#Organisational Development & Change
martinstieger-blog · 2 months
Online in Paris studieren!
Hoch interessant für alle Absolventen/-innen von Meister- oder Befähigungsprüfungen! Das IFU Institut für Unternehmensführung bietet in Kooperation mit der ppa Pôle Paris Alternance „La Grande École de Commerce et de Management“ berufsorientierte, branchenbezogene Masterprogramme an. In den Online Master Programmen behandeln Sie unter optimaler Zeitausnutzung alle relevanten…
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wannabepapa · 2 years
I like your content and had an idea for an ask, hopefully it's not something you've gotten before
So I was thinking a t4t couple, the boyfriend's pregnant with twins and they organise a home birth, as he labours the girlfriend feels kind of jealous about his situation and decides to share it with him as he pushes out their first baby. After the first one is out his belly deflates and her belly magically swells up, now the girlfriend has to give birth to the twin with her boyfriend by her side supporting her. Fir her birth you can do whatever you want it can be anal, she can magically develop a vagina etc.
Hope you like the idea
oooooooo magical pregnancies are my jam as well as transference pregnancy. never thought about that happening during labor though what an interesting thought! i do also love the idea of one or both of the couple being a witch or magic user already so maybe the girlfriend is a powerful witch!
they've both been so excited for their babies coming and getting to prepare for everything is making it feel real to them. they'll have two little nuggets to take care of that are products of their love. how amazing is that?
though as her boyfriend starts to push there is that little sliver of jealousy that she can't be the one giving him children. it's minute and shouldn't have such a hold on her but as her boyfriend's bulging around the head she casts a spell. there's an intense tingling first that turns painful—a new uterus and vagina in such a short time is never recommended though there was no turning back now it's started. her knees buckle as the pain climaxes, the only thing keeping her grounded was her boyfriend's hand in her own and hearing him moan through another contraction. as he finally crowns she feels her body change.
the swelling is startling. never before had she felt the stretching sensation in her abdomen or feel the heavy weight of a child filled womb before this moment. her free hand makes work on unbuttoning her pants so the orb could freely distended further. it was miraculous watching his bump deflate while her own ballooned. his eyes, bleary and unfocused look at his girlfriend's stomach with interest. there is a short reprieve from pushing where he tugs her shirt up to watch its growth. it's the most beautiful thing either has seen.
he's finally crowned and her bump finishing the last spurts of growth she tries to help with her boyfriend's birth. now much more cumbersome it's difficult to move fast and standing was not exactly an option without help. she decides to crawl to her boyfriend's lower half just in time to catch their first born who is covered in gunko but already beautiful in her eyes. she cleans out their mouth—heart clenching at the whimpering mewl—before cradling them in one arm. she's barely able to hoist herself up with the extreme weight change and wobbly legs from having been on the floor for so long but she's got basic magic to help her. their baby is place in her boyfriend's waiting arms as he inspects them for counting all fingers, toes, and to memorize their face. her heart melts at the display.
it wasn't long after the after birth and settling into bed with their baby between them that she felt the first contraction. it was only the beginning—she was going back to the start so they were in for the long haul. the twin was settled lower now, making her overtaxed skin tender with each rolling kick. her clothes had long since disappeared when her temperature spike from a hit flash. though walking around the house naked wouldn't be her first she threw on some of her boyfriend's boxers that hugged her hip (the must have widened during her rapid expansion to accommodate the growing fetus) and a nightgown that left nothing to the imagination. if she was going to go through the works she was going to keep her mind busy with something.
she found herself cleaning up her potion station when the contractions really amped up. her muscles already ached from the growth but with each cramp that forced them into a vice-like grip had her whimpering or groaning in discomfort. when she had enough she slowly waddled—had the child always been right in her pelvis?—back into the room to get comfortable. her boyfriend was up changing their first newborn when she stopped at the door, leaning against the door jam with her arms cradling the heavy bump during another rough contraction. everything hurt and she wanted nothing more than to use her magic to ebb the effects though something in the back of her mind wanted her to remember this. the spell may be only temporary but there could be something that made this possible—gave her the ability to carry children for her partner as well. she wanted to do that. she wanted to experience the nine months of development and see how proud her boyfriend was seeing her swollen with his children. she thought that single idea made her wet but the puddling of water at her feet was the indicator that it was something very different.
another two hours passed as she finally crowned, the pain of it all solidifying her desire to be a mother for more children, when the plan came spilling out. she went on about how he should take a break—let her carry the next kid (or six) while he gets to be the one taking care of his pregnant girlfriend and chasing after the kids. he loves the idea more than she expected. he does tease that they'll need to be safe so there aren't surprises along the way but she can hear the desire for that to happen. she's ready for it all. with one final push and that satisfying 'pop' the head is out! her head falls back against the pillow while her body and boyfriend guide the babe out then the room is again filled with mewling cries. she feels a heavy weight in her arms to see that perfect little face scrunched up in anger at being in this new cold place. she pulls down the neck of her nightgown so the baby could lay on her chest to get warm, tears flowing freely as they settle immediately against her. she knows she'll need to take tinctures and massage her breasts to encourage milk for the twins. it was all worth it. everything from the painful birth to feeling her body expanding for the baby was the most powerful feeling she ever felt. she wanted to feel it again and again for as long as she was able to
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jordanianroyals · 4 months
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15 May 2024: King Abdullah II and Crown Prince Hussein attended the main strategy session of the Regional Ocean Summit, held at the King Hussein bin Talal Convention Centre at the Dead Sea.
Jordan is hosting the first regional edition of the World Ocean Summit, organised by the Economist Impact, in cooperation with the Aqaba Marine Park (AMP) initiative, the government, and the Jordan Tourism Board.
The summit brings together over 200 participants from around the world, including politicians, officials, businesspeople, investors, experts, and academics, to exchange expertise on means of finding balance between protecting the ocean and fostering sustainable economic growth.
Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh said at the session that green growth is key to Jordan’s Economic Modernisation Vision, noting that topics discussed in the summit highlight Jordan as a distinguished destination for future businesses, due to its talented youth, strategic location, robust infrastructure, and commitment to sustainability.   Khasawneh added that the AMP will become a hub for scientific research cooperation to preserve oceans and marine life in Aqaba and the world, by providing innovative solutions to mitigate climate change impact on coral reefs and biodiversity.   For his part, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean Peter Thomson warned in a recorded message of the dangers of the continuation of rising temperatures, which negatively affects marine life in oceans and humanity at large, ultimately making the planet uninhabitable.   He commended Jordan’s efforts, under His Majesty’s leadership, to launch the AMP, an embodiment of the Kingdom’s commitment to working towards achieving one of the key sustainable development goals to protect marine life and oceans.   Due to the Gulf of Aqaba’s strategic location, the AMP includes over 200 species of coral reefs, according to Thomson, who noted that 25 per cent of biodiversity in oceans depends on coral reefs, which underscores the need for their preservation.   In another recorded message, Prince Albert II of Monaco said Jordan has been a model in the region and the world for its contributions to environmental preservation, noting that the AMP is an example of Jordan’s commitment to the sustainable management of resources, despite regional challenges.   Prince Albert added that crises and conflicts around the world may make some believe that protecting nature is not a priority, while in fact environmental degradation only exacerbates adversity, stressing the need to preserve resources for future generations, by creating protected areas like the AMP.   In a panel discussion held during the session, Ray Dalio, co-founder of OceanX, spoke about the King’s efforts in bringing to light issues related to oceans and biodiversity protection.   Both Thomson and Prince Albert II expressed best wishes to His Majesty on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee.   The three-day summit, which kicked off on Tuesday, addresses timely and pressing topics, including climate change mitigation, marine conservation, blue economy initiatives, and ground-breaking advancements in ocean-related technologies.   Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan, and a number of ministers and officials attended the session.
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delicatestudentanchor · 6 months
Choosing The Right HRMS For Your SME: Customisation vs. Pre-Built Features
Small and medium-sized businesses can greatly benefit from automating their HR operations and focusing more on important tasks. Time is valuable in SMEs, and the introduction of the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) helps them improve time efficiency and profit margins.
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However, when picking an HRMS that meets their specific demands and limits, SMEs frequently have to decide between customisation and off-the-shelf options. In this blog, we will talk about the benefits and drawbacks of customisation versus pre-built (pre-built) choices, along with offering suggestions for selecting the best HRMS for your small to medium-sized business.
Understanding Pre-Build Features
Pre-configured with common features and setups, pre-built solutions cater to a wide range of company requirements. These solutions are good for SME HRMS with simple HR requirements or little resources for customisation because they are usually easy to install and require little modification. While pre-built solutions are convenient and economical, they might not be adaptable enough to meet changing demands or special business processes.
Understanding Customisation
In the context of HR software for small and medium businesses, customisation is adjusting the features and functionalities of the system to satisfy their unique business needs.  Workflows, reports, data fields, and user interfaces can all be customised to the particular procedures and preferences of the company. Customisation gives SMEs more flexibility and control over their HRMS, enabling them to solve particular problems and maximise productivity through workflow optimisation.
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Evaluating the Needs of SME
SMEs must carefully evaluate their HRMS requirements and business objectives before choosing between customised and pre-built solutions. Considerations might include:
Size of the business
Sector it operates in
Growth expectations
HR procedures currently in place.
The degree of customisation needed to solve particular problems or gain competitive advantages should also be taken into account by SMEs. SMEs can choose the HRMS solution that best fits their objectives and available resources by being aware of their particular requirements.
Pros and Cons
Tailored to meet different business needs.
Ability to adjust with flexibility to changing needs.
Possibility of gaining a competitive edge through uniqueness.
Longer installation period and slightly higher cost
Problems with maintenance and reliance on outside knowledge.
Danger of excessive personalisation resulting in intricacy or ineffectiveness.
Pre-Built Solutions
Faster implementation and cheaper start-up costs.
Very little technical knowledge is required.
Frequent updates and assistance from suppliers.
Restricted ability to adapt to certain requirements or procedures.
Possibility of spending too much on extra features.
Scaling up or down to meet changing needs or corporate growth is difficult.
Framework for Making Decisions
SMEs can use the following decision-making framework to help them select the best HRMS solution:
Clearly define the requirements for the HRMS based on the size, industry, and particular needs of the firm.
Examine your options by contrasting custom and pre-built options while taking into account aspects like cost, scalability, functionality, and vendor reputation.
Establish the organisation's ability to customise, taking into account resources including money, time, and IT know-how.
Make sure the HRMS system you select can expand with your company by projecting future requirements and development possibilities.
To obtain information and suggestions, speak with HRMS suppliers, business leaders, and other SMEs.
For SMEs, selecting the best HRMS system is essential since it affects production, efficiency, and employee happiness. pre-built solutions are practical and economical, while customisation enables flexibility and customised solutions. The HRMS solution that best suits SMEs' needs can be found by carefully evaluating their demands, resources, and long-term goals in order to navigate the customised versus pre-built debate. To enable efficient HR operations and long-term business success, it is crucial to guarantee alignment with the organisation's goals and priorities, regardless of customisation or pre-built choices.
If you are looking for SME HRMS software for your business, you can check out Opportune HR. They are a two-time award-winning HRMS company known for their tailor-made software for small and medium-sized enterprises. Along with their SME HRMS software, you can also check out their SME payroll software. Visit their website to learn more about their services.
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ravenhol-m · 7 months
You delve deeper into the library, navigating incredibly old and twisting hallways that lead you to unknown places. It feels like a labyrinth, crafted to ensnare those too hungry for forbidden knowledge, those with prying eyes, and an insatiable curiosity.
While perusing the last magic book, you hastily skimmed over a small number combination—23 54 26—unsure of their significance. Nonetheless, you continue traversing these halls, keeping an eye out for anything related to that string of numbers. The heels of your shoes, not intended for such fragile wooden floors, echo with each step.
The air is thick with dust, making each breath feel like an attempt to inhale water. This discomfort is compounded by the crushing grasp of the corset around your waist, making breathing even more challenging.
Reaching around to loosen it slightly, you notice something etched into the face of a peculiar rock: the same numbers you saw earlier.
The rock stands out, too square compared to its surroundings, with four dents on its right side. Placing your fingers in these dents, you realize they are a perfect fit, and as you pull, the stone dislodges from the socket in the wall with a grinding noise, crashing to the floor and narrowly missing your toes.
You redirect your attention back to the hole in the wall and behold a small stand with several sheets of paper, its words on the front clearly readable and saying,
"Dark Magic, Formers, Corruption, and More."
You eagerly grab it and begin reading.
Dark magic is essentially the manipulation of one's own soul (or others). As mentioned in previous papers, a person's soul is directly linked to their physical form and vice versa, if the soul is damaged, the body is damaged, if the body is damaged, the mind is damaged.
With its nature as a magic type, it has different stages of strength, advantages, disadvantages, and so on. The only difference is that dark magic has all of these amped up massively compared to other magic types, which can lead to some rather unfortunate outcomes for those willing to risk abusing its power.
Due to its nature, it is the single most powerful and dangerous of the magic types, also being the only one that is not naturally accuring in some form. Dark magic is always learnt, unlike the other magics, which may come naturally to their users with time and are often discovered accidentally. This is what makes the users so dangerous, however, because they are willingly choosing to learn something as dangerous and selfish as this purely for their gain.
The function of dark magic is to completely repurpose and re organise one's soul however they may please. Many dark magic users begin with much smaller feats, healing a wound faster than normal, maybe sucking the life out of a flower or two. But as it develops, they get more power, more knowledge, and the ability to manipulate with greater effectiveness and ease than before.
As they progress, they may begin to... for lack of a better term, steal the soul from smaller animals. Things like mice, squirrels, and rats all become a play thing for an apprentice user of this magic type. This is where their descent begins. For as they steal these, they'll realise they can use them to heal, to repair what damage they have taken using the fragments of the creatures soul to effectively stich an incorporeal wound shut.
While this is effective, they often begin trying to press their abilities further. What can they take? What is too powerful? What can resist them? This mania state they enter can last months as they lurk the shadows absorbing what they can to test and experiment, until. They move onto humans.
Humans have strong souls. willpower, and strength of mind, plays into a souls strength heavily. As mentioned in one of my former entries already, a soul is directly tied to the body of a person. So when the user moves onto stronger souls. They begin to fight back against the thing trying to take them, changing it.
This happens with every soul, absorb to many rat souls, and you may notice several rodent like features begin to develop on your person. But humans are different, we THRASH, we WRITHE, we RIP until whatever has a hold of us is either dead or we are. In the situation that a human soul IS absorbed, the dark magic user may instantly be driven to near insanity as their mind is nearly crushed with information, and their soul is forced to fight for its place in their body. This has some grizzly side effects on the user and most often results in exaggerated features such as longer limbs, excess skin, warts, and moles, etc...
However, if a person can overpower the freshly absorbed soul, then they may face very few noticeable changes. Maybe. A few extra teeth sprout from their gums, a second fingernail may grow above their current one, the development of a second iris.
If a person continues to absorb souls without a break or time to recuperate, they may become a ...
The words end abruptly. Flipping the pages reveals nothing but mad ramblings and shredded paper, but another small clue that mentions the Ravenholm librarium. Further reading of this will require you to show a Ravenholm Council I.D. to the archivist. Here's hoping they have a copy.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Upskilling in entrepreneurship the ticket to career boost
She describes it as a portfolio career. “A repetitive 9-5 job just never appealed or made sense to me, and I’ve always embraced the philosophy of life-long learning.” It’s a busy schedule, but the Melburnian wouldn’t have it any other way. Career boost These days, she plays many roles across the start-up ecosystem as an angel and venture capital investor and award-winning technology entrepreneur determined to use diversity as a catalyst. She’s the co-founder of edtech platform Future Amp, which features more than 100 interactive courses, helping students to build an employability profile and successfully transition from education to employment. She also tackles the embedded systemic bias in the start-up ecosystem that prevents large numbers of female founders from accessing capital, through direct investment, mentoring and education programs like girledworld, which she also co-founded. “I’m super passionate about supporting female founders and looking at how we celebrate, amplify and supercharge their success. It’s a much harder game for female founders to get the funding they need.” Grummet has also built an impact-driven investment portfolio with Flying Fox Ventures and Startmate. It includes more than 30 companies and continues to grow, accelerating opportunities for entrepreneurs to get their early stage ventures into the market. Returning to study to hone her career path once she had spent time in the corporate world made perfect sense, she says. “I could see that the entrepreneurial path was much more aligned to my interests around innovation and social impact, so I jumped at it,” she says. Grummet co-founded the mentoring and education program, girledworld.  An innovation agenda The Master of Entrepreneurship is now the perfect fit for even more innovators with the addition of an ‘intrapreneurship’ stream, defined as innovating within large companies. Formal entrepreneurship skills encourage you to test an idea, learn from feedback, make judgements based on evidence and select options for further development with industry, academics and peers. Co-delivered by the University of Melbourne and Wade Institute of Entrepreneurship, the program is best suited for innovators who want to change the status quo, and the problem solvers who harbour dreams to commercialise their ideas. It’s also an eye opener for those who want to generate new opportunities for established companies needing an innovation injection. Grummet says: “It’s a program for people with a unique mindset driven by curiosity, embracing challenges and who aren’t afraid to stumble.” These are the people building the engines of our new workforce. “Home-grown start-ups are playing a critical role in generating new jobs and forging new paths into industries for Australia, which is central to our innovation agenda, and transition to a technology-enabled digital economy.” “Entrepreneurship encapsulates many of the skillsets and qualities needed to succeed in business today, including innovative thinking, continuous problem solving and change management within enterprise organisations,” she says. This is a program that’s increasingly relevant in the volatile period of time we find ourselves in now, where change is all around us. It gives students the skills to find problems, spot opportunities, build solutions and pivot fast, which we’ve learned are critical to survival in business, Grummet says. “There’s no way I would have been able to achieve the scale and impact I have in my career without further study in entrepreneurship. It’s a program for people who want to innovate, build, iterate and solve real world problems. It has been the catalyst for building solutions to the change I want to see,” Grummet says. The University of Melbourne’s Entrepreneurship suite of programs are designed to give you the latest design thinking principles, tools and techniques of entrepreneurship, open Semester 1, 2023. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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burnouts3s3 · 5 years
Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid, a review
(Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit unprofessional blog post written by an unprofessional blog poster. All purported facts and statement are little more than the subjective, biased opinion of said blog poster. In other words, don’t take anything I say too seriously.) Just the facts 'Cause you're in a Hurry! Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP): 50 USD Digital Copy (MSRP): 17.99 USD How much I paid: 50 USD. Animation Studio: ARMS Licensed and Localized by: Funimation Entertainment Audio: Japanese Audio with Subtitles and English Dub available.   English Cast: Kayla Hardwick as Mamori, Morgan Garrett as Mirei, Brittney Karbowski as Meifon, Janelle Lutz as Akira Hiragi, Monica Rial as Charlotte Scharsen, Roseanne Palmer as Kasumi Shigure, Tia Ballard as Rain Hasumi, Jamie Marchi as Lady J and Cynthia Cranz as Torino. Number of Episodes: 12 Episodes Length per Episode: 25 Minutes on average. 21 Without Intro and Ending song. Number of Discs: 4 Discs in Total. 2 DVD Discs and 2 Blu-ray discs. Episodes per Disc: Episodes 1-7 on the 1st DVD disc. Episodees 8-12 on the 2nd DVD disc. Episodes 1-9 on the first Blu-ray disc with Episodes 10-12 on the second Blu-ray disc along with the special features. Does this come a digital voucher to redeem?: No. This only has the Physical DVD and Blu-ray discs. Also on: Amazon Video, Funimation Now, Funimation’s streaming service that requires a subscription. Bonus Features: Textless Openings, Textless Ending and Trailers for other Funimation Licensed Shows. Episode 3 Commentary. Notable Localization Changes: Meifon, the smuggler character who wears a pink cowboy hat, is given a southern accent by her voice performer, Brittney Kowbalski.   My Personal Biases: I never really invested in the Valkyrie Drive franchise before and never played any of the games the anime is adapting. Sorry. My Verdict: Trashy, lurid, gaudy and with enough fanservice to make even the most perverted of us blush, Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid is sure to give its intending audience the happy ending they want. It’s too bad that in 12 short episodes, there’s just not enough there, emotionally or lore wise, to get invested in unless you’ve already have backhand knowledge of the games. Wait for a sale. A/N: Okay, since I don’t want the moderators to flag this post, I’m going to have to put an explicit warning here. So while I won’t post any nudity, I will have to Age restrict this post just so I don’t get any flak. Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid. a review 
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Girls from all over the world have been infected with a mysterious virus known as the A Virus (Armed Virus). These girls are divided into two classes; Extars, who can transform into weapons when sexually aroused, and Liberators, who have the power to wield an Extar's weapon form, known as Liberator Arms, through a process known as Drive. These girls are brought to separate islands to spend their days completely isolated from the rest of the world until the islands' Observers, authorized by the government Organisation AAA, ostensibly deem them ready to rejoin society again. Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid follows an Extar named Mamori Tokonome who forms a partnership with the Liberator Mirei Shikishima on the island called Mermaid.(For our friends not fluent in Japanese, Tokonome shares a very similar writing as the word ‘Virgin’ in Japanese, which Togonome is.). Mamori and Mirei are caught between a conflict between the Wärter, the island’s government that lives the castle, Veste, and those fleeing it. With Governor Akira (a supposed male Liberator that’s actually female) trying to be fair, Charlotte getting delusions of grandeur and wanting to rule with an iron fist and Kasumi attempting to be fair to the girls, the Wärter is in constant conflict. Those attempting to flee join up with Ms. Torumi, a kind soul who offers shelter for girls looking for freedom. Meanwhile, a sneaky smuggler by the name of Meifon is trying to earn a profit from the war. Along the way, Mamori and Mirei meet other Liberators and Extars, such as the team Lady J and Lady Rain in which one transforms into a ridable motorcycle. Other liberators, such as Charlotte, have their own harem of Extars and arouse multiple ones to form a multi-part weapon. Let’s get this out of the way. Yes, it IS in fact Soul Eater but with Lesbians. And the show isn’t afraid of being explicit about it. We are talking full-on nudity with lots of exposed breasts flopping around, bouncing and lots and lots of shots of nipples erecting… and hardening… Christ, this makes fanservice driven series like Kannazuki no Miko or Strawberry Panic look like the chaste Maria-Sama ga Miteru. On the technical side, everything is very well done. The animation for both the action and fanservice scenes is well animated, the music flows scene to scene (even if I couldn’t really remember any pieces that stood out) and the voice acting for both the Original Japanese and English dub is well-done. So, if you’re looking for lots and lots of scenes of girls kissing each other, breasts flopping around with the viscosity of jello and scenes of action with naked girls, have I got a show for you. Story wise, I found the series rather lacking. Seasonal shows really need to be careful with their pacing. With a limited 12 episode run, VD:M is already bursting at the seams with an overly long 4 episode prologue establishing the characters, the setting, the divide between the girls going along with Charlotte and Akira’s lawful order, Kasumi’s wavering allegiance and Torumi’s group of rebels and Meifon’s smuggling between the 2 sides. There’s a sense of urgency that the peace can’t last and conflict is unavoidable. But, not so urgent that we couldn’t have two light-hearted episodes involving one girl becoming Kaiju sized and another episode with a beauty contest in a cultural festival.
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Boy, this season of Attack on Titan got WEIRD. When the main big bad does rear her head near the final 4 episodes, the show does a good ‘enough’ job establishing the backstory between her and Mirei, but you get the sense that maybe, had the show paced itself better, it would mean more. Yes, the final battle with all the girls joining together at the end is impressive to look at, but emotionally, I just wasn’t feeling it. If the show were as committed to giving me emotional turning points as it was fan service, I would’ve been more impressed. The characters are also rather lacking (writing wise). While Mirei is certainly admirable and one of the most likable of the cast, Mamori doesn’t really change much (character wise). Granted, the show pays lipservice (no pun intended) to the idea that the more courageous Mamori is, the more powerful the weapon she becomes, but there’s never that moment where Mamori ‘saves’ Mirei or gives her the comfort Mirei needs like the way Himeko comforted Chikane at the end. They instead fuse to one super being. It feels like at one point Mamori was supposed to have the final turning point and be the one to rescue Mirei, but Mamori just ends up being captured and put into the damsel role again. I also liked Kasumi and her dubious allegiance with the rebels as well as Meifon, getting into all sorts of trouble for some cash. I’m told by fans of the franchise that in peripheral media, some of the other couples get more character development. For example, the team of Lady Rain and Lady J were actually on opposite sides of a war but intentionally got themselves captured just to be together or that Governor Akira actually has a female lover back on the mainland and longs to be with her. Again, I am not here to judge what’s in an appendix. What’s in the show is in the show and it’s clear the TV producers weren’t interested in those stories to begin with, so why should I?   Funimation Entertainment did the localization for the show. And for the most part, the dub script stays as close as it does to the original Japanese version. Granted, Funimation has always played it loose with dubbing scripts and this is no exception. The English script contains lots of innuendos and sex jokes to make the English viewers chuckle (i.e. “I caught and she pitched.” “Let’s go digging for treasure” “I’m gonna let it all hang out!”) Karbowski adopts a southern accent for Meifon so thick, I thought I was listening to Nico Robin from the 4Kids dub of One Piece. (I’m aware that localizers tend to translate those with Kansai dialect and give them a Southern accent and Karbowski seems to be doing this accent winking to the audience and having fun with it). Special credit should go to Janelle Lutz as Akira Hiragi, managing to perform dual roles as both masculine and feminine variations of the character. The rest of the cast does a good job voicing their perspective roles. Monica Rial does with she can with Charlotte and Cynthia Cranz as Torumi seems to especially fit the role of a motherly caretaker for lost girls. (Yes, I find the fact that one of the characters is voiced by the same performer as Chi-chi and Botan very disconcerting). THE ORIGINAL JAPANESE AUDIO WITH SUBTITLES IS AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO PREFER IT. The package includes the OVAs (Original Video Animation) which are short videos of each of the girls revealing motivation and backstory as well as a lot of nudity with nipples becoming more and more erect. Lots of them. What’s weird is that the OVAs are also dubbed with the cast members. Funimation didn’t even dub the OVA for Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid. CAVEAT: It’s very strange that the series suddenly wants to take a more dramatic turn with emphasis on character development and history, but still plays out in a very fanservice driven anime. In some ways, I was enjoying the show more when it wasn’t really about anything and just amped the fanservice up to 11. With the exception of a few characters, I wasn’t invested in the goings on and 12 episodes is too short for me to have nostalgic feelings for Mermaid Island. For 50 USD, Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid is a bit on the steep end. While the animation, music, fight scenes and… PLOT are all well done, emotionally, it doesn’t have much to offer. Then again, I don’t expect emotional substance out of show where half the teenagers become sexually aroused and transform into weapons. Those looking for a happy ending (in both senses of the term) will enjoy this. Verdict: Wait for a sale or rental.  
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EZ Battery Reconditioning Review (Is It A SCAM?
The EZ Battery Reconditioning program stands out ever since the result of years together with years of working with additionally mastering these techniques within the real-world from the Battery Man themselves, Frank Thompson. But aside from the development methods which probably have gone into generating this simple to use and extremely efficient battery reconditioning system... Precisely what do you get for ez battery reconditioning strategy. Technical b states that the power circuit contains the battery, battery cable connections, solenoid and also begin motor unit. Which means, will i maintain in this same vessel again in 3 years paying another $2k if i would want to support the car long word.. smartguidesolution/batteryreconditioning batteries are reconditioned longlife batteries or How Does EZ Battery Reconditioning Program Work?. A lot of men and women whole the display excellent results just part-time as well as swap a very organised profits.
Battery pack reconditioning firm is exclusively about delivering the assistance of rebuilding energy considerably less battery to the comprehensive unique capability. It might be accomplished by adding several chemical compounds as well as making use of some simple technique. Because the vehicle populace is growing and consumers are significantly more and even more expense-sensitive the probability of increasing this firm is noticeable. To provide you to the calls for of crossbreed autos, their batteries have fascinating inside buildings and in addition materials in the standard types. Crossbreed car or van batteries could very well began in provides made up of several units, with each and every element made up of series of cells. Inside of the 2009 Toyota Prius, the 201.6-V battery pack has 28 segments. Every single unit, usually encased in stainless-metal, consists of 6 cells, consequently the entire load has 168 cells. The battery voltage is inverted to changing current for the 650-V Air conditioning engine model. Every time a load failures, it may be almost surely that a module is faulty, and also the pack might in reality be reconstructed by exchanging the proper element.
As well as, a great deal of operate a comprehensive comprehend no matter if the battery as they have grown so large they will no more is incredibly a good idea that you maintain together with go ahead and get hours leftover till the battery doesn't exist however with that getting mentioned, the majority of batteries are getting a few other set through the powerful concerned immediately after the task for you until finally their stop from the lifestyle span significantly.Subsequent battery conditioning, the hybrid needs that electric traction system to acquire the NiCad battery you can truly flake off providing the battery as it is really handy that you are going to discover a boon to company, big and distressing renal system rocks.A face shield and silicone hand protection will guideline.
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This handbook couldn't arrived in the greater hrs. My laptop's battery life-time had shrunk down to about twenty minutes, as well as I was getting fatigued with generally being forced to plug it in - notebook computers are manufactured to be easily transportable, you know. So I was pondering if to commit in a new battery or probably up grade to your different notebook computer entirely. EZ Battery Reconditioning strategies just sorted out the head ache for me.” -Bryan.
Easily immediately after you have out inside the battery, after that holders aside as the time to change the connections. You could need to start utilizing the positive terminals while intending to Replace Car Battery Soon right after seeking into equally finishes, you could need to apply lithium grease, over places. Require a check out exactly how the factors gone, by asking the battery back, together with offering a mind start for your car. These will manual you to switch the battery within the most good manner.
So I took it house, inspected the liquefied and also it had been great. The battery was seated at in relation to 8V. I addicted it to my battery charger set it up up on 40 amps for 45 mins happened to run it, Allow it to cool off happened to run two far more 45 minutes periods. The ammeter showed 30 amp pull around the very first routine then little by little came as a outcome of regarding ten amp bring in the third routine. I waited 24 hours then however a meter into it, 13V, so I took my old battery from my 93 firebird and installed the junkyard battery. Car began up properly, this became within the summer season of 99, Fine I drove the car daily up till the summer season of 07 making use of this type of battery within, Each and every yr subsequent the summer months I look into the battery water stage (should they aren't sealed) of all the three or 4 automobiles and also top the cells away from, then do 3- 45 minutes 40 amp environment charge cycles, this honestly is because it receives Popular in NC and in addition unsealed batteries do decline water. Then in the middle of winter months I work 3- 45 min 40 amp charge periods equally as a deep charge for all those cold months.
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jazmackenz · 4 years
Around the 1980's design took on a new voice. It had developed into a form, over time, that could communicate a political agenda. This was seen through the Futurists, and many other designers.
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A really good example of how design was used to change the public opinion and influence the public, is the art group known as the Guerrilla Girls. An anonymous group of mostly female artists who tackled social issues such as feminism, sexism and racism within the world of art.
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At around the same time, the magazine Adbusters was founded. The organisation was focused on adbancing social activism and movements of the time. Part of their manifesto, found on their website is to:
'Bend the straight line in a wobbly new direction'
Source: https://www.adbusters.org/manifesto
It challenges topics such as capitalism, consumerism and advertising, just to name a few. The magazine has worked with a number of different designers. I went and found a bunch of covers that I find inspiring and influential.
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Sources: https://www.amazon.com/Adbusters-Magazine-Living-Dangerously-Toneshift/dp/B07PNFMKVC
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techasoft-pvt-ltd · 5 years
Mobile Application Development trends you can not ignore in 2019
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A recent report records 2.1 billion mobile users for the year 2019 which is estimated to cross the 5 billion mark. With the constantly emerging trends in the mobile app development, the apps are proving to be integral. Having said that, 2019 witness remarkable new trends in the mobile technology.
1. Wearable Apps: Watches, wristbands, and other wearable devices have gone smart over the years as they now perform more than the functions they used to perform. However, for a smart watch to count your steps or calories and wristband to monitor your sleep patterns, they need apps. There is no denying to the fact that the market of Wearable industry is experiencing rapid growth and is estimated to reach over $33 Billion by the end of 2019. Both the iPhone and Android device makers have brought a revolution in wearable device domain and will be continuing its trend in the coming future. Due to this, the mobile app developers will be making more applications to facilitate their inventions.
2. AR/VR: With the increase in popularity of these technologies, businesses and game developers now implement them to improve their app. Augmented reality makes changes to a real-life setting by inserting an object into it. eMarketer predicts that 48.1 million Americans will experience augmented reality at least once a month. This number will rise to 6 million and grow higher to 54.4 million in 2019. Augmented reality apps have grown considerably over the recent year. This year, with ARK it on iOS and ARCore on Android, we will see additional advancements in this technology. These frameworks permit programmers to use devices’ sensors to map the atmosphere and place virtual things in it. Hence, AR will almost certainly be used additional often to showcase and promote products.
3. Artificial Intelligence: Applications like Siri, Cortana, Alexa and Google voice assistant make our life much easier by taking over each day tasks like reading, writing and sending messages, switching camera and microphone on and off, searching the internet for information, setting reminders, etc. via their artificial intelligence capability. As businesses see the popularity of these virtual assistants, they want parallel mobile applications in the form of chat bots and personal assistant. As a mobile app developer this app trend can help you fetch the profits in the long run.
4. Cloud Storage: The need to integrate the cloud-based app is gaining significance with regards to the limits on storage in the devices. As businesses look to reduce operations cost, cloud computing offers a way to host your app without having your own servers. Added to this, having your app on the cloud makes it scale able and able to cope with spikes in usage. With this technology, businesses are able to achieve a better app experience for their users at a lower cost. As there’s more advancement in technology, cloud integration will become cheaper and safer than it is.
5. Blockchain: Blockchain has become popular over the years for its security. In a Blockchain, nobody has complete control. This makes it difficult for a data breach compared to other systems. Blockchain can be used as a ledger system if you run a business on your app involving sales. The technology could be involved in more apps as large industries like banking are developing it for transactions.
6. Beacons and location-based service: Beacons are small objects that emit low energy Bluetooth signals. They help apps, especially event apps, to show you different aspects of the app based on your location at the venue. With beacons and location-based services you can organize events and send the right message to attendees at the right time. Apps like Uber offer location-based services as the passengers see the vehicles closest to them.
7. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and EMM: Since 2016, Google Search has integrated AMP (Application Performance Management) listings. This has allowed the developers to include streamlined version of CSS and an off-the-shelf JavaScript library with the key focus on standardizing the mobile responsive pages to achieve speed and readability of the content as your top priority over all the other aspects. Considering the growing trend towards the ‘mobile only’ usage, AMP is becoming an indispensable part of the mobile strategy of the businesses.
8. Instant Apps: Instant Apps are the native mobile applications which are smaller in size, more handy and user-friendly as there is practically no need to download them. Because of the fact that they can be accessed instantly, they are called as instant applications. With their advent in 2016, their popularity in the market has caught on with the growing user demand for enhanced user experience with improved performance and less loading times.
9. Predictive Analytics to Influence Mobile UI/UX: With the most popular mobile apps using AI for predictive analytics to enhance the buyer journeys across their UI/UX, 2019 is ready for more advancement in this department. So, the time is not far when your business mobile app is not just a utility for you but an integral part of your business work-flow. With the bigger organisations already implementing this, this trend is soon to catch on with all the growing and emerging businesses.
10. M-commerce: It is said that money makes the world go around. If you are a mobile app developer, you must take this saying to your heart and focus on apps around m-commerce. According to research, the number of m-commerce transactions will surpass the number of E-Commerce transactions in 2019. Also, online payments through mobile contactless methods is increasing at a CAGR of 30%, where the leading players are Google pay and Apple pay apps.
Techasoft – Mobile App Development Company in Bangalore
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shantibschool-blog · 5 years
2018 has been a busy year for HR teams. And the HR profession is set to face an even greater variety of challenges and opportunities in 2019. The relationship between employers and employees are fundamentally changing. People are expecting more from their employers – more accountability, trust and transparency. Employers are expecting more from their employees – more technical skills, ability to think creatively, collaborate effectively and adapt quickly. Here’s a snapshot of trends compiled from surveys conducted across the world that provide a glance into the movements expected in the Human Resources arena in the coming years.
73% of executives predict significant industry disruption in the next three years (as compared to 26% in 2018). More than 50% of executives in a global survey (Mercer, 2019) predict AI and automation to replace one in five of their organization’s jobs. AI and automation is also said to create 58 million new jobs by 2022 according to estimates from World Economic Forum.
Artificial Intelligence and HR
As Dom Nicastro reports via CMS Wire, “According to IBM’s 2017 survey of 6,000 executives, ‘Extending expertise: How cognitive computing is transforming HR and the employee experience,’ 66 percent of CEOs believe cognitive computing can drive significant value in HR. Half of HR executives back that up, saying they recognize that cognitive computing has the power to transform key dimensions of HR. And 54 percent of HR executives believe that cognitive computing will affect key roles in the HR organization.”
Scores of administrative tasks in HR are getting automated. Shouldn’t an organization use HR Tech to schedule interviews with candidates, hold video interactions for screening, enable them to transact and communicate with the organization? Similarly for learning, development and other talent management practices, there is a score of possibilities for the HR team to spend their energies in carrying out strategic tasks and automate administrative or operational tasks. Traditional Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is passé now because it largely focuses on keeping records of the past events. Our world of mobility and apps has made all of us – candidates, as well as the folks working in the organization, take actions when prompted to do so. We have to make our systems keep up with the current time and appealing to all stakeholders of the business.
Where there are humans involved, there’s bias. It’s what distinguishes us (among other things) from software and computers. As natural as it may be, you don’t want human bias to affect your hiring process. Recruitment software is built to eliminate bias byscreening and preselecting candidates based on their actions and answers, using algorithms to calculate a candidate’s likelihood to succeed in the role they apply for. With the assistance of AI, HR departments have a tool for the accurate analysis of employees from application submission to continuing performance reviews."Technology is enabling us to provide employees with a more consumer type of presence at work, with a greater ability to have richer digital experiences and find what they need 24/7," says Larry Nash, U.S. director of recruiting at consulting company EY in Pittsburgh.
Essential elements such as giving feedback to employees is also going digital with the introduction of tools such as 15Five, Impraise and Culture Amp. All of these work towards providing real time feedback to employees on their performance.
The years ahead offer many possibilities of HR and Technologyworking hand in hand. Gamification, Internet of Things, Virtual academies, Chat bots etc. are few of the trends that we can see making their way in a slow but a gradual and leaving a deep impact in organizations.
Embracing HR Analytics
Data assets are becoming invaluable in making informed and unbiased decisions to respond to the fast-changing business environment. This radical shift will not be possible without Human Resources function evolving into a new avatar that takes an active role in creating the future organization. The future PGDM Human Resource Course will be a digital disrupter with employee experience at the core, an agile & networked organization builder, and an HR analytics evangelist to enable the business to prosper during the time of change in the future. 
Workforce analytics is the approach of measuring behaviors in the organization and linking them to improve business performance. This is done by analyzing people data using statistical methods and software in order to make better workforce decisions. The business impact from the application of HR Analytics and the maturity level of the function i.e. descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive, are highly correlated. Workforce analytics will be an important facilitator in the transition of organizations from a siloed and unstandardized capability to Agile adopters and Market disrupters. The McKinsey Global Institute estimates that companies using a portfolio of HR-analytics solutions could realize an increase of 275 basis points in profit margins, on an average, by 2025. This level of business impact is achievable only if HR Analytics is built as organizational DNA, not just a tribal capability. 
Staying focused on people
"Today, technology is bringing a level of intelligence to HR that really thrusts HR into a compelling consultancy role," she says, noting that's how the HR team at Cisco now functions. The team is also more focused on coaching and management issues. With competition fierce for good talent, successful HR managers need to give top workers a reason to come to work for them. Globally, senior leaders have been paying attention to rewards and recognition, learning and development, employee benefits, health, and wellness. In spite of the huge investment of time, money and efforts, employee engagement scores are moderate at the best.
Organizations have been wondering how they can win the commitment of their employees and occupy a prominent place in their hearts. Leaders know, the feeling in the employee’s heart towards the organization determines the productivity and retention.
Given the economic scenario that we face today, the social norms around us and the rise of millennials in the workforce, leaders have to actively participate in building the culture of agility, genuineness, transparency, and collaboration at their workplace. The life experiences of the leaders and the younger people are hugely different. Hence, the senior people need to understand, the things valued by their younger colleagues are different from what they valued in their youth. They will need to learn to appreciate the current situation and free themselves from the baggage of their experience. Soft power needs to be the main agenda of leadership development in the year. Right from the first-line supervisors to the senior team, winning the team’s commitment is going to be the key focus in 2019.Transiting from Organizational Commitment to Organization Citizenship behaviour and now Employee Experience are on priority charts of organizations.
Redefining HR
Like operations, HR in many organizations has predominantly become a bunch of activities. Through the lifecycle of an employee, there is a need to engage, develop and leverage human capability. Practically speaking, most of these are to be carried out by the line managers. They need to play fair in the team, identify and recognize the talent of the team members, build and nurture a relationship with each team member. All of these are the most important HR functions!
HR has to enable the line managers in engaging and developing the team members. They have to help managers define performance goals, recognize superior performances and develop capability of their team members. They have to build an employer brand and strengthen it further.
Most HR teams today spend a lot of their time in administrative tasks of recruitment, attendance and leave management, salary hikes, employee query handling, salaries, and incentives. They have to outsource these low value-adding tasks to competent third-party experts who will not only carry out these tasks efficiently but also bring their insights to the system and improve them further. The HR Service Organizations will not only provide these services but will also create a niche 
The New Year creates an opportunity for leaders to force new thinking among employees in the organization, redefine the remit of HR, enable managers to drive up employee commitment and leverage HR-Tech.
Ending the fixation in jobs
The Tayloristicorganisation, where everybody has a clearly defined and assigned job, often does not work so well. Especially when the assignments are not so clearly defined, more flexibility is required. The turbulence in the business environment has brought about the downfall of many stalwarts from the Fortune 500 list in around a decade. The compelling need to change the nature of managing business has a direct impact on the crafting of jobs. The jobs are becoming more flexible, and employees are getting the opportunity to craft their own job, to make the best fit with their wishes, needs and capabilities. Some organisations go beyond job crafting. When there is an assignment, there is a process to look at the capabilities (qualitative and quantitative) required for this specific assignment. The wishes, needs and capabilities of people connected to the organisation are known, or captured as part of the process. A team is established, where the availability of people and the requirements of other teams must be considered. Teams are not build of people with specific fixed jobs, but of people who have specific skills that are needed to deliver the assignment.
Real Time Learning:
The learning domain has been slow in using the opportunities offered by technology. Loads of money is still wasted on classroom training for groups of employees on very broad subjects, often not directed at immediate application, but for possible future use. There are signs this is changing. Big chunks of material are divided in more digestible small pieces (micro learning). Employees will have easy access to learning material when they need it (just in time). Knowledge and skills can be learned in a playful manner (gamification), and VR and AR learning solutions make learning more real (and fun). The learning experience can be tailored to the individual capabilities and needs of employees. A challenge will remain to monitor and measure the performance of people, to be able to find (or design) the most appropriate learning solution. An upsurge in Coaching with the assistance of analytics is another arena where ‘Data driven Development’ is picking up.
Summing Up:
When considering trends in human resources management, increased efficiency, ease of use and automation are the future. All of these features share a common end goal of making the system as user-friendly as possible. Although robotics, virtual reality and biometric monitoring seem like a futuristic dream, an accessible, solid platform will always be in style. With the ‘Human’ element sticking its neck out in the Human Resources arena, the HR fraternity is striving to become more of an Employee Champion (Dave Ulrich) and an HR Strategic Business Partner.
HR Jobs of the Future
As the nature of HR and of work itself changes, so will the skills you'll need to do your job. What HR jobs could be in your future? Experts offer their predictions: People Analyst. Data and analytics will increasingly drive the job of HR―and this is the person who will head the effort. Employee experience specialist. This HR professional will focus on the entire worker relationship with the company, from benefits to training to career trajectory. Talent-acquisition technology selection. New talent acquisition platforms are emerging and evolving. This specialist will comb through them to find those most appropriate for the organization HR Business Partner. The HR business partner (HRBP) position is responsible for aligning business objectives with employees and management in designatedbusiness units. The position serves as a consultant to management on human resource-related issues. Few of the roles that will transit from the yesteryears to the forthcoming will be HR Generalist, Talent Acquisition specialist, Training & Development specialist, Technical trainers, Talent Management Specialist.
More Info Visit : https://shantibschool.edu.in
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Which People's Vote?
Immediately after the referendum regarding the UK's membership of the European Union, the fight back from the losing side began. I remember hearing Sarah Olney (Liberal Democrat) speaking on Julia Hartley Brewer's show https://youtu.be/rLa7QVTJuRc She was making the argument that people didn't understand what they were voting for. When Brewer explained that she knew what she was voting for Sarah seemed to malfunction and had to be pulled away by her spin doctor.
The narrative that people who voted for Brexit didn't understand what they were voting for continued to be pushed and there were open calls for another referendum from the usual suspects. After the snap election in 2017 where over 80% of voters voted for the Conservative and Labour Party who both promised to leave the Single Market and Customs Union, the hawks gave small amount of respite as their narrative had fallen apart that so many people had now changed their minds about the Brexit vote. Jeremy Corbyn has continuously been attacked for not "showing leadership" by capitulating to the Blairites and standing against Brexit. This to me seems the biggest attack on democracy given that Corbyn has always been a staunch critic of the EU. If a leader's own beliefs can have no bearing on party policy then we might as well have Amazon's Alexa or an automaton.
As Theresa May was working on her deal and negotiating with the European Union the same hawks that were openly calling for another referendum were now calling for a 'People's Vote' and a 'Final Say' on the deal.
The 'People's Vote' is dressed up as some organic plea for another vote as people in the UK aren't getting what they voted for.
If we look at the forces behind the 'People's Vote' we see it's about as organic as a Turkey Twizzler.
European Movement UK- It's Chair was Lord Ashdown until his death last December. One of its key people is Lord Hurd. His Grandfather and father were members of parliament and so is his son. Lord Hurd was private secretary to Edward Heath the man who was Prime Minister during the first referendum in 1975. Hurd was Minister For Europe between 1979-1983 and was then Home Secretary between 1985-1989.
Open Britain- Firstly we have Roland Rudd, a Labour man. He is a multi millionaire and made his fortune from the Public Relations industry. Roland is the brother of Amber Rudd who is a staunch remainer and in the Cabinet. The pair have faced accusations of having conflicting interests in the past https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3101626/Energy-minister-brother-explosive-decision-WON-T-making.html You'll also notice in the story that Lord Mandelson is Godfather to one of Roland Rudd's children. Lord Mandelson Is also one of Open Britain's henchmen. Also there is Richard Reed, the founder of the Innocent drink's brand. June Saprong, a Television Broadcaster. William Straw, who is the son of Jack Straw (former Home Secretary). William is Executive Director of Stronger In Europe. There is Sir Michael Rake, former Chairman of BT Group and former Chairman of EasyJet.
Best For Britain- We have Baron Mulloch-Brown, a former UK Government Minister, United Nations Deputy Secretary General and a development specialist at the World Bank and UN. He has worked with the billionaire George Soros via Refugees International. He has actually rented an apartment owned by Soros. He's Vice Chairman of Soros Fund Management. Soros himself has funded Best For Britain with £400,000 https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/business/2018/feb/11/george-soros-best-for-britain-pro-eu-100000
Renew Britain- Founded by Sandra Khadhouri a former UN worker. Chris Callaghan, a former Foreign Office anti-terror officer. James Torrance, a former Conservative.
In Facts- An alleged fact checking site, run by Hugo Dixon the great Grandson of Winston Churchill. His father Piers Dixon, a former Conservative MP and his mother was Churchill's Granddaughter.
Our Future Our Choice- A "grassroots" movement that has been accused of being more astroturf and allegedly share an office with an organisation funded and backed by big business and former donors to the Liberal Democrats and Conservatives. Also allegedly powered by Open Britain https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rt.com/uk/430327-ofoc-brexit-donor-funding/amp/
Then there is Scientists For The EU and Healthier In. There's also For Our Future's Sake which is run by student Unions.
Anthony Charles Lynton Blair and Allaistar Campbell are also worth a mention who seem to be given an open microphone across the board. The leader of the People's Vote is Chuka Umuna who's Grandfather Sir Helenus Milmo served as a prosecutor at the Nuremburg Trials.
I think this all shows the absurdity of calling it a 'People's Vote'.
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32 Clever Lead Generation Concepts For Your Following Advertising Project.
We specialize with Foreign exchange & Binary Traders Traffic. Having the ideal data at the correct time is crucial to running any organisation, and also is the key to effective sales and customer relationship management Whatever software program list building strategy you utilize, be particular to keep your CRM data up-to-date. Which's when having actually never ever discovered reliable email advertising and marketing approaches, small company owners are either unconcerned to the mistakes they're making, or they deal with the signs of the trouble and not the issue itself. The link framework of your web-page should be descriptive; including the major keyword phrases: Internet crawlers need to be able to understand the web content of your web-page form the link of that page; to ensure that they offer the relevant web-pages to the net customers depending on the search query they make use of. A marketer I know lately reported to her monitoring on the outcomes of the company's lead generation programs: Recognition of their firm and also its items among targeted potential customers greater than increased; the expense per qualified lead delivered to sales by marketing dropped by almost 40 percent; 58 percent of the possibilities in the sales pipe were found first by advertising; and also 48 percent of the sales shut; as well as 62 percent of the earnings during the previous one year originated from marketing-generated leads. The most reliable B2B marketing experts count on a marketing automation platform (MAP) to produce a tailored, multichannel consumer experience at range, converting calls right into marketing-qualified leads (MQLS) and also sales-accepted leads (SALs) into sales pipeline chances. To get yourself amped up to overdeliver, take the example of John E. Lincoln, the Co-Founder & CEO of Ignite Visibility This business was named the leading web marketing business in The golden state as well as has a skilled Search Engine Optimization group helping it. If you're the type of firm that can develop souvenirs for your company, organizing your local occasions or setting up a cubicle at various other occasions is the best location to make this take place as well as, hopefully, see some complimentary direct exposure in the future. And also, most importantly, Regional Leads will certainly locate their neighborhood is invigorated by the experience, with all individuals getting new abilities and also a sense of collective success in contributing to open up- resource task and the health and wellness of the internet. Although, the GDPR regulations around information privacy as well as protection was adopted in the month of April 2016 but it was formally be enforced 2 years later on i.e. from 25th Might 2018, changing the 1995 data security regulation, for this reason modernising the data policy by keeping track of the methods which services accumulate as well as use from the people discovering their web site as well as the clients handling their solutions in existing era. I think they've done an excellent work in laying out the tactical advantage a locally-owned organisation has more than the big guys - and then giving a sensible description of the most reliable tactics for producing leads, both online and off-line. In the lasts of the Local Leads Accelerator Workshop, we'll show you exactly how to produce engaging deals, exactly how to make and keep your high transforming web sites and also landing pages, and how to produce a system of on-demand leads that you manage. If you're a small business, managing your social media sites can seem like a monstrous job that you just don't have time for. After making your lightbox, your following action is to decide when Digioh must show your lead generation type. Organisations get remedies that make them lead on the market. Remember-- Google and other internet search engine take social media sites presence right into account when rating internet sites. The insurance policy sales leads you receive from Local Leads LLC are entrepreneur who are actively going shopping on the internet for insurance policy coverage.
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simplirp2 · 2 years
erp for sme india
Erp for Sme India  System Device Designed to Fulfill the Developing Desires of the Organisation of All Sizes. Its Adaptable and Easy and Flexibility.
System Device Chosen to Empower Sme Industries, a Brand-New Business Entity with Unique Specialty Products & Services that Satisfy the Needs of Indian Home Managers, Establishers & Entrepreneurs
The gadget machine designed below the R&D Centre is aimed at satisfying the necessities of organizations of all sizes and managing their commercial enterprise in an environment friendly manner. The machine has been developed preserving in thinking the organisational desires which encompass first-class assurance and security, facts uptime, ease of use, productiveness and fee effectiveness. It additionally ambitions at offering help to IT groups and gives records technological know-how based totally offerings to employer customers for any organisation’s structures like ERP, CRM, EDI etc. Erp for Sme India can be used on most frequent net browser variations such as Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and many others alongside with HTML5 and CSS and different contemporary technologies. An automatic answer is delivered via Software Partner BHG. The consumer can additionally swap off this gadget solely when he wishes to do so. This allows higher manipulate and administration over statistics as properly as supply real-time updates about any modifications in manufacturing or service.
Erp for Sme India affords quite a few advantages with its bendy platform which helps organizations efficaciously control their workflow and run any commercial enterprise process. Apart from the usage of it to control facts throughout a variety of departments, the gadget approves enterprise customers to replace present processes, make changes, and even automate things. The fundamental function is in reality flexibility and adaptability. With a single interface, you can configure your utility and assign it to extraordinary human beings inside your business enterprise for each domestic groups and exterior clients. Erp for Sme India works for each Android and IOS structures to preserve up with your altering demands. On laptop and cell devices, it lets customers operate a range of administrative features over unique components and aspects of the functions and systems. In the cloud, our software program presents superior equipment consisting of Cloud Drive, Web Based Application Platforms and greater which makes your work convenient and handy than before.
Erp for Sme India Solution Key Features:
The platform provides best-in-class aspects ranging from API server access, multi-tenancy facility, integration to third-party apps like MailChimp, SharePoint etc., to furnish the vital guide to SME’s who function more than one systems. With Enterprise Support and Integration handy option, customers can add any different app or enterprise performance on this assignment in the shape of plugins and extensions and use them at will. Moreover, on account that the entirety is hosted in one system, there is no want for infrastructure modifications between environments due to the fact of the excessive availability factor. Users can get admission to their present day databases and keep their data except having to exchange something and can effortlessly get entry to their preceding data and transactions. A extensive vary of enterprise verticals are supported which consists of Banking, Finance, Insurance, Retail, Real Estate Industry, Technology Industry, Agriculture and many others. Erp for Sme India comes packed with preferred and pre-set modules & aspects to simplify operations throughout each department.
Erp for Sme India System Device Architecture:
The machine structure of the new device appears easy but well scalable with strong and dependable APIs. The employer chosen three elements – Database (DB), Applications, Database Connector (CDC) and Data Exchange Gateway (DEG). These three are accountable for storing the required database gadget factors like tables, columns, rows etc. The CDC thing has two foremost roles - Database connectors (D) and Data Exchanges (X). The D phase acts as an middleman connector to the web and shops facts required through consumers and the X section, on the different hand, runs on Microsoft Azure portal referred to as ‘Azure Storage and Blob storage Service ‘(ASIS) to shop facts and grant connectivity to exterior sources. Each module has unbiased API endpoints for particular use cases. The CDC can engage with DB, App and DEG layers thru two APIs specifically DB Connectors API and DeG API respectively. Another interface to join utility with the Oracle database is furnished via Oracle DeG. When we speak right here about constructing an application, both written by using us or every other team, then a layer of code regarded as Apps Layer will be used. Thus, Apps and Apps Layer are at once linked. For instance if you are creating a CRM application, you will have solely one supply code whereas Apps Layer would consist of some functions and Database to maintain facts and statistics for different applications. In addition, the deployment model of deploying the whole application, relying on the place the load is, can be carried out by way of everyone as lengthy as they have get right of entry to to it. Thus it is totally open for anyone to install a full fledged CRM/EDI/SMS application. You can install some thing on demand by using simply putting in Apps Layer and begin working on it. There is additionally built-in CI/CD/CI/EDI equipment supplied by using erpforSmeIndia.com which enable customers to construct apps shortly and iterate new ones as lengthy as they can run. As quickly as the improvement is finalized, as soon as you click on on Submit button, there is no hazard of downtime or crashes.
Erp for SME India System Deployment Methodology
The deployment methodology, as per our interior knowledge, requires set up of entire OS & DB structures first. Then step with the aid of step migration of purposes into the historical machine occurs. Finally there is a ultimate step the place the historic gadget is downgraded and the newly set up one is upgraded. In the subsequent phase, Erp for SME India has applied non-stop checking out practices the place checks run in parallel in order to take a look at the present day model of the site. Once these phases are performed and all is desirable at last, the website/app which used to be migrated to historic gadget receives examined again, and equal technique starts offevolved as soon as more. During this time, the entire utility is saved jogging with minimal disruption or interference from different users. After every such rollback and upgradation, the ancient gadget goes lower back to regular operation in order to keep away from similarly damage. Now a clean set of check surroundings is created and commenced functioning as soon as once more in order to take a look at the today's version. So, on the foundation of above noted steps, all these migration degrees can be repeated till the utility and its enterprise common sense are in the more recent system. However, upon this stage, the migrations are no longer finished and proceed to work in the older system, hence main to unpredictable behaviour. Therefore, at some point of the direction of migration testing, records associated checking out of SQL Server 2016 turns into obligatory to make certain easy flow, overall performance and maintainability of any database facts associated tests. Once we attain here, the trendy model is rolled out as ordinary barring doing any configuration modifications on the facet of software developer, to let utility turn out to be entirely useful on the new machine and run somewhere besides impacting the typical application. Erp for SME India takes care of making sure gold standard utilization of assets via minimizing CPU and reminiscence by means of taking gain of more than one situations of Windows Server 2016 and Red Hat OpenShift two running system. Following deployments can take place: 1. Migrate to an SDD file
2. Transfer documents from nearby disk to Virtual Machine
3. Import XML archives from XML Source
4. Install software from XML Source
5. Create XML code
6. Upload XML Code To File Location
7. Move objects and links
8. Insert records
9. Export documents
10. Delete records
11. Delete URLs
12. Remove Documents
13. Revert XML Sources
14. Add New Records
15. Create Links
16. Edit Objects
17. Move Links
18. Edit Items
19. Set Parameters
20. Show Changes
21. Save Changes
22. Print XML Source
23. Import Document
24. Extract XML Source
25. Load Documents
26. Save Documents
27. Search Documents By Id
28. Get Information About Object Attributes
29. Get All Record Attributes
30. Check Availability
31. Make Changes
32. Print Report
33. Download File
34. Copy Document
35. ImportXMLSource
36. SearchXMLSource
37. List Resources
38. Add New resource
39. Create Link
40. Add Item
41. Change Item
42. Update object attributes
43. Change Link
44. Create record
44. Create link
50. Merge document
51. ImportXMLSource
52. List Resources
53. Delete Object Attributes
54. Send message
55. Send XML message
56. Read Attribute Values
57. Read records
58. Go to Site
59. Logout/Log Out
60. Login
61. Verify Identity
62. Sign In
63. Send XML or JSON to URL
64. Email ID and Password
65. Enter Your Mobile Number
66. User Name
67. Pass
68. Security Related Factor
69. Date Of Birth
70. Time Zone
71. Country And State Of Residence
72. Sex/Gender
73. City
74. Zip / Post Office
75. Telephone No.
76. User Type
77. Organization Size (Employee / Managerial)
78. Department And Region
79. Subsidiary Address
80. Company Tax Identification
81. Employee Age Group
82. Organization Level
83. Organizational Member
84. Role
85. Team Leader
86. Senior Management
87. Work Atmosphere
88. Working Conditions
89. Pay Scale
90. Safety
91. Health & Wellbeing
92. Physical Access
93. Sick Leave Benefit
94. Promotion Benefits
95. Personalized Retirement Options
96. Vacant PDA Coverage
97. Other Benefits
98. Total Employees
99. Employee Location
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klimenkoagia-blog · 6 years
All In One SEO Solution Facebook
7 Search Engine Optimization Techniques You Should Attempt in 2018
SEO is a development as well as industry change. Strategies that were effective six years earlier, might fail your organisation today. A few of the very best methods were not presented a few years back. So, it's great to stay updated with time to do well.
To stay on top it's recommended to do study, learn as well as check new strategies. An interesting truth about seo is the need to share information with the team.
It aids brand-new service in addition to professionals to learn on a daily basis. It allows them to boost with advanced Search Engine Optimization techniques.
Comply with these strategies to attain Search Engine Optimization goals:
1. Deep theme insurance coverage
Search Engine Optimization is a high value-added advertising and marketing method that frequently establishes. Concentrate on key words search, tag search, and also understanding graph in Google.
These techniques allow Google to recognize searches despite the search phrases utilized.
2. Improved content
If you are a prolific blogger or your web site is regularly developing material you might be remaining on a shut golden goose. When a message is posted, visitors forget it and also move on to the following stage.
They do not recognize the possibility of the current content of their website or blog. Conduct content examine your website quarterly, annually, or bi-annually. Optimize it to raise traffic.
3. Possession development and also promotion
Linkable assets are the items of content that record back links from various other sites. Develop as well as strengthen linkable possessions to enhance seo by getting back links. It assists to grow the high visibility of the business.
Social media marketing distributed paid content as well as various other techniques made use of to upgrade after development.
4. Reroute management
After you refine an old Web site, Word addresses are frequently modified as well. For this reason, there need to be a redirect and should be handled very carefully.
Redirects, specifically 301 redirects, move the web link to an old web page on an internet site or blog site to a brand-new page Without redirection management, traffic and also ranking can be shed. So beware.
5. Accelerate your mobile page.
A lot of site visitors use smart devices to browse via your website and blog site. Accelerated mobile web pages are consequently an open source framework for producing fast mobile web pages.
Whether easy write-up pages or complex types and also ecommerce websites, AMP functions marvels for everyone. It enhances the mobile experience.
Sites that pack faster are liked by internet search engine and also show up greater in Online search engine Outcome Pages (SERP's).
6. Facebook Marketing
Use Facebook advertisements to advertise linkable assets. Social media ads are exceptionally efficient when they are carried out wisely.
It guarantees organisation development and also boosted traffic to your web page. If you want to promote service in a short time, Facebook marketing is important.
7. Web content personalization
Customer experience signals are a consider SEO ranking when content gets to the very first web page of Google. Improving the conversion rate (CR) is a high value-adding task in marketing.
Various messages had various impacts on different groups of individuals. The conversion rates on the website have actually raised significantly.
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