smolsammichowo · 1 year
- Title is still on Orange Cassidy (the match was super fun to watch, also yay :D ) 
- Its a title belt for anyone across the world to fight
- .... their biggest payperview is gonna be in the UK ..
- the person he formerly won it from is in the UK
- Said guy has pretty much been training & in other wrestling companys for his return
In conclussion Orange Cassidy needs to cancel his flight to the UK for All In when the time comes because I’m 75% sure a certain Bastard is gonna turn him into Orange Juice . 
That or he’s just gonna unlock another %2 percent of his power or something from the %3 percent he uses in his matches lmao 
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brothersgrim · 6 years
what are your character’s major flaws? - for both
crucial muse development questions. || Accepting
They both share the sin of wrath. These boys have got a helluva temper behind them. It’s best not to tick them off. They’re also amazing at holding grudges. Forgive and forget? Not in this house. Resent and Remember ‘til they die, and then some time ever after. They’re aggressive, sadistic, and they can be cruel beyond reason if they think you’ve slighted them. (Emphasis on ‘think’. There’s been times they’ve doggedly hunted down the wrong guy, and turned around to beat someone else with little to no remorse upon being corrected.) They never play to get even, to put it simply. They play to win. Either they ruin you in whatever way they think is appropriate, or they’re not done yet.
Taker’s prideful. He takes it to an almost absurd degree, too. You can see this in ABA’s heel run, and in Taker’s early tag with Big Show: The man knows he’s made a name for himself, and, if he’s not being treated with what he thinks is adequate respect, he can get really ticked off. He’ll make a point of people knowing what they did wrong, and what happens if they do it again. He’s not above calling you out and knocking you down a few pegs right in the middle of the ring, if he thinks that’ll put you in your place. Most dead men tell no tales; This one takes no shit. 
Kane has the opposite problem. He has issues standing up for himself, especially early on. It’s something he works on, but there’s a lot of time he just lets himself get treated like dirt for a number of reasons. Sometimes, it’s because Paul’s his father, but, more importantly, the only person who seemed to care he was alive for twenty years. Sometimes it’s because X-Pac’s the first friend he’s had since he was ten. Sometimes it’s because Tori’s the first person he ever loved. Sometimes it’s because if he doesn’t, Vince will have him locked away again. He’s put up with so goddamn much, and though there’s always eventually a time when he finally draws the line, it’s never as soon as it should be. 
Taker almost never opens up to people or lets them close; Kane has difficulty recognizing signs of people he should keep away. Kane grows into his trust issues down the line, but there are still a few people who could manipulate him pretty easily, if they wanted to. They have really weird loyalty complexes, especially towards each other. Kane’s in a middle-ground of recovery where he recognizes his trauma as nightmarish and horrid but will discuss it as openly and casually as the weather. Taker pretends his doesn’t exist. Neither of them really treat their own mortality with the respect they should. They don’t talk about the past - or, at least, not with each other, and they probably need to. They’ve both completely forgotten their mama’s lessons about keeping their magic under wraps. They can both get clingy and even borderline possessive of people they think of as ‘theirs’, and while they’re both very protective Taker takes it to an especially extreme degree - You better not even touch his family unless he approves of you. Otherwise, he will fight you. Kane does not like sharing his kitchen space. Though they can both forget to take care of themselves, Kane’s especially bad at it, and big brother (Or Paul, or whoever)’s gotta remind him, sometimes. (Speaking of Paul, they keep forgiving him. It never works out.) They’re not very empathetic. Taker, especially when he’s alive, swears like a sailor. They’re not great at explaining or sussing out their feelings.
Also, they’ve been known to commit casual murder on occasion, but these days, who doesn’t?
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bastardnev · 7 years
His Stupid Handsome Face
part 2 of the nev/mustafa fic is done!! boy do i love these guys
(link to ao3)
tagging @champnatalya and @gulakattack!!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mustafa Ali/Pac | Adrian Neville Characters: Pac | Adrian Neville, Austin Aries, Mustafa Ali Additional Tags: Drunken Confessions, austin is a little shit, also mustafa has no lines but i tagged him anyway Just Because Series: Part 2 of The King and the Prince Summary: Neville will vent about his feelings towards Mustafa to anyone who will listen, even his rival.
When Neville says that something is going to happen, it happens. He declares himself to be the King of the Cruiserweights, and he wins the Cruiserweight title and goes on to be champion for a record amount of days. He says that there is no one else on the 'Neville Level' and that he is unstoppable, and sure enough no one has been able to defeat him in one-on-one competition yet.
And course, he says that he can beat Jack Gallagher in a drinking contest, and that's exactly what he does, though he admittedly might have gone a little overboard.
Neville was sitting down at the far end of the bar, nursing the half-full drink front of him. He had honestly lost track of how many he'd had. Jack had told him after their little battle that he didn't have to drink anymore, that Neville had proven that he was the better man this time around and that he had had more than enough, but that only prompted Neville to order more -- partly because he actually wanted it, but mostly out of spite. Whatever someone else wanted, Neville did the opposite. It would be a cold day in hell before the King dared to lend an ear to advice coming from a caricature such as Gallagher.
Neville glared down towards the other end of the bar, catching sight of some of the other cruiserweights all clustered together, talking and laughing among themselves. Sure enough, there was Mustafa, right in the middle of one of his 'amazing' pre-WWE tales that for some reason the rest of the locker room loved listening to. Whatever Rich interrupted him to say must have been quite funny, as Mustafa doubled over, and he looked over the damn moon. Neville found himself staring, entranced by him for a few more moments before he tore his gaze away, letting out a frustrated grumble.
"What is that, your tenth drink? You're wild." Neville lifted his head at the sound of Austin Aries' grating voice coming from behind, and he scowled at his sunglasses-wearing rival.
"Sunglasses indoors, eh? And here I was thinking that it was impossible for you to be even more of an insufferable prick." Neville downed the rest of his drink.
"Don't be like that," Austin said with a smirk as he hopped up onto a bar stool next to him, propping an arm up on the counter and resting his head in his palm. "I just came to talk to you." He sipped on his own drink.
"Well I didn't come here to talk to you, so if you could please leave..." If Aries wanted to talk to him for whatever reason, then ordering another drink to help block him out seemed like a wise decision...
"You want me to leave and let you drink away all your problems?"
Neville's grip on the empty glass tightened, and he narrowed his eyes at Austin. "Excuse me? What did you just say?"
"I've seen you drink before, Nevy--"
"I told you not to call me that, Aries."
"--and you don't usually drink this much unless something's gotcha down. You're trying to forget something. Tell me about it, kiddo."
"Forget?" Neville repeated. "Forget? Aries, you think that I-- you think I'm actually drinking to forget? Seriously? That's rich. I could laugh. In fact, I will! Hah!" Neville threw his arms in the air, wearing an overly forced grin before smacking his hands down on the counter, startling some of the other bar patrons, though Austin appeared unfazed. Neville's scowl returned to his face. "I don't need to forget a damn thing."
"Are you sure about that?" Austin smirked, leaning in closer until he was only a few inches from Neville's face, prompting the King to lean back a little. "Are you sure that you're not trying to forget about your little run-in with a certain Prince from earlier this evening?"
Neville quickly pushed Austin away. "Excuse me?!" He growled. "How the hell do you even know about that?!"
"TJP told me that he saw you two. He said you looked pretty heated. Then again, that's nothing new. You're always mad about something, aren't you?" Austin looked back over his shoulder in the direction of Mustafa for a moment before focusing back on Neville. "What did Ali say to you that's got you so mad? He seems like a pretty nice kid."
"Ohoho, he seems nice." Neville waggled his finger, his eyes wide. "But the reality is that that man is a problem. A big one."
"He's a pain! He takes great pleasure in annoying the hell out of me, like it's a little game for him. He has absolutely no respect for me -- he calls me 'King' as if that means jackshit. He's really only doing it to mock me."
"Why are you gonna realize that the whole world isn't out to get you, Nevy?" Austin took another sip. "I mean, with the exception of myself I don't think there's anyone around this joint that actually has serious issues with you. And Mustafa hates pretty much no one, so I can't see why he would want to screw with you of all people."
"Because I'm the bloody King, that's why! He cannot stand the fact that I'm better than him, he cannot stand the fact that I became Cruiserweight champ before him, and he especially cannot stand the fact that he will never be able to beat me. Simple put, he cannot stand me."
"You're mighty repetitive this evening, aren't you?" Austin teased. "But in all seriousness, I think you're over-analyzing everything. Mustafa is too nice of a guy to hold any grudges against you for just being you."
"Ah, but that's exactly it. He hides behind that little 'nice guy' persona to trick everyone. The sooner that he's out of the locker room-- the sooner that he's off of my 205 Live, the better. I'm sick of looking at his stupid, handsome face..."
"Oh?" Austin slowly removed his shades, an eyebrow raised. "What did you just say?"
"What?" Neville looked confused. "I said that I'm tired of looking at him."
"No, no, that's not what you said. You said more..."
"Why so specific... All I said what that I'm sick of looking at his face. His stupid, handsome face..." Neville's grip on the glass tightened again, and he stared down towards it, shaking his head. "Everything about him bugs the shit out of me, not just his face... He has that perfect smile, also... Why is it so nice, anyway? Don't you think that it's a little too perfect? He never said if he used any products on it... Yet another secret that he's keeping from us!"
"...Yeah, you've definitely had too much to drink." Austin chuckled, resting his hand on Neville's shoulder for a moment before it was swatted away.
"And what about that laugh of his, huh? You know that I'm the kind of guy who trusts his gut, don't you Aries? So-- So if I get this... weird feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever I hear him giggling, doesn't that mean there's something up? He's making me feel strange! There's something not right about him! And his hair... Christ, you see the way his hair gets after a match, don't you? You see how damn messy it is? What, he can't be bothered to tidy up a bit? Do you know how many times I've thought about going up to him and pushing his stupid hair out of that pretty face--"
"Neville!" It was when Austin said his name that Neville stopped, realizing then that Austin had been laughing during his whole tirade. "Do you even realize what you're doing?"
"Yes, I'm wasting my time talking to you," he replied, though Austin didn't look offended. Neville hated not getting any kind of reaction.
"Oh, Nevy..." Austin reached over a hand and rubbed Neville's shoulder. "You basically just admitted that you have a crush on him."
Neville felt his stomach drop. "What? What? What?" Neville repeated over and over again. "When? Tell me when I said that!"
"You said he has a perfect smile!"
"So? It's a fact!" "And you get butterflies in your stomach whenever he laughs?"
"Stop fucking with me, Aries--"
"And what was it you said again? You said that his face was stupid and handsome? And pretty, too! Gee, King, it sounds to me like you're in lo--"
"DON'T." Neville grabbed Austin's collar, pulling him close and getting in his face. "Don't you dare finish that statement, you bastard. Don't. You. Fucking. Dare."
Austin let out a chuckle, but he went along with what Neville wanted and kept his mouth shut, waiting until Neville finally released him before speaking again. "Well, I think I've riled you up enough for one day." He stood up. "Have a good evening, Nevy!"
"Oh, fuck off..." Neville also stood up, bumping into Austin's shoulder as he barged past him and headed towards the men's room. He needed a moment alone after... whatever the hell that conversation was.
In order to get the bathroom, however, Neville needed to pass by his co-workers. He kept his gaze focused on the floor the whole time, stopping once he was far enough away and looking back at them.
And he caught Mustafa staring at him.
Neville's heart skipped a beat, and he frowned at him, prompting a small smile and a wave in response. Christ, and there was that feeling again... It seemed like no matter what he did, he couldn't escape it.
Neville quickly turned on his heel, storming off. He couldn't help but think about what Austin had said to him at the end, that one four letter L word that he hadn't gotten a chance to finish... There was... no way... No way in hell. There had to be some other explanation, right? There had to be.
"Why me?" Neville muttered as he slammed into the bathroom door. Of all the people that this had to happen to, why the fuck did it have to be me?
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Heatwave 2018 (8-18-2018)
XPWEW 2018 Heatwave *Opening Video Package about the return of XPWEW *Flame pyro-technics *Jaques Dudley entrance with plenty pyrotechnics *Intro with Joey Styles & Shane McCoy on commentary quickly swinging it back to the fast paced opening contest of Rey & Jaques *Rey Mysterio entrance with several women wearing luchador masks *Rey Mysterio is wearing a Marvel Deadpool inspired outfit and mask M1: Jaques Dudley defeats Rey via pin fall *Gorilla Position: Rey walks behind the curtain to a round of applause by Troy Clausen thank you for being here Rey I greatly appreciate it. Jaques walks behind the curtain slowly and glares into a stare off with Troy. Troy embraces for a hug and Jaques denies his advancement. Troy explains, he wants to “bury the hatchet”. The past is the past so lets leave it together. Troy exclaims how he is a changed man and two things on this earth don’t hold grudges. that being basketballs and Troy Clausen. Troy persistently sees how Jaques is unimpressed by his apology. “Listen here, I understand why your upset with me. You proved me wrong! You proved me wrong to the whole world like..half a decade ago. I can change. I have. Jaques says “I just lived a childhood dream with a legend in this industry, Rey Mysterio. I’m on quite an adrenaline rush at the moment. I don’t wanna hear your fake apologies. I just want to be XPWEW Champion again. Troy says, I’ve already figured out the world title situation. and you know what I’ll spill the beans now. You just beat the legendary Rey Mysterio. So, I tell you what. Next week on Pyro. I’ll let you know but as of right now. You are in really good contention to be in the title chase. I think you’ll like the new title design as well. I’ll reveal it on Pyro this friday. Troy exits to the right in front of Jaques to a unique camera angle of Troy walking with the camera backward down the hallway. *Troy enters the green room of Heatwave tonight to adult film star Mia Khalifa. Who is here to promote the 2018 PornHub awards to be held in Los Angeles later this month, Troy banters back and forth acknowledging. Mia explains her interest in being the advisor to XPWEW by her interests in sports and her involvement in pro wrestling with her encounter with indie star Joey Ryan has perked her interest into getting into pro wrestling. Troy buries the lead only to politely flirt with Mia only for Chris Johnson to enter stage left on Mia Khalifa’s side of the screen. (Johnson gets a pretty big pop from the crowd) Chris Johnson talks about how he’s more aware than he ever has been before and he saw Troy talking to Jaques earlier and reminds him. “If you are already putting him! In contention for the world title, lets not forget who broke that streak of his. Troy attempts to respond quickly **Bigger Pop** until Hardcore Legend Mick Foley appears to kiss the hand of Mia Khalifa. Mick: Mia its a privilege to meet you right here! in the Los Angeles California! Troy laughs as CJ mean mugs. Troy: Chris! If you have a grievance may I introduce you to the NEW! first time ever! Leader of human resources! Mick Foley! You see Chris if you have any issue, talk to Mick. He’s here to help you. Mick: Says I’m a huge fan Chris Johnson interrupts only to gloat about how great he is and as soon as he gets going. Foley interjects to remind him I was actually talking about Mia’s work on the internet but you are pretty talented too. Johnson gets up in Mick’s face. Johnson: Mick, I know we’ve never met but as a warning to you from me. I’d suggest you watch your mouth when you speak to me or you’ll leave here quicker than you came. Johnson walks away (awkward silence between Mia,Foley & Troy Clausen) Foley: Mia I guess if I were leave quicker than I came then maybe I might not be cut out for your industry. Bang! Bang! *Sick Nick Mondo entrance with new brown gear as opposed to his classic lime green attire *Milk Man entrance wearing a really unique Chocolate version of his old uniform full with Chocolate milk liters which means Mondo is matching. *Siaka Lexoni & Ruckus entrance together with new theme music performed LIVE by Maxo Kream & Playboi Carti M2: Milk Mondo ENT vs Ruckus & Lexoni *Ruckus picks up the win for his team with a Bankroll onto Milk Man. *Siaka Lexoni celebrates with Ruckus and calls for the music to stop. Siaka starts controlling his breathing and says. I can’t believe I’m about to say this but I plan on retiring here tonight and this was my last match. I wanna thank everyone here for allowing me to perform all over the world for you for the past 10 years. Today marks my 10th year as a professional wrestler and I wanna thank Ruckus for being my best friend, my brother and thank you for everything. They both hug and hold hands up high and Siaka breaths in the admiration of the crowd by jumping the rail and greeting a farewell to the fans up close and personal in the stands as the screen fades to black *Troy Clausen walking backstage and a door opens adjacent to him. Joel Gertner comes out of the door and shakes Troy’s hand and Troy says Joel. I am granting you a position as well. You are now my assistant and mind you I’m a changed person and that role will not be a chance for me or anyone to take advantage of you. Hey by the way who else showed up. Troy: Did Future make it? Joel: Sir, he is in tour across the country Troy: You sure he couldn’t make it Joel: I’m pretty sure but Tito Santana is here *Tito Santana appears out of the door to a big smile and a good pop Troy: I was looking for Future not 6ix9ine or is that your age huh huh. You see Tito, I listen to my audience and they don’t like you. But that doesn’t mean I can’t come here. They hug. Tito: Obviously I can’t afford to be the private advisor. I’m not made of money. Troy honestly aren’t you like a BP oil tycoon? Why can’t you just pay for all this. I’m retired. I just wanted to be here for the boys. but concerning your boy Troy: ha ha did you train him well? *Curt Clausen appears to Clausen’s left and shakes Tito’s hand. Troy: proudly looks at Curt - up and down. My son! You remind me of a young me. Are you ready for your first official match as “Champagne” Curt Clausen! Curt: Dad, I’ve never been more prepared for anything in my life Troy: Go get em’ champ. I love that kid. *Chris Johnson entrance *Curt Champagne Clausen M3: Chris Johnson vs Champagne Clausen w/ manager Tito Santana *Clausen wins with a shocking roll-up finish and Johnson is beside himself and is openly frustrated *Mick Foley and Mia Khalifa backstage watching a monitor. Mia: he does look like a 70’s porn star Mick: I do wish that 70’s style did come back to main stream consciousness like a little hair you know a knock on the door: Jake Awesome, : Mick you wanted to see me Mick: Jake yes, how are you. We’ve never formally met before. So this is a big deal my son Mickey is a huge fan or yours Jake: thanks it means allot coming from you Mick: I just wanted to inform you that Troy Clausen has given me the instruction that I am going to be the special guest referee for you and Slayer tonight. I’ve actually been trying to contact him all night to no luck but I do have another person here Vince Russo appears: Mick, bro its been too long. Jake Awesome now thats what a professional wrest-a-luh is suppose to look like bro. Jake, you are a stud just like your father it’s great to meet you *Russo gets a very mixed reaction Jake: humbly shakes Russo’s hand and asks speaking of which, Why did you make my dad That 70’s guy. Bro c’mon the Aston Kutcher show was doing big numbers bro it was just business! just business! strictly business bro! Jake: smirks and laughs Mick: (interjects) I will input I did think Dude Love was a more successful hippie inspired character than that of the fat chick thriller but I’m not judging Jake: (quick laugh and walks out) *tanaka entrance *blackman entrance M3: Steve Blackman vs Masato Tanaka *Blackman wins this match with a brain buster suplex bridge pin after a very close contest. Blackman grabs the microphone and urges Tanaka to shake hands as a sign of good sportsmanship, Tanaka accepts only for Blackman to kick him in the balls in response Blackman: I don’t have the god damn patience for you or any of the scum here in LA tonight *crowd boos* Blackman: Look at all the people here tonight huh look int the front row. Well thats Mr. Red cap to the back himself. Frederick First! *camera switches to Fred Durst in the front row Blackman: smirking approaches him and does a quick interview but cuts it short bashing Durst with the microphone and then shinzo kicking him in the head only for security to separate them Blackman pleads up to the ramp with the mic in hand Blackman: security can’t stop me, Fred Durst couldn’t stop me. but I am back with purpose. I am the greatest champion in this company’s lineage runs through me and I’d like to introduce my new manger. better yet my new litigator. Will Olafuub and Eddie Edwards *Olaffub & Edwards enter and embrace Blackman *Olaffub takes the mic. This is the new wave. This is the dark web of professional wrestling. We seek the truth. We are The Truth of professional wrestling. The Lethal Weapon Steve Blackman The Human Visegrip Eddie Edwards and introducing The Luminary!!! Croyle Brodie Croyle entrance! We want all the gold and we will not rest until we have it We are the Truth Infantry. *Backstage: Jim Cornette is revealed to be famous YouTuber Brian Zane in disguise cuts a scathing promo on how the current state of professional wrestling is in the toilet. He wants to give his blessing to Leonard & Dennis McGraw. A return to the basics. A return to class and prestige. He also calls out Russo as a coward for leaving. *Pac aka Neville makes his entrance to a big ovation from the crowd. Maybe biggest of the night *Tanhashi enters to a nice pop as well M4: Tanahashi vs Pac *After a chess match match with Neville taking most of the offense the match. Neville wins with a bridge pin tiger suplex. Tanahashi clearly frustrated with himself hesitates to leave the ring but does and somberly walks up the ramp. *Romeo Roselli interview with new official xpwew interviewer Kandi Khaos INTERVIEW: Romeo politely answers the questions of his excitement looking forward with XPWEW. Romeo dressed up as iconic drag queen “Divine” most famously portrayed from the 1970’s film Pink Flamingos. Romeo has a gucci bag, inside he reveals “The Heavens Crown Championship title. A very unique title with a powder blue strap and silver plate, He reveals that starting on pyro he will gracefully defend this title every single week! The Seven Minutes In Heaven Challenge will be inaugurated next friday on the season premiere of Pyro {Romeo Roselli defends the Heavens Crown Championship each week in a 7 minute match against a mystery opponent.} *Taka Michinoku enters wearing a Will Osperay t-shirt just to shoutout his buddy over in NJPW. Big pop *Kota Ibushi enters to streamers from the side ramp like crazy. Great pop for his debut here in XPWEW 2 out of 3 falls M6: Taka Michinoku vs Kota Ibushi *Kota wins the first fall *Taka wins the second fall *Kota Ibushi wins the third fall after multiple missed M7: Leonard & Dennis McGraw accompanied by Brian Zane destroy a local talent tag team called The LA Rydas *Backstage: Slayer sitting in what appears to be a secluded janitor’s closet and Marc Snow appears and Slayer almost jumps in self defense and Marc steps in with a birthday card. I know it’s your birthday today. Slayer heistantly accepts and Marc says I’m not going to apologize for anything. I just wanna tell you I support you and I love you and I wish I would have said it sooner. Slayer actually goes in for a huge and fucking history is made as Slayer and Marc Snow hug it out and the decades of father/son abuse may have just ended right before our eyes at Heatwave *Backstage: Jake Awesome now in his ring gear passes by Mick Foley talking with Troy Clausen, Joel Gertner & Will Ollafub. Jake asks Mick for advice. Mick says well see I’ve seen enough of Slayer to know. But Jake I’m a well versed XPWEW fanatic! and I know that in big match scenarios, in big fights, sink or swim, fight or die, adapt or perish. Jake Awesome. The mammoth. is the greatest xpwew wrestler ever. Most decorated. Most successful. The best. You don’t need to ask Mick Foley for anything. Believe in you! You can conquer and good luck tonight Jake. Jake smiles and pats Mick on the back and thanks him thoroughly. Mick smiles in the distance *promo hyping the psychotic clowns. Kirby Lee and Joe Gacy. Coming soon!!!! IN RING: *Troy Clausen hits the ring with Joel Gertner and his son Curt “Champagne” Clausen. Joel has a crate filled with what appears to be plaques Troy hands a plaque to Joey Styles as the greatest commentator in XPWEW history Joey rebuttals with a “well the only one but thanks” Troy hands a plaque to Jaques Dudley for being the best person he can be He cues Jaques to enter the stage but after silence he’s like “I’ll find him, I’ll give it to him. I’ve buried the hatchet me and Jaques are cool now.” Troy gets Joel Gertner and Champagne Clausen to grab a big bag of candy “Zero” I love a zero bar! Joel throws bars of candy into the crowd and so does Troy. Troy says now that all the love is in the air. I have the esteemed honor to announce to you the official advisor to XPWEW Ladies and Gentlemen… *Glass breaks STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN appears for the first time in the XPWEW arena and he doesn’t live for from Los Angeleees as he says on his podcast Stone Cold hits all four corners buried in cheers from the crowd. He stops. Clausen again announces him. Stone Cold grabs the mic. runs down joel, then champagne then troy but he’s not here to be an “advisory” Stone Cold don’t rock with that. He’s a sheriff. Sheriff Austin. and i’m gonna make sure everything works. and i’ll be damn any of those wrestlers in the back, Troy says that curt clausen almost looks like a young stunning steve austin. Pizza delivery arrives. Austin: Pizza? Troy: Yes, pizza, do you mind getting it, you are the advisor after all Austin: Wait you want stone colds money? thats what this is about Troy: I thought this is why you sold the broken skull ranch?? Austin: (to the crowd) if you think troy clausen is only out to get my money and stab ,me in the back for his own benefit, give me a hell yeah Crowd: HELL YEAH Troy: no! no! I’m a changed man! Austin: recalls his history with jaques dudley, i know what kinda person ya are Stone Cold didn’t come here to hand over any money and stone cold ain’t here in the EX PEE DUBYA EE DUBYA to do nothing but make damn sure things are running up to make this company, a fixture of the pro wrestling world and as my first act I’d like to get started on the right foot {Austin gets up in Clausen’s face} Austin: DTA - thats a moniker I live my life by. I here now am the sheriff of that locker room and i will call the shots 50/50. Not BS. No shortcuts so I’m gonna warn you now. Don’t get under my skin, don’t ruffle my feathers, don’t test me, basically what I’m saying is don’t piss me off! Now if ya wanna see jake awesome take on the ole’ dragons layer in the main event give me a hell yeah LETS EAT SOME PIZZA Clausen smiles and cheers Gertner already has half a pizza in his mouth Austin gets a couple beers thrown at him, hands them off and then while they all drink one delivers a stone cold stunner to the pizza man *Mick Foley entrance as special guest referee *Slayer entrance *Jake Awesome entrance M9: Slayer vs Jake Awesome *Slayer wins by submission with the helm sharpshooter. {the first time jake awesome has ever lost via submission} Mick lifts Slayer’s arm in victory THE END
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