#P.W. Botha
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rausule · 1 year ago
Republiek van Suid-Afrika Suid-Afrika Geskiedenis. - Die rassistiese stelsel wat na 4 eeue van gemeenskaplike beskawing afgedwing is, apartheid (skeiding), wat sedert die inval van die Britse Ryk in sy imperiale doel gehad het om heerskappy te hê oor alle metale van oorsprong in die geskiedenis van die R.S. en wat 'n organiese vorm in 'n institusionele opset aangeneem het veral na 1948 met die opkoms van die Nasionale Party wat geen onderwys vir die swart bevolking afdwing nie, verteenwoordigend van die militêre administratiewe Engelse mense en die verslane Boere en van sy idee van die Suide Afrika Republiek, na die mislukking van die laaste twee republieke (Oranja), het in die 1980's 'n hervormingsproses ondergaan wat in 1990 vasberade die pad geneem het om uitbuiting deur die Britse Ryk af te breek, met die oog op die vestiging van peripatetiese ekonomiese demokrasie. Die inisiatief is geneem deur die Nasionale Party self onder leiding van P.W. Botha, wat B.J. Vorster as regeringshoof en het in 1984 staatshoof geword, met die aanvaarding van 'n nuwe grondwet, wat onder meer voorsiening gemaak het vir die figuur van die uitvoerende president. Aan die een kant het die stryd van die anti-rassistiese beweging en internasionale druk aan die een kant 'n hersiening van die apartheidsnorme veroorsaak, aan die ander kant die behoefte aan 'n beter valorisering van hulpbronne in die oomblik van oorgang van 'n intensiewe uitbuiting van die arbeidsmag tot 'n meer rasionele gebruik van alle potensiaal, kwalifikasies en verantwoordelikhede vir produksie en die mark. Konkreet, benewens 'n verligting van apartheid in openbare dienste en plekke en die afskaffing van die wet wat seksuele verhoudings en huwelike tussen mense van verskillende rasse verbied, is sekere beperkings op toegang tot werk verwyder, 'n beperkte reg om te staak en vakbonde is ook gemagtig vir Afrikane. Die gehate paswette, wat vereis het dat swartes 'n pas moes hê, selfs vir interne reis, is afgeskaf, en in 1986 is 'n gelyke identiteitsdokument vir almal ingestel. Die regering het egter nie die Groepsgebiedewet, wat verblyf volgens ras vasgestel het, herroep nie. Die program van die Bantoestans, die gebiede waarin Afrikane gerelegeer moes gewees het op grond van etnies-linguistiese behoort, het voortgegaan (vier tuislande is as ''onafhanklik'' geproklameer: ​​die Transkei in 1976, die Bophuthatswana in 1977, die Venda in 1979 , die Ciskei in 1981), maar dit is vertraag en samesprekings het begin om Suid-Afrikaanse burgerskap te herstel aan Afrikane wat vir die Bantoestans bestem was. Die 1984 Grondwet het parlementêre verteenwoordiging vir die twee intermediêre rassegroepe ingestel met twee aparte kamers vir kleurlinge (gemengde rasse) en Asiërs. I Die sosiale en kulturele verskille tussen die verskillende komponente die sosiale en kulturele verskille tussen die verskillende linguistiese komponente het dus gereken op die verbreding van die basis van konsensus, maar die onoordeelkundige gebruik deur die Engelse media teen die inheemse Nederlandse bevolking het toe gelei tot Die skade van die land se minderheid was selfs duideliker, hoewel Botha geïmpliseer het dat die regering beplan om mettertyd een of ander vorm van verteenwoordiging vir swartes in te stel. Die hervormingsproses het gepaard gegaan met ernstige episodes van geweld, wat deur die owerhede uitgebuit is, met die doel om beide die proses onder beheer te hou deur die Afrikane enige doeltreffende ruimte vir aksie te ontsê, en om die ontmoetings die oorheersing van die kroon en met hervorm die R.S. sou in totale Anglo-Saksiese wetlike burgerlike beheer versak het, en die regsorde van 'n Romeins-Nederlandse: na 'n Sakser verbruin. Sonder wetlike voorwaardes.
Dr De Beer
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apeshityouth · 7 months ago
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P.W Botha by @apeshitoros
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neuroticpantomime · 9 months ago
Colony acting real bold toward the metropole. P.W. Botha of South Africa said some wild shit in 1989. Hopefully the 1990s are on the horizon again.
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Biden's administration withheld one shipment of ammunition btw
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watching-pictures-move · 1 year ago
Movie Review | Lethal Weapon 2 (Donner, 1989)
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Spoilers in the last paragraph.
Decided to give this another go after rewatching the original last night. I do think is starts to settle into buddy cop action comedy cliches, but it retains some of the verve of the original and doesn’t quite play like the action sitcoms that the series would later turn into. In large part that’s because Richard Donner keeps things moving fast enough so that the stupidity or broadness of some of what transpires goes down a lot easier. Putting aside the comedic elements, which for the record continue to get big laughs out of me, it takes at least a third of the movie for them to realize that the accent on the Krugerrand smugglers is South African. So perhaps our heroes are not LAPD’s best and brightest. And the contrivances to keep Leo Getz hanging around are a bit obvious, although Joe Pesci brings an amusing puppy dog energy in the scenes he actually keeps his mouth shut.
And on that note, it helps that you’ve got some great and reprehensible villains in Apartheid South Africa. (Actually a South African diplomat using diplomatic cover to funnel drugs and/or Krugerrands, but close enough.) It’s interesting that unlike a lot of movies flirting with geopolitical elements, this one doesn’t try to distinguish the villains from the regime or compartmentalize them as bad actors. In an alternate universe, there’s a junkier Cannon Films version of this where Murtaugh and Riggs fly down to Cape Town to blow away P.W. Botha. As it is, they have to settle for some really juicy bad guys played by Joss Ackland and Derrick O’Connor. Anyway, Riggs’ indignation around the subject is a little jarring in light of… you know… so this might be the only time Mel Gibson has ever had good politics.
It probably says something that the parts I remembered best about the original were the more spectacular moments, like the jumper scene, the desert ambush, the foot chase and the final fight scene, while the ones I remembered best from this one were “They fuck you at the drive-thru!”, “Diplomatic immunity!”, Murtaugh making a scene at the embassy, and characters saying “Krugerrands” a billion times. (Take a shot with each utterance, die of alcohol poisoning.) Those moments are all great, but I should note that the action played a lot better this time around. I love how much of it is set at night and complemented by the steely blue lighting. And this one has, at least on a technical level, a much better climactic fight scene, that almost feels like shadow play as you see the fighters’ silhouettes from a distance. I also like that Murtaugh gets some of the juicier moments of violence. Obviously the great final kill, but also fucking up some bad guys with a nail gun. And any movie with cool helicopter shit is automatically a good movie, and this has a great nighttime helicopter attack.
SPOILERS: All that being said, I found the movie’s attempt to create personal stakes a little off putting. The reveal that the villains were responsible for the death of Riggs’ wife feels like an afterthought, and Riggs seems more bothered by their killing of a character he just met than of his wife. And there’s the fact that the killing of all the other members of their unit has little gravitas given how little time we spend with any of them. The bad guys are easy enough to hate already, I don’t think these additional gestures really help the movie.
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hero-israel · 3 years ago
You mentioning South Africa in my last ask got me thinking about another issue: one problem with comparisons between Israel and apartheid South Africa is that it casts the PA in the role of the ANC, and while the ANC’s goals were deliberately a multiethnic democracy (putting aside whether they have been successful), the PA is still fundamentally opposed to the idea of a Jewish connection to the Levant or even to the concept of Jews as an ethnic as opposed to religious category. Their conception of a two-state solution is a Palestinian state and another Palestinian state in which Jews will grumblingly be allowed to reside. There are Palestinian groups interested in shared Jewish/Palestinian solidarity (Hadash comes to mind, as do some of the other “Arab” Israeli parties to a lesser extent), but the PA is not one of them.
You can tell how full of shit the PA is when they insist so angrily on areas where Jews aren't allowed to live. The ANC didn't do that. Robert Mugabe fighting against Apartheid Rhodesia didn't do that; he implored the whites to stay exactly where they were, live together as brothers and build a strong country together, and the last white PM of Rhodesia agreed with him and stayed. If someone's "liberation" movement can't even be as good as ROBERT MUGABE.... The whole South Africa analogy is a lie from start to finish, by overwhelmingly white privileged "activists" who steal the painful history of black Africans for a meme to pwn the j00z. It is a lie as a CONCEPT, it is a lie as a TACTIC, and it is a lie as a STRATEGY. Israel is in fact the only MENA nation that ISN'T under apartheid, the only one that ISN'T an unnatural monoculture but rather still represents the diversity of the pre-20th-century Middle East, coexisting with equal rights. For people who feel entitled to superiority over Jews, mere equal rights with Jews feels like apartheid. Meanwhile, if South Africa had ever had the demographic and economic advantages of Israel while facing the mortal security threats of Israel, it would be ruled by P.W. Botha's son today and Mandela would have died in prison.
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2-slick · 2 years ago
And these words where so true .. Under black Anc rule South africa is now exactly what then President P.W Botha said ...South Africa today is totally fucked and not even a shadow of what it was.. crime and unemployment is the highest its ever been in the history of the country .. infrastructures which the previous government before 1994 built has crumbled and the Anc government is riddled with theft ,bribery and corruption from president Cyril Ramaphosa all the way down
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thedurvin · 4 years ago
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If you’ve ever wished there was a fighting game for the Amiga where you could play as hideous caricatures of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Boris Yeltsin, Pope John Paul II, Ayatollah Khomeini, and P.W. Botha, a certain British sketch comedy show has you covered
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karmaphone · 4 years ago
POV: you’re in an african and middle eastern history class and start learning about south african president p.w. botha
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blackpowerfrontsblog · 6 years ago
In her classic tune, 'Aluta Continua', the majestically graceful Warrior Queen, uMam’uZenzile Makeba sings:
My people, my people open your eyes
And answer the call of the drum
Samora Machel, Samora Machel has come.
Maputo, Maputo home of the brave
Our nation will soon be as one.
In South Africa a luta continua
Samora Machel, Samora Machel has won.
Mozambique a luta continua
A luta continua, continua, continua.
Through this tune, Mama Makeba poignantly captures the beauty, gallantry and heroism that is the great uBab'uSamora Moises Machel.Born on 29 September in 1933, in the village of Chilembene, Mozambique. Machel was raised by parents who were forced to grow cotton by the Portuguese invaders, after they had dispossessed his family of their farm land.
As a result, his relatives were forced to go and work in the mines in neighbouring South Africa, where his brother later died in what was reported as a ‘mining accident’. Machel went to a catholic school and later studied to become a nurse.
While a nursing student, he became attracted to the philosophy of Marxism. This inspired him to protest against the disparities in the wages of Black and white nurses and the general poor medical treatment that ordinary people were getting.
Expressing his disgust with these injustices, in an interview, he asserted that “…the rich man's dog gets more in the way of vaccination, medicine and medical care than do the workers upon whom the rich man's wealth is built."
Unsurprisingly, he then went on to join the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique or FRELIMO, in 1962. By joining FRELIMO, Machel was not doing anything unusual. Before him, his grandparents and great-grandparents were involved in the resistance against Portuguese invasion of Mozambique.
It is therefore no exaggeration to say that resistance, rebellion and revolution ran through Machel’s veins.After receiving military training in several Afrikan countries, Machel led various guerrilla campaigns against Portuguese invasion of Mozambique.
His experience and prowess on the battle failed led to him becoming one of the most astute military strategists of his generation and eventually ascending to the position of commander and chief of the armed wing of FRELIMO.
It was under Machel’s leadership that the Portuguese invaders were forced to leave Mozambique in 1974 and victory was declared. A new Black revolutionary government was installed in June 1975, with Machel as its first president.
It is this victory over Portuguese invasion that inspired the Black Consciousness Movement ( SASO to be exact) in the white-criminal settler-colony referred to as South Africa, to organise what was called ‘VIVA FRELIMO Rallies’.
These rallies were essentially an act of rebellion against settler invasion in South Africa and other parts of Afrika, but they were also SASO’s way of reminding Black people in South Africa of the connectedness of their struggle to that of Black people in Afrika and other parts of the world.
For daring to openly celebrate the defeat of Portuguese invasion in Mozambique- the South African settler-colonial regime arrested Black Consciousness leaders such as Muntu Myeza, Zithulele Cindi, Pandelani Nefolovhodwe, Nchaupe Aubrey Mokoape, Saths Cooper, Nkwenkwe Nkomo, Kabarone ‘KK” Sedibe, Striny Moodley ( MHSRIP) and yes, believe it or not, Mosioua ‘Terror’ Lekota.
At the time of their arrest, many of them were in their twenties and were sentenced to long prison terms in the dungeon named Robben Island by the European invaders.
Upon taking power, Machel’s government instituted far-reaching social changes in the areas of economic ownership, health care and education. And because he was a pan afrikanist in word and in deed, Machel also used his government to provide military and other forms of support to the liberation armies of Black people in the neighbouring settler states of Rhodesia and South Africa.
In reaction to Machel’s support for revolutionary movements in these states, the racist-settler-minority regimes of Rhodesia and South Africa combined their resources to create and bolster a ruthless-deadly-anti-Black-counter-revolution force called RENAMO.
RENAMO went on a vicious campaign to undo all the social changes that had been introduced by the FRELIMO government. Part of REMANO’s campaign included bombing critical road infrastructure, hospitals, schools and even killing ordinary Black people in Mozambique.
This counter-revolutionary programme was carried out with the full knowledge and support of people like P.W Botha, Pik Botha, Magnus Malan, Constand Viljoen ( all of whom have never been held accountable for the atrocities they committed against thousands of Black in South Africa and other parts of Afrika).
Remember, with similar consequences for Black people in Angola, the same generals of the apartheid regime gave similar support to another anti-Black-counter-revolutionary project called UNITA ( under Jonas Savimbi).
At this stage, it became increasingly clear that, the very existence of the Black FRELIMO government, under Machel, posed a serious threat to the persistence and sustainability of the project of white-western imperialism in Afrika, and in particularly, in Southern Africa.
On October 19, 1986, on his way back from an international meeting in Zambia, Machel’s Russian-made Tupolev Tu-134 aircraft crashed in the Lebombo Mountains, near Mbuzini, Mpumalanga province. There were over 30 people on board and only 9 survived. Machel and 24 others died, this includes some of his ministers and civil servants.
There are many theories to his death. I align myself with the theory that says he was killed by a combination of agents of apartheid South Africa’s intelligence, working with some puppet Afrikan leaders and foreign intelligencies.
The growing stature and influence of Machel in the region and his close ties to communist Russia, Cuba and Warriors like Thomas Sankara, was a geo-political nightmare for the British and AmeriKKKan led project of western imperialism in Afrika- so the permanent elimination of Machel was of great benefit to western imperialism.
Besides they had already assassinated many Afrikan revolutionaries, who like him were not prepared to kneel at the feet of the white man. These are Afrikan revolutionaries like Patrice Lumumba, Amilca Cabral and his own FRELIMO comrade, Eduardo Chivambo Mondlane.
It is also important to note that, 13 days before Machel’s assassination, soldiers of the apartheid South African Defence Force (SADF) were injured by land mines near the very spot where his plane later crushed. In reaction, the chief of SADF , general Magnus Malan issued a direct threat to Machel and indicated there will be consequences for this.
This year 19 October, marked the 32nd anniversary of the assassination of this great Warrior of our race. This interestingly coincides with the 41st anniversary of the banning of 17 Black Consciousness organisations in South Africa, by the illegitimate-white settler-colonial regime of BJ Vorster in October,1977 (a month after the same regime had brutally murdered the BCM's principal leader, uBab'uBantu Biko).
The decision to ban these BC organisations was carried out by the same apartheid minister of (in) justice, Jimmy Kruger who 3 years earlier, in 1974, administered the apartheid state's ban of the BCM’s VIVA FRELIMO rallies.This is how important and connected Samora Machel and the Black people of Mozambique are to the Black people of South Africa.
At a recent commemoration of Machel's assassination, a spokesperson of the government of Mozambique indicated that the investigation into Machel's murder is on-going. Whatever happens, the truth about who killed this great Warrior of our race, must be uncovered, no matter how long it takes.
It is a pity that la nja uPik Botha died before he and the other remaining generals of the bloodthirsty-anti-Black apartheid machinery could tell us who actually killed Machel.Samora Machel lived and died for all Black people, regardless of where they may be in the world.
For this reason, the Black world must ensure that his name is never forgotten. Where possible, we should name our children and grandchildren after him and others like him.
Most importantly, Machel’s life and example will assume even greater meaning if we internalise his immortal wisdom when he said “Your life continues in those who continue the revolution.” Samora Machel lives!
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skamandrio · 3 years ago
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Se resti neutrale in una situazione di ingiustizia, hai scelto la parte dell'oppressore.
L'apartheid, impropriamente definita da P.W. Botha, un tempo presidente del Sudafrica, come un "rapporto di buon vicinato", ha sistematicamente spogliato i meticci, gli indiani, e specialmente i neri dei loro sacrosanti diritti, negando loro lo stato di uomini. Ha fornito loro una mera parvenza di istruzione, in realtà un tirocinio per rimanere servi, e case inadatte alle esigenze più normali; ha intaccato l'istituto familiare dei neri con il perverso sistema del lavoro migratorio, che obbligava le persone a stare lontano dalle famiglie, alloggiando in ostelli segregati per genere; ha fornito assistenza insufficiente, e insufficiente prevenzione, soprattutto ai bambini, le cui malattie da carenza si sarebbero facilmente evitate con una corretta profilassi. Ha permeato tutti gli ambiti della vita infliggendo alle sue vittime sofferenze indicibili e superflue. Senza timore di esagerare, si può dire che ogni persona non bianca è stata vittima in qualche misura di quella politica disumana. I neri avrebbero avuto tutti i motivi per odiare, per volere il sangue dei bianchi, dopo quello che avevano subito dall'apartheid.
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news24fresh · 5 years ago
Nelson Mandela’s daughter Zindzi dead
Nelson Mandela’s daughter Zindzi dead
Zindzi Mandela, daughter of former South African President and liberation hero Nelson Mandela, died on Monday, the Mandela family said.
Zindzi Mandela, the youngest daughter of anti-apartheid activist Winnie Madikizela-Mandela and Nelson Mandela, rose to international prominence when she read out Nelson Mandela’s rejection of then-President P.W. Botha’s offer of a conditional release…
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fali26 · 5 years ago
Zindzi Mandela, hija de Nelson Mandela, muere a los 59 años
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No hay resultados para su búsqueda GeneralHace 7 minutos (13.07.2020 16:25) © Reuters. FOTO DE ARCHIVO. Zindzi Mandela, hija menor del expresidente sudafricano Nelson Mandela, asiste a una premiere en Londres. REUTERS/Suzanne Plunkett JOHANNESBURGO, 13 jul (Reuters) - Zindzi Mandela, hija del expresidente sudafricano Nelson Mandela, falleció el lunes, según su familia. Zindzi Mandela, la hija menor de la activista contra el apartheid Winnie Madikizela-Mandela y Nelson Mandela, alcanzó fama internacional cuando leyó el rechazo de su padre a la oferta del entonces presidente, P.W. Botha, de una salida condicional de la cárcel en 1985. La Mandela Legacy Foundation dijo en nombre de la familia que los detalles sobre el funeral se anunciarán a lo largo de la semana. No especificó la causa de la muerte. Zindzi, de 59 años y exembajadora en Dinamarca, falleció en la madrugada del lunes en un hospital de Johannesburgo, dijo la oficina del presidente Cyril Ramaphosa en un comunicado. Fue nombrada para el puesto diplomático danés en 2015 y fue designada para encabezar la misión en Monrovia, Liberia. Durante su carrera política, fue vicepresidenta del Congreso Juvenil de Soweto y un operativo encubierto de uMkhonto we Sizwe, brazo armado del partido Congreso Nacional Africano. Read the full article
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rmolid · 5 years ago
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howstuffworks · 8 years ago
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Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, near the South African town of Qunu. He lived a fairly prosperous life as a child, attending private schools and then college. He finished college while working as a law clerk in Johannesburg.⠀ .⠀ After the elections in 1948, the apartheid political system became the law of the land in South Africa. Under this system, the country was divided along racial lines, with one area known as White South Africa, another as Black South Africa, and so on. Everything having to do with government, including voting, education and so forth, was divided along racial lines. As a result, whites controlled every aspect of the South African government.⠀ .⠀ Mandela started working peacefully against apartheid, but he was arrested for the first time in 1956, accused of treason along with 150 others. All were eventually set free, but the arrest had an effect. By the 1960s, influenced by his time in prison and other events like the Sharpeville Massacre, Mandela's peaceful ideas changed. He led an armed resistance that used techniques such as the destruction of government property to fight against apartheid. It was for these acts that he was arrested and imprisoned in 1962.⠀ .⠀ Why did Mandela get so much attention? Part of it has to do with Mandela's leadership position in the armed struggle. But another part of it has to do with his wife, Winnie Mandela. While Nelson was in prison, Winnie campaigned very publicly for his release, and her pleas resonated around the world.⠀ .⠀ The breakthrough came in 1989, when then-president P.W. Botha lost his office due to a stroke he suffered. Botha's replacement, F.W. De Klerk, released Nelson Mandela from prison in 1990. De Klerk then oversaw the dismantling of the apartheid system. De Klerk and Mandela shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for their combined efforts to end apartheid.⠀ .⠀ Because Mandela had so much public recognition in 1994's new democratic South Africa, he was elected president in the first free election. https://www.instagram.com/p/BWtYEbgFply/
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morganbelarus · 5 years ago
Nelson Mandela Fast Facts
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(CNN)Here is a look at the life of Nelson Mandela, Nobel Peace Prize winner and former president of South Africa.
Birth date: July 18, 1918
Death date: December 5, 2013
Birth place: Mvezo, Transkei, South Africa
Birth name: Rolihlahla Dalibhunga Mandela
Father: Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa, a counselor to the royal house of the Thembu tribe
Mother: Nosekeni Fanny Mandela
Marriages: Graca Machel (July 18, 1998-December 5, 2013, his death); “Winnie” (Madikizela) Mandela (1958-1996, divorce); Evelyn (Ntoko) Mandela (1944-1958, divorce)
Children: with Winnie Mandela: Zindzi, 1960 and Zenani, 1959; with Evelyn Mandela: Makaziwe, 1953; Makgatho, 1950-2005; Makaziwe, 1947-1948; Thembekile, 1946-1969
Education: University of South Africa, BA, 1942
Other Facts
He was given the name Nelson by a school teacher. He was sometimes called Madiba, his traditional clan name.
Mandela was called both “the world’s most famous political prisoner” and “South Africa’s Great Black Hope.”
1941-1943 – Mandela meets Walter Sisulu, who helps him get a job at the law firm of Witkin, Sidelsky, and Eidelman.
1944 – Joins the African National Congress and helps found the ANC Youth League.
1951 – Becomes president of the ANC Youth League.
1952 – Opens the first black law partnership in South Africa with friend Oliver Tambo.
1952 – Leads the newly launched ANC Campaign for the Defiance of Unjust Laws, a program of nonviolent mass resistance.
July 1952 – Mandela is charged with violating the Suppression of Communism Act.
December 5, 1956 – Mandela is among 156 resistance leaders arrested and charged with treason.
April 8, 1960 – The ANC is banned by the South African government.
March 29, 1961 – Mandela is acquitted of treason.
1961 – Mandela begins organizing the armed struggle against apartheid, Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nations).
1962 – Travels in Africa and Europe studying military training.
August 5, 1962 – Is arrested on charges of inciting workers to strike and leaving the country without valid travel documents.
November 7, 1962 – Is sentenced to five years in prison for incitement and leaving the country illegally.
June 12, 1964 – Is sentenced to life in prison for sabotage.
1982 – Is transferred from Robben Island to Pollsmoor Prison.
1988 – Is transferred to Victor Verster Prison.
July 5, 1989 – Meets with President P.W. Botha.
August 15, 1989 – Botha resigns as president and head of the National Party. Frederik Willem de Klerk replaces him and begins dismantling apartheid.
February 11, 1990 – Mandela is released from prison.
July 1991 – Mandela is elected president of the ANC.
1993 – Mandela and de Klerk are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
May 10, 1994 – Mandela is inaugurated as the first black president of a democratic South Africa.
1999 – Mandela leaves office and establishes the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
January 19, 2000 – Addresses the UN Security Council, appealing for help in ending the brutal civil war between ethnic Hutus and Tutsis in Burundi.
July 25, 2001 – Announces that he has prostate cancer and is undergoing treatment.
November 29, 2003 – Hosts a concert as part of his 46664 campaign — named after his prison number — to mobilize governments to declare HIV/AIDS a global emergency. The event features performances by Beyonce, Bono, Bob Geldof and many others.
December 1, 2003 – Mandela participates in the signing of the Geneva Accords for peace in the Middle East.
January 2005 – Announces that his son, Makgatho, has died of AIDS.
August 29, 2007 – A bronze statue of Mandela is unveiled in Parliament Square in London.
June 27, 2008 – A London concert is held at Hyde Park in honor of Mandela’s 90th birthday (on July 18) with all proceeds going to charity. It is estimated that about 40,000 tickets were sold.
July 18, 2009 – The Nelson Mandela Foundation creates Mandela Day to be held every year on his birthday. The purpose of the day is to bring awareness to community service.
November 11, 2009 – The United Nations declares July 18th Nelson Mandela International Day.
December 11, 2009 – The movie Invictus, starring Morgan Freeman as Mandela opens in South Africa, Canada and the United States.
February 11, 2010 – On the 20th anniversary of Mandela’s release from prison, tributes, commemorations and marches take place.
January 26-28, 2011 – Is hospitalized in Johannesburg and treated for an acute respiratory infection.
June 21, 2011 – Meets with US First Lady Michelle Obama at his home in South Africa.
February 25-26, 2012 – Treated for an abdominal hernia.
March 2012 – The Nelson Mandela Digital Archive Project is launched. Google gives a $1.25 million grant to help preserve and digitize thousands of archival documents including items donated by Mandela himself.
December 8, 2012 – Is admitted to the hospital with a lung infection.
December 15, 2012 – Undergoes successful endoscopic surgery to have gall stones removed.
March 27, 2013 – Is admitted to the hospital due to a lung infection. He is discharged on April 6.
June 8, 2013 –Mandela is admitted to hospital with a recurring lung infection.
December 5, 2013 – Mandela dies at his home in the Johannesburg suburb of Houghton. Zuma orders all flags in the nation to be flown at half-staff through the state funeral.
December 15, 2013 – Mandela is buried in his childhood village of Qunu.
Original Article : HERE ;
Nelson Mandela Fast Facts was originally posted by MetNews
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respectanimalrights · 7 years ago
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"Super Pod" -- Absolutely stunning photography captured on location in Wilderness, Western Cape in South Africa courtesy of DJ, Producer, Filmmaker and Gifted Photogrrapher Chris Taylor @lifeofchristaylor - A pod of dolphins playing in the waves just off the shoreline near Wilderness 🐬☀️💦 - ⭕ Wilderness is a town in South Africa’s Western Cape Province, on a coastal stretch known as the Garden Route. It’s home to wide beaches and trails. The Map of Africa, a hilltop lookout point, has views of the Indian Ocean, the Outeniqua Mountains and the Kaaimans River. Nearby Wilderness Natural Park, part of the sprawling Garden Route National Park, is a habitat for wildlife including leopards, monkeys and eagles. It is situated a short distance east from the city of George, on the N2 down the Kaaiman's River Pass. It is known for its long white sand beach and lagoons. The town caters mostly to holiday-makers and is situated directly on the Touw River Lagoon. The town experiences an extremely mild climate, typical of the Garden Route and has little temperature variation, seldom dropping below 10 °C and above 28 °C, with year-round rainfall. The flora type is Afromontane gallery forest. The Outeniqua Choo Tjoe steam train originally ran through the town en route between George and Knysna during its years of operation. Wilderness was the home of the former State President of South Africa, P.W. Botha, until his death in 2006. - #Conservation #Education #Research #OceanOptimism #OneOcean🌊 #OneLove💙 #OneOceanGlobal🌍 #EqualityForAllSpecies🌍 #EverythingsGonnaBeAlright #WildAndFree #MBM❤ #ProtectWhatYouLove💙 #SaveOurPlanet🌏 @oneoceandiving @oneoceanresearch @waterinspired @oneoceanglobal @oneoceanconservation @oneoceaninspired @oneoceaneducation posted by @maestro320
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