#Orang Gimbal
3-eme · 5 months
One of my favorite videos I ever produced was called Knew Better by my friend GoneToHeaven
At the time I had only known GTH for about a year we met through my girlfriend, I filmed his performance at the venue S.O.B’s and we would work on one other video before knew better that we filmed in Hawaii called Samo.
 I was trying to find my style in film making i consistently relied on the use of high-8 cameras for a nostalgic feel, of course this was before everyone started going crazy for the VHS look.
The video was heavily inspired by Andy Warhol’s double screen movie “Chelsea Girls” the framing and use of color I don’t think I’ve been as inspired by a film other than Chungking Express.
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I storyboarded the video to help get specific shots I thought would help tell the story in the song I bought lights and fabrics for the set that didn’t take place on my friends roof enlisted the help of my female friends to play as the muse of the protagonist in video.
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The video was filmed On a Canon EOS 5D mark III with a DJI Ronin 3 axis gimbal and a Samsung SCL860 HI8 camera, at the time did not own a camera of my own the 5D and gimbal belonged to my mentor VCMTTT and the hi8 camera was my girlfriends the lights I used were a combiniation of solid colored bulbs like red orange green and purple and Phillips HUE lights for the scenes on the roof, a mutual friend of GTH n me cavemitch helped with the styling of GTH. 
The video truly felt like lightning in a bottle for me, 
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sarahhnabil · 2 years
Kata itu beberapa Minggu ini sering terdengar dan mungkin banyak yang merasakan.
Yang memotivasi diri bahwa memang manusia itu ada yang datang lalu pergi, mewajarkannya agar tidak terlalu sakit.
aku setuju bahwa memang seseorang itu ada yang datang lalu pergi.
Namun bagaimana respon kita terhadap seseorang yang datang lalu pergi itu?
Apakah akan membuat kita nangis disepanjang malam? Atau justru membuat kita lebih baik lagi?
Itu tergantung diri kita.
Orang-orang yang pernah kita temui.
Supir ugal-ugalan, remaja yang tidak sopan, guru killer, manusia tanpa hati, atau siapa pun yang pernah buat kita ngga nyaman.
Mereka yang bertemu kita memang ditakdirkan untuk bertemu kita untuk memberikan pelajaran tertentu.
Supir yang ugal-ugalan mengajarkan kita untuk sabar. Bertemu lelaki gimbal yang masih menjaga sholatnya mengajarkan kita untuk tidak terlalu menghakimi seseorang dari penampilannya.
Tugas kita adalah berusaha mengetahui apa yang hendak diajarkan orang-orang dalam hidup kita.
Melatih diri tidak Berfikir
"mengapa orang-orang bersikap gitu?" Ubahlah menjadi
"apa yang hendak mereka ajarkan padaku?"
Menunggu giliran dengan mengantri adalah kesempatan yang baik untuk menghilangkan kebiasaan tidak sabaran
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indonesianacademy · 12 days
Kendal Kota Santri : Pesona Religi Dan Budaya Yang Memikat
Kendal Kota Santri : Pesona Religi Dan Budaya Yang Memikat Kendal, yang terkenal sebagai Kota Santri, menawarkan keindahan alam yang menyatu dengan nilai-nilai religius. Kota ini tidak hanya memikat mata dengan pemandangan alamnya yang asri, tetapi juga menenangkan hati dengan nuansa religius yang kental. Dari masjid-masjid megah hingga pesantren yang tersebar di seluruh kota, Kendal menghadirkan harmoni antara alam dan spiritualitas. Keindahan Alam Kendal Yang Menyatu Dengan Nilai Religi Salah satu destinasi yang layak menjadi tujuan kunjungan adalah Masjid Agung Kendal yang menjadi simbol religius kota ini. Masjid ini tidak hanya menjadi tempat ibadah, tetapi juga pusat kegiatan religi dan sosial masyarakat. Keberadaannya memperkuat identitas Kendal sebagai Kota Santri yang penuh kedamaian.
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Selain itu, Kendal memiliki banyak pesantren yang sudah berdiri sejak lama dan menjadi pusat pendidikan religi. Para santri dari berbagai daerah datang untuk menimba ilmu dan merasakan ketenangan spiritual. Suasana ini menjadikan Kendal sebagai tempat yang ideal untuk wisata religi. Wisata Religi Di Kendal : Menggali Sejarah dan Keagungan Kendal menawarkan berbagai destinasi wisata religi yang kaya akan sejarah dan keagungan. Salah satu tempat yang menarik untuk menjadi tujuan kunjungan adalah Makam Sunan Katong, yang mendapat penghormatan sebagai salah satu penyebar Islam di daerah ini. Tempat ini menjadi tujuan ziarah bagi banyak orang yang ingin memperdalam spiritualitas mereka. Selain itu, Kendal juga memiliki Museum Islam Kendal yang menyimpan berbagai koleksi peninggalan sejarah Islam. Museum ini mengajak pengunjung untuk menelusuri jejak perkembangan Islam di Kendal dan sekitarnya. Koleksi yang ada di museum ini sangat kaya dan menjadi sumber pengetahuan yang berharga bagi generasi muda. Tidak hanya itu, festival-festival religi seperti Maulid Nabi dan Hari Santri juga perayaannya bisa sangat meriah di Kendal. Perayaan ini menunjukkan betapa kuatnya tradisi religius di kota ini dan cara masyarakat menjaga nilai-nilai Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pesona Budaya Lokal Yang Memperkaya Identitas Kendal Kendal tidak hanya terkenal karena nilai religiusnya, tetapi juga kaya akan budaya lokal yang unik. Kesenian tradisional seperti wayang kulit dan tari-tarian daerah menjadi bagian integral dari kehidupan masyarakat Kendal. Acara budaya ini sering kali ada pagelaran untuk memperingati hari-hari besar religi atau sebagai hiburan bagi masyarakat. Salah satu budaya yang masih lestari adalah tradisi Grebeg Besar yang pelaksanaannya rutin setiap tahun.
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Acara ini merupakan simbol syukur masyarakat kepada Tuhan atas rezeki yang diberikan. Dengan berbagai pertunjukan budaya, Grebeg Besar menjadi daya tarik wisatawan yang ingin mengenal lebih dekat budaya Kendal. Selain itu, kuliner khas Kendal juga tidak boleh terlewatkan. Makanan seperti tahu gimbal dan soto Kendal menawarkan cita rasa yang kaya dan menggugah selera. Kuliner ini tidak hanya memanjakan lidah tetapi juga menjadi bagian dari identitas budaya Kendal yang unik dan tak tergantikan. Mengapa Kendal Kota Santri Menjadi Pilihan Tepat Untuk Wisata? Kendal sebagai Kota Santri menawarkan pengalaman wisata yang berbeda dari kota lainnya. Perpaduan antara keindahan alam, nilai religius, dan budaya lokal menjadikan Kendal destinasi wisata yang unik. Kota ini cocok bagi wisatawan yang mencari ketenangan, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman budaya yang mendalam. Dengan berbagai destinasi wisata religi yang kaya akan sejarah, Kendal menawarkan perjalanan spiritual yang memperkaya jiwa. Pengunjung dapat merasakan nuansa religius yang kental sekaligus menikmati keindahan alam yang menenangkan. Kota ini menjadi tempat yang tepat untuk menyegarkan pikiran dan hati. Di sisi lain, budaya lokal yang hidup di Kendal menambah daya tarik tersendiri. Dari kesenian hingga kuliner, semuanya mencerminkan kekayaan budaya yang ada di kota ini. Oleh karena itu, Kendal Kota Santri menjadi pilihan tepat untuk wisata yang menyeluruh dan memuaskan. Sejumlah keunikan yang Kabupaten Kendal miliki, di antaranya : - Kabupaten Kendal terkenal sebagai Kota Santri karena banyaknya pondok pesantren, terutama di Kecamatan Kaliwungu. Salah satu pesantren terkenal di Kendal adalah Ponpes Apik Kaliwungu yang berdiri sejak tahun 1919. - Kabupaten Kendal terkenal sebagai Kota Seni dan Budaya. Sejumlah kesenian yang tetap lestari di Kendal di antaranya kesenian batik Kendal, tari rodhat, rampek, tari opak abang, singo barong, dan nyadran. - Kabupaten Kendal memiliki sejumlah destinasi wisata, di antaranya Pantai Cahaya, Curug Sewu, River Walk Boja, Goa Kiskendo, Kebun Teh Medini, Pantai Indah Kemangi, Hutan Pinus Nglimut, dan Promas Greenland. Kendal Kota Santri : Pesona Religi Dan Budaya Yang Memikat Indonesian Academy – Hong Kong Read the full article
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turisiancom · 2 months
TURISIAN.com - Event Dieng Culture Festival 2024 (DCF) kembali digelar pada tanggal 23-25 Agustus 2024. Acara tahunan yang selalu dinanti-nanti ini menghadirkan berbagai kegiatan menarik. Ada,  Jazz di Atas Awan atau juga ingin menyaksikan ritual Cukur Rambut Gimbal, dipastikan akan memberikan pengalama tersendiri. Sedangkan, bagi wisatawan yang berencana untuk hadir, tiket masuk tentu menjadi syarat utama. Namun, hal lain yang tak kalah penting adalah mempersiapkan penginapan. Mengingat acara ini bakal berlangsung selama tiga hari. BACA JUGA:Event Dieng Caldera Race 2024 Bakal Hadirkan Tantangan yang Cukup Seru Salah satu opsi penginapan yang patut dipertimbangkan adalah Bukit Scooter. Pengunjung dapat menikmati suasana alam Dieng dengan berkemah di lokasi ini. Berikut rincian paket dan harga camping di Bukit Scooter selama event Dieng Culture Festival 2024: Harga Camping di Bukit Scooter Saat Dieng Culture Festival 2024 Paket 3 Hari 2 Malam: Rp 800.000 Tenda kapasitas 4 orang Matras 4 buah Sleeping bag 4 buah Lampu tenda Roll kelistrikan BACA JUGA: Melihat Kawah Candradimuka yang Elok di Dataran Tinggi Dieng Paket 1 Malam: Rp 500.000 Tenda kapasitas 4 orang Matras 4 buah Sleeping bag 4 buah Lampu tenda Roll kelistrikan Tenda dan Perlengkapan Camping Sendiri Biaya sewa lahan: Rp 150.000 Fasilitas di Bukit Scooter Dieng Kelistrikan Mushola Toilet Welcome drink BACA JUGA: Museum Kailasa Banjarnegara Simpan Peninggalan Purbakala Dataran Tinggi Dieng Peraturan di Bukit Scooter Dieng Tidak menerima pasangan non-pasutri Harus menjaga kebersihan dan bersikap sopan Menyimpan barang pribadi/barang berharga di tempat yang aman Panitia tidak bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan barang berharga/barang pribadi Dilarang membawa minuman keras Untuk pemesanan, dapat menghubungi kontak berikut: 0813-2886-3929 0853-3333-7116 0851-3376-6565 0822-2117-8446 Sementara itu, pemesanan memerlukan DP Tanda Jadi sebesar 50 persen dari total biaya. Pastikan Anda mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya dengan baik. Dengan persiapan yang matang, kalian bisa  menikmati festival budaya tahunan ini dengan nyaman. ***
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mavdrones · 4 months
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Where Can I Compare The DJI Mini 4 Pro, Mini 3 Pro, And The DJI Air 3?
Comparing the DJI Mini 4 Pro, DJI Mini 3 Pro, and DJI Air 3 is like comparing apples to oranges to bananas. Each drone has its unique strengths and appeals to different types of users. Let us break it down to help you figure out which one suits your needs best.
DJI Mini 4 Pro
Portability: Super lightweight and compact. Perfect for travel.
Camera: 48MP photos and 4K video at 60fps. Great for stunning visuals.
Flight Time: About 47 minutes per charge. Solid for its size.
Features: Obstacle sensing in three directions, advanced pilot assistance system, and OcuSync 3.0 for reliable connection.
Best For: DJI Mini 4 Pro is best for travellers, hobbyists, and anyone who wants a high-quality drone that doesn’t weigh them down. Ideal if you are often on the move and need something that fits in a small bag.
DJI Mini 3 Pro
Portability: Similar to the DJI Mini 4 Pro. Light and easy to carry.
Camera: 1/1.3-inch sensor with dual native ISO. Capable of 4K HDR video.
Flight Time: Around 47 minutes. 
Features: Advanced obstacle avoidance, 3-axis gimbal for steady shots, and FocusTrack for automated tracking.
Best For: DJI Mini 3 Pro is best for beginners to intermediate users who want a balance of quality and affordability. It is user-friendly and packs a lot of features without breaking the bank.
DJI Air 3
Portability: Larger and heavier than the Minis but still portable.
Camera: Dual-camera system (wide and medium tele) with a 1/1.3-inch CMOS sensor. Superb for cinematic shots.
Flight Time: Impressive 46 minutes. Long enough for extensive shoots.
Features: Omnidirectional obstacle sensing, advanced pilot assistance, and enhanced transmission system.
Best For: DJI Air 3 is best for serious hobbyists and semi-professionals. If you are looking to create professional-grade content and don’t mind the extra size and weight, the DJI Air 3 must be your go-to option.
Where To Compare?
To get an in-depth comparison, head over to Mavdrones.
Final Thoughts
Your choice depends on what you prioritise. If you need ultra-portability and great quality, the DJI Mini 4 Pro is fantastic. If you are on a budget but still want excellent features, the DJI Mini 3 Pro is a solid pick. For those wanting the best camera and advanced features , the DJI Air 3 is unbeatable.
Remember, all these drones are fantastic in their own right. It is all about finding the one that fits your lifestyle and needs. Happy flying!
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bysumex · 5 months
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Tips for Stunning Drone Photography Over the Sea 👉 https://bysumex.com/tips-for-stunning-drone-photography-over-the-sea/
Drone photography opens up a whole new realm of possibilities, especially when you're capturing the beauty of a sunrise over the sea. The vibrant colors, the serene waves, and the changing light create a magical backdrop for any shot. Here are some tips to help you get those perfect sunrise photos with your drone, along with some advice for creating striking portraits in these conditions.
1. Plan Ahead
Start by checking the weather forecast to ensure clear skies and minimal wind. Use apps or websites that indicate the exact time of sunrise at your location. Arrive at least 30 minutes before sunrise to set up and catch the early light.
2. Scout the Location
Find a spot that offers an unobstructed view of the horizon. Coastal areas with unique rock formations, lighthouses, or other landmarks can add depth and interest to your shots. Ensure that the location is safe for drone flights and that you're complying with local regulations.
3. Prepare Your Gear
Ensure your drone batteries are fully charged, and bring extras. Clean your drone's camera lens to avoid smudges or dust spots. If your drone has a gimbal, make sure it's properly calibrated.
4. Use Manual Settings
To get the best results, use manual camera settings. Start with a lower ISO (e.g., 100-200) to reduce noise, and adjust the shutter speed to capture the right amount of light. Experiment with different settings to find the perfect balance.
5. Experiment with Angles and Heights
Try different angles and heights to capture the unique beauty of the sunrise. Fly low over the water to create dramatic reflections, or go higher to capture the expansive landscape. Use the rule of thirds to compose your shots for a balanced look.
6. Capture the Colors
Sunrise offers a range of vibrant colors, from deep oranges to soft pinks. Adjust your white balance to emphasize these hues. Consider shooting in RAW format for greater flexibility in post-processing.
7. Create Stunning Portraits
If you're including people in your shots, position them in a way that complements the scenery. Use silhouettes to create dramatic effects, placing your subjects between the drone and the rising sun. You can also play with shadows and reflections for creative portraits.
8. Stay Safe
Always maintain a visual line of sight with your drone, and avoid flying over people or wildlife. Keep an eye on battery levels and bring your drone back before it runs too low. Be mindful of local regulations and respect the environment.
9. Edit with Care
In post-processing, enhance the colors and contrast to bring out the best in your sunrise shots. Use editing software to correct exposure and adjust shadows and highlights. Don't overdo it—aim for a natural look that reflects the beauty of the moment.
By following these tips, you'll be able to capture breathtaking drone photography above the sea at sunrise and create memorable portraits that showcase the beauty of nature and human connection. Happy flying and happy shooting!
#almeria #dronephotography #cinematography
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whydronesub · 6 months
Tips Perawatan Spare Part Drone Aerial
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Tips Perawatan Komponen Drone Aerial
Well! Drone aerial telah menjadi alat yang sangat populer dalam berbagai aplikasi, mulai dari pemetaan udara hingga pemotretan udara. Dengan teknologi yang terus berkembang, semakin banyak orang yang tertarik untuk memiliki dan mengoperasikan drone mereka sendiri. Namun, seperti halnya perangkat teknologi lainnya, perawatan yang tepat sangatlah penting untuk memastikan drone tetap beroperasi dengan baik dan aman selama penggunaan. Berikut adalah beberapa komponen kunci dari drone aerial beserta tips perawatannya untuk memastikan kinerja yang optimal.
Saat menggunakan drone, penting untuk memahami bahwa perawatan yang baik akan memperpanjang umur drone dan meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna. Mulai dari pemeriksaan rutin hingga perawatan yang lebih mendalam, setiap komponen drone memerlukan perhatian khusus agar dapat beroperasi dengan baik. Dengan memahami dan melaksanakan tips perawatan yang tepat, anda dapat menghindari kerusakan yang tidak perlu dan memastikan drone anda selalu siap terbang.
Okay, berikut adalah 10 komponen utama dari sebuah drone aerial beserta tips perawatannya:
Frame (rangka)
Tips perawatan: Periksa rangka secara berkala untuk memastikan tidak ada keretakan atau retakan. Bersihkan debu atau kotoran yang menempel menggunakan sikat lembut dan cairan pembersih yang tidak korosif.
Motor (Dinamo)
Tips perawatan: Periksa motor secara berkala untuk memastikan tidak ada debu atau kotoran yang mengganggu. Pastikan tidak ada keausan berlebih pada gigi dan periksa koneksi kabel motor.
Tips perawatan: Simpan baterai pada suhu yang stabil dan hindari penuangan. Pastikan untuk mengisi daya baterai dengan menggunakan charger yang direkomendasikan oleh produsen. Hindari penyimpanan baterai dalam keadaan terlalu penuh atau kosong (upayakan sisa daya antara 30% sampai dengan 60%).
Kamera dan gimbal
Tips perawatan: Bersihkan lensa kamera secara rutin dengan kain mikrofiber. Periksa kestabilan gimbal dan kalibrasi secara berkala. Hindari mengguncangkan atau memindahkan drone secara kasar saat gimbal terpasang.
Propeler (Baling-Baling)
Tips perawatan: Periksa propeler untuk memastikan tidak ada retakan atau kerusakan. Ganti propeler yang aus atau rusak. Pastikan untuk menyelaraskan propeler dengan benar sebelum penerbangan.
Flight Controller
Tips perawatan: Perbarui firmware secara berkala untuk memastikan kinerja optimal. Pastikan tidak ada kabel yang longgar atau konektor yang rusak pada flight controller.
RC Transmitter (Remot Pengendali Jarak Jauh)
Tips perawatan: Periksa baterai pengendali secara berkala dan ganti jika diperlukan. Hindari menumpahkan cairan atau menyimpan transmitter di tempat yang terlalu panas atau lembab.
Tips perawatan: Bersihkan sensor secara berkala dengan kain lembut. Pastikan tidak ada debu atau kotoran yang menghalangi sensor. Periksa kalibrasi sensor dan lakukan kalibrasi ulang jika diperlukan.
Landing Gear (kaki pendaratan)
Tips perawatan: Periksa kaki pendaratan untuk memastikan tidak ada kerusakan atau keausan berlebih. Pastikan landing gear terpasang dengan baik dan tidak goyah.
LED Indicators
Tips perawatan: Periksa LED indicator sebelum penerbangan untuk memastikan tidak ada kerusakan atau kegagalan. Pastikan LED terpasang dengan baik dan tidak ada koneksi yang longgar.
And the last! Dalam dunia drone, perawatan adalah kunci untuk mempertahankan kinerja optimal. Dengan memperhatikan komponen-komponen utama dan mengikuti tips perawatan yang disarankan, anda dapat memastikan bahwa drone anda selalu siap terbang dan memberikan hasil yang memuaskan. Selalu baca manual pengguna dari produsen drone anda dan ikuti pedoman perawatan yang disarankan. Juga, pastikan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan prapenerbangan secara teliti setiap kali anda akan mengoperasikan drone anda. Jadi, jangan abaikan perawatan rutin dan pastikan untuk memeriksa drone anda secara teratur agar dapat terus menikmati pengalaman terbang yang aman dan menyenangkan. See you!
Source: https://www.jasadronesurabaya.com
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The Creative Teams’ Favourite Filmmaking Equipment
In the exciting world of video production, our tools aren’t just gadgets – they’re the keys to our creativity. They help us shape stories and capture audiences. Quality filmmaking equipment directly translates to elevated production value. Crisp visuals, smooth camera movements, and innovative shots contribute to a professional and polished end product. The video production industry is highly competitive, and staying ahead requires a commitment to excellence. Employing the best filmmaking kit not only ensures that a production meets contemporary standards but also positions the team as innovators, capable of adapting to evolving industry trends. Meet the minds behind the magic: Tom, Camera Operator and Editor: Tom guides us through the dynamic capabilities of our tools, finding the perfect balance between stability and versatility. Byron, Camera Operator and Editor: Byron takes us to new heights with his expertise in drones, transforming how we see and experience storytelling. David, Creative Director and Producer: David reveals the subtle magic of reflectors, shaping light to add depth and vibrancy to our visual narratives. Join us on a journey through the gear that defines our craft, as we hear from these voices behind our stories. Tom, Camera Operator and Editor: “ My favourite bit of equipment is the ronin gimbal rig because it creates a steady image while also being versatile and dynamic. You can change the settings in the gimbal to create a similar shot to a slider or fly around a room like a drone. However, as with all grip equipment, the gimbal is a specific tool for specific needs, and a tripod shot or handheld might work better to suit the needs of the image.” Byron, Camera Operator and Editor: “ The drone is obviously my favourite piece of kit. Modern day filmmaking is significantly different to how we shot films decades ago. Although the equipment we use provides 4K and higher quality images than the average phone, the framing, shot type and story can be established through a mobile phone to which everyone owns. Drones can be used to get shots where the audience says WOW! and that’s the reaction I love. ‘How do you do that?’, ‘How high can you go?’, ‘Can you shoot and take photos at the same time?’ I get asked these questions on every shoot. Cameras are great, but I never get questions on what ISO I use!” David, Creative Director and Producer: “ A reflector is my favourite piece of filmmaking kit. A reflector does what it says on the tin, it reflects light on a person or object to help increase the amount of light. Sometimes the light source you have is not enough, so you can bounce it off that light and also the reverse. Use it as a negative fill to block the light if there is too much coming from a window or the sun. My favourite use of a reflector is the shiny gold side, using this outside to reflect the sun creates an intense spot of orange. It’s great to create a ‘sunset effect’, and we used this a lot last year on a series of power tool shoots. We were positioned each day in the shade against a wall, so we bounced this magnificent spot of orange onto the yellow products to create a significant highlight effect against the dark background.” In the world of video production, these tools aren’t just gear; they’re our creative partners. They help us explore new stories and push the limits of innovation. As we keep pushing boundaries and discovering new ways to tell stories, each piece of equipment shows our dedication to innovation. investing in good camera equipment and filmmaking kit is not merely a choice; it’s a strategic decision to uphold the standards of creativity and professionalism in the dynamic realm of video production. It empowers filmmakers to tell compelling stories, captivate audiences, and leave a lasting impact in an ever-evolving and competitive industry. Find out more about behind the scenes of video production . Learn more about our creative team . Your Industrial Story Starts Here Press the button. Make the call. Transform your media. +44 (0)113 288 3245 [email protected] Contact Us
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benitez-film · 1 year
Schedule for shooting
This was the general schedule that I wrote down whilst location scouting. I was able to stick to it incredibly close as it was so detailed, and was even able to reduce the amount of scheduled.
[2] dhoby ghaut?,, slowed shot, yellow wall
[2:45] Newton?,, extra yellow wall shots, slowed shot
[3 ish] raffles place,, billboard???? 
[3:30 ish] national gallery,, (pray it’s open)
[4:30] - marina one,, any fill shots, parliament brawl, other match cut shots, escalator (maybe mrt?)
[5:30] - Orchard,, Timezone light shots
EAT ! at some point, (after 4 or otherwise) somerset had sushiexpress for jackson ?
[7 - 8 ???] bones and all shot ANYWHERE outside with sky view,, still paparazzi photos 
vr shot
shot of him stood far away (match cuts)
slow motion walking shot
crowded shot from overhead?
yellow/orange background - multiple angles
turning around shot
stood far away match shot
yellow wall
slow motion through crowd
stood by billboard
snorri (gimbal) shot around ???
vr shot
zoom in
zoom in on crowd
building shots
bones and all shot
corridor shot (still)
looking off corridor shot (MASSIVE zoom)
flash stills ??
head turn
grabs camera
beginning/last shot - push in with track, looking at camera (cosmic joke PAST LIVES ref)
push in - autograph, microphone, camera
wire shots 
vr mask light experimental ??
classroom - walking into a set - lights set around him walking into dark
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autelrobotics-a · 1 year
The Ultralight Companion For The Photography Enthusiast
1/1.28″ CMOS
EVO Nano+ is packed a 1/1.28-inch(0.8-inch) CMOS sensor capable of 50 MP photos. A RYYB color filter array design with a large aperture of f/1.9 offers superior noise reduction capabilities and the power to effortlessly produce quality images in low- light conditions.
Track fast-moving subjects with incredible precision through PDAF + CDAF autofocus system; Squeeze rich detail from shadows and highlights no matter how extreme the lighting conditions using HDR mode, which rapidly snaps several photos at different exposures so they can be stitched together in post-production.
1/1.28" (0.8") CMOS
RYYB Sensor
2.44μm Pixel
PDAF+CDAF Autofocus System
Super Sharp. Ultra Smooth.
The EVO Nano is equipped with a 48MP camera that can record ultra sharp 4K/30fps video. Paired with a three-axis mechanical gimbal to prevent vibration, the Nano provides everything you need to ensure your footage is smooth and stable no matter how rough the conditions.
1/2" CMOS    3-axis Gimbal
HDR: Darker Shadows. Brighter Highlights.
With HDR on, Nano and Nano+ will snap several photos at different exposures and automatically stitch them together- resulting in a photo with more contrast and dynamic range.
Add A Splash Of Color
Life is more than one color — and now so is your drone. Dress to impress with an elegant Arctic White. Fly under the radar cool and
confident with a sleek Deep Space Gray. Make a statement with Blazing Red. Or go boldly into the unknown with the classic Autel Orange.
Superlight. Ultracompact.
At only 249 grams, the EVO Nano and Nano+ weighs about as much as a smartphone and fits almost anywhere- from the side pocket of your hiking pack to the palm of your hand.
SkyPortrait: Your Personal Paparazzi
With the touch of a button, the Nano will rise into the air and snap a photo of you and your friends, automatically adjusting the lens so no one gets left out. Blur the background automatically for additional cinematic effect or dramatically reveal your epic destination — whether it's the top of a mountain or your own backyard.
Dynamic Track 2.1: Master Subject Tracking
Recruit your Nano to automatically follow any person, so you can focus on your activities while your Nano handles the cinematic side.
Cinematic Shots Proficiency With A Single Click
Create dramatic, professional-level shots at the touch of a button with four automatic shooting modes. Add a soundtrack and filters in the Autel Sky app to make your video even more epic, allowing you to produce unforgettable results whether you're a veteran pilot or completely new to the drone game.
Easy Movie Making And Sharing
The Autel Sky app provides you a suite of video templates for quick and easy movie-making, allowing you to drastically reduce the tedious editing process so you can create and share your creations on the spot!
SkyLink Video Transmission
Fly Free—More Range, Less Interference
Fly farther while maintaining crisp, clear visuals with the all new Autel SkyLink, our strongest image transmission system yet, which offers a transmission range of 6.2 miles, transmission quality of 2.7K/30FPS, and superior anti-interference capabilities, all while relaying stunning QHD video.
Done shooting? Simply place your smartphone close to the Nano to download photos and videos at a speedy rate of 160Mbps(20MB/s) using the Autel Sky app.
SoundRecord: Bring Your Videos To Life
Record voices and ambient sounds on the ground through the smartphone, allowing you to bring your videos to life even when your drone is far away or use it to narrate while filming for better editing workflow.
Fly Safe With Advanced Obstacle Avoidance
The EVO Nano series is the first and only aircraft series of its size to offer an advanced obstacle avoidance system — making it the obvious choice for users looking to avoid crashes and preserve the life of their aircraft. With three-way binocular vision sensors that enable the drone to perceive obstructions in front of it, behind it, and below it. The EVO Nano series can easily brake to avoid collisions and navigate obstacles.
More Battery. More Time. More Creativity.
The EVO Nano can fly continuously for 28 minutes, which means plenty of time to experiment with creative angles and dream up inventive shots.
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hujanditapaktangan · 1 year
Sore Tanpa Data.
Sliper-ku rusak dan aku lapar. Sebagai orang yang hidup gini gini aja, aku memutuskan untuk pergi ke Ang Mo Kio, daerah utara banget yang jauh dari kota. Sampai sana ku langsung nyari sliper, muter-muter hawker dan beberapa toko kelontong akhirnya nemu di toko yang agak ngumpet. Sepasang $4.8 ya kalo dirupiahin sekitar 50ribu. Mahal banget anjeeerrrr (kalo di rumah jelas gaksudi, mending uangnya buat beli takoyaki sampe mukok, hehe).
Abis itu muter-muter lagi sambil liat-liat enaknya makan apa, ended up beli rojak (semacem gorengan+gimbal+otak2+sosis disiram pake sambel kacang). Lalu karena masih nunggu satu orang lagi, akhirnya duduk di depan warung charsiew sambil ngeliatin orang lalu lalang. Untungnya!!!!! (Hehe lebay) sambungan internetku habis, dan sepanjang perjalanan awal aku benarbenar fokus pada sekitar.
Apa yang kulihat selama itu? (Semoga aku ingat, mari tulis).
◇ Tukang sampah di arah pukul 10.30 yang ngangkut sampah satu bak gede dan ditarik pake motor mini yang dikait ke bak sampah. Berasa lagi ngeliat orang narik lori.
◇ Lalu ada ahkong kurus yang beli buah layu (iya, masih lumayan banget kalo mau makan buah yang gak terlalu segar, seenggaknya nggak busuk sih. Tadi lihat satu buah naga cuma 50sen doang. Lalu belio pulang dengan tiga kresek buahnya.
◇ Cece keren pake kaos item tapi sablonannya gatau apaan, keren banget. Kaosnya oversized, celananya short jeans, pake sepatu. Beberapa kali bulak-balik di depanku (I bet she is the daughter of the warung lady, karena dia buang sampah sekresek gede. Abis lewat terakhir kali dia jalan sama laki-laki ke parkiran motor. Ada kali jaraknya 10 meter dari tempatku duduk. Ngobrol agak lama sampe aku gak sabar ini kapan mereka perginya deh? (Padahal ya bukan urusanku juga haha) trus akhirnya pergi. Keren baget ce!
◇ Anak TK pake seragam kebesaran sama "mbak"nya ntah mau pulang ke rumah atau lagi mau beli makan buat dinner.
◇ Sekeluarga kayaknya 5 apa 6 orang yang jelas mau dine in, gak terlalu ngamatin.
◇ Anak SMP yang pulang abis main basket, sambil bawa bola basket tentunya. Giginya agak tonggos dan pake kacamata tipikal Cina belum kepermak apa-apa (nggak bermaksud menghina, though).
◇ Mas-mas umur pokonya diatasku bbrp tahun (but I always assumed people is 28 and me always 23 padahal sebenernya akutuh udah 28?!?????? Udahlah apee). Pake celana pendek kaos gombrong dan sendal crocs putih diseret-seret yang udah lawas banget sampe warnanya kecampur debu sambil nenteng kresek isi plastic box yang jelas isinya makanan buat dinner.
Fokus dari segala fokusku adalah ahma-ahma yang naik helped tools (?) Semacem mobil-mobilan anak kecil tapi rodanya gak kayak mobil (agak menjorok keluar) trus ada stangnya. Ngerti ngga sih??? Pokonya kalau googling bicycle for disabled bakal keluar hasilnya. Hehe sebenernya pengen nyobain gituan tapi karna itu cuma buat disabled people yaudah gajadi daripada dilaporin ke silop hahahaha.
Nggak tau kemarin tuh ketempelan apa sampe bisa duduk bengong sambil bener-bener aware sama sekitar. Thanks to my internet data though, akhirnya kembali punya kesempatan but berkontemplasi ceilah berkontemplasi. Tapi yang jelas sore itu realita Singapore jelas dan benderang kalo kesejahteraannya dibangun pake darah-darah warganya yang hidup di rusun petak sempit yang ditempatin oleh sekeluarga dengan berbanyak anggota yang kudu dealing sama tetangga yang bahkan langkah kaki aja kedengeran. Engga resek sih. Warganya patuh soale kalo mau seenak udel juga langsung dimasukin penjara. Ya gitu, Orchard Road sama Merlion emang keliatan bikin ini negara kayak beneran semuanya kaya tapj sebenernya enggak. Realitasnya yaa sama kayak Indonesia juga cuma bedanya mereka kudu patuh aturan negara (authoritarian gak kenal namanya demo) dan etos kerja tinggi (sebenernya ini debatable untuk kaum tua karna kalo mereka gak kerja pun gakbisa makan) tapi memang mereka super rajin, disiplin dan konsisten.
Sebenernya aku bingung mau konklusiin apa karena keliatan kayak tulisan belum selesai. Tapi yaudahlah ntar kalo ada mood bakal diselesaiin, hehe.
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efrost · 1 year
Gummy Supplement Market Outlook: World Approaching Demand & Growth Prospect 2022-2027
Latest study released by AMA Research on Global Gummy Supplement Market research focuses on latest market trend, opportunities and various future aspects so you can get a variety of ways to maximize your profits. Gummy SupplementMarket predicted until 2027*. Gummy supplements includes collagen and vitamin gummy as compare to the traditional capsules and pills, supplements in the form of gummies can be more convenient and appealing, not only for kids but also for the older adults. It is available in various flavor such as cherry, orange, and raspberry, etc., chewiness that make them attractive to adults and children alike, as chewing gummies supplements is more convenient than swallowing capsules or pill for anyone. Gummy supplements can be modified to meet precise consumer preferences. For example, reduced sugar, increased fiber, natural colors and flavors, and specialized texture are all possibilities. Some of Key Players included in Gummy Supplement Market are
Hero Nutritonals (United States)
Ayanda (Germany)
Makers Nutrition (United States)
Life Science Nutritionals (Canada)
Softigel (Colombia)
Rainbow Light Nutritional Systems, Inc. (United States)
Gimbals Fine Candies (United States)
Herbaland Naturals Inc. (Canada)
Bayer Group (Germany)
Pharmavite LLC (United States)
Market Trends: Advent of New Organic Formulated Gummy Supplements
Drivers: Increasing Awareness Campaigns on Preventive Care
Rising Cases of Undernourishment and Malnutrition in Developing Countries
Challenges: Low Awareness in Some Regions
Opportunities: Easy Availability of Gummy Supplements in the Retail Store as well as OnlineThe titled segments and Market Data are Break Down by Type (Collagen Gummies, Vitamin Gummies (Single Vitamin, Multi Vitamin), Other), Application (Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Food, Other), End User (Children, Adults)
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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mooounicsss · 2 years
10 Essential Action Camera Accessories To Take You From Amateur To Pro
No break, no break, what is it action camera accessories.
10 Essential Action Camera Accessories To Take You From Amateur To Pro
Action cameras are great, but if you want to get the most out of your action camera, you need the right accessories. Whether you’re just getting started with an action camera, or you’re a seasoned pro, these 10 essential action camera accessories will take your filming to the next level.
1. Action Camera Mounts
One of the most important accessories for any action camera is a good mount. Action camera mounts come in all shapes and sizes, from bicycle mounts and helmet mounts to handheld gimbal stabilizers. With the right mount, you can get creative with your camera angles and capture unique footage.
2. Floating Hand Grip
If you’re shooting in or around water, you’ll want to invest in a floating hand grip. This bright yellow handle makes it easy to keep your camera afloat, and even comes with a bright orange wrist strap for extra security.
3. External Microphone
For the best sound quality, you’ll want to invest in an external microphone. External microphones can be mounted directly onto your action camera and they’ll capture much better sound than the built-in microphone. This is especially important if you’re shooting video in loud environments.
4. Camera Filter
If you’re shooting underwater footage, you’ll need to invest in a camera filter. Camera filters help to reduce glare and improve the overall visibility of your footage. These filters come in a variety of sizes and they’re relatively cheap, so there’s no excuse not to have one.
5. Extra Batteries
Nothing is more frustrating than running out of battery power in the middle of a shoot. To avoid this, you should always carry extra batteries. Most action cameras come with a standard lithium-ion battery, but you can also purchase longer-lasting extended batteries.
6. Remote Shutter
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description CRANE-M3 Tinier But No Less Mighty Small, lightweight, and fashionable, the CRANE-M3 3-Axis Handheld Gimbal Stabilizer from Zhiyun is designed for compact cameras, smartphones, and action cameras. The compact design allows you to freely maneuver your camera for longer periods of time, and it's also easy to pack up with you when traveling. New features include an integrated fill light with color filters and adjustable color temperature, a fashionable white exterior, a 1.22" full-color OLED display, PD quick charge, eight hours of runtime, and an even faster quick release baseplate. Get rid of a hefty gimbal body; the ultra-compact Zhiyun CRANE-M3 features upgraded motors with strong torque, stable movements with cameras of different sizes. Compatible with smartphones, action cameras, compact cameras, and full-frame mirrorless cameras with certain lenses. An optional accessory mount is required for smartphones and action cameras. Red, yellow, blue, and orange filters are included to adjust the color of the integrated fill light. To make operation even faster and easier, the CRANE-M3 features multiple gimbal modes, including Pan-Follow, lock, follow, point-of-view, vortex, GO, and portrait. It can also be manually repositioned. A built-in CRI 90+ LED fill light for reducing image noise allows you to shoot in dark or dim light, and an adjustable 2600 to 5400K color temperature and brightness are available to sharpen the image. CRANE-M3 Tinier But No Less Mighty Portable yet professional with great compatibility - That's what describes CRANE-M3 the best. Compact body design and optimized axis arm structure deliver a better gripping and user experience. With the brand new dual-color-temperature lighting and professional audio solution, CRANE-M3 presents an outstanding filming experience in an all-in-one design. All-New Sleek Design New color design makes an elegant appearance. A gimbal with composite materials for excellent gripping experience. Tiny Body, Mighty Power M3 comes with compact structure, angled rear motors and optimized axis arms, providing a gimbal that is as tiny as a bottle of water with sufficient room to carry different kinds of cameras² for stable and smooth movements. Built-in Dual Color Temperature Fill Light Lumen Amplifier technology highly increases the brightness and produces 800-lumen (average) lighting with a 2-c㎡ light source. Even a light source with the size of a little finger could light up a 20-square-meter room⁴.
Supports stepless dimming on the color temperature level and brightness using the control wheel. Top CRANE-M3 Tinier But No Less Mighty Features CRANE-M3 Tinier But No Less Mighty Key Features All-new full-color 1.22" OLED touchscreen display with advanced UI design and intuitive interface. Camera Mounting Screw 1 x 1/4"-20 Male Power Operating Voltage 9.6 to 12.6 VDC Operating Current | 180 to 4700 mA Built-in Dual Color Temperature Fill Light Upgraded quick release system with general quick release plate for easier balancing etc. CRANE-M3 offers 360° pan, 309 The CRANE-M3 offers 360° pan, 309° tilt, and 333° roll rotation across seven modes of operation, including follow, pan-follow, POV, portrait, GO, lock, and Vortex modes, and it can also be adjusted manually if required. It runs for approximately eight hours using its built-in 1150mAh battery that's rechargeable using an included USB Type-C cable, and you can also power the gimbal using a power bank while operating the gimbal. The color OLED display confirms the selected operation mode, battery level, Bluetooth/Wi-Fi status, and other functions. Scale marks and memory locks help you balance the camera and lock the balance position for the camera used. HIGHLIGHTS Compact Size But Not Compromised Performance Get rid of the hefty body, Zhiyun Crane M3 is as tiny as a bottle of water. But the upgraded motors with strong torque stable movements and filming with cameras in different sizes. *Compatible with smartphones, action cameras, compact cameras and full-frame mirrorless cameras with certain lenses. Light the Dark and Sharpen the Image Pioneering built-in LED fill light with Lumen Amplifier technology for reducing image noise. Shooting in dark or dim light is favored by the adjustable color temperature and brightness, which sharpens the image. *Peak Power: 6W, Color Temperature Level: 2600-5400K, Brightness: Warm Light 650-750, White Light 850-950, CRI 90+ Zhiyun Crane-M3 Specs Gimbal Number of Axes 3-Axis (Pitch, Roll, Yaw) Rotation Range Yaw (Pan): 360° Pitch (Tilt): 309° Roll: 333° Compatibility Camera Mounting
Screw 1 x 1/4"-20 Male Connectivity Ports 1 x USB Type-C (Power) Input 1 x USB Type-C (Power / Control) Output Wireless Frequency 2.4 GHz Wireless Protocol Bluetooth 5.0, Wi-Fi (Unspecified Type) Battery Battery Type 1 x Built-In Capacity (mAh) 1150 mAh Battery Runtime 8 Hours Power Operating Voltage 9.6 to 12.6 VDC Operating Current 180 to 4700 mA Environmental Operating Temperature 14 to 113°F / -10 to 45°C General Mounting 1 x 1/4"-20 Female Weight 2.2 lb / 1 kg CRANE-M3 | Combo Tinier But No Less Mightier Portable yet professional with great compatibility That's what describes CRANE-M3 the best. Compact body design and optimized axis arm structure deliver a better gripping and user experience. With the brand new dual-colour-temperature lighting and professional audio solution, CRANE-M3 presents an outstanding filming experience in an all-in-one design. [ad_2]
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sendoknyamnyam · 2 years
Benarkan kataku? Cukup satu kali ini saja.
Belum genap satu minggu, seakan-akan dunia ingin memberitahuku, betapa berartinya kehadiranmu. Benarkan kataku? Kita ini satu.
Aku tidak tahu harus memulai menuliskannya dari mana.
Pertama-tama, aku ingin meminta maaf dulu, lagi-lagi karena aku, jalan kita semakin jatuh ke jurang. Membuat perjuangan semakin berat.
Kedua, aku berterima kasih, karena kamu tidak meninggalkanku dan tidak menyerah, bahkan kamu malah yang berjuang lebih keras. Aku tidak tahu hal apa yang membuatmu sehebat itu. Beri tahu aku nanti, ya?
Sungguh aku malu, aku ingin marah kepada diriku sendiri. Aku egois. Aku tidak berjuang sekerasmu tapi aku yang menginginkan lebih darimu.
Entah sejak kapan aku kehilangan arah sampai aku tidak bisa lagi berpikir dengan baik, aku keluar dari lintasan, terlalu jauh, tersesat, bahkan aku kehilangan diriku sendiri hingga aku benar-benar terlambat untuk kembali dan gagal. Ketika menyadarinya, rasanya aku ingin menyerah berjuang untuk hidup yang bahkan tidak aku kenali, ini hidup siapa?
Tapi kamu masih bersamaku.
Sayang, bolehkah aku benar-benar gagal kali ini? Izinkan aku memperbaikinya. Izinkan aku mencari lintasan baru yang lebih membahagiakan. Yang di lintasan itu aku tidak harus menjadi orang lain. Aku akan mencari lintasan yang jika aku keluar dari lintasan tersebut membuatku sedih hingga aku benar-benar tidak menginginkan keluar dari situ, sama seperti bersamamu. Hidupku berantakan ketika tak mencintaimu.
Tapi harus aku selesaikan dulu ketersesatanku, ganjaran atas hutang-hutang kebodohanku, menemukan tempat tenang untuk berpikir.
Sayang, dunia terlalu berisik kepadaku, membuatku sampai tidak bisa mendengar diriku sendiri.
Katanya, aku harus menjadi begini begitu untuk bahagia. Tapi nyatanya, aku malah mebuatku terlalu keras pada diriku sendiri dan tidak bahagia. Aku malu, padahal kamu bisa berjuang lebih keras. Apakah aku ini pecundang?
Kali ini, salahkah aku jika memilih untuk tidak mendengarkan mereka?
Melihatmu berjuang begitu hebat, membuatku menerima semua yang dijatuhkan untukku, jika itu mempermudah jalanmu dan membuatku pantas menyandingimu.
Terimakasih sudah menjadi setengah hidupku yang kuat, pecinta tahu gimbal.
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alamnesia-info · 2 years
Kenapa Bisa Terjadi?
Bagaimana kisah sebenarnya yang menguak misteri asal usul rambut gimbal Dieng, belum terpecahkan sampai sekarang dan begitu banyak orang yang sering bertanya hingga sekarang.
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