#Oxycotin Market
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aci25 · 2 years ago
La serie de Netflix “Painkiller” vuelve a mostrar cómo los puertorriqueños son utilizados como sujetos de prueba
Siempre nos han usado de conejillo de indias. En la serie PainKiller Netflix se detalla el inicio y consecuencias de la crisis de opioides. Oxycotin primero fue experimentado en ratones. Luego, en Puerto Rico con mujeres recuperándose de cirugías ginecológicas. ¡Repugnante! 😡👇🏻
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fuckyatalkinbout · 1 year ago
The drug war was a failure. Crime skyrocketed with the prohibition. The introduction of crack to black communitys and the xandemic affecting high-schoolers were studied. During MK Ultra Psychedelics were revealed to alter the mind, but control was only possible if the mind was already damaged (torture). Oxycotin was marketed as a safe painkiller, although withdrawl starts after 8 hours, and you only have a prescription for every 12. Bringing the average person with back problems into opiate addiction and unsafe drug use, criminal environments and life threatening situations. Now every drug, down to weed and psychedelics, is being laced with Fentanyl, cousing great death and a drop of moral in the average citizen, not seen in the history of drugs.
Free thinker, think.
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The FDA approving the Pfizer vaccine is going to put more pressure on those who aren't vaccinated yet, we're going to see more media and social pressure to get vaccinated because "the FDA said it's safe". However, I just want to remind people that the FDA played a major role in the opioid epidemic by labeling oxycotin as "safe". They still have not acknowledged responsibility for allowing oxy to be marketed to patients with chronic pain. They continue to hold firm to it. The new formulated oxycotin that is supposed to be less addictive has not helped with the opioid crisis. The FDA has put the American citizens at risk before, to think they wouldn't do it again with the vaccine is foolish. I'm not saying people shouldn't get vaccinated. I'm saying those who still feel uncomfortable getting it even after FDA approval is valid and they shouldn't be ostracized for it.
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mockingjaybeevicious · 6 years ago
Not Just My Pride (Yes I’ve Been Black, But When I Come Back You’ll know)
i'm writing a chaptered hartwin fic, eggsy's in rehab for the 3 time, and he meets a caring Dr Hart, and maybe, just maybe, eggsy can get clean this time. getting dr hart to go on a date after he gets out would just be a bonus. not betaed at all i'm just putting this here because i want it somewhere, and i'm not even ready to put the first chapter on ao3. i don't even know what rating this'll end up being in the end. eggsy experince in rehab is a lot like what i went through when i went. i sucked, i hates it, and it worked for a long time. i relaped, and today is my 7th day sober, so i thought i would post what i'm working on. anyway here ya go - When Eggsy wakes up that morning, he coulnd’t remember where he was, and how he got there. Truthfully, he was used to that feeling, but this time he swore he knew, and when the nurse walked in, brightly smiling at him, it came to him quickly. Rehab. He was in rehab. He had agreed to it as a joke yesterday, to get his mates Ryan and Jamal off his ass, but apparently, this was not a joke. It was real, and he was livid.”I’m not supposed to be here,” he got out, voice rough for disuss and sleep. “Aye, that’s what everyone says love, give it a few days to settle in, it’s gonna be a hell of a shock at first. Time for vitals dear.” He allowed her to do them, knowing fighting back wa useless, plus there was much more on his mind currently. “When do I see the doctor?” Honestly, at twenty five, Eggsy had already had a few court-appointed stays at rehab under his belt. Twenty-eight days of clean and sober living, and then he can get back to doing what he wants, allbeit a little more carefully for awhile. He learned during his first stay, if you just go with the program, that it keeps people off your arse, so he does that, even if the first stages of junk sickness are creeping up, he still stays calm. “Later in the morning dear, think you can handle a but of toast?” He nods, and watches her leave. Good, now he can have his little freak-out, seeing as he doesn’t remember even checking in here, and has no clue where here is, and what’s it’s name. That’s a new one even for him, really. Got fucked up and went and checked himself into care. Nice one, he tells himself. He gets out of bed, glad that he has sleep clothes on at the very least, and looks at the meger set of drawers, yup, all his stuff is there, folded and put away. Seconds later a breakfast tray is brought to his room, which speaking off, is a room for just him. Any other place he’s been to had at least two more people crammed in a small room. Looks like he’s in a nice place, one he simply can’t afford. He’ll bring that up to the doctor when he seems them, to ask for early release. He nibbles his toast, add a bit of milk to his luke warm tea, and drains the cup quickly, wishing he had more. HE has the start of on hell of a migraine, right behind his eyes, and if he can’t have some roxy to snort, he might as well try to help it with a bit of tea he figures. He’s left alone, something else he finds strange, while he goes through what he has and pulls on some jeans and a polo, sits back on the bed, and waits. That’s when he notices the tremor in his hand, and he swears to himself. Eggsy figures he’s been asleep for at least two days, enough time for all the shit he took before coming here to leave his system, and the dull throbbing behind his eyes to start really making it’s presence know. BEfore he can get the nerve to leave his room to ask for something for the pain, and orderly has arived, asking for him to come along, time to see Dr Hart, and best to hurry up, yeah? Oh yeah, Eggsy thinks, hurry along, trying not to vomit on his feet as he walks. Eggsy doesn’t look around, doesn’t take notice of his suroundings to get a feel of where he’s at, he just want’s to get where he’s going, and die in peace, thank you very much. They get there quickly, blessedly quick, where he slinks down in the waiting room chair, the orderly beside him. He hears the name try to strike up a conversation, and finally Eggsy through him a look, and goes back to his own private hell. Junk sickness has set in, and all he wants in life is one sweet blessed tramadol at this point, to calm the pain, to make is bearable. He hears the office door open, and, if Eggsy where feeling any better, he’s perk up some, because jesus fuck, he’s exactly the type bloke Eggsy goes for. Tall, beautiful, posh, and utterly out of his leage. He almost smiles when he stands up, following Dr Hart’s motions, and takes a set on the chaise lounger in the corner of the room, curling up quickly. “Hate to tell ya this bruv, but I don’t have the money to be in a place this nice, yeah? Might as well send me on home now, ok?” Eggsy looks up when Dr Hart laughs at him, not unkindly, but still, the tosser actually is laughing at him, “Eggsy we don’t turn people away based on that here, but that was a worthy try. Tell me, how do you feel?” Eggsy groans, “The fuck you mean, how do I feel, I’m going through junk sickness cause you all let me fucking sleep it off, instead of making me stay away so I could take something to help this, yeah? I feel like I’m dying,” he whines, deep in his chest, as a back spasm hits him. “Eggsy you were passed out for two days, we tried to wake up several times, and you wouldn’t respond. We had a heart moniter on you until this morning. After seeing your blood test results this morning, I’m utterly surpirsed that’s all that happens. Most people who take that much oxycotin and ativan, with whisky chaser die. However, I can give you something now, if you like.” Eggsy just nods his head quickly, hoping they hurry up with the old standby of tramadol and beta blockers quickly. Which, even more surpirsing, if exactly what Dr Hart does. It’s not much, it’s a low dose of each, and he has to swallow them, but before he’s taken back to his room he hears the doctor say, “Same time tomorrow Eggsy, and it would help if you went to your first meeting today as well.” It takes an hour for the meds to start working, and even then it’s just a sickly sweet amount, just enough to stop the shake, but not enough to stop anything else. He feels like he has the flu, and really just wants to go back to bed, when, for some reason, he leaves his room, goes to the nurses station, and asks what time and where at the NA meetings. Apparently it’s already three in the afternoon, and one just started, and if he was quiet, he could slip in. So, he follows he nurse down the hall, to the left, and opens the doors to a meeting already in place, and everyone quickly looks at him as he slids into a chair in the back. He’s been to loads of meetings, so he doesn’t really listen. He knows that talking about the fucked up stuff you did high off your ass, boasting while sounding ashamed is somehow supposed to help, but for the life of him Eggsy doesn’t really understand the point. He turns out most shares, clapping when they’re done, stands to say the serity prayers, and just goes back to his room. That’s when it hits him, he’s stuck here Sure, for a couple of more days they’ll give him a little bit to ween him off, not to shock his abused system anymote than it has to be, and then he really be stuck here, sober He’s terrified, because he knows this is a means to an end, really. He said he would do this when his mates, his mum and little sister all begged him to go, to try again, so he did. He didn’t actually mean he would go to rehab. Yet here he was. He was too tired to think about it, about the hard amount of partying he did before they shoved him in a cab and gave the cabbie the name St Hope’s Place, just right outside of Canden Markets. He was too busy enjoy not feeling anything. If he really thinks about it, he doesn’t remember signing himself in at all, or bring brought to his room. Things he should ask the nurse up at the station for, but then he remembers Dr Hart saying any one else would have overdosed, and then he decides, he truly doesn’t want to know how he got inside, into the room. He really doesn’t want to remember anything, at all. All he really wants is to get out of her, go back to his flat, find the bottle of roxy he got hidden in the top of his closet, crush up and snort them, and sleep for another two days. And, yet again, it hits him, if he’s here, that means someone’s paid for him to be here, and if anything, Eggsy doesn’t want them to waste their money on a lost cause like him, but, he supposes, while he’s hee, he might as well give it a shot, who knows, maybe this time it’ll stick. There’s always a first time for everything, Eggsy figures, why would getting sober, going straight and getting his life together be any different?
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sabrinacavanagh · 3 years ago
Opioid Crisis Facts
There is a devastating amount of opioids being used in the U.S. The opioid crisis in the us is ruining families across the nation by taking the lives of those we love. What opioids are is pain killing drugs such as Oxycotin, Fentanyl, Vicodin, Morphine, and Heroin. All of those drugs are highly addictive and have many negative side effects and the worst side effect of all being death. People can quickly get addicted to these kinds of drugs due to the drugs compound. It’s very easy to get addicted to them after someone has had surgery, an accident, or has a “feel good” doctor that will give them more refills than they need. Fortunately there has been some changes on how easy it is to obtain these kinds of drugs. Doctors and the FDA have finally caught on and noticed that more people than ever have been overdosing on opiates. How they are managing the problem is by limiting the amount of opioid drugs that are prescribed after a procedure and offering more programs to teach people how to prevent addiction from happening.
Here are some opioid crisis facts:
There were more than 42,000 deaths in 2016 from opioid overdose. This number is on the rise due to the black market mixing Fentanyl into popular street drugs such as cocaine and the strength of Fentanyl getting more potent.
On average, 130 people day every day from an opioid overdose. When people take too much of a certain opioid or they mix it with another drug, it raises the chances of death.
It’s said that 4 to 6 percent of people that start of using opioids try the stronger drug heroin. A lot of the time, drug users claim that they no longer feel the effects of painkilling opioids when they’ve taken them for a while. Once that feeling wears off for them, they usually get their hands on heroin.
Around 21 to 29 percent of people that are prescribed opioids for pain will begin to start misusing the drugs. Since strong painkillers are so addictive, it is hard for people with addictive personalities to wean themselves off the drugs without assistance.
Hospitals have seen a rise in neonatal abstinence syndrome during the opioid crisis in the us. What neonatal abstinence syndrome is when after a mother gives birth, infants have an opioid withdraw. The infants will shake rapidly after birth and have to stay in the hospital longer to recover.
The U.S. has seen more cases of Hepatitis C and HIV since the start of the opioid crisis. Since the use of drugs such as heroin require the use of a needle, more people are exposed to dirty needles. When people are exposed to dirty needles, you are at an increased risk to contract HIV or Hepatitis C. HIV is a deadly virus that attacks the immune system defenseless.
There are a few things that health centers can provide to ensure that the number of people affected by opioids declines. The first thing that health centers and communities can do is establish more places for opioid addicts to find help. There is only a limited amount of resources in many locations. Providing rehabilitation services in more would be a great idea to help aid in the opioid crisis. This needs to change if we want to see the people around us getting better. Another thing that should be brought to the public’s attention is what alternatives there are for such strong prescription medications. Pain management services should be offered to more patients. Doing so will allow the patient to set up further appointments to talk to their doctor about the pain that they have and how to cope with it in ways other than taking opioids. The patients may still take opioids while undergoing pain management services, however, they will be under a closer eye to decrease the risk of addiction. Hopefully, with time the U.S. will know how to better handle the opioid crisis in the us. If more people are well informed and more research is done to make the drugs less addictive, there is a very good chance that the crisis may be dwindling down.
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benw31526-blog · 7 years ago
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lisamiller01-blog · 5 years ago
Oxycontin Addiction Help:
Oxycotin is a very powerful opioid drug made by us humans, which has a strong tendency of forming a habit. It is often prescribed by a physician as a pain killer which helps to relieve pain from arthritis, cancer, injuries, and other medical conditions and is also available illegally in the market. Oxycotin is a brand name for oxycodone, which is given to the patient, which gives pain relief up to 12 hours from chronic pain.
 When you get it illegally on the street, any person can get the full effects of the drug as they destroy the time-release formula by diluting it in water, crushing it, snorting it, or injecting it. However consumed, either by doctors’ prescription or by illegal ways one can become an addict to oxycontin.
 There are many different ways available for oxycontin addiction recovery if a person becomes addicted. One of the efficient ways is listening to oxycontin addiction podcast or get professional help from an expert in the field. Treating the addict is a must otherwise the person will still be addicted to the drug and continue to abuse it.
The longer the duration of your addiction the more it makes recovery difficult, as the chemistry in your brain has changed. There are medications that can help you recover from certain opiate cravings. Some of which are naltrexone, methadone, and buprenorphine. An addict also has to get treated for mental health illnesses that are associated with addiction, like-panic attacks, bipolar disorders, depression or anxiety. Few of which can be treated with the same medications. These medications should be taken under the guidance of professionals making sure it is correctly taken.
 Behavioral Treatments:
Behavioral treatments include a wide range of strategies but many of them consist of contingency management and cognitive-behavioral. There are group therapy sessions and also individual therapy sessions involved. The type of behavioral therapy used can be customized to fit every individual person’s needs. It becomes very helpful when the patient takes one-on-one therapy with the medical expert, therapist, psychologist or addiction counselor. If there are any emotional reasons for oxycontin addiction then it is significant to treat the same for complete recovery.
 Oxycontin addiction can be cured through numerous therapies, medications, and treatment, under professional guidance. Patience and commitment towards recovery will make this phase easier and desired goals can be achieved.
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dancergurl3000 · 6 years ago
Review # 2: “In Pain.” By Travis Rieder. A novel. And the essay of me reviewing this book.
OK. If there ever was a book you could “skim” it should be this one. WE GET IT TRAVIS. Opioids are BAD! Moving on! Seriously: this book drags on and on and on and on. For 242 “painful” pages you get to understand first what happens to HIM, then what happened to the rest of civilization with too many pain pills everywhere. I only really liked him explaining the “evils” of “Purdue Pharma” as a company they literally marketed that Oxycotin was good for you. What I didn’t like about this book was that it didn’t discuss HOW we can really fix this problem. Only towards the end does the author even take a swing at how to fix this crisis since an African American Woman asked him poignantly: “Hey, people only care about this crisis when white people are over dosing.” “No offense but Black People have been dying for decades as a result of taking too Oxycotin in a place like Baltimore Maryland and no one’s done a thing!” It would be wrong NOT to take this question seriously. It would even be ignorant to ignore it. But I guess he makes a convincing argument of: “I’m not racist!” “THERE IS implicit bias.” But of course there is! We only pay attention to when poor white people take too much Oxycotin! But the thing that pissed me off about this novel was: where are the “Sacklers” in all of this? Because the way I see it: it doesn’t matter truly if you’re black or white, too many Oxycotins, equals too many people dying of overdosing on medication that they don’t know is highly dangerous to take. It isn’t JUST about becoming addicted. It’s about not KNOWING how highly dangerous pain pills are. And like e-cigarettes we only find this information out when the amount of white people outnumbers the amount of black People dying....
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aevansblog-blog · 6 years ago
The Family That Built an Empire of Pain [Journal Response 4]
Who are the Sacklers and what is Purdue Pharma?
The Sacklers are extremely wealthy brothers- Arthur, Mortimer and Raymond who all practice medicine. Together they would operate as Purdue Pharma and develop OxyCotin. OxyCotin was developed in 1995 and is highly addicting however they were able to jump through some hoops with the F.D.A. in order to sell larger quantities of the drug (similar to morphine). The brothers are now one of America’s richest families (with a collective networth of 13 Billion). The brothers rarely speak about their privately held business, however do not have a problem mentioning their charitable donations– many sent to institutions and galleries.
What marketing tactics did Purdue Pharma use to sell Oxycontin?
Whilst, the company should have been selling limited supplies to an even more limited number of patients, that was exploited by tricking physicians across the world. The company, ‘Convinced doctors of the drug’s safety with literature that had been produced by doctors who were paid, or funded, by the company’. Ultimately, the F.D.A examiner who oversaw the process would end up acquiring a full-time position at Purdue just two short years later.
Do you think museums should vet and reject their sources of income on the basis of how their patrons accrue wealth? Why or why not?
I don’t think it is up for me to decide– however I am okay with these men having the guilt they do for processing money covered in blood on it. Due to their false marketing practices, they have allowed individuals to to mistreat their bodies and risk death if not already obtained. I’m sure you’ll be able to understand my viewpoint from this statement.
What are the implications and consequences of your opinion? Why might there be valid points to be made on both sides? What do you think is taking museums and universities so long to reevaluate their donations from the Sacklers?
Great art does not require enormous amounts of money. I like what Cynthia Ho says in class when she talks about, “Art with a capital A”. When talking about the real art– it will always move forward, progress and express the times. Gallery Art for the sake of viewing is obsolete and can become distorted due to scams such as this. The organizations are merely but a way to perpetuate the “spectacle” as we speak further about this next week.
Patrick Radden Keefe, “The Family That Built an Empire of Pain”, The New Yorker, Oct. 30th 2017
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nuoc-water · 6 years ago
does contemporary art need to be transgressive? (#3)
1. The Sacklers were originally 3 siblings who were born in New York and worked as physicians, they contributed great monetary significance to the arts. After their deaths their children continued being involved in the arts both in leadership, organization, and funding. Purdue Pharma is the actual source of income for the Sacklers, which created one of the most addictive prescription drugs on the market that often leads to heroin addictions.
2. Mortimer Sackler got his start in advertising and marketing as a high schooler, which carried on in the way Oxycotin was marketed for Purdue Pharma. The ads were mostly placed in medical magazines, creating the idea that physicians use and trust this medicine, which gained people’s trust. Arthur Sackler was later given an award in medical advertising, and most advertising campaigns for prescriptions are based after his practices.
3. This is relevant in the recent uprising at the Whiteney--one of the big financial supporters was found to also be donating a large sum to the production of the tear gas used at the border, and supporting ICE. The Whitney is a monolith in terms of art institutions, so most people argued that you can’t tear down such a museum with that level of reverence. On the flip side, the Whitney is a well known and respected institution, and I can confidently say that if they declined the funding of someone who supports ICE, it’s little skin off their back. Understanding where money comes from is important, because if it is for your profit, you have to understand that if dirty money is funding your projects, you directly contribute to the exploitation utilized to get that money. (@decolonizethisplace is the Instagram leading the Whiteney conversation if you haven’t been made aware of it Margaret I think you’d really enjoy their profile and the information they work to make public)
4. In some cases, you just need money. I definitely understand the cons of my opinion. For example, if someone comes up to me and offers me an incredible sum to start a gallery / business, I may not question it, and it can be hard to turn down money even if it’s dirty. However, the Whitney and the MMA is doing fine and will continue to be fine considering their history. If I saw the MMA / any major art institution reject money from distasteful funders, it would only raise my support. We’re living in the age of the Internet and accessibility, so dirt rises to the surface. And with that we as a community need to address and grow beyond the support of people like the Sacklers.
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loud-snoring-os · 7 years ago
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It’s not so much the science as it is a failure to critically examine the data The seven stories are about: Go to Amazon
No magical thinking here! I have lived with HIV for more than 30 years, had my prostate removed because of cancer. In many ways I am probably alive because of the miracles of modern medicine. But also have very likely shortened my life by following bogus claims of health marketing. This book is an eye opener. Read it carefully and cautiously. The author himself warns to be cautious. If we want to believe it is good for us it is really hard to think otherwise than to swallow the pill, eat the fruit or drink the water. As thinking beings we have not always done well in the evaluation department. Decide for yourselves. But if this book doesn't help you decide that a huge mistake was made electing Trump then I would not be surprised that you brought about your early demise or that of your children by not paying closer attention. Go to Amazon
Fascinating book I really enjoyed this book. He talks about several well-accepted scientific facts that were later disproven. We all trust scientists, but they have been really, really wrong in these instances. Prescribing heroin as a pain-killer, telling the public that margarine is healthy, etc. This is a fascinating book, a book I could not put down. Go to Amazon
Check all the information you can before making life changing decisions In our world today we have a wealth of information available to us. Unfortunately much of it is at best suspect. I suggest "follow the money". If it sounds too good to be true, it very likely is. Go to Amazon
Willful Blindness Unmasked An amazing look at what we do to ourselves. A very well done look at mistakes that, for the most part, steers clear of politics. The giant exception is Trump (where having a border is "eugenics", not just a desire to know who's immigrating and keeping some control over it) and Margret Sanger (who is mentioned, but her on-going Planned Parenthood actual eugenics legacy is not). The <strike>Global Warming</strike> Climate Change mess is not mentioned, which is all to the good; time will tell. Highly recommended. Go to Amazon
Maybe science is an unfolding search for better approximations of "truth" about the natural world? One chapter of this book was published in the June 2017 issue of National Geographic. It was that chapter that stimulated me to buy the book. There is much in this book of value but, given my background as a published scientist, I think Dr. Offit misuses his own "lessons" in his choice of data to include. For example, he shows no understanding of hormone mimicking chemicals--those compounds that are relatively harmless at high dosage but, when given to living systems at parts per million or less, act to interfere with the delicate balance of body physiology. As another example, he seems to advocate perpetuating harmful solutions rather than seeking alternate solutions. Go to Amazon
I loved this book Well written, pertinent, wise and informative. This ... Rather Grim, But A Good Read An excellent set of true stories written in a friendly way ... You will not be able to put it down until you finish it! Overall I enjoyed this book But it will change your life for the better. ... ease patient pain came destructive and highly addictive substances like morphine, heroine and OxyCotin Great audio book! Sad but true
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4rhealth · 7 years ago
2 Minute Warning- March 1, 2018
This week’s featured stories:
Purdue Pharmaceutical Will No Longer Market Oxycotin To Doctors
Senator Releases Report Detailing Opioid Manufacturer Graft
School Shootings and Psychotropic Drugs
Short-Term Insurance- An Affordable Alternative?
  from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2t4tuVj via Aloe for Health
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airgeadais · 8 years ago
New Hampshire filed a civil lawsuit against Oxycotin-maker Purdue Pharma over the marketing of its opioid painkillers, becoming the latest state to sue the painkiller industry for allegedly misrepresenting the addictive risks of the medications.
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