#Orto Open 2020
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softgreydays · 4 years ago
December 2020 OC Prompts
4. Mosaic
The silence of the hall was all encompassing. Terasu hesitated at the threshold. There was something awe-inspiring about the building’s presence. A holiness even she couldn’t deny. If that’s what the feeling was. Certainly there was a sense about the place that it was somehow greater than she was. Greater than her minor concerns by comparison.
She stepped inside. Not realising she was holding her breath as the first footstep echoed around her. And the second. The place seemed to resonate with life. The hall was certainly a marvel of engineering. Its acoustics only seeming to amplify more the sense that this place was... sacred. Other.
Beneath her feet the floor was tiled in an astonishing mosaic depicting the Moon Goddess so many Pantorans worshipped. The skill and artistry that went into designing and meticulously crafting it seemed to her more wondrous than the figure it portrayed. And it was this she had come to see. It felt strange, being on a pilgrimage to see some of Pantora’s architectural wonders.
Further footsteps echoed around her. These somewhat heavier, echoing a little more dully.
“Well this is different.”
Dinena’s deep voice sounded more intense within the hall. The Zabrak woman gestured around at the pillars, engravings and murals on the walls.
“I didn’t know you believed in this... stuff” 
“I don’t. But you have to admit there’s something about this place. A sense of something spiritual.”
Dinena looked down at the mosaic beneath her feet. Two small Vulptex were part of it here, at the feet of the Moon Goddess.
“I don’t know about that.”
A pause.
“This stuff isn’t really my thing, y’know.”
Terasu looked at Dinena as she turned to walk further into the hall. The Zabrak woman wasn’t really looking at anything. And while she wished it was an interest she could share with her, Terasu knew there wasn’t a chance she’d find any of it remotely interesting. Still, she had agreed to come. For her sake.
“So who is this... goddess?”
Terasu jogged lightly to catch up with Dinena, slipping a hand into hers as they stood at the foot of a small hot spring. Both glanced up as she pointed to an opening in the ceiling where snow was falling, down into the spring below. As they watched the planet above the moon slowly moved within the opening.
“My people believe that she is a bringer of good fortune and fertility.”
She laughed at the idea.
“Millennia ago my people believed Orto Plutonia orbited our homeworld. That we stood on the planet and it was our satellite. This was long before my people developed space technology, much less an understanding of it. Not everything people believe is true”
Dinena gave her a side glance.
“So why come here, if you don’t believe it?”
The Pantoran shrugged, holding out a hand to catch the falling snow.
“Its beautiful. This place I mean. And there’s a certain... something about it. It almost makes you FEEL like she’s real, you know? Its a comforting feeling.”
“Well, if it makes you happy, we can stay here as long as you like.”
Terasu smiled, pulling Dinena closer.
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churchofsatannews · 5 years ago
Vox Satanae - Episode 477 - Week of June 22, 2020
Vox Satanae – Episode 477 – Week of June 22, 2020
Vox Satanae – Episode 477 – 140 Minutes – Week of June 22, 2020
This week we hear works by Marbrianus de Orto, Cipriano de Rore, Carlo Gesualdo, Anthoni van Noordt, Alessandro Marcello, Antonín Kraft, Jean-Baptiste Arban, Leevi Madetoja, and Ross Edwards.
Stream Vox Satanae Episode 477.
Download Vox Satanae Episode 477.
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kollerbz · 5 years ago
Orto Open 2020
Am Samstag war ich beim Orto Open in Slowenien. Es war das erste Level 3 Match in Slowenien seit 13 Jahren. Aus meiner Sicht war es ein top Match mit einwandfreier Organisation und schönen Stages. Sollte es wieder ein Level 3 Match beim Orto Club geben, werde ich sicher erneut teilnehmen.
Nach einer sehr langen Pause war es mein erstes (Outdoor-) Match und alles in allem ist es mir ganz gut gegangen. Lediglich bei einer Stage habe ich mir einen Schnitzer erlaubt. Am Ende reichte es für Platz Zwei. Der Gewinner Robert Cernigoj war für mich einfach unerreichbar und es ist auch keine Schande hinter dem amtierenden Europameister zu sein. Ich bin daher mit diesem verspäteten Saisonstart sehr zufrieden.
from Orto Open 2020
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nuclearblastuk · 5 years ago
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Alien themed tech-death masters, RINGS OF SATURN, released their killer latest studio album Gidim two weeks ago via Nuclear Blast. The band are now pleased to announce they will be returning to Europe and the UK in February and March 2020 for a 23 date run, alongside ENTERPRISE EARTH, BRAND OF SACRIFICE and TRAITORS. The run is set to take the 4 band bill across 10 countries.       The band comments, "We're excited to continue our Gidim album release tour in  the EU/UK! We'll be bringing along ENTERPRISE EARTH and BRAND OF SACRIFICE who we're currently touring with here in the States, and joining us from Florida is TRAITORS. We always try to raise the bar with each album made and are looking forward to unleashing Gidim on our European and UK fans."       Tickets will go on sale: Monday 11th Nov @ 11am CET / 10am UK time   THE GIDIM EUROPEAN / UK TOUR 2020 w/ Enterprise Earth, Traitors, Brand Of Sacrifice 21.02.    DE    Karlsruhe - Die Stadtmitte 22.02.    FR    Paris - Gibus Club  23.02     UK    Southampton -      Joiners 24.02.    UK    Bristol -      Exchange 25.02.    UK         Birmingham - Mama Roux  26.02.    UK         Manchester - Rebellion  27.02.    UK    Glasgow -      Cathouse 28.02.    UK    Leeds -      Key Club 29.02.    UK    London -      The Underworld 01.03.    NL    Tilburg - Hall of Fame 02.03.    BE    Brussels - Magasin 4 03.03.    DE    Oberhausen - Kulttempel 04.03.    DE    Munich - Backstage 05.03.    DE    Wiesbaden - Schlachthof 06.03.    CH    Aarau - KIFF 07.03.    IT    Rozzano (MI) - Circolo      Svolta 08.03.    SI    Ljubljana - Orto Bar 09.03.    HU    Budapest - Dürer Kert 10.03.    AT    Vienna - Viper Room 11.03.    DE    Berlin - Cassiopeia 12.03.    DE    Dresden - Club Puschkin 13.03.    DE    Hamburg - YokoClub 14.03.    DE    Hanover - Béi Chéz Heinz
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You can now order Gidim in the format of your choice as well as merchandise, from here: http://www.nuclearblast.com/ros-gidim Spotify, Apple Music & Deezer: https://nblast.de/RINGSOFSATURNpreSave Listen to the band’s new tracks in the NB New Releases Playlists: http://nblast.de/SpotifyNewReleases / http://nblast.de/AppleMusicNewReleases More on Gidim: 'The Husk' Official Music Video: https://youtu.be/F87MWt-1X1w 'Mental Prolapse' Official Guitar Play-Through: https://youtu.be/ZDK7Q9iwD3I 'Pustules' Official Guitar Play-Through: https://youtu.be/-1Dxndo4pjg Album Details - Part I: https://youtu.be/ohBorpvtuTI Album Details - Part II: https://youtu.be/w10eMWB-q4g Gidim was recorded by Lucas Mann of Mann Studios with the exception of vocals, which were tracked by Mark Lewis of Audiohammer Studio and drums recorded by Marco "Lord Marco" Pitruzzella. Mark Lewis also handled the mixing and mastering. The album includes guest performances from Dan Watson of ENTERPRISE EARTH, Charles Caswell of BERRIED ALIVE and Yo Onityan. The album artwork was created by Mark Cooper. 
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RINGS OF SATURN are currently touring  the USA and Canada, with dates still coming up:    The Gidim Release  Tour 2019  w/ ENTERPRISE EARTH,  ANGELMAKER, BRAND OF SACRIFICE  08.11. USA Amityville, NY - Revolution Bar & Music Hall  09.11. USA Harrisburg, PA - Midtown Arts Center  10.11. USA Pittsburgh, PA - The Rex Theater  11.11. USA Richmond, VA - The Canal Club  12.11. USA Greensboro, NC - The Blind Tiger  13.11. USA Atlanta, GA - The Masquerade (Purgatory)  14.11. USA New Orleans, LA - Southport Hall  15.11. USA Dallas, TX - Gas Monkey Bar N’ Grill  16.11. USA Houston, TX - Scout Bar  17.11. USA Austin, TX - Come and Take It Live    2020 show dates  05-08.08. CZ Jaroměř - Brutal Assault  09.08. NL Leeuwarden - Into the Grave  20-22.08. DE Andernach - Death Fest Open Air    More info:  www.facebook.com/ringsofsaturnband  www.instagram.com/ringsofsaturnbandofficial  www.twitter.com/ringsofsaturn_  www.nuclearblast.de/ringsofsaturn
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sustainable-art-magazine · 4 years ago
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Lunedì 3 agosto 2020, ore 19:00-22:00, presso Bassi di Palazzo Ducezio, in via Silvio Spaventa a Noto (Siracusa), avviene l’opening della mostra personale dell’artista SANTI SINDONI dal titolo ESCATOMATERIA, curata dal critico d’arte Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico.
L’esposizione, che dura fino al 10 settembre 2020, organizzata dalla Fondazione ARTE’ di Milano in collaborazione con il Comune di Noto e con il patrocinio di UNESCO, Regione Siciliana, ARD&NT Institute (Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera e Politecnico di Milano), ETHICANDO Association di Milano, FIAS (Fondazione Internazionale Assistenza Sociale), è promossa dalla piattaforma di comunicazione internazionale Betting On Italy.
La mostra, che consta di circa trenta opere rappresentanti l’excursus artistico del maestro SINDONI in quasi cinquanta anni di attività, risulta quanto mai attuale nell’anno della grande pandemia.  «Il termine “escatomateria”, infatti, titolo della mostra – commenta il curatore Di Giandomenico – è un neologismo che nasce dall’apposizione del prefissoide (come direbbero i linguisti) “escato” (dal greco Antico ἔσχατος, éskatos=ultimo, destini ultimi dell’umanità) alla parola “materia”, e si riferisce alle espressioni creative dell’arte contemporanea tese alla ricerca delle derivazioni ancestrali dell’essere umano, che nel terzo millennio ha un rapporto sempre più conflittuale con le nuove tecnologie al punto da fissare in esse la sua stessa esistenza, in una sorta di circolo vizioso senza uscita. Di qui l’esigenza dell’arte di indagare e riscoprire l’alfa e l’omega dei destini dell’umanità nella “società della trasparenza”, come direbbe il filosofo coreano Byung-Chul Han, dove le esistenze umane si librano nel mondo digitale alla ricerca di effimeri “like/don’t like”, e dove i contenuti vengono ad esistenza solo se recepiscono fugaci consensi, che lasciano il tempo che trovano. La grande pandemia è la preziosa occasione per rimodulare il rapporto con il mondo dei media digitali, per riscoprire il loro ruolo di “strumento”, piuttosto che di “fine” ultimo delle attività umane».
All’’opening dell’esposizione è prevista la partecipazione di personalità del mondo delle istituzioni, dell’accademia, dell’impresa, delle professioni e della cultura in genere, tra cui Corrado Bonfanti (Sindaco del Comune di Noto), Giusi Solerte (Assessore al Turismo e Cultura del Comune di Noto), Giuseppe Cassi (Sindaco del Comune di Ragusa), Clorinda Arezzo (Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Ragusa), Rocco Milano (Segretario di Stato del Principato di San Bernardino), Stephen D. Adams (Sottosegretario agli Esteri per le Relazioni Internazionali del Principato di San Bernardino), Neil Khagram (CEO Authentis Partners Ltd Seychelles), Sebastiano D’Angelo (Presidente dell’Associazione Ragusani nel Mondo), Lucia Sardo (attrice), Renato Grillo (già Consigliere della Corte di Cassazione), Giusy d’Arrigo (artista), Massimo Spata (attore) e Vito Corrado Di Lorenzo. Inoltre, è prevista la partecipazione di Nello Musumeci, Presidente della Regione Siciliana.
Nell’occasione dell’inaugurazione avviene, inoltre, la presentazione del progetto “ARTE’ Park” da parte dell’arch. Roberto Sindoni, con l’intervento di Giovanni Luca Cannata (Sindaco del Comune di Avola), Simona Caldararo (Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Avola). Si tratta di un “luogo escatomaterico” di ricerca, produzione ed educazione artistica e scientifica multidisciplinare, palcoscenico di eventi artistici e culturali di rilievo internazionale, una casa di Incontro di “energie umane” che ricercano i propri equilibri interiori e fisiologici trovandovi il terreno fertile per lo sviluppo dei talenti e delle istanze creative. ARTE’ Park è una grande installazione architettonica nel Vallo di Noto nel Siracusano, dove sono declinati i driver estetici sostenibili del maestro SINDONI.
La mostra gode della promozione e del sostegno di varie entità pubbliche e private, per lo più del Siracusano, tra cui Nautica Glem Group, Il Mobile della Nonna, Orto Agrumi Val di Noto, ISO.VET., Corrado Giuga Lavorazione Pietra, Immobiliare Venezia 27 di Avola (SR), Vigil Trinacria, Associazione Smart Cities Italy.
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Betting On Italy – Milano
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Betting On Italy – Milano
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cdrforea · 5 years ago
Energica CEO plots her Italian EV company’s reboot from lockdown – smarthometec
New Post has been published on https://bestedevices.com/energica-ceo-plots-her-italian-ev-companys-reboot-from-lockdown-smarthometec.html
Energica CEO plots her Italian EV company’s reboot from lockdown – smarthometec
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Energica founder Livia Cevolini believes that the demand for electric vehicles could increase after the COVID 19 crisis.
The managing director of the Italian high-performance motorcycle manufacturer was optimistic because her EV company based in Modena is still closed due to a government decree.
The coronavirus pandemic has forced Energica to brake on the production of its battery-powered machines, which can reach top speeds of 250 km / h.
After being banned from her home in northern Italy, Cevolini shared the future of motorcycling, takeover bids, and plans to recharge her company after the COVID-19 crisis ended.
At a time when her country was particularly badly affected by the corona virus, she offered optimistic thinking.
Livica Cevolini, CEO of Energica, on the closure in Modena, Italy
"I don't just want to look at the negative … Maybe there are positive things that come out of this dire crisis," Cevolini told smarthometec on a video call.
One of them is the greater demand for electric vehicles after the pandemic. Cevolini highlighted greater awareness of smog combustion mobility and scientific evidence that air pollution aggravates viruses as factors that could convert more people to electricity.
Reporting has resulted in many urban areas getting visibly cleaner air – before taking pictures of world cities with smog and after taking pictures of clear skies since COVID-19 has pushed traffic off the streets.
"Perhaps at the end of this situation, we will have greater awareness of climate change. Then people approach electrical awareness, ”said Cevolini.
Before the health crisis in most parts of Italy closed, Energica had already seen increased demand for its high-performance e-motos with a price range of $ 17,000 to $ 23,000. The company, which has a California office and a U.S. general manager (Stefano Benatti), completed more orders in the first two months of 2020 than any sales for 2019, according to Cevolini.
As an EV company, Energica is located in the famous Italian motor valley and positions itself similarly to its neighbors – Lamborghini, Ducati, Ferrari – with a fusion of elegant design and elite performance.
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MotoE World Cup Racing, photo credit: Energica
The company is also one of the few e-motorcycle companies to get technical tips from the competition. In 2018, Energica was named the only manufacturer of the MotoE Worldup – an electric version of MotoGP motorcycle racing. MotoE riders use the company's EGO model as the base bike.
According to Cevolini, the technology is being transferred from the line to series models. "The goal is to use races to test in extreme but safe conditions and then we put things on the road bikes," she said.
Energica attributes the application of Race Tech to series e-motos for part of the increased order flow earlier this year. The company reduced the weight of its production line by 5% in 2020 and increased its reach by 60%, based on adjustments it had taken over from MotoE.
The track competition is a secondary arena for Energica. The main venue is an increasingly crowded e-motorcycle market that is sure to experience declining demand given the economic impact of COVID-19.
Harley's entry followed several failed launches of electric motorcycles – including Mission Motors – and bring it to market with existing EV companies like California's startup Zero with 200 dealers worldwide.
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Credit: smarthometec
When it comes to the most important technical data for e-motorcycles – such as performance, charging times and range – Energica has advantages with its 145 hp machines that can be charged in 20 minutes for maximum ranges of 140 to 250 miles.
However, the competition is approaching some figures from the Italian EV manufacturer. In 2019, Zero launched its high-performance SR / F with 110 hp and a top speed of 120 mph. And the entire motorcycle industry – gas and electricity – could be exposed to the competitive pressure of the new EV market participant Damon Motors. The Vancouver-based startup unveiled its $ 200,000 hypersport this year, which features proprietary safety and ergonomics technology for adjustable driving positions and blind spot detection.
In addition to fierce competition in the e-moto sector, there is growing uncertainty about the appetite for buying motorcycles, which, given the COVID 19 pandemic that is sweeping the world, could persist until 2020 and beyond.
In the United States, new motorcycle sales have not weathered the last recession very well. They decreased by 50% in 2008 and have stagnated since then. In addition to Energica, other manufacturers such as Harley Davidson also had to stop production due to the corona virus.
Energica CEO Livia Cevolini believes that her company has an edge over its e-moto competitors and the ability to recover after restarting operations.
She describes the manufacturer's race link as something that will give Energica a head start in product development. Speaking to Zero Motorcycles, she said in particular: "We are in a different category," she said. "You have less power, less range, and less quick-charge capability."
Through a joint venture, Energica has created another source of income to provide Dell & # 39; Orto, a supplier for the global scooter market, battery, computer and drive technology.
As more and more of the major gas motorcycle companies enter the EV market, Cevolini is open to a merger or acquisition, but only on their terms.
"If someone comes to me with a real proposal … that you want to expand our business and our company and not destroy it, we can talk," she said. "Otherwise we prefer to go our own way."
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Credit: Energica
Energica is ready to resume production and have made adjustments – such as safe and socially distant operations – when the Italian government kicks off the reopening.
"We are ready to fulfill the orders we received before the shutdown and accept more," she said.
When Energica is able to turn on the system power again, Cevolini suspects that its niche market for motorcycle enthusiasts will be happy to roll.
“Our customers tell us that they are just waiting to drive again. And as soon as they can drive again, they will drive again, ”she said.
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gradinagabico · 4 years ago
Borcan 580 ml Orto
Borcan 580 ml Orto
Ambalarea la bax permite achiziționarea acestui borcan de 580 ml pentru murături, compoturi, miere, atât de magazine revanzatoare cât și de gospodine.
Mai multe informații:
Volum: 580 ml
Forma: Rotund
Material: Sticlă
Cu sarma: Nu
Atenție! Capacul se comandă separat și nu este inclus în prețul borcanului.
Borcan 580 ml este disponibil pentru cumpărare doar în multiplu de 12!
Capac potrivit Twist…
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