#Or stealing bites of my food only to end up needing CPR because I like yew and hemlock greens
whotookmysenbon · 6 months
You've mentioned wisteria and deathcaps so far, so I'm guessing you're more a fan of plant-based toxins than animal- and metal-based ones like what Suna uses. Do you have a favorite to work with?
Ohohoh. Finally, a good fucking ask. Yes! I use mostly plant and fungus based poisons rather than metallic animal sourced poisons. This is for a variety of reasons. I'll break it down by type. (Editing note, throwing this under a read more cut because I got carried away and wrote an essay. Ino says it's rude to clog people's feeds with unwanted ridiculously long posts.)
Metallic poisons.
These are rare in Konoha because of the elements needed to make these poisons. Suna uses them occasionally but mostly it's Iwa and Kumo that are known for their metallic poisons. I don't use them because they're almost impossible for a cloak and dagger assassin like myself to use reliably. I'd be better off just dumping a bucket of acid on someone. They take weeks or even months to show symptoms, but once it's there you aren't stopping it. Metallic poisoning is almost always a 100% fatality. Lead, Chromium, Arsenic, those are all used in infiltration assassinations. The long plan, make it look like an accident type. Although, there was a case in Suna a while back about the Kazekage's brother nearly being taken out by a fast acting Mercury based poison, so I guess there are exceptions. You have to be careful with that though, because it is impossible to build up a resistance to metallic poisons. There is no antidote, no cure other than ripping the poison from the body via either extreme dilution or a prodigiously skilled medical nin.
Animal sourced poisons and venoms
These actually used to be Konoha's calling card, in the second shinobi war. Our huge centipedes are still used for venom occasionally when we want to make an example out of someone and make it clear Konoha did this. There's a problem with them though. The lesser problem is most animal venoms and poisons, while extremely fast acting, are curable with an antivenom or antidote. Still, with how fast they work it's pretty easy to circumvent that. It's not like puff-adder or water cobra antivenoms are included in field kits. No, the real reason this is far more rarely used is because the last real animal sourced poisons expert was Orochimaru. He used poison in everything in the second shinobi war and it kinda became one of his signatures. Then he passed the mantle of venom specialist onto Anko (who still technically holds that title to this day but rarely uses it) and retired to work on his ninjutsu and medical studies and we alllllll know how that ended up. Long story short, venoms and animal based poisons like from frogs and whatnot are far, far more heavily regulated because of how Orochimaru used them (which is stupid, a weapon is a weapon, it bears no hold on the wielder) and a pain to get ahold of unless a mission specifically requests it. So despite Konoha's surplus of venomous giant insects and tree snakes and home to the whole poisonous insect division with the Aburame, we tend to shy away from those stuff. (Except in war time, in which anything goes and if the only thing I have to tip my senbon in is rubbing them on the backs of whatever brightly colored frog I find, I'm gonna use it.)
Plant based poisons:
My specialty! Plant and fungal poisons are many, and easy to misdiagnose. Really fucking easy. Oh you have a fever and some stomach pain? You think you have a cold SIKE IT WAS SHROOMS AND YOUR FUCKIN DEAD-
And! With the forest of death and Lord First's leftover chakra absolutely everywhere, Konoha is great for growing poisonous plants. I personally prefer hemlock and nightshade because they get the job done fairly quickly, and are easy to slip into food. But when I get to have a little more fun with the target... Datura is hilarious, especially when mixed with wisteria. Because what's more fun than killing some asshole in cold blood, when you can make that same asshole wander in circles for three hours screeching at hallucinations and shitting himself and then choking on his own blood. Anyways. There's my little expose. Oh! Chakra poisons are also a thing, but nobody knows what the fuck they are or how to counter them really. Mostly the Aburame are familiar with them and hate them because it kills their freaky bugs.
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
First of all give Gwen a good belly rub and a kith om her head. I bet she is a good girl. Also, I don't know what kind of force bond thingy is this but you and I think in almost the same wa. No worries me likey!
AAA I was thinking about Fennec too! See told you we are connected,
Boba having grandpa moment sksksks but yes, he loves Fennec as much as he loves you,
Also, for the love of God, don't ask him to take photos of you,
All your selfies with him end up looking like this 😐Boba 🤗You,
Boba was feeling extra and bought two diamonds collars, one smaller for Fennec and a bigger one for you,
If, he was not a crime lord and didn't meet you he would end up being like a crazy old cat lady,
Is your head okay? It must be painful to have a brain the size of the universe.
Yes, yes, yes Paz definitely helps hurt animals and went out of his way to get rhe right diploma for that,
Din is butthurt when children flood him with question when will Mr Paz come again,
But he swallows his pride and totally participates in eco wokness classes,
Recently I watched a documentary on YouTube about japanese bunny cafe sooo
Paz has also area for the rabbits in the restaurant???
One day on his way to work Paz came across a pupper in distress and he performed a cpr on the dog, someone filmed it and it went viral,
You were scrolling through Instagram and had to double take
Wait was it? No it can't be
Omg Paz my hero, being friends with animals like a Disney princess,
I need you to lay down, your back must be hurt as well. Hurt from carrying this AU on your back queen.
Space themed room for Grogu 10/10 idea and your idea for the metal ball works so well!
Grogu + Din + Running = one day you end up tending to your boys, there are some scratches on their knees and elbows, but mostly Din took the damage(like it was bound to happen there are compilations of din landing on his butt),
Grogu's stroller must be made out of some, really resilient material (beskar??),
Grogu being freaked out by Fennec, like he sees a kitty but the kitty behaves like a doggo??? (srsly Maine Coons are the best high five bestie),
Boba tried to snap a pic of Grogu and Fennec, yeah, we know how it ended up looking,
Grogu desperately tries to steal and sneak in snacks for uncle Paz' pupper because it's so tiny, must feed it a lot! (oh bless his poor soul, little angel),
You and Din spent a whole day shopping for a space themed blankie, literally went to every shop possible, you were too dedicated to the cause but you ended up placing an order on-line,
When Boba had to go abroad for business, you settled on having a FaceTime date,
You wanted to surprise him so he would try his best to come back home as soon as possible,
You call him up appearing on his screen, wearing his favorite lingerie,
Only to end up to a close up of Boba's forehead and him saying
Princess I can't see you, can you hear me, baby girl are you there??,
Srsly what's wrong with him not being able to use the technology correctly,
You decided on sending him pictures, yours were really spicy, you wanted to show him what he was missing,
Well, he send you a pic too. You weren't sure if it was his arm, leg, or his dick.
Maybe you need to check if his camera is stuck on some type of foggy filter because it's just ridiculous at this point,
Sorry I kinda went all of the place with those. If you want to stick up to specific theme you can choose! Or we can just keep up the random brainstorming - 🐣
Kajdksmskaksb stop! You can't be this nice to me lmao. (Also its funny you mention that my brain must hurt bc I do have chronic headaches and migraines) oh and Gwen says thank you for the belly rub and kisses.....
Lmao Boba is a total grandpa when it comes to technology
He totally takes pictures for you like this
Tumblr media
Diamond collar you say 👀👀👀 (Boba's princess is totally inscribed on the inside)
This man is just fuckinv holding the phone like you would when speaking on the phone, you're just seeing the side of his head
He totally tried to send a disk pick but he only got his thigh and like part of his left ball in the picture, not that you can tell
How the fuck does this man have a phone that has the ability to take pictures as good as the best cameras out there manage to only get pictures that look like they were taken with a flip phone?!?!?!
Din's students definitely ask every day when Paz is coming, they just love him and it takes sssoooooo long for him to come back lmao
Paz's restaurant has places for all types of animals, it doesn't matter what they are he has thought of something for them, and he has food for all of them
Paz totally accidentally becomes viral and gets interviewed by so many news channels, and of course he uses the exposure for good and makes an Instagram to show case the restaurant, his organization, and all of the charities he helps
The Instagram blows up and becomes verified and all the money he makes from it he donates to a new charity each month
(He starts hanging up all the fanart he receives all over the restaurant, especially the ones done by kids)
Ok so Din coming home just covered in scratches and your just like 'wtf happened?!?!!'
Turns out Grogu tried to jump out of the stroller while he was jogging and he had to catch him
Din's entire arm and knee + part of his cheek are just scratched to hell, Grogu hand has a small scratch and he's acting like its the end of the world
Grogu + Fennec = over protective pet and the child that it protects
Fennec is constantly pulling Grogu back from trouble by biting his pants leg
Paz's chihuahua (aaaahhh we need a name) loves abusing Grogu's feeding them habit, constantly begging for food around him and he A L W A Y S finds a way to give them some even if you are watching him like a hawk
Also I raise you, Grogu's favorite movies and TV shows are Star Wars
You are constantly trying to convince Din that he looks like Pedro Pascal, but he always deny it
Jokingly one day you say, "you know what you're right Din, Pedro is so much hotter."
He pouts for the rest of the day
For his bday you get Grogu a Luke figure and post it to Twitter, Mark Hamill sees it and retweets it telling him happy bday and may the force be with you
Grogu totally flips out in excitement
Din makes Grogu his own mandalorian helmet that he helps him paint what colors he wants
Paz gets Grogu a telescope and a book about stars
Boba of course spoils the kid and gets the giant lego star wars sets, as well as one of the actual blasters used on set of the OG movies (its one of the ones that that really cool green bounty hunter used 😏)
Also this is us:
Tumblr media
Anyways, sorry I was all over the place, I just got so excited lmao!!!
(Send me THOTS!!)
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babypinkboobear · 4 years
Stars Who Listen
Chapter 4: They Listen to Friendships
The food in Bright Moon was so much better than the ration bars Catra ate when she was in the Horde. They had these things called “Chocolate covered Croissants” which were quite possibly the best thing Catra had ever tasted. For some reason she was only allowed to eat them in the morning though, Adora said she didn't get why either. Catra mostly just liked food that didnt come out of a package though. Which meant anytime there was food in front of her, Catra ate, as much as she could. Adora too. It's like they were scared the food would disappear.
“Guys, slow down! The food is not going to disappear if you take more than five minutes to clear your plate,” Glimmer said, clearly exasperated that her friends hadn't broken this habit yet. 
“Glimmers right,” Bow said, laughing, “It's not going anywhere”. They both knew that neither Catra or Adora had any plans to break this habit, ever. Adora had eaten like this when she first came to Bright Moon, so they assumed it was some kind of leftover Horde training. 
Catra glanced up, mismatched eyes flickering between Glimmer and Bow as she finished chewing what was in her mouth. “You don't know that, Arrow Bow. It could disappear at any moment or Sparkles could poof out of the room and cover it in glitter and ruin it,” She laughed as she said this though. Adora had missed Catra’s laugh.
 Of course Catra knew this was bullshit. Her and Adora both remembered the days when they wouldn’t quite eat fast enough and the older kids would steal their rations. They went hungry a lot when they were younger. Adora always used to share her rations with Catra if hers got stolen. Adoras rations only got stolen a few times, and the kids who stole hers always ended up in the medbay for a few days. They had been attacked by some animal with sharp claws. 
Catra had no clue what may have done it. It definitely wasn't her though. Nope, definitely not... Okay so maybe it was her, but she’d never do that now. Of course she wouldn't, she was a better person now, a kind, forgiving person. Didn't mean she regretted it though. They had stolen from her best friend. 
“ Ha I finished first, I win Catra!” Adora said, standing up, “and on that note, I have to head out to help Adare, Glimmer mind teleporting me there? We can go out into the hall so we don't ruin Catra’s food with your glitter” she said, before leaning down to kiss Catra goodbye.
“I love you, Catra. I should be home around dinner.” 
“I love you too, be careful”
“Always am”
“Promise?” Catra whispered.
“I promise” and Adora walked out into the hall, Glimmer on her heels.
Catra returned to her food. She didn't like being away from Adora, especially so soon after such an uncomfortable conversation. Hopefully, she got to stay with Glimmer and Bow. or maybe she would go hide in her and Adoras room with Melog. 
Out in the hallway, Adora was telling Glimmer about her and Catras conversation. It's quick and to the point. Adora asks Glimmer for one favor. 
“Don't leave Catra alone. She needs you and Bow to be there for her.”
Catra finished eating before Glimmer came back. She didn’t know if she should stay or leave, but when she stood up Melog basically slammed her back into her chair. She figured she should stay. Bow glanced up when that happened, laughing.
“Are you okay?” he asked, still fucking giggling.
“I'm fine Arrow Boy,” Catra replied, pseudo-irritation in her voice. She broke soon after, giggling along with him. “I guess Melog wants to hang out with you and Glimmer.” 
“Yeah I’m sure it's Melog who wants to hang out with us, ms. I-think-they-react-to-my- emotions.” Bow said, taking another bite of his food. He glanced at the door, clearly wondering what was taking Glimmer so long. He glanced back at Catra, “How much you wanna bet she got lost?” 
Glimmer poofed into the room. “Sorry guys, I got lost!”
Bow winked at Catra, and she had to cover her mouth to hide the giggles. Apparently it did jack shit all because Glimmer immediately said, “hey what's so funny” but she was clearly not in the slightest upset at Catra laughing. Her and Bow shared Adoras love of Catras laugh, it was nice to see her laughing so freely.
“Whatever, Bow do you mind coming with me to my room for a few minutes. Catra why don't you go change, we were thinking of going swimming. Sound good? We’ll grab you on our way back down.” Then she grabbed Bows arm and poofed out. A very common occurrence with Glimmer.
“Don't spend too long making out!” Catra said to the empty room, standing up and beginning the too long trek back to her room. Oddly she didn't mind swimming. Its water sprays she hates, and deep deep water. She stuck to the shallower end of pools, but she did enjoy them. Catra had grown used to Glimmer's bossy-ness, she didn't mean to be rude, she's just really hyper and gets excited easily. She felt lighter walking to her room, she was honestly happy that Adora had confronted her. It felt nice not to lie. Like a massive weight had been lifted off her chest. She just hoped there weren't many other princesses at the pool. She wanted some alone time with Glimmer and Bow. She wasn't sure when she had gone from merely tolerating their presence to actually enjoying spending time with them, but she was very glad she had. They were some of the best friends a girl could ask for. They had seen her at her worst and still came back, and she didn't feel like she owed them as much. Like with the other princesses she had to pretend to be happy-go-lucky like the rest of the rainbow squad, but Glimmer and Bow knew she was a bitch and still stuck around. It was nice.
Melog nudged her, and she blinked herself back into the real world. She had been doing that a lot, getting lost in her thoughts. She didn't remember the walk to her room, but here she was, in front of those absurdly ornate doors. She walked in, grabbing a bathing suit that was basically a sports bra and spandex bottoms, but it was white and gold. Adoras colors. She had been wearing Adoras colors a lot lately. It was like being surrounded by the woman she loved all the time, she loved it. She also grabbed a pool cover, a lacy thing that served no purpose, but Glimmer said she just had to have one. It was white and gold and it was Adoras. Hers was dirty actually because she had been swimming pretty often, which was funny considering before coming here the only time she would swim was during those awful training scenarios. They forced the horde kids to almost drown for hours at a time. Those were Catras least favorite training ‘simulations’. They were not simulations, they were very real. She had watched kids have to be given CPR and taken to the medbay on multiple occasions, so no not simulations. 
A massive poof of glitter brought Catra out of her thoughts. She had done it again, disappeared into her head. She had no clue how long she had been staring out the window.
“Are you ready to go swim! I'm so excited!” Glimmer was bouncing off the walls as usual. She had relaxed a ton since the war ended. If she wasn't actively doing her ‘Queenly Duties’ she let herself have fun. Catra was happy to see her happy (so was Bow of course, but he's her boyfriend so it's expected). And Catra actually was excited to swim.
Glimmer's suit was a pink and purple bikini with hearts all over it. Clearly a nod to Bows classic crop top. Bow was in swim trunks and when the sun hit them just right they glittered pink and purple, again with the whole wearing the significant others' clothing/colors. Catra was learning that it was a tradition in Etheria, one she hadn't been exposed to in the horde but one she loved nonetheless.
Glimmer moved to teleport Catra and Bow to the pool, but as she was about to grab Catras wrist she stopped, one hand hovering over Catra’s wrist, her other holding Bow's hand. “Actually let's walk” She said, and Catras heart filled with happiness. This is why these were her best friends.
The walk to the pool was slow and peaceful. She felt light as air, like she could float away into the stars and die peacefully. She loved it here, knowing her girlfriend loved her and was safe, knowing she had friends who cared for her even after everything. They chatted about everything and nothing all at once. And Catra was happy.
“So I looked at the guard and said how did the picture end up in jail?” Bow said, clearly containing his laughter, “It was framed!” 
Glimmer visibly cringed, glancing at Catra with a look that screamed this is the man I have chosen to be with. Catra giggled, jokes weren't really a thing in the Horde, unless it was at the expense of someone else. She actually really liked Bows jokes, she always laughed at them, and at glimmers face when he told them.
“What? It's funny,” Bow said, a tad bit insulted. He really thought Glimmer would laugh at that one. 
“Nothing babe. It was totally funny. Catra laughed!” Glimmer said, laughing at Bows offended face. He really was the cutest.
“Yeah but i wanted to make you laugh,” Bow said, pouting. Glimmer kissed him in sympathy.
“Gross guys, seriously do you really need to do that right now?” Catra groaned, splashing water at the two. She missed Adora and they didn't need to rub in the fact that her girlfriend was off being She-ra and not here holding Catra. She quickly realized that splashing those two was not a good idea, because Glimmer and Bow decided to splash her back. “Hey, two on one isnt fair!”
“You started it,” Glimmer said.
“What are you, 12” Catra said, “You started it, blah blah blah, you run Etheria with that childish attitude?” Catra knew she was being snarky, but they had splashed her, which she fucking hated. 
“Break it up ladies,” Bow said, nudging Catra, “you did start it though”. 
Catra was about to absolutely destroy her best friends in a splash battle as revenge when Perfuma and Scorpia walked in. Catra sank until only her nose and eyes were above water. She loved scorpia but things had been so awkward between them ever since their falling out in the horde. She’d just make herself as small and unnoticeable as possible, so she wouldn't have to deal with it. If they just stayed on the other side of the pool-
“Hello Glimmer, Bow, Catra,” Perfuma said, with her stupid voice that managed to sound like flowers speaking, how can something sound like flowers speaking that doesnt even make sense. “How are you all on this fine afternoon?” She asked.
Catra didn't understand why she sounded so formal all the time. It made her feel… weird. Nobody in the horde spoke that way.
“ We’re good! How are you?” Glimmer said, sounding way too happy to have someone join their little group. Catra didn't want her friends to be stolen away by Princesses who didn't even like her.
“ I am doing well,” Perfuma said. 
Scorpia sat down on the edge of the pool, Perfuma between her legs, back leaning on the side of the pool. Catra stayed silent as their conversation carried on. She heard Scorpia say hi to the group. Sounding far happier than she ever did with Catra, which is no surprise. Hopefully they just didn't interact with her. She could just stay quiet till they left, and not have to talk-
“Catra! How have you been?” It was Scorpia, of course it was Scorpia. The stars must hate her today. Adora’s not here and now she has to talk to all these princesses and deal with Scorpia, who she loves and hurt so much in the past. And her chest is tightening, fuck, not here please not here. She can't breathe, She needs to get it together, she can't do this in front of them. Her eyes are watering, she's crying, she can't breathe. Fuck. 
“Catra are you okay?”
“What happened?”
She didn't know who was saying what.
“Is she okay?”
“Catra, what's going on”
“She is having a panic attack.” 
That was Perfuma. Her voice was distinct. Someone was grabbing her hands. Pulling her into their chest. Another was stroking her hair. 
“Catra, sweetheart, I need you to focus on me okay? We are going to breathe in for 5 seconds, hold our breath for 5 seconds, and breathe out for 7 seconds okay. We are going to do it together. I will count for you alright?” It was Perfuma talking again. She was the one stroking her hair. So that means either Glimmer or Scorpia was hugging her. Fuck.
“Breath in for me okay? 1,2,3,4,5 and hold. 1,2,3,4,5. Now exhale, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Again”
She didn't know how long this continued for. Eventually her tears dried and she could breathe again, she could speak again. And then the apologies came. One right after the other. They were barely understandable, mumbled into the chest of whoever was hugging her. And then she tried to pull away, to run, like she always did, because she's a coward and everyone would be better off without her. She’d leave and they could go back to their happy conversations and, and, and, fuck! Someone was behind her. 
She glanced up and around, trying to make sense of where everyone was. Trying to find an escape route. Glimmer was hugging her, Scorpia on her left, Perfuma on her right, that left Bow behind her. She was boxed in. She couldn't get away. Fuck. 
“Im fine guys. I don't know what happened. I'm sorry,” Catra was trying to deflect. Everyone knew this. 
“Its okay if you aren't fine though Catra. You can talk to us. We love you and we hate to see you sad,” Glimmer said softly. Scorpia and perfuma nodded in agreement. 
Bow rubbed her back lightly, “She's right Catra, you can always talk to us. You aren’t a bother”. 
How the fuck did they know exactaly what she wanted to hear. But they must be lying. She hurt them so much.
“We have forgiven you Catra. Nobody is angry with you. We all think you are amazing” was this bitch a mindreader. How the fuck did Perfuma know what Catra was thinking. She couldn't do this. She needed to get away.  She was pushing past them. Fuck, she should stay. Listen, but she can't, they must hate her. They have too, because if they don't hate her then.. She must be the only one who hates herself. And she couldn't deal with that. So she was going to leave before she started to believe their lies.
She managed to get past Glimmer, hopping out of the pool and grabbing her towel. “I think I’m going to head to my room guys. I'll see you at dinner”. And she was walking out. 
Perfuma is the one who made chase, she grabbed Catras wrist and pulled her to a stop. “Catra, if you would like to talk sometime, about what you are going through or why you were upset, I am always here”.
“I appreciate that Perfuma, but I’m fine. Really. I think I’m probably just tired”. Catra tugged her wrist out of Perfuma’s grip and definitely did not run away. No she walked calmly, because she was just tired. 
Glimmer glanced at Bow, Scorpia, and Perfuma. Catra was too far away to hear the plan they made to make Catra accept their help and love. And also to make her talk to them.
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a-book-dragon · 5 years
A Valvert fic
Ok.. This piece was quite hard. Please, I BEG YOU, don’t judge my style, English is not my native language though  I try to improve every day by reading other people’s works. I write a lot better in my own, Bulgarian.
This is a Post-Seine fic; the characters areValjean, Javert, Cosette and Marius. I label it as fix-fic, a little fluff, a little hurt and comfort, much shipping.
There is no explicit violence or sex here. Only a kissing scene (my first one, wohoo!). So I would rate it “teen and up”.
It’s also the first gay relationship I’ve written (yay for awkward, hot, virgin, probably asexual, but defintely romantic old gay dudes!).
"He isn´t here... how strange", Jean Valjean thought to himself. He quickly got out, just in time to see a shadow disappear behind the corner. The man followed it carefully. He was dirty, exhausted and overwhelmed of all the emotions and dangers of the day, but he suspected that Javert was going to call reinforcements, arrest him and probably attack his home. He didn't care about himself, but Cosette, Toussaint and the rest of the inhabitants were also there. And he knew what Javert was capable of to fulfill the law.
Jean followed him to the bridge. There the other man stared in the river for a long time, entered the police office, went out again (alone, thanks God)! After staring in the river again, Javert suddenly stepped on the guardrail and jumped.
Jean Valjean was puzzled and shocked. But without hesitation, he ran under the bridge. If he jumped right from it, he would collapse hitting in the cold water. The man took off his coat and shoes and dove into the river. In the first moment he felt like all his blood vessels, muscles and bones were frozen. His heart started pumping and he had trouble breathing even before gulping water. It was a torture for his body to hold his head above the lightning-fast waves, let alone save another person.
When he had almost lost hope, Valjean noticed a big black thing (Javert!), grabbed him by the hand, summoned all of his strength and pulled him out of the whirlpool that was about to suck him in the deep. Luckily, he was near the other side of the river and in a desperate attempt caught at a stone of the bridge and climbed on hard ground, dragging the body of Javert. For a long moment, Valjean was just sitting there, coughing loads of water and thanking God, just like he had done earlier this long, long night.
It took him some time to remember that he had a dying man next to him and hurried to do CPR and loosen his clothes. Javert was still alive and breating, so Jean put his own coat on him, lifted him and headed home. All the hospitals were closed at the time, so he decided to bring him to his home. He also had to decide how to explain Cosette the unfortunate event.
"Cosette... I have no choice, I'll reunite her with that guy, Marius. I hope she won't forget me, a miserable man, whom she calls Father without him deserving it...".
These sad thoughts were interrupted by something even more depressing - the weight of the unconscious Javert and his own body, which already refused to function. Gosh, was he tired of carrying fainted guys around. The night wind was biting him, as he was soaked with water. Gladly, they were at the front door of his home. After stumbling against the door, forgetting to open it in the first moment, Valjean brought the body upstairs, entered his apartament silently and put Javert on his bed. He changed him in his own old clothes and put all the blankets he found over him. Then he made a big fire in the fireplace and moved the bed near it.
All of a sudden, he started trembling uncontrollably and collapsed on the ground, almost unconscious. He could only pull the carpet and wrap himself with it before he fell in a dreamless sleep.
- Papa! PAPA! - Cosette woke him up, banging on the door.
Gosh. He needed several seconds to remove the carpet, get off the floor (what was he doing there?) and hurry to open the door.
- Cosette, don't enter! - he shouted, got out and slammed it.
- Papa, you never oversleep and always look preppy - the girl, stylish even in her everyday dress, looked critically at the creased and still wet clothes her dad had slept in. – What’s up?
- Umm honey, I had lots of work to do and fell asleep in my chair. And my room is a mess...
- Shall I call Toussaint?
- No, no, I'll sort it out. – the old man cringed. – Isn't it time for you two to do the groceries? By the way, I assure you Marius is now safe in his home, though he has a serious injury. He will be very thankful if you sew some bandage for him.
- Oh yes! Can’t wait to help Marius! First gotta go, but I'll talk to you later, dear monsieur!
He smiled. He used to call her "dear mademoiselle" when she was young to boost her confidence when the girls in the convent bullied her for being ugly. He never understood them. His daughter was the most beautiful girl in the world!
"I'm really getting old, I shouldn't get lost in memories", when Valjean made sure the women were gone, he returned to his room. He was glad to see that Javert was better and his breathing and heartbeat were back to normal. Jean removed all the sharp objects from his sight (the man had tried to commit suicide, after all).
Javert opened his eyes while the other man was sitting on his chair with a book to fill his time waiting for him to wake up.
- What? Where am I? - he looked around in confusion.
Valjean peered above the book.
- Ah, at last! You are awake. Do you need anything?
- AAAARGHHHHHHH! - Javert tried to escape, but fell onto the floor, groaning in pain. He lifted his eyes, full of more hate than fear. - JEAN VALJEAN! I only wanted to die, but you´re here to torture me again!
- Stop. - Valjean said firmly, forcing him to go back to bed. - You will hurt yourself.
- Why would you even care - Javert hummed, letting Valjean put him in bed because he had no strength to do anything else. - In your eyes, I shall be a criminal. Like you were in mine.
- Were... well, I'm happy you won't arrest me. – Jean replied with a grin. – And whatever you’ve done, you’re a human in trouble. Isn't it enough? I was actually ready to get arrested. It was your right.
- First, I’m not a “human in trouble”. I am – was – completely capable, it was you who were creating me trouble. Second, stop pretending to be so freaking pure and shaming my own selfish ass! I refuse to talk to a weird person like you. Just give me a knife, ok? Or better, a gun.
- I have a better idea. – Valjean rolled his eyes. – Going to prepare some tea and food. Then I’ll decide what to do with you and how to explain Cosette everything.
- Just throw me in the river, where you took me from.
- I don’t think to do that. All lives are important and no matter if you see the meaning of yours, it has one. God has created humans like that.
- Except your life, right? You threw yourself in a river for a person who WANTED to die, you fake righteous shit with no self-respect!
Javert had no idea what he was saying - he had seen Jean doing lots of crazy and risky things, but he never could've known how the former convict’s memory always turned back to the person he was once. Back then, he was ready to kill, rape, steal, hurt, lie... And what he did was unforgivable. He totally deserved rotting in jail, but he would be more useful raising Cosette, helping the poor and saving people's lives. He hoped to wash away his crimes that way. But he knew he never could.
- You have no answer, your “morals” are so shallow!- Javert turned to the other side.
“Said the one who attempted to end his life because his value system failed him”, Valjean did his best to keep this to himself.
- Oh, I'm such an idiot! The food! – he facepalmed instead, ran to the kitchen and quickly prepared some sandwiches and tea. Brought them to Javert who reluctantly accepted to eat a bit.
Just after that Cosette and Toussaint returned with grocery baskets.
- Umm… I have to tell you what happened last night - Jean said to them after opening the door. – I couldn’t sleep and went for a walk. Then I saw a man in the river, near its side – he had probably fallen of some bridge. I took him here, he’s in my room and will probably stay there for some time before I take him to the hospital. Any objections?
- Of course not, papa! – Cosette smiled. – It’s great that you helped a person!
- He saved me – the girl jumped out of fright, hearing a hoarse voice. – This bastard risked his miserable life to take me out of the river.
Cosette, outraged (in the convent where she had grown saying words like “bastard” was a major sin), stormed into Valjean’s room where Javert was lying.
- How dare you insult my father? If what you’re saying is true, you better be thankful! He has always deserved better than he received, don’t make things worse!
- Young lady, you make me want to end my life even more – Javert rolled his eyes. – Could you please shut up and go play with your dolls?
- Javert, stop. – Valjean interfered, hiding his clenched fists in the pockets of his coat. – My daughter Cosette just loves me too much, she has done you no wrong.
- What an amusing couple are you two! I just have to insult one of you in front of the other and see when I’ll get killed.
- Well, you’re also much more amusing after “falling” in a river. You probably discovered your sense of humor there – Valjean knew this was passive-aggressive, but when it was about Cosette…
- Do you know each other from before? – the girl raised her eyebrow in suspicion.
- We were… coworkers once – this wasn’t a lie, right? When he was Monsieur Madeleine, Javert was his subordinate.
- Whatever, losers. Just let me sleep now. – Javert, who already didn’t care about his pride, image, laws and even life, now had let all his anger and frustration out in the form of sarcasm. Or at least Jean Valjean thought so.
- Geez, papa. I would punch this man, if he wasn’t sick.
- Annoying coworkers, they are everywhere – Jean shrugged.
- By the way, I’m going to prepare some bandage for Marius!
- I’m happy… You will see him soon – her dad had many feelings thinking of this particular moment, but happiness wasn’t one of them.
- Ok, see you at breakfast! – The teenager stormed to her room.
Jean used his time to call a doctor, who took Javert to the hospital. No more sarcasm! But at times he checked how the other man was going, despite of being physically and emotionally busy around Cosette and the wedding preparation.
Jean Valjean turned back home, sat in his chair and desperatelly covered his face with hands. He wanted to cry, but had no more tears left. Every sign for Marius that he shall leave them alone, every "Mr. Jean" from his dear child Cosette, every refusal for any affection from him... it was killing him. He was doing it to himself, he knew. But who needed him, an old criminal, anymore? He had done his job. And deserved nothing else.
He felt an almost physical pain. The end was near... Then he heard loud banging on the door.
- Enter! - Valjean said.
And they entered. First - Cosette, then - Marius (both handcuffed) and lastly - Javert!
- What is the meaning of that? - Valjean felt as if he was dreaming.
- Papa! - Cosette started jumping around him like a girl. That long-forgotten word soothed the wounds of the old man's soul - You know what happened? Inspector Javert helped us research who had saved him, interrogated my terrible "keeper" Thénardier and all the evidences point to you! Now, inspector, can you remove the handcuffs so I can hug my father?
Javert did it with something that looked like a slight smile. Cosette didn’t seem to hate him anymore.
- Accept my apologies. You're a hero, Mr. Valjean - Marius was all red. – If only I could repay you…
- No problems! You're like my own son - Valjean said sincerely and tears filled his eyes. He was overwhelmed by emotion and unable for stopping them running down his cheeks.
- Oh, Papa! So glad we learned it now! - Cosette noticed them and hugged him. - Sorry for causing you so much pain! You stupid man! You should have told us the whole truth!
- One more month without you would kill him – Marius agreed.
- In reality, he caused the pain to himself, right? - Javert, who was just watching the scene up to now, interrupted them. – This is dumb, because “All lives are important. No matter if you see the meaning of yours, it has one.”
- You're right. I shall forget the past. Thank you, thank you very much! - Valjean stood up and shook Javert’s hand so tightly that he almost broke it.
- No porblems... friend - this word was new for Javert and he stumbled a little. He left the happy family in the room with a little smirk on his face. His first happy smile from years.
In the next 2 months, Javert had been visiting their house so often that he became a part of the family. A quiet and strict part, but still a part. Him and Jean Valjean had long conversations about politics, sociology, economy and law. For Valjean’s surprise, non-fanatic and non-suicidal Javert was a trustworthy and interesting person.
As for Cosette and Marius, they were still living their love bliss and were adorable in their naivety. The old men were often joking about them – good-intentionally, of course.
One evening, when everybody else was sleeping, they were sitting on the balcony, snacking on fruits, wine (and, of course, bread) and having a conversation about the smallest details of their past.
- Amongst the criminals, I was constantly beaten, because they hated my attitude. Once I scolded them to the police and then couldn’t move one week – Javert gulped a big mouthful of wine. – And the decent citizens never paid attention to me, for them I was no more important than a stray dog.
- Sounds terrible – Valjean shook his head and tapped Javert’s shoulder.
- Sorry, you don’t have to listen to my self – pity. I think I’m drunk…
- But you just drank one glass – Jean laughed.
- I have never drank. Probably once… I don’t remember. And what about you, Mr. Righteous? – Javert laughed hoarsely.
- I had to drink all the winters in prison, otherwise I would freeze.
- Really sorry for causing this to you…
- No problems. Now it’s time for you to go home.
- You’re right – Javert lifted himself from the chair, but staggered and convulsively caught to his friend’s collar to not fall on the ground. His breath stopped. Jean looked surprised – but not unpleasantly.
Heat raised to Javert’s head. He leaned forward until their faces were centimeters close. Jean Valjean was blushing hard and his heartbeat could be heard from a meter away. He hesitantly lifted his hand and ran his fingertips up to Javert´s neck. His hand was fiery hot, but it sent shivers down the other man´s spine. Then Valjean stood on his toes, being too short to do otherwise, and pressed a gentle kiss on his lips.
Javert was hanging there awkwardly, not knowing what to do with his hands, grasping for air. Suddenly he grabbed a handful of Jean´s hair and pulled him into a passionate, devouring kiss.
The men didn´t realize how their hands twitched together.
A/N –  Though society back then wasn’t tolerant to LGBT people, it was no problem for Jean Valjean and Javert, because they acted like friends or soulmates, loving and respecting each other most of the time, as most old, long-married happy couples do. Their time for mad, perfect love had already passed. Though Cosette suspected something, she just nodded and smiled, happy for her father.
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twinklefaerie12 · 7 years
Part of Your World, A Tarquin Fan fiction, Part i
It took me about a week to finally get working on this but here it is! The first installation of my Tarquin fan fiction :) I’m so excited for everyone to read this and I hope you like it. It’s a little long, got carried away haha. @writtenbyourstruly credit to this lady for giving me the ideas for this fic and the things that happen in it!!! 
Can you find the inspiration for this fic because I was highly influenced and now I can’t go back lol enjoy!
It was the anniversary of the end of the war between Prythian and Hybern. Five years had passed and the entirety of Prythian was celebrating within their courts.
Tarquin walked through the halls of his home, tugging down the sleeves of his tunic. He gave a smile to all of his servants who passed, everyone enjoying the party he had put together for the occasion  
He walked outside, sun gleaming against his skin as he stepped down towards the sea side to greet any and all who had come to the festivities. He was glad they had five years of peace now behind them. Moving away from the past and starting a new future. The entire back of his home was bedecked in fae light, fabrics to imitate the sea, chairs and tables lines with drinks and food.
Tarquin walked down the back steps, his seafoam pants hugging his muscled legs as he strolled through the crowd. Drinks were flowing and laughter could be heard through the many people. He put on a smile, glad to see his people happy.
The first few years had been a struggle, finding a way to put everything back together after the war and the specific attack on his own court. It had been difficult finding a way to have peace with the humans but it had been done and everything was prospering well.
As he walked, he shook hands with the lesser fae of his court, greeting them and wishing them a good year. He was glad people could find happiness on this day, celebrating their victory and future peace. A few people approached him, thanking him for yet another party and he couldn’t help but chuckle.
He picked up a glass of champagne, chuckling at groups who were already growing drunk. He really shouldn’t have ordered so much alcohol for the party but there was nothing to be done now.
Tarquin walked towards the edge of the party, towards the shore. Listening to the gentle waves and sipping on his glass. Out of the corner of his eyes he spotted the small shack building, the very same building the Night Court had broken into to steal right from under his nose.
He sighed at the memory, still struggling to form any sort of friendship with the Night Court. He turned his head, looking over at the waves hitting the sand when he sighed.
He noticed a body lying in the sand, assuming it was an already very drunken party guest. The sun had already started to set, the party planned to go into the night, as he set his glass into the sand and walked towards them.
No point in leaving them laying face first in the sand to puke in when they woke up. He walked over to them, frowning when he noticed their lower half was in and out of the water as the waves moved.
He picked up speed, going over to them quicker. He crouched down, seeing the long locks of golden hair. It was a woman, and definitely not one from his court. He placed a hand on the person’s shoulder, pulling them up onto their side. His eyes scanned over the fair face, gentle features covered in sand.
It was a woman, from the looks of her face. She was wearing oversized male clothing, but her hands were small and fragile. She was beautiful, sand crusting her entire front half and buried in her hair. He carefully moved his hand to press against her neck, searching for any sign of a pulse.
He frowned when he didn’t feel a heartbeat, placing the woman down onto her back. He quickly opened up the baggy shirt, starting to pump his hands against her chest. He needed to restart her heart, something Thesan had taught him if he couldn’t be found.
Tarquin still didn’t know the full extent of his powers and doing simple CPR would have to do. He pinched her nose and breathed air into her mouth, going back to pumping his hands onto her chest. Hoping that he was doing everything right, counting his beats under his breath.
He kept going, breathing air into her mouth then back to her chest over and over again. He went back to pinch her nose one last time when her body jerked and water spit out of her mouth.
Tarquin straightened his back slightly, letting her turn her head as she coughed up water and gasped for air. He sighed, thanking Thesan for teaching him such a trick years ago.
“My lady are you alright?” He asked her, still slightly hunched over her body as she laid flat in the sand again, chest heaving as she breathed quickly.
“Where-where am I?” she choked out, voice hoarse from swallowing too much sea water.
“You’re in the Summer Court. What happened?” He asked, looking down at the golden haired woman as she sighed. She shook her head, taking in deep and long breathes as he stayed over her. He wondered what had happened to her, for her to be wearing male clothing and washed up on his sea shore.
He called for assistance, wanting to get her up and inside before night fall came.
“Miss, what is your name?” He asked, hoping she would be able to answer one of his questions. A servant came up to him, just as she opened her eyes and looked up at him.
Her mouth opened, as though she had an answer but she stopped, no sound coming from her lips. She frowned, looking between him and the servant, then down at the sand and the water that was soaking his knees.
“I-I don’t know. I can’t remember.” She mumbled and the servant looked at him. “Amnesia.”
“That’s okay, let’s get you inside and we’ll help you.” He said, reaching out a hand for her to take. He still had no idea where she came from or who she was, but he would help her. She had washed up on his own shores and Cauldron be damned if he would leave her to fend for herself.
She hesitated, not knowing who he was either and looked at his face, keeping her hand to herself.
“I can help you, please come with me. I won’t harm you.” He said in a gentle voice, giving her a kind smile.
The woman carefully placed her hand in his, letting him get to his own feet before he helped her up. The servant stayed beside them, watching to make sure she wouldn’t fall over.
Tarquin held her hand, pulling her up to her feet and began to walk. She kept staring down at her feet as she tried to walk, her legs growing wobbly and she started to fall. He already had an arm around her waist, pulling her against him to keep her up before she could fall back down into the sand. “Careful, easy.” He said looking down at her.
She looked up at him, eyes wide as she griped onto his jacket with her thin hands. He kept his arm wrapped around her waist. “Take it easy,” He said gently as she nodded slowly, looking back down at her feet as he started to help her walk up to his home very slowly.
The servant stayed with them as they walked, a few people looking at the curiously as they passed through the party area. ‘Who is that’ and ‘is she all right’ being murmured through the people and he sighed knowing they would question him about it later.
“Call for Thesan, I need him to restore her memory.” He told the servant and they nodded, running off as their High Lord had ordered.
“Your room is just up this hallway. Can you make it?” He asked her, noticing she was staring down at her feet again. She hadn’t let go of his jacket the entire time and he wondered if she was okay.
She nodded, biting down onto her lip as she looked down the hallway. He started walking again, having paused only to make sure the servant did what he asked. He really needed to get her memory back, to help her get home and know what had happened to her.
The woman released one hand, clutching the open shirt closed that he had pulled open earlier. His cheeks burned red at the sight, looking straight down the hall where the guest bedroom was that she would use.
Thankfully everyone was outside for the party except for a few servants. So no one would see her or bother her in the room.
“This will be your room while you’re staying here.” He said, walking her over to a chair and sat her down. She clutched her shirt, averting his eyes as she looked around the room.
“I’ll send someone in to help draw you a bath and get you some fresh clothes.” He said to her, knowing his own presence in doing such things wouldn't be appreciated.
She simply nodded, looking around the room as her eyes stayed tinted with fear. He thought it best to leave, calling in a young servant to help her. He walked towards the door as the servant helped her stand up.
Tarquin reached the doorway going to shut the door.
“Thank you.” She said quickly, looking over at him. He turned around, giving her a small smile and dipped his head. “If you need anything, I am at your service.” He said and shut the door behind him.
She looked around the room, still shaken from waking up in a strange place. She didn’t really know where she was, even if he had told her it was the Summer Court. That meant nothing to her and she was scared. She couldn’t remember anything, couldn’t remember why she woke up on the beach or who she even was.
“Let’s get you in the bath, it’ll make you feel better.” The servant said kindly and she nodded. She let the woman peel off her wet and sandy clothes, discarding them somewhere as she was helped into the warm bath. Her body didn’t need warming as the entire place was hot and humid but it did feel nice.
Her body felt weak and tired but she didn’t want to sleep. She needed to know where she was, remember who she was.
“Try to relax. Lord Thesan will bring your memory back?” She said brushing through her wet hair getting all the sand out of it.
“How will he do that?” She asked, not knowing how someone could do that. She didn’t really know anything, now that she thought about it.
The servant raised a brow, giving out a small laugh. “He’s High Lord of Dawn, he can heal you.”
She still didn’t understand, pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear, bringing her knees up to her chest. She felt the servant’s hands pause their brushing. “Are you done?” She asked softly, secretly wanting her to keep brushing her hair. She liked it, that she knew at least.
The woman’s eyes were wide, staring down at her and she frowned. “Are you okay?” She asked the servant. “Oh yes, just fine. Let’s get you dressed.” She said. The sound of warm clothes sounded nice, standing up and followed her into the closet to change.
They dried her off before she was placed into a flowing gown of light green. It was pretty, the color favoring her skin tone. “I think-I think I like this color.” She said, remembering that a lot of her clothes were in the shade.
“That’s good! You’re remembering.” The servant said, focusing on anything but her face. “Let’s dry your hair and maybe I can braid it for you?”
“That sounds nice.” She said softly, being lead towards the vanity when a knock came from the door. The servant woman walked over, a tall very tan guard behind the door. His armor looked like fish scales and they made her raise her brow. Why do they look like fish? She thought to herself as the servant turned back to her.
“Lord Tarquin would like to see you now.” She said.
She was about to ask who that was when she was ushered back out of the room. She instantly grew anxious, not ready to be around people again as a few couples passed them, giggling and blushing.
She bit her lip, feeling anxiety building up in her chest as the servant walked her down a few halls, an arm wrapped around her back to keep her steady. She stared at everything; the walls, paintings, small details in the ceilings and floors. It was all so-interesting and she felt as though she hadn’t seen anything like it before. She didn’t know how to explain it, but the place seemed far too good to be real.
They walked up to a large door, cracked open and she heard someone talking. A deep voice, like the man from earlier as she pushed the door opened and they walked inside. The man from earlier was sitting at a desk and she sighed. At least it was someone she had already met but it didn’t really ease the tightness in her chest.
“There you are,” He said standing from his seat. His jacket had been straightened from when she had last seen it. He walked around the large table that was covered in a few trunks and random items.
“How are you doing?” He asked her as she approached, the servant letting go of her. She wobbled slightly but steadied herself when he reached out to help her. “I’m fine, confused and scared but-fine.” She said feeling small compared to his tall form.
“I’m glad to hear that.” he said with a soft smile, charming and inviting. It made her ease and she stopped clutching the thin skirt of her dress she hadn’t noticed she had been holding.
She looked at the table behind him, curious about the items splayed out. He noticed her gaze, looking behind him for a moment as though having forgotten about the other items in the room. “Anything look familiar?” He asked.
She walked up to the table, looking down at the items. She tilted her head slightly, picking up a small hand mirror. It had small roses engraved in the silver handle, the mirror cracked. She brushed away small specks of sand with her fingers gently.
Looking down at the mirror, something stirred and she frowned. She felt like she remembered the mirror, but nothing came up. It was frustrating her so she set down the mirror and moved on.
“We were able to find these things along the shore hoping they were yours. Possibly  able to bring back your memory.” he said watching her.
She stopped in front of a trunk, looking over at him with raised brows. “These are mine? But what about your friend? Thernin or something.” She said unable to really remember the name correctly.
It made him chuckle, crossing his arms over his chest. “Thesan won’t be able to make it for a few days, so for now hopefully these will help.”
She nodded, turning back to the trunk. She carefully reached out her hands, popping open the buckles on the sides and opened it up. It was full of clothing, dresses and shoes she didn’t recognize. As she remembered, most of the items were a shade of green or blue. Her hands carefully pushed around the clothes, trying to stir any memories but it wasn’t working. She sighed, stepping away from the table. “I don’t remember anything else.” She said looking back over at him.”
“Else?” He asked raising a brow curiously, unaware she had any memory back at all.
“I remembered I like this color.” She said, pulling up a bit of the skirt of her dress and he nodded.
“I see, and you still don’t remember your name?” He asked, and she thought about it. But she still couldn’t remember what people called her so she shook her head. “No i’m afraid not.” She said a little disappointed.
Tarquin, looking over at her. “Well, then i’ll just have to pick another name for you until you remember your actual one.” He said casually.
“Another name?” She said raising a brow. He chuckled, “I need to call you something other than ‘woman’ now don’t it.”
She blushed, growing flustered and shrugged. “I guess so.” She said messing with the material of her dress.
Tarquin walked over to her, looking down at her trying to think up a name to call her by. He went through many options in his mind as she stared at his boots, knowing just how close he had come to her. She sucked in a breath when a finger titled her head back up to look at him. His blue eyes stared down into her own as a smile slipped across his lips. 
“I think i’ll call you Saphire from now on. Is that okay with you?” He said, dropping his arm back down to his side.
She couldn’t help but be in awe of his looks. Of his tanned skin and his crystal blue eyes. He was a handsome man, not really having anything else to contrast him to. She nodded, entirely okay with his suggestion.
“Then Saphire, i’m afraid I must leave you now.” He said and she frowned. Where was he going?
“I have a party that requires my appearance sadly. I would gladly stay here with you but I need to address my court before the night is over.” He said, knowing he hadn’t really done so earlier. It was the one time his court got to really see him and he couldn’t miss it.
She turned saddened, not wanting him to leave her now. For some reason, being around him brought her security. Made her feel safe and she felt something familiar about him, something that made her want to be around him but she just couldn’t remember.
“C-could I come with you?” She asked, not wanting to be alone.
Tarquin smiled, holding out his arm for her to take. His muscles showed off in his tight tunic as her hand slipped up around his arm. “Shall we?” He asked, leading her out of the room.
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sara-reading1 · 4 years
live my life without [coming up for air] by orphan_account
The first time he meets Clarke, it's three in the morning and all he's wearing are his boxer shorts and a bad case of bed head.
Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin
Octavia Blake/Raven Reyes
Jasper Jordan
Monty Green
Finn Collins
Bellamy Blake
Clarke Griffin
Raven Reyes
Octavia Blake
Alternate Universe
Alternate Universe - College/University
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
mucho fluff
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
bellamy is a sap
students yo
The first time he meets Clarke, it's three in the morning and all he's wearing are his boxer shorts and a bad case of bed head.
It's October, which means it's cold as fuck, and he's got goosebumps and half a mind to deck whoever's banging on the other side of his dorm room door by the time he undoes the latch.  He's not expecting her, though - a five-foot nothing blonde girl in yoga pants and an Ark City U sweatshirt, holding a stack of five-pound textbooks and wearing a frown that belongs on the face of a ninety year old porch-sitter.  
She looks him square in the eye, with a defiant look that he'll learn in time is her default setting.  "You're Bellamy, right?" she asks.  "Finn Collins' roommate?"  He nods slowly.  "I'm Clarke.  Clarke Griffin."  She sticks out her hand, and he shakes it.  "Your roommate stole my bed, so I need to steal his."
He tries to blink the sleep fog out of his eyes, but really all he wants to do is crawl back under the covers and conk out until his eight a.m. class, so he shrugs and steps aside to let her in.  He closes the door behind her, and falls back into his own bed, gesturing to Finn's as he goes, even though by the looks of her pre-med books, she can probably figure it out on her own.
Bellamy falls back asleep almost the instand his head hits the pillow, and in the pale moonlight oozing through the dorm's single window, he sees her settle into Finn's bed, her hair turned silver, her back to him.  
He wakes up at seven with his alarm, somehow manages to resist the strong urge to hit snooze, and rolls up into a sitting position.  Clarke's still bundled under Finn's covers, but she groans and surfaces at the sound of the alarm, her eyes squinted under long lashes in the white morning sunlight.  Her hair's mussed up around her head, and she ditched the sweatshirt some time overnight, leaving her in a tight tank top, and Bellamy just met this girl but he thinks she looks comfortable.  
"What time is it?" Clarke mumbles, a hand pressed to her forehead.
Bellamy kicks of his blankets and stands up, crosses to the desk to turn off the alarm.  "Seven."
Clarke groans again and pulls the covers back up over her head, as Bellamy starts rummaging in his dresser for clothes.  Bellamy feels a smile tug at the corner of his mouth, completely involuntarily, and he says, "What, too early for you, princess?"
The covers whip back off, and Clarke glares at him, and her eyes are really damn blue.  "I was on shift at the infirmary until one a.m. last night," she says, voice like an accusatory knife.  "I have a practice MCAT in three hours, and I cannot take it on four hours of sleep, Bellamy."
He raises an eyebrow.  "Hey, you're the one who marched in here last night demanding asylum - "
Clarke turns her face into the pillow, huffing out a breath.  "If you would just get your fucking roommate out of my room, that would be wonderful, but he's probably too busy screwing his on-again-off-again fiancée to be bothered to open the door - "
"Ah, so you're rooming with the astronaut," Bellamy grins.  "That must be a nightmare."
Clarke's eyes are closed, like she's carrying on the conversation while asleep.  "Raven's an aeronautical engineering major," she says, tiredly, "and she has a bum knee, so she's never getting into the astronaut program."
Bellamy pulls a henley over his head, and goes back rummaging for a pair of pants.  "Has anyone ever told you you're a delight in the mornings?"  
Clarke's talking into her pillow, but whatever she says sounds like, "Fucking unnatural to be a morning person - "
Bellamy steps into his jeans, doesn't bother with a belt, and grabs his backpack off the desk chair and stuffs a travel size mouthwash into it, steps into his sneakers.  "Well, princess, once you're done with whatever possessive girl claiming ritual you've got going on with Finn's bed, just go ahead and lock up behind you, will you?"
He's pretty sure Clarke flips him off under the covers, and he chuckles on his way out the door.  
"They pushed the beds together to make a queen size, so they can have sex diagonally," Clarke laments on his doorstep the next night.  She is, apparently, much more charming between the hours of one p.m. and midnight, and has even come bearing muffins.  She's better groomed than she was last time, too, her hair pulled up into a ponytail, wearing one of those long sweaters that girls are so into, a pair of leggings and leather boots.  "My only other friends cultivate their dorm room to look like a disaster zone."  
Bellamy takes a blueberry muffin and steps aside.  
"Damn," Clarke says, "I was hoping you were a bran kind of guy.  You know, with the abs and all."  Bellamy smiles at her around his mouthful of muffin.  "Don't tell me it's some sort of natural metabolism thing.  I would have to hate you on principle."
She sets the muffins down on Finn's desk and shrugs her backpack off onto the floor, where it lands with a resounding thunk.  She's got a pillow under her arm, and she throws it onto Finn's bed like she owns the place, which Bellamy has a strange feeling she will in a couple of days or so - it already feels like it's not just his territory anymore, like she's moved in on it.
She sits on the edge of Finn's bed and pulls one leg up to her chest, rests her chin on her knee, looks across at him with those big blue eyes and that golden halo about her head, and Bellamy doesn't think he minds the infringement all that much.  
"So, you moving in or what, princess?" he asks, sitting back in his desk chair.  The lamp on his desk is the only light on in the room, and it's casting a bright pool on his mess of papers, the makings of a marketing paper.  "I don't know if that's legal."
She gives him a sideways, skeptical look.  "Somehow you don't strike me as the kind of person who gives a flying fuck about legal, Bell.  Plus, I don't really want to report them to the housing authority and then have to live with half of them for the next six months, if I don't have to."
Bellamy stuffs a good half of the muffin in his mouth.  "Good point," he says around it.  "Finn's already enough of a bitch to deal with as it is, I don't need the added bonus of actual rational anger."
Clarke raises her eyebrows.  "So we have a deal?"
A month in, Bellamy has learned a number of important things about Clarke, like -
She's on a full ride for Ark City University pre-med, she works nights Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at the school infirmary, she has her eyes on a doctorate program at Santa Clara, her mom's a doctor but she doesn't talk about it, ever - She hates coffee but makes herself drink it to stay awake, her favorite Ben and Jerry's flavor was Vermonty Python until they discontinued it, and she's somehow still bitter about it, she prefers orange juice to apple, which is blasphemous - She owns more sweaters than any other article of clothing, owns more medical books and journals than she does sweaters,  owns two pairs of shoes, neither of which are appropriate for any sort of formal situation -
She slept with Finn, a few times, didn't know he had a girlfriend, let alone a fiancée, until she showed up out of the blue from MIT at the end of the last year and just happened to be assigned to room with Clarke at the beginning of the term, which really, a more unlucky coincidence does not exist on this campus -
She bites her lip when she's trying to memorize something, she has a song of the 206 bones in the human body memorized, and she sings it under her breath all the time, she sometimes cries while she watches the news - She picks up shifts waitressing Jaha's Diner on fourth when she has a spare minute, because she actually pays for everything she has, doesn't have anyone helping her out, she does her laundry two blocks over at the Vietnamese laundramat, because they only charge one quarter and the machines in the dorms take two -
She's stubborn as fuck, once she sets her mind to something, won't go back to the dorm for a coat even if she steps outside and realizes she has sorely misjudged the temperature, she will eat even the shadiest of Chinese food as long as it doesn't smell weird - She is not afraid to yell at him, even though he's a good foot taller than her, and somehow she always seems to be looking straight at him, never up - She only has a few friends, but from what he can tell she would give her life for them, which is intense but it's just how Clarke is, she operates all-or-nothing, the intensity is intoxicating - She approaches problems like there's a right answer all the time, which sometimes there isn't sometimes you can't win at all -
She makes him smile, infuriates him, keeps him up until two going over medical terms that she know by heart anyways, there's no reason he has to sit there and quiz her, she brings him home burgers from Jaha's Diner and says she was just passing by, thought he might like something, which is nice even though he knows it's a lie.
She's actually pretty pissed at Finn, pretty torn up about the whole thing even though it happened for real five months ago, and Bellamy thinks he could beat his ex-roommate up for being such a dick and waving it around in Clarke's face, fucking his fiancée in his ex-girlfriend's dorm.  She watches medical dramas, Bellamy thinks just to keep up a steady wave of discrediting commentary for a whole hour, actually pops a couple of the bones in his fingers squeezing his hand during the Grey's Anatomy season finale.  
She performed emergency CPR on a student, once, and he died, and sometimes she wakes up gasping and crying and leaves the room because she thinks he's still asleep, thinks he wouldn't get up and hold her if she asked, but he would.  
She laughs way too hard at dumb commercials and drags his ass out for froyo when it's late but it's not the morning yet, drags his ass out for Taco Bell when all the froyo places are closed, tells him he's a dumb ass for preferring pinto beans to black beans, for preferring more interesting flavors to your classic vanilla froyo - She barters like a menace at the farmers market, tries to barter with the cafeteria automated check out once when she's tired and maybe still a little bit high, and Bellamy laughs so hard his sides hurt and elbows her out of the way -
He hasn't had a friend like this.  He has his sister, and he used to have his mother, and he had Murphy until that went to shit, but, like - she barged her way into his life and sat down like she'd always belonged there, and she can yell and gripe at him all she wants, and maybe he'll yell and gripe back, but he listens to Clarke breathe and night, and he falls asleep peaceful.
"You can't major in 'whatever the hell I want,' Bell," Clarke's saying over her laptop, the remnants of a Starbucks lemon pound cake sitting in front of her.  "You have to pick something.  For fuck's sake, you're a junior, how'd you even get this far without declaring anything?"
Octavia throws her hands into the air beside him, exclaims, "Thank you very much, Clarke, I've been saying this for months, but does he listen to me? No, God forbid I be right for once - "
"Come on, O," Bellamy tries, but she just raises a well-sculpted, skeptical eyebrow at him, and he doesn't bother, not now that Clarke's on her side, too, because he can't stand up against the sheer disapproving power of all of their eyebrows.  
Jasper sets the second round of coffee down in the center of the table and reclaims his spot next to Clarke in the booth.  Monty drags over a chair and spins it around to straddle it like a total dork, kicks Jasper's foot deliberately under the table.  
"If you could major in 'whatever the hell I want,'" Jasper says, "that would be awesome and I would totally go for it.  Imagine bringing that degree home to mom and dad, all 'hey, look what you just spent two hundred thousand on.'  But no, what am I stuck with? Bio fucking chemical engineering, that's what."
Monty kicks him again, hard in the shin, "Hey, biochemistry's pretty cool, Jasper.  We get to blow shit up sometimes, and we're really good at cooking drugs now."
Octavia takes the tallest coffee from the carrier in front of her and takes a tiny sip from it.  "If you two are done playing footsie over there, can I get back to what I was saying?" she pauses like she actually expects someone to interject, which no one does.  "I think Bellamy should be a business major.  He's taken enough generic business 101 classes by now, at least."
Clarke shakes her head, and draws her eyes away from the paper she's typing.  "No, Bellamy was meant to help people," she remarks, casually, like she hasn't just rocked the entire Starbucks.  "He ought to major in criminal justice, or maybe polisci, but probably criminal justice, because he'd deck a politician bitch in the face."
Bellamy looks at her for a long minute, not saying anything, and he vaguely registers Octavia saying, "You're right.  I feel so dumb I didn't think of that, I've known him my whole life - "
But Clarke's already back to her paper, has forgone the coffee in favor of slumping sideways ever so slightly into Jasper's shoulder.  Jasper just holds her weight, doesn't so much as comment, just carries on his side conversation with Monty, and Clarke has that kind of effect on people, just inspires loyalty in anyone with half a brain to recognize that she's the sun.
"That's a good idea," Bellamy says.  Octavia seems somewhat surprised, wide-eyed.  "I think I'll do that."  
Clarke looks up at him and smiles gently.
He and Octavia always get an expensive hotel room for two days over Christmas break - Christmas eve and Christmas day - because their dorms are small and the kitchens don't really work for cooking chicken, but they don't have a house to go back to since their mom died, so.  For two days every year, ever since Octavia finished high school and they both enrolled as freshmen, it's just the two of them, and too much chocolate and eggnog and dumplings and A Christmas Story, Home Alone, Die Hard playing on repeat.
Bellamy goes back to his dorm on Christmas eve to get Octavia's gifts, which he has to leave hidden, because she can and will shake them to see what's inside, and the year he got her a lava lamp that practice ended very messily -
Only, what he's not expecting to find is Clarke, tucked into the bed that has become hers with a thick paperback book and a scented candle burning at her bedside, the Christmas music station on the radio turned on quietly on the shelf behind her.  She's bundled in a huge sweater that looks like it crawled out of the year 1983, and her eyes and nose are red as if she's been crying, and she looks so small curled up in her nest of pillows and blankets that Bellamy's heart twists tangibly.  
She looks up sharply when he enters, and her face screws up in confusion, lips parting and brow furrowed, and her voice is thick and groggy, "Bell? What?"
He closes the door behind him and starts to shrug out of his winter outerwear, because this isn't going to be as quick a visit as he was planning on.  "What are you still doing here, princess? I thought you'd have gone home by now."
The scarf comes off from around his neck, and he sits down on the edge of the bed.  She closes the book and sets it beside her, her fingers curled up on the edge of the too-long sleeves of the sweater.  "I haven't been home in a couple years."
He looks up at her eyes, and they're hooded, but he can usually tell instinctively when she'll fight him, and this isn't one of those times.  "How come?" he asks.
Her eyes flicker back up to his for a moment, and they're watery in the candlelight.  He catches her hand off the top of the book, curls her fingers with his, but makes no move to pull her in any further, because Clarke stands on her own two feet until she decides of her own free will that she doesn't want to anymore.  
She takes a thin breath, lets it out shaky.  "This is my dad's sweater," she says.  Her fingers tighten in his a little, then relax as he soothes his thumb over the side of her palm.  "He's in prison.  My mom turned him in."  
Clarke doesn't offer up any more information, and he knows better than to ask for it.  Instead, he catches her against his chest when she sways foward, and it's the slightest movement but it's enough, she's off balance, and it's not like he's about to let her fall back into an empty bed.  She's still holding one of his hands, but he wraps his other arm around her waist and does his damnedest to anchor her, feels her free hand feather light over his shoulder, then digging into his shirt, feels her eyelashes flutter closed against the skin of his neck.  
"You're having Christmas with me and O," he says, after a few minutes, "and that is non-negotiable."  
She puts on her winter jacket over her dad's sweater, puts on Bellamy's scarf without even registering that it's not hers, and Bellamy grabs the small wrapped gift he'd had stashed for Clarke along with the rest of Octavia's presents, puts them all in a large duffel.  Clarke grabs his hand on the way out the door, and doesn't let go of it all the way to the hotel.  
She tries to offer to sleep on the couch.  He doesn't let her.
Finn and Raven go through one of their off-again periods in mid-February, right after Valentine's day, which leaves a great number of people very confused about their sleeping arrangements.  Clarke ends up going back to her assigned dorm to live with the astronaut, the silver locket in the shape of an anatomically correct diagram of the human heart that he got her for Christmas around her neck, leaving Bellamy with an empty spot in his peace of mind.
He gets stuck - again - with Finn, who seems like even more of an idiot now that Bellamy is majoring in criminal justice and can point out every one of the miniscule laws Finn breaks on a daily basis before adopting a self-righteous attitude in defense of his wrongdoing, now that Bellamy knows Finn was dumb enough to let Clarke go, to hurt her.  He wants to break Finn's fucking self-righteous nose.  
Instead, he spends most of his time in their booth at the Starbucks, with Jasper or Monty or whoever happens to wander in at any given time of the day.  He goes to classes, and then he goes to Starbucks - except the one time he goes to Waffle House, at Clarke's behest - and then he goes back to the dorm and sleeps, rinse, repeat.  Clarke thinks the whole situation is a lot funnier than he does, but even as she laughs about his ridiculous avoidance tactics, he can tell she's frustrated.  
"It's fine," she says, over a stack of 'sub-par' blueberry banana waffles.  "These breakups between them usually only last a couple of weeks at most.  Usually as long as they can avoid making sexually-charged eye contact, which is only as long as they can avoid making any eye contact, which is only as long as they can avoid being in the same room."  
"If Raven's smart," Bellamy says, and takes a swig of truly awful coffee, "she marries him, and takes him for everything he has every time they get divorced, which should be two to three times a year."  
"Knowing Finn," Clarke says, and Bellamy's stomach twists into a knot, because Clarke really does know Finn, "he'd just keep coming back for more, too.  Plus, all the mistresses he'd probably keep, Raven would have grounds."
They move to the library, running through the pouring rain, Clarke with her books under her coat and Bellamy holding his above his head, bleeding highlighter be damned.  Clarke steps in a puddle that's a little too deep and splashes it all the way up her pant leg, freezing water and she makes such a shocked-frozen face that Bellamy can't help but laugh at her, which just leads to her shoving him sideways into a storm drain, which means that they go through the doors to the library fighting like kids.
"So, the MCATs are in a week," Clarke is saying, leading him deep into the science stacks, towards medical, as if he can't get there with his eyes closed by now, by sheer muscle memory, "and I really need to review the processes of the endocrine system, there's a stack of flashcards that some benevolent ancestor pre-med student left back here - "
She stops in her tracks, and Bellamy almost crashes into her back, trying to shake water out of his hair as he walks.  He looks down at Clarke's expression - open-mouthed, and a little thrilled, like she can't believe her eyes.  "What?" he asks.
Clarke just inclines her head towards the open study area in front of them.  Bellamy follows her gaze, and -
Holy fucking fuck, that is his sister - that is his sister on that couch currently making out with the astronaut, and there are tongues and there are hands under shirts and he has to look away but he can't, so he just screws his eyes shut.
He feels Clarke turn into him, hears her trying to repress her laughter, and she pushes him back into the cover of the stacks, her hands tight on his sides.  He stumbles back, feels her weight off balance against him, and when they're back a few steps and he finally can open his eyes, she's laughing, helpless and honest and bubbling, and he doesn't want to but he can't really help but to join her.  He grabs her by the waist and drops his head on her shoulder, which is a feat given the height difference, and just lets himself laugh, and Octavia and Raven can probably hear them, but who cares.
"Well," Clarke manages to say, "this break up may be slightly longer than anticipated.  Also, Raven may also be taking mistresses, so there go her grounds for divorce."
Bellamy tries to give her a hopeful look.  "Maybe she's going through an experimental period.  I've been told that all girls go through them."
"Is Octavia going through one of these so-called 'experimental phases,' then?" Clarke asks, a single eyebrow inclined.
Bellamy hopes to God that's a rhetorical question, because he hasn't got an answer.  Not that it matters either way, because it doesn't - actually, he'd probably prefer it if Octavia were into girls, less idiots for him to beat up, fewer pregnancy scares.  
Clarke snorts a laugh, tugs at his sleeve to get him moving again.  "Anyway, that was exhibit A, the endocrine system hard at work, you know, teenage hormones and all that - " Bellamy shoves her sideways into a shelf.
A week later, and neither of them are particularly eager to go back to their dorms, so three a.m. finds them on the top floor of the library, in a back corner by a stack of crap teen sci fi novels, spread out over two couches pushed together to make a sort of nest.  Clarke's swimming in flash cards, two textbooks open in her lap, a highlighter behind her ear, one skewered through her bun, one in her hand; Bellamy's laying on his side with his laptop in front of him, scrolling through and trying to read her encouraging statistics -
"No one gets a perfect score, princess," he says.  "No one last year got below a 5 out of 45, so that's good, probably.  Also, the verbal reasoning section looks like a bitch, not a single person got a perfect score - "
She reaches over and pushes his head back into the couch cushions.  "Not helping, Bell.  Actually the opposite of helping."
She's highlighting what looks like an entire page of text, alternating between colors, which can't be conducive to anything with the test in seven hours and counting down.  Bellamy takes the highlighter from her slowly, like he's trying not to spook an animal, watches her fingers loosen in defeat and let the highlighter go.  She drops the stack of flashcards she's holding, and they join the rest of the scattered ones across the couch between them.  
Clarke sighs, and unfolds herself out across the couch, laying next to him.  She stares at the ceiling, unblinking, which must mean she's reached a new level of exhaustion and stress never before achieved, or at least not observed by Bellamy.  He closes his laptop and looks up at the ceiling, too, tries to resist the urge to shift closer to her heat, bridge the small gap left between them.  
He feels Clarke's hand brush his, and he lets himself latch on, just their thumbs hooking.  
"What if I don't pass?" Clarke asks, for the billionth time in the last week.  "What if I don't get in to med school?"  He opens his mouth to respond with dutiful reassurances, but she cuts him off before he can, "I don't really have a plan B.  I've never had a plan B.  That was dumb of me, right? I should have a plan B."
Bellamy turns his head to look at her.  Her lip's swollen from so many hours of sheer memorization, and she has bags under her eyes, and her hair is coming out of its braid and spread out on the couch around her head, and she's just about the most fucking beautiful thing he's ever seen in his life.  
"I'll be your plan B," he says.  She turns to look at him, her gaze open and hopeful and bright.  "Whatever you need," he says, quieter.  "Whatever you need, Clarke."
He's lost in her eyes, doesn't realize she's moved until she's right in his space, her face mere inches from his, so they're breathing the same air so the ends of her hair feather against his neck.  He doesn't look away from her eyes, just tilts his head forward a fraction, and she surges forward to meet him, lips sealed over his, and her eyelids flutter closed and he follows her down, closes his eyes and pulls her in close against him, as close as he can.  
She twists her fingers in his hair, tilts for a better angle, and Bellamy's head is a wash of colors and light and Clarke, all he can hear is her heartbeat and his own blood rushing in his ears, all he can feel is points of contact, their mouths and her hands on him and his hands on her, everywhere at once because if he had a hundred lifetimes it wouldn't be enough to map all of her, her knees bumping his thighs and her hip pressed flush against his stomach.  
She feels like home, and home is something Bellamy's been meaning to find for himself.  
For now, though -
He pulls away, just a fraction, enough so that their lips still brush with every breath.  "If only we had a room," he murmurs, and feels Clarke's smile against his own.
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mileycfan4eva33 · 6 years
Going Gabby
Going Gabby by Mileycfan4eva
A/N: One shots or multi short chapters of Gabby being well Gabby. Pairings will either be Brett and Gabby or Gabby and Shay. Will take requests if anyone wants to see crossovers with other shows. If I know the show of course. This first fic takes place in current time Shay did not die in 2014. Lyrics belong to Elton John in this chapter.
Show: Chicago Fire
Title: Going Gabby
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Date: July 14th 2018
Time: 1:30 pm
P.O.V: Leslie Shay
Chapter 1: Tasered
"It seems to me a crime that we should age
These fragile times should never slip us by
A time you never can or shall erase
As friends together watch their childhood fly"
"Come on ladies someone has got to be a bigger man, one of ya' has gotta have what it takes to beat me"
Christopher Herrman, Joe Cruz, Matt Casey, Kelly Severide, Tony Capp all stared at each other panting, sweat dripping down their bare backs. Before looking towards me where I stood in the middle of the court bouncing the basketball. My own body was dripping in buckets of sweat end of the July scorching heat beat down on my bare upper body which despite the sun screen I had smeared on myself, I could still feel the rays leaving it's mark on my whole body.
"Chicken shits"
"Nah we're not chickens Shay we're just enjoying this god made beautiful day"
Rolling my eyes at Herrman's latest stall tactics I had enough they never even saw me till I was a flash past their eyes, open ajared mouths my feet leaving the ground. My arms stretched out as my fingers let go of the orange black rubber coated ball.
"My money's on my sexy fierce girlfriend"
I turned my head mid air to see my beautiful angel Gabriela Dawson who stood grinning against the Ambo. The ball sliced through the air with a swoosh sailing through the net with a swish. The moans that filled the air as my feet hit the ground told me I had nailed it.
I never got the chance to celebrate because the alarm sounded. "Ambo 61 to 1655 Michigan Avenue"
"Let's go Shay"
"Later Losers"
Grinning I rushed past their shocked faces grabbing my water bottle and a quick kiss from my amazing supportive girlfriend. I changed en-route from my sports bra and boy shorts to my uniform thankful I have the most amazing, gorgeous, thoughtful girlfriend. Who thought to stick a change of clothes, deodorant and a towel inside the Ambo.
By the time I settled into the seat next to her my body had started the cool down possess. Positing all the air vents towards my body to absorb the wonderful A.C. I could feel the menstrual pain which I had been trying to exercise out before the boys came up to challenge me. Now coming back full force I avoid pills at all cost so I try any distraction. Right now I could use a warm bath a big glass of wine and a massage from my hot girlfriend.
I feel her moving her hand through my hair gently massaging my scalp. Her touch calms my racing heart, turning to smile at her. I feel myself over come with gratefulness. She's mine, she's beautiful she's tough she's compassionate, brilliant, funny and motivated did I mention sexy?
"What the hell happened? Why was an 11 year tasered?"
It's a question I was asking myself since the minute we got the call. We're pulling up at the scene now so I don't have time to answer out loud. I can see she's getting worked up I wished she would put some of that energy into massaging my back.
"What have we got Tony?"
Antonio Dawson her older brother a detective with the CPD greeted us first on the scene. "Eleven Year old Victim Evelyn Drew. According to the patrol officers they pulled up to the store spotted Eve in the aisle looking suspicious, Officer Lopez saw her shove items into her backpack he yelled at her to stop, she shoved a display case over causing a distraction than ran."
"Officer Lopez a rookie first day on the beat gave chase, he yelled for her to stop. She ran faster he saw her reach into her pocket he yelled for her to drop to her knees with her hands up. She turned around and pulled out what he thought was a gun he fired his taser"
Placing my stethoscope against the child's chest which was burned from the taser. "No lung sounds Gabby she's not breathing"
"Start CPR Shay don't shock her till we know how many vaults were used and how many times she was tasered"
I saw Gabby's eyes lite up damn my women is sexy when she's pissed off. "Starting CPR" Gabby jumped up charging to the officer who was left shaken by his actions. His legs barely supporting him he was clutching the wall. "How many times did you taser her?"
She grabbed his shirt slamming him against the wall. "Answer me Damn it! How many times?"
"I don't know!"
"Don't lie to me!"
"I'm not I ….
"A little girl's life is at stake damn it think!"
"I'm sorry I didn't know what to do I told her to stop! Why didn't she stop? Why did she run? It's my first day I thought I was doing what's right"
"Now's not the time officer Lopez for your own guilt you'll have the rest of your life for that. Now is the time to save her life. How many times how many volts?"
My arms ached horribly my hands were starting to shake. My shoulders and back screamed at me to stop. Sweat was blinding my eyes along with my hair. I didn't quit. Counting to 30 than checked her lung sounds airway. Nothing opening her mouth pressing her nose closed I started mouth to mouth,
"How many times?"
I saw him trembling under her her eyes held his steady till he couldn't take it anymore. "Twice! I shot her twice!"
"1,200 volts"
2,400 total she was within the safe range to still shock Gabby was by me in seconds barely breaking a sweat as she gave out orders towards me. "Charge to 350 Shay"
Pain hit me as I finally took my hands off her body I had no time to think of myself. I quickly grabbed the defibrillator charging it. Placing the paddles on her chest & sides. "Shocking to 350 clear" Gabby held her hands up. Her body jumped up "Damn Gabby baby that was hot" She grinned at me winking the monitor came to life.
"Load and go"
We were at the hospital within five minutes thanks to my driving. All I wanted was to shower, change have some wine and go to sleep. The pain was almost unbearable now. We were in the EMT break room trying to freshen up and refuel.
"Why would he shoot her twice? She's 11 Shay"
Trying to massage my own neck wasn't happening. Closing my eyes I tried to block her out as much as I love her I knew she wouldn't let this one go. My head was spinning. I asked myself much of the same questions why the chest? Why not her legs? I tried taking in the show on the TV which was some show about a hot blond detective who was partnered with some dude calling himself Lucifer Morningstar who claims he's the devil.
"He's a rookie baby he was scared he was trying to prove himself, it's tough out there for cops now a days. Kids are scarier meaner harder, you never know what one of them is packing, cops have to make life and death decisions within seconds without knowing all the facts at that moment. Some kids won't hesitate to wipe out a cop, Your brother is one you should feel for them"
"I suppose babe"
"God your sexy when your mad"
"As sexy as that cop your eyes are sexting on that screen?"
Gabby surprised me by straddling me in the chair her hands working through my neck, shoulders causing me to moan. "Maybe"
"Oh what do I have to do to get that maybe into a yess baby?"
She purred into my ears god even her smell is intoxication to me. Our foreheads touched. "I can think of a few things, you don't think she's sexy with her blond hair blue eyes, pale skin she kind of looks like me"
"Nah Shay your hotter, your my little siren, anybody touches my siren, I'll break their legs"
"Ohhh I like it when you talk dirty"
Our breaths become one our eyes lock my hands grip her back as I crash my lips into hers. Our kiss heats up as my back hits the couch. Her hands run the length of my body sending tremors up and down my spine. Which arches causing me to hiss.
"The real question of course is why was an 11 year old out on her own, where were her parents? Why was she stealing food? Was it worth her life?"
Her hands stopped their descent my eyes flew open as soon as I felt the coldness from her now departed hands. My lower lip trembled.
"I think we need to pay a visit to her home find out what the hell her parents are doing to provide for her"
Crap now I did it Chief Boden would kill me I am suppose to be the voice of reason to her storm of impulsiveness.
"Gabby noo we talked about this baby girl we load we go we drop we go on"
"You mean….
She traced her nails up my chest in between each breast both which now became stiffened the little hairs standing erratic from her simple tracing.
"You don't want to be rewarded baby because if you help me, I promise I will draw you a warm bath a big glass of Château Cheval Blanc, a personal naked massage with a bonus of sexy delicious kisses that will explore every inch of your gorgeous sexy body. I know how amazing that sounds, just like I know how you hurt this time of the month"
She remembered. She knew and didn't say anything because she knows talking about it will only keep me thinking about it. She knows I deal with pain by not dealing with it. Biting my lip I don't know what to do.
I hate when she goes on these personal Gabby crusades it only gets us both in trouble. Damn though her eyes are so sexy when she's fired up, her hands are electric, she broke me so passionate, strong determined. Who could fault her? If someone was willing to fight for justice, protection, innocence, love. wasn't that someone worth standing up for? I was lucky to be loved by her. Shouldn't I support her?
"Fine I'll stand by your side but promise me you won't go all Gabby on me"
"Sweat-heart Going Gabby is the only way I roll. You with me or are you bathing alone tonight?"
A/N: Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read or review or favorite. I have a Shawson story called Love is Love going as well as one for Brett/ Gabby called Ashes Blazes and Blame. My twitter is Mileycfan4eva and my IG is Tattooed4uariandliz. Would love to hear from you all.
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