#OwO//Swear To God I Ain’t Ever Gonna Repent Mama Can I Get Another Amen (Nicholas Dickolas)
fatedsinners · 1 year
Sinfully Undead \\@epilvgue Sinday Meme BS\\
The undead really did try to ignore what was happening, had turned to sharpening his knife despite the grating sound making his teeth grind. But hearing the sound of a body hitting the floor had him looking up. He sighed heavily, standing from where he'd been settled, rubbing at his face until the sound of something else crashing down and no 'I'm okay' being cried out had him climbing the stairs quietly. If the other was having some sort of fit, he wasn't going to let the Plant hide it from him this time. He'd already had the horrific realization that the other was dying. What he didn't expect when throwing open the door, knife in hand just in case there was a threat, was to see what he was shown. The man practically naked, prone with the bare ass in the air. The feathers weren't new, he's seen them countless times during high stress events. So his eyes cast around, before he dared to stab his weapon into the wall, closing and locking the door as he tried to understand what was happening. His nose flared, drinking in the scent before a brow crawled up his forehead to meet his hairline. "I could hear ya from downstairs." it's drawled out, that lazy tint of his Latino accent finding home on his tongue as arms crossed. "Something tells me this ain't the usual call of nature, else I don't think you'd have been so loud... Or destructive." he steps further into the room, nudging a few long feathers with his booted foot, grunting when he nearly tripped over one slithering around. "Geez, Needle-Noggin'! What, are you in heat or somethin'?" the words come when he's forced to stop nearing the other, too much movement around him for him to feel he could approach without stepping on a feather. "Need, like.... A hand or somethin'?" To what he was offering the vampire had no clue, unsure if he was offering sex, companionship, cleaning or assistance to the bathroom. Truthfully, all of the above would be completely fine for the dead man walking.
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fatedsinners · 1 year
Changing Tags
All NSFW tags will be swapped to 'OwO//' instead just to make sure I don't get my butt whooped by the big bad tumbo
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