#Overseas Property Investors
mysingaporeproperty1 · 9 months
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By Thom Hartmann
Back in 1967, a friend of mine and I hitchhiked from East Lansing, Michigan to San Francisco to spend the summer in Haight-Ashbury. One ride dropped us off in Sparks, Nevada, and within minutes of putting our thumbs out a city police car stopped and arrested us for vagrancy.
The cop, a young guy with an oversized mustache who was apologetic for the city’s policy, drove us to the desert a mile or so beyond the edge of town, where we hitchhiked standing by a distressing light-post covered with graffiti reading “39 hours without a ride,” “going on our third day,” and “anybody got any water?”
Vagrancy laws were so 20th century.
Today, the US Supreme Court heard a case involving efforts by the City of Grants Pass, Oregon to keep homeless people off its streets and out of its parks and other public property. The city had tried a number of things when the problem began to explode in the last year of the Trump administration, as The Oregonian newspaper notes:
“They discussed putting them in their old jail, creating an unwanted list, posting signs at the city border or driving people out of town... Currently, officers patrol the city nearly every day, Johnson said, handing out [$295] citations to people who are camping or sleeping on public property or for having too many belongings with them.”
The explosion in housing costs has triggered two crises: homelessness and inflation. The former is harming the livability of our cities and towns, and the Fed’s reaction to the latter threatens an incumbency-destroying recession just as we head into what will almost certainly be the most important election in American history.
The problem with housing inflation is so severe today that without it the nation’s overall core CPI inflation rate would be in the neighborhood of Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s 2% goal.
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Graphic based on BLM data and interpretation by The Financial Times
Both homelessness and today’s inflation are the result of America — unlike many other countries — allowing housing to become a commodity that can be traded and speculated in by financial markets and overseas investors.
Forty-three years into America’s Reaganomics experiment, homelessness has gone from a problem to a crisis. Rarely, though, do you hear that Wall Street — a prime beneficiary of Reagan’s deregulation campaign — is helping cause it.
32% seems to be the magic threshold, according to research funded by the real estate listing company Zillow. When neighborhoods hit rent rates in excess of 32% of neighborhood income, homelessness explodes.
And we’re seeing it play out right in front of us in cities across America because a handful of Wall Street billionaires want to make a killing.
It wasn’t always this way in America.
Housing prices have spun out of control since my dad bought his house in 1957 when I was six years old. He got a Veteran’s Administration-subsidized loan and picked up the brand-new 3-bedroom-1-bath ranch house my 3 brothers and I grew up in, in suburban south Lansing, Michigan. It cost him $13,000, which was about twice what he made every year working a good union job in a tool-and-die shop.
When my dad bought his home in the 1950s the median price of a single-family house was 2.2 times the median American family income. Today, the Fed says, the median house sells for $479,500 while the median American personal income is $41,000 — a ratio of more than ten-to-one between housing costs and annual income.
As the Zillow study notes:
“Across the country, the rent burden already exceeds the 32% [of median income] threshold in 100 of the 386 markets included in this analysis….”
And wherever housing prices become more than three times annual income, homelessness stalks like the grim reaper.
We’re told that America’s cities have seen this increase in housing costs since the 1950s in some part because of the growing wealth and population of this country. There were, after all, 168 million people in the US the year my dad bought his house; today there are 330 million.
And it’s true that we haven’t been building enough new housing, particularly low-income housing, as 43 years of neoliberal Reaganomics have driven down wages and income for working-class people relative to all of their expenses while stopping the construction of virtually any new subsidized low-income housing.
But that’s not the only, or even the main dynamic, driving housing prices into the stratosphere — and, as a consequence, the crisis in homelessness — over the past decade. You can thank speculation for much of that.
As the Zillow-funded study noted:
“This research demonstrates that the homeless population climbs faster when rent affordability — the share of income people spend on rent — crosses certain thresholds. In many areas beyond those thresholds, even modest rent increases can push thousands more Americans into homelessness.”
So how did we get here?
It started with a wave of foreign buyers over the past 30 years (particularly from China, Canada, Mexico, India and Colombia) who, in just the one single year of 2020, picked up over 154,000 homes as their way of parking money in America. Which is part of why there are over 20 times more empty houses in America than there are homeless people.
As Marketwatch noted in a 2015 article titled “The Danger of Foreign Buyers Gobbling Up American Homes”:
“Unusual high appreciation of the aforementioned urban centers is due to the ever growing influx of foreign buyers — mostly wealthy Chinese — who view American residential real estate as the safest investment commodity. … According to a National Realtors Association survey, the Chinese spent $22 billion on U.S. housing in 12 months through March 2014…. [Other foreign buyers primarily include] Canadians, British, Indians and Mexicans.”
But foreign investment has been down for the past few years; what’s taken over and is really driving home prices today are massive, multi-billion-dollar US-based funds that sweep into neighborhoods and buy everything available, bidding against families and driving up housing prices.
As noted in a Wall Street Journal article titled “Meet Your New Landlord: Wall Street,” in just one suburb (Spring Hill) of Nashville, “In all of Spring Hill, four firms … own nearly 700 houses … [which] amounts to about 5% of all the houses in town.”
This is the tiniest tip of the iceberg.
“On the first Tuesday of each month,” notes the Journal article about a similar phenomenon in Atlanta, investors “toted duffels stuffed with millions of dollars in cashier’s checks made out in various denominations so they wouldn’t have to interrupt their buying spree with trips to the bank…”
The same thing is happening in cities and suburbs all across America; the investment goliaths use finely-tuned computer algorithms to sniff out houses they can turn into rental properties, making over-market and unbeatable cash bids often within minutes of a house hitting the market.
After stripping neighborhoods of homes families can buy, they then begin raising rents as high as the market will bear.
In the Nashville suburb of Spring Hill, for example, the vice-mayor, Bruce Hull, told the Journal you used to be able to rent “a three bedroom, two bath house for $1,000 a month.” Today, the Journal notes:
“The average rent for 148 single-family homes in Spring Hill owned by the big four [Wall Street investor] landlords was about $1,773 a month…”
Ryan Dezember, in his book Underwater: How Our American Dream of Homeownership Became a Nightmare, describes the story of a family trying to buy a home in Phoenix. Every time they entered a bid, they were outbid instantly, the price rising over and over, until finally the family’s father threw in the towel.
“Jacobs was bewildered,” writes Dezember. “Who was this aggressive bidder?”
Turns out it was Blackstone Group, now the world’s largest real estate investor. At the time they were buying $150 million worth of American houses every week, trying to spend over $10 billion. And that’s just a drop in the overall bucket.
In 2018, corporations bought 1 out of every 10 homes sold in America, according to Dezember, noting that, “Between 2006 and 2016, when the homeownership rate fell to its lowest level in fifty years, the number of renters grew by about a quarter.”
This all really took off around a decade ago, when Morgan Stanley published a 2011 report titled “The Rentership Society,” arguing that — in the wake of the 2008 Bush Housing Crash — snapping up houses and renting them back to people who otherwise would have wanted to buy them could be the newest and hottest investment opportunity for Wall Street’s billionaires and their funds.
Turns out, Morgan Stanley was right. Warren Buffett, KKR, and The Carlyle Group have all jumped into residential real estate, along with hundreds of smaller investment groups, and the National Home Rental Council has emerged as the industry’s premier lobbying group, working to block rent control legislation and other efforts to regulate the industry.
As John Husing, the owner of Economics and Politics Inc., told The Tennessean newspaper:
“What you have are neighborhoods that are essentially unregulated apartment houses. It could be disastrous for the city.”
Meanwhile, as unionization levels here remain among the lowest in the developed world, Reagan’s ongoing war on working people continues to wipe out America’s families.
At the same time that housing prices, both to purchase and to rent, are being driven through the roof by foreign and Wall Street investors, a survey published by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health found that American families are in crisis.
Their study found:
— “Thirty-eight percent (38%) of [all] households across the nation report facing serious financial problems in the previous few months.
— “There is a sharp income divide in serious financial problems, as 59% of those with annual incomes below $50,000 report facing serious financial problems in the past few months, compared with 18% of households with annual incomes of $50,000 or more.
— “These serious financial problems are cited despite 67% of households reporting that in the past few months, they have received financial assistance from the government.
— “Another significant problem for many U.S. households is losing their savings during the COVID-19 outbreak. Nineteen percent (19%) of U.S. households report losing all of their savings during the COVID-19 outbreak and not currently having any savings to fall back on.
— “At the time the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) eviction ban expired, 27% of renters nationally reported serious problems paying their rent in the past few months.”
These are not separate issues, and they are driving an explosion in homelessness.
The Zillow study found similarly damning data:
— “Communities where people spend more than 32% of their income on rent can expect a more rapid increase in homelessness.
— “Income growth has not kept pace with rents, leading to an affordability crunch with cascading effects that, for people on the bottom economic rung, increases the risk of homelessness.
— “The areas that are most vulnerable to rising rents, unaffordability, and poverty hold 15% of the U.S. population — and 47% of people experiencing homelessness.”
The Zillow study makes grim reading and is worth checking out. In community after community, when rent prices exceeded 32% of median household income, homelessness exploded. It’s measurable, predictable, and is destroying what’s left of the American working class, particularly minorities.
The loss of affordable homes also locks otherwise middle-class families out of the traditional way wealth is accumulated — through homeownership: Over 61% of all American middle-income family wealth is their home’s equity. And as families are priced out of ownership and forced to rent, they become more vulnerable to long-term economic struggles and homelessness.
Housing is one of the primary essentials of life. Nobody in America should be without it, and for society to work, housing costs must track incomes in a way that makes housing both available and affordable. This requires government intervention in the so-called “free market.”
— Last year, Canada banned most foreign buyers from buying residential property as a way of controlling their housing inflation.
— New Zealand similarly passed its no-foreigners law (except for Singaporeans and Australians) in 2018.
— Thailand requires a minimum investment of $1.2 million and the equivalent of a green card.
— Greece bans most non-EU citizens from buying real estate in most of the country.
— To buy residential housing in Denmark, it must be your primary residence and you must have lived in the country for at least 5 years.
— Vietnam, Austria, Hungary, and Cyprus also heavily restrict who can buy residential property, where, and under what terms.
This isn’t rocket science; the problem could be easily fixed by Congress if there was a genuine willingness to protect our real estate market from the vultures who’ve been circling it for years.
Unfortunately, when Clarence Thomas was the deciding vote to allow billionaires and hedge funds to legally bribe members of Congress in Citizens United, he and his four fellow Republicans opened the floodgates to “contributions” and “gifts” from foreign and Wall Street interests to pay off legislators to ignore the problem.
Because there’s no lobbying group for the interests of average homeowners or the homeless, it’s up to us to raise hell with our elected officials. The number for the Congressional switchboard is 202-224-3121.
If ever there was a time to solve this problem — and regulate corporate and foreign investment in American single-family housing — it’s now.
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jaysficarchive · 2 months
A Swing at Love
Chapter 3
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Sakana hummed while washing her costume from today's performance. So far they'd been doing well without her father, having just finished their New York stop and concluding the entire world tour. While saddened by the news, she was also happy to be reunited with her father soon.
As she stood up to hang the laundry, the sounds of closing car doors filled her ears. She turned to see a man dressed in expensive suits walking towards her. He was also looking around at the various performers and props used in their shows.
"Can I help you?" Sakana asked.
"Hello. How are you, Miss Mizuiro?" the man asked with a greeting bow. He was an older man-- likely around her parents's age-- with a pair of aviator sunglasses over his eyes. He pulled them down to reveal his dark eyes.
Anger ignited Sakana's blood when she recognized him.
"What are you doing here, Fujimura?" Sakana clipped her costume to the clothesline before turning back to the men.
Fujimura gave her a pleasantly false smile. "I couldn't help but notice your circus was in town."
Sakana was immediately on the defensive. Ever since they'd gone back on the road, greedy businessmen have been flocking to them like vultures. It's just as her father had said-- the corporations descending on them now that he was sick. Hiroaki Fujimura was one of them, and just as frustratingly persistent as the others. Today he seemed extra chipper, which only made her more suspicious.
"I'm sure you're aware me and my associates have been looking to expand overseas, and given your circus is also based in Japan, I think it'd be a good opportunity for both of us."
"Thank you, Mr. Fujimura, but we're not interested." Sakana's sneered at him.
Fujimura chuckled. "You're mistaken, Miss Mizuiro. You see, as one of the early investors in Big Top Serendipity, I put a considerable amount into it, which now makes me a stakeholder."
Sakana's eyes widened.
"I'm here to take my equity stake. Your father left a very profitable and renowned circus behind because of his sickness, so I see fit to take care of you all and change some things about this establishment."
"And tell me, how would you do that?" Sakana was becoming impatient with the man.
Obliging her request, Fujimura pulled a list from his pocket. Apparently he'd been observing them for quite a while.
"First by relocating out of Japan and to Las Vegas. Second, you all will need a serious cast change. Some of these people are as old as me."
As Fujimura rambled on about all the changes he'd make to Serendipity, effectively destroying their way of life, her blood boiled with molten hot anger. Her father's words definitely rang true.
Finally, Sakana snapped.
"We're not selling our circus and that's final! Now get the hell off our property!"
"You don't have a choice, ma'am. Because of my early investment, I have some ownership in Serendipity. Unless you somehow have enough money to buy it from me, I suggest you prepare to be on the Vegas strip."
Vegas strip?! Just what was this man think they were?! "We won't allow this! Just because you gave my parents money doesn't you get to lord over everyone!"
Fujimura scoffed.
"Again. You, or your family, don't have a choice. They've spent too long resisting and letting my money go to waste on some traveling cirus."
Fighting back tears in her eyes, Sakana glared strongly at Fujimura. Hearing him insult everything that made Serendipity unique made her fury burn brighter. All the hard work-- blood, sweat, and tears-- her parents put into their home, gone to waste.
She wished her mother and siblings were here so she could sic them on Fujimura. She wished her father were beside her to lay down the law.
"What's going on here?" Selene walked up to Sakana and Fujimura, sporting a concerned look on her face.
Now with the Mizuiro matriarch there, Fujimura introduced himself and his plan. Like her daughter, Selene became furious.
"How dare you?! You will never own our circus and we won't be going to Vegas! If you think you can just come in and try to lord over us all, you have another thing coming!"
All Sakana could do was angrily glare at Fujimura, wishing horrible things upon him in her mind. Who did he think he was? Coming in thinking himself as a king and them as subservient subjects.
Even after the tongue lashing Selene gave him, Fujimura stood there eerily calm. Seeing his face so emotionless unnerved Sakana to no end. Part of her wondered if he was waiting for Selene to turn her back so he could strike.
Finally after a lengthy silence, he spoke again.
"I intend to collect, Mrs. Mizuiro, whether you like it or not."
He got back in his car and drove off.
Selene's fists were balled so tightly she was about to pop a blood vessel.
"Is he gone, Mama?" Mizumi asked. Her sudden voice startled both Selene and Sakana.
"Yes, Mizumi. He's gone."
"I don't like that he threatened you." Hisakata said. He wished he was big enough to protect his mother and his sisters, but would have to settle with using his words for now.
Night came but Sakana still burned with anger. How dare Fujimura come here and declare he has the right to Serendipity?! That snake! And then the threat he gave Selene? Just what was he planning?
Her anger turned to sadness when she thought about everyone else. The clowns, acrobats, and artists had been like family to her since she was born. To think that Fujimura would be getting rid of them, destroying years of meaningful relationships, could become a reality.
I need to do something... Sakana got up and quietly made her way to the kitchen. Maybe a drink and small snack would clear her head. Pouring a glass of lemonade with a ham sandwich on the side, Sakana sat at the table. Her mind pondered with possible solutions to combat Fujimura, but they all turned up as dead ends.
Sighing, her hand reached for the newspaper and looked through the pages. As she mindlessly flipped, something caught her eye.
Don't be shy! Become a mail order bride!
Wealthy, lonely men seek on demand wives from foreign countries
Checking to see if anyone was around her, Sakana tore the ad out the newspaper. She may have found a way to save her family.
The next morning was rough when Fujimura came back. Serendipity's cast was in the middle of packing for Japan when he showed up. But he wasn't alone-- some of his business partners tagged along with him. As Selene chewed them out, the younger Mizuiro children wondered where their older sister was.
"Has anyone seen Sakana?" Ryujin asked.
Mizumi and Hisakata shook their heads, though they were worried. The last thing they needed was her running off.
"You sure you wanna do this?"
Sakana nodded. While it may seem like she'd run out of options, that was so far from the truth. If she was going to fight someone like Fujimura, she needed to level the playing field. She needed the resources and money he had, and this was the only way to get it without risking her family into debt.
"Alright then." The man running the mail order bride agency took her name down. "Where'd you like to go?"
The agency owner hummed. "You're in luck, lady. I got a bunch heading to Japan this afternoon by seaplane."
A small smile crossed Sakana's face. "What time is it leaving?"
"12 sharp. Be there or get left."
Sakana nodded and left to get ready. Fujimura may have thought he had her cornered with yesterday's revelations, but she refused to give up.
Saizo brushed his hair as he prepared for the day. With much on his agenda today, it was utmost important he look his best. Especially since he was expecting company.
If ibu's words are true, then maybe I'll find the woman I truly desire, he buttoned his shirt. Now fully dressed, he headed downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. His bride was expected to arrive this afternoon, so he had to be prepared.
Sakana looked out the window at the vast sea below her. Dozens of other mail order brides were on board with her, all headed to Japan. When she returned to the circus to get her things, she told her family that she had to go but that her plan would be explained once they got back to Japan.
"We'll be landing in a short while, ladies."
Sakana clutched the handle of her suitcase. Was this risky? Yes. But it was worth it to save her family from someone's greed. Hopefully they'd find it in their hearts to forgive her. She couldn't imagine how worried they must've been when she wasn't at Serendipity this morning.
When the plane landed, Sakana joined the other mail order brides as they got off. While they were excited, she just mindlessly strode into the airport. Being home should've been joyful. It meant she'd see her father again.
Father...oh lord I know he's gonna- Sakana's thought was cut when she bumped into someone. They were sturdy, strong.
"My apologies."
Sakana looked up to see the most beautiful pair of eyes she'd ever seen. One was a deep dark brown while the other was as blue as the ocean.
"I-it's my fault. I should've been paying attention." Sakana rubbed her arm. She hasn't been back for a minute and she's already running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
"You wouldn't happen to be with the mail order brides, would you?"
Her heart stopped. "W-what makes you think that?"
"Because," the man rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm actually here to pick up one. The agency told me her name was...Sakana? Is that you?"
Sakana nodded. Now she was beginning to regret her decision. However, she reminded herself that she'd rather be in an unhappy, loveless marriage than let Fujimura take Serenpidity. "I'm her. You are?"
"Kaijura. Kaijura Saizo."
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lassieposting · 1 year
Things Kirigan and Kaz have in common:
- Fashion Sense: Both like understated elegance, relying on flattering cuts and quality fabrics to project an air of status and wealth. Both favour black with metallic accent colours (gold, silver, copper, brass). Both appreciate a good brocade.
- A Beloved Pet Dumbass: Kaz has Jesper and his gambling addiction. Kirigan has Nikolai and his complete lack of self-preservation.
- Touch Aversion: specifically as a result of childhood trauma.
- Devotedly Loyal #2: Ivan for Kirigan, Jesper again for Kaz.
- Missing Sibling: Kaz is a little brother without a big brother, and Kirigan is a big brother with a little sister he only sees rarely.
- Heart Eyes For Wifey: Inej for Kaz, Alina for Kirigan.
- Tactical Minds: Strategy is Kirigan's literal job and Kaz has a talent for outmanoeuvring his enemies - he plans the Crows' heists.
- Snark Knight In Dented Armour Personality: They're both deeply traumatised, broken men with massive trust issues who are nonetheless charismatic, fiercely loyal and very protective of those they care for. Kaz uses his influence to protect his crows, and rescues Inej from the Menagerie. Kirigan is a living shield between Fjerda/Shu Han/the less tolerant Lantsov kings and Ravka's Grisha population, and he's willing to take on his own merzost monsters to protect Alina.
- Power & Influence: Kaz is the head of his gang of criminals, vaguely analogous to a mob boss. Kirigan runs an army. Both are lonely, isolating, high-pressure roles where they are surrounded by underlings, not equals.
- Childhood Circumstances: Kaz was left homeless and destitute in a dangerous, degenerate city after Jordie lost their money and subsequently died. Kirigan was raised as a hunted minority, impoverished and perpetually on the move. They'd likely share some essential childhood skills; sleight of hand, light fingers, a flexible interpretation of personal property, cheating at cards, etc. Skills they could've used to feed themselves when nothing else would.
With that in mind:
Friendship Thoughts
- They're (officially - no one here has forgotten The Bomb Incident) introduced by Nikolai post-war. Sturmhond has done contract work for Kaz in the past - mostly overseas couriering of dubiously legal merchandise - and likes to drink at the Crow Club when he's docked in Ketterdam.
- Kaz recounting the story of his triumph over Pekka Rollins, however many years in the making, over a civilised glass of whiskey with the same kind of savage satisfaction Kirigan recognises from finally winning a brutal, drawn-out campaign.
- (Kirigan advises him to take in the Rollins boy, and be a kind mentor to him. Leaving him with the Dime Lions who are loyal to his father allows them to make him your enemy. Taking him prisoner and mistreating him does the same thing yourself. Far better to control both the boy and the narrative he's told from a young age. Trust him, Mr. Brekker, he has made that mistake with so. Many. Princes. Harmless boys will come back as angry men to bite you in the arse.)
- Deep, involved debates and discussions on tactics and strategy. Kirigan is an incredibly powerful Grisha and, while he grew up in the dirt, has spent centuries as a supposed "nobleman" and politically influential advisor to the Ravkan crown. Kaz spent much of his life as a penniless, powerless Barrel rat clawing his way out of the gutter with nothing but his wits. They approach the same problem from very different perspectives with very different assumed-available resources and see things the other would miss.
- Nikolai inviting Kaz to fancy Ravkan balls like it's a fucking play date. Kirigan can introduce him to a whole new network of wealthy investors if he wants to grow his business interests, open up a new echelon of society. And when they're not doing that, they can hide out in the corner being antisocial and judging everyone else's fashion choices.
- Long, dry letters exchanged across an ocean. Kaz sends a page and a half of Trouble Jesper Has Gotten Into Lately to Os Alta, in miniscule, italicised handwriting. After a few weeks, he receives three swirly, copperplate pages of Stupid Shit Niko Has Done This Month in return. For both of them, this is mostly entertainment, a brief break from an endless stream of boring paperwork to snort at the antics of someone else's idiot.
- Swapping skillsets. Kaz has plenty of his own informants in Ketterdam, but will sometimes write to tap into the Darkling's extensive, notoriously on-the-ball spy network, if foreign intelligence will be useful for a job. In exchange, he'll use his criminal network now and then to get Kirigan things from the black market - explosives, firearms, supplies Ravka is running low on, escaped Grisha indentures - on the quiet.
- Corecloth suits for Kaz. Fancy court waistcoats with Kerch embroidery for Kirigan. Swapping tailor recommendations. It sounds snarky, like they're subtly dunking on each other, but they're enjoying themselves. Jesper and Nikolai can simultaneously bond over being flamboyant and debonair.
- Nikolai learns quickly not to play cards with either of them. He knows how to cheat well enough, but Kaz and Kirigan are playing 5D Cheating Chess with sleight of hand, crimped cards and gaslighting, and if he keeps at it he'll lose everything down to his trousers. It's always the quiet ones.
- Mutual grousing about how inconvenient Feelings are. These two sat at the bar in the Crow Club downing shots while Kaz laments that Inej left him to go adventuring and Kirigan tries to explain that Alina murdered him but he got better. Plenty of salty side-eye aimed at Wylan and Jesper, being cute and couply at the Makker's Wheel table.
- "...is that a De Kappel?" "It is. What of it?" "I met him, once. About thirty, thirty-five years ago. He came to paint Pyotr's wedding portrait." "My wraith procured that one for me." "Ugh, perhaps you could have her procure ours, as well. It's still hanging in the throne room. I'm tired of seeing his pug face every time I report to Nikolai."
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luxuryapartmentsdubai · 6 months
Should I Rent or Buy in Dubai as a Foreigner?
This article explores foreigners' crucial question when moving to Dubai: whether to rent or buy. It provides a comprehensive overview of the factors influencing this decision, ensuring readers are well-equipped to make an informed choice. Here's what you'll learn:
Understanding the Dubai Real Estate Market: Insights into the dynamics, including price fluctuations and legal frameworks for foreigners.
Legal Considerations: A look at the legal aspects of renting versus buying, including rights and regulations for foreign nationals.
Financial Implications: Analysis of the financial commitments involved in renting vs. buying, covering upfront costs, ongoing expenses, and potential returns on investment.
Lifestyle Considerations - Discuss how your lifestyle and duration of stay in Dubai can impact your decision.
Investment Perspective: Evaluating buying property as an investment opportunity, including location, property type, and market conditions.
The Role of GoGold Real Estate: Introduction to GoGold Real Estate as a key partner for foreigners navigating the Dubai real estate market, highlighting their expertise and services.
Making the Decision: Guidance on assessing personal and financial readiness for renting or buying, emphasising long-term planning and lifestyle preferences.
By the end of the article, readers will clearly understand Dubai's rent vs. buy debate, learn to navigate the real estate market confidently and know how GoGold Real Estate can assist in their journey.
Understanding the Dubai Real Estate Market
Dubai's real estate market is dynamic, with variations in the oil market and worldwide economic trends influencing property prices. For example, house values often increase in line with oil costs. Nonetheless, strict rules have been put in place by the local government to preserve market stability, making it a haven for investors. The purpose of these restrictions is to ease the concerns of overseas investors. 
For instance, there are now more options for foreign purchasers due to the expansion of freehold zones, where foreigners can acquire real estate. Consequently, a balanced market appeals to those wanting a peaceful beachside house and those searching for a luxury apartment in the city's heart. Due to its diligent strategy, Dubai has become a desirable location for real estate investment, providing investors with the security of stable government-backed conditions and the thrill of a fast-paced market.
Legal Considerations for Foreigners in UAE
Dubai's property regulations have been modernised, making it easy for foreigners to enter the real estate market. For instance, in specific locations, referred to as "freehold zones," such as the exclusive Jumeirah or the Dubai Marina, you can buy real estate entirely as an international buyer. Renting is equally simple, with laws that protect the rights of both landlords and tenants. This also includes rental agreements and predetermined plans for raising rent.
It's essential to get familiar with these rules, such as the one that grants you the right to occupy a home as long as there's an active lease agreement. Whether your goal is to rent a family-friendly villa in a gated community or buy a 2-bedroom downtown apartment, this legal foundation lays the way for a simple and safe property transaction. Knowing these guidelines in Dubai's real estate market enables you to make informed decisions.
Short and Long-Term Financial Implications
Two options become apparent while navigating the financial elements of Dubai's real estate market: either purchase as a long-term investment or rent for flexibility and cheaper initial costs. People looking for short-term solutions or who value being able to move around easily are drawn to renting. 
For example, leasing a chic apartment in Business Bay, Dubai, may avoid the significant financial load of purchasing. On the other hand, buying real estate, such as a Palm Jumeirah villa, requires a more substantial down payment but offers the potential for future value increase and rental income. This option is appropriate for those who want to settle down in Dubai or who are looking to invest in real estate as a source of income. Whether cutting down on upfront costs or investing in a future source of earnings, each route has its financial advantages, so it's important to consider your long-term goals and objectives before deciding.
Lifestyle Considerations
Your lifestyle choices and length of stay are factors to consider while looking at real estate in Dubai, UAE. Renting is an appealing choice for people or families who value swiftly adjusting to changes in life or prefer short-to-medium-term visits. It allows the freedom to explore other districts without committing to a long-term arrangement, such as the calm Arabian Ranches or the bustling Dubai Marina. Renters benefit from the ease of relocating without having to deal with the headache of selling a home and usually have fewer maintenance obligations since the landlord usually takes care of these.
If someone wants to invest in their future or wants a permanent base, purchasing a property in Dubai is a good option. Being a homeowner allows you to customise your place completely, from minimal expansions to large renovations, making it your ideal home. It is also a wise investment since houses in desirable areas such as The Springs have the potential to grow significantly and, if leased out, may provide passive income. Whether you're here for a short while or want to make Dubai your permanent home, matching your housing preferences to your way of life will make your stay rewarding and pleasurable.
Consult Real Estate Experts in Business Bay
It could be difficult to figure out Dubai's hectic real estate market, particularly for visitors from other countries. GoGold Real Estate shines in this situation, providing superior knowledge and assistance. With their large property inventory and in-depth market expertise, you can find the perfect apartment in the centre of Dubai Marina or purchase a beachfront mansion in Palm Jumeirah. Their team of highly experienced professionals is committed to helping customers navigate the complexities of the legal system, the negotiating process, and property selection. 
GoGold Real Estate takes great satisfaction in providing individualised services that help customers find the perfect houses or investment possibilities, ensuring a seamless transition from property browsing to purchase or rental. Dubai’s number one real estate agents are essential partners in your search for real estate because of their unwavering dedication to quality, which guarantees that customers not only locate their ideal home but also easily navigate the subtleties of the local market.
Why Choose GoGold Real Estate?
Choosing GoGold Real Estate brings specialised real estate guidance that precisely matches your requirements. Imagine buying a gated villa in the peaceful Arabian Ranches or an apartment with a swimming pool near Downtown Dubai. GoGold can make your dreams come true. Their comprehensive method addresses all aspects, ranging from providing incisive legal guidance that adeptly navigates the intricacies of property regulations to doing an exhaustive market study that guarantees you're making an educated buy at the optimal price. 
Following your purchase, their after-sales assistance never wavers, helping you with any questions or requirements while you adjust to your new home or look after your investment. Whether you're purchasing your ideal house or making long-term investments, GoGold Real Estate's end-to-end service commitment solidifies its reputation as a trustworthy partner for foreign customers and makes navigating Dubai's real estate market easier.
Making the Decision With Dubai Investment Consultants
Deciding whether to rent or buy in Dubai hinges on evaluating your financial health, how you prefer to live, and what you envision for your future. 
Financial readiness isn't just about having the funds for a purchase or deposit; it's about understanding the ongoing costs associated with your choice. Lifestyle preferences vary widely – some may value the flexibility and lower responsibility of renting, especially if they're not planning to stay long-term. Others might prioritise the permanence and personal touch that ownership can bring, especially if they're looking at Dubai as a long-term home or investment opportunity. 
Engaging with a real estate company like GoGold Real Estate can shed light on these considerations if you're at a crossroads. They can offer personalised advice, helping you weigh the pros and cons based on your situation, ultimately guiding you toward the best decision for your circumstances.
Key Takeaways
The government regulations help stabilise and attract foreign investment.
Dubai's real estate laws have been updated to allow foreigners to buy in designated freehold zones, simplifying the buying and renting processes and offering legal protections.
Financially, renting in Dubai can offer lower initial costs and flexibility, while buying presents a long-term investment opportunity with the potential for capital appreciation and rental income.
Your lifestyle preferences and how long you plan to stay in Dubai will significantly influence whether renting or buying is the best option for you.
Partnering with GoGold Real Estate can provide valuable insights and assistance, from navigating legal considerations to understanding the financial implications of your decision.
The dilemma of renting vs. buying in Dubai is more than a financial calculation; it's a choice that resonates with your lifestyle, aspirations, and long-term objectives. By thoroughly assessing your personal and financial situation, and ideally, with the support of GoGold Real Estate's expertise, you're better positioned to make a choice that meets your current needs and supports your future goals. 
Dubai's real estate landscape is rich with opportunities, each offering its unique flexibility, stability, luxury, and investment potential. Whether you enjoy the adaptability of renting or embrace the long-term benefits of ownership, your journey in the Dubai real estate mar
ket is bound to be rewarding, provided you approach it with the right information and expert advice.
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sharpened--edges · 2 years
In the twentieth century, one of the most important functions of [international arbitration] tribunals became protecting alien property (property owned by foreign nationals and corporations) overseas. The expropriations of foreign property that followed the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and the Mexican nationalisation of foreign petroleum companies in 1938 provided the impetus in Western Europe and North America to develop complex legal apparatuses, doctrines, and rules to protect the alien property of North American and European investors and firms. The postwar wave of decolonisation only intensified this urge, as newly decolonised states staked claims to their usurped national properties. In many instances, their attempts at changing the terms of existing contracts ran into ‘stabilisation clauses’ written in after Mexico’s nationalisation of oil. Stabilisation clauses froze ‘the provisions of a national system of law chosen as the law of the contract as of the date of the contract’ to prevent future alterations – in other words, nationalisation. Another condition was the settling of disputes not in the decolonising countries, but in international tribunals. After Iranian prime minister Mohammad Mossadegh nationalised the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Iran insisted that any disputes with the Company would have to be settled in Iranian courts, since international arbitration would be ‘humiliating and incompatible with the concept of state sovereignty’; Mossadegh had nevertheless found himself facing the Company in the Hague.
International arbitration protected the property of investors, made the contract sacrosanct, and guaranteed confidentiality and secrecy to corporate litigants that did not want their practices exposed to court transparency. [International Court of Justice president Stephen] Schwebel declared triumphantly that international investment law and its tribunals ‘dethroned the State from its status as the sole object of international law’ at exactly the moment former colonies were becoming sovereign states. This was no coincidence.
Laleh Khalili, Sinews of War and Trade: Shipping and Capitalism in the Arabian Peninsula (Verso, 2021), pp. 92–3.
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How Foreigners Can Easily Own a House in Vietnam?
How Foreigners Can Easily Own a House in Vietnam?
Because making an overseas property investment is a significant decision, it is recommended that the investors consult with real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam for assistance in determining the developer's eligibility, construction permits, and other project-related legal documents. To ensure the protection of rights, reduce risks, and ensure compliance, it is essential to review the transaction documents in relation to the deposit agreement, sales agreement, and any other agreements the developer might propose.
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On November 25th, 2014, the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has approved the Housing Act 2014. The fact that a foreigner can buy a house in Vietnam is one of the most notable new changes.
Houses can be owned by foreign organizations and individuals in Vietnam:
-Overseas organizations and individuals putting resources into lodging development under projects in Vietnam as per the arrangements of the Housing Law and related authoritative archives;
-In Vietnam, businesses with foreign investment capital are operating, as are foreign investment funds, foreign bank branches, branch or representative offices of foreign businesses, and foreign investment funds.
-Foreign citizens are allowed to enter Vietnam.
What are forms of ownership housing foreigner in Vietnam?
-investment in the construction of housing in Vietnam as part of the project, in accordance with the Housing Law and related legislation;
-Apartments and single-family homes are included in the investment projects of housing construction. Commercial housing can be purchased, leased, donated, or passed down. (With the exception of housing projects aimed at safeguarding Vietnam's national defense and security, as mandated by the Government of Vietnam).
What are conditions, rights and obligations of foreigner when buy house in Vietnam?
For people or associations putting resources into lodging development under a project in Vietnam while seeking to possess houses in Vietnam they should fulfill the accompanying circumstances:
-Have an investment certificate
- Have housing developments constructed within the project in accordance with housing law.
When looking to buy a house in Vietnam, foreign businesses with foreign investment capital, branch or representative offices of foreign businesses, foreign investment funds, and foreign bank branches must meet the following conditions:
-Have investment certificates or documents relating with the license to operate in Vietnam gave by the skillful State offices of Vietnam.
Foreign individuals buying a house in Vietnam
-Allowed entry into Vietnam, but do not entitled to diplomatic and consular privileges and immunity.
Foreign businesses with foreign investment capital, branch or representative offices of foreign businesses, foreign investment funds, and foreign bank branches in Vietnam, as well as individual foreign buyers of homes in Vietnam, are eligible to own homes in Vietnam when:
-Rent, buy, donate, inherit, or own no more than 30% of an apartment building's units; Foreigners are not permitted to buy, lease, donate, inherit, or own more than two hundred fifty individual houses, including villas and semi-detached houses, in areas with a population equivalent to that of ward-level administrative;
-In accordance with the terms of the contract of sale, lease, donation, or inheritance, foreign individuals are entitled to own a home for a maximum of 50 years from the date of issuance of the certificate of ownership, which may be extended as required by the government. The certificate must also specify the period of ownership of the property;
-In the case of foreign individuals married to a citizen of Vietnam or hitched to a Vietnam resident got an outside country, they can possess the houses for a long and stable term. Additionally, like Vietnamese citizens, they enjoy owner rights;
Foreign organizations shall have the right to own a house in accordance with the contract of sale, lease, donation, or inheritance, but not longer than the period outlined in the certificate of ownership, which may include an extended period. The time it takes to own a house starts on the date the certificate of ownership is received and is listed on the certificate.
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cathkaesque · 1 year
do you thing the UK should be divided in a hypothetical scenario of a communist revolution? should just northern Ireland be given back? what if Ireland is still capitalist? what about all the overseas territories?
I guess the answer to this is contextual. A seizure of power by forces with any kind of socialist bent (either by election or by a coup) would have to deal with an immediate collapse of the British economy in the form of a collapse in the value of government bonds (which underpin the resolution to the 2008 crisis, discussed here). This will be accompanied by the inability of the state to continue borrowing money, a collapse in the stock and property market bubbles, a 'credit crunch' as banks and pension funds no longer have the ability to continue lending, closure of most British businesses, accompanying collapses in the value of the currency and gross domestic products, and with it Britain's ability to continue importing essential items like food, medicines, textiles, inputs into domestic industries, computers and other consumer essentials (never mind luxuries). This will either be the context in which a socialist movement comes to power or the response of investors to a socialist government that actually has the guts to break with international financial institutions.
We had a sneak preview of this with the Truss government and I do think it's the UK's long term trajectory. Currently the UK is resolving this through extreme austerity measures, keeping the value of bonds high by feeding more and more of the country's social and industrial infrastructure to the financial system, but government borrowing costs are currently as high as they were at the height of the Truss government. I think Britain's slow motion financial collapse is inevitable - the question is how much of society is fed to that financial system before it dies. We are essentially faced with a choice between ending consumerism and financialisation and transitioning to an economy that can meet immediate needs for healthcare, education, housing, food, and little else, or the slow motion collapse of society and the environment while the joys of a consumerist standard of living become restricted to an ever shrinking slice of the world's population.
The socialist movement's task will be to ensure a society which is used to being able to live balanced on the top of the financial and global value chain system can still reproduce itself in the context of the disintegration of that system. To survive this period, the state will have to seize control of banking and investment and direct economic activity towards the immediate needs of the population. It will also have to manage a massive global population transfer from the South to the North due to the effects of climate change.
To achieve this, it's essential that the popular insurrections that are going to break out during this period (moments like the Estallido in Chile for instance, what's happening in France etc) are able turn themselves into political forces capable of carrying out this programme, and support each other in taking these steps as well. The class basis of these forces will probably be the 'marginalised' of the system - people in deindustrialised areas in the north, inner city populations, and the (frequently migrant) workforces in the domestic industrial system. These populations are often in conflict with one another (see how Brexit pitted the deindustrialised Northerners vs the migrant workers, culture wars around race etc) but I do think that's got to be the bedrock of any coalition.
I think people who want Scottish and Welsh independence and Irish Unification and anti-colonialists are going to be a part of a successful coalition strong enough to remove the current government from power. The direction politics is going in at the parliamentary level is also towards a consensus between the two main Westminster parties in favour of hard right toryism, and alternative policie only really get a hearing in places like the Scottish parliament at the moment. The current system is based on a very centralised economy and state, and breaking that power up and distributing it to local populations is very important. I think creating localised directly democratic structure to manage community welfare provision (I'm particularly inspired by the communal council system in Venezuela here) and devolving powers to local governments is an essential part of the whole process. Indepedence should be granted to all overseas territories.
When it comes to Northern Ireland I think it's always been a case of 32 county socialist republic. The Irish state as it stand is descended from the Irish Free State and the partition settlement of the Irish civil war. The Irish state has played a role in amelirioating republicanism in the North partly because it was in large part a revolutionary working class movement that would have implications for the social structure in the South. Sinn Fein have been pretty much integrated into Stormont now, and is also a pretty social democratic force in the South as well.
The other side of it is the role that Ulster unionism has played in connection to British fascism, Ulster unionists supplied fascists organisations with guns in the 1990s. Any socialist revolution will have to confront a whole host of reactionary forces. This will include fascist forces like the unionists, but also a ruined managerial and landlord class whose wealth is derived from their control over people and property, and the military establishment as well. It's not so much a question of the 99% vs the 1%, but the 60% vs the 40%, and in an imperialist country like Britain I'm not even sure we're the 60% in that.
Anyway that's a lot of Marxist gibberish that doesn't even really answer the original question - hope something useful is in there! Thanks so much!
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heraldtimes · 14 years
Interpol seeks NZer in Spanish probe
Interpol is hunting a former Auckland man and his British wife suspected of masterminding a European property scam alleged to involve almost $2 million.
The reported that 20 people claimed to have paid substantial sums to Nigel Andrews for deposits for apartments in Turkey, which have not yet been built.
Mr Andrews, a 51-year-old New Zealander, and his wife Margaret were reported to have vanished from their offices in Marbella in June, where they had set up a company called Royal Resorts Turkey.
The Spanish police have been called in to investigate allegations that investors have lost 1 million euros ($1.7m) in a failed resort development in Turkey.
Spain's national police force has confirmed that Interpol was involved in the hunt for the couple and that they have made an arrest in Calpe, Alicante - reported to be Mr Andrews' brother, Lionel.
The brothers left Scotland for Spain in 2003 after the Vaults nightclub in Aberdeen's Carnegie Brae, which they had set up with another business partner, closed down just five months after opening, owing about £700,000 ($1.43m) to creditors.
The Bank of Scotland later lodged a petition calling for the brothers to be made bankrupt.
Mr and Mrs Andrews left Marbella on June 5, after it emerged their apartments project would not go ahead because of a building ban.
An English-language news website in Spain, The Olive Press, reported that police in Alicante and Marbella confirmed they had arrested a New Zealand national, Lionel Andrews, in connection to the Royal Resorts Turkey sales.
It reported that Nigel Andrews and his wife had recently been living at an exclusive marina in Almeria and that Mr Andrews had recently renamed Royal Resorts Turkey as Property Investing Overseas.
By: Calvin Charley
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What Are Real Estate Issues During Transaction?
What Are Real Estate Issues During Transaction?
The buyer and seller would neglect to use lawyers until real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam are needed.
The real estate market is generally an appealing business sector with an enormous wellspring of possible speculative benefits for financial backers. Since the land exchange is in every case high in worth, and purchasing a property for the vast majority is consistently a day-to-day existence time significant choice, and ordinarily with the monetary help from the bank, consequently in the created country, real estate dispute attorneys are constantly associated with all means of the exchange to guarantee the genuine exchange of the property. Real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam will then be referred to for guidance and representation whenever a dispute arises.
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Disputes arising from the sales and purchase agreement and deposit agreement in Vietnam
In point of fact, the majority of real estate transactions in Vietnam are carried out by the buyers and sellers themselves without the assistance of real estate attorneys. As a result, numerous disputes arise as a result of these transactions regarding the property deposit agreement, the property sales and purchase agreement between the buyer and the real estate developer for a new property, or the agreement between the buyer and the previous owner for a resale property.
Since residential property is one of the most frequently traded types of real estate, it is important to ensure that the conditions for property transfer are met before participating in property-related transactions. For a transfer to be successful, the related parties must adhere to and fulfill the aforementioned conditions.
Conditions for the property to be transferred: free from claim or dispute from other parties
The fundamental elements of the property transfer transaction include the following: The transferred property is not the subject of a claim, complaint, or ownership dispute; In the case of property owners with a specific term, the transferred property must be within the ownership period; The transferred property is not restricted for the purposes of judgment enforcement or compliance with administrative decisions made by competent state agencies that are legally effective; A decision on land recovery or a notice of house clearance or demolition from a competent agency is not required for the transferred property.
The property transferor must fulfill the following requirements for the parties to the property transaction:
Seller of the property has the right to sell or not?
The person or entity permitted or authorized by the owner to carry out the transaction on property in accordance with the provisions of the law is the transferor;
The person who bought the house from the investor or the person who has received the transfer of the house purchase and sale contract is the transferor in the case of a commercial house purchase and sale contract.
In accordance with civil law, the transferor must be an individual with full civil act capacity to conduct housing transactions;
Unless the organization donates a home out of gratitude or charity, the transferor must have legal status if it is an organization.
Can the buyer meet conditions to buy the property?
At the same time, the transferee shall also meet the conditions, specifically including the following conditions:
It is not necessary for the transferee to have a permanent residence registration in the location where the transferred housing is located; instead, as long as the transferee is a domestic individual, they will have full civil act capacity to conduct property transactions in accordance with civil law.
Under Vietnam law, the transferee must have full civil capacity to conduct housing transactions if they are a foreigner or an overseas Vietnamese. In addition, according to Vietnamese law, this individual must be eligible to own homes, and neither temporary nor permanent residence registrations are required at the location where the transferred housing is located;
Assuming the transferee is an association, it will have lawful status and not rely upon the business environment enlistment and foundation; on the off chance that it is an unfamiliar association, it should be qualified to claim a house in Vietnam as per the arrangements of regulation; assuming that the association is approved to figure out how to house, it should have the capability of giving land benefits and be working in Vietnam under the law on land business.
What are potential disputes during the property transaction?
There are also disputes arisen from situations in particular:
One of the parties would like to exit the transaction if the property's market price rises or falls during the transaction.
The deals and acquisition of property is finished and enrolled at the authority yet the merchant keep on living there won't surrender the property for certain purposes behind some obscure time.
When compared to the property details outlined in the sales and purchase agreement, the developer may alter the property's design.
The property's quality does not meet the terms of the sales and purchase agreement.
Additionally, when entering into a property transaction, one may need to pay close attention to fraudulent acts in the sale and purchase of property.
How real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam could help?
As said, there are what is happening that question could emerge in a real estate transaction. It is essential to connect law firm spend significant time in land exchange for trading property in Vietnam to stay away from expected debates and safeguard their wellbeing for dealer and defend venture for purchaser. In the event of a dispute, real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam should be hired by the buyer or seller.
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 2 years
Free AU idea
this has been spooking around in my head for a while but I don’t have time to take it on (plus I have way too many WIPs as is). Besides, I’m pretty self-conscious about writing anything pre-20th century, I always end up way overdoing the “period” dialogue and probably just making it unintentionally absurd. So, if anyone feels like having a go at a Victorian rebelcaptain AU, this is a freebie for anyone who wants it!
(this would need to be set during a period of political upheaval in Mexico - though what with this being the century they gained independence, it shouldn’t be too difficult to make the timeline work. My thought was early-ish into the whole “Napoleon’s nephew is now your emperor we decided” thing, but i’m sure there’s options)
- Jyn was orphaned by [insert shady incident here] at a young age and taken in by her father’s “friend” Lord Krennic
- She’s about to come into a substantial inheritance of some kind from her father when she turns 21
- Krennic plans to get his hands on it by marrying her (either because it’s money or land and he just wants to have it, or because it’s something that would incriminate him. This could be related to Galen’s death, but also just to some horrible thing Krennic did maybe on some colonial property of his or during the Irish Potato Famine etc....).
- it’s not like Jyn to sit put and let this happen even though it would be difficult for her to get away from him, but let’s say she’s tried to escape from his household at least once but he’s always managed to find her, and since he’s a big politician in the House of Lords, he has way too much pull for her to get away on her own
- cue the mysterious aristocrat from overseas who makes an introduction to Krennic because he has discovered silver in Mexico and is now touring London to find investors to finance a mine
- Cassian is of course neither an actual aristocrat nor has he found any silver, he’s actually feeling out a number of members of the British government to find out if they’d be willing to help out in a political issue in Mexico (for example, if this was set between 1864 and 1867, it could be military aid against Napoleon III)
- Jyn finds out but offers to help him if he agrees to help get her away from Krennic. Obviously the easiest and best way to do this would be if he married her and took her on a boat overseas as his wife. Once in America, they could go their separate ways, either just pretending it never happened or by fabricating some reason to file for divorce (”Just say you caught me with some sailor on the boat”), anyway Jyn would be in America with her inheritance and Cassian gets to complete the mission and as a bonus, they both get to screw over Krennic
- Obviously all the fake married tropes play out (even though for this to work, it would probably be easiest for them to actually get married in England), most of all it is vital they spend the entire transatlantic journey fully convinced the other is just holding up their end and definitely cannot wait to be rid of them as soon as they step off the boat
- of course they end up not parting ways when they arrive, this could be the end point or you find some fun contrived reason for why they actually have to stick together just for a few more days (maybe someone travelling with them who got on the boat with them in London and was just *so* charmed by the newlyweds or something)
- bonus points if it ends by either a) one or both of them going off script during the divorce hearing or b) one of them ordering the other a carriage and getting passed by said carriage on the way to their hotel, hurrying to their room to properly break down over it in private and finding the other person still there because they decided last minute not to leave
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antlawyers · 1 year
What Are Real Estate Issues During Transaction?
The buyer and seller would neglect to use lawyers until real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam are needed.
The real estate market is generally an appealing business sector with an enormous wellspring of possible speculative benefits for financial backers. Since the land exchange is in every case high in worth, and purchasing a property for the vast majority is consistently a day-to-day existence time significant choice, and ordinarily with the monetary help from the bank, consequently in the created country, real estate dispute attorneys are constantly associated with all means of the exchange to guarantee the genuine exchange of the property. Real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam will then be referred to for guidance and representation whenever a dispute arises.
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Disputes arising from the sales and purchase agreement and deposit agreement in Vietnam
In point of fact, the majority of real estate transactions in Vietnam are carried out by the buyers and sellers themselves without the assistance of real estate attorneys. As a result, numerous disputes arise as a result of these transactions regarding the property deposit agreement, the property sales and purchase agreement between the buyer and the real estate developer for a new property, or the agreement between the buyer and the previous owner for a resale property.
Since residential property is one of the most frequently traded types of real estate, it is important to ensure that the conditions for property transfer are met before participating in property-related transactions. For a transfer to be successful, the related parties must adhere to and fulfill the aforementioned conditions.
Conditions for the property to be transferred: free from claim or dispute from other parties
The fundamental elements of the property transfer transaction include the following: The transferred property is not the subject of a claim, complaint, or ownership dispute; In the case of property owners with a specific term, the transferred property must be within the ownership period; The transferred property is not restricted for the purposes of judgment enforcement or compliance with administrative decisions made by competent state agencies that are legally effective; A decision on land recovery or a notice of house clearance or demolition from a competent agency is not required for the transferred property.
The property transferor must fulfill the following requirements for the parties to the property transaction:
Seller of the property has the right to sell or not?
The person or entity permitted or authorized by the owner to carry out the transaction on property in accordance with the provisions of the law is the transferor;
The person who bought the house from the investor or the person who has received the transfer of the house purchase and sale contract is the transferor in the case of a commercial house purchase and sale contract.
In accordance with civil law, the transferor must be an individual with full civil act capacity to conduct housing transactions;
Unless the organization donates a home out of gratitude or charity, the transferor must have legal status if it is an organization.
Can the buyer meet conditions to buy the property?
At the same time, the transferee shall also meet the conditions, specifically including the following conditions:
It is not necessary for the transferee to have a permanent residence registration in the location where the transferred housing is located; instead, as long as the transferee is a domestic individual, they will have full civil act capacity to conduct property transactions in accordance with civil law.
Under Vietnam law, the transferee must have full civil capacity to conduct housing transactions if they are a foreigner or an overseas Vietnamese. In addition, according to Vietnamese law, this individual must be eligible to own homes, and neither temporary nor permanent residence registrations are required at the location where the transferred housing is located;
Assuming the transferee is an association, it will have lawful status and not rely upon the business environment enlistment and foundation; on the off chance that it is an unfamiliar association, it should be qualified to claim a house in Vietnam as per the arrangements of regulation; assuming that the association is approved to figure out how to house, it should have the capability of giving land benefits and be working in Vietnam under the law on land business.
What are potential disputes during the property transaction?
There are also disputes arisen from situations in particular:
One of the parties would like to exit the transaction if the property's market price rises or falls during the transaction.
The deals and acquisition of property is finished and enrolled at the authority yet the merchant keep on living there won't surrender the property for certain purposes behind some obscure time.
When compared to the property details outlined in the sales and purchase agreement, the developer may alter the property's design.
The property's quality does not meet the terms of the sales and purchase agreement.
Additionally, when entering into a property transaction, one may need to pay close attention to fraudulent acts in the sale and purchase of property.
How real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam could help?
As said, there are what is happening that question could emerge in a real estate transaction. It is essential to connect law firm spend significant time in land exchange for trading property in Vietnam to stay away from expected debates and safeguard their wellbeing for dealer and defend venture for purchaser. In the event of a dispute, real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam should be hired by the buyer or seller.
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metrocity01 · 2 years
Why Is It Important To Invest Real Estate Philippines?
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MetroCity, Bonifacio Global Philippines.
Filipino expats and OFWs who work abroad struggle to live far from home. Overseas Filipino Workers are modern heroes because they sacrifice much to improve lives back home. But what better way to build their money than investing in Philippine properties?
Most OFWs work hard to spend their money carefully so they can provide a good life for their families and be reunited. One way is to Invest Real Estate Philippines.
Property investors' key
Lamudi, a real estate platform, reported 21% more demand for residences outside the Metro in the first quarter of 2021 than in the first half of 2020. This is driven by a desire to invest in a home that encourages a safe and comfortable lifestyle, a real estate investment turned into a permanent home, and one where the whole family can feel safe, comfortable, and stable.
Real estate offers little risk and large returns. Property value inflation protects it. Horizontal property investors prioritize income generation and dwelling. Buyers can boost their alternative income by buying strategically located developments near premium and commercial areas and renting out their own properties.
Invest Real Estate Philippines Reasons
Most young Filipinos buy Metro townhouses. Townhouses make independent living easier. Filipino investors love real estate for these reasons.
1. Value rises.
Automobiles and devices frequently depreciate immediately after purchase. Real estate is the opposite. Real estate appreciates. In densely populated cities, Philippine real estate appreciates. If you picked the right location, townhouses and condominiums for sale may increase in value over time.
A paper showing investment price and value increases.
2. It's safe and profitable.
Real estate investing may offer security in an uncertain world. It will grow despite current hurdles.
With the help of respected Philippine real estate agencies, even first-timers can profit from real estate opportunities.
3. Control your investment.
Real estate investing does not give you land with restrictions. Real estate gives you full control over a physical asset. Property can generate passive income. Storage is useful if you have other businesses. You can live in it and sell it at a higher price if market prices climb.
Philippine real estate plain.
4. Payment flexibility
Real estate developers created investor-friendly payment options after the outbreak. Real estate developers increasingly offer investors more payment options than just a down payment.
Philippine real estate is expanding and profitable, making it a wonderful investment opportunity. The country's steady economy and constant growth make real estate investments a great method to gain money.
Any investment has risks. When choosing an investment property, you must be knowledgeable and consider many factors. Before buying a residential or commercial property in the Philippines, investigate the property, location, and your finances and goals. This will maximize profits and achieve your financial goals.
If you want to invest in real estate in the Philippines visit phmetrocity.com/
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Australia Is A Wealthy Nation Raising Little Tax Revenue
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We measure ourselves against our peers. Australia is a wealthy nation raising little tax revenue, which is revealed by OECD economic research. It is important to state we are not talking about income tax exclusively here but all revenue raising taxation. Considering Australia is in the top 10 wealthiest countries globally it is surprising that we trail our peers like Canada and New Zealand in raising tax revenue annually. Taxes pay for our public services like Medicare, education, our military, and law and order to name a few important of these essential services.
High Rates Of Poverty For Over 50s In Australia
Digging down a bit deeper into the figures, we, according to economic data sourced from the OECD and highlighted by Greg Jericho from the Australia Institute, trail Canada by some $140 billion a year. This directly feeds into the fact that Australia has one of the highest rates of over 50 YO poverty among the advanced economies of the world. Obviously, the wealth of the nation is not shared equally among our citizens. In fact, we pay among the lowest rates of welfare as a replacement for wages in the OECD. Whether you are on the pension or receiving JobSeeker you are getting less that 30% of a replacement wage equivalent. Really, unless you have savings you are heading for poverty and folks on the pension would not have substantial savings or they wouldn’t be on the pension in the first place.  Australians put up with this and seemingly don’t much care about how the other half lives, as long as it is not them.
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Photo by David Peterson on Pexels.com
Mean Spirited Australians & F*ck All Welfare For The Needy
Robodebt was a clear illustration of this, as the LNP Coalition federal government illegally went after half a million Australians doing it tough. This was an ideological attack on so called ‘dole bludgers’ and had plenty of support among working Australians and the media. The fact that PwC, who did reviews into Robodebt, found that there was not a plethora of welfare cheats operating in Australia did not phase Scott Morrison, Tony Abbott, Alan Tudge, and Stuart Robert. In the greatest betrayal ever enacted on the Australian people by government vulnerable people killed themselves in despair and many thousands later sued the federal government in a settled class action costing tax payers $1.8 billion. Incredibly, no one has been prosecuted for this illegal and immoral travesty some 7 years later. White collar crime attracts get out of gaol free cards downunder in stark contrast to blue collar unsubstantiated accusation levelled at the CMFEU for instance. Bureaucrats and politicians look out for each other if you look at the historical evidence. Think about all those Royal Commissions into banking, aged care and disability – nobody ever pays the price for the rorting and deaths ultimately caused. The Economic Carve Up In Oz OK, so who is getting the biggest slices of the pie in OZ? The top 10% are stashing away over 90% of the wealth growth in Australia over the last decade and a half. John Howard, the PM from the 1990’s accelerated this shift via the economic policies his government brought in. Capital gains tax (CGT), negative gearing (NG), and the emphasis on investors over workers since the Howard era. CGT and NG have turbo charged the property market in Australia making it now unaffordable for most younger Aussies to get into the market without the bank of mum and dad. In concert with this, Australia has some of the weakest money laundering laws in the developed world, which sees overseas investors of dubious provenance pouring money into top end residential property in Australian cities. Despots, organised criminals, and the like can stash funds downunder and watch them appreciate. This pushes up property prices and makes homes more unaffordable for Aussie first home buyers and the rest of us. “Wealth inequality: Nearly half of all wealth is held by the top 10% of households, worth an average $5.2 million each. They hold 15 times the wealth of the lowest 60% ($343,000 per household). Over half of the wealth (53%) of older households was owned by one-sixth of older people. They had an average wealth of $5.6 million, comprise 4% of all households but hold 18% of all wealth. “ ( https://www.unsw.edu.au/newsroom/news/2024/04/wealth-gap-widening-new-report-acoss#:~:text=Wealthinequality,onesixthofolderpeople.)
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The Gas Industry Pays Little Or No Tax Australia is a low tax paying country for multinational corporations, especially those mining LPG gas and selling our resource around the world. Indeed, half of them don’t even pay royalties on the gas they extract from Australia. WTF? How can this be true? Our politicians, our resource ministers are so inept and/or corrupt, that they agree to deals which see Australia missing out on the kind of tax revenue nations like Qatar and Norway derive from their mining sector. These industries do not employ a whole lot of Australians either, so that is no excuse. We are a soft touch for these foreign owned gas companies and our governments let us down. These facts are hidden and PR campaigns distract ignorant Aussies from the real state of affairs. Australians wrongly believe that mining is the economic backbone of the Oz economy but again this is not true. School teachers collectively pay more tax than BHP. The gas companies manage to not pay company tax in Australia, thanks to their clever accountants. Nor do they pay the Petroleum Resource Rent tax. They make billion dollar profits and don’t pay tax! Why is that? Write to the Prime Minister and ask him why. Write to your local MP and ask her or him. Why are we being ripped off by the gas sector? These companies donate money to both the two main political parties in Australia.
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Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com Our Democratic Politicians Are Weak Australia is a wealthy nation raising little tax revenue. When we say that we cannot afford to pay welfare rates above the poverty line. When our governments say this, we need to ask why they fail to raise the required tax revenue from sectors like the gas industry, the mining industry, the fossil fuel industry. Why are Canada and New Zealand capable of raising much more tax revenue than Australia? The OECD report tells us that we are a low taxing country for the multinational corporations doing business here. Is this because we are stupid or historically have had low self-esteem? Or is it basic corruption because many of our resource ministers end up working for these foreign owned companies on highly paid packages following their departure from public office. This stuff has been going for ages and apathetic Aussies seem to just suck it up. Are our politicians gutless and too afraid to rock the boat? Yes, I think that this plays into the equation as well. The business councils representing these multinational corporations have deep pockets to purchase advertorial and editorial to attack governments afraid of push back at the polls. Democracy is weak in the face of oligarchic self-interest. Our newspapers and networks are controlled by Rupert Murdoch, a right wing media proprietor who sells his soul for greenbacks every day. Corporate media like Nine Fairfax and Seven West run the narratives paid for by their biggest advertisers. The only objective media organisation in Australia is the ABC and this has been cowed by conservative forces over recent years to its detriment. Economic Choices Made By Governments Budgets of governments are lists of what these particular governments value. What they spend money on are as much political decisions as economic decisions. The failure to raise enough revenue has been a result of neoliberalism running its small government narrative. Lowering company tax rates sees less tax revenue being raised. This has been pushed by business groups as an economic panacea promising the trickledown effect. This has never been realised anywhere but they go on promoting this just the same. The extra money goes into the pockets of investors and CEOs. Teams of accountants at multinationals ensure that these giants pay less and less tax. The evidence is there for all to see in government revenue records over the last couple of decades. Australian governments have overwhelmingly listened to these business councils to the detriment of ordinary working Australians. We have one of the worst poverty rates for over 50 YO’s among advanced OECD countries. At the same time, we are one of the wealthiest nations globally but the wealth has not been shared. Instead of lifting up all of us, we have been misled onto a regressive path where a smaller group of winners take the lion’s share and the rest of us get bugger all. This is the American way, where a wealthy superpower contains a select group of multibillionaires whilst tens of millions of citizens live in extreme poverty. At the same time, the wealthy class run a PR campaign blaming the poor for their own poverty, despite locking them out of economic opportunities via exclusion from elite colleges, universal healthcare, and decent basic wages. America offers no leg up for those from the wrong side of the tracks but plenty for the sons and daughters of the wealthy. They then run this BS narrative about merit and self-made men. It is a sham, a scam, a long running con perpetuated upon the country. America is a republic of elites looking out for their own interests at the expense of workers, immigrants, and other marginalised denizens. The Hollywood factory has always promoted the myth of American opportunity for all. Have you noticed how often in American movies groups of ordinary Americans gather around and cheer the hero of the movie. This BS is thick on the ground in the USA.
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Corporations employ communications firms to promote the stories they want to tell the world. They spend millions on advertising, PR and marketing. In addition, these huge companies employ lobbyists to sweeten their relationships with legislators. Democratic governments are beleaguered by the sustained requests of these corporations. Of course, large campaign donations are factored into the equation by these companies and business groups. What hope do ordinary voters and citizens have up against this well-funded machinery? Whose voice is going to be effectively heard in the halls of power? Not yours or mine but the much louder corporate voices. Australia is not dependent upon multinational mining corporations for its wealth. This is a furphy, a misnomer, deliberately purported by the communication specialists employed by these industry groups and companies. The figures do not add up for miners, as school teachers collectively pay more tax than BHP. Governments dependent upon the goodwill of its voters are loath to upset organisations with deep pockets and influence. This is why we the people go on taking it up the arse economically whilst wealthy interests feather their nests at our expense. We lack the intention, whereas a senior mining executive or his lobbyist are hell bent on achieving their aims from government. They get to sit down with ministers, we do not. Their job security is dependent upon getting what the company wants from government. We are focused on other stuff in our lives and let this go on screwing us from afar. However, we the people need to wake up to the truth of the matter. “Taxes and royalties paid by the mining industry make up just 5 cents in every dollar of state and federal government revenue in Australia. 95% of Australia’s public services are paid for by other industries. Mining is also heavily subsidised in Australia, receiving the vast bulk of the $11 billion fuel tax credit scheme. “Relative to its size, the mining industry pays nowhere near enough tax in Australia and, perhaps unsurprisingly, they are keen for that to remain the case,” said Rod Campbell, Research Director at The Australia Institute.” (https://australiainstitute.org.au/post/analysis-95-of-government-revenue-not-from-mining-industry/) Whilst we, the Australian people, allow our governments to go on subsidising the mining sector and not taxing it adequately, we will continue to deprive our own vulnerable citizens, the elderly and unemployed, from economic assistance and watch them being driven into poverty. It is wrong that we are a wealthy nation but continue to push older Australians into poverty. Simultaneously, young Australians are being locked out of the property market and being hit by a prolonged cost of living crisis fuelled by corporate profit gouging. More crime and civil insurrection is on the cards for countries that economically support growing inequality. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump. ©WordsForWeb Read the full article
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novumtimes · 2 days
The dramatic decline of Chinas innovative start-ups
Unlock the Editor’s Digest for free Roula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter. Venture capital has been an important spur to China’s emergence as a technological superpower. Not only have VC funds helped foster world class companies such as Alibaba and Tencent, they have also brought expertise, networking opportunities and markets to a host of Chinese “unicorns”, start-ups worth more than $1bn. But now, for a variety of reasons, China’s start-up sector is in the doldrums. Some commentary from within the industry is laden with doom. “The whole industry has just died before our eyes,” one executive told the Financial Times. “The entrepreneurial spirit is dead. It is very sad to see.” If such sentiment persists, the implications are grim. The economic vision of Xi Jinping, China’s strongman leader, rests heavily on tech ambitions. Beijing’s official “work report” in March this year exhorted the country to build an industrial and scientific system capable of pushing the world towards new technological frontiers. Unleashing what Xi calls “new quality productive forces” is now China’s top economic priority. So-called future industries, such as biotech, new energy, new materials, advanced equipment, next generation IT, aerospace and others, are central to realising Beijing’s goals. All these require the innovation that in large part derives from a vibrant start-up ecosystem. To be sure, China has made impressive progress up the technology ladder. As recently as 20 years ago, it was at best a mid-technology power. By 2023, according to ASPI, an Australian think-tank, China led the world in 57 out of 64 advanced technologies, making it a peer competitor to the US. Such achievements, however, come from the past. The future trajectory of China’s technological advance is much less certain. Fundraising for China investments by both overseas and domestic venture capital funds has fallen off a cliff since 2022, driving a dramatic decline in the number of start-ups founded in China last year and so far this year, according to data providers. The reasons fall into two broad categories. The first are macroeconomic, such as China’s broader slowdown since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and the bursting of the property bubble. The second can be laid at the door of Xi himself. Regulatory crackdowns on leading private tech companies, such as Alibaba and Tencent, have hammered their stock market valuations and sown deep uncertainty over Beijing’s ideological attitude towards private enterprise. In addition, the broad US-China strategic rivalry has helped scare off international venture capital from the Chinese market, partly because investors know that finding an “exit” through listing on international stock markets has become more challenging. All this is having second-order effects. Chinese students studying abroad see fewer opportunities back in China in the once-magnetic tech sector. There is a sharp rise in litigation, too. Caixin, a Chinese business publication, reported in August that a leading state-owned VC company, Shenzhen Capital Group, filed 35 lawsuits against companies that had largely failed to go public by a set date and had not repurchased shares. The throttling of China’s start-up ecosystem stands as an indictment of Xi’s economic programme. If China wishes to sustain its tech pre-eminence, it needs wholesale reform. The underprivileged private sector should be given equal status with state-owned industries. The dwindling of transparency that occludes China’s financial markets must be reversed so investor confidence can be rebuilt. Above all, Xi himself needs to realise that innovation does not follow administrative fiat. Creativity flows when a hundred schools of thought contend. Source link via The Novum Times
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