#Or you know I just make two other characters with those quirks HAHAHAHA
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airs-headspace · 2 months ago
Okay but speaking of this....
What if Abiteth with fire quirk for Dabi?
What if Abiteth with Yamata no Orochi quirk for Touya?
(Also what if Fire quirk Abiteth is ALSO Yamato no Orochi Abiteth????)
Tfw I want to make a new character to ship with Dabi 😂😂😂 (and Touya. They also deserve a lady all to themselves--)
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goldentsum · 4 years ago
━ thirst posts - idol! reader 
CHARACTERS: bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, kirishima eijirou, shinsou hitoshi, kaminari denki
GENRE: suggestive themes, crack
AUTHOR’S NOTE: finally, another bnha post-- my submissive and overstim fic on my bnha masterlist was lonely so i whipped up another bb HAHAHAHA UNEDITEDDDD
━ bakugou ♡
an angry boy that hides his feelings inside and in social media--.. he has multiple accounts that caters to different moods that he has, there’s the daddydom acct then theres the sweetbabyboi acct-- HE WOULD RATHER DIE THAN SOMEONE FINDING OUT HE HAS THE LATTER ACCOUNT
kacchan loves you because of the fact that you two were different but also similar, with him being angry and intimidating on the surface but a mess of feelings inside and with you being sweet and soft on the surface but a vixen inside 
DUALITY-! TODOROKI DOESN’T EVEN COMPARE TO YOU WHEN IT COMES TO DUALITY-! bakugou would fight anyone for you if someone calls bullshit on you. he would 100% NO HESITATION would deck someone-- 
he def has thousands of pictures of you in his phone and laptop, the ratio of pics of him and other things to you is outstanding,, 1:8 def
HE ALSO SCREAMED ONE TIME WHEN YOU POSTED A VIDEO WITH YOU SHOWING YOUR DUALITY--! everyone in the dorm thought he was angry, in actuality he was hyperventilating because you’re so hot-- also this happens so frequently, class A doesn’t even address it
class a: lol, yall hear something--
━ todoroki ♡
he’s basically the epitome of head empty just (y/n) 24/7 pls--
people would look at him and think, “huh, i wonder what goes inside that pretty head of his?” then todoroki’s brain just goes: “rAIL (Y/N) RAIL (Y/N) RAIL (Y/N) RAIL (Y/N) RAIL (Y/N) “
if someone has a mind-reading quirk, press f for them because of how sinful his thoughts are-- 
in his room, he has a wall and altar that is dedicated for you. all of your merch, the past concert tickets and bands, polaroid pics he got in your albums, and polaroid pics of when he bought the royalty ticket are all on that wall-- yall wondering how he has all that money to afford that? three words. endeavor’s credit card. 
this boy goes all out when you have a concert-! HE STAYS UP ALL NIGHT TO WAIT IN YOUR WEBSITE WAITING FOR THE SECOND THE PRE-SELLING OF TICKETS. he refreshes the site every 1 second pls--
shouto: [refreshing the site for the nth time at 3 AM] [clearly sleepy]
shouto: [SHOOKEDT] [awake af] i AM SPEED-! CLICK YOU FU-
he’s also so cocky and boast-y on his account pls-! he’s so different in his main and irl 
[officially_(y/n)sbabydaddy]: i GOT THE ROYALTY TICKET-! AGAIN! you peasants can’t relate, huh. press f for all of you. i’m going to see my baby mama again <3 a little fact for yall, (y/n) smells really good <3 especially when she’s sweating 🥴 bet she tastes amazing as she smells <3
━ kirishima ♡
baby kiri is still a little shy about mentioning that he likes you and kpop but that doesn’t mean if someone ask him about kpop, he’ll act like he hates it or he doesn’t know. 
hard stan kiri goes HARD FR like his quirk and his dicc AND HE CAN’T BE STOPPED IF HE STARTS
he has you being pretty as usual as his lockscreen and got all giddy and happy when his grandmother ask if you were his girlfriend,, bet your ass that kiri said that you are-! 
inside his phone though, is a completely different matter-.. this boy has all sort of thirst pics of you! and he gets a little shy when he stares at your pictures for a little too long and makes eye contact with you in the pic LIKE HE WASN’T JUST THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING LEWD-! 
he and kaminari binge watches you and your group’s web series and THEY ALWAYS WATCH YOUR COMEBACK TOGETHER AND SCREAM TOGETHER
kaminari thinks kiri is a soft stan and tries to get him to join the dark side aka the hard stan side of twitter-- what kaminari doesn’t know is that kiri is on there already and also creates contents here and there 👀
kaminari: bruhh-! look at this edit of (y/n) as a demon-! 
kirishima: [looking at the video he edited all night] wow--
[rockhardfor(y/n)]: if you see something in my pants- PLEASE ITS NOT A WEAPON AND JUST MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! i don’t wanna go through that again as i try to explain that a video of a queen throwing it back is the cause of that-- </3
━ shinsou ♡
also that tired look on shinsou’s face is not showing what really goes on his head bUT unlike todoroki, he gets conscious of his thoughts when he gets to the real nasty parts when he’s daydreaming as he remembers there’s people with quirks around him
shinsou: [thinks about you getting your guts rearranged by him] hehe~ <3
also shinsou internally: [realizes that someone might know what he’s thinking about] 002223444212487537924 lah la la la laaa! i’m thinking of rabbits-... yeah rabbits lol fluffy rabbits that hops across the garden- nothing dirty here. just pure innocent thoughts
shinsou also creates and reads fanfiction-- as soon as that bell rings, he would zoom zoom out of that classroom and into his room to read smuts
then he gets inspired and he stays up all night to write THE DIRTIEST SMUT ANYONE HAS EVER READ-!! the piece gets A LOT of hearts and comments and he’s PROUD PROUD
now he also has commissions for fanfiction and shinsou is getting money because of how perverted his thoughts are-! he’s also so talented in writing! HE LEGIT GOES INTO DETAILS SO PEOPLE ARE LIKE: “WOAH-!! HOLY WATERRR”
it’s a win-win for shinsou, he can turn his fantasies into stories and GETS money for it? bruh, fap material AND GET CASH <3
[(y/n)as_akittycat]: so is anyone not gonna comment on what (y/n) was doing in the background? KITTY WAS ON H E R KNEESS-!! bruh, kitty is flexible- ya’ll know what this means, right? mORE POSITIONS-! <3
━ kaminari ♡
this boy has no filter THEN HAS THE AUDACITY TO GET EMBARRASS BY IT-! LIKE AREN’T YOU THE ONE WHO SAID, “i want to fuck (y/n) so hard that her ancestors could feel it-” 
so are you not gonna do it? bruh, talk about empty promises- 
HE MAKES SHINSOU SHOOKEDT WITH THINGS HE SAYS AND THAT TIRED BOY MAKES SMUTS-! shinsou def uses kaminari’s lines in his fanfics pls whatta power duo
kaminari: i wanna shove my dick down in (y/n)’s throat and cum so deep, you could see it trailing down her throat--
shinsou: [SHOOKEDT] what the fuck dude?
also shinsou internally: wRITE THAT DOWN! WRITE THAT DOWN-! 
ONE TIME, he got too excited when you posted a video of your choreography wearing those tiny shorts and he short-circuited-- he really went: “wIEEE~” 
he’s cautious now not too excited, especially when he’s outside and you post out of no where
it’s also a miracle that his twitter account is still running with how erotic and lewd he gets in his tweets-- HE ALSO RETWEETS EDITS OF YOUR MOANS IN HIS FEED-! IN HIS MAIN ACCOUNT! HE DOESN’T EVEN HAVE A FAN ACCOUNT
he’s either REALLY FUCKING brave or just plain stupid. maybe both idk
[(y/n)k.denki]: have you ever just look at someone and go, “wow, i would really wanna fuck you hard right now” because i do. everytime i see my queen-- LET ME HIT (Y/N)-! I’LL BE GOOD I SWEARRRRRR
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purecantarella · 3 years ago
Blank Canvas
k so i got really pissed by the end of queen b for a lot of reasons HAHAHAHA one, the cop-out poppy romance. two, why the fuck was persephone big bad X. three, the professor...just their existence in book 2 annoyed me. and last, and the biggest, the lack of romance with veronica lombardi, my social media queen HAHHAHA so i'm here to correct that vv big oversight by pixelberry. is that my purpose? to fix all the character errors in fandoms, maybe HAHAHAH okay so i hope you all enjoy this one! veronica lombardi x mc (bea hughes), mentions of poppy x mc and zoey x mc disclaimer/s : in true queen b and purecantarella fashion, lots of cursing and inuendos. read with a level head hAHAHA
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Since you stepped foot in Belvoire, you weren’t exactly welcomed with open arms and given time to get to know the social scene on your own. Rather, you were verbally harassed by two fake-blonde bitches, saved by your roommate, and hooked-up with your professor.
To say it was a wild 48 hours would be an understatement.
Then you and Zoey strongarmed your way into the Alpha’s party and were having a good time, getting to flirt with big hunky idiots, expanding your social circle, and of course, pissing Queen Foot-Up-Her-Ass, Poppy Min-Sinclair. You’d gone in knowing that full well, with more excitement than you were willing to admit.
Then you saw her; dark hair with grey highlights and the most attractive face you’d ever seen on Belvoire. And that was truly saying something knowing full well that everyone manicured themselves to an incredible degree. But there was something that you couldn’t put your finger on when it came to this Goddess.
Your eyes glued to the rather distracted face when you hear Poppy and her lapdog snicker softly at the expression on your face. "What is it Newbee? Cat got your tongue?" The blonde stepped in front of Veronica, making a point to strut closer to you in a futile attempt to intimidate you.
The faux-blonde continued to spit empty threats, making you begin to feel bored and rolling your eyes. Without a second thought, you shove Poppy into the green goo in the pool. You smiled victoriously at the ear curling scream that fell from her lips, catching Veronica's eye before you jumped in with the heiress.
Boldly, you snuck beside the petulant Poppy and took a selfie with her anger-ridden face. Another squeal and she was outside the pool stomping away with Chloe hot on her heels.
You snickered and pulled yourself out of the pool to see the boots of none other than Veronica Lombardi, the third most popular girl on campus and one of the most followed influencers in the US alone. It was hard to be on social media and not know about the influencer. It helped that she was also your arch-enemy’s third in command. To say she had your interest was an understatement.
You offered her a charming smile as she handed you one of the many towels that was offered to the guests who chose to brave the Jell-O pool. As you opened your mouth to introduce yourself, the influencer looked back down to her phone and slowly followed Poppy and Chloe.
You quirked a brow at the dismissive behavior but was quickly tugged back into the moment with Zoey praising you. However, your interest was piqued.
A couple weeks pass since the Alpha's party and a lots happened. From charming each of Poppy's posse to convert to team Bea to sleeping with the monster herself. But you still couldn't stop thinking about Veronica Lombardi. The intensity in those brown eyes, the way her dyed hair flowed effortlessly in the wind, and those lips...holy shit those lips—
"Earth to Bea! Has all the Hog Calling finally make you deaf?" Zoey asked rhetorically, waving her hand in front of you. Like I said, you were a little pre-occupied. You smiled and brushed off her concern, continuing your hunt for the perfect outfit to wear to Kingsley's gala later that night.
As you mindlessly move the hangers on the rack, you finally ask, "Zo, what do you know about Veronica?" You'd made a point not to look at your roommate, knowing full well her attention was completely on you now.
"Is that what's been eating at you?" She asked amused. "Does the Influencer to the Stars have your attention now?" Zoey was now behind you, teasing you incessantly with little squeals and giggles. You rolled your eyes and laughed heartily.
"Well, I can't tell you what you don't already know about her...but maybe you should ask her yourself." Subtly, Zoey pointed outside to said Influencer walking around outside, going from window to window of the strip while she was very clearly livestreaming. You looked back at her with a guilty look to which she shook her head laughing, "Go, get your girl."
You grinned like a kid on Christmas, placing a light kiss on Zoey's cheek, "You're a babe, Zoey Wade!" You called before dashing out of the store, following Veronica out into the street, not noticing the sad and dismissive smile on your best friend's face.
Once you were out, you looked around the street in attempts to catch up to the famous student. Then you spot her outside one of the trendier looking stores, likely showing off her lavish lifestyle to her followers while talking about Poppy and one of her many, many meltdowns.
You grinned and popped up in frame, waving enthusiastically at the camera. For a moment, Veronica is stunned and almost looked panicked at your sudden intrusion but of course, her face brightened again.
Soon, you were under her arm like she were showing you off as her friend or maybe even her girlfriend. You shook off the thought and focused on what Veronica was saying.
"Well look what the hogs dragged in, Veronicats! It's Belvoire's Wannabe, Bea Hughes!" You quirked a brow with an unamused smile. She snickered softly to herself seeing the expression strewn on your face. "Check this out, Bea!"
With one tap, you both have pig ears and snouts as the audio from the video Poppy posted plays. You resist the urge to roll your eyes with eyes on you both. You flash a perfect smile her way, regret forming in the pit of your stomach that you chose to chase after Veronica than staying in with your friend. "It's so amazing. You're so funny, Vi!"
She smiled proudly before bidding her followers farewell. You'd decided that this little adventure was in vein and you'd merely gawk at the influencer from a distance rather than try to get to know her. Yet at the same time, you were rather comfortable under her arm, the fabric of her sweater adding an extra layer of warmth
Before you could really sink into the lingering feeling, Veronica pulled her arm back making sure her phone was securely in her pocket. Her face now a neutral expression with a hint of curiosity, "Now, what the hell do you want?"
You fumble with your thoughts for a minute, trying to work out a plausible reason to following her. Suddenly, an idea popped into your head
"Color me curious about you Vi..." You circled her with a small grin. Your hand trailing her body as you walked around her, settling on her rather firm bicep. For the first time, you see a genuine smile on her face. "But I have to admit, I like what I see."
She rolled her eyes before leaning in dangerously close to your face, a teasing smirk on her lips. "You know, we shouldn't even really be talking. Poppy might be a bitch, but I don't really feel like having my life ruined any time soon."
You giggled softly nodding in agreement. "In all honesty, neither did I."
"Yet she's made you public enemy number one." She deadpanned with a quirked brow. She pulled her phone out of her pocket, checking the time. "So is that it?" Veronica asked expectantly, "I'm supposed to film a PR thing. I've yet to get ready for it."
Your mouth fell open and brows jumped up in surprise, "This isn't ready? But you're hot." You blurted out suddenly, your cheeks warming to a temperature you could only describe as boiling. You silently prayed the ground would swallow you whole now. The influencer bit back a grin, but made sure to stare at you with the same eyes that drew you in in the first place.
"Well, Hughes, how about you give me your number and we can set up a rendezvous. Just us." Her voice was low with an undertone of sin, a chill ran up your spine as you bit your lip staring up at the tall figure before you. Cautiously, Veronica looked around before smoothly handing you her phone. You rolled your eyes once again, swiftly typing in your number and your name with a kiss mark.
She shook her head, still finding the whole exchange to be rather fun for her, it was rare that she got this excited about anything that she couldn't buy.
"Don't keep me waiting, Vi..." You whispered before placing a light kiss over her cheek. Strutting away, making sure you left emphasis on your hips leaving Veronica to stare at you, want filling her body. How the hell was she going to film for a shitty ad now.
A few days roll by and you and Veronica have copious amounts of sex in your suite. Whenever she stopped by, you only came out to pee or have the occasional snack and water break. Then weeks pass and she becomes part of your inner posse. In Poppy or Chloe's Instagram photos she was looking down at her phone grinning from ear to ear when she would usually be soaking in the exposure.
But in all honesty, in spite of Veronica and you spending an unspeakable amount of time with her, you still didn't really know much about her. She was nothing but a blank canvas to you. An attractive, incredibly sexy, blank canvas.
"Poppy is a fucking tyrant." You huffed out as you and Veronica took a stroll down the city streets after one of the many parties she was invited to that she took you to. The influencer laughed and flipped her hair back, "Yeah, being queen would do that to you."
You looked over at her and you pulled out your phone from your purse, "With Vivi Lombardi tonight, isn't she just gorgeous?" She looked over at you with a charming smile, sending kisses to the camera. To your surprise though as you were about to retake the video because the lighting wasn't flattering, she took the device from your hand. Taking yours into hers.
"No cameras right now, Bea. I want it to just be us right now..." Your eyes went wide but still, you nodded with a dopey look on your face before leaning into her further.
The walk was quiet, not that you minded, it was a nice break from all the craziness that you had to deal with in Belvoire. And it didn't hurt that holding your hand, occasionally looking at you with something you could only describe as adoration.
On your walk, you see an open Amphora where Poppy's face is plastered all over the store. You scowl and Veronica rolls her eyes as you stare at the storefront. "Ughh, can't there be a night where I don't have to see her smiling down at me."
"She never smiles Bea...Nor does she look down." You laughed uncontrollably, looping your arms around hers. Veronica grinned before looking back at the displays. "I can't believe her parents were able to pay the company to take her. Not that she didn't regret it right after."
You looked up at her curiously to which she cocked her head to the side, "Her face looked like a pepperoni pizza right after the shoot. She took weeks off from school and ordered Taylor around to do her bidding. More so than usual." As you and Veronica stood in front of the store, you couldn't help but feel a festering frustration.
"Poppy will always get what she wants, won't she?" You said almost hopelessly. You weren't one to back down from a fight but you also couldn't deny how tired you were from all this drama. Veronica looked down at you with so much sympathy in her eyes, so much that if anyone who knew her personally saw her, they'd be worried she was having a stroke of some kind.
Without a second thought, she tugged you into the store. Weaving past all of the staff until you were in the Read My Lips section of the store. "What exactly are we doing here, Veronica?"
The influencer let go of your hand for a moment, raising her arms up. "I think we could both use this moment to get back at Poppy for all her bullshit." You raised a curious brow, waiting for more details. "And maybe we could use all of this bio-hazardous excuse for beauty products to good use."
Your eyes lit up before Veronica handed you one of the many display lipsticks, dramatically bowing in front of Poppy's poster. You bit your lower lip excitedly as you began smearing the testers onto the poster. You let your imagination run wild, big poofy and exaggerated lips, her pristine hair having little excess strands that stood up, and runny mascara.
Veronica also got in on the fun, smearing the foundation all over the blonde's grinning face and even drawing a mini-Chloe beside her with dog ears. You were both cackling by the time you'd finished your individual masterpieces.
"Now that is a work of art, Hughes." Veronica said pointing to your vandalism with a stereotypical snooty rich voice. "The way the color blends with the surroundings really distracts you from the Poppy obvious zit on her chin." You doubled over in laughter, only holding onto the influencer's arm for support.
When the laughter slowly died down, you wrapped your arms around Veronica's neck as she cradled your waist between her hands. Both of you swaying to the non-existent melody in the air. "Thanks for this V, I think I really needed to vandalize Poppy's stupid face."
"I'd do pretty much anything for you, Bea..." She whispered, only for you to hear. As if she was worried it'd jeopordize her entire image. Nonetheless, you smiled at her words before you leaned up close, her lips a mere breath away.
Before you could put her out of her misery though, a shrill voice called, "Hey! What the hell are you two doing?"
Both your eyes went wide before you both ran past the clerk, hands intertwined with one another as you dashed into a park under the shades of the trees. Laughter filling the air as you both ran, until you were both out of breath.
"I think we lost them..." You muttered, leaning against a tree for support. In spite of you still heaving, you couldn't stop yourself from bursting into more fits of laughter with Veronica doing falling into the same hole.
For a moment, there's a lull, and you feel Veronica staring at you. Before you can ask her anything, her lips are on yours as she presses you harder into the tree behind you both. The kiss is soft yet full of so much passion, and you can taste her cherry flavoured gloss.
She pulls away and no words are spoken, it's just you both smiling under the night sky as your breathes mingled with one another. Letting the insanity of Poppy's reign fade far, far away.
"I want you to be my girlfriend."
"Of course you do."
honestly the beauty of Veronica having little to no personality in game makes it easier to write her as the secret romantic of the group. and i like to think of that narrative as true. an actual bad bitch who you could be in an all-time power couple with. poppy is great, dont get me wrong. the enemies to lovers storyline will feed my bisexual soul for years to come. but vivi lombardi being in a public and yet vv private relationship with the mc makes me so soft. kanye could never HAHAHAHAH for legal reasons that is a joke. but i do apologize if my veronica stans thought she was a little OP, i will do better next time but i do like how this came out ngl HAHAHAH i love my softie baby lombardi. anyway, i hope you all enjoyed this my lovelies without stripping too much from why you loved Veronica in the first place. keep safe and i'll see you all vv soon!! i love you, my lovelies 💓 - r
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thegrimreaper-probably · 3 years ago
Chapter 1- Shark Coven
Trigger warning; talk a little abt unaliving Summary: Reader has a shark quirk that runs in the family and is trying to go to U.A with her best/only friend. Well walking home from school a villain attack you. Info on fam and quirk here
“Can someone go get Vixen?" Mom asks as Dad sets up the table with help from me and Grim.
"I GOT IT!" Bruce says and run upstairs to get her. Once everyone sits at the table we begin to eats eggs and bacon.
"10 and under go with dad and everyone else goes with Meg. Oh and Ruby, you have a doctors appointment today. I'll pick you up from school early. Remember everyone be safe." Mom says we all nod our heads showing that we understand. Once Meg, me and Vixen finish we head out to the car.
"Meg you want to drive?" Vixen asks.
"Sure." She hops into the front seat with Vixen with me in the back. After a couple minutes I get dropped off. I walk to Katsuki locker to see him.
"Hey Jaws." He says as I nod up to him. The other two whatever the fuck their names are just wave. They talk and we walk to class and sit down.
"So, since you're all third-years, it's time for you to think seriously about your futures.I'll pass out handouts for your future plans now, but..." the teacher stops and picks up a stack of paper.
"You're all pretty much planning to go into the hero course, right?" Then he throws the paper into the ceiling. I pick one up as kids cheer and use their quirks. Not like they have a chance to make it in. Not even my sister Meg could make it in.
"Yes, yes, you all have wonderful Quirks! But using your powers at school is against the rules!" Everyone stops.
"Teach! Don't lump us all in the same group. I'm not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects." Katsuki says as he jump on his desk.
"That was uncalled for, Katsuki!" One kids says.
"You all should shut up like the extras you are!" He yells back. I can't disagree with that, most of these kids will probably just have normal civilian jobs. Not that having those jobs make you an ‘extra’.
"Oh, if I remember correctly, you want to go to U.A. High, right, Bakugo and Fuka?" The teacher says, I honestly have no idea what his names is.
"U.A.? That national school?!" One kids says.
"It was in the top 0.2% this year, you know!" Another says.
"Their acceptance rate is always really low, too!" This is like a main character moment for him.
"That's exactly why you guys are just extras! I aced the mock test! I'm the only one at this school who could possibly get into U.A. I'll definitely surpass All Might and become the top hero! My name will be inscribed on the list of top earners!" He says with his hand lighting up.
"My quirk is stronger then most of you think you know. I mean my jaw alone has the force of 18,000 Newtons." I say with some gasp at it and other are to stun to speak.
"Oh yeah, Midoriya wanted to go to U.A., too, right?" I look down at my desk not wanting to be apart of this.
"Erk!" Midoriya hides his head as everyone (but me) stares at him.
"Hahahaha!" Almost everyone laugh, I mean he could be one of those support tects for heroes.
"Huh? Midoriya? No way!" One yells with tears of laughter.
"You can't get into the hero course just by studying!" Another says.
"Th-They got rid of that rule! There's just no precedent." Midoriya says.
"Urahh!" Pffft- what is that noise?!? Katsuki then explodes his hands on Midoriya desk, leaving a mark.
"Gah! Ngh." I- what the what are these noise coming out of peoples mouths?
"Hey, Deku! You're below the rejects! You're Quirkless! How can you even stand in the same ring as me?!" I should stop this. Or do I wait to see if Midoriya gets some bones in his body?
"No, wait, Kacchan! It's not like I'm trying to compete with you or anything! Believe me! It's just that it's been my goal ever since I was little. And well... I won't know unless I try.." Okay now it's time to get up before Katsuki gets in trouble, well I mean it’s unlikely since the teacher still hasn't done anything.
"Whaddaya mean, unless you try?! Are you taking the test for fun?! What the hell can you do? You're Quirkless!"
"Katsuki!" I say as he turns around and looks up to me.
"What?" He says annoyed.
"He clearly does a lot to be able to stand you. Plus so what if he goes? Gives us a higher chance of winning." He looks pissed but sits down. I follow him as the teacher start to talk about math.
After a while the bell rings and it's time to leave, I pack up the few things I brought to school and text Vixen I'm hanging out with Katsuki.
"Hey, let's go to karaoke!" I roll my eyes at the dumb idea thing 1 says.
"Sure, nothing better to do." Thing 2 says. Katsuki walks over to Midoriya with thing 1 and 2 following. Katsuki snatches the notebook from him.
"Ah!" Why does this kid keep making noises?
"We're not done talking yet, Deku." Katsuki says.
"Bakugo, what's that?" Thing 1 says.
"Huh? "Hero Analysis for the Future"? Pfft." Thing 2 says.
"Seriously? Hahaha!" Thing 1 says, why can't I remember anyone's name?
"Foo~! Midoriya." Thing 1 says.
“I-It's fine, isn't it? Give it back!” He says back finally getting a bone in his body.
"Ngh!" Bakugo explodes the book. Shit-.
"Katsuki what the hell?" I say. Midoriya frowns and makes a sad noise. Kat then goes to throw the notebook outside but I catch it. Though it seems no one notices.
"Hmph... Most top first-string heroes have stories about them from their school days. I want the shine of being able to be called the one of two student to only make it into U.A from this mediocre city junior high school. I mean, I'm a perfectionist." Katsuki says and puts his smoking hand on Midoriya's shoulder.
"So anyway, don't apply to U.A., nerd." He finishes
"Come on, you could at least say something back." Thing 1 says.
"Don't say that. He's pathetic. He still can't face reality." Thing 2 says back.
"Ah... If you wanna be a hero that badly, there's a quick way to do it. Believe that you'll be born with a Quirk in your next life and take a last-chance dive off the-." Katsuki says but I smack him upside the head.
"Bakugo!" I yell angry as I'm finally notice. Katsuki rolls his eyes, and leaves. We walk out and I bring the notebook, maybe dad can fix it. I stop once we get outside.
"I'll catch up in a second my shoe’s untied." Katsuki nods and walks ahead. I wait for Midoriya to come.
"Midoriya-." I get cut of by a scream.
"Eek!" He screams.
"Sorry for scaring you. I just wanted to tell you, you'll be a hero someday. Doesn't matter if that mean a pro or not. And what Katsuki said back there meant nothing! I'll talk to him but if you ever do feel, um doing it. Text me anytime, anywhere." I hand him my number and leave. He looks down at it and doesn't look back up at me. I jog once I'm out of sight to get to Katsuki.
(I can't find the script for episode 2 so this might be messy, sorry)
"So video games or we could try and get into the club?" Thing 2 says, what?
"The club? You really think you, the brain of a 5 year old could get into one?" He rolls his eyes at me.
"I'm going to U.A I'm not going to try and go to jail." Katsuki says we then turn into an ally.
"Hey extras can you give me and Katsuki a minute." They leave and Katsuki leans against the wall.
"You can't say shit like that. Midoriya might be a loser but heroes don't tell people to go unalive themselves. Promise me you'll say sorry about it." I say he looks at my eyes.
"Tch, fine. Only because you have a fucking point. Let's go, I know you're hungry." We walk and he then kicks a bottle. Suddenly a slime ball gets out of the bottle.
"The fuck?" We say at the same time.
"Your a prefect meat suit." It smiles and attack Katsuki and pushes me into a wall. My head hits the wall and I pass out.
"Pro-heroes our now trying to save two teens that are involved in the attack." I hear a someone say, I open my eyes to see everything on fire. What the? I look down to see a metal bar on my lap. I pick it up easily and move it.
"Hey kid! Can you walk?!" A hero yell.
"Yeah!" He holds a hand out but he gets hit with a explosion. He flys back and I turn towards the villain. I look around and grab the metal bar and throw it. It hits the villain but just goes through it.
"You really thought that would work?" It says loudly.
"I mean kinda but I got more tricks up my sleeve." I run towards it and bite a chuck off. I spit it out and make a disgusting face.
"Bleh, you taste like sewerage and a hairball had a child." It comes towards me with a slime hand and holds me up.
"You can be my next meat suit!"
"As if!" I turn into a shark for a spilt second and he drops me.
"What the hell?" I land on my feet and look around.
"Kid what are you doing?" Another pro yells.
"Being a better hero then you are apparently!" I then see Midoriya run at us. He hits it with his backpack and I grab the bar again. It was probably twice my size.
"Midoriya get out of here! You'll get hurt!" I yell as the slime arm goes to hit him. I push him out the way and smash the bar on it. Then out of nowhere All Might comes in and smash the slime guy and holds on to all three of us.
"Katsuki!" I grab him once All Might puts us down. I check his body to make sure he's okay.
"Let. Go. Of. Me." I look down at him and glare. Suddenly we're surround by news reporters. A mic gets to close to my face so I chomp it. I spit it out and glare at the man.
"Can you tell us how this happened?" A women shove another mic into our faces. Katsuki hits my shoulder as to tell me not to bite it.
"Shut up!" He yells and All Might comes over to help us. I roll my eyes and a mic gets passed to me once again.
"Ma'am is it true about what you said? "Being a better hero then you apparently." Do you think some hero here shouldn't be heroes?" She ask.
"...Heroes aren't just heroes because they say they are. My quirk isn't good with fire but I still tried. Everyone here today beside All Might was a fake hero. Now get that mic out of my face before I bite it." I say with a deadly glare and she moves the mic. After a while we get to leave and we walk to my house.
"Stop here." Katsuki says and see Midoriya he walks over.
“Uhm” I loud clear my throat.
“…Don’t fucking kill yourself.”
“Uhm” I do it again. He rolls his eyes.
“Sorry about saying that, shouldn’t have said to do it.”
"Come on my family probably worried sick right now." I drag Katsuki away and he start to walk. We don't talk the rest of the walk. I walk into my house as Katsuki walks ahead to his.
"OH MY BABY!" Dad says and everyone comes and crush me into a hug.
"You were like pow! Bam! And then you went chomp!" Lenny says and doing punch movements.
"You could be a hero!" Ruby yells and jumps up and down.
"Then when you bit the microphone! That was totally wicked!!!!" Bruce yells.
"Don't ever scare me like that again!!" Dad yells and then hugs me.
"I'm just glad your okay." He says and kiss my forehead.
Part 2
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mortifyingideal · 4 years ago
i was tagged in this by the wonderful @fremulon (thanks cherry!) and accidentally deleted the whole thing twice so now i'm mostly just posting it out of spite and without a read more due to said spite. SUCK IT TUMBLR.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 10 published out loud and 1 published anonymously
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
okay so this is really only my most recent life. i have been around a lot. a lot. i was there, gandalf, during the superwholock years (and an active participant) so over the course of my life it's like
Harry Potter, Teen Titans, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Inception, Daredevil, The Avengers, The Musketeers, Wells & Wong Mysteries, Twin Peaks, Homestuck, Red vs Blue
but in this lifetime i'm just writing for Good Omens (and have written for DuckTales and Cruella)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1 — Loosely Ballroom (surprising absolutely nobody)
2 — Look Not Too Deep
3 — ergo propter hoc (okay this one is kind of a surprise actually but i'm very happy about it i love this fic)
4 — café au vin
5 — an institute you can't disparage
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i do! i try to respond to every comment i get on the day of/the day after i get it. i've met a lot of good friends this way, and i also just like taking the time to respond to people who've taken the time to respond to something i made. makes me feel good (plus i want everyone to like me)
the only downside is it can get a bit overwhelming at times? particularly with LB, which gets a shitload of comments per chapter and can take me up to two full days to read through them all and answer, and if i'm having a bad brain time i just cannot face doing it. so if you've ever left a comment and i've not responded, i promise It's not because i don't appreciate it. my brain machine just was going brmmmmmmmmm.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i was going to say NONE BECAUSE I DON'T WRITE ANGST but i guess if i had to decide it would be the RVB fic that's on my ao3 right now, which has an angstily hopeful ending.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
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8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not as far as i'm aware! i have had several uhhhhhhh overly familiar meant-to-be-jovial comments on/about the above crossover from people i don't really know very well that have told me i'm a terrible person or i've committed crimes while i'm out here like, cool this is art i made and put in the world for fun and believe in and i don't really... know you? but those comments were meant in good faith imo so i don't really think it counts as hate
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
the last time i tried to write smut, crowley got stabbed, so the kind that sends people to the hospital i guess?
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge. good luck formatting all the images and italics, anyone who might try.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again, not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
infamously. it's the only reason anyone might have read this far. also attempting to collaborate on an as-of-yet-unfinished-project with @indieninja92 who is a creative genius with their finger in many, many pies. speaking of, have you visited hauntedswords.com recently?
13. What’s your all time favorite ship?
errrrrr i mean probably aziraphale/crowley, not to seem obvious. they've been with me since i was like 10 years old, they haven't gone anywhere, they will probably be bothering me until the day i die.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I WILL FINISH ALL OF MY WIPs. okay no that's not true, i have the start of an inception fic that is a GO AU that i honestly think would have been fucking slammin' but the time for that has passed now.
15. What are your writing strengths?
a very definite sense of character voice, attention to detail in terms of enriching the world i'm writing in, dialogue dialogue dialogue, smash cuts (are they even called smash cuts in writing? WHATEVER THEY ARE I CAN DO THEM)
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
you are my collaborator. you send me back part of a chapter and tell me i have a sentence that is a bit too lengthy and doesn't work, and i need to edit it. i send it back to you. the sentence is now an entire paragraph and a half, with three jokes, a metaphor and a new line of dialogue embedded in it, changing the overall tone of the chapter. this is known as The Mort Special.
i also get very in my own head about not really being a good writer, or not being as good as the people (or person specifically i suppose) that i'm working with. i'm working on this! i'm not working on The Mort Special, though, that's always writing gold.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
this is a really weird and specific question, who hurt you OP? errrr i guess much like any quirk of writing, it's fine when used sparingly and with a deft hand.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
fuck me, probably Harry Potter? neopets roleplaying boards were a gateway drug.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
this is the part where i pretend i'm going to say something other than Loosely Ballroom. i don't think i'll ever make something else in my life that's made me feel the way making that has. it's been—to delve into reality TV speak (and paraphrase crowley from a future chapter)—a real emotional rollercoaster.
plus it's just fuckin' funny isn't it.
tagging @phoenix-soar, @thyra279, @heycaricari, @stillseekwill and @katnoggin (and anyone else who might want to!)
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earlgreytea68 · 4 years ago
Hi! Some time ago a link to the fandom fic archives in LJ was shared, and omg, what a treasure chest it is for the new members like me! It’s very interesting to look at what people wrote about in the past, themes generally didn’t change that much, the approach did, not only because this was written pre.h. and now is now, but also because the world around us changed and a lot of things we view differently now. All of the stuff I managed to consume is amazing, it only confirmed for me, that there’s a ton of wonderfully talented people in the fandom at all times, it really warms my heart. I think someone who knows those things from the inside could describe all of this better and there’s a lot of little details, that you can compare and analyse. But one of the first things, that catches my eye, when I open a fic is the disclaimer, they were so colourful and creative at the time! It’s like genre on itself )) and in the “Pete is a genius” post you mentioned about his close involvement with the fandom, so let me tell you, the amount of variations of “Pete, if you reading this...” is endless!! It makes me smile every time ))
hahahaha I love the old school disclaimers warning Pete away! I honestly almost added one to my “Pete Wentz is a genius” post yesterday because I feel pretty sure Pete Wentz has a Tumblr lol. Look, on one of the episodes of Loud and Sad Radio Pete is shipping Rihanna and Drake, when I say Pete is fannish, I very much mean it in the shipping characters way. He’s on this podcast analyzing a Hallmark Christmas movie and there’s this part where he’s like, “What’s the deal with the guy’s manager, like, I thought *he* was in love with the guy,” and I was just like, “Yeah, Pete, because you think in Fanfiction.”
ANYWAY, I agree about how interesting it is to read the older LJ-native fics and contrast them with the newer AO3-style fics. If I ever went to school to get my Ph.D., I think my dissertation would be on the differences between the two, because I am so fascinated by them. Like, you can just *tell* when you’re reading an LJ fic, there are all these little differences to them, the pacing seems a little bit different to me, and I feel like the narration is slightly different, somehow, like an LJ fic has the narrator keep even closer to the character than even on AO3 (and AO3 generally has very close narration, especially when compared to non-fic styles of writing, it always startles me, the gap between narrator and character, when I read non-fic).
I’ve thought a lot about these differences, like, are those just the LJ fics that have survived to get passed around? Surely there is a much wider variety of LJ fic that got written, in the same way that AO3 fics cover a vast array of styles and it’s foolish of me to generalize. But nevertheless I do generalize lol. I feel like the AO3 style of tagging necessarily brought changes to both how you write and how you read a story. I feel that maybe it’s tagging, the idea of the categories you slot in, the leads to AO3 fics more often having more of a recognizable shape to them, a subgenre to slot in, whereas LJ stories will more often peter out into ambiguity.
But my favorite thing about stories of the LJ era -- my very favorite thing -- the thing that kills me every time I read an LJ-era fic -- THE DIALOGUE. REMEMBER THAT WAY OF WRITING DIALOGUE?!?!!?! Okay, this is not to say no one on AO3 can write dialogue, that is absolutely not true, there is lots of great dialogue on AO3. But there is this very specific style of dialogue that was in vogue during the heyday of LJ fic. I know this because this is when I was learning how to write dialogue, and so I recognize my quirks in there. We all kind of came of age steeped in Sorkin and Gilmore Girls when Sorkinese was briefly considered wildly new and different rather than a self-parody and I just feel like LJ dialogue pulses with this influence of what people were doing with dialogue in this period, how they were playing with it. Maybe tonight I’ll do an LJ reading binge and paste some examples of what I mean, but there was all this unconventional punctuation going on that I see less of these days. Like, it would mimic the starts and stops of speech, but not with ellipsis or dashes, with flat-out periods. Something like this:
“But that’s. Would you. Okay, look. This is what I’m saying.”
And I’m kind of obsessed with this style, there’s like this thing that gets conveyed by “Would you.” that doesn’t get conveyed by either “Would you...” or “Would you--” Those three are all very different things, and the “Would you.” resonates with me and it’s something that is ALL OVER LJ-era fic and then seemed to kind of fall out (heh) of fashion or something. Idk, there was a night I spent doing what you did and reading old LJ-era bandom fic and I was reading the dialogue and just being like OH MY GOD REMEMBER WHEN WE ALL DID THIS, THIS IS SO LJ, OMG.
The other thing I noticed specific to FOB LJ fic is that at least once a fic Pete says, “Yeah, no.” Haha I have tried to remember to carry that over into my fic, just a little private passing of the torch in my own head.
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mythandlaur · 3 years ago
whatever the cost whether it works out or not i’ll follow you, i’ll follow you with my heart
OC-tober Day 1 - Journey Prompt list by oc-growth-and-development
Fandom: Warframe Canon Characters: Spoiler Character (Cephalon Fragments) Original Characters: Istha Merreth Warnings: None
Notes: Soooo, I’m doing this! Not sure how consistent I’ll be, but I at least want to throw out some short things for it. And no, this isn’t going in any main tags and I’m not mentioning the blog because hahahaha...haha...h a haha...
Things had never been terribly easy for them, it’s true--but their circumstances had only weighed harder on them in recent years, as the Orokin Empire’s growing stranglehold on the system and the clan’s deserted location made it harder and harder to keep people fed on their own. All they really had going for them was their steel and their freedom, and, though she did not wish to say it, she harbored doubts that the golden bastards wouldn’t come for both of those things sooner rather than later. The Orokin couldn’t stand anyone not under their control.
But that was a problem for the future. The current problem was supplies, which mostly came from other settlements on other planets. And, while they could occasionally pay passage on ships with “mercenary” work, it was harder to get into the heart of Orokin territory in such a way.
Which was why Istha is currently sitting in a shipping container in the cargo bay of a dingy Grineer mercantile transport vessel.
The Grineer were often chosen as ferries for goods within the empire, as they were less likely to sell said goods than the Corpus--and, for the purposes of herself and her companion, they were much easier to infiltrate. Not that she’d ever personally done it before, but he apparently had some experience with it, and she was willing to trust him on this.
What she wasn’t willing to trust him on was how long they were intended to stay in the damn boxes. Istha lets out a long sigh and tries not for the first time to shift into a more comfortable position; her feet hit the wall while her head hits the inside corner and she groans in growing frustration. It’s impossible to tell how much time has passed, but she’s starting to lose her patience, and kicks one of the metal crate walls as best she can, letting out a satisfying clang. She hopes that will serve as enough of an indication to her partner that she wants out.
There’s a long silence, and then a muffled, matching clang from somewhere nearby. Istha decides to take this as an affirmative and begins to push her lid open. The Grineer weren’t always the best at handling their cargo, and so her own crate had wound up on its side (luckily for both her and the Grineer who’d set down the box, as most fragile cargo could not brace its feet and arms into the walls and wait for a safe moment to crawl to the newly-reoriented ground).
It doesn’t take long for Istha to force the crate open, and she crawls out on her hands and knees into the cargo bay proper. The cargo bay isn’t much brighter than the inside of the crate, but in the emergency lighting, she can make out the glint of a crimson blade sticking out of the top of a crate in the next row, and she grins.
Yeah, she figured he was starting to go insane, too.
He hadn’t gotten as lucky as her with his crate’s orientation, so she watches as he laboriously pries the lid open and pushes it back so it’s barely balancing on one of the crate’s walls. The sword is thrown over the edge so he doesn’t impale himself on it, before he lifts himself over the edge as well, balancing awkwardly on his stomach and trying to get his hands to reach the ground. Istha covers her mouth to try and hide her snickering, but this quickly dissolves into full-on laughter as he loses his balance and tumbles onto the ground in an awkward somersault, ending up on his back.
It takes Istha several seconds to calm down enough to speak. “I am forever grateful that you chose to train me.”
He drags himself into a sitting position, glaring at her with a sort of muffled growl that just makes her burst out laughing again, doubling over on herself. Blood and bone, she thunks to herself, I was trapped in there too long.
“If you’re finished.”
Istha snorts, but slowly manages to pull herself together and sit up properly, though she still throws a smirk in his direction. “I liked the landing. Is it a new technique?”
“You know me, the notorious blade in a box.” He huffs a sigh, but she catches a quiet chuckle following it. “You all right?”
“Pretty much.” Istha stretches her arms over her head. “How do you do this?”
“Usually, about the same way we did it this time. Except once or twice when I went on these trips I was smaller.”
Istha wraps her arms around herself as the chill of the cargo bay hits her. At least the air is somewhat less recycled, but the ambient temperature makes her question just how much steel the Grineer actually put between the cargo bay and the ravenous void of space. “How far do you think we are?”
He shrugs. “We had an early stop, that was probably the Phobos station, and we should’ve translated once already. Maybe Europa?”
Istha winces, but looks away quickly to try and hide it. It’s not a big portion of the trip, but she already feels like she’s missed so much. She’d never seen a ship void translate before. “So a while yet to Uranus, then.”
“Yes. What’s wrong.” She can feel his piercing gaze on her and hunches her shoulders. Damn it, was she that obvious? “Body language,” he adds, again as if reading her mind. “You’re defensive. Lacking confidence.”
Istha scrunches her face up in frustration and makes a conscious effort to open up her posture towards him. Confident, but not stupid. You hold your chest high, but never, ever forget that it’s a target.
“...I’ve never been off-planet before,” Istha admits. She’d learned a long time ago that it was useless to lie to him; he was much too good at reading the little twitches and quirks of others. It was part of what made him as capable a warrior as he was--he could read his opponents like a book without even thinking about it, while she was often more...single-minded. “Mama told me that we used to move around a lot more. Pack everyone up on a ship and hop to another planet.”
“You know I can’t remember the last time we did that, either.” Right, she often forgets that he’s not really that old--not much older than her. “But I know that was when there were less of us, and there was more of the system out there.”
“Golden bastards,” she grumbles, and he nods in understanding. The Orokin had gotten a reputation for destroying most everything they touched, not that anyone would say it within earshot of a Dax. “Do you really think these trips will be enough?”
“For now, they have to be.” His tone is grim and brokers no argument. “What troubles you.”
Istha sticks out her tongue in his direction. Stubborn as a mule, all the better to match with her. “You’re not going to be dissuaded, are you.”
He smiles. “No.”
“Couldn’t we go up top? Smash a few heads, look out the window?”
“Let’s see, there’s about...a hundred Grineer on this ship, and two of us.” He tilts his head and raises an eyebrow knowingly. “We shouldn’t, not with those numbers. Wouldn’t want them to feel too bad about themselves.”
Istha barks a laugh, but it’s short-lived. “Seriously. We could handle them.”
“We could. But the Grineer like their manual ships, no fancy Orokin navigational system or what-have-you. Can’t risk the pilot dying.”
“Don’t you know how to pilot?”
His eyelids lower. “Istha. I wouldn’t be caught dead flying this kind of bucket.”
“Well...” She shrugs. “I could probably figure it out.”
“Don’t. For the sake of all that is still good in this system, don’t try to figure it out.”
Istha grins, languidly leaning forward so her chin rests on her hands. “Have a little faith in me, friend~”
“Absolutely not.”
“Are you worried I’d put you to shame?”
“I’m worried that I would be caught dead in this bucket.”
Istha lets the sly act dropp, shifting so her cheek rests on one palm. “Really, though. I don’t want to go my whole life without seeing the stars from here, you know?”
He presses his lips together into a thin line, and glances off to where one of the far walls of the cargo bay should be. Her eyebrows shoot up toward her hairline.
“...We’d have to wait,” he cautions. “Can’t risk springing something like that too early.”
“But you want to.”
“I may want to put some Grineer in their place. That’s all.”
He folds his arms, ostensibly shutting her down, but Istha’s eyes crinkle in amusement as he continues to stare into the distance--she knows she’s going to get exactly what she wants, and she’s not even going to have to drag him along behind her. He knows it, too, judging by the faint turn to his lips he tries to tamp down.
If waiting is his only condition, she’s willing to go along with it, just as long as she gets out of the cargo bay. Really, she doesn’t mind the waiting now that she’s out of that crate and with him, even if they sit in silence for most of it.
She’ll pass the journey entertained by the mental images of the surprised looks on the Grineer’s faces when they realize what they’ve done, and that’s quite enough for her.
And she isn’t actually going to try and pilot the ship.
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bnhajourney · 5 years ago
Episode 68
Episode 67 
I thought I started the wrong episode lmao
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Proud of my girls! 
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They’re literally babies what the fuck
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You’re literally throwing these first years to this mf
Watch me say “literally” again.
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YOU KNOW THAT AND YET Right, right. You guys are the experts, not me hahaha
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He’s like a frustrated old man having to deal with this rebellious child in front of him.
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What’s he gonna pull out, a gun? You guys know his Quirk.
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Damn, I just had those the other day. I want more now.
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You’re not the only one!
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Chatty Asian parents be like ^
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Two ways in looking at the world. Though, for me, there’s only the Tamaki™ way.
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Tamaki. Tamaki. Baby boo. You don’t have to be positive all the time. Just do you, love. They’re the odd ones, not you. HAHAHAHA JK But yeah, fuck forced and toxic positivity. People who do that reach their limit at some point and they’ll break down even worse. If you don’t feel positive, then let all the negativity out as long as you’re not hurting anyone, including yourself.
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Oh, he actually calls himself that. That makes more sense now. Wish we all accept ourselves like he does. I do know he’s Fat Gum though.
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I doubt he’s gonna die but he still got hurt and that UPSETS ME.
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Ah he’ll be fine. HAHAHAHAHA
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Well now he’s gonna feel even worse godDAMNIT.
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Sorry, very tense and threatening situation here... but I just finally heard him yell and honestly that is so fucking adorable.
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sad :( 
He seems like a good person in a nasty place.
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Yes, BnHA, YES!
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He likes butterflies!!!
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this guy be trippin
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Sero, your “oh” is very good contribution to the conversation. I appreciate it fully.
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huhu he’s a baby still i wuv him awesome job honey
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Look, he’s adorable.
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See, I knew it. Anyone who calls themself a “pitiful man” is just too obvious and annoying.
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Who’d wanna keep fighting after getting sucked in a man’s belly like that?
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Please... Here are the adoption papers...
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I’m not breathing.
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Our baby boy in shame. [whispers] Love you.
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Can't you just be supportive of your boyfrie- I mean, best friend?
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She didn’t read the “cute” part.
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Jirou here to read us important information.
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The fuck outta here. BakuGO.
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Oh, how I’ve missed you, Iida.
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Of course he’d love hearing that lmao
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Episode 69 | Chapter 1
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Headcannons for your favorite characters with a gf who has a wing quirk, please?
Oh gosh I have so many? I’m gonna pick one pro one student and one villian
Sorry it’s so long!
🥡 You two probably met when he was working for the police. You weren’t new to this line of work, being a few years older than him but it didn’t stop him from trying to get to know you.
🥡Your wings are identical to Hawks’ wings which has lead to chatter between your peers and those damn conspiracy theorists (for the record you ARE related but that’s no ones business)
🥡 It took him asking you out a few times for you to say yes. You weren’t fun and outgoing like Hawks you were serious. He had to ask you out four times for you to finally
Attempt number one: you two were taking down some drug traffickers and he smiled after you two were done saying you’d “make a great pair,” and tried to ask you out you said no.
Attempt number two: the department was hosting a party he had asked you to dance, you told him in no uncertain terms that you didn’t dance. He offered then to stay with you, again shot down.
Attempt number three: was Valentine’s Day he tried to do a big confession like he saw in the movies, after all you were and older woman (by like two years) maybe you just needed to see he was serious. You of course said no.
Attempt number four: By this point he was starting to feel bad, for a few reasons. One, he knew he should let it go because you should never ever keep trying after a rejection. But he was so in love with you that he knew he had to make you happy.
The other reason being he was starting to think it was...his apperence maybe you didn’t like how big he was? So he forcibly burned through his quirk before coming to ask you yet again for just ONE date.
He didn’t expect you to freak out. You of course understood how his quirk worked. You began bombarding him with questions, where was the threat, who hurt him, did he catch them, if he didn’t did he recall what they looked like? You were shoving your own food at him as you asked questions fawning over him.
Once he explained what happened you felt embarrassed. And agreed to one date.
🥡HAHAHAHA ONE YEAH RIGHT it quickly became a regular thing! His favorite thing to do is help you fix the feathers on your wings when they get out of order
🥡much like a bird flying is impossible once they get wet, so he offers to carry you when he can. Usually this meant you were up on one of his shoulders. And since your wings were already wet you use them to shield him from the rain
🥡 Hope you don’t mind he calls you his Chicken Wing. It was the first thing he ever said that made you bust your gut laughing.
🥡when it comes to intimacy? He’s king from cuddles that almost suck you in (he feels bad about it already) to taking hot showers with you and tending your wings.
🥡side note this man LOVES cleaning your wings. He loves running his fingers over each one and telling you what a pretty little birdie you are.
🥡you love fatgum and that’s important to him you’re his little chicken wing.
🍺 Kurogiri originally had no idea what your quirk was. Honestly he was just sent after you because your criminal record made you desirable.
🍺You were an up and coming Villian with the name Demon. No one was sure what gave you that name, Murder? Arson? but All For One wanted you on the league.
🍺 Shiggy wasn’t coming for you, he wasn’t exactly the best at convincing people to join the league. so Kurogiri was sent after you.
🍺 in fact it wouldn’t be until you had been with the league for about five months that he found out you had wings, and it was because you saved him.
🍺 The heroes had him down with no hope of him getting away he couldn’t even manage a small portal two long, black, bat like wings covered in blood and viscera pushing the heroes away from the shadow man.
“Get out of here, Tomura is down, I’ll catch up.” You’d said to him quickly trying to keep your breath even.
He couldn’t stand the idea of leaving you. For one, you were recruited by All For One. You were someone deemed worthy enough to be a mentor for Tomura. On top of that, you were special. You helped with the upkeep of the bar. If he was the dad of the league you were the other parent. Dabi and Tomura even listened to you... oh and you’d had sex and started dating like a week before?
“Y/N, I am not leaving you here.” He said calmly using what was left of his quirk to bring you home
🍺It made him feel childish not knowing what your quirk had been, less like a gentleman.
🍺 Once he learned about your quirk this boy is CONCERNED
🍺 you are able to pull your wings into your body however, they don’t just disappear they fall in on themselves but you can still very much feel them in your body. One day you even flex them so he can see where the tips rest in your legs.
🍺because of this he asks you to keep your wings out, so the spots in your back don’t heal up and hurt. He takes care of the scars and the blood that falls from them from time to time
🍺like fatgum he enjoys cleaning your wings for him it’s less for the purpose of intimacy and more out of necessity
🍺 when he is trying to be Intimate he actually avoid touching your wings. Knowing that where they protrude from your back is actually an open wound. Intimacy never involves your wings. He doesn’t touch them, he doesn’t kiss them, he will do anything he can to not touch them.
🍺 “don’t fly where I can’t follow”
🌑 No one remembers when you actually met him, he likes to think you’ve always been in his life in someway shape or form. But in actuality you were a member of the support class. And he had met you when he got injured and you had to fly down into a ravine because nobody else could get to him.
🌑 you’re currently studying to be primarily rescue support. And this boy falls head over heels for your angel white wings not to mention not only did you have the wings of an angel but the personality to match.
🌑 Complete with bright smiled and the sweetest giggle that could made the most terrifying of demons retreat.
🌑You were the perfect contrast to his darkness the glimmer of light that he had always dreamed of meeting.
🌑 naturally being the Gothic romantic that he was the only acceptable way to ask you out was with a letter
Dearest Y/N,
Do you know how bright you shine against the darkness of my world? Do you know the heavens made you purely to show the world what beauty is? Do you know how besotted I’ve become in these days?
When I fell I thought for sure I’d be there until they could call Hawks, yet when I looked up I saw blankets of white descending to where I had fallen, and there oh Angel of above, was you. Shining in the dark, breaking my fears and pulling me into your arms.
Won’t you humor a fool? A fool of darkness underserving of your attention and kindness? Will you allow me to take you out this evening?
Waiting with bated breath,
Tokoyami Fumikage
🌑 no one had ever been so sweet to you, how could you say no? One date quickly turned into two and then three and then four and before you knew it you were calling him your prince of the dark
🌑 One upside to this relationship was that if anyone knew about feathers it was him. He always knew which products you needed. Your wings were aching? He knew which salve wouldn’t make your wings feel weighed down. He knew which shampoos to use too, he could tell when a feather was going to fall out and he had a habit of helping you when the were shedding your feathers
🌑 Hawks thinks you two are one handsome couple and has a habit of trying to figure out what your kids will look like
🌑 “my perfect light”
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theoutcastedartist · 5 years ago
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No new art really, if you've seen my original post on the MHA amino then you know where this is fucking going. Right down to Angstville because for some reason I'm obsessed with hurting my favorite Goth Jesus. You'd think I'd talk about my "Stain's Redemption" AU first since I've mentioned it but hahahaha
Y o u w e r e w r o n g ;´)
I straight up just copied and pasted my original post because I'm lazy but I REALLY wanted to share this with Tumblr lmao
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Warning for (potential) manga spoilersss
Alrighty sinners, Let's get to the post itself then. Shall we?
So let me just address something real quick about how I feel about the latest chapters of the MHA manga:
Seeing Aizawa cry has to be the most heart breaking thing I've seen in MHA (outside of the whole deal with Eri, sweet baby child ;-;)
And I completely FLIPPED when it was revealed that Shirakumo was BASICALLY turned into Kurogiri and just I'M CRYING--Cloud Angel Baby NOOOOOO!!!
They all deserved better than this T-T
Anywho enough about my grieving over fictional characters, let's talk about my AU, inspired by these recent chapters. Note that I'm a terrible writer. I guess this also includes a snippet of what I plan to write for this AU since it transitions from explanation to literature at some point just because I was kinda bored. Imma let you know right now that I'm a shit writer so uuuuh bear with me.
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The Reticent AU takes place in an Alternate Universe where Shirakumo is ALIVE and separate from Kurogiri. Instead of Loud Cloud being turned into a Nomu, Eraserhead is turned into one. His appearance for the most part remains the same, minus the scars all over his body, including around the neck, from experimentation.
He barely speaks due to pain he feels when he does talk and has no recollection of his life before being a Nomu, not even his own name. He manages to escape the League of Villains at some point and "befriends" the Hero Killer: Stain, or well more like the other way around (only because I find Stain befriending an emotionless mute to be funny). He finds Stain's views of false hero-hood and admiration for All Might quite contradictory yet amusing and lets him live during their first encounter.
It is rather hard to say whether he is a villain or a vigilante. He'll kill only if necessary but his intentions and motivations are unknown. He despises All Might as the Symbol of Peace. It gives false hope to the people as well as a false sense of security. He found it completely revolting. Aizawa did believe in good people, but All Might isn't one of them in his books. Pretty much considered one only because he's hanging around with Stain.
He never gave himself a name, nor did he care all that much for it, it was Stain who dubbed him with the alias "Reticent", meaning not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily. He was never one for being open for as long as he could remember.
It's rather fitting, so Reticent keeps the given name.
* I didn't know Shirakumo was tan, not white before I made the art (forgive me)
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Oboro Shirakumo A.K.A Loud Cloud is currently the homeroom teacher of our beloved Class 1-A and best friend of our resident screaming banana, Present Mic. They have given up on their dream to start an agency due to the loss of their closest friend from high school. Fifteen years ago when they were still students at UA, Shota Aizawa had gone missing and authorities concluded that he was dead. It was such a heartbreak to Shirakumo and Yamada, that hurt never fully healed.
Shirakumo is still a friendly and nurturing spirit at heart, but not as open with his feelings anymore. He's more reserved with his thoughts and feelings. He's a reticent person.
He takes an instant liking to Ejirou Kirishima and Hitoshi Shinso. Kirishima's friendship with the explosive Katsuki Bakugou reminds him of his friendship with Shota. Their personalities seemed so different, yet their bond had remained solid and strong. As for Shinso, the purple haired teen reminded him of his old friend. He could see the growing potential in these two and takes them both under his wing. The three of them train together outside of school and the Kirishima and Shinso form a close friendship with each other along with their sensei. Both children are like sons to Shirakumo, he thinks that Shota would like them too if he were still here.
So... Izuku Midoriya, the "villain magnet" of class 1-A, ended up finding himself standing face-to-face with the Hero Killer: Stain and... his partner? The news never reported anything on him having a partner. How strange. Either Stain's partner is a very recent addition or this guy was really good at covering his own tracks.
"Stain, leave them be. They are just mere children. Killing them would serve no purpose to your cause. I wouldn't waste your time with Native either. "
Midoriya grimaced at the sore and raspy voice. It sounded painful, but he could hear the underlying threat. The Hero Killer sighed and backed off from Iida's paralyzed body.
The two villains left before Todoroki had arrived.
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"I think that's the first time I've ever seen you smile."
Agakuro sat down next to Reticent, who was currently petting a stray cat, and offered him some fruit. The smaller man hummed quietly and took a few slices of apple. Both men sat quietly with the soft purring of the stray.
"I've been meaning to ask, what is your quirk exactly? You can erase quirks, but you can also manipulate basic elements and the blood in people's bodies."
Reticent signed, 'I have more than one.'
"More than one quirk?" Stain cocked an eyebrow.
Reticent nodded and quietly spoke, "Nomu."
"I've heard about their appearances here in Hosu. They are these large looking creatures with their brains exposed. You sure as hell don't look like one of 'em." Agakuro mused as he chewed on some cantaloupe. His friend was making his signals again.
I was suppose to be a more perfected Nomu. All for One took care of my progress himself.'
"Is that why you have so many..."
"Principal Nezu?" Shirakumo and Yamada stood in the white creature's office. Both men wondering why they were called to see him.
"Ah Loud Cloud and Present Mic! I apologize for pulling you out of your classes, but it seems you both are being called to assist Gran Torino with something he found." Nezu explained. The two men in the room looked at each other confused.
"What does he need us for?"
"Well it seems that they have another one of those Nomus in custody. I think you may remember the name Shota Aizawa?"
Shirakumo was BEYOND annoyed about the situation. It must be a mistake. Their old friend was not some gruesome quirk experiment accompanying the Hero Killer. Shota Aizawa wanted to be a hero, despite feeling that he was inadequate for such due to the nature of his quirk. It has to be a mistake.
"How much longer-"
"Calm down will you! I'm frustrated about this too. There's no way it could be him, but... who knows."
They arrived at the police station withing a few minutes and walk inside. They see Gran Torino standing there waiting for them. They follow him to where Tsukauchi is finishing up with questioning the person inside. Looking through the window, Shirakumo and Yamada's eyes widen with disbelief. The other person looked just like...
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"Ah Present Mic, Loud Cloud. Thank you for arriving on such short notice. I know you are both very busy men."
The two Pro-Heros turn to the detective as he stepped out of the interrogation room. Present Mic appeared alarmed and Shirakumo just looked... mad.
"Well it appears that he doesn't remember anything before being experimented on. We have a case of amnesia on our hands."
Shirakumo practically growled,"Experimented on? What the hell are you going on about detective!?" Why was Tsukauchi being so damn vague?
"That man in there is indeed Shota Aizawa. His base quirk of Erasure is still there and DNA results confirm this. From what I'm gathering, fifteen years ago he was kidnapped and had been subjected to illegal drug testing as well as having multiple quirks forced into his body. He's a more sophisticated Nomu it seems."
"More 'sophisticated'? What stopped him from having brains popping out of his skull like all the others we've seen?" The voice hero questioned. Something wasn't adding up here.
"All for One..."
The other three men became tense.
"Isn't... Isn't that the villain All Might fought at Kamino Ward?"
"According to him, it seems that All for One was the one who did this to him personally, there was extra care in your friend's 'recreation'. As to what his added quirks are, we're not sure yet of what they are or even of how many."
Gran Torino turned to the younger men,"We were hoping that you two would talk to him. Maybe to help trigger any memories from before his disappearance."
"So what? You think the 'power of friendship' is going to magically bring back his memories?" Shirakumo scoffed at how ridiculous that would actually be.
"No, but miracles do happen. I've seen many things during my time. They are rare, but they happen."
"Shirakumo," Present Mic started, "if there is even a slim possibility of getting Sho's memories back, shouldn't we at least try? For him?"
Shirakumo sighed at his words, "Fine. For Shota's sake."
The two younger men walk inside.
'Who were they talking about? Is that his name?'
After the detective had left the room, two other men had walked in. He assumed they were Pros based on the costumes. No normal person dressed in THAT much leather (referring to Present Mic).
"Do you... remember us, Shota? Hizashi and I?"
It looks like they ARE talking to him. He shook his head no. This was the first time he has seen these two men. The way they were looking at him made him uncomfortable.
"Sho...ta? Is... that my name?"
The two men standing winced at his croaking voice. In all honesty, he would sign, but he had no clue if these two even knew sign language. So he just resorted to talking.
"Do you remember your own name?"
"Do you... remember us?"
The raven haired man shook his head, 'No.'
"Is... Shota my name? Do you know me? I'm sorry I- I'm just... so confused."
His voice was so raspy and weak. Black hair covered the scar under his eye. Hizashi and Oboro wore sad looks on their faces at the sound. The taller of the two, Oboro, knelt down by the man's knees.
"Yes. We do know you. Your name is Shota Aizawa. You were once a member of UA's class 2-A about fifteen years ago." Oboro started as he gently pried one of Shota's hands from the yellow blanket the officers gave him. His arm was covered in scars... like his legs. God only knows what they did to him all those years. Hizashi just observed their movements, unsure of what to do he added on to what Shirakumo said.
"You love cats and taking naps, you were the most rational one out of the three of us. All three of us had dreams of starting an agency together..."
The two pro-heros continued talking for what felt like hours. Shota listened to every word as they recounted their old adventures from highschool. Maybe with enough luck, they could help Shota get him memory back. Shirakumo was starting to think that the raven wasn't ever getting his old memories back until...
"Sushi... I- We had a cat named Sushi?"
Hizashi had flung himself so fast to Shota as he held onto him tightly and cried. Shirakumo also had a tear-streaked face, but he held a blinding smile as he watched Shota awkwardly pat the blond's back.
Miracles do happen.
More of this angst shit coming soon ;)
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iachan03 · 5 years ago
Promises and the Red String of Fate Chapter 6 For His Sake, I’ll Put My Feelings Aside
The Red String of Fate,the proof of a promise that a girl and a boy made together.The promise, that the boy would be her hero, no matter what happens.
~A story about four girls who find out what it means to be a hero, how to be a part of the superhuman society and find the answer to question of what is love while persuading it~
Shippings: Bakugou Katsuki x Kamikaze Miyuki(OC) (Main focus), ? x Amaka Tsubaki(OC), ? x Amaka Sumire(OC), and more other ships between canon characters
BNHA Fanfic
Warnings for this series:Fluff, Angst, and more
Continuation from Chapter 5:The Results of One Who Calls Herself Unworthy
A/N: Okay, I was lying about this being out this week, but my adrenaline allowed me to write this in one-go! So, angst time~ Prepare your tissues
“There was once, a girl,”
“She had silently wished for her entire life, for the salvation from her abusive life.”
“Yet when the boy who she had seemed salvation from, forgot the promise between them years ago, she gave up on the thought of wanting to be saved.”
“It is impossible to save someone, when they didn’t seek salvation in the first place.”
“Thus, a certain man had took her in, all for the sake of the girl to seek salvation once more.”
“The man didn’t save her directly, knowing that it was not his right to do so.”
“And with just two years of time, he had succeeded.”
“Yet here’s the problem,”
“The scars of the past will never disappear,”
“Nor can one pretend that what happened in the past never happened.”
“When one looks back at their past and realises just how fortunate their lives are right now,”
“Would they risk everything they have now to ask for more?”
“Or would they be afraid that they would be ruining others by dragging them down into this mess of their own?”
“The answer is simple, really.”
“Why let others hurt when you can just take the pain?”
“Why bother the people you care about just for your own selfish desires?”
“To be telling the truth, this sort of thing is quite problematic.”
“Well, not that it bothers me since Miyu had already told me how will this all end.”
“Hmm? So you’re curious to know who I am?”
“Well, that’s a secret, after all-”
“It’s still not the time for me to take the stage yet.”
My wounds hurt.
It was my fault, I forgot about my appointment.
I gotta go to my jog…
“Alright, you guys’d are already 3rd Years, it’s time to seriously think about your future!” Their class teacher began.
“Now I’m going to give you guys back your graduation ambition forms!!”
“But I guess that all of you wrote the Hero Department, right?”the teacher exclaimed as almost everybody brought out their quirks, showing them off.
“Yeah, everybody has some really nice quirks, but please do remember that under normal circumstances, using your quirks at school is prohibited!”
“Teach, don’t mix us all up by saying something like ‘all of you’,”
‘Katsuki?’Miyu thought as she turned around to look at the boy.
“I won’t be all friendly and get along with these weaklings~”
“You shouldn’t say things like that, Katsuki!!” One of their classmates exclaimed.
“Those who stick in a crowd just stand over there, you’re being real noisy!”
“Oh by the way, Bakugou you wrote UA High, correct?”
“That nation established one? I had heard that this year’s deviation value is more than 79%!”
“Each year’s acceptance rate, is really crazy…”
“That’s the reason why I called you guys that, making such a fuss on something like that!” Katsuki declared as he jumped onto his desk, startling the girl in front of him.
“I got an A at the Mock Exam, not to mention the only one from this middle school who reached the level to get into UA.”
“I will even surpass the strongest hero All Might! And my name will be recorded in history!”
“By the way, didn’t Midoriya and Kamikaze also want to go to UA?”
“Hah? Midoriya? That’s impossible.”
“You can’t get into UA by just studying!”
“T-That rule has already been cancelled! As long as-”
“You damn nerd!”
“Wha-”Izuku was thrown off his chair as Katsuki let out an explosion on his desk.
“You don’t have a weak quirk, but the actual problem is that you don’t have one, so why do you have the right to be on the same stage as me?!”
“W-Wait, I didn’t mean it like that, Kacchan,”
Izuku, in fear, backed himself to the wall.
“I didn’t mean that I want to compete with you, it’s true-”
“It’s just that, it has been my dream, ever since I was little…”
“So you won’t know if you don’t try…”
“‘So you won’t know if you don’t try’, he said!”
“Just what in the world had you thought this of? What sort of power do you have to do so?”
The in the middle of the chaos, a hand was raised before it’s owner spoke up.
“It is not beyond the realm of impossible, Katsuki.”
“Just like how Leonardo Da Vinci made the impossible possible, so don’t say that it’s a lost cause.”
“By the way, you all had focused on Izu-nii and completely forgot about me, I also want to go to UA as well, and yet you’re only Izu-nii as a threat. I hate the feeling of being neglected, it’s really unpleasant.” Miyu pouted as she declared.
“No offence Miyu, but we’re pretty sure that you’ll be able to get in without any problem…”
“That’s right…”
“?What do you guys mean?”
-Note, she had already passed the Provisional Hero License Exam-
‘Is that, a bruise?’
Katsuki realised that something was off when Miyu raised her hand, not her words but rather her wrist.
He could see a bruise, not to mention hand shaped.
Noticing that the boy was staring at her silently, Miyu turned her attention to him.
“Katsuki, is there something wrong?”
Snapping out of his thoughts, Katsuki knew that this wasn’t the time for something like that.
With a huff, he sat back down with an irritated expression on his face, making Miyu feel more confused.
“Oi, Miyu, can you wait outside the classroom for a bit? There’s something that I need to talk to you about.”
“? Sure…”
As Miyu walked out of the classroom, she wondered why Katsuki wanted to talks to her alone.  
He never has been secretive about anything after all.
A few minutes passed, then Katsuki and his two other friends came out of the classroom.
“You guys go ahead, I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
“Alright then.”
“Let’s go.”
“To where- Eh?!”
Miyu’s face slightly lit up as Katsuki grabbed her right hand and dragged her along the hallway.
What in the world’s going on?
Why is my heart beating this hard?
It’s warm…
Once they reached to the back staircase, Katsuki stopped at his tracks.
“?” Confused, Miyu looked at Katsuki for answers-
Letting out a surprised squeal, Miyu find herself trapped in the caged hands of Bakugou Katsuki as he blocked her way by holding his left hand out, placing it against the wall behind her.
He’s so close! Too close!!
The boy was practically towering over her, and Miyu sure did feel overwhelmed.
She could practically feel his breathe on her skin.
“K-Katsuki, what a-are you-Ouch!”
Miyu flinched as Katsuki held her right wrist, her bruise stinging her.
“Just what the hell is this?!”
He can’t know…
“I got it yesterday when I was taking the exam-”
“Don’t fucking lie to me!”
He just can’t!
“You didn’t have this bruise yesterday when you finished your fucking exam!”
He can’t-
“It’s hand-shaped, and you already passed that exam.”
“I don’t think that you’ll get hurt like that unless you didn’t resist.”
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“So tell me,”
“Who the fuck did this to you?”
Finally, he asked.
For so many years.
I had waited for him to ask me.
What was going on.
I’m suppose to be happy.
I’m suppose to.
And yet…
Why do I feel scared instead?
The life I’m living right now is a bliss, without a doubt.
At school, I have Izu-nii and Katsuki.
After school, I get to head to Shishou’s agency to train and eat dinner.
Not to mention that I can chat with Awata-san and Shishou.
For someone who had once knew life could have turned out for the worse, I’m grateful for what I have now.
Thus, leading me to have the selfish thought of:
I want it to stay like this forever.
I know that life can be better,  
I know that if I tell Katsuki, then he’ll do everything in his power to save me.
After all, he’s a really nice person.
If I tell him, that means that I’ll drag him into this mess of mine.
Something that he doesn’t actually have to deal with since he has no relationship with it.
And just because of my selfishness of wanting more,  
I will be a burden for him
I might risk the chance of everything I have now.
No, I don’t want to trouble him.
After all, he’s aiming to be a hero who can surpass All Might.
I bet that he doesn’t have the time for somebody like me.
I don’t even want to have the chance of losing what I had gained!
I know that this is selfish,
I know that I’m going to regret this later on, but-
At that moment, I put my feelings aside.
I let go of my ribbon as I was fondling it a few moments ago.
And I gave him the best smile I can bring out right now.
“It’s my, fault.”
It’s not a lie, neither is it the completes truth.
That’s right.
It’s alright for me to suffer alone.
It’s alright for me to continue to carry this burden of mine.
After all, it’s for his own good.
I can’t read his expression.
Hold on, Miyu.
Don’t cry,
Don’t cry just yet!
Clench your teeth!
You had already decided to go onto this path, there is no turning back.
This, is for Bakugou Katsuki’s sake!
He then backs off before storming off, leaving me behind.
Just when I made sure he was far enough, I started trembling.
My breathe become unstable, I can feel my eyes start to water.
I started sniffling as I slid down the wall I was leaning against.
Then I hugged my knees as I sat in the floor.
I then took out my cellphone and dialled Bubble Girl.
I suppressed my sniffing as Awata-san picked up the phone.
“Miyu-chan? What’s wrong?”
I couldn’t hold back any more.
“I…I…He finally asked…Y-Yet, I-I…Couldn’t tell him… I had waited, for so long… Yet because I-”
I couldn’t continue it just hurts so much.
It was more than all those scars.
It was more than the time when Katsuki forgot our promise.
It hurts…
“…Miyu-chan,”Awata-san softly called out to me “It’s okay for you to not come today, of course, if you want to talk to us about it, you’re more than welcome to come.”
I let outa small hum, letting Awata-san know that I appreciate her kindness.
“Alright then, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me or Sir, alright?”
I let out another hum, before hanging up the phone.
As I took the cellphone away from my ear, I really can’t hold back anymore.
I sobbed, cried like there was no tomorrow.
I hate myself, I hate myself for being so weak.
I’m mad, mad at myself for doing that.
Just like that, my whimpers went unheard in the silent, dark corridor.
It’s cold.
‘Why didn’t she tell me? She always tells Deku when there’s something on her mind...Is it because she cannot trust me?!’
“Hey Katsuki, are you planning to ask Miyuki-chan out?” One of Katsuki’s ‘friends’ asked, catching the male’s attention.
“Cause if you’re not, I’m planning to-”
“Don’t you even fucking dare to make a move on her, you rotten bastard!”
‘Well, what do we have here, he didn’t say that he wasn’t going too…’ His other friend thought before he stopped in his tracks.
“O-Oi, Katsuki, behind you!”
I can’t feel anything.
There’s nothing.
“    "
I picked myself off of the ground, rose to my feet as I wiped away my tears with the sleeve of my jacket.
I then dusted off the dust on my skirt before walking down the staircase slowly.
I had always asked myself.
Why does this world hate me this much?
Yet at the end, it wasn’t like that.
In truth, I had hated myself.
Hated myself for being so weak.
Even if I had passed the Provisional Hero License Exam,
I’m just still a weak person who cannot deal with her own feeling.
I loathed myself.
For being a burden to the ones that had given me life.
For being a weight to those that I care more than myself.
I’m just pathetic, right?
Just the worst, ain’t I?
What is this feeling?
This terrible feeling.
It’s hot.
Just standing 5 meters away from the scene, you can already feel the heat of the flames.
Why is a crowd standing so close here? It’s dangerous.
The heroes are surely taking their time, is it because that the villain they’re up against has a quirk that they don’t have an advantage over?
The villain’s using him as hostage?
It’s alright. It’s going to be fine.
Soon, there’s going to be someone who is better than me that will-
“Miyuki-chan’s really adorable! Even your sneeze is cute, like a cat!”
“Is that so, Izuku?”
“Of course! But don’t you think that the name ‘Miyuki’ seems a bit too lady-like?”
“When you say that, it is true, Kacchan...”
“Well, that is perhaps the type of person that my parents want me to become when I grow up...”
“But, what type of person do you want to become, Miyuki?”
“What...Type of person, huh...”
“Then, I’ll continue to be the adorable person that the two of you think me as!”
“Is that so...Then, from this day forward,”
“We’re going to call you ‘Miyu’! It’s adorable, right?”
“ ‘Miyu’, huh...”
“Yeah, I like the sound of that, Katsuki!”
“By the way, have you already chosen your hero name? You have to put it on your license after all...”
“Hmm...I’m thinking that ‘Miyu’ would do just fine.”
“After all, he was the one who gave me that name...”
“Ho, is it the boy you were talking about...?”
“Awata-san, you’re being scary! Your aura!”
This isn’t the time for this!!
Why are you hesitating, Kamikaze Miyuki?!
Be honest with your feelings!
What is the thing you want to do that you are screaming from the bottom of your heart?
I want to save Katsuki.
No, I have to save Katsuki!
That’s right, so why are you just standing here?
You know the situation.
You know what the stakes are
You know the numbers!
Then GO!!
Be the person that you want to become!
Don’t let others or anything tell you what to do!
It’s just like back then, huh?
The car accident...
Since had you went back to square one?
No, I hadn’t!
With the help of Shishou, Awata-san and Mr. Centipeder, I had grown!
Then GO!!
People’s lives are at stake!
The person you love is at stake!
Do you want to lose him?
Do you want to lose Bakugou Katsuki?
Then advance! After all, you aren't anybody else, you’re-
A gust of wind passed from the line of pro heroes, causing them to turn their attention away from the slime villain that they are facing.
“Hey! Get back here, it’s dangerous!”
“Has that girl lost her mind?!”
‘What I am capable of doing right now...’
There she stopped at her tracks, 6 meters away from the villain.
Kamikaze Miyuki inhaled as she readied herself.
“O wind,”
‘I’ll do it, at full force!’
At her command, currents of wind began to form as the fire surrounding the area mysteriously disappears.
“Guh...Just what the hell is this wind?!”The villain grunted as he was receiving teensy bits of damage from the wind.
‘As I thought, I had converted the heat and light energy from the flames into kinetic energy, thus making the surrounding air into wind-like currents! But since I cannot control its direction and that fire goes upwards, the wind currents can only go upwards as well, it’s not enough to blow the villain away...’
“And I cannot use my railgun...’
“Miyu, try avoiding using your railgun without the supervision of me or any teacher of UA if you get in before you earn your Hero License, after all, the railgun is still a scientific weapon that is still designed by the military. It would be dangerous for such a thing to be released under normal circumstances.”
XXX ‘Just as Shishou had said, besides, the railgun’s range of attack isn’t enough to blow the villain away either.’
‘But at least like this, I’ll be able to buy any coming hero some time... So please, anybody...”
“You idiot! Stop! Stop right there!”
‘Just why the hell...’
“Guh!”The villain cried out in pain as a familiar looking yellow backpack was thrown at its eye.
“Kacchan! Miyu-chan!”
‘Are you here Izu-nii?!’
“Are you here Deku!?”
“I don’t know why, but my legs just started running!”
“Izu-nii, stay back, it’s dangerous!”
“That’s because, you had a face of wanted to be saved, Kacchan!”
‘Just because of that, Izu-nii...’
‘Unlike me, he’s completely powerless, yet he still barged into the scene without hesitation...’
‘Just what was I thinking...?’
“I was almost done back there, don’t interfere anymore!” The villain exclaimed as it raised to attack Izuku.
“Izu-nii, get out of the way!”
“I had only tried to educate you, yet I hadn’t performed it myself...”
‘All Might?!’
Within a moment, All Might had grabbed all three of them with his left arm.
“Pros always have to fight with their lives on the line!!!”
With his clentched right fist, All Might swinged it towards the villain with all his might.
The air current that the number one hero had caused was humongous, capable of blowing any citizens away if they weren’t protected by the pros such as Mt.Lady.
As the gust disappeared, it began to rain.
“It’s raining?”
“Could it be that the air pressured had caused the current to uprise?”
“Oi oi oi oi...”
“Just with a right fist, he changed the weather!!!”
“Amazing, so this is the legendary All Might!!"
With the cheering of the crowd, the three youngsters could only feel down, unlike them.
“There was no need for you to do something so reckless like that!!”
“...I’m sorry...”
Izuku, of course was scolded by the pros for his actions.
“And you, young lady, if you hadn’t rushed into the scene like that then this boy wouldn’t have-Wha-”
Miyu showed her Provisional License to the pros, in proof that she knew what she was doing.
“I had already passed the Provisional License Exam, and that I hadn’t done any damage by using my quirk, so it’s fine, right?”
“Well, yeah...That is true...”
“Since I have something to do, so I’ll excuse myself first.”
With that, Miyu left the scene without another word.
“Ah, hold on for a bit-”
“To think that she had her Provisional License at such a young age, that’s really impressive!”
“That’s right, perhaps we should scout her...”
Meanwhile, Katsuki was praised for his brave actions.
But in truth, he wasn’t up for it.
“Back there, you were like a hero more than anybody else!!”
“Well, but it really depends on how you choose though, what do you say?”
‘He had already said it to such an extreme, he had revealed such an important secret to me!’
‘There’s no way of having one, right...! As if there is!’
“Okay, I’ll do it!!”
‘As if I have a reason to turn him down!!’
“Nice answer, I knew that you would.”
“Oh and by the way, by any chance you know that girl back there? She was wearing the same uniform as yours so I thought that you might know her.”
“Huh? Oh, you’re talking about Miyu-chan...”
“Oh, so her name’s Miyu? And for a hero otaku like you to call her with such a close pronoun, could it perhaps that you-”
“No no no no!! It’s nothing like that! Me, Miyu-chan and Kacchan had known each other ever since we were two!”
“And besides, Miyu-chan already has somebody she likes...”
“Please don’t look at me like that, All Might!”
“Sorry, sorry, I was just joking around, you were crying, so I tried to lift your spirits.”
“Man, but to think that a 14 year-old girl had got her Provisional License, that’s really impressive!”
“Actually, um, Miyu is only 13...”
“Miyu-chan skipped a grade after all, she had just got her license yesterday. She started training with a pro hero ever since the first year of middle school...”
“Ho, so do you know which pro did she trained under?”
“No, Miyu-chan said that her mentor told her not to give it out since it might lead to her being in danger.”
“I see...”
“So, Young Midoriya, do you know where she is right now?”
“Well um, usually, she should had left as soon as school ends for her training, but since that she was in town at that time, then perhaps she didn’t have to train today...Wait, I think I know where she is!”
There Miyu sat on the swing in the park, it was sunset so there wasn’t anybody there.
‘I had power, yet I hesitated. And yet Izu-nii was powerless and he didn’t hesitate…’
‘I’m just really pathetic, huh? I let my emotions blind me from doing what is not mistakenly correct…And I to call myself someone who aims to be a hero…’
“Young Miyuki is here!!”
“Wait, I’m not in Shishou’s agency, t-that means that-”
“This is the real All Might?!”
“Who else would I be?”
“What do you mean, Miyu-chan?”
“Even Izu-nii's here...”
“Ah, that’s right! Shishou’s a big fan of All Might, so he has All Might Merchandise all around his office, he had also rented a small warehouse to put his All Might Merch in it!”
“Wow, I wanna live in there!”Izuku exclaimed.
“Which is the reason why I always see All Might’s face, leading to the fact that I didn’t realise the real All Might is here, I’m so embrassed...”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it Young Miyuki!”
“By the way how did you know my na-”
“Of course, I had asked Young Midoriya for it, and well, he told me that you don’t like to be called by your family name, and that I think that if I just called you ‘Miyu’ right off the bat would be rude, so yeah, that’s it!”
“I...See...But why were you such in a rush to find me? I believe that you are busy with your hero work, correct?”
“Well, it just so happens that I’m on break, and well, since I was nearby the crime scene, so I gave my fellow pros a hand! Well, that aside,”
“Young Miyuki, you were really brave back then.”
“No...I was anything but brave back then, it was just as the same as the day I met Shishou where there was a car driven my villains who couldn’t brake in time and were about to hit a mother and his child...I hesitated to save them even if I absolutely had the power to just because I was clouded by my emotions...”
“Two years had passed, and still, I remained the same...I hesitated to do something that was undoubtedly right!”
Miyu looked down at her shadow in shame, knowing of what she had done.
“But in the end, they were saved, right?”
“?”Miyu then looked up immediately.
“That’s all that matters, right?”
Tears begin to form in the girl’s eyes as she began to whimper.
Ah, how nostalgic.
With the best smile she could place on her face at the moment, Miyu smiled at the number one hero.
“As expected from the man that my mentor admires...That’s exactly what he said that day!”
“M-Miyu-chan! Oh come on, where is my packet of tissue...” Izuku mumbled in panic as he searched his bag.
As tears fall from her face, Miyu then was greeted by a hug, none other than the number one hero himself.
It’s so warm...
“There is no need to cry, Young Miyuki,”
“For I am here.”
‘Ah, this is it...’
‘This is what I had always hoped for...’
And without warning, Miyu cried even harder than before.
Thus alarming the number one hero and his older brother.
“Young Midoriya, what should I do at a time like this? Why is she crying even more?!”
It’s warm...
‘Shit...’All Might cursed in his mind as a drip of blood leaked out of his mouth.
And with a large puff of smoke, All Might, aka Yagi Toshinori appeared in his original form, still hugging Miyu.
“Just what is this?!”The girl exclaimed, scared out of her mind.
“All Might!!”Izuku exclaimed as well.
“Well, it seems like that I have some explaining to do...”Toshinori silently declared after letting out a cough.
“And Young Midoriya,”
“Young Miyuki is somebody you can absolutely trust, right?”
“Of course!”
“Alright then, I believed that the both of us have some explaining to do then.”
To be telling the truth, Young Miyuki had stroke odd to me.
Her jacket.
Her early training as a hero.
As well as her mentor...
But what stroke me the most was her extremely low self-esteem.
Humans make mistakes all the time.
Even me.
Yet she treats herself like no failure from her could be accepted.
Truly she reminds me of someone.
Lavender, perhaps...?
No, she resembles her younger sister,
Amaka Tsubaki, much more.
I know that telling her the secret of One For All could bring her more danger, but-
I don’t think that I should worry her about more things about the people she cares about at all.
“Right now, Katsuki is aiming to be the top hero.”
“I don’t want to become a burden to him.”
“As much as it hurts, I love him.”
“Which is why,”
“For his sake, I’ll put my feelings aside.”
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makeste · 6 years ago
BnHA Chapter 027: The Ol’ Run and Float
Previously on BnHA: Deku won the obstacle course and made All Might proud while pissing everyone else off. Midnight announced that the second event would be a cavalry battle. The kids were told to team up in groups of 2 to 4, and that each team’s captain would wear a headband with a point value based on how that team’s members placed in the obstacle course. Deku found out he was worth ten million fucking points.
Today on BnHA: Midnight explains the rules of the cavalry battle. U.A.’s first years set out to assemble their teams. Bakugou doesn’t fucking know who any of these people are. Iida wants in on this rivalry thing too. Deku gets off to a shaky start, but actually manages to assemble probably the best team out here, thanks in large part to its abundance of girl power, but also because my bird bro Tokoyami decides to get in on this as well.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 51 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.) 
new volume cover!! lots of kids this time! twelve of ‘em!
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we’ve even got that steampunk girl. SHE DOESN’T EVEN GO HERE
this is the calmest that Bakugou’s face has been on a cover yet, I think. he’s even letting Kaminari lean all over him. he still doesn’t know how to smile, but at least he’s looking at the camera, unlike Todoroki up there in the corner
and we’ve got Ochako up there in the top left! KICK SOME ASS OCHAKO
Deku looks pretty happy and doesn’t appear to be fearing for his life, so we can confidently assume that this picture wasn’t taken during the sports fest! ahahaha
“the boy born with everything” hmm that sounds like Todoroki to me. could be Bakugou too I suppose, but right now I’m leaning more toward the kid who hasn’t had much development yet and whose mystery dad seems like he might be introduced shortly
I freaking love that... [checks the handy dandy character guide] Hagakure is on the inner cover cheerleading with these two
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(ETA: I can’t believe such a cute fucking page was so ruined for me with context.)
okay I skipped past the characters cuz I already know who they are, and definitely skipped past that chapter index. here we go
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seems pretty fucked up to me. do they have twists like this every year? if yes, then why do the kids who’ve watched it religiously since childhood (i.e. Deku) not anticipate that and maybe just shoot for top 5 rather than #1?
well Deku, you’re just going to have to continue to be just that damn good, I guess. you’re screwed otherwise
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even Ochako omg
he’s still thinking to himself that it was just dumb luck that he came in first. by my reckoning it was actually ridiculously quick and adaptive thinking, more than a little cleverness, no small amount of physical strength and endurance, and a reckless disregard for his own safety bordering on the insane! but sure, call it luck
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wonder where all of that GARRRRR energy has gone now. it’s like he was running at 300% for that entire event, and now all of a sudden he’s run out of batteries
okay here we go, some detailed rules
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that’s going to be a lot of zeroes for Deku’s team
glad they designed the headbands to fasten with velcro so that these kids don’t go snapping each other’s necks
and apparently once someone grabs your headband, they’ve got to put it on and wear it themselves, so as long as time’s not up, you still have a chance to get it back
so then Deku won’t necessarily be the main target the entire time. ooh, this changes things. I like this game now
that little shithead Mineta might be a problem if his team utilizes his stupid grapes
and Tsuyu could potentially just use her tongue and be snatching up headbands left and right
apparently they’re allowed to use quirks, but not allowed to maliciously attack teams “with the intent of making them fall.” well what are the rules then. is that basically just a “don’t kill each other” rule and aside from that everything still goes? this opens the gates for some inconsistent refereeing. but I suppose these games are just an exhibition match to show off anyway, so as long as everyone gets to do that, it doesn’t matter as much who actually wins or loses
unless your name is Bakugou Katsuki and you went up on stage in front of a hundred thousand people and were all “it’s me I’m the winner”
or if you’re Todoroki “dad is watching and I just made Deku my rival fifteen minutes ago, so I don’t want to lose to him” Shouto
or Midoriya “dad is watching and I promised him I’d tell the world I AM HERE” Izuku
then you’re probably more invested in winning
so should be interesting
(ETA: actually, getting into the round of 16 really did make a difference in terms of who got drafted afterwards.)
time to start forming teams!
Deku already seems to know who he wants!
Tsuyu or Ochako, Deku. either is good. both are even better
Iida’s also fast! and loyal! (ETA: HAHAHAHA) but the second that fucker gets distracted, his weird hand gestures will get you dropped on the floor right quick
Bakugou and Todoroki would NEVER!! so let’s not even bother with that
Sero is another one like Tsuyu that would probably be really good at snatching bands
anyways, enough with the hypotheticals, let’s scroll down and see who this thoughtful young man actually decides on
heyyy. booooooo we’re cutting to the security staff
they don’t seem to be doing a very good job
wow. these guys are kind of the worst
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“drag others down.” what a cynical fucking take
now they’re talking about how the cavalry battle teaches cooperation. well no shit, just like literally any team exercise ever
these are the most demotivational superheroes I’ve ever seen. the complete fucking opposite of All Might. no wonder he was so desperate to find someone with the right attitude to be his successor
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he seems to have someone else in mind maybe?
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wow Bakugou. wow. I may not know all of their names yet, but at least I know... two of their quirks
-- and actually I do know their names! Sato, Hagakure, and Mina! wow! guys! I did it!!!
meanwhile All Might’s up in the stands with his own hot fresh takes on Bakugou, which mainly consist of “he may be a jerk but he sure is talented and that sure does make him popular.” yep. are you proud. he’s still our son, All Might
Todoroki already picked a team while Bakugou was standing there trying to figure out what everyone else’s quirks even are and what exactly is this mysterious “teamwork” thing anyway
luckily he has a good friend who mysteriously loves him for some reason!
even though Bakugou doesn’t even remember his name sobbbbb
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to be fair, I sure took a long hecking time remembering it myself
Kirishima is pointing out that he’s the best fit since his quirk allows him to take whatever explosions Bakugou dishes out
wow they really are compatible. this seriously could take over as my main ship, were it not for the fact that Deku has so plainly been in love with Katsuki since he was three years old
but even so! like, I’ll just nab this little KiriBaku tugboat, maybe, and let it puff along next to my main ride
incidentally, Bakugou doesn’t even know what Kiri’s quirk is
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“Bakugou who should you ride?” “idk someone with a death wish cuz I sure fucking will blow them up you can be sure of that” “no!! me!!!”
that’s the pure kind of unconditional Yamamoto-esque love that can withstand whatever pain and hardship life decides to dole out. good shit
so who’s he gonna pick as his final teammate then
guess who doesn’t care who Mineta picks. me
Shouji if you agree to team up with Mineta you will be cancelled by association until the end of this challenge. it’s not your fault, it’s just the way things are
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so then. you’re either stuck with the most desperate peeps, or your loyalest most dedicated besties
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eh, I fail to see how punching something really hard one time and then having your body fall apart would inspire faith, though. please note that your fellow classmates, who have seen your quirk, are still avoiding you
oh! I see a “Deku” speech bubble though! only one non-Kacchan person here who calls him that! :D
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this was seriously one of his best prospects to begin with. her quirk would help a lot when it comes to avoiding people, and with him having the highest point value to start with, they don’t really need to go after other people’s points
so if he’s teaming up with her, then Iida is definitely the best choice for a third teammate. they work well together, and I guarantee no one else has offered to team up with him yet lol. just gotta watch out for those hand gestures like I said
but before we get to that let’s just appreciate Deku’s meme face
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is this face a meme. if not, my question is how could it not be
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yesss. it’s all coming together now. THE OL’ RUN AND FLOAT
now they’re in the huddle and Deku’s explaining the ol’ run and float plan
but interestingly, he doesn’t intend to be the rider? he wants someone physically strong? well there are a few options then, but honestly there isn’t anyone else here who’s actually stronger than you bud
WOW now Iida’s suddenly deciding to be a spoilsport?!
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apparently he’s decided to make Deku his rival too. EVERYONE, RIVALS. HE HAS ENOUGH RIVALS!!!
“ever since the entrance exam... I’ve been losing to you” well then sure as hell don’t expect it to stop now
he’s teaming up with Todoroki. wow. wow, Iida. you wanna be cancelled too because this is how you get cancelled
I’m not actually mad in all seriousness though, I just gotta protect my sweet Green Tsuna here who apparently has no Gokuderas to fall back on except for Ochako, that beautiful, rule-breaking moth
does the math actually work out so that there’s gotta be at least one person left for him to team up with?
dammit who’s it gonna be
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she says she wants to team up with him so she can be in the spotlight. see, this is what all these kids are forgetting. it’s not really about the points, it’s how well you show off what you’ve got
and she apparently wants to show off “her babies.” her inventions, I’m guessing
aww. Ochako don’t be jealous. he needs you, you’re the MVP even if no one else here knows it yet
okay so they’ve got three again. but Deku still seems to think they need one more person
“our formation’s just lacking some power...”
off he goes
who else are you gonna sweet talk into this group Deku
I should probably make a guess so that I can either brag afterwards, or laugh about how wrong I was
he keeps saying power. but most of the obvious 1-A powerhouses are already taken. Sato seems pretty tough, though, and there’s also that rock guy who is like the only guy left in the class who hasn’t done shit. and I think Tsuyu might still be available and she’s a dark horse IMO. my money’s either on her or Rocky Road
okay, this Viktor-looking guy has been making faces and mugging the camera this entire time, and now it looks like he’s actually gonna get a bit of focus here
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and he’s acting like class B hung back on purpose. sure, okay. do your thing then; just don’t expect me to learn twenty more names when I only just got done with this first group after 27 fucking chapters
we’d better see who Deku picked before this ends or it’s a waste of a cliffhanger
oh good there’s one last two-page spread
Deku ended up as the rider after all huh
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“steampunk-related things” they didn’t even pretend
I’m glad Horikoshi made so many interesting female characters and went against his initial instinct to make several of them guys. class A only has six girls out of 20 people total, so it’s not quite balanced, but it’s better than there being like. four girls. and they’ve all got heaps of skill and talent, and varied and interesting personalities
so the support course peeps are basically the Tony Starks of BnHA
I am so down with this. go on and befriend Deku and make him all sorts of cool shit later on and further enrich the series with your general presence, Mei
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vacantgestures · 6 years ago
Ascendant Recollection :CH 04:
KH - Ascendant Recollection : Chapter 04 :
Franchise: Kingdom Hearts
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
Love Interest: Riku
Rating: Teen
 Concerned with the events of what had happened to Alice, but intrigued by the burdened with the intel of a new impending threat, Yukari resolves to inform her team mates about the shrouded figures in her dream. But the conversation is cut short when they land in a new world that demands more than brazen strength.
 My team and I sat in the briefing room after heading back to the ship and setting it to auto-pilot. Joined by the very concerned slash suspicious expression of my peers, I could feel this weird tension wavering in the air as I discussed with them, the dreams, the people in the dark and how they were apparently after us.
 "Huh..." Goofy scratched his temple, thoughtfully. "So you're saying you have a kind of power that lets ya see things... that are happening or might have already happened?"
 "Seems fishy." Donald crossed his arms over his chest, closing an eye. "Also, inconvenient. Why can't you see the future??"
 I shrugged, as I held my head in my hands. I was still really drained from that overuse of magic on the Wonderland Heartless boss.
 "Yukari, how long... have you been having these dreams?" Sora asked, joining into the group discussion. "Is that why...?"
 "I don't know about that one." I stopped him, knowing he was about to mention the crying. I didn't want Donald and Goofy more concerned than they needed to be. "As for how long... maybe around a year and a half ago?"
 "Why didn't you say anything, to me?" He asked, sounding understandably hurt.
 "I mean, I just thought they were really bad dreams is all. Besides... There was... nothing you could do about it..."
 My refusal to look into his eyes as I said that, prompted a great, uncomfortable silence. Admittedly, I was still leaving out a lot of information. Like the Ladies of Light and Dark, my awakening powers, and what I had seen with Riku both on the island, and in whatever world he'd end up. I don't know why I was still holding back.
 "Okay... well..." Goofy decided to reawaken the conversation. "You said that we've got some baddies watchin' our moves, right? I mean... that sounds pretty bad..."
 "Not as bad as them sending Heartless after us!!" Donald screeched. "They're making us work harder than we need to!"
 "They're trying to kill us..." I clarified. "More importantly... they're trying to get rid of Sora."
 "Just me?" He asked. "What about you?"
 "They said something about... using me..." I responded, leaning my cheek into my palm. It was something that I'd completely ignored before, due Riku's appearance following the sequence but, my curiosity was renewed when the Lady of Light spoke to me.
 "Fine... We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Goofy supplied. "What's important is that we now know where that there Heartless came from in Traverse Town--"
 "And Wonderland!" Donald input.
 "But why are they trying to slow us down?" Sora asked. "They're obviously up to something."
 We all sat together, pondering silently for any possibilities. I recounted what happened in the dark void and my conversation with Lady Light. I suppose it was fine to tell them this bit of intel.
 "Maybe it has something to do with Alice's disappearance." I voiced.
 All the boys looked up at me with big eyes. Half ajar mouths, expressed more words than were being voiced in that moment.
 "When I was trapped in that cage... this sort of Dark pool formed at the bottom. It sucked both of us in... I managed to break free... somehow, I can't recall..." I lied a bit.
 "But Alice didn't." Sora noted.
 "You think, maybe it's got somethin' to do with that there Keyhole we found."
 "Or maybe... It's both!" I exclaimed, popping up from my seat.
 "That's an idea..." Donald said. "Have you had any dreams to confirm it?"
 I shook my head. "I told you everything I've seen for the time being."
 A break in the conversation with permeated by the intercom buzzing to live as Chip’s voice squeaked through with an announcement. "Looks like there's another world up ahead guys."
"I guess, we're gonna have to cut this meeting short." Donald sighed. "Maybe after we get through this one, and we see what we see, we could try heading back to Traverse Town and talk about it with Leon." Then Donald looked at me. "You won't mind telling him what you told us, right?"
 I shook my head, wordlessly.
 "Good. Then, let's check out the new world."
 Kingdom Hearts: Ascendant Recollection
Chapter 04
The True Heroes' Circuit
 Going to new worlds was far more mind boggling than I would have been able to assume. With only two new worlds under my belt, I realized just how... plain, my view of the outside worlds was, when I was back home. Each one was so different, and with almost nothing to compare to, having their own quirks and niches. They were all pretty unique in their own way.
 So when I mention the incredible culture shock I go through when I visit a new world, I wonder if I'll ever not feel this sensation with every new encounter.
 So far, this new world seemed a bit sparse. Our little party stood in the center of what looked to be a sort of court yard that caged us in with surrounding, marble columns towering high above our heads. The sky washed the area is beautiful blues against the whites and gold of the scenery. Everywhere, spotting the place about us, were lit braziers that accented the opposing, towering structures.
 The main attraction to the area were the two, enormous statues, what towered high above our heads. Two men, dressed in armor, stood for battle, against each other. Their swords crossed as they stood frozen in an eternal clash.
 "Awesome gate!!" Sora exclaimed.
 "Ahem--" I heard a little voice clear it's throat, and out of Sora's hoodie came Jiminy.
 It was terribly easy to forget he was around.
 "This here is, the Coliseum of Olympus." He went on. "Famous warriors from all over the multiverse come to gather at this stadium, regularly to pit themselves against each other in mixed martial arts tournaments."
 "Sounds like a lot of destruction of that precious world order..." I mumbled, clear enough for Donald to hear.
 He grumbled, rolling his eyes in my direction and I couldn't help but grin. I thought it was funny, but that rule was bound to hold some inconsistencies, right?
 "Forget that!" Sora said, stopping in his tracks. His eyes lit up as they locked with mine. A bright smile rocketed across his face. "Jiminy mentioned tournaments! We gotta Check it out!"
 "Wait a second- We don't have time to— Sora!!" Donald squawked as he chased after him, as Sora had already gone barreling his way past the gargantuan statues and into the enormous double doors.
 "We better go..." I sighed, as Goofy and I followed the two impulsive characters, in our midst inside.
 The interior, was just as golden, if not ten times more. It was more like a small lobby that was only the entrance to something greater. Flames in each corner of the room, lit up the place. And in one of those corners was a small... brown hair-legged, red headed goat... man, at work as he was putting up a plaque.
 He was the only one around so, Sora approached him.
 "Um..." Sora started. But the goat guy stopped him before he could get much of a real word in.
 "Great timing. Give me a hand and move that pedestal over there for me, will ya?"
 The four of us, turned to find said pedestal, sitting across the room. Its size was comparable to that of a large boulder you'd find blocking a cave entrance. With that being said-- it was huge. Sora would not be able to move it.
 My gaze slowly drifted in his direction, and I couldn't help be let go a soft, "Ahhhh... Sora?"
 "I got this!" He quickly cut me off.
 Eagerly, he jogged over to the enormous block of solidified clay and threw his entire weight against it. Nothing happened, as he let go a couple of dignified strains before giving up just as quickly as he'd volunteered.
 "There's no way I could move this thing!" Sora blurted out. "It's way too heavy!"
 "What's that Herc?!" The goat guy bleated angrily, turning on us. His face had gone hot red with something that was a mix between rage and mystification. But it was in those couple of seconds where, his eyes quickly registered that one person had instead been a group of people, that his temper dissipated.
 "Oh..." He managed. "Wrong guy. Thought you's was someone else. Anyway, we're closed right now, so you'll have to come back during business hours." He turned on our party and made a shoeing gesture with his hand, getting back to his previous task.
 "Uh... I'm sorry, but..." Sora wasn't about to quit though. His heart was already in it. "I'm actually interested in entering the tournament."
 To this, goat dude burst out into a fit of laughter. He swiveled back around on his little goat legs, just as a tear of could be squeezed out of his eye. "You!! Wanna enter the tournament?! Hahahaha!! That's the funniest thing I ever heard!!"
 He proceeded to leap down off the stool he'd been standing on, and strutted over towards the hunk of rock. "Can't even move a lousy..." And then he proceeded to attempt the move it. "Pedestal!!!"
 I nodded, pursing my lips, a bit tired of watch enough people struggle over pushing a rock across the room. "In any case..." I began. "You think, maybe there’s a way we could enter?"
 "Yukari!" Donald, snapped.
 "What? It could be good practice for us to learn to work together better and use our Keys." I retorted, whispered harshly back at him.
 "This ain’t no practice run circuit!" The goat man, breathlessly bleated as he came away from the stone. "Hero's only! You wanna compete? Show me your ticket or beat it!"
 The four of us, exchanged defeated glances, knowing none of us had, at any point before this, acquired any sort of ticket. So, we left, clunking back through the door we'd come.
 "Quite the hospitality, he had." I shrugged, stuffing my hands into my back pockets.
 "Stupid ole Goat-Man..." Sora pouted.
 "Yeah!" Donald added. "Heros only..." he let go a mocking grumble as he stomped along. "We've got two of your so-called Heroes, right here! Keyblade chosen and everything!! That's gotta be something!"
 "And something, that is indeed!" A low voice, slithered in through the boy's complaints.
 Our little party stopped and turned towards the enormous double doors, we'd come from. Within the shadows, a very tall blue skinned man swathed in black robes looked us over from within the shadows. His yellow eyes almost glowed as bright as the stark blue flame that sat on his head.
 "Mmm... I don't like this guy..." I said under my breath as he slowly began to approached. I watched carefully not allowing my eyes to leave him as he appeared to be gliding across the ground, black smoke trailing behind him.
 "Honestly, the old goat's gettin' stiffer by the year." The man continued. His black lips hid behind them, small sharp teeth that made me want to distrust the guy even more. "But it would be a shame if we allowed him to ignore young talent, like yourselves."
 "And... who are you, exactly?" I asked, as, being in the rear, I was closest to him.
 The blue man, scoffed a bit. His lips twitched just so, as though he'd suddenly felt offended. To which he quickly shrugged off, attempting to switch gears. "Meh... Details." He said, reaching his spindly fingers around my shoulder and turned me to face the boys.
 I groaned audibly to express my extreme discomfort.
 "I see you four are tryin' to apply as rookies. I'm thinkin’ I can probably help with that, seeing how you're little band of 'heroes' tickles my interests." The guy leaned in, now his flaming head close to mine. The boys all having been, at this point captivated by his presence. Slowly he lifted his hand up before my face and snapped. That was all it took a for a glistening, golden to ticket appear from nothing.
 "A pass!" Sora shouted with delight. I could see in his eyes as he was itching to grab it up.
 "Go on, kid." The blue dude, ushered. "Take it. It should be enough to get you in, to the torny."
 "...Mmm.... What's the catch?" I asked, looking distrustfully into his eyes.
 "Catch? There isn't any." The guy said, getting suspiciously closer as his elbow locked around my neck. I felt like if I made the wrong move, this would very much go from a chummy embrace, to vice grip. "I just know potential when I see it. And I can definitely tell from just lookin at you, that ya'll've got the eyes of true heroes."
 My eyes carefully shifted back towards the ticket, he'd still been holding between his index finger and thumb. My eyes darted around at my team before slowly reaching for the slip of shiny paper. The second I'd had a firm grip on it, the blue guy disappeared and a cloud of glittering black smoke. But of course, not before a an elongated smile slowly stretched across his long face.
 I coughed and sputtered, clearing the dust from my eyes, that smelt vaguely of pomegranates and ash.
 "Who was that guy?" Goofy questioned aloud.
 But no one here would be able to answer his question. I gazed down at the golden ticket which had been gifted to us. Obviously something wasn't right about this guy. It was even more obvious that he had less than good intentions. The way he'd seem to know exactly what we'd wanted and even hinted at how he knew who we might have been, made me wonder if he had anything to do with those less than savory characters from my dream.
 "Why don't..." I began to say, my eyes tracing the bright golden trim of our new entry ticket. "we go back and talk to the goat dude again."
 * * * * *
"What the heck!?" The goat man, bleated incredulously. "How in holy Hera's name, did guys get one of these??"
 The four of us watched on as he inspected the small piece of paper that confirmed our registration in the tournament to come. No one said anything as to how we'd obtained it, as if we'd come to some sort of silent agreement on the matter. But Sora did step forth eagerly to press the goat once again.
 "So this means you're gonna let us compete now, right?"
 "Well... I mean... It don't look like I got much a choice with this." The goat dude hummed, putting the ticket away. "But first, I'm thinkin' of puttin you guys through a crash course. Fish tail, over here mentioned how you's four may need to improve your team work, earlier. If that's true, who knows what else, you guys need help with."
 "Fish tail?" I narrowed my eyes at him. Was he referring to my hair style??
 "Follow me, right through here." He led us through the only door in the room, through to a dark passage. The sound of our clamoring footsteps slapped against the close quarters as we walked. "Oh, and by the way... the name's Phil. Whatchya rookies, call yourselves?"
 "I'm Sora"
 The four of us introduced one after the other.
 "Alright." Phil's grin could be seen faintly in dim light of sconces that lit the corridor. "You four seem pretty eager to go at it. Show me what you've got."
 The dark path had finally ended whence we were led into a much more spacious tunnel that broke off into a multitude of exits. Phil led us through one of them. On the other side was what had clearly been an arena set against the stark blue mid-day sky. The stadium itself was empty, indicating that the tournament wouldn’t seem to be starting for a while.
 I suppose this would get our party a little bit of time to get some practice in.
 "Alright, rookies." Phil announced. "Let's go! Show me what you've got so far!"
 For a moment, our team kind of just stood speechless, together as we stared Phil down, completely unsure of what to do.
 "Uh..." Sora vocalized. "What... What do you want us to do?"
 "Fight, of course." Phil said it like it had been obvious.
 "Who..?" I questioned, looking around for enemies and or opponents.
 "Each other! Last one standing is the winner!" Phil bleated, excitedly. Shooting his tiny fist in the air as he shouted at the top of his lungs, "Fight!!"
 The four of us scrambled around a bit once we all realized what was happening. But it seemed this would display who was the most competitive, and who was the most passive as both Donald and Sora simultaneously made the first moves.
 "Waak!!" Donald rose his staff into the air. Small bolts of lightning rained down around us, but none of them seemed to hit anyone. Instead, they appeared to serve more as a distraction than anything. I watched as Goofy rose his shield over his head to protect himself, whilst Sora dove in, straight for Donald.
 "What are you doing!?!" Donald shouted, bouncing to and for on his feet. Panic was in his eyes as he tried to read Sora's moves.
 "Sorry Donald!" Sora shouted, raising his blade overhead.
 I watched as Sora was about to strike Donald down, whilst Donald attempt to smack him away with his staff. As I'd expected, Goofy butted in and broke Sora's attack. Sora, leapt back right as Goofy went in for a counter.
 "Thanks for the save!" Donald called out.
 "You're welcome!" Goofy grinned, but then his expression quickly reverted back to that of something like determination as he readied his shield. "But now I've gotta take you down!"
 He charged Donald who was now running for his life, spamming flame magic at Goofy who'd blocked each attack with his shield. I realized how absorbed I'd been in watching the boys when the sound of footsteps came clunking in my direction.
 Almost too late, I summoned my Keyblade as Sora slammed his down onto my own. But something wasn't right. Where once my Keyblade was a bright, silvery double shafted weapon, in my left hand was now a blade, far more reminiscent of a key-- black and gothic in appearance with a heavy chain running through the center of the shaft's designs. From the bat winged hand guard encrusted with a deep violet gem, that encircled the handle, dangled a keychain with a black crown.
 "Wh-- Augh!" I cried out, shoving Sora back.
 If he'd notice anything different, he didn't bother mentioning it. But that was fine, all the same as I dove behind him and ran in the direction of Donald and Goofy.
 "Don't run away!" Sora shouted after me playfully.
 I grinned back at him, satisfied that his full attention was on me. I turned to face our remaining party members who'd been locked in an intense brawl- Donald continuously casting spells with Goofy blocking every, one.
 "Incoming!!" I shouted as I neared them.
 Startled, the two stopped what they'd been doing to scream their heads off as I'd coming bounding my way towards them. So much so, they had no way to anticipate just what I'd do.
 Probably thinking I'd tackle either one of them, Goofy directed his shield towards me. Donald, threw his staff in my direction and shouted, "Freeze!!" Narrowly missing him by a hair, I ducked and slipped between the two's feet. All that was left now, was for Sora to realize what was coming to him.
 I turned in time to watch a frozen Sora slip and slide into the other two. Donald and Goofy were knocked out of the way but, shivering, hoodie boy was still coming at me.
 I blocked as he rammed his blade down on mine. Catching the look on Sora’s chilled features, I caught a glimpse of bold determination. Maybe he thought he had this in the bag? I smirked, shoving my forehead straight into his, instantly catching him off guard and forcing him to lose a bit of his balance. Taking this chance, I threw up his guard, snatching his Key out of his grip and swiped at his feet, for good measure. I watched as Sora was flung onto his back, hitting the stone beneath our feet hard.
 "We're not done yet!!" Donald Squawked.
 I looked up to find him and Goofy come charging at me from short distance away.
 Two to one, huh? Or maybe...
 I glanced back at Sora who was officially down for the count. He lay sprawled out on the ground, completely unconcerned of the playing field for the rest of us. Using that to my advantaged, I shut my eyes, and concentrated, calling on the power of magic. The last time, I did it, I completely just wasted all of my energy by carelessly flinging out all of my magic at once.
 Aiming at the two’s feet, I shot a blast of ice that turned the ground beneath them into a thin slippery sheet. It didn't take much for the two's running to turn into a slipping and sliding as they slid right into Sora, and went careening over his body and into the dirt.
 "And it looks like we've got ourselves a winner!!" Phil cheered, prancing into the arena, where he hopped around the four of us.
 Sora sat up, massaging his head. "No way... I want a... a rematch.." He said between breaths.
 "Nope." Phil denied him. "I've seen enough. The little lady right here, trumped you all. And I think I see why. You've all got your short comings and I know just the thing to put you guys on track before the tournament starts. Scrape yourselves up off the ground and follow me."
 Obviously, we did just that as we shuffled after the goat dude to what appeared to be a sort of outdoor training grounds slash gymnasium. Clearly this guy was a seasoned coach, having everything from the dumbbells to the "save the rag-doll in distress" obstacle course. I gaped about the place for what little time I was able before Phil broke us up and got us busy with our individual training exercises.
 Phil put the boys to work doing various things that seemed to build on their reflexes. He actually set them in the course were they were tasked with saving rag doll civilians as they fought off wooden monster targets. Meanwhile, he kept his focus on me as he had me attacking a poor, sad looking, defenseless dummy. He was giving me tips on how to hit hard and where.
 "Don't just throw the your weapon around." He said. "It's an extension of yourself-- Like a longer arm. Use it to connect your attacks with your target, not just whack ‘em to and fro. Hit em' hard, hit em' right and they'll go down quickly and more effectively."
 I drew back my black key, my forehead drenched with sweat. I was exhausted. We'd burned through literally two worlds before this one with zero rest in between. I thought about how we were preparing for the tournament and how I wasn’t as ready as I'd like to be. Sure it was kind of exciting, but I was nervous about how I'd preform.
 "You got a teacher?" Phil inquired, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
 "Hmm, why do you ask?" I lowered my stance.
 "During that little buddy brawl, the very first thing you did was stand there and watch to see what your team mates would do-- see how they'd move, who'd attack first. After that, it was like you used their trepidations or short comings against them. Ya didn't land any solidifying hits though. You played really defensively. You seem to know a thing or two about a fight... I think I'd be pretty scared to see you actually start fighting back."
 I blushed a little bit. The only things I knew were what Riku taught me. Sure I'd watched a lot of beach brawls between most of the boys back on the Islands. Riku tended to toss me around a lot, just because I was always looking for tips on how to go against different opponents. Sora was fun to spar with, but I didn't think he took it as seriously with me as he did with Riku. But then again, it was all fun and games before. The stakes were a bit higher now. All in all, I found myself relying on my team mates to come through where I knew I couldn't.
 "In any case... let's take a break." Phil finished, trotting over towards the boys. "The tournament should start soon. I want all four of ya's to rest up and mentally prepare."
 Extending his generosity even further, Phil loaded us up with tons of apples, plenty of water, and lots of pep talk. A couple hours of training and a bit of recuperating was fine by me. It was a nice cherry on top to have the guy give us one more good confidence boost. It was evident he had a lot of faith in us.
 "You guys worked pretty hard." He noted, wrapping some measuring tape around Sora's bicep. I grinned, not once considering that Sora would ever grow out of his scrawny boy look. "You're efforts are sure to pay off... errm eventually. But for now, just take everything I put you though in the last two and a half hours and get out there and kick some booty!"
 "But wait..." I said thoughtfully. "You said earlier that this tournament was for heroes only. All we did was work out... How does that make us qualified, again?"
 "It doesn't." Phil agreed. "But it's not to say that your potential hasn't showed me something spectacular. It's not about how much you buff up your brawn, but your spirit. For example, let's use your heart. You'd want to have a strong, heart before anything else."
 "How would I buff up my spirit, then?" Sora asked, after taking a long drink of water.
 "Well, that all depends on you." A new voice spoke out. "You'll have to find out for yourselves, just the way that I did."
 Our party looked up to find a very tall, and very brawny looking man standing over us. His bright smile radiated in our darkened spot near our gate, where we'd be let out once the tournament began and we were called forth. His skin was a nice sun bathed bronze. Bright blue eyes glistened against a his curly red hair which was held up in a sweat band. He'd been dressed in a short, brown tunic that stopped dead mid-thigh. I was feeling a little jealous about his insane calf muscles that were wrapped up in his leather sandals.
 "Herc!" Phil bleated excitedly as he leapt from his spot. "Let me introduce ya kiddies!! This here is my protégé! The man I trained to become a true hero! Hercules."
 "Just guessing from the looks of your sun beat faces and the fact that you all seem to have been worked to Hades, I'm gonna say you guys are some new trainees Phil took on?"
 I looked back over at Sora who was gawping at Hercules's muscles and laughed. "Sorta." I giggled. "We're here for the tournament, so he wrung us out a bit."
 "Ahhh I see." Hercules's eyes slowly drifted across each of us. But he didn't seem impressed. More worried than anything, which was a bit discouraging. "Well, you guys had best be careful. I'd been checking over the roster for the tournament and by the looks of it, there are no shortage of shady characters amongst the applications, the year."
 "You think someone is leakin' the qualification tickets?" Phil asked, his voice now hushed.
 Me and the boys immediately started to catch others eyes. I think at that moment, we all felt the same thing-- the blue dude from before was definitely on the list of suspects. I mean, it could have been him, but really who's to say there weren't others.
 * * * * *
The tournament had finally kicked off and our party was doing well to barrel our way through the preliminaries. We'd gone up against many of interesting characters, to say the least but, the oddity in the situation was that there had been quite a bit of Heartless taking up the brackets. Seeing as this was the case, we did well to plow them down. Once we'd finished up our seed, we were sent back to the waiting area, to prepare for the next opponent.
 We had been met by Phil on the way in, who'd congratulated our hard work, but that had been the last thing on our minds.
 "How are the Heartless even competing??" Sora asked, his voice low as we whispered to each other.
 "Yeah," Donald spat. "They don't have the brains to apply for anything."
 "Maybe... it's got something to do with those people from the dreams..." I offered, refusing to meet the eyes of my party. That alone brought an odd discomfort to the atmosphere.
 "Alright, alright." Phil pulled us apart, cutting the conversation short. "Enough huddle, kids! You're next match is comin’ up. Time to head out."
 "Who's our next opponent, more Heartless?" Donald grumbled.
 I actually caught a glimpse at the brackets and saw that instead of fighting Heartless of any kind, we were going up against what seemed would be a single person. "Well... the board says, Cloud." I noted. "Kind of unassuming, but we'll just have to find out."
 And find out we did.
 When we stepped out onto the arena, we were met with the most edgy looking guy I'd ever had the pleasure of gracing my eyeballs with. This... Cloud character was swathed in a shroud of a tattered red scarf that practically hid a little more than half of his face away. Bright blue eyes and blond hair flashed against his crimson rags that hid beneath it, a sort of uniform of a dark sleeveless sweater and worn out, fatigues. He had a shoulder armor and a golden clawed gauntlet on one arm, and an enormous sword wrapped in bandages in his other. Also... the guy had one tons more belts than Leon, and I wasn't even about to bother counting.
 The boys and I stood close together, our weapons out. Sora stood front and center with me off to his left. Goofy took his right, with Donald holding up the rear so he could comfortably cast his magic as we protected him as best as possible.
 The first move was made by Donald, who threw out a quick, and small thunder spell. For a second the temperature rose as bolt of yellow lightning zipped down towards our opponent. To all of our surprise, the guy full on deflected the attack with his giant sword.
 The expression on his face was just as dead as when he'd approached. Keeping his unphased eyes locked with our party, he hefted his sword, once. Just barely could I see his eye brows scrunch together when his eyes made contact with mine.
 "G-guys!! Scatter!" I shouted.
 I had no idea what he was planning, but I didn't like.
 Sadly, this effort was waisted when he'd sliced through the air and a blast of stinging wind came surging  at our party. I braced myself as best as possible, ramming my Key into the ground. Sora was almost swept away but, somehow managed to keep himself rooted when he slipped onto his hands and knees-- his fingers painfully gripping the tile in ground.
 Donald and Goofy were least fortunate as they were sent blasting out of the arena. I let forth a mild curse but continued to hold on as the winds whipped and snapped, painfully at me on all sides. It only took a mere few seconds for them to die down before the sound of clunking boots, bolting in my direction, captured my attention. I could barely blink as I watched the... Cloud dude, come barreling directly at me. I stumbled a bit, unable to think fast enough as the palm of Cloud's hand, made painful contact with my throat, gripping it tightly to the point where I couldn't even scream out.
 "Yukari!!" Sora shouted.
 But I couldn't even tell where he was anymore. Cloud continued to run with me in his vice grip a little ways before shoving me straight into the ground. I just barely managed to choke out a stifled scream, the pain was so intense. The wind was full on stripped out of me. To make matters worse, it felt like I definitely cracked something.
 With wide eyes, I stared up into the blond man's single visible one, trying to control my breathing, as his hold on my throat only tightened. I tried my hardest to pull his hand away, but it was literally impossible.
 "Take this!!" Sora shouted, which was a pretty dumb move on his part. But it did cause the man's grip on my esophagus to ease up.
 The guy didn't even turn to look at Sora. He only rose, still latching onto my larynx before flinging me right into him. The sound of our bodies slamming together as we'd painfully collided was enough to make any mother worry. In unison, we both released adolescent squeals of pain when the sides of our faces smashed into each other.
 I lay on top of Sora, my head completely spinning from the prior lack of oxygen during my time being stuck in a choke hold. I tried to level out my breathing, but I... couldn't. I was having trouble somehow. Was it because this guy was way out of our league? Dude was fast, I couldn't read what he'd do at all. Even giant Heartless were easier than this. They were slow, and dumb. But this was different. This was terrifying.
 "Yukari, a-are you okay?" Sora asked, trying to sit up
 I would have moved off of his chest had it not been for the looming shadow that emerged before us. Cloud stood at the ready. His enormous sword hung just a few inches from my back. He had us pinned down, completely rendered spent. I tried to control my breathing as I looked him right in his bright blue eye. Met with a seasoned scowl, I could feel the disappointment coming off of him.
 "This fight was over before it started." Cloud said, his voice was low as he spoke. "You guys are just some random kids. What was Hades so afraid of?" But then the look in his eye changed when I noticed him gazing over at the Keyblade in my hand.
 Did he know about it? And who was Hades?
 A thunderous boom, cut through the air and shook the world around us. Almost instantly, it grew increasingly dark as some enormous creature leapt over the coliseum walls, slamming right down into the arena and completely blotted out the sun that hung high above our heads. Reaching near the size of whole stadium, was an enormous three headed rottweiler, which growled and drooled as it stood glaring down at us with it's enormous, glowing red eyes. It's three heads were trained on cloud, but I felt some serious anger and hatred brewing in the big hound that could be preserved for Sora and myself as well.
 Delayed, but I suppose it was from the shock, screaming erupted all around from the audience. People were running and fighting to get out of the of the stadium.
 As I gazed up at the creature, I felt my heart crawl into my gut. The hot breath that streamed out of the thing's nostrils smelt of brimstone and foul scented ashes. If I wasn't frozen from the fear of being stabbed by Cloud’s giant knife before, I was definitely paralyzed at the sight of the evil looking mutt.
 The thing let go a thunderous roar that shook the entire area. I could just barely hear Donald and Goofy screaming for Sora and I to get up, from where they stood nearing the exits.
 "C'mon, Yukari!" Sora grunted, pushing me up with him.
 "I... I can't! My back, it's-- Augh!" My screaming had come from Sora taking action, and pulling one of my arms around his neck. I yelped in pain, as he held my tight, where the rib in my back had to have cracked from Cloud's earlier attack.
 "Sorry..." He apologized. "But we've got to move!"
 Another roar, exploded across the arena. Sora and I looked back at Cloud who was now, down on the ground, clearly unconscious.
 "We gotta help him!" I winced.
 But it was clear that my priorities were not in order.
 "Move! Move! Move!!" Sora shouted, trying to pull me along as fast as possible, as one of Cerberus's claws was zipping right at us. But there was no way we'd avoid it. Even at incredible limping speed, nothing but a true miracle would be able to save us.
 I like to think I have a gift for calling things as I see'em.
 The strike from the big gargantuan puppy, never came.
 Instead, Hercules took up the spotlight, dashing in to save us, having caught the thing by its claws. Throwing back the creature, he tossed it through the air, causing it to land on its back. But the thing quickly recovered and dashed back in our direction.
 "Get out of here!" Hercules ordered us, bracing for impact.
 "Let's go, kids!!" I could hear Phil’s voice over the angry barks of the dog.
 It pounced and landed right on top of Hercules, shaking the ground beneath our feat and burying the hero under a mountain of drool and fur.
 My eyes went wide as I watched. Sora yanked me along, struggling to get us back into the vestibule. We'd barely made it inside in one piece but, we were all together and safe at least.
 "What's... going on?" Sora asked, as he set me carefully against the wall.
 He didn't really look any better than myself. The spot on his face where the two of us had crashed into each other began to bruise and swell pretty badly, and he had a bit of a limp. "What was that??"
 Phil let go a few nervous bleats. We watched as he paced around anxiously while chewing on his nails. I could see the beads of sweat pouring down his face. "That was freakin' Cerberus, the guardian of the Underworld! I can't even begin to imagine why he could be here." He rattle on. "Herc should be fine. He can handle it! But... but maybe not!! This just ain't good..."
 I sighed painfully as I clasped my arm tightly across my ribs. I was still having trouble breathing, but it'd gotten better. I knew I was freaking out, but this just wasn't the time.
 "What happened?" Donald asked kneeling next to me. He was no doctor, but I think it wasn't normal for a teenaged girl to by hyperventilating the way I was.
 "I think she might have broken a rib." Sora said. "She said her back hurt too much to move. That guy must of really did a number on her."
 "I see." Donald reached into one of his pockets, pulled out a special looking potion bottle. It was far more extravagant than the potion bottles I was used to. "Take this. It's an elixir. I don't have enough magic to heal bones, but this should help."
 I slowly, and shakily moved my arm to reach for the bottle. But, Sora noticed my struggling and knelt next to me, taking up the bottle in his hands. He'd opened it up and a sickeningly sweet aroma filled the air.
 I lifted my head as the elixir neared my lips. I closed my eyes tight when extremely bitter taste met my tongue but, gulped it down no less. "Elllgghh...." I voiced my very clear opinions on how that tasted. Despite that, I was already feeling better and calmer.
 "That should tide you over for now." Donald grinned. I could have been going blind form the awful taste of the potion but it looked like Donald was smirking.
 "We've gotta get back out there and help Hercules." I said.
 "Yeah." Sora nodded. The look in his eye was resolute. I was glad that he agreed and wasn't calling for me to stay back and rest at least. Holding out his hand, he helped me up and led the way back out into the arena.
 "Whoa, whoa!!" Phil jumped in front of us, his arms spread to stop us, try as he might. "I appreciate the sentiment you two, but this ain't no game! This is for real!"
 "We're not afraid." Sora said, standing tall, despite him looking worse for wear just moments ago. "Besides, we've fought bigger monsters than this."
 While it was true, this Cerberus wasn't as dumb and clumsy lookin' like the others. This definitely wasn't going to be a risk free fight. None the less I followed Sora past Phil and out into the area, where we were once again greeted by the big dog looming angrily over Hercules. As we barreled our way in, I'd spotted him right away against the enormous blotch of black fur, holding Cloud in his arms.
 The very first thing Sora did was immediately summon his Keyblade, reel back his arm and flung it through the air. The blade went spinning violently towards Cerberus in the most impressive arc I'd ever seen, before thwanking him in the eye.
 The mad dog shrunk back angrily, thrashing belting forth a gut quaking roar as it stomped about. Me and the boys ran past Hercules with our weapons, out.
 "Firaga!" Donald shouted, blasting a fire ball at the dog. It howled in pain at the attack.
 "Get out of here, Hercules!" I shouted, as Goofy and I stopped before him, ready to ward off any attack.
 Thankfully, and surprisingly... he obeyed, nodding as he ran back to the lobby with the unconscious Cloud plopped over his shoulder.
 Sora caught his Key when it circled back towards him. This was all just in time for the four of us to scatter under the mighty stomping of the big dog.
 For a while, we ran around under foot, taking whacks were possible when the thing stopped thrashing enough for us not to die. I watched as Sora dove in, conking the thing on the nose. Agitated, Cerberus snapped back with its wicked sharp teeth, as though we were the perfect dinner. I whipped my dark blade against one of its legs, and was met with an attack of his whip like tail.
 I went zipping through the air, at such an alarming speed, I thought the little broken rib I got earlier was about to be upstaged by a full on shattered spine.
 "Aero!" Donald quacked.
 On que, I was suddenly swept up by a gentle gust of wind. It carried me slowly through the air, to safely decrease my flying speed so I wouldn't snap my neck, most likely, before floating me down to the ground.
 Donald was at my side, grinning at me.
 "Thanks..." I said, sweating bullets at the prospect that I was mostly likely dang near about to die.
 Another roar drew our attention back to the fight as we watched Cerberus rear back on its hind legs. At its gut, I could see what seemed to be a fierce quaking before an enormous knot of something traveled up its throat.
 "I don't like that!" I called, backing away.
 "Be ready..." Donald suggested, holding up his staff.
 But that would do little to prepare us for what would happen next.
 Darkness, like inky wet tendrils mixed with hot fire, spewed out of the jaws of Cerberus as he came down on our party. Instantly I got flash backs from the cage with Alice, and I almost panicked.
 Would this stuff suck us in too?
 Our fate's would be much worse as we were all quickly overtaken but the endless downpour of dark waves, that crashed over us and swallowed us up. Imagine fighting against a tsunami of black water. This was a good equivalent. I could hear the boys crying out as they tried to untangle themselves from the grip, but it would mean nothing as the dark stuff kept coming. The tendrils slipped around my body and tightly squeezed me beyond the point of simply hurting. I was suffocating now, the stuff drifting into my eyes and nostrils. I clamped my teeth together and only accidently opened them when I was forced to draw in a breath.
 It was like I was being eaten alive by... well darkness.
 I looked around at my companions. Donald and Goofy were nowhere to be seen, but I could just barely catch Sora out of the corner of my eye. He was struggling just as much as I. And I knew in the moment where our eyes met, all I could see was a similar panic and hopelessness we'd shared, back when our Island got swallowed up.
 I watched him sink, his head slowly being pulled beneath as tendrils ripped his neck violently black into the dark stuff.
 "S-sora!!" I cried out.
 But within seconds I was sucked under as well.
 With the light immediately consumed, I at first thought that I had died. But in a mere chance of fate, I was lucky to even be left unconscious enough to be encompassed in what felt like a dream.
 I drifted through inky black darkness, descending slowly into the darker depths. I fought the urge to close my eyes for, I felt if I did none of us would able to make it out of this. I blinked rapidly, as I tried to focus on what was ahead of me and noticed my dark Keyblade still clutched in my left hand.
 "Oblivion..." I let the word fall from my lips. But it was as though my words weren't my own as another voice spoke along with it-- one that sounded sinister.
 Blinking again, I was met with that... Screecher, the Lady of Darkness. I was hardly surprised at this point. The low rattling of hisses flooded my ears, and wrapped around me like a safety blanket. Her black silhouette of a body moved like ink in water, slowly but surely slipping around my form.
 "You..." I said weekly, my eyes threatening to shut.
 "Me indeed." Came a gentle hiss from the creature. "It would seem that you've found yourself in a bit of a situation. I think that I may be able to help you..."
 "Help me...?" I let go a lethargic groan. "Why would you want to help me? You only want... to eat me."
 The thing threw her head back as she erupted into a fit of laughter. Her red mangled demon death and yellow, unblinking eyes seemed to enlarged when she'd calmed enough to shove them into my face. "Noooo... I don't want to eat you, silly." She chuckled. "You and I are a part of each other. Why… if I ate you, where would I go?"
 Obviously that was some real bull. But due to the fact that I could barely move through this dark space, I let her talk.
 "No... I just want to be of better service to you." She said, giddily. "Let me lend you my power."
 I wasn’t sure why, but her words didn’t immediately register as I was trying to focus about ninety percent of my attention on staying conscious. "The catch..." I blinked hard this time. I knew I was fading. "What is it?"
 "Catch???" She looked a bit hurt, but it seemed more like she was faking it really. "Why… there is none. It's either let me help you... Or you and your little band of kiddie heroes die here together-- become consumed by the darkness and turn in to Heartless as you wait for a new set of Keyblade wielders to come trotting along and destroy you for good."
 Somehow... that really woke me up. A fate like that would be one to scare any teen straight. I gazed about myself and realized only now that, I wasn't alone. I saw Sora, Donald and Goofy, all floating around me, looking pale and lifeless as they gently hung in the space of deep violets and blacks. Tendrils and inky stuff spilled out of them-- out of their eyes and mouths, which were pried open in fear and pain. Their entire eyes had turned completely black.
 "So what shall it be?" The Screecher, called for my attention again. "Stay here and die? Or take my offer to help you?"
 I watched as her dark claws crept up to my chest, sinking into my shirt and gently breaking the skin. Surprisingly there was no pain, but the alarming thing about this was that black ink began to flood out of the wounds she created.
 It seemed more like she was trying to scare me more than get me to trust her but, either way, my choices were quite limited.
 "I'll take your help." I decided. "But only this once."
 The Screecher narrowed her eyes. The grin on her face stretched wider than what was normal and I knew I would come to regret my decision. If not immediately, then surely so. She let go a few hefty giggles before raising her voice. "Only this once?" She sounded increasingly amused. "Silly child. Once this deal is made, this won't be the only time you call forth my power! This contract is binding. Without me, you are weak and it shan't take much for you to see that!!"
 As she blabbed on about her claim, she swirled around me at dizzying speeds. Before I could even blink she'd pushed her inky body into my own, melting through my pours and squirming into my eyes and mouth before white hot pain flared up inside of my chest and head.
 I screamed at the tip of my lung as it felt like I’d been suddenly set on fire. My body felt as though it had begun to move on its own-- the Key in my left hand shot forward and I went rocketing upwards. My body zipped through the sludge and smoke around me, until I was suddenly met with the blinding sun. Cerberus was still attacking, spewing orbs of darkness into the sky with two of its heads while the center one continued to flood the arena with the waves of Darkness.
 Levitating before his great size, what seemed to be Darkness of my own, spewed forth, attacking the giant mutt with tendrils the lashed and writhed. It fought back the currents of Cerberus's attack with no effort, consuming him in a sphere of light and darkness that rose and swelled, throbbing like a pounding heart, into the sky.
 "Stop!" A voice shouted in my head. "Stop this at once!! Don't let her take a hold of you!!"
 But that was just it-- I had already lost whatever control I had. My body was thrumming with pain now as the sphere began to grow and sprout tendrils of its own. It shot down towards the ground and began to rip through the stadium. The black waves drained through the cracks below, and hungrily began to tangle themselves into the foundation.
 "Y-Yukari!!" I heard Sora’s voice over the sounds of destruction. "Yukari, stop! It's over!!"
 I strained as I pulled my neck in the direction of his voice. My party members knelt on the ground, trying to keep hold of the quacking world beneath their feet. Each of them looked, understandably terrified.
 "Sleeeeeeeepp!!" The Screecher's voice rung through my head.
 This was met with a fierce pain that literally almost made me pass out. Only now had I realized I'd been deceived, but really what could I do?
 "Fight it, child!!" The voice from before came back. "Don't let her take you!! Fight back!!"
 The voice of the Lady of light, pierced through the Darkness. And in an instant the world around me quieted and the only thing I could see was her.
 "The Keyblade..." She said, her hand now on mine. "Let it go..."
 "I..." I protested. But why?
 "Yukari... Let it go. Yukari..."
 "Yukari!!" Sora voice ripped through my ears.
 A explosion of light burst from my chest and the dark Keyblade shattered to pieces like glass in my hand. My right hand flung forth and summoned the Oathkeeper where light, glared from the tip and bathed the whole arena a tingling warmth.
 Spent to nothing, I found my body falling whence the light died away. The air whipped around me, howling in my ears, carrying with it a gentle voice that was unmistakably the Screecher's. "You are miiinne..."
 My body plopped with a soft thud onto the deconstructed ground below as an air spell cushioned my fall enough to keep my face becoming a jelly mess.
 "Yukari!" Sora cried out as he and the boys came running over to me. "Yukari, are you okay?!"
 Cradled in his arms, I groaned, as I blinked to clear away the black dots. The boy's faces were blurred to heck but, for the most part I think I was pretty okay. Just completely exhausted.
 "I'm... I'm good." I mumbled, weekly lifting up my hand to give them all a thumbs up. If my cheesy, not-so-assuring grin wasn't enough to convince them, surely that would.
 "What was... all that?" Goofy asked.
 I hummed in thought as Sora, for the second this in the last hour, supported my weight, with my arm slung around his shoulder as he helped me to my feet and back to the lobby. Goofy took my other arm when he saw I was a complete wobbling mess. "Honestly... I have no clue." I answered, letting go a week laugh.
 And I think for that moment, I was okay with my response. I didn't let it swim in a stirring pot of mixed thoughts and emotions. I made a bad decision and it probably nearly cost me. That Screecher had greatly defined what was holding me back-- fear. Ever since learning of what fate falls upon those who become consumed by the Darkness I've been very afraid of the possible fate in this unchosen line of work as a Keyblade wielder. I didn't want to slip up and lose my heart to Darkness. I didn't want to become a Heartless, slithering through the void searching for my next victim. I wanted to remain myself.
 I wasn't afraid to fight, and I wasn't afraid to lose. But I was afraid of the darker fates we couldn't control. And the Screecher somehow knew that, outlining that fear and using it in her favor. She'd tricked me with what I could only assume was a vision... dream... thing that showed me a false fate of my friends so that she could take advantage of me. For what? I couldn't be sure, but I knew that it worked.
 In the end, I was just so relieved that... my friends and I turned out okay.
 "Well, I think it was some sort of magic." Donald offered, but he didn't really sound convinced. "I'm gonna give you some tips on how to properly manage it."
 * * * * *
"Man!! I knew I was right about you. Crazy scary when you hit back. A little reckless though, but boy!! That messed Cerberus up so bad he complete vanished!" Phil excitedly greeted us when we'd came sifting back into the vestibule. "Just remember, rule no. 51: Don't get carless. Keep that up and you'll end up turning to dust."
 "Noted." I responded without hesitation.
 "In any case, you guys rocked that arena. Literally. Takes a ton o' courage to go at it against Cerberus. I'd say you guys have been promoted to junior heroes. But none the less still rookies."
 "Whakk!!" Donald was about to go, off. But stopped against his better judgement when he caught a teasing look I'd been shooting him.
 Even so, someone seemed at least a little pleased with the new title.
 "Heh heh." Sora smiled as he, not so covertly let me go and shuffled over towards the block of stone he'd gone up against when he got here. "Well after taking on some pretty big foes today, I'd say I'm just about ready to try this pedestal again."
 Phil let go a laughed. "You really think you’re ready for it?" He questioned, completely unconvinced.
 "Why don't you guys all try moving it." Hercules suggested.
 "Count me out." I said, tiredly as I took a spot on stool near the back wall. "I'm tuckered."
 "Alright." Sora nodded. "You guys gonna try?" He looked to Donald and Goofy who were already making their way over to him.
 On three, the boys pressed all of their weight into the stone pedestal as they slowly moved the thing inch by inch across the floor. I grinned, pretty proud they managed to achieve victory against the big ole' rock. But, once they'd fully moved the thing clear out of its old spot, there beneath it was yet, "Another Keyhole." I voiced.
 Sora nodded and got to work, whipping out his blade, and leveled it with the floor. Like before a beam out light trailed from the Key and into the hole, locking it for good.
 "That's the second one..." I said, as the boys huddled back around me.
 "We really should get back to Leon about this." Donald suggested. "It could actually be something pretty big."
 "Wait, you rookies are leavin'?" Phil inquired.
 "Yeah." Sora nodded. "We've gotta get going."
 "Sorry to leave so abruptly." I apologized. "What with that giant mess and the whole tournament situation."
 "Ehhh, don't worry about that." Phil waved it off. "That's a normal thing. Nothing we can't fix. I mean it does mean the tournament’s over for now but what matters is that everyone's safe. You guys just make it a point to swing by every now and then. I'll give ya another good trainin' session, for sure."
 "Annndd, the next time you see us, we're gonna be true heroes." Donald grinned, pointing at Phil as though to solidify a promise.
 "I'm sure lookin' forward to that." Phil laughed.
To Be Continued
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smoakqueenfam · 7 years ago
Arrow Rewatch 2018 - 3x01
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Y’all, this is a long one. I apologize. But not really because it’s just me fangirling about Olicity the majority of the time, sooooo. Hahaha.
One of my favorite episodes of Arrow!
— I love all the sequences of Oliver running through the forest/woods/trees to start the season. Wish they had kept up with that!
— OTA and Roy looking as polished as they possibly can! Well. Oiled. Machine.
— “Did you buy me a bed?” “You were sleeping on the floor.” All my Olicity feeeels!
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— ALL THE FEELINGS. Her cupping his face. Him looking after her so lovingly. Those two are such goners.
— “Lyla has me trying to build a bassinet from hell.” Hahaha.
— “Maybe Felicity will change all that.” DOES SHE EVER.
— “You love her. You even told her so.” “I was trying to fool Slade.” “Ah, yes. But now the only one you’re fooling is yourself.” Preach, Diggle! Preach!
— The Hong Kong flashbacks are my favorites.
— This is one episode I actually like Laurel in. Haha.
— Quentin in his uniform! Gah, I’m gonna miss him.
— Whoever directed this episode did an amazing job of having Oliver standing behind Quentin in the background as he gives recognition to the Arrow.
— Vertigo! I love episodes with vertigo. Just another reason for this being one of my faves! Haha.
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— I love that he had to take a breath, gather himself, and then ask her again. Like he knew this was going to change his life the moment he asked it, either for the better or worse. And her immediate response? Gah. Dead.
— Poor Felicity. Having to wear khakis. Gross.
— “Do you like Italian?” LOVE this whole sequence!
— “You got a hot date or something?” That smiiiiillleeee!!!
— I have a confession to make. I love Olicity. More than any other couple ever. We all know this. BUT I actually don’t HATE Ray and Felicity. I loved the introduction to his character. I love that he was someone that could be a filler for Oliver until he got his shit together. I love that he understood Felicity and her little quirks (just as much as Oliver). I love that he caused all the angst. I really just love Ray as a character. Okay. Just needed to get that out before I continued on with the season. Hahaha. (Don’t hate me, please)
— “I feel like an M1A1!” Hahaha, the look on the doctors fave was priceless.
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I’m chill, I’m totally chill. (I’m never chill when it comes to these two)
— “You’re the first person I could see as a..person. There was just something about you.” “Yeah, I was chewing on a pen.” “It was red.” I AM SO EMOTIONAL.
— As soon as he opens his eyes he’s searching for her. Precious.
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— And as soon as she wakes up she’s screaming his name. THESE TWO MAKE MY HEART SO HAPPY.
— “Get away from him or get put down!” Quentin has come so far.
— Going to take note every time Felicity asks Oliver if he’s okay this season (because I forgot to the last two seasons haha), 1/1!
— Oliver looking out for Diggle is one of my favorite things.
— Tatsu, Maseo, and Akeo!
— “If I’m not a cop, what am I?” A kick ass deputy mayor for one!
— “You two know each other..?” “Ooooh, frak.” LOLOL.
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— Oliver’s confused face whenever Felicity says something he doesn’t understand is FOREVER my favorite. Hahaha.
— Oliver hates Ray so much already. Hahaha.
— Loving all the new technology this season!
— OMG. I never noticed that Oliver is looking right at Felicity when he says “It’s the life I can’t have.” GAAAAHHHHHH. KILL ME WITH ALL THE ANGST PLZ.
— “DAMMIT OLIVER, YOU WOULD BE DEAD TEN TIMES OVER IF IT WASNT FOR ME!” True story. I get where Diggle is coming from, but Oliver is right. He needs to be with Lyla and his daughter.
— Side note: Roy’s new suit is FIIIIREEEE.
— Sara! Hey girl!
— Roy and Felicity with the save!
— I LOVE Oliver and Sara as friends.
— “You know how I said I knew a guy that’s looking to hire you?” *points to himself* hahaha.
— “All my data has been replaced with porcupine flatulence.” Hahahaha, dont mess with Felicity. Love this whole exchange so much.
— “BTW, might wanna check your iPad while you’re at it.” Hahahaha.
— “The second I looked at her my whole universe changed. Everything changed.” OLIVER GAZING AT FELICITY. MELT MY FREAKING HEART.
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— Doliver’s bromance is everything.
— Oliver knows Felicity is his soulmate. But he has to grow and change into the person that he’s meant to become before he accepts that it’s okay to love her. I get that, but it still sucks that we had to wait a whole season (okay 3 seasons) for it. But again, ALL THE ANGST.
— That kiss punches me right in the gut. EVERY SINGLE TIME I WATCH IT.
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— “Don’t ask me to say that I don’t love you.” The way he stares at her. The way he’s cupping her face. The way she is completely out of breath. I CANNOT. I JUST CANT.
— I LOVE that he just holds his hands up where her face was after she walks away. He’s just like “shit. What did I just do? Did I just lose the love of my life?” It’s heartbreaking.
— Barry! What’s up, my friend?!
— “Laurel Lance. Always trying to save the world.” “Runs in the family.” Love their relationship.
— BUT BUT WHHHYYY SARA?! Gah. Forever sad about that death. Even if she did come back to life, haha.
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@jules85 @hope-for-olicity @memcjo @allimariexf
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cupidsbower · 7 years ago
Alive and burning brighter
Supernatural 13x09 “The Bad Place,” and 13x10 “Wayward Sisters.”
Wayward daughters, here we come!!!
The Bad Place
The title of this episode is interesting because there’s more than one way to read it, as with so much of this season. “The Good Place” is a TV show, which has a central twist [spoiler] of actually being an experiment in Hell, where people think they’ve been sent to Heaven by mistake, only to realise they’re really damned after all. So the Good Place is really the Bad Place. What does that mean for Supernatural? Is the title meant to be ironic or straight? Is the Bad Place Kia’s dream-walking destination, or is it something else? Is it an inversion -- a place people think is bad, but is actually good? The Earth of the Supernatural ‘verse has always seemed a place of horrors, until we contrast it with Mordor, or Purgatory, or Kia’s Bad Place. Of course, there’s also a horror novel by Dean Koontz called The Bad Place about a guy who wants a normal life but keeps getting dragged into a life of supernatural horror by his inbred family. On point.
This episode overtly sets things up for the Wayward Sisters ep to follow, but it still has some interesting things to say about our core story threads of how to be a good father, Dean’s wonky moral radar, and people having heard of hunting and/or Sam and Dean.
James continues to be a terrible father. He’s loving and decent, but doesn’t trust Patience enough to start being her own person and making her own choices. It’s no wonder she leaves. That’s not a tenable place to be if she actually wants to grow and have her own life. I hope James will get his head out of his ass and realise that. It would be nice to have him in Wayward Daughters as an ongoing supporting character, especially if we get to see the relationship become more healthy. That’s not something depicted enough, so it would be refreshing.
The writers continue to do the bait and switch with Jack, and it’s working because I can’t decide if it’s going to pay off with him actually doing something terrible when no-one expects it or if they are just using it for tension. I’m leaning towards tension, but I won’t be surprised if he ends up killing Lucifer down the track. Patricide, you know, would fit in with this season’s themes pretty well.
Dean’s moral radar continues to be all over the place. He still thinks Jack could be a monster, and that he’s going to go looking for Lucifer. That says at least as much about Dean and his own daddy issues as it possibly could about Jack. Assuming for a moment that I’m wrong and Dean moral radar is actually fine, perhaps it’s wonky for Jack because Jack is still forming his moral character and could go either way. I’d be tempted to go with this idea, because it’s interesting, except then we got the moment Dean decides to threaten Kia with a gun and force her to help them, falling right back into the old habits of making bad choices when family is on the line. That was more than a dick move, it was a monstrous one. The ends don’t justify the means, and he was plain wrong and cruel. I find Dean’s choice here even more interesting than the possibility that Jack is morally unformed. We’ve already seen this season that Dean’s emotional support system has shifted, and is much more reliant on Castiel now, and I’m wondering if the moral wonkiness we’re seeing is because he hasn’t really found his balance yet. Is he awkwardly straddled between needing his birth family for emotional support, and creating his own more adult connections? He’s so terrible at actually talking to Castiel about anything to do with emotions, so I find this an entirely believable reading.
We also have another instance of people thinking they know about the Winchesters. The angels kidnap Kia specifically as bait:
Kaia: Your plan? It sucks. They won't come for me. Female Angel: What do you mean? Kaia: I mean, you picked the wrong bait. I'm not the kind of girl folks come for. In this world, I don't even rank a milk carton. No one is gonna come for me. I'm not white, rich, blonde. No one's gonna fight for me. I don't matter. Female Angel: Of course you don't matter. But they think you do. They'll show. And when they do, we'll kill them and take the boy. (x)
I actually thought the dialogue in this scene was really clunky. It was like Berens had to shoe-horn stuff in, and used bad exposition to do it. It was really jarring compared to the rest of the episode. But putting that aside, the angels take on the Winchesters is that they will try to save anyone human, but also that it will be easy to kill them and take what they want.
Frankly, I’m living for this theme. For ages, I’ve wanted the text to explore what other characters know or think they know about the Winchesters, and it’s now quite clear this is a major arc this season. Anyway, Housemate and I were talking about this, and we were wondering why everyone (except Crowley) always underestimates the Winchesters. I made the following case:
When they are at their most deadly, no-one survives to tell the tale; or else it happens in a place where stories aren’t likely to end up with the Earth-bound monsters -- like Dean’s stint in Purgatory.
Those who do survive the Winchesters to tell the tale are often around when things go wrong, and Sam and Dean act like bumbling idiots. The scene in 13x12 is an example of this. The witches easily enspell Dean, and get away (temporarily) because Sam and Dean are rolling around on the ground fighting each other. Let’s be real, most of the pleasure in watching that scene was in Jared and Jensen pulling faces and being ridiculous. If the witches were to tell anyone about it at this point, it would be all, “Pfft, they aren’t all that.” I suspect a lot of the monster gossip about the Winchesters comes from those moments, and paints them as half-assed -- yes, they are hunters so sensible monsters steer clear, but they kill things by luck a bunch of the time, so the gossip goes. A hard-ass monster wouldn’t be that worried, based on the stories.
There must also be something in the gossip about the Winchesters being bleeding hearts who make stupid sentimental decisions -- mostly focused on saving people, and that always includes Humans, but can include monsters too if they are law-abiding. Hence the witch going to them for help, and these angels taking Kia as bait.
This really fascinates me, and I hope we actually get to see some of the gossip happening in an episode down the track. Even better if it’s played off against Sam and Dean at their most competent and deadly, so that the chasm between the stories and the reality is obvious.
There were two other things I particularly loved about this episode: The angels attacking the wards as a group. So cool. And that Dean and Sam ended up in a giant monster footprint. Housemate and I both screeched “Dinosaur World!!!” at the same time.
This season really is giving me all the things I want. :)
Wayward Sisters
*happysigh* We have all been waiting for this episode for ages, right? And it didn’t disappoint. The showrunners put some real care into this, from writing, performances, and direction, down to giving the ep prime place as the mid-season finale, as it deserved.
I wonder if “I Am the Fire” will be the show’s anthem in the same way that “Carry on My Wayward Son” is for Supernatural. Good choice if so.
Halestorm, I Am the Fire
There was something viscerally satisfying about seeing all these women on the screen together. I love them all. I love that Claire is being set up as the lead, the kick-ass Hunter with a chip on her shoulder. God, her opening scene was fantastic! Mr Werewolf. Hahahaha. She’s going to be great. I love that Jody and Donna are there as role models and protectors, and Donna’s smiling face is a treasure. I love that Alex and Patience have completely different skill sets from hunting but still have a place. I love the female energy.
I also really liked Kaia, and as always have mixed feelings about her fridging. The show really has learned, because here we have a fridging that is not a fridging. I’m still not happy with it, because the larger cultural trope of killing off the women of colour is still a thing, so it bothers we whenever it happens. But Supernatural at least seem to be trying hard to include more diversity, and to be fair to the writers, that presents a real problem given the genre and death count on the show. This new method they’re trying -- fridging some characters of colour as needed for the story, but making sure there are other characters who survive from the same demographic, is definitely a step forward. I’m never going to be 100% happy with this, as long as minorities of all kinds have a higher death count and lower representation on screen, but I will pay that Supernatural is actively trying to do better, and succeeding for the most part. As fridgings go, this was effective in deepening Claire’s characterisation in a way that should play out really well in the new show, especially with the New Kaia in the mix.
In terms of Kaia as a character, I’m sad they killed her because I liked her, but I’m pretty optimistic we’re going to get a similar Kaia with the hooded figure. With all the set up of Morder, we know that the people in the other worlds are very like the ones here, just with a few different quirks and edges, so the Kaia who came through is likely to have most of the same characteristics as Kaia Mark 1, including the dreamwalking. I’m happy about this, as I really want Kaia as part of the Wayward team.
Apart from that, I don’t have much to say. The writing was strong, and I loved the touches, like:
JODY: They were on a hunting trip and I haven’t heard from them in a few days. It’s time to come home. (x)
If this is what the show is going to be like, I’m here for it. I’m actually more excited for it than I thought I would be, and I can’t wait for the show to start airing.
I looked up a guide to the must-watch episodes to get ready for Wayward Sisters, because I thought some of you might find it useful:
Season 5, episode 15 - “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid”: This episode will introduce you to Sheriff Jody for the first time and show you how she got into the supernatural life. Season 9, episode 19 - “Alex Annie Alexis Anne”: In this episode, we not only get to see Sheriff Jody in action as a hunter, but also her rescue and “adoption” of Alex. Season 10, episode 8 - “Hibbing 911”: Though this isn’t Sheriff Donna’s first episode, it is the firs.  where she’s clued into the supernatural realm, and where she begins her friendship with Sheriff Jody. Season 10, episode 9 - “The Things We Left Behind”: This episode reintroduces us to Claire and shows us the troubled, solitary life she’s been leading since losing her father. Season 10, episode 20 - “Angel Heart”: Claire hunts down her mother in this episode, and ultimately loses her. While it’s tragic, the episode ends with Claire being sent to live with Jody and Alex. Season 11, episode 12 - “Don’t You Forget About Me”: If you only have time to watch one episode, watch this one. This was the first episode where we got to see some glimpses of Wayward Sisters. It is our first look at the unique hunting family Jody has created. Season 13, episode 3 - “Patience”: This episode introduces us to Patience, and gives us insight into her powers. It’s also where Jody and Patience first meet. Season 13, episode 9 - “The Bad Place”: In our first introduction to Kaia, we learn about her powerful dreamwalking abilities, as well as the lonely life she’s been leading as she’s tried to find some sort of peace from “the bad place.” It’s also the last episode to air before the backdoor pilot. (x)
I’ve actually already seen the next two eps, but will post about them separately, otherwise I’ll get too far behind.
I never opened myself this way (13x01 and 13x02)
You say you’ve only got one life to live (13x03, 13x04, 13x05)  
Let me tell you people that I found a new way (13x06, 13x07, 13x08)      
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cecke8 · 7 years ago
Loving and Leaving Ed
I’d love to give a HUGE thank you to Anon who requested this particular story and I hope it’s lived up to your expectations. It’s my first fic about a different character. It was almost refreshing. The details about the character and particular things you would like were immensely helpful. I know it’s been months and I’m sorry. Again thank you for requesting. As always, thanks for reading everyone and enjoy!
You had been working at the Gotham City Police Department for three months, and now, you had received the transfer letter to Metropolis… again. You had never planned on staying in Gotham any longer than you needed too – one month at most.  However, your partner of three months had caused you to stay. He didn’t ask or plead with you, in fact, he frowned at the thought of you staying in Gotham. You had always been one to follow your heart, and your heart wanted to stay with your boyfriend. He, of course, had urged you to leave. Gotham was corrupt and wasn’t somewhere with much ‘clean’ opportunity without taking the necessary actions. Let’s rephrase that, if you wanted to climb the ladder, you had to learn how to. But you would always send the transfer letters back, stating that you wanted to get more experience here first. Edward Nygma, however, was still someone who encouraged opportunity, and leaving Gotham was the best way for you to get it. Although he would miss you, he convinced you to go, telling you that if need be, you could come back.
“Ed, I dunno if I want to go anymore. I shouldn’t have let you talk me into this.” You hugged Edward tightly, your head only reaching his chin. He rested his cheek ontop of your head,
“Y/n, how many times have I told you to stop avoiding the unavoidable?” 
You sighed into his shirt. He was right. How many times had he told you that achievement was pointless if one does not take the right opportunity? Now was the opportunity. You could forever be stuck filing archives and loading documents if you didn’t get out of here. 
“I know Ed, I just… Ugh, I dunno how we’ll make this work. You know, the long distance.”
You looked up into Ed’s russet brown eyes. The eyes you have always thought of like a puppy, or a small, awkward child. How were you going to leave them?
Ed rolled those eyes and smiled his tight-lipped grin. It didn’t go up to his eyes.
“What’s nowhere, but everywhere except where something is?”
You smiled. Those were the first words Edward spoke to you:
Your first day working as the archivist in the GCPD and already someone was sifting through files.
“What are you doing?” You’d asked. He was tall, lanky and dorky. His hands retracted from the draw as if he had been electrocuted and his head whipped around to face you. He stammered before saying,
“Whats nowhere, but everywhere, except where something is?” His eyes widened as his mouth formed an ‘o’. Bowing his head, he seemed to scold himself for saying such a thing.
“Nothing.” You answered, smiling. You loved memorising things and riddles were one of the best way’s to do it.  Knowledge. It was your drug. Ever since you were little, you’d taken a fancy in learning as much as you could. Especially when your father had given a large book of riddles, clearly for above your age group. However, inquisitive, you had begun reading the book.
The man looked up and smiled a tight smile. It crinkled his eyes.
“Correct… you like riddles?” He asked tentatively.
“I like learning and riddles are a great way to do that. I’m guessing you like them too?” He shrugged. 
“Well Mr Riddle, ask if you want files, and I’ll happily oblige.” You saw that he was really no threat. Probably looking for something to read really. 
That had been the start of bantering conversation, the learnings of archives in your office when things were slow and eventually, a relationship.
You quirked an eyebrow, “So what?”
“Gotham has nothing here to help you anymore`. Please, go get something out of this and if you get what you want, come back.”
He was right, like always. Although, when was he ever wrong?
You looked back at your small, loaded car and then at Ed. It was hard to see him sad like this. You were the one to make people feel happy. Make people laugh, even if you did laugh more at your own jokes than they did. Ed had told you this specifically because every cheesy joke you told had you almost in tears. He would only laugh because you were.  You weren’t the one to make someone sad. However, he would be eternally guilty if you stayed. This was for the best.
You stood on your tippy-toes and crossed your wrist’s behind his neck - too short to comfortably wrap your arms for a proper secure hold. Edward leaned down so you could peck each other’s lips, smiling as you did so. How people had gorked when you had done this publically the first time.
You knew bodies were always being observed. Causes of death varied immensely in Gotham, and the forensic pathologist rarely had a shortage of work. However, knowing it was very different to seeing it. Especially seeing it for the first time.
Docter Guerra - the head forensic pathologist at the GCPD - asked for files of a particular criminal and asked you to bring it down to the lab. Obviously, you complied. You had been to the labs on multiple occasions for the past week to study or just read. Sure, you knew bodies had been on the tables you worked at, but they were never actually there.
This day was different. You knocked on the door and asked for entry, which was given.
“I’ve got the files you asked for Dr…” You stopped dead in your tracks, open-mouthed. On the table lay an opened corpse, Dr Guerra’s hands inside it. All you could do was stare, mortified at the scene.
“Uh, thank you Miss Y/l/n. Would put in on the table here?” He never even looked up from the gory mess in front of him. You dropped the archives and ran back down the hall. As reached the maze of desks, you crashed into Edward. 
“Y/n, whats wrong.”
You never answered. You just wrapped your arms around Ed’s waist and tried to slow you breathing by counting his heartbeats. You were desperately trying to hold choking sobs in the back of your throat.  He stroked your hair and kissed your forehead, once again asking what was wrong.  At this point, there was quite and audience watching in awe. ‘Nerdy Nygma got her!?” 
The answer came to your head, his embrace calming you immensely.
“I have no end and am the ending of all that begins. What am I?” You searched his eyes, his eyes twinkling as he solved the words.
“Death… and?” he hadn’t put two and two together yet. You looked back at the forensic labs. Ed followed your gaze, then looked back at you. You almost heard the click of his brain.
“Oh, y/n. I’m sorry.” He apologised as he wound his arms around you tighter, his scent filling your nose.  
That was when the rest of the workplace found out they were dating.
The GCPD was a chaotic place filled with the comings and goings of petty thieves and mob bosses - not that anyone did anything about that. Everyone working here knew that the GCPD was full of dirty cops. Heck, even the Major Crimes Unit knew it. But when the primary mob boss has dealings with the whole police department, no one's going to want to do much against them. Even you knew the dirty workings. But now you were going to leave that all behind.  All the corruption and lies.
Ed had always been your refuge from it all. After only a month, you had moved in with him. It was a dark apartment with a steampunk looking style, but it was home. You smiled as you remembered the first night there,
Edward had helped you unpack your things, and now you were in the bathroom prepping yourself. 
‘Why am I so nervous. It’s only living together. You’ve stayed around plenty of times.’
You sighed and stepped out the doorway of the bathroom.  Seeing Ed almost asleep gave you a great idea. It would relieve the tension you had anyway. Smiling, refraining from giggling, you ran towards the bed. Launching off the floor, you bellyflopped onto the bed, and yelled,
He was so startled he bolted upright, turned over and fell out of bed.  That did it. You began fits of laughter, causing you to hold your stomach. Tears streaked down your cheeks as you laughed at your joke. 
As you paused to look over where Ed had disappeared. His head popped up like a meerkat, his hair a mess and his glasses askew on his face. Just looking at his cranky expression caused you to crack into fits of laughter once more. 
“You think that’s funny?” He asked suspiciously.
“Hahahaha. Yes!” You were beginning to calm down, but giggles still escaped from behind your lips. 
“I know what’s funnier.” He said slightly as he hopped back onto the bed next to you.  
You propped your head up with your arm, facing him.
“What?” You challenged.
“Your weakness!” Before you even processed his words, he lunged at you.
He then found every spot you couldn’t stand to be touched. He began tickling you!
Now you really were laughing as Edward poked your ribs, neck and under your arms. Squealing with laughter, you tried to tell him to stop, but you were too out of breath.  
This must have lasted more than five minutes because it had escalated to a tickle war around the apartment.  When the both of you were too exhausted to go on, you both collapsed onto the bed. He placed his head on your stomach as you stroked his hair.
You smiled. You may be leaving your loving, a-dork-able riddle man, and the relationship may break off, but these memories would always be there.
You hugged his waist tighter,
“I love you, Ed. I’ll miss you. Always be my Mr Riddle. Yeah?”
“Of course y/n. Always.”
Tears blurred your vision and a riddle entered both you and Edward’s minds:
I have freedom from hate, but not from lies. I’m usually seen through clouded eyes. I come unexpected, though you wait for me all your life. I can’t be brought yet some people try.
What am I? True love
Maybe one day the two of you would realise it wasn’t quite true love... but it was pretty darn close.
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