!
LUCAS :: Yes, of course, i am fully aware of this
MILLER :: Seriously.. All this pointless talking has made me thirsty 
MILLER :: Bring me some good wine and some snack first! We’ll talk after that.
LUCAS :: Understood, Mr.Miller
LUCAS :: Today i’ve brought along some of the best wine and one of the best chefs in the central region
LUCAS :: I’m sure it will live up to your expectations
LUCAS :: Well then, Lono-kun, i;m counting on you
LONO :: …Okay then, i’ll use the manion’s kitchen 
MILLER :: That’s fine.  However, i won’t accept anything but the best cuisine
MILLER :: Remember, the palate of a nobleman is much more refined than that of a commander!
LONO :: …..ugh……
NAC :: We’ll set the table and the dishes
[I’ll help too]
Along with Lono, who looked clearly less motivated… we headed to the mansions kitchen
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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“Jealous Devil Butlers”
CHARACTER(S) :: Berrien, Lono
—Berrien Cliane
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“Thank you Berrien,” Aruji-sama said after being poured a cup of tea. Berrien gave a small smile, but there was something lingering behind his eyes. There was clearly an unsettling feeling that hung in the hair between them.
Aruji-saman gently carded her hands through the fur of the sleeping Mu in their lap. Taking a sip of the tea she looked back up at Berrien who silently stood beside her. “Is there something wrong?” She asked gently.
Berrien stiffened as he seemed to hesitate, “ah… no my Lord, I’m alright,” he tried to sooth. But Aruji-sama had been here long enough to know the look on Berrien’s face. The slight way he avoided his eyes, and his quieter than normal demeanor gave it away.
“It’s not good to lie to your master Berrien,” they couldn’t help but tease, trying to approach this with a lightened mood. Berrien couldn’t help the slight flustered expression he took on, “Lord… it’s a little embarrassing to admit as a butler.” He started after clearing his throat.
“However,” he continued as a light blush spread over his cheeks, “….Mu is also a butler. Yet he gets to be so close with Aruji-sama…. I can’t help but feel envious.”
The admission of his feelings made Aruji-sama stop her movements in Mu’s fur. Then a small laugh bubbled from her chest, “I never took you as the jealous type Berrien.” With that statement she gently moved Mu off their lap, and onto the chair next to them. She looked up and him and gently patted her lap, “well? Come here.”
Berrien sputters and shakes his head, “a-aruji-sama!— as a butler it would be inappropriate!” He tried to say as a deep blush spread across his face. Aruji-sama only shook her head with a smile, “come on, I can’t have you feeling neglected can I?”
And that was all it took. That’s was all it took for a blushing Berrien to kneel in front of her, laying his head gently in your lap. And deciding to indulge him you ran your hands through his black and white locks of hair.
Maybe… sometimes it’s okay to indulge himself
•Berrien woudl try and be silent about his jealousy! But it shows on his face!
•…he understands that Mu is a cat, but Mu is also a butler! So to be so close to Aruji-sama isn’t exactly appropriate for someone of their position….
•he wants to be in your lap too.
—Lono Fontaine
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Lono knew it was a stupid feeling. The envy that bubbled in his chest. But how could he help it? You were his master, the most important person to him. And greedily he wanted to be the closest person to you.
But here he was. Watching as you hugged that stupid cat (love you Mu). Mu was also a butler, but he got all your affection and love.
And so he found himself knocking on your door one night after the others had fallen asleep. But he could see the candle light through the cracks of your door. But still he held his breath as you called out to come in.
“Lono? Is something wrong?” Aruji-sama asked and Lono could only feel guilty for his greedy feelings. What made him feel worse was the cat sleeping soundly on a spare pillow.
Jealous was a disease he concluded.
“Aruji-Sama,” he called out softly and quickly found himself kneeling in front of you. Hands enveloping your own as a small blush spread across his face. “Could you hold me like you do him?” He asked his voice dripping with jealousy. His face reflected a desperate look, almost as if he was begging,
“Lono what are you walking about? Like who?”
“Mu…” he said and hearing himself say it out loud sounded silly. Being jealous of a cat had to be the most ridiculous things he’s ever done. But you indulge him, holding him close just as you did Mu. Pulling him close against your chest.
“Is this what’s been bothering you?” Aruji-sama recounted, noting his tendency to stare whenever Mu and them were together. Lono could only nod against her chest, relaxing against her.
•I feel like Lono would be a bit more forward than Berrien with his jealousy.
•He wouldn’t want to hide it from you and would instead work up the courage to tell you directly
•he’s gonna blush and feel really embarrassed but at least he got his hug
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chanothy · 3 months ago
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Light Shinning in the Blue Mirror
Episode Three
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In the Devil Mansion Dinning room
MU :: Huh… i’m full
MU :: Wow, i think i’ll a little longer
LONO :: Hey, hey,  aren't you supposed to be exercising right now?
MU :: Hmm. Ill start my diet tomorrow
Mu :: I want to treasure this feeling of happiness right now, mumble mumble……
LONO :: … Oh dear, at this rate it looks like you're not going to be able to slim down anytime soon….
NAC :: Hehe… All of Lono-kun’s food is delicious
LUCAS :: Yea, i also know what it’s like to feel happy after a meal.
LATO :: By the way…. You deliberately called us to thai place without our master present
LATO :: You have something to tell us, right? Lono-kun
LONO :: Yeah, that's right
NAC :: Ha, may blues, huh?
LATO :: Of course i remember it, but what about it?
LONO :: It's an uncommon word to us,,, it seems to be quite common in Aruji-sama’s world
LONO :: That means, there is a possibility that Master could fall victim to the “May Sickness”
LONO :: As butlers, i think we have to try to prevent this from happening
LUCAS :: I see…  that certainly sounds like you
LUCAS :: Preventing illness in advance cause much less suffering than treating it after you actually get sick
LATO :: But when it comes to preventing it… what exactly should we do?
LONO :: That’s,,, the symptoms of May sickness are feeling unwell
LONO :: All you need to do is help them feel better!
LATO :: I see, in other words it’s business as usual
LONO :: Ugh,, Well, that's true, but…
LUCAS :: Hehe.. But it’s important to prevent that feeling
LUCAS :: For now, we will have to try and persuade Mr.Miller.
LUCAS :: it’s not just important to persuade him… We can’t forget to show consideration and hospitality to our master as well.
LONO :: That’s right!  That’s what i wanted to say
LATO :: Kufufu… If that’s the case, then fine.
LATO :: Of course i will, i don’t care about nobles
NAC :: Yes, That’s right Lato
NAC :: Anyway, when you go to the mansion,.... Always try to be mindful of your master.
MU :: Got it!  Leave it to me!
LONO :: Oops- You're awake Mu?
MU :: Hehe… i am,. After all, i’m Aruji-sama’s butler
MU :: By the way, everyone… are you going somewhere with Aruji-sama?
MU :: If it’s okay, please take me along!  I’d like to help Aruji-sama too!
LUCAS :: That’s right, Mu-chan is always helpful in healing Aruji-sama.
NAC :: yes, i look forward to working with you Mu-kun.
MU :: Ehehe…, I was relied on…
MU :: Yes! Please leave it to me to heal Aruji-sama
MU :: With my round and soft body…. I’ll make their heart round and soft as well!
LONO :: Do you really wanna loose weight?
Millers House Entrance
A week lantern we visited Mr.Miller’s mansion. The mansion on the outskirts of Espoir is apparently known among the upper class as the “House of Mirror”. 
As the name suggested, the interior is decorated with many mirrors.
The moment I entered the mansion, I saw my reflection in the mirror around me.
MU :: Wow! We’re reflected in the mirror everywhere!
[It’s quite an amazing sight]
NAC :: Yeah, ot’s truly spectacular
NAC :: Whichever way you turn, it’s Aruji-sama, Aruji-sama, Aruji-sama
NAC :: The real Aruji-sama, the Aruji-sama in the mirror, and Aruji-sama in the mirror that is a reflection of Aruji-sama
NAC :: In this “House of Mirrors”, beauty seems to be amplified infinitely.
LONO :: Nac’s tongue seems to be in great shape.
Mr.Miller, the master of the House of Mirrors”, after hearing Nac’s praise, wanted to catch a glimpse of me.
When i thought about that, i somehow feel very sorry.
LATO :: Huh.. There really are mirror placed all over the mansion
LATO :: In the mirror, the scenery continues on forever…. It feels very spacious
LATO :: I wonder how far it goes… i’m going to explore a bit.
LUCAS :: ah, Lato, be careful exploring
LUCAS :: There are large mirror on the corners and at the end of the corridors.  So be careful not to bump into them by mistake.
LATO :: Yes, i understand
LATO :: Hmm. there's a mirror here
LATO :: It’s dangerous to rely on your eyes… let’s also pay attention to sound echoing as we walk.
[I-is that okay?]
LUCAS :: Anyways, let’s go meet Mr.Miller as planned.
LONO :: Got it. but….
LONO ::Even though this is a large mansion, there's not a single servant in sight.
NAC :: Yeah. apparently there is a minimum number required 
NAC:: By order of Mr.Miller. They can only visit at designated times as to not meet the head of the family.
NAC :: Except when preparing necessary taste. I seems like the servants enjoy spending time outside freely.
MU :: I see… that does seem a little sad though
MU :: If i were to work for someone… I want to be by their side and see them smile.
MU :: Seeing your smile is the most rewarding part of my day!
[Thank you, Mu]
MU :: Ehehe.. You’re welcome Aruji-sama!
LUCAS :: Hehe… i’d like to say those words to Mr.Miller too.
LUCAS:: Well then, let’s go, Aruji-sama, Mr.Miller’s room is at the very back  of the mansion.
Miller’s Room
We proceed to the innermost part o the mansion and open the large, heavy door.  The young man inside looked my way and frowned in obvious displeasure.  The young man inside looked at me and said
MILLER:: Geez, have the demon butlers come again?
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