#Oyabun Shobo
tokiboo · 1 year
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- “Where’s Ryu?” - “Ah, he doesn’t really like festivals... or people”.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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  After his defection from the Second Destroyers, Masaru, formerly known as Minimi, sought vengeance for the abduction and later murder of his little brother and the forced suicide of his mother against the loan sharks who took the only biological family he ever had away from him, after all that he’s done for them and all the people he’s killed with his own hands to give money to his poverty-ridden family when no one else would ... was his sole reason for existing. Ever since he was a little boy, he had the task of taking care of his family when no one else would. His father was nowhere to be seen ( and it’s later revealed that he’s been working with the government this entire time and soon ruthlessly trained Masaru ) as he’d left the picture soon after his little brother was born. his mother was too busy trying to pay the bills to the loansharks and thieves who would taunt her to sell her youngest child or even her own body if she did not give them the asking price, and as a result, there was always someone crying in the house. Masaru did every possible dirty behind-the-scenes job that one could think of, stealing, gambling by using fake ID’s, burglary, armed robbery, arson, blackmail, murder, even selling his own body for a very brief amount of time ... all for the sake of his family, but luckily had never been able to be caught by the police due to his superhuman abilities, before finally being located by Marie and was recruited by the Corsica Family at thirteen years of age.
  When revenge was finally his, he returned to Ergastulum as a new man and he now runs a yakuza family since he was nineteen ( and he’s thirty one ), the infamous Shobo-Shi, literally meaning Fire Eaters in English, a neutral party in the city, as the oyabun, and occasionally helps both the police and the four mafia families of Ergastulum.
  He polices his own territories and deals with street level crimes, and both the police and the Four Fathers don’t oppose him because they both know that he is a force to be reckoned with ; he is strictly neutral after defecting from the Corsica Family and starting his own yakuza family. He accepts both sons and daughters ( something which is very uncommon in both the yakuza and in the mafia ) who were either lost, exiled or abandoned by their parents into the family. The majority of the family are East Asian - specifically Japanese, Han Chinese and Korean - but since Ergastulum is a very diverse city in California, there are family members of multiple different races, Twilight or not.
  His people both fear and respect him, as he makes it very clear that he was once a member of the Second Destroyers and he is still just as fearsome as he was all those years ago, if not more terrifyingly stronger. He has irezumi tattoos all over his body, save for his face and nether regions - the procedure was expensive, painful and it took years - a decade, even - to complete, because the ink is inserted beneath his skin using non-electrical, hand-made and handheld tools with needles of sharpened bamboo or steel. On formal occasions, he wears sharp dressed tuxedos while on informal occasions, he wears hoodies and when he wants to show his tattoos, takes off his shirt or open it up and drape it around his waist. The ladies love that, not that he specifically does it for their attention or anything, it’s more or less a symbolic reveal of his prowess. 
  When a natural disaster hits, Masaru mobilizes the Shobo-Shi to provide disaster relief services to the population in contrast to the much slower response to the government, and opens its offices and headquarters to refugees and sending dozen of trucks filled with food, water, blankets and sanitary accessories to aid the people in the affected areas of a natural disaster, and thus as a result, the group regard their income and hustle as a collection of a feudal tax. Although the Shobi-Shi operate through extortion and other violent methods, they move swiftly and quietly to provide aid to those most in need., because they know what it’s like to fend for themselves without any government aid or community support, because they’re considered outcasts and dropouts from society.
  Although the yakuza group’s activity is mostly restricted to Ergastulum and the rest of California, most especially in Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area, the Shobo-Shi have made their presence known in Japan, Hawaii ( which is often used as a midway station between Japan and mainland America to smuggle drugs into the country and firearms back to Japan - they easily fit in with the local population since many tourists from Japan and other Asian countries visit the islands on a regular basis and there is a large population of residents who are of full or partial Japanese descent - they also work with local gangs, funneling Japanese tourists to gambling parlours and brothels ), Seattle, Las Vegas, Arizona, Virginia, Chicago and New York City. They’ve recently made alliances with Chinese triads, local Korean gangs and Vietnamese gangs.
  Nowadays, Masaru runs the family in the heart of the city of Ergastulum, mostly owning restaurants, gambling dens, brothels and fighting arenas, but the city police will leave them alone as long as they don’t carry guns or harass any possible tourists, and he polices his own territories and deals with other street level crimes which gives the police a lesser load to deal with, and they also take charge of protecting their members from violence from other groups and even provides charity to needy immigrants and giving them jobs.
  Although he's no longer a member of The Destroyers, he keeps a very close eye on his younger half brother, Sora / Colt, his only living relative left, and still keeps in contact with Striker and Bellatrix / Beretta for old time’s sake but doesn’t assist them in Twilight hunting as his contract with the Corsica Family is long over.
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tokiboo · 6 years
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Sunday’s dinner :)
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tokiboo · 6 years
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Uncle Oyabun and uncle Kaikei came to visit. Oyabun grew much older, and seems that with the age - his hot head cooled down, and patience grew inside of him.
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tokiboo · 6 years
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We received the bad news later that night - Oyabun Shobo has passed away. While we all felt a connection to him, and felt horrible by this loss; it hit Hayato and Kaikei the most. 
I’ve never seen Hayato so down. That night, i think, was the first time i saw him cry.
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tokiboo · 6 years
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I can’t believe my baby is so big! T_T;... 
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tokiboo · 6 years
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Happy Birthday Yusuke!
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tokiboo · 6 years
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#scraps from Hayato’s life.
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tokiboo · 6 years
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Spotted: Beret Pancakes and Asuma Sarutobi bonding outside the Tsukino family’s house. Rumor has it that the two are dating.
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tokiboo · 6 years
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The annual Sunday dinner in the Tsukino’s household.
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tokiboo · 6 years
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The ceremony was small, with only Hayato’s former gang members as our witnesses. My parents couldn’t arrive due to sudden earthquakes and a sudden snowstorm (in the beginning of fall; could only happen to me).
Even though, It was special to us and we felt loved nonetheless. 
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tokiboo · 6 years
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Fun fact: Bella Goth is the shrine miko.
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tokiboo · 6 years
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Town Notes #1
Mortimer Goth, the town’s mayor and owner of the local shrine, was caught in a fight with the local mafia-head, Oyabun Shobo. A very unimpressed Hattie Pancakes, who just came back from school, eye-witnessed the whole fight; “my sister doesn’t allow me to repeat bad words :x”
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tokiboo · 6 years
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We all joined for a session of Karaoke. 
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tokiboo · 6 years
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Summer Festival
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tokiboo · 6 years
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