#Orkney TTTE
NWR #25 and #26: The Sodor Turbomotives.
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The Sodor Turbomotives 1 and 2, AKA Orkney and Andreas respectively, are identical Pacific Steam Turbine locomotives, who work on the NWR. Orkney, who despite her name, is actually a girl, was originally the LMS Turbomotive #6202, built at Crewe Works in 1935. She was surprisingly down to earth for a express engine, especially compared to other LMS engines such as Lord Rathmore (later Big City Engine) and Princess Elizabeth, probably due to the fact that like most steam turbines, she had a really big problem with running at low speeds. This really didn't bother her too much however, and she often stood up for the little guys on the LMS. In 1946 however, one year after WW2, she was trialed on the NWR after Gordon broke down and was sent away for repairs. After doing quite well, she was purchased by the NWR later that year, and later got upgraded to be more efficient at Crovan's gate works. In 1949, her younger twin brother "Sodor Turbomotive 2", named Andreas after the last king of sodor, was built as another reserve express engine, and made so She didn't feel lonely as the only member of her class. In 2019, the two turbomotives were given the numbers 25 and 26 respectively, after sporting no numbers prior. Andreas is a Friendly yet timid and insecure engine, doubting if he could be as good as a normal steam locomotive most of the time, but he always has his older sister Orkney by his side, and the two care for and support each other a lot, "a bond as strong as iron" they would say. Since 2013, they have also been given there own express trains.
And before you ask, my AU's 6202 was purchased in 1946, before she was rebuilt into a LMS Coronation Class and destroyed in the Harrow and Wealdstone Crash of 1952 in real life.
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