#Oxygen capsule
manabuhosaka · 11 months
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artcallednaturalviews · 6 months
All Just CAB Nue-Cowboy American Bullshit Run on the roads Millionaires crashing after Ring On the city streets Take your or other ones out Your fun After knowing your next belongings The Lamborghini crashed Poser Not a driver Not a rider Cowboy American Bully Some assaulted Same assailants Rollin’ on tha Planet Sums of assholes Even the new Ringed Millionaire’s Cowboy American Chief Walked from the wagon Cowboy American Bullshit Cowboy American Chief I am a Democrat Not post human Blue Filled upon oxygen red fulfilled flowing Not frigid code Blue I am still being alive Just written above Prunt .|. I still spit I was cum med from Ancestors Anchored as in my body circulating city My psyche the brain operator Thee oxygen Just written above It’s been doubled CAB CAC On to to together CABCAC Who Governs We need money for the tickets Wrong in play Worldwide International victims of speeding accidents Victims of speeder accident Question an Engineer, Mechanic or Automobile Technical Advisor The lives don’t out way the fines For instance CAC Fines worth more than lives Cowboy American Bullshit or Bully Your opinion needed here! Oh wait don’t praise You hear of Law in Az of 1864 The over governed Before mechanical As long as Woman is controlled So up of Leadership So openly agree Saving conceptions I just CAB CAC in bundles of thoughts I eat up my World Leaving digesting Drink clean water In WordsbyMM|MMybsdroW WORLD & Country It’s not my dreams Capsuled Realities
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huelightusa · 1 year
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halfmoon-horse · 1 year
This guy is an expert on submarine design, and there are a lot of engineers in the comments. Consensus is that they're most likely already dead, as the submersible was not designed with contingency in mind.
Possible shearing forces on the adhesive holding the carbon fibre tube and metal domes together
Advertised 96 hours of air, but it's not stipulated whether that's for 1 person or 5
Controlled by a third party wireless game controller, unknown if back-up wired steering system is in place or spare batteries for the controller are brought along
No way of removing smoke or toxic gases in the event of a fire, and no reported oxygen masks with positive pressure
No way to open from the inside even if they surface - reminiscent of the Apollo 1 tragedy where all three astronauts died in a fire on the launch pad because they couldn't escape the capsule
And so much more. It's a deathtrap. I'm hoping that considering the negligence of construction and lack of quality assurance and testing their little waiver will be struck down and they're sued out of existence. It's not about this one company being stopped, it's about preventing similar companies in space and ocean exploration making the same mistakes. Even NASA gets things wrong - Apollo 1, Challenger, Colombia - so these private businesses must be held to the same or better standards when there is a risk to life, just as the aviation industry is.
Regulations are written in blood.
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winxanity-ii · 20 days
⌜I Love, Robot | Chapter 04 Chapter 04 | Locked In⌟
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Silence filled the hauler, broken only by the rhythmic beeping of the system monitors. Rain and Kay, left to their own devices, sat quietly; Navarro remained focused on manning the controls, her fingers gliding over the panel with expert precision.
Your eyes, however, were glued to the monitor displaying the live feed from Tyler's headset. Every pixel flickered with tension as you watched the three figures standing in the narrow chamber that connected the hauler to the derelict space station.
Tyler and Bjorn, both clad in bulky space jumpsuits with oxygen masks and gloves, were preparing for the transition. The suits clung to their bodies, designed to protect them from the frigid vacuum outside.
Only Andy, with his synthetic skin, stood without such gear, his face expressionless as always, though you could sense an undercurrent of anticipation in his movements.
Tyler extended a pair of thermal gloves toward Bjorn. "Put this on," he instructed, his voice calm but firm.
Bjorn, examining the gloves with a mixture of disdain and necessity, quips, "Why? Planning to freeze my nuts off?"
"So your nuts don't freeze," Tyler retorts with a slight smirk, trying to lighten the mood despite the gravity of their situation.
Bjorn chuckled, his voice crackling through the feed, a low, mocking sound. "You think too much about my dates, Tyler," his eyes twinkling with mischief behind the mask.
"Just shut up and put the damn gloves on," Tyler muttered, turning to hand another set to Andy. "Andy, here," he added, more gently this time.
Andy took the gloves, his movements deliberate but slightly awkward as he struggled to fit them over his synthetic hands. The fabric was tight, designed for human fingers, not his more refined construction. You could see the effort it took for him to maneuver his fingers into place.
Bjorn glanced over, his lips curling into a sneer. "Hey, stop fiddling and put that shit on already," he barked, impatience lacing his tone. His words cut through the air, harsh and dismissive.
Tyler shot Bjorn a warning look. "Now, leave him alone. Andy, don't worry about him. He's an idiot," he reassured, his tone softer, almost paternal. "Hatch ahead. I'll connect," he continued, shifting focus back to the task at hand.
Bjorn, still grumbling, adjusted his mask. "It's cold as fuck in there," he muttered, rubbing his gloved hands together. "What is it?"
"A temp scanner," Tyler replied, checking a handheld device clipped to his suit. "It'll lead us to the capsules. The compression is tolerable, but there's too little oxygen to breathe."
Bjorn nodded, his eyes narrowing as he glanced around the chamber. "Andy, you're up. Show us what you're good at."
With the hatch to the station just before them, Andy stepped forward to the control panel by the door. His synthetic finger found its way to the scanner integrated into the panel. He stuck it inside, interfacing seamlessly with the station's security protocols.
The light on the scanner flickered from red to green, accompanied by the soft click of locks disengaging. The door hissed as it began to slide open, granting them entry to the station.
Tyler gave Andy an encouraging nod. "That's right, Andy. Well done."
Bjorn, couldn't help but snort, rolling his eyes. "Congrats, you're not a virgin anymore," he jeered, a sly grin tugging at his lips. "Come on."
Andy, unfazed by the comment, moved forward with calculated precision, ready to perform his duties. You watched him closely, feeling a mixture of pride and apprehension.
Despite the tension and the biting remarks from Bjorn, Andy remained focused, his synthetic composure unshaken.
As the three of them boarded the derelict Romulus, the air felt heavy with anticipation and the faint hum of dormant machinery.
The station was dimly lit, its narrow corridors stretching into darkness. The flickering emergency lights cast an eerie glow, and the low hum of the station's failing systems filled the silence.
Every step echoed hollowly, a reminder of how empty and abandoned this place truly was.
They moved cautiously, navigating the winding halls. Suddenly, the artificial gravity gave out, sending them all into a momentary weightlessness.
The station's interior was now chaotic mix of floating debris—tools, chairs, crates, and other loose objects drifted aimlessly in the zero-gravity environment, casting long, eerie shadows under the dim emergency lights.
The air felt thick with disuse, each breath carrying the metallic tang of stale, recycled air.
Tyler braced himself against the wall, his grip tight and focused. Around him, wrenches and screwdrivers, once confined to toolkits, now spun lazily in mid-air, bouncing off the walls and each other in slow motion. An old chair drifted past, its legs barely brushing against Tyler's shoulder as he maneuvered to avoid it.
Bjorn, however, wasn't as lucky. He reached out to grab hold of a support beam but missed, his fingers slipping on its cold metal surface. His body drifted upward, twisting awkwardly as he collided with a floating crate. "Fuck..." he muttered, a grimace forming on his face as he felt his stomach churn from the sudden lack of gravity. "There is no gravity here. I can feel it in my stomach."
Tyler glanced over his shoulder, his brow furrowed. "What was that?"
Andy's voice came through clearly, unbothered by the disorienting conditions. "The gravity generators. The control starts at intervals. So the whole place doesn't explode."
Tyler nodded, absorbing the information while carefully avoiding a drifting toolbox that floated between them. "We continue straight ahead, then," he directed, gesturing towards the corridor that lay ahead, partially obscured by more floating debris.
Tyler turned his head slightly toward Andy, his expression softening with concern. "Andy, are you okay?"
"Yes," Andy replied, his tone unwavering. "I have located the capsules." Andy's gaze remained fixed on the scanner in his hand, his synthetic eyes glowing faintly in the dim light. "According to the scanner, the capsules should be in there," he announced, pointing toward a heavy metal door at the end of the corridor, past a cluster of slowly spinning wrenches and bolts.
Just as they continued through the corridor, the artificial gravity suddenly kicked back on with a heavy jolt. Everything that had been floating in mid-air—tools, chairs, crates—plummeted to the ground with a series of loud crashes.
Bjorn fell hard, landing awkwardly on his back with a sharp thud; the breath knocked out of him. A metal wrench narrowly missed his head, clattering noisily next to him.
"Damn it!" Bjorn cursed, pain evident in his voice as he lay sprawled on the cold, hard floor. "I think I've leathered the arsehole," he groaned, wincing as he tried to sit up. "Shit, those control launches are no joke."
Tyler, still gripping a rail tightly to keep his balance, glanced over at Bjorn with a mix of frustration and concern. "You alright?" he called out, trying to maintain focus despite the chaos around them.
Bjorn grunted in response, rubbing his lower back. "Yeah, yeah, just peachy," he muttered sarcastically, clearly irritated by the sudden drop.
Andy, who had managed to brace himself against the wall just in time, turned his attention to Bjorn. "Bjorn, are you okay?" he asked, his voice calm but with a hint of synthetic concern.
Bjorn waved him off, though the annoyance was clear in his tone. "I'm fine," he snapped. "Just keep doing what you're doing. I'll manage."
Tyler moved quickly to check the status of the station's systems. "SYSTEM STARTUP MOTHER 9000," he read aloud from the flickering console nearby, which was partially covered in debris from the gravity shift. "Thank God there is still current in the old story," he added, his tone both relieved and cautious.
Andy moved to the control panel, his fingers deftly navigating the interface, bringing the systems back online. "Watch out," he warned, his voice steady amidst the chaos. "Here comes one more purge." He gave them a moment to prepare before the gravity purged again.
They all braced themselves, grabbing onto fixtures and railings as the station's gravity generators fluctuated once more. The objects around them, previously scattered on the floor, began floating in the air once more.
Andy flipped a switch, and a low hum filled the room as the station's systems came fully back to life. Once again, all the floating objects clattered to the floor, the gravity stabilized.
"Good job, Andy," Tyler said, his voice filled with gratitude. "Let's get to those capsules and get the hell out of here."
Bjorn, still rubbing his sore back, muttered under his breath but nodded in agreement. With a determined look, they pressed onward, deeper into the station, knowing the mission was far from over.
Shortly after, the three of them reached the cryo-chamber room. The metal doors groaned open, revealing a series of pods lined up against the wall, illuminated by the dim emergency lights.
Tyler immediately moved to the control panel, his fingers flying over the keys as he checked the status of each chamber.
Bjorn stepped forward, his eyes narrowing as he took in the sight. "Damn it! Well, let's see here," he muttered, clearly agitated.
Tyler squinted at the screen, frowning. "YEARS: 3.20," he read aloud, his tone flat.
Bjorn's head whipped around, confusion turning quickly to frustration. "Shit. What's wrong?"
Tyler's face was grim as he explained, "The capsules do not have enough fuel. There is enough for three years of hibernation."
Andy, standing close by, quickly calculated the implications. "It takes appoximately nine years to reach Yvaga," he pointed out in his usual calm, matter-of-fact tone.
Bjorn, his face twisted in irritation, threw his hands up in exasperation. "I know that. Fuck! I knew it. I fucking knew it. This shit was for nothing!"
Tyler turned to him sharply, his expression determined. "No, we're not giving up now. Yvaga is the closest system. What do you want us to do? Now shut the hell up."
Andy, still focused on the scanner in his hand, spoke up. "There seems to be a cryo-depot somewhere. There must be fuel."
Tyler nodded, his mind racing. "Navarro, I'm disconnecting the EEV. You can pick it up while we get cryo-fuel. Held," he spoke into his intercom, his voice steady despite the tension.
Navarro's voice crackled through the intercom, calm and composed, "Heard."
As the Corbelan maneuvered to pick up the ejected cryo-chambers, back on the ship, Kay suddenly rushed to the toilet, her face pale. Rain quickly moved to help her, guiding her into a nearby bunk as Kay began to retch. The noise caught your attention, but you remained at a distance, watching quietly.
In the bunk, Rain leaned closer to Kay, her voice soft and concerned. "...You're pregnant?" you overheard her whisper, her tone a mix of surprise and concern.
Kay nodded, a wide smile spreading across her face. "Yeah," she replied softly, a hint of excitement in her voice. Rain's face lit up with a supportive smile, and the two exchanged a quiet laugh.
From where you stood, you caught Kay's eye for a moment. Her smile faltered slightly, an awkward tension settling in the air between you. You returned a small nod, trying to convey understanding, but Kay quickly looked away, turning her focus back to Rain with a nervous giggle.
Out of everyone in Rain's old friend group, Kay had always been the most distant with you, a fact that had always puzzled you. You never quite understood why, but it had always left a lingering discomfort in your interactions with her.
Deciding to give them space, you turned your attention back to the three men on the station, tuning into their ongoing conversation through the intercom.
Bjorn's gruff voice came through first, laced with skepticism. "What is all that military piss for?" he asked, glaring at Tyler.
"It's effective."
Bjorn snorted derisively, unconvinced. "Is it?"
Tyler's lips twitched into a half-smile. "And cool."
Bjorn rolled his eyes, unimpressed. "You sound dumb," he shot back, his tone dripping with disdain.
As they continued walking, Bjorn, distracted by his annoyance, nearly missed a deep hole in the floor. He stumbled, teetering dangerously on the edge.
Without hesitation, Andy reached out and grabbed Bjorn's arm, pulling him back just in time.
Despite being saved from a potentially deadly fall, Bjorn's anger flared even hotter. He stormed up to Andy, getting uncomfortably close to his face, his eyes burning with a mix of rage and frustration. He jabbed a finger into Andy's chest, his voice low and menacing. "What's your fucking problem, clown?" he snarled, glaring at Andy with open hostility.
Andy, ever calm, replied, "Sorry," his voice soft, almost apologetic despite the aggressive confrontation.
Tyler quickly intervened. "Relax, guys," he said, trying to keep the peace.
But Bjorn wasn't done. He shoved Andy harder, his anger barely contained. "Next time I'll smash you in," he threatened, his voice dripping with contempt. He then turned to Tyler, his expression dark and demanding. "Keep that fucking piece of Synth-trash away from me."
Tyler nodded slightly, a flicker of concern crossing his face as he glanced between the two of them. He knew they needed to keep moving, but the tension was clearly getting to everyone. "Let's just focus on finding that fuel," he said, trying to steer the conversation back to the mission at hand. "Navarro, airlock 5-B is our exit once we find the cryogenic fuel."
Your teeth gritted in your mouth as you listened to everything unfolding over the hauler's intercom. The hostility in Bjorn's voice, the constant antagonism—it made your skin crawl.
You tried to focus on the task at hand, tinkering with the Reboot Key, but it was hard to ignore the rising tension.
Navarro took a moment to walk over to you, leaning against the console with a curious glance at your tinkering. "What are you working on there?" she asked, her voice carrying a casual interest.
You shrugged slightly, trying to keep your focus on the task at hand. "Just making sure I'm ready for anything," you replied, not wanting to delve too deeply into the details.
Navarro nodded, her eyes trailing back to the screen momentarily. "It's good to be prepared," she said thoughtfully. After a pause, she added, "Hey, I'm sorry about Bjorn's actions earlier. He can be... intense, but he's got his reasons."
Overhearing this, Rain snorted. "Yeah, right," she muttered, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "I'll bite. What's his deal with Andy? Why is he so angry with him?" she asked, her gaze shifting between Navarro and the monitor displaying the men's location.
Navarro glanced over at Rain, her expression tight with a mix of sympathy and understanding. "Because of the thing with his mother a cycle ago," she said softly.
Rain furrowed her brows, clearly puzzled. "What do you mean?"
Kay, still pale but feeling a bit better, spoke up softly from her spot in the back. "There was a gas leak in the mines. The synthetic supervisor overhead the entire operation gave the order to close them while Bjorn's mother was down there."
"But... Synthetics—they cannot harm people," Rain countered, her voice wavering slightly as she tried to make sense of the story.
"Well, it sacrificed three miners to save half a dozen."
Rain's face twisted in a grimace. "How gruesome," she muttered under her breath. She saw Kay get up suddenly and rush to the back, clearly feeling unwell again.
Rain stood to follow, concern etched across her features, while you stayed seated, still fidgeting with the tiny components in your hands, counting down the minutes until this whole ordeal could be over.
A chill ran down your spine as you listened to Kay's explanation, triggering a long-buried memory from one of your past hacking jobs.
You recalled retrieving files that exposed a chilling directive: in moments of crisis, Weyland's synthetics were programmed to prioritize the company's assets over human lives, all under the guise of logical probability.
Even back then, the discovery had left you feeling sick, a stark reminder of the company's cold, calculating nature.
While you could understand why Bjorn harbored such deep hatred for synthetics, knowing this didn't change your opinion of him. He was still an asshole, his anger misdirected at those who were just following their programming—much like the workers following orders.
If anything, you thought, his anger should be aimed at the Weyland officials who made those ruthless directives, not at every synthetic he came across. His blind rage only perpetuated the cycle of resentment and pain, when the true culprits remained hidden in their ivory towers, untouched by the consequences of their decisions.
You tightened your grip on the Reboot Key, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on you. The sooner they found that cryo-fuel and got out of there, the better.
"Welcome to the space station Renaissance. Weyland-Yutani's Center for Research and Development whose efforts are to improve the human role in space."
Bjorn's response to the artificial voice crackled through the intercom, his tone tinged with discomfort. "This place gives me goosebumps," he muttered, a shiver running through his voice.
Andy, ever the peacemaker, tried to inject some humor into the situation. "Have you heard the one about the bowler who only has one ball? It always takes cones. Did you get it?" he offered, hoping to lighten the mood.
"Please turn yourself off," Bjorn snapped back, irritation clear in his voice.
"You said you were nervous, so I tried—"
"You know what? I'm looking forward to getting into a capsule and never seeing your ass again," Bjorn interrupted sharply, his voice harsh and cutting.
"See you at Yvaga then."
"You are not going to Yvaga." You were taken aback by Bjorn's revelation.
Tyler's voice intervened, a note of warning in his tone. "Bjorn, stop."
But Bjorn was relentless. Turning to face Andy with a manic grin, he sneered, "Didn't Rain tell you? The system is anti-Weyland-Yutani, so fake people are prohibited."
Andy's reply was measured, his voice steady despite the insult. "I prefer the term 'artificial person.'"
You felt a surge of confusion and concern, unable to believe Bjorn's claim that Andy wouldn't be allowed into Yvaga. It didn't make sense; why would they exclude Andy?
As you processed Bjorn's words, your thoughts were abruptly pulled back to just a few hours earlier, which now seemed to carry even more weight given the current tension.
The next half an hour in the room felt like a slow crawl through tension, thick enough to cut with a knife. You stood by the door with Andy at your side, ready to leave at any moment. Across the room, Rain and Tyler spoke in hushed tones, their conversation drowned out by the hum of the machinery around you.
Every now and then, Rain would glance your way, her expression a mixture of uncertainty and determination.
You straightened up as Rain finally pulled away from Tyler and started walking toward you. For a brief moment, you felt a flicker of hope—maybe she’d seen the flaws in this whole plan, the danger and the reckless gamble it represented. But instead of heading for the door, she stopped in front of you, her eyes searching yours.
"Can I talk to you privately?" she asked softly. Her tone wasn't commanding but pleading, and despite the frustration and worry bubbling inside you, you gave in.
With a small nod, you followed her down to the transport area, Andy trailing just a step behind. The enclosed space below was quieter, the hum of the engines muted but still present—a constant reminder of the colony around you.
"I'm not sure about any of this, Rain," you started, the words tumbling out in a rush, but she cut you off gently.
"I know," she said, her voice soft but steady. "But what if they're right? What if we can actually get out of here?" Her question hung in the air between you—a heavy, unspoken challenge.
You fell silent, unable to meet her gaze for a moment. Because deep down, you knew she was right. There was no telling if what Tyler and his group had found would actually be the escape they all needed.
But what if it was?
What if this was the chance to finally leave this hellhole behind, to find freedom and a future that wasn’t dictated by Weyland-Yutani's greed?
You looked into Rain's hopeful eyes, and your mind spun with images of a possible future if you walked away now—Rain wasting away, trapped here like so many others you had cared for.
You couldn't subject her to that. Not when there was a chance, however slim, to change it.
A loud, harsh sigh escaped your lips as you turned, rubbing a hand down your face. The weight of your decision pressed down on you, but there wasn’t much choice, not really. "Fine. Fine... fine."
Rain let out a small, happy shriek, throwing herself into your arms. She wrapped you up in her lithe embrace, her joy so palpable it was almost infectious. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," she repeated, her voice a breathless rush of gratitude.
You couldn't help but smile, hugging her back, though the smile quickly faded into a serious line as you pulled away. "Okay, but how exactly is this supposed to go down?"
Rain's excitement didn't falter as she launched into an explanation, her words tumbling over one another in her eagerness. "Tyler and Navarro think there are at least half a dozen, maybe even ten, cryo-pods on board the ship, judging by the size of the aircraft. The plan is simple: Andy helps us gain access to the ship, then he, Tyler, and Bjorn find the pods, release them, and Navarro grabs them with the hauler. Then, bam! The six of us float peacefully away in cryo-sleep for the next nine years until we reach Yvaga."
You listened, taking it all in. Sure, it sounded simple enough on the surface. But your mind couldn’t help conjuring up all the setbacks and issues that could arise—the things that could make the entire mission fall apart.
But instead of voicing your doubts, you decided to give it a chance. Rain's hope was too bright, too desperate to extinguish with your own pessimism.
Still, one concern gnawed at you—something that hadn't been addressed. "What about Andy?"
Rain blinked, taken aback for a moment by your question. But then she answered, her voice steady, "Since Andy is synthetic, he won't need to be placed in a cryo-pod. He'll oversee everything; make sure we don't run into any issues during the journey."
You nodded slowly, her reasoning making sense.
Andy didn't need sleep; he didn't need to worry about the passage of time in the same way you all did.
And if there was anyone you trusted to watch over things, it was him.
Looking over Rain's shoulder, your eyes met Andy's. He stood there, his synthetic gaze soft, head tilted slightly as if saying without words, 'What's best for Rain.'
A small smile crept onto your lips at the sight of him. Without a second thought, you reached out a hand, and he immediately came over, his grip firm yet gentle.
You pulled him into a small hug, and together, you and Andy surrounded Rain, her small frame nestled between the two of you. You held on tight, feeling the warmth of Rain’s body against yours and the steady, reassuring presence of Andy beside you.
Yes, you thought, holding them both close, What's best for Rain.
Snapping back to the present, you shook your head slightly, memory burning away like charred earth now that you knew the truth.
Feeling a mix of anger and urgency, you rushed over to the monitor, your hands trembling slightly as you watched Bjorn continue his verbal assault. His words cut through the tense air, exacerbating the frustration building up inside you.
Bjorn's voice was harsh, filled with disdain as he continued to antagonize Andy. "Andy, listen. Rain can go to jail if she takes you. And if you stay at Jackson, you will be eventually scrapped by the company. Are you in? I need you on board to protect the capsules. To protect Y/N's capsule, remember? She's coming too..."
Andy, his voice steady yet tinged with uncertainty, replied, "But when we get there..."
Bjorn interrupted with a cold sneer, "Scrap. Farewell and bon voyage."
Tyler, looking exasperated and visibly stressed, rubbed his face. "Are you done?" he interjected, his tone weary.
Bjorn shrugged with a cackle, "I'm just saying it like it is."
Andy's response came softly, reflecting his unwavering loyalty, "It's okay. If it's what's best for Rain, it's what's best for me."
As Bjorn clapped Andy hard on the shoulder, walking past him with a patronizing air, he said, "You're a nice guy, Andy. We will miss you. And don't worry, I'll look out for Y/N, for you, yeah?"
You stood there, watching the scene unfold on the monitor, your emotions a whirlwind of frustration and concern.
Unable to contain the growing sense of betrayal, you turned to stare at Rain. Your steps toward her were tentative, each one heavier than the last as you noticed her pale face, her eyes watering slightly as her mouth opened and closed without forming words.
"Rain..." you could only whisper softly, the disappointment heavy in your voice.
"Y/N... I... I-I can explain, please let me explain—"
"No," you cut her off sharply, turning away and rubbing your eyes with your finger to hide the tears welling up in them. "I don't want to hear it, please just stop. I-I—" You had to take a shuddering breath, stopping just a foot before her, "Just... it doesn't matter. Not right now."
With that, you turned your back to her completely, your heart breaking further as you caught the devastated look on Andy's face from the corner of your eye. He seemed clueless, as if unsure what Bjorn’s words truly meant.
Navarro's voice cut through the tense air, disbelief evident in her tone as she asked Rain, "Y/N didn't know??"
Your head snapped back, eyes blazing with anger and hurt. "Me?" you spat bitterly, "Forget about me knowing; why didn't Andy know?"
Your question was directed sharply at Rain, demanding an answer.
Rain ran a hand through her hair, her hands trembling. "He... I didn't bother to tell him," she finally said, looking off to the side, her voice filled with guilt.
Before you could respond to Rain's admission, Kay stood up with a nasty snarl curling her lips. "Rain doesn't have to feel bad about anything. Why should she risk her life for Andy? He's not even alive! It's not gonna matter to him whether he's kept here rotting on this floating rock or scrapped for spare pieces! He. Is. Not. Real!" Her voice escalated with each word, breathing coming out in sharp pants as she finished her long-winded spat.
The hauler was plunged into complete silence following her outburst.
You turned to look at Rain, hoping she would say something—anything—to defend the situation or at least to soften the harshness of Kay's words. But Rain just looked off to the side, her expression unreadable, her silence more telling than any words could have been.
You watched as all three women—Rain, Kay, and Navarro—stood next to one another, their proximity seeming to wordlessly state their solidarity on the issue.
Inside, you could feel the seething anger and fury burning, but you knew lashing out wouldn't help. "Fine," you said curtly, your voice calm but ice-cold. "Andy and I will finish helping you all with this mission, but after it's complete, you don't have to worry yourselves with figuring out what to do with him..."
Rain's face crumbled in heartbreak, her eyes widening as she already knew where you were going with this. "Y/N, please don't. I need—"
"Because he and I will be returning to Jackson Star," you interrupted, turning your back on the group, done with the entire conversation.
As you walked back towards the monitor, Kay let out a sharp, scornful laugh. "I'm not sure what Bjorn sees in you when you're clearly a synth-lover. Rather stay behind and die on this dying planet with a machine instead of heading into a new beginning with your remaining family."
You only spared the girl an uncaring, bored look over your shoulder. "I don't care. He's family, and you don't leave family behind."
With that, you walked back into the captain’s bridge, plopping yourself back next to the monitor, shutting out the bitter words and focusing on what truly mattered—completing the mission and safeguarding Andy.
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A/N: heheh hopes you guys enjoyed the update. if a few lines don't match from the movie, know i changed a few things up to fit the fic. other than that: THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING THIS! The engagement i've been recieveing is so amazing, still cant get over that people want/like to read the trash my mind spit out😩 yall make me wanna write everyday frfr ❤️❤️ see you next update...
Tag List: @dreamsarenicer sadslasher13 ravenswife
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napfordinner · 11 months
My lovely friends, this is a friendly evidence-based post pertaining to the risk reduction of a few well-known health effects of 4n4 and mia. Including: Amenorrhea (loss of regular menstrual period), anaemia, digestive upset, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, general well-being, and osteoporosis. It is quite a long post, but please let me know if there’s any other information you would like me to cover. 💕
🪐 Vitamins and Supplements:
• A-Z Multivitamin. Is beneficial for supplementation. For example, Vitamin C is a vitally important vitamin for the body’s connective tissues, including the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth, cellular formation and maturation, resistance to infection, and an increased ability to heal. Additionally, B12 contributes to an adequately functioning nervous system, bone marrow, and intestinal tract. It also acts to increase metabolism of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Finally vitamin B2 when combined with Vitamin A promotes good vision and healthy skin, as well as assists in metabolising proteins and fats at a cellular level.
• Calcium and Vitamin D. Seek a preparation which offers 1000mg of calcium and 10-20mcg (400-800 iu) of vitamin D. Vitamin D increases the bodies efficacy during the absorption, retention, and metabolising of calcium. Calcium of course being vital for bone integrity and imperative for the prevention of osteopenia/osteoporosis.
• Iron. An appropriate iron intake will restore the functionality of red blood cells, allowing the proper oxygen transportation around the body, increase focus, energy, athletic performance, and sleep. Having a sufficient iron store will alleviate some commonly experienced symptoms of low iron including fatigue, dizziness, pallor, and shortness of breath. It may also reduce the sensation of cold hands and feet.
• Potassium and Zinc. A lack of zinc impairs the ability to smell and taste. Connecting this impairment to nose blindness. For example, a lack of a sense of smell and taste may impair one’s own ability to detect their own bad breath, BO, and other unpleasant smells that others may be able to detect.
• Omega 3’s - Fish oil, Krill oil, Hemp oil, or Flaxseed oil. Improper dietary intake, or supplementation of omega 3 fatty acids will result in areas of epidermal (skin) dryness, hyperkeratosis, and hyperpigmentation. As well as the formation large scales expose underlying tissue, which are easily infected. The hair becomes sparse, dry, lusterless, and brittle, with a reddish tinge. Furthermore, nails become brittle and dull, tear production reduces, the tears are also significantly less oily leading to increased evaporation contributing to chronically dry, red, and itchy eyes.
If oil supplements are scary for you to intake due to calorie fears (there is only approx 25 calories in 2 average fish oil capsules). There are dietary sources of omega 3 that are relatively low calorie including chia seeds, edamame, and seaweed. However they provide little amounts in comparison to supplementation or traditional dietary sources such as fish, avocado, oils etc.
However this should also be considered when deciding whether to supplement omega 3’s - they stimulate the secretion of leptin, a hormone that decreases appetite and promotes the burning of fat. Through the enabling of conversion of dietary fats into body cells for burning as fuel.
🍄 Dietary Intake
•Bone broth (or vegetable broth if meat is not apart of your diet ☺️) I cannot stress how great bone broth is! Extremely low calorie, but incredibly nutrient-dense. It also acts to decrease the inflammation within the gut that many of us will experience due to our dietary habits. Including conditions such as constipation, gastroparesis, liver disease, bloating, abdominal pain, and stomach ulceration.
Bone broth also contains large amounts of protein, collagen, iron, vitamins A and K, fatty acids, selenium, zinc, and manganese. Protein being the most satiating macronutrient can decrease hunger and associated discomfort. Collagen and the variety of micronutrients within the bone broth contributes to joint and bone health. Bone broth will also contribute to hydration.
•Nutrient-dense foods including blueberries l are among the best sources of anthocyanins (antioxidants) that promote brain health and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Additionally, red tomatoes and red capsicum (Peppers). Tomatoes are the richest source of lycopene, which is a type of carotenoid found in red fruits that has powerful antioxidant effect that may help protect against heart disease and certain types of cancer.
•Fibre is imperative for smooth gastrointestinal function, including regular bowel movements. Fibre is of course typically found in whole fruits and vegetables, beans/lentils, and whole grains. Low calorie fibre sources include: red kidney beans, carrot, and chickpeas. Psyllium, chia seeds are also good sources of fibre. Fibre supplants such as Metamucil may also aid to increase fibre intake. An adequate intake of fibre may reduce the dependence of laxative for bowel movements. Prolonged use of laxatives may create a dependency on them to even have a bowel movement.
🥥 Adequate Hydration
• The best way to ensure adequate hydration is simply by consuming enough water during the day. However, if plain water consumption is difficult, fluid intake will also suffice. Including fluid such as teas, flavoured/enhanced water, diet soft drinks, juices, etc. The optimal fluids to consume in addition to, or instead of simple water to ensure adequate hydration is mineral water, coconut water, or diet electrolyte replacements (Powerade/Gatorade, Pedialyte, Hydralyte). Correct hydration and electrolyte intake will reduce headaches, constipation, and muscle cramps/weakness.
❤️ Reproductive Health
•Amenorrhea is a common experience for those of us with a uterus. However it is imperative to understand that you are more than likely still ovulating despite the lack of a regular menstrual period. Therefore, contraception must still be used. Amenorrhea may be alleviated through dietary supplementation and small changes to the diet to include more micronutrients, but it may not be completely fixed unless there is an increase to body fat percentages.
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bethanythebogwitch · 3 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: arrow worms
Get ready for a wriggly Wednesday, because we have wormsign! When people think of animals, we tend to think of things like dogs, cats, elephants, and so on. However, animals like that are actually on the large side, most animals are much smaller. There are whole ecosystems out there filled with creatures so small you wouldn't even notice them unless you were looking. And any ecosystem needs a predator. This is where arrow worms come in, the apex predators of the planktonic realm.
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(Image: a microscope image of an arrow worm. It is an elongated, tube-shaped animal with fins on either side and a small tail fin. The animal is a translucent white and organs are visible through the skin. Next to it are a measuring instrument and a small crustacean. End ID)
Arrow worms are members of the phylum Chaetognatha, which means "bristle jaw". They used to be thought of as their own thing with no surviving relatives, but they have recently been grouped together with rotifers and other tiny animals in a clade called Gnathifera. You know how there's no such thing as a fish because all the different things we call fish are actually really distinct from each other? Yeah, it's even worse for worms. At least most things we call fish are all in the same phylum. Arrow worms are in a completely different phylum from roundworms, flatworms, proboscis worms, segmented worms, etc, but most people just lump them all together as worms. Arrow worms are really small, the largest species getting to about 10 cm long and most being considerably smaller than that. They have torpedo-shaped bodies with external fins that are the source of the name. People thought they looked like the fletching on arrows. Most species are transparent, but some deep-sea species are orange.
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(Image: the front end of an arrow worm seen biting a larval fish. The fish is translucent and skeletal. The worm has sharp bristles at the bout that are gripping the fish. End ID)
Arrow worms have three body segments, the head, trunk, and tail, divided from each other by internal membranes. The outside of the body is protected by a tough but flexible cuticle. The head is elongated and at the tip is the mouth. On either side of the mouth 4 - 14 curved spines that are attached to flexible muscle. The spines are used to grab prey and move it into the mouth. In some species, the spines can inject neurotoxin into prey to help kill it. When not in use, the mouth and spines are covered by a membrane to help streamline the animal. The mouth leads to a muscular pharynx (throat) that uses mucus to help food pass into the intestine, where the food is digested. I have found sources that say the intestine leads to an anus and other sources that say that arrow worms have no anus and excrete their waste through the skin. Most sources go with the worms having no anus. Also on the head are a pair of compound eyes (which are reduced or absent in some deep-sea or cave species) and a ring of cilia that probably sense chemicals. All over the body are bristles that sense the movement of the water. The nervous system is very simple and is centered on a nerve ring that circles the pharynx and leads out to the rest of the body. Arrow worms have no respiratory system, they absorb dissolved oxygen through the skin. The circulatory system is very simple. Arrow worms have a pair of lateral fins on either side of the body and a tail fin post-anus. Arrow worms are also one of the few animals species that act as host for giant viruses.
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(Image: an image of an arrow worm with the organs and body parts labeled. Sourced from Wikipedia. End ID))
Arrow worms are simultaneous hermaphrodites, meaning they possess male and female sex organs at the same time. The male gonads develop first, making them protandric. The testicles are located at the base of the neck. Sperm is placed in a capsule called the spermatophore and ejected from the body at an organ called the seminal vesicle. During mating, each partner puts a spermatophore on the other's back. The spermatophore then releases sperm, which swim down a groove on the back to reach the oviduct, where eggs are released from the ovaries, along the tail. Fertilization happens either as the eggs are released or just after. Most species release their eggs to the water, but some will attach them to algae or carry them in a pouch on the back. Most arrow worms are semelparous, meaning they mate only once then die. Unusually for marine invertebrates, arrow worms do not have a larval stage. The offspring are miniature adults. The maximum observed lifespan for an arrow worm was 15 months.
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(Image: an electron microscope image of the head of an arrow worm. The mouth is wide and has the scythe-like bristles emerging from either side. The head is attached to a long neck that is narrower than the mouth. End ID)
Arrow worms live worldwide in every marine habitat, including the deep sea and caves. Of all the marine zooplankton, only copepods have a greater global biomass. Most species are swimmers, but about 20% of known species live on the seafloor. They are ambush predators, moving slowly or staying still until prey comes within range, then darting forward to catch it. Arrow worms have the fastest muscle contractions of any animal, which helps with their quick charges. To swim, they wriggle their bodies up and down. A common swimming pattern is to swim upwards then glide downwards, over and over again. Pelagic species are known to practice diel vertical migration, a mass migration of countless species of animal that migrate to shallow water at night, then back to deep water in the day. Juveniles tend to live in shallower water than adults and larger species are generally found in colder water. Their primarily prey is copepods and water fleas, but they will also eat amphipods, krill, and the eggs and larvae of fish and invertebrates. Some species are cannibalistic. Some reports indicate certain species may be omnivores who also feed on algae and organic detritus. Arrow worms are a crucial food source for many larger animals, including commercially important species. Not a lot is known about their natural behavior as it is hard to simulate their conditions in the lab and hard to observe them in the wild.
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(Image: the head of an arrow worm emerging from off-screen. The mouth is open and a copepod is in the process of being consumed. End ID)
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miscellaneoussmp · 11 days
I miss my beloved cubito, aka happy pills Pac, so here's a fic! It's been a year, come back to me!!!!!!!!! (cw/tw: character death implied/mentioned, medical terminology, mentioned drug abuse).
This isn't the first time Pac has dug a grave. It won't be the last. At least it's not raining. At least he's wearing his own clothes. At least the blood in the room is his. At least there aren't bodies from him to cry over. Maybe that's worse?
His heart rate is rapid. Pac feels like he can feel his heart touch his ribs. Tachycardia caused by the pills? Maybe the withdrawals? His breathing is shallow. It's a cycle. The quicker his heart beat, the less time his lungs have to switch out carbon dioxide for oxygen. Pac bets if checked his blood pressure, it would be way higher than 120/80. That's why he feels like he's going to die. Or maybe it's the pills? Who could say? Maybe Pac needs to go to the doctor?
What is he doing? He looks down at the crudely dug hole. What is doing in the lab? What was he doing before this? One of the lab tables looks messier than usual, even in the dim room. Right. His notes. The cure. A possible cure. Pac isn't that good at chemistry or medicine. He isn't even really a scientist. He just pretends to know what he's doing. It worked well enough raising himself and Mike. There's a reason why Mike is (was?) better than him in every way conceivable way. It's because he stopped listening to Pac before it was too late. He wonders how long it'll take before everyone else stops listening. He hopes it's soon. There's crumbled up paper in his hands. Right, notes. Focus.
It's definitely worse not having a body to bury. There's nothing to cry over. An empty grave feels worse. Pac isn't even able to leave the lab to go look for the bodies of his best friend, his child, and one of his newest friends. Why is he in the lab? An antidote. Right.
Tachycardia has many reasons to happen. The heart doesn't need the brain to tell it to continue beating. It has its own nervous system, basically. The heart will keep the blood moving for as long as it can. Shortness of breath often goes hand in hand with tachycardia. The lungs try to keep up with the heart to perform gas exchange. There's many causes for high blood pressure, too. Ranging from genetics to diet to medication side effects. What is he doing again? There's blisters forming where his grip was tightest on the shovel. Pac is in the lab. Notes. An antidote. A cure. Right.
There's a black liquid in one of the bottles. It's bad lab practice, but he reaches for it, to drink. Pac stops. He can't do this. He can't. He wants the artificial euphoria. Pac can't face reality. He can't. What is reality if not something Pac can manipulate to his benefit? His reality. He drains the black liquid down the sink, washing it away with cool water. For a brief second, he thinks about trying to consume the small remainder of the antidote. That thought is chased away with the taste of plastic and artificial sweetners in little white capsules.
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byunpum · 1 year
I can be a better father | Part 6 (what was i made for)
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Pair: Tsu'tey x child y/n human x child spider human
Warning: kinda sad, comfort moments, jealousy, happy-sad ending (I don't know, a little sadness that heals the heart).
Note:Sorry if this request was not what you expected. But I wanted to write something sad, but a feeling of comfort.( I felt like crying for a while ) I still hope you like it. I send you a hug <3
Requests: (@applepie-macaroon)Hi! Can you maybe make a chapter for Tsu'tey and his kids when they reach a certain age and Norms offers Tsu'tey to make the kids avatars?
Avatar masterlist | Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
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Tsu'tey knew he had done a great job in the last few years raising his children. He had been the best father they could have, even to his little Y/N. But all his senses, and emotions were feeling threatened as he felt the tears of his little girl fall into his arms. As her little girl cried, as she screamed words of lamentation. She was making a mess, she was sad and frustrated. And he could do nothing, he could only hug her to his chest and try to bring her warmth in the cold laboratory. "Is unfair…unfair!!!" cries the girl, as she pats the floor. As she screams and tears continue to fall down her little cheeks.
A couple of days ago, Spider and Y/N had decided to visit their uncle Norm at the lab. According to lo'ak who had come to pick them up, Norm had some gigantic news for you two. It was obvious that the children were excited, norm always gave him the best gifts. He had taken care of both children in the first years of their lives, he was such an important part of their lives. Running as fast as they could, they opened the door to the lab. "Norm!!!!" "Uncle Norm" shouted the children, as they took off their oxygen masks. Norm welcomed them with open arms, hugging the children and giving them both a kiss on their cheeks. They were his babies, still were and always would be. Norm let go of the children, guiding them both to sit in chairs near the capsule where grace's avatar was.
"Hello…grace" says Y/N, pressing her face to the crystal. Grace had the opportunity to take care of Y/N for at least 2 months, just before the big battle happened. And she died. The little girl watched as the avatar body moved and its tail twitched involuntarily. For Y/N it was so impressive to be a na'vi, just like spider. But for her it was something she craved. Norm sits down in front of the children, and hands her some lollipops. Watching as the children begin to eat the candy, swallowing saliva to begin talking.
"You know… I have some news." Norm says, raising his eyebrows in a playful way. Hearing the kids laugh. "What is it?!!!" shouts spider, getting up on the seat. Norm tries to control him, but spider was too restless so he let him. "You know I think I figured out…how to make you two have your own body…avatar" Norm blurts out the news as if it were second nature. Watching as the kids were silent, until they started screaming and jumping up and down in excitement. Norm tried to calm them down, but again let the children express their emotions. This was big news. "How?" yells spider. "We have to tell daddy!!!" Y/N is so excited. After a few minutes of crazy questions, screaming, and them running around the lab like crazy. Norm was able to calm them down. "Hey…I have several tests to run, but I think it can be worked out. How about we go and look for your father?" says Norm, getting up from his chair. Walking towards the cominicator, which would transport him to his avatar. The kids already knew where norm was going to be, so they run towards the exit. Putting on their oxygen masks as fast as they could and running to where the avatars used to sleep.
Entering the huts, pushing some avatars. "Y/N watch out!!!" complains a female avatar, as she felt both children pushing her to get to where norm was getting up. Norm is surprised with how quickly both children arrive at his location, holding them in his arms. Beginning his way to where tsu'tey was. The man was with the sully family, neytiri asked him to help her prepare dinner for the day. While Jake took care of the other children. All the adults were in the hut. Talking and hanging out, until they heard norm's voice. Carefully entering the hut. He was holding both children in his arms, who wanted to get down quickly when they saw their father. Both children ran up to tsu'tey hugging him and began to tell him the great news norm had told them. " Dad…avatar" shouts spider, while Y/N shouted right in front of his face, excitedly. "HEY!!!BE QUIET" tsu'tey scolds them, as both children quickly sit down on the floor.
"I'm sorry…I was supposed to have talked to you first, but I couldn't hold on" norm says sitting down with the adults. The children get up from the floor, running to where their half-siblings were sitting. Jake had the little tuk in his arms, now sitting next to neytiri. Norm's words had filled the hut with curiosity. "What are you talking about? Avatars?" asks tsu'tey. Norm laughs a little and explains. "I think it is possible for spider and Y/N to have their own avatar body" says norm excitedly. Neytiri gets very happy, as does jake. Meanwhile tsu'tey had a serious expression on his face, it was one of confusion. He thought there was no need for his human-children to have a na'vi body. They were already considered na'vi, a couple of months ago they had their own initiation as members of the clan.
He had prepared them in every aspect, they know how to hunt, live and survive in Pandora. Just like any other na'vi. He found all this unnecessary. "Well…I just need you to take the children to the lab tomorrow, fasting. So I can run the necessary tests on them. And find out if they are compatible" norm keeps talking and explaining the whole procedure. As if tsu'tey had accepted everything, neytiri and jake listened to norm carefully. While tsu'tey was still tormented with the idea, suddenly getting up from the floor. "No…they are fine like this" says tsu'tey walking away from his friends, to look for his children. He picked up both children from the ground, ignoring the children's complaints. "Tsu'tey buddy this is important" says jake, but tsu'tey gives him a stern look. The least he had to care was him.
Spider never had his father present, so when tsu'tey adopted him. The shock was nothing unusual for him. But for Y/N, it was quite the opposite. Jake was her father, and the simple fact that she was human tormented the little girl. She wanted her father to accept her as she was, but the opposite was the case. When Tsu'tey adopted her, he healed and cured the wounds that the little girl had. She cried at night, looking for her father. She complained to tsu'tey why jake did not love her like her half-brothers. He was hurt by all this, and to see that now there might be a chance that jake could be the father he never was, breaks his heart. No one is going to take his little girl away from him.
Tsu'tey leaves the hut, walking quickly to his home. Entering and leaving the children on the floor. Only to sit in a corner, and bury his head between his legs. He felt ridiculous, this feeling of anger and sadness was killing him. Spider and Y/N stood there confused, why their father was acting this way. The little girl approaches her dad, she was now in front of him. Touching his knee, making tsu'tey look up. Seeing his little girl's giant eyes, they had a spark he had never seen before. He knew she was so excited, both she and spider wanted this so badly. More so her…but he was afraid. "Sempu what's wrong? Does your tummy hurt?" asks the little girl, reaching over to pat her daddy's stomach. Tsu'tey wipes her tears, while laughing. She always worried about him, even more than he did himself. "No… just is-sempu is sad," tsu'tey says. Taking the girl's arm, to sit her on his lap. Y/N settles on her father's chest. Spider approaches and settles next to tsu'tey. He hugs him more, so that he is very close.
"You don't want us to be na'vi?" asks spider, looking curiously at his father. Tsu'tey is speechless. If he had to answer him something and be honest he would say 'YES'. That he wants them to stay as humans, but he didn't have the heart to deny them a great opportunity. "It's not that…I'm just afraid of losing you…you'll be na'vi and maybe you'll forget about me" tsu'tey says his voice cracks. Tears form in his eyes, feeling Y/N wipe his face. "But sempu…this would make us closer, look" says spider getting up from the ground. "If I have my na'vi body I can have my ikran and I can go hunting with you, without the means of something eating me, and it will be great!!!!!" says spider pouting and jumping up and down. Showing his father everything he could do, tsu'tey laughs. "You're right…and you?" asks tsu'tey looking down at his chest, where Y/N was lying. Almost asleep. "I…mmm I could play with kiri climbing trees without falling and my friends wouldn't make fun of me for being human" says the girl, looking at her father.
Tsu'tey felt bad again…he was being selfish. His children had to go through things that a na'vi child normally didn't have to deal with. "Well…I hope you rest because tomorrow will be a great day" said Tsu'tey seeing the little faces of his children, so happy and excited. This was killing him, but it was the right thing to do…besides they deserved this opportunity. Tsu'tey took both children into his hands, cradling them to his chest. Hugging them, feeling them hug his torso. He did not want to let them go…not yet. If they converted to na'vi there would be no reason for them to need him, or so tsu'tey thought.
The next day the children got up very early, ready to go to the laboratory. Which tsu'tey hated, but he had to go with them. Both children ran as fast as they could, entering the lab to see norm. Who was already getting everything ready. "Hello!!!" says the man, taking spider in his arms. "Are you ready for the tests?" asks norm, watching as both children nod their heads excitedly. Tsu'tey said nothing, just sat in a chair big enough to support his weight, crossing his arms over his chest. Watching as Norm began the process.
Some blood samples, which were easy to take because the children were so excited they didn't even feel pain. Some saliva and some hair samples. The process went very fast, Norm organized everything, bringing the children closer to where their father was. Spider ran over and sat on tsu'tey's lap, while Y/N was holding his daddy's hand. "Well… the results will be ready in the afternoon, so I'll wait for them," said norm. The children became very anxious, and for the first time since norm came into tsu'tey's life he hated him. Why did he say that to some kids, they spent all day if they could go to the lab already. Even making them eat was a task, for they were so excited. Luckily for tsu'tey the hours passed quickly.
The children were running around the lab, waiting for Norm. He had told them he would be back in a few minutes. And it had already been about 30 minutes, which was making tsu'tey nervous. He hated being in this place, it was very cold and he felt cooped up. He didn't understand how his children liked it here. Norm entered the room, he had a rather strange smile on his face. Sitting down next to the family, he had some papers in his hands. Clearing his throat a bit. "Well…I'm starting with the spider tests" Norm says, watching as the boy came over and gave him his full attention. "Well…according to what I see here, you are a match for the na'vi DNA's we have here, so we can move on to the second phase" norm says, spider was already jumping for joy when tsu'tey raises a hand. To shut the man up, " second phase?" asks tsu'tey. Oh no…this man was not going to do strange things to his little boy.
"In the second phase…we will begin with the creation of the spider avatar embryo" says norm, he had forgotten to explain that part. Tsu'tey understands, and instructs Norm to continue. Norm puts the spider papers carefully aside. He pauses for a long moment, before looking at Tsu'tey. Tsu'tey sees that there is concern, and some certainty in Norm's eyes. Norm settles back in his seat. "Y/N…baby come here," Norm says, stroking the girl's face. She had those wide eyes, it hurt him what he was going to say but he couldn't do anything about it. "Baby… I swear I looked and I tried… …. But you're not a match" says Norm. Watching as the little girl walks away, and moves her head to the side. "I won't have my avatar?" says the little girl, looking quickly at her father. To look back at norm, he shakes his head in denial. The little girl's eyes began to fill with tears, as she ran off to the back of the lab. "Y/N!!!" shouts norm, trying to stop her. But tsu'tey touches his arm, and stops him. "I'll go…you stay here with spider" says tsu'tey getting up from the chair to go get his daughter. Spider hugs norm, he was crying a little too. He wanted his sister to have an avatar body just like him, what was going on.
The little girl was crying her heart out, stomping her little feet on the ground. As she squeezed a few strands of her hair, tears fell like a waterfall down her cheeks. Tsu'tey approaches carefully, kneeling down in front of her. "Baby…" speaks tsu'tey taking his daughter's arm, to now pull her towards him as he felt his little girl's tears fall into his arms. As his little girl cried, as she shrieked words of lamentation. She was making a lazy, sad and frustrated. And he could do nothing, he could only hug her to his chest and try to bring her warmth in the cold laboratory. "Is unfair…unfair!!!" cries the girl, as she taps on the floor. As she screams and tears continue to fall down her small cheeks. Tsu'tey strokes her hair, trying to calm her down. "What is unfair?" asks tsu'tey. Listening as his little one breathes to be able to speak.
"I just want-I want jake to love me as much as you do daddy…I want to be like my brothers. I don't want to be human, I DON'T WANT TO!!!" The girl's whimpers are heard all around. This breaks tsu'tey's heart, he realized that even his little girl was hurt…she was still broken. He carefully approached her and kissed her forehead. " what was i made for? Tell me sempu?" asked Y/N, her breathing was fast. Tsu'tey put a hand on his daughter's chest, to calm her down. And hugged her much tighter. Tears began to flow from his eyes, this was what he didn't want to happen…just because of this. After several minutes, tsu'tey takes his little daughter's hand…wiping away some tears.
"I can't tell you how you must feel…and I can't deny you from feeling the way you do now either. That's what makes you who you are… I can't say what you'll be in the future either. Or why you were born, but" tsu'tey pauses. Seeing how to let his words out. "But I know you will always have someone to care for you, to love you just the way you are. No matter what you are or what you will be" tsu'tey feels Y/N hug him tightly, burying her face in his neck. Crying with all her might. "I hope you understand that I will always be for you….always proud of you, always proud of what you are, my little one" tsu'tey says. Hugging his little girl tighter. Hoping that at least she finds comfort, in his words.
He didn't care how many times he had to lift his daughter, heal her and guide her again. But he would do it for eternity if eywa allowed it, he would always be there.
Y/N moves a little away from her father, while wiping away her tears. "Does your tummy hurt?" asks tsu'tey trying to cheer up her little one. Seeing that the little girl laughs a little. "My stomach hurts and here" she signals her heart, watching as her father places his hand on hers. Kissing her forehead.
"How about we go find your brother… let's go home and I'll make you the tea you like so much, does that sound good?" speaks tsu'tey, watching as a quality smile forms on his little girl's face. They both go to look for spider, watching as the boy hugs his sister. Wiping her tears as best he could. Tsu'tey knew that they would be fine…everything would be fine.
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radiojamming · 2 years
PLEASE tell us more about mummy types, i know ice is your fave so feel free to go ham on that but all of them are so interesting to me
drives up in my cozy coupe that has MUMMY MOBILE written in sharpie on the side (ALSO PLEASE EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN LOOKING THESE UP; SOME OF THEM LOOK VERY GNARLY)
ICE/PERMAFROST - If you've followed me for a little while, you probably know more about these than the average fella! These are your Beechey Island Trio, your Ötzi the Iceman. Ice keeps bacteria from turning the body into a smorgabord, thus keeping these people fresh (and fluid-filled) for hundreds to thousands of years. And maybe some day down the line, some nerd finds you and thinks you're beautiful and never shuts up about you.
THE BOG - It's Tumblr. You all know about The Bog. Bog bodies are essentially turned into leather purses by the tannins and the anaerobic qualities of The Bog, sometimes effectively snapshotting their causes of death (usually something violent). Special shoutouts to fan favorites like Tollund Man, Lindow Man/Pete Marsh, Yde Girl, Grauballe Man, and Windeby I. And Hozier, probably.
HOT, DRY DESERT AIR - Think the Atacama Desert, the Mummies of Guanajuato, or your pre-embalming times Egyptians. In fact, it was the natural qualities of desert air that probably tipped the Ancient Egyptians off to the fun and fabulousness of preservation. You dry out to potato chip crispness but lose all the wet bits. Also Anubis is probably repping you.
ARID, COLD MOUNTAIN AIR - Same idea as the desert as far as lack of humidity, but better for your skin. Mountaintop mummies are some of the best preserved in the whole world. La Doncella is a fantastic example, as are the rest of the Children of Llullaillaco or the Cherchen Man and Siberian Ice Maiden. Sometimes this was done on purpose (hi bog bodies), but sometimes people just go up to high altitudes, die, and stay there forever.
HONEY/MELLIFICATION - This one doesn't fit the bill of spontaneous mummification, which is what I study. Honey mummies are made on purpose, allegedly by feeding someone honey until they're dead, and then dunking them in a coffin full of honey for them to steep like tea for the next century or so, then digging them up and making medicine/snacks out of them. Lots of alleged's, but still pretty cool if you're into idk becoming one with the slime.
SALT - Human jerky! Salt does to you what it does to all the other edible meats, of which you're just another brand. Salt sucks all the moisture out and keeps you nice, fresh, and flavorful forever and ever. The Saltmen of Iran are Thee Pinnacle of this type of preservation. Bonus is that you get weirdly sparkly when you're salted like a slug.
SAPONIFICATION - You become soap. Actually, if you want to get technical, you turn into what's called corpse wax (which is a surprisingly badass name for turning into a human candle) or adipocere. Mrs. Ellenbogen of the Mütter Museum is probably the best example of this, but it also happens to, uh, cave divers. Which is another great reason not to go cave diving.
PRISTINE AIR OF A SACRED BUILDING - Catacomb mummies! Incorruptible saints! Sokushinbutsu! If you're stuck in a religious house of worship and it just so happens to have its own little ecosystem (usually pretty dry, probably full of resinous incense), there's a non-zero chance that you'll get preserved very similarly to the mountain mummies. Getting stuck in a crystal casket doesn't hurt either. (Disclaimer: this is semi-anthropogenic for those keeping score at home. Some of these mummies are preserved this way on purpose.)
TAR PITS - Like the bog, but hotter, stickier, and smellier. Go in the tar, have no oxygen causing you to fall apart, turn into another leather bag time capsule. This more often happens to animals like those in the La Brea Tar Pits than people. At least that we know of.
WEIRD, AS OF YET UNKNOWN MEANS - Can we say for sure that there was only one reason why Lady Dai/Xin Zhui's stayed so preserved for so long? What about the other wet mummies? What about ones people find in trees? Or whatever the hell was going on with Elmer McCurdy? Maybe it's not unknown, but it doesn't fit the bill of typical mummies, or there are so many factors at play leading to preservation that we can't just call it by one category.
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k-kay4 · 8 days
The appeal of Ryu 'Down Bad' Sun-Jae
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As much as we chuckle at Sun-Jae for being a lovesick fool and affectionally call him the 'biggest loser in love'.... he genuinely is "pure like oxygen"
He looked up suitable restaurants for going on a date. He earnestly listened to In-Hyuk about the importance of 'timing' and tried to confess multiple times, to no avail. He fretted over Sol's injured knee and worried about the possibility of her being bullied.
He memorized an entire vocabulary book just to get Sol to hang out with him. He studied hard to get into the same University as her, even though he had never focused on academics before.
He helped her learn how to cycle and bury her time capsule. When she requests him to meet her 15 years later, he immediately starts memorizing the details needed to show up for their reunion.
He saves every little token she'd ever given him. The white candy jar. Their photo-booth picture. Her time capsule. Everything that reminds him of her is precious in his eyes.
He can barely keep himself from kissing her, yet wordlessly waits for her consent. He quietly relishes the sound of her voice and without a trace of self-consciousness, offers to blow off his work to spend time with her.
Once Sol accepts his confession, he does the sweetest, cheesiest things. Like buying matching couple keychains. Bombarding her contact with hearts and saving her number on speed dial. Attending college on his day off, just to spend time with her.
Using every opportunity to hold her hand. Letting her sleep on his shoulder all night long. Carrying her books. Sweetly stealing cuddles and kisses.
Seeing as how the present-timeline version of him had looked up 'What does it mean to imagine kissing a girl?', I 100% believe that college-era Sun-Jae would have researched 'How to be the perfect boyfriend'
I'd mentioned in my last post about how Sol had not one selfish or unkind bone in her body. Sun-Jae is the same; he is honest, guileless and innocent. He does not know how to be anything other than his pure, earnest self.
He is just so gosh-darn sincere and transparent when it comes to his feelings for Sol. And it is an insanely attractive look on him <3
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rambleonwaywardson · 4 months
Clegan Astronaut AU
Had some ideas about the boys as modern day NASA astronauts (and Air Force pilots). Taking place in 2025, Bucky is about to head to the moon as mission commander of Artemis III while Buck is back-up commander and CAPCOM on the ground at NASA. Established relationship (obnoxiously in love).
Here is a part 1. See end notes for some term definitions.
September 8, 2025 Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX
Despite the crew’s best efforts, the alarm sounds. In another universe, the spacecraft is most likely meeting a violent but silent death as they fail to dock with the Starship lunar lander. Much of the outer hull may be destroyed, maybe a fuel tank or two, making the crew sitting ducks at the mercy of the vacuum of space with nothing but their OCS suits to keep them alive. They’d have 6 days of life support to somehow find a way home.
In this universe, Bucky mutters an angry “dammit” as he smacks the console in front of his face with the palm of his hand. No need to don the survival suit today. All four crew members are instead in everyday blue NASA flight suits, oxygen and pressure down here on Earth perfectly nominal. They’ve been working through this mission simulation for far too long.
Artemis 3 is going to leave human footprints on the moon for the first time in decades, and launch is in just over two months. This crew needs to be perfect, and they only have a handful of weeks to get themselves there. Major John Egan will not accept sub-par performance in this simulator from any member of his crew, including himself. The stakes may be low down here where they can breathe easy and try again, but up there, if this kind of thing happens, the stakes will be higher than ever. No second tries. No mercy.
“Hey, ya gotta be kind to her,” Curt admonishes from the next seat over. “Ya own bloody fault anyway. Tryin’ to dock with a busted thruster.”
Bucky looks over at him, though it’s not a particularly easy feat, laying flat on their backs in the Orion crew capsule mock-up. Bucky and Curt are next to each other, staring up at the consoles, the crew capsule’s control center. Alex and Rosie are in the seats in front of them, or rather, in their reclined orientation, more like below them. “Rather I just let us drift into space for all eternity?” Bucky asks.
Curt puts up his hands defensively. “Just sayin’. If we gotta die this ain’t a bad way to go.”
“Starvation or suffocation, you pick, Curt.” Bucky says crossly. “Or why don’t I just open the hatch door and see what happens.”
“It ain’t Egan’s fault,” Rosie chips in. “Blame the guys runnin’ the sim for givin’ us an impossible situation.”
“Not impossible,” Gale pipes in over coms from the control center outside the Orion mock-up, where he, as back-up commander and CAPCOM, had been observing their training simulation. “And you wouldn’t be saying that if this were a real mission.”
“If this were a real mission we’d be dead,” Curt responds unhelpfully. Bucky can’t say he disagrees. But he’s not willing to accept that right now. Failure Is Not An Option – that was the poster he’d hung over his bed in college. It may not be the healthiest motto if you truly value your mental health and sense of self worth, but when had Bucky ever? He’d worked damn hard to get to NASA, to fly on the ISS, to be assigned this groundbreaking mission. Those words from Gene Kranz had guided him his whole life and he is not about to let go of them now.
He is not about to let Artemis 3 become the new Apollo 13, not if he can help it.
“Let’s run it again boys,” Bucky says. He doesn’t, in truth, know what time it is or how long they’ve been strapped into this thing. He also doesn’t care.
“Bucky,” Alex groans. “We’ve been at it for hours. Maybe we should call it a day.”
Bucky scoffs. “Oh yeah? Well we’ll stay at it for hours until we stop lookin’ like a bunch of little boys playin’ astronauts.” He lifts a hand and spins a finger around in the air. “Let’s go, set it up.” The flight controllers outside collectively groan but ready the sim to go again. This close to a mission, they know not to fight with the astronauts about when it’s time to stop. If the mission commander says go again, they go again.
The next attempt doesn’t end any better. No matter how hard Bucky and Curt try, they can’t beat out this scenario. They’re Air Force test pilots and experienced astronauts; they should be able to handle this with little issue. Two of the best pilots NASA has ever seen, my ass, Bucky thinks. And usually he’s quite a cocky son of a bitch, so he knows it’s been a long day. He groans, banging his head back on his seat over and over.
“Bucky,” Rosie tries. “We’ve managed every other curve ball they’ve thrown at us. We’ve logged hundreds of hours in this thing. We can revisit tomorrow if you want but we’re not gettin’ anywhere tonight.” Crew physician, always trying to keep the peace.
Gale’s voice pipes in from the outside. “It’s your birthday, John. Don’t you wanna get out of here?”
Bucky grins as he stares up at his console. “You gonna drink with me tonight, Buck?”
“Not a chance.”
“Come on, baby. Just one to celebrate the fact that I’m not dead yet.” He can practically hear Gale rolling his eyes.
“No wonder you’re crashing your ship, you don’t have your head on straight.”
“I’ll drink with ya Bucky,” Curt butts in.
Bucky raises his fist for Curt to fist bump. “Curt loves me more than you,” he tells Gale. “Maybe I oughta marry him instead.”
Curt shakes his head, making a face. “You ain’t my type, Egan.”
Bucky narrows his eyes at him and presses a hand to his chest. “I’m wounded. You’re uninvited to my birthday.”
“You’ll be down a drinking buddy.”
Suddenly, just about every alarm inside the Orion simulator – pressure low, oxygen low, carbon dioxide high, hull breach, smoke detected, and the list goes on – is flashing bright red and blaring at the astronauts inside, making them all look around in confusion. Good thing they aren’t actually in space; that kind of half-assed reaction to a catastrophic emergency would likely get them killed faster than their inability to work through this sim.
“Oh noooo,” Gale says mockingly from where he’s taken over control of the simulator. The other present flight controllers can be heard laughing in the background, all too happy to let Major Cleven fuck around with the console if it means getting these astronauts out of their hair for the night. It’s nearly 7:30. Personal life is, naturally, often sacrificed in the space program, but people do still have families to get home to. “All your alarms are going off,” Gale states with a mixture of sass and monotone that only he can manage – the voice of someone who is unequivocally done with this. “You’re all gonna die. Again. Cause you can’t get your fucking shit together.”
“Uh oh, Saint Cleven’s losing it.” Bucky smirks, working to turn off the various alarms flashing in his face. “Good job boys, we’ve pushed Gale over the edge. He’s finally up and killed us.”
“You’ve got a big mouth, John,” Gale says.
“You gonna come in here and shut me up?”
Alex gags from his seat in front of him. “Gross guys, get a room.”
“Just be glad they’re not on the same mission,” Rosie teases. Yes, everyone is glad of that, even the men in question. Well, Gale is at least.
A year ago, when Buck and Bucky first got engaged, Marge – the Artemis program’s public affairs officer and Gale’s long time best friend – informed them of some jokes going around the NASA offices that the two astronauts should be put on the same Artemis mission so they could be married on the moon. Make a big media affair out of it. None of the higher ups took it seriously, of course, but Marge thought the boys would get a kick out of it.
Bucky had enthusiastically yelled “YES!” at the same time Gale, mortified, cried “NO!” Marge hadn’t been able to stop laughing, having to sit down for a minute and catch her breath while Bucky tried to convince Gale why this was a fantastic idea. Gale wasn’t having it, wouldn’t even look at his fiancé for entertaining such absurdity. When Bucky wouldn’t relent, Gale finally spun around and declared, “John I DO NOT want to be worried about using up too much fucking oxygen on my wedding day!” And Bucky dropped it.
Instead, they’ll be getting married in just about four weeks, a nice, classy October wedding – on Earth – a month before Bucky flies to the moon, with about a few hundred of their closest friends in attendance. Gale was worried it would be too big, too much, but he’d been outvoted. A bit of a media spectacle after all. Astronauts are not subtle, and they do not miss a chance to have a good party.
Speaking of parties. They’ve really gotta get going.
The hatch of the Orion simulator swings open and Gale pokes his head in. This late in the day, he’d loosened his black tie and popped open the top button of his neat white dress shirt. His hair gel has started to give up due to running his hands through it too many times — this crew has always been and always will be the death of him — leaving his hair messier than is generally befitting of a NASA employee, indispensable astronaut or no. Bucky fans himself dramatically with one hand as he ogles Gale. “Goddamn boys, there’s life on the moon and it’s hot.”
Gale rolls his eyes, as does the whole crew. “Alright fellas. Let’s get this show on the road.” He nods to them, but before stepping out of the way, he adds, “Marge asked me to keep y’all from getting too out of hand for the public image and all, but just don’t burn any buildings down and we’ll call it good.”
The crew makes various noises of assent as they maneuver themselves out of their seats. With a groan, working out the stiffness in his lower body, Rosie pulls himself towards and through the hatch, giving Gale a fist bump on the way out. He’s followed by Alex, who pats the outside of the simulator and claps Gale on the shoulder. When Bucky pops his head through, he beams at Gale. Exiting the capsule and straightening himself to his full towering height, he swiftly grabs Gale by the tie and pulls him close, planting a kiss right on his mouth in front of the hatch. Behind him, Curt gags as he exits the capsule.
“You taste like coffee,” Bucky tells Gale as they stand in front of each other, faces just inches apart.
“Well, I had to stay functional somehow.” Gale tilts his head and looks pointedly at Bucky. “Some stubborn commander kept us working for hours after we were scheduled to be done for the day.”
“Well who could that be?” Bucky asks sweetly.
“You, you ass,” Curt says. He shoves in between them, pushing them apart with his arms like some kind of divine ruler. “Now save room for Jesus and let’s get outta here. I wanna get DRUNK!”
Gale laughs as Curt walks away, joining Alex and Rosie as they head off to change out of their flight suits and get ready for the night’s festivities. “You better go shower and change,” he tells Bucky. “I’ll meet you at the bar.”
As Bucky jogs away to catch up with the others, he glances back at Gale, who is still standing by the capsule going over some of the notes from their training exercise with one of the other flight controllers. “Buck!” He calls. Gale looks up, the end of his pencil resting thoughtfully on his lower lip and damn Bucky loves that. “Wear something cute, will ya?”
Gale blushes and shakes his head, looking back down at his clipboard.
Part 2
Terms: Orion = the crew capsule for Artemis missions
OCS = Orion Crew Survival suits; worn in the Orion spacecraft in emergency situations and during critical mission phases such as launch and reentry; connects to Orion to provide life support for up to 6 days
CAPCOM = Capsule Communicator; the person in Mission Control, typically another astronaut, who handles all direct communication with the crew during a mission
ISS = International Space Station
Gene Kranz = NASA chief flight director during the Apollo missions
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huelightusa · 1 year
Increase your oxygen saturation level inside the cells and blood vessels with our hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy. Our high-pressure hyperbaric oxygen capsule boosts blood circulation, helping to fight infection and promote healing. Learn More!
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milequaritchsslut · 1 year
Aged Up Yandere Neteyam x Reader x Lo’ak Part 5
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Notes: Uhm sorry this is actual shit guys, uhm I kinda rushed it at the end sorry 😢 Anyways I hope you guys still enjoy it
Warnings: Blood, gore, murder, knives, stabbing, heavy mentions of death, despair, sadness, yandere, screaming, bloodbath, nightmares, fighting, slut shaming, hitting, physical abuse, Neteyam being a lunatic again, kinda forced bonding (?), kissing,
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
As you awoke, your body longed for touch, moving back, you found yourself alone. No body to hold you into them, where had he gone? Sitting up, your nose scrunched from a horrid smell close by. It was retched, and it stung your senses the more you inhaled. Your vision seemed blurry the more you opened them, groggy from the night before. Your ears began to twitch at a strange noise, turning your blurred gaze to the noise, your eyes instantly widened at the sight in front of you. It was Neteyam, sitting on his knees, his back glistening in sweat, and a red ink? “Neteyam?” You asked, rubbing your eyes. The more your eyes awakened, the faster you realized what was happening. He had a knife in his hand, a bloody knife. Dripping in ivory red, the liquid trailing down the length of his arm. He was hunched over a tall figure, mumbling nonsense to himself. There was blood pooling around him, staining the wooden floor. The smell was horrid, your nose kept getting a whiff of it the more you woke up. The scent soiling the room, sticking to the walls, overriding the smell of the mossy forest. There was ichor splattered all across the walls, turning the room into a bloodbath. Death immersed the space you had slept in, the place you woke up in every morning. It was unrecognizable, covered in the aura of demise, and ending.
The more you watched, the faster your heartbeat picked up, heightening the longer your stare lingered. You were scared, frightened at the sight in front of your innocent eyes. You didn’t want to move, you wanted to stay, watching, never leaving. But it seemed your body moved by itself, your feet landing on the moist flooring, blood swamping around your toes. It was warm, hot almost, as if it’d been sitting in the sun all day. But that’s not where it was supposed to be, it’s meant to be inside of that blue capsule, kept warm and safe. Flowing through us, pumping our heart, rushing through our veins, helping our bodies move throughout the day. But instead it was here laid, and sprawled around your room, tinting your walls with death. Your feet moved, one by one, step by step. Lingering by the unrecognizable man in front of you, every step made a splashing sound. Spattering blood onto the sides of your dark blue ankles. Hugging the flesh of your legs, dripping down little by little the more you walked. Your eyes stayed on him, scanning every part of his body over and over again.
Then it came to a stop, your movements halting at the realization of just who you were looking at. Lo’ak laid in front of his older brother, mouth open, foaming with a thick red coloring, trickling down the sides of his face. His eyes were wide awake, but so dull. All life pulled out of his once loving eyes, his bright golden tinted orbs, now a dark orange, the color of a dark sunset. Such a rare shade, reserved only for the passing, for the ones whose time had come to an end. His thick eyelashes hovering over his tangerine toned spheres, an interesting picture to say the least. His lips turned brittle, layered in dried blood and drool. His large hand laid over his once dark blue skin, now painted scarlett. His callused hands splayed over a hole, a gaping hole of flesh. You could see right through it, a window looking out of his own body. Deep cuts surrounding it, cut right through his skin, his baby soft skin, now darkened and rose colored. His body stayed still, his chest flat, no oxygen coming in and out. Lifeless, dead, a corpse splayed in the middle of your room. He was gone, no more fighting, his soul was with Ewya now.
You wanted to cry, let the river come down your sapphire skin. Let the salty liquid cloud your vision as you wept. But nothing came out, a desert was all that was felt. Empty of any emotion, lifeless almost. You just stared, not talking, only standing and watching. “Isn’t it wonderful?” He asked, standing to meet you face to face. Just inches from your frozen form, unable to move. Caressing your cheek, he noticed your strange aura. You were so scared but so calm, what a good girl you were. “It’s only us now my love”.
They shot open, like a door flying unlocked from a gust of wind. Your eyelashes hitting the top of your shadow, it was a dream. Nothing more, a figment of your tainted imagination. But it seemed so real, you could smell the blood on your body. The ivory pooling around your boyfriend, and the wounds he had made on his brother. But where had that smell gone now? It had dissolved into thin air, disappeared into nothing now. And where was Lo’ak? He was there laying next to you, holding you tight in his grasp. The inside of his palms flush to your stomach. Your body had become sweaty, dripping down your body, falling off your fingertips like honey. It stuck to your skin, seeping out the more you tried to wipe it off. Your forehead was glistening, the bioluminescent dots making your body sparkle. You were steaming hot, and Lo’ak’s body temperature wasn’t helping. Slowly you decided to pry him off of you, slipping out of your hammock as he laid sound asleep. Your window showed you the night sky, the moon shining down on Pandora. It was in a crescent tonight, as if someone had sliced off a piece and left it hanging in the sky. It was a beautiful sight to see, but it wasn’t abnormal for you, it was very common in fact. The nights seemed to repeat themselves, showing you the same scene every nightfall. Of course the moon was in a different shape every dusk, but the way it shined was no different, the moon cycle never ending. The stars seemed to be holes in the sky, like it was a background on a table and a child had plucked holes into it, showing it’s true colors. There were so many, too many to count. Was this how the humans sky looked like?
Did they have holes in their solar system just like you? Neteyam would probably know, since his father was apart of the sky people. You found yourself admiring the sky for awhile, but you wanted to be closer. Tip toeing out of your hut, your feet stood on the dirt, the roots slightly poking out from nearby trees. As you walked through the clan, your eyes never lost the midnight sky, observing every movement that flashed through the empyrean. Your bioluminescent dots lead you through the forest, your pace picking up the farther you ran. It seemed so quiet at night compared to the sounds of rushing Na’vi around you. You wanted it to stay like this, only being able to hear the sounds of the rushing rivers and animals, and your breath picking up the more you did. “Y/n?” He spoke, blocking your pathway before you could go any further. “Teyam?” He came closer. “What are you doing up?” His voice was so demeaning towards you and you hated it, you were not a child anymore and he wasn’t your father. “I could be asking you the same question” moving past him, your hair hitting him in the face.
“Don’t be like that y/n” following behind you, annoyance hinting in his tone. Ignoring him, you continued on with admiring the sky. It seemed the stars had moved ever since you took your eyes off of them. Noticing your glance, he asked “what are you looking at?” Interested in what could be more important then him right now. “The stars” he glanced up at them “what’s so special about them?”. “Their always there” your eyes still glued to them as you spoke. “I never hear you talk about them” “I don’t have to tell you everything” sassing back to your aggravating boyfriend. “I tell you everything don’t I?” You looked at him finally, eyes piercing through him “No you do not” “You think I’m lying?” “I know you are”. He smirked, as if he knew something you didn’t. “Alright then what have I not told you?”. There were so many answers to that question, but you just rolled your eyes, obviously wanting to be alone at the moment, but as always he never gave you what you wanted. “You didn’t tell you how much you hate Lo’ak, or about how jealous you are of him” you shot back, looking back up at the stars. “I’m not jealous of him, he’s jealous of us” “Keep lying to yourself”.
He stopped, pulling you back to meet him “Why are you being so fucking rude? Huh?” you instantly slapped his hand off you, causing him to hiss at the sudden sting. “Go away Neteyam, I do not want to be around you right now!” he looked down at you, eyelids half opened as his eyes turned to slits before you. He was obviously furious at the way you were treating him, you had never been so rude to him before. And he knew exactly why “This is Lo’ak’s fault. He’s putting things into your head isn’t he? Or maybe your giving it to him you little slut” his finger pushing into your chest as he moved into you, causing you to slightly stumble. Your eyes immediately widened at him, who the fuck did he think he was talking to? “Get a fucking grip Neteyam, I’m not doing shit with your brother” you pushed him away, making your way as far as you could. He just laughed at you, following right behind. “Then where’s he sleeping tonight huh? Cause he’s not home” he pushed back, quickly matching your pace. “Go and look for him if your so worried then” you shot back, getting anxious that he somehow knew where he was.
He stopped dead in his tracks, as he began putting the puzzle pieces together. A lightbulb flashed in his mind, a sly smirk forming on his face. He started smiling to himself, a dangerous smirk creeping on his face. You could hear a chuckle coming from him as he stared you down. “Oh you are so childish y/n” he teased in a sly tone. the hair on your back stood up from his words sending a shivered chill down your spine. “Thinking I wouldn’t find out?” He smiled slyly, what a foolish girl you were. He stepped closer behind you, his breathe catching on your neck. His hand coming to wrap around your chin, his hands were rough as was his tone. “W-what are you talking about?” You asked, trying to play it off. Your cheeks were becoming hot as you became anxious.
He hissed at your lies, before turning you around with one swift movement. He pushed you down to the ground as he smiled down at you, he was a different man than before. He looked just how he did in your dream, with murder on his mind. “Don’t play fucking dumb with me y/n” he scowled, before leering at you again. “You’ll see what I’m talking about when I have his head on a stick” he smiled at that, smiling at the mere thought of killing his own brother. Turning away from you, he made his way to your hut “Stop!” You screamed as you ran after him, you pulled him away, scratching and hitting him in fear he was being serious. “Let go y/n!” He yelled, as he turned to you, his face had changed. His eyes were dark and black, no color in them anymore. He was an animal, he was not Na’vi anymore he was a beast. A beast who was hungry for bloodlust, you didn’t even have to look at his face, his body languge was enough to show it.
He pushed you against a tree as he looked down at you in fury. “Maybe if you weren’t such a slut I wouldn’t have to do this” he pushed you hard into the tree, putting you back into your place. “Neteyam please!” Your voice was dripping from fear and desperation, you held onto his arm to try to reason with him. “Please don’t hurt him! I’ll do whatever you want Teyam” you cried out as your grip tightened on his bicep. His ears perked up at your words, a sick idea coming to mind. You were so pathetic to him, so easily manipulated. “Anything you say?” He chuckled, looking back to you as his agonizing eyes met yours. “Yes Teyam anything! Please don’t hurt him!” You begged, tears prickling at the sides of your eyes. He didn’t answer for a minute, thinking long and hard at your suggestion. “Mate with me” he came closer, caressing the sides of your face ever so smoothly. “Now” he was stern, he wasn’t asking, he was demanding you to obey. “R-right now?” You asked, fearful of what he meant. “What the fuck else would I mean?” He hissed back, his face twisting in annoyance at your idiotic question. You looked down in submission, trying to weigh out your options.
After awhile you looked back up at him, your hand coming to hold his as your eyes sparkled in the moonlight. “Ok” you mumbled, and that was all he needed. It was like a switch went off on him, his adrenaline was pumping, his veins popping out of his biceps in excitement. He practically lunged at you, his hands coming to hold your neck as his lips intertwined with yours. His kiss was deep, passion tingling through his skin. He’d been waiting to do this for so long, so many moons to do this to you. His grip on your waist was dangerously tight as his mouth traveled down your neck. “T-Teyam” you whimpered out as his lips molded onto your body. “What is it pretty girl?” He asked teasingly, his gaze meeting yours as lust filled his eyes. You wanted to answer so badly, but his grip was sickening on you. And his gaze scared you, it was something you had never seen before. You didn’t answer, and he didn’t bother to ask again. His hands traveled down the length of your body, his hand coming to untie your top quickly.
He reached behind your back as he brought your queue in front of you, he looked down at you through hooded eyes. He was more then excited, so so much more then excited. He was thirsty for you, his desire growing by the second. He gave you a look asking if you were ready, you nodded slowly as your breathe picked up right away. Your palms were sweating from anxiety, this was it, you were his forever after this. That was the last thing you wanted right now, but did you really have a choice? He grabbed his queue from his back, and brought it up to your face as he smirked at you in lust. Your eyes stayed on the queue, as they filled with anticipation and fear. Slowly he brought them together the tendrils enclosing around one another. Your head shot back in surprise as you connected, your pupils dilating right away. Your chest heaved as you held onto him for support. Your reaction was far from calm, you began to shake as you started to feel everything he did. His jealousy, the lust he felt for you, and the obsession. The obsession scared you, he was infatuated with you and it was frightening. You heard every thought that ran through him and you looked up at him with a frightened state.
What had you done?
Taglist: @h3l3na-pandora @iman-lu @neteyamsluvts @arminsgfloll @afro-hispwriter @silententhusiastdreamer er @liluvtojineteyam @ihatethridperiod @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @marybby @reinap06 @leaveitbythewave @xreadersstuff @vitalanidragonbane @jjkclub @jimfiqs @xoulalousing @myh3artttt
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wolven91 · 1 year
An Embellished Tale
When the taurian ship crashed, Evelyn had done what she thought anyone else would do.
Rather than escape, she'd tried to help.
The first and only other life pod the human could get to, thanks to the bulkheads locking down, was one that contained Lord Xeet.
He had obviously woken in his pod, but the front of the capsule hadn't released. Without the system feeding him oxygen anymore, it sounded like he had begun to panic. He could probably taste the air within the pod getting thin.
== 0 ==
When Lord Xeet retold his story later, he would explain that the large 'brute' of a woman had stomped out of the smoke and with her bare hands; torn open the pod, pulled him free with her mighty arms and kissed him there and then against the ship's decking in a toe curling, passionate embrace that he, embarrassingly, returned out of pure gratefulness. So overcome was she at his beauty that she'd pulled him to herself and whispered her undying love for him within the first breaking off of their initial kiss.
"She saved my life in that moment, and I became hers." He would wistfully recount, eyes misty and far away for the crowd that surrounded him.
== 0 ==
To Evelyn, she had found a crowbar, jammed it into the side of the capsule and pried the damn thing open with no small amount of effort. When she got it open, the admittedly beautiful and slender, taurian seemed to have passed out. He was unmoving and had his eyes closed. Evelyn removed him as gently as she could from the broken pod, placed him onto the floor and when she found he wasn't breathing; attempted to give mouth to mouth.
The moment their lips touched; however, his arms latched around the back of Evelyn's neck! She had instinctively pulled away, but that merely pulled the taurian up and into her lap as she fell backways while he peppered her face with pecks and kisses, gasping thanks and begging for saving.
It was only when he pulled away to say something further that Evelyn got the leverage to pry herself away and escape, shoving him onto the metal floor.
== 0 ==
"Oh, she was amazing. She looked me dead in the eyes and growled 'we need to get out of here..'" Lord Xeet would tremble as he retold the tale, putting on a dramatic, gravelly voice to 'oohs' and 'aah's from his listeners.
== 0 ==
"I think. I think we need to get out of here... sir." Evelyn had said, standing back up and looking around at the leaks that had made themselves known. Water had begun to stream down the walls in places.
Ignoring that she knew taurian males were delicate and prone to dramatic outburst not to mention having odd notions of what was normal. She supposed if the roles were reversed, would the dashing hero get a kiss from the damsel in distress?
With a mental shrug, she offered a hand to help him up.
== 0 ==
"She hauled me up onto her shoulder without a word! She was like an animal! A barbarian! Oh! That human was an 'alpha' alright." He would close his eyes during this part of the story, touching the curve of his neck at the memory.
To the surrounding crowd of male nobility, despite not being there, the mere story was scandalous, and they lapped it up and hid their redding faces with their hand fans.
=== 0 ===
The taurian had grabbed her offered hand and launched himself up and onto her shoulders with explosive and frankly impressive leg strength, wrapping his legs around her shoulders and torso. Evelyn's face was briefly blinded by his scrabbling hands and arms as he kept himself up over the back of Evelyn's neck away from the slowly rising water. His hands unintentionally grabbed the hair at the back of her head as he settled himself. It was like being assaulted by a particularly scared cat.
"Yes! Rescue me, my hero! Rescue me!" He cried, the entire time.
"Get off you nutter! We're going to drown!"
== 0 ==
"But we weren't out of the depths yet. For all her strength! For all her courage! The poor savage couldn't escape our doom. I had to whisper to her, to tame the beast that she was. Oh, she was brave! She said she'd be brave for me. For her love!" He held his hand over his heart, his eyes swept heavenward, whilst the small crowd of his gentlemen in waiting and other guests all listened with eager ears.
== 0 ==
"Look, I can't breathe under water, nor can I see." Evelyn explained to the still 'latched on' alien that was still holding her neck and head hostage. She had swung her quite violently about without success of removing him and bar running at a wall she was out of ideas and running out of time. Any other time, Evelyn would have found this whole thing funny, but weirdly drowning took priority.
"I need your help."
"Lord Xeet."
"Say; 'I need your help, Lord Xeet'."
"We're going to drown and you're making me 'repeat after me'."
Evelyn stared up and the obviously tickled pink alien for several seconds, trying to burn a hole through his head with her eyes. He didn't budge.
"I need your help, Lord Xeet."
His arms squeezed.
"I need your help, Lord Xeet!"
Another squeeze and his hands gripped her tighter.
"I need your help Lord Xeet, please!"
== 0 ==
"I eventually calmed the beast enough to let me find a small opening beneath the rising waters. I swam ahead while she held onto me. She would have been lost if not for my help. When we reached the surface, the lifeboats dragged her from the water." His gaze was cast downwards now as he remembered a hard memory.
"They were worried about her. She had been under for too long. But I whispered to her, to come back to her love." He smiled impishly around at the large crowd now.
"And she did, her love for me guided her home!"
== 0 ==
The air from the surface was sweeter than any air Evelyn had enjoyed before. She was immediately nearly drowned once more as after gulping in his own air, Lord Xeet wrapped himself around her shoulders and began trying to kiss her once more. Without full motion of her arms, Evelyn sank beneath the water.
Thankfully the lifeboats had hooks on the end of sticks, she caught one and another got an article of her clothing.
Dragged back up to the surface, she was bodily pulled from the water with the mammalian alien still attached and pawing at his 'saviour'.
He had immediately regaled the lifeboat with a very doctored version of the story, and while her 'heroics' got her praise, the human was treated as a 'noble beast' by the nobility rather than a 'dashing hero' that she'd mildly hoped for. Thankfully any non-taurian that heard the tale gave her a look that told Evelyn that they knew the actual story.
Evelyn shrugged as she watched her husband of five years retell the tale of their meeting once more as he did every year at their anniversary party he had in his mansion. The nobility that surrounded him ooh'd and aah'd and we're quite adept at the whole pantomime. Evelyn slugged the alcoholic drink she held in her hand and was immediately offered another by the various servants that patrolled the gala.
At least when she wanted out of a conversation, she just had to start grunting or metaphorically dragging her fists along the floor, and nobody thought twice about it as she just walked away.
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lonestarflight · 5 months
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Artwork of the Gemini-Vostok Rescue of the stranded Mercury Capsule in orbit. This scene is from the book version of "Marooned", specifically the first edition of the book.
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Synopsis of the book:
"The first edition of the novel Marooned opens with the central character, Major Richard 'Dick' Pruett, attempting to come to terms with his impending doom. Pruett, an astronaut in the Mercury-Atlas IV program, is in orbit alone. His engines have failed to fire for re-entry and he is stranded in orbit, where he faces death due to asphyxiation as he depletes the on-board supply of oxygen. The story goes into an extended flashback that reviews Pruett's development as a US Air Force fighter test pilot and training as an astronaut.
As Pruett reviews his life, a friend of his in the astronaut corps, Jim Dougherty, refuses to accept that all is lost. He pushes NASA officials to mount a rescue mission using the prototype of a new spacecraft in development, the two-man Gemini.
The challenges are formidable. The rescue mission must be prepared and launched in a matter of mere days. Dougherty must fly the untested Gemini spacecraft solo, achieve a rendezvous with the Mercury vessel stranded in orbit, get Pruett on board the new spacecraft in the empty co-pilot's seat, and return to Earth. (At the time the novel was written, none of these tasks – Gemini launch, rendezvous or EVA – had been attempted.)
As NASA scrambles to prepare and launch the rescue mission, the Soviets secretly make their own plans to rescue Pruett first, rushing to send a cosmonaut aloft in a Vostok spacecraft. (In this version, the Soviets have already achieved the orbital objectives of rendezvous, docking and extravehicular activity [EVA]; in real life the Soviets did not achieve all these milestones until 1969.) Ultimately Dougherty succeeds in his mission and rescues Pruett; cosmonaut Andrei Yakovlev in the Vostok does rendezvous with the Mercury and provides assistance in the rescue (by using high-intensity spotlights to improve visibility) but does not take an active physical role in it. The novel ends with all three spacemen returning safely to Earth."
-Information from Wikipedia: link, link
Posted on Flickr by Drew Granston: link
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