#P!nk number ones
toncharts2 · 12 years
2 de novembro de 2012
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77ª semana
2 de novembro de 2012
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Are We All We Are
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Rita Ora
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True Love
P!nk, Lily Allen
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If U C Kate
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Wide Awake
Katy Perry
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Rita Ora
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Wiz Khalifa
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Two More Lonely People
Miley Cyrus
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Yoü and I
Lady Gaga
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Summertime Sadness
Lana Del Rey
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Katy Perry
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Beat of My Drum
Nicola Roberts
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Paper Gangsta
Lady Gaga
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Schoolin' Life
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Lucky Day
Nicola Roberts
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Somebody to Love
Justin Bieber
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Bruno Mars
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Call My Name
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Elastic Love
Christina Aguilera
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Christina Aguilera
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Just the Way You Are
Bruno Mars
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National Anthem
Lana Del Rey
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Teenage Dream
Katy Perry
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Rihanna, Jeezy
Rita Ora
Katy Perry
Lady Gaga
0 notes
everythingsinred · 1 year
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Mikan (pt. 35)
What a nice, even number! 35! We're not done yet, though.
Mikan is now faced with loss, more than ever before. Her fiance is dying and she's the only one who has any ability to undo the damage done to him. The only issue is that her power is finite, and she's just run out...
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Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Four
We rejoin Mikan in a pretty confusing scenario. Hotaru and the other Class B kids are watching from the time window, Luna has just teleported onto the scene, Shiki and Kazumi always have an air of omnipotence, and I don’t know if Tsubasa and the others returned to the scene but he seems shocked too. 
Mikan remembers Natsume’s promise to save her and his request that she wait for him. She remembers him kissing her nose. She remembers him alive. 
He’s not breathing right now.
He’s wounded, bleeding, surrounded by fire, not breathing.
But his hands are still warm and his fire is still burning, which means he’s still alive. Mikan is relieved, because that all means there’s still a chance she doesn’t have to lose Natsume.
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I love the denial and stubbornness. It's not everyday that someone comes back to life after their body shuts down, but don't give up hope!
Because she can’t handle losing Natsume. She obviously doesn’t want to lose any other loved ones, but Natsume has been a risk this whole manga, and nearly every arc since the Reo arc has shown us the lengths Mikan will go to to keep Natsume with her. She rushes back to a terrorist to keep him from killing himself, she uses her alice from all the way across the room so he can’t leave her, she nearly kills herself to keep him from being trapped in a dungeon forever, she despairs over Luna’s bullying and particularly the way Natsume distances himself from her, she pleads with Natsume not to die…
And yet, despite all of that, she still somehow ended up here, with a dying Natsume on the floor before her.
We get another taste of Mikan’s fierce optimism--something that started off natural but has since become her strongest coping mechanism. Natsume won’t die because of this, she says. She can’t believe that he won’t survive. It would crush her. 
Because he’s still alive, Mikan screams out for him to wake up, to open his eyes. She starts to cry as she argues with a (almost) corpse--didn’t he promise to rescue her? That they would see each other again? She’s out, she’s here--he doesn’t have to die anymore. He promised--and he did, over and over, that he wouldn’t do this to her, that he wouldn’t leave her. She doesn’t want to lose any of her friends, but Natsume’s always been the biggest flight risk, so her desire to make him stay put has always been specific and unique to him and her love for him. ESP's warning has come up again because of lots of different people, but nobody's made her think back on it as often as he has. Natsume is, again, different, even if it’s only because she saw this coming and pretended she couldn’t.
His body is getting colder, but she keeps yelling at him, sounding angry now, that he shouldn’t give up and die, that he should choose life with her over killing himself for her, that he’s a LIAR. They were supposed to be together forever! He PROMISED!
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I love her anger, how she's yelling at a dead boy, how she needs to believe he'll hear her pleas and listen to her, how her screaming at him is entirely thoughtless because her only thought is NOOOOOO.
And even though she’s still talking, her thoughts become nothing more than NOOOOOOO! because that’s all there is to it, a deep revulsion to the idea of life without Natsume, with every cell in her body rejecting that premise, with every thought incapable of accepting that reality. He can’t die because he promised!
There’s no logic to that argument. It doesn’t matter. Mikan isn’t making sense because this is something she’s been fighting in her own head since she started liking Natsume. Loving him only made it worse and now, after all that romance, the agreements they made, the kissing under the moon, her fantasizing about holding his hand, about going on the train and on dates together, about getting married and being with him forever--It’s all threatened, and it looks like she gambled wrong.
She then inwardly begs God to stop this, to take away the life-shortening alice, because it’s too cruel to Natsume, even if it’s a punishment. Natsume stood above a pile of bodies for her and she embraced him. Whatever dark, horrible things he's ever done, Mikan loved him anyway. Is he being punished for what he's done? Is she being punished for loving him?
“If it is not enough, please let me replace him.”
That’s right, Mikan is so desperate for Natsume to live that she would rather die than watch him die. Does this seem a little strange to you too? It should, because Mikan is simultaneously devastated that Natsume is breaking his promises to be with her forever, while also willing to break that promise too. If she and Natsume were somehow able to switch places, that means Natsume must live while Mikan is dead, which means she’s the liar now. Mikan told Persona he shouldn't throw his life away for anything, but she'd trade hers for Natsume. Ultimately, they are both willing to die for the other. Not just willing--enthusiastic about it. 
“Give him back to me,” she prays, and this is Mikan’s version of Natsume’s “You are mine.” Natsume belongs to her and she doesn’t want anybody to take him from her. He is hers. She wants him back.
She swears she’d do anything to get him back, she’d sacrifice anything.
She embraces him and a large wave of alice emanates from their collapsed bodies.
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Poetic cinema.... This was fated, the narrative was always heading here, it was always gonna be like this--beginning with the two of them, ending with the two of them. It was set up from the start!
I do like this part, where this panel looks strikingly similar to the first time Mikan used her alice with Natsume in the Northern Woods. They’ve come full-circle. Mikan doesn’t want Natsume using his alice anymore, but now she’s desperate to save him, not anybody else. 
The hourglass representing his lifespan, representing her alice lifespan shatters.
Natsume’s heart stopped.
Mikan’s alice is gone.
More people gather her in the corridor and Mikan seems to faint from the effort of stopping his alice, falling against his chest with tears in her eyes. 
Natsume’s fire peters out.
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Symbolism! Heartbreaking!
Tsubasa has now rejoined them and pleads with someone to teleport Natsume and Mikan to the hospital immediately. Mikan has fainted and Natsume isn’t breathing. But the ESP, so consumed by rage and greed, refuses to allow them to escape, not even to get medical help. Natsume is now useless to him--and is actually an impediment, so he’s better off if the kid croaks. And Mikan will wake up eventually, and then she can finally steal the toxic alice stones from his body.
It seems like a fight is about to break out, but Luna finally switches sides and captures the ESP, shutting him up for good.
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Five
Mikan is temporarily interested in Luna’s actions, but her attention keeps getting drawn back to her dead fiance. 
Luna’s change is very heartfelt and meaningful, and she confesses her love for Kuonji, an undying affection that she can’t deny even now. But he has gone too far. She’s changed her mind too late, and she knows it, but she can’t let him go on this way anymore. She sucks out his soul.
Now that the ESP has been incapacitated for good and the fire has gone out, everyone now joins the ruckus in the corridor. Mikan is still only focused on Natsume and now everyone else is too. We’re talking about a dead child, after all. Not a usual occurrence in this school, surprisingly enough.
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The really interesting thing about this is that Natsume should have killed the ESP. Narratively. Because he didn't, it's hard to care about what happens to the ESP anymore. There's something much bigger happening, and it steals all the attention, not just of the characters but of the reader. The reason why this part of the story frustrates me is because nothing anybody does matters at all. Natsume gives up his life to kill the ESP and he fails. Mikan gives up her alice to save Natsume and she fails. Nothing matters and it all feels frustrating and hollow. So much so, that it's difficult to care about this end. The narrative and what would work best for the story seems secondary to the concept of shock and making the reader cry.
Before Natsume can be teleported to a hospital, Hotaru pulls a mechanical spider from his collar, a robot that would tranquilize Natsume if he pushed himself too hard. She had good intentions, but now she’s concerned that the tranquilizer might have hurt him even more. Even though Subaru and Tono are trying their best, Natsume’s heart is still stopped.
It’s not looking good.
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Six
Natsume is in a state of suspended animation and bleeding profusely. “Suspended animation” means that his body has entered a state where bodily functions are no longer occurring but he is not quite dead yet. 
Kazumi approaches Mikan with her and Natsume’s alice stones, telling her to insert them into Natsume. The logic is that when Yuka was in school, doing missions for the ESP, she would steal alices from the dying, causing them to die earlier than they otherwise would. Therefore, perhaps if Mikan inserts this alice stone into Natsume, his life would be prolonged a little bit. He tries to tell her something important, but Mikan has already taken off. 
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I'd give anything. When someone said "Count your blessings now, before they're long gone," I guess I just didn't know how I was all wrong. They knew better. Still, you said forever and ever...
I think Mikan knows what Kazumi wants to tell her and it doesn’t matter. She rushes to Natsume’s side and swears that she would give all of her power for Natsume. She remembers their engagement, and his proposal, their promise to be together represented with the stones. It’s symbolic, then, that the stones now are her only hope at making sure they can be together forever. This is her last chance to bring him back.
She inserts the stones. 
She tries to.
She knows exactly what’s happening, but the timing couldn’t be worse. She doesn’t want it to be true. But Kazumi comes up to her and tells her the hard facts: she has run out of her alice. 
Mikan has had that feeling all night, that she was way too powerful, and releasing way too much of her alice at a time. The way she talked about saving Nobara implies she had that feeling even then, at the beginning of the night, that there was a finite amount left and she was reaching the end. She used her alice in huge quantities in the following hours and now, when she needs it the most, it’s gone. 
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The worst!!!
Alices are incredibly personal. Throughout the story, we’ve seen how much alices mean to their owners. We’ve seen how upset Luna and Narumi were about Yuka stealing just a bit of their alices. Class B’s horror at the possibility of losing their alices during the Z Arc. Yuu’s grief at his temporary loss of alice. Mikan is being told now that she has lost her alice, that it’s gone forever now. Alices are a part of a person, and Mikan doesn’t have that part of her anymore. It feels awful to lose something so important.
It feels worse to lose it now.
This was her only chance to save Natsume, and now she can’t even try it because her alice has decided to run out now.
She starts to cry. WHY WOULDN’T SHE? She lost her alice and because of that, she’ll lose her boyfriend too. All she has are these alice stones now, stones she can’t even put into his body. Stones representing the future they were supposed to have together that was stolen from her.
No more kisses. No more sweet romantic words in the moonlight. No dates. No trains. No wedding. No forever.
She stopped Natsume’s fire and now she is no longer an alice. But Kazumi tells her there’s a chance she can restore a little bit of her alice with her alice stone, just enough to insert Natsume’s stone into his body, to keep him alive for just a bit more. There’s a “but” there, that if Mikan uses that small amount of alice to keep Natsume alive, she’ll lose the chance to be an alice again. She’ll have to leave the school for good. She won’t even be able to see him, if that’s the case--
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Instant relief, as temporary as it is.
She doesn’t care. She grabs the stone. She absorbs her own power and she cries, even smiling for a bit. Like I said, alices are important. I do believe Natsume is one of the few people who doesn’t have any positive feelings about his alice. Despite all of Mikan’s insecurities, she loves her alice. Because of her alice she was able to follow Hotaru, able to make so many friends and meet Natsume, able to save the people she cares about time and time again, able to make a difference. She has changed and grown because of her time at Alice Academy, because she had an alice. It’s a huge part of her, even if she didn’t know she had it for very long. She gets it back for even just a moment, and she cries in relief. It’s a lovely feeling, to have it back, even if it is tragically temporary. Her instant smile of relief at absorbing the stone makes me think that she already knew deep down that she had lost her alice already. It was a feeling she had.
Now she has it back! Her very important, meaningful alice, a part of her she never wants to lose!
But there’s something else she wants to keep even more.
“Natsume, I give all my alice to you.”
Mikan gives up her alice, her friends, her connections--all of it, for Natsume to live. She knows she won’t even be able to see him after this. She’ll have to leave the school. She’ll have to go far away and never see him. He might die during that time anyway. It doesn’t matter. She wants him to live. They were going to get married, and she’s still intent on that coming true. She wants him to come back and live, no matter what happens, no matter what the price is. 
“I don’t care what I’ll lose for this wish to be granted.”
“Natsume, I love you more than anyone else.”
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This is so sweet and intimate, it's strange that they're only twelve. Children shouldn't have to go through this.
Mikan makes the ultimate sacrifice for Natsume here. She gives him all she has in the effort to keep him alive. When Mikan first came to this school, Narumi made a comment about her being Natsume’s “key.” From the beginning, the narrative has set this event up, that Mikan would eventually save Natsume’s life, specifically in regards to his own alice. “Maybe, there’s someone out there in need of your alice,” Narumi said on her first day, on a panel of Natsume. We knew from the beginning that we’d eventually end up here, with Natsume on the brink of death and Mikan being the only one who can save him. This was always meant to happen.
There’s fate, and then there’s the narrative. You can argue about fate being real, but narratives only exist in books. There is a clear narrative from the start, pairing Natsume and Mikan together, putting their destinies on the same track, with their alices being inexplicably connected in a meaningful way, with Natsume being the only person who made her feel like her nullification alice was worth something, with Mikan's alice hinted as the only thing that might bring Natsume relief from his own alice. 
I love everything about Mikan’s scenes with Natsume up to this point.
I hate everything after.
Mikan is giving up everything she has for Natsume to live. This is what the manga has been building up to since she first met him, something the narrative has been preparing us for since the beginning. The narrative says Mikan should save Natsume here. I'm tolerant of the story up to this point. I have my issues, but narrative-wise, I can accept what happens. After this specific part, that changes.
I'm posting in a manner that will bring me to 40 total parts. For Zoe's and Crim's sake since they thought 38 and 39 would be terrible. The next few parts might be short as a result but maybe that'll make them easier to read. I'll try posting once a day until this essay is complete. Thanks for understanding.
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lizspearmint21 · 10 months
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yutopia-eleftheria · 5 months
That's not my Neighbor Characters Informations
Floor 1 :
Roman Stilnsky :
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ID Number : 483924059684
Apartment : F01-01
Apartment Phone # : 1152
Occupation : Public Accountant
Relations : Lois Stilnsky {Wife}
Age : 42
Birthday : May 24th 1913
Zodiac Sign : Gemini
Height : 6'3" (190 cm)
Weight : 194 lbs (88 kg)
Blood Type : O-
Origin : Russia
"Anthem" : Breaking The Habit by Linkin Park
Appearance :
Big Nose
Scar on Right Chin
Long Face
One Eyebrow
Wears a Hat
Black Short Curly Hair
Light Green Eyes
Grey Suit and Hat
White Shirt
Red Necktie
Lois Stilnsky :
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ID Number : 894569723651
Apartment : F01-01
Apartment Phone # : 1152
Occupation : Housewife
Relations : Roman Stilnsky {Husband}
Age : 38
Birthday : February 11th 1917
Zodiac Sign : Aquarius
Height : 5'2" (157 cm)
Weight : 198 lbs (90 kg)
Blood Type : O+
Origin : Bielorussia
"Anthem" : Trustfall by P!NK
Appearance :
Big Lips
Mole on Left Cheek
Round Face
Short Hair
Purplish "Violine" Hair Covering her Eyes
Pink Dress and Hat
Round Silver Earrings and Necklace
Robertsky Peachman :
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ID Number : 114652289730
Apartment : F01-02
Apartment Phone # : 2668
Occupation : Shoemaker
Relations : Albertsky Peachman {Older Brother}
Age : 36
Birthday : January 11th 1919
Zodiac Sign : Capricorn
Height : 6'7" (200cm)
Weight : 165 lbs (75 kg)
Blood Type : O+
Origin : United States
"Anthem" : Peaches by Justin Bieber ft. Daniel Caesar & Giveon
Appearance :
Long Neck
No Eyebrows
Big Nose
Has a Goatee
Ginger Curly Hair
Yellow Coat
Blue Scarf
Albertsky Peachman :
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ID Number : 146512986354
Apartment : F01-02
Apartment Phone # : 2668
Occupation : Shoemaker
Relations : Robertsky Peachman {Younger Brother}
Age : 44
Birthday : April 14th 1911
Zodiac Sign : Aries
Height : 5'8" (173 cm)
Weight : 183 lbs (83 kg)
Blood Type : AB-
Origin : United States
"Anthem" : My Name Is Stain by Shaka Ponk
Appearance :
Has a Moustache
Prominent Chin
Big Nose
Big Eyebrows
Ginger Hair
Blue and White Shirt
Angus Ciprianni :
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ID Number : 565003698845
Apartment : F01-03
Apartment Phone # : 5513
Occupation : Businessman
Relations : Unknown
Age : 33
Birthday : February 3rd 1922
Zodiac Sign : Aquarius
Height : 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight : 146 lbs (66 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Origin : Italy
"Anthem" : Risky Business by Jorge Blanco
Appearance :
Long Neck
Wears a Hat
Has a Moustache
Small Eyes
Short Brown Hair
Purple Suit and Hat
White Shirt Collar
Red Necktie
Elenois Sverchzt :
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ID Number : 845323014956
Apartment : F01-04
Apartment Phone # : 6996
Occupation : Model
Relations : Selenne Sverchzt {Twin Sister}
Age : 22
Birthday : March 1st 1933
Zodiac Sign : Pisces
Height : 6'2" (188 cm)
Weight : 106 lbs (48 kg)
Blood Type : B+
Origin : Germany
"Anthem" : Fancy by Iggy Azalea
Appearance :
Mole on Left Cheek
Small Pointed Nose
Long Neck
Short Curly Hazel Hair
Yellow Dress, Orange Stripes
Ahoge Curl to the Right
Triangle Golden Earrings
Selenne Sverchzt :
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ID Number : 785613269514
Apartment : F01-04
Apartment Phone # : 6996
Occupation : Model
Relations : Elenois Sverchzt {Twin Sister}
Age : 22
Birthday : March 1st 1933
Zodiac Sign : Pisces
Height : 6'2" (188 cm)
Weight : 106 lbs (48 kg)
Blood Type : B+
Origin : Germany
"Anthem" : FASHION by Britney Manson
Appearance :
Mole on Right Cheek
Small Pointed Nose
Long Neck
Short Curly Hazel Hair
Orange Dress, Red Stripes
Ahoge Curl to the Left
Square Golden Earrings
Floor 2 :
Arnold Schmicht :
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ID Number : 778566219322
Apartment : F02-01
Apartment Phone # : 5123
Occupation : Writer
Relations : Gloria Schmicht {Wife}
Age : 49
Birthday : October 21st 1906
Zodiac Sign : Libra
Height : 5'0" (152 cm)
Weight : 179 lbs (81 kg)
Blood Type : A-
Origin : Germany / Afro-American
"Anthem" : À La Faveur De L'Automne by Tété ft. Jérémy Frérot
Appearance :
Big Eyebrows
Prominent Mustache
Wears a Hat
Round Face
Short Curly Dark Brown Hair
Green Suit and Hat
White Shirt
Red Necktie
Gloria Schmicht :
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ID Number : 698522341150
Apartment : F02-01
Apartment Phone # : 5123
Occupation : Banker
Relations : Arnold Schmicht {Husband}
Age : 40
Birthday : August 22nd 1915
Zodiac Sign : Leo
Height : 5'1" (155 cm)
Weight : 218 lbs (99 kg)
Blood Type : O+
Origin : Hungary / Afro-American
"Anthem" : Money, Money, Money by ABBA
Appearance :
Round Face
Mole on Right Cheek
Short Hair
Round Nose
Short Curly Dark Brown Hair
Yellow Eyes
Round Yellow Earrings
Purple Scarf
Izaack Gauss :
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ID Number : 456985512369
Apartment : F02-02
Apartment Phone # : 7332
Occupation : Reporter
Relations : Unknown
Age : 39
Birthday : July 23rd 1916
Zodiac Sign : Leo
Height : 6'5" (196cm)
Weight : 209 lbs (95 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Origin : Germany / United States
"Anthem" : American Idiot by Green Day
Appearance :
Big Eyebrows
Big Smile
Prominent Chin
Big Nose
Short Black Hair
Blue Eyes
Dark Grey Suit
White Shirt
Dull Blue Necktie
Margarette Bubbles :
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ID Number : 103268014590
Apartment : F02-03
Apartment Phone # : 6431
Occupation : Seamstress
Relations : Unknown
Age : 56
Birthday : July 10th 1899
Zodiac Sign : Cancer
Height : 5'11" (180 cm)
Weight : 225 lbs (102 kg)
Blood Type : AB-
Origin : United States (Wisconsin)
"Anthem" : Bubbly by Colbie Caillat
Appearance :
Curly Hazel Hair
Deviated Left Eye
Round Nose
Big Smile
Pearl Necklace
Yellow Dress, Orange Dots
Round Yellow Earrings
Nacha Mikaelys :
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ID Number : 789653665413
Apartment : F02-04
Apartment Phone # : 1346
Occupation : Chef
Relations : Anastacha Mikaelys {Daughter}
Francis Mosses {Implied Ex}
Age : 29
Birthday : November 13th 1926
Zodiac Sign : Scorpio
Height : 5'3" (160 cm)
Weight : 121 lbs (55 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Origin : United States
"Anthem" : Careless by Neffex
Appearance :
Right Eye Blue
Left Eye Green
Curly Brown Hair
She has Freckles
Round Face
Purple Hair Tie and Shirt with White Collar
Anastacha Mikaelys :
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ID Number : 132698534462
Apartment : F02-04
Apartment Phone # : 1346
Occupation : Student
Relations : Nacha Mikaelys {Mother}
Francis Mosses {Implied Father}
Age : 13
Birthday : May 26th 1942
Zodiac Sign : Gemini
Height : 4'11" (150 cm)
Weight : 99 lbs (45 kg)
Blood Type : A-
Origin : United States
"Anthem" : Ma Chérie by Stéphane
Appearance :
Tired Eyes
Two Ponytails
Brown Hair
Small Nose
Round Face
Purple and White School Uniform
Purple Hair Ties
Pink School Bag
Floor 3 :
Mia Stone :
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ID Number : 789564525115
Apartment : F03-01
Apartment Phone # : 1425
Occupation : Teacher
Relations : Dr. W. Afton {Fiancé)
Age : 27
Birthday : September 15th 1928
Zodiac Sign : Virgo
Height : 5'6" (167 cm)
Weight : 132 lbs (60 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Origin : England
"Anthem" : Thank U, Next by Ariana Grande
Appearance :
Long Blonde Hair
Small Round Nose
She has Freckles
Oval Face
Thin Eyebrows
Pearl Necklace
Round Silver Earrings
Pink Eye Make-Up
Red Shirt
Dr. W. Afton :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 250489656214
Apartment : F03-01
Apartment Phone # : 1425
Occupation : Physicist
Relations : Mia Stone {Fiancée}
Age : 31
Birthday : June 25th 1926
Zodiac Sign : Cancer
Height : 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight : 150 lbs (68 kg)
Blood Type : A-
Origin : United States
"Anthem" : Valentine by Maneskin
Appearance :
Robust Eyebrows
Wears Grey Glasses
Short Blue Hair
Round Nose
Square Head
Green Shirt with Many Pockets
White Shirt Collar
Red Necktie
Francis Mosses :
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ID Number : 235569418995
Apartment : F03-02
Apartment Phone # : 4122
Occupation : Milkman
Relations : Nacha Mikaelys {Implied Ex}
Anastacha Mikaelys {Implied Daughter}
Age : 30
Birthday : April 23rd 1925
Zodiac Sign : Taurus
Height : 5'7" (170 cm)
Weight : 170 lbs (77 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Origin : United States (Pennsylvania)
"Anthem" : Strangers by Lewis Capaldi
Appearance :
Long Nose
Thin Chin
Tired Eyes
Short Brown Hair
Wears a White Hat
White Shirt
Black Bowtie
Steven Rudboys :
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ID Number : 565845455965
Apartment : F03-03
Apartment Phone # : 4242
Occupation : Pilot
Relations : Mclooy Rudboys {Father}
Age : 28
Birthday : November 24th 1927
Zodiac Sign : Sagittarius
Height : 6'1" (185 cm)
Weight : 205 lbs (93 kg)
Blood Type : B+
Origin : United States (Texas)
"Anthem" : Children Of The Sky by Imagine Dragons
Appearance :
Big Nose
Wears Grey Sunglasses
Short Brown Mohawk-Like Hair
Small Head
Green Pilot Jacket with Badges
White Shirt
Military Necklace
Mclooy Rudboys :
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ID Number : 964516184611
Apartment : F03-03
Apartment Phone # : 4242
Occupation : Retired
Relations : Steven Rudboys {Son}
Age : 71
Birthday : May 16th 1884
Zodiac Sign : Taurus
Height : 6'0" (183 cm)
Weight : 190 lbs (86 kg)
Blood Type : O+
Origin : United States (Texas)
"Anthem" : Shotgun by George Ezra
Appearance :
Has a Grey Moustache
Big Nose
Has a Grey Goatee
ALWAYS Wears a Hat
Grey Short Hair
Light Grey Shirt, White Sleeves
White Hat
Red Scarf
Alf Cappuccin :
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ID Number : 120548096347
Apartment : F03-04
Apartment Phone # : 4258
Occupation : Lawyer
Relations : Rafttellyn Cappuccin {Wife}
Age : 64
Birthday : October 12th 1891
Zodiac Sign : Libra
Height : 4'7" (140 cm)
Weight : 161 lbs (73 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Origin : United States (New Jersey)
"Anthem" : Where The Streets Have No Name by U2
Appearance :
Big Nose
Prominent Grey Moustache
Use a Golden Monocle
Wears a Black Hat
Round Face
Grey Sideburns Hairstyle
Black Suit with White Shirt Underneath
Red Bowtie
Rafttellyn Cappuccin :
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ID Number : 568554596329
Apartment : F03-04
Apartment Phone # : 4258
Occupation : Housewife
Relations : Alf Cappuccin {Husband}
Age : 46
Birthday : September 29th 1909
Zodiac Sign : Scorpio
Height : 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight : 154 lbs (70 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Origin : Italy / United States
"Anthem" : Would I Lie To You by Texas
Appearance :
Long Face
Big Nose
Straight Bluish Purple Hair
Wears a Light Pink Headband
Small Yellow Earrings
Pearl Necklace
Red and Green Dress with Flower Motif
Brown Leather Handbag
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nhlclover · 1 year
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summary: your relationship hits a rocky patch and a fight tests your love.
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of alcohol
note: based on 'just give me a reason' by p!nk. wrote this between the hours of 1 and 5 am, peak night owl behaviour. also I left the ending up for interpretation so you can imagine your own :)
word count: 2.0k
Right from the moment you met, Quinn had your heart.
With your mothers having been teammates once upon a time they decided to reunite. You were invited to the Hughes’s home and introduced to Ellen’s sons; Quinn, Jack, and Luke. You were drawn to the eldest Hughes boy immediately. Quinn was different than his brothers. While Jack and Luke were quite rambunctious, Quinn was reserved. His darker features attracted you quickly.
You guys connected that day, exchanging numbers. Quinn asked you on a date not a while later and the two of you began dating not long after that. The pair of you worked well together, your odds and ends balancing together.
You let yourself be vulnerable with Quinn. He saw the parts of you that weren’t all that pretty, the parts of you that you’d always desperately wished could be fixed. But with every touch, he fixed them.
It was your mom that warned you about being in a relationship with someone with such a profession, something she knew from first-hand experience. A profession that requires late nights, weeks out of town, and endless dedication. You assured her, and in turn, yourself, that you knew what you were getting into. You knew what dating Quinn meant, and you were willing to sacrifice a lot for him.
You had yourself convinced that it was fine. That you were okay with the “system” you and Quinn had set up.
When it began to change between the two of you, neither of you was sure of it. It was gradual and took a minute for both of you to see, but when you did it was painstakingly obvious. Empty sheets now lay between you, cold. Quinn’s loving words were now few and far between. Deep and meaningful conversations were replaced by the painfully dull small talk you’d had a million times.
Quinn’s practices began to run late as he worked on perfecting his game, followed by time at the gym spent becoming more agile and lean. Plans for date nights fizzled out, and boy's nights became more of a priority for him.
It was now painfully obvious what had happened. Somewhere along the way, hockey had become his main priority. It sits far above you. Somewhere along the way, hockey became less of his passion and more of a soul-sucking, energy-consuming task that leaves the stressed and unhappy version of Quinn behind for you to deal with. Something you can no longer withstand.
It was starting to take effect on you now and your friends noticed. It didn’t take much convincing for you to send your boyfriend a quick text while he was at a game letting him know you’d gone out for the night. You left no indication of when you’d be home because truly you didn’t know, nor did you have a plan.
Out at a downtown Vancouver bar, one you knew Quinn and his teammates would never step foot in following a game, you spilled all your repressed emotions out to your friends. You told them every detail. You weren’t sure whether you wanted advice or not but you got some anyways.
“Listen, none of these boys know you’re taken and I’m sure any one of them would be happy to take you to the men's bathroom and give you what you’ve been needing.” Your friend Alicia says.
“Absolutely not, do not cheat on him.” Your other friend Georgia says. “I think you guys just need to talk it out. I don’t think this is the end of you guys. Y’know… you’re not broken just bent.”
You contemplate Georgia’s words the rest of the night, your first drink coincidentally becoming your last. You spend the rest of the night listening to your friends' woes, babysitting them as they got drunker and drunker.
It was well past three when you sent them on their way and headed back to yours and Quinn’s.
You shoved your key in the lock, attempting to unlock an already open lock. He had left it unlocked, not knowing when you would come home. Quinn, trying to stay awake until he knew you were home safe, had only just drifted off to sleep on the couch. He jolted awake at the sound of your keys jingling around.
Eventually, you discover that the lock was already open, cursing when you enter the home. Quinn watches you take off your heeled boots, cursing once more when you roll your ankle after stumbling out of your shoes.
Quinn glances at the clock on the wall which reads quarter to four in the morning. He rubs his eyes, gets up from the couch and comes to the hall. You stay oblivious to your boyfriend, tossing your keys in the dish, and shrugging off your leather jacket onto the floor. You suddenly spot Quinn in your dark living room, leaning against the back of a lounge chair.
“Christ, Quinn. You scared me.” You say, setting your purse down on the table in the front hall.
“Where the hell were you?” He asks, his tired voice scratching your ears. You can sense the anger in his voice, but you’re slightly confused as to why.
“I was at the bar… with the girls… you knew that, Quinn.” You say, your voice coming out slightly condescending.
“Yeah, but the bars close at 3 in Vancouver.” He says, pointing to the clock. “It’s almost 4 in the goddamn morning, y/n.”
“We went out after, walked around.” You tell him. That was true. You and your friends, after getting kicked out of the bar at closing time, went walking in downtown Vancouver, before finding a park and sitting down in the play structure to vent about your problems.
Quinn groans, rubbing his face. His exhaustion is noticeable in his dark circles and drooping eyes.
“Quinn you could’ve checked my location, it’s still on for you.” You tell him.
“That’s not the point, y/n!” He exclaims. “You didn’t call, you didn't text… nothing! I didn’t know if you were safe or not or when you were gonna come home.”
A pang of guilt washes over you. You could only imagine the roles being reversed, not knowing where he was and whether or not you were going to get to sleep next to him that night or not.
“Y/n, I’ve been up all night waiting for you. And I have practice tomorrow.” He says.
The guilt that was just there washes away as he says those words. “God, enough with the fucking hockey.” You groan, walking into the bedroom.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Quinn asks, following you down the hall.
You begin to change out of your ‘going out outfit’, discarding your skirt and flimsy top to the floor. Under any other circumstance, Quinn would love to see you like this. But the anger was clouding over any other emotion he would possibly be feeling right now.
“It’s always about hockey with you Quinn!” You shout slipping into sweat shorts and a t-shirt, purposefully not putting on one of the many ones you stole from Quinn. “That’s your main fucking priority.”
“Well yeah, it’s kind of my job.” He says.
Before you can counter him, he speaks again. “You know what, I’m too fucking tired and you’re too fucking drunk for us to be arguing right now.” He says, heading over to his side of the bed.
“I am not fucking drunk.” You hiss.
“You’ve been out at a bar for the past six hours, y/n.” Quinn reminds you.
“I wasn’t drinking the whole time, dick.” You say. “I need a drink.”
You head out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. You can hear Quinns’ bare feet padding on the wooden floor, hot on your trail. “Are you serious?” He asks. You ignore him, going into your liquor cabinet, and pulling out a bottle of white wine.
“Is this a game to you?” Quinn asks, leaning on the counter.
You pause from unscrewing the cap and look up at your boyfriend. “No Quinn it’s quite the fucking opposite, I’m sick of playing fucking games.” You say.
Quinns’ brows furrow together, not understanding what you mean. Your pent-up rage, the rage that had been forming over the past few months, now was finally bubbling to the surface. It makes it hard for words to form, your little squeaks coming out with no words as you search for the right ones.
“You don’t love me anymore.” You finally manage out.
Quinns’ expression is even more confused now, but now contains a note of hurt. “What are you talking about y/n?” He asks softly. “Of course I still love you.”
Quinn reaches out for your hands but you pull away. “Quinn…when you’re not at practice or a game, you’re out with the boys. I actually cannot remember the last time we had a proper date. And- and when’s the last time you called me dreamgirl?” You ask, mentioning the pet name he would call you. “And I don’t want to break up-”
“Woah, who said anything about breaking up?” Quinn interrupts, stepping towards you.
“Quinn I feel like I’m living with a stranger!” You shout, your hands flying up. “When’s the last time you held me? Hm? When’s the last time you came home after a roadie and instantly scooped me up, carrying me to the bed? I mean, fuck, when was the last time you kissed me? And I mean really kissed me and not the sorry excuses of a peck you give me before you leave me again?”
This renders Quinn speechless as he actually tries to remember the last time you two were intimate. His teeth are grinding together, his chest going up and down with every heavy breath he takes.
“I just can’t do this anymore.” You tell him softly.
“Then tell me what you want.” He responds, matching your tone. “Do you want this to end?”
“No, god no, I already said I don’t—”
“Then what do you want, y/n?” Quinn asks, his anger reappearing. “Because I am trying so fucking hard right now. With everything! With hockey, the entire fate of the fucking franchise is on my shoulders right now. So please, tell me what it is that you want.”
“I want my boyfriend back!” You scream. Tears spill over your waterline. They stain streaks on your cheeks, landing on the hardwood beneath your feet. You step over to Quinn, standing right in front of him. He doesn’t back down like you expect him to. “I want to feel loved by the person that’s supposed to love me.”
You’re jabbing at his chest, and looking into his eyes, you notice tears beginning to form.
“I want to come home and know that you’re happy to see me. That I am a source of joy. I don’t want to have to worry about it being awkward between the two of us.” You continue, now pounding your fists on Quinns’ chest. He takes every hit allowing your anger to spill out. “I just want you to love me, that’s all I want. All I fucking want is to be loved. Please just…”
Your words melt in sobs, Quinn gripping your hands and pulling you into his chest. He holds you tightly, sobs wracking your entire body. You grip onto Quinns’ t-shirt, holding yourself steady as your knees threaten to give way. He keeps you steady, placing soft kisses on the top of your head.
The sun now started to raise on the two of you. The morning sun paints the sky a pale orange, a stark contrast to the energy within the walls of your home.
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kylieswift31 · 16 days
Are you not entertained?!
Looking back it's clear that Taylor Swift knew she would be involved with Travis Kelce, the Chiefs and their football games long before their relationship started. This allowed her time to plan and leave a trail of breadcrumbs along the way so that looking back it felt like an invisible string tying them both together.
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Just like a broken clock is right twice a day, leaving a plethora of Easter eggs increases the feeling that they were meant to be together all along for anyone that choose not to see past the facade of Taylor™. Many of the connections are simple and obvious, such as the number 87, the combination of red and yellow and football themed references. Others are more of a shot in the dark but have a bigger payoff if they end up foreshadowing something really specific years in advance.
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To understand how Taylor has been able to plan so far in advance we shouldn't be looking backwards at what has happened in the past, instead we should put ourselves in Taylor's shoes to consider the steps she would take knowing what was to come in the future. This would begin with researching the topic and learning about the history of football and sport in general. "I want to tell a sports story because I had just watched the last dance." In the folklore long pond studio sessions Taylor and Aaron Dessner discuss the reasons behind why they created the song 'epiphany'. Watching movies and reading books that feature sports stars is a great place to start looking for inspiration to gauge what the public is familiar with.
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The next step would be to pick out specific references to hint at in interviews, outfits and social media posts. These take a little more effort to pull off but mostly relate to future projects Taylor has already planned out. The Easter egging begins to reach mastermind status when the foreshadowing links to events outside of Taylor's immediate control. The most recent example of this is the new Pepsi commercial inspired by Gladiator that ends with Travis saying "Are you not entertained?!" This is the same Gladiator quote that Taylor referenced in the Time person of the year interview that she did late last year. It's possible she knew about this commercial ahead of time before her interview.
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This is a recreation of the Pepsi commercial that was made in 2000 featuring Britney Spears, Beyonce and P!nk. They were dressed as scantily clad warriors singing a cover of Queen's 'we will rock you' while being attacked by lions. The remake features Megan Thee Stallion singing the same song as Travis and his teammates are being attacked by tigers. This is an interesting choice of predator considering they end up locking one of the tigers in a cage. We've seen many tiger references in Taylor's work including the fearless tiger stripe outfit and the "way to go tiger" lyrics in 'Peter". If we consider what Taylor would have been inspired by as she was planning ahead, the original version of this commercial would have been a perfect example of female sportsmanship displayed in a male dominated industry.
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Just like the eye of the storm can trick you into thinking the storm is over, the end of the international leg of the eras tour wasn't the end of Taylor's story. This new commercial is just like the second half of the Truman show when the camera zooms out to reveal the dome Truman has been living in. Everything we're seeing during this break feels jarring after being so focused on the details of the eras tour each night. This is intentional, allowing us room to zoom out to see the bigger picture and the role the director has been playing all along to script the narrative. And even though Taylor isn’t visibly associated with this commercial, it feels like a connection to her story when she’s selling out the same stadiums all by herself over and over again.
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All of these connections between Taylor and Travis feel synchronistic in hindsight, yet are logical connections if you're planning ahead of time regardless of the motivation behind it. If you believe they're in love it will seem like fate or a coincidence that they both used the same quote. If you believe Pepsi and the NFL are using Taylor to increase their sales then you will see how they reused her quote to gain attention. If you believe Taylor contributed her ideas to benefit her PR relationship then you will see that she used the quote to foreshadow the new commercial. And if you believe this is all a part of the performance art you will see that it's another piece of the bigger story being told. Either way it creates yet another connection between Taylor and three of the most powerful and successful pop stars of our generation.
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After all, are you not entertained?
A tortured poet,
Kylie x
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beautifulfuckup99 · 1 year
Girlllllllll I just love yooouuuu
Can we get a Yoongi smut where he is older than the reader and that makes him protective, possessive yet obsessed boyfriend.
i cant get enough of this man 🥵🥵🥵
Yes, ma'am!
Title: Bored.
Warning(s): Age-Gap Relationship, Dom!Yoongi, Sugar Zaddy!Suga (lol), Daddy K!nk, Age-P!ay (Nothing too weird lol)
Author's Note: Age gap is gonna be 10 years, and this is a ;Non-Idol!AU', But it IS a 'Rich!bfYoongi' fic. So enjoy!
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Knock Knock
Yoongi sighs deeply as he looks up from the huge amount of paperwork that he needed to go through before Monday's big meeting. "Yeah?" He calls out and the door opens slowly to reveal his beautiful girlfriend of about a year and a half now. He pauses and leans back in his chair as he eyes his college-aged sweetheart. "Y/N Y/L/N. To what do I owe this visit?" He teases a bit and Y/N smiles shyly.
"Hi, baby!" Y/N sings as she bounces into the room wearing the blue, thinned-strapped, sundress Yoongi had gotten shipped out from Italy for their one-month anniversary. Yoongi lets his eyes wonder her outfit and hair that clearly had just gotten done up.
Looking at Yoongi and Y/N, you'd think this was a simple "sugar baby" situation, but the two were actually extremely content in their relationship. And they had met in probably one of the most random ways ever.
They had the same coffee order.
Yoongi loved to go back on the memory because it was just so random, yet Y/N swore it was something you only read about in a fucking Nicolas Sparks' book.
Story was simple: Yoongi had recently gotten in touch with a client who wanted to meet at the new Starbucks that had opened up a few blocks from some random college campus, the same campus Y/N was attending. Yoongi, being head of the company, knew that they couldn't lose this deal, so he went early to snatch a table and order the coffees for him and the man he was meeting with. The girl in front of him in the line smelled of vanilla, and she was wearing the sexiest outfit Yoongi had ever seen. She caught his eye the second he walked in.
Now, pause.
Because Y/N always laughs when Yoongi makes that part of the story known when telling it to strangers that ask. Mostly because the "sexy" outfit Yoongi spoke so highly of was just a pair of black sweatpants and a dark blue tank top. She'd rolled out of bed and dragged her half-asleep self down to the coffee shop for a wakeup call in a cup. But according to Yoongi, Y/N just wore those sweats and that tank top in such a... "Confident way".
So anyway.
As Yoongi was on the phone with the client he'd be meeting with, he hears the name of the coffee he'd ordered. Only, both he and Y/N walked over to grab the drink at the same time. That is when they actually noticed each other.
Y/N had giggled bashfully and put her hand down, giving Yoongi a shy apology since she hadn't checked the name before going for the cup, but Yoongi only smiled at the girl standing in front of him, assuring her that the coffee was all hers. He knew right then and there; he loved the back and front of this girl. Which doesn't usually happen...
Yoongi introduced himself, and Y/N did the same before walking off to a corner of the coffee shop after assuring again that she could wait for her order. The fact that she'd seen the Rolex, seen the suit, seen the all black American Express card he'd pulled out to offer to pay for a bakery item for her, and she still politely declined and walked away? That held Yoongi's attention more than any girl had in years. After a while of waiting at the counter, a worker put down another cup of coffee and Yoongi noticed the name on it.
This was her order...
That's when he got the idea...
After making sure no one was watching, he grabbed a pen from his suit pocket, and wrote down a small message along with his number before putting it back on the countertop casually. Just as he'd hoped, another worker came by, saw the cup and called out the name of the person to come and take their coffee. He saw Y/N walk over and grab her cup as his client walked in, walking over to greet him.
He noticed from over the man's shoulder how Y/N moved the cup around to look at all of the Christmas designs on it before choking on her sip. She looked around the coffee shop and Yoongi tried to stiffen his laughter as her eyes went to each and every person in the room before they locked with his.
'You?' He remembers Y/N mouthing to him, and Yoongi gave a smirk before turning all attention back to his meeting. The two talked through phone calls and text messages after that, and when Y/N was on Christmas break from college, Yoongi surprised her with tickets to Paris. While out there for those two weeks, Y/N and Yoongi made love every night. When they weren't doing that, he was taking Y/N shopping, always loving her in clothes he'd bought her. Made him feel better about ripping them off later.
"I missed you today..." Y/N says shyly and Yoongi smirks knowingly.
At the beginning of their time together, Yoongi had learned something about Y/N that really turned him on. Y/N was into something that not a lot of people would understand, but Yoongi definitely tried to. See, Y/N was into a sort of age play kink. It didn't go too far, but basically, she loved to be taken care of. She even called Yoongi 'Daddy' out of the bedroom at times because to her, Yoongi was the dominate one in their relationship. And Yoongi wouldn't have it any other way...
Yoongi had done research and realized that people like Y/N actually existed. Now, as stated before, Y/N wasn't too hardcore with the kink. She didn't wear adult diapers or crawl around on the floor, or wear onesie pajamas. She did, however, own a one-piece pajama with Yoongi, but that was a different story. Y/N just seemed to submit very easily to Yoongi though.
"Did you really miss me, baby?" Yoongi asks softly as he watches his girlfriend change her balance from one foot to the other.
"Are you busy?" Y/N asks gently, not really answering Yoongi's question. He takes note of that...
"Depends. What do you want, baby girl?" Yoongi asks as he takes off his reading glasses and rubs his eyes before putting them back on. A blush forms on Y/N's cheeks from the nickname.
"I finished classes earlier today because of some weather alert. I'm all bored..." Y/N says with a sigh as she sits down on the chair that was set on the other side of Yoongi's desk in his home office. Yoongi looks out the floor-to-ceiling window and pauses when he's met with the sight of a grey sky and heavy rain. How long had he been on autopilot?
"Huh. Will you look at that..." He mutters to himself, and Y/N rolls her eyes at his dad behavior. "Well, did you do all of your assignments?" Yoongi asks as he picks up a piece of paper to start reading from again. Y/N eyes her "old man" for a boyfriend with humor in her eyes.
"Yes, daddy." Y/N mutters but pauses when Yoongi doesn't look up at the nickname. It makes her feel slightly sad that he wasn't giving her attention.
"Well, then, make yourself at home, baby. Go watch some TV." Yoongi suggests and Y/N stiffens a groan.
"I don't think there's anything on right now, daddy." Y/N states certainly, causing Yoongi to finally look up at her from the piece of paper in his hands. He sighs and puts the paper down on the desk along with his reading glasses.
"So, you're bored..." Yoongi begins, as if trying to help Y/N out with her problem. Y/N nods her head quickly. "And what do you want me to do about that, baby?" Yoongi asks as he leans back in his chair again.
"Mm..." Y/N hums as she thinks about it. "Let's go on an adventure!" She finally says, tone full of excitement.
Yoongi chuckles at his little fireball, always wanting to travel to different places, see different things. "I can't right now. We're going somewhere Monday baby, after my meeting, remember?" He asks casually.
"Yeah..." Y/N sighs in disappointment. "But... Can't we just go today?" She asks, hope laced in her voice.
Yoongi had promised Y/N a trip to Brazil for her spring break, but then he had to call an important meeting for Monday to discuss some "important business thing", Y/N wasn't really listening when Yoongi was telling her about it...
"No, Y/N. I have to attend this meeting. I don't want to hear any more about it, or we won't go, ok?" Yoongi warns, already stressed with trying to figure out this month's company budget.
"But daddy, I-" Yoongi cuts Y/N off.
"What did I just say?" He asks in a stronger tone, getting annoyed that Y/N wanted to bother him about some trip, but even more annoyed about all of this paperwork showing up on his desk first thing this morning because of his idiot of a secretary who forgot to give it to him last week. Yoongi was just stressed out, and Y/N was not helping.
Y/N sets her jaw tight, knowing not to argue back, but Yoongi was acting so dismissive, and she'd been dealing with a lot too. Finals, big projects, constant studying and she was beginning to feel burned out. "Whatever. Maybe Adam isn't as busy..." Y/N finally mutters as she stands up. This catches Yoongi's attention.
"Who?" He asks. It's not that he had misheard her, he was just giving her a chance to get out of what she just said. Adam was Y/N's ex-boyfriend, but still a 'good friend' of hers, according to what she'd told Yoongi. They'd still hang out whenever Yoongi was too busy for Y/N, much to his dismay.
"I said... Maybe Adam isn't busy. Since it's clear you want me to leave you alone." Y/N says with a bit of an attitude, her eyes looking Yoongi up and down.
"Y/N." Yoongi warns, unamused by her bratty behavior. "You can stay right here." He says.
"Oh? And watch you stare at a piece of paper? I wanna go out!" Y/N huffs as she stomps her foot instinctively.
Yoongi stares at the 22-year-old girl in front of him, stomping her foot due to not getting what she wants. "Are... You have to be fucking with me. You are acting like the most spoiled brat I have ever met!" He growls.
"Please. Like it isn't your fault." Y/N mutters, arms crossed.
"What was that?" Yoongi asks. In a way, Y/N wasn't lying. Yoongi spent their whole first few months together spoiling Y/N. Taking her to different places, buying her only the best, introducing her to different important people. And Y/N would, obviously, throw a fit whenever he'd do these grand gestures for her, or her friends, or even her family a few times, but Yoongi always ignored her rants on how she didn't need that new diamond necklace, or that nice looking car, or that custom made gown for a high-end dinner date.
"I said... It's your fault." Y/N repeats, staring at Yoongi in a challenging way, making him sit back in his chair, eyeing her in the same manner.
"Listen to me, Y/N. And listen closely. You are going to sit your ass down in that seat, and if I hear one more word out of you..." Yoongi trails off in a threatening tone, making Y/N roll her eyes and sit back in her seat with a soft huff.
And it's finally silent.
Y/N stares at her hands in her lap as she replays Yoongi's words over and over again in her head. And who the hell was he to challenge her!? It was her mouth! Her voice! She didn't need to listen to that grouchy old man. A sly smirk comes on to her face at that thought. Yeah. He was a cranky, old, boring man. What would he do? Excitement rushed through Y/N's body at the thought.
"One. More. Word." Y/N finally says slowly, and Yoongi is quick to throw the packet that was in his hand down on to the desk with a glare.
"You think you're so funny, don't you." Yoongi says as he pushes his chair back from the desk. "Over my knee now." He orders, and Y/N smiles brightly.
"Finally! Something to do!" She taunts as she makes her way over to Yoongi, who looks about ready to lose it at this point.
"Something to do, huh?" Yoongi mutters as he reaches out when Y/N is close enough and grabs her arm, yanking her to bend over his lap. Y/N takes note of the nice-looking black slacks Yoongi was wearing with a red wine-colored polo shirt tucked in. His black hair was slicked back, and he just smelled of power and success. Actually, that was Boy Chanel, but still...
"You think getting me all worked up like this is 'something to do'?" Yoongi growls before flipping up her dress and firmly rubbing her ass, feeling the flimsy lace under his palm. Y/N pants softly at the feeling, bracing herself when his hand slips away only to come right back down, slapping just under Y/N's left butt cheek, making her whimper softly. Yoongi rubs that spot he just slapped before doing it again on the other ass cheek, harder this time.
"Oh! D-Daddy..." Y/N whimpers a bit louder, as if trying to draw out some pity from her boyfriend.
"Oh no you don't..." Yoongi smirks. "Don't try and act all innocent now." He says tauntingly, and Y/N can feel herself soaking through her pair of red lacy boy shorts at the tone of voice her daddy was using with her.
Yoongi smacks Y/N's thighs a few more times before hitching the sundress up a little more to look at her ass, groaning at the sight of her underwear snuggled between her plump ass. "Fuck, I'm gonna make your ass the same color as those pretty little undies, baby girl..." Yoongi whispers as he lifts his hand again, but this time, he waits for a response from Y/N.
"Daddy... Daddy... Please." Y/N whins as a response, and that does it for Yoongi. Y/N yelps, and her body basically jerks from how hard the smack to her ass is.
"Beg for more." Yoongi orders, and Y/N moans more at the thought of begging for pain.
"M-More... Please, daddy. More! Give me more! I-I swear I'll be your good girl again..." Y/N pleads, moaning when another slap is delivered to her plump ass cheek. "Oh god, daddy..." Y/N gasps.
"What do you want, baby girl?" Yoongi whispers, wanting to hear his slut of a girlfriend say the words.
"Daddy..." She tries, shyly, but Yoongi knows it's all a show. When Y/N is horny, there's no room for shyness. "Oh, daddy. P-Please make me feel good. It aches." She pouts, and Yoongi smirks.
"Stand up, baby. Bend over my desk." Yoongi says, and Y/N is quick to follow orders. "Now." Yoongi begins when Y/N is bent over his desk, shaking eagerly. He stands up and moves behind her to grip her hips hard. "What do you say to daddy for acting like a brat?" He whispers as he presses against her crutch.
She moans at the pressure on her clit, knowing better than to move her hips though. "I-I'm sorry, daddy..." Y/N pants, the side of her face pressed against the cold wooden desk.
"Sorry for what, baby girl?" Yoongi asks as he lets his hands run up and down the sides of Y/N's body. Staying still against her, and it was torture for him too. Mostly because he could feel her juices leaking through her thin underwear and wetting his pants too.
"I-I'm sorry for being such a bad girl, daddy." Y/N whispers as she moves ever so slightly so the apparent bulge is harder against her clit, making Yoongi smack her ass again. The sting felt so good...
"Keep going." Yoongi orders as he pulls back to really spread her legs and see how wet she really was.
"Daddy..." Y/N says, as if embarrassed. Yoongi swats at her clit through her underwear and it makes her bundle of nerves throb harder. "Oh god! Daddy! I-I'm sorry! I-I'm... I acted like a... A spoiled brat." She whines.
"Mm... That's more like it. There's daddy's little girl." Yoongi teases before reaching a hand down to his secret drawer where he usually kept a few toys just in case he and Y/N ended up having a little bit of fun in his home office. He pulls out some black underwear and then tosses them in front of Y/N, on the desk.
"Take off those boy shorts, and sit on my desk, legs spread." Yoongi instructs, and Y/N was quick to follow orders. With her legs spread, and pussy on full display as she leans back on his desk, Y/N waits for Yoongi to do... Something. Anything. Feeling her desperation, Yoongi moves Y/N's legs, so her feet are planted on the desk, her knees bent, and legs spread wider.
"Mm..." Yoongi smirks, stepping back to admire his girl fully. "See what happens when you shut the hell up? You make daddy happy." Yoongi taunts as he reaches out and lazily rubs Y/N's throbbing clit with two fingers. "Always so wet for me." He mumbles to himself, making Y/N shiver softly. He then leans down, softly licking at her clit, tonguing it like a cat drinks milk.
"Mm... God... Daddy!" Y/N moans, trying to keep her hips down since Yoongi trained her better than that. She wanted to make him proud. Yoongi slowly slides his tongue into Y/N's pussy, loving the way her hole clenched around it as if trying to make it stay. He begins moving his tongue in and out slowly.
"Daddy, please!" Y/N whines and Yoongi can only smirk. What happened to his little brat? Melted away he actually showed her attention. She was just too adorable to ever stay mad at...
Moving his tongue faster, Yoongi also adds two of his fingers to rub at Y/N's clit. Y/N throws her head back as moans spill from her lips effortlessly, uncontrollably. She never had to fake it with this man. He knew her body like it was his. It was his. Yoongi can't help but chuckle at the desperate moans of his lover, and the vibrations of said chuckle shoot through Y/N like a firework.
"Fuck! Daddy! Oh, daddy! Please... Please! I'm so... So close, daddy!" Y/N pleads, and when he feels her body begin to tremble, Yoongi pulls away, making the girl sprawled out on the desk gasp. "Daddy!" Y/N shouts in anger. Yoongi growls slightly, grabbing Y/N by the back of her head and yanking her hair so she was forced to look up at the ceiling.
"Wanna try that again?" Yoongi whispers against Y/N's neck, and Y/N moans before shaking her head as much as she can with him still gripping her hair.
"I... I'm... S-Sorry, daddy." Y/N stumbles over her words as she speaks, and Yoongi wants to laugh at how easily she submits.
"Here." He says, handing the pair of underwear to Y/N who bites back a whine of frustration. She gets off the desk to put on the new underwear. "Now, sit." Yoongi continues, motioning to the chair on the other side of the desk where she'd once sat. Y/N huffs under her breath and walks over to the chair. As soon as she sits down, Yoongi grabs the remote that went with the underwear and presses the green button.
Y/N gasps and shoots up from the seat as her underwear begins to vibrate. "Oh no you don't. You will sit there, and every time you're close to cumming, you will tell me." Yoongi orders. As Y/N trembles where she stands. Her clit was already sensitive, and having a vibrator pressed against it wasn't helping much. Well, actually, it was dulling the ache a bit.
"A-And... I-If I don't?" Y/N asks breathlessly as she slowly sits back down.
"If I see you cum, your punishment will be more than just a few smacks. Do I make myself clear?" Yoongi asks, and Y/N quickly nods. "Good girl." He says as he fixes his hair and wipes the sides of his mouth before sitting back down at his desk, putting his glasses back on as well.
"For... H-How long?" Y/N whimpers out as she begins to move her hips with the vibration before catching herself. With a deep gulp she gives in to making her daddy proud. "D-Daddy... I-I'm close..." She shivers. Yoongi presses the red button on the remote and calmly takes this time to answer Y/N's question.
"For however long it'll take me to read all this goddamn paperwork." He states. "You may moan..." He says, making Y/N blush at him giving her permission to do a basic reaction. "It'll help make this whole thing more... Interesting for me. But you may not cum... That's for later." He continues before pressing the green button to turn it back on, making Y/N melt back in her seat.
"There are different levels on this thing. I think I should start you off on a... 5. What do you think?" Yoongi teases, and Y/N gasps, grabbing onto the arms of the chair as stronger vibrations rage against her throbbing clit.
"Oh! And tell me something baby girl..." Yoongi begins as he grabs the packet he'd been trying to read earlier.
"Mm..." Is all Y/N can master in reponse.
"Are you still bored?" Yoongi asks as Y/N throws her head back, a loud moan leaving her parted lips, making Yoongi lean back in his chair. "Guess not..." He chuckles to himself before going right back to reading.
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mysticnora4 · 25 days
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HIIII🤍 This is the first time I write here and sorry for my english.
Let me know what you think.
WE CAN LEARN TO LOVE AGAIN- bakugo katsuki-
summary: Bakugo from the beginning of his third year thinks about himself and wants to become the number one hero. Therefore, he decides to make a decision.
tags: sadness/angst, breakup, selfish bakugo , bakugo thinks only of himself, sad!reader.
Please read the story listening to this song
Right from the start
You were a thief, you stole my heart
And I, your willing victim
Bakugo and I started dating in our second year. I found out that he liked me through Kirishima. It was quite strange to think that someone like him could have such feelings.
I let you see the parts of me, that weren't all that pretty
And with every touch you fixed them
Then something went wrong.
The last year at U.A. had been particularly difficult for me, for both of us. It was supposed to be a year full of hopes and promises.
I remember clearly how happy we were, how his eyes would light up when he talked about his dreams and how he wanted to become number one. And I was happy to support him, to be by his side, to share every small victory and every challenge.
Now you've been talking in your sleep, oh oh
Things you never say to me, oh oh
Tell me that you've had enough
Of our love, our love
But time seemed to change things. As the end of the year approached, Bakugo became more and more distant, focused only on himself and his goals.
I was beginning to feel neglected and put on the back burner. Our eyes crossed less, our conversations became more rare, and the silences between us became heavier.
Just give me a reason, just a little bit's enough
Just a second, we're not broken, just bent and we can learn to love again
It's in the stars, it's been written in the scars on our hearts
We're not broken, just bent, and we can learn to love again
I tried to keep the relationship alive, but whatever I did didn’t seem right. Every time I tried to talk to him, I felt only his frustration and his desire for perfection, while I felt more and more invisible. Our love, once invincible, was crumbling.
I'm sorry I don't understand
Where all of this is coming from
I thought that we were fine (oh, we had everything)
Your head is running wild again
My dear we still have everythin'
And it's all in your mind (yeah, but this is happenin')
You've been havin' real bad dreams, oh oh
You used to lie so close to me, oh oh
There's nothing more than empty sheets between our love, our love
Oh, our love, our love (love)
I remember the moment when I asked him to talk seriously. It was a cloudy afternoon, and we found ourselves in our favorite corner of the campus, where we had spent so many happy moments. I felt my heart tighten when I saw the determination in his eyes, that same determination that I had admired at first. But he was now headed for a future that no longer included me.
Just give me a reason, just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent and we can learn to love again
I never stop, you're still written in the scars on my heart
You're not broken, just bent, and we can learn to love again
"I need to focus completely on myself and my goals," he said, his words cold and direct. "We can’t continue this relationship."
I said nothing.
And I had understood, though I did not want to accept it, that his dream of becoming the number one hero was too great to share, and I could do nothing but watch him from afar as our dreams and our love crumbled.
The pain was unbearable, but I knew that I could not force him to stay, nor could I stop him from pursuing what he wanted.
Oh, tear ducts and rust
I'll fix it for us
We're collecting dust, but our love's enough
You're holding it in
You're pouring a drink
No, nothing is as bad as it seems
We'll come clean
Just give me a reason, just a little bit's enough
Just a second, we're not broken, just bent and we can learn to love again
It's in the stars, it's been written in the scars on our hearts
That we're not broken just bent and we can learn to love again
Now that it’s all over, I feel a void. Bakugo is destined to become the hero he has always wanted to be, and I must find my way without him.
Just give me a reason, just a little bit's enough
Just a second, we're not broken, just bent, and we can learn to love again
It's in the stars, it's been written in the scars on our hearts
That we're not broken, just bent and we can learn to love again
Oh, we can learn to love again
Oh, can learn to love again
Oh, that we're not broken, just bent and we can learn to love again
I hope you like it🤍
All rights reserved © mysticnora4 2024. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
I'm watching you👀
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jiminy-crickets · 3 months
happy draft day my darlings, a good number of the hockeys in the meat market are coming from the USNTDP, so it’s time for…………
¹ its MY silly poll, and i get to decide whats gay!!! ² its MY silly poll, and i get to decide whats a meme!!! ³ its MY silly poll, and i get to make it have my relatively niche media faves in it!!! ⁴ US National Development Program (where they put the teenage hockeys together, the developer of many many top draft picks, and the starting place of many hrpf ships)
images, videos and explanations for each option under the cut.
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^ Smith College Girls for i-D magazine 2004
^ wake up sleepyhead vine
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^ jedediah and octavius from night at the museum
^ but im a cheerleader full movie (this might not be available in your country on youtube, still i highly recommend watching it, such an amazing movie)
^ Olive and Brendon pretended to have sex in Easy A (2010)
^ P!nk opening a speech for the human rights campaign national dinner with "hi I'm Alicia hi I'm a Virgo I'm 31, I'm gay.......... actually I'm not"
^ Pool Boy SNL sketch
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^ Lauren Phillips Lifting Alice Merchesi
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^ The summer of like, warped tour 2005 when pete wentz and mikey way got into situationship so messy and life changing it gave us the majority of at at least three fall out boy albums.
^ ur so gay by Katy Perry
do I really need to explain taking an am I gay quiz?
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toncharts2 · 13 years
9 de setembro de 2011
Maybe you are viewing this post looking wrong on your Tumblr dashboard. To see the post in the correct and beautiful layout, visit my Tumblr! And don't forget to follow me!
17ª semana
9 de setembro de 2011
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F**kin' Perfect
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Who's Laughing Now
Jessie J
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So What
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Super Bass
Nicki Minaj
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Raining Men
Rihanna, Nicki Minaj
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Katy Perry, Kanye West
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Try Sleeping With a Broken Heart
Alicia Keys
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Lift Off
JAY-Z, Kanye West, Beyoncé
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Video Phone
Beyoncé, Lady Gaga
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So Happy I Could Die
Lady Gaga
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The One That Got Away
Katy Perry
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Who's That Chick?
David Guetta
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Tea Party
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3OH!3, Katy Perry, Matt Squire
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Morning Dew
Bad Lip Reading
Milk Milk Lemonade
Katy Perry
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One of the Boys
Katy Perry
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Starry Eyed
Ellie Goulding
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Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever)
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Avril Lavigne
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Circle the Drain
Katy Perry
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Nicki Minaj, Rihanna
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Katy Perry
Nicki Minaj
Jessie J
0 notes
chuuyasheaven · 2 years
» Rei’s 400 follower special !! «
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Summary; 400 follower event/special!!! TW: THIS IS A NSFW EVENT ONLY. Minors can request/ interact if they want- I’m not stopping y’all!!
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RULES (from Rei);
This Event is different from all the others i started, because one; i will let you request, but also chose some drabbles/fics myself!
Bungo stray dogs [Bsd] Men/boys:
Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara, Kunikida Doppo, Atsushi Nakajima, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Ranpo Edogawa, Egdar Allen Poe.
If you request something like: “Could you do Chuuya with prompt/number (-) and please make it start/end with fluff ?” Because, i need to learn to get better at my fluff writing lol.
You can choose from;
Fem!/afab!/gender neutral!Reader
Any underage ppl. (Kyoka, Elise, Q, Kenji)
MORI IS A BIG NO-NO (I’m sorry but idk how to write for a p3do-)
P!ss kink/Scat play/Vomit/Dub-/Non-con (aka r@pe)/ etc.
Maybe S0mnophilia if it’s consented.
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🍓- Number / 🌶- Kinks
[ 1 ] “Such a good girl f’me, hm?”
[ 2 ] “If you weren’t such a brat earlier, i would’ve let you cum, darling.”
[ 3 ] “You’re crying? How cute of you, angel..”
[ 4 ] “If you dress like a whore, you get fucked like one. You should know this.” [ 5 ] “If you want it so badly, beg for it. I want to hear your voice, dear.”
[ 6 ] “I know you can take it, darling.”
[ 7 ] “You taste devine, my love. I could taste you for hours.”
[ 8 ] “I feel you soaking up, you must really enjoy this, hm?”
[ 9 ] “At the end of tonight, I'll have you scream my name, angel.”
[ 10 ] “Quit teasing me, darling..”
[ 11 ] “If you keep squirming like this, i might as well hold you in your place, right?”
[ 12 ] “You look so pretty in this dress..please, let me rip it off of you, angel..”
[ 13 ] “Keep quiet, or anyone might see you like this. We don’t want that now, do we?”
[ 14 ] “Only i can make you fall apart like this. This is a sight for me only.”
[ 15 ] “I will fuck this pussy until it’s dripping my cum, understood?”
[ 1 ] > Praising k!nk
[ 2 ] > Degrading k!nk
[ 3 ] > Brat taming
[ 4 ] > Bondage k!nk (handcuffs, comfy ropes, ties, etc., as long it’s not to extra!)
[ 5 ] > Roleplay (I’ll try bru)
[ 6 ] > Shower sex
[ 7 ] > Soft/passionate sex
[ 8 ] > Stress relief sex
[ 9 ] > Threesome (please be a little specific)
[ 10 ] > Thigh riding/sex [?] (cock thrusting between them)
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That’s all! You can request sub!/switch!Characters, the Reader can be requested with any of these reqs!!
This event will keep up until i have 10-15 fics/drabbles up!!!
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fanficfanattic · 2 months
Will you share your Jamie Tartt playlist? 👀
Buckle up boys! Hold on to your butts! Other ways to say brace yourselves!
To Build a Home (feat. Patrick Watson) by The Cinematic Orchestra
I'll Be Good by Jaymes Young
Sorrow by Bad Religion
The Greatest by Sia
Love I'm Given by Ellie Goulding
Runaway by AURORA
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
Move by Oliver Tree
High Hopes by Panic! At the Disco
Outrunning Karma by Alec Benjamin
Home by Cavetown
The Perfect Space by The Avett Brothers
A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley
False Confidence by Noah Kahan
Legend by The Score
The Competition by Kimya Dawson
In the Blood by John Mayer
Winner by Walgrove
Icarus by Bastille
Sympathy by The Goo Goo Dolls
Take Yours, I’ll Take Mine by Matthew Mole
People Help the People by Birdy
Daylight by David Kushner
Cough it Out by The Front Bottoms
Sober by P!nk
The Cave by Mumford & Sons
Tear It Up by Queen
Waves by Dean Lewis
Soldier by Ingrid Michaelson
We Don't Believe What's On TV by Twenty One Pilots
Blood In the Cut by K.Flay
Chameleon/Comedian by Kathleen Edwards
Water (feat. Rostam) by Ra Ra Riot
All is Soft Inside by AURORA
Pieces (feat. Noah Kahan) by Matoma
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + the Machine
Rise up With Fists!! by Jenny Lewis & The Watson Twins
Gone, Gone, Gone by Phillip Phillips
HandClap by Fitz and The Tantrums
Hi Ren by Ren
I Don't Belong In This Club by Why Don't We & Macklemore
Skinny Love by Birdy
Raising Hell (feat. Big Freedia) by Kesha
Go Places by The New Pornographers
The Night Starts Here by Stars
Ghost by Ella Henderson
Here We Go by WILD
If I Be Wrong by Wolf Larsen
Part of Me by Noah Kahan
We're Going to Be Friends
The White Stripes
Bitch by Meredith Brooks
Samson by Regina Spektor
Let's go to Hell by Tai Verdes
Raise Hell by Brandi Carlile
Power Over Me by Dermot Kennedy
Don't Tell the Boys by Petey
Sober Up (feat. Rivers Cuomo) by AJR
O.N.E. By Yeasayer
Locked Up by Ingrid Michaelson
Like a Stone by Audioslave
Leave the Light On by Overcoats
Tough (feat. Noah Kahan) by Quinn XCII
touch tank by quinnie
Warrior by AURORA
Too Sweet by Hozier
I'Il Think of You by Kurt Hugo Schneider
Into the Ocean by Blue October
Star Fire by Sleeping Wolf
Happier (Stripped) by Marshmello & Bastille
Knievel by Tommy Lefroy
Walk Me Home by P!nk
Brat (Humor Me) by Deore
Am I Wrong by Love Spit Love
Someday by One Republic
7 Years by Lukas Graham
Stick Season by Noah Kahan
Like a Prayer by Madonna
Little Bit by Lykke Li
Bruises by Lewis Capaldi
Don't Carry It All by The Decemberists
Freaking Out by The Wrecks
Will Do by TV on the Radio
The Dirt by Tor Miller
Hope of Morning by Icon for Hire
Smile by Mikky Ekko
The District Sleeps Alone Tonight by The Postal Service
Blood Brothers by Ingrid Michaelson
All My Friends by The Revivalists
Fuck Authority by Pennywise
Crazier Things by Chelsea Cutler & Noah Kahan
Kiss With a Fist by Florence + the Machine
Unstoppable by Sia
Can't Go to Hell by Sin Shake Sin
World's Smallest Violin by AJR
All I Know So Far by P!nk
Knocking at the Door by Arkells
Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons
The Seed by AURORA
Wine, Women and Song by Harvey Danger
The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience
All You Wanted by Michelle Branch
Young Blood by The Naked and Famous
Truth No. 2 by The Chicks
Homesick by Noah Kahan
Family Line by Conan Gray
The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives
Heroes Never Die by NateWantsToBattle
My Number Tegan and Sara
Masterpiece by Big Thief
Til It Happens To You by Lady Gaga
I Don't Wanna Live Forever (Cups Version) by Kurt Hugo Schneider
Sit Down by James
Robots by Dan Mangan
Windowsill by Arcade Fire
Be OK by Ingrid Michaelson
Bite the Hand by boygenius
The Top (Bonus Track) by Primo the Alien
MEAN! (Remix) [feat. Noah Kahan] by Madeline The Person
Home We'll Go (Take My Hand) by Steve Aoki & Walk Off the Earth
From The Bottom Of My Heart by The Wallflowers
FourFiveSeconds by Rihanna and Kanye West and Paul McCartney
I Am the Resurrection by The Stone Roses
Chrome Plated Heart by Melissa Etheridge
Precious Love by James Morrison
Bones (feat. One Republic) by Galantis
Let's Go (feat. Icona Pop) by Tiesto
Unbelievers by Vampire Weekend
So What by P!nk
I Don't Feel Like Dancin' by Scissor Sisters
Creature Fear by Bon Iver
Brother by The Rural Alberta Advantage
Save Me by Noah Kahan
High and Dry by Radiohead
Power by Little Mix
Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men
The Boy Does Nothing by Alesha Dixon
Set You Free (Edit) by N-Trance
Stronger by Britney Spears
First Things First by Neon Trees
Kings & Queens by Ava Max
Welcome Home, Son by Radical Face
Capsize by FRENSHIP & Emily Warren
We Were Kings by Ryan Star
Come Undone by Duran Duran
Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John
Pride by Noah Kahan & mxmtoon
Everywhere by Michelle Branch
Blow Me (One Last Kiss) by P!nk
Dust Bowl Dance by Mumford & Sons
Bad Blood by Bastille
Blue Monday by New Order
Make Believe by The FAIM
Midnight Show by The Killers
Can't Fight the Moonlight by LeAnn Rimes
Ophelia by The Lumineers
Shaky Ground by Freedom Fry
Grounds for Divorce by Elbow
Heaven and Hell by Let's Play Dead
Survivor by The Score
Ready Now by dodie
Young Blood by Noah Kahan
Ain’t No Reason by Brett Dennen
King by Years & Years
Bulletproof by La Roux
Beating Heart Cadavers by Acollective
How to Rest by The Crane Wives
Santa Monica by Everclear
Beds Are Burning by Midnight Oil
Get Some by Lykke Li
Sky Full of Song by Florence + the Machine
Beautiful Trauma by P!nk
Parachute (Serban Ghenea Mix) by Ingrid Michaelson
Down to the Bottom by Dorothy
YES MOM by Tessa Violet
Numb Little Bug by Em Beihold
Rise Up by Andra Day
Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Hurt Somebody by Noah Kahan
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eridanidreams · 8 months
Music Tag Game
Tagged by @silurisanguine, @aro-pancake
Caitlyn Lynch: Starfield OC, from my longfic stars without number like grains of sand
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VNV Nation: Space and Time
Jeff Healey Band: Angel Eyes
Faith Hill: Breathe
Madonna: Crazy For You
Hybrid: Dreaming Your Dreams
VNV Nation: Before the Rain
Sixpence None the Richer: Kiss Me
Roxette: Listen to Your Heart
Alannah Myles: Love Is
Pentatonix: Mad World
Sara Bareilles: Not Alone
VNV Nation: Only Satellites
Shawn Colvin: Orion in the Sky
VNV Nation: Perpetual
Rush: Prime Mover
B-52's: Roam
VNV Nation: Rubicon
Heart: These Dreams
Cyndi Lauper: Time After Time
Rush: Time Stand Still
Cyndi Lauper: True Colors
Katrina and the Waves: Walking On Sunshine
Mr. Mister: Broken Wings
Police: Every Little Thing She Does is Magic
Sloane Delacourt: Deus Ex OC, from my longfic The Odysseus Gambit
The Cruxshadows: Winter Born
Duran Duran: Wild Boys
The Sweet: Ballroom Blitz
Gavin Rossdale: Adrenaline
Breaking Benjamin: I Will Not Bow
Hozier: Arsonist's Lullabye
Chris Cornell: 'Til The Sun Comes Back Around
Walk the Moon: Shut Up and Dance
VNV Nation: Nemesis
Genesis: Land of Confusion
Paul Oakenfold: If you're Gonna Jump
AC/DC: If You Want Blood
AC/DC: Shoot to Thrill
Metallica: One
David Bowie: Cat People
No Doubt: (I'm) Just A Girl
VNV Nation: Tomorrow Never Comes
VNV Nation: In Defiance
Sinead O'Connor: My Own Woman
Powerman 5000: Drop the Bombshell
Iron Maiden: Where Eagles Dare
Iron Maiden: The Trooper
Black Sabbath: War Pigs
Motorhead: Ace of Spades
Letters to Cleo: I Want You To Want Me
Pat Benatar: Love is a Battlefield
Johnny Cash: God's Gonna Cut You Down
Bishop Brigg: White Flag
The Score: Bulletproof
Heart: Alone
Aviators: Bad Luck
AC/DC: War Machine
AC/DC: Guns for Hire
AC/DC: Fire Your Guns
AC/DC: Dogs of War
Audioslave: Sound of a Gun
Billy Joel: Code of Silence
Bonnie Raitt: I Will Not Be Broken
Everybody Loves an Outlaw: Give 'Em Hell
Front Line Assembly: Killing Grounds
Hybrid: If I Survive
Lacuna Coil: Save Me
Megadeth: Peace Sells
P!nk: Trouble
Rage Against the Machine: Killing in the Name
Roxette: Dangerous
VNV Nation: All Our Sins
Breaking Benjamin: So Cold
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Walk of Shame Pride
Benny Watts x Genderneutral!Reader (at least I tried to make them readable as any gender)
Content warnings: Flirting, 18+, smut, dirty talk, constant switching between sexual tension and sarcastic flirting because it’s my brand now apparently, unnecessary lore. 
Disclaimer: I don’t live in New York, have never been in New York, Google maps and random generators are what you get ok? I also had already started writing this before watching the two last episodes and so refuse to change his apartment to be accurate in this either. I might next time.
Summary: You leave one hookup and find yourself invited to another.
Word count: Looking like it’s gonna be 2k. (It is not.) 4k
A/N: Clearly I feel some type of way about Benny Watts. Inspired by deciding to pull up Walkashame by Meghan Trainor and Walk of Shame by P!nk (which is like my favorite) while thinking about Benny.
It’s five to seven when Benny pulls on his coat and unlocks the door to his apartment. The rest of the house lay quiet, not too surprising for a Saturday morning. As he puts the key back in the lock a door slams a bit further down the too-bright corridor, catching his attention.
Looking over his shoulder he sees someone standing with their hand still on the handle, hooking the other shoe on their foot. They’re far too dressed up for this time of day, but Benny also doesn’t think they’re dressed for the office. What was probably adjusted to perfection the night before now hangs uneven, covered in wrinkles, bunching up in several places.
Benny’s eyes flicker up to their face as they start heading down the corridor in his direction. He can’t tell if the traces of makeup are from the start of the night or the end, maybe somewhere in between. There are signs of a sleepless night around their eyes and they look…not tired, but like they had a fun night, a self-satisfied smile resting easy on their lips. They run a hand over their head, and Benny feels entirely too warmly dressed. The heat only gets worse as they come three, two, one door away, and as they pass him, he can’t help himself.
“Fun night?” His voice is nonchalant and steadier than his pulse when he glances over his other shoulder, watching them stop a few feet away. Then they turn around and his heartbeat almost drowns out your words as you smile, undaunted.
“Yeah, it was.” You don’t know why anyone would be up at this hour on a weekend, much less dressed and heading out. He’s wearing a leather coat and a hat which would make him blend in as an extra in a western movie, although the dark color palette lends itself more to him being cast as the outlaw. “How was yours?”
“I thought it was good then” He matches your smile, and even at this distance you can see his dark eyes sparkle. “but now I’m starting to think I missed out on something. Whoever you just came from has my night beat.”
You open your mouth with an amused frown, taking a second before responding.
“Don’t you have a job to go to? Where else are you going so early?”
He raises his eyebrows with an amused smile.
“You’re going somewhere too.”
You roll your eyes in pretend annoyance.
“I need to go home and change.”
“Want to, yes.” His eyes pass over you. “Need to, absolutely not.” He looks back up and you suppress your amusement to raise your eyebrows at him.
“Are you done? Can I go now?” You gesture down the hall as if to say that there are places you’d rather be than flirting with an attractive stranger.
He opens his mouth, closes it, and thinks for a moment. You cross your arms.
“One second.” He pats his coat pockets, coming up with a pencil and a piece of paper. Using the door in front of him as support he quickly scribbles something on the slip, takes a step back, and holds it out against you between two fingers. You look at his held-out hand, then back at him. He shakes the paper for you to take it, eyes on yours, and you give in, pulling the note from him. Unfolding it you read a series of numbers.
You fold it back up, eyeing him. “I’m not a prostitute, you know.”
He makes something akin to a shrug and puts his hands in his pockets.
“Didn’t necessarily think you were, wouldn’t care if that was the case either.” He sounds sincere enough.
“Okay, then why?” You tilt your head and eye him with amused suspicion, putting the paper away on your person.
He takes a breath, rocking once on the balls of his feet, darting his eyes to the ceiling and back to you.
“ ‘Cause you’re attractive and seem like fun.” He does a small gesture with his head. “Call me sometime.”
You smile and turn, calling over your shoulder. “You wish!” There’s a smile audible in his voice when his answer reaches you.
“Yeah, I do.”
It’s two minutes past eight when you press the last digit in a smoke infused telephone booth outside a club on the next Friday evening. The line to the door is not horrendous yet, but it’s long enough for you to wonder why you decided to step out of it. As you wait for the call to go through you remind yourself of why you did: because he most likely won’t be home to answer it and part of you wants to give him the chance to get out of having this conversation.
The line clicks.
“Benny.” The voice on the other side answers, matching your memory of the guy you spoke to in the corridor after leaving a hookup. Well, he definitely gave you the right number.
“Hi” You almost start laughing. “You gave me your number and told me to call you.”
There’s a second’s pause before you hear him respond, clearly as equally amused as you.
“Just so I don’t offend anyone, is this the person from the hallway?”
You roll your eyes, holding the phone closer to hear over the soccer chant starting up in the line.
“Wow, you meet that many people like that? I’m glad you remember.” Kicking up your foot you lean back against the glass wall, pressing the receiver to your ear.
“I just want to make sure I don’t accidentally accuse the wrong person of looking so good when leaving someone else’s place in the morning that I wanted to pull them into my bed and continue the job.” His voice dips and you feel it in your stomach, looking to the door to check that no one is waiting for their turn. There’s a pause and you can hear your heartbeat in the ear not pressed to the phone. “You called me…” He lightly prompts and you find the thread you lost again.
“Are you busy?”
“Would it be pathetic if I said I’m at home hoping for you to call?” He’s smiling again, his accent smooth around the words. “Have been all week actually.”
“Every evening?” You laugh. “That is pathetic.”
“No, every whole day.” Laughter threatens behind his words too.
“How have you not been fired?”
“I’m a chess player, I don’t work like that.” There’s a shuffle on the other side. “I go to tournaments, competitions, but other than that I practice at home.”
“Wait” That connects some previously unknown dots and you smile. “Benny, you’re not Benny Watts, are you?” Even as you ask you know you’re right, and he can tell that, because there’s an immediate addition of smugness when he answers.
“Oh, you know who I am?” You can visualize the face he’s making, raised eyebrows and self-assured smile.
“Don’t get cocky now, I read the newspaper like everyone else.”
“Yeah, but it’s not everyone who reads those articles.”
You roll your eyes at his teasing tone, trying to chase the smile from your voice. “Back to the point, I’m outside Harmony in Brooklyn, wanted to know if you wanted to join.”
“I just told you I’m a chess player and have been home every night for a week, what gave you the impression that I go to clubs?” He laughs.
“I have faith that you have a vivid social life, I believe in you.” You tease.
“It’s between Bushwick and Jefferson, right?” You hum affirmative. “I’ll be there in ten.”
“Good, see you by the bar.” The phone clicks and you hang up the receiver, heading back outside to join the ever-growing line.
Fifteen minutes later you see him enter and less than a minute later he’s standing next to you, his face slightly lit up by the reflection bouncing off the counter.
“What are you drinking?” Benny gestures to the glass in front of you, a slice of lemon floating on clear liquid.
“Sparkling” Taking a sip you judge his reaction, wondering if he’ll be a jerk about it, but he just shrugs, ordering the same of the bartender who has stopped in front of you both. With the glass in his hand, he turns around to look out over the crowd, leaning back against the counter.
“This your usual place?” Eyes flicker over to you as he lifts his glass to his lips. You turn to lean against the counter too.
“It’s one of them.” Previously called The Trial, now under new management, Harmony is a bare redbrick room lit up only by the display case of bottles behind the bar. Its main crowd is people fresh out into the working life, the music is the same as the Top 100 on the radio and you’re fairly sure the custodian is overworked and underpaid for the job they do. You’d been on the fence when the place was sold, having been a regular at the steel barred counter and blank polished dance floor of its old existence, but two visits were enough for you to decide that you didn’t mind the changes. “Not your style?”
“I’ve been here too many times for it not to be.” Benny turns like he just realized something. “What is your name?”
You cut off the laugh about to spill out and answer, continuing: “You came all the way here without knowing my name, that’s commitment.” Benny looks away, failing to hide an amused smile as he scans the room. You on the other hand don’t hold back your laugh, enjoying how he’s giving an answer by not responding. “So, how’d you get into chess playing?” This time he laughs.
“I thought you said you read the paper.” There’s something adoring in his eyes when he looks at you, tone and smile teasing.
“I must have forgotten that part.” You put down your empty glass behind you, noting the way he follows your movements. The song switches to something with more bass and Benny downs the rest of his drink. Pushing off the counter you stand in front of him, his eyes falling to your shoes and dragging up to meet yours. “Feel like leaving?”
He smiles, one hand coming up to adjust the hat on his head.
“If you’re ready.” He lets you lead the way between groups of excited friends and even more excited new acquaintances until you reach the cold air outside.
You’re ready to start walking but Benny steps out into the street and with a wave and a sharp whistle that bounces between the buildings he has hailed a cab. Holding the door open he gestures with his head for you to get in, letting you use his free hand for support as you sit down, scooting further in to give him space. Benny flicks his coat so it doesn’t get in the way when he sits down, pushing forward to give the driver the address.
He leans back into the seat, his upper body closer to you, his hand supporting his chin as he looks out the front window, before it falls to lightly rest on your knee.
The building looks just like it did last time, dark and dormant. Following Benny up the stairs you feel your heart beat a little faster. No one meets you in the stairwell, nor in the corridor as you walk down the row of doors. When the door clicks open he holds it for you, smile tugging on the corner of his mouth.
“Hungry?” Benny pulls the door closed behind you, meeting your confused glance with an amused look of sincereness.
“Sure” You laugh a little, pulling off your jacket. “what’d’ya have in mind?”
He plops his hat on a hook by the door and heads further into the apartment, his voice reaching you from behind a corner where the kitchen must lie. “I got eggs and toast.”
You look over the sofa, taking a step closer and spotting the started game of chess next to a beer bottle laying on the coffee table. Scanning the room a little further you find the phone, on the small table on the other end of the couch to where the chess board is, and you grin.
“Sounds great.” You call back, walking to the kitchen and leaning against the wall. Benny has thrown his coat over the back of a chair and rolled up his sleeves, putting a frying pan on the stove as you enter.
“Sit down.” He gestures to the table and turns back to his task. You slide into a chair as he cracks an egg into the pan. “Scrambled or sunny side?”
“Scrambled.” You glance at your watch, leaning your arms on the table. The toaster makes a noise. “Want any help?”
Benny opens a cabinet.
“No, I’m good.” Some short minutes later he clicks off the stove. A plate slides in front of you and a glass clicks against the table.
It’s good, really good, almost as good as he looks sitting across from you, sleeves rolled up, blond hair pushed back. The first three buttons of his shirt are undone, several chains laying against the t-shirt underneath. Light catches in his rings as he eats, tongue swiping over his lower lip.
You flick your eyes away when Benny looks at you, a bad habit that you thought you had broken. Those lectures of if someone catches you looking, look away immediately overriding your personal opinion that if you were interested in someone, you should be clear about it. It’s a reflexive response, and you curse yourself out in your head, you’ve not reacted like that in years.
He’s still looking, barely holding back a grin, tongue flicking out, pulling his bottom lip into his mouth. Eyes flicker down to your unfinished food and back up to give you a meaning look. You raise your eyebrows, giving him a look back. He holds your gaze, and breaks, looking away with evident failure to not look smug as all hell while you resume eating, this time standing your ground and continuing to look at him.
After you both finish Benny takes the plates before you have a chance to move, leaving you to lean against the end of the table while he puts them in the sink.
Movement shakes you from the slight trance you put yourself in looking at his back while the water was running. It takes Benny two more steps, which you follow with great interest, until he’s in front of you, closeness making you push back into the table. Not really blocking you physically, but just the fact that he is standing there makes moving seem like an extremely undesirable alternative. Palms resting against the solid wood behind you, you’re in no rush to do anything else than look into his dark eyes, feeling like if this was a movie, a fuse would break due to the electricity in the air.
Then his tongue wets his lower lip, your eyes flicker down, you lift yourself onto the table at the same time as he invades your personal space even further, hands pulling your hips back forward, pushing you against him in the same moment that your lips connect with his.
Your thighs lock him in place, keeping him close even though leaving seems to be the last thing on his mind with the way lips move against yours. It’s like he’s been starving for hours, not eaten just five minutes ago; then again, maybe that wouldn’t be far off. Seven days is a lot for someone who is currently pressing his whole body against you, pulling in your tongue to envelope it with his own. There’s a hand on your back and one at your side, pulling as much as they are caressing you.
Benny’s hips roll against you, sending your eyes rolling back at the friction.
“Don’t stop.” Your hands tug at his sides to get him closer, smile pressing against your lips as he complies with fervor.
Devouring you, Benny almost distracts you from your position until he pushes you back and gets on the table with you, placing a knee between your legs and pushing off the floor. When he leans back down the pressure of his thigh between yours sends sparks up your spine. A sound rolls off your tongue onto Benny’s as you push up against him, arms bracing against his back to pull him down.
Hot air mix between your mouths, letting up only for a second before connecting again, swallowing the sounds the other one makes. You reach up to undo the rest of the buttons in Benny’s shirt, whining when he pushes down harder against you. The hand not holding him up runs down your side, starting to free you of your clothing too as you flick one side of the shirt off his shoulder.
Next the t-shirt gets halfway up his body before your fingers tangle in his chains, lightly tugging him down, earning a heavy drag of his hips as his tongue slides into your mouth. He tears off you for only a second to rip the shirt fully off.
In the back of your head you try to remember if there are buildings facing this one and if there are windows, but that thought gets stuck at the station when everything save your underwear falls on the kitchen floor beside the table. Quickly pulling his belt from his pants you let him go. Before he disposes of the jeans, he pulls a square from one of the pockets, and you can’t help smiling at how you both came to that club prepared.
You sit up, leaning on one hand to watch Benny roll the rubber over his freed cock, palm coming away glistening wet in the light. His shoulders give away the deep breaths he is taking, but even without that, his eyes, running along the floor up to meet yours, would have shown his desire and unwillingness to control it more than you need him to. You let your own eyes run over his skin, sending an almost unnoticeable shiver through his body.
Benny comes back to you, using the free space next to you on the table to get back up, pulling you down over him as he lies back against the wood. You kick a leg over his, as a hand at the back of your head implores for your lips to meet Benny’s. The other hand runs down between your legs, stroking places that makes your eyes flutter and heat roar in your stomach. Your increased breathing seems to encourage his hand to move faster, the one keeping your lips against his running down to push against your back.
The friction between you causes a sound in the back of his throat. You can’t tell if he is embarrassed or more turned on because his mouth grows more insistent against yours. The hand on your back pushes down again, his hips move up, as does another sound from his lips. The hand between your legs drifts down and you straighten your back, despite frustrated sounds from Benny. Setting one hand on his heaving chest for support, your other hand seeks out the one Benny removed from you. You close your hand over his, following the slow strokes he is doing over his cock. Your eyes meet his. His breath hitches and his hand eases up, letting you take over. After a few more strokes you still your hand and lower your hips to meet it. It’s not quick, but Benny’s labored breathing and tremors makes it worth it.
Your thighs shake with the effort to make slow focused movements and not get distracted by the signal of every pleasurable nerve ending being touched by his cock inside you. It doesn’t help that Benny’s mouth keeps falling open, sounds that set your skin on fire tumbling off his tongue. Worse yet, his eyes sparkle every time he opens them to look at you, like a lost man looking at salvation. It sends skitters of fire along your back, pushes air out of your lungs in similar sounds to those he makes. You lower yourself again and his cock strokes against a sensitive spot. When you open your eyes Benny’s pleased look tells you he heard that. Oh, did he hear that.
His eyes locked on your face, his hands help you move your hips as thrills dance up your spine.
“That’s it, use me, just like that.” His soothing voice urges, seemingly without Benny noticing the words falling from his mouth. He’s too focused watching your eyes flutter, dragging your hips down just a little harsher to hear a sigh escape you. Your thighs clench around him at the feeling. You start to do it again, but Benny’s hands are already working to help you through the motion. He drags along the same spot and you feel rushes of pleasure going through your body. “Take what you need from me.”
You’ve never been one to deny someone a request like that. Benny lets out a whimper as your hips start to move faster and you’re not sure how much longer he’ll last. He is flushed red and his every breath is a moan, his hips bucking to meet yours. His cock strikes true every time, pleasure washing over you again and again in heady waves. Sparks set of wildfires in your stomach that spread to every limb and meeting those in Benny’s hands. Your thighs are shaking worse now, especially when Benny runs his hands over them, gently but burning the skin in his path. It’s so much and so good, and Benny’s eyes are alight with all the stars in the sky.
“So good.” He responds to the praise with a moan that vibrates into your body, dark eyes locked on yours. He won’t make it much longer, but he’ll try. You grind your hips down against his and you feel the wave threatening to crash. “Just like that.”
His breath hitches when you push all the way down, and you feel your stomach flip. Then it rushes over you. Benny curses and gasps your name as he finally falls from his balance point. Every stroke is fire, like you are burning and taking Benny with you. You push closer as you feel him shake, sending pride and pleasure through you. His hands guides you onto him over and over, even continuing a few times after he is finished. Then his hands fall to his sides and he closes his eyes. You look at him with a proud smile as he catches his breath. He puts his arm over his eyes.
“Yeah, definitely better than my last Friday.”
-Morning after-
It’s half past nine when you have finished your coffee and eggs. Benny insisted on giving you food before you left, maybe just so he could make you sit at the table again. You wonder if he’ll think about this every time he sits at it now.
You step outside and give him a look when he follows.
“Let me walk you down.” He shrugs and locks the door while you wait.
“I think I can find it myself; I know where it is.” You tease as you start walking.
“Just want to make sure you get hold of a cab.” He follows you down the stairs and holds open the door out to the street. Then he points to the buzzer labeled Watts. “That’s how you get up, for next time.”
You laugh.
“Next time, huh?” Benny shrugs, turning around into the street just as the smile breaks through. His sharp whistle stops a cab rolling past. Benny opens the cab door for you.
“Next time.”
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mr-fortunate-97 · 7 months
EV3 R GO 2 A DIN ER???
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my-chaos-radio · 4 months
Tumblr media
Release: October 16, 2001
I'm comin' up so you better get this party started
I'm comin' up so you better get this party started
Get this party started on a Saturday night
Everybody's waitin' for me to arrive
Sendin' out the message to all of my friends
We'll be lookin' flashy in my Mercedes Benz
I got lotsa style, check my gold diamond rings
I can go for miles if you know what I mean
I'm comin' up so you better get this party started
(I'm comin' up, I'm comin')
I'm comin' up so you better get this party started
Pumpin' up the volume, breakin down' to the beat
Cruisin' through the west side
We'll be checkin' the scene
Boulevard is freakin' as I'm comin' up fast
I'll be burnin' rubber, you'll be kissin' my ass
Pull up to the bumper, get out of the car
License plate says "Stunner number one Superstar"
Get this party started
I'm comin' up so you better get this party started
(I'm comin' up, you better)
I'm comin' up so you better get this party started
Makin' my connection as I enter the room
Everybody's chillin' as I set up the groove
Pumpin' up the volume with this brand new beat
Everybody's dancin' and their dancin' for me
I'm your operator, you can call anytime
I'll be your connection to the party line
I'm comin' up so you better get this party started
(I'm comin' up, I'm comin')
I'm comin' up so you better get this party started
(I'm comin' up, I'm comin')
I'm comin' up so you better get this party started
(I'm comin' up, you better)
I'm comin' up so you better get this party started
Songwriter: Linda Perry
Get this party started, oh
Get this party started right now
Get this party started
Get this party started
Get this party started right now
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