#Orchid Linal
emi-dragonice · 2 years
Orchid: I know Santa isn't real.
Louis: oh?
Orchid: yeah. During Operation Queenslayer, Commander Silva pretended to be Santa and got stabbed at least twice.
Jack: you... The number isn't wrong.
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mintyandcocoa · 3 years
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emi-dragonice · 3 years
Orchid: Dropping a new tier list.
Mia: This is just two rows.
Yakumo: yeah. Why is the "S" rank only filled with pictures of Lou?
Orchid, blushing: well you see...
Jack: and why is the only thing in the "Absolute Trash" a picture of Mido with a comical mustache?
Yakumo: all is forgiven
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emi-dragonice · 3 years
Yakumo: *rolls an apple towards Orchid.*
Orchid: Um... What is this about?
Yakumo: You know what they say. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Orchid: :(
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emi-dragonice · 3 years
Orchid: I worked with Dr. Mido during operation Queenslayer. He was a bit eccentric but I respected him highly.
Yakumo: Juzo Mido?
Orchid: yes?
Yakumo: Juzo "Experimented on helpless orphans" Mido?
Orchid: What?
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emi-dragonice · 3 years
Orchid: Dr. Mido...
Mido: yes Dr. Linal?
Orchid: are you sure we have permission to do this?
Mido: of course.
Orchid: then why did you knock out the guards?
Mido: ...
Orchid: ...
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emi-dragonice · 3 years
Jack: what do you have there?
Orchid, not looking up: a modified 50. Cal. Sniper Rifle.
Jack: what?
Orchid moving to the side: I said a...
Jack: i know what you said but... Why?
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emi-dragonice · 3 years
Louis: you need to take better care of your health.
Orchid: take your own advice.
Louis: Absolutely not.
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emi-dragonice · 3 years
Jack, leaning over Orchid's shoulder: what do you have there?
Orchid, who was a botanist while human: Glad you asked! I've been compiling information on the Thorns of Judgment and writing theories on how they work!! My current theory is...
Yakumo, quietly to Jack: Look what you've done.
5 hours later
Louis: ...agree but Don't you think that...
Orchid: yes but plants need nut...
Coco, to Jack: You. You have done this to us.
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emi-dragonice · 3 years
Juno: I've met God and she says you're next.
Orchid, loading her rifle: Your life's extended warranty has expired.
Aiden: Die <3
Dawn: Hope your Life insurance is good~
Damious: Hotel? Trivago.
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emi-dragonice · 3 years
Louis: Orchid! You need to be more careful!
Orchid: I'm okay! It was just a flesh wound!!
Louis: you were cleaved in half!!!
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emi-dragonice · 3 years
Different moods
Orchid: Eva! I found some Sunflower seeds! Cam we plant these?!
Eva, taking the bag from her: we can try!!
Juno, sitting next to Jack on the couch: want to have a rematch?
Jack, getting up: If you think you can take me, meet me out front.
Louis: both of you... Stop.
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emi-dragonice · 3 years
Orchid, holding out a book: Louis! I found you this while I was exploring!
Louis: Oh my! Thank you very much! This is great!
Orchid: you're great.
Louis: Hm?
Orchid: Nothing!
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emi-dragonice · 3 years
Cruz: You had one job!!
Orchid: All you told me, someone with no memories, don't die and save the world. No further instruction was given.
Cruz: ah... Sorry about that.
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emi-dragonice · 3 years
Orchid, before the great collapse: Hope I find love one day.
Orchid, years later and meeting Louis for the first time: Ah fuck I didn't mean like this.
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emi-dragonice · 3 years
Orchid, attempting to confess to Louis at Home Base: I just wanted to say that if fate meant for us to meet then not everything in the Vein is bad.
Louis: That is true. Without your help, we would of never been able to clear the miasma.
Orchid: oh... Yeah... That...
Louis: let's continue to work together, Partner.
Orchid, keeping cool: Y-yea.
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