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secretofresearch · 7 months ago
Phytonutrients: Understanding Plant-Based Nutrients and Their Health Benefits
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Phytonutrients, also known as phytochemicals, are naturally occurring compounds found in plant foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. They help protect plants from damage and are believed to provide health benefits to humans. There are thousands of identified phytochemicals, each contributing to unique flavors, aromas and colors in plant foods. Some well-known types of phytochemicals include carotenoids, flavonoids, phenolic acids, phytoestrogens and sulfur compounds.
Carotenoid Benefits
Carotenoids are bright yellow, red and orange pigments acting as powerful antioxidants. The most widely recognized carotenoids are beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Beta-carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the body and is thought to promote eye and skin health. Lycopene is associated with reduced cancer and heart disease risk. Lutein and zeaxanthin concentrate in the macula of the eye where they help protect against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Top sources of carotenoids include sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes and leafy greens.
Flavonoids for Heart and Brain Health
Flavonoids comprise the largest group of polyphenols in our diets. Phytonutrients include flavonols, flavones, flavanols, flavanones and anthocyanins. Flavonoids are linked to reduced cancer cell growth and decreased inflammation. Specific types also decrease blood pressure and aid cognitive function. Flavonols like quercetin are abundant in berries, onions and tea. Cocoa and red wine are high in flavanols. Oranges, grapefruit and tomatoes provide flavanones. Berries are a standout source of anthocyanins. Research suggests regular flavonoid intake through a variety of plant foods may support heart and brain health.
Sulfur Benefits from Allium Vegetables
Sulfur-containing Phytonutrients like allicin and S-allylcysteine are largely responsible for the distinct aroma and flavors of allium vegetables like garlic, onions, scallions, shallots and leeks. When these foods are crushed or chewed, an enzyme reaction occurs producing the active compounds. Population studies worldwide point to lowered risks of certain cancers, especially stomach, with routine allium intake. Garlic and its relatives also exhibit cardiovascular benefits including cholesterol-lowering effects. Their antimicrobial properties lend support against illnesses. Allium vegetables are highly versatile additions to many healthy cuisines.
Indole-3-Carbinol and Broccoli's Cancer-Fighting Potential
Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts provide fiber, vitamins, minerals and unique phytochemicals. One class called glucosinolates breaks down into compounds with potential anti-cancer properties. Indole-3-carbinol in broccoli may modulate hormone metabolism and influence cell division to make tumors less likely to form or spread. Studies on broccoli suggest possible protective mechanisms against cancers of the prostate, breast, colon and bladder. For maximizing levels, it's best to eat these vegetables raw or lightly steamed to retain glucosinolates. Including broccoli a few times weekly could support overall cancer prevention.
Phenolic Benefits Throughout Plant Kingdom
Phenolic acids and polyphenols compose an enormous group of phytochemicals with strong antioxidant abilities. Common types are hydroxycinnamic acid, ellagic acid, resveratrol and lignans. fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, coffee, tea and chocolate are especially rich in phenolics. Research ties them to lowered risks of heart disease, diabetes, neurological decline and certain cancers through mechanisms like reducing inflammation and blocking carcinogen activation. Phenolics are thought to be responsible for the medicinal properties of purple berries, turmeric, cinnamon, oregano and cloves. Making room for a variety of plant fibers in one's diet ensures plentiful phenolic intake.
Including More Phytonutrients in Your Life
The health effects of phytochemicals are attributed to their combined antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxification properties. Eating a “rainbow” of plant colors daily is an easy way to gain benefits from a wide range of these compounds. Cooking methods preserving maximum structure allow phytochemicals better absorption. While supplements may supply concentrated amounts, real whole foods grown from nature provide the broadest spectrum of interactive components. Making dietary shifts toward more unprocessed plant sources provides an opportunity for enhanced well-being and disease prevention from phytochemicals equipped within.
Get more insights on Phytonutrients
About Author:
Vaagisha brings over three years of expertise as a content editor in the market research domain. Originally a creative writer, she discovered her passion for editing, combining her flair for writing with a meticulous eye for detail. Her ability to craft and refine compelling content makes her an invaluable asset in delivering polished and engaging write-ups.
(LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaagisha-singh-8080b91)
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rlyehtaxidermist · 6 months ago
while elemental S is odourless, organosulfur is much worse than just farts. even the most odious farts are less than 1% organosulfur compounds (usually hydrogen sulfide, also the main smell chemical of rotten eggs)
other pure organosulfur compounds of note include
ethanethiol, the stuff they put in natural gas to make you be able to smell gas leaks
butyl mercaptan, which you know well if you've ever driven past a skunk
thioacetone, an accidental release of which caused vomiting in a half mile radius in the German town of Freiburg. purely on the strength of its smell.
PSA: if you describe your sexy demons as "smelling sulphurous/like brimstone," that's not just vague mystical words.
Those are real smells.
They smell like farts.
Please know this. I'm begging you.
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sakshibloggs · 29 days ago
Organosulfur Biocides Market Research Report 2024(Status and Outlook)
The global Organosulfur Biocides market size was valued at US$ 987.6 million in 2024 and is projected to reach US$ 1.34 billion by 2032, at a CAGR of 5.2% during the forecast period 2025-2032.
The United States Organosulfur Biocides market size was valued at US$ 278.4 million in 2025 and is projected to reach US$ 367.8 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 4.8% during the forecast period 2025-2032.
Download FREE Sample of this Report
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elminx · 1 year ago
French Onion Soup: A Look Into Single Ingredient* Kitchen Witch Spells
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*There are actually eight ingredients in my recipe, but I am only using one (onions) for the purpose of my witching
Last weekend, when my partner announced they were taking the short ribs out of the freezer to dethaw, I knew my dark moon banishment had been decided for me: it was time to make my yearly batch of French Onion Soup. I always make this soup with a combination of the au jus from the short ribs and broth made from the leftover bones; it is part of our goal to use as much of the animal as we can. But French onion soup does more than fill our bellies: it fills the entire house with the essence of onions.
This, as a kitchen witch, I can USE.
Some background on what I call Single Ingredient Kitchen Witch Spells
One of the things that I have found when pursuing Kitchen Witch spells is that the writers often try to attribute a magical intention to every ingredient they put into their food. Although this is well intended, if one is actually enchanting their meals (rather than just "asking" the ingredients to impart some magic - which is valid), it becomes - in my opinion - very energy-intensive and cumbersome. That's not what I am all about when I'm witching in the kitchen.
My idea of a good kitchen witch spell is one where you spend a hot minute cooking your food (stirring and returning to your meal is a LOT of where I impart magic into food) but where the actual magic is fairly simple. In this way, I am drawn to a spell where one type of magical intention is highlighted by using only one ingredient or a (small) combination of ingredients that all work towards a common goal.
I find this approach easier for witches who are to kitchen magic and low-energy witches like me. This doesn't mean that you need to stick to very simple recipe to enchant kitchen magic, instead, we are focusing on one or a handful of ingredients for the material of our spellwork. Sometimes flavoring (everything else) can just be flavoring.
I will point out here that by my thinking, whatever primary ingredient you are enchanting for your kitchen magic SHOULD be a primary ingredient/flavor in the dish that you are making. While a pinch of salt can and will cleanse, I wouldn't call your dish a cleansing spell just because you added a pinch of salt. In this way, this type of magic works best with ingredient-forward dishes like pesto (basil), pies (fruit), or - in this case - French Onion Soup which calls for multiple cups of Sweet Onion.
The Magic of Onion
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In my opinion as a witch and amateur herbalist, the magic of onion lies in its organosulfur compounds. It is unmistakable if you have ever cut or eaten an onion (or other members of the allium family) that they carry a distinctive smell and taste of sulfur. Sulfur, also known as brimstone, has long been associated with banishment or dispelling magics of all kinds.
Notably, here this association carries over to onion both in the metaphysical realm where it is believed to banish or keep away evil and ill will, but also in its physical properties as onion is antiseptic and antibacterial. Perhaps, in this way, we can imagine that onion chases away the bad by removing it from our bodies.
That's something that I can get behind.
French Onion Soup: a Banishment for the Body and the Home
If the magic of onions is found in its organosulfur compounds (as I believe), this is activated thrice in the making of French onion soup.
Firstly, when you cut the onions. Secondly, when you caramelize the onions (fumigating your home), and thirdly when you eat the onions. We've been talking a lot lately about the magic of the number 3 - a number that can naturally increase or decrease depending on how it is used. This a decreasing 3-spell, and could be used as an adjunct to a more traditional decreasing spell. For example, I might start a banishment or decreasing candle spell and then make and eat the soup while the spell was burning.
Note here that I think that the PRIMARY banishment stage comes during the caramelization process, this is where I focus the energy of my banishment.
You will need:
6 cups thin sliced Sweet Onions
8 cups beef broth, homemade preferred, but boxed is okay
A small bundle of Thyme, fresh preferred
1/2 Stick of Butter or comparable oil substitute (EVOO)
1/2 cup dry wine, optional
Baguette or other crusty bread, sliced into 1/2-inch pieces
Gruyere cheese, grated
Salt and Pepper to taste
Prepare your kitchen Do this in any way you prefer before starting a kitchen witch spell. I like to have a hearth candle that I light when doing kitchen magic to help create the proper mood.
Thin Slice Your Onions We want the onions in the soup to have a thin ribbon-like texture. It helps with caramelization to have all your onion slices be the same size, but this may not be possible if you start with very differently-sized onions. This is your chance to connect with the spirit or powers of the onion. Very quickly, you will begin to physically experience the effects of onion's sulfuric nature as the syn-propanethial-S-oxide gas released by cutting the onions mixes with the water content in our eyes, creating sulfuric acid. This is part of the banishment properties of onion; although it might not be pleasant, thank the onion for doing what it is doing. Depending on your magical traditions, you may choose to interact with onion in any manner of ways. Remember here that this is the first of three banishment steps in this process - whoever cuts the onions will get the direct and most focused banishment of the entire spell. If the intended recipient of the spell is you, cut the onions yourself. If it is someone else, consider asking them to cut the onions for you. I wanted to work this spell for both myself and my partner, and I knew that they would still be out of the house when I caramelized the onions, so I asked them to cut the onion for me. You can choose to talk to the onions, pray over the onion, carve sigils into them before you cut them, or do anything that feels appropriate to your path during this time. This step will take a while, especially if you need to take breaks to cry your eyes out over onions. This can be done up to a day ahead of time - store your cut onions in the fridge until you are ready to use them.
Camarmelize Your Onions I thought about giving you the basics on caramelizing onions here, but this is a kitchen witch blog. I assume you have some proficiency in the kitchen if you are attempting a spell like this. Besides, the process of doing this will change drastically depending on how wet your onions are, the general humidity, and how your stove manages heat. The butter, onions, thyme, and salt go into the pot in this step. Start on medium heat and adjust up or down as you need to so that your onions cook until they are golden brown. Expect this to take at least an hour, and be happy if it takes less. The secret to caramelizing onions is that you need to consistently stir the pot so they do not stick to the bottom and burn. This is where I put the majority of my magic into this spell - each time that I return to the pot, I draw a banishing sigil over my onions. I also stir in the anti-clockwise direction of removal. You should adapt this to how you perform kitchen magic, of course. I will note here that my apartment has a relatively open floor plan and I intentionally do not turn on the kitchen fans so that the oniony goodness vents into my house, not out of it. This is the step that I use to banish unwanted energy from my physical space - I speak words over the steam rising from my onions and ask it to assist me in this process. If I lived in a place with a less open floor plan, I would open any doors and windows needed to get the steam/smell into as many parts of the place as I could. If you just want to focus on your physical body, you can skip this step but I find that if my energy has gotten off enough to require a banishment, my place needs cleansing, too.
Heat Your Broth You want your broth to be at a similar temperature to your onions. This doesn't need to get done at the beginning of your caramelization process as you might evaporate more than necessary, but you will want your broth up to temperature by the time your onions are at their desired doneness.
Construct the Soup When the onions are ready, deglaze the pot with wine or beef broth. Scrape the bottle to reincorporate any stuck residue back into your base. Add 1/2 cup of flour and mix to form a weak roux. Slowly add beef broth by the ladle full into the base, stirring as you go. Cook on a simmer for 10 minutes. This is the time for any last intention setting,. You can adjust for salt and add pepper as a final pop of banishing if you are so inclined.
Serve and Eat All of our magic has already been accomplished, so now it is time to plate (bowl?) our meal. French Onion Soup is traditionally served in individual ramekins with a slice of bread and melted Gruyere on top. This is accomplished by putting the soup into the ramekins, topping with the bread and cheese, and then popping those suckers under the broiler. I don't do this. I just grill the bread and top with thinly grated cheese. There isn't enough difference here to wait the extra few minutes after I've already been standing over the stove for an hour. You can say a few words over your meal if that's you thing, but you don't need to here. The rest of the magic will be fueled by your own digestive system. It is done French onion soup keeps for a couple of days in the fridge and freezes nicely so long as you omit the bread and cheese.
If I could choose one thing for you to take away from this writing, it is that kitchen witchery does not have to be complicated. You don't need to know the magical associations for every ingredient you put into your meal. You only need to know one and use it well.
Do you like my work? You can support me over on Kofi.
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In the switch to "greener" energy sources, the demand for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries is surging. However, their cathodes typically contain cobalt -- a metal whose extraction has high environmental and societal costs. Now, researchers in ACS Central Science report evaluating an earth-abundant, carbon-based cathode material that could replace cobalt and other scarce and toxic metals without sacrificing lithium-ion battery performance. Today, lithium-ion batteries power everything from cell phones to laptops to electric vehicles. One of the limiting factors for realizing a global shift to energy produced by renewable sources -- particularly for the transition from gasoline-powered cars to electric vehicles -- is the scarcity and mining difficulty of the metals, such as cobalt, nickel and magnesium, used in rechargeable battery cathode manufacturing. Previous researchers have developed cathodes from more abundant and lower cost carbon-containing materials, including organosulfur and carbonyl compounds, but those prototypes couldn't match the energy output and stability of traditional lithium-ion batteries.
Read more.
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alexanderwales · 4 months ago
Some dumbass on reddit said that garlic does not do this, which is very reddit behavior of him, since it's 1) skepticism with 2) no actual research or effort to back up the claim.
So because I am also a skeptic, but the superior kind that actually goes looking for sources instead of making claims based on vibes, and because this did in fact happen to me:
Garlic has an organosulfur compound allicin, which is the main thing that gives it flavor/taste. This breaks down into other sulfur-containing compounds pretty rapidly. The most important one, as far as stink goes, is allyl methyl sulfide. This takes a while to be metabolized, and because it's metabolized very slowly, gets released from the body through other means, including sweat and urine. There have in fact been studies done on urine from volunteers, though I haven't been able to find any that substantiate my claim that my tears smelled like garlic.
Here's a paper on measuring "human skin gas" wrt garlic, which is the awesome sort thing that science should be doing.
When I was in high school I ate half a jar of pickled garlic. It was a pretty big jar. There wasn't much of a reason for this, just that I thought it was delicious and didn't have much self control. I thought that my breath would stink and whatever, I would brush my teeth a bunch and not actually worry about it.
Turns out, garlic has a way of just soaking into a person's entire body.
My guess is that this was about four full bulbs of pickled garlic. It was seeping out of my pores. It was in the oils of my hair and skin. When I went to the bathroom it smelled more like garlic than urine. It felt like it was going to last forever. On the second day I asked my mom whether I could stay home from school, and she asked how long I thought it was going to last, and I really had no idea.
I thought that it was funny, but other people thought that it was weird and off-putting, which made me think that it was less funny. One teacher placed me in the back corner of the room so I would cause the least problems with my stink.
I cried a little bit, and the tears smelled like garlic.
But in the twenty years since then, you know what? Not a single vampire.
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ciamun25-hcc · 24 days ago
Russian Pyongyang Reinforcement
300 Light Bombers each equipped with 15 Litres of organosulfur chemical compound bis sulfide (Mustard Gas) developed previously, to be sent towards Pyong Yang.
10,000 Line Infantry
5 Cruisers
5 Destroyers
7 Battleships
Has been send to Pyongyang to help the remaining Russian troops.
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24marketresearch · 29 days ago
Latin America Mercaptopropionic Acid Market Outlook and Forecast 2025-2032
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stuartbramhall · 4 months ago
Common Solvent DMSO Good for Pain, Cancer, infection and Inflammation?
Dr Mercola Story at-a-glance DMSO is an organosulfur compound used as a topical pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent. It activates cellular stress responses at low to moderate levels, boosting resilience against future threats Research shows DMSO inhibits cancer cell growth and triggers apoptosis in various cancer cell lines, suggesting promise as a targeted therapy for slowing or stopping…
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darkmaga-returns · 4 months ago
Story at-a-glance
DMSO is an organosulfur compound used as a topical pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent. It activates cellular stress responses at low to moderate levels, boosting resilience against future threats
Research shows DMSO inhibits cancer cell growth and triggers apoptosis in various cancer cell lines, suggesting promise as a targeted therapy for slowing or stopping cancer progression
In a mouse model of Alzheimer's, low-dose DMSO improved visual function, likely due to its antioxidant properties. It may be useful as an early intervention in neurodegenerative diseases
DMSO is related to MSM, which has shown benefits for joint health. It also exhibits antibacterial properties, inhibiting growth of various bacterial strains at relatively low concentrations
While promising, DMSO has side effects including garlic-like odor and skin irritation. It increases absorption of other substances and may interact with certain medications, necessitating caution in its use
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industrynewsupdates · 5 months ago
Biocides Market Business Analysis, Recent Development And Forecast, 2030
The global biocides market size was valued at USD 8.5 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.2% from 2023 to 2030. 
The growth is driven by the consumer product segment wherein biocides are used in cleaning products, cosmetics & wipes, disinfectants, toothpaste, and laundry detergents, to name a few. Further, biocides are observed to be increasingly used in preservatives, disinfectants, insecticides, antiseptics, fungicides, and herbicides.
Biocides are significantly used in the disinfection of food containers, surfaces or pipes utilized in food logistics and more. Increasing innovations by various multinationals to expand their product portfolio and minimize hazard caused by biocides, coupled with growing preference for natural biocides, shall lead to broader consumption of the product over the coming years.
U.S. remains the dominant market for the North America biocides industry, primarily driven by the demand from the water treatment and wood preservation markets. U.S. regulations regarding water quality strict, and these support the application of EPA registered biocides in water treatment plants. Blue Plains Advanced WWTP is one of the key water treatment plants in U.S., engaged in the consumption of biocides.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Biocides Market
Biocides Market Report Highlights
• The quaternary ammonium compounds product segment is the fastest growing product segment with a CAGR of 5.6 % on the account of their use in food & beverage, leather, textile, water treatment, and coatings among others. QACs depending on their structure and adjuncts and diversified fields of applications are expected to drive the segment growth
• Halogen compounds have dominated the product market with the highest revenue share of 25.0% in 2022. The demand for halogens due to its potent antibacterial and oxidizing capabilities, which make it ideal for use in municipal drinking water plants and wastewater treatment facilities, among other places
• Water treatment emerged as the fastest growing region with a CAGR of 6.0%. The growth is attributed to utilization of product in reverse osmosis and desalination treatment processes
• The Asia Pacific region witnessed the fastest growth rate of 5.4% in 2022. This is attributed to many factors such as the increased manufacturing of disinfectants, post COVID-19 pandemic effects, and presence of large number of end-users
• Players like BASF SE and Dow Inc. exhibit strong supply chain integration in the market with involvement in raw material manufacturing
Browse through Grand View Research's Disinfectants & Preservatives Industry Research Reports.
• The caustic soda market size was valued at USD 45.7 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.9% from 2024 to 2030. 
• The global propionic acid market size was valued at USD 1.11 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.4% from 2024 to 2030.
Biocides Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global biocides market on the basis of product, end-use, and region:
Biocides Product Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• Halogen Compounds
• Metallic Compounds
• Organosulfur
• Organic Acids
• Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
• Phenolic
• Nitrogen
• Glutaraldehyde
Biocides End-use Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• Water Treatment
• Food and Beverage
• Personal Care
• Wood Preservation
• Paints and Coatings
• Plastics
• Boilers
• Oil and Gas
• Fuels
• Pulp and Paper
• Cleaning Products
Biocides Regional Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
o Mexico
• Europe
o Germany
o UK
o France
o Spain
o Italy
• Asia Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o South Korea
• Central & South America
o Brazil
o Argentina
• Middle East & Africa
o Saudi Arabia
o South Africa
Order a free sample PDF of the Biocides Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 5 months ago
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Potential indicators of life on other planets can be created in a lab
One way to understand the potential for life on far-off planets—those in other solar systems that orbit different stars—is to study a planet's atmosphere. Telescopic images often capture traces of gases that may indicate life and habitable planets. But findings from a new study led by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder challenge this idea: Scientists have created one type of gas often seen as an indicator of life in a chemistry lab with no organisms present.
The paper, published today in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, found that one type of molecule scientists typically view as a sign of life, known as a biosignature, may not be as strong an indicator of life as previously thought. The researchers created dimethyl sulfide, a type of organic sulfur compound often made by marine microbes, in a reaction chamber using light and gases found in many planets' atmospheres.
The researchers said creating dimethyl sulfide in the lab was exciting, but their findings flip previous research on its head. The work is led by CU Boulder's Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) Visiting Fellow Nate Reed and CIRES Fellow and associate professor of chemistry Ellie Browne.
"The sulfur molecules that we're making are thought to be indicators of life because they're produced by life on Earth," Browne said. "But we made them in the lab without life—so it might not be a sign of life, but could be a sign of something hospitable for life." Organic sulfur compounds might not be robust biomarkers but could instead serve as markers of metabolic potential, according to the study authors.
Searching for life
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope launched in 2009. One of its missions is to capture images of exoplanets, planets outside of Earth's solar system, to understand different atmospheres. Part of the satellite's mission is to ask: Do these planets support life?
The new study looks at what happens in a planet's atmosphere when gases react with light and form an "organic haze and associated gases," aerosol particles formed via atmospheric chemistry. The authors focused on organic molecules that contain sulfur, including dimethyl sulfide, which are secondary metabolic products of living organisms on Earth.
"One of the big findings of the paper that we saw was dimethyl sulfide," said Reed. "That one was exciting, because it's been measured in exoplanetary atmospheres, and it was thought previously to be a sign of life living on the planet."
To recreate planetary atmospheres in a lab, Reed and Browne, alongside co-authors including CIRES associate director Maggie Tolbert, mimic atmospheres where light reacts with gases. In the new study, they used UV light to turn methane and hydrogen sulfide molecules into reactive species, which produce organosulfur gases—the biosignatures seen from the James Webb Space Telescope.
Reed noted that while the findings are exciting, they are limited to a singular type of atmosphere. "There's a wide variety of atmospheres, and we only looked at small differences in one—you can't study every atmosphere that exists in a lab," he said.
Looking forward, the researchers hope their study will inspire more fundamental laboratory studies looking at basic chemical reactions, especially with sulfur. Sulfur is challenging to work with—it's sticky, smelly, and toxic. But not studying sulfur reactions prevents scientists from fully understanding what these findings mean about biosignatures.
"When we're searching for these biosignatures, the tendency is to want to sensationalize 'we detected signs of life,'" Browne said. "The atmosphere is really good at making a whole bunch of different molecules, and we've found that just because it can be made in a lab doesn't mean it's not a source."
IMAGE: Illustration of the general methodology. "Sorg" is for "organosulfur gases," "GC" is for "gas chromatograph," and "SCD" is for "sulfur chemiluminescence detection." Credit: The Astrophysical Journal Letters (2024). DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad74da
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tamanna31 · 6 months ago
Biocides Market (2023-2030) – Growth, Pricing, Features, Reviews & Comparison of Alternatives
Biocides Industry Overview
The global biocides market size was valued at USD 8.5 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.2% from 2023 to 2030.
The growth is driven by the consumer product segment wherein biocides are used in cleaning products, cosmetics & wipes, disinfectants, toothpaste, and laundry detergents, to name a few. Further, biocides are observed to be increasingly used in preservatives, disinfectants, insecticides, antiseptics, fungicides, and herbicides.
Biocides are significantly used in the disinfection of food containers, surfaces or pipes utilized in food logistics and more. Increasing innovations by various multinationals to expand their product portfolio and minimize hazard caused by biocides, coupled with growing preference for natural biocides, shall lead to broader consumption of the product over the coming years.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Biocides Market
U.S. remains the dominant market for the North America biocides industry, primarily driven by the demand from the water treatment and wood preservation markets. U.S. regulations regarding water quality strict, and these support the application of EPA registered biocides in water treatment plants. Blue Plains Advanced WWTP is one of the key water treatment plants in U.S., engaged in the consumption of biocides.
Prominent use of wood for construction at the residential, commercial and industrial sector has benefitted the growth of biocides application in wood preservation. It is environmentally supported by the 15-20% higher tree plantation when compared to their consumption. Major demand from the paints & coatings for biocides has further accelerated the market growth in the U.S.
From a global standpoint, rising demand for biocides from industries such as cleaning & 0sanitation, water treatment, paints & coatings and more have led to surge in production and innovation of various biocide formulations worldwide. Biocides such as chlorine dioxide are used in lower concentrations and are highly effective in wastewater treatment operations as water sanitizer and disinfectant as they have more than double the oxidizing capacity as chlorine and is therefore highly consumed from wastewater treatment facilities globally.
However, biocides utilization over the past couple of years have reflected adverse health effects which eventually led to public health scares. In order to restrict the movement of b0iocides and monitor the utilization and handling of various biocide products globally, Chemical Ranking and Scoring (CRS) methods have been put in place worldwide for effective management of the products. CRS provides information regarding characteristics such as toxicity and exposure to various biocide products. Various countries across all major regions have been implementing policies and regulations to minimize ill-effects of biocides, which can restrain the market.
Browse through Grand View Research's Disinfectants & Preservatives Industry Research Reports.
• The global hypochlorous acid market size was valued at USD 5.65 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.6% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global low foam surfactants market size was estimated at USD 15287.1 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.4% from 2024 to 2030.
Global Biocides Market Report Segmentation
This report forecasts revenue growth at global, regional, and country levels and provides an analysis on the latest industry trends in each of the sub-segments from 2018 to 2030. For the purpose of this study, Grand View Research has segmented the global biocides market report on the basis of product, end-use, and region.
Product Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Halogen Compounds
Metallic Compounds
Organic Acids
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
End-use Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Water Treatment
Food and Beverage
Personal care
Wood Preservation
Paints and Coatings
Oil and Gas
Pulp and Paper
Cleaning Products
Regional Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The presence of many multinational players in the market has resulted in high competition. Both backward and forward integration is observed among manufacturers, or formulators in the supply chain. As a part of their long term strategy companies are focusing on opening subsidiaries and also focusing on end to end integration throughout the supply chain.
Forward & backward integration strategies can also prove fruitful as companies look to increase their control over the value chain. In the industrial consumer segment, companies are developing capabilities in terms of brands that cater to specific application segments. Companies have also looked at establishing capabilities in terms of partnerships with end-user companies to exert control over the value chain. Some of the key players in global biocides market are mentioned below:
Troy Corporation
Chemtreat, Inc.
Neogen Corporation
Finoric LLC
Shanghai Zhongxin Yuxiang Chemicals Co. Ltd.
Iro Group Inc.
Hubei Jinghong Chemicals Co. Ltd.
Wuxi Honor Shine Chemical Co. Ltd.
Albemarle Corporation
Solvay SA
Lanxess AG
Order a free sample PDF of the Biocides Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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elminx · 1 year ago
Spoilers, aka Elminx is grumpy
Where's your source for how to make French Onion Soup...Minx? ....my Dad. And my great-grandmother is the one who taught him, so far as I know. (my ancestry is strongly French Canadian) How do you know about organosulfur compounds?
....Organic Chemistry, 1. I had to take it twice because I sucked at it so badly but onions -> sulfur -> sulfuric acid in the eye is one of the things that actually stuck. This is why demanding Tumblr be treated like academia isn't the best look ever. This also doesn't mean that I'm 100% against sources on Tumblr either, please don't misconstrue my words.
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credenceresearchdotblog · 7 months ago
The worldwide methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) market is anticipated to witness a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.68% between 2023 and 2030. Valued at USD 1,659.0 million in 2022, forecasts predict the market will mature to an estimated USD 2,136.98 million by 2030.Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is an organosulfur compound known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has gained significant attention in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, cosmetics, and agriculture, due to its diverse range of applications. The global MSM market has witnessed substantial growth over the past few years, driven by increasing consumer awareness about health and wellness, rising demand for natural and organic products, and the expanding application base of MSM across different industries.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/methylsulfonylmethane-market
Market Overview
The global MSM market has shown steady growth, with an increasing number of consumers recognizing its benefits for joint health, skin care, and overall wellness. The market is primarily driven by the aging population, which is more susceptible to joint-related issues, and the growing interest in natural and alternative therapies. Moreover, the rise in demand for dietary supplements and functional foods has further fueled the market's expansion.
Key Drivers
1. Growing Health and Wellness Trends: With a rising focus on health and wellness, consumers are increasingly turning to natural supplements to maintain their health. MSM, known for its joint pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties, has become a popular choice among those seeking natural remedies for conditions such as osteoarthritis.
2. Increasing Aging Population: The global aging population is one of the significant factors driving the demand for MSM. Older adults are more prone to joint pain and inflammation, making MSM an attractive option for managing these conditions. The compound's ability to improve joint mobility and reduce pain has made it a preferred ingredient in joint health supplements.
3. Rise in Demand for Natural Ingredients in Cosmetics: The cosmetic industry has seen a shift towards natural and organic ingredients, with consumers becoming more conscious of the products they use on their skin. MSM's ability to improve skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, and promote a healthy complexion has led to its increased use in skincare products.
4. Expanding Application in Animal Health: MSM is not only beneficial for human health but also for animals. It is widely used in veterinary medicine to treat conditions such as arthritis in pets and to enhance the overall well-being of animals. The growing pet care market is expected to contribute to the increasing demand for MSM in the coming years.
Market Challenges
Despite the positive growth trends, the MSM market faces certain challenges. One of the primary challenges is the availability of synthetic substitutes that offer similar benefits at a lower cost. These alternatives can potentially limit the growth of the MSM market, particularly in price-sensitive regions. Additionally, the lack of awareness about MSM in developing regions may hinder market expansion.
Another challenge is the stringent regulatory environment governing the production and sale of dietary supplements and nutraceuticals. Manufacturers need to comply with various regulations and quality standards, which can increase the production costs and impact market growth.
Regional Analysis
The MSM market is geographically segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. North America currently dominates the market, driven by the high demand for dietary supplements and the presence of a large aging population. The region's well-established healthcare infrastructure and high consumer awareness further support market growth.
Europe is another significant market for MSM, with the increasing trend of using natural and organic products in cosmetics and personal care. The Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period, attributed to the rising health consciousness, increasing disposable income, and growing awareness about the benefits of MSM.
Competitive Landscape
The MSM market is highly competitive, with several key players actively involved in product innovation, research, and development. Major companies operating in the market include Bergstrom Nutrition, Inc., Hubei Xingfa Chemicals Group Co., Ltd., and Panvo Organics Pvt. Ltd. These companies are focusing on expanding their product portfolios and enhancing their production capabilities to meet the growing demand.
Future Outlook
The future of the MSM market looks promising, with increasing consumer inclination towards natural and organic products, coupled with the rising demand for dietary supplements and functional foods. Innovations in product formulations and the expanding application base of MSM across various industries are expected to create new growth opportunities for market players. However, companies need to address the challenges related to synthetic substitutes and regulatory compliance to fully capitalize on the market's potential.
Key Players:
KALA Health
Bergstrom Nutrition
Makana Produktion und Vertrieb GmbH
Segmentation Analysis
Food and Beverage
Pharmaceutical and dietary supplements
Cosmetics and Personal Care
Animal Feed
Other Industries (Agriculture, Urban Waste Handling, etc.)
Based on geographical distribution, the global methylsulfonylmethane market is segmented into the following categories:
North America
The U.S.
The U.K.
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East and Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of the Middle East and Africa
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/methylsulfonylmethane-market
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iamnaturalnana · 7 months ago
via Dr. Deanna Minich, PhD When I eat plant foods, I am reminded that I’m not just eating macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate, fat), micronutrients (vitamins, minerals), and phytonutrients (polyphenols, carotenoids, alkaloids, organosulfur compounds), but also neurotransmitters (and hormones). The research doesn’t clearly conclude that eating food sources of intact neurotransmitters changes…
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