#Orthia clears
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saxandviolins77 · 2 months ago
Ok, last post got me thinking...
Are there people who are Victorion fans?
Not just liking her; I'm talking about actually having her and the Torchbearers as favorites above all the other combiners.
I think what makes the Torchbearers such a weak team conceptually is the fact that they don't have a uniting theme tied to their alt modes.
For instance, the Protectobots all turn into rescue vehicles, the Terrorcons all turn into monsters, and the Technobots all turn into sci-fi vehicles.
The Torchbearers? They're Camien peacekeepers and turn into... A motorcycle, two helicopters, two square cars, and a fire engine? No theme tying them. (Do NOT even imply their theme is being women.)
Also, their personalities aren't very captivating; sure, they have them, but most of the time they're busy being Victorion, who... Is a very boring combiner just by her nature of being OP as fuck; she has gravity powers and is one of the most stable combiners in the franchise... When she appears, I already know she's dominating the fight, so... Bor-ing.
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the-good-spartan · 3 years ago
Chief Gods Worshipped in Sparta (Not Ares!)
Twice lately I’ve heard it said that Ares was the chief god worshipped at Sparta and let me be absolutely clear, there’s no evidence for that, at all.
[Most recently seen in this video.]
I think this mistake comes from there being a temple in his honour at Gytheion, one of two known in Ancient Greece (to my knowledge). While that town was in Lakedaimon, it was Perioikic not Spartan (and yes that’s an important distinction to make.)
Their central temple was raised to Athena (Chalkioikos, the Bronze House) and second in importance seems to have been the Menelaion (dedicated to Menelaus & Helen). Their major festival was in honour of Apollo and Hyakinthos and the temple related to that cult was the most ornate in Sparta - it was at Amyklai. The final major temple was to Artemis Orthia, in Limnai. It was important to the agoge (the ‘school’ system at Sparta).
More than that, we know they carried images of the Dioscuri (Kastor & Polydeuces) into battle, not images of Ares. The Dioscuri were said to live underground beneath Therapne to the south of Sparta, and were the brothers of Helen. Brasidas, the most famous Spartan (I am biased lol) before his final battle at Amphipolis was noted making offerings explicitly to Athena, and he made a huge offering to her after a lucky victory just outside Torone, too.
I get why, if you’ve read nothing about Sparta, you might be persuaded to think that they worshipped Ares. But they didn’t, not in a predominant way. Just because Athens was named after Athena doesn’t mean she wasn’t the Spartans chief war deity, too.
You can see more information on the gods who were worshipped here.
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coinandcandle · 3 years ago
Artemis Deity Guide
The Romans knew her as Diana, she is the goddess of the Moon, the hunt, the wildlife, as well as mothers and maidens.
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Who is Artemis?
Most associated with the moon and wildlife, Artemis is also known to be a goddess who reigns over childbirth, as she helped deliver her own brother soon after she herself was born. She lends a hand in the cycles of nature and the wild creatures within it.
Unlike her more extroverted brother, Artemis prefers wildlife and nature rather than hanging out with other deities. That being said, she seems to have a soft spot for humans.
She is a virgin goddess, sworn to chastity of her own will.
Parents and Siblings
Zeus is her father, her mother is Leto
Apollo is her only full sibling.
Helen of Troy
The Graces
The Muses
Lovers or Partners
Orion, though not all myths agree that they were romantic partners, some believe that they were hunting partners or close friends.
Selene, the personification of the Moon, is different than Artemis but her name still became an epithet during the Hellenistic period.
Artemis Orthia
Agrotera (“she of the hunt”)
Keladeinē (“strong-voiced”)
Parthenos (“virgin”)
These included Hekatēbolos and Hekatē (“far-shooter”)
Hekaergē (“far-worker”)
Iocheaira (“she of the showering arrows”)
Delia, referring to the island where her and her brother were born
Sōteira (“savior”)
Phōsphoros (“bringer of light”)
Eileithyia (in her capacity as a goddess of childbirth)
Artemis Daphnaia
Festivals/Holy Days
The Munichia
The Brauronia
The Laphria
Thargelia.) Her birthday, the sixth day of the Greek month Thargelion, which would be May 24th in the Gregorian calender. (Apollos is the day after hers)
Artemis also held domain over initiation rites for everyone--male and female historically, though with progressive society, I mean "everyone" as in everyone. All genders included--when entering new life phases; i.e. child to adult, virgin to spouse, spouse to parent, and so on.
From literature we know that the twins didn’t immediately start out as deities of the moon and sun respectively.
Eileithyia and Hecate were mistakenly identified with Artemis and thus their names were occasionally epithets of the Goddess.
Modern Deity Work
Disclaimer - Not all of these are traditional or historic correspondences nor do they need to be. However, any correspondence that can be considered traditional will be marked with a (T).
Clear quartz
Cypress (T)
Laurel (T)
Palm tree (T)
Mugwort or any other plants in the Artemisia family!
Boar (T)
Deer (Doe and Stag) (T)
Heron (T)
Bear (T)
Bow and arrows (T)
Quiver (T)
Crown, usually of foliage, sometimes metal with a crescent moon
The Moon (T)
Any of the items or iconography of the things listed above
Art of or that reminds you of Artemis (T)
Meat, especially if you've hunted it yourself (T)
A lock of your hair (T)
Olives, olive oil, olive branch (T)
Honey (T)
Water (T)
Baked goods
Fruits and nuts, especially if foraged by yourself
Moon water
Acts of Devotion
Take care of and respect the nature around you
Take up animal-focused activism
Hunt (ethically, of course!) (T)
Listen to or create music that reminds you of her.
Read/sing Hymns to her (T)
Honor her mother and Apollo; in literature they both held much love for their twin and their mom.
Research her history and mythology
Take care of children or donate to children’s shelters
Keep in mind that these are only some ideas for offerings and correspondences! Items and activities that connect you to her in a more personal way are just as good, and often better, than those you find on the internet. As with any relationship, feel it out, ask questions, and be attentive and receptive!
References and Further Reading
Artemis - Mythopedia
Mythopedia has huge lists on either page for further reading on both Artemis and Apollo.
Artemis - Wikipedia
Artemis - Theoi Project
More Epithets here and here
Artemis - Greekmythology.com
Myths of Greece and Rome; Artemis (Diana) By Jane Harrison (via Sacred-Texts)
Fun Fact about Coin: I learned a little late in the game that the “guardian angel” that had been with me since I was young was in fact Artemis. Though I haven’t worked with her for some time now.
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hexandbalances · 5 years ago
Lupercalia pt. 5
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Chthonic, Apotropaic, Purification, and Fertility
Forewarning: this post makes mention of ritualistic animal sacrifice. Though no details of the practice are given, it may be distressing to some readers. Exercise caution before following citations.
And now we come to the final leg of our inquiry. Since we most recently discussed the role of Pan/Faunus, we’ll begin with the role of the goat.
Goat Sacrifice
In Greece the popularity of sacrificing goats cannot be understated. As a creature connected to the underworld, prophecy, and fertility, the goat is an appropriate candidate. Goats were also seen as cathartic creatures; catharsis (from Greek κάθαρσις katharsis) meant "purification", "cleansing", "clarification" of one from a religious transgression. The sin or guilt of a people could be transferred to the goat and thus expelled or purified by its sacrifice. The Kelonai at Delphi, for example, sacrificed a goat for deliverance from a plague.
Goats were sometimes offered in ritu humano - as a substitute for human or wild animal sacrifices. The cult of Dionysus in Potniae substituted a goat for a boy, and the cult of Artemis at Bruaron substituted the sacrifice of a goat for a bear. The cult of Veiovis sacrificed a goat in this way; indicating that the practice was known in Italy. We see this more directly explained for the Lupercalia by Ovid (Fasti, 2, 425 ff) in the sacrifice of a goat to circumvent the rape of the Sabine women by Faunus. 
Goatskin was a divine badge worn as the aegis by Athena, Zeus, Apollos, and Juno. Though there are different versions, Hyginus (Poeticon Astronomicon, vol 2, 13) tells us the aegis was formed from the skin of Amaltheia. It is clear that the potency of the animal was thought to reside in the skin.
Ovid and Plutarch tell us the intended outcome of the lashing was to promote fertility. Blows directed at a person in ceremonies regarding fertility or chthonic deities are a means to purification by driving out evil while simultaneously waking the deity’s latent power. We see this elsewhere: the women at an Arcadian festival to Dionysus were flogged; at another Arcadian festival, Demetria, in honor of Demeter, celebrants struck one another with whips of bark; the stoning at the Eleusian Mysteries; the sometimes lethal lashing of youths for Artemis Orthia in Sparta; or the mock battles held using branches of wild fig (caprificus) at the Nonae Caprotinae festival for Juno Caprotina.
Dog Sacrifice
Plutarch remarked the practice of dog sacrifice at the Lupercalia was unusual. The Greeks were well known to use a dog as a cathartic sacrifice. Noted examples would be in Sparta, Boetia, and Argos. The practice of dog sacrifice persisted in Greece until it was outlawed about 1980. Plutarch tells us:
Why do the Luperci sacrifice a dog? The Luperci are men who race through the city on the Lupercalia, lightly clad in loin-cloths, striking those whom they meet with a strip of leather.
Is it because this performance constitutes a rite of purification of the city? In fact they call this month February, and indeed this very day, februata; and to strike with a kind of leather thong they call februare, the word meaning "to purify." Nearly all the Greeks used a dog as the sacrificial victim for ceremonies of purification; and some, at least, make use of it even to this day. They bring forth for Hecatê puppies along with the other materials for purification, and rub round about with puppies such persons as are in need of cleansing, and this kind of purification they call periskylakismos ("puppifrication").
Or is it that lupus means "wolf" and the Lupercalia is the Wolf Festival, and that the dog is hostile to the wolf, and for this reason is sacrificed at the Wolf Festival?
Or is it that the dogs bark at the Luperci and annoy them as they race about in the city?
Or is it that the sacrifice is made to Pan, and a dog is something dear to Pan because of his herds of goats?
Besides the obvious function as a protector, the dog was seen as a liminal creature; it existed somewhere between the human and wild world, and was an eater of the dead. They were believed to be able to see fauni, ghosts, and deities invisible to men. 
Their connection to the underworld was most powerfully felt in their connection to Hekate (and not, as one might have supposed, because of Cerberus, who was only occasionally depicted as something resembling a dog, and even that developed late from the peculiar use of “dog” in the sense of “servant”[x]). Hekate was (among other things) a goddess of purification, the underworld, an averter of all manner of evil. Another interesting connection is made by Plutarch: the goddesses Eilioneia and Genetyllis were goddesses of women and considered very similar to Hekate. Like Her, they also received dogs as sacrifice - with the hope of easing childbirth. 
What is particularly interesting about dog sacrifice in Italy is the lack of evidence elsewhere of its practice. The most notable use of dog sacrifice for apotropaic magic was at the festival of Robigalia in order to ward off mildew and disease from crops. In both Lupercalia and Robigalia the dog is sacrificed along side another victim. This may indicate that the practice was added to an existing rite in hopes of increasing magical potency. That dog sacrifice cannot be traced to any particular god indicates that it likely did not originate in Italy, but rather was imported.
Blood, Milk, and Wool
Blood is considered a vital and potent religious material to innumerable cultures. In Rome blood was considered the supreme embodiment of a deity’s mystic potency. Sprinkling blood of a sacrificial victim was the surest of all cleansing media in lustral ceremonies. The blood was applied with the flat of a blade indicating a ritual “wounding” that may have been a metaphor for human sacrifice.
The blood was too holy to remain, however, and must be removed. The Orphics made a practice of ceremonial wiping off but its appearance in the Lupercalia is utterly unique in all other Roman cult practices. 
Given what we have already discussed about the potency of goatskin, it is logical that wool would be considered a potent substance. Ovid lists wool first among all purification materials. Milk was employed to moisten the wool. Milk was a common libation to chthonic deities for both the Greeks and the Romans but its peculiar usage in the Lupercalia is again, unique among Roman cults.
After the removal of the blood the youths break into laughter, symbolizing their restoration to life, or their entrance to new life through purification. This explanation only makes sense if the original victim of the Lupercalia was human.
There has been a suggestion that the peculiarity of this portion of the ceremony was adopted with the wide-spread embrace of Orphism in Rome during the Second Punic War. Livy states (emphasis mine): "Such religious fervor assailed the state, and in large part of foreign origin at that, that it seemed as if either men or gods must have completely changed." If true, this may explain why the blood rite is mentioned by Plutarch but not by Ovid.
Nudity and Running
The connection of Faunus to the Lupercalia is provided by Gaius Acillius. The story goes that Romulus’ herds were stolen so he invoked Faunus and ran forth naked in pursuit of the thieves. This may have been a bit of backward explaining by Acillius as no mention of this tale is found before or since, and is rejected by later writers. Acillius does, however, provide us a justification in myth for the nakedness of the runners.
Referring back to the cult of Soranus, the pre-Sabine ceremony to honor him involved the Hirpi Sorani, while disguised in wolf skins, stealing and eating the entrails of a sacrificial victim, then running away while being pursued. To escape their sacrilege the Hirpi Sorani ran through noxious fumes in the sacred cavern. This rite shows a strong similarity to the Lycaea: the priests, clad in wolf skins, made sacrament of a sacrificial victim, then fled to escape the miasma. In the case of the Lycaea the priests went through an expiatory rite of exile.
The idea here may be that the priests, by eating the sacrificial victim, take the power of the deity unto themselves. Because the sacrifice is identified with the deity it becomes a sin that endangers the general welfare of the congregation. To avert calamity the priests must undergo purification, or in the case of the Lupercalia, deliver purification to the congregation.
Thus concludes our discussion of the Lupercalia. I hope you have found the information herein satisfactory, or at the very least interesting. Please let me know if you have questions about my research, or would like to make additional points.
Happy Lupercalia. Khaire 🐺💀🖤
<< Pt. 1     << Pt. 2     << Pt. 3     << Pt. 4
Further Reading
Ermuzevich, D. (2017). b l o o d s t r e a m [Digital photograph]. Retrieved from https://www.instagram.com/p/Ba6IS1pAJPS/
Franklin, A. M. (1921) Lupercalia: rites and mysteries of wolf worship. Retrieved from http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/secondary/FRALUP/home.html
Scapini, M. (2015). Whipping in myth, ritual and magic practices: a case of convergence, in Emilio Suárez, Miriam Blanco, Eleni Chronopoulou (eds.) Los papiros mágicos griegos: entre lo sublime y lo cotidiano, Madrid 2015 (Dykinson).
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allspark · 6 years ago
With San Diego Comic-Con 2019 fast approaching, we’ve been hit with a tidal wave of official and unofficial toy reveals from a variety of sources. If you’ve been having trouble keeping up with everything being shown off for the ‘War for Cybertron’��Generations toyline, we’ve got a handy roundup gathering everything in one place!
Images in this article are sourced from Stryker Wang on Twitter, eBay listings, the Transformers Facebook page, the Taiwanese web retailers Shopee and Ruten, Ryan Penagos on Twitter, and HasLab.
Battle Masters Wave 4 – Rung and ???
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Set to debut in December, the first wave of 2020 Battle Master figures most notably includes the very first figure of IDW breakout character Rung, now reimagined with a blaster alt-mode. He’s joined by a currently unidentified redeco of Firedrive (sporting the Fire Blast effect parts from Aimless).
Micromasters Wave 4 – Direct-Hit & Power Punch and Rumble & Ratbat
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Due out in December, the first wave of 2020 Micromasters sees the line reimagine Micromaster Combiners for the first time with 1990 duo Direct-Hit and Power Punch, a natural step given the two-pack format. We also have a second pair of cassette Micromasters, with Rumble and Ratbat joining this year’s Laserbeak and Ravage.
Deluxe Class Wave 5 – Crosshairs and Spinister
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The first wave of 2020 Deluxes, again due in December, shows some Targetmaster love with Crosshairs, a retool of Ironhide, and a new-mold Spinister.
Voyager Wave 5 – Apeface
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2020’s Voyager assortment is set to kick off in December with Apeface! This loving homage to the original features both jet and gorilla alt-modes, plus a Titans Return style Titan Master head figure!
Leader Class Wave 3 – Astrotrain
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Rounding out the first waves of 2020 product is Leader Class Astrotrain, also set to debut in December. He includes a transforming accessory which can become a weapons rack for robot mode, a carriage for train mode, or a launch pad for shuttle mode.
Micromaster 10-Pack
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This 10-pack, potentially a Target exclusive based on discovered computer listings, includes a variety of redeco Micromasters, among them Irontread (AKA Ironworks), Groundshaker, Overair, Road Police, Wheel Blaze, Cratermaker (AKA Powerbomb), Fireline (AKA Gunlift), Slyhopper (AKA Skyhopper) and Nightflight.
Rainmaker 3-Pack
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This three-pack, also potentially a Target exclusive, brings together all three Rainmakers in the Siege Seeker mold, with Ion Storm and Nova Storm getting their very first transforming toys in the first place!
35th Anniversary figures
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This Siege subline celebrating the 35th anniversary of Transformers is currently a mystery, but will presumably be exclusive in some manner. The line was revealed during preview tours at Toy Fair 2019 but removed and unacknowledged for the main event, and is set to include Bluestreak (Prowl redeco with Smokescreen shoulder cannons), Soundblaster (Soundwave retool with new double-cassette door), and cartoon-style redecoes of Optimus Prime and Megatron. We’ve since seen clear stock photos for Bluestreak, and a leaked packaging design for Soundblaster.
Generations Selects – Lancer and Galactic Man Shockwave
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Hasbro have revealed the next two figures for the Generations Selects mail-order line: Lancer, a retool of Greenlight who completes the female Autobot combiner Orthia, and Galactic Man Shockwave, who pays homages to Radio Shack’s grey version of the ‘Astro Magnum’ toy that became Generation 1 Shockwave. Lancer is already finding her way out into the world – check out the Allspark’s photo gallery!
HasLab Unicron
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Saving the biggest for last, it’s the enormous War for Cybertron Trilogy Unicron, whose HasLab crowdfunding campaign is already underway on Hasbro Pulse. If 8,000 people preorder the 27-inch-tall, $575 figure before 31st August 2019, Unicron will go into production for 2021 and become the largest (and heaviest!) Transformers toy ever made!
Excited for all these figures? Get hyped with other fans in the Allspark Forums’ dedicated SDCC discussion thread!
Pre-SDCC Generations Toy Roundup With San Diego Comic-Con 2019 fast approaching, we've been hit with a tidal wave of official and unofficial toy reveals from a variety of sources.
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boisoup-blog · 6 years ago
something more than a favour, chapter 1  /  READ ON AO3 fandom: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey pairing: Brasidas/Kassandra additional tags: everyone lives au, fake marriage au, unrequited feelings
The nature of the favour was peculiar but, when he asked, she agreed with no questions asked. He assured her that he would only call the favour in when absolutely necessary, “you have my word,” he had promised. However, Kassandra knows what Sparta is like, a little bit too set in it’s ways but it works, normally. So when Brasidas had finally called in the favour, (“the Kings are threatening my position as General,” his letter had said) Kassandra knew that he had worked to hard to have his position taken due to an age old tradition.
So she married him.
Kassandra was, to put it simply, nervous. Her palms were sweaty, her breath uneven and heart thumping a little faster than it probably should. This was the least nerve wracking experience, riding Phobos through the gates of Sparta; what’s making her nervous is who’s waiting for her. Brasidas. He had finally called in a favour that had been in the back of her mind, collecting dust, about 6 months ago.
The nature of the favour was peculiar but, when he asked, she agreed with no questions asked. He assured her that he would only call the favour in when absolutely necessary, “you have my word,” he had promised. However, Kassandra knows what Sparta is like, a little bit too set in it’s ways but it works, normally. So when Brasidas had finally called in the favour, ( “the Kings are threatening my position as General,” his letter had said) Kassandra knew that he had worked to hard to have his position taken due to an age old tradition.
So she married him. She wasn’t going to get married anyway. Her Mater wasn’t exactly pleased with the reasoning behind the union, whereas Nikolaus was ecstatic, providing Brasidas would keep his oaths as a Husband and Kassandra would give them grandchildren. ( “One day,” Nikolaus had added when Kassandra glared at him and Brasidas looked away from his Future Father-in-Law, probably unhappy with the idea of children.)
Phobos finally stopped outside of Brasidas’ house--- well, their house. Kassandra got out of the saddle, took a deep breath and entered their home, where Brasidas was sat at the head of the table, writing on parchment. He only looked up when his wife closed the door behind her.
“Ah, welcome back Kassandra, I trust Messara was fruitful?” Brasidas stood up and braced her shoulder with his hand with a small squeeze and a friendly smile upon his lips. Kassandra’s heart sped up again, as she tried to push down all too real feelings for her law bound, but ultimately fake marriage.
“It was nothing my sword could not handle,” she answered smuggly, patting the hand on her shoulder as she moved away from his grasp, removing the weapon belts from around her waist, hanging them on a hook near the door. One thing she did truly appreciate about Brasidas as a husband, he did not stop her from gallivanting around the Aegean Sea and she could virtually come and go as she pleased. There were only a reasons Kassandra had to be present for, unfortunately, King Archidamus wanted to honour the union between Brasidas and the misthios and was getting impatient due to her extended absences. “Have you heard anything from Archidamus?”
“ King Archidamus, my love.” Brasidas corrected, sitting back in front of his parchment, face almost buried in his work, “and yes, he will dine with us in three nights, the new King, Agesipolis, is giving him some trouble.”
Kassandra was still recovering from the pet name, my love, pretending to dust off her blades as they hung from hook . He did this sometimes, she thought it was so that he could get into the mindset that they were in fact married, not just friends, after all, they were going to try and deceive Archidamus into believing that their marriage was, in fact, real. However, the stutter in her heart was silenced, and she continued the conversation. “I almost feel sorry for Agesipolis,” she admitted, sitting in the chair opposite Brasidas, her elbows on the table, “at least we don’t have to think about the cult anymore.”
(Kassandra never told anyone but Barnabas the Ghost’s real identity, it was the last kindness for someone who helped Kassandra find her family, despite what they did to the Greek world. Although Barnabas liked to tell stories, he also knew when to keep things to himself.)
Brasidas looked up again from his letter and said, “no, we won’t.”
The first night they stayed in the same house, they drank wine until their sentences were slurred and they couldn’t walk in a straight line. That night, as they drank, Kassandra told him everything she had done, from surviving the fall from Mt. Taygetos, to holding a lifeless Phoibe in her arms. Brasidas had sat in silence as she went on and on, going through the motions of anger and sadness. He embraced her that night, and told her that the Cult would never hurt her again, not as long as they were married. Although, she was very drunk at the time and can’t recall whether he actually embraced her or if she imagined it.
Later that night, Kassandra went to bed first, wrapped herself up in the blanket, relishing in the luxury of bedding and hoping she’d fall asleep before the other Spartan came to bed. It wasn’t their first time sharing a bed and it wouldn’t be the last time either. Unfortunately sleep did not embrace her quick enough and it did nothing good to her heart and her libido.
Lying on her back, staring at the ceiling trying to count sheep, movement by through the door urged her look down, seeing a full dressed Brasidas enter the room. Fortunately, it seemed like he hadn’t noticed that she was still awake as he unbuckled his cuirass, and lifted it over his head. Kassandra saw the red tunic, that Brasidas wore under his armour, lift a little too high as it got snagged on the cuirass, grazing over his thigh so she could see the hem of his linen underwear---- she swiftly turned on her side, away from Brasidas and temptation.
Just as she got comfortable on her side, she felt the sheet peel back just a little and heard Brasidas shift his weight as he slipped under the sheet. It seemed as if his back was towards her, judging by the way the sheet spread between the two of them.
It was too easy to share a bed with the Spartan General, she always felt too safe, too comfortable and Hypnos always pulled her in just a little too deep. But right now, the image of the red tunic was burned into her memory, his toned thighs, his skin darkened by the sun but most likely flecked with scars and freckles, either way, she just wanted to see what would happen if the tunic went up even further.
Then she remembers the marriage is fake, any feelings are probably a fake, and all she has to do is survive another three nights so she can return to the Andrestia and sail away.
Brasidas was nervous, sleeping next to a woman he frequently likens to Athena and Artemis. He always knew that she was only here as a favour to him but, a small part of him hoped that she was here for something more than the favour. Either way, he knew his love was unrequited (her reaction to him accidentally calling her my love is proof enough of how she sees him, as just a friend,) and, there’s no Spartan military tactic he can apply to be victorious in this situation.
He lay on his side, awake for an unknown amount of time. The General guessed that Kassandra was asleep behind him, she seemed to get go of her strangle grip on the sheet and he could hear her breathing gently and evenly. They’d been in the same bed enough times for him to know when she’s asleep. He carefully peeled back his half of the bedding, trying to slip out of the bed as quietly as possible.
Brasidas didn’t bother with his armour as he left the house, toeing on his sandals as he left their home to walk around Sparta. This was becoming a tradition, to steal away from their shared bed on the first night she returned. To clear my thoughts, he tells himself every time, which is true but, the content of the thoughts differ every time. Sometimes he thinks about professing his love, waking her up with kisses, and other times, he thinks about asking her to end their marriage, the pain of it not being real almost too much to handle.
Regardless, he considers every thought selfish. If he professes his love, it’s selfish, if he asks her to leave, it’s selfish; both ways preserve his feelings and takes none of hers into account.
He returns to their room after a walk around the Temple of Artemis Orthia, his mind cleared and his eyes heavy. He toed off his sandals and slipped back into the sheets, unaware that Kassandra had stirred until she spoke, “you went for a walk again?”
Any tiredness Brasidas had acquired had vanished, replaced by the shock of one, she’s awake and two, she knows about the midnight walks. He was speechless, just for a moment, before answering, “yes, I had to clear my thoughts.” He was lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling, his breath a little uneven, made noticeable by the sheet moving on top of him.
He heard Kassandra shift, then her breath on his shoulder, as she asked, “which thoughts?” She was obviously half asleep, her voice quieter and softer than usual. Brasidas tilted his head towards her, seeing her eyes opening and closing slowly, as if she was fighting to stay awake to hear his thoughts. “If they’re guilty thoughts, I’m great at those,” she murmured with a small but sad smile on her face, “it’s either you or them, you do what you have to do to survive.”
Brasidas huffed, a little bewildered at how casually she rationalises killing, then again, he knows she has always lived in a kill or be killed world, even without the help of Sparta. “They are not guilty thoughts,” Brasidas explained, briefly looking back at the ceiling, “go back to sleep, we will talk in the morning.” He turned back to Kassandra and moved a piece of hair from her eyes. She hummed appreciated but ultimately, didn’t roll back to her side as she usually did.
Brasidas rolled on his side, first away from Kassandra and then towards her, but by that time, she was back asleep, lips open slightly as she breathed evenly. He gazed at her for a few minutes before he too closed his eyes and fell asleep.
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