#P.S. A Former FBI agent was just killed in my hometown
queenoftsage · 27 days
Today I told my brother....
That deciding to join organizations like the FBI and CIA was like deciding you wanted to join a mob in your lifetime. Like, you have to be aware of that, you just have to.
The false premise they sell to you is that you're helping the 'good guys' but in reality you're just joining a 'legal' mob. Which supposedly 'fights' the 'illegal' mobs, among other undesirables to the system of capitalism very much established in this stupid country.
And Goodness forbid you know too much, and you try to get off the hook or try to quit. Eventually, they'll come back to you, murder your ass, and make it look like you were mentally unstable from post traumatic stress. It's a win win situation, but only for them, because you still ended up dead at the end of it.
Sure, people will think you died cause obviously as a 'former' FBI agent you saw too much and clearly you had post traumatic stress, but it's not only that. They didn't fail to gloss over the fact that you were involved in missions where very high officials in your state and even city were involved. You could have brought them to justice, but the corrupt officials [as per usual in the REAL WORLD] won, and you lost.
your loss? Your death.
End of Story.
I mean, please don't talk shit to me if you think that none of this is true. You're a dumb ass if you think that you join the FBI and or CIA and they're gonna let you live for that long, and or they aren't constantly checking up on you making sure you don't spill the beans some way some how.
tsk. WAKE UP.
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