#Or when that purple alien snapped with his finger that a fucked up to stop exist
Some people saying that the siren scene was the most scariest thing Marvel have ever done... Like bitch if a siren would sing to me I would jump all by myself. From all the ways you can die in the MCU this is the best way so far what are you all talking about?
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bh-writingdump · 2 months
When you wake again, the pain is worse. You whimper. Why hadn’t it killed you? the dark cool air caresses your cheek. Accompanying the tears as they fall.
A wet warm something slides over your cheek. You shudder, imagining Sans giving you another impromptu sponge bath. But the sponge is too smooth, unlike Sans’s course towels.
You blink, glaring at a red something gliding over your lips. You catch the taste of a thick saliva. Spitting. Great, just your luck, some horny magic freak found you again. Then a familiar whine rumbles above you.
You don’t have time to think. Cramps grab you by the reins, pulling you beneath the water again. So intense, you can only sob and whimper out pleas for the stranger to end it.
When you open your eyes, instead of staring at the ceiling, you saw yourself from someone else’s eyes. Back when Crest had you by the throat, finger fucking you on the rocks. The only one who could’ve seen that was…
The wolf.
All of a sudden, you’re wrenched out as cramps send an electric shock.
The shock makes your spine arch as you clench your teeth so hard, it’s a wonder they don’t’ shatter.
The siren’s magic burns like jagged branches out from your mound, across your stomach. It crawls up your arms and down your legs. Robbing you of all your senses but the blood rushing past your ears and the all-consuming pain of never-ending torment.
You hang there for what could’ve been a few seconds or hours. When your body crashes back to earth, you’re gasping and clawing at the earth, anything to feel outside the pain.
It’s then the wolf kneels over you. It’s head alone the length of your torso. It’s massive rosy red tongue weaves along your stomach. The angry indigo branches losing their saturated hue, turning a dull brown. A balm turning over pain to mild, like ice on a burn.
“Do it. I know you want to.” You somehow get one of their canine’s in your hand.
The wolf growls. More imagines overlay your vision. One of seeing you scampering over the rocks. Panic and worry intertwining. When Mutt dragged you back, the unfiltered anger the sort that could burn cities to the ground, alien to your own. Then bac to Crest. The way his phalanges dug into your neck. The sudden burst of helplessness robs you’re the air in your longs. Leaving you gasping and confused.
Your vision returns. Their face closer, tongue so long it covers your entire arm. You try to push shove yourself back. the force of their tongue pins you to the mossy earth. Smaller shocks send your arms and legs spasming. Another one building up, you can feel it.
“You’re lucky there… isn’t a pound out here or, I’d-I’d have you locked up.”
The roots along with ugly purple bruises disappear under their tongue. Licking so close to your mouth, a gob of spit flies right in.
“Ptu! Ptu!” You spit. Its spicy, like cayenne.
Only for you to groan again, your cunt snapping like a neglected chihuaua.
The wolf shifts back, tongue following the remaining roots, down your thighs all the way to your feet.
Pain clouds your mind so much so, you barely realize the the wolf moved you. Further back itnot he cve, the grounds softer like piles upon piles of moss gathered here.
That trickster’s tongue winds its way up your inner thighs. You reach down, trying to cover your cunt ”Don’t you fuckin’--”
Another memory clouds your vision. Seeing yourself arching up, begging, sobbing for the pain to stop. The sense of helplessness nearly drowns you out if not for something warm lapping at your cunt.
Their tongue burns. “You piece of shit!” you shove away their head. Another desperate pulse remnants form your soul as if they’re begging for you to let them, followed by a pitiful whine as the wolf paws the ground below your cunt.
Increasing shocks set your body on edge. You can feel the wolf’s panic ricochet off your own. At this rate you’d work each other up to death.
“You’ve got to be—fuck.. chill.” You grind your teeth. It’s a matter of seconds. Fuck this is going to suck. “I’ll be fine. Just-ack- don’t lick me.” You try to kick them away with your foot.
Your whole-body arches up as you scream. Every muscle tensing as the roots burn into your belly. The electricity so hard it cuts off your scream, leaving you hanging in the air, staring at the ceiling.
Please let this kill me.
While your frozen there, pain beyond pain until your vision goes fuzzy something warm burns at your cunt. They force you to the ground. Unable to move, unable to scream, unable to do anything as that damnable tongue laps your cunt right off the ground. The only reason you know from the loud slap of your ass hitting the stone after each lick.
Your awareness comes in and out of the pain box, separating you from your body. Each time you come out, you must be imagining the burn in your cunt growing further away. That wriggling thing swelling within you. It fills you so full that you have a whole new reason to scream.
It should’ve killed you.
Burst your organs.
A tongue that big shouldn’t fit inside a human being.
Somehow it doesn’t.
Somehow you keep breathing.
Somehow, it cuts off the electricity marionetting your body. You gasp.
Nerves fried. Pain so high it barely registers. What’s a little more?
Yet somehow, through all that, a pounding of your cunt ripples through as it drinks up the attention. You grasp hold of the feeling like a life raft.
Soon as you can breathe again, you cry out, clinging to yourself. The beast still drills into you, each thrust of their tongue steals away just a bit more pain. Your panicked cries turn to sobs, then into hiccups.
The earlier burn in your cunt becomes a distant memory.
Another pulse echoes from the wolf’s soul. Tinged with worry and panic. You sigh, your arms falling by your sides. not a moment later, the beast retracts its tongue from you. Slow and easy, the absence drawing out whimpering moans until the final pop.
You close your eyes. A weight rests on your belly. the gentle rumble sending a pleasant shiver up your spine. For the first time all day, you breathed deeply. All the way down, the kind of deep you fall asleep to.
That is, if you couldn’t feel that distant tingle.
As you recover your faculties, you realize the wolf’s tongue can only relieve the symptoms, not the cause.
[CS: Medicine] pg2 -->
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Ridley & Royce Krolik || Interview
A jaw drops in disbelief as the recording begins playing, and before the introduction is even out, the woman observing is already shouting over the person on the screen. “What the—?!”
She fumbles with the case for a few seconds, attempting to pry the screen away from the rest of the device, briefly convinced that there’s more within than what she’s witnessing. Slack jawed, a flurry of confused expressions scramble across her face, shoulders slumping as she rests an arm on the back of the chair she’s since dropped into. 
Whatever she was expecting? This ain’t it.
It’s not a live video feed, but there’s a light indicating the camera is recording her—them—and whoever’s on the other end has a full view of someone in cracked sunglasses and fresh blood splatters. She paws at several parts of the case looking for some way to turn it off, identification tags around her neck jingling as she leans forward. The video feed changes; she is gaping at her own mirrored reflection now.
That’s going to be fun to explain. Another rehearsal on the schedule.
A hand encased in a fingerless leather glove reaches up to raise her sunglasses and drag her eyelids downward before the glove comes off with a quick tug; the hand beneath is just as bloody, knuckles bruised and purple from where they’ve cracked against a solid surface again and again and again.
Over her shoulder, she can see someone hovering just out of view at the top of the staircase behind her, arms slack at his sides, wearing heavy clothing nobody has any business wearing when it’s over one hundred degrees outside. His squat, heavyset frame is dwarfed even further by the rabbit mask he wears, unsettlingly large and disproportionate to the rest of his body. Despite being obviously human beneath it, the mask’s design is mostly realistic, with eyes positioned proportionately on its sides, but centered just enough to appear predatory in stark contrast to where a lagomorph’s eyes belong.  
Everything about him, even without much of him actually being visible, feels wrong.
“What draws you toward working with Ascentsy?”
The bloodied woman doesn’t turn around, fixated on the reflection of the person behind her. “Hey, what gives? What is this? Seriously?”
No answer.
She turns so she’s looking directly at him, and rises from the chair with surprising speed, halfway up the stairs in an instant to grab the heavyset man by the collar of a grey polo shirt, lifting him off the floor with uncanny ease. “Royce, are you fucking serious?”
“What can we offer you?”
The man in the rabbit mask—Royce—does not react, staring into the camera from a comfortable distance. The question prompts meant to be addressed by whoever the intended recipient go unanswered.
“What can you offer us?”
Royce’s companion raises her voice. “I’m talkin’ to you! What is this? That wasn’t our guy, Royce!”
But his face remains fixated on the screen, interest captivated in a way that is completely alien to the person now shaking him by the lapels of a jacket that looks like it didn’t originally belong to him. Unconcerned, he gives his head a quick snap to the left. The behemoth accosting him stops.
“What do you mean ‘yes’?” She sets him down, still bewildered, and Royce descends the stairs to take the chair the other person occupied prior.
Silent, his features are hard to describe other than his short frame and hands with their squat fingers, clothes plain but noticeably rumpled; neither he nor the woman with him seem familiar with keeping themselves in a polished, professional state. The windows in whatever building they’re occupying are open without any visible screens or curtains; the world outside is flat, unremarkable, cloudless. White noise crackles against the case’s microphone from rippling wind blowing through the open windows. A single saguaro cactus can be seen within the frame of the easternmost window upon closer inspection.
Royce reaches past the open case for something, a close-up view of his mask briefly obscuring everything else on the screen. For a moment, he sits there, hands folded politely over what looks like a stack of paper, a permanent marker tucked neatly between his fingers. Finally, his head lowers at a slight angle as he begins writing. Behind him, the woman stomps down the stairs to join him, still waiting for an answer.
After a moment of careful thought, he turns in the chair to address her first, the paper he reveals to her obscured by his bulk. She considers it but does not seem convinced by whatever is written on the paper, hands on her hips. A leather jacket or vest hangs around her elbows, and from the newly revealed full view of her, the entire right side of her body is visibly dark with fresh blood.
They speak in a series of silent, mostly untranslatable gestures before Royce makes a quick motion with two fingers, as though twisting or turning something in air.
“You want me to translate?”
Another quick tilt of his head to the left.
“You’re sure about this?”
The gesture repeats.
An uncomfortable silence follows before the woman relents. “Fine. Uh… Is there a way to, like, replay the thing, or…” The case closes for a few seconds and then re-opens again. No change. The woman closes it a second time and does not consider that it might still be recording, talking in a faint voice. “Who got this again? Or… Oh. I guess we don’t know. But that guy wasn’t Jennings. No ID on him, but I remember seeing him with Seth—yes, I’m sure, I know what I’m talkin’ about!”
Something shuffles; the heavy footfalls indicate the woman’s pacing. A pause. “You think they have a checklist of the people these went out to?”
Another pause for Royce’s unseen response.
“I guess. Not like it’s the real ones. Feel like the worst case scenario is… Rejection?” She is not considering the fact that she is covered in blood and has alluded to attacking whoever the Ascentsy case’s intended recipient was meant to be.
The case opens again and the woman from earlier is on her knees beside Royce like a parent instructing a child through homework, nearly the same height as him even while on a different level surface. Her eyebrows rise in a mix of confusion and uncertainty; it feels like she’s talking to herself. “Uh, I’m Ridley Krolik, this is my brother Royce. We’re, uh…” What is Ascentsy, anyway? Her knowledge is clearly nonexistent with the blank realization visibly crossing her face. “We’re interested in working with Ascentsy because… Uh…”
Still staring into the camera, Royce taps his marker against the paper off to the side, then holds a hand palm-up, tracing two fingers down its center to the end of his middle finger. Ridley’s interest perks up in a way that might be surprise, but the confused non-answer that follows might be a bit too honest in terms of how little they both know.
“Well… Because we know how to deal with stuff. Lots of stuff. Uh, so, we came from, like… Well, see, we grew up in the church,” Ridley says the church with such a matter-of-factness that it feels like both words should be capitalized. “And, uh, in the church, an important thing about the way we were raised was, like, preparing for storms, and helping others, and making sure we had supplies to get back on our feet and stuff after a disaster. Food, shelter… A means of defending ourselves. But what ended up happening was…”
Royce writes something and holds it up to the camera; his handwriting is neat with a slight downward angle to it in capital letters: PROGRESS.
“Ser… Serg… Oh, it’s backwards.” She laughs. “Progress. Uh… Yeah, uh, it was kind of the best thing that ever happened to us. We’re looking for…”
Another hiss of the marker dragging against paper before Royce holds up a different word: PURPOSE.
Ridley stares at it for a moment—an inclination of disagreement? A chunk of dark, windswept hair falls into her face that she quickly rakes back. “We’re, uh, looking to rebuild. Something like that. Both of us have pretty free schedules nowadays, so it seems like as good of an opportunity as anything.”
They exchange a look, but no further communication ensues; there is an unspoken agreement that the answer suffices. Royce’s hand hovers over the silver button before giving it an experimental press.
“Do you consider yourself more of an independent worker, or a team player?”
This question is far easier to answer, and Ridley doesn’t need prompting to start talking this time. “Oh, we’re team players, for sure! You can’t have one of us without the other because we work so well together. This guy?” Ridley balls one bruised hand into a fist and jerks a thumb in Royce’s direction. “Got some rock-solid brainpower going on even though we never went to—”
Royce’s head snaps to the side immediately, head jerking to the right afterward.
Ridley pauses, reconsiders. “Well. I guess it doesn’t matter.”
They move on. The wind continues to flutter against the microphone.
“Where do you see yourself a month in the future? A year? A decade?”
A more confident answer comes to this question, surprisingly. “Maybe in a different location. A nicer place, like… Like the city.” There’s a specific naivete that comes with this belief. The city can mean anything; there’s thousands of them across the world. “A place where people are really putting their back into getting things back to the way they were.” Whatever that means. “Royce, what do you think?”
The rabbit mask tilts as a slight diagonal, as though Royce is looking off to the side in consideration. The marker taps against the table’s surface; he’s thinking about what to write. Ridley takes notice and keeps talking to fill the silence.
“And for a year and a decade, I mean… Well, hell, there’s so much to do out there! Even with that much time, it feels like it’s just not possible to see everything and do everything and be everywhere. I think—”
She’s excited now, teeth raking her lower lip in anticipation, “—I think I wanna try lobster. That’s an easy goal to try and accomplish in a year, right? A decade, though, uh…” Royce holds up ten fingers after she struggles for a moment. “Oh, it’s ten? Like, ten years?” He nods, Ridley laughs. “Oh. Yeah. I guess that checks out. Ten years, though, that’s a lot.”
Ridley puts heavy thought into the question. While she mulls it over, Royce begins writing again, holding up a new piece of paper a minute or so later with the most words he’s had to offer so far: RECOVERY IS A LONG JOURNEY. WE HAVE FALLEN FROM THE PINNACLE.
“I think I want to know what it’s like to maybe live how people live after,” Ridley finally replies. “So, ten years… Have a job? A house? Provide for a family? It’s been two, so far. Actually, four? It’s been a few. Not sitting around on your ass all day is a pretty huge development for me, personally. Maybe meet some other people like us, figure out what they did when shit hit the fan and they had nowhere to go.”
It’s not the most interesting answer, but heartfelt. They agree in unheard whispers that there’s nothing else for them to say. The sincerity and innocence behind the answer, however, is easily brushed aside by the sight of drying blood and an unjustifiable fashion choice. Ridley presses the button this time, shrugging one arm out of her jacket to rest it on the back of the chair again.
“A paranatural disaster strikes the building—the first things you notice are how the lights cut out and the air grows thin. What’s the first thing you do? Anything you’d prioritize?”
“Armed and ready always!” Ridley assures, and Royce begins writing. “Happy to take the lead on things, but you’d best believe either of us is ready to put someone in their place if they think about trying anything funny while we’re in a bind like that.”
Royce holds up his latest statement. DETERMINE WE ARE FINE FIRST.
“We had to learn a lot when…” Ridley sighs. “When life as we knew it changed.”
“Tell us about a time you experienced failure, and what you learned from that moment.”
At first, neither of them has an answer.
“Pretty basic,” Ridley replies, decidedly nonplussed. The answer comes naturally. “You fail, you try again. Different problems create different solutions. Sometimes you just gotta get creative with how you correct ‘em.” She stretches her arms upward with a yawn, legs spread wide as she shifts around for a bit before finally leaning back into the chair. Her cropped shirt rides up just enough to reveal an impressive set of abdominal muscles and the handle of a shiny, silver handgun poking out from the waistband of her fatigues.
Beside her, Royce is still writing, carefully arranging several sheets of paper with his neatly capitalized letters taking up the entire space so it’s legible from a distance. Ridley shows no interest in whatever it is he’s writing, staring intently into the camera and then looking off to the side, attention captured by nothing and everything all at once. She’s bored and ready to wrap this up.
One by one, Royce holds up four sheets of paper, each of them containing a phrase that he lingers on for enough time to read three times over:
Neither of them says another word. The last thing the recording displays is another close-up of the rabbit mask as Royce leans forward to turn it off.
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witchyaeris · 2 years
A Firm Hand
Pairing: Izzy Hands x Reader
Word Count: 2524
Warnings: Smut, sub!Izzy and dom!reader, fem!reader , spanking, explicit sex, praise, mommy kink, aftercare
Synopsis: With the Captains gone all day attending a fancy party, Izzy has been tormenting the entire crew. After knocking you over in a hissy fit, you follow him and give him a piece of your mind.
A/N: Sorta sequel to my other fic, A Light Touch. Many thanks, @liddell-alien for the idea for this story and your support! More babygirl Izzy, but this time he's being a brat. :)
It’s been a week since your "dalliance" with the first mate. At first, he actually seemed a mite less ruthless and had stopped hitting everyone nearly as much. This, of course, didn’t last long as Ed and Stede had only been spending more time alone in their quarters or having intimate conversations away from the crew. On this particular day, after raiding a vessel, Frenchie had found an invite to some upper-class party that the Captains wanted to go to. Izzy was positively quaking in anger when Ed had stepped out in his flashy purple and gold suit looking more like Stede than ever. His rampage afterward was absolutely insufferable! Screaming at everyone and bullying Lucius for hooking up with other crew members like he’s not jealous. The last straw was when he walked in on Wee John and you watching Lucius sketch Fang.
“You’re really capturing something there.” Wee John says, peering over Lucius’s shoulder.
“Completely right” you agree, “the shading really draws the eye.”
“Thanks, I’m just capturing what’s there.” Lucius says with a wink as Izzy pushes past you to see the drawing.
Stopped mid-stride, his eyes widen, and he squeaks out “What the fuck?” at the sight of Fang reclining nude on the couch and Lucius’s rendition of it. Stumbling back quickly, he knocks you to the ground and scurries out of the room in shock.
“Shit!” you yelp when your legs go out from under you and your tailbone slams onto the hard wood of the Revenge. The men’s eyes widen in confusion and Wee John offers you a hand. Rubbing your now sore ass, you grimace.
“I’m going to go deal with that asshole.” you say through gritted teeth and stalk out of the room after him.
The three exchange looks before Fang asks “Which one of them do you think’s gonna win?”
“My money’s on y/n.” Lucius remarks casually before going back to his sketch.
Izzy’s back is to you and is opening up the door to his room when you catch up.
“Hey, dick!” you shout at him as you grab his shoulder roughly and turn him towards you.
“What the fuck was that about?” Jabbing a finger into his chest as you speak, his eyes widen and he walks backwards taken aback at your reaction. 
“You’ve been absolutely intolerable today, and that hurt like hell!”  
Remembering he’s first mate, his anger returns and he yells back.
 “The lot’s been fuckin useless all day, laying about instead of doing their jobs!”
Rolling your eyes, you smile incredulously. 
 “Ever heard of a day off!? The Captains are gone, and our ‘job’ is to wait for them to return. Get your head out of your ass Izzy, no one else is working!”
“Look, Mummy-” he begins angrily when your eyes snap to his and he realizes his mistake. His confidence drops immediately and he shrinks into himself, deeply embarrassed and aware of the position he just put himself in.
“Mummy?” you repeat, eyebrows shooting up before what he had said actually dawns on you. Eyes narrowing, a wicked smile spreads across your features. Analysing the situation, you come up with a plan to kill two birds with one stone.
“I see.” is all you say, turning around to lock the door behind you. With a click, the door shuts and the room is silent except for his ragged breaths. You walk past him slowly, swaying your hips as you sit down on the edge of the bed and spread your legs.
“Here.” you instruct him, pointing to the floor between your feet. 
He walks over and looks down at you, biting his lip in anticipation and uncertainty. You don’t meet his eyes as you work on removing his outer layers. Gently, you pull the strap of his sword over his head and lean it on the bed frame before beginning on his black waistcoat, tugging it down his shoulders. He swallows audibly as you finish by unbuttoning his shirt, tossing it across the room, and tugging downwards on his shoulder. Following your lead, he gets into kneeling position in front of you, placing his hands on his lap. He looks up at you, green eyes peeking through long lashes, tongue darting out to wet his lips. Petting his hair for a moment with a smile, your fingers cup his jaw before firmly wrapping around his throat.
“I consider myself a very patient person, Iz.” you begin quietly, flexing your hand along his warm skin.
“But you just cannot stop yourself from antagonizing everyone around you, all the time. I mean I’d call it a skill at this point, sweetheart.”
“So here’s what’s going to happen. I am going to punish you for your fucking inexcusable behavior, you’re going to thank me, and then I’m going to use you until I’m done.”
“Understood?” you command, pulling him face to face with you harshly. 
“Yes.” he grits out, unwilling to give in so easily.
“Yes, what?” you taunt, relishing his shame.
“Yes, Mummy.”
“Good! Such a well behaved boy, hmm? Now bend yourself over my knee and take off the rest.”
He slowly gets up and removes his remaining clothing, tossing everything to the side and standing before you naked. Your eyes wander over his body, tanned and deceptively strong despite his years. The scars you saw last time cover more than you thought, leaving barely an inch of flesh unmarked by his life on the seas. His breathing is quick, eyes watching you expectantly. You shut your legs and raise your right arm, indicating where he should lay. 
“Hold onto my ankle and put your weight on me.”
“Yes, just like that love.” You tell him, cooing praise when he positions himself as instructed.  Grabbing a handful of his ass roughly, you kiss his shoulder.
“Ready, Iz? And don’t forget to keep count, or else I’ll start again.”
“I think we should start with 10 for being such a nuisance today, and 15 for knocking me over so rudely.”
He nods silently, and you ready your hand to the soft skin between his ass and thighs. The first smack is loud, but he recovers quickly and says “One.” without so much as a waver to his voice. Taking it for the challenge it is, you wind back hard for the second and feel a slight sting in your hand as it connects. You’re rewarded with a surprised groan before he readjusts his grip on your ankle and counts “Two.” After the first ten, you can feel his cock hardening on your thigh, leaking precum as his ass starts to brighten. He’s squirming with each hit, muffling his cries with your thigh.
“Aww Iz, you’re doing so well for Mummy.” you whisper in his ear, rubbing the pink, sore skin on his ass in circles. He hums in response, using the pause to catch his breath and release the tension in his legs.
“However, I do expect you to stop treating the crew like shit from here on out unless you want me to repeat this everytime you misbehave. Ass up, 15 more left for hurting me sweetheart, and then we’ll see if you learned your lesson.”
At the 18th smack, he unravels and ruts against you, aching for friction, forgetting his predicament for a moment.
“Izzy!” you say scandalously, hiding the smile in your voice. “You’re supposed to be atoning for your actions, not getting rewarded. Five more for being so fucking pathetic.” 
After 25, you take another pause and rub circles along his back, noticing his cries becoming more needy and his grip on you loosening.
“See, that wasn’t so bad gorgeous, only a couple more left.” you tell him, using a crooked finger to wipe the tears off his face. 
He look up at you reverently, drops sparkling on his dark lashes. Pulling your hand back again, his ass is almost bright red and heat is radiating off him. Being gentler with the last five, you praise him for every hit, savoring his whimpers and groans. After the final one, you run your hands through his hair and let him rest on you for a while as he recovers. Lifting his shoulder gently, you guide him backwards and lay him next to you before kissing his forehead and stepping back. He props himself up on his elbows to lazily watch you take off your corset and clothes, too tired to rub himself while doing so. You catch his eye and can’t help but smile. Half an hour ago he was acting like a raging dickhead, and now you’ve got him sweet and docile. If only it didn’t take so much work to bring out that obedient little pet inside him. 
“So my love, you’ve earned by forgiveness but not my favor. If you can put that mouth of yours to use, I may consider giving you a reward, otherwise you can jerk off alone while I go find someone else to satisfy me.” you threaten with a smile. An empty one of course, but he doesn’t know that. He jumps up to a sitting position in an instant with a wince, his jealousy and desperation on display.
“Please. Let me serve you, Mummy.” he begs, eager to prove himself.
Pushing him backwards, you crawl over his body and position your knees on either side of his head. While you lean back to rest on his chest, his hands move up to rub and squeeze you, kissing whatever skin he could reach. In amusement, you put your thumb into his mouth which he clamps down on and sucks hungrily, locking eyes with you. A shiver runs down your spine watching him; the infamous, murdering pirate Israel Hands being brought to heel by some deckhand. You tangle your fingers in his hair and slide down, connecting with his waiting mouth.
He is as skilled as last time, parting you slowly with a flat tongue, dragging it with even pressure, lapping at your folds. Digging himself deeper into you, he moves with purpose, now focusing on your clit, intent on demonstrating his worth. Lost in pleasure, you start to grind on his face, squeezing the hand in his hair and releasing choked gasps, unable to form words. Soon, the tension inside you begins to grow and he pushes your hips forward, his nose now providing the friction while his tongue fucks you. You can barely catch your breath before he brings you over the edge, muscles tightening and back arching with a “Fuck, Iz!”. As you ride out your orgasm, he doesn’t stop his movements, motivated by the uncontrollable shaking in your legs. The overstimulation is almost too much, pleasure teetering on pain as he rips another orgasm out of you. This time you lose all control and cum with a scream, thighs slamming together tightly. Pushing yourself off him, throwing yourself on the bed and try to come back to reality, ears still ringing loudly.
Using an arm to wipe his face, he rolls over and starts leaving kisses along your neck. He pushes the hair stuck to your face tenderly and begins to suck hard on your collarbone, leaving bruises. Staking his claim for others to see; unwilling to let another even touch you without losing their hand for the offense.
“I need you” he murmurs at your neck, punctuating his marking with growled “mine”s. 
Savoring his attention, you let him cover you, his work roughened hands kneading your breasts. You reach over to palm his cock, all but forgotten during his worship of you. He buries his face into you immediately, moaning as he thrusts into your hand, gripping you tightly.
“I think you deserve a reward for that performance.” you purr, pulling him towards you and wrapping your legs around his waist. 
Rubbing your wet core against his shaft, you kiss the swallow tattoo on his neck and bring the tip of his dick to your entrance, enveloping him slowly. When he buries himself to the base, he stills, loving how you seem to wrap around him perfectly, like he was made for you. He touches his forehead to yours and kisses you passionately, hands sliding under your arms to grab your shoulders from behind. Using the extra leverage, he pulls you chest to chest with him, rolling his hips into you harshly. The sensation is almost hypnotizing, thrusts deep and steady. Tightening your legs around his waist, he drops his head on your shoulder, nearly spent.
“That’s it, good boy.” you murmur into his ear, stroking the back of his head. It’s not long before his rhythm begins to falter and he’s kissing your neck again.
“Please, can I..?” he pants, hips stuttering as he tries to control himself.
“Yes, darling. I want it all.”
He groans your name as he releases, cock pulsing inside you as he slows and slumps onto you. The sensation of being filled with his cum is intoxicating, a physical reminder of his desire and your control over him. You stay like this for some time; Izzy listening to your heartbeats while you draw shapes on his back.
“You alright, Iz?” you ask quietly, kissing the top of his head.
“Yeah.” he responds looking up at you. “Though, I’ll be sore for the next week.”
Suppressing a laugh you disentangle yourself and instruct Izzy to roll over on his stomach. You rifle through your clothes for a moment before pulling out your prize, a small tub of cocoa butter.
“This’ll help with the stinging, love. Plus I swiped it off the Captain so I’m sure you’ll have no complaints.” you tell him before warming up the lotion in your hands. He hisses at your first touch, but gradually relaxes as the pain begins to dull and the cocoa butter works it’s magic.
“Did you mean it?” you say, hands gliding over his thighs.
“Mean what?”
“Mean it when you said you need me.” 
It’s quiet for a moment before you continue.
“Because this arrangement we have is fine and all, but I… I want to get to know you.” you finish, closing the tub and getting up to leave. Before you can stand, his hand shoots out to grab yours and he turns to face you.
“I’d like that.” he said quietly, his attempt at a comforting smile making you chuckle. Giving him a quick kiss, you toss him his clothes and get yours on as well.
“Well, if the crew didn’t know what we were doing before they sure do now. It’s been an hour since I told Lucius, Wee John, and Fang I was coming to ‘take care of you’.” you say fastening your corset.
“Not to mention those beauties on your neck,” he adds proudly. Punching him in the arm with a smile, you fix your hair and go unlock the door.
“Y’know I was serious about the being an asshole bit, Iz.” you say, looking back at him. “Best behavior with the crew; unless you want another round that is.”
“Tough choice.” he grins, eyeing you as you walk away.
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adonis-koo · 3 years
Star Struck
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↳ Summary: You’re a creature of habit, you plan everything from each hour to each day, so you can imagine the chaos which ensues after you discover a random guy leaking black goo in a ditch- who just so happens to be an alien.
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/Reader
↳ Genre: lowkey strangers to lovers, alien!jungkook, fluff, smut,
Word Count: 12k
Tags: before anyone asks, yes tentacles are involved because I’m a proud monster fucker, jungkook has separation anxiety from Mc :(, he’s immediately whipped, and he can’t speak any human language at first oops, he like,,,tries it for a second before MC goes 🏃‍♀️ this is unedited and for that im sorry bc yikes
___ | Next
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In many cases, you could recall how you got into situations. For instance, when you were late to your mid morning lecture, you had zero excuses- not that the professor cared at all when you walked in with a bag of mcdonalds and a venti latte from starbucks. But the principle of the situation remained the same, you knew your actions would cause you to be late. You understood the consequences of your actions. 
The same could not be said for when you took in the curious male who didn’t understand a word you said.
“What do you mean you just- picked him up off the side of a fucking ditch!” Jimin flailed his hands as you twisted around to face you, the male was examining his hands as if he had never seen them before, not paying either of you any mind. 
You held up your hands as you replied, “I did!” You shouted back, immediately gaining the males attention as his eyes flashed between you and Jimin, “He was just…! Laying there! I don’t fucking know! What was I supposed to do? Leave him, look he’s hurt.” You pointed out the obvious wounds he sported. 
“...He’s bleeding black goo Y/n! Have you never seen a horror movie before oh my god!” Jimin grabbed his head as his voice became dramatic and peril, “You’re practically number one on his kill list! He’s probably here to abduct us and- and butt probe us or some shit!” 
You raised your brows defensively as you crossed your arms, ���Look at him!” You pointed a finger at the male making him flinch a little, leaning a little away from you where he sat as his expression shifted, looking as if he was a kicked puppy at your tone, “Does that look like a butt probing alien to you shit face?” 
“Maybe!” Jimin snapped back, “He ain’t human that’s for fucking sure! Just…!” Jimin flailed his hands, “Just look at him!” 
You groaned as you rubbed your face, you knew it looked bad! You hadn’t meant to stumble across a body when you went out for your morning walk which you had been trying to do in an effort to be more mindful and healthy, but it seemed to only lead you to stressing the fuck out. 
You turned to look at the male, he looked anything but alien, well- for the most part. His eyes looked up at you almost glossy like, they were big and doe like, his lips plush and his hair dusted his eyes yet almost looked like a raven blue. 
He looked human, mostly. The part that threw you off was, for one the black goo that trickled down his skin- maybe if you were a photography major you’d scream how aesthetic it was and just take a picture before leaving him to die, but unfortunately this wasn’t the case and here you were. 
The other part of him was, well....the bits that glowed. You would’ve honestly mistook him for a horrible Avatar cosplayer that had a little too much last night had it not been for the black goo, the strip of glow emitted from his body all the way from his hands up his arms, and you assumed back to his shoulders as well. 
Most might have considered it tattoo’s and maybe you could pass it off as such if it weren’t for the constant soft hue purple, it shifted between blue occasionally but remained purple for most of the duration you had spent with him. 
“What the hell are you even gonna tell Seokjin!” Jimin grabbed his head as he began to pace, “He totally won’t let this- this thing stay with us!” 
You glared as you stomped over to the male who straightened a little, the marks on his skin suddenly tinging red as you turned to face Jimin, “Seokjin can shut the fuck up! And so can you! For all we know he’s just into special effects and can’t speak English you xenophobic fuck!” 
“I’m Korean you whore!” Jimin dramatically shouted as he walked across the apartment, for what reason? You weren’t sure other than to make a point and raise his voice, “I know Asian when I see it and that’s not it! I’m headed for class and when I get back he better be back in his fucking UFO.” 
You rolled your eyes as you kneeled down to look at the male, the marks had flared back to it’s constant state of purple once more as he blinked, “I’m sorry about him,” You apologized sheepishly, “He ah...he’s an asshole,” The male only tilted his head a little, “I’m...Y/n.” You felt a bit dumb talking to him. 
You didn’t want to assume he couldn’t understand you but...well...He just seemed so, curious, innocent even. His eyes peered around at his surroundings as if he had never seen them before. Not as if he hadn’t been in your home but, as if he had never sat on a bed, his body would bounce a little as if testing the springs only to find out they’d bounce and his eyes would light up. 
He had been playing with the light switch on the wall of the apartment when you first got home, he didn’t seem to understand you necessarily but he responded well to the tone of voice because when you told him to stop he seemed to understand. 
He had tried to speak a few times, but...Well, Jimin may have had a point, it didn’t sound like any Asian dialect, at all. It didn’t even sound like any language you had even heard of...Even if he looked like some sort of Asian ethnicity, which you supposed was the strangest part about this. He looked human, but he didn’t sound human. 
He spoke in a sort of throaty tongue that seemed frantic at first, but he must have quickly realized you couldn’t understand him and had opted to mute ever since, “What’s your name?” You asked, only to sigh in response as he blinked unsuspecting of whatever you had said. 
Sitting down in front of him you sighed, “Okay nevermind, we’ll figure out a name to give you meanwhile- hmmm, let’s get those fixed up yeah?” You stood up, noticing he wasn’t doing the same, leaning down you went to grab his hand. 
The marks on his arms suddenly lit in a deep maroon red as he jumped back making you screech- whatever thought of you assuming he was human went out the window at the sudden burst of...of....tentacles pushing out of his back and pulling in front of him like some sort of shield. 
“Woah! Woah holy shit, oh my god!” You flailed at the sight of his narrowed eyes and his defensive stance as you held out your hands in sign of peace, “I’m not going to hurt you! I- I just want to fix your wounds okay!” You fumbled out the words, “I’m your friend, yeah?” 
His eyes squinted a little further as he glanced between your hands and your hand, tentacles like you had seen- no you weren’t gonna go there- they looked almost- No. You weren’t gonna say it, you weren’t even gonna think it. They were almost glass like, but looked as soft as silk, probably deadly and something you shouldn’t touch. 
They restricted a little and much to your surprise he parted his lips as he slowly spoke, “...Friend…” As if testing the word on his lips. You raised your brows in surprise, if this man was an alien then...he was a really quick learner. 
You nodded rapidly as you spoke,” Yes! Yes! I’m a friend! Friend’s don’t hurt each other. Just...let me…” You slowly approached him, trying not to watch the four tentacles that emerged from his back keep your attention away from his face, the markings on his arms glowed a dimmer red, as if his initial reaction calmed down, slowly it melted back into a soft purple hue as his eyes carefully watched you grab his hand as you repeated, “Friend.” You gave it a little squeeze, his brows furrowing as he looked at his much larger hand encasing yours, to your face before back to your hand which held his. 
“Friend.” He echoed back tilting his head a little before his eyes suddenly lit up in understanding, nodding frantically he replied, “Friend!” His expression of anger was like the night to the day of his smile, which was bright and almost childlike, as if he suddenly realized what the term friend meant, “Friend!” He squeezed your hand back causing you to squeak at the immense strength he had, the symbol that curved on his hand suddenly shifted to a dark grey as his eyes quickly became worried.
“Friend?” His voice gentler this time as he stood up, practically towering over you as he peered down as if you were a little puppy, concerned he had hurt you. 
“I’m okay!” You nodded, feeling your voice a pitch higher and your face felt hot despite knowing full and damn well you were not going to fuck this alien, yet you had definitely watched too much hentai in your life to at least not let the thought cross your mind once. He was good looking, by human definition anyways, “Lets um...let’s just get you into the living room.” 
Curiously he followed you before you had him sit on the couch, he gave a little bounce to the cushion as his brows furrowed before his lower lip jutted into a pout- obviously realizing this surface wasn’t bouncy….How could an alien be in your house, who nearly killed you with the tentacles from his back….look like this...
You briefly wondered this question as you frowned, grabbing the first aid kit before sitting back down beside him, his marks suddenly glowing purple as his eyes curiously watched you pull out a rubbing alcohol wipe, you paused as you looked at his big doe eyes that looked at you so innocently...If he reacted violently to his hand being held you knew damn well this was going to be a bitch to convince him you weren’t trying to kill him…
“Look…” Your voice drew his eyes to yours as he focused on your words, “This is gonna...hurt...a lot okay…?” You offered a semi awkward half smile, gesturing to your own bicep where it was bleeding on him before gesturing to him, “Pain…” You nodded a little, making him nod, his eyes darting to his own before back to you but you could tell by the look in his eyes he had no idea what you meant.
“Pain.” You pinched his skin making him jolt, his eyes darting between your small fingers and you as he frowned, marks mixing with purple and red, “Pain…?” He mumbled, rubbing a hand on his head, suddenly he began speaking in his tongue, his voice deeper and throater then when he repeated anything in english. 
Maybe talking to himself, he wasn’t looking at you as he sighed, “Pain.” He spoke more firmly as he looked at you, seemingly a little lost, you held up the wipe as you gave a defeated smile, “Pain.” You nodded, knowing he would definitely understand what the word meant once you got this over with. 
To say he reacted violently, was a very poor understatement. 
His marks were lit up a bright red and his tentacles had emerged from his back once and he practically flew to the other end of the couch in defense as he howled in pain as he examined the large wound on his bicep, “Friend!” He cried out in anger, eyes glaring at you and tentacles covering his body as if he was a wounded animal. 
He had ended up destroying a few knick knacks around the house, a chair and a few photo frames while you attempted to chase after him in effort to clean his wound while he ran away like a puppy avoiding a bath. Obviously he knew you weren’t dangerous enough to try and hurt but...it seemed his pain tolerance was...extremely low. 
Eventually you had gotten him to behave and sit down, as he glared at the floor, marks glowing yellow as you felt him wince and jolt with every dab of the wipe, “Friend.” he mumbled with gritted teeth before he spoke in his native tongue, something you assumed was probably not so nice at you. 
“The feeling is mutual pal.” You muttered, not knowing what he said but knowing, deep in your heart, your feelings were most definitely the same to one another. He did little to resist your touch afterwards, eyes furrowing as he watched you carefully bandage his wound, occasionally he’d poke- not at the wound but the bandage, his fingers would pinch the material and he’d cock his head as if examining it. 
“Have…” You frowned a little as you tilted your head, gaining his attention, “Have you never been to Earth?” You were going to be extremely upset if you woke up in twelve hours and Jimin told you that you were on an extreme LSD trip and you just imagined a really hot alien in your head. 
His eyes lit up in the same way they had earlier, “Earth?” He raised his brows, lips parting before he suddenly looked around again, “Earth!?” He suddenly cried out as he stood up, looking around before going to the window and peaking out of the blinds, “Earth…” He suddenly spoke in his native tongue once more as he ran a hand through his hair before turning to face you, “....Human…?” He had said something else you couldn’t understand besides the singular word. 
“Yes…?” You nodded making him almost whine as he grabbed his head, as if in disappointment, you offered a weak smile. You supposed if you were an alien that had seen galaxies beyond imagination you’d be pretty disappointed at seeing Earth too. 
He sighed as he frowned, looking around the apartment before straightening back up as he looked at you, pointing to himself as he spoke, “JK.” 
You blinked a few times, unresponsive as you frowned, “What…?” Your face scrunched as he bounced a little, repeating the two letters once more as he pointed to himself somewhat harsher, your brows raising before your lips parted, “Oh…! You’re JK! That’s your name?” You gave a smile as you nodded.
His smile was like a child as his fists curled up as he nodded rapidly, not understanding a word you said but it looked as if you understood, “Y/n.” You slowly prounicated your name as you pointed at yourself. 
JK had attempted to say your name, multiple times actually, but his brows pinched in frustration, having a hard time with it, but oddly enough it was quite endearing to watch him repeatedly try and say your name, even after you have found yourself on your phone, typing in the nearest place to eat while trying to figure out how to break it to Seokjin that an alien would be boarding with you guys for awhile.
What else were you supposed to do…? Call the police? You looked at JK with a frown, he seemed oddly innocent and you’d feel guilty doing that to him, his brows pinched as he fumbled over your name once again as he puffed a breath in frustration, the marks on his arms glowing a deep hue of light orange. 
“JK.” His gaze snapped to yours as he tilted his head, you offered a dull smile as you spoke carefully, “Eat?” You pointed to your mouth before stomach, JK rubbed his head briefly mirroring you as he rubbed his stomach a little confused. You hummed as you searched around before finding a leftover candybar on the coffee table, “Eat.” You pointed at it before taking a bite. 
“Eat.” JK had an easy time saying that word with a nod before he suddenly seemed excited, bouncing his spot as he nodded wildly, “Eat! Y/n…!” His nose suddenly scrunched at messing up your name again. 
His attention was brought back to you at the sound of you giggling at how cute he really was for someone that nearly killed you twice within the last hour, “Yeah, it’s almost dinner time, we should get something to eat, I’m starved and Seokjin banned me from the kitchen.” You gestured to him to follow you as he cocked his head, not understanding a word you were saying. 
You pulled one of Seokjin’s hoodies from his laundry basket as he handed it to JK who frowned, looking at his own clothes before back at you, as if silently asking why he needed to change. No nevermind the fact he glowed like a fucking lava lamp, “Hide.” You pointed at his arms as he frowned, looking down at them. 
“Hide!” You emphasized as you pointed towards your own arm then to his before it suddenly clicked as he nodded, sighing as he spoke in his own tongue the throat sound of something like mild disappointment and you could understand, but it was necessary. 
JK all of a sudden pulled the shirt over his head nearly making you scream, the sight of compact muscles and tan skin that almost had an iridescent sheen glowed, your body suddenly feeling extremely warm as JK fumbled a little confused. 
He frowned as he tilted his head, why were you covering your eyes? He looked down at himself before back at you, was....was he not supposed to change right here? He pulled the sweatshirt over his head, saying something that made you pick up in relief to see he was changed. 
You grabbed your chest as you groaned, “Don’t do that again.” You were in too much a dry patch and desperation to be alone with an alien that had tentacles and a face like that. 
Now with his marks being covered you just needed something for his hands...You frowned a little before something occurred to you, going over to Jimin’s gym bag you grabbed the finger clothes he always used to lift barbells with. 
His fault he was a pussy that didn’t want to get callouses. 
You handed them to Jk as he tilted his head, first examining the fabric before he slipped them on, looking at them as he snorted as if amused before saying something that sounded an awful lot like he enjoyed wearing these. 
“Eat, now.” He perked up at your words as you nodded and he excitedly followed you as you grabbed your bag and phone before exiting the apartment building. JK was beyond fascination, looking around as if he had never seen anything like this place, even going so far as to wonder off a few times, immediately making you hold his hand once more to keep him next to you. 
Other people also stared at him, but mainly because he was acting weird, you shoved him a little and he seemed to understand to stop. 
But he still took a few peaks before his feet halted, making you nearly yanked back as he stopped, his lips parted and his eyes were all big and doe like in awe as he stared out over the sunset, speaking once more and you frowned. You wished you could at least pick up a few words of his own language, JK was honestly impressive in picking up so much in so little time. 
You smiled a little at how fond he appeared to be looking out over the sunset before you tugged his hand which was still in yours, he looked down at you before pointing towards the sun as you nodded, “Yeah it’s pretty, but let’s go eat, I’m starving.” 
“Pretty.” He repeated before looking back out over the sun as he repeated the word again as you tugged him along. Entering the Panda Express it was nearly empty given it was six o’clock already and the dinner rush had left but that was good, you weren’t sure you could control JK in this type of environment. 
JK only observed you as you ordered for the both of you, watch the mouth watering food slide down the servers before you paid for your meal, leading you both to sit the back of the store where glass paneling was up for JK to keep looking at the sunset as you set his box in front of him. 
Fried rice and orange chicken was never a bad combo for the first time eater. JK observed you as you held up your fork, plowing into your food as you sighed in contentment before a noise of amusement escaped you at the sight of JK pinching his brows as he struggled with holding his fork. 
His eyes darting to you as his lips parted a whine escaping him as he messed up your name again making you laugh even harder, you waved a hand before you set down your fork, leaning over the table as you spoke, “Okay fine, fine, no need to get so pouty. Here, you just...place them like this.” You fixed his long thick fingers that fumbled a little before they properly gripped the fork. 
“Okay? Like this.” You held up your own before scooping up a pile of rice with it, Jk mirrored you, puffing a breath in slight frustration at the sight of the rice falling from his fork a little, “If you’re mad about this I guess it’s a good thing i didn’t get us chopsticks.” You snorted as JK focused on his food. 
You watched in curiosity as he took his first bite, his brows furrowing for a moment and his held tilting as if he was heavily focused on how it felt in his mouth before his brows shot up and almost immediately began scooping more food into his mouth like he was a fucking starved man held captive. You were surprised at how fast he was devouring his food but you only smiled softly as you began eating as well, enjoying the rest of your meal in silence. 
JK had even ate the rest of your food once you were finished, you just sat there in your seat, your knee hiked up towards your chest while you ran a hand through your hair absentmindedly while watching him devour the rest of the food. 
“Good?” You called out, JK’s eyes finally leaving your box of food, rice sticking to his upper lip making you smile a little as he rapidly nodded, looking like he was drunk off fried rice and orange chicken, probably not even paying attention to what you said. 
By the time JK was finished he slumped in his seat, stretching out as a yawn escaped his lips, his eyes closing briefly before he sighed, looking out over the glass paneling as if something troubled him before his eyes darted back to your figure and back to the window.
You wished you could speak fluently in whatever language he spoke so you could ask what he was thinking about, once all of the innocence had melted off his expression in those child-like moments of glee, he was left like this, as if he was tired and maybe even lonely. 
How did he even get here? And did he need to get back? To where he was originally going? You thought back to his disappointment when he realized he was on Earth, and if you could stretch for a reach, you’d say he obviously had another location in mind before...whatever happened. 
“Hey,” you called out, drawing his attention as he raised his brows, “Home.” 
He tilted his head as he echoed the word, “Home?” You stood up as you nodded with a small smile, knowing damn well you wouldn’t be able to avoid Seokjin forever. 
JK stood up mirroring you before you guided him to where you threw your boxes away and he had even helped clean up the table before you both exited the shop, it was now dark out and the walk home was quiet as ever. But you enjoyed it, his company at least, you didn’t really have a lot of friends outside Jimin and Seokjin, who were your best friends since middle school and you all now split rent on an apartment close to campus. 
You opened the door, peeping in as JK stood there mildly confused, Jimin and Seokjin sat on the couch watching a movie much to your disappointment, opening the door fully you pressed a finger to your lips at JK as he tilted his head before you quietly shut the door. Grabbing his hand as you gently tugged it along. 
“Where in the absolute fuck do you think you’re taking him you horny fool?” 
God dammit. 
You grabbed your head with a groan as JK frowned, almost immediately concerned as he looked around, Seokjin stood up with his arms crossed, “He told me all about the goo monster here.” 
“He’s not a monster!” You screeched making Seokjin snort as he raised a brow, “...He’s an alien.” 
“Wearing MY sweatshirt!? That’s balenciaga!” Seokjin cried out, pointing an accusing finger at JK who looked a little concerned, looking at Seokjin then at you who he shuffled a little behind like a puppy with a tail between his legs. 
You felt an immediate wave of protection come over you at the sight of the action as you stood in front of him, despite him towering over you, “Would you stop! I’ll get him clothes tomorrow! Just leave him alone, okay, he’s hurt, he doesn't know anything about Earth and he just…!” 
“He’s not a dog Y/n!” You pressed your lips together as you looked away from Seokjin who glared at you pointedly, “We don’t know what this thing is or his intentions.” 
It was difficult to imagine JK’s intentions being anything but good when he was delighted at finding out your bed was bouncy, or the take of friend rice and orange chicken, or his excitement at the sunset, “He isn’t here to kill us! I can promise you that...just!” You squeezed your fists as you sighed, “Just trust me, okay? He’ll stay in my room and i’ll get everything he needs.” 
“Until what!?” Seokjin shouted at the lunacy of your words and you understood, it wasn’t everyday someone stumbled across an unconscious alien in a ditch, “Until what Y/n!?” 
“Until he’s able to speak enough English for us to know what the fuck he’s doing here, hell if I know Seok!?” You raised your arms, you...you hadn’t thought about his words yet, admittedly, “He just needs somewhere to stay until he understands more about Earth and how it works here okay? Listen…” You shuffled in your spot as you sighed, “The moment he poses a threat….i’ll deal with it okay? We can call the police or whatever and report it, but he’s been docile the whole time…” Okay that was a stretched truth but what they didn’t know wouldn’t kill them. 
“Jesus christ,” Seokjin groaned as he collapsed back on the couch as he sighed, “...Fine, just make him use Jimin’s sweatpants.” 
“Hey! I didn’t consent to this!” Jimin whined who had been admittedly just sitting back and enjoying the fight between you both as he almost always did, serves the hoe right. 
You said no more not wanting to push things further as you grabbed JK’s hand once more guiding him down the hallway as you pushed the door to your room open, his eyes lit up a little at the familiar sight, hurriedly he went to the bed as he bounced on his as he laid down, burying into your blankets and pillows with a content sigh as if he had been aching to lay down all day. 
You felt a little bad at the sight knowing you should’ve probably let him rest sooner, choosing to sit down on the floor you opened up your laptop before you began working on the paper that was due by tomorrow afternoon that you had chosen to ignore since you had came across JK this morning. 
By the time it was late night JK had been in a deep sleep, obviously deducing that humans weren’t that dangerous of a species to keep himself awake over. You yawned yourself as you shut your laptop, rubbing your eyes before you looked at your bed, frowning as you sighed. Grabbing the pillow that had fallen off the side of the bed as you laid on the ground. You had slept in worst places before. 
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You sighed in contentment as you rolled over on the nice soft surface, warmth filling you and sleep had been particularly forgiving to you last night. Man what had been so forgiving today to let you sleep this good?
The memories of yesterday had filtered to your mind too quickly making your eyes snap open, you had fell asleep on the floor how did you get in bed!? You searched frantically for the puppy like alien who was absent from where he had been collapsed here last night.
Fuck this better have not been that bad LSD trip! It would have you fucked for months that Jimin would really let you believe there was a hot alien guy you made up in your head. You quickly padded down the hallway almost frantically before your eyes were met with three heads of hair on the couch. 
“Die! Die!” Your mouth moved multiple times but you couldn’t form a single coherent sentence at the sound of JK’s nose wrinkling and buttons being mashed as the three boys were sitting with controllers in hand. 
“Which one of you fuckheads taught him that word!?” You growled finally, knowing JK was your age and probably even hundreds of years old depending on how his species aged and he understood the concept of killing but shit! You didn’t like hearing him say it like that when he seemed so naive and innocent about everything else on Earth. 
Seokjin and Jimin both whipped around sheepishly at the same time before they started immediately blaming one another as you gritted your teeth. You would’ve continued to glare at them both if it not been for JK’s cheeriful voice, he had immediately perked at the sound of before hurrying over, “Y/n!” His pronunciation had gotten better and it was difficult to not smile at the triumph in his voice as if knowing he had improved before stating your name again, “Game…!” He pointed at the TV before his controller. 
You nodded, “I can see that…so I guess he’s suddenly not a threat anymore?” You sneered at both of your bestfriends, JK frowned a little as he looked between you three, obviously confused as to what was going on. 
Seokjin looked mild, pretending as if he hadn’t heard what you said, prideful bitch, “He’s okay. Better at Jimin in Overwatch if you can believe it, maybe I’ll just let him be my duo instead.” 
“Hey fuck off!” Jimin glared at him, brushing his shoulder in somewhat offense before he spoke, “He is good though, wouldn’t stop saying your name this morning though.” 
“He couldn’t say it yesterday,” You explained before turning to JK again, offering him a weak smile, “Play.” You pointed at the TV in encouragement, who were you to tell the man what to do? You just rolled out of bed and needed something to eat before you interacted anymore with those two idiots. 
JK looked excited as he ran back over to the couch before he spoke, “Play! Y/n play!” Your lips parted at the way he strung the two words together so easily, he was catching onto the language...fast...like extremely fast. His species was obviously intellect enough that this was a skill of theirs, or so you assumed for him at least. 
“No play. Eat.” You pointed at yourself before the tiny kitchen as you walked away hearing a noise that sounded like a whine from him. 
“Hey you're making breakfast for all of us right?” Jimin called out, making you glare him down and if lazerbeams could shoot from your eyes he’d be a pile of ash, he held out his arms as he spoke, “Damn fine, so much for sharing is caring in this household huh.” 
You rubbed your eyes ignoring him as you yawned, immediately making a cup of coffee before turning to the fridge only to jump at the tall boy standing in front of you peering down wide eyed and curious, “Eat.” He said singularly before he offered the world's cutest smile that you couldn’t begrudge as easily as you could Jimin. 
Fuck! He was asking you to cook for him and he had a cute almost bunny-like smile and he looked so endured and hoping you would make him something as good as Panda Express, which there was no way you could but jesus you were willing to try. 
“Breakfast,” You pronounced slowly, knowing this was a bit of a harder word for him as he tilted his head and repeated ‘Eat’ once more before you shook your head, “Eat, breakfast.” You tapped the clock on the stove that ticked away, showing it was ten in the morning. 
JK only rubbed his head in confusion before shrugging, he sat patiently in the stool at the counter as he happily watched you cook away. You didn’t make anything too fancy, just breakfast sandwiches for you both before you set his plate down in front of him, a happy smile on his face as his nose crinkled. 
Not even hesitating before he dug into the meal which you had purposely made him two given how big of an appetite the man had, something akin to pride swelled in your chest though at the sight of JK nearly devouring the sandwiches happily, Jimin stepped into the kitchen looking offended as he sputtered, “Oh so you’ll make breakfast for the hoe that can hardly speak but you won’t for your best friend, I see how it is. Is it because you know I won’t fuck you and he probably will?” 
“Shut up!” You hissed immediately, unable to even enjoy your own food because of your head ass best friend who only smiled viciously at how flustered you were. JK was naively munching on his food not understanding a single word either of you were saying and not caring either when his face was stuffed with food. 
 Seokjin entered the kitchen making himself something to eat as well, “Hey, are you guys going to that party tonight at Beta Tau?” He tilted his head as your nose immediately wrinkled, you used to do frat parties back when you were a freshman but since then you just couldn’t keep the high pace anymore or the sleazy guys. 
“I’m going!” Jimin called out, before tapping his chin as he looked towards JK before you, “Hey, we should bring JK along, give him some good socialization!” 
“Uh no, that’s a horrible idea,” You shook your head immediately, “And I never said I was going either, and if I don’t go he’s definitely not going.” JK tilted his head in curiosity, knowing his name had been brought up before he between you both. 
“Boo you whore,” Jimin tossed a piece of bagel at you as you dodged it, his nose wrinkling as he pointed his butterknife at you, “You’ve just been nursing your wounds ever since Mark dumped you. You know it’ll be good for you and him.” 
“I am not nursing wounds!” You hissed out, feeling like a black rain cloud was piling over your head as you crossed your arms, “And it is a bad idea, JK hardly knows anything about Earth, taking him to a frat party is like tossing a baby into the ocean.” 
“Umm all I hear is bullshit babe,” Jimin scoffed as he rolled his eyes, “Besides, a little party never hurt anyone, it’s our job to show off what Humans are capable of after all.”
“At a frat party…?” You frowned as you sighed. 
“He’s not a baby Y/n,” Seokjin frowned as he looked between you both, “Just because he can’t speak english and he’s unfamiliar with how we live doesn’t mean he isn’t intelligent, i’m sure they have parties where he’s from. If this is about Mark that’s kinda selfish to hold him back.” 
You weren’t…! You weren’t babying him! And this wasn’t about Mark! You just…! You weren’t in the mood to see him, especially attached to Lisa, who you had already thought was hot as it was but instead of going for you she went for your boyfriend and now they were together, 
It had been a pretty big blow to your ego. 
“Fuck fine! We can go what the fuck ever. I have to go get him clothes today though if you don’t want him bumming off you guys though.” Jungkook was still wearing his clothes from yesterday and he didn’t look the least bit concerned though he watched you guys curiously. 
Jimin pumps his fists in victory as he shoved the bagel in his mouth, “You guys do that then, it’ll be a good bonding session, anyways I have a lecture I’m already late for peace.” He threw up a peace sign before quickly exiting as you huffed, you thought it was weird he was here at 10am on a friday morning. 
“Bond?” JK perked up looking at you in excitement as your brows furrowed a little, how could he pick up random words so fast? Jesus, he’d be enrolling in college just to see what it was about within the weeks if he didn’t chill out. 
“Something like that,” You muttered, “Finish your food though,” You gestured to his sandwich before you picked up your own taking a bite, “I need a shower first but afterwards we can go out and get you some new clothes.” 
JK frowned as he looked down at his clothes once more, obviously slowly beginning to understand you more and more as his lips jutted a little, clearly he liked his clothing he was wearing. 
Maybe they just didn’t change clothes where he was from? It was difficult to say, regardless you shook your head finishing up before you went to your room. JK followed you around like a lost puppy as he had finished eating before you. 
You had paused at the door to the bathroom as you frowned, JK looking as if he’d totally come in if you’d let him, “Go play.” You pointed towards the living room where Seokjin had resumed Overwatch. 
JK frowned as he looked between the living room and you, “Bond.” He pointed at you making your pupils widen a little, what was that supposed to mean? He shuffled a little more, nearly chest to chest with you as you craned your head to look at him, jesus he had to be 6’3 in the average pool of 5’9 men, “Bond.” He said more firmly. 
“No.” You shook your head, your smile became awkward and your body movement became flustered, what was he talking about, “You are gonna go play with Seokjin.” You pressed a hand on his chest, pushing him back a little, his lips quivering a little and hurt in his eyes as he looked down at your face as if in search, “And I’m gonna go shower.” 
You couldn’t stand to look at it any longer before you quickly shut the door, locking it as you groaned, pressing your back against the door. Why did he have to look at you like that…?
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“JK! Stop wandering off,” You lowered your voice a little as you tugged him along, your hand in his again as he had been exploring the store, “We’re here for clothes,” You held up the hanger you had in your hands as he frowned. He had been moping ever since you wouldn’t let him shower with you this morning. 
Or whatever his intention was. Regardless it didn’t change the fact that he needed clothes and despite being poor you were willing to throw out some money for him, but only because he was so cute. 
“Come on, let’s go to the dressing rooms, my arms are getting tired.” You tugged JK along who only pouted, obviously wanting to explore more than get things, but this was kind of a necessity. You gently pushed him into the dressing room, handing him the clothes as he frowned, his eyes looking down at the clothes then at you. 
Sighing you groaned, stepping into the small room with him before shutting the door, it wasn’t too cramped but you were uncomfortably close with him, “Okay….umm you obviously don’t understand the concept of trying on clothes so…” You flailed a little before tugging on his sweatshirt, he frowned before his eyes brightened a little. 
Understanding the message he pulled the sweatshirt over his head, your face immediately heating as you tried to not ogle his sculpted body which was muscular but slim, his shoulders broad but it suited his delicate small waist. 
You now had a good view of the marks that ran up his arms, they curved into a crescent at his hands and ran all the way along his arms, up his shoulders before curving to his back. You had changed his bandages this morning after you got out of the shower and admittedly they had healed a lot faster then you had assumed they would. 
 Whatever thoughts about his wounds however left your head as you nearly squeaked at the sight of tentacles immediately protruding from his back. Four to be exact, they were of a clear substance for the most part until your eyes followed further to their base where you noticed it matched the glow of his marks. 
A subtle pink and JK’s eyes a little bashful as he mumbled, “Bond…” His tentacles stretched forward a little as if in search for you before you squirmed towards the wall, trying your best to not let your horniness get the best of you in this situation. 
“U-ummm if you’re asking me to marry you the answer is gonna be no.” You held out the shirt in front of you to act as a semi shield to his advancement. Despite the language and cultural barrier JK seemed to understand your rejection as his lips quivered, his eyes dimming as he lowered them in acceptance. 
The tentacles immediately retracting back into his back as delicately took the hanger from you, fumbling to get it off and wow, way to make you feel like a dick. He wouldn’t even look at you as you sighed, relaxing a little as you grabbed the hanger pulling it off for him, “I’m gonna just let you do your business in here if you understand.” 
You exited as you grabbed your face, why did you feel so bad for rejecting him? You groaned as you leaned against the wall opposite of his room. Probably because you didn’t fully understand what he was trying to do if you could just speak the same language, and understand why he was here, maybe you wouldn’t have felt so bad. 
Seokjin kept saying he wasn’t a baby but...he was just so clueless as to how Earth worked, you couldn’t help it....You sighed as you rubbed your face, you just wished things could be easier. You had an afternoon lecture you needed to go to and you weren’t sure how JK would fair on his own and it admittedly gave you anxiety just thinking about it. 
He was curious by nature and you wouldn’t have a doubt he’d get bored easily just stuffed in your little apartment. JK opened the door to the dressing room, his gaze still cast on the ground as he handed the stuff back to you and you could only assume they all fit. You made sure they did because they were all at least two sizes too big for him but hey, they had to be comfy at least. 
Neither of you spoke as you paid for his things, holding the bags as you began walking back home, you didn’t like how quiet it was between you both and JK didn’t wander off not once as he let out what sounded like a sad sigh, his eyes looking up towards the sky as he mumbled something in his own language before back towards the ground. 
You felt like you kicked a puppy. 
You set his things down on the table as you looked towards the clock, you needed to get ready for class and honestly, you were gonna treat yourself to some starbucks after all this crap, “JK,” He peered up at you a little before his gaze became downcast, not looking at you but you knew he was listening, “I have to go to class…” You pointed to yourself, “You...need to stay...home.” You worded it carefully, his lips trembling now and you weren’t sure if he was going to cry or not, “I’ll be back!” You rushed, hurrying to the couch where he sat as you grabbed a remote. 
Pulling up Netflix as you shuffled around, deciding to put on a documentary for him on the ocean to keep him busy, maybe his language would improve meanwhile or...or he’d learn something, hell if you knew. 
JK frowned, sighing as he lowered his gaze in acceptance, reaching out you sighed, grabbing his face to make him look at you, “I’ll be back.” You spoke, your thumbs tethering over his skin which felt so soft and subtle, almost even more soft than any other person you had ever met, the glow of the TV made that iridescent tone reflect just a little. 
He really was the prettiest thing you had ever set your eyes on. 
He said nothing before you gave his face a little squeeze before letting him go, pressing play on the TV as he turned to watch, his expression slowly melted from sadness to that curious expression as he tilted his head, a purple glow from the crescents on his hands as he watched in fascination. 
You smiled a little before you grabbed your bags and slowly closed the door. You’d just hope he could figure out how to use the remote if he wanted to watch something else. 
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Class was slow and you couldn’t help but wonder what JK was doing the whole time much to your frustration, you needed to focus on taking notes as midterms were coming up and you would absolutely fail if you didn’t pay attention. 
The whole class dragged on for two hours and in order to try and do damage control for your lack of attention you ended up going to the library to study more and make flashcards as you had originally planned before your life fell apart due to an alien binging on netflix back at home. 
You eventually got a peace of mind when you pushed your earbuds in and put on music to help you focus. Proud of your work you leaned back in your chair as you sighed in contentment before your eyes finally landed on your phone, not thinking much before your eyes nearly popped out of your head. It was almost seven in the afternoon! Fuck! You’d be leaving within the hour to get to the frat. 
Shoving all of your shit back into your bag you hurriedly zipped up before running out of the library, fumbling the whole way home before you entered the house in a rush. Much to your surprise though Seokjin and Jimin were already ready and JK looked happy to be around them both. 
What you didn’t expect for what you had bought him to look so good, he was wearing a fitted shirt and jeans, Jimin must’ve let him borrow his leather jacket and those fingerless clothes adorned his hands, “Hey hold still!” Seokjin spoke as he kept combing his hair, obviously styling it up, “I should’ve gone into cosmetology for being this good at turning trash to gold.” 
“Not everyone wants to look like Tinky Winky on steroids Seok.” You called out as you plopped your bag down in the ‘study corner’ which you and Jimin invented as a way to justify your laziness and Seokjin had said you both were on thin ice but he’d allow it because he also was lazy. 
Seokjin whipped around, those bratz lips of his parting in offense as you shrugged, holding up your hands, not about to apologize for the healthy dose of truth he needed at least once a day. 
“Y/n!” JK cried out, immediately running over to you making Seokjin groan as he grabbed your shoulders, frantically checking over you as if making sure you weren’t hurt. You frowned as you looked down at yourself. 
“I think he was worried about you.” Jimin was licking a drumstick at the moment while sitting on the handle of the couch, “He wouldn’t stop saying your name when I first got in and he looked like a scared puppy. Had to convince him that it was not a good idea to go look for you like he first suggested.” 
“Suggested?” You frowned as you looked back up at the tall boy who immediately cupped your face making you squirm a little, perhaps startled and a little touch starved, “Umm I told you I’d be back…” Not surprised he didn’t understand you but still. 
You gently grabbed his wrists, tugging them away from your face as you smiled awkwardly, trying to not think about the fact that this man looked even hotter then before, if that was even possible, “I need to go get dressed.” 
“Nope, nu uh, I’m not finished with you.” JK was yanked back with a whine as Seokjin grabbed him by the collar as he had attempted to follow you, much to your relief because you didn’t need another episode of earlier today. 
You didn’t take too long to get dressed, choosing to stay casual as you typically would given you didn’t plan of staying long and hey, if all hell broke lose maybe you’d get yourself and JK mcdonalds on the way back. 
Pulling the flannel over your shoulders you stepped out of your room, Jimin incessantly jingling his keys as he spoke, “You took too long, we’re gonna be late!” 
“You’re late everywhere we go you whore.” You rolled your eyes, grabbing JK’s hand as you all left the apartment, he still seemed a bit confused as to where you all were going but had no complaints as you both sat together in the back of the car which he inspected.
Pressing the button on top of the ceiling only to immediately squint with a whine at the light, you pressed it again turning it off as you looked at him, “Stop touching things.” He pouted a little, choosing to grab your hand as he mumbled something in his own language. 
The ride was short and you couldn’t stop dreading what might possibly happen at the party, one scared with JK and it was over, the police would get involved and they would take him off to some lab where he could get tested and poked and prodded and the idea was upsetting to think about. JK hadn’t been here for more then a day and somehow you decided taking him to a party was a good idea? 
You crumpled in your seat, looking outside the window as you watched the party rage on in the house. Of course you wanted to avoid your ex but that wasn’t your main worry for the night. Opening the door you stepped out, JK quickly following after you as you called out, “JK...stay with me okay?” 
He nodded though you weren’t quite sure if he understood, regardless he seemed happy enough to hold your hand as the three of you entered, the music was blaring and the crowd was big tonight given it was a friday and everyone could cut loose. Not the wildest you had seen but certainly not the smallest. You looked at JK in concern but much to your surprise he only looked around in curiosity as he nodded, “Party?” He asked as he raised his brows. 
You nodded, “Yeah, it’s a party.” You called back over the music, looking around for somewhere a little more quiet but Jimin cut in, grabbing JK’s arm, “Hey, we’re playing beerpong and I need to know if he has good aim.” 
JK was immediately tugged from you as you glared at Jimin his smile cheeky, “Chill, he’ll be fine, looks like he’s used to this kind of scene. Maybe he’s a space fuckboy. We’ll watch him go relax.” JK looked back at you mildly concerned but you gave him a reassuring smile as you nodded, despite not fully agreeing with it. 
Could JK even drink? You felt stressed but then again you did pour rubbing alcohol all over a wound that could have reacted like acid to him, you supposed if he knew something was dangerous he would avoid it, or so you could only hope. 
“Bitch! Why haven’t you been answering my messages!?” You jumped at the sight of the blond looking ready to mow you over, Solar’s heels clicked against the ground as she nearly ran for blood at the sight of you. 
Cowering a little your lips twisted into a sheepish smile, your best friend glaring down at you and a pout adorning her lips, you hadn’t meant to ignore her texts the whole day but other things had obviously taken precedent. Should you tell her? 
“It better be for a good reason.” She pointed at you accusingly before you made your way to the buildable table set out with drinks on it, purposely avoiding the jungle juice you knew for a fact probably had that shitty bang energy in as you grabbed a bottle of benchmark, sure it was cheap and tasted like shit but didn’t that sum up your whole personality?
“Well…” You took a breath, your expression contorting a little as you looked up at Solar who waiting expectantly, why the fuck not? If anyone could keep a secret it was her- hence her promise to Kim Jenny in 5th grade that she wouldn’t tell you that she liked the same boy and ended up helping her ask him out. 
Which you only found out about last year in a drunk truth or dare session and you marked your own words that the next time you saw Jenny you'd slap her across the face. Which you ended up not, instead you were still drunk and ended up crying with her because her dog had died earlier that day. 
Still, the principle remained, Solar would keep it a secret. Taking a long chug of the mixed drink a warm burn settled in your throat, “I discovered an alien and- he has tentacles that literally fucking explode from his back.” 
Solar nearly snorted out her drink as she began laughing, “Girl you watch too much hentai. Seriously, what’s up?” Her laughing died down before an uncomfortable silence sat between you both, your lips quivered only a little as you looked up at her, her expression immediately dropping, “You’re joking…” 
“I wish I was Sol…” You took another long drink. 
“You’re joking!” She shouted, her lips dropping, “Okay no, tell me everything! Where is it? What does it look like? You better not be pranking me right now…!” 
You waved a hand, walking as she quickly followed as you recalled the events of how you found JK and what had ensued in the last 24 hours before you paused at the beerpong table, pointing at JK. Your face warm at the sight of a cocky smirk on his face, obviously his team winning as he landed yet another shot assuming by the sound of the other teams groan. 
“That...Y/n…” She turned to you deflating a little at the sight of him, obviously hoping for something a little more...alien like, “You’re such an ass!” 
“He is! You just can’t see the shitty avatar cosplay beneath all the clothes! He does have tentacles again, by the way...I am not crazy!” You grabbed your chest in offense, “You wanna know what I’ve been doing the last 24 hours, there it is! Trying to figure out what to do with an alien that keeps trying to bone me.” 
“Bone you?” Solar raised her brows before she scoffed a little, her brows raised as she took a sip from her cup, “Thought being a monster fucker was always your thing?” You shoved her a little, making her snort in amusement, again, if you could just figure out what his motive was and...maybe have a decent conversation, “Let's say he is an alien...not that I believe you but let's say he is...what are you gonna do about it? I mean really….?” 
You rubbed your head as you frowned, “Well...I don’t know.” you confessed with an awkward expression as she sighed, “I just…! I’m assuming he probably has his own plan…! But generally I’m hoping as he learned english- which is extremely fast by the way- that he’ll eventually tell us what happened and where to go from here I mean…” 
You frowned a little, something sad stirring inside you, there was nothing holding JK back from just leaving you all one night when he’s found what he needs, or figures out where to go or...whatever it is he’s doing here, “If he even stays here long enough…” 
Solar hummed before tapping her cheek, “That’s it, I’m playing against him, he hasn’t missed a single shot.” You tried to call out to her but it was useless, when Solar was determined, nothing would stop her.
You sighed as you turned away, feeling too much anxiety from watching JK to try and come in further especially if he caught sight of you. JK surprisingly enough seemed as though he had fun a lot of the night, you had stayed curled up in a corner on your phone most of the time brooding while nursing your drink which had admittedly helped you relax a little. 
Eventually though, good times always come to an end, this being no exception, “Hey babe, long time no see?” You stared down at your phone, scrolling through instagram as you ignored the sound of Mark’s voice, “Awwh c’mon, don’t ignore me.” 
You inhaled sharply, closing your eyes before you put away your phone, looking up at him as you raised a brow trying to ignore your heart racing just a hair, “Can I help you?” You asked, trying to act as if this totally wasn’t freaking you the fuck out. 
“You sure can,” Mark flirted, sending you that wink that was the very reason you had spun out in the first place with this guy and god you couldn’t deny his flirty nature always got the best of you, “Me and Lisa were hoping for a third in bed tonight and I thought, what girl would be better than my main girl.” 
He smiled, delicately holding your chin with a proud look and for a half a second you had forgotten how much of a bitch he was, that was until your mind lingered on the word ‘main girl’ to which your lips curled slowly, “...Main girl?” You scoffed immediately slapping his hand away as you shouted, “Main girl!? Since when was I the main girl!?” You watched Mark groan as you shook your head, “Uh no! You came up to me! You don’t get to act like this and you were the one that left me in the first place, why don’t you go back to your main girl!” 
“God you’re so over emotional-” You didn’t even let the little gaslighting fuck finish before you splashed him with your drink, a scoff escaping him as he raised his brows, “Are you fucking serious Y/n?” 
“Yeah, fuck you.” You shoved him before walking out of the kitchen, what a piece of shit! How dare he act all put out when he was the one that approached you, in a total douchebag way at that! You weren’t sure where everybody had went and at this point it was almost ten o’clock and you didn’t care! You just wanted to take a warm shower and go to bed!
You stepped down the stairs of the frat house and into the cool night as as you heaved a breath, scoffing as you rolled your eyes, this was exactly why you hated going to frat parties at Beta Tau now because you almost always ended up in an argument with Mark. 
Stupid little fuck. You muttered it to yourself as you wrapped the flannel around you, your eyes warily finding that of a drunk elderly man who definitely appeared in his forties, alone and his eyes immediately finding your lone figure. 
You kept your eyes on your phone as you slowly approached in hopes of walking past him, you hated parties, you hated going out at night, you hated the fact that you let yourself get so heated in the moment, “Well aren’t you just looking pretty tonight sweetheart.” You sighed in exasperation at the sound of his voice calling out to you.
“Thanks.” You offered dryly, not even attempting to smile because you knew it would just sound like that much more of an invitation to him and yet, even your singular dry word was enough of  a green light to him. 
A hand suddenly wrapped around your upperarm yanking you over as you squeaked out, “How about I take you back to my place? Show you a good time yeah?” He reeked of beer and your nose wrinkled as your expression twisted and your hands trembled. 
“Sir- I..I really need to get home…” You mumbled, not wanting to provoke him but your fear was getting the better of you by the second as you tried to keep yourself from panicking. You’ve never gone out tonight and you should’ve stood your ground regardless of who went were. 
His hands squeezed on your arms eliciting a noise of pain from you and you couldn’t even look at the guy as he growled, “Or I could go home with you sweetheart, or better yet. Why don’t we go over here…! Ow you bitch!” You had smashed his foot with your own but it wasn’t enough for him to let go of you. 
Instead his grip only got tighter making you cry out in pain as your eyes stung with tears, wishing he could just let you go...Within seconds though the man was nearly ripped away from you and a larger figure had wedged between you both, “Leave.” It was a one word command that was clear and demanding from JK, you couldn’t see his face and you weren’t sure you wanted too. 
JK was shoved back from the guy and taking this as an offense, you nearly jumped back at the sight of tentacles bursting from his back, your eyes bulging at the sight, not a single rip in his clothes as if they were transparent yet a lightening of bright fiery ran streaked through him. Your lips nearly dropped though because they obviously weren’t too transparent as JK used them to slam the guy into a wall with enough force to drive him unconscious. 
“JK! Hey! Woah holy shit!” You grabbed your head, JK whipped around, anger still evident on his face but his concern had taken over as he called out your name, what he hadn’t expected as for you to drag him into the alleyway. 
Tentacles still gracefully flowing behind him as if they were underwater, your eyes darting everywhere and anywhere for anyone to have possibly seen and yet…! “Don’t you ever do that again!” You hissed, grabbing your head in stress, if anyone saw that…! Anyone it was over! “Someone could’ve see you!” 
JK might not have fully understood what you said, but he could understand a few words here and there and your tone of voice, his expression darkening and his lips twitching in anger and disagreement, “Hurt!” He growled back pointing at you. 
“I don’t care if I got hurt!” You cried out, running your hands through your hair, anxiety shot through your veins, “You can’t do that!” You pointed at his tentacles, “You aren't human! Humans can’t do that!”
“Hurt!” He growled even louder, now grabbing your forearms in demand, firm enough that you couldn’t pull away but gentle enough that it didn’t hurt, “Y/n hurt!” He emphasized as best he could, his nose wrinkling in frustration as he spoke, “Protect!” It was spoken a little word but you understood overall what he meant. 
“Yes you can protect me that’s fine! But you have to act human!” You pointed at yourself, shaking his arm away before forcefully rolling up his sleeve, the marks which were burning red, “Human!” You snapped as you pointed at your own bare arm compared to his, “Not human!” You pointed to JK’s, “You can’t be that careless!” 
You were just lucky that the guy was drunk and hopefully wouldn’t remember any of this, JK’s lips twitched as if he still didn’t agree with you, snapping something back in his own tongue as he roughly shoved his sleeve back down before he went on what sounded like a long rant, the tentacles retracting into his back once more as he threw his arms up and you stepped back a little. 
You had never heard him so...vocal...or angry before...Which you had brought on yourself, you understood he thought it was the right thing to do and it would’ve been fine had he not decided to get his four other tendons involved. You above anything else, didn’t want JK to be taken from you. JK kept going though in his tongue, directly all of his- what sounded like unpleasant words at you as you crossed your arms, looking at the ground with gritted teeth and ignoring the way your eyes were attempting to blur in tears. 
Even if you couldn’t understand him you were positive you didn’t like or agree with whatever he was saying. You fixed your flannel that had been ruffled from the man as you sniffled harshly, trying to ignore the wet warm tears that began trickling down your face. JK had paused from his rant before frowning, watching the liquid trickling down your face as you closed your eyes. 
Puffing a breath he sighed, figuring it wasn’t any use in trying to talk to you anyways, Orion tongue was beyond ancient to human civilization which is why he hadn’t bothered trying to say any sort of phrases in his own language. 
JK couldn’t stand seeing you like this, from what he observed on- if he assumed he was correct- the TV, humans often depicted this as sadness. Unable to stand this gesture JK did what he had watched, wrapping his arms around you in a form of human affection as he set his chin on top of your head, wetness staining his shirt and he held a silent victorious moment at your reciprocation to his affection. Trying to bond with you had been such a pain in the ass with the language barrier and you almost always looked uncomfortable any time he tried to initiate a bonding session. 
True the locations might have been inappropriate but he was excited, he wanted to find a mate and soon, after all that was part of the original plan, even if it wasn’t supposed to be on earth. You had mumbled something he couldn’t quite figure out until you had mentioned the word Home, as in the place you slept. JK nodded, assuming that was where you had intended on going in the first place. 
He had caught sight of you leaving the house extremely upset and he wanted to tag along in hope that maybe with some alone time at the house, you’d both finally be able to properly bond, he could feel his scaling warm a bit and he could even spot a tint of pink from beneath his gloves much to his embarrassment. 
Knowing this was a human affection JK kept his arm wrapped around you as you both walked home, your hands on your eyes as you sniffled a little and you hadn’t spoken the entire walk back making him a little sad. Your voice was soft and pleasant on his ears which often picked up too many odd and miscellaneous sounds. 
Pulling off your flannel you sighed, muttering something that he leaned in a little to focus on understanding, knowing it sounded something like an apology. JK only offered a small smile, “Friend?” He spoke softly, he liked that word, it was the first one you had taught him after all. 
You nodded, looking severely tired as you repeated the word back before padding to your room to get changed, little by little JK understood more and more about humanity on Earth which wasn’t exactly new, but rather...a bit archaic by Orionia’s standards.
JK had made sure to go into the room with the odd looking boat to change into clothes, knowing it always elicited an odd reaction from you whenever he changed in front of you. Getting into something more comfortable he could appreciate the human need for comfort. 
Feeling a bit timid he peeped into your room where you laid on your bed, looking half asleep but you gestured him in much to his excitement, understanding bonding wouldn’t likely happen now that you were too tired but he appreciated your company, you made things much easier for his stay on Earth. 
Pulling out your lap held device JK tilted his head, oh…! This was like the mainboard back on the ship, just a smaller version of it, a computer? But a lap verison? He furrowed his brows a little, the name on the tip of his tongue as his nose wrinkled. Much to his delight though you typed up the same place where he had been watching educational videos earlier today. 
He only hoped you’d stay this time, he had been extremely worried the Arbitrator's had found you, your friends however had said multiple times you were just at ‘Class’ whatever that was. And they seemed calm enough and if they knew your routine then...he had no reason to assume they were conspiring with the enemy. 
Much to his happiness you laid back down as you stretched out before curling up, your eyes closing as he clicked onto the video of the ocean, as he had learned Earth held quite the exotic lifeform in the sea. 
It was nearing 11:30 which you had pointed at the clock earlier today except now it was dark out, JK could only deduce there was certain names for eating at certain times of the day, he tapped on his chin, scrolling down the assortment of human entertainment. Wanting something to figure out how to win your affection to be his mate. A loud piercing screech nearly jolted him out of bed, holding his head as he frantically looked towards you before feeling relief fill him. If you couldn’t hear this then…! 
He fumbled as he hurried to the window, pushing through the blinds as he peered out, seeing a large flare being shot up into the sky in a deep hue of blue and purple, that acted as something he saw on a video. A firework, if he remembered correctly. JK perked up, Taehyung and Namjoon must be okay, this was what…? At least ten miles south, in human terms? He remembered that much from the academy. 
JK nearly ran out the door before he paused, his eyes looking over your sleeping figure he...he couldn't just leave you here...and…! He perked up, “Y/n!” He called out, jostling you awake as you rolled over with a groan, “Y/n! Home!” He spoke determined, if he could get you to go with him then he could explain everything. 
“What? JK seriously? This better be important.” You groaned as your eyes tiredly cracked opened at the sight of doe eyes looking at you urgently, he nearly ripping you out of bed with a squeak, “Home!” He spoke as he brought your shoes to you before pointing out the window, “Home!” 
...Oh...oh god, this was going to be a long night, wasn’t it…? 
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uncouth-the-fifth · 3 years
Hello!! I was wondering when you'd write a general smut HC for Jon like you did for Damian
hell yeah, it's Jon day now 😤
when asked, Jon (after a lot of blushy fumbling) will claim that he had the normal teenage sex experience. He tried to have one, anyway. The occasional s/o had brought it up with him before, and Jon, desperately clinging to his human side for any sense of normalcy in his bizarre life, prematurely agreed. He soon finds out that he's barely compatible with humans in the first place. His strength alone makes the entire situation dangerous, since the premise to sex is a loss of self-control - Jon can't even stop himself from crushing his phone when he's not paying attention. Simple math.
So, he moves on to aliens. Being Superboy gives him lots of... access... across the galaxy, so he gets away with lots of things he shouldn't. Sneaking off to makeout with a girlfriend is pretty normal for teenagers, so Jon gets some points there. But flying behind Saturn to get some action in a spaceship? Not so much.
This makes Jon sound not so innocent, but he's still the gentleman we all know and love. These alien girls he goes around kissing are remembered by name and treated kindly every time Jon sees them again - he's not the type to play and toss. All he wants to do is learn about himself and other people. His sexual curiosity is definitely tied to his sense of identity, since it takes an entire saga for Jon to figure out what satisfies Kryptonians.
The answer: very, very little.
When he's hard, he stays hard, even after he cums. Jon's endurance is literally endless as long as the sun is up or light's touched him in the last day. His heat vision acts up when he's turned on, too, something he had to learn the hard way. He's probably never had a truly good orgasm in his life... (Until you, but will get to that).
But like every hard thing about being Kryptonian, Jon twists it into something positive.
Obviously, he's huge. He's aware how uncomfortable it can be for some people to handle something that big, so he's content with oral instead. Giving, that is.
Jon's mouth never tires, so he can stay between your legs until his breath runs out - which it doesn't. He picked up a couple handy tricks in space that make him a menace in bed. If Jon touches light enough and moves fast enough, his fingers can vibrate inside of you at super-speed. As he's tenderly kissing your clit, he'll blow icy puffs of air on your pussy to make you squirm. If you're cramped for room or can't find a good position, Jon can pick you up with one hand and hold your thighs around his face comfortably in the air. And if someone happens to walk in? A little super-speed goes a long way for your privacy.
There's other things about having sex that Jon learns to enjoy, too. His superhearing catches every wisp of a moan, every hitch of breath. He likes to remind you that his sense of taste is super, too ;)
Eventually, you start to feel guilty. Jon does so much for you but you're physically unable to do the same for him. Though it takes a bit of looking, there are solutions to this problem.
Star Labs discreetly develops a bracelet/collar that cancels out yellow sun energy with red. Jon's nervous to use it, but after the hundredth time you hear the little click as it snaps onto his wrist (usually before he makes love to you like a heathen), you both think of it like you would a condom or birth control. Though this means no super-vibration or limitless endurance, Jon makes it more than worth it for you both.
He's a sweet, impatient lover. Jon needs very little foreplay to get heated up, and he does a lot of whining and begging if you prolong anything. He'll scoop you off your feet and effortlessly drop you in his lap, where he'll pepper you with dovey kisses and giggle about how eager he is to feel you squeeze around him. Jon's just sassy enough to be considered on the edge of vulgar - but if you dare to dirty talk to him in return, he'll dissolve into a crimson-faced puddle and do anything you ask.
Years of being Damian's "sidekick" has given him the smallest degradation kink. One time, you'd smacked his ass with a kitchen towel and teased him for being a bad boy- only to end up bent over a counter and pounded into until your thighs were purple.
(And the spanking... the harder, the better. Pain is out of the equation for Jon, so all that's left is the nature of the act, of being punished and submitting to it. He's always forced to be the one in control. It's nice to relax and take orders for once. When he's not wearing that bracelet, the best way to turn him on is by clawing your nails up his back, over his neck, and into his hair. None of it hurts, but the sensation never fails to make Jon go berserk).
In bed, Jon's a very flexible switch. His default is bottom, since his powers always put him in charge in every other situation. After a harsh day as Superman, there's nothing he wants more than to go home and not be in charge for once, especially if it's him submitting to some filthy snuggling. Though he's always in a rush to get to the dirtiest part of things, Jon never fails to chase the bone you hang over his head. One x-ray vision glimpse of your lack of underwear makes him forget how to walk. The look you give him as you get out his bondage ropes - starved. A lot of it is about letting go and losing control for him, but just as much relies on getting some good ole fashioned attention. Jon loves to be treated like a puppy. Kiss him, coo at him, pet him, and he'll be yours.
His favorite positions are, without fail, the ones where he can hold you up. Jon's bumped your head against the ceiling plenty of times in the process, but he prefers to eat you out with your legs wrapped around his head, your whole body held up by two hands. He can maneuver you however he needs to in order to fuck you best with his mouth, and often it ends with your hands in his hair, pretzeled around his head and wailing while he devours you. Or, with your legs around his waist instead. It's a position that gives his strength the advantage, where he can easily kiss you and glide his cock into your core in the same motion.
Jon loves to take his time when you get to sex, but with his schedule and the constant calls for help, he will never mind a quickie. As long as you find an appropriate spot (aka: kitchen counters, behind the clouds in the sky, in the shower, against the front door before work, etc), Jon will satisfy you just as easily as he would with more time.
Along the way, Jon discovers that sex is his best outlet for liking his powers. After his first time, his confidence is permanently boosted. Behind those baby blues adored by the public, a dirty secret lurks: Jon knows precisely how to make you scream his name, and it has everything to do with why they call him the Man of Steel.
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
reckless- b. barnes
pairings: bucky barnes x reader, platonic!sam wilson, platonic!natasha romanoff, platonic!steve rogers
warnings: mentions of injuries, descriptions of fighting, angry bucky, a horrible ending, i kind of really hate this
about: “the things i feel for her are unlike anything i’ve ever felt before.” for a sleepover!
i actually wrote another one with the same quote but i didn’t think it fit so i changed it (that one will be posted tomorrow or the day after so i can edit it)
you’re annoyingly reckless to a point where it gets dangerous.
he’s told you this a thousand times before but you don’t listen- aren’t listening at the moment.
he knows it’s ironic that he’s being reckless by not paying attention to what’s going on, too concentrated on you- even if you’ve told him countless times that you literally can’t die (to which he responds with a “you never know!” because, really do you?)- but he has a metal arm and sam, who’s been hovering around him like a vulture after noticing his lack of concentration.
before he can react to it, a slimy arm is promptly cut off by you, the blade you threw now back in your hands and stained green with the things’ blood. you scowl at it and shoot him a dirty look, “pay fucking attention!” you demand, shaking the weapon haphazardly to get the goo off. he can’t believe that the words came out of your mouth but rolls his eyes and obeys, knocking an ugly alien down and crushing its chest with his boot.
he can still hear your cocky remarks and giggles- yes, giggles, you giggle when you fight life threatening menaces- paired with the gross sounds of your knife impaling the aliens they’re fighting. it’s the only thing keeping him from practically babysitting you, a reassurance that you’re there, careless and impetuous, but alive and close.
suddenly, he can’t hear you, and he turns to what he quite possibly believes to be the most disgusting thing he’s seen in his life (and it’s been a long one, so far). you’re blue, covered in a slimy substance, and your face is so red, it’s beginning to look nearly purple with the cyan sheen over it. you screech abruptly, wiping at your face angrily and jumping at the thing that probably did that to you. he nearly feels pity for it. nearly, because, in your rage, you hadn’t even noticed the large gash along your shoulder. before he can go to you before you kill yourself, his metal arm feels like it’s being sucked, taking him with it, and he grunts. “what the fuck-” he manages, unsure of what he’s looking at, but trying to cut through the sticky arm attached to his own. you’re there in five seconds flat, still blue and still angry, which he notices makes the slicing through the appendage easier.
you seem to decide to stay with him after that, and he’s not sure if he’s offended because you don’t think he can take care of himself- which is ridiculous, since this only happened because he was taking care of you- or touched.
“god, i wish i had wanda’s powers. chaos magick works a lot faster than causing chaos,” you complain, trying to wipe away the blue sludge at the same time and wincing when it tugs at your injury. he is reminded of the shoulder wound he nearly got his arm ripped off for trying to warn you, and he stops your hand. “you’re bleeding, you should probably be a little more careful with this.” he motions to your arm, avoiding touching it.
you frown at him, “it’s fine, it’s just a little cut.” (it’s most certainly not a “little cut.”)
you extend the hurt arm over him and flick your hands when you see an alien about to rip bucky’s head off, a grimace passing your face that he sees but you try to cover up anyways. “see? it hurts you, you need-”
“i just saved your life, would a hurt person be able to do that?” you cut him off, and he stares at you. noticing a green thing coming up behind you, he grabs your waist and moves you out of the way, shooting it with his gun and watching as it drops to the ground. “ow!” you protest, “you hurt my-” seeming to realize you’re about to prove him right, you shut up and roll your eyes. “you’re welcome,” bucky huffs, wiping away some of the blue stuff from your cheek.
your cheeks warm against his touch without your permission, and you turn away. bucky smirks at your reaction.
“shut up,” you grumble, extending your fingers and aiming at a group of the aliens ganging up on natasha. they freeze for the few seconds they’re under your control, and nat manages to take out two in the moment. the three left break out of the trance, turn to each other, and begin to fight. natasha makes eye contact with you in a form of thanks and starts to take the rest out. you hear a gun go off behind you and turn to see one of the things that sprayed you on the floor. bucky saved you again, great, it’s not like he’ll rub it in your face forever.
“you need to pay attention, what if i’m not here?” bucky scolds. “then never leave,” you flirt casually in response. with a few twirls of your finger, most of the aliens stop paying attention to your team and begin attacking their own teammates.
you don’t notice when one of the few unaffected beings picks up a discarded gun and shoots at you twice. bucky moves you away from a head shot, but one lands opposite to the bleeding slash on your shoulder, and the other hits your thigh.
“goddamnit, y/n, pay attention!” bucky growls, holding up your full weight when your adrenaline begins to run out and everything becomes blurry. “‘m fine,” you try to reassure, attempting to stand back on your wobbly legs. bucky doesn’t let you, shooting at as many aliens as he can with one gun. he turns to look at your state after he shoots most of them, allowing the others to take care of it while he tries to take care of you. his metal hand is touching the small device in his ear, telling the others the situation while his other arm holds you up. you might be delirious now, and your eyelids are becoming increasingly difficult to keep up. “hm, i’m not going to die, b’cky.” you tell him, noticing the increasing panic in his voice as he talks to steve. “stop saying that, how would you know if you haven’t died yet?”
his question is confusing for your foggy brain, so you decide to skip it, unknowingly making his worries worse. the blood running down your back isn’t stopping, and bucky stops for a second to lift you up completely, tucking his hand underneath your knees to carry you. at the tug at your thigh, you bite back a scream. bucky pretends not to notice; his hands are covered in a warm red. he’s trying his best to ignore it.
“don’t die,” bucky whispers again and again, making you frown, “how many times do i ‘ave to tell you i can’t die?”
“i’ll believe it when you don’t,” bucky mutters, and the blue sky turns to gray when he’s inside the quinjet. he sets you down on the medbay cot, looking lost as he calls out friday’s name. “yes, mister barnes?”
“y/n- uh-”
“do a scan on me and… and treat accordingly,” you interrupt. “scanning now,” friday obeys, and you turn to bucky. “by the time you figured it out i would have bled out.”
“that’s not funny, y/n,” bucky says seriously. you squeeze your eyes shut for a second, “calm down, i’ll be fine.” friday has enclosed you in some clear glass, red grids letting you know of your condition. “ooh, that’s bad,” you mumble, much to the dismay of your boyfriend. “what?” said boyfriend asks, and you wave him off as best you can- which means a pathetic bounce of your arm- and tell him to let friday do her thing. “we are not done here,” bucky instructs, but sits next to you and holds your hand. you can see his glossed eyes now, you wonder how you didn’t see them before.
“shouldn’t you be fighting?” you ask, a wave of exhaustion crashing over you. rest, your body begs. you’ll comply later. “they’re almost done, the chaos thing you did makes their job a lot easier.”
“‘s what i do,” you say breathily before falling asleep.
you’re still in the quinjet the next time you open your eyes, which lets you know it’s only been a few hours and you’re feeling better already. goddess healing, you think, looking around to see bucky’s hand still around yours. he looks worried, the hard lines usually softened by the sound of your voice as hard as you’ve ever seen them. you squeeze his fingers gently. “bucky,” you coo, “i’m not dying anymore.”
bucky turns to you immediately, squinting, “that’s not funny.” it’s like deja vu, but you’re not sure from where.
a vein on bucky’s neck throbs, and you’re aware that you’re pushing it, so you stop for a second, “i was just kidding, i-”
“no!-” bucky’s voice is near yelling, so he shuts his eyes for a moment, continuing in a lower voice, “you almost died, do you know how terrifying that is? you nearly bled out in my arms.” sam, nat and steve, who were waiting for you to wake up next to bucky, pause when he raises his voice. “bucky-” you start, softer now, trying to sit up. bucky stands, “listen to me!”
steve stands, beginning to put a hand on bucky’s shoulder, “buck-” he’s silenced with a cold look from bucky. sam gets to his feet too, telling steve and nat to give you both a minute. they do, after nat kisses your cheek like she always does when you get hurt. you’re sitting on the edge of the bed now, reaching for bucky, “bucky?”
“you don’t… you don’t know how much you scared me, y/n. you have to stop being so careless,” he says after a few seconds. you furrow your brows, “i’m not careless, i’m confident in my skills.”
“you are. you’re careless and reckless and hasty and i need you to not be,” he says harshly, you frown. “why? i’m fine and i’m always going to be-”
“you don’t- you don’t understand!-” bucky snaps. “then help me understand,” you implore. bucky closes his eyes tightly again, breathing in slowly. “the things... that i feel for you are unlike anything i have ever felt before, and i can’t- i can’t lose you, okay?”
“you’re not going to,” you assure, extending your arms towards him, noting the tiny ache in response. he walks over to you, letting you grab his jaw when he’s close, you run your fingers over his cheeks gently. “i’ll be more careful,” you promise. bucky nods, tucking his face into the dip of your neck. you run your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, letting him squeeze your waist almost to reassure himself you’re actually there.
“hey,” you say quietly after a few moments, pressing tender kisses to bucky’s cheek, “sit down, i want to do something.” you stand, grabbing onto bucky’s arm when you stumble a little and promise him you’re fine and are taking it easy. you take out the first aid kit from one of the cabinets, setting it down next to bucky, opening it and taking out everything you need. you begin to clean his cuts, putting a pink hello kitty bandaid over one of his particularly bad ones. it’ll be gone within a day, but you can’t resist, and it makes him laugh.
you hum while you dab at a small scratch next to his eye, and he chuckles lowly, you look up at him, “what?”
“you’re still a little blue.”
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l4verq · 4 years
remnants (1)
ransom drysdale x reader
in which you have to protect ransom drysdale because he has the same face as steve rogers, your ex who’s gone back to peggy
warnings : fights, guns, hostage situation, tiny bit of violence
if you want to be added to the taglist, lmk in the comments💗
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*not my gif*
ransom’s seen pretty much everything.
travelled around the world, eaten the finest delicacies, snapped away for five years into non-existence all because of a purple, ball-sack face alien.
or so he thought.
because sitting here cuffed to a chair infront of you barely conscious, he begs to differ.
how did the night get so fucked so fast?
“hey.” he extends his leg, trying to nudge yours desperately.
you were a sight to behold with your hair undone, dark locks tousled around your delicate neck.
but ransom can’t afford to marvel at you, in fact the first thing he needs to do is get the fuck away from you.
because the way you’d jammed that glass cup up that bartender’s throat without a second thought, you were no ordinary woman.
“psst, hey.” He tries again, eyes skimming over the room.
they probably were holding them both for ransom.
hell would freeze over before he gave any of his money to those fuckers who chained him up like a dog.
you stir around slightly as you slowly open your heavy eyes. a groan slips out when you try to adjust yourself, only tightening the hold on your hands.
“good, you’re up.”
you lift your head to see a bloodied ransom across you.
slumping back into your seat, your body cries out in pain at the slightest movements.
as soon as you’d tasted the martini, you knew it was an ambush, thankfully spitting most of it out.
but it was too late, the drug almost instantaneously taking action, making you groggy.
the last thing you vaguely remember is dragging ransom out only to be whacked out cold, seeing stars.
“what’s going on? hey, are you going back to sleep?”he asks, straining his leg out to nudge yours again.
“you just don’t shut up, do you?” you croak out, barely above a whisper.
“i’m being held hostage in this room,” his nose scrunches up, “so, I’m sorry if I’m just a little curious as to what the fuck is going on.”
he looks almost pitiful, dried blood on his forehead and desperation in his eyes.
reminds you of steve after missions when he would limp around, all bruised up.
your eyes flicker over to the one camera pointed right at you, but the way it was angled you knew your hands weren’t in view.
“do you know about the avengers?” you work on dislocating your wrist to free your hands chained behind you.
not exactly your favourite thing but it worked everytime.
he rolls his eyes and quirks an eyebrow.
“you think I don’t know the avengers? the whole ‘saviours of the world but we choose to remain anonymous’ crap?”
“well, you’re looking at one right now.” you give an umamused smile, slightly flinching at the wrench that causes a tear in your ligaments.
he probably wouldn’t have believed you if he hadn’t witness you take down six people with such ease just a few hours? ago.
“anyways long story short, you look just like captain america and for some reason hydra just can’t seem to get over that face of yours.”
he lets out a genuine laugh which only seems to intensify the throbbing pain in his head.
you were a whole other kind of crazy.
“steve rogers? no one’s even seen his face under that dumb cowl of his.” he snorts, noticing the slight shift in your face at the mention of steve.
“andy barber. jake jensen. colin shea. ever heard of them?”
another tear.
he shakes his head, his irritation only growing by the very second.
“a few months ago, each one of them started disappearing one after the other. the only thing they had in common was their faces. they looked exactly like you, like him.”
you clench your jaw as you position your wrist for the final twist.
the last one always hurt like a bitch.
“you’re crazy.” he huffs, in disbelief.
he knew he shouldn’t have gone to that stupid event, not let his mother get in his head like always.
he could be at home right now, in his lavish three bedroom villa overlooking the sylvan surroundings.
but here he was, tied up in a filthy room with an avenger.
you might have to agree with him on the crazy part because you’re regretting the whole dislocating thing when the last twist pulls through, pain nearly blinding you.
he can only watch in horror as he realises what you’re doing.
“no, like you’re actually insane.” he breathes out in disbelief as your hands slip out of the chain.
the door swings open, guns pointed right at you.
a particular face in the middle catches your eye as you recognise him.
“you know you’re not getting out of here that easy, right?” zemo chuckles, “broke those pretty bones for nothing.”
“you get blipped for five years and this is the first thing you do? somebody needs to get a life.” you slowly get up, hands raised (you think?)
you couldn’t really feel them anymore.
“sit back down.” he orders, gun pointed right at your head.
he yells at you to sit down again but the gun’s pointed at ransom now.
“holy fuck, dude, don’t point that shit at me. this is how 99% of the people in movies die.” ransom pleads, his eyes closed.
“he’s not steve, you know that. so, why are you doing this? I mean I know why I’m doing this.” you hesitantly sit back down, your ears pleased for once to hear the familiar whirring.
just a few more seconds. that’s all you needed.
he cocks his head, “doing what?”
“buying time.”
ransom’s seen enough action movies to know the probability of him accidentally being shot by any of the rain of bullets whizzing past you two right now is high.
too high for his liking.
he thinks he saw a red flying thing knock out zemo? before you pushed him down so hard the chair broke.
“jesus christ, are you trying to kill me?” He yells, his back throbbing in pain.
and all of a sudden, it’s quiet,a persistent ringing taking over his ears.
he opens his eyes to see you hovering over his face.
it’s weird, your lips seem to be moving but he can’t hear you.
and it’s all black.
“i just want you to know that what you did back there, that was stupid.” sam glares at you, in the rearview mirror.
“and dumb.” bucky chimes in.
you roll your eyes.
it was going to be a long ride to the safehouse.
the car bumps and ransom bounces around, his head hitting the top.
“jesus, hold him or something.” bucky turns around, looking at ransom’s unconscious body sprawled on the seat.
you scoot over closer to ransom, your hand guiding his head to your lap.
bucky turns back around, a grin creeping up to his face which you just want to punch off.
you look down at the bloody mess on Ransom’s forehead, fingers slightly grazing over it.
it was done with a blunt object, most likely the back of a gun.
you can’t stop staring at his face, the same lump forming in your throat again.
so you force yourself to look away, focus on the trees zooming past until sam stops the car infront of a small house, “we’re here.”
bucky hands you a bag of essentials, waving at you to go in, “we got him.”
the house is actually better than most safe houses you’re used to.
it has electricity and hot water and that’s already made it a top contender.
you head straight for the shower, stripping down to nothing while turning on the water.
you hiss in pain at the contact of water on your aching skin.
the water’s scorching hot but it’s the only way you feel clean.
you scrub off the grime and dirt like always, desperately washing away the dried blood under your fingernails.
a trail of reddish brown water as you wash your hair, nails scratching every surface of your scalp.
quickly changing into a set of clean clothes, you pull out a box of needles.
you’re sloppy with your stitches, maybe cause you’d gotten used to him doing it for you.
throwing your wet hair into a towel, you debate whether to clean his wound up or not.
but your hand is already reaching for the bag of first aid sprawled all over the sink.
“it’s just a nice thing to do.” you mumble, making your way to the living room.
sam’s passed out on the couch adjacent to ransom and you’re pretty sure bucky went out to get some food.
they’ve changed his clothes for him but the ugly bruise on his forehead only seems to be swelling up.
you sit down on the floor, rummaging through the box, pulling out cotton and antiseptic.
“am I dead?” he croaks out, slightly shifting.
you chuckle, looking back at him.
a few dabs of the brown liquid on the cotton.
“this is gonna sting.” You warn him before gently wiping the angry bruise.
he flinches, groaning in pain.
“where am I?”
“yea, that’s really comforting.” he looks up at you in annoyance.
you exchange to a new waft of cotton, still cleaning up the dried up blood.
it’s strange, how weird yet nice your gentle touches feel.
the way your lips slightly part and eyebrows knit together as you concentrate.
ransom never really had someone take care of him like this.
“wher’s Steve?” he asks the lingering question on his mind.
there’d been many conspiracy theories online, each one crazier than the other.
he again notices the slight clench of the jaw, the shift in your position at the mention of his name.
“gone.” you reply stoically, placing the gauze over the swelling wound.
a shit reply but he can’t bring himself to pry further.
you look down at his face, the familiarity of this catching you offguard.
after every mission, he’d force you to sit down and tend to your every wound, every scratch.
can’t have my girl walking around, all bruised up like that.
and you’d force him to sit down and do the same.
it was always so personal, standing between his legs, his hands around your waist while yours worked around.
“hey, you okay?” ransom lifts his head, regretting it instantly as pain shoots up his entire body.
you blink away the tears threatening to spill any second.
“yeah, I’m good. Get some rest.”
you fumble around, hurriedly picking up the first aid kit, your shaky hands doing little to help you.
you were clearly distraught and ransom had a sneaking suspicion why.
a/n : i dont even know if u can physically dislocate your wrist yourself lol, im just making shit up as i go lmao
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Baby don’t stop
(oneshot (part3? :D), can be read separately, but also, if you want, check out the other two parts)
Pairing : Wayv Ten (Nct Ten) x Reader Y/N, (wife)
Word count: 3.2k 
Warnings: proper filth alright, sex, double penetration, oral (f&m receiving), overstimulation, mentions of abuse on another character, creampie, Ten has two dicks, he’s an alien, ok? (stay safe people, use protection!)
Side character: y/n (used small letters when talking about this girl, one of the ten girls, who is now with Hendery-Guanhee)
Thanks to all the people who wanted to see more of Detective Ten, well, here he is, hope you all like it. Thanks.
enjoy reading, under the cut!
*10043567901;1102033149001, Planet DYVLONY*
Out of all the mundane things that occurred everyday, Ten was there. And the days, when he wasn’t, well, you did it by yourself. Dishes. Cleaning the house.  Mopping the floors. Re-arranging the shelves. Sometimes you wanted to creep a bit in Ten’s drawers, but they always had a lock on.
-What’s in them drawers? – you asked one time while having dinner.
-What do you mean? – he responded chewing on his food.
-Those… uhm, in your room, - you said and Ten looked up.
-Have you been naughty?
You giggled. When Ten said this, you knew soon after you would be on his bed, naked.
-Me? – you laughed, - never, Ten, what are you talking about? I was just being curious….
-Aha, - he watched you now, more than usual, his eyes wondered from your face, down to your exposed V line, thanks to the jumper you wore. His eyes were like a mirror of truth though, you could read him so easily. – let’s go to our room and see, shall we?
Ten stood up, walking your direction, just to take the dishes to the sink, and then pulling you up, his hand around your waist, just under your breasts. He leaned in, whispering:
-You know what gets a naughty Y/N? – you couldn’t help but laugh, but when he licked your earlobe, you bit your lip, nodding a “no”, - Y/N get’s a big…
This was interrupted by his phone ringing. He sighed stepping away from you. Checking the caller id, he stepped back.
-I have to take this, - he informed and left. You only nodded.
-How did you get this number? – Ten asked the caller.
-Ha, - on the other side a voice spoke, - I get what I want, now, now, don’t be scared Detective, it’s not you who I am after.
-The hell you are not, Guanhee, - Ten knew who he was talking to straight away. After the outbreak of a politician being killed, Mr. Tieger, who in fact owed money to the “great twins”, Ten looked deeper only to find that one of the human females was now with him and his crazy alter-ego.
-So, you know who I am, - she giggled, - I am impressed, detective, you have done your homework.
-What are you after? – Ten snapped.
-Ah, so impatient, you see, your girl Y/N, is a sweety isn’t she?
-Leave my wife out of this.
-That’s the problem Ten, I cannot, - Guanhee turned around to see y/n (other one of the girls who were on the ship, so…), tied up to the wooden post like always, naked, and pussy on display. – the poor girl tried to help us, but you see, it’s not that simple, so I ended up, fucking her every day, one day me… the other… my brother. But now, I need someone, because… well, none of your business, but I hear you might know the location of Sicheng.
Ten arched a brow.
-Sicheng? – he re-asked, - why do you need him?
Guenhee licked her lips, pushing her glasses up her nose, eyeing y/n body again, she was drooling at the sight of her glistening cunt. Walking over, Guanhee dropped to her knees, y/n was coming awake slowly.
-Yes, Sicheng, well, if you must know, I would need his help for some small job, with a microchip.
-Guanhee, what is on your mind? – Ten asked, - you can’t harm the girl, you need to promise me that.
-Oh, but Ten, I can’t, - with her phone pressed to her ear, she leaned in, licking y/n’s mound, - a simple modification with her chip, so she would be a good girl and behave is all I need.
-Guanhee, no, - Ten warned, - there are other ways, how to do that, I am sure you can talk with y/n, and she will do whatever you tell her to…
Ten was grabbing onto his hair now, he felt the responsibility of all aliens, wherever they might be. Even YangYang didn’t seem like a bad person now, that he heard Guanhee’s story.
-You hear, y/n, - Guanhee spoke to y/n, while tears left her eyes, - Detective Ten here thinks, I should ask you to behave, and you will.
She (y/n) nodded frantically, at this time, she would do anything to be on Guanhee’s good side, after all she’s been through. Ten heard the wet licking sounds in the phone, as bad as it was, it made him lick his own lips, somewhere in his mind, he wanted to tie his wife up as well, and not only that.
-Don’t look for Sicheng, - Ten said, - go old-school, please?
Guanhee sighed, getting up from her position, her two fingers entering her captives’ vagina, moving in and out, to get a better angle, she pressed her palm towards the girl’s clitoris, pressing on her vaginal walls from the inside, the part that made her roll her eyes from the pleasure.
Dropping the phone on the floor, Ten could only hear moans and slapping sounds, before hanging up. He rested his head against the wall. Gunahee was crazy, god knows, what she has done to the girl, and Ten closed his eyes.
Your hand touching his shoulder, startled Ten.
-Sorry, - you said, - didn’t mean to scare you. Everything alright?
Ten nodded a “no”.
-Can I help?
Again, he nodded a “no”.
-Tell me, Ten, I can listen, you know that, right?
He nodded, taking you with him to sit on the sofa.
-Dong Sicheng, - Ten spoke, and you looked at him.
-Sorry, I don’t understand, what’s that?
-He is a CEO of WinWin enterprises, he is the person, who made you microchips to be able to communicate in our language, - you nodded understanding now, - he can, however, change the purpose of the chip inserted in you.
-What do you mean?
-Let’s say, if you, - Ten was thinking what to say, - when we asked him for help, since I have known him for a while, he offered various forms of the chip. One included, giving you robot like performance, you would be alive, but you would not be you. You would be owned and treated as that by your owner, making you do whatever they please.
-Ew, - you nodded, - why did he even suggest that?
Ten bit the inside of his cheek.
-He wanted to have one of you for himself, so he had made a chip, that would make his partner, perfect for himself.
-That’s messed up, - Ten agreed, that’s why, Sicheng didn’t get none of the girls.
-I made sure he would never get close to any of the girls, concealing your identities, giving you away only to the right people, and that’s where I fucked up.
You touched his hands.
-Don’t beat yourself up, Ten, it’s not like you know everyone…
-I know, I know, but still, I could have done things differently…
That night for some reason, he couldn’t fall asleep. His mind was clouded with Guanhee. What if she did find Sicheng? She would turn y/n into a robot of her own liking.
Your hands touched Ten’s stomach, this time you were the big spoon. He turned around to see you, kissing your lips as soon as he turned. Silence was between you, as he caged you in his arms, his lips attending to yours. His tongue entered your mouth, your own tongue finding his, brushing at each other in a slow like motion.
Ten’s hand caressed your waist, to your hip, his fingers brushing at your pajama trousers, until he stopped.
-No panties? – he asked, a rare sight to see, you tended to go to bed “the more layers the better”, so when his grabby hand touched your soft skin of your hips, going inside of your trousers, not finding another clothing barrier, made him bite his lip.
-Just for you, - you whispered.
The room was dark, and the only light illuminating the place was a little purple light coming from the air purifier. You could only feel the intense gaze Ten had on you.
-Let’s get you out of this, - he whispered, giving you a quick peck on your lips, helping you strip from the hoodie that you wore for bed. Accidentally bumping his nose in your forehead, you both “ouched”, until Ten turned to switch on the bed side table lamp. – this won’t do. I need to see you.
You took of your top, letting your breasts fall free.
-Is it me, or are they getting bigger? – Ten asked looking at you (more like eyeing you with thirsty gaze). His lips latched onto your nipple straight away, attending the other with his fingers and then swapping over. Kissing down your stomach, he pulled your trousers down your body, as he moved, worshiping every inch of your skin. Wet kisses left a trail on your legs, insides of your thighs would probably bloom with purple tomorrow, but you didn’t mind. His love and affection were all you cared about at that time.
You kissed his lips again, switching your position, your body hovering his, undressing him now. Wasn’t much to take off anyways, just his trousers and boxers, letting his treasure out of his clothing, licking the head of the first one of his cocks. Ten looked at you with a hungry gaze, moaning a “such a sweet girl for me”, while you sucked him deeper in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks, only to try getting him deeper down your throat.
Then you switched his cocks, taking the other one in your mouth, repeating the action, Ten’s abdomen was clenching, he was trying hard not to come like a teenager who experience a blow job for the first time, but your lips made it very hard for him.
He pulled you off him, your lips leaving his cock with a plop. Sitting across his lap, Ten made himself comfortable, his head resting on the pillows.
-Are you going to ride me? – he asked, being cheeky, you nodded, positioning yourself.
Ten licked his lips, giving you a hand, but to his surprise, you reached for his other cock first. Sliding it up your wet pussy lips, you gathered enough nectar for it to be slippery enough, then you closed your eyes, positioning it to your tight ass hole, pushing it in ever so slowly. Your bottom automatically grinded down on him, till his dick was deep enough in your tight hole, and Ten breathed out.
-You are making me crazy, baby, - he moaned, all the times he prepped you with a butt plug were paying of now.
Lifting yourself up, only to get back down, stretching your body to accommodate his length, you set a nice rhythmic movement, leaning in to kiss Ten’s lips. He was patently waiting for what was next. So, when you lifted yourself again, touching his other member, Ten indeed went to help you. His own hands reached for his other counterpart, sliding it between your lower lips, his own precum, providing even more lubrication.
The tip prodded at your entrance, your core clenching again, your hand reached for Ten’s, both of you sliding his cock into you, still, in a position like this, it wasn’t fully in, so you gave yourself a few more seconds to adjust like always. While at it, Ten’s lips drank from yours, his hands squeezing your bottom cheeks, spreading them apart, making you moan, and giving your butt cheeks a small and gentle slap.
Starting to move was a bit difficult, you had never felt so full, and this time it felt right with every fiber of your being, Ten smiled like a kid on the inside, your breasts were bouncing with every movement, and he got up in a seated position to suck on your nipples again.
You were rolling your hips, circling them around slowly, while his dicks slowly moved inside of you. Ten was nipping at your neck now, one of his hands fisting your hair, pulling you closer. Like always, this was not just a trip to pound-land, every inch of your skin now covered in sweat, enjoying the feeling of Ten so close to you.
Changing the tempo, to a bit faster, Ten moved back down, to see you riding him, your eyebrows raised, head thrown a bit back, erect nipples standing proud, as his hands held your hips, pushing deeper with every thrust, his cock brushing against your sensitive walls. Ten used his strength to give you a ride of a lifetime, as you continued bouncing on top of him.
-Are you close, - he moaned, lifting his legs up a bit, so he would reach deeper in your vagina, his cock now repeatedly hitting your cervix.
-Yes, - you moaned out, - oh yes, - holding your hands against Ten’s torso, you kept on circling your lips to slow down your approaching orgasm, until Ten’s fingers found your small bundle of nerves, providing your clitoris with a circular motion from his fingers.
As you came, Ten didn’t let you stop riding him, he continued to fuck you through your orgasm, earning an explicit amount of moans and swear words, pushing you off of him now, Ten pushed you on your stomach, your ass in the air, as he found his way, pushing his cocks back in, the top one sliding through your folds with ease, and the other, with a more forceful thrust down your butt.
He was holding onto you now, you were not able to say anything.
Not only this took you by surprise, but you found yourself drooling onto the pillows, trying to make yourself comfortable. Moans spilled from your lips, as Ten was aiming to reach his own extasy, his hand reached for your clit again, finding it in no time, only to hear you cry out from overstimulation.
-Puh…lease…. – you tried to say, hot tears streamed down your face.
Ten felt your orgasm approaching again, and just when you were about to cum, he pulled out of you, seeing how the liquid from your body squirted out like mad, your legs were shaking, mouth fell open, a strained cry left your lips, and Ten jacked off seeing you like this.
Reaching his peak, he positioned his cock just enough between your abused cunt, to fill it up, while the other dick, sheathed it’s nectar just above your butt hole, dripping down your but crack, and mixing with your own juices.
Ten smirked, satisfied, watching again, how your pussy was soaked with his thick cum, he licked his lips, leaning down. You saw him move vaguely, when you felt it, a shiver going down your spine. His lips once again found your cunt, drinking in all of your mixed juices, making you cry out again. Once he was done, he flipped you over to see your tear- stained face.
-Oh, baby, - he cooed, - was it too much?
You were about to smack him, if you would be able to, another tear left your eyes and Ten kissed it away.
-Let’s get you to shower, hmm? – you only nodded, and Ten picked you up, taking you into the bathroom, sitting you down on the washing machine, - hold on for me a bit, ok?
You nodded again, holding tightly against the machine. Ten ran a warm bath, while you waited, once in the tub, he brought you some juice, giving you it slowly, sip by sip. A warm cloth was soon accompanied with some soap, as he lathered your body with it, his hands wandering a bit more on your breasts and in between your legs, but you were too weak to protest.
Kisses on your lips, shoulders, even your legs, as he nursed you back to normal, small talk, asking you if you were ok, and are you better, left his lips. He washed your hair, massaging your scalp, pouring the water, holding your head in his arms as he washed you.
You finally were ready to open your eyes. You were greeted by Ten’s brown pupils and a soft kiss on your lips.
-Was I too rough? – he asked.
-A little bit, - you said, - but I enjoyed it, very much as you could see…
Ten nodded, getting up. He was still naked, his softened cocks now hanging down, you licked your lips out of habit.
-Not satisfied? – Ten giggled seeing your reaction. You playfully hit his thigh, - can you move your legs a bit?
Ten got into the bath on the opposite side, leaning towards you, he made his way in between your legs. His chest was pressed against your chest now, his lips kissing yours again.
-We can arrange something to quench your thirst, I suppose, - he giggled, your cheeks burned a bit now from his teasing. He sat back on his heels, and you grabbed the wash- cloth to give him a hand.
-My turn now, - you smiled as you touched his body, wiping the sweat from him, you also wiped his mouth and jaw, since it still was smeared with your essence and his, and to your surprise, his body came alive again, - what on …?
Ten laughed at your reaction.
-I am DYVLONY after all, Y/N, I can make love to you all night if you want me to… - he smiled, kissing you again.
- I would probably like that… - you smiled. Minutes later Ten helped you out of the tub, wrapping you both in a towel, he led you back to the room. Letting you sit down, he removed the soiled bed sheets, and changed them for new ones, you watched his naked body move around. – Ten?
-Huh? – he answered.
-How did you get two dicks?
He started laughing.
-Just wondering if our baby would … you know…
Ten went to pick you up and place you on the bed, lying you down with him next to you.
-If that’s a boy, - he started, stroking your hair, - I hope he will inherit that, and make a girl very, very happy, - earning a giggle from you, - if we have a girl, I do hope she will be as beautiful as you…
-What a charmer, - you said and kissed Ten again.
-But to answer your question, there is only a couple of DYVLONY who has something similar to me, also, very rare to have both of them so equally big, like mine, so I am one of a kind… and this is the question you wanted to ask me… wahhhh, what do I do now?
His hands tickled your sides, and you let out a laugh, his hand now touching your side and stomach tenderly, he leaned down, to be eye level with your stomach.
-Hey, you, - he spoke, all of the sudden, for some reason, tears threatened to leave your eyes, - I cannot wait to see you, to hold you in our embrace, to teach you and to love you… - he kissed your tummy, - doesn’t matter who you are, we are waiting patiently for you, little one.
Looking up back at you, Ten saw the tears.
-Baby, baby, what’s wrong? – he got back to you, you shook your head.
-Nothing, - you cried softly, - it’s just so sweet, must be the hormones…
-You know what else my hormones want?
You watched in belief, Ten wiggled his eyebrows and got on top of you.
Let’s just say, he didn’t lie about making love to you all night…
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delimeful · 4 years
not always what they seem (2)
warnings: inappropriate jokes, remus being remus, mild panic attack, fear, miscommunication
long overdue commission for @legendsgates​! thank you for your patience and support 💚
Chapter 1
Janus watched the giant creatures around them devolve into more of that buzzing, clicking language as Remus waved his arm around enthusiastically in response to them.
“What are you-- Stop that,” the emo kid hissed, his whole body going tense, and Janus leaned back slightly just in time to avoid getting caught in the half-tackle that Remus was subjected to. “What if they just asked who wants to be first to be dissected, huh?”
“Oooh, kinky,” Remus cackled from where the kid had pinned his wrists to the floor. “Do you think they’ll probe me first?”
Janus rolled his eyes, and then stiffened as a shadow fell over them. “Kid—!”
He could see the moment the red alien’s hand made contact, the kid’s face immediately draining of all color as those strange talons wrapped around him and started to lift.
Almost instantly, Remus surged to his feet, grabbing the kid’s arm before he could be lifted out of range. The hold was so tight it almost looked painful, but the kid clung back desperately. He looked smaller than ever without the bulky hoodie around him, his frame barely concealed by a worn, slightly oversized band shirt.
Remus’s face twisted into a snarl. “Hey, hands to yourself, you shitty Mothra rip-off!”
Janus quickly rose to his feet as well, looking up past the kid’s terrified gaze to see the alien had paused, it’s strange antenna protrusions twitching. The facial features didn’t give him much to work with, so he attempted to see what the creature was seeing, contextless: the kid tackling Remus for big showy arm movements, Remus coming after him. Was it trying to seperate them like a pet owner with a pair of squabbling dogs?
He shifted forwards, setting a hand on Remus’ shoulder and expertly drawing all attention to himself. Remus glanced at him and then reluctantly cut off his litany of extremely descriptive curses, though his grip on the kid didn’t falter. Janus tilted his head back to carefully lock eyes with the alien.
“No. Stop,” he spoke with a stern emphasis. “Put him down.”
He reached up to grab the kid’s arm as well, tugging lightly, and then repeated himself slowly.
“Double D, buddy, I’d bet all three of my balls that they don’t understand English,” Remus said, “no matter how slow you say it.”
Janus didn’t break eye contact with the giant, moving to point at the kid and then the floor of their enclosure emphatically. “That doesn’t mean we can’t communicate with them.”
At the perfect moment to dramatically accentuate his point, the alien seemed to concede, lowering the kid down until his feet were touching the floor. The guy tore out of the oversized grip as soon as it loosened, nearly tumbling head over heels. Janus caught him by the arm, and Remus took the opportunity to jump forwards and click his teeth menacingly at the giant hand. The alien recoiled immediately, looking much like an elephant shying away from a mouse.
“I volunteer to get probed and this is how you fucks repay me? Just grabbing kids all willy-nilly? Have some respect!”
The kid muttered something, half-lost under his panicked breaths, and Remus turned to look at him. “What was that, short stack?”
“Virgil,” he repeated irritably. “It’s Virgil, not ‘kid’, definitely not ‘short stack’. I’m twenty years old, for fuck’s sake.”
Janus and Remus shared a glance over the newly-named Virgil’s head, and that was enough to set the man off into another fit of cackling laughter.
Roman watched, enthralled, as the little creature bedecked in green threw its head back and made a hair-raising clamor.
Intriguingly enough, the other two didn’t seem to react too strongly to such a loud outburst. The yellow one turned its face to the side as its tiny features pinched into an expression that Roman couldn’t quite decode, and the shaky purple one’s pale face seemed to shift color as it made an emphatic hand gesture of some sort. Patton would be taking plenty of notes later.
The motions, the expressions, they were all intentional and full of meaning, just like the pointing and sounds Yellow had made when Roman had tried to separate Purple from the group. He still didn’t quite grasp why the other specimens had responded so strongly; Purple had clearly been attacking, though thankfully no serious harm had occurred thanks to Roman swiftly jumping into action.
“This is incredible,” Logan murmured from beside him, and Roman couldn’t help but agree.
“There’s so much to analyze here,” he mumbled. “Any small animal would flee from a predator’s grasp, but they recognized that we’re sapient, and Yellow even approached instead to mediate!”
“Yellow?” Patton asked, a bit of teasing in his voice. “I thought your nicknames were always a bit wordier?”
“I can’t properly nickname someone unless I have their self-presentation and personality, Pat!” Roman defended. “It’s more of a… designation. After all, I can’t very well ask their names, can I?”
“I mean, we could certainly try!” Patton suggested with an optimistic lilt to his voice. “I’m not a linguist for nothing, y’know!”
“It might take some time to communicate intent, so I wouldn’t get your hopes up, Patton.” Logan’s ears flicked at the pleading look the Nihl sent him. “Still, I’ll admit there’s… no harm in a first attempt.”
Roman unsubtly chittered a laugh at his coworker’s expense, and Patton brightened immediately.
“Glad that you agree it’s… wordth a try!”
Janus was drawn away from the amusing argument going on between his fellow captives (the topic being how old one had to be to be an actual ‘for-realsies’ adult, federal law be damned) by two of the aliens simultaneously making odd, dragged out noises almost like stuttering groans.
“They sound like fucking zombies,” Virgil muttered from where he’d appeared at Janus’s shoulder. He’d snapped back to watching the three with blatant paranoia the moment they were loud enough to catch his notice.
The kid wasn’t subtle at all, but it wasn’t like he was wrong to be on guard. They were still abducted, regardless of how fantastical or impossible their captors seemed. Seeing how significant the size difference was, they’d have to work on escaping through… more cunning means.
Janus carefully held his position as the three giants crowded around the enclosure again, ignoring the way Virgil reached out to grip the back of his hoodie, either for comfort or in preparation to pull Janus from danger. This time, the three chattered amongst themselves for a long moment before going quiet and turning to the multiple-armed one.
Automatically, the humans mirrored the gesture, and the recipient of their attention met their gazes carefully one by one before placing a rigid, vertical hand under their chin and holding it there.
“Patton,” the alien said, slow and clear. It looked at them expectantly, and then repeated the phrase. “Patton.”
It was definitely some kind of word, that was clear enough. When not caught up in the rapid-fire chittering nature of the alien language, it was much easier to decipher.
“Patton?” Virgil muttered, and then squeaked when the alien stared at him with sudden intensity, hands flicking up and down erratically. Except for, Janus noted, the one still under its chin.
“Patton,�� it said again, and then lowered the hand. Next to it, the insect-like one put a much bonier hand under its own angular chin.
“Roman,” it said, with a few subtle clicks that probably couldn’t be replicated by human mouths. Janus nodded, the pieces clicking into place. “Roman.”
Sure enough, next to make the hand gesture was the last alien, who introduced itself with a note of rippling bass overlapping with something like Logan. It was probably a bit mangled as he echoed it back, but different vocal chords made things difficult.
“You communing with them, Dee?” Remus asked from where he was crowding over his other shoulder. “That’s no sign language I’ve ever used. You speak alien and you’re not even going to share with the class?”
Janus elbowed him off, and then stepped forwards, and placed his own hand under his chin vertically, studying the ripple of reaction that got from the aliens.
“Dee,” he said, choosing to use his nickname as he had with the other humans.
The aliens immediately dissolved into excited chattering, which Janus patiently waited out. His fellow earthlings were similarly surprised.
“Wait, they’re doing introductions right now?” Virgil’s head whipped back and forth rapidly. Remus was gleefully attempting to mimic the weird, echoey quality of the voice of ‘Logan’ and getting concerningly close.
The one with all the arms-- Patton, it was Patton, he needed to remember if he wanted to make any progress at all here-- let out a string of syllables, slowed down but still nonsensical to them, and reached out.
Virgil jumped back and Remus started forwards, but Janus cut off all movement with a quickly snapped “Stop!”
Including the alien’s motion. He resisted the urge to smile at the success, instead looking up at Patton and tilting his head slightly. “What is it?”
Patton didn’t understand his words, but the questioning tone seemed to carry over, and after a beat, they moved their hand forward again just slightly before pausing, as though asking permission.
Janus weighed his options for a moment, before stepping forward. Virgil, who was still latched onto the back of him, came along with only a single sound of half-panicked protest. Patton correctly assumed that this was Janus giving his assent, and moved their hand closer, much slower this time.
With delicate, careful motions, they pushed Janus’s left hand out from under his chin, and then carefully curled a finger around his right arm, tugging that one up instead. Janus realized his mistake after a moment, and placed the right hand under his chin instead. Patton withdrew with a bright hum.
“What is happening,” Virgil hissed, and Janus glanced over his shoulder at him. The color had drained from his face, and his hand was white-knuckled where it was holding onto Janus’s borrowed outfit.
“I was mirroring their… introductory gesture, I suppose, and it seems that the meaning changes if I don’t use the correct hand. In this case, my right one,” he explained. “They’re going to want to know your name. Do you want me to assist?”    
Before he could answer, Remus was bouncing forwards, placing a hand under his own chin to gain the aliens’ attention.
“Call me I-Am-A-Buttface,” he half-shouted, grinning wildly.
“Did… did anyone else catch that one’s name?”
Roman watched as ‘D’ reached over and tugged the other tiny alien back by the collar roughly before they could speak again, astonished by how the other only let out what might be a cackle at the rough handling.
Not more astonished than he’d been by the alien catching on so quickly, though. Logan had been rendered completely speechless for a record amount of time, and Patton was still happily waving his hands back and forth at the success.
D visibly let out a long breath, and turned back to them, placing the correct hand under their chin this time. “D,” they repeated, and then switched things up.
They pulled the rambunctious one closer and placed their hand under that one’s chin, too. “Remus.”
“Are they-- introducing the other one as well?” Roman asked, and none of them could answer. ‘Remus’ didn’t seem to object, though they continued to speak in that rounded language. “That’s certainly a bit... unorthodox.”
D looked over at the only unnamed alien, the angry one that was standing at D’s shoulder, and after a moment, they jerked their head strangely. D seemed to understand, and held a hand palm-up in that one’s direction.
The unnamed alien put their hand in the proper introductory position, and had a few false starts before finally getting their name out. “Virgil.”
“Virgil,” Patton echoed excitedly. “That’s Virgil! Virgil, D, and Remus!”  
“Stars above,” Logan said faintly, “they really are just people but smaller.”
Roman couldn’t help but agree with the astounded sentiment. It hadn’t really sunk in before, but knowing the personal names of individual members of the unfamiliar species… “This could have been a disaster. Why were they labeled as primitive? Did the recorders even actually observe the planet they’re from? This seems a little hard to miss!”
“Easy, Roman,” Patton reached over to run a couple of gentle hands over his agitated wings. “You’re scaring the little guys.”
Sure enough, when he looked over, he could see all three of the tiny aliens were staring at him. He clicked an apology, and then echoed it in Common. “My apologies, small friends.”
“I agree with you, though… We can’t treat them as anything less, not like the tests would have us do. I’m not sure what our next step should be,” Patton admitted, and they turned as one to look at Logan. The Glanrim had a recognizably enthusiastic glint to his eyes.
“We’ll have to present our case to the Council. If we want them to believe us, we’ll need sufficient evidence that our specimens are sentient, sapient, and deserving of the standard rights,” he told them, tail swishing. “Our next step is to obtain that proof, through whatever means we can.”
Roman and Patton shared a glance before nodding in agreement. They turned towards the aliens with determination, and then stopped completely short.
“We’re… going to have to find some method of communicating our intentions,” Logan said, tapping his fingers on his shoulder in thought. “I believe the lack of such communication is what caused Virgil to behave so timidly in the first place.”
“Yeah, just reaching in and grabbing them probably isn’t a good idea,” Roman admitted. “What’s the plan, then?”
“Well, this can be a test in itself. Assuming that they can discuss amongst themselves what tests each of us did on the first run-through…”
Janus stared blankly at the three hands that had been set down along the floor of their enclosure, palms-up, each corresponding to one of the aliens. He turned to look at Virgil and Remus, just to ascertain that he was seeing the same thing they were.
Remus tilted his head to a painful-looking angle, and then nodded to himself. “It’s just like those choose-your-own-adventure books, except with huge aliens that we don’t know the intentions of! Fun!”  
“Oh, so they’re insane? They’re out of their skulls?” Virgil asked, his voice upping an octave in disbelief. “They really think we’re going to just literally put our lives in their hands, after they abducted and tormented us?”
“That’s exactly what we’re going to have to do,” Janus muttered, and held his hands up when Virgil turned to him with a glare. “Just listen for a moment. What are they doing right now?”
“Trying to trick us,” Virgil shot back immediately.
“Getting handsy!” Remus offered.
Janus pinched the bridge of his nose. “No and definitely no. They’re offering us a choice,” he clarified, “because we’ve done something to shift their opinions of us.”
“Some choice,” Virgil muttered. Janus pointed at him, making him jerk back slightly.
“Exactly. What do you think they’re going to do if we refuse to engage with them at all?”
“... Grab us anyways?”
Janus nodded, casting another look over at the waiting aliens. “If that happens, we’ve relinquished any and all control over the situation, no matter how small. Instead, we need to take advantage of this while we can. We’ll be putting our lives in their hands regardless, so it’s best to act strategically here.”
“Well, I know what I want.” Remus sidled a step away from them and towards the aliens. “Dibs on the hot one.”
“The what one?” Virgil gaped, and Remus ignored him in favor of getting a running start and then throwing himself directly onto Logan’s hand. Unsurprisingly, Logan seemed unsure how to react to a human sprawling over him like Rose from Titanic. Janus was too professional to slap a hand onto his forehead, but the urge was there. He grabbed Virgil’s shoulder when the kid started towards them.
“Forget it. He’s made his choice, and he doesn’t seem like the type to be swayed by common sense,” Janus said, rolling eyes and choosing very emphatically to not question his fellow human’s apparent qualifiers for someone being considered ‘hot’. “You need to make a decision of your own.”
Virgil shook him off, running his hands through his hair in frustration. “This is crazy. All of it. Forever. You know that, right?”
“I’m aware,” Janus replied, voice dry. Virgil shot him another look, and then seemed to actually consider the options, though grumpily. With his shoulders still up around his ears, he looked vaguely like a very angry turtle. Janus kept this observation to himself.
“Remus called the one with all the arms-- uh, Patton? He called them boring and said all they did was talk at him,” he finally offered, glancing over at the alien.
Janus nodded, keeping his own feelings on the matter off his face. “You want that one, then?”
“What?” Virgil looked at him, confused. “No, I mean you should go with them. You’ll probably have an easier time figuring out what they want from Patton.”
Janus paused, thrown off. “Hold on, that-- that leaves you with Roman. I… don’t think you’ll have the best time, considering.”
“And you will?” Virgil took Janus’s silence as the admittance it was, and nodded to himself. “I can do it. I’m tougher than you think. And anyways, if I let you go with him, he’d probably try to swipe my hoodie. Not happening.”
Janus huffed with exasperation, and Virgil gave him the closest expression he’d gotten to a smile yet before shoving his shoulder slightly and stomping up to Roman’s hand. The alien looked just as unhappy as Virgil about the decision.
“Well, that was an… interesting selection process,” Logan said, lifting up his hand slightly and finding that Remus seemed content to be toted around.
It was more than he could say about his own matchup. “Yeah, that’s one way of putting it,” he grumbled as ‘Virgil’ continued to stand there, tiny arms bundled around themself, tiny eyes staring up at Roman aggressively.
The little creature didn’t seem intent on even touching Roman, let alone actually being picked up and taken anywhere. Roman looked over to where D was seating themself on the edge of Patton’s hand like a king upon their throne, and then back to Virgil, who didn’t move.
Maybe they expected Roman to do all the heavy lifting? He carefully lifted his hand, curling it around Virgil’s tiny frame, and received a vicious hiss for his efforts. He recoiled, antennae flattening. He hadn’t even known these creatures could hiss!
“You alright, kiddo?” Patton appeared next to him, one hand hovering as a safety net for D. Roman pasted on a smile immediately.
“Of course! Just working out methods of transport with… Virgil. They seem a bit less charismatic than D when it comes to conveying intent, unfortunately.” The tiny creature continued to stare at him, gaze only dipping away to meet D’s briefly.
Patton studied Virgil for a moment, gaze moving between their hunched form and Roman’s fidgeting hands. “They might be a little touch shy. The transport containers are still usable, if you need them!”
“Ah, that’s right! Patton, you’re a genius.” Roman exchanged good luck hums with the Nihl and waited until he departed to grab the transport container and present it to Virgil. “Is this what you want to use, you picky creature?”  
As though to spite him, Virgil’s skin shifted to a paler shade, and they went so far as to step back slightly. Roman allowed himself a few frustrated clickswears, and then stopped as he noticed the creature stumble slightly.
“Virgil…?” he attempted the alien’s name, but there was no response beyond their rapid air intake increasing. They didn’t look so good.
Feeling oddly off-balance, he quickly stowed the transport container away, and kept his hands out of sight to give the poor guy some more space. “Easy, easy. Please for the love of all that is good, don’t die of shock on me.”
Virgil didn’t seem to improve at first, but after a moment, they started muttering to themself, and slowly but surely, began to return to baseline. Roman felt as though years had been taken off his lifespan.
“Alright, if you feel so strongly about it, there’s no reason I can’t improvise and simply work from here,” he rambled, moving a seat and a tray of tools to the side of the wide-low enclosure. “Logan wasn’t kidding when he called you easily startled, was he?”
Virgil eyed the tray with wide eyes, and when Roman picked up the thermometer, they skittered back out of easy reach, arms lifted in what must have been a defensive gesture. Like a frightened Arkbit, but less fluffy, and Roman had to actually try to coax them over rather than just holding them still for the process.
“It’s just a thermometer! It won’t prick you or anything, on my honor,” Roman swore, and when that didn’t do the trick, he used the device on himself instead. “See, I just place it against my skin for a few moments, and… there! A perfectly healthy me!”
He extended the sensor end of the thermometer in Virgil’s direction, but didn’t advance. “C’mon, just give it a shot. We’re going to need your baseline in case you get sick, and it’ll make it easier to get the others’ temps if you can tell them I’m not going to electrocute them or anything.”
Virgil dithered for a long moment, but Roman’s patience was rewarded when the alien finally stalked closer and smacked his hand against the sensor like a challenge. Luckily, it was precise enough to work accurately even with such a small specimen, and soon enough Roman has a temperature.
“Huh… you’re warmer than me and Patton, that’s for sure,” Roman mumbled. “Logan probably already has all sorts of classification theories about you guys, but I think it’s at least safe to say you’re mammalian.”
Virgil tilted their head slightly at him, and Roman shook his head. “We’ll have more to talk about once we actually manage to make a breakthrough on language. For now,” he held up a small scale, normally used for weighing precise chemical measurements, “back to the boring stuff!”
The tiny alien made a strange drawn out noise, and placed their hands over their face, but they didn’t get all tense and breathy again, and that was progress in Roman’s book.
So long as they kept making progress, things would probably turn out okay.
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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skin starving
tony stark x f!reader fluff. no warnings, just a few f-bombs. touch starved tony’s third person pov. words: 2,5k. no beta because i just really needed to get this off my chest.
recommended music to go with the story: two feet - 'love is a bitch' & 'quick musical doodles'. Or any lo-fi hip-hop radio really.
It started as an itch. At first, a small but bothersome thing, that kept him up at night, steering the already unreasonable hours of wakefulness into dangerous territory. The cold of his bed was unappealing and more often than not, he’d started passing out on the flat surfaces nearest to him: workshop, lab, common room couch, the lazy boy in Bruce’s apartment.
The team noticed, of course, they weren’t blind. They all had been on edge the first few months after Pepper left him. They expected him to act out, lock himself up in his lab or go back to his old habits of boozing and bringing home a different girl every night. And he had tried that, once or twice, but airheaded twenty-somethings weren’t appealing anymore. Most of the time their ass kissing and blatantly flattery annoyed him further into self-loathing abyss. He simply couldn’t step up to be the kind of man they described him to be - it seemed as if every woman on planet Earth had a whole list of expectations he specifically could not meet.
With Thor off planet, not one remaining person on the team was particularly touchy-feely. And that was the thing with Tony Stark: as an engineer, as a mechanic, he made his way through the world hands-first, every approach he had was hands-on. During late nights and early mornings, he laid in bed, sleepless and dreamless, desperately refusing to admit his own touch starvation.
Whenever Rogers threw an arm around his shoulders during a particularly successful team bonding activity, it took every ounce of willpower Tony had to not lean into it and purr like a cat. He hadn’t truly forgiven Steve for his cold, cruel words of criticism shortly after Pepper’s departing. He wasn’t going to chummy up to a man who thought him selfish, opportunistic and self-absorbed.
Tony became irritable and withdrawn. He simultaneously craved and avoided even the casual, friendlier attention his teammates gave him on a daily basis. His usual snark became that much more biting, having caused several people to storm out of team meetings.
On a cold autumn morning, Tony had found his way at the tower’s Starbucks on the employee floor. He had squeezed a generous five hours of restless sleep and he was sick of the plain black coffee in his kitchen. A spontaneous desire for something sweet and creamy and caffeinated led him to the place in line at the cafeteria, only a few early birds ahead of him.
Tony’s brain was hazy as it had been past few weeks, dull from the lack of rest and the hyperfixation of his own skin feeling alien to him. For once, he wasn’t typing away on his StarkPhone as he usually did to avoid being bothered; Tony stared straight ahead, unseeing, nothing but white noise in his usually racing brain.
Two women stood in front of him and he couldn’t help but overhear a part of their conversation.
“… Are you really horny or just lonely or touch-starved, though? I mean, Tinder? It’s not really your style.”
“Eh, I dunno. Probably the second but it’s not like men go on Tinder to find a cuddle buddy.”
“Well, maybe? I’ve heard about arrangements like that.”
“No offense, babe, but it’s probably kids in their early twenties. Those gen-z’s, babe, are weird. I’m not really up to date on all of that.”
The topic of the conversation was what piqued Tony’s interest; the world liked rubbing salt into his wounds and hysterically laugh at his misfortune. Bleary-eyed, he briefly scanned the two women: both appeared to be interns or junior techs in his company, evident by the purple employee badges hanging from their bags.
“So what are you going to do?” One woman asked the other as their turn to order took Tony one step closer to obtaining his desired caffeine.
“Unless someone normal magically appears with an offer of no-strings-attached, good ole’ snuggle fest, I guess I’m getting dicked down on Saturday,” The other replied with a teasing tone. The lack of excitement in the last part of the sentence was obvious.
“Gross,” The first one shook her head and hurriedly rattled off her order to the barista who looked about as disgruntled as Tony felt.
Hours and three coffees later, Tony’s overactive brain was still stuck on that woman from the cafeteria. Her back, her purse stuffed full of colorful manila folders, her neatly gathered hair - Tony Stark had nearly perfect memory and he remembered every single detail despite his brain fog. Objectively, she was attractive, no more no less than a different dozen of women he’d seen at any point in his life before. So why was he hung up on her?
It didn’t take him a long time to find her file, faster than he’d liked to admit. Manually sorting through hundreds of interns, lab technicians and various second-tier employees wasn’t exactly considered productive but with Pepper and her nagging out of the picture, Tony could afford to slack off a little bit.
So he found her name and her e-mail address, skimmed over her performance report with satisfaction, finding her to be a busy bee in the 90-th percentile. Her superiors considered her trustworthy, hard-working and communicative, all good traits.
Pepper’s absence meant he’d have no one to cover his ass should he get slapped with a harassment suit; however, he was the Tony Stark after all. He had more money that he’d cared to count and an army of lawyers at his disposal 24/7.
Amidst the jumbled mess of wires, circuit boards, tablets, empty coffee cups and the occasional piece of paper, Tony typed up an e-mail to the woman sharing his… Condition.
“I heard you and your friend talking at Starbucks. I could use a cuddle buddy. Wine and Netflix at my place? What’s your takeout preference?”
No. That came off way too creepy, like he was some kind of a dirty eavesdropper.
He contemplated some more, typing up and erasing multiple e-mails with various proposals: his penthouse, her place, a three Michelin star restaurant, a walk in the park. Almost all of it screamed ‘date’, like he’d drag her off to bed the very moment an opportunity wouldn’t present itself. It wasn’t so: Tony Stark, the playboy genius, had his dick firmly tucked into his pants. The thought of fucking her crossed his mind only briefly, quickly being chased away by the thought of her fingers running through his hair. Her warm, soft body in his arms. Just laying on his couch, eyes closed, reveling in each other’s arms.
Tony hit send on the least obnoxious option. He baited his breath, clicking his fingers in anticipation as the message showed itself to having been delivered.
“Mary, is this you trying to be funny? Stark is going to fire you if he finds out you’re impersonating him to stop your friend from going on a questionable date. Grow up.” Came the very prompt reply, ending with a short string of angry emojis. Tony could totally trust a person who used emojis unironically and generously.
“For the record, I wouldn’t be mad if somebody pretended to be me for the sake of saving their cute friend from a creep. The problem would be making it look credible.” Tony typed up the answer without thinking, quickly snapping a picture of himself holding the Starbucks cup with his name written on it, throwing his usual sloppy peace sign. He attached it to the email and hit send.
“WTF” Came the reply not a minute afterwards. He let it sink in, giving the woman some time to gather her wits. She did not disappoint. “Okay, even if we pretend this is real - which I doubt - what’s in it for you? If you heard our conversation, you surely know my stance on the matter.”
“I’m always glad to prove you wrong. I’m a genius - comes with the territory.” Tony simply couldn’t resist adding a generous dose of snark. “You’re welcome to meet me after clocking out. Use the private elevator, my AI will beam you up.”
The reply took a considerably long amount of time, seeing as previously, she typed back rather quickly. “Please don’t be a creepy rapist, Scotty. Fingers crossed.” Tony managed to almost break his stylus twice. His hands shook, and he had to tell himself to breathe - still, he laughed at the clever way she replied.
Several more hours later, during which Tony had nearly paced a hole through various floors on the residential side of the tower, he took a quick shower, dressed in a flattering but comfortable designer sweatpants and polo combo and made himself at home on the obscenely large living room sofa on his own, private penthouse floor.
He was up and running towards the elevator when Friday’s voice notified him of the woman entering the elevator on the employee floor. Tony tousled his hair, adjusted his glasses, fiddled with the drawstring of his pants.
The woman was wearing casual office wear, pants and a loose blouse, a lab coat loosely draped over her arm and her purse hanging off the shoulder on a thin strap. Her hair was loose now, a little frizzy as if she continuously ran her hands through it. Tony quietly rejoiced at not being the only nervous one.
Clever eyes scanned the room with unhurried interest before finally landing on him. “Not too shabby, if I say so myself,” The corners of her mouth tilted in an attempt at a smile, it was obvious she was studying him.
“Thanks, I try my best,” Tony smirked. Humble he was not. “So, how do you want to do this?”
“I see a comfortable couch,” She looked to be grateful for being given the opportunity to lead this interaction. “Let’s park our behinds on it, bicker for ten minutes about a movie choice and settle on one none of us really like. Then we can tell each other our no-no zones and, well, yeah,” She started out confidently. Probably practiced in the elevator. But towards the end, her shyness took over.
For Tony, it was kind of cute. A nice change from suck-ups that flocked him at every social gathering in hopes of getting something out of him. The woman that had tossed her bag carelessly on the far end of the couch and untucked her blouse looked and felt like the exact opposite of those people. She looked willing to give.
Tony sat next to her, keeping a couple of inches of free space between them. “Food preferences? Food allergies?” He asked, tapping the food delivery application.
“Nope, and I will eat just about anything.” He felt more than saw her side-eyeing him. Both of them were jittery. So uncharacteristic for Tony, to be blushing and stammering like a high school boy. Sex was easy, but intimacy? Complex. It was addictive and eventually, painful.
Movie decisions were surprisingly easy and she said so. They settled on a Tarantino classic, an old flick neither of them had watched in a long time. As the discussion progressed, Tony used his wits to find out more about her without making it seem like an interrogation. He had run a background check on the woman and her family but those only went that far, besides, it was a great opportunity to practice the tips Natasha had shared with him at one point or another. Being friends with spies had it’s perks.
They ate their food until their bellies were full. A comfortable, relaxing stupor, being warm from the inside out.
Tony noticed when the woman spoke, she spoke with her hands. She had caught herself grasping his forearm multiple times when they’d got more passionate about their discussion. And what Tony loved the most was that she refused to apologize. He saw a kindred soul in the woman; quiet until something struck her fancy. Then, she became a whirlwind of ideas and opinions.
In no time, it became a natural action to extend his arm and wrap it around her shoulders, reclining backwards. There was little grace in laying belly-up like a dead fish but the woman didn’t seem to mind. Watching him out of the corner of her eye, she laid down sideways, throwing a leg over one of his own.
Her palm traced the outline of his arc reactor when something on the screen caught her in a moment of intense interest. Tony preferred to avoid the cursed thing - scars around it definitely did not do any favour to his aging, marked body - but he found himself exhaling the tension when it was obvious the woman really did not care. An occasional quiet hum of satisfaction was the only noise that came from her: he noticed the sound escaped her lips every time his thumb began fiddling with the sleeve of her blouse and rubbed against her arm.
He was quite content. It was warm, he was surrounded by so much warmth.
The hug was mutual when she left home, both of them comfortable with the gesture for people who had met in a rather unconventional way.
She started coming over a couple of times a week, a quiet evening of the best takeout in NYC and (mostly) interesting movies. A solace, always a single e-mail away.
Tony saw her in the cafeteria once or twice; he appreciated the brief, tiny secretive grin she gave him out of her friend’s eyesight. She never approached him. He was grateful for that. He didn’t want to deal with all the drama and all the fuss surrounding incidents between him and his employees. It was nobody’s business what any of them did after clocking out - and him and his cuddle buddy, they weren’t even fucking, for Thor’s sake.
Maybe they would get there someday. Or maybe they won’t. It was only now for Tony. The rare free Saturday night he had, he truly took a vacation from all the bullshit and lured her in with promises of very expensive wine, her favourite New York style pizza and the willingness to entertain watching a few of those funny YouTube videos she liked.
They did watch them and Tony didn’t mind. He stepped over the irrational fear and the initial discomfort and curled up around her, hiding his face in the soft cotton of her worn hoodie, his own breath tickling his face in warm puffs. The hand running through his hair was tender like it never was with Pepper - his ex was far too preoccupied to baby her grown-up boyfriend. But the woman moulded to his body like an extension of himself was happy to do so. Tony’s hair was longer now and it glided perfectly along the woman’s palms.
His heart was steady, thumping in his ears, overshadowing the noises coming from the TV. He exhaled and felt her other hand begin tracing circles on his back, as if she saw the stress and the bitterness leave his body with every caress, every brush of their bodies. Maybe she did?
He held onto her, held her back like she’d held him. Safekeeping the warmth inside of him. Guarding his peace.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Man’s Best Friend.”
Try not to bee too mad at me guys :) Sorry about the angst. 
It is a more than well known anomaly that humans will social bond with any species. This is not barring their danger levels, or factors of perceived cuteness; no matter the cost, humans will pack bond with any animal. They have even been known to bond with inanimate objects and houseplants. However, one of the greatest bonds man has ever created, is their bond with dogs. Thousands of years ago a man shared his food and his fire with a wolf: another social pack species. After years and years of careful breeding selection manipulated by humans, they ‘created’ an animal that protects loyally, forgives quickly, and loves unconditionally.
In my study of humans, I have found that the emotional bond with a dog can run deeper than an emotional bond with humans.  I am not entirely sure why a human would find it more displeasing to watch a movie where a dog dies than to watch a movie where a human dies, but I have some suspicion that it has to do with the innocence and unconditional friendship that dog has given man, a quality that man has never given himself.
Waffles: a 75lb 34kilo german shepherd shoved her head into an alien bush nose working furiously as she pawed through the strange purple plant. She came back up a moment later and sneezed violently sending up a cloud of delicate yellow polin.
Admiral Vir laughed and whistled, and turning on her heel she bounded back to him over open ground her ears straight up, her tail wagging furiously. She ran up to him and touched her nose to his hand as if tagging base before bounding off again to sniff the path before them.
Krill and Sunny walked with him, Krill staring at the brightly colored alien landscape with buzzing antenna.
Waffles leaped through another patch of wild blue grass sending up more white spores into the air, stopping only to sneeze again before continuing.
Sunny went up to walk beside the Admiral, “She looks happy.”
Adam nodded, “Yeah, I like bringing her down on occasion to get some fresh air. I know she does pretty well on the ship, but I feel bad keeping her cooped up so much.”
With another bound Waffles plowed through a shallow stream sending up droplets of water.
This planet was one the GA had been studying for some time, and, as it seemed, it was a relatively nice, habitable planet that they were readying for colonization for the Finnari, or perhaps, humans, or even both permitting everything went well.
Krill watched the dog as she plowed through the grass, rolling in the  weeds like she was having the time of her life.
Predators used to scare him, but the dog had proven herself to be docile at the Admiral’s command, and he could at least tolerate her if not like her…. Just a little.
Adam Grinned at his dog’s antics and charged into the grass after her.
The dog dropped her front paws, but and tail sticking up in the air, a nonverbal invitation for her master to play with her. He didn’t reject her offer and raced forward to play chasing her around the field, their legs swishing over the grass. She barked happily as they did.
Adam had now ran far ahead of the others towards another nearby forest path. Waffles was behind him just a little ways as he pulled to a halt panting.
It was then that he heard it, a sudden rustling of foliage turning into a swirling thunder of air.
He turned on the spot eyes wide in shock and surprise.
Surprise at the ravening beast charging directly towards him, its purple fur and white tusks glittering in the sun. he leapt out of the way, but the beast was quick, about waist height and angry. He was so startled he couldn't even scream his only reaction to try to kick at the creature and keep it back.
It squared off against him, and he tried backing away, but it charged again.
There was a sudden snarling noise, and waffles charged into the fight snarling and snapping.
She bit the creature hard on it’s back leg.
“WAFFLES!” Adam shouted 
The creature turned violently and whipped it’s tusks at waffles, who didn’t heed them as she charged in again, snapping at its face and throat forcing herself between Adam and his attacker.
It thrashed and she yelped in pain, but charged forward again, grabbing it by the leg and holding on for dear life as  it trampled into the bush dragging her along with it.
Another yelp came from the forest, high pitched and painful.
“WAFFLES!” It didn’t take a moment before Adam was chagrin into the bush after them pulling his sidearm as he did. He followed the sound just in time to see the creature whip it’s head around and catch waffles hard in the side picking her up and tossing her to the ground. Blood drenched her fur, while green icor drenched her muzzle.
He screamed in anger instead of fear this time as he leveled his sidearm and emptied his magazine at the creature. He wasn’t sure how many hit, but the creature was tough enough that it staggered off itne bush yowling. He ignored it for the time and ran, throwing himself to his knees at the side of waffles, who was lying on the ground breathing shallowly.
Sunny roared into the clearing just behind them, her spear raised, but the creature was already gone.
Adam reached out his hands which were trembling so badly he could barely function, “Waffles, waffles no no no no.”
He rested a hand on her side and she whimpered in pain, her muzzle resting on the ground her eyes half hooded.
A choked sob broke from his throat, “No. no…. You’re g-gonna be o-ok.” 
His hands fluttered uselessly over her body, covered in blood.
“KRILL! PLEASE Someone… h-help.”
Sunny stood back in shock and fear as Adam clawed at his hair, tears rolling down his face in uncontrolled streams.
Krill scuttled in not far after.
Adam turned to look at him his face twisted into a snarl, “Help her!” His voice cracked on demand and he turned back hands still shaking not knowing what to do. Being a doctor krill was well aware that the human’s anger was displaced and did not take it personally as he moved forward and took a look at the injured animal.
He lifted her front paw, and she whimpered piteously.
Off to the side Adam was still inconsolable, his hands in his hair threatening to rip out fistfulls with his clutching fingers. His agitations was actually getting in the way of Krill working.
“Adam, Adam just hold her head ok, help her stay calm.”
He nodded following orders stiffly, crawling over the ground to sit her head in his lap and tell her she was such a good girl and that she was going to be ok. Streams of continual tears rolled down his cheeks and onto her fur. Waffles licked his hand lethargically.
Sunny knelt next to him, hand on his shaking shoulder powerless as for what to do.
She had never seen him like this, ever.
Not that Adam was one to conceal his emotions completely, but he generally subscribed to silent tears if there were any at all. This, this was different, no holds barred uncontrollably sobbing, the kind where the human loses all functioning, eyes, nose, mouth and racking sobs that shook the body in aggressive, violent spasms.
Krill rolled waffles a little further onto her side spotting a deep gash from her chest and abdomen. He couldn't tell how deep it was, and didn’t want to look in this sort of environment.
“Sunny, call the shuttle!”
The urgency in his voice only served to secure Adam’s worst fears, “No… no, ou’re going to be o.”
“Adam, give me your jacket.”
He did without hesitation, ripping it off his body and offering it to krill as if it was the thing that was going to save her life.
Krill got Adam to help lift her onto the jacket and wrap her up, while he used some thing from his medical kit to staunch the bleeding. Waffles was still conscious, through her eyes were half lidded.
“Please be ok.” Adam begged, and despite all her injuries, her tail thudded against the ground at the sound of his voice and the touch of his hand. This only started his tears flowing even harder.
Overhead the sound of engines whirred, and touched down on the grass not far away.
“Ok, lift her gently.”
He did as ordered hugging her to his chest and practically racing towards the shuttle as it descended.
When the doors opened he practically bowled past the waiting marine who looked on in shock.
He gently lay Waffles on one of the seats all but yellin at one of the marines to make sure she stayed there before racing to the ront of the craft.
“Admiral are you sure…” The copilot began.
“Get out o my fucking way!” he snarled, and the ire in his voice was so that the man quickly leaped from his seat as Adam slid into the pilot’s seat. Krill was worried that the human was going to kill them all trying to pilot in that state, but what he witnessed next was a feat of pure talent and skill as he maneuvered them up through the clouds faster and steadier than krill would have thought possible.
Waffles whimpered softly in the background, held tight in Sunny’s arms now.
Their copilot sent out a medial call as soon as was feasible and very prudent.
By the time they made it inside, a crew was waiting with a stretcher.
Didn’t matter that it was waffles, but they treated her as they might any human with krill tagging long beside.
Adam ran after them until the doors to the med bay shut in his face and he was told to stay outside.
Sunny made her way quietly down the hall footsteps no more than a whisper over the metal floor. It was dark on the ship, the lights having been dimmed for the night. Up ahead she could see light filtering out into the hallway, and the rim lighting of a figure sitting in the dark.
She moved forward, and the mass of shadow coalesced from the darkness. Adam sat on the floor, knees pulled to his chest, head in his hands. Three pairs of bright yellow eyes looked up at her from the darkness. And Sunny tilted her head in surprise to see three Finnari curled up around Adam. One leaned against his left side, one leaned against his right side, and one rested against his legs.
The others raised their heads, though Adam remained curled up with his head in his hands.
Sunny nodded to them, “I can take it from here.” She said quietly
The Finnari looked between each other and then waddled to their feet. One of them patted Adam’s hair before joining the group and waddling off down the hall. Sunny knelt and then slowly sat next to Adam resting a hand on his back.They sat in the dark in silence for a long while before he looked up at her.
His cheeks were still wet, and she had no idea how he was still producing any, sure he would have dehydrated hours ago.
In response, she pulled the human closer using all four of her arms until he was curled up against her head resting against her chest.
“I….I can’t l-lose her s-sunny…. I I don’t know what I-I’d do.”
She rubbed his back gently with one of her lower hands, feeling as his body continued to spasm rhythmically with the beat of his grief. He covered his eyes with his right hand turning into her chest as if trying to hide his face. His teeth were gritted against quiet sobs.
But despite his attempts to stay quiet, he couldn’t.
It killed Sunny to watch.
He was completely debilitated. She had seen a human like this maybe once before under different circumstances. Neither war, nor kidnapping, or injury in the time she had known him had ever brought this man to his knees, and if it had it had been silently and alone where he dealt with it himself.
This was different.
He had snapped, broken right in half.
It surprised her almost how fragile humans were, after everything he could have gone through, and after everything he did, this is what hurt him.
His grief came in waves, one moment she thought he had finally calmed down, and then the next moment he was escalating again just as bad as before. It was exhausting to watch, and she had no idea what to do other than keep him company in the dimness of the hallway.
They were there for hours.
And then the door hissed open.
Adam shot to his feet as krill stepped out into the hall.
His hair was disheveled -- even more so than usual-- his face was red and puffy, his eyes were ringed in bright red. The collar of his shirt was damp. 
Sunny rose to her feat as well.
“Is she-” he couldn't finish, choking up again.
“She’s alright, we were just waiting for her to wake up to make sure. But she’s going to be ok.”
This time the sound he made was a sob of relief rather than grief, “Can I see her?”
Krill paused but then nodded, motioning him back. He hurried after into the med bay.
At the end of the room, waffles lay curled up on one of the beds.
She was wrapped in bandages and an IV was held into her right front leg with pink gauze. Someone had managed to fashion a makeshift cone out of plastic shielding.
Adam rushed over.
Waffles blinked slowly at him, too tired to lift her head, but her tail began to whap happily against the covers of the bed. He smiled rubbing his hands through the soft fur of her face and ears, “Good girl…. You’re such a good girl.” tears were leaking down his face again, but he was smiling.
With great effort, waffles lifted her head, licking at his face with her long pink tongue, whipping the tears from his face the only way she knew how.
Krill walked over and paused by them, “She should be up and about by tomorrow, but she definitely needs to rest and recover.”
Adam looked up at Krill, “Can I stay here…. With her?”
Krill looked at him unsure, but the look on the human’s face was one the little alien certainly couldn't say no to , and he sighed, “Alright, you can stay.”
When Sunny left the room Adam was curled up on the bed with the dog resting with her back to his chest, the two of them fast asleep.
Thank the spirits Waffles was ok.
Ask a human, the vast majority of them find the sadness of grief or pain of a dog to be more poignant than that of a human -- unless the human is one they know--. This is why movies often employ dogs for emotional factors. Perhaps you cannot get an audience to cry for the pain of a human, but if you get a dog to wait at its owner's owners grave than you can have an entire audience in tears. As I said earlier. It's hard to watch the pain of someone who doesn't deserve that pain and never will.
Dogs are a reflection of the best parts of man 
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a-square-minus-one · 3 years
Honey 10
Thank you for those who have stuck to this progressing story. Here is the new chapter. You can find the whole story on AO3 and fanfic. 
I killed him.
Raven wakes up long before the team realizes she has. She can’t even register the itchy hospital bed sheets on top of her; her limbs are glued to the cot. Her chest expands as she breathes but she’d struggle less breathing underwater.
Malchior was a disgusting being. Intent to create chaos wherever he went. His only goal was to wreak havoc because he could and because no one could stop him. His life’s work was figuring out ways he could outdo his last destructive feat. His eyes only twinkled when he was asserting his dominance over something.
And she had killed him.
Or at least, separated his consciousness from its physical manifestation.
Or can you even separate that?
She made his limbs stop working.
His mouth would no longer form incantations.
Where would his thoughts go?
Would he be able to sort them or even hear them?
Or were they just whispers on another plane of existence?
Nausea makes Raven sit abruptly, the IV tugging painfully in her arm. She feels more than tastes the vomit fly out of her mouth. Chunks  of yellow bits propel out onto the floor next to her, right by Starfire’s purple boots. Starfire is quick to move Raven’s hair out of the way, despite the fact that doing so sinks her boots right into the undigested food. A few tears escape Raven’s eyes.
“Star…” she groans, making a feeble attempt to push Starfire out the way but the alien just shushes her and rubs her hand over Raven’s back. A green hand extends a plastic cup of water towards her.
“Small sips,” Gar reminds her. She takes the cup out of his hands and raises it to her lips. Raven stiffens when he moves closer, replacing Starfire’s hands with his own. She stares over the rim of the cup at his torso, feeling her eyebrows crinkling. He picks up the hair from her neck. She hears a snap and feels her hair moving left to right. Then he’s at a reasonable distance again. She places a hand on her warm, now bare, neck.
“You-” she clears her throat. “-you can tie a ponytail?”
“Can’t you?” Garfield asks, looking incredibly amused. She feels her face heat up as she places the water on the tray next to her and lays back on the cot. She looks to Star’s boots and then to her face.
“I’m so-”
“Shh I will be hearing none of that friend,” Starfire says, handing Raven a wipe. Raven wipes off one side of her lips. Her hand pauses when she gets to the other side.
“How many civilians?” Raven asks, her fingers trembling behind the tissue. Garfield immediately straightens out his relaxed shoulders. His jaw tightens. Starfire looks down to her feet. Raven turns to Cyborg.
Two fingers touch her lips as the contents of her stomach turn again. Her eyes well up as she swallows around the undigested food rising in her esophagus.
“Ages?” she asks in an almost imperceptible voice.
No one answers.
She clenches her fingers around the wipe and presses it to her forehead.
“Ages?” she pleads.
“54 and 65,” Cyborg says; his rage is like a hot iron in her side. Raven feels Starfire’s despair pelting her on the other side like an open waterfall. Garfield’s emotions are all sharp corners and metal bristles. She can’t even bear to approach the edges of it for fear that she’ll pop and everything will come pouring out of her. She sinks back into her cot trying to tighten her core under the pressure of all their emotions. She almost finds balance in the current until she senses something, like seaweed twisting on her toes when she’s swimming in the ocean.  
“You’re not telling me something,” she says, eyeing Garfield who hasn’t looked her way since tying up her hair. She almost didn’t want to ask considering how tenuous her hold on herself is.
“There was a six year old boy,” Nightwing says, entering the room with arms crossed over his chest. He leans against the doorframe of the med bay. Raven lets out a long breath. She spends a lot of her life thinking about how she breathes. Breathing is the first step to meditation. Right now she wonders what it would be like to be trapped at the end of a long exhale.
“Is in ICU,” Nightwing finishes. She brings knees to her chest and sinks her head into them, gripping the fitted sheet on the cot. Her throat is one fire.
“We have to visit the family,” she says, looking at her team members. Everyone pauses.
“We did,” Garfield says, scratching the back of his neck the way he does when he’s pensive or nervous. Raven squints her eyes. She lays her legs flat on the cot.
“I have to visit the families,” she says, shifting to get up. Garfield quickly puts his hands on her shins and she almost kicks him off in surprise.
“You can’t,” Garfield says.
“Why not?”
“The public doesn’t love us right now,” Nightwing says, moving from his position at the door.
Then she feels it, pressing against her. Fire, all around her, filling the gaps between her fingertips, licking up the back of her knees. She almost gasps at the intensity of it.
“You’re angry,” she says, quickly looking up at Nightwing. A few strands of her hair have escaped the ponytail Garfield made for her. Starfire steps forward.
“We all are,” she says. Raven doesn’t look her way, keeping her eyes locked on the immobile Nightwing. This is a different anger. Nightwing knows she knows; their bond hasn’t faded in the years since she went into his mind.
“Where’s Malchior, Raven? Nightwing asks, his index finger twitching against his bicep. The fire around her stops all together. Something cool, fragile, and thin settles over them like a layer of frost on water. Then Raven makes the mistake of looking down. A fireball hits her in the chest like a cannon, she tumbles backwards on the cot.
“Damnit Raven!” Nightwing says. She looks up at his face, now red underneath his mask.
“Yo dude, chill out. She just woke up,” Garfield says. Nightwing whips towards him, his index finger inches away from Garfield’s chest. Raven is ashamed that she feels immediate relief at Garfield’s expense.
“How about instead of worrying about Raven you explain to me where the hell all the animosity for me came from?” Nightwing says, leaning much too far into Garfield’s personal bubble. Garfield leans back and tilts his head.
“Dude, clearly that wasn’t me.”
“So what you’re saying is that you’re not you when you transform into other animals?” Nightwing poses this as a question but the fact that each word is coming out like hisses between his clenched teeth makes it seem like he has already decided his answer.
“You know this isn’t just one of my other animal forms and could you check your tone?” Garfield asks. Raven feels his irritation like pricks from a cactus. She wiggles her fingers.
“Everytime the Beast has been present, I have been targeted,” Nightwing’s tone is even when he says this but punctuated in a manner that suggests he has ruminated on this and has already come to his own conclusions. His words sound rehearsed.
“That’s just not true and either way I’ve shown you for years that I’ve been able to control my powers as much as everyone else on the team, if not better.”
“You weren’t able to two days ago.”
“We don’t fight magical dragons everyday,” Garfield bites out and Nightwing swivels towards Raven again.
“And apparently we never will again!” Spit flies out of Nightwing’s mouth as he leans over the end of Raven’s cot. She sits up straight even though Nightwing’s words land heavy like a punch to her stomach.
“Almost sounds like you’re going to miss him,” Raven hisses back. Nightwing’s face is so red that Raven is sure it will explode off of his body.
“How can you be so desensitized to the loss of a life?”
“Jesus Nightwing relax!  It isn’t like she hunted this man down, which is more than I can say about you and Slade...every six months...like clockwork!”
“And yet he’s still alive.” The muscles on Nightwing’s neck are straining as he turns towards Garfield, bumping his chest a little. Any other man would have taken a step back and on any other occasion Garfield would too but right then, he doesn’t.
“Is that because you haven’t tried or because you’ve never gotten close enough,” Garfield says, jutting his own chest outwards so it bumps Nightwing’s.
“Much closer than you did when he turned Terra into stone.”
“Dude what in the actual fuck?” Garfield growls.
“That is quite enough!” Starfire yells, wedging herself between the pair. “You have both done the crossing of the line! Friend Raven is barely recovered!”
Neither man stands down, glaring at each other over Starfire’s shoulders. “Are you going to arrest me Richard?” Raven asks, chin tilted upwards. Nightwing turns away from Starfire and removes his hand from his utility belt.
“He will do no such thing-” Starfire starts.
“You’re not being fair,” he says. Raven tilts her chin higher and arches an eyebrow.
“If you are not going to arrest me then we have more important things to talk about right now than any morally ambiguous decisions I made that there is no way I can undo,” Raven mumbles. “Even if I really wanted to.”
Nightwing runs a hand through his hair then drops both of his hands on his hips. He’s looking her in the eyes. Anyone else wouldn’t be able to tell because of his mask but she knows he is. He’s trying to consolidate all his anger into a concentrated cube. She respects the effort. Garfield, who is hunched over like his spine is ready to break through the skin of his back, clearly does not.
“We have two of your brothers in custody. Lust and Gluttony. I will be handling interrogations. You can watch from another room. ”
Raven sucks in her bottom lip. She knows her brothers better than Nightwing but she’s on thin ice with him as is. She’d have to let him cool down a little before she can get anywhere near that room.
“If you’re going in alone, I need to heavily armor you.”
Nightwing shrugs stiffly. She nods.
Behind Nightwing, Garfield takes his exit; his anger is radiating off of him like an electric heater. Nightwing looks after him, his lips in a straight line but doesn’t try to stop him.
“How much of a dick was I?” Nightwing asks once Garfield has left the room.
“12/10 bro,” Cyborg says, rubbing his forehead. Nightwing cringes.
“I’m going to go talk to him,” Raven says, looking at Cyborg and then towards her IV. Cyborg looks hesitant at first but eventually sighs and does as he’s told.
“This is very carnivalesque.” Raven says as she sits next to Garfield on the roof. Garfield raises an eyebrow at her “Usually you’re the one who comes to see me on the roof.”
“What?” Garfield asks.
“Nothing,” Raven says, looking down at her feet. She’s not as good as he is at this.
“You should be in the med bay for observations.”
“With all the healing it would be very hard to kill me,” she says. She feels a few fat drops of rain smack her cheek but Garfield doesn’t flinch so she stays put. Raven looks up at the thick clouds moving in the sky.
“Do you think you’ll die like the rest of us?” Garfield asks. Random. Raven hums. “I mean your father...sorry I know it’s a touchy subject-”
“No, go ahead,” Raven says, keeping her eyes on the sky. A warmth spreads in her chest like when she drinks hot tea. It’s been nice for her to see how delicate Garfield is with her boundaries in the last couple of years.
“Trigon is immortal. Does that make you immortal too?” he asks.
“I really hope not,” Raven mumbles immediately. “I’m not a god.”
Her mind immediately goes to Malchior’s lifeless body beneath her.
“Don’t lose any sleep over him,” Garfield says. Raven hums again. “Malchior. That’s who you’re thinking about, right?”
Raven looks away from the sky. Garfield’s lashes are dark and long. He’s green almost everywhere but around his pupils there is a rim of orange that she’s always been fascinated by.
“I took his life away,” she says, curling up her bare toes. “I-I’m afraid…”
“You don’t have to tell me,” Garfield interrupts softly. She feels the warmths curl through her insides again. She has to break eye contact.
“I don’t know if I made the right choice. It kind of feels...heavy? If that makes sense.”
“It makes sense.”
It grows quiet again.
“Nightwing was more angry at me than he was at you,” she says. Silence.
A few drops of water land on her thighs. She’s getting a little cold now. She had only come out in the oversized t-shirt she was wearing in the med bay. She thinks it’s Cyborg’s. It fits her like a dress.
“I think he might be right.”
Raven looks up at him, ready to protest. The protests die on her lips when she makes eye contact.
“I keep banking on the fact that I can control the Beast but it kind of sucks. He’s pulling at me all the time.”
“He doesn’t like Nightwing?”
“...He doesn’t like Nightwing’s power over me. Doesn’t like that he’s the one who calls the shots. Which is the complete opposite of me. Usually Nightwing and Cyborg are the ones measuring their dicks to see who gets to be boss.”
Raven snorts.
“Would it be so bad to let him out every once and a while? What else could he want?” Raven asks. Garfield presses his lips together. And his silence stretches like cheese. Just when she thinks it's about the tear, it stretches some more. For much longer than it should. She can’t pinpoint exactly what changes but she is suddenly hyper aware of how long she’s been looking into his eyes. She isn’t about to let on that she noticed the shift though because that would mean that it actually happened.
But maybe she should move?
Or look down?
Why isn’t he saying anything?
Did he lean forward?
Breathe Raven.
She inhales sharply.
There is a flash of lighting in her peripheral vision.
He doesn’t break eye contact.
“Can I see the scar The Beast left?” he finally whispers, keeping eye contact. Oh, that’s what he was thinking about.
She can’t think straight. What did I think he was thinking about? She pulls up her shirt without a second thought, looking down with him...
Then screams internally when she remembers she isn’t wearing any pants.
She freezes. Thunder rumbles.
He doesn’t say anything. She wonders if she’d hear him anyway over the long  ‘AGHH!’ reverberating in her head.
She looks up at him; he hasn’t said anything about her lack of pants. Instead he’s staring intently at her side, eyebrows furrowed and bottom lip wedged between his teeth.
Breathe. The team has changed in front of each other before. No big deal.
She wishes she can get a clear read on his emotions but she can barely get a hold on hers.
Then he reaches out his fingertips and slowly runs over the ridges of the three bumpy stripes on her side.
This time she actually shrieks out loud, dropping her shirt immediately. A few rocks on the shore explode into a million little fragments. He pulls his hands away like he just accidentally touched a stove.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry! Jesus, I don’t know why I did that,” he squeals immediately, running a hand through his hair roughly.
“No! It’s... um...fine.Your fingers were just cold.”
The skin around her scars is burning.
Aghhhh .
He shuts his eyes so tightly that she can see little wrinkles at the edges of them. It looks like he wants to turn into a mosquito and fly away. She stays quiet. He places a hand over his eyes.
“Listen...I...I’m sorry about that. The touching,” his voice squeaks. He clears his throat. “But also giving you the scar in the first place.”
He reluctantly moves his hands away and looks at her again.
“I’m serious. I don’t want to hurt Nightwing. I don’t want to ever hurt you,” Garfield says, his skin changing from brown to green as his blush fades.
She hums.
Not the right response.
He sucks his lips into his mouth, face getting incredibly brown just as it was resuming its original shade.
“I-” he starts.
She looks at him.
He looks at her.
He flies away.
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eclecticmiasma · 4 years
Painted Smile (Yandere!Abbacchio x Reader)
🌠Commissioned Fic!🌠
“You won’t ever throw me away again.” 
[Warnings: rape, angst, yandere, alcohol, abusive relationship, stalking, manipulation, female pejoratives, dead dove: do not eat] 
Art credit: mazeeyes_2000s on Twitter
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*Please don’t use my work to self-harm. This is for horror entertainment purposes only. This work is not a representation of a healthy relationship and should not be considered as such! Keep yourself safe!*
Acrid, wine-stained breath ghosts over the nape of your neck. You cry out in agony as your arms are wrenched behind your back and you’re pushed face-first into the couch. Even if you could speak, you know it wouldn’t reach his ears. From the moment he set foot in your apartment, Abbacchio was long gone.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” The elastic on your underwear snaps from the force in which they’re pulled down your thighs. Immediately, his grasping hands are on your flesh, nails digging into your exposed behind, “Did you already forget where all of this came from? Who saved you?”
You know he’s referring not only to your spacious apartment, but your entire life. Without him, you’d still be under the thumb of your family- used and abused like so many other children of poverty. At the time, Abbacchio seemed to be an angel disguised as an ex-cop. A white-haired symbol of freedom. The first person to ever truly want to protect you. After all, he gave you what so many others could only dream of- a future.
But now you see his gifts came with a price.
As he unceremoniously spreads your legs apart and degrades you, manhandles you like you’re nothing more than property, it’s hard to stomach the fact that you loved him once. You were proud to call him yours. In your ignorance, life had been wonderful.
Anything you asked for was yours, even if you only hinted at it. Sometimes you wondered where his seemingly endless flow of income could possibly come from, but he always managed to assuage your fears. “I live to take care of you, amore,” Abbacchio would say, cradling you in his arms, “You won’t have to worry about anything ever again.”
And that was enough.
Until, little by little, the cracks began to show.
At first he would get anxious without you around. What started as a few phone calls would snowball into a deluge of messages demanding your response. He would call your friends, family, coworkers- all under the pretense that he was worried absolutely sick about your safety. You were always the one who ended up sobbing, apologizing profusely and swearing not to worry him any longer. After a while, even that wasn’t enough.
He began trailing you. Even if you were at work you would often spot him out of the corner of your eye, checking in every so often to be completely sure you were still there. Soon, he demanded a key to your apartment. Foolishly, perhaps in hopes of keeping your relationship alive, you gave it to him. You couldn’t breathe, eat, or sleep without him watching over you. Abbacchio stood where your shadow once was.
A coworker helped you cut contact. He noticed the jittery way you constantly looked over your shoulders, the way your eyes glazed over every time you looked at your phone. He helped you craft a text message that told Abbacchio in no uncertain terms that you needed space. Time to think. When he didn’t respond, you breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he really got it, you thought. After your shift, he was nowhere to be found. Your coworker walked you home the entire week after you ended things, and even joked that you should change the locks to your apartment.  
“I get rid of your parents and you spit in my fucking face,” Abbacchio slurs, pinching the soft flesh above your elbow with bruising force. Your back arches and you writhe in pain. He takes the opportunity to breach your entrance with the weeping head of his cock, “Not so high and mighty now, are we, bitch?” He thrusts forward, and the pain of it is blinding.
It’s nothing like the first time you touched. It’s fire and fury and your agency being stripped away inch by inch by inch. Not at all the adoration you felt as his fingers threaded your hair. Not at all the passion of his kiss- deep, desperate, intoxicating. Not at all the love you felt as your bodies connected, the melding of your flesh as he slotted himself inside of you.
“Abbacchio,” You had moaned in earnest, clutching him in the throes of your ecstasy, rolling your hips in tandem, “I love you, I love you-”
“Abbacchio-” You sob, throat sore from screaming. His name feels like poison on your tongue. He yanks you up by the hair and wraps a large hand around your throat, rendering speech impossible. There isn’t time to wonder whose blood it is before the sheer force of his length drilling your insides scrambles your thoughts.
“Quit pretending you don’t love this, quit playing the victim!” Abbacchio barks. The smell of alcohol radiating off of him makes bile rise in your throat, “How many times have you cum on my cock, huh, puttana? Fifty? One-hundred?” You try to shake your head, desperate to scream that this is different, that your love for him is long dead, but only a choked gurgle escapes you. As your vision tunnels, you pray you’ll lose consciousness.
Before you do, Abbacchio pulls out of you and throws you to the floor. Your head strikes the wood with a resounding thunk, but you remain aware. Before you can react, he’s on you again. His legs are splayed on either side of your waist and his cock hangs half-hard from within his pants. He pins your wrists to the floor and hovers over you like a snarling beast. You want to fight for your life, but his face stops you dead in your tracks.
Mascara runs down his cheeks in rivulets of black. His dark purple lipstick is smeared about his face from his assault on you. His eyes are bloodshot from sobbing, hair stringy with grease. For the first time since he entered your apartment, barging in like a drunken bull in a china shop, it occurred to you that he was deeply, deeply hurt.
Not that it should matter. Life with Abbacchio had gone from a dream to a nightmare in a matter of months. He alienated you from your family and friends, manipulated you into ignoring his possessiveness time and time again, he’s raped you in your own home- the disheveled man before you is less human than monster.
But he saved you. Your life was no better before Abbacchio came along. He threw you a lifeline when no one else would, treated you like someone who mattered. Without him, your family would have sold you off to the highest bidder for food scraps and alcohol. All he wanted in return was your loyalty and undying affection. He had given you everything, and you couldn’t even muster that?
As soon as he realizes you’re no longer fighting him, Abbacchio loosens his grip on your wrists and grinds his lower body against your own.
“Do you see what you’ve done to me?” His voice cracks and fresh tears wet the side of your neck as he buries his face in your skin. Your gaze stays fixed to the ceiling. As the seconds go by, you feel yourself sinking further and further to a place from which you’ll never return. Abbacchio presses himself inside of you again, gentler, and it’s like you’re drowning- tail-spinning away from the light of the water’s surface.
He drags you down with him, into the abyss. Feeling your body respond, his thrusts become more deliberate. It no longer hurts, and that only further tears you up inside. He’s still enraged, you hear it in his voice, but the words spilling from his lips don’t line up.  
“You’re mine, [Y/n], I…” He clings to you as he ruts against your walls, “Never…never again. You won’t ever throw me away again. I love you so much I can’t breathe-” He kisses you in earnest, his warm tongue and the taste of old wine filling your mouth. It’s repulsive, but it’s passionate. Honest. You feel his utter desperation imprints himself on you mind, body, and soul.
“Abbacchio,” You whine as his length strikes a certain spot inside of you. He replies by rolling his hips, fucking into you again and again like he’s memorized every crevice of your body. Your nails dig into his back as he takes you, and you find yourself sobbing again. What have you done?
“Say it,” He orders, breathing heavily against you. You can’t will yourself to respond. All of this is wrong. The abuse you had endured, the guilt worming its way into your heart, the cloying feeling settling in your abdomen brought on by the man that gave you heaven and hell- it was wrong, wrong, wrong- “Say you’re mine!”
“I-” You choke, screwing your eyes shut as a wave of pleasure rolls over you. Abbacchio feels it, and considers it a victory. Everything he needed to hear you’ve told him with your body. You relented, accepted him back, gave yourself over to him once again. Even though you’ve done no such thing, it doesn’t matter. The second you let yourself pity this man, you lost.
To be honest, your fate was decided from the start. The moment Abbacchio walked into your life, you belonged to him.
*all original work is my intellectual property. do not edit or re-upload.
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ikassienatics · 4 years
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐥 ↬ 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩.
summary: half the population survived the blip and that includes peter your boyfriend, while the other half was erased from existence just like you. five years later, the snap was reversed but the world you once lived in changes
warnings: angst but not really, mj being a really cool bad bitch, life lessons from michelle jones, peter moving on, endgame spoilers? but i know you've seen the masterpiece already, mj cursing a lot like a lot.
author’s note: y’all it’s been soo long since i wrote something and this idea popped inside my mind while watching infinity war for the hundredth time, and i just can’t help myself!!!! though to warn y’all, i’m actually not that proud with the outcome of this one, it felt like something is not right, like something is missing or whatnot. and if there’s probably a fic i wrote in which i disliked, this will be it.
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a handsome god trying to invade new york is bullshit, a malfunctioned artifical intelligence trying to take over the world is too much. but a purple alien named thanos erasing half the population in your planet is full of shit. the world is a crazy place indeed, you thought you guys have enough, that everything is being handled with care, for fuck’s sake earth has avengers. but turns out, even the earth’s mightiest heroes can’t stop nor survive the snap.
everything happened so fast, one second every student in your university is standing happily inside the gymnasium as they awaited the announcement about the upcoming ball, then the speaker suddenly turned into dust, she fades away like she was nothing, like a bubble, turned into ash. then everyone panicked including you, you just saw a person turned into dust before your eyes, of course you will panic
then you stood up from your seat, taking your boyfriend peter with you as you both decided to run for the exit, then it happened to everyone too. they also started turning dust
then it was your turn.
you didn't really know how it was your turn, you just sensed it that you will fade away just like them, so you did what common teenagers would do. you clung in your boyfriend once you felt the tingling sensation inside your body. it was a scary feeling, and for some reasons the numb pain started fading away, like it find some way to connect with your brain to tell it that there's nothing wrong when technically, everything is wrong. like it was convincing your mind that you don't feel anything. you have never been scared like that before
peter was by your side when that happened, holding you tightly on his arms as if he's trying to stop you from leaving. but nothing stopped the snap, no one manage to stop the blip. not even the earth's mightiest heroes.
and now you're back, sitting alone on the bench with no peter by your side, you stood up from the bench seeing mj looking at her hands weirdly, only half the students inside the gym remains and the speaker on the front, the other half? your peter? they're not here.
rushing towards the tan lady, you approach her with your hear beating faster "mj!" she look up from her hands, eyebrows furrowed and seemingly as confuse as you are
"y/n?" she stood up before you can even reach her sit "what the fuck just happened?" she look around as well, everyone started reaching for their devices, calling their family to make sure they're safe and okay, some even rush towards the exit while some started crying
"i have no idea." you pursed your lips, you and mj are never close. you always get insecure because of the tall girl, thinking that she may have a thing for peter but she always assure you that she don't date boys, she prefer girls. so standing in front of her, let alone talking to her is still awkward for you, but there's no time for that
"did you just came back as well?" she asked you, reaching for her bag and hanging it around her shoulder, you nodded your head "i was actually wondering where peter was. . ." your eyes widen, she might think you don't care about anything but peter, or maybe she will think your ignorant because even after what happened, even if there's a lot to be concern about, you still ask for your boyfriend first "i mean, everyone, i was wondering where half of the students are."
"yeah, me neither." she grabbed her phone from inside her bag, planning to text her parents just like everybody else when she suddenly caught a glimpse of the date on her lockscreen "oh shit!"
your eyes widen "what? what is it?" even though you two were never close and you felt like overstepping a line, putting your nose in her business. you can't help but get curioused because of the expression written all over her face
"what the fuck is this." she showed you her phone and there you saw a 2023 instead of 2019, your eyes also widen in realization reaching for your phone as well and seeing the same thing in your lock screen, you even saw a couple of text and calls from your parents and friends five years ago
five years ago
what the fuck
you licked your lips, about to call your mom when you heard someone speak from behind you and mj "y/n?" the voice is familiar, turning on your heels, you came in contact with a person no other than ned leeds, one of peter's friends.
mj also turn her head making ned switch his eyes from you to her "mj?" he asks, still can't believe what he's seeing. ned changes a lot even after just five minutes, he grew a beard, his hair looks so fresh from hair cut and his body is more lean than before, he looks older. weird
"ned! oh my god." you run towards him, jumping in his arms and hugging him tightly, he did the same closing his eyes in the process and praying that this is not a dream, not anymore, no. this has to be real, everyone has to come back, this has to be the reality.
"hey, man!" mj nodded her head at the man in front fo you, he still looks confuse but not as confuse as the pair "what happened here?"
his eyebrows furrowed "you don't know?" the way he said those words made your heart clench, what really is happening? and where's peter? if ned is here, then peter must be somewhere near, knowing that guy. him and ned are usually always together, even in your dates ned has to tag along, not that you mind. you enjoyed it most of the time
"what? what do you mean?" you look back at mj "we just came back, what happened? why do you look older? did you just came back as well?" you bombared him with question
he shakes his head "no, half of the population survived." your eyes widen, then if half the population survived, does that mean peter survive as well? or maye he's also part of the snap? but where is he. you look back at your seat not long ago, expecting your partner to pop our of nowhere. but there's none, no peter.
"while the other half fade away?" mj continued or more like, asked.
"y-yeah." he nodded "it's been five years." so that's why it's year 2023 and not 2019? but how, how could it happened? why? who did this? you can't help bur ask yourself
"yeah, that answers our question." the curly brunette beside you spoke, referring to what you both just witness a while ago. biting your lip, you fidget with your fingers as you find the right time to ask him a question
"what are you doing here if it's been five years?" you questioned
"i helped my cousin get enrolled, then everyone just. . . just started to come back and i think of going here to see if both of you came back as well." he answers softly
you slightly smiled at him "w-where's. . . where's peter?" you saw how ned's body froze, how almost all the blood in his face dissapeared by your question, like he's suddenly afraid of something. his happy and chill personality faded just like the snap
"p-peter? y-yeah uhm." he clears his throat, you look down on his fingers and unexpectedly saw a ring in one of them
"you're married?" both you and mj said in unison, he look down on his hands as well before nodding
"yeah, betty and i you know. we made it work, aftee graduating i decided to take our relationship in another level." his eyes sparkles with joy as he tells you the news "she's. she's actually pregnant, two months."
"congratulations." you and mj both said
"and peter, uhm. he now lives in, he no longer lives with aunt may and he also. . . he's not an avenger anymore." you saw how ned had a hard time on telling you what he knows, the ned you knew not long ago is gone, ned usually knows how to compose himself immideately and maybe that's one of the reasons why him and peter fits each other perfectly, your boyfriend is an akward person, a weird one and he always stumble upon his words, while ned is more composed and often helped him.
"wait, what?" michelle gasp
while you stayed still, confusion erupts in your mind. how did it happened? why did peter left the avengers? he always love helping people, finding comfort in swinging around queens and fighting for those who cannot fight, and being an avenger? it's his dream, so why would he turn his back on a life he always wanted to have?
at this moment, you felt like you never knew peter anymore, or ned, he changes so much and you wish peter is still the same after five years even though you know it's impossible, many things can happen in those years, many things can change.
"yeah, after. you know, he got anxiety after the blip, he really had a hard time with keeping up so, uhm. yeah."
"wait, i don't understand a single thing." mj speak once again, trying to make the situation clear
you saw how ned gulped, as if he's about to spill the biggest tea there is "he just, shit happens. you know? and people change, how they see life, their perspective and peter. well, peter. he, he change. he's grown up now."
"like, how grown up?" did he move on?
"i can't tell you that, i'm sorry but he lives in." then he started tellng you the adress which you gladly wrote down on your phone with shaking fingers, imagining how peter would seeing you after five years, would he be happy, sad? or maybe he moved on?
god you don't want to think about it, peter moving on from his relationship with you? can that really happen? can peter really do that to you? no, no. peter won't do that, maybe ned is right. he changed but he's still peter, you refuse to believe that peter forgot about you, that he replaced you after being a part of the blip, because if tables have turned? if peter is the one who has been snapped and you're the one who survived? you don't think you can forget him or move on.
the trio was about to continue keeping up, but ned's phone started to ring and you saw a picture of a woman on the screen "sorry, wife calling." he turn his back on you quickly answering the phone while you and mj just nodded your head, giving him a chance to answer the line
"i always knew peter is a freak." she whispered beside you, trying to make the mood better as she started to see the doubt in your eyes "but a grown man? come on, just because he grow up and finally became a man doesn't mean he has to forget stuffs, you know?"
you slightly smile at her, nodding your head in agreement "you're right."
"anyways, i got to call my dad. you call your family too, they must be worried and confused. all this shit is probably all overt the news by now."
two days passed after you came back from the blip, everything you thought you knew? gone. it's like you never existed in the first place and you had a hard time keeping up, keeping up with the world you once knew. your parents on the other hand, they are more understanding than ever, letting you stay lock up in your room so you can think but occasionally asking you if you want to go on a family vacation but you told them you have to fix yourself first. your parents reaction when you came back is priceless especially your mom, she almost didn't want to let you go after embracing you if it weren't for your dad and you saw the longing in their eyes.
of course, their only daughter went missing five years ago then came back as if nothing happened.
you tried to read as many newspaper as you could, news from the last five years, trying to blend in once again. you felt sick thinking about the new society you are now stepping on. but even after those things, you have mj with you and you two became close, facetime here, facetime there. helping each other stood back up from their feet.
two days later, that's when you decided to visit peter, two days of dreaming about the guy, imagining what his reaction would be if you showed up in his door step, and a part of you wished you didn't came back after what you saw, after what you learned.
the house that ned told you was huge, it's white and there's a mailbox standing outside with a name 'parker' in it, it's more like a family house, a car on the garage and a small bike right beside it, a small bike? why does peter have a small bike on his house?
and if you weren't that stupid, you're going to be able to put the pieces together, the bike, the house, the mailbox, ned seeming like he's nervous about something. it all made sense especially when you knock on the door and it was opened by the one and only liz allen. the small bump on her stomach also didn't go unnoticable by you, and the small boy running around from the inside looking like you're boyfriend? yeah, fuck. you get it. he moved on, what else can you do?
nonetheless, she invited you in and you could have said no, but you didn't. there's a lot of question you want to ask peter, why? and how? but you're not going to blame him because of the decision he made. you fully understand it, that maybe his feelings for liz didn't really fade away just like he told you when you two started dating, or maybe he forgot about you. five years is a long road
and that's how you saw yourself inside the kitchen with peter sitting in front of you, the house smelled like home, like love, like family. his family, her family. liz was upstairs trying to give the both of you a time to talk while their son went out to play with some kids outside.
"you're married?" you asked, although it's obvious. you still want it to come out from his mouth. your voice came out like a whisper but you know he heard it, he only nodded his head in response, not knowing what else to say.
"you left me for her." you said once again
and that's when he spoke back "i didn't left you, you left me." his voice is deeper than before, more manly and he didn't stumble upon his words just like before, he looks like be know exactly what he's doing, what he's saying.
he's not the peter you once knew anymore, just like everybody else.
"are you blaming me for what happened?" you whispered shouted, not wanting liz to hear your conversation even though you know that peter will tell her later once you got out
"i'm not blaming anything on you, i'm just trying to explain that i'm not the one who fades away to dust, who left me with nothing for five years. what do you expect me to do?"
"i expect you to wait for me, i came back didn't i?" you saw how your vision started to get blurry, telling you that any time soon a tears will fell from your eyes.
"i waited for you but i lose hope."
"how could you do this to me?" and that's when a single tear drop from your eyes, then another. but you didn't do anything to stop it
"how could i? can you put yourself in my position for once? i was left with nothing for the past five years! i have nothing, tony was a part of the snap, may and i fell apart because all this shit! and liz? she's just, she's there with me. she stood by my side during those times and neither of us can't help it." and if your heart broke after finding out that peter moved on, now it's being shredded to pieces especially after what he just told you
"you find comfort in another woman."
"don't pretend like you will do this differently if i were the one who got snapped." you drop your palms on the table causing it to make a loud thump
"don't you there turn the tables, because if i were the one who survived and you're the one who does not. i will still wait for you no matter how fucked up everything is." you said angrily "did you ever loved me? or did you just used me to get over her? to make her jealous?"
"don't fucking change the subject." that's the first time he ever cursed in front of you, in those eight months of you two dating, no matter the situation, he never cursed or yell at you. yeah you fight often times but it didn't come this far, no yelling, no cursing, just a calm fight.
you wanted to be selfish, to steal peter away from liz just like how she teal him away from you. but you couldn't, you can't even think about it. you don't want to be the person, the woman who stole their dad away from them, you don't want their child to grew up without a dad, to grew up longing for a father.
"look, i know it's hard but believe me or not. i loved you." he said softly this time "but i have a family now, a family to take care of, a children to look after and none of this can bring back the past, none of this can bring both of us together just like before. you have to understand the situation that none of this is inevitable, maybe we're not meant for each other, maybe this is meant to happened, what matters right now is you're back and i have the family i always wanted, maybe not with you. but i'm happy now."
he held your hands from the table, soothing it gently to calm you down "i loved you, and i still do until now but not as much as i love her."
"you don't know how many men will kill just to be with you, you deserve beter and i wish you all the happiness in this world." he added, you look down on his hands, biting your shaking lips as you refuse to believe everything he told you
everything is just too much, it happened so fast. that your brain could not even keep up, but you have to accept the truth, the truth that the both of you are no longer the couple you were used to be. that he moved on and you must do the same
you lay down, facing the ceiling before sighing. even after two weeks, fourteen days, even after all those minutes passed you can't seem to get used to the world you were in right now. you're starting to drift away from your parents, not liking to go out and instead you prefer to self isolate yourself inside your room. but no one can blame you for your actions, it's hard. keeping up with everything, it's hard facing complicated things like this especially because peter is not by your side unlike before.
and for once, you just wanted to. . . you just want everything to stop for a while. everything, just. just to give you time to understand
if only it weren't for the snap, or what everyone prefer to call that 'thing'. if it weren't for that, then maybe you already graduated by now, maybe you're the one who's married with peter instead of liz. maybe
"i thought that if i acted like it didn't matter. it wouldn't." you said, eyes still focused on the ceiling as you tried to think about everything that had happened in the past ever since you came back from the ash
mj, who's quietly reading a book on the sofa inside your room decided to join you in your comfy bed, laying beside you and facing the white and boring ceiling as well. unlike you, mj asked for help. she started seeing a therapist to help her get better and to guide her in this journey where she's trying to fit in once again.
but you? you prefer to be alone no matter how many times your parents tried to talk to you or asked you if you need help, even if they kept their arms open for you, even if every person who survived the snap kept their arms wide open for those who didn't. you can't bring yourself to do it, to ask for help like mj. unlike you, mj handled all the problems like a champion, you never see any discomfort in her eyes ever since you came back. yeah maybe the first day, you saw how scared she was but now? she's getting better while you felt like you're getting worse.
you drift away from your parents, never answered or check your phone, you completely shut down peter and liz no matter how many times they tried to invite you like when their son celebrated his birth day. but you see yourself getting closer to mj
which is. weird
you never see it coming,
you never see any of this coming.
"it's okay not to be okay, you know?" she mumbled from beside you. closing her book and fixing her eyeglasses
"shit happens, we get sad, stress, depress, you name it. and that's okay, that's normal. everybody felt that too." she added
from the ceiling, you turn your body to face her before asking her a question "how did you do it?" she seemed taken a back but manages to compose herself right away
putting her other hands behind her head, she licked her lips before answering your question "how did i do it? i didn't do no such thing." it was a whisper, but because of the silence evaporating inside your room you manage to hear every letter that came out of her mouth
"i was scared, afraid after all this shit you know? and it made me think that feeling those things, that self isolating myself or being sad or what the fuck will not make anything better." she told you "like, if i cry in my room because i felt left out, will that make anything better? no right? if i stay in my room and get so emotional, will that bring back the past? will the pain bring back everything? no, that's why instead of being like the others, instead of following what i feel, instead of letting my fear take over. i just told them to fuck off, i go out, tried understanding the world more, have fun, be with my loved ones, forget the fact that i became an ash. because no matter how sad you feel, or how depress you've become. the world will not stop spinning for you, and because of that. might as well as spin with the world, you know what i'm saying?"
from her laying position, mj sat up completely facing you and holding your hand in hers "i know you're having a hard time, we all are. but don't forget that you're not alone in this. you don't have to be, you don't have to face all this shit alone because i'm here for you, your parents, your friends, peter. maybe not in the way you want him to be, but all of us will be here for you." she said sincerely
"i know it's tough, and it's probably much more harder in your case because of peter. but things aren't always going to be there, you know? nothing is permanent. i can't be sitting here with you forever because i have to go home or else my dad will probably burst out." you laughed at her humor "but i'm serious, sometimes everything is not meant to be that way. and i think that's what makes life special, nothing is permanent, because of that life teaches us how to cherish every moment."
"avengers fought with their dying breath just to give us a second chance, and i'm glad they did. we were all given a second chance to live in this world and i don't want to waste that."
that's when you realized how lucky you are, she's right. you were given a second chance, a second chance to live, to be happy. avengers bled for this, for all of you to return. you should live your life to the fullest, and that's what you're about to do
peter is one of the best things that ever happened to you, maybe he's not with you until the end but at least you manage to be with him and to feel the love from spiderman in the past.
maybe in some other life, in a distant universe, in an unknown world, in a small city, you and peter have your little love story going on, and you both are living there your happily ever after.
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disclaimer: all publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. the original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. the author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s Daughter (The Aftermath)
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
a/n: y/n is about 17 or 18; i cried while writing this. sorry this is really long!!! pls forgive me 🥺
prompt: takes place from a3 to smffh
The Early Years (1) The Teenage Years (2) The Intense Years (3) Continued (5)
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let’s start on a happy note! ahahah
so for a while, earth was calm
you, pepper, and tony got to be a family for a while
wedding planning!
of course you got to try the ben&jerry’s ice cream named after your dad: Stark Raving Hazelnuts
“it’s not fair that you got ice cream named after you and i didn’t”
“well, when you grow up to be as awesome as me, maybe you’ll get your own ice cream flavor”
developing nanotech suits together for a Bonding Experience(tm)
speechless after the first test
“dad, this is...”
“the coolest thing to ever exist?”
yall ready for some shit?
the day that ebony maw invaded was pretty—what’s the word? interesting? no. well, yes, but...HORRIBLE.
it all started when you got the call from your dad
“y/n, incoming call from ‘big fat meanie’”
“god, i really have to change that. okay, JOSHIE, answer it. hey, dad? what’s up?”
“hey, kid! you know that weird ass building on bleecker street? how fast can you get here?”
“JOSH can you track FRIDAY really quick? lets see how far dad is...uh, okay, be there in five, see ya”
taking your suit for a spin and realizing how GREAT it was to be able to basically fold up your suit and put it in your back pocket
knocking on the door and it opened on its own, it was kinda cool
“is this a museum? cool.”
bruce turning around to see you after about three years and giving you an awkward smile and a wave while you stood frozen around the wizard-guys
“y/n, god, you’ve grown up!”
charging into him for a long overdue hug
“you don’t know how much i missed you. it’s been chaotic without you”
“i can...i can only imagine”
a debriefing on the situation you were about to face, and bonus! having to play the catch-up game with bruce
“just call him, dad. we need as much help as we can. steve will understand”
rushing outside to face off with some ugly-ass aliens
“oh nooo, it’s roger smith from american dad”
bruce: 👀, stephen: 👀, wong: 👀, tony: 👏👏🥰 that’s my girl
simultaneous nanosuit unveiling
“you ready for this one, pops?”
“of course! ive waited years to kick some more alien ass”
montage of you and tony getting your asses beat together (as a family <3)
peter showing up
“give me one good reason why i shouldn’t send you back to that school bus”
“because i’m good company?”
“whatever, just listen to whatever dad has to say, i forfeit my responsibilities over you”
pew pew, repulsors, pew, tiny rockets! fun! action! destroying new york again and again. good times...
until JOSHUA gave you notice that your dad was flying high
“call him. now.”
“hey! how’s it going down there?”
“dad, you know how i feel about you and space”
“i know, i know. i just...i gotta take care of this. keep pepper safe for your old man, okay?”
“i lo—l—ve y—”
“y/n? y/n?! i love you! shit!”
“we lost connection with her, sir”
trying to call peter
“call failed, y/n. should i try again?”
“i’m gonna kill them...”
walking through the rubble to find bruce, the only sensible man you know
taking him to the avengers compound asap to get to rhodey and figure out what comes next
meanwhile, tony was dealing with space and another teenager
and worrying a lot about leaving you on earth
“i mean, mr. stark, y/n’s one of the most capable people i know. she’s probably trying to fix this whole mess as we speak”
“i didn’t get to tell her i love her”
having a lovely meeting with thaddeus ross with rhodey, having a lovely time watching them passive-aggresively argue until your former teammates arrived
having to patiently (and professionally) wait for ross to hang up before running into them for a hug
“holy shit, you guys have no idea how bad i’ve wanted to see you. it sucks not being all together anymore”
“i know, y/n. we’ve all missed you.” -cap
“a lot” -nat added
bruce’s little entrance that was sure to bring some awkwardness
you, secretly freaking out about your dad
sam was the one that found you crying after you “stepped out” for a few minutes too long
“oh, y/n,” he was contemplating grabbing someone else to step in, but decided to sit next to you in the hallway, “i’m sorry, kiddo. i can’t promise you anything, but your dad is a fighter. a big pain in the ass. i think your odds are good”
laughing through your tears
“yeah, you’re right. thanks, sammy”
he gave you a little hug while you calmed down
getting to business, the ass-kicking kind
as the wise natasha romanoff once said to your father, you were being “uncharacteristically non-hyper verbal”
your mind did this funny thing...wandered into places it really should not go
the talk about sacrificing vision led to wakanda, where you had a swell time patrolling
“guys! we’ve got incoming. a lot of incoming”
well-deserved uncle/niece team up. who wouldve thought?
you would have nightmares about these aliens for years to come
“you get to die, and you get to die! everybody gets to die!”
“y/n, what did we talk about?” -rhodey
“using humor as a defense mechanism makes the team uncomfortable...”
covering the girls 😌 because we gotta have those all-girl teamups, uh-huh?
some more blasting
thor made his comeback and you just could not miss it
“hi, thor!”
you landed next to him and your helmet receded
“well, hello, miss y/n! good to see you again! my, you got taller...oh! meet my friends: rabbit and tree”
having a “what the actual fuck” moment upon seeing thanos for the first time
and flying at him from behind with a massive nanotech blade ready to kill this purple bastard
but he grabbed your arm and flung you into the dirt, that was gonna leave a mark
“i just had to make a suit when i was ten...no one stopped me, huh? i couldn’t be elon’s kid, he was a nice guy”
watching thanos snap his fingers and looking around to see dust floating through the air and thanos retreat
“rhodey? uncle rhodey?!”
“i’m right here, kid, don’t worry”
he grabbed your hand while you were dusting
“tell my dad i love him, promise?”
fading away and leaving rhodey with your last words
he was mad before anything else
all he could think about was a promise your dad made him take years back
“rhodey, you keep my daughter safe no matter what, promise?”
the avengers recooperating at the compound, waiting to figure out whether any of the space-crew survived
they had to let pepper know that you didn’t make it, she was a mess upon hearing that news
tony finally making his way back to earth
and stumbling out of that ship
“where’s y/n? where is she?!”
“tony, tony, calm down”
“dont tell me to calm down! where is my daughter?!”
“she made me promise to tell you thay she loves you”
tony knew the answer by now, he lost his mind over your death
it didn’t feel right not having you by his side, for the past 18 years you’ve been with him
after a long period of recovery, tony and pepper moved on, got married, built a home, had a new daughter...
tony made sure there was a spare room for you
he put all the things you left behind in it
there were so many photos of you in the house
and he’d show your sister, morgan, all of them. he wanted morgan to know her sister
“that’s y/n when she built her first robot. it snuck up on me a few times. it went ‘boo!’”
morgan loved the stories about you, but she didn’t understand why she couldn’t see you
“when do i get to meet her?”
“uh...maybe someday, sweetie”
after being unbothered for almost 5 years, the remaining avengers came back with a plan that was so tempting, he just wanted his little girl back
cracking under pressure and telling pepper that he couldn’t ignore this mission because it was his chance to get you back
“get her back, tony”
“you think so?”
“i miss her, too.”
and so it began, he made it his mission to get you back
peeking at the wallet picture of you on his shoulders when you were so little
tony travelling to 2012; loki’s invasion
and there you were, the sassy genius 12 year old that he missed so much
“we’ve got this, tony, we’ll bring her home” -scott
and then things went badly and also 2012 tony went into cardiac arrest and 2012 y/n dove onto the floor to tend to him
“dad? give us some room, would you?!”
2023 tony smiling at how much he missed you worrying about him and how reckless he was
but also...the mission kinda went bad so that sucked
push it a bit farther back and now tony was with grandpa stark! asking how to be a dad and all that!
he could barely stand still waiting for you to come back to him, god he missed you more than he thought
and after a bit of hard work, it was time to snap
just like that, you were back in wakanda, puzzled by the gap in time before one of dr. strange’s portals opened in front of you
and then you were in the ruins of the avengers compound
“JOSHUA, can you locate my dad?”
“i think you’ll be able to see him”
“wow, i cant believe i programmed your cocky artificial ass”
“i think you can”
seeing your dad flying high and patching into the comms
“miss me, old man?”
and then he hit the gas to get to you and when this man hugged you, you almost couldn’t let go
“i’m so sorry, y/n. god, i’m sorry. these last five years...i was so lost without you”
“it’s okay, dad, i’m here now”
getting shot at during your reunion
“son of a bitch...we’re having a family moment here, asshole!”
yes, im gonna say it again. of course i am! and.........father/daugher team-up
the last one
“peter, is that you? you asshole! i cant believe you went to space without me!”
“missed you too!”
rhodey!! cant forget about uncle rhodey!!
“you gave my dad the message, right?”
“it was your dying wish, of course i did!”
“great. don’t forget i love you, too, rhodey!”
“couldn’t let me forget it”
lest we forget that pepper joined the fight?
plot twist: (step)mother/daughter team-up
mother/father/daugher team up!!!! ultimate stark machine!!!!!!!
and then you left him alone for 5 minutes and he’s got the infinity stones and you know it’s the last time you’re going to see him and you cant decide what your next move is and you’re just frozen and you cant catch your breath and he snaps and your heart plummets
you have to rush to his side, the last time you can sit beside his tired body and let him know that its going to be okay
“hey dad, it’s okay, we’re gonna be fine. thank you for everything”
peter grabbing your hand as you both sobbed next to your dad, feeling robbed of your time with him
pepper brought you home where she told you all about the five years you missed
both of you just cried harder than you’ve ever cried before
“so i have a sister?”
morgan was so happy to meet you, she couldn’t contain herself, practically latched onto you
and she didn’t fully understand what happened to tony
you saw your new room for the first time and didn’t leave it for a while, occasionally pepper or morgan would pop in
morgan actually crawled into bed with you a few times
the funeral was one of the worst days of your life
the remnants of your young life pulled back together for one day
then you hid back in your room before you heard a knock
“who is it?”
“it’s happy”
“come in”
“hey, kiddo. me and morgan are gonna get some cheeseburgers, you wanna come?”
she really was a stark
after a long hibernation, you started to get back into the groove of your old life
but the press was brutal and harsh, you were bombarded with questions regarding your dad
it took everything not to explode on camera
you stayed in contact with the rest of the avengers, mourning your dead, keeping the support system, staying a family
it was all you could get...for now
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