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Fedor Filatov
Rusian antifascist comrade murdered by members of the neonazi terrorist group #BORN (Boevaya Organizatsiya Russkih Natsionalistov).
/ #October 10 2008 /
/ Moscow – Rusia /
#Fedor Filatov#rusian#161#1312#antifa#comrades#rest in power#october 10#2008#moscow#class war#antinazi#goodnightwhitepride#anti capitalism#antifascist#antiauthoritarian#anti imperialism#anti colonialism#anti cop#anti colonization#eat the rich#eat the fucking rich#ausgov#politas#auspol#tasgov#taspol#australia#fuck neoliberals#neoliberal capitalism
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FOR STARTERS THIS IS RUSSIA’S VERSION OF NATO; The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO; Russian romanized: Organizatsiya Dogovora o kollektivnoy bezopasnosti; Russian romanized: ODKB
Right, and the Azov Battalion never numbered more than one thousand, out of Ukraine’s hundreds of thousands of fighters, and at last count, there were no more than 300 survivors.
That, conspiracy hippies, is what a battalion is; 300 to 1000 soldiers (look it up).
And the reason Russia is over-blowing the Azovs’ role, is they have literally ten’s of times as many Russian Nazi’s, and that’s not even including Putin’s private mercenary army, The Wagner Group (really nasty reputation).
A big problem, is how many iconoclasts figure out how they're being gaslighted by the corporate media, and so Russian state-media and YouTube Certified™ experts catch them, lest they become informed.
People who follow Russian state-media are not any different from those who followed TransOcean News Service as Herr Hitler annexed German-speaking parts of Czechoslovakia, and then as he and his allies conquered the rest of the country. #SamePlaybook #SameExcuses #SameLies
We’ve even seen this from Putin before.
See Chechnya and Georgia.
Russia has invaded Ukraine 22 times in 400 years, and Putin has invaded every former Russian colony that has insisted on independence, but sure, it's all about “America's proxy war” ?? #WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot?!?
20190121 The Sudan uprising: “This is a people’s revolution”
20211213 EU imposes restrictive measures against the Wagner Group
20220215 War and Anarchists: Anti-Authoritarian Perspectives in Ukraine
20220223 Vladimir Putin’s Revisionist History of Russia and Ukraine
20220302 Ukraine • While Waiting for the Bomb |2
20220311 Male State: The Russian Online Hate Group Backing Putin’s War
20220314 The Invasion of Ukraine: Anarchist Interventions and Geopolitical Changes
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45) Białoruś, Republika Białorusi, Беларусь, Рэспубліка Беларусь, Bielarus’, Respublika Bielarus, Белоруссия, Беларусь, Республика Беларусь, Belarus, Republic of Belarus
1. Flaga państwowa i chorągiew cywilna (7 czerwca 1995 r.-obecnie {wzór ornamentu zmodyfikowano w 2012 r.})
2. Flaga prezydencka (11 grudnia 1997–2012)
3. Flaga prezydencka (2012–obecnie)
4. Miasto Mińsk. Niebieski z herbem Mińska z 1591 r. w środku (2001)
5. Obwód brzeski. Niebieski z żółtym żubrem (Bison bonasus) na czerwonej stylizowanej wieży [herb regionu brzeskiego] (2004)
6. Obwód homelski. Zielony z herbem regionu Homel [tylko w środku awersu flagi] (2005)
7. Obwód grodzieński. Czerwona z herbem Ziemi Grodzieńskiej [tylko w środkowej części awersu flagi] (2007)
8. Obwód mohylewski. Czerwona z herbem Ziemi Mohylewskiej [tylko w środkowej części awersu flagi] (2005)
9. Obwód miński. Czerwony z herbem obwodu mińskiego [tylko w środkowej części awersu flagi] (2007)
10. Obwód witebski. Zielony z herbem obwodu witebskiego [tylko w środkowej części awersu flagi] (2009)
11. Bojowa Organizacja Anarcho-komunistów [BOAK, Боевая организация анархо-коммунистов, Boyevaya organizatsiya anarkho-kommunistov, БОАК, Combat Organization of Anarcho-Communists] (2018–obecnie)
12. Biała Ruś, Republikańskie Zjednoczenie Społeczne Biała Ruś [Белорусская партия "Белая Русь", Belaya Rus, Белая Русь, Bělaja Ruś, "White Rus''] (2007–obecnie)
13. Białoruska Socjaldemokratyczna Partia (Hramada) [Беларуская сацыял-дэмакратычная партыя (Грамада), Biełaruskaja sacyjał-demakratycznaja partyja (Hramada), Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Assembly), Белорусская социал-демократическая партия (Громада́), Belarusskaya Social-Demokraticheskaya Partiya (Hromada)] (2005–obecnie)
14. Prawy Alians [PA, Right Alliance, RA, Правы альянс, Pravy aĺjans] i Białoruska Partia Wolności [Belarusian Freedom Party, Белару́ская Па́ртыя Свабо́ды, БПС-Самаабарона] (2004–obecnie)
15. Konserwatywno-Chrześcijańska Partia Białoruski Front Ludowy, Кансэрватыўна-Хрысціянская Партыя – БНФ, Kanserwatyuna-Chryscijanskaja Partyja – BNF, Conservative Christian Party of the Belarusian People's Front, Консервативно-христианская партия — БНФ, Konservativno-khristianskaya partiya BNF, CChP–BPF, KChP–BNF, KHP–BNF] (1999–obecnie)
16. Komunistyczna Partia Białorusi [KPB, Камуністычная партыя Беларусі, Kamunistyčnaja Partyja Bielarusi, Communist Party of Belarus, CPB, Коммунисти́ческая па́ртия Белару́си, Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Belarusi, CPB / КПБ]. Flaga Białoruskiej Socjalistycznej Republiki Radzieckiej (1951–1991) (1996–obecnie)
17. Partia Liberalno-Demokratyczna [Ліберальна-дэмакратычная партыя Беларусі, Libieraĺna-demakratyčnaja partyja Bielarusi, Либерально-демократическая партия Беларуси, Liberal'no-demokraticheskaya partiya Belarusi, Liberal Democratic Party of Belarus, LDPB, ЛДПБ] (1994–obecnie) [1]
18. Partia Liberalno-Demokratyczna [Ліберальна-дэмакратычная партыя Беларусі, Libieraĺna-demakratyčnaja partyja Bielarusi, Либерально-демократическая партия Беларуси, Liberal'no-demokraticheskaya partiya Belarusi, Liberal Democratic Party of Belarus, LDPB, ЛДПБ] (1994–obecnie) [2]
19. Partia Republikańska [Рэспубліканская партыя, Respublikanskaja partyja, Республиканская партия, Riespublikanskaja partija, Republican Party] (1994–obecnie)
20. Białoruska Partia Agrarna [Беларуская аграрная партыя, Biełaruskaja ahrarnaja partyja, Белорусская аграрная партия, Biełorusskaja agrarnaja partija, Belarusian Agrarian Party] (1992–obecnie)
21. Narodowo-Bolszewicka Partia Białorusi [National Bolshevik Party of Belarus] (?–obecnie)
22. Białoruska Partia Chłopska [Belarusian Peasant Party, Беларуская сялянская партыя, Byelaruskaya syalyanskaya party'ya, BSP, Беларуская крестьянская партия, BKP] (1995–1999)
23. Białoruska Partia Chłopska „Zielony Dąb” [Беларуская сялянская партыя "Зялёны Дуб", "Зялёны дуб", Беларуская сялянская партыя Зялёнага дуба, Belarusian Peasant Party "Green Oak"] (1919–lata 30. XX wieku) [1]
24. Białoruska Partia Chłopska „Zielony Dąb” [Беларуская сялянская партыя "Зялёны Дуб", "Зялёны дуб", Беларуская сялянская партыя Зялёнага дуба, Belarusian Peasant Party "Green Oak"] (1919–lata 30. XX wieku) [2]
25. Wariant flagi Białorusi z lat 1991–1995, używany przez prodemokratycznych protestantów. Biało-czerwono-biała flaga z herbem Pogoni w środku (2020)
26. Flaga Wejsznorii, używana jako element satyryczny (2017–obecnie)
27. Flaga pro-radziecka (lata 2000)
28. Flaga używana przez niektórych białoruskich anarchistów
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https://zakazrukami.com/otchet-po-provedennomu-vneshnemu-kompleksnomu-prodvizheniyu- profilya-zakazchika-na- yandeks-kartah-po-teme-proektnaya-organizatsiya/
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Груша Дюшес: сорта, описание, характеристики, посадка и организация ухода
Сорт груши Дюшес был создан в Англии много веков назад и всё ещё пользуется популярностью среди садоводов по всему миру. На сегодняшний день такую грушу можно найти не только в частных садах, но и на производствах. У этой разновидности отличные вкусовые качества, при этом плоды можно без проблем перевозить на большие расстояния и хранить в холодных помещениях до 30 дней.
История селекции
«Дюшес» был получен британским селекционером Вилером в конце 18 столетия. Его название, переведённое с английского, означает «герцогиня». В то время, когда жил Вилер, сорт не был особенно популярен среди садоводов Англии. Однако в прошлом веке фермеры со всего мира оценили эти вкусные плоды с чудесным ароматом. По этой причине данную плодовую культуру начали выращивать как в домашних садах, так и на промышленных плантациях.
На заметку! Важно помнить, что плоды с грушевых деревьев необходимо убирать полностью созревшими, т. к. неспелые фрукты не продолжат созревание в домашних условиях, что может ухудшить их вкус, товарный вид и повлияет на сроки хранения.
С учётом того, что сорт Дюшес требователен к условиям содержания – яркому освещению и теплу, – его культивируют в южных российских регионах, на Кавказе и Поволжье, в Московской области, средних широтах и иной местности с аналогичным климатом.
Описание сорта Дюшес
Данная разновидность проявляет стойкость к разной погоде и способна произрастать на любом типе почвы, главное, чтобы она была рыхлая и плодородная.
Основные характеристики:
• Деревья средней высоты и обычно растут до 4-5 м. Их крона густая, кругло-пирамидальной формы, иногда несимметричной;
• Кора ствола и скелетных веток серая, в то время как у прямых дугообразных ветвей текущего сезона она представлена в желтоватом тоне;
• Листья крупные, а их блестящая поверхность украшена рельефным жилкованием. Форма пластин эллипсовидная с продолговатыми остренькими кончиками. Они яркого изумрудного цвета;
• Бутоны начинают распускаться в мае, до формирования листьев. Часто собираются в соцветия по 5-7 шт. Цветы белоснежные с матовыми лепестками;
• Цветочки не осыпаются даже при сильном ветре и не подмерзают во время весенних заморозков. Они проявляют стойкость к стрессу и неблагоприятным погодным условиям;
• Созревшие фрукты средней величины, могут иметь вес до 200 г. Внешне выгля��ят, как…
Продолжение в источнике: https://da4nik.ru/sad/plodovie-derevia/18624-grusha-dyushes-sorta-opisanie-harakteristiki-posadka-i-organizatsiya-uhoda.html
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Организация Мобильного Шиномонтажа: Мини-бизнес на Колесах
New Post has been published on https://pippip.ru/2023/12/04/organizatsiya-mobilnogo-shinomontazha-mini-biznes-na-kolesah/
Организация Мобильного Шиномонтажа: Мини-бизнес на Колесах
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КУРС «Организация работы с персоналом»
Учиться легко, когда у вас есть опытный наставник и хорошо организованный процесс. Тем более, что учиться нужно всегда. В условиях постоянно меняющегося законодательства это особенно актуально. Подробнее на https://www.pro-ability.ru/news/tpost/2f4tzzhgy1-kurs-organizatsiya-raboti-s-personalom
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Организация столовой на предприятии https://eda-citi.ru/services/snabzhenie/organizatsiya-stolovoy-na-predpriyatii/
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Столовая раздаточного типа по Москве и Московской области от ООО «Еда Большого города» https://eda-citi.ru/services/organizatsiya-stolovoy/stolovaya-razdatochnogo-tipa/
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Putin spent 1.4b Euros building this hut, while he and the Russian mafia drove the country into the ground (What MAGA's masters want for us).
How a Mongolian responded to Putin's love for cherry-picking through old maps.
FOR STARTERS THIS IS RUSSIA’S VERSION OF NATO; The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO; Russian romanized: Organizatsiya Dogovora o kollektivnoy bezopasnosti; Russian romanized: ODKB
Right, and the Azov Battalion never numbered more than one thousand, out of Ukraine’s hundreds of thousands of fighters, and at last count, there were no more than 300 survivors.
That, conspiracy hippies, is what a battalion is; 300 to 1000 soldiers (look it up).
And the reason Russia is over-blowing the Azovs’ role, is they have literally ten’s of times as many Russian Nazi’s, and that’s not even including Putin’s private mercenary army, The Wagner Group (really nasty reputation).
A big problem, is how many iconoclasts figure out how they're being gaslighted by the corporate media, and so Russian state-media and YouTube Certified™ experts catch them, lest they become informed.
People who follow Russian state-media are not any different from those who followed TransOcean News Service as Herr Hitler annexed German-speaking parts of Czechoslovakia, and then as he and his allies conquered the rest of the country. #SamePlaybook #SameExcuses #SameLies
We’ve even seen this from Putin before.
See Chechnya and Georgia.
Russia has invaded Ukraine 22 times in 400 years, and Putin has invaded every former Russian colony that has insisted on independence, but sure, it's all about “America's proxy war” ?? #WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot?!?
20190121 The Sudan uprising: “This is a people’s revolution”
20211213 EU imposes restrictive measures against the Wagner Group
20220215 War and Anarchists: Anti-Authoritarian Perspectives in Ukraine
20220223 Vladimir Putin’s Revisionist History of Russia and Ukraine
20220302 Ukraine • While Waiting for the Bomb |2
20220311 Male State: The Russian Online Hate Group Backing Putin’s War
Watching Fox, MSNBC, RT (Russia Today), China Central Television (CCTV), OAN, CNN, Sputnik, China Global Television Network (CGTN), NewsMax and/or YouTube Certified™ experts, means never having to explain to a literate, independent and critical thinker, that you're none of those things, and that you're really bad at math.
Now, support my thesis, by repeating what your media appliance(s) told you to say, in the comments.
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Organizatsiya - “Sur la Digue”
À L'ombre des Roches [Knekelhuis, 2020]
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Series - Chapter One
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You’re a HYDRA assassin that’s worked closely with the Winter Soldier, to each of your dismay you’re reunited with Bucky after the blip.
A/N: I haven’t posted in like 300 years, but I hope you guys enjoy this new series! This follows parts of TFATWS so expect spoilers! (Also I’m sure all the Russian is absolutely wrong, if you’d like to correct it please send me a message!)
Word Count: 1,815 (future chapters will be wayyy longer)
Snowman Masterlist || Full Masterlist
New York
“So tell me about this-” the therapist looked down at her notes briefly, “(Y/N).” She finished.
Bucky paused momentarily, “No.”
“James, for these therapy sessions to be effective, you need to open up to me. I can’t help you if I don't know what’s wrong.” His therapist responded, laying her pen carefully on her small notebook.
Bucky thought for a moment, taking in the ambience of the room. What would he even say about (Y/N)? He hadn’t seen her in years. Bucky was kicking himself for accidentally bringing her up in his session last week. “I- uh-” he stammered, shifting his weight on the couch, “I met her in 2011. At least I think it was 2011. Date’s get kinda fuzzy sometimes, with all the cryo.” Bucky’s hand pressed against his head, feeling dazed as he tried to think back. “It was at the big HYDRA base outside of Moscow. We had to go on a mission together-” he was cut off,
“Did she work for HYDRA?” Dr Raynor interjected.
“Yea. She was an assassin too. She went by the alias the Viper.” Bucky pretended not to notice his therapist tense up. Anyone who knew anything about HYDRA knew who the Viper was. She was one of the most prolific assassins after the Winter Soldier.
“Tell me more about when you met her.”
“We were instructed to take out a terrorist organisation forming against SHIELD. Which was ironic because we were working for a terrorist organisation. But at this point SHIELD was being run by HYDRA and they couldn’t risk any slip ups, so they put 6 assassins on the job. HYDRA usually didn’t have their assassins working together, we were all too volatile. But we had to take out over 70 people in one night. It was (Y/N), a few assassins from the Red Room, and a few agents that HYDRA had trained personally, and me.” Bucky stopped.
“Where was (Y/N) trained?”
“At a secondary facility run by HYDRA. She was trained from a really young age. It’s all she’s known.” Bucky seemed somber. But his therapist continued,
“What happened on the mission?”
“Nothing. It went exactly to plan. The targets were taken out and we all left without a trace. But (Y/N), she- she kept trying to talk to me, or get to know me. I was the Winter Soldier. No one in their right mind ever tried to ‘get to know me’.”
“Why do you think (Y/N) did that?”
“She told me she was bored.” He replied bluntly.
The poorly lit conference room was filled with a myriad of assassins and officials. The only illumination came from old LED lights hanging from the concrete ceiling. The mossy green paint on the walls looked as if it hadn’t been patched up in years. The only new-ish part of the room was the large, oak conference table, surrounded by black, leather seating. It was difficult not to notice the red HYDRA symbol holding a spot on almost every piece of clothing in the area.
“TITAN terroristicheskaya organizatsiya, formiruyushchayasya protiv nas. (TITAN is a terrorist organisation forming against us.)” Kuznetsov spoke, “Izbrannyye budut otpravleny segodnya vecherom v Ukrainu dlya vypolneniya postavlennoy zadachi. Uberi ikh. (The chosen ones will be sent to Ukraine tonight to complete their given tasks. Take them out.)”
That was all it took. You stared at the file in front of you. You had read through it multiple times, going over every single name, every single skill set your targets had. You were more than certain you could complete this job on your own. But you had no choice on the matter.
Your eyes darted around, taking in the faces of the assassins that were to accompany you on your mission. Two youthful females, dressed in black leather sat next to each other. The older, grimacing woman behind them was Madame B., the head supervisor of the Red Room. You moved your gaze to the two agents in dark green uniforms and red, soviet berets. Neither looked particularly menacing.
You finally landed on the last assassin. His dark hair fell like curtains around his face. Gloomy blue eyes searched their way through the room. His sharp jaw seemed tense through his stubbled cheeks. He was large, extremely built. Covering his frame was an amplitude of black clothing and gear.
“Play nice.” Your mentor spoke softly over your shoulder, breaking you from your train of thought.
“I always do.”
Your padded snow boots ripped through the thick snow covering the ground. The six of you had hiked your way to the set point on your GPS systems, the clouds of snowfall covering your vision held the illusion that there were absolutely no structures nearby. A large helicopter had dropped the group a few miles out from the hideout to ensure nothing was compromised. The trek was in utter silence, fighting against the harsh temperature in mid February.
The waypoint became closer on your map, a tiny building slowly appeared in your vision against the foggy downfall. It was a small, wooden cabin. Everyone hustled their way through the unlocked door. It was barren, it held no furniture, no blankets, no means of any life. There appeared to be a few doors that led to small, empty rooms. The entrance only held a small fireplace, filled with old cut down logs that had been eaten by bugs.
The group quickly dispersed, you headed to one of the rooms alone, throwing down your belongings onto the floor. The bag you carried was mainly filled with weapons and ammunition, along with a very warm sleeping bag. You knew too well you wouldn’t be sleeping tonight, but you would need the extra heat for now.
There was no chatter anywhere in the house. Your mission would begin in 6 hours. Everyone was likely putting together their artillery. You decided to cozy up in your navy sleeping bag for a moment of comfort.
Someone had lit the fire in the lounge. A warm, orange light crept through the cracks in your door. The ambiance was strangely calming for a shitty cabin in the middle of nowhere.
Snow continued to fall against the tiny glass pane of your room. You weren’t a fan of assassinating in the snow. It was low vision, harsher climates, and it lessened the ability to move. Snakes weren’t creatures of the cold. Conveniently you’d been grouped with someone who called himself ‘The Winter Soldier’. I’m sure he loves the cold, you thought.
You’d heard a lot about him. Everyone had. He was the perfect assassin. He never failed a mission, his body didn’t reject cryo, every form of enhancement HYDRA had used on him had been a success. He was what every assassin had aspired to be.
Without thought, you grabbed the glass bottle laying next to you and walked off to the room the Winter Soldier had claimed for the night.
“Privet (Hello)”. You announced, pushing his door open with a creak. His head didn’t turn towards you. He sat on the floor, the sound coming from him indicated he was sharpening knives.
“Khochesh' vypit'? (Want a drink?)” You asked, motioning the bottle towards him.
He stayed silent for a moment. Finally he turned, looking up at you from his position on the floor. “What is it?” His dark tone asked back. The amber light from the fire crashed against his features. His strong jaw was covered with a dark stubble, his brunette hair tucked behind his ears. His most obvious feature was the hauntingly blue eyes that sat in sunken sockets, he looked drained.
“It’s vodka.” You stated, honestly. You were surprised to hear he wasn’t Russian, he sounded… American?
“You’re drinking before a mission?” He queried.
You shrugged. “Alcohol doesn’t freeze.” You sat down next to him. “Plus it takes the edge off.” A faint clinking noise announced as you placed the bottle on the floor between you two. He stared at you for a moment, before quietly going back to his knives.
“Wanna play 20 questions?” You interrupted the silence.
“What about truth or dare?”
“I’m not 14.” the soldier replied, his eyes not leaving his handy work.
“How old are you?” You shot back,
“Why are you trying to get to know me?” He dodged your question.
“I’m bored.” You shrugged, taking a deep swig of the vodka. “And by my calculations,” you peered down at your watch, “we still have 3 hours and 27 minutes until the mission starts.”
He gave a shallow sigh, “93.”
“I’m 93. How old are you.”
“93?! You were born in 1917?”
“Mhm. How old are you.”
“25. You look great for 93.” You chuckled.
“You look old for 25.” He jabbed back. His knife sharpener still grinding across a 6 inch blade.
“You flatter me.” You replied sarcastically. “So what’s your story? How’d you make it to 93?”
“You don’t want to know.”
“Why would I ask if I didn’t want to know?”
Bucky looked over at you. “I’m telling you, you don’t want to know.”
“C’mon old man, I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” You smirked. He once again, went back to his knives. It almost seemed as if he was trying to threaten you, pulling out larger knife after larger knife.
You huffed, opening your mouth to speak, “I was born in Hungary to a drug abusing mother, and an absent father. I was kidnapped and sold to HYDRA when I was 6. I was placed under the care of the Kraken. Not sure if you’ve met him, he’s this large guy-”
“I’ve met him.” Bucky stated, interrupting your spiel.
“Right, well, he trained me for years. Eventually HYDRA got involved again and I was tested on, experimented on, messed with, ya’ know, all that fun stuff.” You explained.
“Are you enhanced?” Bucky asked, almost as if he was actually interested.
“Yea. I have this whole snake venom trick. It’s great for up close combat. The experiments really should’ve killed me though. But maybe that’s what makes us so good-” Bucky looked over at the woman next to him, her bright eyes stared back at him as she spoke “ya’ know, the best assassins are the ones living off borrowed time. Because we’ve met death before, so we’re not afraid to do it again.”
Bucky quickly grabbed the Barrett M82 rifle next to him, his metal arm making faint whirring noises. “I’m going to scope out the base.” He stated bluntly. And with that, his large black boots walked him out the bedroom, and out the door.
You let out a faint sigh, creeping back to your room to sort out your weapons. You were sure it was something you said that scared him off. I guess at 93 you have to be living off too much borrowed time, you speculated. You absentmindedly set up your pistols, your mind not being able to wander from the Winter Soldier. Maybe annoying the Red Room girls would get your mind off it.
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He’d been dreaming about Mrs. Armbruster’s class, fifth grade at Oliver North Elementary. They were about to be let out because LearningNet said there was too much Kansas City flu around to keep the kids in Virginia and Tennessee in school that week. They were all wearing these molded white paper masks the nurses had left on their seats that morning. Mrs. Armbruster had just explained the meaning of the word pandemic. -- He was talking about how all his life these movies of history had been getting better and better looking. How they’d started out jumpy and black and white, with the soldiers running around like they had ants in their pants, and this terrible grain to them, and the sky all full of scratches. How gradually they’d slowed down to how people really moved, and then they’d been colorized, the grain getting finer and finer, and even the scratches went away. And it was bullshit, he said, because every other bit of it was an approximation, somebody’s idea of how it might have looked, the result of a particular decision, a particular button being pushed. -- “You watch on tv, like a cop show, about half the big cops are always Russian. Or those guys back there on the bridge. How come Russian?” “Well” he said, “they kind of exaggerate that on tv, ’cause of the Organizatsiya thing, how people like to see shows about that. But the truth is, you get a situation where there’s Russians running most of your mob action, you’ll want to get you some Russian cops…” -- “I bet I got a career-option here you haven’t ever even considered.” “What’s that?” Sublett said. “Getting in trouble” Rydell said. -- And Chevette, too, Chevette Washington, except what worried him there was the white skin of her back, just above the waist of those black bike-pants, when she was curled on the bed beside him. How he kept wanting to touch it. And how her tits stuck out against her t-shirt when she’d sit up in the morning, and those little dark twists of hair under her arms.
William Gibson "Virtual Light", 1993
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