#PAM MY LOVE 🥹 i love their friendship
aurorangen · 3 months
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Meeting new friends, making new memories
[What was primary school like for me? Nothing exciting really. I loved learning new stuff. I did well in tests. I was a star student to the teachers. But one thing that stood out: I never really fitted in with the other kids]
[Most of the kids ran around during break time. I got tired easily and didn't like those games. Boys thought I was boring and girls thought I was weird for wanting to hang out with them. Thinking back, kids are funny, aren't they? My confidence dropped a lot and I was known as the quiet kid at the time]
[I told myself it was ok to be on my own. I could do whatever I wanted to do and no one would disturb me. However seeing everyone with their friends, I wished I had someone to talk to as well. Then I met Pam]
[Pam moved here from Thailand and her English wasn't the best. It was hard for her to make friends too. She hung out with some girls and followed them around, but she looked uncomfortable whenever I saw her with them. One day I went up to her and introduced myself. I'm glad I had the courage that day]
Vincent: Hi, I'm Vincent. Pam: Hi…my name is Pam [gives a small smile] Vincent: Do you want to play with me?
[We quickly became best friends and we still are to this day]
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