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bestsexologistinindiasblog · 3 months ago
HIV Treatment in Delhi NCR
एचआईवी संक्रमण और PEP की भूमिका
एचआईवी क्या है?
एचआईवी (HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus) एक वायरस है जो शरीर की प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को प्रभावित करता है। यह वायरस उन सफेद रक्त कोशिकाओं (CD4 cells) को नष्ट कर देता है जो शरीर को बीमारियों और संक्रमणों से लड़ने में मदद करती हैं। अगर एचआईवी का समय पर इलाज नहीं किया जाता है, तो यह एड्स (AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) नामक गंभीर स्थिति में बदल सकता है। एड्स वह अवस्था है जिसमें शरीर की प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली इतनी कमजोर हो जाती है कि यह साधारण संक्रमणों से भी नहीं लड़ पाती।
एचआईवी एक गंभीर समस्या है इसे नज़रअंदाज़ ना करे और आज ही डॉ रैना सेफ हैंड्स में दिल्ली के सर्वोत्तम एचआईवी डॉक्टर (HIV Doctor in Delhi) से उपचार प्राप्त करे
एचआईवी कैसे होती है?
एचआईवी के संक्रमण के कई कारण हो सकते हैं:
संक्रमित व्यक्ति के साथ असुरक्षित यौन संबंध: एचआईवी यौन तरल पदार्थों के संपर्क से फैलता है, जैसे कि वीर्य, योनि स्राव, और रेक्टल स्राव।
संक्रमित खून के संपर्क में आना: अगर किसी को संक्रमित खून चढ़ाया जाता है, या एक ही सुई से कई लोगों को इंजेक्शन दिया जाता है, तो एचआईवी संक्रमण हो सकता है।
गर्भावस्था, प्रसव, या स्तनपान के दौरान: यदि मां एचआईवी पॉजिटिव है, तो गर्भावस्था, प्रसव, या स्तनपान के दौरान बच्चे को यह वायरस हो सकता है।
संक्रमित सुइयों और अन्य उपकरणों का प्रयोग: जैसे कि ड्रग्स लेने के दौरान एक ही सुई का इस्तेमाल करना, टाटू बनवाने या पियर्सिंग के दौरान असुरक्षित उपकरणों का प्रयोग करना।
एचआईवी से संक्रमण का खतरा है तो देर ना करे और जल्द से जल्द (72 घटें के अंदर )दिल्ली में  पेप उपचार (Pep Treatment in Delhi) प्राप्त करे और एचआईवी से बचें
PEP का क्या रोल है HIV को रोकने में?
PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) एचआईवी को फैलने से रोकने का एक आपातकालीन उपाय है। यदि कोई व्यक्ति एचआईवी के संपर्क में आया है, तो PEP का उपयोग करके संक्रमण को रोका जा सकता है।
PEP का काम एचआईवी को शरीर में फैलने से रोकना है। यह एक एंटी-रेट्रोवायरल ड्रग्स का कोर्स होता है, जिसे 28 दिनों तक लिया जाता है। यह इलाज सिर्फ उन्हीं परिस्थितियों में प्रभावी होता है जब इसे एचआईवी के संपर्क में आने के 72 घंटों के भीतर शुरू कर दिया जाए।
PEP के प्रमुख पहलू:
जल्द शुरुआत: PEP का इलाज जितना जल्दी हो सके, शुरू कर देना चाहिए। 72 घंटों के बाद इसका असर कम हो जाता है।
नियमित दवा सेवन: PEP को लगातार 28 दिनों तक बिना किसी ब्रेक के लेना आवश्यक है।
एचआईवी टेस्ट: PEP के पूरा होने के बाद एचआईवी टेस्ट कराया जाता है ताकि यह सुनिश्चित किया जा सके कि व्यक्ति एचआईवी से संक्रमित नहीं हुआ है।
एचआईवी एक गंभीर और जानलेवा वायरस है जो असुरक्षित यौन संबंधों, संक्रमित खून, और अन्य तरीकों से फैल सकता है। लेकिन PEP एक प्रभावी उपाय है जो एचआईवी संक्रमण को रोकने में मदद कर सकता है, बशर्ते इसका समय पर और सही तरीके से उपयोग किया जाए। इसलिए, यदि आपको लगता है कि आप एचआईवी के संपर्क में आए हैं, तो जल्द से जल्द PEP शुरू करें और अपने स्वास्थ्य को सुरक्षित रखें।
डॉ विनोद रैना, एचआईवी विशेषज्ञ
पता: इ-34 एकता अपार्टमेंट साकेत, नई दिल्ली- 110017
संपर्क करे: +919667987682, +919873322916
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vinod12raina · 3 months ago
PEP Treatment in Delhi
PEP(post exposure prophylaxis) is a treatment to prevent a person from becoming HIV positive due to possible exposure to HIV. PEP treatment is the only treatment to get prevention from HIV infection due to possible exposure to HIV. It should be started within the 72 hours of possible exposure to HIV. The golden period to prevent yourself from becoming HIV positive. Watch Full Video for more information.
Dr Vinod Raina provide the best treatment for HIV as well as he is also a PEP Specialist.
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dshseodelhi · 1 year ago
PEP and PrEP: Powerful Tools in the Fight Against HIV
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) continues to be a global health challenge, but significant progress has been made in the development of preventive and treatment strategies. Two key approaches are Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP). In this blog, we’ll explore these essential tools in the fight against HIV, discussing what they are, how they work, and their respective roles in HIV prevention and treatment .
Understanding HIV: A Brief Overview Before diving into PEP and PrEP, let’s briefly understand HIV. HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system, weakening the body’s ability to fight infections. If left untreated, HIV can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition where the immune system is severely damaged, and the risk of opportunistic infections and certain cancers increases significantly.
What is PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis)?
PEP is a preventive treatment for individuals who may have been exposed to HIV. It’s typically administered within 72 hours (the sooner, the better) after a high-risk exposure, such as unprotected sex with a partner known to be HIV-positive or sharing needles with someone whose HIV status is unknown. PEP involves taking a combination of antiretroviral drugs for 28 days, which can help prevent the virus from establishing itself in the body.
Key Points About PEP:
Timing Matters: Starting PEP as soon as possible after exposure is crucial, ideally within hours or a day.
High Effectiveness: When taken correctly, PEP can significantly reduce the risk of HIV transmission.
Not a Substitute: PEP is not a long-term preventive measure. It’s a short-term emergency response.
Potential Side Effects: PEP medications may have side effects, but these are generally mild and temporary.
PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis): A Preventive Powerhouse PrEP is a pre-emptive strategy to prevent HIV infection in individuals at high risk. Unlike PEP, which is taken after a potential exposure, PrEP involves taking a daily pill containing a combination of antiretroviral medications. This regimen helps create a protective barrier, preventing HIV from establishing an infection if the individual is exposed.
Key Points About PrEP:
Daily Commitment: Consistency is key. PrEP must be taken every day to maintain its effectiveness.
Highly Effective: PrEP can reduce the risk of HIV infection by over 90% when used correctly.
Regular Monitoring: PrEP users should undergo regular HIV testing and follow-up appointments with healthcare providers.
Access and Affordability: Ensuring broad access to PrEP is essential in the fight against HIV, and many regions provide affordable options or assistance programs.
PEP vs. PrEP: How Are They Different?
While both PEP and PrEP are vital tools in HIV prevention and treatment, they serve different purposes:
PEP is a short-term treatment taken after a potential exposure.
PrEP is a long-term preventive measure for individuals at ongoing high risk.
Conclusion: The Importance of PEP and PrEP PEP and PrEP represent significant advancements in HIV prevention and treatment. They offer hope in reducing the spread of HIV and improving the quality of life for those at risk. Education and awareness are crucial in ensuring these tools are used effectively. Remember, for anyone considering PEP or PrEP, consulting with a healthcare provider is the first step to making informed decisions about their sexual health and well-being. Together, we can work towards a world where HIV is a thing of the past.
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crosstreetmedical · 1 year ago
How much is HIV / PEP treatment in Singapore?
For the most accurate and up-to-date information on the cost of HIV or PEP treatment in Singapore, we recommend contacting local healthcare providers, hospitals, or clinics directly. You can also refer to official government health websites or contact the Ministry of Health in Singapore for guidance on medical costs and available healthcare services.
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pephivsexologist · 2 years ago
PEP Treatment near me, HIV Specialist Doctor in Delhi, PEP Treatment in Delhi
PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is a drug that helps people who have been exposed to HIV avoid becoming infected. PEP THERAPY should begin as soon as an HIV infection is suspected, which is usually within 72 hours. This is your best chance of avoiding HIV infection. For the best PEP treatment, contact Dr. Raina's Safe Hands Clinic or phone us at 9136363692 or 9871605858.
PEP When started as soon as possible (within 72 hours) after a probable HIV infection, PEP TREATMENT has a 98 percent success rate. For the past 22 years, Dr. Raina's Safe Hands clinic has been dedicated to making people happy, fit, and fulfilled. If you have HIV/AIDS, please contact Dr. Raina's Safe Hands Clinic or call us our clinic- 9136363692, 9871605858
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You can also book your appointment online for more info call 9136363692, 9871605858
visit our site:- https://www.pepforhivtreatment.com
Address: E-34, EKTA APARTMENT, Saket, Near Malviya Nagar Metro Station, New Delhi - 110017
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safehandsclinic2 · 2 years ago
Pep Treatment For HIV, PEP Treatment near me
PEP Treatment in Delhi, PEP should be started soon as possible within 72 hours. Timely appropriate intervention with PEP can avert systemic infection. If you think you were exposed to HIV, contact the HIV Specialist right away. Dr. Raina's Safe Hands clinic has been dedicated to making people happy, fit, and satisfied for the past 22 years.
PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is a medicine that prevents HIV infection in those who have been exposed to the virus. PEP TREATMENT should start as soon as an HIV infection is suspected, usually within 72 hours. This is your best chance to avoid contracting HIV. Contact Dr. Raina's Safe Hands Clinic or call us at 9136363692 or 9871605858 for the best PEP treatment.
You can also book your appointment online for more info call 9136363692, 9871605858
visit our site:-  https://www.pepforhivtreatment.com
Address: E-34, EKTA APARTMENT, Saket, Near Malviya Nagar Metro Station, New Delhi - 110017
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cripplecharacters · 1 month ago
Hi! I apologize if it's not 100% in your stands. I'm not sure where to ask. This isn't "can I write about X". I try to just think with others, if you may have advice?
I was thinking about writing a story, in which MC is HIV-positive.
The thing is. He dies in a part of the story, and then comes back with a new body. Which is very much "healing" trope.
Another thing I'm not sure about is that he was in sex work as a minor.
Problem: I don't want to stereotypical, or bring stigma.
Thing is, if I go this root:
It brings a whole new underlayer to his story.
1. He was a superhero as a teen (that's how he dies).
2. when he comes back, he's a crime lord. But very in helping people. It's important to me to add that he's funding PEP and PREP for sex workers, and an anonymous free clinic.
I know this can all be made by having a side character with HIV, but. I want to talk about it (and shame and stigma and life long implications of things).
Background: I'm not HIV-positive, but I do have an invisible disability, and was/am in sex work. We never see STDs in fiction or treatment (I know it's not the only way to transform HIV, I'm talking in general.)
Thank you ❤️
Hello, thank you for your ask! I don’t know how revival works in your story, but there are plenty of ways to bring him back without curing him! I’m assuming his ‘old’ body won’t be used, but what if his blood needed to be used to make the new body? You could also change it to make his previous body used to make the new one. He could even briefly go back to sex work to fund his plans and contract it again. There’s so little representation of HIV positive characters in media that I’d really love if your character didn’t magically stop having it.
The idea of a hero turning grey to support their morals isn’t an uncommon one, and I don’t think it would be necessarily bad! Just on the safe side I’d recommend adding morally good characters who are also HIV positive and making it clear his diagnosis wasn’t what caused his shift in morals.
I don’t believe having him be in sex work as a minor is stereotypical, especially if he was initially forced into this line of work. Just be very careful and respectful of writing about it, I’d recommend reading (non biographical) works from survivors to get an idea of how to respectfully discuss it if you don’t know anyone to ask.
Have a lovely day!
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julie-su · 10 months ago
It is spelt AIDS, which can be stylised to Aids - it is not a plural, it stands for Acquired Immune Deficciency Syndrome. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. You cannot transmit AIDS to somebody else. HIV is the one which is transmitted; AIDS comes as a result of untreated HIV. We have no cure for HIV, but we do have treatments.
It is very rare for somebody to become diagnosed with AIDS in today's modern world, as HIV treatment has gotten incredibly effective. PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) is taken within three days of exposure to the virus, and is an emergency measure which can stop the virus from taking hold. PEP is taken AFTER exposure. PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) reduces the chance of getting HIV by stopping the virus from replicating before it can take hold; you take it before risk of exposure. PrEP is taken BEFORE exposure. ART (Antiretroviral therapy) is taken by people living with HIV; it surpresses the virus, which stop the virus from replicating. This is taken every day, to try to make the Viral Load as low as possible - that is to have a low amount of HIV virus in your body. The end goal is for tests to come back negative - Undetectable equals Untransmittable (U=U) - if it cannot be detected by tests, it cannot me transmitted.
Go forth, spell it correctly. And donate to THT, whilst you're at it - THT is a wonderful organisation which offers HIV testing, post-HIV living advice, and does other important work for our wonderful community, such as their incredible non-judgemental chemsex support group.
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acelessthan3 · 2 years ago
I hate that post that's the screenshot of the tweets where the first one is like "What would you do if someone told you they were HIV positive after you had sex?" And the second one is like "Rush to the hospital to get PEP." because while it's very educational and knowing about treatment options is valuable, it strikes me as... very rude.
Like the first step should be a conversation with the partner who just disclosed their status to you. The window of effective treatment is fairly short (72hrs), but you also gotta evaluate if the activities and sex you partook in were high risk and things like whether or not your partner is taking meds or is already at an undetectable viral load.
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frogeyedape · 4 months ago
To put it in plain terms:
There is absolutely treatment available for HIV. In addition to preventative PrEP and PEP, there are *lots* of antiretroviral treatments (ARTs) available to treat HIV, including but not limited to Biktarvy (3 ARTs in 1 daily pill) and Cabenuva (2 ARTs, long acting injectable). HIV is not a death sentence. HIV transmission is preventable. HIV treatment exists & there is national funding to help you get ARTs if you're HIV positive (look up Ryan White).
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bestsexologistinindiasblog · 3 months ago
Pep Doctor in Delhi
PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) एक चिकित्सा उपचार है जो HIV संक्रमण के जोखिम को कम करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। यह उपचार एक संभावित HIV संक्रमण के बाद शुरू किया जाता है। यहां PEP की प्रक्रिया के सामान्य चरण दिए गए हैं:
संदेह और पहचान: PEP (पोस्ट एक्सपोजर प्रोफिलैक्सिस) तब उपयोग किया जाता है जब किसी व्यक्ति को HIV के संपर्क में आने का संदेह हो, जैसे कि असुरक्षित यौन संपर्क, संक्रमित सुई का उपयोग, या संक्रमित व्यक्ति के साथ संपर्क। दिल्ली में PEP उपचार (Pep Treatment in Delhi) के लिए विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर उपलब्ध हैं जो इस स्थिति से निपटने में मदद कर सकते हैं।
मूल्यांकन: एक स्वास्थ्य पेशेवर से संपर्क करने के बाद, व्यक्ति की स्थिति की पूरी तरह से जांच की जाती है। इसमें HIV संक्रमण का जोखिम और किसी भी अन्य स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं की पहचान शामिल है।
दवा की शुरूआत: PEP उपचार आमतौर पर HIV-रोधी दवाओं का एक संयोजन होता है। यह उपचार आमतौर पर 28 दिनों के लिए जारी रहता है और इसे चिकित्सा पेशेवर की सलाह के अनुसार लिया जाना चाहिए।
अनुवर्ती देखभाल: PEP के दौरान और बाद में नियमित परीक्षणों की आवश्यकता होती है। यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि दवा प्रभावी है और किसी भी संभावित साइड इफेक्ट्स की निगरानी की जाती है।
लाइफस्टाइल एडजस्टमेंट: PEP के दौरान और बाद में, व्यक्ति को स्वस्थ जीवनशैली बनाए रखने और HIV संक्रमण की रोकथाम के अन्य उपायों को अपनाने की सलाह दी जाती है।
PEP की शुरूआत आमतौर पर जोखिम के बाद 72 घंटे के भीतर करनी चाहिए। अगर आपको लगता है कि आप PEP के लिए योग्य हो सकते हैं, तो जल्दी से एक स्वास्थ्य पेशेवर से संपर्क करना महत्वपूर्ण है।
एचआईवी के खतरे से बचाव के लिए पीईपी (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) एक महत्वपूर्ण उपाय है। यदि किसी व्यक्ति को एचआईवी के जोखिम से प्रभावित होने का संदेह है, तो पीईपी उपचार 72 घंटों के भीतर शुरू किया जाना चाहिए। यह उपचार एचआईवी वायरस को शरीर में फैलने से रोकन��� के लिए डिजाइन किया गया है। यदि आप दिल्ली में पीईपी डॉक्टर (pep doctor in delhi) की खोज कर रहे हैं, तो डॉ रैना सेफ हैंड्स में संपर्क करे। एचआईवी से बचाव और उपचार के लिए सही और समय पर डॉ वनोद रैना की सलाह लें।
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vinod12raina · 2 years ago
Best HIV Treatment In India
His advantageous and energetic method toward his career has stored extra than lots of humans. He conducts CMEs (keep scientific education) and meetings on reasons for HIV / AIDS, Pep Treatment and Sexual Dysfunction remedy, and meal eating regimen nourishment often to educate & replace scientific specialists approximately the challenge and amplify his knowledge.
Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a systemic remedy wherein we will shop lifestyles of a affected person and assist him to save you from turning into HIV positive. Any feasible publicity if you want to cause HIV contamination along with sexual sex with intercourse employee and at some stage in that condom receives burst or having intimate rub down at rub down parlor; the man or woman is uncovered to direct touch which can cause the feasible publicity to HIV. And, any medical examiner who receives uncovered to any device prick like needle, cannula or some other sharp device at some stage in any surgical or dental methods or in case of drug abuse sufferers the publicity to needle pricks or kids gambling in playground uncovered to any mucus membrane wound publicity or at some stage in any bus, teach accident, the probabilities of infection can take place. This is feasible in case of sexual attack also.
In a majority of these cases, we will placed affected person on PEP remedy that is a gadget of drug treatments wherein we use minimal four anti-viral tablets for the remedy of HIV upto 28-30 days inside seventy two hours of feasible publicity. By the use of those tablets we will save you transmission of HIV as much as 98%. So you're advocated to begin PEP remedy as early as feasible with a view to shop yourself from getting HIV.
HIV is a completely risky disease. It ends in feasible disintegrate of the body`s immune gadget wherein CD3, CD4 and CD8 cells are decreased and viral load of HIV is elevated withinside the blood gadget with the aid of using which the gadget receives collapsed and affected person isn't capable of preserve his/her lifestyles for longer time period and it will become hard to survive.
Why do you need PEP TREATMENT ?
PEP(publish publicity prophylaxis) remedy is the handiest remedy to get prevention from HIV contamination because of viable publicity to HIV.
When should PEP Treatment be started ?
PEP TREATMENT must be began out inside the seventy two hours of viable publicity to HIV. The golden duration to save you you self from turning into HIV positive.
How a lot time required for crowning glory of the drug path of PEP ?
The time required for the whole route of drug remedy in PEP remedy is 28-30 days.
What all is blanketed in PEP TREATMENT ?
PEP TREATMENT consists of counseling, first useful resource care, testing, drug regime and ordinary follow-ups.
What is the achievement fee of PEP TREATMENT ?
The fulfillment fee of PEP TREATMENT is 98%,if began out as early as feasible (inside seventy two hours) after the feasible publicity to HIV infection.
PEP (put up publicity prophylaxis) is a remedy to save you, someone, from turning into HIV tremendously because of feasible publicity of HIV.
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a systemic remedy wherein we will shop the lifestyles of an affected person and assist him to save him from turning HIV positive. Any feasible publicity if you want to cause HIV contamination along with sexual sex with intercourse employee and at some stage in that condom receives burst or having an intimate rub down at rub-down parlor; the man or woman is uncovered to direct touch which can cause the feasible publicity to HIV. And, any medical examiner who receives uncovered any device prick like a needle, cannula, or some other sharp device at some stage in any surgical or dental methods or in case of drug abuse sufferers the publicity to needle pricks or kids gambling in playground uncovered to any mucus membrane wound publicity or at some stage in any bus, teach accident, the probabilities of infection can take place. This is feasible in case of sexual attack also.
In a majority of these cases, we will place the affected person on a PEP remedy which is a gadget of drug treatments wherein we use a minimum of four anti-viral tablets for the remedy of HIV upto 28-30 days within seventy-two hours of feasible publicity. By the use of those tablets, we will save you transmission of HIV as much as 98%. So you're advocating to begin PEP remedy as early as feasible with a view to stopping yourself from getting HIV.
HIV is a completely risky disease. It ends in the feasible disintegration of the body`s immune gadget wherein CD3, CD4, and CD8 cells are decreased and viral load of HIV is elevated withinside the blood gadget with the aid of using which the gadget receives collapsed and the affected person isn't capable of preserving his/her lifestyles for the longer time period and it will become hard to survive.
Why do you need PEP TREATMENT?
PEP(publish publicity prophylaxis) remedy is the handiest remedy to get prevention from HIV contamination because of the viable publicity of HIV.
2. When should PEP Treatment be started?
PEP TREATMENT must be begun within seventy-two hours of viable publicity of HIV. The golden duration to save yourself from turning HIV positive.
3. How a lot of time is required for the crowning glory of the drug path of PEP?
The time required for the whole route of drug remedy in PEP remedy is 28-30 days.
4. What all is blanketed in PEP TREATMENT?
PEP TREATMENT consists of counseling, first useful resource care, testing, drug regime, and ordinary follow-ups.
5. What is the achievement fee for PEP TREATMENT?
The fulfillment fee of PEP TREATMENT is 98% if began out as early as feasible (inside seventy-two hours) after the feasible publicity of HIV infection.
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crosstreetmedical · 1 year ago
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How much is HIV / PEP Treatment cost in Singapore? 
To get accurate and up-to-date information about the cost of HIV/PEP treatment in Singapore, we recommend contacting healthcare providers or clinics directly or checking with the Ministry of Health in Singapore for any available resources or assistance programs.
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 5 months ago
Everyone (not just mlms) should learn the basics about modern HIV treatment and prevention, including relatively recent developments like PEP and PrEP and what it means to be "undetectable."
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It has been amazing to see how aids has been controlled, definitely a win for humanity
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newspatrolling · 5 days ago
Stocks under Rs 100
 There are several stocks under $100 that are well-regarded or commonly followed by investors. Here are a few companies across different sectors that often have share prices in this range, though prices can vary:1. Technology SectorCisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO) - Known for networking and IT solutions.HP Inc. (HPQ) - A major player in personal computing and printing solutions.Intel Corporation (INTC) - A top name in semiconductor manufacturing.2. Financial SectorBank of America Corp (BAC) - One of the largest banks in the U.S., often trading under $100.Morgan Stanley (MS) - Major global financial services firm, known for wealth management.3. Automobile and EV SectorFord Motor Company (F) - A legacy automaker with growing interests in electric vehicles.NIO Inc. (NIO) - An electric vehicle maker in China, a competitor to Tesla in the Chinese market.4. Consumer GoodsCoca-Cola (KO) - A classic brand with steady performance and reliable dividends.PepsiCo (PEP) - Another household name with a diverse portfolio in snacks and beverages.5. Healthcare SectorPfizer Inc. (PFE) - A pharmaceutical giant, also involved in COVID-19 vaccine production.Gilead Sciences, Inc. (GILD) - Known for its treatments for viral infections, including HIV and Hepatitis.6. Energy SectorExxon Mobil (XOM) - One of the largest publicly traded oil and gas companies.Occidental Petroleum Corporation (OXY) - An American company in oil and gas exploration and production.These stocks generally appeal to investors due to their established market presence, dividend options, and stability. However, always consider your investment goals and risk tolerance, and perhaps research current stock performance or consult financial advice for updated informationsource : newspatrolling.com
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ispeaksforthetrees · 3 months ago
My mom has worked in HIV advocacy for decades - which means that as a child, I knew a weird amount about the HIV epidemic, and I'm a fairly well-informed adult about HIV. Here is some health-oriented information about HIV from HIV.gov and my mom:
HIV is transmissible through bodily fluids (blood, semen, vaginal fluid). Physical barriers like condoms and dental dams are effective in preventing the spread of HIV. This is the reason that free condoms became so standard.
Because HIV can spread through blood ALWAYS wear gloves when administering first aid if there is bleeding of any kind (This is good practice anyway).
HIV can also spread through dirty needles for drug use. If possible always use clean needles - needle exchange programs are becoming more available across the USA. I can't speak for other countries. https://americanaddictioncenters.org/harm-reduction/needle-exchange
If you are HIV negative, there are medications, PrEP - pre-exposure prophylaxis or PEP post-exposure prophylaxis, that will further prevent the spread. When taken properly these drugs are extremely effective at preventing transmission. Particularly when used in combination with physical barriers.
If you are HIV positive there are miracle drugs (known as antiretroviral therapy or ART) that - when taken properly - can make your viral load so low you can't spread it to your partners and make it so you can live a long and healthy life. There are advancements and improvements to ART every year.
Please get regular STI screenings.
There are some things that put you at a higher risk for HIV transmission. These include intravenous drug use, sex with multiple partners, unprotected sex, and anal sex. If you engage in these activities, talk to a healthcare provider about accessing PrEP. NOTE: there is NOTHING wrong with engaging in these behaviors - it is not about morality it is about health.
There is no such thing as a 'moral disease' - sometimes people get sick. Sex is a normal (and enjoyable) human activity with some risk factors, but we have tools to mitigate those risk factors. I wear good shoes when I go running to mitigate potential injuries, I wear a mask to mitigate my COVID risk, and I use protection when I have sex to mitigate the risk of STIs. It's all the same.
HIV is not some fantasy curse - it is a chronic health condition. It can be treated and managed. It isn't something to take lightly, but it isn't a signifier of your morality, your humanity, or your worth.
The fact that there are now treatments that can allow people to live their lives as they wish and still protect themselves against a terrible disease is nothing short of a miracle. It's GOOD that people use ART, PrEP, and PEP to have active and fulfilling sex lives. It's GOOD that people can have big gay orgies and still be protected against STIs. It's AMAZING that people with HIV can live long, healthy lives. It's even better that they can have safe and active sex lives should they want to.
My mom would want me to finish this by saying - if you don't have anyone in your corner or are experiencing any kind of backlash due to your HIV status - you have her support (and mine). She will embrace you with open arms and you'll leave with enough baked ziti to feed you for a week. You are loved, you are important, and we're so happy you're here with us.
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abstension-only education has got my generation cooked i swear to god
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