#Bastard Pac
randanopterix · 5 months
whatever (breakdances on you)
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makiitoh · 18 days
i think danielson has a calming effect on pac like when you give an anxious cheetah a dog
pac pre-danielson:
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pac post-danielson:
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roeiswriting · 16 days
I want Yuta to be angry, I want this to elevate him.
I want that fire lit inside of him, the two sides of not only how dare you do what you did to Bryan, but how dare you go behind my back and completely blindside me.
I need him to channel that grit, that frustration, that fight that encompasses the energy of what the bcc was meant to be.
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Despite the probable belief that Yuta wouldn’t turn his back on Bryan the notion of leaving him out of a plan is another layer to all of this. The idea of “why was I not good enough, not trusted enough, to stand alongside the men who told me I will be great.”
I want him to be outraged, not only to seek vengeance for Bryan but I need him prove that he IS great. I want him to be as dangerous as the men who have taught him for all these years, I want him to show to this audience that Mox, Claudio and Bryan took a chance on him for good reason and he can bleed just as hard for what he loves as we know the rest of them can.
Everyone else in that ring was emotionless, like it was a necessity to get a job done. Yet Yuta was distraught beyond belief, Bryan was in total shock after a possibly foolish moment of bliss upon seeing the people he thought he could rely on, and well emotions can be the most powerful thing.
I need this air of, You seem so nonchalant, you act like you do not care, like this isn’t personal, like you had to do what you did. But the reality is you’ve cared so much for all this time and it is a disservice to yourselves to act like this isn’t world shattering.
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I want him to have this frustration stemming from not wanting to be selfish. Wanting to do right by Bryan, being devastated at what unfolded and knowing that he escaped physically unharmed but having, at his core, this nagging feeling of being a kid who’s simply been left behind.
They know Yuta to be great, I want the world to see it too.
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pinkwillow · 3 months
Missed opportunity for AEW to do a beach-themed photo shoot for their anime beach episode.
The Elite as lifeguards.
Blackpool Combat Club making sand sculptures. Only Moxley's is a sand mountain with a fork on top.
Bang Bang Gang destroying sand castles by "accident"
Orange Cassidy sleeping on a rubber ducky float and being drifted away.
The Acclaimed & Death Triangle vs. The Dark Order & Undisputed Kingdom at beach volleyball. Wardlow is busy sunbathing in the back.
Beach balls being thrown at Don Callis but he pops them with his screwdriver.
Lastly, the men in AEW posing like the ladies from Dead or Alive Xtreme series.
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fatal-3nvy · 4 months
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This is a goddamn homoerotic renaissance painting.
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h2dk-tumblz · 7 months
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I'm hyped
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unlikelywrestlingfan · 5 months
most wrestlers become sad wet puppy when sad
pac becomes sad dry sea monster
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heelswrestling · 22 days
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AEW All Out matches announced so far!!!
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sydsaint · 7 months
My fav evil bastard man is back!! <3
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Summary: PAC returns to AEW and finds that his old friend/lover has been swayed by Malakai Black to join his crew.
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It's almost time for the main event involving House of Black. Buddy, Malakai, and Brody are all doing last minute adjustments to their gear and plans while you are Julia wait for them.
"Malakai." You approach your leader cautiously, not wanting to distract him from the task at hand,
"Yes, YN." Malakai turns away from Brody who he was just talking too.
You twitch under Malakai's intense gaze as he peers down and waits for your question. It's been almost a year since he saved you from a dwindling singles career and recruited you into the House of Black. You and Malakai have become close in that time. But the man still scares you to some degree. Just like he does everyone else on the team.
"Are you sure that you don't want me and Julia to come out there with you?" You ask Black. "You know that it wouldn't be a problem. And we could help ensure that Mark Briscoe and his friends are dealt with once and for all." You add.
Malakai shakes his head and puts a hand on your shoulder. "We can handle Briscoe and his friends, YN." He assures you. "Besides, Julia needs time to recover from her shoulder injury. And as for you, my dear? Well, you should be focused on finding a way to garner Toni Storm's attention." He reminds you.
"Right." You nod meekly. "Good luck out there, then. To everyone." You nod to Buddy and Brody.
Buddy and Brody both nod and Malakai turns back around to them. You walk back over to Julia and take a seat next to her.
"Sorry, YN." Julia frowns. "I know that you hate being cooped up in here all night."
"It's alright, Julia." You sigh. "But it's like Malakai said. I should be using my time to figure out how I can mess with Toni the most." You assure yourself.
Over the past few weeks you've taken notice that Malakai has been confining you to the locker room more and more. Usually he's happy to have you at his side and ready to handle potential problems. You're a wild and free spirit. So being cooped up like a caged animal has been slowly driving you nuts. But you trust Malakai. He pulled you out of a dark place after your last faction fell to pieces.
A little over a year ago you were happily involved with the Penta, Rey, and most importantly, Pac. Together, the four of you were a faction making moves in AEW. But then Pac lost his international title to Orange Cassidy, Rey broke his arm badly, and everything fell apart.
On the other side of the locker rooms backstage, Eddie Kingston has rallied the troops for his latest multi-man feud and is busy greeting his newest recruit. Fresh off of a bad shoulder injury, Pac.
"Pac, man. It's good to have you back." Eddie greets the self-proclaimed 'bastard' with a friendly shoulder bump and handshake.
"It's good to be back, mate." Pac nods. "Rumor is that you're dead-set on taking out the Jackson brothers and their new best friend, Okada?" He asks Kingston.
Eddie nods as the two sit down to chat for a bit. "Yep, that's the plan. Penta is already on board with it." He nods to Penta talking to someone on the phone in Spanish on the other side of the room. "And we could use your specific brand of violence and cruelty for this, if you're down."
"Of course." Pac nods. "I'm happy to help an old friend. And speaking of old friends. I can't seem to find YN anywhere." He wastes no time in bringing you up to Eddie.
"YN, right." Eddie nods. "I forgot you and her used to be a thing." He chuckles. "YN...she's been going through some stuff lately, man." Eddie rubs the back of his neck.
Pac tilts his head, worry crossing his face. "What kind of stuff? She's alright isn't she?" He presses Eddie to clarify things.
"Umm, not exactly the words I'd use." Eddie replies, beating around the bush as much as he can for fear of Pac's response to the news. "Pac, you gotta understand something man. After you lost the International championship and Rey broke his arm. Well, everything kind of fell apart." He explains a bit. "I tried to look out for YN as best that I could man. But I had my own shit going on at the time. And well, you know, YN, man. You can't keep a leash on the girl."
"Eddie! You're rambling." Pac interrupts his friends babbling. "Just tell me where she is. What happened to, YN?" He asks Eddie again.
Eddie bites the inside of his cheek and shakes his head, guilt written plain on his face. "YN's with Malakai Black and his buddies now, alright?" He finally gives Pac a straight answer. "Black picked her up about a year ago and she's been with him ever since."
"What?!" Pac jumps out of his seat. "You let YN get pulled in by Malakai Black?" He aims an accusing look at Eddie.
"Now come on man!" Eddie sighs and gets to his feet as well. "I said I tried to look out for her!" He reminds Pac. "But the girl doesn't listen to anyone, you know that."
Pac's jaw twitches in annoyance and worry. But deep down he knows that Eddie is right. Pac knows better than anyone that you can be one stubborn woman when you want to be.
Eddie studies his friends face and watch as Pac begins formulating a plan in his head to get you back. "Pac, bro, say something." He tries to get Pac's attention off of you for a moment. "Come on. What's on your mind? Where are you going?" He asks when Pac turns toward the door.
"I'm going to get YN back." Pac replies matter-of-factly as he strides toward the door like a man on a mission.
"Pac, wait!" Eddie hurries around the table and steps into Pac's way. "YN ain't the same broad you were seeing a year ago, alright?" He warns Pac. "Malakai's turned the girl into an animal. Just like he did Julia."
Pac shakes his head and shoulders past Eddie. "YN was always an animal. She was just excellent at hiding it from people." He insists. "She's still the same, YN. My, YN."
Eddie groans in frustration as Pac storms off in search of his lost love. He grabs Penta from the locker room and the pair head out to assist Pac in case a fight against Malakai and his boys breaks out.
Back in the HOB locker room, you decide to head down to the ring and assist your friends when it looks like they are in trouble. Julia's shoulder is bothering her, so you go alone. You make it out to the ring without a hitch and assist Malakai with Mark Briscoe. Malakai delivers a finishing blow to Briscoe and HOB wins the match so you join Malakai in the ring to celebrate.
You are in the middle of celebrating with your team in the middle of the ring when suddenly a familiar voice sounds over the arena speakers. Your head whips to the top of the ramp just as someone comes through the tunnel.
"YN! Tell me it ain't true, love! You've abandoned your friends for these fools?" Pac comes through the tunnel like a man on a mission and a microphone in hand.
"Pac?" Your heart skips a beat in your chest.
Malakai clamps a hand down on your arm and you turn to look at him. "Look who finally decided to come back, YN." Black peers down at you with an intense gaze. "Remember what I told you when we first met?" He asks you.
You swallow and nod. "That my friends would try and blame me." You recall your first encounter with Black.
"Mhm. And look what's happened." Malakai points up the ramp. "Pac comes back to AEW finally and what is the first thing he does? He points fingers at you. He's the one that left, remember?" Black whispers in your ear.
"Right." You nod. "I didn't abandon my friends! They abandoned me!" You begin to feel anger rising up in your gut. "He abandoned me. Not the other way around." You point an accusing finger toward the top of the ramp.
A sinister smile crosses Malakai's face at his expert manipulation of you. "Atta girl, YN. Now, are you going to let that traitor stand there and blame you for his misfortunes?" He asks you.
"No. No, I'm not." You shake your head. "Brody, Buddy." You turn to the pair standing idly behind you. "Take care of him, please." You ask them.
Brody and Buddy both happily nod before quickly making their exit from the ring. You watch the pair sprint up the ramp to confront Pac. Luckily for Pac, Penta and Eddie arrive just in time to occupy Malakai's goons. Pac breaks away from the fight and makes a b-line for the ring. Malakai remains at your side as Pac steps into the ring, his gaze transfixed on you.
"YN, love. Come on now." Pac begins his speech with a soft expression.
"Don't!" You put a hand up. "Every abandoned me, Pac. You abandoned me. No phone call. No letter. Nothing. You were just gone. And I was left alone. Alone to face everyone and everything we did together!"
Malakai watches your speech with a pleased expression. He's done it. He's managed to take a broken girl with the passion to be the most dominate force AEW has ever seen and sowed hatred and mistrust into her heart.
He's made the perfect weapon. And now here's the test to ensure that you are past the point of redemption and ready to be wielded like the gilded sword Malakai needs you to be.
"YN, I'm sorry, love." Pac takes a cautious step toward you.
"You're sorry!" You laugh. "Sorry? You don't get to be sorry!" You shout at him. "You don't get to show up out of the blue and expect everything to go back to normal!"
Pac takes a step back at your outburst and turns his glare onto Malakai. "You! What did you do to her!" He confronts Black.
"What did I do to her?" Malakai laughs. "You should ask yourself that same question, friend. You're the fool that abandoned, YN. I saved her! I gave her friends! A family that loves her!" He puts a hand on your shoulder. "Tell me, Pac. What did you do for, YN? Pretend to care about her? Lie and claim you loved her once? Only to abandon her when she needed you most?" He raises his voice in a fake protective manner.
"YN, please." Pac tries one last attempt to reason with you. "You have to know that I never meant to hurt you." He asks you.
You stare at Pac with a cold look in your eyes. "Well you did hurt me." You inform him. "And now you get to live with that sin." You step back, eyes directed behind Pac as Buddy and Brody make their way up to him after dispatching Penta and Eddie.
Brody and Buddy descend on Pac and Malakai leads you off with a directing hand on your back.
"YN! YN! I know It's not over!" Pac shouts in-between hits as Brody and Buddy reign hits down on him. "The girl I love is still in there! And I won't stop until I get her back!"
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Baby pac mv
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randanopterix · 7 months
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Are you guys excited for Big Business
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makiitoh · 20 days
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roeiswriting · 13 days
The visual of the new BCC walking through the back as the focus switches to Yuta carrying Bryan right past them… heartbreaking
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pinkwillow · 6 days
Not the BCC gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing on poor Yuta.
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fatal-3nvy · 28 days
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Screaming, crying, throwing up
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milesworld96 · 17 days
We just witnessed actual attempted murder.
Forget strickpage and punkintyre, this shit is CRAZY
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