#OwO//I Wanna Be Your Sin I Wanna Be Your Preacher (Lewdgato)
fatedsinners · 1 year
[NSFW] The big man Livio~ @bone-pile-rp
How interested they are in having sex with them:
"I mean.... The Gods know I've cried his name more than a few times whilst on the altar dealing with my weekly offerings of pleasure. I'd say highly interested." Though why the angels wanted to know these sorts of questions was strange he'd follow through with answering, ever diligent as he was.
How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them: "If someone tried to force money into this they'll find themselves bug food faster than they could blink. There's never enough in this world to describe my love for him, to think money could sum it up is ridiculous." He's highly offended the angels even thought of such an abhorrent question.
If they would rather bottom or top them: This draws a long pause, head tilting as he thinks. "We're just talking Livio? I feel like topping would be a delight of a night against Razlo... But seeing Livio in such a state would be sweet, a loving thing. Though.... Bottoming for him, watching him falter and whine, checking on me repeatedly and clinging through the overwhelming feelings... It would be nice either way I suspect.... Perhaps the first time I'd bottom, to show him he doesn't just harm people, but brings them pleasure and happiness."
How good they think they would be: "Livio? In bed? Shy, sweet, gentle, loving, attentive, kind, patient... Everything I've never had but craved so dearly. Perhaps inexperienced, but it would only add to his sweet nature. I'd say the best sex of my life if I had to guess." Though he can only imagine for now how that would go, he can't see the other being cruel or violent.
If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them: All the weirdest positions. Again he wonders if the angels are horny.
"Ah.... Shower I suppose. I have a bench in mine for when I've gone too far with my power so it'd be lovely to feel the cleansing water as I ride him on his lap."
If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love: "Make love, hands down now questions asked. Perhaps have sex from time to time, but I cannot see him doing anything of that nature without slow loving passion you can only get with making love." That and by the time such a thing happened, he'd know properly of his twisted past as a sex slave.
If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick: "Oh boy." This was a rough question, one that made him have to slow and think, head tipping. "I suppose saying Razlo wouldn't count because threesome implies three bodies, but I'd still count it."
But if it didn't count...
"Midvalley maybe? Vash would... Likely be too weird, but not off the table in my eyes."
If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen:
This draws him to a stop, frowning as he looked to his hands.
"I can only pray to all whom will listen that one day he'd decide to stay, to be with me. But it is not my place to ask, much as I want to. He's... Swiftly come to mean everything to me. He and Razlo both..."
And he'll continue praying every night that the next time Livio visits, he chooses to stay.
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fatedsinners · 1 year
[NSFW] You know I gotta hear the reverse from Leggy to Caz >:3c ( @nomans-land-rp )
How interested they are in having sex with them:
Settled in the city he feels the angels reach to him, chuckling. The Sisters had been watching then, their sweet moment beneath the stars. Of course they did, the six always eager to see and hear Legato's life.
The question sparks a hum from his throat, keeping to himself incase another passed him by, focused on responding to the angels directly.
A relationship first of course. We're both broken from our pasts, I cannot imagine it being priority on our list. Though he does pause, studying the thought.
If I were to ever willingly be with another with the intent of love and not a cleansing, it'd be her.
How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them: Eyes rolled at the question, huffing.
"Stop talking to Wolfwood and Midvalley. They are horrible influences on you all." The words leave his lips before he reminds himself to reach for their gates.
None either way. It's a mutual thing of love and kindness, of adoration and passion, not something monetary.
If they would rather bottom or top them: This was... A hard question, knowing they both were likely to have issues being the bottom. He chews his lip, shifting against the railing. Could he be that vulnerable?
Assuming she doesn't run for the hills at the sight of my... Pelvic region. I'd be willing to give her the control. After her past, I couldn't ask her to give up control. Though, his youth was an endless sea of sexual abuse, he couldn't take her power from her.
She would decide who did. Only then would I feel comfortable taking control.
How good they think they would be: He didn't have much to go on with this one, he could see her agility, speed, flexibility and the currents she could control.
I can imagine good. She has had experience, if with a mongrel, so she wouldn't be unsure of what to do and where. But I do imagine nervous, shy almost. It'd be nice, peaceful with no need to rush.
If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them: What an odd range of choices. He throws away the idea of the kitchen, food was sacred to him. Though a wall opens up many options for them...
Shower. I usually take baths so I suppose that would count. To guide her against me as he rock in the cleansing waters, coaxing us to a rapture.
If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love: This... Was another thing to take his time on. He could imagine having sex, a more primal need to be close, hate fucking in the past perhaps before she gave him a chance to be heard.
Making love. We've had enough fucking and sex in our lives to last the rest of eternity. She deserves someone to love her, in every way possible.
If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick: He nearly choked on air, coughing a few times before turning on the sister, seeing all six flocking to the glass, pressed against it with big eyes watching him, hoping for answers even if he found it weird for them to ask.
Who would he consider? It truly was an odd question but he thought about it all the same, if only to humor and enrich their minds.
A flash of fangs glint his gaze, catching the wolf prowling the city as he lit a cigarette on the catwalks. He smiles, a softness to his features.
Nicholas. Kind, loving, sweet and confident, he knows of my past and would treat her right. A passionate man all about acts of service and loving his partners over demanding it himself. It'd be so fun to tag team him with her.
If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen:
Once more, he's summoned to the present, turning to the sisters with a sad, torn smile.
I cannot imagine it being something to happen freely, if at all. But i am okay with that. Caz's love, in any capacity they are willing to give, is more than I could ever ask for. I don't need sex to feel loved. Just the smile is enough to tell me I'm on her mind and in her heart.
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fatedsinners · 1 year
[NSFW] Hell, let's throw one in for Leggy and Wolfwood too! ( @nomans-land-rp )
How interested they are in having sex with them:
The moment the angels slip into his mind he welcomes it. Until he makes out their intended words and he nearly flips the car as he chokes on his drink.
What on earth are you asking me?! Were the angels high or something? He wondered why he had to be the one cursed with perverts everywhere, now divinity was tainted too!
But he finds himself thinking anyways. Eyes flicking to the sleeping wolf and hums faintly to himself.
I suppose the idea has crossed my mind from time to time. If he wasn't so infuriating half the time, I might have already done so with him. Hoping for such a thing was like hoping the world was suddenly rot free.
How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them: He snickers to himself at the insinuation.
I wouldn't pay the mongrel a single cent. He doesn't deserve it. Though I think a meager ten thousand double dollars would be enough to get me to breed him if it meant saving his life.
Now that was an amusing idea, Nicholas so desperate and needy, begging him to help.
If they would rather bottom or top them: NO ONE tops me. He'd be a good little bitch for me or he'll be snapped in half and left unable to reach a vial. Anger boiled in his blood that the angels even had to ask such a stupid thing.
And yet, his mind drifts, blurring the world around him as he pretends to read, imagining himself beneath the wolf, split open from the other, spine arching as he's slowly taken apart with roughened but frighteningly gentle hands-
He shifts, clearing his throat as he adjusts his sitting position and 'returns to reading'.
How good they think they would be: Legato? He'd be divine. Though his past was horrible for him to suffer through, he knows he could be the perfect lover to anyone he chose, knowing just how to pry apart the human mind and give them all the perfect attentions to their heated bodies.
Wolfwood however, was a novice, likely still a virgin. Gangly limbs, clumsy at times, unco-ordinated at others. Acted like a whore yet grew flustered tragically easy.
He'd be fun to pull apart and rebuild. To show him what love and life really felt like. Tragic and inexperienced, but I enjoy them like that, falling apart with my expertise. Having that kind of power, even if he bottomed, would be like a drug to him.
If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them: Images flickered before his eyes, tossing the kitchen aside with distain and the shower causing him to think of the fact he only took baths.
But the wall.... The thought of pushing the other's buttons so far, prodding him just so that he shoves them into an alley and takes him there in that moment, snarling at his throat how much he hates the psychic and wants to kill him whilst thrusting in where anyone could happen upon them-
Wall. More options for fun. He finds he needs to shift once more in his seat, breaths a little rougher now. Maybe he'd have to rethink that earlier response of topping.
If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love: Fuck.
A simple response, hate fuck more likely to happen. But again, the probing of the angels has his mind slipping away. Imagining Wolfwood beneath him, head thrown back, throat bared and covered in bite marks, in his marks. Lips parted around his name, that near sweet nickname of his hair colour, the soft frantic sounds he'd mewl and whine and whimper out as Legato takes his time.
Making love would be interesting, but I cannot imagine him having patience.
Good cover.
If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick: Good god who would he hate even less than the mutt beside him. His mind drifted to Lord Knives, the very idea making him flinch away from nothing, frowning at his book. Knives would kill them both in a heart beat. They are filthy humans after all.
But who he'd hate more would be Vash. That sweet innocent smile, the way he saw good in everyone, the way he laughed or cried, the way he'd risk his life to save anyone, no matter how horrible they were.
He saw everyone deserved a chance. Maybe even Legato himself.
Vash is the closest I can even dream of getting to Lord Knives and his love. A good enough answer.
Even if the idea of those smooth metal fingers trailing his scars, whispering that he was worthy, promising he deserved the life he was given, that he was good deep down, that he deserved to be loved and cherished by even the divine-
He needed a drink, hand reaching back to search his bag for the small flask he'd brought, if only for emergencies.
This counted as one.
If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen:
"Tch. As if." The words slip from his lips, breaking the silence of the car before he took a swig from the flask, closing it up and tucking it into the door caddy, relaxing as he looked to his newly flipped page.
I don't think any one could ever find something worthy of redemption in me, let alone loving or wanting to bed with. I'm a monster, a horrid animal that bends to the whims of my Master- until he doesn't -there is nothing there to cherish. If he considered it, he'd be wise to give up the idea before it settles.
I'm not worth the effort it takes to kill me, let alone love me.
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fatedsinners · 1 year
vash for legolas ( nsfw meme ♥)
How interested they are in having sex with them:
The voices of the angels have the engineer instantly flustered, eyes snapping around to ensure he was alone before whining to himself.
"I... Think of Vash like that a lot.... Too often, I worry. I don't want to be seen as a sex pest but... The intimacy is.... Like no other. And we haven't even done anything like that! Just his touch, his careful hands, his sweet smile, his-" He falls into a soft whimper, squirming where he sat and covering his face.
How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them: "Pay?!" He squeaks the word before hissing. "I wouldn't need money nor would I imagine Vash taking money for such things! Silence your words and never ask something so... So stupid again!"
If they would rather bottom or top them: From anger to a flustered mess he hides in his hood, whining as they scrunch their body up, too physically flustered to speak for a moment.
"B-bottom. I.... I don't think I'd make a good top." He'd try, for Vash, but he always gets nervous when given power and control.
How good they think they would be: He slumps to his side, accepting his fate of dying of embarrassment, a soft whimper leaving Legolas' throat.
"Like heaven. I'm sorry Nick, but he has age, I can only imagine he'd just... Know how to take me apart in ways I'm not sure even humans know how to replicate."
If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them: Okay, the angels were pushing his sanity and making his mind conjure up too many ideas he's left squirming and moaning to himself, biting his lip.
"Counter. He could feed me treats as he fills me with-" Nope, he was stopping right there before he exploded into a million timid pieces.
If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love: A pause, nervousness itching in as he takes a moment to think, to slow down. To process the question and the person it involved.
"I'd hope the last one... I... Don't think I could handle something that isn't loving and passionate... Too many dark connections..."
If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick: Before he can even drift into his mind he's brought back by the angels, a small laugh leaving him.
"Nick of course. We're a three piece deal already after all. Anyone else just wouldn't make sense."
If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen:
Now he falls lax where he lay beneath the tree, a soft dreamy smile as he pets the soft lush grass, eyes falling shut as lips curled into a dreamy smile.
"I can only hope, one day, one of us gains the courage to ask. I suspect it's waiting on someone to voice their needs, but we're all so... Damaged, it may not happen in my lifetime without Nick meddling."
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fatedsinners · 1 year
Tumblr media
Kneel and confess to me your sins.
Indie Heavily Canon Divergent Legato Bluesummers RP/Ask SIN Blog Selective 21+ only past this line
Main blog
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fatedsinners · 1 year
Changing Tags
All NSFW tags will be swapped to 'OwO//' instead just to make sure I don't get my butt whooped by the big bad tumbo
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fatedsinners · 1 year
What's your favorite position, Leggy?
Sprawled across the plush bedding of his altar the hazed mind of the post coital bliss hybrid perks at the sound of the angels' curiosity. He thought for a long moment, wondering idly through ideas.
"If I love the person, the Lotus, maybe missionary, I'll gladly take what they give. Carnal pleasure? I will be the dominant in g-whiz. Perhaps I'd let my lover dominate me in that pose too if I love them. It depends, truly."
Many of his acts with sex involving another depends on plenty of things. Does he love them, are they special to him, will he see them again, how does he feel that day. There's plenty of reasons things would change.
"My kinks also change depending on my connection to the person. So, it's hard to pinpoint my preferred. I hope that satisfied your curiosity, angels."
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fatedsinners · 1 year
Raise The Heat \\ Accepting {8/8}
The burn pooled in his gut, sparking a vicious need as hands yanked leather and cloth, tugging his waistband down. The bite of the chill wrenched a groan from his throat once the fabric was kicked away from his heels. He whimpered when a hand wrapping almost chastely around the heat between his legs, skin flushing a deep red.
The simple touch eased the pain for but a second, even as it made his knees shake, threatening to crumple beneath him. He folded onto the altar the moment his hand stroked along his shaft, the other bending at the elbow to dig into his hair, tugging to try and contain himself.
The pleasure scorched through him as fingers dipped beneath his cock into his vagina, snatching the natural slick to guide his hand smoothly through the rapturous bliss. He moaned, low and deep into the firm stone, hips rocking into the motions as he keened to himself. The build was sudden, a sharp spike like the lightning of Zeus down his spine only to burst at his hips.
He shouted, a sudden sound as he spilled over the side of the stone, body ragged. Slowly, he came to himself from the sharp high only to whimper as the heat never once released him.
One round was rarely enough for him. He could do this, right?
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fatedsinners · 1 year
Dearly Devoted ||@wolfsmuses||
Continued from Here
The carnal sounds of wanton need from the Divine had locked his feet on the ground, the writhing energy of the other's Gate rattling the threads of angelic metal in his brain until his very sense of self ebbed on the edges. Coupled with the cloying scent of the Plants seductive nectar had the preacher ready to submit his body to the divine to toy with.
Gold had long since flickered to the other's form, the simple ripple of his name from the lips of the Divine pulling every ounce of focus solely on the suffering form. He shifted in the doorway, slipping entirely into the room before quietly guiding the lock into place.
He'd seen small studies, theories in the remnants he's dredged from the lost ships, whispers of such an event taking place. He knew not the trigger, nor the agony the other must have been in for however long this has been plaguing His Holy form. When eyes flashed upon his frame he suddenly understood;
He was to be a sacrifice for the other's desperate moment.
The question had his white jacket slipping from his frame as the devoted took careful, slow steps towards the now beast of the Light. He let the fabric fall carelessly behind him, kneeling just shy of the other's reach, lips curling sweetly just as the day they had met, arms held out, palms open.
"My life is eternally yours, my body but a tool for you to use as you see fit. For as long as I breathe, Master Knives. I am yours."
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fatedsinners · 1 year
🔥🔥 Keep going Legato
Raise The Heat \\ Accepting {6/8}
The burn which had bloomed slowly like a flower in the sun now ignited against his skin. He snapped the broadcast off, teeth gritting as a hand slipped to the front of his pants, palming the hard line of his cock only to hiss at the burn.
Limbs were forced to stand, abandoning tome and jacket in the booth he slips from the padded door into the chilled altar room. Despite the unforgiving cold of the marbled room his skin burns with the heat of a thousand fires. The threat of it growing worse fries his sentience as legs carry him instinctively to the altar.
Palms lay flat upon the surface, spine curving as he hunches down, breaths ragged with a hunger he hadn't felt before.
"By the mercy of Lazarus, what is this ailment." he finds his words sharpened with ragged breaths as he grips the side of the altar, soon ripping his vest off to free more skin to the chill.
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fatedsinners · 1 year
Continued from Here \\ @metamorphopsia
The apostle hadn't intended to show his displeasure, the truly intimate nature of the whole night having soured especially when Nick decided to snicker in his ear. It took everything in him, and a look at the vibrant mirth of the Plant, to not kill the man or break bones. And so he had sulked, shying away from people and isolating himself in the hopes he'd bleed into the background. But blue always found him, no matter where he hid. The dance was offered and he'd tried to decline, trying to sink further into the crowd, but the few extra shots of something he'd been given by Nicholas as a sort of apology for upsetting him won out. When cold digits ensnared his wrist, he relented to the pull.
He found himself falling into step with ease. Even with the sensual rolls and tucks of the dance tangling alongside the inebriation, he managed to keep pace as they moved as if of a single mind. He forgot his woes, the evening fading into a blissful haze around them whilst he relished in the close proximity to the Divine. The kiss was not what he'd expected. It wasn't a dare, it wasn't prompted by anything other than either the other noting his displeasure, or his desire to kiss the assistant. Whatever the reason, his eyes fluttered shut, a soft whine leaving his throat as he pressed back into it. Dazed as he was from the drink, his hands still found purchase in the other's hair and clinging to his blue jacket. Still so close from the dance with bodies moving freely around them in the throws of delight he found himself in true heaven. It ended too soon, chasing for a moment before eyes cracked open, staring for a heartbeat before he buried his face in the other's throat. "You wanted seasoning, Scales deserved it." he had indeed thrown salt on the bug for the millionth time now, a playful thing he knew he'd get slapped with seaweed for another day. For now, he wanted nothing more than to remain close, swaying in the other's arms as if to slow dance, despite the upbeat techno blaze pulsing around them. If only for a moment so he can bask in the proximity, head turning to drink in the alcohol tinted scent of the Plant. "The game is rigged."
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fatedsinners · 1 year
Nai at first is drawn to the confessional, wanting to confess his shameful lust filled glances towards his love. While they were together, it still felt so inappropriate to share after him in such a way-
But then, the sweet scent of... Something caught his nose. He follows along, the scent alluring and intriging all at once as he slips into the altar room and closes the door behind him, so focused on the scent he hadn't noted just where it was coming from.
"...Ah. I-I'm sorry? I can come back another time?" {@metamorphopsia has entered the Altar Room}
Legato was hunched, it had been a few rounds of the burning heat, crawling onto the altar and falling into the plush seat atop the space. It is there beneath the shimmering light of the stained glass window that the source of the sweet scent was found.
He's on his knees, chest pressed into the soft surface, hips canting up as sweat glistened on his skin. He's moaning into the pale blue pillow, fingers buried deep into his body, frantically chasing the pleasure in the hopes it would end.
It takes him a moment, shifting to take in air before he notices the other. The scent of his love burned his veins, scorching soft purple toned lines on his skin, twisting them a rosy pink as he jolted forward.
"Ah- N-Nai. Please." I don't know what's happening. It won't cease. Words were silenced and replaced with broken whimpers as he writhes beneath the pleasure, having already marred his skin several times in his attempts to soothe it all.
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fatedsinners · 1 year
🔥🔥Gonna be hard in that booth there boy
Raise The Heat \\ Accepting {4/8} The heat brightened along his skin, pooling deep in his gut until the devout had to still himself, breathing deep as he adjusted where he sat. He shucked his jacket, resting it upon the back of the chair in his booth. His tongue flicked out, wetting abruptly dry lips as eyes closed to focus on the feel of the tome he'd captured from it's place strapped to his ribs. "Remember, as the five moons rise tonight, full in their glistening glory, to pay attribute to the energies of which you find peace with. Be it God, Anubis, Athena or any entanglement of the greater universe, thank them for the life you have and lay offering for both they and the Plants of your home. For it is their love, that gives us life." Soon I will be done and can deal with this strange warmth.
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fatedsinners · 1 year
Raise The Heat \\ Accepting {2/8}
The Apostle had been in his booth, happily going through the casual motions of his sermons when abruptly heat crawled through his veins, prickling his fingertips and trickled along his cheeks. He clears his throat, apologizing for the abrupt sound in what was often a sweetly spoken moment of the evening. "On this night, I remind the Strands, close and far that hear this, that you belong in this world. No matter the sins you think taint your skin, I assure you that your soul is clean, so long as you change your life now to a brighter path of enlightenment." Hands rubbed together, a soft act both to soothe the tingling sensation and to imitate the sound of his hand upon the heads and hearts of every Strand to hear him. "So long as you hold love in your heart and respect for your fellow Strands and Plants alike, you are pure of heart and will be redeemed."
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