butdaddyilovehimmm · 11 days
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rob-pattinson · 9 months
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JEREMY ALLEN WHITE 2024 | Mert Alas ph. for Calvin Klein Underwear Spring 2024 Campaign
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basofy · 1 year
some of my 'deepest' (to put it that way) arts in general but mainly lisa i havent had the will to post them here yet, i think there is such a big number of feelings in them that it's hard to allow them to be subjected to likes and reblogs and what people make of them, but i also want people to see whats in my brain enough to make me draw these things, i also want them to be treasured somewhere other than my folder
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skinnib1txh · 8 months
I need to find more active people on here omg
so like, repost or smth idk if you're active 2024 idk just feels like everyone d1ed/disappeared again
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Ooc- I put the tw- de@th mention on purpose. Make sure people know who d1ed :)
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Rufioh Nitram, Horuss Zahhak
Act 6, page 5398
RUFIOH: yo yo, horuss my gangsta, how you feel?
RUFIOH: can 1 get a way gentle f1st bump from my boy? heh, yeah... just l1ke that... f*ck yes.
#actually that st1ll k1nda hurt...
RUFIOH: anyway 1've been mean1ng to talk to you about someth1ng... someth1ng uh... pretty 1mportant.
RUFIOH: about us and the future and all that... you got a m1nute?
RUFIOH: ok, cool. so... d*mn... where do 1 even start...
RUFIOH: you know we've had noth1ng but good t1mes together... 1t's been the bomb.
RUFIOH: well, maybe not everyth1ng... sh*t got d1cey at the start... w1th my crazy ex and... yeah. that's not the po1nt.
RUFIOH: remember the way you used to be... before you all started be1ng 1nterested 1n me... man you thought 1 sucked! haha, just another lowblood not worth your t1me.
RUFIOH: you were so p1ssed at people l1ke me and damara... so angry, damn. sh*t was scary... and damara... she used to be n1ce as can be... dunno what happened there. talk about a personal1ty sw1tch... for both of ya...
RUFIOH: but then for whatever reason... 1 guess you wanted to reach out to me? 1 mean... 1n secret, 1 know. you d1dn't want to be all shamed out of your h1ghbrow CIP club, 1 could always d1g that. 1 understood, you know?
RUFIOH: so you came to my woods... never told anybody... we hung out. that meant a lot to me. 1 want you to know that.
RUFIOH: people always had crazy 1deas about me. l1ke 1 was th1s brave adventure guy all up 1n th1s forest be1ng a bad*ss and sh*t. people l1ke... they always wanted to be w1th me, or... maybe even wanted to BE me? 1t was all k1nd of whack... even damara when we were go1ng out d1dn't really get me, 1 th1nk... she put me on th1s pedestal, 1 mean, back before she snapped.
RUFIOH: but you saw me for who 1 was. wh1ch was... not a perfect guy.
RUFIOH: l1ke, 1 wasn't really sure about myself, and you saw that... so you actually helped me.
RUFIOH: when we were 1n the woods together, you taught me to f1ght... taught me to fly... taught me to crow!
RUFIOH: well, not l1terally. 1 mean... 1 knew how to do those th1ngs. 1 knew techn1cally how to flap my w1ngs and fly through the a1r. 1 knew how to say "bangarang" all loud 1f 1 really wanted to... but that was the th1ng. 1 was scared! 1 was scared of fly1ng and fall1ng... 1 was scared of f1ght1ng and fa1l1ng... and 1 was scared of crow1ng and... sound1ng l1ke a f***1ng 1d1ot 1 guess! lol...
RUFIOH: but you helped me not be so scared, or self consc1ous maybe... you just helped me be myself. l1ke... to just be ok w1th not be1ng perfect, or l1v1ng up to whatever people th1nk 1 should be.
RUFIOH: maybe 1t's just nostalg1a... there was someth1ng better about those t1mes... just you and me ch1ll1ng 1n the woods. but then we entered the game.
RUFIOH: and for some reason... st1ll don't know why... damara just started go1ng a l1ttle more nuts every day... gett1ng more and more jealous when she knew we were hang1ng out...
RUFIOH: then she found out 1t was more than just hang1ng out... and 1 guess the rest was h1story.
RUFIOH: and yada yada... then we all d1ed... and we been together ever s1nce. all th1s t1me as ghosts...
RUFIOH: wh1ch 1s... a long t1me, you know?
RUFIOH: and 1'll always be grateful for what we had together... but... 1 guess people change.
RUFIOH: even as ghosts, they change, 1f you g1ve em long enough... they start want1ng d1fferent th1ngs...
RUFIOH: aw man! 1'm go1ng about th1s all wrong... say1ng way too much, but not what 1 want to say... sh*t, haha.
RUFIOH: 1 should just use the bravery you helped me understand 1 always had, and just say 1t...
RUFIOH: 1 th1nk we should break up.
RUFIOH: uh...
RUFIOH: you ok, bro?
HORUSS: 8=D < Oh! I'm sorry, what did you say?
HORUSS: 8=D < My ear valves filled up with sweat, and I didn't catch most of that.
HORUSS: 8=D < Hey, why don't we participate in an enjoyable activity together later, as romantic afterlife partners? We could play one of those foreign card games you seem to like. What's that one called again? Fiddlespoon?
RUFIOH: um. yeah... we can do that... 1 guess. that sounds... uh... dope.
HORUSS: 8=D < I know I'm not the best partner to share your e%otic and somewhat childish interests with, but I do my best to try to understand them and enjoy them with you. The most important thing is that we spend time together, and maintain a STRONG relationship.
RUFIOH: bangarang.
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blackmetalstar · 5 months
it makes me so sad when people want to look like…unhealthily skinny. Like im underweight and hate my body, and whenever someone tells me they wish I had my body it breaks my heart. Like no you dont. I may be a little better now, but back when I was malnourished and quite literally dying, people would come up and be like “id kill to have ur body”. Then i got hospitalized and almost d1ed from organ failure. It just…makes me so sad. Its fucking hell being this thin. like i am DESPERATELY trying to gain weight. its something ive wanted for years now but I have ARFID and it makes things so difficult. idk, im ranting bc ive been coming across thinsp0 and pr0ana blogs and its been triggering me. I think i need to make a DNI section in my pinned post.
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genderless-nymph · 5 months
Tw: st@bbing , mention of g/n sh0ts, mention of d3ath, traumatic event, just scary
Yesterday I saw shit I wish I didn't
I was at work and one of the rarest shit happened, there was a mass st4bbing
There is never shit like this in Australia
I didn't see everything but I saw one of the victims and the killer himself
I wish I hadn't looked when I heard the screams
There were gun shots
We all went into lock down
We later evacuated while police were yelling at us to run out of the exit
I am safe and everyone I know is safe
The poor families that were affected by this in a worse way than I have been
9 people were st@bbed and 5 of them d1ed
I hope the women I saw wasn't one of the dead
I hope the families get all the support they need during this
Anyways sorry this is a dump of dark stuff
It's not my usual post and I won't be posting about this further I just am still in shock and I needed to get this off my chest
If any of you are from Australia or affected by this in anyway my heart goes out to you and I hope you are ok
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I think instead of people censoring things by sayings “k1ll3d” or “d1ed” they should start saying stuff liked “untimely demise” and “no longer graced with their presence” and “cease to be” it’s time we return to our old ways I think
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themonotonysyndrome · 8 months
What do you think would happen if Lord Reyes d1ed?
The baroness would be really sad,but would Castin be too? Would he understand her? Or would she be THAT sad,that he would still question if she loves Reyes more than him?
And what about Lilia? Castin would have 2 people he loves be sad about some guy that tried to steal his wife 2 years ago
Ooooh, you're looking for drama first thing in the morning, Anon. I LOVE IT DSNJKFNDKFN! Also, you don't have to censor words in this crack den. I can take it.
Hmm... so what happens if Lord Reyes dies? I think it depends:
Let's say something happened to him after Castin's Chapter 2, then not only will the Baroness be inconsolable, Castin will be sad at the lost opportunity of making a new friend. They were set to be the most interesting pair of friends after the three of them clear the air.
If it was BEFORE Castin's Chapter 2, then Castin is gonna super jealous also helpless and hate himself for now harbouring doubt that his own wife loves another man. A dead man in fact. I think trust between him and the Baroness are gonna be fragile unless one of them addresses the elephant in the room. Which gonna be awkward since the elephant, is uh, dead and it's hard to get closure from it.
It also depends for Lilia's case! But if she already caught feelings for Lord Reyes before his death then... damn, Castin. You really gonna be competing with a corpse now?
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lenteur · 11 months
random thoughts about strong girl nam soon, episode five (pt 2)
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
We got the replica of the ahn min hyuk squealing and kicking his feet like a school girl but this time it's nam soon. I find it endearing because it's like seeing a little child falling in love for the first time. She has this genuine look of joy and excitement in her eyes.
The actress playing Ri hwa ja being so good at her job she should get paid even more. I want her to face the consequences of her actions.
Interesting how everyone in the family wants ri hwa ja to pay for her crimes but hwang geum ju is the only one defending her because she believes hwa ja was desperate for a mom. She saw it in nam soon's imposter's eyes. I wonder if it was an act or if she really wanted to have someone to rely on instead of using all means to earn money. Hwa ja does seem desperate for money. I don't remember if it was said or not but she does come from a poor (in terms of money) background so she must have hustled her whole life to get to where she is.
Also the reason she hates nam soon is because she was on the verge of earning A LOT of money and, in the blink of an eye, the money disappeared. Even though i despise her for wanting to kill an innocent woman, I do understand the struggles of not having a lot of money to live a comfortable life. If she got the money before the real nam soon reuniting with her mom, i think she would have lived her life by herself and left like that.
With that said, it doesn't mean ri hwa ja isn't a bad person because she used manipulation and lies to get to where she is. The most horrible part is her manipulating hwang geum ju by giving her the illusion she finally reunited with her daughter after 20 years of being apart. I don't know I'm very torn on her. She's a bad person, let's all agree on that. But i do believe her financial situation plays a big part on why she's behaving that way.
I've said in a previous episode how hwang geum ju seemed to be empathetic because she wanted her daughter back and i was wondering if she'll continue to have empathy for others after she found nam soon. Well, this scene gave me the answer. She's understanding. She knows not everyone is born with a lot of money and she wants to help others as much as she can. She's even extending her hand to ri hwa ja, even though the latter played with her feelings and lied to her. Hwang geum ju's motto is shown in this scene: make the world a better place.
Bread song making poses by the window = cringe but also hilarious. Gives him the image of a newbie ceo, not really knowing how to act with his new acquired wealth. I was wrong, he's just a freak and it's making as uncomfortable as hwang geum ju is right now.
Nice to see some more info on hwa ja's background. An orphan and a gang leader training orphans to do dirty job for him. She's the only woman in the group. That means she's strong and talented at what she does. But it does explain a lot of things and I can understand her better.
The grandma is hilarious in her quest to get her future boyfriend. I just can't get enough of her.
The plot thickens and someone is giving nam in the dr*g without him knowing. It's disguised as a weight loss pill. I hope he doesn't use it but shows it to nam soon or hee sik so they can move quicker on the case.
I see the dr*g gives strength to those who took it but then they d1e right away, which begs the question: what is different about ryu si o that makes him survive when all the other people who took the dr*g d1ed a few days/weeks after?
Interestingly enough nam soon's first thought when meeting the villain (she doesn't know it's him) is to ask him if he's sick. She is worried about him. She really is a good person.
She needs to talk about this to hee sik, tell him how she found someone with superhuman strength just like her.
I see the dr*g doesn't have the same effect on everyone. Some take longer to d1e. The only side effect is the excessive consumption of water. The chief of the diu team is taking a lot longer than the other victims to d1e. Maybe he'll be the one to survive until the end and a guinea pig (ie they'll experiment on him) to find an antidote?
Ooohooo the plot thickens! Nam soon is finally face to face with her impostor. But i don't think she's seen her face so i don't think she'll recognize her.
So happy to see hee sik back on the case.
The next episode seems promising.
I'll give this episode a 10/10 because it gave us a little bit of everything without revealing too much so us spectators want to tune in for the next episode.
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cherrypeaking · 1 year
Cherry!!! I think it's time for me to stop loving him because I think it's unhealthy😭😭😭😭😭 like wtf Kang Taehyun what about my mental health?????????????????????????????????????????????
People (me) d1ed kang taehyun
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we all died i think omg why is he so hot… so many smut ideas are piling in my head 😭😭😭
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narutobad · 1 year
okok so like. i'm a multishipper (i'm in fucking hell) and i like sasunaru, sasunarusaku, sakuino and a whole bunch of unrelated ships. i wanted to ask u who seems normal enough (for this fandom) is like. your appeal to narusaku solely in the formation of sasunarusaku or do you like them on their own (as a couple in specific). follow up is do you prefer tham as a pair of besties if sasuke isn't with either of them. also i have to say the rookie nine is something that can be such a nightmare polycule from fucking hell
aw why would you be in hell for being a multishipper in the naruto fandom, it's the most fun a gal can have. people are so creative, the content is so good
i laughed out loud at your 'seems normal enough (for this fandom)' LMAO WELL that's a huge compliment, thanks!
i've actually thought about this a lot. i find sasusaku and sasunaru such fascinating dynamics and adore the three of them together as a throuple, it's all of the insanity combined.
narusaku however
they love each other so fucking much it hurts my heart. don't get me wrong, naruto and sakura are plenty unhinged themselves but i feel like sasuke brings a certain edge to it, and i can't really see narusaku by themselves without sasuke there.
UNLESS (i'm evil) sasuke d1ed and that all consuming grief got them together. they would go insane together. actually if anyone has a fic rec for this, um link me please
like, if sasuke isn't with sakura or naruto or both he has to be d3ad cause that boy isn't getting with anyone else ok.
it's not that i don't like narusaku by themselves i think they're adorable but idk again, the edge that sasuke brings to the table is what makes it interesting to me personally.
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soundlesscore · 21 days
Vent./// Tw// sensitive topics and politics.
I might drop a vent here because I had bad experience in the past within reddit, reddit is a shitty place filled with toxic people which is not worth it to come here at least there's supportive people who help me in there. Im glad reddit is banning z10n accounts who harass pro-🍉s. I've dealt with this shit many z10ns accuse me of mUrderer, k1dnapp1ng, r@pe and etc like bro I don't live in g@z@ Idk what's happening in there I just support 🍉 just because there's innocent people who can't access to water, electricity, food, housing and etc. isr@elis live in peace in isr@el while 🍉s fear for their lives and trying to escape g@z@ and yet they have no money to escape. these z10n mfs don't understand 🍉s situation in g@z@. also z10n feminists annoys me, like why u don't care about 🍉s women who can't access to healthcare to get treated bcs of pregnancy? Why you don't care women grieving for their children when their children d1ed? what do you think about 🍉s women are dying? its sad many women mock other women who suffers from g3n0cide, misogyny is so normalized in centuries what the fuck. you z10n feminists also don't give a fuck about other women who support other women, you're indeed an fucking misogynist who don't give a fuck about 🍉s women make up your own mind wtf. you're not an feminist if you don't care about 🍉s women. and they accuse me of being a "muslim" while I'm not, they're so stupid there's many non-muslims supports 🍉 than muslims. they forget z10n muslims exist, what the actual fuck they're so brainless supporting 🍉 doesn't mean you're muslim it means you're human, inhumane beings.
I'm glad I pick up resources that are useful and refutable about z10n1sm there's many ex-z10ns who know this stupid ideology is bullsh1t. jews being indigenous to the land is a fundamental lie in the face of z!0n1sm.
and now I don't talk about this stuff anymore, because stupid z10ns silence us and make many assumptions as much as they can about pro-🍉. this topic is so stressful, b0mbing ppl is not democracy its fascism.
now i need to rest from this bullsh!t. dogdamn.
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Rufioh Nitram, Meenah Peixes
Act 6, page 5398
RUFIOH: d*mn... thank god 1 got my lusus back... dunno what 1'd do w1thout the l1ttle guy!
MEENAH: is he even uh
MEENAH: "reel"
MEENAH: ya know
MEENAH: like the ghost of your actual lusus or
RUFIOH: er... know what? not sure, doll!
RUFIOH: he could just be a memory f1gment or someth1ng l1ke that. or maybe he's really h1s ghost...
RUFIOH: when damara acc1dentally dropped a hunger trunk on h1m way back... crushed h1s l1ttle body... 1 always dreamed 1 m1ght meet up w1th h1m aga1n 1n the afterl1fe.
RUFIOH: so when 1 found h1m here... guess 1 d1dn't th1nk about 1t much? 1 was just happy to see h1m.
RUFIOH: he 1s my happy thought after all. 1 can't really br1ng myself to do much w1thout h1m... l1ke fly... f1ght... crow...
#you know... the bas1cs?
MEENAH: truth
RUFIOH: 1 remember when 1 was young... just a l1ttle runt out there try1ng to make 1t 1n the world... people would look at me funny cause my w1ngs were grow1ng 1n, and that really freaked people out yo!
RUFIOH: so 1 got way self consc1ous and d1dn't feel at home out there... w1th everybody eye1ng me up l1ke that...
RUFIOH: so one n1ght my lusus led me 1nto the woods...
RUFIOH: and 1 found th1s whole baller v1llage of f***ck1n tree houses and rope ladders and 1 was l1ke D*MN!
#shouted bangarang SO LOUD you don't even KNOW!
RUFIOH: that's when 1 became an off1c1al member of the lost weeaboos.
MEENAH: hey ok so...
MEENAH: can we not actually talk about the lost weeaboos
MEENAH: can that just be not a conversation we have
RUFIOH: uh...
MEENAH: ruf listen your storys cool but theres some junk thats just so silly i cant even try to abide
RUFIOH: yeah 1 guess... heh.
RUFIOH: but anyway, they were my boys... a better posse you couldn't hope to ch1ll w1th, k1ck the sh*t on troll an1me... all that.
MEENAH: aw fer glub sake
RUFIOH: f1rst bumped 1nto damara out there... crazy t1mes!
RUFIOH: 1 th1nk those were format1ve sweeps for me... learned to love a lotta th1ngs 1 st1ll do to th1s day.
RUFIOH: between you and me... 1 m1ss the days 1 could just jam w1th her about troll an1me... but now... you know how 1t 1s...
MEENAH: ok why do you stinkin nerds insist on calling it troll anime
MEENAH: i gotta ask
MEENAH: dont you realize prefacing anything with 'troll' inside the context a troll culture is redundant as fuck
MEENAH: why dont you just call them cartoons
RUFIOH: yeah... 1 d1g that. never thought about that... huh.
RUFIOH: 1t's ok, 1 get that the stuff 1 l1ke 1sn't for everyone.
RUFIOH: people say 1t's just for w1gglers... and 1 k1nd of assumed one day 1'd grow out of 1t, but guess 1 never d1d?
RUFIOH: then aga1n... we all d1ed... and now we really are all young forever...
RUFIOH: just l1ke the prophecy of the lost weeaboos sa1d...
RUFIOH: whoa spooky... 1 always thought that was a load of bs!!!
MEENAH: whoops you just said lost weeaboos again thus failing the conversation
MEENAH: in the immortal hand gestured words of the late great meulin leijon:
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faverinfairy444 · 11 months
not people talkin bout yeah i moved on after loving passionately, intensely, why are u lying to yourself? then it wasnt it, lol theres no such thing as getting your shit together in a few months and pretending nothing ever happened when you could've d1ed for this person aaah
no no
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