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दीक्षांत समारोह 2020 : PDPU के दीक्षांत समारोह को संबोधित करेंगे पीएम मोदी
नई दिल्ली : देश के गुजरात गांधीनगर में स्थिति पंडित दीनदयाल पेट्रोलियम यूनिवर्सिटी के दीक्षांत समारोह में आज प्रधानमंत्री वीडियो कॉन्फ़्रेंसिंग के जरिये शामिल होंगे |आपको बता दें कि इस बार कोरोना के चलते प्रधानमंत्री इस दीक्षांत समारोह में वीडियो कॉन्फेरेंसिंग के माध्यम से हिस्सा लेंगे। इस संबंध में पीएम ने ट्वीट कर जानकारी साझा की है। प्रधानमंत्री ने अपने ट्वीट में लिखा है कि 21 नवंबर को सुबह 11 बजे, मैं पीडीपीयू, गांधीनगर के दीक्षांत समारोह को संबोधित करूंगा। बता दें कि प्रधानमंत्री के द्वारा वर्चुअल रूप से पीडीपीयू में अनुसंधान, नवाचार और सीखने को बढ़ावा देने वाले विभिन्न केंद्रों उद्घाटन किया जाना है।
यूपी : कोरोना के चलते हापुड़ के गढ़मुक्तेशवर में लगने वाले कार्तिक मेले पर रोक
बता दें कि इस दीक्षांत समारोह के दौरान, प्रधानमंत्री विश्वविद्यालय में ‘मोनोक्रिस्टलाइन सोलर फोटो वोल्टाइक पैनल’ और ‘सेंटर ऑफ एक्सीलेंस ऑन वॉटर टेक्नोलॉजी’ के 45 मेगावाट के उत्पादन संयंत्र की आधारशिला रखेंगे। इसके साथ ही, प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी विश्वविद्यालय में ‘इनोवेशन एंड इनक्यूबेशन सेंटर का उद्घाटन करेंगे। प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार, लगभग 2,600 स्टूडेंट्स इस दीक्षांत समारोह में अपनी संबंधित डिग्री / डिप्लोमा प्राप्त करेंगे।
21 नवंबर राशिफल, जानें कैसा रहेगा आपका भाग्यफल ….
बता दें कि पंडित दीनदयाल पेट्रोलियम यूनिवर्सिटी (PDPU) 4 अप्रैल, 2007 को लागू किए गए राज्य अधिनियम के माध्यम से एक निजी विश्वविद्यालय के रूप में स्थापित किया गया था। जो विज्ञान, प्रौद्योगिकी, प्रबंधन और मानविकी के क्षेत्र ���ें कार्यक्रम प्रदान करता है।
https://kisansatta.com/convocation-2020-pm-modi-to-address-pdpu-convocation/ #PDPU, #Gandhinagat, #Petroleumuniversity, #Pmoindia, #Gujarat, #Modi, #Pm ##PDPU, #gandhinagat, #petroleumuniversity, #pmoindia, Gujarat, modi, pm National, Top, Trending #National, #Top, #Trending KISAN SATTA - सच का संकल्प
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Hats off? Not just yet, say PDPU students who want a real convocation
Hats off? Not just yet, say PDPU students who want a real convocation
PDPU prepares for virtual convocation of 2,600 students of 2015 batch. Students write to authorities reminding them of hefty convocation fee charged, say they are ready to wait out Covid pandemic to take part in physical ceremony; varsity ready to refund amount After long days and even longer nights of studying, the Class of 2019 at Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University were eagerly looking…
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PDPU Recruitment 2020, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University Jobs
PDPU Recruitment 2020, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University Jobs
Junior Research Fellow (BE/B.Tech/ME/M.Tech/CSIR-NET/GATE) (CLOSED) in Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University – PDPU Recruitment
Recruitment For
Junior Research Fellow (BE/B.Tech/ME/M.Tech/CSIR-NET/GATE) (CLOSED)
Minimum Salary
Please check with the concern authority or website
Last Date
PDPU, Raisan Village, , Gandhinagar , Gujarat 382007
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PDPU Recruitment 2019 for various posts
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU) Recruitment For various posts, it has published an Advertisement for Posts 2019. You can see more information about this Job specification concerning about No. of posts, the name of post, Educational capability, Age limit, Selection process, How to apply and so many more... Or you can visit the official Advertisement and other important information about this recruitment.
#pdpu#edii#msubaroda#aiim#OjasLatest#nirmauniversity#karnavatiuniversity#gandhinagar#gandhinagardiaries#OJASrecruitment 2019
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School of Technology, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
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@_kaneekasuneja_ is so considerate that she's even willing to sacrifice half her face in a picture just to give others enough space 😂 #khudkitaareefmeinmaahirunlikeaashilwhocoverstheentireeffinphoto #longhashtags #sls #pdpu (at School of Liberal Studies, Gandhinagar)
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Going Ape-Ishh-Crazy on campus. #DarkieKoIndia #AIESEC #PDPU #Ahmedabad #ig_gujrat #gujrat
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#sonu #nigam #pdpu #pronite #flare2015 @cutest_boo (at Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University)
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The Friendship Doll
I'm not surprised by the people who leave, but i'm surprised by the people who stay. Those are the people i call "friends". Well, these are the last few days of my college and I don't mind letting my emotions out. It has been a wonderful time all the while and I am surely gonna miss this place.This are just a few words i put forward to you all people out there who are still with me.
"What happened to romance? soppy and sappy long love letters." This things are not valid when you are in engineering. All the years just waiting for that moment to talk to a single girl , and its difficult when you have other 30 people competing you in it. But instead of competition they just become the best buddies. This is what friendship is. Starts from a very different node and its never cease to end.We are those friends that we just don't blow off each other and stand all the while together to finish the problem.
Leaving the college will surly make up a hole in my chest.No matter how bad you gonna curse it, but finally you are surly gonna miss those memories of the best time of your life. We shall forget what we told each other, forget what we did but we all wont forget what it made us feel.Out of all the big and small "ships" we had, the best will always be friendship. I am now thankful for all the mess i have to clean after a party , because i can say i have been surrounded by friends. Those friends are what you will be all the life now because those are the people who will make you what you really are now. Staying with them all the time makes them your family and i can say that family is one awesome bunch of people.
We all wished to make good friends here , but it took us all four years to finally ripe this fruit. We all might not be there all the time , but when the time needed we all came together and proved it. All of us are half-cracked eggs , but friends come together to complete that egg. Friendship is not a big thing , it just a million little things that we have created during this time.
A Last thing i like to say to all of you out there , "Every Blondie needs a brownie by her side." Cheers to all the great times we had, and hope it this smile stays with you all. ~bigmb
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