#Or at all
d-does-art · 5 months
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*crawls out of art block dungeon*
Here's a page of a comic I've been thinking of. I don't know if I'll finish it, but posting might help motivate me. Or I'll move on to the next thing, haha.   
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oncamelliastreet · 15 days
sometimes i question my sexuality but then i consider the mildly incredible amount of time spent just thinking about a female celebrity and im like….yeah it’s not possible that im not attracted to women my bad
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obbystars · 2 months
so I recently got these outfits and I think I love them a bit too much
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percabeth4life · 11 months
hc: everytime percy almost dies or miraculously recovers right before death or sees the god or survives smth that wouldve killed anyone else, he makes an offering to Thanatos basically going "sorry if i messed up your schedule again, hope you have a great day, am happily awating when you can actually collect me, bye!<3"
Thanatos considers them good friends, says it once in front of Hades, Persephone&Demeter(&through an amazing game of telephone, Poseidon gets told his Son is "making good friends with death" and Poseidon takes that to mean Percy is (1) almost dyinf even ore frequently than usual or (2) they are sarcastic and he is sassing thanatos&he(Than) does nOT appreciate it
Lmao, Poseidon is panicking, Thanatos when rescued in SON is just like "<3 bestie! How nice to see you <3 You doing good? How am I doing? Yeah just trapped here"
Percy does not realize Thanatos considers them good friends and is just confuzzled. He's happy Thanatos seems to think he's chill tho.
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honestlyeddie-im-bi · 2 years
I had THE VISION for the finale
Buck goes to Eddie and Chris, to their house. Maybe they’re doing something together, like watching a movie or a telenovela.
Sitting on the couch.
Because Buck is a little shit he sits between the Diaz boys, both of them laughing because they are both so fond of this goofball. And they’re watching the movie, but Chris then falls asleep on Buck and Buck just… falls asleep too, maybe gradually putting his head on Eddie’s shoulder.
Eddie looks at them fondly and softly and caresses Buck’s hair, before nuzzling him and falling asleep too.
Buck wakes up a few moments later. He’s surrounded by his family, by the people he loves the most, on his favourite couch.
They aren’t together yet. But we, as the audience, still know where this is going.
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autorotation · 1 year
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polskie opisy w alcie, English descriptions under the cut.
a grayscale comic.
frame 1: the facade of a tysiąclatka type school building; an "Alumni reunion" banner hangs from the windows near the entrance. frame 2: interior corridor: classroom doors, corkboard with pinned notices, bust of the school's namesake. end page 1
a gathering in a glass-fronted room; there's a "Cohort of '82" poster on the door. a dark silhouette stands on the right, a ways back from the door, watching. end page 2
frame 1: a balding, middle-aged guy with a goatee enters the frame from the left, headed toward the glass door and the dark silhouette. frame 2: the beardo is now closer to the dark silhouette; light gleams on its long hair. end page 3
frame 1: front view of the two characters from before: the long-haired brunette and the balding beardo exchange grumpy glances. frame 2: the beardo goes through several surprised expressions, exclaiming "Woźniak!"; the woman eyes him distrustfully. frame 3: the beardo goes on: "Boguszewski. Rafał. You look great.", the woman seems less tense. end page 4
frame 1: both characters silhouetted against the glass door. the beardo says "Just remind me what your name was.", the woman replies: "… Lila." frame 2: bird's-eye view. the beardo says "Long time no see, Lilka.". trans pride flag energy beams shoot from the characters' upraised palms, meeting in the middle in an explosion of white. end page 5
note: Woźniak is a gender-neutral surname while Boguszewski has the masculine -ski suffix
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Look at the friendly puppy, somebody get the baby a milk bone
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That moment when the guy that you all looked up to at some point haunts your relationship
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shiikiyun · 1 year
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dang! he didnt ring his bell
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willel · 1 year
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torifuckingspring · 10 months
i think straight people shouldn't be allowed to say faggot as a joke, it's not verry funny if you aren't a faggot yourself
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jokest3r · 5 months
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OG(Left) Reboot(Right)
Here is that meme picture I was gonna make for them haha. OG Matvey's design was mostly inspired from Samantha Maxis and the video game trope of creepy kids haunting the narrative like Alma in F.E.A.R. or just in general like Alessa Gillespie. Clothing inspiration was also just from Russian-Orthodox Dress. In the OG timeline I decided that Matvey is mostly doomed by the narrative, just as much as he is in the Reboot. In the OG timeline by the end of the game, and dies off-screen that only perpetuates his father Makarov's general insanity and violence. But I do like to think... that given the OG ending with both Yuri and Makarov dead, and Price the only one left that he would find Matvey freshly crying over her parent's bodies with no one to take care of her that it in daunting horror that he just orphaned a young child and takes her in, Harry Mason style from Silent Hill 1.
If I had to give Matvey a superpower it'd probably be something psychic, like remembering all his past lives.
If anyone decides to pick her up just make sure to hand her back to Price afterwards (⌒‐⌒)
Art Without Text Under Tab !
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jackwhiteprophetic · 4 months
I think if he cared he would have apologised last week
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abluehappyface · 11 months
Going on a family trip in a bit here, so here's a little post from while I'm gone! Here's a Pre-Meiling Era Space Cover of Higan Retour (in fact, based on what my computer tells me, this was made on 1/1/2023!) You can tell this is older, but it still holds up really well! This is actually a teaser post, as there is going to be a Komachi Takeover soon! There isn't a SINGLE bad/just ok cover for Komachi, in fact everything is REALLY good so far, so look forward to it!
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b1odeuwed · 4 months
i love that this is from the last time i was suspended on twitter . Boys i am once again restricted for a week . For posting butterfly emojis under an Aimsey tweet
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It has been sunny and beautiful for quite a few days now. Despite being so sad, I've forced myself out into the sunshine. That first walk without Isis was really hard. Subsequent walks without her have been weird, but there have been less tears. There are so many dogs in Seattle that I can't avoid being reminded that I don't have one anymore.
On my walk today I was thinking about when Isis began to decline in health. It was after I got her teeth cleaned for the first time two years ago. She was at the vet all day and came home with a gnarly upper respiratory infection. Then her weird swollen eye. Then another URI. I don't remember precisely when her degenerative myelopathy started... maybe a year or so ago. That, in turn, caused her recurring UTIs. Also, did she have doggy dementia (cognitive dysfunction syndrome) or was it just the frequent infections that would make her agitated?
She was so healthy and spry at 14 before I got her teeth cleaned. Am I the cause of her worsening health? Would this have happened no matter what? Did that virus trigger some kind of autoimmune thing that I didn't catch and intervene before it got bad? Would she have gotten degenerative myelopathy and UTIs? Did me trying to treat what we though was the cognitive dysfunction syndrome with sedatives make her worse?
I know I can't go back in time and change my decisions. And maybe Isis's health still would've worsened in that time had we never done that teeth cleaning. But I'll never know. Maybe I would still have my dog. My baby.
I know 16 years is a long time. I know I'm lucky to have gotten so long. But I'm selfish. I wanted longer. I wanted forever.
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