#Osian is cured
Please for the love of god please let Osian be okay!!!
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Osian: *resting, but his angelic side begins to kick in and heal him*
——The Next Morning——
Husk: *wakes up due to a soft smack on his face* Huh?
Little Luci: *holding Osian with the biggest smile on his face* Ocey is all better! The doctor’s are saying it’s a miracle!
Husk: *sits up and sees Luci holding Osian* Is he truly better? Like not contagious?!
Little Luci: Yeah! No sign of the virus. And he didn’t loose his hearing! He can hear how much I love him! My baby is a tough baby!
Husk: *feels a strong way of relief wash over him* Oh thank god! He’s healthy.
Little Luci: *turns his head and coughs in his elbow*
Husk: ?! Luci?! You okay?!
Little Luci: Yeah. Just a tickle in my throat! *Luci has a high fever and is fighting a stress-related illness*
Husk: Can I hold Ozzie?
Little Luci: Sure! *gently passes Osian to Husk.
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imperitvs · 2 months
Osian's Family
// I'll put this under the cut since there's a lot to talk about here - but under the cut I chat about his parents and his older sister! To make it easier; they're all Wood Elves. Also; the Elders of Cilfach y Goedwig get tattoos to show their status within the village, though everyone is still largely treated the same. However, these markings are a surefire way to know who is the best at certain things within the village. Basically; the expert you need to learn from.
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Name: 'Elder' Derwyn Ravara ('Tad' to Osian)
Age: 538 years old
Brief Bio: Originally from a neighbouring settlement, Derwyn moved to Cilfach y Goedwig with blessings when he found his skills as a blacksmith better suited there. He still regularly visits his old village. Derwyn enjoyed how close Cilfach y Goedwig was to the edge of High Forest, which made trade for materials easier for him. He became an 'Elder' for his knowledge in steel and wood work. When he was around 300, he met and 'married' (in a sense, not quite the same thing in Wood Elven culture), later managing to have two children. He is typically quiet, giving the false impression he is cold and stoic. Despite this, he is often in the centre of a group of young children teaching them basic skills in how to make and maintain equipment. Hearing his son wished to leave with his daughter on the same pilgrimage stunned him, he was hoping to teach his son less about magic and more about useful crafts - but the soul wants what it wants. So he sent his youngest off with a kiss to the forehead and a hearty wave.
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Name: 'Elder' Eiluned Fayren ('Mam' to Osian)
Age: 614 years old
Brief Bio: Eiluned never left the village for her pilgramage, choosing instead to remain in the village and the surrounding areas to help. She is a renowned herb healer and became an Elder because of this. She knowledge of plants knows no bounds. She is often found pottering away in her medicinal herb garden trying to cross them together to make for better aids. She comes across quite strict, a firm-handed teacher and parent - but in the privacy of their cottage, she is often found with her young son reading him all the books he dragged home. Listening intently to his rambles and trying to make sense of it all. Though she wishes he would hurry up and learn a spell on how to cure his own burns, she's running out of aloe...
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Name: Rania Llew (married name; Luris)
Age: 189 years old
Brief Bio: Rania is an assertive, bossy woman. Despite the huge age gap (138 years) between herself and Osian, she is his most fierce protector. She was often found hunting deer with a sleeping baby Osian on her back. She would encourage him to climb the tallest trees and swim the deepest lakes to help him over his anxieties. Would often have to push him into the creek if his magical fires became too much for him. Rania - unable to find a place to settle into within the village as she had prowess as a healer like her mother, but also an excellent hunter - she wanted to embark elsewhere. See what else the world had to offer. She had expected to leave her baby brother behind as well, yet somehow he managed to convince them all to let him go with her. She sighed and rolled her eyes, but she was secretly glad she was able to keep her best friend around. As ridiculous he could be at times. Rania, having been in contact with another Wood Elf that left the village when she was a child, agreed to meet with 'Aunt' in Rivington and start her new life there. Osian joined her, but they did their own things for the most part. Rania found herself falling in love with the local human healer, Alois, and later adopted a human girl they named Calise.
// Just a reminder on Osian's looks so we can see them all together! Thanks to @astralrogue for the modded image! He looks so beautiful!
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Angel, Osian dosen't have the virus anymore, his angelic side which he got from Lucifer cure him.❤
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Angel: Oh thank God! *sobs with joy*
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Husk, do you have any idea what keeps Lucifer from recovering or being healthy again? Cause I feel like this is one of the few times where he keeps getting sick.
Husk: I don’t know. I know his magic was low because his body is still recovering from childbirth (a month ago) but when Osian got sick, he used whatever he had built back to try to cure him. I never thought I’d say this, but Lucifer is exhausted. Whenever Lucifer gets tired or depressed, he turns into Little Luci since it’s supposed to be relaxing for him to be in little headspace. Right now though I don’t think it’s doing him much favors.
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