#Orm can die in a fire
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klbwriting · 1 year ago
Surface Tension
Chapter 6: Silence
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: Just...sadness
Summary: Everything falls apart
Notes: no song this time, comments/critiques appreciated
Taglist: @hyperagitatedcydonian13 @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul @duchcess
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Y/N thought when everything ended there would be music. Some strings to make it seem sad, but with a soft crooning trumpet, to sound hopeful, like everything would be ok in the end. Instead, her world was ending in silence, a quiet so loud she didn’t hear the beginning of Aria’s tirade. She finally came out of her stupor to see Aria staring between her and Orm, taking in the food, his disheveled clothes, putting everything together in her head.
“How dare you?” Aria demanded, staring at Y/N like she didn’t recognize her. Y/N just shook her head. “When Dean came home and told me who Oren actually was, I thought maybe I was mistaken, maybe he was mistaken, but he’s not. That’s not some surface dweller with a resemblance, that is Orm, the tyrant king we all hated.” Y/N looked at Orm then, seeing him doing the equation, figuring out things now.
It made sense now, why she was so understanding of him, why she didn’t react to his quirks the way other surface dwellers did. She was Atlantian, and apparently so was her friend Aria. Orm looked at Y/N and saw the stricken look on her face, but he just felt, numb.
“He’s not a tyrant…” Y/N was able to get out, looking back to Aria. “He’s different now…” It sounded so lame, so childish, but she didn’t know what else to say. Aria’s eyes flamed.
“He almost killed Dean! If you weren’t there 5 years ago when he sent that flood Dean would be dead!” she yelled. “You should go back to where you came from! Get back in a cell and die there like you should have when you were first crowned!”
“Aria GET OUT!” Y/N yelled, unable to stand her talking to him like that. Aria stopped, staring at Y/N for a moment before nodding.
“I hope that dick is worth your integrity,” she said before storming out the door.
Y/N didn’t want to turn around. Afraid of what she’d find. Orm however, was having an even bigger realization. The voice. Her voice that sang him to sleep in his dreams, that voice was the one from coronation day, from the protestors who had tried to assassinate him.
“It was you,” he said finally, voice so quiet she almost didn’t hear him. “You were there, you tried to kill me.” Y/N shook her head violently, looking at him, reaching out and trying to grab his hands. He stepped back, holding them away from her. “Don’t touch me.” She closed her eyes to keep them from leaking.
“No, Orm, no, it wasn’t supposed to be like that. No one was supposed to shoot you. We just wanted your attention, someone to see us and start talking with us about how to help the people in the lower city. Someone to investigate the sickness that killed my father,” she said, trying to explain so he wouldn’t walk away. “Let me explain please.” Despite wanting to leave right then Orm stopped.
“You can try but I’m not sure I’d believe anything you’d say,” he said. She would take it.
“When Hendrix joined us…”
“Hendrix? The councilman?” Orm asked. He remembered something about another noble saying he had infiltrated a terrorist group, finding out their plans to kill the upcoming king but not being able to stop it in time.
“Yes, Hendrix, he wanted to do the protest, said the parade would be the best place to get your attention. I just had to tell them the route…”
“Why would you have the route?” he asked. She said the sickness in the lower city killed her father, but she had survived, which meant noble blood. “Your mother…"
“My mother is Roux Velix and she was the organizer of the parade. I gave them the route, but we only supposed to be singing and then shooting off a cracker loud enough to get you to look and listen,” she said. “Hendrix brought the cracker, I didn’t realize it was an energy pulsar until he was about to fire, then I pushed it, trying to stop him,” she said. Orm shook his head.
“That’s not what it looks like on the footage Hendrix showed us,” he said. She shook her head.
“No, Orm, please I would never hurt you,” she begged, reaching out again. He backed away more, turning towards the door.
“Well too late for that,” he said, opening the door.
“Please stay, talk to me…”
“I don’t even want to look at you right now, leave me alone,” he said before slamming out the door and slamming the door to his place.
Y/N felt her legs go out on her and she was sitting on the floor, where she finally let go, tears running down her face as the quiet sank in again.
Orm needed to get away. He couldn’t be there knowing she was next door. He needed time to think. He needed to talk to someone. Arthur. His brother could help him, give him perspective, maybe even help him see what happened that day. He had always been told that she had tried to shoot him with the help of some other terrorist, but the footage was grainy, and you couldn’t see it clearly then. Maybe the advanced technology would help clear it up now. He grabbed the communicator that he had been given and called his brother, asking him to meet him at Tom’s lighthouse. It wasn’t far, but it was far enough to get him out of town, away from Y/N.
Y/N found herself on the edge of the rocks, looking at the water. She had been terrified the last time she was there, so scared of someone finding her. But now she hoped to find her father in the surf. He would know how to help her, what to say, just like he knew when she was a little girl. She wished that her story about spirits coming back to their family was true and she would feel his arms around her, holding her and telling her Orm would come back. That he would realize so many things were different now. Neither of them was who they once were and together they were better than apart.
She walked to the water, sitting in the surf, and feeling it for the first time in a decade. The salty air immersed into her lungs, and she felt the old pang of home come back to her. She fell into her thoughts, wondering what she could do next, how she could tell Orm she loved him. O God, she loved him, didn’t she? And he wanted nothing to do with her anymore. It was over.
“Well, this is unexpected, I didn’t realize you would make it this easy,” a voice said from behind her, then arms were tangling with her, and she was hauled into the sea.
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fire-fira · 6 years ago
Aquaman (2018) is a fucking GEM and here’s why
Buckle up, get your popcorn, get a drink, because my squawking about this film--
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--is gonna be long!
Okay, so as anyone who knows me reasonably well or has followed me for my DC stuff can tell you I am a MASSIVE nerd about DC’s Atlantis (thanks in large part to my wonderful and adorable fishy son La’gaan).
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(Obligatory shot of this kid’s happy smiling face because I love him and he deserves at least a moment of attention.)
The Big Things
This film freaking delivered with showing us Atlantis in full lit-up glory, not to mention showing a clear delineation between the lower levels and the upper levels. We didn’t get to see much of the lower levels unfortunately, but the fact that what we did see of it was an old shipwreck says some things. (Which I’ll probably extrapolate on under Social Things.)
I was never left in doubt for even a moment that Arthur and Mera were capable of what they were doing. Both of them are badass beyond words, are goddamn tanks who should NOT be trifled with, and have genuine complexity and chemistry that makes me heavily invested in their relationship. I can understand why they would be drawn together and how their dynamic would work out, and even as that’s going on I am never once left in doubt that both of them are a force of nature who are just as capable of flattening their enemies individually as they would be if they joined forces and fought side by side. Get on their goddamn level, because they are a power couple who can and will destroy you (or make you wish they had) if they deem it necessary.
BLACK. FUCKING. MANTA. I was not prepared for the sheer level of genius badassery from this man. It was one thing finding out that he got his tech from atlanteans (fuck you Orm), but it was something else watching him break it down and rework it to suit his needs while making his own helmet for-- oh yes-- the goddamn eye-lasers. We are very clearly shown that with his first attempt if he’d been wearing the helmet he would have died, but this brilliant badass pretty much just, “Guess I need a bigger helmet,” and then just went ahead and made a second one with everything figured out and sorted so it wouldn’t blow his damn head off any time he used his main weapon! Just HOLY SHIT BLACK MANTA! On only the second try?! What the shit dude?! Granted, you started out as a pirate and then stepped it up to being a supervillain, but HOLY SHIT. I’m surprised he stuck with being just a pirate for as long as he did!
Also, Black Manta’s motivation makes perfect sense. It took one of the more dick-ish moves Arthur’s done (which was also in character for him at that point in the movie), but that act of not saving Black Manta’s dad (especially since with their interactions I’d argue it’s fair to assume that his dad was a good dad to him) feels exactly like it was all that was needed for him to decide he wanted Arthur dead.
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 (And RIP me, when I first saw Black Manta’s dad my first thought was ‘Is that Coffeepot Guy from Young Justice?’)
Orm. Hoooolllllllyyyyyy SHIT Orm. Full props to that actor, because he completely sold Purist McDouche-Face Orm for everything he was worth. Even down to the subtle nuances of how easily he let Atlantean slurs fall, the casual arrogance and unnoticed contempt for anyone who wasn’t ‘pure’ (though that specific word didn’t come up) or who he viewed as ‘traitors’, and the fact that this son of a ba’athu-kest had his brother dragged to him unconscious and in chains in his throne room. There was a fucking COLLAR around Arthur’s neck! And then he has the fucking gall later on to essentially say, ‘If you leave now I’ll let you live and we never have to be at odds again, just ignore the fact that I’m going to be committing genocide that’ll probably include your Dad since he’s close to the shore. No hard feelings. ‘Kay?’ and act like it was an act of goddamn mercy or benevolence. Just... OMG. Seriously, just... fuck you Orm. Fuck you so much for engineering a goddamn war. JFC.
And speaking of Arthur’s Dad-- Arthur’s Mom and Dad are PERFECTION. Yeah, we don’t get to see as much of their relationship development as we do with Arthur and Mera, but Tom Curry and Queen Atlanna are the kind of partners you would expect to see epics written about in the old and ancient days. If we’re talking The Odyssey, then they are Odysseus and Penelope with their roughly 20-year absence from each other-- except Atlanna’s Odysseus and Tom’s Penelope. And when they came back together? I was almost crying in the theater. Holy crap. It was just SO MANY FEELS. Not even a moment of doubt that the two of them loved each other, that they loved each other deeply, that they loved each other intensely, and that they loved each other so much that they were willing to wait until the end of time if that’s what it took for them to be reunited. And if I’m not careful I’m going to get misty-eyed over them again.
And can we just appreciate the fact that Tom and Arthur are indigenous? I mean actually? Because dear gods when Tom greeted Arthur and they pressed their foreheads together and breathed I started fucking crying in the theater. I needed that. I needed to see an indigenous superhero with his culture woven in in subtle ways and for it to play out through affection between him and his dad WHO HE ACTUALLY HAS A WONDERFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH-- and fuck I’m crying again. (I’m assuming because Jason Momoa is Maori that that means they’re Maori? I’m not sure though. I hope the specific culture gets mentioned on the bluray whenever it gets released, because I’m forever after this film going with indigenous Arthur and I want to know I’m referring to his people correctly. Indigenous Arthur is in, all other versions of Arthur can go home.) Gods I have so many feels. If Atlanna had showed that she’d adopted small parts of Tom’s culture by doing the forehead thing with Arthur that would have ended me. On the spot. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, 404: Fira not found due to breaking down over all the feels.
Shifting a little (because otherwise I’m grinding to a halt and I have SO much more to get into) let’s talk about the kisegra, the Trench, and the various beasties! Of the kisegra we only really get to see two types-- the Fishermen (merpeople essentially) and the Brine (lobster/crab-centaur-ish people). I’m not going to fault the people working on the movie for showing us only those two types because they busted their asses on this movie and it shows-- hell, even among those kisegra there’s a diversity of coloration and body-build!-- but I was a tiny smidge disappointed not to see more diversity. Maybe something for a later movie. And then there’s the Trench. THE GODDAMN TRENCH. THESE NIGHTMARE FUEL BA’ATHU-KEGEST.
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The La’gaan muse in my mind may as well have been screaming bloody murder. The scene with them is THAT MUCH NIGHTMARE FUEL. It’d be one thing if only a couple of them had been on the boat and the ones on the boat were all there were.
AHAHAHAHAHA-- NO. I do not have words for the SWARM of them that we end up seeing on screen. JFC. (Though there is the vague indication that the Trench may???? be some type of kisegra???? in this reality??? Don’t like that implication one bit, especially with how it gets tied to bigoted purist comments. Might just be a thing purists were saying because fucking sea-nazi purists though.)
And can I also say that the Karathen is a damned Queen? Yes, Julie Andrews voiced her. Yes, she was voiced by Mary-goddamn-Poppins. Yes, she is “practically perfect in every way” and will flatten (or eat) a bitch as needed. Lava doesn’t affect her, she is fucking impervious. It’s no wonder why King Atlan wanted her to go with him when he fucked off into permanent self-imposed exile for his GIANT ASS mistake-- because who wouldn’t want to have their bestie to spend the rest of their life hanging out with when said bestie is the ORIGINAL ‘Deep Beast’ and will cheerfully destroy any of your upstart descendants if they try to be as stupid as you were by attempting to repeat your mistakes? (Real talk though, the fact that King Atlan made friends with her in the first place implies that he learned how to let go of almost all the excess pride that got him in trouble in the first place. Congrats for having some character growth and having stuck with what you felt was right my dude.)
And armored sharks. Fucking armored great whites. For when you absolutely, positively, have to kill every mother-fucking thing in the ocean around you.
The Differences From Other Realities
So one of the big things that stuck out to me was the “only the high-born can breathe air” thing. While I do agree that the ability to breathe air, or water, or both probably varies due to genetics and whatnot, in most realities and interpretations I’ve seen the ability to breathe air isn’t something only found in ‘high-born’ individuals. (Case in point, La’gaan. I love him to pieces, but as someone from the Outer Provinces there ain’t no way that boy is ‘high-born’, and yet he can breathe air.) I’m not pointing this out as a “screw up” of any sort on the part of the writers, but more to point out that this is a detail that makes the DCCU unique from other DC universes.
Atlantis-- Something that caught my attention was how Atlantis was spoken to in relation to other kingdoms. We have several kingdoms mentioned in the movie-- the Kingdom of the Fishermen, the Kingdom of the Brine, the Kingdom of the Trench (who tf decided they had a kingdom???), the Kingdom of Xebel-- but the way they’re each spoken about implies that they’re not seen as being part of Atlantis. Whiiiiiich is kind of weird, because Atlantis (in most iterations) is implied to have been a small continent/large island and not just a single city-state. On the other hand there have been (mostly older) renditions where it was a single city-state. Going off of what we see though, I’m inclined to think that what may have happened is that what was that world’s Poseidonis at some point during their history got renamed Atlantis (so kind of like a New York, New York situation; New York City in New York State, Atlantis City in Atlantis).
The number of kingdoms-- This is something I’ve seen vary SO DAMN MUCH. Some realities it’s only one, others have implied as many as 12 (before several were lost), and this reality says that there were 7 and that 3 have been lost. Fun details.
And Xebel being one of the kingdoms? Most renditions I’ve seen have it as a place for criminals or sealed off in its own pocket-dimension. So it being one of the kingdoms is pretty unique.
And thank you SO MUCH to the writers for completely erasing some of the more questionable things that have been done with Mera and Xebel, and with Black Manta. As far as I know none of the recent comics dip into that uncomfortable written history, but I still couldn’t help but be thankful that none of that awful crap got used.
No use of the word ‘pure’ in regards to the purist rhetoric of some of the characters, but it was so heavily implied that I think it’s safe to assume. Still mentioning it because with everything else going on it was almost weird that it wasn’t mentioned even once.
BORDER PATROL AND WALLS AROUND ATLANTIS. What the actual fuck?! What the fucking fuck?! Who the hell in Arthur’s family thought that was a good idea?! ‘Oh, you’re trying to go up and over the wall and not through the only gate into or out of Atlantis-- ‘cause that’s not asking for trouble AT ALL-- how about... No. Instead we’ll just FUCKING ANNIHILATE YOU WITH GIANT ASS LASERS BECAUSE THAT’S REAL PROPORTIONATE TO THE SITUATION.̓ (Seriously. What the fuck.)
The split between upper and lower levels. I’ve seen splits between inner and outer provinces before with various iterations, but this reality is the first one where I’ve seen an upper-versus-lower-level split in Atlantis.
Arthur being the eldest. Some realities he’s older than Orm, and in other realities Orm is older than him. It’s kind of a toss-up.
Atlanna being ‘sacrificed’ to the Trench. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ATLANTIS?! Granted, the Trench are a recent addition to the Aquaman mythos (a la New52), and it could be argued that for other realities they’re almost a myth, a legend of nightmare stories to warn reckless guppies away from going into open and empty areas away from others where it’d be easier for predators to snap them up and swim away; but for a reality where they’re known to factually exist and for people to be completely okay with SACRIFICING THEIR QUEEN TO THEM... What. THE. FUCK.
The Social Things
Technically I could put this point under Differences From Other Realities, but it has to do with a huge social detail for this movie, so it’s going here. ARRANGED MARRIAGE. I think it’s fair to assume that it may have been a thing in the past in most DC realities, but this reality is the first one I know of where it’s a current thing. Obviously this has HUGE repercussions for how things play out (like Queen Atlanna getting ‘sacrificed’ to the Trench for ‘committing treason’ thanks to having fallen in love with Tom and having Arthur-- WTAF Atlantis?), and it implies a lot more heavy restrictions in Atlantis than even I headcanon-- and I’ve headcanoned some really dark shit based on the crumbs and hints DC has given us over various renditions.
This movie did not sugarcoat or simplify the bigotry in Atlantis. They very clearly conveyed that being bigoted isn’t just “deliberately being mean to someone” and that bigotry is pervasive and can affect damn near everything. In fact they did an artful job at subtly and carefully weaving it into interactions that you might not even notice unless you know what to look for. This includes such “tasteful” (NOT) Atlantean slurs and comments rendered in English as:
- Half-breed (canonically an in-world slur)
- Mongrel (implications similar to ‘half-breed’)
- Savage (I hate this word so GODDAMN MUCH, you have NO fucking idea, my kneejerk reaction to hearing this word is the urge to either deck someone or set something on fire)
- “If that half-breed mongrel wields the trident, then that half-breed mongrel is your king.” (May not be word-for-word exact, but it was said by Mera’s father-- which fuck you Nereus, you purist piece of shit, and fuck you for daring to refer to the man you just told your people to follow by using a goddamn slur.)
- There’s more, but goddamn if I went through it all this thing would get even longer and I’d be screaming even more about Orm and Nereus.
- Though I will say with Arthur being indigenous, that insult of ‘half-breed’ carries WAY more weight than it might otherwise. Like WAY MORE.
Oh yeah! And before I forget! Because fuck that hagfish-sucking purist piece of ba’athu-kest shit ORM! THE ASSHOLE KILLS KING RICOU, KING OF THE FISHERMEN, IN FRONT OF HIS FAMILY BECAUSE HE WAS CALLING ORM ON HIS SHIT AND REFUSING TO GO ALONG WITH HIS WAR.
And then he fucking threatened to kill King Ricou’s partner and daughter if they don’t do what he wants!
Just... FUCK ORM. Fuck his purist bullshit, and fuck his purist bullshit that obviously made him think nothing of killing a kisegra where he actually hesitated over the idea of killing someone ‘pure’. (Think Vulco, to a certain extent, and Nereus when Nereus told him to back down over killing Mera.)
Mera says that people try to get into Atlantis over the wall “all the time.” Um, hi, because that’s not saying anything intense. At all. What it immediately calls to my mind is that it may be a direct hint of kisegra not being seen as citizens in Atlantis and (generally) not allowed in. In fact, in the main crowd scenes during the first fight between Arthur and Orm I only noticed ONE kisegra, and then only because of their tail. I may be wrong, there may have been more that I didn’t notice, but in the brief amount of time there was I tried to scour the shots of the crowd for kisegra and came up empty aside from the one. (Can we say ‘possible hints of that arc in the pre-boot comics where kisegra weren’t citizens until Arthur took the throne’?) It also implies-- if they’re willing to risk getting FUCKING ANNIHILATED BY GIANT ASS LASER-CANNONS to get in-- that things are B A D outside Atlantis.
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(Arthur, you poor bastard, you’re walking/swimming into a shit-storm.)
And ‘battles to the death for the throne’???? In a goddamn ARENA?! What kind of fucking hellscape is Atlantis that they’ve had such advanced tech at their disposal for centuries and they’re doing that shit?! (Again, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ATLANTIS?!)
The division between the upper and lower levels. Um... What... the fuck??? Apparently the “low-born” aren’t able to breathe air-- which okay, whatever-- but they apparently have to live with/in wreckage???? Without electricity??? (Obviously the Atlanteans have some form of energy production going. Magic or electricity or both, idek, but that shattered wreck of a ship looked like there wasn’t anything on it or in the area around it that might have cast some light that wasn’t whatever happened to be shining through from higher up.) And apparently without the means to build actual houses???? Great system there for the poor Atlantis. Really.
Arthur, you poor, poor bastard, you’re swimming into a shit-storm.
A gigantic shit-storm.
Arthur, you poor, poor bastard, you’re swimming into SUCH a gigantic shit-storm.
Arthur, you have my deepest sympathies. (Pun not intended.)
I know I said it before, but I’ll say it again: the implications for this world’s Atlantis are way darker than my headcanons have been.
Though this does make me wonder just how much shit Arthur and Mera might get over their relationship and how it came to be (since it obviously wasn’t through “proper traditional procedures”).
Some Other Points I Realized After Getting Some Sleep
Even though we get the sense that everything is headed by kings in Atlantis (HA), we also actually have evidence that Atlantis might not actually go in for surface-world sexist shit.
- Atlanna is clearly Atlan’s descendant, not Orm’s father, otherwise Arthur wouldn’t have been eligible for the throne. Which means the throne was hers (before she was going to be ‘sacrificed’ as a traitor). So that brings up the possibility that things may have played out differently if she’d been found out before Orm was born. (Maybe they wouldn’t have been able to safely ‘get rid of’ her without having someone of her family line available and ready to step in.)
- When Orm kills King Ricou it’s very clearly implied that the throne immediately goes to Ricou’s daughter and not his partner. There is no question or doubt that the princess is immediately in charge of her people’s armies, not even a hint that her gender is a factor in the situation. (It also reinforces the prior thing in the point about Atlanna that family-line seems to be the important factor over everything else for the royal families.)
- Atlanna and Mera both are shown to be highly capable fighters who aren’t to be taken lightly, and though we only really see them being pursued by and fighting against men, there’s not even a moment where any of the atlanteans seem surprised that they’re as capable as they are.
- The Karathen is arguably the biggest badass tank in the entire movie, and yet it’s safe to assume that when King Atlan went into his exile that he cared more about what she was capable of than he cared about the fact that she was the biggest badass woman in the entire ocean. (Assuming the Karathen even has the concept of gender. Pretty sure that’s up for question.)
Chances are high that when Atlanna was ‘sacrificed’ to the Trench, Orm saw his father’s show of harsh and callous ruthlessness and told himself that it was strength, it was admirable, and he wanted to be as much like him as possible. And there’s also the possibility that he had some part of himself deep down somewhere that was absolutely terrified over what his father might do if he ever was or became anything that his father saw fit to ‘destroy’. (Not that it excuses his purist bullshit for even a moment-- purist fucking McDouche-Face Orm can still fucking die in a fire as far as I’m concerned-- but that kind of thing may have added fuel to the fire for his purist bullshit.)
Since it’s very clearly implied that Mera and Orm were raised together, there’s a high chance they were friends as kids. It also means she got to see his increasing asshole-ish-ness, and while she may have missed the friendship they used to have as kids (thank you @tamlins-stories-and-poems for bringing this point up) she also would have known how quickly the switch could be flipped from him caring about her to him deciding she needed to die if he saw her as a ‘traitor’. (Which also explains her deliberate anti-surface comment to him before trying to say that she felt he was going too far.)
I just have to say, in regards to my fishy son La’gaan, he’s the kind of person who doesn’t willingly bow before or submit to anyone unless he feels they’ve earned it. The versions of Mera and Arthur in this movie? They are exactly the sort of people he would be ecstatic to call his Queen and King. They’re the sort of people he would be loyal to and fight with everything he has to defend them-- because they’re both the sort of people to essentially say “fuck you” to social conventions to do the right thing.
With the 7 kingdoms, at least 6 are outright mentioned (unless I’m not remembering the seventh, and even so I’m dubious about the kingdom of the Trench even counting).
- The Remaining 4: The kingdom of Atlantis, The kingdom of Xebel, The kingdom of the Fishermen, and The kingdom of the Brine.
- The ‘lost’ 3: The kingdom of the Deserters (implied to all be dead), The kingdom of the Trench (again, I’m dubious about their claim to the title, but there’s that purist rhetoric about some people having ‘regressed’-- fuck that noise SO much-- but if we put any stock in it then it would imply the kingdom was ‘lost’ because they ‘fell’ so far), and then the third one which may have been mentioned but I don’t recall.
- I just have so many doubts in regard to the Trench having their own kingdom. They’re screwed up nightmare fuel, and claiming they’re one of the Lost Kingdoms feels almost like one of those things that purists thought up as a way to support any claims they have about kisegra being “savage” and all that shit.
And while I’m at it, I fucking love how Orm’s spouting bullshit about how ‘savage’ and ‘barbaric’ kisegra are, and meanwhile the King of the Brine and King Ricou both tell him in no uncertain terms that he’s the one who’s being a violent asshole who needs to back the fuck off.
Really fucking pissed about how Orm killed Ricou and was going to kill the King of the Brine (after he’d already ripped his arm off, fucking asshole Orm).
- Also not thrilled about how after Orm gets ripped away from the King of the Brine, we don’t get to see that king again. I would have liked a moment of him making his way to Arthur to talk. (Maybe something to hope for in a sequel. And hopefully they’ll give him an actual name.)
Also, I appreciate that the one group of kisegra were called fishermen and not fish-men. It’s only something I’ve seen come up in a couple iterations (the animated Young Justice being the main one), but ‘fish head’ is yet another Atlantean slur. Presumably going off of that, things like ‘fish face’, ‘fish lips’, etc.-- while possibly not outright slurs-- could be similar enough to the actual slur to (justifiably) make any kisegra bristle. By going with ‘fishermen’ for that group, it’s pushing away the negative connotations of a possible slur by invoking a term and imagery that implies they are hunters, and therefore shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s a nice little touch that I’m not sure if the writers intended or not, but I appreciate it all the same.
That said, for all my screaming, I LOVE THIS MOVIE.
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therealityhelix · 2 years ago
Shards of the Nexus: Distortion Mirror
Multiversal coincidence can be a real bitch.
Song: This Ain’a a Scene, it’s an Arms Race-Fall Out Boy
@cardwrecks​ @captainbaddecisions​
This could not be happening.
Gods, gods in the sky. Prismatic fire blossoming in the air, devouring everything. Hot cast iron, burnt sugar, sizzling sausage.
Lively emerald eyes staring down in last, agonized moments-
Lively emerald eyes staring down in callous bemusement.
Kiwi tang, antifreeze, and all her love condensed into a convoluted walnut shell maze of anguish, grinding away her spiritual scaffolding like a rasp.
Emerald eyes and coffee-dark hair, shorter than she remembered, but his. The beauty of his sculpted face, carved ivory, harsher than she remembered, but his. The wire twist of his mouth, not smiling as she remembered, but his. Undeniably his. Undeniably him.
Her husband had been dead these past eleven years, but this was undeniably him. Him, in all his radiant, arrogant perfection, like he hadn't aged a day. He was looking at her for the first time in a lifetime, the most beautiful thing in existence.
And she couldn't breathe. She couldn't breathe, the duplicitous orm of hope coiling inside her ribs, and she reached out one trembling hand. If she could touch him, if she could touch him, she could make him real, make him live again, and everything she had ever done to survive would be worth it.
If she could just touch him...
He stepped away from her outstretched fingers, a disdainful expression crossing his face.
“Hey, are you dying? If you're going to die, could you do it somewhere else? I don't intend to murder anyone today, so if any death gets pinned on me, I'd like it to be on purpose.”
The voice. Cicada screech at sundown, too-tart lemonade. The song of a hornet just above the head, fine if friendly, devastating if not.
The voice was wrong.
The hope shattered, it's scornful shards pinning her to this time, this place, this reality, this man.
Her love remained in the one place she could not reach. This man was a stranger. A stranger that looked down on her without a shred of warmth or recognition.
She collapsed against the brick wall of the building behind them, trying to catch her breath. What cruelty could allow this? What mocking, multiversal coincidence?
It was some kind of bank, in a quiet, affluent area, employee parking in the back, carefully manicured topiaries stabbing up from the freshly piled wood chips, a fence of almost artificial greenery.
He'd been fiddling with the dials of some kind of handheld device, very much like a repurposed old-fashioned video game controller when she'd popped out from a space between those little trees, and she saw the security cameras power down and back up again.
“Aaand there we go!” He exclaimed. “Security system's mine! Now, you're gonna want to scoot over a bit for this next part. Go on, scootch.”
He shooed her as if she were a dog, still working the controls. From between the rows of cars, a strange machine rolled, a junkyard mishmash of pallets and scrap slapped together in a way that seemed messy, but began unfolding smoothly into a work of upcycled art.
Fascinated by the scene, she didn't move fast enough for this young, ill-tempered Ridder. He planted his shoe on her shoulder and shoved her over.
“I said move, you waste of a skull! Why are you even here? Did you just want to sightsee while you were on your meth bender? No...you're too chubby for meth. So what the hell is it? Too dull to speak? Or is it this?”
He plucked at his suit, a garish green, covered in question marks, a clearly bespoke piece whose ridiculousness was offset by its perfect tailoring and bold purple accessories. Violets popping from the mossy forest floor. Nori sheets and moly grease.
“Ugh, I swear, the smooth brained rabble sees one mask and thinks they're going to die. I'm not going to kill you just for existing. I'm not the Joker. So have your panic attack over there, would you? I'm trying to get something done.”
Derision. Lime juice sizzling on hot pavement. Bitter rue woven into a shield against the world. She could have become like that, had her heart sprouted in more barren ground.
Dragging herself to her feet, she stepped aside, trying to squeeze the last dregs of flashback disorientation out like water from her hair. This was no ghost from her past. This was the future, wherever its winding path led.
And this contemptuous hotshot might become part of it, if either allowed it to happen.
She watched the machine unfold and reconfigure itself, a composite creation of balanced base, long, segmented arm, and spinning head. A drill? No. Something else.
“What is this thing?” she ventured.
“Oh you can talk? Someone taught the monkey a trick! Good for you. Why should I tell you anything?”
She watched the machine, still unsure of it's function. Was it a weapon? Could she knock it over? Probably not.
“What am I gonna do about it?”
“Nothing, that's what. Unless you're some kind of plainclothes cop or civvie vigilante...” He squinted through his domino mask. “Nah. Again, too chubby.”
“You always this charming?” Maybe it was the bitterness of disappointment, maybe it was the flagrant rudeness. Whatever it was, her hackles were up.
“Your ego is meaningless. It's your health, after all. Would you prefer I speak truth, or lie about it?”
“There's this secret third option. It's called Not Saying Anything. I mean, I haven't said anything about your height.”
“What about my height? I'm taller than you!”
“You're wearing lifts!”
“And I'd still be taller than you without them!”
The machine had attached itself to the thick brick wall of the bank while they argued, lights flaring to life on its spinning head. Lasers. It might be made out of junk, but its was a sophisticated construction nonetheless. It burned through the wall, heat blowing from the bricks like a desert sunset.
“What are you after in there?”
He picked at his purple gloves, not looking at her.
“Notably, you have yet to give me a reason to tell you anything.”
Should she leave? This was an unpleasant creature, and the ache he awakened in her was deep as the root of a mountain. But...she was curious. She was always curious.
“Old fashioned bank heist?”
“Are you always this obtuse? What else would it be? Move!”
He shoved her again, as the machine finished cutting, the circle of wall falling outward and crushing it, rather than her. He stared at the mangled scrap for a moment, then shrugged, reaching into the hole and retrieving a small strongbox, labeled with the name Wayne.
“Perfect. Flawless. Exactly according to-oh, damnit.”
Security had finally noticed their lost systems control and come to investigate. Two guns trained on the Riddler, who held his nonchalant demeanor.
“I'm not involved.” Helix said, trying to step away.
“Here, hold this.” he dropped the box into her hands. Startled, she clutched it to her chest. Then he yanked her close and pressed a firearm of his own to her temple. “Okay gentlemen. You know the drill. Drop the weapons, or I blow the hamster wheel she calls a brain all over the pavement.”
The fear diminished into a base note, overwhelmed by cloying irritation. It wasn't just the inevitable betrayal, so much as the belief that he could do better than that.
“Didn't you say you weren't going to murder anyone today?” she griped.
“I said I didn't intend to, not that I wouldn't if the need arose.”
“Ugh, Arkham said you were a pill. And yet, I came anyway.”
“Sounds like you should have listened to your betters. Funny though, how a single sentence can influence the outcome of a situation. Do try to keep up. No really. Keep up. It's time to run!”
Gripping her by the yoke of her blouse, he darted into the parking lot, dragging her along. Neither security guard had dropped their gun-this was Gotham after all, the lives of hostages held little value. Bullets zipped past, embedding into cars, pinging off pavement. He shot back over his shoulder, apparently not caring where he was aiming.
Leading her to a surprisingly gray car, he tossed her in, still clutching the strongbox. More bullets barely missed the vehicle as they peeled away.
“Alright. So. How do you know Arkham?” he demanded. “ And if you met him, how are you still alive to pester me?”
“Notably, you haven't given me reason to tell you anything.”
He turned his incredulous face, and his gun, back to her. She placed her hand over the muzzle. The two of them simply stared, demanding, denying. A game of chicken in which both participants were a touch off-kilter.
“Fine, then who are you?”
“Helix. And I'll tell you right now Puzzles, if you don't stop pointing that gun at me, I'll chuck this box out the window!”
He lowered the weapon reluctantly.
“I see my reputation precedes me. Heard about you too. I must say, I expected you to be less pathetic.”
“You didn't need to 'must say' that. But if it makes any difference...you reminded me of someone I never thought I'd see again, and I wasn't prepared  for it.”
“Sounds like a you problem.” he took the strongbox from her lap and tossed it into the backseat. “But why didn't you lead with any of this? That you knew who I am, that you presumably knew others? Why tergiversate to your own detriment like that?”
Puzzles pulled over and shoved her out of the car.
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Artist: Me
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Artist: Verticalthoughts (deactivated)
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Artist: @cardwrecks​
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solinarimoon · 4 years ago
Fields of Wildflowers - Chapter 11
Fields of Wildflowers 
Chapter 11
A Sihtric x OC story
AN: The story will start to get a little bit off canon/timeline here and in the final few chapters.  Just a heads up.  The previous chapters are here. And my master list can be found here.
Warnings: Typical TLK violence and drama but nothing else I can think of at the moment.
Word Count: 3366
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Once the decision had been made by both Cwen and Eadith to travel with the company to Winchester, plans moved quickly.  Horses and provisions were purchased and goodbyes were made.
Lady Aethelflaed did not come to see the journeyers off.  She must maintain a certain level of propriety now and cavorting with her former lover would not rank high on that scale. Cwen also imagined it would be too painful for her to watch as Uhtred rode away.  But Aelfwynn did come, accompanied by Wyllath.  
Cwen said her final goodbyes and helped Aethelstan into the cart to ride alongside his grandmother.
“I am glad for your company, Cwen,” Lady Aelswith said once she had settled next to Aethelstan in the cart. “I would like to offer you a place in the palace to help me with Aethelstan, should you wish it.” The former queen’s words struck Cwen quite a shock. 
“My Lady, it is a very kind offer.  One that I do admit is tempting. But,” she trailed off.  Her eyes  gazed across the courtyard towards where Sihtric was readying the horses, “my future lies elsewhere, I am afraid.”
Lady Aelswith followed Cwen’s gaze and pursed her lips in disapproval.  
Before allowing her to make any disparaging statements, Cwen interjected, “Is there anything else I can do for you, Lady?”
After being given a tight lipped shake of the head, Cwen reached her hand to take Aethelstan’s own. 
“Once we are stopped for the night, would you like me to sing you another song, Aethelstan? Maybe one I can teach your grandmother?”
“Yes, please,” came his gentle voice as he smiled before turning his attention back to the book in his hand.
After a full day's travel, the group settled on a place to make camp for the evening.  
Sihtric helped Cwen to dismount her horse and took the opportunity to steal a kiss from her.
The pair chuckled and Cwen hid her face in Sihtric’s chest when they heard Uhtred call,
“Sihtric, I saw that.”
“Sorry, Lord,” Sihtric called back, chuckling and landing another kiss along Cwen’s lips.
Cwen could not help the girlish giggle that came from her and the feeling like a bird was fluttering against the inside of her chest, trying to break free.
In all her years, she could not remember feeling as light and as happy as Sihtric had made her feel since they’re reunion at Aylesbury.  
On the road and on the run, Cwen had felt pulled to him.  But the feeling had been more dense.  Marred by something more grave, somber, serious.  Sihtric’s eyes had always been on her. Studying her and assuring her safety.  Cwen had begun to look for those eyes and found comfort and security in them.
But the dangers of their last journey had passed.  And that curtain, now pulled back from their relationship, shed light on entirely new and exciting aspects of each other they couldn’t wait to explore.
Since their night together in the glade, Cwen found her mind often returning to thoughts of Sihtric’s hands on her body, his lips on her skin.  Her body’s response to him being near her, to feeling his presence excited her.  
“I miss our night in the glade,” Cwen whispered as she looked up to meet his eyes. The look she found there left her knees weak.  
“Well,” the tembur of his voice rumbled in his chest, “while you’re out gathering wood for the fire, if you notice a nice secluded spot,” his words trailed off suggestively.
Swallowing thickly, Cwen took a step away from his embrace and replied, “I’ll keep my eyes open.”
“What you do to me, woman.” Cwen heard him reply as she turned to stride away in search of firewood.  
Cwen had walked several paces when she found Eadith at her side.  The two women helped each other collect several pieces of wood before returning to the campsite only to be sent off once more since it would apparently not be enough for Lady Aelswith.
“It’s her way of showing she likes ya,” Finan told Eadith as the ladies walked past him into the forest again.  Eadith chuckled in reply and continued walking, while Cwen quirked her brow up at Finan.
“Well what, Cwen?”
Sighing exasperatedly, Cwen replied “You still haven’t talked to her?”
“Hush,” Finan gestured with his hands for Cwen to quiet her voice. “And no… at least not yet.  Now go get more firewood, Cwen.  The Lady Aelswith is cold.” he chided her away.
Smirking and shaking her head, Cwen turned on her heel and followed after Eadith into the woods.
“So how does it feel?” Eadith pried after the pair had been silently collecting wood for several minutes.
“How does what feel, Eadith?” Cwen smiled over at her friend.
“Oh you know, just embarking on a new journey with a new lover?”
“Oh you cheeky..” Cwen trailed off after kicking up a small stick at Eadith and managing to not drop the pile of wood balanced in her arms.
“Honestly, Eadith, it just feels right.  It feels like I have found a piece of myself that was missing... that I did not even know was missing.  But now it is reunited with me and I am whole.”
“Well I am very happy for you, my friend.”
“Thank you, Eadith.  Now let us head back and see if this is enough wood for Lady Aelswith’s cold bones.”
Laughing, the two women turned to trek back along their path to camp, but their voices fell silent as they got closer and saw many horses and warriors surrounding their camp.
“What is this?” Eadith hisses while the two crouch low behind a tree.
“I do not know.  I can not make out any words.”
Cwen gasped and clasped her hands over her mouth as she watched men grab Aelswith and Aethelstan and march them over to climb into a cart along with Stiorra.
She can only watch in terror as the cart ambles away only to then have her attention caught again as she heard Finan cry out and the Dane’s crowd in around the men.
“What are they doing?” Cwen whispers harshly as their men are tied and strung upside down from tree branches.
Eadith does not respond, only stares ahead.
Cwen can see Sihtric fighting against his restraints and feels a steely resolve in her mind.
“They will die.  We must do something.  A..a..a diversion.” Cwen rambles as she formulates a plan.
“What sort of diversion?”
“Anything! Anything to bring the guards away from the tree.” Cwen hissed while she looked around for any sort of idea. 
At the tree, Sihtric struggled and fought against his restraints, only succeeding in wearing himself out and increasing his blood flow. 
His vision began to get spotty and he could feel himself beginning to fade. 
“Sihtric,” he heard Uhtred’s voice. It sounded far away and slow. “Sihtric, stay awake.”
“Cwen,” Sihtric groaned. “They can’t find her…” he mumbled.
But his thoughts were interrupted by Osferth dangling next to him from the tree. 
“Hey, it will be alright. They don’t know about her. Just stay awake, eh? Stay awake for her.”
At that moment, Sihtric heard a strangled, terrified scream come from the surrounding forest. As one of the Danes guarding the tree ran off to investigate, Sihtric felt the panic set in that it was Cwen screaming. 
Meanwhile In the woods Eadith was crouched over in the forest floor with her back turned to the approaching Dane. Cwen stood over her, clutching at her shoulders and feigning panic. 
“What’s this?” Cried the Dane as he got close enough to touch the two women. 
“It’s my sister. We were out collecting mushrooms and I don’t know what happened.  She’s with child and just fell and screamed. Please help us!”
Her pleading worked as the Dane rushed to Eadith’s side. 
Cwen stood back as he approached and allowed him to come between herself and Eadith. Once he was on a knee and therefore lower than Cwen herself, she grabbed a knife from his belt and before he could turn to learn what was happening, she plunged the knife into the side of the man’s neck.  Quickly, Eadith stood and backed away searching the woods for signs of the second guard.
Cwen pulled the blade out of the man’s flesh with a sickening squelch, but seeing him continue to struggle she forced the knife into his throat once more.  
A look of horror crossed her face while she watched the burly man fall to bleed at her feet, his mouth gaping open and shut like a fish.
“Orm…. Orm,” Cwen was startled from her horror as Eadith clutched at her and the two women knew they must move or else be found by the second guardsman.  Eadith grabbed the axe from the dying man’s belt as Cwen held on tightly to the bloody knife.
The ladies crept through the forest silently, skirting the edge of the treeline and avoiding the Dane.
As soon as they knew he was occupied searching in the distance, Eadith ran forward clutching the axe while Cwen rushed to Sihtric, cutting the bonds at his wrists.
As she cut, Cwen tried to rouse him, “Sihtric, wake up.  We’re cutting you down, so you have to wake up! Please wake up!”
Cwen breathed a little easier when she heard him begin to groan in response to her shouts.
“Eadith the axe!” Cwen gestured to the rope at Sihtric’s feet.
“Hold him steady,” Eadith rushed while swinging the axe upward, striking at the ropes.
After several cuts, Sihtric’s rope frayed and snapped and he dropped onto the ground and into Cwen’s arms.
Eadith moved on to help free Father Pyrlig next while Cwen tried to shake senses into Sihtric.
As he sat up, Sihtric gasped, regaining some of the feeling in his upper extremities.  
Then, before Cwen could register what was happening, the other Dane was back darting towards them.  Sihtric was up and moving away from her to keep the man back while Eadith continued to cut the men down.
But Sihtric had not fully recovered from being strung upside down.  The Dane overpowered him after a few moments, but it did not last long as Cwen tackled the enemy off of her lover.
By that time, Eadith had been able to free Father Pyrlig who rushed to Cwen’s side, forcing her away to safety as Sihtric grabbed the Dane and shoved him backwards, held tight against the tree.  Cwen watched as Pyrlig grappled with the man now too, restraining his arms while Sihtric used a knife to stab at his belly repeatedly.
Cwen turned her attention now to helping the others cut their ropes and regain the strength to stand. 
She was supporting Finan who was rubbing at his legs when she felt Sihtric’s hands grasp desperately at her shoulders.
He cupped her face then grabbed at her hands holding them up to inspect them, “Are you hurt, Cwen?  Did they,”
Stilling his panic, Cwen hushed his fears, “It is not my blood.  It is the first guard’s.  I...I killed him.” As soon as the words left her lips, Cwen could feel her own panic begin to rise. Her breathing became erratic and her eyes locked on the blood covering her hands and wrists. 
“Hey, hey, hey.  We are alive.  Breathe. Cwen, look at me.”
Cwen did as he said and found his eyes as they both continued to try and regain control of their breathing.  
Their moment was broken when Cwen realized Uhtred and the others were rapidly discussing plans.
“What happened? We could not hear anything. Only saw them take them.”
“It was Haesten, an old enemy who wishes me dead.  While we were all in Mercia, the Danes have taken Winchester.  That is where they are taking my daughter.”
Cwen could only stare in shock at this news.
“Lord,” Finan interjected, “they do not know who she is. They don’t know she is your daughter.”
Uhtred growled but Cwen watched as he immediately began to strategize.  Ever the lord and leader.
“Pyrlig, find Edward and inform him of what has happened here.  The rest of us, we go on to Winchester.  They will not take what is not theirs. Not while I live.”
The next moments are a flurry of activity as swords are retrieved and everyone begins a quick run following the route the enemies had taken.
Cwen grasps for Eadith’s hand who was still clutching the axe. 
“We have to move,” she breathed although the conviction in her own voice fell short.
As if breaking from a trance, Eadith meets Cwen’s eyes, nods and Cwen sees her resolve return.
Sihtric grasps her shoulder as he takes the axe from Eadith and they begin to run.
They seemed to run endlessly, hours and hours.  Cwen’s breath was ragged and her feet ached.  But she knew they must make it to Winchester.
There is a good chance that the Danes do not know they have Edward’s first born son as prisoner, but the idea that Aethelstan may be harmed or worse gave her the stamina to continue until nightfall and beyond.
Eventually they did stop for rest and to recuperate for a short while when the night became too dark.
Too tired to do anything more than flop to the earth, the group lay down, all panting, and stretching, and aching.
Sihtric moved himself to lean against a tree and Cwen placed her body between his knees, relaxing into his arms.
She felt as his hand rose to brush his fingers through her hair and he kissed the top of her head before resting his forehead against it and taking deep, steadying breaths.
“I can feel your heart,” she whispered softly.
“It still beats because of you, lady.” He replied, not moving his head, his mouth mere inches away from her ear.
Cwen smiled silently and focused her attention on listening to his heartbeat and continuing to catch her breath.
“You were wonderful, Cwen.”
“I was terrified,” Cwen revealed. “I still am.  If anything happens to Aethelstan,” she trailed off.
“I know.”  Sihtric did not try to tell her it would all be alright.  There was no way to know that it would be.  And Cwen appreciated him all the more for that.
Instead, Sihtric continued to stroke her hair as they both listened to their breathing returning to normal.
After what felt like an eternity of running, they approached the gates of Winchester and took stock of the situation while regaining their breath under a large tree.
Cwen craned her neck to look up to the ramparts where men were pacing and spikes had been placed. Spikes with the heads of dead Saxon’s adorning them. 
This new Dane, Sigtryggr, seemed to be utilizing different tactics. It appeared the city was preparing for a siege. Something the Danes had not done in the past. 
Cwen sat and listened while Uhtred discussed ideas for what to do. 
“We are known here,” Osferth reminded them all. 
She felt Sihtric tense next to her, “Yes. Someone would give us up for their own safety.”
“But I am not!” Cwen spoke up forcefully. 
The eyes of her friends all turned to her and she felt Sihtric’s gaze burning into her. 
Cwen glanced his way for a moment before continuing. “I am not known here. I haven’t been back to Winchester for many years. No one will know me. I can find them and”
“We can find them,” Eadith interjected. Cwen turned to face her friend. “Neither of us will be noticed. Cwen is right. We could hold out in the siege. Keep eyes on our people. If possible let them know you’re here.”
“Exactly,” Cwen agreed. “When the time comes that you can enter the city and retake it, it will help to know where they are being kept.  And it will bring them comfort to know you are here.”
Finan looked at Eadith and Cwen in turn and Uhtred mulled the idea over.
“You do not have to do this,” Finan spoke.
“There will be no protection for you.  There is no way to know what you will find in there.” Cwen heard Sihtrics' low voice.
“You are right.  Both of you,” Cwen looks at the men in turn. “But we don’t really have any other options.  And if there is something I can do to help the people we love in there then I will do it.”
“You are sure, Cwen? Eadith?” Uhtred asks.
“Yes,” both ladies reply.
“Then we will find you some provisions to bring in with you.  You can not enter the city empty handed. Let’s go.” Uhtred finishes while standing and retreating back with the others to search for food or other useful items left along the road by those fleeing to the safety of the city walls.
As Cwen stands, she feels Sihtric’s hand reach out to take her wrist, holding her back as the others leave.
“I do not like this plan.” His words are honest and slow.  Cwen looks at him and has difficulty deciphering the tone of his voice.  
“I know you may be angry, but I can not stand by and do nothing.”
“Doing nothing might be better than doing something foolish,” Sihtric hissed while looking down at Cwen’s feet.
Cwen took a step back from him, the shock at his words written on her face.  Sihtric allowed her wrist to fall from his hand and he brought his eyes up to see the hurt in Cwen’s eyes.
“You are not the only one who can protect those you care about.” Cwen hissed in reply to his words.  “I have cared for Aethelstan as I did for Aelfwynn.  They mean the world to me and I meant what I told Lord Uhtred.  If there is a chance I can be of help inside those walls then that is what I will do.” Cwen’s words came out clipped and tight as she drew her arms tight around herself.  Farther from his reach.
She winced when she saw him scoff and run his fingers through his hair then down his face, leaving them resting in front of his mouth for a moment.
“You will need this on you.” He said taking a knife from it’s sheath on his belt.
“Keep it hidden but on you at all times.”  His words were methodic and instructive now.  The matter-of-fact instructions directed both of their attention away from the harsh words they had each spoken.
“If you need to use it, aim for one of the areas that is likely to do the most damage and allow you to get away.”
Sihtric brought his body close to hers now and demonstrated where to place the blade and how best to hold it.  
Once the impromptu lesson finished, the others had returned bearing a basket with a small amount of food and a large earthen jug.
“Thank you,” Cwen looked up at Sihtric through her lashes to find something unreadable on his face.  He spoke no more words, instead closing his eyes and resting his forehead against hers.  A gesture Cwen had come to realize held special intimacy for her Dane and his companions.
Cwen breathed deeply hoping to quell the frustration in her head at his words earlier, but it only dulled the ache.  
After a few silent moments, Cwen pulled away and placed the knife in the pocket of her skirt before turning to head back to meet the others by the large oak, leaving Sihtric behind her and standing next to Eadith.
She took the jug, filled with water from Osferth’s grasp and then the two ladies walked towards the walls of Winchester.
Neither knowing what danger they may find inside.  Or what enemies may lie within.
*please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list.
Tags: @maggiescarborough @pokeasleepingsmaug @nxrdist @mystic-shadows42 @emilyhufflepufftlk @magravenwrites @lauwrite1225 @morosemagick @thebohemianpenguin @mrsalwayswrite @notyourwildestdream @obipoelover @ecarroll1978 @93xdiagonxalley @nobodys-business-world @evelynshelby @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
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aggie-the-poet · 6 years ago
Goddess Reborn
Arthur Curry x goddess!reader
(possibly Orm x reader as well if I add more parts to this)
Summary: Arthur Curry is sent on a mission to recruit a new member to the justice league, except he didn’t fully comprehend just who he’s recruiting
Warnings: religion sort of (is it a warning? yes), swearing
Word Count: 1371
Author’s Note: I dunno where this came from but I saw Aquaman and now Arthur and Orm both own my ass. I’m considering making multiple parts to this but I dunno if anyone would even read this. Just lemme know if you’d be interested in another or multiple parts to this.
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*Arthur’s POV*
“This. Is. Fucking. Bullshit.” I pant through heavy breaths. I’ve been climbing this mountain for nearly an hour because I can’t find this chick’s hideout. I don’t even know if she exists, but stupid bat boy insisted we needed someone like her on our team. Apparently the locals have a tale about a woman that talks to animals and controls plant life, saving the occasional traveler from wild bears eating them or some shit.
Just as I’m about to call Bruce and tell him I give up, I spot a flickering light far off in the distance. That’s something, guess I gotta check it out. I quicken my pace and climb up. The closer I get the better I see where the light is coming from.
A small cottage sits upon the only flat area on the mountain. Two lanterns hang on either side of the door. The windows are shielded by curtains, so I can’t see inside. Who could possibly live up here? There’s no road to get here, as I had to climb all the way up this fucking mountain. So how could a built house be up here? As I walk closer to the cottage, I hear the scampering of animals running away. I walk up to the door and put my ear up in attempt to listen in. I only hear the crackling of a fire, but I can tell no one is inside. Considering my options, I think of breaking down the door to investigate. Just as I ready myself, a piercing voice stops me.
“Who dare come here, breaking down my door?” I spin around and scan the area. It’s hard to see, but I spot a small woman up in the closest tree. I should’ve seen her, but she’s stealthy.
“Are you the woman that speaks to animals?” I ask, walking closer to the tree. The woman’s face instantly turns to a frown, replacing her previous glare.
“My first visitor in over a hundred years, and you don’t even know my name?” She jumps down from the tree branch and lands right beside me. I step back, admittedly feeling intimidated by her.
“Yes, well… That’s kinda why I’m here. I’d like to know your name. So…?” I ask.
“Do you even know what I am?” She asks clearly upset.
“Uh… I know you have sort of power over the plants and animals, right?” I suggest.
“Some sort? You think I’m human, don’t you!” She looks angry now. Shit, I fucked this up.
“Well, you do look human. I guess I do too, but I am half human at least. What exactly are you then?” I try to calm her down, but she looks as furious as ever.
“I am Danu, mother and goddess to the very earth we stand upon. My sisters and I created everything around you. You exist because of me! And yet you know not of my existence until now!” She yells.
“I’m sorry! I’ve never been into religion so I never thought of gods and goddesses…” I explain.
“It matters not. Man has abandoned the old gods. No one knows of me or my sisters. I’m the last remaining goddess of origin. And you came here because I talk to animals.” She turns from me and walks to the cottage. Her shoulders are slumped and her face is sad. It makes me feel like a dick.
“Well, hey! Why don’t you just use your magic or power or whatever to show people who you are?” I suggest. She opens her door and steps inside. Contrary to what I thought, she leaves the door open just an inch. This must be an invitation inside, right? I follow her and see her sitting on the floor in front of the fire. “Listen, I need your help.”
“Man has always needed my help, but it’s not my place to interfere.” She states. I call bullshit.
“That’s crap! If you really built this world, then you have an obligation to protect it!” I walk over to her and glare down.
“I do not expect you to understand, but creators simply create. After that, we’re just supposed to watch as time unravels the truth.” She doesn’t look at me. She simply stares into the fire.
“Then why are you here? And why do you look like a human? If you really can’t interfere then why do you safe travelers? Why would you even talk to me if you’re really so uninvolved?” I can tell I put her in a hard place. She sits there thinking for a while before answering.
“I’ve always tried to be more involved. I used to have worshipers that would pray to me everyday. I would offer them gifts and give the great harvests. I loved my followers so much, but then they were influenced by foreigners proclaiming there is only one true god. One by one, my followers converted or were killed for worshiping me. I could do nothing. Creators are not permitted to retaliate. It is not our way to kill. I lost everything. Throughout the years, the old gods died, forgotten. In an attempt to save my life, I gave up my creation power to become mortal. I chose the shape of man because I thought I’d be accepted more in this form. I was wrong.” She finally says. This hits me. I can tell she’s been through a lot, but I still feel strongly about this.
“So what? You just give up on the world? Because we don’t worship you anymore? That’s pretty selfish of you! There are people out there who really need your help, but you just sit up here sulking? At least do something with your life!” I snap at Danu. This is ridiculous. We really could’ve used her help loads of times, but she just hides away up here?
“I… I don’t mean to be selfish… You don’t know the burden of being a creator. It kills us when no one even knows who we are anymore. We feel pain. I was scared to die. I thought man could deal with their own problems, but I suppose man will always need my help whether they know it or not.” Danu thinks out loud. I sit down next to her, and she looks me in the eyes intensely.
“We need your help. Even with little things. Please just consider anything. I’m a part of a group of people with powers used to protect the world. We’re known as the Justice League. We could really use someone like you.” I explain, hoping she likes the idea.
“A group? I… I’m not sure… I don’t know how to interact with humans anymore. What if they don’t want me?” Her insecurities show.
“We do want you. And if you’re concerned about facing lots of people again, I can bring you to my home. We can start small with helping people. I’ll introduce you to my family. They will love someone like you. We’re all about nature.” I chuckle.
“Where is your home? What are you exactly, if not fully a man?” Danu asks.
“I’m half man, half Atlantian. I’m from Atlantis, under the water. I guess we’ll have trouble getting you under the water since you probably don’t breathe water, right?” I realize my plan might not work.
“Technically I don’t even need to breathe air, so I suppose it will be fine. I’m not really mortal, I just have a human looking vessel.” She explains.
“Great! So what do you say? I’ll show you how great it is to help people out. My people will love you, I promise!” I try to sell the idea as best I can.
“Perhaps… I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try… Very well. I will go with you to Atlantis. Then if all goes well, I will consider joining your Justice League.” She states.
“Good! Yes! You won’t regret it!” I stand up and offer my hand to her. Danu takes it and I pull her up with me. I give her a big smile to show her my friendliness. I can tell this will be a fun experience. Who knew I’d get to meet a fucking god?
Let me know if you’d like to read more of this! Or if you want me to write something specific for you! My requests are open!
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bookwormwolf · 6 years ago
Locked Away
Arthur x Atlantean reader
Summary: An AU in which it isn't Orm who tries to destroy the surface, but his father who is still alive. Orvax wins the battle between him and Arthur, and orders Arthur's secret lover to be executed as punishment. However, Arthur along with Mera, Orm, Vulko and Atlanna overthrow Orvax.
Rating: SFW but descriptions of violence and kind of derogatory terms. Also the f bomb.
Requested: No
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After the execution of Queen Atlanna, young Prince Orm grew distant from his father, finding a new paternal figure in Nuidis Vulko, his mother's old friend. The King and former War General Orvax in a desperate attempt to keep his son loyal to him, brought (Name), daughter of the King's distant cousin and Princess Mera of Xebel to the court of Atlantis. Mera and Orm were quickly betrothed whilst (Name) was trained to be the perfect spy, a weapon that most Atlanteans wouldn't suspect due to her relation to royalty and the fact she was a woman.
Little did Orvax know, the girl that he pushed and trained for over ten years to be his perfect weapon would be the very one help to bring him down.
Mera and (Name) became close friends as they grew up, and (Name) supported the plan that Mera had to bring Orm's half brother back to Atlantis. So, Mera left Atlantis to fetch the man, but (Name) could not leave, in fear the King would suspect something. Instead, she distracted Prince Orm and fed him false information about where Mera had gone. It wasn't long before Mera returned with Arthur, and (Name) got to meet the man that they had all risked everything for - and he was gorgeous. His hair was dark, which was so unlike the current royal family and if Mera had not told her that he was Atlanna's son, she would have never of guessed that this man was a prince of Atlantis. They all continued to meet in secret for a while and (Name) slowly fell for Arthur, the hero she and the rest of Atlantis needed. She got more and more daring, caring less for the favour that the King had for her and one night, months after they had first met, (Name) travelled with Arthur to the surface. She couldn't stay long because she had told the King that she was sweeping the surface ready for the takeover that she was desperately trying to prevent. On that night, standing at the dock where Arthur told her he had seen his mother for the last time, they kissed. (Name) clung to him, the tears that the sea would usually wash away lingered on her cheeks as she sobbed. She sobbed for the love that they could never have before plunging back into the depths, just as Atlanna had with Thomas.
But, all was well until one day somehow Orm figured out what was going on. And he was furious, so angry that he had all of them arrested and taken to his father straight away. And here they all were, Mera with a guard holding her hands behind her back, Vulko with two guards pointing their weapons at him and Arthur, god, poor Arthur had been chained up and forced to his knees. But (Name) had taken the most damage out of anyone, the King's own flesh and blood (no matter how distant) had betrayed him and he was determined she was going to pay for it.
Arthur hated the view in front of him, but he could not move away due to the chains holding him. The woman who had been so clever and selfless for the good of her home was being mostly blamed for all their actions. Somewhere in the background, he could hear Vulko and Mera being dragged to the dungeons whilst the King stepped towards (Name), trident raised.
"You have betrayed the throne of Atlantis, girl, your own family. For what? A half breed bastard?" Orvax yelled at her, but (Name) hardly seemed phased.
"Arthur is a good man. He will be a good king." She stood there, defiant but secretly terrified.
Orvax tensed, and (Name) knew she wasn't going to get off easily. There was no hope for her now, no way for her to talk and lie her way out of this situation. She readied herself for pain, and closed her eyes, feeling the water rippling around her. The familiar crackle of the King's trident moving through the water came towards her and she dodged, her knife dropping from the holder up her sleeve. She in turn lunged, slicing through Orvax's armour easily.
"You traitor! You shall die for this, I made you what you are, you foolish girl and I will take it all away. I will take him away."
And he hits her. He hits her across the face, hard but she doesn't cry out. She staggers and turns back, throwing the knife in her hand right where the gap in the armour she had made was but the King caught it before it reached him. He laughed in her face, before gesturing the guards to grab her.
"You are not quite a queen so no merciful trench execution, girl. Put her in the holding cell and we'll do it publicly with him-" Orvax pauses and points at Arthur, a cruel grin on his face, "watching as she begs for death."
Arthur roars. He roared like a beast and struggled in his chains, helpless as (Name) is dragged away, equally screaming and kicking until she gets hit in the head and cries his name as she goes as limp as the water allows her. He turns to Orvax, and his eyes darken. Oh this isn't just about his mother now - this man has taken two things from him that he loved.
"You lay a fucking finger on her..." He snarls before he too is knocked out and carried to a cell.
When (Name) awakes, the first thing that she realises is that she's cold. And then that there was blood stuck to her hair and she's pretty sure that somebody had beaten her whilst she was sleeping because her ribs feel bruised. She looked around desperately for Arthur and almost called for him, but with a surge of panic that sets deep in her stomach she's realises that Orvax could exploit that and instead punches the wall hard enough the skin breaks and she can hear a crack that tells her that something is now most likely broken. (Name) let out a word that Arthur would be proud of, and when she noticed Orvax watching her, she repeated it.
"Are you ready to die?"
Of course she isn't, big oaf.
"Are you ready to kill me?"
Oh yes, Arthur would be proud.
"I'm ready to hear you scream. Don't forget, girl, I taught you how to handle torture, but not this kind. The sooner you submit to me and pledge your allegiance, the quicker I will stop."
"Do your worst." (Name) snapped and the King chuckles darkly.
"Oh I will."
And he does, because she was placed in the arena used for fighting. The fire pit, or some name that she never cared to know but her eyes hone in on Arthur, bloody and battered and looking like he is about to die. It all clicked into place at once, and she knew that these tears will be washed away by the ocean. It isn't her to be tortured here - it's him. Arthur is going to die because of her. (Name) spins wildly, but is met with laughter from the spectators.
"Orvax!" She shouted, and Arthur seems to be concious enough to notice her now. "Please do not harm him."
"Cage him." The King ordered, ignoring (Name) completely.
The guards throw Artbur into a small cage, and she swims to him, fingers grasping his through the tiny gaps and she presses her lips to his desperately. It is heaven, and she looses herself in him before hands snatch her backwards and Arthur is hoisted up so he cannot reach her.
"He submitted girl. Will you?"
"Lies. He would never. And neither will I."
And she won't. No matter how many times he shocks her, or throws her into the wall. She gets back up when he kicks her down and spits in his face when he punches her. She struggles when he plunges the trident into her stomach and refuses to scream as he twists it. But now she's aware that she is blacking out, and a panicked sob betrays her as it bubbled from her throat. The last thing that she heard makes her feel ashamed and angry, but sleep is too strong to deny. She just prays to Poseidon if he's listening to make sure Mera and Vulko are okay and Arthur survived.
"Pity. She betrayed her family for the chance to procreate with a half breed."
Not even Atlantean technology could save her, but Arthur and the others carried on as best they could, eventually recruiting Orm and within the year, Atlanna had been discovered alive on the Hidden Kingdom. On his coronation day, Arthur is almost happy - they had finally overthrown Orvax but one face was missing in the crowd.
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lanthimo · 6 years ago
Movie!Vulko is a good man and I love him (because I love Willem Dafoe, my man, my bro) but omg the new52!Vulko, now that is an asshole. A real asshole which I wanna fight so bad. His obsession with Arthur pisses me off and I really really hate how he and Dr. Shin treat Arthur in comics. Shin exposes Arthur as an Atlantean to the world, causing journalists to bully him the day his dad dies and he has to run away. But Vulko... Vulko thinks he knows better than everyone. He makes decisions for Arthur. 
Vulko is obsessed with Arthur being the first born of Atlanna and he spends so many years trying to find him. When Arthur comes to him, confused and hurt, he doesn’t give a fuck and he talks about Arthur being the king and taking the throne. 
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Poor boy’s father just died and he’s searching for his mother and all you can think about is making plans and taking the throne.
Also, Vulko lies to Arthur. When Atlanna fakes her death and runs away, Vulko blames Orm immediately. Like, Orm’s father was killed by his mother when he was 12 (he fucking deserved it) and then his mother dies and this assholes tells everyone he killed her without an evidence aaaand when he meets Arthur, he is like “your bro Orm killed yo mama :( I told them but his loyalists tried to kill me :(” You blamed the future king, the only royal blood left in Atlantis, for murdering the queen without an evidence and you’re surprised people are mad at you? Smh (and no, Orm didn’t kill Atlanna, she is alive, big spo)
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But as soon as Arthur goes to Atlantis with Vulko, Orm is like “my bro is finally at home :’)” and gives the throne to Arthur. Like, without a hesitation. Also, may I remind you, Arthur and Orm planned the attack on surface together? Until Arthur left. Yeeet, Orm went after Arthur to convince him to take the throne. He wanted Arthur to be the king, he believed it was his birthright and despite his racist, maniac father, Orm didn’t hate his brother for being a half-breed. He loved him and respected him no matter what and they had a good relationship! But Vulko still believed Orm killed Atlanna to take the throne?? Like?? Why???
Then... oh god, then, he fucking plans an attack on Atlantis, he literally attacks his own people and puts the blame on surface world, knowing that Orm will follow the attack plan he and Arthur created and people WILL DIE.
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If... you... didn’t... try... to... start....a war.... they would’ve....never... done... this??? (This became “how to write like Tom King 101″)
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And he always always always lies to Arthur omfg
But Arthur is a good boi and he still cares about his bro
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(I mean... you all would kick ass without a “warning shot” if someone fired missiles at Earth but go off I guess)
So many people (including Atlanteans) die but this fucker doesn’t give a fuck as long as Arthur is the king and he says he did it for Atlantis? Bruuuhh...
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Anyway, here is my daily hate post for Vulko. He can choke
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80s-teen-titans · 6 years ago
I just saw Aquaman!
And! I! Loved! It!
I think it was the aquarium bit right at the beginning where I just stopped and went, “oh fuck, I’m afraid of fish.” I had kind of… forgotten? that I have an irrational fear of fish? There weren’t many scenes where just little fish were going around so it was mostly fine. And despite this fact, I still very much loved the movie. It was amazing. So here’s some things I loved.
(long post full of spoilers under the cut)
The absence of death for the drama: Firstly, let me just say how happy I am that they didn’t go the cheap route of killing off characters for drama. Like it would have been so easy for them to kill his dad. So easy. And through that scene (which was gorgeous btw, both the sound design and the cinematography) I was so scared that they would, but like… kind of resigned to the fact. And then they didn’t. And Vulko too! I thought he was gonna for sure get killed for motivation. First during the Ring of Fire (btw, the Johnny Cash song of the same name played in my head every time someone said it) I thought he was gonna jump in the way to prevent Arthur losing and die. Then during the rest of the film there were so many opportunities for him to get killed and he did not! It would have been so easy to kill his dad or his father figure but they didn’t, and you know why? Because then it wouldn’t have been about Arthur regaining his birthright and learning to accept both sides of himself, it would have been a plain and simple revenge story. Like so many other movies we’ve seen before. Good on them for avoiding the cliché that this has to happen for a hero’s journey.
Atlanna: While we’re at it, let’s talk about Queen Atlanna. Because I don’t think most people, who have seen movies like this before, really believed that she was dead. When there’s no hard evidence, you gotta assume they’re fine. And I love that, when characters are so pleasantly shocked and surprised to see their loved one alive. I live for that. And this film did not disappoint. Their reunion was beautiful and touching. And I definitely teared up when she asked about Arthur’s dad. And the person sitting in front of me was just absolutely sobbing. Either that or choking on their popcorn. I couldn’t tell.
Diversity: How about that love story between his parents eh! That was heartbreaking and beautiful. And it was just so, so refreshing to see non-white characters let me just say. Like Arthur’s dad is a gorgeous man and it hurts that we haven’t seen stuff like this before. It was just perfect. And I loved how Arthur was also still very much connected to the culture of his father and his family. That’s an extra layer of depth that you can’t get as easily when everyone is white. 
Comedy: So this movie was hilarious. It was so, so funny. Like… the octopus on the drums? During the Ring of Fire scene? I laughed so hard and so long that I set off the person sitting next to me who also started laughing. My god, I just couldn’t help it. It made me think of The Little Mermaid. But also like, the “bogeys on our six” “what does that mean???” “Bad guys behind us!” “Just say that then!” “Bad guys behind us! Bad guys behind us!” Just getting increasingly higher and higher pitched. Like that was priceless. Also side note, we talk a lot about female characters being allowed to make “unsexy” noises when fighting, but like there are also multiple points in this film where Jason Momoa isn’t just being all gruff grunts in fights either, like he gets thrown off a roof in Italy and his yell turns into a high pitched scream at one point like yes!
Mera: Also Princess Mera! Like damn! It is very clear she is very much an equal, and never lesser than the male lead. She’s the one who knows what she’s doing. And like the thing with controlling water? That’s something that’s uniquely her. It’s not something that she has to teach to Arthur. That’s her own insanely powerful thing and Arthur and everyone else can’t help but respect her and just be in awe. Also, trying to do things from the background to keep the leverage she has in her position, but not hesitating to just go for it either. When she sees no other choice she jumps feet first into her new role as a traitor because she wants to see her nation under better rule.
Arthur: As a character, I loved that he wasn’t like, the smartest guy, but he could still use his head and think through things. He’s not an idiot. He has knowledge about certain things like history. I loved that he was named after Arthurian legend and they kept with that, that his dad is a history lover and taught him stuff.  He differs to Mera, acknowledging that she’s brilliant. And he wins his battles not by brute strength (except for the first one which set up perfectly what he could do) or by outsmarting the other guy, but often by just stopping to talk (that monster that was guarding) or by getting help (the huge battle at the end with the sea creatures). An argument can even be made for it not being sheer strength that wins the final duel, but skill. He even acknowledges this by saying that he’s a blunt weapon and good at it. All he wants to do is help and protect people which we see plainly on both the sub and in Italy. Arthur is a great, well fleshed-out character that felt completely real.
Atlantis’ walls: Ok, the bit where they’re entering the city and Arthur says, “why don’t people just go over the walls?” and Mera says that it’s impossible and there’s hydra canons and whatnot, I just started chanting in my head Chekhov’s gun Chekhov’s gun Chekhov’s gun! (For those that don’t know, it’s a literary device that states “If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired”. Meaning, if you gonna mention something like that, do something with it). And by golly did they! I was assuming they were gonna have to break in at some later point, I didn’t think they’d be breaking out! That was great!
The ending: It was absolutely perfect. How everyone stands witness to the battle and their battle itself, including all of the talking they did in it. I adored the relationship between the two brothers. Like how Arthur said earlier that he had wanted to meet him and get to know him. Then at the end he tells him that they can talk when he’s ready and Orm actually hesitantly gives him a nod. And the fact that he spared him at all. He regrets not showing mercy to Manta’s father, and will not fail to show mercy again here. And how Atlanna shows up and talks to Orm and tells him she loves him and doesn’t blame him, she blames how his father raised him. It took my breath away with how genuinely fulfilling this ending felt.
Couple last points: The soundtrack was an absolute bop my dudes! Like wow! The song choices, the original music, it was all just so, so good and so, so perfect. Also enjoyed how the movie didn’t coddle the viewers. It didn’t explain everything straight up. There’s mentions of Vulko before we know who he is, they don’t tell us right when we met her who Mera is, they showed us through her short conversation with her father. The characters felt real, having conversations about things they knew about and not bothering to tell us until we had wondered how they knew, like how Arthur believed his mother to have been executed. They did show don’t tell extremely well throughout the entirety of the movie.
In conclusion, it was an amazing film with a terrific cast, great acting, brilliant and witty writing, breath taking cinematography, believable characters, and beautiful battles. And I loved every second of it.
What did you love?
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whosxafraid · 6 years ago
Meme:  SEND ME ‘LAST BREATH’ FOR MY MUSE TO DIE IN YOUR MUSE’S ARMS.  Put ‘inverse’ at the end for your muse to die on mines arms. Status: Open
There is a rule among all living things born of mortal kind. A rule that must be followed, no matter how long it is delayed. And though it has been…eons since that day upon the road. Where fate was corrected by his hand and another’s. Where vengeance was taken and the paths divided. To live and let live. How very short the time has felt sitting here now as he is.
The woods are quiet. The well traveled road winding away. And the moments pass between breathes. Between fingers that comb through midnight locks of silk. It is not his…favorite of pass times but even he has grown to indulge her; even in the small things. Especially now. When he knows…
oh why had it come so soon?
            D'ya hear dat?
            Maddah Ocean. Is…is…li'dat….heart beatin’.
A small lie, between the gentle taps she gives his wrist; because he doesn’t hear it. Not over the sound of her own. Not above the weariness he can feel, and taste. And the knowledge of what it means….oh how very much he envies (and not for the first time) his brother–. How regretful he is…he never asked his father when he had the chance—How do gods…die?
           Ya too shhhhh.
A tongue that catches against a razor, bloodless before it passes over his lips. Pulls her closer. Encases her in his arms, as he has done countless times before. Both an attempt to hold her a few moments more, and prepare himself for the inevitable.
             “Sorry…wee bi’ toi’red oi’ d’ink.”
           Ka puka ‘ana soon, mebbe why. Prolly.
A squeeze to her frame. A kiss to her cheek. Lips that settle themselves at her ear, as his gaze looks outward towards the horizon. The first rays of sunlight breaking over it. And he waits. And he holds her. Until the very crown of the sun has surfaced over the sea. Igniting it like fire and the brilliance of everything his father…and his brother ever were. A brilliance that he himself only half reflects.
              “Déanfaidh tú dearmad ar ár scéal. Déanfaidh tú dearmad orm. Ach someday … nuair a scanraíonn na scáthanna. Smaoinigh orthu mar chaomhnóirí agus ní mar an ollphéist a thiocfadh liom a bheith.”
And it’s quick. As painless a death as he can give her. Bloodless and instant. The weight of her falling impossibly heavy in his arms. A hand upon her face before he lifts her from the sand. Carrying her body out to sea. Where he lets current take her. Returning her to what she loved most. What she held dearest. And in the growing morning a shadow fades into the spaces of the world. To sleep another day, until he’s needed again.
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For he was not born of mortal flesh. Divinity his birthright and his curse. But death comes for all, no matter the form. And in the end…the monster became not so at all. 
For loving her enough, to keep his promise. 
For love her enough, to let her go.
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81scorp · 5 years ago
Constructive criticism: DCEU in general
(Originally posted on Deviantart Mar 23, 2018. Has been edited a few times)
I am a big DC fan. When I was little and couldn`t even read, Superman was the first comicbook superhero I was introduced to. The second one was the Hulk.I am however not one of those DC fans who completely ignore the flaws of the DCEU movies. I have studied dramaturgy and I have seen several educational videos on youtube on how to make movies competently.The DCEU movies have two problems. One is the vision of Zack Snyder who who has to make every heroic character into a damaged, dark and depressed antihero who is reluctant to help others. Snyder has however left the DCEU, partly because of a family tragedy but also because he was fired. (I want you to know that in this case I separate the art from the artist. From what I`ve heard Snyder is a nice guy, he has my sympathies.) So with Snyder gone the DCEU technically only has one problem left, and in this case the problem lies with Warner Bros: The movies are too rushed. WB are too concerned with catching up to Marvel than to take their time and tell a good story. If they had taken their time and planned things out beforehand they could have made it much better. It also helps that Marvel, who understand their comics more, have their own studio. If I could run so fast that I could screw the laws of physics, travel backwards in time and change these movies, this is what I would have done.
2013: Man of Steel Make a few changes, like Pa Kent not telling little Clark that maybe he should`ve let those kids in in the bus die. (Yes, I know, he didn`t say it directly, but it was in the subtext.) I`ve gone into more detail about it in my constructive criticism of Man of Steel.
2014: Wonder Woman Yes, it has a few flaws, but I`m not gonna change a thing... with one exception. That scene where Diana gets a package from Bruce with the photo of her and Steve Trevor. Remove it from this film and put it as a mid-credit scene in Batman v Superman. (I mean, in this hypothetical Flashpoint universe WW comes out before BvS, so it works) 2015: Green Lantern Parallax is not the villain, but Sinestro. See my constructive criticism of it. 2015: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Remove and change all the stupid stuff. (Once again, I`ve gone into more details about this movie`s shortcomings in a previous constructive criticism.) Here`s one thing I would like to add though: Amanda Waller has a cameo in this movie. (She could be one of the people in the interview montage that gives their two cents about Superman and how he affects our world.) And after Batman v Superman I would have made two solo movies, one for the Flash and one for Aquaman (not necessarily in that order) to properly flesh out and develop their characters before Justice League. That way, there`ll be enough room for Cyborg and Steppenwolf to get sufficient character developement.
2016: The Flash In this version Barry is not Sheldon Cooper-ish. Plot Barry`s mom was killed when he was a kid and his dad was framed for the murder. Barry grows up and studies to become a crime scene investigator. He is friends with journalist Iris West. (They are not a romantic couple... yet.) Meanwhile: Somewhere else, a guy named Mark Mardon is being tested as a human guinea pig by some unknown man who`s face we don`t get to see. The tests on Mardon finally give results: He developes superpowers, more specifically: weather manipulation powers. To test his powers he creates a thundercloud. Meanwhile: Barry Allen is ready to go home after a hard work day. He`s about to shut the window when he gets hit by lightning and thrown into a case full of rare chemicals that the police have confiscated from a gang of criminals. He wakes up the next day at the hospital. Later he discovers that he has become superfast, but he also realizes that it is not ordinary superspeed. If it was, his clothes would burn up from the air friction, so it`s something more than just superspeed. He does an act of heroism, while hiding his face by wearing a red hoodie jacket, and realizes that he could become a superhero. (He`s also inspired by Superman who gets mentioned on the news.) Speaking of the news: Amanda Waller gets interviewed on TV, she mentions that a special jail has been built that`s strong enough to hold superpowered individuals. She thinks that it`s a necessity after the destruction of Metropolis. He studies hard with the forensic science stuff while making his Superherocostume from scratch. Mark Mardon goes around and steals hi-tech devices and chemicals, things that are sciency in general. Turns out the confiscated, rare chemicals that, combined with lightning, turned Barry into a Superspeedster are some of the chemicals that are needed to make the drug that triggered Mardon`s latent superpowers. Mardon steals the science stuff because of a quid pro quo thing: The unknown scientist gave him powers so that he could lash back at society (He`s a jerk with a crappy childhood) and in return, he uses his powers to help the scientist do more illegal science stuff. Barry fights Mardon and wins. Mardon gets taken to the special jail by Amanda Waller`s goverment guys. Barry visits his dad in jail to tell him that he`s passed the test and is now a licensed forensic scientist. Iris figures out Flash`s secret identity but keeps her discovery a secret. (This could be revisited in a possible sequel.) Mardon also gets visited in jail. We never see the face of his visitor but we see that he`s... wearing a yellow version of the Flash`s costume? And... he seems to be vibrating, and his voice is vibrating too. The man tells Mardon that he`s willing to give him a second chance, not yet though, maybe in the future. But if Mardon screws up a second time there will be no more second chances... ever. Mardon gulps and understands. Pre-credit epilogue or mid-credit scene: Barry is out late at night running as the flash and runs into Superman who asks him if he wants to join his team. Barry`s answer is a mischievous smile. 2016: Aquaman I`m gonna borrow a little from Lion King on this one. Plot It begins with a mother telling a bedtime story to her son about the atlantean kingdom. How the Princess of Atlantis got married to a man that turned out to be cruel and when the princess realized that she ran away and left the kingdom. One day she would return, save her people and end the evil man`s tyrrany. The mother and her son both suffer from a condition: they need to rehydrate a little more often than normal people (either by drinking an extra glass of water or take a bath/shower) or else they`ll get weak. The mother needs to rehydrate every sixth hour, her son every eighth hour. The mother`s name is Atlanna, she`s married to a lighthouse keeper named Tom Curry and her son is named Arthur. Atlanna has a nickname for her son: Orin, which is the Atlantean version of "Arthur". When Arthur gets older his mom disappears for a few months every year but always comes back. As time goes by Arthur starts to discover that he has powers: He can breathe underwater, control underwater creatures and developes superhuman strength and stamina. One day Atlanna disappears and doesn`t come back. Arthur suspects that his mother`s stories are true and his father confirms that they are indeed true and tells him about his first meeting with Atlanna, how he found her washed up on the shore. Arthur and his dad say their goodbyes and he starts to look for his mom and the city of Atlantis. After some searching he finally finds Atlantis, meets the resistance who are trying to overthrow Orm Marius aka: the Ocean Master. Ocean Master has a henchman: King Shark. He meets Mera, a leader of the resistance, finds out that he has to go on a quest to find "the trident of Atlan". After going though lots of troubles he and Mera finds the place where the trident is hidden and he is reunited with his mother. Atlanna has been wounded (it happened years ago), she can still move around and give orders but she can`t engage in most kinds of strenuous activities, like close combat. She`s sorry for leaving Arthur but she couldn`t just stay with him and his father knowing that her people were suffering. Arthur understands. He tries and succeeds in getting the trident from the giant sea monster that guards after it has deemed him worthy. In the end the resistance is victorious, Ocean Master is defeated and believed to be dead, Atlanna abdicates and is reunited with Thomas Curry. Arthur is crowned the next king of Atlantis. One day he visits his parents to tell them how things are going. As Arthur and his parents have their reunion a woman comes walking, It`s Wonder woman in civilian clothing. She tells Arthur that her people and his people were once allies thousands of years ago. She wonders if he`s interested in rekindling that alliance. Arthur finds her proposal intriguing. ( I changed my version a few months after I had seen the movie to be more similar to James Wan`s version.) (And yes, I`m aware that I`m following the Marvel formula with these two examples, but what Marvel is doing is working.) 2017: Justice League See my constructive criticism of it.
2017: Suicide Squad See my constructive criticism of it. And after that... 2018: Solo Batman movie Batman fights crime with his old partner Dick Grayson who calls himself Nightwing now. Barbara has been struggling to walk again for years. Catwoman appears in a few scenes. The movie`s villain could be... I dunno... Clayface? Mid-credit scene: Barbara learns to walk again. It is strongly hinted that she`s gonna batsuit up in a future movie. 2018: Man of Steel sequel Superman meets Supergirl and fights Brainiac. Detective John Jones can be introduced in this one.Followed by...
2019: Batgirl and Supergirl: World`s Finest Batgirl and Supergirl team up to fight a threat and become friends. John Jones is revealed to be Martian Manhunter.
2019: Wonder woman sequel It would take place in modern time, chronologically after the first Justice league or the Batgirl and Supergirl movie. Maybe Circe could be the villain?
2019: Shazam! Just do the David F. Sandberg version with Zachary Levi. It was pretty good. 2020: Justice League 2 Justice League fights Legion of Doom.
2020: Solo Cyborg movie
Green Lantern Sequel Hal recruits Jon Stewart to help him keep the peace in sector 2814.
The Flash Sequel
Aquaman sequel
(doesn`t necessarily have to be in that order), and after that...
New gods The story of New Genesis and Apokolips. Of how "Scott Free" grows up in the hell that is Apokolips and manages to escape with the help of Orion and his former enemy turned ally Big Barda. In the end he manages to escape to Earth where he meets the Justice League. Man of Steel 3: Doomsday Superman fights Doomsday and dies. Followed by...
Justice League 3 Remember the opening to Justice League with the two kids interviewing Supes for their podcast? I would save that scene for the beginning of this movie instead. It would be followed by a montage of people trying to get on with their lives, people leaving flowers at a memorial dedicated to Superman, and Lois, Supergirl and Batman still mourning. All this to a sad cover of "Running up that hill". Earth is invaded by Apokolips and Superman is back from the dead... as a servant of Darkseid. Flash/Wonder Woman/Supergirl tries to snap him out of it, telling him he`s not a weapon. Supes snaps out of it and fights Darkseid. Apokolips retreats, Earth is saved once again. Hooray! And that`s how I would do it. The sad thing is, DC has done this shared universe thing before and done it well: the Arrowverse and the DC Animated Universe. I used to wonder if Marvel was ever gonna get a good movie made. Now I wonder if DC is ever gonna get a good movie again. WB, please make better DC films.        
0 notes
aion-rsa · 6 years ago
Aquaman, Black Manta, and DC's Year of the Villain
Kelly Sue DeConnick told us what to expect from Aquaman and Black Manta during DC's Year of the Villain event.
Kelly Sue DeConnick is a pretty big deal. Her creator-owned work has won her, among other accolades, a Hugo nomination and a British Fantasy Award win for Bitch Planet, the brutal political satire exploitation book she did with Taki Soma and Valentine De Leandro; and an Eisner nomination with Emma Rios for the staggeringly beautiful mythic western, Pretty Deadly. But it’s her work with Carol Danvers that you’re most likely familiar with. Her time writing Captain Marvel made the character one of the biggest superheroes in comics, and paved the way for Carol’s absurdly successful film earlier this year.
So when she made the jump to DC (along with Legion of Super-Heroes reboot mastermind and current steward of the Superman titles Brian Michael Bendis; current writer of the best Superman book in years Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen Matt Fraction; and new Wonder Woman mythmaker, G. Willow Wilson), it was the sign of a massive change for the line. DeConnick took over as writer on Aquaman with December’s #43 and set about building a world around Arthur on land, while leaving plenty of trouble back in Atlantis for Mera to deal with. We had a chance to sit down with her and talk about her time building up Amnesty Bay, Aquaman’s unique power set, and why Black Manta is both the perfect villain for Aquaman and a deeply, profoundly messed up individual.
This interview has been lightly edited for clarity. 
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Den of Geek: Early on you defined [Aquaman’s] signature power is the ability to ask for help. Is that kind of the overarching key to the narrative here?
Kelly Sue Deconnick: I don't know that I think that's the central thesis. I do think it is a thing about him that I find fascinating that I don't think has been explored. The “heavy is the head that wears the crown” thing has been very explored. I don't know what new thoughts I have to bring to that aside from the fact that it's kind of interesting to see Mera battling with that right now.
But I do think if we're kind of looking at for what hasn't been done, what is rich to be explored with him, and also I think what has often been treated as something that's problematic about him. But I think it doesn't have to be, shouldn't be, and is in fact really interesting, is the fact that his signature ability is this ability to ask for help where he is also just a classically masculine character. Those two traits can sometimes be treated as incongruent. The tough guy doesn't ask for help.
read more: Batman Universe is a New Kind of Dark Knight Story
I think that what's interesting is when we're sort of picking apart the idea of what makes a natural leader. So, one of the ways that they've played with the signature ability in the past is…it’s not that he talks to fish because that would just be ridiculous. He can control them because their minds are really small, but I don't think controlling another living thing is a heroic ability. I think that's a villainous power. Regardless of the depths of the mind of the thing that you're controlling, I think controlling something that has a will of any kind... I think that's villainy.
Right. Coercion or control is the easy way out, right? The inspiring thing to do is to convince a bunch of people to see your way.
Yeah, and the idea being that you have to be in this for the right reasons. They have to trust you, you must have a higher goal in mind in order to have everyone come to your aid.
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What made me think that that the ability to ask for help was maybe one of the theses that you were building around was the community that is kind of forming around Arthur in Amnesty Bay. You've got all of the powerful water gods, you've got Aqualad back with him. But, it feels like if the ability to ask for help is what defines him as a hero, it feels like you're setting up a lot of people who are willing to give him help if he asks.
Yes, absolutely. I'm also playing in this particular arc with the idea of forgiveness. I mean, the town is called Amnesty. All of the people that we've sort of pulled in here are people who have struggled on either side of needing to forgive or needing to find forgiveness, which sounds super action oriented and punchy [laughs].
But the thing about superhero stories is finding the humanity in them. It can't just be about pretty costumes bouncing around the page and cool action sequences. Cool action sequences and pretty costumes bouncing around the page are vital components of the genre and they need to be answered, but there also has to be something that transcends that, that's human that we can all relate to in order for us to make the connection that makes it resonate. And so, it's a little bit of a puzzle. And this is something I've worked with before because Carol Danvers is not a thinky heroine. She punches shit. You have a problem, Carol would like to punch it.
But you find the themes in there that resonate, that transcend just the action sequences, and even in the action sequences. Even when you're choreographing the action sequences, you're still looking for ways to... The same way that Stanislavski trained actors to look for psychological gestures to mirror what's going on inside the character, we're looking for that on the page so we can find the ways to make it have a capital T truth to it, make it have something that resonates for us.
read more: Aquaman Comics Reading Order
Mera and Arthur are in a place right now where each of them needs to forgive and each of them needs to ask for forgiveness. They're so strong and so proud that neither one of them wants to be the first one to do it, and they have a ticking clock in the form of a child coming. That's real and human and it's not perfect. It's beautifully flawed and the kind of thing that you don't need to be bulletproof to understand that feeling.
It sounds like you're setting up Black Manta to be kind of the third point of the triangle there, with the needing to forgive and too proud to do it and-
Completely unable to.
Exactly. Right, and letting that kind of consume him. Does he fit in your head as the ur-Aquaman villain?
Oh absolutely. In contemporary Aquaman, the two big villains he has are Orm and Manta, and I was given the directive that they wanted him out of Atlantis for a while. That Atlantis and Atlantean politics had been well covered. It was an excellent storyline, and we needed to remind the readers that he was part of the DC universe on Earth, and we really need to make Amnesty Bay a place that feels like it has a sense of place as much as Gotham or Metropolis. Amnesty Bay should feel like a place we know and recognize. We know the characters that live there. When I say Metropolis or Gotham, you know exactly what I'm talking about, right? So Amnesty Bay, you should have that same sense of place and the characters that populate that place.
read more: Every DC Comics and DCEU Easter Egg in the Aquaman Movie
So we're really trying to build this. And so if the directive we've been given was to tell stories with him in his world on land, Orm doesn't make sense as the primary villain there because Orm doesn't really... With the exception of when Orm flirted with being a good guy for a little while, which I thought was fantastically done, it's one of my favorite Aquaman stories in the last few years. But his concerns are all Atlantean. So, if Arthur leaves Atlantis, Orm is delighted, he does not give a shit. He's not going to come after him. There is nothing that matters to him there. Now, the child might change that.
Hint hint.
MIGHT. I don't know, we'll see.
But if we're talking about Amnesty Bay, and land-based stories, then Manta is just the obvious go-to. And he's such a great character, such a great character, it's not like "Oh damn." It's like "Well great, fantastic. I love him." He's one of those people that, they say resentments are like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. And that's him. He is just everyday drinking poison.
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And now we get to drive the mech around.
Yeah. Well, kinda.
It's a little bit better than drinking poison.
Yeah. And the Mech is programmed to be like getting his dad back. There's a lot to play with there too because that's a complicated relationship.
And it's from Luthor, so obviously there's going to be some catch to it.
When we were talking about the villain offers [happening across the DC line as part of this month’s Year of the Villain tie-ins] and it was like, there is literally nothing... There's no fire power, there is literally nothing that Lex could give him that he would give a shit about. He just doesn't care. You want to give him something, he'll take it, but he's not going to make a deal with you for it. Because there's just nothing that's worth it to him. The only thing he would really want is his dad back and you can't give him that, and then it was like "Wait, could you?", and then that became interesting - what happens if you get what you asked for? And when you get what you're asked for, Lord protect me from what I want.
read more: Year of the Villain Leads to the Biggest Event in DC Universe History
Maybe having his dad back isn't exactly what he thought it was going to be. I just had this notion that he got his dad back and his dad wasn't exactly what he wanted. And then he'd remember that like "Oh no, his dad didn't respect him the way he wanted his dad to respect him."
...He fusses with the AI, basically reprogramming the father figure to be the father figure he wants. Which, it's really fucked up and incredibly human.
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So what's Robson Rocha been doing art-wise that made you go "Shit, I should probably give him more of that to do?"
I spoke to him in the very beginning. I looked at all of his work when they were trying to make a pair for us, and suggested Robson, and I looked at it, and it was like "Oh, this is big, epic stuff." So, this is kind of like, we've got to start thinking. We got to think big and epic, and then I talked to him and I was like "What do you want to draw?". He was like "Monsters." I was like "Alright! I'm in." So, big, epic monsters. Cool. And he has just been killing the monster thing.
The thing that I discovered though that was fascinating was he's really, really, really good at that, but most artists that I'm familiar with who have that kind of giant epic scope and can do those big sort of airbrushed-on-the-side-of-a-van kind of scenes, that is where all of their energy goes and they're not as good at the small human acting moments. He is.
read more - Aquaman Villains Explained: Who is Black Manta?
He's incredibly good at the small human acting moments, and in fact handles humor beautifully well and the Aqualad introduction. His take on Aqualad and his expressions and even his face, I asked him. I was like "Are you using a model for this kid?" because there's a real specificity to his facial structure. He doesn't look like generic dude.
[Aqualad] exists in space. That construction of his skull stays no matter what. I know we're talking about basic drawing here, but it's not something... It's rare actually to have someone who is that distinctive looking and it's not model-based, and he's like "Nope, just comes out of my head.". I'm like "Oh, okay. You're a genius. Neat."
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Yeah, when Aqualad follows Arthur into the water the facial expression, the way that his face is just flopping around on his skull is really like anime humor.
It’s just fantastic. He can do the humor without undercutting the stakes of the action, and that is a gift. So, he is just a complete delight to work with, and he is crazy fast. I feel like I'm being chased. I don't know how he is both that good and that fast.
What's been the toughest thing about Aquaman and Atlantis to crack, and what's been the most pleasant surprise now that you're kinda into it?
It's always hard coming in when you're writing these characters that have these long histories, and I think coming in at the time of the movie and making the book welcoming to the movie viewer, and also not alienating to the longtime fan. That was hard. Also, just getting him... He's a tough guy. He's not chatty. Getting him to kind of open up to me and I'm sort of learning who he is. That was hard. The supporting cast helps with that a lot.
read more: Everything You Need to Know About Aquaman 2
Also, just having the longtime fan base trust me that I don't hate Mera. I love Mera, I love their relationship, but adult relationships can be complicated. I think they are one of the definitive relationships in the DC universe, and I believe they were the first married couple too, which I think is really important. I've no interest in making their love story go away. I am interested in complicating it because human beings are complicated, and I think that makes it more important and more real.
Once we get some of this stuff wrapped up, I want to play with format a little bit. I want to do some more contained stuff. I want to see if I can figure out a way to do some of that. So, the X-Files model where you have these done in ones, but then you also have like larger storylines.
Read and download the Den of Geek SDCC 2019 Special Edition Magazine right here!
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Interview Jim Dandy
Aug 21, 2019
DC Entertainment
from Books https://ift.tt/2Nqy1Kb
0 notes
xcellsofgalaxyx-blog · 6 years ago
Er schaute entsetzt und dann Posa wieder seine auf der Straße Blick, seine Hände crispaient am Lenkrad. “Die maximale Anzahl der Abschöpfungen ist weitgehend unzureichend”, in den Augen der Bauern Bund, während die Vereine, die für die Verteidigung der Tiere Glauben, dass kein Feuer nicht erlaubt werden sollte, weil sie “nutzlos”, so kapieren, fördert “das Triptychon “Hunde der Schutz, die Netze mit einer Gruppierung, die menschliche Präsenz””. Das ist traurig, aber das ist das Leben. Mit dem hervorragenden, und alles. Wir glauben, dass die Böden sind lebendig, wie Landschaften, wie die Erde würde auch lebendig werden ohne sehen, dass nur das Leben in diesen Böden, diese Landschaften, die Erde lebendig ist und vor allem, ohne, was die Eingabe dieses “nur” sagen will. Ich fühlte ihre Blicke der Jäger.
Die Kompetenzen der Agenturen der Wasser sind für die Meeres- und terrestrischen Biodiversität erweitert. Kein überstand, ist tief im Meer versinkt: Weder das Kap Bon im Mittelmeer und im Atlantik, Kap Verde, das Kap Lopez, oder sogar, am südlichen Ende des Kontinents, das Kap der Guten Hoffnung; nur die Ausnahme ist das Kap Guardafui, im Indischen Ozean, nicht so sehr von sich selbst, das in seiner Qualität der Terminator an den massiven Winkel Horn von Afrika.
Nach den Angaben der alten Dame, Letac gara, das Auto zu den Eintrag einer Industriezone stillgelegt.
Diese verschiedenen Gruppen sind nicht exklusiv, einer Spezies zu mehreren Gruppen angehören. Es gibt verschiedene Modi der Dehiszenz; letztere wird durch die Nähte im trockenen Früchte aus einem Fruchtblatt getan
Die Ursachen der Schlafstörung
Ich hatte es nicht in der Tat dachte. In der Brahmaputra und Ganges, gibt es Seiten von globaler Bedeutung der Dauphin Ganges (Platanista gangetica), Arten von Süßwasser. Orme et al. Der Grad der Bedrohung für die meisten Arten von wirbellosen Tieren ist unbekannt.
Ich war ein gutes Nip und ich ging m auf einem Transat am Rand von meinem Pool erweitern, blätterten in der letzten Nummer der Zeitschrift Playboy. Es ist daher nicht zu verurteilen, sondern um sie zu holen, um die Realität der ein Problem ansonsten mehr wichtig zu verstehen.
Yann wurde im Reißen, am Rande der Demenz, nicht in der Lage, eine Reflexion im Einklang mit der Frenetischen Lesen der Worte, die offensichtlich in Einklang zu bringen. Sie umfassen: Die Gloméris, die in eine Kugel wie Asseln Roll kann; die Iules, die fast 100 Segmente und Wraps Spirale. Dieser Hohlraum enthält die wichtigsten Komponenten der Atmung (Luftröhre, Bronchien und Lunge) und Verkehr (Herz und große Gefäße Arterien und Venen).
Sie wussten auch ihre weit hergeholt Erfindungen: die funkelnde Blut in den Venen in den letzten Wettbewerb, Sauerstoff in den Bars Schokolade Geschmack der vorigen Jahrtausend; ein System der Tarnung Riese für das Land in der Mitte der Milchstraße wieder vor. Unter den Amphibien, sehr reichlich, es notwendig ist, die Sirene lacertine zu zitieren, die amphiume, die ménobranche.
Die Kontinente
Er teilt sich manchmal noch die Masse des Landes, die die Oberfläche des Globus in zwei Teilen darstellen: den alten und den neuen Kontinent.
Pteridophyten (aus dem Griechischen pteron = Flügel) sind Pflanzen, Gefäße, in denen erkennt eine Wurzel, Stengel, Blätter, die sich im Stamm cormobiontes; aber Sie nicht Blumen tragen, und als Ergebnis kann nicht reproduzieren durch Samen. Es eilt, um den Beutel zu speichern, sondern in der Biegung, beabsichtigt sie zu Tränen. Es ist dank der Investitionen der Dr. el aire Es Espeso y lleno von sofocantes vapores ponzoñosos der Algo, Nr. puedes, Reconocer quizá Plomo o dem Río Azufre.
Insekten spielen auch eine zentrale Rolle in der Ökosysteme werden, weil sie mit dem Wind, aber viel mehr als die letztere, die natürlichen Wirkstoffe der Befruchtung einer großen Anzahl von Anlagen mit ihrer Staubgefäße und Stempel auf Blüten getrennt.
Es tut uns leid, damit sie Kommissar; es hat wieder aufgenommen; C ist eine Frau von Haushalt, der bei 5 Stunden gefunden wurde; es ist zu Straße 15 der Universität. Der Pilz verantwortlich für den Rost und der Wirtspflanze reflektieren ihre Alter von Herkunft, weil der genetische Ergänzungen des Parasiten und der Gastgeber eher vereinbar sind, wenn sie in den frühen Phasen ihrer Entwicklung sind.
Die Metropolitan Frankreich ist die Heimat von 950 Arten von Wirbeltieren (einschließlich 112 Säugetierarten, 365 Vogelarten, 37 Reptilienarten, 35 Amphibienarten, 390 Arten von Fischen und 4 Arten von cyclostomen) und 39738 Arten von wirbellosen Tieren. Komm schnell! Die narbe deplaned Bichon auf den Fersen. Alle Körper im Universum bauen nur mit einfachen Substanzen, wie Leibniz geschoben zu Ende s gezwungen zugeben zu tun, und da sie gut auf die Körper der Umfang, ohne die sie nicht als Körper entworfen werden; entfernen Sie zusätzlich die externe Aktivität, bei der nur Sie können im Bericht mit uns und untereinander ausgedrückt: dass Rest-t-es zu Ihnen? Nichts. Ein weiterer sub Arten von Donkey, Kulan (Equus hemionus Kulan, CR), überlebt nur in einem einzigen Bevölkerung im Naturschutzgebiet des Badkhyz im Süden von Turkmenistan, zur äußeren Grenze des Hotspots. Beschreibt zum ersten Mal im Jahre 1953, die Desoxyribonukleinsäure hat eine der Säulen der Biologie geworden, vor der Justiz zu übernehmen oder zu rechnen.) Aber nichts, absolut nichts, im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall. Neben einer besonderen Vielfalt, wir stellen auch eine Vielfalt an den Maßstab des Art mit rund einem Viertel der Gattungen, die endemisch sind. Sie ist jung.
Eine der Drohungen die am weitesten verbreitete in der noch verbliebenen Wälder ist der Eingriff in die geschützten Bereiche. Aber warum? Der erste Gedanke, der mir einfällt, ist, dass das Verschwinden der Tiger nicht große Welt behindern. Zum Glück war dies nicht ganz dramatisch. Can-t-er Nutzen auch die wird solch ein Geschenk. Die terrestrische Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) ist einer der grössten Salamander der Welt, seine Distribution erstreckt sich in Europa, ein Teil von Nordafrika, dem Mittelmeerraum und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten.
Er schaute entsetzt und dann Posa wieder seine auf der Straße Blick, seine Hände crispaient am Lenkrad. “Die maximale Anzahl der Abschöpfungen ist weitgehend unzureichend”, in den Augen der Bauern Bund, während die Vereine, die für die Verteidigung der Tiere Glauben, dass kein Feuer nicht erlaubt werden sollte, weil sie “nutzlos”, so kapieren, fördert “das Triptychon “Hunde der Schutz, die Netze mit einer Gruppierung, die menschliche Präsenz””. Das ist traurig, aber das ist das Leben. Mit dem hervorragenden, und alles. Wir glauben, dass die Böden sind lebendig, wie Landschaften, wie die Erde würde auch lebendig werden ohne sehen, dass nur das Leben in diesen Böden, diese Landschaften, die Erde lebendig ist und vor allem, ohne, was die Eingabe dieses “nur” sagen will. Ich fühlte ihre Blicke der Jäger.
Die Kompetenzen der Agenturen der Wasser sind für die Meeres- und terrestrischen Biodiversität erweitert. Kein überstand, ist tief im Meer versinkt: Weder das Kap Bon im Mittelmeer und im Atlantik, Kap Verde, das Kap Lopez, oder sogar, am südlichen Ende des Kontinents, das Kap der Guten Hoffnung; nur die Ausnahme ist das Kap Guardafui, im Indischen Ozean, nicht so sehr von sich selbst, das in seiner Qualität der Terminator an den massiven Winkel Horn von Afrika.
Nach den Angaben der alten Dame, Letac gara, das Auto zu den Eintrag einer Industriezone stillgelegt.
Diese verschiedenen Gruppen sind nicht exklusiv, einer Spezies zu mehreren Gruppen angehören. Es gibt verschiedene Modi der Dehiszenz; letztere wird durch die Nähte im trockenen Früchte aus einem Fruchtblatt getan
Die Ursachen der Schlafstörung
Ich hatte es nicht in der Tat dachte. In der Brahmaputra und Ganges, gibt es Seiten von globaler Bedeutung der Dauphin Ganges (Platanista gangetica), Arten von Süßwasser. Orme et al. Der Grad der Bedrohung für die meisten Arten von wirbellosen Tieren ist unbekannt.
Ich war ein gutes Nip und ich ging m auf einem Transat am Rand von meinem Pool erweitern, blätterten in der letzten Nummer der Zeitschrift Playboy. Es ist daher nicht zu verurteilen, sondern um sie zu holen, um die Realität der ein Problem ansonsten mehr wichtig zu verstehen.
Yann wurde im Reißen, am Rande der Demenz, nicht in der Lage, eine Reflexion im Einklang mit der Frenetischen Lesen der Worte, die offensichtlich in Einklang zu bringen. Sie umfassen: Die Gloméris, die in eine Kugel wie Asseln Roll kann; die Iules, die fast 100 Segmente und Wraps Spirale. Dieser Hohlraum enthält die wichtigsten Komponenten der Atmung (Luftröhre, Bronchien und Lunge) und Verkehr (Herz und große Gefäße Arterien und Venen).
Sie wussten auch ihre weit hergeholt Erfindungen: die funkelnde Blut in den Venen in den letzten Wettbewerb, Sauerstoff in den Bars Schokolade Geschmack der vorigen Jahrtausend; ein System der Tarnung Riese für das Land in der Mitte der Milchstraße wieder vor. Unter den Amphibien, sehr reichlich, es notwendig ist, die Sirene lacertine zu zitieren, die amphiume, die ménobranche.
Die Kontinente
Er teilt sich manchmal noch die Masse des Landes, die die Oberfläche des Globus in zwei Teilen darstellen: den alten und den neuen Kontinent.
Pteridophyten (aus dem Griechischen pteron = Flügel) sind Pflanzen, Gefäße, in denen erkennt eine Wurzel, Stengel, Blätter, die sich im Stamm cormobiontes; aber Sie nicht Blumen tragen, und als Ergebnis kann nicht reproduzieren durch Samen. Es eilt, um den Beutel zu speichern, sondern in der Biegung, beabsichtigt sie zu Tränen. Es ist dank der Investitionen der Dr. el aire Es Espeso y lleno von sofocantes vapores ponzoñosos der Algo, Nr. puedes, Reconocer quizá Plomo o dem Río Azufre.
Insekten spielen auch eine zentrale Rolle in der Ökosysteme werden, weil sie mit dem Wind, aber viel mehr als die letztere, die natürlichen Wirkstoffe der Befruchtung einer großen Anzahl von Anlagen mit ihrer Staubgefäße und Stempel auf Blüten getrennt.
Es tut uns leid, damit sie Kommissar; es hat wieder aufgenommen; C ist eine Frau von Haushalt, der bei 5 Stunden gefunden wurde; es ist zu Straße 15 der Universität. Der Pilz verantwortlich für den Rost und der Wirtspflanze reflektieren ihre Alter von Herkunft, weil der genetische Ergänzungen des Parasiten und der Gastgeber eher vereinbar sind, wenn sie in den frühen Phasen ihrer Entwicklung sind.
Die Metropolitan Frankreich ist die Heimat von 950 Arten von Wirbeltieren (einschließlich 112 Säugetierarten, 365 Vogelarten, 37 Reptilienarten, 35 Amphibienarten, 390 Arten von Fischen und 4 Arten von cyclostomen) und 39738 Arten von wirbellosen Tieren. Komm schnell! Die narbe deplaned Bichon auf den Fersen. Alle Körper im Universum bauen nur mit einfachen Substanzen, wie Leibniz geschoben zu Ende s gezwungen zugeben zu tun, und da sie gut auf die Körper der Umfang, ohne die sie nicht als Körper entworfen werden; entfernen Sie zusätzlich die externe Aktivität, bei der nur Sie können im Bericht mit uns und untereinander ausgedrückt: dass Rest-t-es zu Ihnen? Nichts. Ein weiterer sub Arten von Donkey, Kulan (Equus hemionus Kulan, CR), überlebt nur in einem einzigen Bevölkerung im Naturschutzgebiet des Badkhyz im Süden von Turkmenistan, zur äußeren Grenze des Hotspots. Beschreibt zum ersten Mal im Jahre 1953, die Desoxyribonukleinsäure hat eine der Säulen der Biologie geworden, vor der Justiz zu übernehmen oder zu rechnen.) Aber nichts, absolut nichts, im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall. Neben einer besonderen Vielfalt, wir stellen auch eine Vielfalt an den Maßstab des Art mit rund einem Viertel der Gattungen, die endemisch sind. Sie ist jung.
Eine der Drohungen die am weitesten verbreitete in der noch verbliebenen Wälder ist der Eingriff in die geschützten Bereiche. Aber warum? Der erste Gedanke, der mir einfällt, ist, dass das Verschwinden der Tiger nicht große Welt behindern. Zum Glück war dies nicht ganz dramatisch. Can-t-er Nutzen auch die wird solch ein Geschenk. Die terrestrische Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) ist einer der grössten Salamander der Welt, seine Distribution erstreckt sich in Europa, ein Teil von Nordafrika, dem Mittelmeerraum und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten.
Er schaute entsetzt und dann Posa wieder seine auf der Straße Blick, seine Hände crispaient am Lenkrad. “Die maximale Anzahl der Abschöpfungen ist weitgehend unzureichend”, in den Augen der Bauern Bund, während die Vereine, die für die Verteidigung der Tiere Glauben, dass kein Feuer nicht erlaubt werden sollte, weil sie “nutzlos”, so kapieren, fördert “das Triptychon “Hunde der Schutz, die Netze mit einer Gruppierung, die menschliche Präsenz””. Das ist traurig, aber das ist das Leben. Mit dem hervorragenden, und alles. Wir glauben, dass die Böden sind lebendig, wie Landschaften, wie die Erde würde auch lebendig werden ohne sehen, dass nur das Leben in diesen Böden, diese Landschaften, die Erde lebendig ist und vor allem, ohne, was die Eingabe dieses “nur” sagen will. Ich fühlte ihre Blicke der Jäger.
Die Kompetenzen der Agenturen der Wasser sind für die Meeres- und terrestrischen Biodiversität erweitert. Kein überstand, ist tief im Meer versinkt: Weder das Kap Bon im Mittelmeer und im Atlantik, Kap Verde, das Kap Lopez, oder sogar, am südlichen Ende des Kontinents, das Kap der Guten Hoffnung; nur die Ausnahme ist das Kap Guardafui, im Indischen Ozean, nicht so sehr von sich selbst, das in seiner Qualität der Terminator an den massiven Winkel Horn von Afrika.
Nach den Angaben der alten Dame, Letac gara, das Auto zu den Eintrag einer Industriezone stillgelegt.
Diese verschiedenen Gruppen sind nicht exklusiv, einer Spezies zu mehreren Gruppen angehören. Es gibt verschiedene Modi der Dehiszenz; letztere wird durch die Nähte im trockenen Früchte aus einem Fruchtblatt getan
Die Ursachen der Schlafstörung
Ich hatte es nicht in der Tat dachte. In der Brahmaputra und Ganges, gibt es Seiten von globaler Bedeutung der Dauphin Ganges (Platanista gangetica), Arten von Süßwasser. Orme et al. Der Grad der Bedrohung für die meisten Arten von wirbellosen Tieren ist unbekannt.
Ich war ein gutes Nip und ich ging m auf einem Transat am Rand von meinem Pool erweitern, blätterten in der letzten Nummer der Zeitschrift Playboy. Es ist daher nicht zu verurteilen, sondern um sie zu holen, um die Realität der ein Problem ansonsten mehr wichtig zu verstehen.
Yann wurde im Reißen, am Rande der Demenz, nicht in der Lage, eine Reflexion im Einklang mit der Frenetischen Lesen der Worte, die offensichtlich in Einklang zu bringen. Sie umfassen: Die Gloméris, die in eine Kugel wie Asseln Roll kann; die Iules, die fast 100 Segmente und Wraps Spirale. Dieser Hohlraum enthält die wichtigsten Komponenten der Atmung (Luftröhre, Bronchien und Lunge) und Verkehr (Herz und große Gefäße Arterien und Venen).
Sie wussten auch ihre weit hergeholt Erfindungen: die funkelnde Blut in den Venen in den letzten Wettbewerb, Sauerstoff in den Bars Schokolade Geschmack der vorigen Jahrtausend; ein System der Tarnung Riese für das Land in der Mitte der Milchstraße wieder vor. Unter den Amphibien, sehr reichlich, es notwendig ist, die Sirene lacertine zu zitieren, die amphiume, die ménobranche.
Die Kontinente
Er teilt sich manchmal noch die Masse des Landes, die die Oberfläche des Globus in zwei Teilen darstellen: den alten und den neuen Kontinent.
Pteridophyten (aus dem Griechischen pteron = Flügel) sind Pflanzen, Gefäße, in denen erkennt eine Wurzel, Stengel, Blätter, die sich im Stamm cormobiontes; aber Sie nicht Blumen tragen, und als Ergebnis kann nicht reproduzieren durch Samen. Es eilt, um den Beutel zu speichern, sondern in der Biegung, beabsichtigt sie zu Tränen. Es ist dank der Investitionen der Dr. el aire Es Espeso y lleno von sofocantes vapores ponzoñosos der Algo, Nr. puedes, Reconocer quizá Plomo o dem Río Azufre.
Insekten spielen auch eine zentrale Rolle in der Ökosysteme werden, weil sie mit dem Wind, aber viel mehr als die letztere, die natürlichen Wirkstoffe der Befruchtung einer großen Anzahl von Anlagen mit ihrer Staubgefäße und Stempel auf Blüten getrennt.
Es tut uns leid, damit sie Kommissar; es hat wieder aufgenommen; C ist eine Frau von Haushalt, der bei 5 Stunden gefunden wurde; es ist zu Straße 15 der Universität. Der Pilz verantwortlich für den Rost und der Wirtspflanze reflektieren ihre Alter von Herkunft, weil der genetische Ergänzungen des Parasiten und der Gastgeber eher vereinbar sind, wenn sie in den frühen Phasen ihrer Entwicklung sind.
Die Metropolitan Frankreich ist die Heimat von 950 Arten von Wirbeltieren (einschließlich 112 Säugetierarten, 365 Vogelarten, 37 Reptilienarten, 35 Amphibienarten, 390 Arten von Fischen und 4 Arten von cyclostomen) und 39738 Arten von wirbellosen Tieren. Komm schnell! Die narbe deplaned Bichon auf den Fersen. Alle Körper im Universum bauen nur mit einfachen Substanzen, wie Leibniz geschoben zu Ende s gezwungen zugeben zu tun, und da sie gut auf die Körper der Umfang, ohne die sie nicht als Körper entworfen werden; entfernen Sie zusätzlich die externe Aktivität, bei der nur Sie können im Bericht mit uns und untereinander ausgedrückt: dass Rest-t-es zu Ihnen? Nichts. Ein weiterer sub Arten von Donkey, Kulan (Equus hemionus Kulan, CR), überlebt nur in einem einzigen Bevölkerung im Naturschutzgebiet des Badkhyz im Süden von Turkmenistan, zur äußeren Grenze des Hotspots. Beschreibt zum ersten Mal im Jahre 1953, die Desoxyribonukleinsäure hat eine der Säulen der Biologie geworden, vor der Justiz zu übernehmen oder zu rechnen.) Aber nichts, absolut nichts, im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall. Neben einer besonderen Vielfalt, wir stellen auch eine Vielfalt an den Maßstab des Art mit rund einem Viertel der Gattungen, die endemisch sind. Sie ist jung.
Eine der Drohungen die am weitesten verbreitete in der noch verbliebenen Wälder ist der Eingriff in die geschützten Bereiche. Aber warum? Der erste Gedanke, der mir einfällt, ist, dass das Verschwinden der Tiger nicht große Welt behindern. Zum Glück war dies nicht ganz dramatisch. Can-t-er Nutzen auch die wird solch ein Geschenk. Die terrestrische Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) ist einer der grössten Salamander der Welt, seine Distribution erstreckt sich in Europa, ein Teil von Nordafrika, dem Mittelmeerraum und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten.
Er schaute entsetzt und dann Posa wieder seine auf der Straße Blick, seine Hände crispaient am Lenkrad. “Die maximale Anzahl der Abschöpfungen ist weitgehend unzureichend”, in den Augen der Bauern Bund, während die Vereine, die für die Verteidigung der Tiere Glauben, dass kein Feuer nicht erlaubt werden sollte, weil sie “nutzlos”, so kapieren, fördert “das Triptychon “Hunde der Schutz, die Netze mit einer Gruppierung, die menschliche Präsenz””. Das ist traurig, aber das ist das Leben. Mit dem hervorragenden, und alles. Wir glauben, dass die Böden sind lebendig, wie Landschaften, wie die Erde würde auch lebendig werden ohne sehen, dass nur das Leben in diesen Böden, diese Landschaften, die Erde lebendig ist und vor allem, ohne, was die Eingabe dieses “nur” sagen will. Ich fühlte ihre Blicke der Jäger.
Die Kompetenzen der Agenturen der Wasser sind für die Meeres- und terrestrischen Biodiversität erweitert. Kein überstand, ist tief im Meer versinkt: Weder das Kap Bon im Mittelmeer und im Atlantik, Kap Verde, das Kap Lopez, oder sogar, am südlichen Ende des Kontinents, das Kap der Guten Hoffnung; nur die Ausnahme ist das Kap Guardafui, im Indischen Ozean, nicht so sehr von sich selbst, das in seiner Qualität der Terminator an den massiven Winkel Horn von Afrika.
Nach den Angaben der alten Dame, Letac gara, das Auto zu den Eintrag einer Industriezone stillgelegt.
Diese verschiedenen Gruppen sind nicht exklusiv, einer Spezies zu mehreren Gruppen angehören. Es gibt verschiedene Modi der Dehiszenz; letztere wird durch die Nähte im trockenen Früchte aus einem Fruchtblatt getan
Die Ursachen der Schlafstörung
Ich hatte es nicht in der Tat dachte. In der Brahmaputra und Ganges, gibt es Seiten von globaler Bedeutung der Dauphin Ganges (Platanista gangetica), Arten von Süßwasser. Orme et al. Der Grad der Bedrohung für die meisten Arten von wirbellosen Tieren ist unbekannt.
Ich war ein gutes Nip und ich ging m auf einem Transat am Rand von meinem Pool erweitern, blätterten in der letzten Nummer der Zeitschrift Playboy. Es ist daher nicht zu verurteilen, sondern um sie zu holen, um die Realität der ein Problem ansonsten mehr wichtig zu verstehen.
Yann wurde im Reißen, am Rande der Demenz, nicht in der Lage, eine Reflexion im Einklang mit der Frenetischen Lesen der Worte, die offensichtlich in Einklang zu bringen. Sie umfassen: Die Gloméris, die in eine Kugel wie Asseln Roll kann; die Iules, die fast 100 Segmente und Wraps Spirale. Dieser Hohlraum enthält die wichtigsten Komponenten der Atmung (Luftröhre, Bronchien und Lunge) und Verkehr (Herz und große Gefäße Arterien und Venen).
Sie wussten auch ihre weit hergeholt Erfindungen: die funkelnde Blut in den Venen in den letzten Wettbewerb, Sauerstoff in den Bars Schokolade Geschmack der vorigen Jahrtausend; ein System der Tarnung Riese für das Land in der Mitte der Milchstraße wieder vor. Unter den Amphibien, sehr reichlich, es notwendig ist, die Sirene lacertine zu zitieren, die amphiume, die ménobranche.
Die Kontinente
Er teilt sich manchmal noch die Masse des Landes, die die Oberfläche des Globus in zwei Teilen darstellen: den alten und den neuen Kontinent.
Pteridophyten (aus dem Griechischen pteron = Flügel) sind Pflanzen, Gefäße, in denen erkennt eine Wurzel, Stengel, Blätter, die sich im Stamm cormobiontes; aber Sie nicht Blumen tragen, und als Ergebnis kann nicht reproduzieren durch Samen. Es eilt, um den Beutel zu speichern, sondern in der Biegung, beabsichtigt sie zu Tränen. Es ist dank der Investitionen der Dr. el aire Es Espeso y lleno von sofocantes vapores ponzoñosos der Algo, Nr. puedes, Reconocer quizá Plomo o dem Río Azufre.
Insekten spielen auch eine zentrale Rolle in der Ökosysteme werden, weil sie mit dem Wind, aber viel mehr als die letztere, die natürlichen Wirkstoffe der Befruchtung einer großen Anzahl von Anlagen mit ihrer Staubgefäße und Stempel auf Blüten getrennt.
Es tut uns leid, damit sie Kommissar; es hat wieder aufgenommen; C ist eine Frau von Haushalt, der bei 5 Stunden gefunden wurde; es ist zu Straße 15 der Universität. Der Pilz verantwortlich für den Rost und der Wirtspflanze reflektieren ihre Alter von Herkunft, weil der genetische Ergänzungen des Parasiten und der Gastgeber eher vereinbar sind, wenn sie in den frühen Phasen ihrer Entwicklung sind.
Die Metropolitan Frankreich ist die Heimat von 950 Arten von Wirbeltieren (einschließlich 112 Säugetierarten, 365 Vogelarten, 37 Reptilienarten, 35 Amphibienarten, 390 Arten von Fischen und 4 Arten von cyclostomen) und 39738 Arten von wirbellosen Tieren. Komm schnell! Die narbe deplaned Bichon auf den Fersen. Alle Körper im Universum bauen nur mit einfachen Substanzen, wie Leibniz geschoben zu Ende s gezwungen zugeben zu tun, und da sie gut auf die Körper der Umfang, ohne die sie nicht als Körper entworfen werden; entfernen Sie zusätzlich die externe Aktivität, bei der nur Sie können im Bericht mit uns und untereinander ausgedrückt: dass Rest-t-es zu Ihnen? Nichts. Ein weiterer sub Arten von Donkey, Kulan (Equus hemionus Kulan, CR), überlebt nur in einem einzigen Bevölkerung im Naturschutzgebiet des Badkhyz im Süden von Turkmenistan, zur äußeren Grenze des Hotspots. Beschreibt zum ersten Mal im Jahre 1953, die Desoxyribonukleinsäure hat eine der Säulen der Biologie geworden, vor der Justiz zu übernehmen oder zu rechnen.) Aber nichts, absolut nichts, im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall. Neben einer besonderen Vielfalt, wir stellen auch eine Vielfalt an den Maßstab des Art mit rund einem Viertel der Gattungen, die endemisch sind. Sie ist jung.
Eine der Drohungen die am weitesten verbreitete in der noch verbliebenen Wälder ist der Eingriff in die geschützten Bereiche. Aber warum? Der erste Gedanke, der mir einfällt, ist, dass das Verschwinden der Tiger nicht große Welt behindern. Zum Glück war dies nicht ganz dramatisch. Can-t-er Nutzen auch die wird solch ein Geschenk. Die terrestrische Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) ist einer der grössten Salamander der Welt, seine Distribution erstreckt sich in Europa, ein Teil von Nordafrika, dem Mittelmeerraum und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten.
Er schaute entsetzt und dann Posa wieder seine auf der Straße Blick, seine Hände crispaient am Lenkrad. “Die maximale Anzahl der Abschöpfungen ist weitgehend unzureichend”, in den Augen der Bauern Bund, während die Vereine, die für die Verteidigung der Tiere Glauben, dass kein Feuer nicht erlaubt werden sollte, weil sie “nutzlos”, so kapieren, fördert “das Triptychon “Hunde der Schutz, die Netze mit einer Gruppierung, die menschliche Präsenz””. Das ist traurig, aber das ist das Leben. Mit dem hervorragenden, und alles. Wir glauben, dass die Böden sind lebendig, wie Landschaften, wie die Erde würde auch lebendig werden ohne sehen, dass nur das Leben in diesen Böden, diese Landschaften, die Erde lebendig ist und vor allem, ohne, was die Eingabe dieses “nur” sagen will. Ich fühlte ihre Blicke der Jäger.
Die Kompetenzen der Agenturen der Wasser sind für die Meeres- und terrestrischen Biodiversität erweitert. Kein überstand, ist tief im Meer versinkt: Weder das Kap Bon im Mittelmeer und im Atlantik, Kap Verde, das Kap Lopez, oder sogar, am südlichen Ende des Kontinents, das Kap der Guten Hoffnung; nur die Ausnahme ist das Kap Guardafui, im Indischen Ozean, nicht so sehr von sich selbst, das in seiner Qualität der Terminator an den massiven Winkel Horn von Afrika.
Nach den Angaben der alten Dame, Letac gara, das Auto zu den Eintrag einer Industriezone stillgelegt.
Diese verschiedenen Gruppen sind nicht exklusiv, einer Spezies zu mehreren Gruppen angehören. Es gibt verschiedene Modi der Dehiszenz; letztere wird durch die Nähte im trockenen Früchte aus einem Fruchtblatt getan
Die Ursachen der Schlafstörung
Ich hatte es nicht in der Tat dachte. In der Brahmaputra und Ganges, gibt es Seiten von globaler Bedeutung der Dauphin Ganges (Platanista gangetica), Arten von Süßwasser. Orme et al. Der Grad der Bedrohung für die meisten Arten von wirbellosen Tieren ist unbekannt.
Ich war ein gutes Nip und ich ging m auf einem Transat am Rand von meinem Pool erweitern, blätterten in der letzten Nummer der Zeitschrift Playboy. Es ist daher nicht zu verurteilen, sondern um sie zu holen, um die Realität der ein Problem ansonsten mehr wichtig zu verstehen.
Yann wurde im Reißen, am Rande der Demenz, nicht in der Lage, eine Reflexion im Einklang mit der Frenetischen Lesen der Worte, die offensichtlich in Einklang zu bringen. Sie umfassen: Die Gloméris, die in eine Kugel wie Asseln Roll kann; die Iules, die fast 100 Segmente und Wraps Spirale. Dieser Hohlraum enthält die wichtigsten Komponenten der Atmung (Luftröhre, Bronchien und Lunge) und Verkehr (Herz und große Gefäße Arterien und Venen).
Sie wussten auch ihre weit hergeholt Erfindungen: die funkelnde Blut in den Venen in den letzten Wettbewerb, Sauerstoff in den Bars Schokolade Geschmack der vorigen Jahrtausend; ein System der Tarnung Riese für das Land in der Mitte der Milchstraße wieder vor. Unter den Amphibien, sehr reichlich, es notwendig ist, die Sirene lacertine zu zitieren, die amphiume, die ménobranche.
Die Kontinente
Er teilt sich manchmal noch die Masse des Landes, die die Oberfläche des Globus in zwei Teilen darstellen: den alten und den neuen Kontinent.
Pteridophyten (aus dem Griechischen pteron = Flügel) sind Pflanzen, Gefäße, in denen erkennt eine Wurzel, Stengel, Blätter, die sich im Stamm cormobiontes; aber Sie nicht Blumen tragen, und als Ergebnis kann nicht reproduzieren durch Samen. Es eilt, um den Beutel zu speichern, sondern in der Biegung, beabsichtigt sie zu Tränen. Es ist dank der Investitionen der Dr. el aire Es Espeso y lleno von sofocantes vapores ponzoñosos der Algo, Nr. puedes, Reconocer quizá Plomo o dem Río Azufre.
Insekten spielen auch eine zentrale Rolle in der Ökosysteme werden, weil sie mit dem Wind, aber viel mehr als die letztere, die natürlichen Wirkstoffe der Befruchtung einer großen Anzahl von Anlagen mit ihrer Staubgefäße und Stempel auf Blüten getrennt.
Es tut uns leid, damit sie Kommissar; es hat wieder aufgenommen; C ist eine Frau von Haushalt, der bei 5 Stunden gefunden wurde; es ist zu Straße 15 der Universität. Der Pilz verantwortlich für den Rost und der Wirtspflanze reflektieren ihre Alter von Herkunft, weil der genetische Ergänzungen des Parasiten und der Gastgeber eher vereinbar sind, wenn sie in den frühen Phasen ihrer Entwicklung sind.
Die Metropolitan Frankreich ist die Heimat von 950 Arten von Wirbeltieren (einschließlich 112 Säugetierarten, 365 Vogelarten, 37 Reptilienarten, 35 Amphibienarten, 390 Arten von Fischen und 4 Arten von cyclostomen) und 39738 Arten von wirbellosen Tieren. Komm schnell! Die narbe deplaned Bichon auf den Fersen. Alle Körper im Universum bauen nur mit einfachen Substanzen, wie Leibniz geschoben zu Ende s gezwungen zugeben zu tun, und da sie gut auf die Körper der Umfang, ohne die sie nicht als Körper entworfen werden; entfernen Sie zusätzlich die externe Aktivität, bei der nur Sie können im Bericht mit uns und untereinander ausgedrückt: dass Rest-t-es zu Ihnen? Nichts. Ein weiterer sub Arten von Donkey, Kulan (Equus hemionus Kulan, CR), überlebt nur in einem einzigen Bevölkerung im Naturschutzgebiet des Badkhyz im Süden von Turkmenistan, zur äußeren Grenze des Hotspots. Beschreibt zum ersten Mal im Jahre 1953, die Desoxyribonukleinsäure hat eine der Säulen der Biologie geworden, vor der Justiz zu übernehmen oder zu rechnen.) Aber nichts, absolut nichts, im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall. Neben einer besonderen Vielfalt, wir stellen auch eine Vielfalt an den Maßstab des Art mit rund einem Viertel der Gattungen, die endemisch sind. Sie ist jung.
Eine der Drohungen die am weitesten verbreitete in der noch verbliebenen Wälder ist der Eingriff in die geschützten Bereiche. Aber warum? Der erste Gedanke, der mir einfällt, ist, dass das Verschwinden der Tiger nicht große Welt behindern. Zum Glück war dies nicht ganz dramatisch. Can-t-er Nutzen auch die wird solch ein Geschenk. Die terrestrische Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) ist einer der grössten Salamander der Welt, seine Distribution erstreckt sich in Europa, ein Teil von Nordafrika, dem Mittelmeerraum und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten.
Er schaute entsetzt und dann Posa wieder seine auf der Straße Blick, seine Hände crispaient am Lenkrad. “Die maximale Anzahl der Abschöpfungen ist weitgehend unzureichend”, in den Augen der Bauern Bund, während die Vereine, die für die Verteidigung der Tiere Glauben, dass kein Feuer nicht erlaubt werden sollte, weil sie “nutzlos”, so kapieren, fördert “das Triptychon “Hunde der Schutz, die Netze mit einer Gruppierung, die menschliche Präsenz””. Das ist traurig, aber das ist das Leben. Mit dem hervorragenden, und alles. Wir glauben, dass die Böden sind lebendig, wie Landschaften, wie die Erde würde auch lebendig werden ohne sehen, dass nur das Leben in diesen Böden, diese Landschaften, die Erde lebendig ist und vor allem, ohne, was die Eingabe dieses “nur” sagen will. Ich fühlte ihre Blicke der Jäger.
Die Kompetenzen der Agenturen der Wasser sind für die Meeres- und terrestrischen Biodiversität erweitert. Kein überstand, ist tief im Meer versinkt: Weder das Kap Bon im Mittelmeer und im Atlantik, Kap Verde, das Kap Lopez, oder sogar, am südlichen Ende des Kontinents, das Kap der Guten Hoffnung; nur die Ausnahme ist das Kap Guardafui, im Indischen Ozean, nicht so sehr von sich selbst, das in seiner Qualität der Terminator an den massiven Winkel Horn von Afrika.
Nach den Angaben der alten Dame, Letac gara, das Auto zu den Eintrag einer Industriezone stillgelegt.
Diese verschiedenen Gruppen sind nicht exklusiv, einer Spezies zu mehreren Gruppen angehören. Es gibt verschiedene Modi der Dehiszenz; letztere wird durch die Nähte im trockenen Früchte aus einem Fruchtblatt getan
Die Ursachen der Schlafstörung
Ich hatte es nicht in der Tat dachte. In der Brahmaputra und Ganges, gibt es Seiten von globaler Bedeutung der Dauphin Ganges (Platanista gangetica), Arten von Süßwasser. Orme et al. Der Grad der Bedrohung für die meisten Arten von wirbellosen Tieren ist unbekannt.
Ich war ein gutes Nip und ich ging m auf einem Transat am Rand von meinem Pool erweitern, blätterten in der letzten Nummer der Zeitschrift Playboy. Es ist daher nicht zu verurteilen, sondern um sie zu holen, um die Realität der ein Problem ansonsten mehr wichtig zu verstehen.
Yann wurde im Reißen, am Rande der Demenz, nicht in der Lage, eine Reflexion im Einklang mit der Frenetischen Lesen der Worte, die offensichtlich in Einklang zu bringen. Sie umfassen: Die Gloméris, die in eine Kugel wie Asseln Roll kann; die Iules, die fast 100 Segmente und Wraps Spirale. Dieser Hohlraum enthält die wichtigsten Komponenten der Atmung (Luftröhre, Bronchien und Lunge) und Verkehr (Herz und große Gefäße Arterien und Venen).
Sie wussten auch ihre weit hergeholt Erfindungen: die funkelnde Blut in den Venen in den letzten Wettbewerb, Sauerstoff in den Bars Schokolade Geschmack der vorigen Jahrtausend; ein System der Tarnung Riese für das Land in der Mitte der Milchstraße wieder vor. Unter den Amphibien, sehr reichlich, es notwendig ist, die Sirene lacertine zu zitieren, die amphiume, die ménobranche.
Die Kontinente
Er teilt sich manchmal noch die Masse des Landes, die die Oberfläche des Globus in zwei Teilen darstellen: den alten und den neuen Kontinent.
Pteridophyten (aus dem Griechischen pteron = Flügel) sind Pflanzen, Gefäße, in denen erkennt eine Wurzel, Stengel, Blätter, die sich im Stamm cormobiontes; aber Sie nicht Blumen tragen, und als Ergebnis kann nicht reproduzieren durch Samen. Es eilt, um den Beutel zu speichern, sondern in der Biegung, beabsichtigt sie zu Tränen. Es ist dank der Investitionen der Dr. el aire Es Espeso y lleno von sofocantes vapores ponzoñosos der Algo, Nr. puedes, Reconocer quizá Plomo o dem Río Azufre.
Insekten spielen auch eine zentrale Rolle in der Ökosysteme werden, weil sie mit dem Wind, aber viel mehr als die letztere, die natürlichen Wirkstoffe der Befruchtung einer großen Anzahl von Anlagen mit ihrer Staubgefäße und Stempel auf Blüten getrennt.
Es tut uns leid, damit sie Kommissar; es hat wieder aufgenommen; C ist eine Frau von Haushalt, der bei 5 Stunden gefunden wurde; es ist zu Straße 15 der Universität. Der Pilz verantwortlich für den Rost und der Wirtspflanze reflektieren ihre Alter von Herkunft, weil der genetische Ergänzungen des Parasiten und der Gastgeber eher vereinbar sind, wenn sie in den frühen Phasen ihrer Entwicklung sind.
Die Metropolitan Frankreich ist die Heimat von 950 Arten von Wirbeltieren (einschließlich 112 Säugetierarten, 365 Vogelarten, 37 Reptilienarten, 35 Amphibienarten, 390 Arten von Fischen und 4 Arten von cyclostomen) und 39738 Arten von wirbellosen Tieren. Komm schnell! Die narbe deplaned Bichon auf den Fersen. Alle Körper im Universum bauen nur mit einfachen Substanzen, wie Leibniz geschoben zu Ende s gezwungen zugeben zu tun, und da sie gut auf die Körper der Umfang, ohne die sie nicht als Körper entworfen werden; entfernen Sie zusätzlich die externe Aktivität, bei der nur Sie können im Bericht mit uns und untereinander ausgedrückt: dass Rest-t-es zu Ihnen? Nichts. Ein weiterer sub Arten von Donkey, Kulan (Equus hemionus Kulan, CR), überlebt nur in einem einzigen Bevölkerung im Naturschutzgebiet des Badkhyz im Süden von Turkmenistan, zur äußeren Grenze des Hotspots. Beschreibt zum ersten Mal im Jahre 1953, die Desoxyribonukleinsäure hat eine der Säulen der Biologie geworden, vor der Justiz zu übernehmen oder zu rechnen.) Aber nichts, absolut nichts, im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall. Neben einer besonderen Vielfalt, wir stellen auch eine Vielfalt an den Maßstab des Art mit rund einem Viertel der Gattungen, die endemisch sind. Sie ist jung.
Eine der Drohungen die am weitesten verbreitete in der noch verbliebenen Wälder ist der Eingriff in die geschützten Bereiche. Aber warum? Der erste Gedanke, der mir einfällt, ist, dass das Verschwinden der Tiger nicht große Welt behindern. Zum Glück war dies nicht ganz dramatisch. Can-t-er Nutzen auch die wird solch ein Geschenk. Die terrestrische Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) ist einer der grössten Salamander der Welt, seine Distribution erstreckt sich in Europa, ein Teil von Nordafrika, dem Mittelmeerraum und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten.
Er schaute entsetzt und dann Posa wieder seine auf der Straße Blick, seine Hände crispaient am Lenkrad. “Die maximale Anzahl der Abschöpfungen ist weitgehend unzureichend”, in den Augen der Bauern Bund, während die Vereine, die für die Verteidigung der Tiere Glauben, dass kein Feuer nicht erlaubt werden sollte, weil sie “nutzlos”, so kapieren, fördert “das Triptychon “Hunde der Schutz, die Netze mit einer Gruppierung, die menschliche Präsenz””. Das ist traurig, aber das ist das Leben. Mit dem hervorragenden, und alles. Wir glauben, dass die Böden sind lebendig, wie Landschaften, wie die Erde würde auch lebendig werden ohne sehen, dass nur das Leben in diesen Böden, diese Landschaften, die Erde lebendig ist und vor allem, ohne, was die Eingabe dieses “nur” sagen will. Ich fühlte ihre Blicke der Jäger.
Die Kompetenzen der Agenturen der Wasser sind für die Meeres- und terrestrischen Biodiversität erweitert. Kein überstand, ist tief im Meer versinkt: Weder das Kap Bon im Mittelmeer und im Atlantik, Kap Verde, das Kap Lopez, oder sogar, am südlichen Ende des Kontinents, das Kap der Guten Hoffnung; nur die Ausnahme ist das Kap Guardafui, im Indischen Ozean, nicht so sehr von sich selbst, das in seiner Qualität der Terminator an den massiven Winkel Horn von Afrika.
Nach den Angaben der alten Dame, Letac gara, das Auto zu den Eintrag einer Industriezone stillgelegt.
Diese verschiedenen Gruppen sind nicht exklusiv, einer Spezies zu mehreren Gruppen angehören. Es gibt verschiedene Modi der Dehiszenz; letztere wird durch die Nähte im trockenen Früchte aus einem Fruchtblatt getan
Die Ursachen der Schlafstörung
Ich hatte es nicht in der Tat dachte. In der Brahmaputra und Ganges, gibt es Seiten von globaler Bedeutung der Dauphin Ganges (Platanista gangetica), Arten von Süßwasser. Orme et al. Der Grad der Bedrohung für die meisten Arten von wirbellosen Tieren ist unbekannt.
Ich war ein gutes Nip und ich ging m auf einem Transat am Rand von meinem Pool erweitern, blätterten in der letzten Nummer der Zeitschrift Playboy. Es ist daher nicht zu verurteilen, sondern um sie zu holen, um die Realität der ein Problem ansonsten mehr wichtig zu verstehen.
Yann wurde im Reißen, am Rande der Demenz, nicht in der Lage, eine Reflexion im Einklang mit der Frenetischen Lesen der Worte, die offensichtlich in Einklang zu bringen. Sie umfassen: Die Gloméris, die in eine Kugel wie Asseln Roll kann; die Iules, die fast 100 Segmente und Wraps Spirale. Dieser Hohlraum enthält die wichtigsten Komponenten der Atmung (Luftröhre, Bronchien und Lunge) und Verkehr (Herz und große Gefäße Arterien und Venen).
Sie wussten auch ihre weit hergeholt Erfindungen: die funkelnde Blut in den Venen in den letzten Wettbewerb, Sauerstoff in den Bars Schokolade Geschmack der vorigen Jahrtausend; ein System der Tarnung Riese für das Land in der Mitte der Milchstraße wieder vor. Unter den Amphibien, sehr reichlich, es notwendig ist, die Sirene lacertine zu zitieren, die amphiume, die ménobranche.
Die Kontinente
Er teilt sich manchmal noch die Masse des Landes, die die Oberfläche des Globus in zwei Teilen darstellen: den alten und den neuen Kontinent.
Pteridophyten (aus dem Griechischen pteron = Flügel) sind Pflanzen, Gefäße, in denen erkennt eine Wurzel, Stengel, Blätter, die sich im Stamm cormobiontes; aber Sie nicht Blumen tragen, und als Ergebnis kann nicht reproduzieren durch Samen. Es eilt, um den Beutel zu speichern, sondern in der Biegung, beabsichtigt sie zu Tränen. Es ist dank der Investitionen der Dr. el aire Es Espeso y lleno von sofocantes vapores ponzoñosos der Algo, Nr. puedes, Reconocer quizá Plomo o dem Río Azufre.
Insekten spielen auch eine zentrale Rolle in der Ökosysteme werden, weil sie mit dem Wind, aber viel mehr als die letztere, die natürlichen Wirkstoffe der Befruchtung einer großen Anzahl von Anlagen mit ihrer Staubgefäße und Stempel auf Blüten getrennt.
Es tut uns leid, damit sie Kommissar; es hat wieder aufgenommen; C ist eine Frau von Haushalt, der bei 5 Stunden gefunden wurde; es ist zu Straße 15 der Universität. Der Pilz verantwortlich für den Rost und der Wirtspflanze reflektieren ihre Alter von Herkunft, weil der genetische Ergänzungen des Parasiten und der Gastgeber eher vereinbar sind, wenn sie in den frühen Phasen ihrer Entwicklung sind.
Die Metropolitan Frankreich ist die Heimat von 950 Arten von Wirbeltieren (einschließlich 112 Säugetierarten, 365 Vogelarten, 37 Reptilienarten, 35 Amphibienarten, 390 Arten von Fischen und 4 Arten von cyclostomen) und 39738 Arten von wirbellosen Tieren. Komm schnell! Die narbe deplaned Bichon auf den Fersen. Alle Körper im Universum bauen nur mit einfachen Substanzen, wie Leibniz geschoben zu Ende s gezwungen zugeben zu tun, und da sie gut auf die Körper der Umfang, ohne die sie nicht als Körper entworfen werden; entfernen Sie zusätzlich die externe Aktivität, bei der nur Sie können im Bericht mit uns und untereinander ausgedrückt: dass Rest-t-es zu Ihnen? Nichts. Ein weiterer sub Arten von Donkey, Kulan (Equus hemionus Kulan, CR), überlebt nur in einem einzigen Bevölkerung im Naturschutzgebiet des Badkhyz im Süden von Turkmenistan, zur äußeren Grenze des Hotspots. Beschreibt zum ersten Mal im Jahre 1953, die Desoxyribonukleinsäure hat eine der Säulen der Biologie geworden, vor der Justiz zu übernehmen oder zu rechnen.) Aber nichts, absolut nichts, im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall. Neben einer besonderen Vielfalt, wir stellen auch eine Vielfalt an den Maßstab des Art mit rund einem Viertel der Gattungen, die endemisch sind. Sie ist jung.
Eine der Drohungen die am weitesten verbreitete in der noch verbliebenen Wälder ist der Eingriff in die geschützten Bereiche. Aber warum? Der erste Gedanke, der mir einfällt, ist, dass das Verschwinden der Tiger nicht große Welt behindern. Zum Glück war dies nicht ganz dramatisch. Can-t-er Nutzen auch die wird solch ein Geschenk. Die terrestrische Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) ist einer der grössten Salamander der Welt, seine Distribution erstreckt sich in Europa, ein Teil von Nordafrika, dem Mittelmeerraum und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten.
Er schaute entsetzt und dann Posa wieder seine auf der Straße Blick, seine Hände crispaient am Lenkrad. “Die maximale Anzahl der Abschöpfungen ist weitgehend unzureichend”, in den Augen der Bauern Bund, während die Vereine, die für die Verteidigung der Tiere Glauben, dass kein Feuer nicht erlaubt werden sollte, weil sie “nutzlos”, so kapieren, fördert “das Triptychon “Hunde der Schutz, die Netze mit einer Gruppierung, die menschliche Präsenz””. Das ist traurig, aber das ist das Leben. Mit dem hervorragenden, und alles. Wir glauben, dass die Böden sind lebendig, wie Landschaften, wie die Erde würde auch lebendig werden ohne sehen, dass nur das Leben in diesen Böden, diese Landschaften, die Erde lebendig ist und vor allem, ohne, was die Eingabe dieses “nur” sagen will. Ich fühlte ihre Blicke der Jäger.
Die Kompetenzen der Agenturen der Wasser sind für die Meeres- und terrestrischen Biodiversität erweitert. Kein überstand, ist tief im Meer versinkt: Weder das Kap Bon im Mittelmeer und im Atlantik, Kap Verde, das Kap Lopez, oder sogar, am südlichen Ende des Kontinents, das Kap der Guten Hoffnung; nur die Ausnahme ist das Kap Guardafui, im Indischen Ozean, nicht so sehr von sich selbst, das in seiner Qualität der Terminator an den massiven Winkel Horn von Afrika.
Nach den Angaben der alten Dame, Letac gara, das Auto zu den Eintrag einer Industriezone stillgelegt.
Diese verschiedenen Gruppen sind nicht exklusiv, einer Spezies zu mehreren Gruppen angehören. Es gibt verschiedene Modi der Dehiszenz; letztere wird durch die Nähte im trockenen Früchte aus einem Fruchtblatt getan
Die Ursachen der Schlafstörung
Ich hatte es nicht in der Tat dachte. In der Brahmaputra und Ganges, gibt es Seiten von globaler Bedeutung der Dauphin Ganges (Platanista gangetica), Arten von Süßwasser. Orme et al. Der Grad der Bedrohung für die meisten Arten von wirbellosen Tieren ist unbekannt.
Ich war ein gutes Nip und ich ging m auf einem Transat am Rand von meinem Pool erweitern, blätterten in der letzten Nummer der Zeitschrift Playboy. Es ist daher nicht zu verurteilen, sondern um sie zu holen, um die Realität der ein Problem ansonsten mehr wichtig zu verstehen.
Yann wurde im Reißen, am Rande der Demenz, nicht in der Lage, eine Reflexion im Einklang mit der Frenetischen Lesen der Worte, die offensichtlich in Einklang zu bringen. Sie umfassen: Die Gloméris, die in eine Kugel wie Asseln Roll kann; die Iules, die fast 100 Segmente und Wraps Spirale. Dieser Hohlraum enthält die wichtigsten Komponenten der Atmung (Luftröhre, Bronchien und Lunge) und Verkehr (Herz und große Gefäße Arterien und Venen).
Sie wussten auch ihre weit hergeholt Erfindungen: die funkelnde Blut in den Venen in den letzten Wettbewerb, Sauerstoff in den Bars Schokolade Geschmack der vorigen Jahrtausend; ein System der Tarnung Riese für das Land in der Mitte der Milchstraße wieder vor. Unter den Amphibien, sehr reichlich, es notwendig ist, die Sirene lacertine zu zitieren, die amphiume, die ménobranche.
Die Kontinente
Er teilt sich manchmal noch die Masse des Landes, die die Oberfläche des Globus in zwei Teilen darstellen: den alten und den neuen Kontinent.
Pteridophyten (aus dem Griechischen pteron = Flügel) sind Pflanzen, Gefäße, in denen erkennt eine Wurzel, Stengel, Blätter, die sich im Stamm cormobiontes; aber Sie nicht Blumen tragen, und als Ergebnis kann nicht reproduzieren durch Samen. Es eilt, um den Beutel zu speichern, sondern in der Biegung, beabsichtigt sie zu Tränen. Es ist dank der Investitionen der Dr. el aire Es Espeso y lleno von sofocantes vapores ponzoñosos der Algo, Nr. puedes, Reconocer quizá Plomo o dem Río Azufre.
Insekten spielen auch eine zentrale Rolle in der Ökosysteme werden, weil sie mit dem Wind, aber viel mehr als die letztere, die natürlichen Wirkstoffe der Befruchtung einer großen Anzahl von Anlagen mit ihrer Staubgefäße und Stempel auf Blüten getrennt.
Es tut uns leid, damit sie Kommissar; es hat wieder aufgenommen; C ist eine Frau von Haushalt, der bei 5 Stunden gefunden wurde; es ist zu Straße 15 der Universität. Der Pilz verantwortlich für den Rost und der Wirtspflanze reflektieren ihre Alter von Herkunft, weil der genetische Ergänzungen des Parasiten und der Gastgeber eher vereinbar sind, wenn sie in den frühen Phasen ihrer Entwicklung sind.
Die Metropolitan Frankreich ist die Heimat von 950 Arten von Wirbeltieren (einschließlich 112 Säugetierarten, 365 Vogelarten, 37 Reptilienarten, 35 Amphibienarten, 390 Arten von Fischen und 4 Arten von cyclostomen) und 39738 Arten von wirbellosen Tieren. Komm schnell! Die narbe deplaned Bichon auf den Fersen. Alle Körper im Universum bauen nur mit einfachen Substanzen, wie Leibniz geschoben zu Ende s gezwungen zugeben zu tun, und da sie gut auf die Körper der Umfang, ohne die sie nicht als Körper entworfen werden; entfernen Sie zusätzlich die externe Aktivität, bei der nur Sie können im Bericht mit uns und untereinander ausgedrückt: dass Rest-t-es zu Ihnen? Nichts. Ein weiterer sub Arten von Donkey, Kulan (Equus hemionus Kulan, CR), überlebt nur in einem einzigen Bevölkerung im Naturschutzgebiet des Badkhyz im Süden von Turkmenistan, zur äußeren Grenze des Hotspots. Beschreibt zum ersten Mal im Jahre 1953, die Desoxyribonukleinsäure hat eine der Säulen der Biologie geworden, vor der Justiz zu übernehmen oder zu rechnen.) Aber nichts, absolut nichts, im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall. Neben einer besonderen Vielfalt, wir stellen auch eine Vielfalt an den Maßstab des Art mit rund einem Viertel der Gattungen, die endemisch sind. Sie ist jung.
Eine der Drohungen die am weitesten verbreitete in der noch verbliebenen Wälder ist der Eingriff in die geschützten Bereiche. Aber warum? Der erste Gedanke, der mir einfällt, ist, dass das Verschwinden der Tiger nicht große Welt behindern. Zum Glück war dies nicht ganz dramatisch. Can-t-er Nutzen auch die wird solch ein Geschenk. Die terrestrische Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) ist einer der grössten Salamander der Welt, seine Distribution erstreckt sich in Europa, ein Teil von Nordafrika, dem Mittelmeerraum und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten.
Er schaute entsetzt und dann Posa wieder seine auf der Straße Blick, seine Hände crispaient am Lenkrad. “Die maximale Anzahl der Abschöpfungen ist weitgehend unzureichend”, in den Augen der Bauern Bund, während die Vereine, die für die Verteidigung der Tiere Glauben, dass kein Feuer nicht erlaubt werden sollte, weil sie “nutzlos”, so kapieren, fördert “das Triptychon “Hunde der Schutz, die Netze mit einer Gruppierung, die menschliche Präsenz””. Das ist traurig, aber das ist das Leben. Mit dem hervorragenden, und alles. Wir glauben, dass die Böden sind lebendig, wie Landschaften, wie die Erde würde auch lebendig werden ohne sehen, dass nur das Leben in diesen Böden, diese Landschaften, die Erde lebendig ist und vor allem, ohne, was die Eingabe dieses “nur” sagen will. Ich fühlte ihre Blicke der Jäger.
Die Kompetenzen der Agenturen der Wasser sind für die Meeres- und terrestrischen Biodiversität erweitert. Kein überstand, ist tief im Meer versinkt: Weder das Kap Bon im Mittelmeer und im Atlantik, Kap Verde, das Kap Lopez, oder sogar, am südlichen Ende des Kontinents, das Kap der Guten Hoffnung; nur die Ausnahme ist das Kap Guardafui, im Indischen Ozean, nicht so sehr von sich selbst, das in seiner Qualität der Terminator an den massiven Winkel Horn von Afrika.
Nach den Angaben der alten Dame, Letac gara, das Auto zu den Eintrag einer Industriezone stillgelegt.
Diese verschiedenen Gruppen sind nicht exklusiv, einer Spezies zu mehreren Gruppen angehören. Es gibt verschiedene Modi der Dehiszenz; letztere wird durch die Nähte im trockenen Früchte aus einem Fruchtblatt getan
Die Ursachen der Schlafstörung
Ich hatte es nicht in der Tat dachte. In der Brahmaputra und Ganges, gibt es Seiten von globaler Bedeutung der Dauphin Ganges (Platanista gangetica), Arten von Süßwasser. Orme et al. Der Grad der Bedrohung für die meisten Arten von wirbellosen Tieren ist unbekannt.
Ich war ein gutes Nip und ich ging m auf einem Transat am Rand von meinem Pool erweitern, blätterten in der letzten Nummer der Zeitschrift Playboy. Es ist daher nicht zu verurteilen, sondern um sie zu holen, um die Realität der ein Problem ansonsten mehr wichtig zu verstehen.
Yann wurde im Reißen, am Rande der Demenz, nicht in der Lage, eine Reflexion im Einklang mit der Frenetischen Lesen der Worte, die offensichtlich in Einklang zu bringen. Sie umfassen: Die Gloméris, die in eine Kugel wie Asseln Roll kann; die Iules, die fast 100 Segmente und Wraps Spirale. Dieser Hohlraum enthält die wichtigsten Komponenten der Atmung (Luftröhre, Bronchien und Lunge) und Verkehr (Herz und große Gefäße Arterien und Venen).
Sie wussten auch ihre weit hergeholt Erfindungen: die funkelnde Blut in den Venen in den letzten Wettbewerb, Sauerstoff in den Bars Schokolade Geschmack der vorigen Jahrtausend; ein System der Tarnung Riese für das Land in der Mitte der Milchstraße wieder vor. Unter den Amphibien, sehr reichlich, es notwendig ist, die Sirene lacertine zu zitieren, die amphiume, die ménobranche.
Die Kontinente
Er teilt sich manchmal noch die Masse des Landes, die die Oberfläche des Globus in zwei Teilen darstellen: den alten und den neuen Kontinent.
Pteridophyten (aus dem Griechischen pteron = Flügel) sind Pflanzen, Gefäße, in denen erkennt eine Wurzel, Stengel, Blätter, die sich im Stamm cormobiontes; aber Sie nicht Blumen tragen, und als Ergebnis kann nicht reproduzieren durch Samen. Es eilt, um den Beutel zu speichern, sondern in der Biegung, beabsichtigt sie zu Tränen. Es ist dank der Investitionen der Dr. el aire Es Espeso y lleno von sofocantes vapores ponzoñosos der Algo, Nr. puedes, Reconocer quizá Plomo o dem Río Azufre.
Insekten spielen auch eine zentrale Rolle in der Ökosysteme werden, weil sie mit dem Wind, aber viel mehr als die letztere, die natürlichen Wirkstoffe der Befruchtung einer großen Anzahl von Anlagen mit ihrer Staubgefäße und Stempel auf Blüten getrennt.
Es tut uns leid, damit sie Kommissar; es hat wieder aufgenommen; C ist eine Frau von Haushalt, der bei 5 Stunden gefunden wurde; es ist zu Straße 15 der Universität. Der Pilz verantwortlich für den Rost und der Wirtspflanze reflektieren ihre Alter von Herkunft, weil der genetische Ergänzungen des Parasiten und der Gastgeber eher vereinbar sind, wenn sie in den frühen Phasen ihrer Entwicklung sind.
Die Metropolitan Frankreich ist die Heimat von 950 Arten von Wirbeltieren (einschließlich 112 Säugetierarten, 365 Vogelarten, 37 Reptilienarten, 35 Amphibienarten, 390 Arten von Fischen und 4 Arten von cyclostomen) und 39738 Arten von wirbellosen Tieren. Komm schnell! Die narbe deplaned Bichon auf den Fersen. Alle Körper im Universum bauen nur mit einfachen Substanzen, wie Leibniz geschoben zu Ende s gezwungen zugeben zu tun, und da sie gut auf die Körper der Umfang, ohne die sie nicht als Körper entworfen werden; entfernen Sie zusätzlich die externe Aktivität, bei der nur Sie können im Bericht mit uns und untereinander ausgedrückt: dass Rest-t-es zu Ihnen? Nichts. Ein weiterer sub Arten von Donkey, Kulan (Equus hemionus Kulan, CR), überlebt nur in einem einzigen Bevölkerung im Naturschutzgebiet des Badkhyz im Süden von Turkmenistan, zur äußeren Grenze des Hotspots. Beschreibt zum ersten Mal im Jahre 1953, die Desoxyribonukleinsäure hat eine der Säulen der Biologie geworden, vor der Justiz zu übernehmen oder zu rechnen.) Aber nichts, absolut nichts, im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall. Neben einer besonderen Vielfalt, wir stellen auch eine Vielfalt an den Maßstab des Art mit rund einem Viertel der Gattungen, die endemisch sind. Sie ist jung.
Eine der Drohungen die am weitesten verbreitete in der noch verbliebenen Wälder ist der Eingriff in die geschützten Bereiche. Aber warum? Der erste Gedanke, der mir einfällt, ist, dass das Verschwinden der Tiger nicht große Welt behindern. Zum Glück war dies nicht ganz dramatisch. Can-t-er Nutzen auch die wird solch ein Geschenk. Die terrestrische Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) ist einer der grössten Salamander der Welt, seine Distribution erstreckt sich in Europa, ein Teil von Nordafrika, dem Mittelmeerraum und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten.
Er schaute entsetzt und dann Posa wieder seine auf der Straße Blick, seine Hände crispaient am Lenkrad. “Die maximale Anzahl der Abschöpfungen ist weitgehend unzureichend”, in den Augen der Bauern Bund, während die Vereine, die für die Verteidigung der Tiere Glauben, dass kein Feuer nicht erlaubt werden sollte, weil sie “nutzlos”, so kapieren, fördert “das Triptychon “Hunde der Schutz, die Netze mit einer Gruppierung, die menschliche Präsenz””. Das ist traurig, aber das ist das Leben. Mit dem hervorragenden, und alles. Wir glauben, dass die Böden sind lebendig, wie Landschaften, wie die Erde würde auch lebendig werden ohne sehen, dass nur das Leben in diesen Böden, diese Landschaften, die Erde lebendig ist und vor allem, ohne, was die Eingabe dieses “nur” sagen will. Ich fühlte ihre Blicke der Jäger.
Die Kompetenzen der Agenturen der Wasser sind für die Meeres- und terrestrischen Biodiversität erweitert. Kein überstand, ist tief im Meer versinkt: Weder das Kap Bon im Mittelmeer und im Atlantik, Kap Verde, das Kap Lopez, oder sogar, am südlichen Ende des Kontinents, das Kap der Guten Hoffnung; nur die Ausnahme ist das Kap Guardafui, im Indischen Ozean, nicht so sehr von sich selbst, das in seiner Qualität der Terminator an den massiven Winkel Horn von Afrika.
Nach den Angaben der alten Dame, Letac gara, das Auto zu den Eintrag einer Industriezone stillgelegt.
Diese verschiedenen Gruppen sind nicht exklusiv, einer Spezies zu mehreren Gruppen angehören. Es gibt verschiedene Modi der Dehiszenz; letztere wird durch die Nähte im trockenen Früchte aus einem Fruchtblatt getan
Die Ursachen der Schlafstörung
Ich hatte es nicht in der Tat dachte. In der Brahmaputra und Ganges, gibt es Seiten von globaler Bedeutung der Dauphin Ganges (Platanista gangetica), Arten von Süßwasser. Orme et al. Der Grad der Bedrohung für die meisten Arten von wirbellosen Tieren ist unbekannt.
Ich war ein gutes Nip und ich ging m auf einem Transat am Rand von meinem Pool erweitern, blätterten in der letzten Nummer der Zeitschrift Playboy. Es ist daher nicht zu verurteilen, sondern um sie zu holen, um die Realität der ein Problem ansonsten mehr wichtig zu verstehen.
Yann wurde im Reißen, am Rande der Demenz, nicht in der Lage, eine Reflexion im Einklang mit der Frenetischen Lesen der Worte, die offensichtlich in Einklang zu bringen. Sie umfassen: Die Gloméris, die in eine Kugel wie Asseln Roll kann; die Iules, die fast 100 Segmente und Wraps Spirale. Dieser Hohlraum enthält die wichtigsten Komponenten der Atmung (Luftröhre, Bronchien und Lunge) und Verkehr (Herz und große Gefäße Arterien und Venen).
Sie wussten auch ihre weit hergeholt Erfindungen: die funkelnde Blut in den Venen in den letzten Wettbewerb, Sauerstoff in den Bars Schokolade Geschmack der vorigen Jahrtausend; ein System der Tarnung Riese für das Land in der Mitte der Milchstraße wieder vor. Unter den Amphibien, sehr reichlich, es notwendig ist, die Sirene lacertine zu zitieren, die amphiume, die ménobranche.
Die Kontinente
Er teilt sich manchmal noch die Masse des Landes, die die Oberfläche des Globus in zwei Teilen darstellen: den alten und den neuen Kontinent.
Pteridophyten (aus dem Griechischen pteron = Flügel) sind Pflanzen, Gefäße, in denen erkennt eine Wurzel, Stengel, Blätter, die sich im Stamm cormobiontes; aber Sie nicht Blumen tragen, und als Ergebnis kann nicht reproduzieren durch Samen. Es eilt, um den Beutel zu speichern, sondern in der Biegung, beabsichtigt sie zu Tränen. Es ist dank der Investitionen der Dr. el aire Es Espeso y lleno von sofocantes vapores ponzoñosos der Algo, Nr. puedes, Reconocer quizá Plomo o dem Río Azufre.
Insekten spielen auch eine zentrale Rolle in der Ökosysteme werden, weil sie mit dem Wind, aber viel mehr als die letztere, die natürlichen Wirkstoffe der Befruchtung einer großen Anzahl von Anlagen mit ihrer Staubgefäße und Stempel auf Blüten getrennt.
Es tut uns leid, damit sie Kommissar; es hat wieder aufgenommen; C ist eine Frau von Haushalt, der bei 5 Stunden gefunden wurde; es ist zu Straße 15 der Universität. Der Pilz verantwortlich für den Rost und der Wirtspflanze reflektieren ihre Alter von Herkunft, weil der genetische Ergänzungen des Parasiten und der Gastgeber eher vereinbar sind, wenn sie in den frühen Phasen ihrer Entwicklung sind.
Die Metropolitan Frankreich ist die Heimat von 950 Arten von Wirbeltieren (einschließlich 112 Säugetierarten, 365 Vogelarten, 37 Reptilienarten, 35 Amphibienarten, 390 Arten von Fischen und 4 Arten von cyclostomen) und 39738 Arten von wirbellosen Tieren. Komm schnell! Die narbe deplaned Bichon auf den Fersen. Alle Körper im Universum bauen nur mit einfachen Substanzen, wie Leibniz geschoben zu Ende s gezwungen zugeben zu tun, und da sie gut auf die Körper der Umfang, ohne die sie nicht als Körper entworfen werden; entfernen Sie zusätzlich die externe Aktivität, bei der nur Sie können im Bericht mit uns und untereinander ausgedrückt: dass Rest-t-es zu Ihnen? Nichts. Ein weiterer sub Arten von Donkey, Kulan (Equus hemionus Kulan, CR), überlebt nur in einem einzigen Bevölkerung im Naturschutzgebiet des Badkhyz im Süden von Turkmenistan, zur äußeren Grenze des Hotspots. Beschreibt zum ersten Mal im Jahre 1953, die Desoxyribonukleinsäure hat eine der Säulen der Biologie geworden, vor der Justiz zu übernehmen oder zu rechnen.) Aber nichts, absolut nichts, im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall. Neben einer besonderen Vielfalt, wir stellen auch eine Vielfalt an den Maßstab des Art mit rund einem Viertel der Gattungen, die endemisch sind. Sie ist jung.
Eine der Drohungen die am weitesten verbreitete in der noch verbliebenen Wälder ist der Eingriff in die geschützten Bereiche. Aber warum? Der erste Gedanke, der mir einfällt, ist, dass das Verschwinden der Tiger nicht große Welt behindern. Zum Glück war dies nicht ganz dramatisch. Can-t-er Nutzen auch die wird solch ein Geschenk. Die terrestrische Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) ist einer der grössten Salamander der Welt, seine Distribution erstreckt sich in Europa, ein Teil von Nordafrika, dem Mittelmeerraum und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten.
Er schaute entsetzt und dann Posa wieder seine auf der Straße Blick, seine Hände crispaient am Lenkrad. “Die maximale Anzahl der Abschöpfungen ist weitgehend unzureichend”, in den Augen der Bauern Bund, während die Vereine, die für die Verteidigung der Tiere Glauben, dass kein Feuer nicht erlaubt werden sollte, weil sie “nutzlos”, so kapieren, fördert “das Triptychon “Hunde der Schutz, die Netze mit einer Gruppierung, die menschliche Präsenz””. Das ist traurig, aber das ist das Leben. Mit dem hervorragenden, und alles. Wir glauben, dass die Böden sind lebendig, wie Landschaften, wie die Erde würde auch lebendig werden ohne sehen, dass nur das Leben in diesen Böden, diese Landschaften, die Erde lebendig ist und vor allem, ohne, was die Eingabe dieses “nur” sagen will. Ich fühlte ihre Blicke der Jäger.
Die Kompetenzen der Agenturen der Wasser sind für die Meeres- und terrestrischen Biodiversität erweitert. Kein überstand, ist tief im Meer versinkt: Weder das Kap Bon im Mittelmeer und im Atlantik, Kap Verde, das Kap Lopez, oder sogar, am südlichen Ende des Kontinents, das Kap der Guten Hoffnung; nur die Ausnahme ist das Kap Guardafui, im Indischen Ozean, nicht so sehr von sich selbst, das in seiner Qualität der Terminator an den massiven Winkel Horn von Afrika.
Nach den Angaben der alten Dame, Letac gara, das Auto zu den Eintrag einer Industriezone stillgelegt.
Diese verschiedenen Gruppen sind nicht exklusiv, einer Spezies zu mehreren Gruppen angehören. Es gibt verschiedene Modi der Dehiszenz; letztere wird durch die Nähte im trockenen Früchte aus einem Fruchtblatt getan
Die Ursachen der Schlafstörung
Ich hatte es nicht in der Tat dachte. In der Brahmaputra und Ganges, gibt es Seiten von globaler Bedeutung der Dauphin Ganges (Platanista gangetica), Arten von Süßwasser. Orme et al. Der Grad der Bedrohung für die meisten Arten von wirbellosen Tieren ist unbekannt.
Ich war ein gutes Nip und ich ging m auf einem Transat am Rand von meinem Pool erweitern, blätterten in der letzten Nummer der Zeitschrift Playboy. Es ist daher nicht zu verurteilen, sondern um sie zu holen, um die Realität der ein Problem ansonsten mehr wichtig zu verstehen.
Yann wurde im Reißen, am Rande der Demenz, nicht in der Lage, eine Reflexion im Einklang mit der Frenetischen Lesen der Worte, die offensichtlich in Einklang zu bringen. Sie umfassen: Die Gloméris, die in eine Kugel wie Asseln Roll kann; die Iules, die fast 100 Segmente und Wraps Spirale. Dieser Hohlraum enthält die wichtigsten Komponenten der Atmung (Luftröhre, Bronchien und Lunge) und Verkehr (Herz und große Gefäße Arterien und Venen).
Sie wussten auch ihre weit hergeholt Erfindungen: die funkelnde Blut in den Venen in den letzten Wettbewerb, Sauerstoff in den Bars Schokolade Geschmack der vorigen Jahrtausend; ein System der Tarnung Riese für das Land in der Mitte der Milchstraße wieder vor. Unter den Amphibien, sehr reichlich, es notwendig ist, die Sirene lacertine zu zitieren, die amphiume, die ménobranche.
Die Kontinente
Er teilt sich manchmal noch die Masse des Landes, die die Oberfläche des Globus in zwei Teilen darstellen: den alten und den neuen Kontinent.
Pteridophyten (aus dem Griechischen pteron = Flügel) sind Pflanzen, Gefäße, in denen erkennt eine Wurzel, Stengel, Blätter, die sich im Stamm cormobiontes; aber Sie nicht Blumen tragen, und als Ergebnis kann nicht reproduzieren durch Samen. Es eilt, um den Beutel zu speichern, sondern in der Biegung, beabsichtigt sie zu Tränen. Es ist dank der Investitionen der Dr. el aire Es Espeso y lleno von sofocantes vapores ponzoñosos der Algo, Nr. puedes, Reconocer quizá Plomo o dem Río Azufre.
Insekten spielen auch eine zentrale Rolle in der Ökosysteme werden, weil sie mit dem Wind, aber viel mehr als die letztere, die natürlichen Wirkstoffe der Befruchtung einer großen Anzahl von Anlagen mit ihrer Staubgefäße und Stempel auf Blüten getrennt.
Es tut uns leid, damit sie Kommissar; es hat wieder aufgenommen; C ist eine Frau von Haushalt, der bei 5 Stunden gefunden wurde; es ist zu Straße 15 der Universität. Der Pilz verantwortlich für den Rost und der Wirtspflanze reflektieren ihre Alter von Herkunft, weil der genetische Ergänzungen des Parasiten und der Gastgeber eher vereinbar sind, wenn sie in den frühen Phasen ihrer Entwicklung sind.
Die Metropolitan Frankreich ist die Heimat von 950 Arten von Wirbeltieren (einschließlich 112 Säugetierarten, 365 Vogelarten, 37 Reptilienarten, 35 Amphibienarten, 390 Arten von Fischen und 4 Arten von cyclostomen) und 39738 Arten von wirbellosen Tieren. Komm schnell! Die narbe deplaned Bichon auf den Fersen. Alle Körper im Universum bauen nur mit einfachen Substanzen, wie Leibniz geschoben zu Ende s gezwungen zugeben zu tun, und da sie gut auf die Körper der Umfang, ohne die sie nicht als Körper entworfen werden; entfernen Sie zusätzlich die externe Aktivität, bei der nur Sie können im Bericht mit uns und untereinander ausgedrückt: dass Rest-t-es zu Ihnen? Nichts. Ein weiterer sub Arten von Donkey, Kulan (Equus hemionus Kulan, CR), überlebt nur in einem einzigen Bevölkerung im Naturschutzgebiet des Badkhyz im Süden von Turkmenistan, zur äußeren Grenze des Hotspots. Beschreibt zum ersten Mal im Jahre 1953, die Desoxyribonukleinsäure hat eine der Säulen der Biologie geworden, vor der Justiz zu übernehmen oder zu rechnen.) Aber nichts, absolut nichts, im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall. Neben einer besonderen Vielfalt, wir stellen auch eine Vielfalt an den Maßstab des Art mit rund einem Viertel der Gattungen, die endemisch sind. Sie ist jung.
Eine der Drohungen die am weitesten verbreitete in der noch verbliebenen Wälder ist der Eingriff in die geschützten Bereiche. Aber warum? Der erste Gedanke, der mir einfällt, ist, dass das Verschwinden der Tiger nicht große Welt behindern. Zum Glück war dies nicht ganz dramatisch. Can-t-er Nutzen auch die wird solch ein Geschenk. Die terrestrische Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) ist einer der grössten Salamander der Welt, seine Distribution erstreckt sich in Europa, ein Teil von Nordafrika, dem Mittelmeerraum und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten.
Er schaute entsetzt und dann Posa wieder seine auf der Straße Blick, seine Hände crispaient am Lenkrad. “Die maximale Anzahl der Abschöpfungen ist weitgehend unzureichend”, in den Augen der Bauern Bund, während die Vereine, die für die Verteidigung der Tiere Glauben, dass kein Feuer nicht erlaubt werden sollte, weil sie “nutzlos”, so kapieren, fördert “das Triptychon “Hunde der Schutz, die Netze mit einer Gruppierung, die menschliche Präsenz””. Das ist traurig, aber das ist das Leben. Mit dem hervorragenden, und alles. Wir glauben, dass die Böden sind lebendig, wie Landschaften, wie die Erde würde auch lebendig werden ohne sehen, dass nur das Leben in diesen Böden, diese Landschaften, die Erde lebendig ist und vor allem, ohne, was die Eingabe dieses “nur” sagen will. Ich fühlte ihre Blicke der Jäger.
Die Kompetenzen der Agenturen der Wasser sind für die Meeres- und terrestrischen Biodiversität erweitert. Kein überstand, ist tief im Meer versinkt: Weder das Kap Bon im Mittelmeer und im Atlantik, Kap Verde, das Kap Lopez, oder sogar, am südlichen Ende des Kontinents, das Kap der Guten Hoffnung; nur die Ausnahme ist das Kap Guardafui, im Indischen Ozean, nicht so sehr von sich selbst, das in seiner Qualität der Terminator an den massiven Winkel Horn von Afrika.
Nach den Angaben der alten Dame, Letac gara, das Auto zu den Eintrag einer Industriezone stillgelegt.
Diese verschiedenen Gruppen sind nicht exklusiv, einer Spezies zu mehreren Gruppen angehören. Es gibt verschiedene Modi der Dehiszenz; letztere wird durch die Nähte im trockenen Früchte aus einem Fruchtblatt getan
Die Ursachen der Schlafstörung
Ich hatte es nicht in der Tat dachte. In der Brahmaputra und Ganges, gibt es Seiten von globaler Bedeutung der Dauphin Ganges (Platanista gangetica), Arten von Süßwasser. Orme et al. Der Grad der Bedrohung für die meisten Arten von wirbellosen Tieren ist unbekannt.
Ich war ein gutes Nip und ich ging m auf einem Transat am Rand von meinem Pool erweitern, blätterten in der letzten Nummer der Zeitschrift Playboy. Es ist daher nicht zu verurteilen, sondern um sie zu holen, um die Realität der ein Problem ansonsten mehr wichtig zu verstehen.
Yann wurde im Reißen, am Rande der Demenz, nicht in der Lage, eine Reflexion im Einklang mit der Frenetischen Lesen der Worte, die offensichtlich in Einklang zu bringen. Sie umfassen: Die Gloméris, die in eine Kugel wie Asseln Roll kann; die Iules, die fast 100 Segmente und Wraps Spirale. Dieser Hohlraum enthält die wichtigsten Komponenten der Atmung (Luftröhre, Bronchien und Lunge) und Verkehr (Herz und große Gefäße Arterien und Venen).
Sie wussten auch ihre weit hergeholt Erfindungen: die funkelnde Blut in den Venen in den letzten Wettbewerb, Sauerstoff in den Bars Schokolade Geschmack der vorigen Jahrtausend; ein System der Tarnung Riese für das Land in der Mitte der Milchstraße wieder vor. Unter den Amphibien, sehr reichlich, es notwendig ist, die Sirene lacertine zu zitieren, die amphiume, die ménobranche.
Die Kontinente
Er teilt sich manchmal noch die Masse des Landes, die die Oberfläche des Globus in zwei Teilen darstellen: den alten und den neuen Kontinent.
Pteridophyten (aus dem Griechischen pteron = Flügel) sind Pflanzen, Gefäße, in denen erkennt eine Wurzel, Stengel, Blätter, die sich im Stamm cormobiontes; aber Sie nicht Blumen tragen, und als Ergebnis kann nicht reproduzieren durch Samen. Es eilt, um den Beutel zu speichern, sondern in der Biegung, beabsichtigt sie zu Tränen. Es ist dank der Investitionen der Dr. el aire Es Espeso y lleno von sofocantes vapores ponzoñosos der Algo, Nr. puedes, Reconocer quizá Plomo o dem Río Azufre.
Insekten spielen auch eine zentrale Rolle in der Ökosysteme werden, weil sie mit dem Wind, aber viel mehr als die letztere, die natürlichen Wirkstoffe der Befruchtung einer großen Anzahl von Anlagen mit ihrer Staubgefäße und Stempel auf Blüten getrennt.
Es tut uns leid, damit sie Kommissar; es hat wieder aufgenommen; C ist eine Frau von Haushalt, der bei 5 Stunden gefunden wurde; es ist zu Straße 15 der Universität. Der Pilz verantwortlich für den Rost und der Wirtspflanze reflektieren ihre Alter von Herkunft, weil der genetische Ergänzungen des Parasiten und der Gastgeber eher vereinbar sind, wenn sie in den frühen Phasen ihrer Entwicklung sind.
Die Metropolitan Frankreich ist die Heimat von 950 Arten von Wirbeltieren (einschließlich 112 Säugetierarten, 365 Vogelarten, 37 Reptilienarten, 35 Amphibienarten, 390 Arten von Fischen und 4 Arten von cyclostomen) und 39738 Arten von wirbellosen Tieren. Komm schnell! Die narbe deplaned Bichon auf den Fersen. Alle Körper im Universum bauen nur mit einfachen Substanzen, wie Leibniz geschoben zu Ende s gezwungen zugeben zu tun, und da sie gut auf die Körper der Umfang, ohne die sie nicht als Körper entworfen werden; entfernen Sie zusätzlich die externe Aktivität, bei der nur Sie können im Bericht mit uns und untereinander ausgedrückt: dass Rest-t-es zu Ihnen? Nichts. Ein weiterer sub Arten von Donkey, Kulan (Equus hemionus Kulan, CR), überlebt nur in einem einzigen Bevölkerung im Naturschutzgebiet des Badkhyz im Süden von Turkmenistan, zur äußeren Grenze des Hotspots. Beschreibt zum ersten Mal im Jahre 1953, die Desoxyribonukleinsäure hat eine der Säulen der Biologie geworden, vor der Justiz zu übernehmen oder zu rechnen.) Aber nichts, absolut nichts, im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall. Neben einer besonderen Vielfalt, wir stellen auch eine Vielfalt an den Maßstab des Art mit rund einem Viertel der Gattungen, die endemisch sind. Sie ist jung.
Eine der Drohungen die am weitesten verbreitete in der noch verbliebenen Wälder ist der Eingriff in die geschützten Bereiche. Aber warum? Der erste Gedanke, der mir einfällt, ist, dass das Verschwinden der Tiger nicht große Welt behindern. Zum Glück war dies nicht ganz dramatisch. Can-t-er Nutzen auch die wird solch ein Geschenk. Die terrestrische Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) ist einer der grössten Salamander der Welt, seine Distribution erstreckt sich in Europa, ein Teil von Nordafrika, dem Mittelmeerraum und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten.
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