#Option Trading Courses in India
Worried About Your Investment in share market – Here A Few Tips To Safeguard Them!
No matter how remote, every investor is concerned about the possibility of a massive economic disaster. It has occurred previously. It may happen again. Years of hard-earned savings and retirement funds might be wiped away in hours if this happens. Fortunately, you can protect most of your assets from a market catastrophe or worldwide economic crisis especially with tips from the Bharti Share Market stock market institute.
An excellent defensive plan includes preparation and diversification. They can work together to help you withstand a financial storm.
Here are some tips that you can follow to ensure you are not caught up in the storm of the market crash:
●     Diversification Diversification is essential for preserving your money in a market crisis. One strategy to diversify is to invest in a portfolio of equities with various risks and rewards. Another option is investing in various asset types, such as bonds, commodities, real estate, etc. This will safeguard you against volatility in any particular sector or asset class. Don’t day trade equities with limited liquidity, and keep an eye on what you’re holding because it’s easy to get carried away while the markets are rising. If they start tanking, pulling back will be far more difficult. You should thoroughly consider each investing option so that you can rapidly move out of danger if things go wrong.
●     Set the Stop Loss Most new stock traders have taken the stop-loss tool seriously, which is a good thing. The stock market is quite volatile, and it is critical to play it wisely if one wants to maximise gains. A stop-loss order assists you in stock management. If the price falls below the bar after it has been established, the deal is closed for you, and you will be left with some profit. You can also reinvest and purchase equities when the market is poised to climb above the stop-loss bar. As a result, if you cannot manage large amounts of shares during a stock market fall, it will execute the deal for you.
●     Purchase Put Options When the market rises, it must also fall. However, most investors overlook this truth and continue to buy stocks to benefit quickly. On the other hand, smart investors and traders believe that now is the moment to buy put options as insurance against any potential market collapses. Put options function as a portfolio insurance policy for investors. Purchase it to safeguard your assets against an unexpected or anticipated market meltdown. Put options will allow individuals who invest now to offset losses incurred if the market falls suddenly. Use put options to safeguard your assets in the event of a market meltdown if you wish to invest wisely.
●     Invest in High-Quality Companies Consider if your investments are in firms that will withstand a market downturn. This is more complex than it seems, but there are techniques to help. Investing in high-quality firms is the greatest strategy to reduce the danger of a stock market meltdown. The greater their financial security and sustainability, the less likely they will be impacted by a stock market crisis, and the more probable they will keep your investment.
●     Investing in Non-cyclical / Defensive Stocks Investing in defensive or non-cyclical equities is one of the finest possibilities because they are high-demand items. Soap, shampoo, food, toothpaste, common necessities such as electricity, and other items are examples of things that customers will not throw away. Such items are in high demand and are unaffected by the stock market’s decline. During the crash, such stocks will have little influence, and even if there is a significant impact, these equities will recover again owing to consumer demand. Furthermore, the companies that make such products are transforming them to be more luxurious, enhancing their demand in the market.
●     Long-Term Investments Should Be Prioritized You must focus on long-term investing if you want to preserve your asset against a future catastrophe. While short-term investments might provide an opportunity to generate money, they also expose you to increased risk if the situation becomes unstable or unpredictable over time. Investing in stocks takes discipline and an understanding of how the markets operate. If you want to invest in the stock market, you should hire experienced financial advisers to help you identify the greatest solutions available to meet your needs.
The stock market is volatile, and no one can make it less volatile or more stable; it is in its nature to be thus. This also indicates that trading cannot be done in only one way; if the market may rise, it can also collapse, and in such a situation, it is essential to be prepared with remedies before the impact.
There are several rational techniques to prevent the effect of a stock market meltdown, such as stop loss orders and defensive equities. Additionally, you seek training and knowledge of the stock market from experts like Bharti Share Market. The institute offers courses in Hindi, Marathi and English.
You can learn from the no 1 stock market training institute in Pune and receive advice that will help you improve your portfolio and make your stock market investing journey profitable.
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my-equity-guru · 3 months
Intraday Trading Course
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Explore the world of intraday trading with My Equity Guru's comprehensive intraday trading course. Perfect for beginners looking to learn the ins and outs of the stock market, our course covers technical analysis, risk management, and trading strategies to help you succeed in the fast-paced world of intraday trading.
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ruchir-gupta · 6 months
Everything you should know about Stock Market basics
Invеsting in thе stοck markеt can bе an intimidating prοspеct, еspеcially fοr bеginnеrs with limitеd funds. Hοwеvеr, with thе right knοwlеdgе and approach, it's еntirеly pοssiblе tο start invеsting in stοcks еvеn with littlе mοnеy. This cοmprеhеnsivе guidе will prοvidе yοu with thе еssеntial infοrmatiοn οn hοw tο invеst in stοck markеt for bеginnеr, hοw tο dеtеrminе what stοcks tο buy, and thе bеst οnlinе stοck trading cοursеs fοr bеginnеrs.
Stοck Markеt Basics
Bеfοrе diving intο thе wοrld οf stοck invеsting, it's crucial tο undеrstand thе basic cοncеpts. Stοcks rеprеsеnt οwnеrship in a cοmpany and arе tradеd οn stοck еxchangеs. Thе stοck markеt is a platfοrm whеrе buyеrs and sеllеrs tradе sharеs οf publicly listеd cοmpaniеs. As a bеginnеr, familiarizing yοursеlf with thеsе fundamеntal principlеs will lay a sοlid fοundatiοn fοr yοur invеstmеnt jοurnеy.
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Hοw tο Invеst in Stοcks fοr Bеginnеrs with Littlе Mοnеy
Invеsting in stοcks can bе a grеat way tο grοw yοur wеalth οvеr timе. Еvеn if yοu havе limitеd funds, thеrе arе stratеgiеs yοu can usе tο gеt startеd. In this blοg pοst, wе’ll еxplοrе hοw bеginnеrs can invеst in stοcks with littlе mοnеy.
1. Start Small
Whеn yοu’rе just starting οut, it’s еssеntial tο bеgin with a small invеstmеnt. Cοnsidеr οpеning a brοkеragе accοunt with a lοw minimum dеpοsit rеquirеmеnt. Lοοk fοr platfοrms that οffеr fractiοnal sharеs, allοwing yοu tο buy a pοrtiοn οf a stοck rathеr than a whοlе sharе.
2. Еducatе Yοursеlf
Bеfοrе invеsting, takе thе timе tο lеarn abοut thе stοck markеt. Undеrstand basic cοncеpts likе stοck pricеs, dividеnds, and markеt indicеs. Rеad bοοks, takе οnlinе cοursеs, and fοllοw financial nеws tο stay infοrmеd.
3. Divеrsify Yοur Pοrtfοliο
Divеrsificatiοn is kеy tο managing risk. Instеad οf putting all yοur mοnеy intο a singlе stοck, cοnsidеr invеsting in a mix οf diffеrеnt cοmpaniеs and industriеs. Еxchangе-tradеd funds (ЕTFs) can bе an еxcеllеnt way tο achiеvе divеrsificatiοn with a small invеstmеnt.
Hοw tο Invеst in Stοck Markеt fοr Bеginnеrs
1. Chοοsе a Rеliablе Brοkеragе
Sеlеcting thе right brοkеragе is crucial. Lοοk fοr οnе that οffеrs lοw fееs, a usеr-friеndly intеrfacе, and еducatiοnal rеsοurcеs. Sοmе pοpular οptiοns fοr bеginnеrs includе Rοbinhοοd, Wеbull, and Fidеlity.
2. Sеt Clеar Gοals
Dеfinе yοur invеstmеnt gοals. Arе yοu saving fοr rеtirеmеnt, a dοwn paymеnt οn a hοusе, οr a drеam vacatiοn? Knοwing yοur οbjеctivеs will hеlp yοu makе infοrmеd dеcisiοns.
3. Rеsеarch Stοcks
Lеarn hοw tο analyzе stοcks. Lοοk at financial statеmеnts, cοmpany pеrfοrmancе, and industry trеnds. Cοnsidеr invеsting in cοmpaniеs with strοng fundamеntals and grοwth pοtеntial.
Hοw tο Knοw What Stοcks tο Buy fοr Bеginnеrs
1. Fundamеntal Analysis
Fundamеntal analysis invοlvеs еvaluating a cοmpany’s financial hеalth. Lοοk at mеtrics likе pricе-tο-еarnings ratiο (P/Е), еarnings pеr sharе (ЕPS), and dеbt-tο-еquity ratiο. Invеst in cοmpaniеs with sοlid fundamеntals.
2. Tеchnical Analysis
Tеchnical analysis fοcusеs οn stοck pricе pattеrns and trеnds. Usе tοοls likе mοving avеragеs, candlеstick charts, and rеlativе strеngth indеx (RSI) tο makе infοrmеd dеcisiοns.
3. Lοng-Tеrm vs. Shοrt-Tеrm
Dеcidе whеthеr yοu’rе a lοng-tеrm οr shοrt-tеrm invеstοr. Lοng-tеrm invеstοrs hοld stοcks fοr yеars, whilе shοrt-tеrm tradеrs aim fοr quick prοfits. Your strategy will influence the stοcks you buy.
Bеst Οnlinе Stοck Trading Cοursеs fοr Bеginnеrs
1. Invеstοpеdia Acadеmy
Invеstοpеdia οffеrs cοmprеhеnsivе οnlinе cοursеs οn invеsting and trading. Thеir bеginnеr-friеndly cοursеs cοvеr tοpics likе stοck markеt basics, tеchnical analysis, and οptiοns trading.
2. Udеmy
Udеmy hοsts variοus stοck trading cοursеs taught by industry еxpеrts. Lοοk fοr cοursеs that fit yοur lеvеl οf еxpеriеncе and budgеt.
3. Cοursеra
Cοursеra partnеrs with tοp univеrsitiеs tο prοvidе οnlinе cοursеs. Еxplοrе thеir financе and invеstmеnt cοursеs tο еnhancе yοur knοwlеdgе.
Rеmеmbеr that invеsting always carriеs risks, and past pеrfοrmancе is nοt indicativе οf future results. Start small, еducatе yοursеlf, and bе patiеnt. Happy invеsting!
Invеsting in stοcks fοr bеginnеrs with littlе mοnеy is achiеvablе with thе right approach and knοwlеdgе. By sеtting clеar invеstmеnt gοals, lеvеraging cοst-еffеctivе invеstmеnt stratеgiеs, and gaining insights intο stοck sеlеctiοn, bеginnеrs can еmbark οn thеir invеstmеnt jοurnеy with cοnfidеncе. Additiοnally, еxplοring rеputablе οnlinе stοck trading cοursеs tailοrеd fοr bеginnеrs can furthеr еnhancе yοur undеrstanding οf thе stοck markеt. Rеmеmbеr, patiеncе, rеsеarch, and cοntinuοus lеarning arе kеy еlеmеnts in yοur jοurnеy tο bеcοming a succеssful stοck invеstοr.
Invеsting in thе stοck markеt is a lοng-tеrm еndеavοr, and whilе thеrе arе risks invοlvеd, infοrmеd dеcisiοn-making and pеrsеvеrancе can pavе thе way fοr financial grοwth and wеalth accumulatiοn, еvеn with limitеd initial capital. Happy invеsting!
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icfminstitutee · 10 months
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Unlocking Wealth: Your Guide to Success in the Stock Market Course
Join us on a journey through the fundamentals of the stock market course, where you'll learn how to identify lucrative investment opportunities, navigate market fluctuations, and build a robust investment portfolio. Dive into engaging lessons, interactive tutorials, and real-world case studies that will equip you with practical strategies and insights from seasoned experts.
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stephdrawsjohnlock · 8 months
Fandom Trumps Hate 2024!
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Looking for a scene drawn for your story? A piece to help inspire you to write a fic? A new icon? How about covers for your story with full print-ready Graphic Design service? Maybe a pinup, or some trading cards (up to 10)?? Maybe a gift for someone, or just your vision of a character(s) (up to 3 character sheets) for your AU?
Well, that’s just some of the stuff I’m willing to offer for this year’s @fandomtrumpshate​​ Charity Event! FTH is a WONDERFUL community project that supports amazing non-profits through donations for fanworks via  this wonderful annual event!
I am participating for my fifth year by offering 2 fanarts for y’all in either the BBC Sherlock or Good Omens fandoms, starting at 20$ for the non-profit of your choice!
Here are some past FTH pieces I’ve done, if you’re interested in seeing the scope of the work you would be getting from me:
GO - :FTH 2020 – Lagniappe for Big_Edies_Sun_Hat:
GO - :FTH 2020 BONUS – Réveillon for Big_Edies_Sun_Hat:
SH - :This Year: (FTH #1 for @discordantwords​​)
SH - :Burlesque Johnlock: (FTH #2 for @ohlooktheresabee​)
SH – :A Quiet Moment: (FTH #1 for @totallysilvergirl)
SH – :Against the Wall: (FTH #2 for @anarfea)
SH – :Let Me Come to You: (FTH #1 for  ShakespearelovedLadyMacbeth)
SH – :Couch Cuddle: (FTH #2 for @discordantwords)
SH – :More Every Minute: (FTH #3 for @totallysilvergirl)
And of course, you can browse all my art to see my range:
stephdrawsfanart on Instagram
@stephratte​​ (Primary Multifandom Art ​Blog)
stephratte on deviantART
I will draw any ship from any of the above fandoms. All my work is done as a hi-res 3000x3000 print-ready piece in Procreate. Traditional media (markers, India ink, and pencils) is also available if you prefer, done on illustration or marker paper at the paper’s size, with the option of acquiring the original if you choose. I will also do it at a requested size if you have a preferred format for something specific (like a book cover or a comic panel). Feel free to DM me if you have any questions.
The browsing begins on Feb. 26, and the bidding opens on March 1! I hope I once again get a chance to do a couple fantastic pieces for y’all!! I love doing this so much, so keep an eye out for my info post soon once it’s official!
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What Exactly Is Sannyo Smoking?
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Well of course it sucks Mamizou, don't you remember what she said it's made of?
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Now, an herb you can smoke that can grow on a mountain. The first, most obvious, initial guess would be marijuana. It's a weed after all, it can grow basically anywhere. Plus, let us be honest, it would be a little funny.
marijuana can definitely grow on mountains, it even grows on mountains in Central Asia
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Plus, it is apparently spreading over northern Japan right now as a weed. They used to grow it for hemp material, not to smoke, it would probably not do much, but that wouldn't stop Sannyo if she wanted to give it a shot.
(Except I'm deliberately teasing)
There is a very, very obvious reason why it's not marijuana.
Marijuana has no nicotine, even though you can smoke it, it's not by any stretch of the imagination "tobacco"
Even if we imagine a world where this is the only thing Sannyo ever smoked, Mamizou smoked it with her and just said it was bad tobacco, not to mention Mamizou has recently been to the outside world and would probably know weed in seconds. (Which, although hypothetical, would have made for a hilarious Mamizou thought bubble)
We are looking for "tobacco" after all, we need nicotine, not just anything you can smoke, but it's a weed and a popular joke, so I obviously had to tease.
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I could go through every variant of wild Nicotiana, tobacco was even imported to Japan by Portuguese sailors in 1542, and it's cultivation was legalized in 1625. The Hakurei barrier was formed in 1885, that's actually plenty of time for actual wild tobacco to spread.
But it might not work either.
While we might find some enthusiastic and previously cultivated tobacco growing as a weed that spread up to the mountains, it's not going to be unique enough. It'll be growing all over the place by the time it gets up a mountain. And the village would be smoking that exact same thing.
But most importantly, it's no fun.
Truth be told, there is a genus of Nicotiana that would work well in mountains, furthermore, Portugal actually had some at the time as an import from the Americas. But thats no fun, so I'll just return to this later when I inevitably run out of exotic options.
After all, if its tobacco made from "herbs" it would boarder on cheating to just use nicotiana, regardless of the form it ends up in.
Thankfully, there are other herbs and weeds beyond nicotiana that actually have nicotine, it really would be worthwhile check one of those.
And I've got a fun one. A whole family in fact.
Just above the Genus: "Nicotiana" is the Tribe: "Nicotianeae" and above that we find the family Solanaceae.
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The Solanaceae, also known as the potato or deadly nightshade family
Nicotine is a naturally produced alkaloid in the nightshade family of plants
It contains everything from eggplants and other vegetables to the infamous Deadly Nightshade. (Atropa belladonna)
And of course, like I said, further down the family, it even has nicotiana itself. All of them contain nicotine to some greater or lesser extent. (Yes, hilariously even eggplants, a little bit)
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Solanaceae consists of about 98 genera and some 2,700 species. They grow naturally in more parts of the world than wild Nicotiana.
But we are just going to be looking through the nightshade variations, maybe some fruit, but no potatoes today. And these are coveniently famous for their narcotic effects.
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And some varieties, such as the Datura stramonium (occasionally called the Devil's Trumpet) had its leaves smoked in pipes and cigarettes, so much they were traded by the East India Company in the 18th century. And since it was popular for traditional medicine, some people might have even planted it.
But that type is not native to Japan, so it's got the same problem as the nicotiana. Not to mention, even though its an invasive weed, and can survive a little below the freezing point, in its current state, it probably doesn't like mountains. It probably wouldn't last a full winter on one.
This might be definite enough to just say it can be some hypothetical, wild, non specific variation of nightshade with the right combination of alkaloids and nicotine and presumably, relatively non deadly in the form Sannyo uses it.
Or maybe it is just better adapted to mountains form of imported of the Datura stramonium I just mentioned. I doubt even if it spread like a weed, that anyone but Sannyo would bother to figure out you can smoke that type of plant as tobacco.
But we are mostly just having fun at this point.
I doubt we could possibly think Zun cared up to this point, and definitely not beyond this point, we are just doing a fun overanalysis after all. Zun almost always seems to go for extinct species anyway, so it wouldn't be fun to follow that train of thought regardless..
[But if we just want a probable canonical answer Zun thought up. He might have just meant some non specific extinct variation of nightshade, since if there is at least one native version then that's enough to claim there could have once been others,
Besides, it's even possible zun just imagined she could possibly even mix her favorite flowers somehow, which while she probably could not, it would definitely be cute. ]
But we are going to take this further anyway to see if we can find something real and possible that currently exists today.
The simplest thing to think of native to Japan is just Japanese belladonna (Zun's proof of concept for an imaginary extinct nightshade if he really wanted a hypothetical one)
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Scopolia japonica, also called Japanese belladonna. It's about as dangerous as the name implies. If eaten by mistake it can cause hallucinations. And while it no doubt contains at least some nicotine, it also contains the alkaloids Scopolamine
And more hilariously Hyoscyamine, known for helping the colon or bladder...
yes, you can use this extract to help you poop or pee if you want too.
Which is even funnier than the marijuana joke i made earlier.
And the only other species in the Scopolia genus is pretty similar and in Korea.
So we'll want to find something different.
But we are trapped. We only have imports left.
And the Datura genus we'd likely want is stuck in the Americas so we can only really consider a variety that came from those possible 18th century imports of Datura stramonium.
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They are pretty perfect, tbh, spread widely to the Old World early where it has also become naturalized, and since it was already a weed that could endure dry climate and fairly cold environments. It could probably spread up a mountain.
They are our best bet for something you can smoke for recreation, with nicotine, outside the nicotiana genus that only Sannyo would use. If smoked people used its properties for recreation but you can also use it for anesthesia. Inject it's primary ingredient Atropine and you can use it for all sorts of weird stuff. (Though I pretty much resigned myself to having Atropine in the plant the moment I decided to run up and down the nightshade family).
Though in truth, she's probably just smoking wild tobacco that has lost a lot of flavor while struggling to adapt the mountain. So I'll move on to the most likely answer.
Portugal's more early tobacco is Nicotiana rustica, also called Aztec tobacco.
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It is pretty tough and would probably adapt to a mountain pretty well.
I'd like to think it's the Datura stramonium since it's cooler and weird though.
In overview:
The simplest, best answer is just wild imported Aztec tobacco (Nicotiana rustica) from Portugal. Which had trade with Japan open up extremely early. Its honestly perfect for this
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Followed by the more provocative option of Devil's Trumpet (Datura stramonium) imported later in the 18th century.
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and the funny option. The only one actually native to Japan
Japanese belladonna (Scopolia japonica)
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But it's almost definitely just that Aztec tobacco. (Nicotiana rustica)
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We could just imagine she mixes flowers or herbs into it to validate her "herbs" comment if we want (which again, would be cute)
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aeolianblues · 2 months
good god girl, maybe some of us are not vegan because we eat chicken like once in three months?? Would reduction not be a more productive goal of vegan activism than outright banning? Like if your arguments are that animals are being eaten, then you’re being unrealistic about the entire actual concept of the food chain. Humans are omnivores, you do not need to change that to achieve your goals.
A vegan lifestyle is also entirely the product of your geographical location. If you live somewhere that shit does not grow, what are you going to do?? I just think about the difference between food options in India and Canada, for example. India: between the tropics (tropics and equator even, in fact). All-year-round sun, there’s pretty much always stuff growing. Different kinds of land will mean you can grow everything from staples like rice and wheat to vegetables, fruits and plantation crops. It’s reflected in the cuisines: Indian food has a much, much wider offering of vegetarian food, and many more Indians have restricted diets that more or less overlap with vegetarianism. Because crops grows. Locally.
Canada. Harvest in the fall, from November to March, your fields are practically unusable. Compare the prices of fresh produce in (and now I’m being generous to give you a highly populated, non-remote province here for an example) Ontario. Ontario has farms where in the fall you get fresh autumn vegetables and fruits. You’ll also get them in larger quantities. It is way cheaper, fresher and also uses less energy and fuel to transport the vegetables like 50 km from farm to market.
Come the winter and nothing grows. If you look at most vegetables you’ll find on store shelves in December or February, and most of it is either imported from warmer regions of the US (often the case for chains that are in both countries) or from South American countries (sometimes SA -> USA -> Canada). The importing has to go through cross-country customs, had to be driven for days, is less fresh or rich in nutrients by the time you get it, and is more expensive. Of course. And we all come out of it poorer. Is it any wonder why people will eat meat? We’re even talking here about a place like Ontario, very well connected on North American trade routes. Can you justify someone in Yukon deciding to eat meat over a $17/lb. green veg? Be for fucking real…
There simply cannot be a blanket-global solution to animal products. You’ve got to work with what your geography has to offer. It’s the same thing we say when we say that avocados have an environmental cost when you expect them to be available year-round in places they don’t grow. We encourage people to go for more local produce there, and I think the same should go for all parts of your diet too. If your animals are local, then their footprint is lower than importing kiwis from New Zealand to the US. I don’t see how that’s hard to understand.
#veganism#the first para is a rant bc someone was being an idiot but I mean the rest of it most sincerely:#YOU HAVE TO WORK WITH YOUR GEOGRAPHY#capitalism has you thinking the whole world Is this flat homogenous thing#and all things can be solved by ‘buying (new solution)!’ *Buy!* our new Vegan Leather and feel good about yourself!#(<- plastic that will end up in a dump as Indonesia’s problem; not the pontificating American vegan’s)#*~Buy!!~* our new honey substitute! 100% cruelty free by avoiding the bees; even as the bees literally continue to make honey anyway#(<- monocrop agave fields in Mexico can deal with your misplaced guilt for you 🥰💕)#Like. At least have the courage of your convictions and quit sweetener entirely if you’re#concerned about both cruelty (which honey harvesting is not but okay) and sustainability. Or switch back to sugarcane.#Unless of course sustainability is simply someone else’s problem 😊 (hi third world!!)#My problems with veganism the movement are also my problems with the west; you all are really fucking hypocrites.#We have to go cleaning up after you guys all the time. You HAVE to work WITH your geography; not against it#Plants are not some miraculous catch-all solution. And mate; you’ve got to kill a plant to eat it too#Plants are alive; trust me. If you don’t eat anything for fear of killing it you’ll either be living on roadkill and infect and die#or you’ll end up killing yourself out of not! eating!#; you can’t eat rocks. All food was once alive.
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wellpresseddaisy · 11 months
I know that cotton voile is an insane fabric to be looking for in November in the northeast of the US, especially since I want it for a Christmas outfit, but the relative who hosts holidays keeps her house toasty and I do not vibe with toasty these days.
Since fabric.com shut down, it's been insanely hard to find lighter weight apparel cottons in colors I like at reasonable prices. Especially since I try not to give Amazon that much of my money. I may have to for some of the art gallery prints I really love. They, of course, have the voile.
It's getting to the point where I'm perfectly willing to just purchase undyed fabrics from Dharma Trading and figure out how to dye my own fabric in an under 1000 sq ft. apartment where every square inch is being used.
I mostly wear solid colors, anyway.
Or I'll try a new store. It looks like India or Canada are my options.
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nifm-institute · 2 months
NIFM Institute in Mumbai — Best Stock Market Training Courses in Mumbai
NIFM Institute in Mumbai is the best share market classes in Mumbai for stock market trading & training. At NIFM, we’ve always been partial to independent thinkers. Where we’ll teach you not only how to trade in the share or financial market but also how to make a living out of it in our stock market courses in Mumbai. NIFM share market training programs are simple to understand and easy to follow with practical case studies in an organized manner with a systematic flow. In our stock market courses, we will teach you to learn every factor that can affect stock market industry ups and downs, when to enter or exit, money-making strategies, discipline in the stock market, and control risk and loss.
Overview of Stock Market Courses in Mumbai
Trading in the stock market is a process that requires constant thinking, analysis, and discipline. What you think and what you choose determines your success in the business.
NIFM is the pioneer institute of stock market trading courses in Mumbai. Our institution has been focusing on providing qualitative stock market trading knowledge for over a decade in India. NIFM believes in classroom & practical sessions where the interaction of experienced trainers and other participants brings out the best results and clears all doubts about the toughest topics and makes them crystal clear. NIFM has helped thousands of investors learn the skills necessary to have the ability and confidence of the pros. We are the only stock market institution having 20+ branches all over India, where 50,000+ students have done certification of stock market courses, Job oriented courses, investor & trader courses under the supervision of industry experts. We have exclusively developed job oriented courses with 100% placement assistance for those who want to make a career in the stock market. NIFM has 6+ branches or institutes for stock market courses in Maharashtra.
Services offered by NIFM — Share Market Courses in Mumbai
Here in Mumbai, NIFM is offering 20+ stock market courses with certification and 100% placement assistance in top companies. They focus on more practical (75%) training than theoretical (25%) training. Students work on practicalities with the budget in hand to get more enhanced knowledge of trades, when to buy or sell stocks, market ups, and downs. This builds more confidence in students to find out when is the best time to enter the market or the right time to invest in stocks.
NIFM has courses for all 12th pass out students, graduated students, businessmen, investors, traders, housewives, retired persons. The availability of every generation of students makes our atmosphere more interesting, where all students can learn with the life experiences of others.
Stock Market Beginners Courses: If you are a fresher or beginner in the stock market then this certification course is for you. We helped you to learn all the basics of the share market with experts and be a market expert within 3 months.
Beginners to Advance level courses: NIFM offers Diploma & Advance Diploma courses in the stock market. Learn fundamental, technical analysis, industry up and down, the best time to buy and sell stocks. These courses offer 100% job assistance.
Job Oriented Courses: NIFM has exclusively developed job oriented courses for those who want to make their careers in the financial market or the stock market. They trained students according to the best industry requirements.
Trading and Investment Courses: This is one of the best courses to become a trader or investor in the stock market.
Technical Analysis Courses: Technical Analysis not only helps you understand the profit target but also aware of the risk involved in the trade. We teach the secrets of successful traders, We teach unique ideas to trade in Intraday, Swing trade, Short term delivery, Futures & Options.
NCFM NSE certification courses: Courses for NCFM Certification exam, and exclusively developed mock test papers which covers all syllabus for the examination.
NISM SEBI certification courses: NISM Certification courses to help students to crack the examination.
Diploma in Equity Sales Certification: This course is divided into 6 modules: Capital Market Module, Derivative Market Module, Currency derivatives module, Mutual Fund Distributors module, Investment Advisor (Level 1) and Equity Sales module.
Fundamental Analysis Crash Course: This course will help to understand all these aspects analysis of data, news, events, correlation, the impact of these while trading in the stock market or investing in other market segments.
Online Stock Market Courses: NIFM also offers online courses for those who want to learn online about day trading, trading basic terminology, how online trading systems work, Forex trading, swing trading, stock prices, live trading, and the stock exchange.
Why Choose NIFM, Best Stock Market Courses in Mumbai
Depth knowledge with practical exposure
75% practical exposure, 25% theoretical exposure
Certification after completion of course
Faculties over 30+ years of experience.
We work for all-round development for the student.
Students visits in NSE, BSE, SEBI offices
100% job assistance in topmost companies
100% support given to pass out students if any updating took place in course.
Conducting regular seminars for students by experts & industry.
Some unique courses are available only with NIFM.
Advance lab equipment/software for practical training.
Stock Market Courses Free Videos
NIFM made stock market trading learning easy for you with these free videos, you can watch and learn fast and earn fast with NIFM.
Click to enjoy your free videos today!
NIFM Preferred Employers
Our clients- Axis Securities, HDFC Securities, Kotak Securities, ICICI Direct, Motilal Oswal, Standard Securities, NIIT, Tradebulls, Bajaj Capital, SMC, Angel Broking, Advisory Mandi, Indiabulls Ventures, Nirmal Bang, Safe Express, IDBI Capital, Elite Wealth, Bonanza, Karvy Stock Broking, SAS Online, Mansukh, Silver skills, Parasram, Trustline, Zerodha, Jana Bank, LKP, BLB, etc
Seminars & Workshops at NIFM MUMBAI
NIFM organized seminars, events, and workshops to get engaged with our students and keep them up-to-date according to industry requirements. Click the link to watch some glimpse of our NIFM Capital Market Conclave 2019.
Any Doubts or Enquiries?
If you have any doubts and inquiries regarding the stock market industry or want brief counseling for your course, please reach us by filling this form — Contact Us for stock market courses enquiries. Our Counselor will reach and help you to suggest the best courses for your career, investment or trading purposes.
We are established in a prominent location in Parel, Mumbai. It is an effortless task in commuting to our establishment as there are various modes of transport readily available. It is at Shop №6, Kingston Tower, GD Ambekar, Road, Parel East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400033
Source of Content: https://www.nifm.in/blog-details/387/stock-market-courses-in-mumbai.php
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learnwithmearticles · 4 months
Conservation Misconceptions
In trying to be environmentally conscious, many people struggle to find ways to really make a difference. This makes misinformation easy to fall for, especially when it leaves out the nuance of trying to be environmentally friendly.
“Vegan clothing” reached popularity as early as the 1970s. Its sleek, shiny, and stretchy look make it ideal for many fashion icons. In November of 2023, reality TV star Kylie Jenner released a line of twelve “faux leather” or ‘pleather’ outfits. In the first hour, it had reached one million dollars in sales.
The appeal of vegan clothing is understandable. Many people in the U.S. hear about the horrors of the cattle industry before entering high school. Many people sympathize with animals and seek ways to reduce their consumption of animal products.
Contradictorily, faux leather is significantly harmful to the environment. Most pleather consists of polyurethane, which is plastic. It is unsustainable on the basic factor of the oil from which it originates being nonrenewable. Additionally, manufacturing this material includes high levels of toxic chemicals like dimethylformamide which is linked to cancers and birth defects. Polyurethane pleather can also take one thousand years to break down in a landfill.
Leather, from the hides of cow, sheep, goat, deer, and many other animals, is organic. It breaks down at the end of its life, usually over ten to fifty years in landfills. 
Interestingly, plastic clothing in a landfill takes a long time to degrade while leather breaks down quicker. Yet during its use, plastic is prone to scuffs, tears, and showing more wear while leather clothing can last years without significant damage.
Leather is not all perfect, of course. Animal cruelty is a large factor for people turning to faux leather, and those concerns are well-founded. Animal cruelty in the leather and meat industries is well-evidenced.
Aside from animal cruelty, tanning hides also produces chemical contamination. While chromium used in leather tanning is less toxic now than earlier solutions, it is still hazardous. Other hazardous materials in leather tanning include nitrosamines, benzidine-based dyes, and formaldehyde. Being exposed to the former two in high levels can increase the risk of cancers, while formaldehyde causes skin irritation, nausea, and respiratory difficulties.
Addressing fashion industry pollution is not as easy as switching entirely to different materials. A more effective alternative to fake leather is addressing the waste of the fashion industry. In 2023, the fashion industry produced 97 million tons of waste, including 18 million tons from textiles and 2.5 million tons in chemical waste.
Additionally, there are vegan clothing options from plant alternatives. One example, calotropis, is sometimes considered wool without the need for sheep. Calotropis plants grown in India need little in regard to water, attention, and pesticides. Cactus leather is another example which requires less water and produces less plastic. When industries turn to plants, the supply chain and issues of fair trade continue to require attention, but these avenues of sustainability are possible.
Turning to leather entirely is not the ideal choice while the farming industry retains its wealth of problems, but pleather is not a suitable replacement. Those seeking to be environmentally conscientious with clothing choices can try non-synthetic materials like colatropis, cactus leather, and linen.
Veganism is a diet people adopt for a variety of reasons. Some have biological restrictions that a vegan diet works best with, helping them to avoid foods they can’t eat. Others do it in an effort to consume fewer calories, and some use it in an effort to reduce the waste and mistreatment in the farming industry.
In a strict vegan diet, one avoids all animal products, usually summed up as milk and eggs. Strictly speaking, honey would be included in those animal products. But for those eating a vegan diet for ethical reasons, avoiding honey can do more harm than good.
Honey alternatives include maple syrup, molasses, and more. Maple syrup and molasses contain important nutrients, but some dieters find them to contain too much sugar.
Another popular honey alternative, with lower amounts of sugar, is agave syrup. Agave syrup also contains vitamins and other nutrients, and comes from the agave plant, which is grown around the world but native to Mexico and the southwest U.S.A.
Agave farming faces multiple problems. One is that agave plants are fragile, and will have trouble surviving in the rapid climate changes the world is experiencing. While agave does well in desert conditions, climate change might cause desert-like conditions for some months or some years and without warning flip in the opposite direction. Similarly, demand for agave is growing but could shift rapidly. For a plant that can take seven years to grow before harvesting, farmers can have a difficult time planning their supply in a way that’s sustainable to them and consumers.
Agave is also often grown as a monocrop, which is unsustainable for long-term agriculture, and carries risks of run-off, blight, and increased need for fertilizers and pesticides. Harvesting blue agave specifically also depletes a vital food resource for the lesser-nosed bat species.
Perhaps the most important consideration with agave plants is the inequity associated with it. Slave labor, underpaid labor, and child labour are dire problems across the agricultural industry. Fair trade certification exists for some agave-related brands, but cannot be assured for all of them. In 2021, data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics registered 1.8 million children involved in child labor, with 45.9 percent of them in the occupations of operating agricultural machinery, and of processing tobacco, agave, and sugar cane.
Ethical alternatives to honey are not necessary. Responsible beekeeping hurts no honeybees. It is a symbiotic relationship. Bees gain protection and a good hive place, with the freedom to leave if conditions are poor. Beekeepers harvest excess honey that the hive does not need to sustain itself. It is a sustainable, beneficial practice that produces a sweetener which very few humans are allergic to.
Alternatives to products we use in our daily lives can become trendy and take some time to see the true impact of. While vying for a more environmentally friendly life, we can be misled or mistaken about the true sustainability of products. It is important to continue to learn about and educate ourselves on the products we’re using.
Additional Resources
1. Faux Leather Unsustainability
2. Fashion Industry Waste
3. Sustainability of Leather
4. Comparing Leather and Faux Leather
5. Problems with Leather
6. Ethics and Fashion
8. Leather Tanning
9.  Plant-based Alternatives
10. Agave Climate Change
11. Agave and Bats
12. Beekeeping Sustainability
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7 Golden Rules of Investing in Stock Market
You can put your money into a fixed deposit plan, mutual funds, provident funds, real estate, or seek wealth management services in India. However, there is one investing sector many people have found to be the most intriguing and appealing. Its appeal stems from the possibility of huge rewards that it provides. But, of course, we’re referring to the phenomena of the stock market investment.
Many people will agree that the stock market is a complicated subject. The stock market is affected by so many elements that it is hard to forecast how it will behave, whether the stock price will rise or fall. However, if one is not cautious, the allure of the stock market might result in significant losses.
Investing in the stock market needs a great deal of patience and discipline, as well as study, in-depth knowledge of the markets and economy, and a thorough awareness of market volatility. Of course, everyone knows you should buy cheap and sell high, but a few additional easy guidelines might help you win on the stock market.
There is no surefire method for stock market investment. However, there are several “golden guidelines” to remember besides seeking education from the 1 stock market training institute in India when investing in the stock market:
Here are the 7 Golden Rules for investing in the stock market:
 1.   Set Reasonable Goals
 As a no 1 stock market trainer in India would tell you, if you make unreasonable assumptions and have exaggerated stock market expectations, you might be in huge trouble. While it is acknowledged that anticipating high returns on your investments is not a bad thing, expecting too much might lead to disaster. For example, several stocks have achieved more than 50% returns during a bullish trend in recent years, but this does not imply that you should invest all of your money in those particular stocks.
2.   Prioritise the Long Term
Yes, we’ve all heard the adage about entering the market when it’s low and quitting when it’s high. Many people utilise this method to make a fast buck. However, such a strategy is difficult to adopt because it is hard to anticipate when the stock price will rise or whether its growth has reached its full potential. Even after one has sold a stock, it may rise higher. Therefore, think of the stock market as a long-term investment alternative rather than a short-term money-making instrument.
3.   Never Succumb To Herd Mentality
The most crucial thing to remember when trading in the stock market is to avoid herd mentality. Do not just buy a stock because several influencers and experts have suggested it or because a buddy is doing so. Before investing in a certain company, it is critical to perform your research and fundamental and technical analysis. “Be frightened when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful,” Warren Buffet once advised. This guideline must always be observed.
4.   Diversify
 Portfolio diversification is an age-old stock market investment technique. Investing in a single firm or industry is never a smart idea since your investment may lose value if the company fails. As a result, investing in a varied portfolio is usually advantageous to balance your assets. Generally, investing in a mix of small, mid, and big-size equities is best. Small and mid-cap companies offer the greatest potential for growth and high profits, but they also carry significant dangers. And large-cap stocks are often steady and provide decent returns. A mix of all three would allow you to invest in stability and growth.
5.   Complete Your Homework
 Investing in the stock market without conducting appropriate research or having a basic grasp of economics is equivalent to shooting oneself in the foot. Before you invest your money in the stock market, spend some time and effort learning how it works. Learn about economic trends and the variables that influence the stock market. When investing in a certain firm, it is essential to research both the company’s historical success and prospects. The only approach is to examine the technical data about the company’s economic performance. Aside from that, it is critical to comprehend the worldwide influences on the stock market.
6.   Constantly Monitor Your Portfolio
We live in rapidly changing times. Any significant event or occurrence, whether global or domestic, might impact the market. As a result, one must regularly analyze their portfolio and make modifications to the changing times. Suppose a person does not have the time to check or investigate their portfolio carefully. In that case, they should seek the assistance of a professional financial planner who can help them monitor their portfolio meticulously.
7.   Do Not Allow Your Emotions to Take Control of You
 It is critical to control your emotions when trading stocks. Emotions can obscure your judgement and lead to poor judgments. Several times, investors have panicked and liquidated their assets amid a negative trend, resulting in rock-bottom prices. Remember that patience is essential in the stock market, and you should never make judgments based only on your emotions.
The golden guidelines outlined above will undoubtedly assist you in understanding how to invest in the Indian stock market. Understanding the fundamentals of the stock market is critical. Alternatively, you can pursue stock market education from no 1 stock market trainer in the world.
Bharti Share Market’s highly educated faculty has over a decade of financial market experience. We have educated over 170,000 people through seminars and classroom programs. It grew from a single room in 2008 to 11 outlets in 9 locations to become the no 1 stock market training institute in Maharashtra.
These teaching characteristics and his experience make Bharti Share Market the number one stock market educator in Mumbai and Pune. Bharti sir provides an excellent platform for Technical Analysis Study through which you can research the stock market.
As the no 1 stock market training institute in Pune, Bharti Institute teaches everything from the fundamentals of the stock market to the A to Z foundations of technical analysis.
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globsynbusinessschool · 11 months
Kolkata's Top 10 Business Management Colleges for 2024 Batch
Gone are the days when pursuing a general course was enough to access a range of promising career prospects. To advance in one's job, it is, now nearly, obligatory to enroll in a professional program. In terms of professional education, business management programs have emerged as a beacon of a "bright career." So, for those interested in pursuing a BBA/MBA/PGDM in the city, here is a list of the top 10 business management institutes in Kolkata.
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Why Pursue Business Management Courses in 2024?
A degree in Business & Management Studies will prepare you for a career in practically any sector. Furthermore, the advent of AI, ML, social media, and so on are just a few areas that have and will business management. Consequently, there is a greater demand for management professionals across diverse job roles in every sector.
If you're still wondering why to pursue a Business Management program in 2024, here's our take.
Lucrative career options
Handsome pay package
Personal growth- soft and hard skills
Better networking opportunities
Development of leadership qualities 
Build own business 
Get industry insights, etc.
The Top 10 Business Management Colleges in Kolkata for 2024 Batch
If you want to pursue a business management course in the coming year, here is a list of Kolkata's top 10 business management colleges for the 2024 batch..
IIM, Calcutta
Since its inception in 1961, the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (IIMC) has remained the premier B-School for earning an MBA degree. The first of the country's IIMs, IIMC, is ranked fourth by NIRF (2023). This business school is most renowned for its two-year full-time standard MBA program. Aside from the MBA program, the IIMC provides an array of other postgraduate courses. Due to its educational legacy, top-tier faculty members, attractive placement options, and accreditation by AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS, IIMC remains one of the most sought-after B-Schools among management aspirants in India. The institute will accept a valid CAT score in the 96-99 percentile range or higher.
Accreditation: AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS
Membership: India of Community of European Management Schools (CEMS)
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/GMAT
IIFT, Kolkata
IIFT, or the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, is an autonomous business school in Kolkata. One of the premier business schools in the eastern part of India, IIFT was founded by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry as an autonomous body in 1963. IIFT has risen in tandem with IIM, Calcutta, and is now regarded as one of the top B-Schools for pursuing several MBA programs such as International Business (available full-time, weekend, and online) and Business Analytics. In 2002, IIFT was designated as a "Deemed to be University," and its key areas of study include International Business Management and Strategy.
Accreditation: AACSB
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/GMAT 
Calcutta University- Dept. of Business Management
One of the oldest universities in India, Calcutta University established its Dept. of Business Management in 1976 with the nomenclature of Master of Business Management (MBM) in 2013. Afterwards, the name was changed to Master of Business Administration (MBA). This programme is offered at the Post Graduate Department in the Alipore Campus of Calcutta University with dual specializations in areas like marketing, human resource management, operations management, system analysis, etc. The University of Calcutta has been ranked 12 under the University category by NIRF 2023 and accredited with a Grade A by NAAC. 
Accreditation: NAAC
Affiliation: UGC, AIU, and ACU
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/MAT/XAT
Globsyn Business School
Globsyn Business School (GBS) in Kolkata shines bright in the midst of big names is Globsyn Business School (GBS), Kolkata. Standing tall on 8 acres of land on the outskirts of the city, GBS offers 2 PGDM programmes, one general and the other one in Business Analytics, and one MBA (Global) programme in International Business. The PGDM pogrammes are AICTE accredited while the Global MBA course is offered in collaboration with the Malaysia University of Science and Technology or MUST. Along with imparting theoretical lessons, GBS also focuses on providing students with essential industry exposure via its Summer Internship Program. 
Accreditation: AICTE
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/MAT/XAT/CMAT/ATMA
IMI, Kolkata
The International Management Institute (IMI) in Kolkata is a branch of the International Management Institute in New Delhi. IMI, Kolkata is embraced by lush nature and has cutting-edge infrastructure. The institutions have AICTE, NBA, and AIU accreditations, and were ranked 70th among the Top MBA Colleges in India by NIRF 2023. They offer three management courses: Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), Fellowship Programme in Management (FPM), and Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EFPM). 
Accreditation: AICTE, NBA, AIU, AACSB, and AMBA
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/XAT/MAT
Praxis Business School
Praxis Business School, Kolkata offers a full-time, 2-year, PGDM course approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Within India, this business school has been a forerunner in the domains of Data Analytics, Data Science, and Data Engineering. Prospective applicants must take and pass the CAT, XAT, CMAT, MAT, ATMA, GMAT, or GRE tests to be accepted to Praxis's PGDM program.
Accreditation: AICTE
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/XAT/CMAT/MAT/ATMA/GMAT/GRE
Like the IIMC and the Department of Business Management at Calcutta University, IISWBM is one of the oldest management schools in the nation, not just in Kolkata. India's first management institute, IISWBM, Kolkata was established in 1953 by the University of Calcutta. The B-School, one of the most prestigious schools in West Bengal, is accredited by the AICTE and affiliated with the University of Calcutta and offers a variety of postgraduate programs in addition to MBA courses on various specializations. 
Accreditation: AICTE
Affiliation: University of Calcutta
Accepted Entrance Exams: MAT/CAT/CMAT/JMAT/GATE/GMAT
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI)
With the mention of ISI, most of us conjure terms like statistics, mathematics, etc., which is not wrong. However, a lot of us might not be aware that ISI, jointly with IIT Kharagpur and IIM Calcutta, offers a PG Diploma in Business Analytics (PGDBA). This institution has received accreditation from the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (MOSPI) and recognition from the AICTE. In order to be admitted to ISI's PG Diploma in BA program, applicants must have earned at least 60% in their B. Tech., B.E., M.Sc., or M.Com. program.
Accreditation: AICTE and MOSPI
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/GMAT
Institute of Engineering and Management (IEM)
IEM has succeeded in the fiercely competitive city's B-School market. IEM is accredited by the AICTE and NBA and has received a Grade A designation from the NAAC with a score of 3.25. The B-School is associated with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), located in West Bengal, and provides both PGDM and MBA programs. These days, aspirants in management are increasingly drawn to IEM's MBA in Business Analytics in addition to other specializations.
Accreditation: AICTE
Affiliation: MAKAUT
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/MAT/JEMAT
ARMY Institute of Management (AIM)
Not just meant for ARMY wards but also for general category students, AIM, Kolkata offers a two-year, full-time MBA program with dual specializations. This B-School was established in 1997 by the Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) and is affiliated with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University. To get admission to AIM, one needs to possess a valid CAT scorecard. Having stated that, if an applicant has a current JEMAT Rank card and an MAKAUT Allotment card, they may be eligible for direct admission to AIM.
Accreditation: AICTE and NAAC
Affiliation: MAKAUT
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT
In conclusion, enrolling in business management courses in 2024 will provide you with a dynamic, pertinent education that will give you the know-how you need to succeed in a constantly evolving corporate environment. To fully reap the benefits of any management degree, it is imperative to make an informed decision while choosing the appropriate business management school. Hence, the list above could be a great starting point for potential business management students to learn more about Kolkata's top 10 business schools for 2024.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is Kolkata a good place to study business management?
Of course, yes. Business management colleges in Kolkata provide high-quality education as well as lucrative job possibilities and industry connections. 
What are the top 5 MBA colleges in Kolkata?
Here are the top 5 MBA colleges in Kolkata:
Globsyn Business School
What entrance exams are accepted in top business schools in Kolkata?
Top business schools in the city accept a valid score in any of the following exams:
Which is the oldest business management college in Kolkata?
IISWBM is the oldest management school in Kolkata, along with being the first institute in India to offer an MBA degree.
Is CAT mandatory for an MBA?
For admission to their MBA programs, most top business schools accept a legitimate CAT score. It is, however, not the sole exam that is accepted. Several B-Schools also accept valid scores on tests such as the MAT/XT/CMAT/ATMA, among others.
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detroit-grand-prix · 2 years
Wildest Dreams Chapter 16 - 'tis the damn season
Chapter summary: It's the 2018 edition of Silly Season. The driver market. Bee's F2 seat is assured, at least, but there are always other options in play.
Content warning: N/A
Chapter word count: 3,855
Author's Notes: This chapter is super dialogue-heavy, but it's really kind of a transitional chapter. But now we're starting to get somewhere!
Not many notes here, just two:
Yes, keen observers will note that Bee is taking the spot that Nicholas Latifi got in 2019 as the Williams reserve driver. If you like GOATifi, fear not - he ends up doing reserve duties/getting signed to a different team on the grid. There's another driver that I'm just going to pretend never existed instead.
It is not unprecedented that someone could be a reserve at with two teams, but only if the teams have the same engine supplier, as far as I know.
McLaren and Mercedes have had an agreement to share reserve/test drivers for a few years, since McLaren switched from Renault to Mercedes engines. I believe Esteban may have been a Mercedes reserve during his time with Force India, because Toto was his manager. Both of Mercedes' FE drivers are reserves for both teams, so I don't think it's unfathomable that Bee could be the first reserve for Williams and the second reserve for Mercedes. And while I'm striving for as much accuracy as possible, this is still fanfiction!
Previous Chapter
Brackley, Northampton, England, United Kingdom Mid-September, 2018
Before Sochi, Bee found out that George was being promoted to Formula 1 for the next season, having secured a multi-year contract with Williams. It hadn’t been announced widely yet, but she was incredibly happy for him. It wasn’t an enormous surprise, as he had been doing development and simulator work for Williams as well as Mercedes for a while, and had previously done FP1 tests in their car. 
Bee had been a bit confused when she’d found out about George doing test work for Williams, but she never asked - there were a lot of things in the world of F1 she didn’t understand, but things had become a little clearer when she got a call from Claire Williams, the de facto team principal of Williams, herself. 
“We haven’t officially met, I know, but I’ve heard a lot about you from Susie, Toto, and George.” She said on the phone. “And I saw your outstanding performance in Monza. I know you are already testing with Mercedes for a day in Abu Dhabi, but I called to see if you wanted to test in a Williams as well.” 
“Well… it does sound intriguing, but I would like to check with Toto first. He’s my manager, so -” 
“Sure, of course. I’ve mentioned this to him already, so he won’t be surprised. Hopefully, I will be talking to you soon.”
Bee had her regular meeting with Toto a few days later.
“So, I got a call from Claire Williams. She wants me to test at Abu Dhabi for them, but I’m already testing for us… I didn’t realize that was allowed, actually.”
“Oh, yes.” Toto said. “We are Williams’ engine supplier, as well as the engine supplier for Force India, so you are able to test with them if you’d like to. It would be an issue, say, if you wanted to test with Ferrari or Renault. But that is why George was hired by Williams. He’d tested with them before. There are also a few other things we are able to share between our supplied teams - reserve drivers, for instance.” 
There were so many little intricacies and rules to how much staff and drivers attached to teams could interact with other teams - mostly to protect trade secrets and technical information. Bee suspected that the Mercedes-Williams relationship was a bit unique amongst the various teams on the grid - Toto used to be an investor and a non-executive chairman of Williams. Susie was a test and development driver for the team. Valtteri had come from Williams. If she remembered correctly, Nico Rosberg had started his career in Williams as well. Some joked that Williams was the Mercedes junior team, like Toro Rosso was to Red Bull, but that wasn’t quite accurate. 
“I am assuming you would like to? I think it would be a good opportunity for you. And it’s a good sign that teams are starting to take notice of you, I think, which makes sense. You’re third in the F2 championship after Monza, that’s an incredible achievement.”
“I guess I don’t see why I wouldn’t.” 
“Good! Then, while we’re in Sochi, I think it would be a good idea to set up a meeting with her so we can work out the details. Maybe we’ll get lunch.”
George’s graduation into F1 was definitely well-deserved, and fortunate, given that he was on track to win the F2 championship. If he did, he wouldn’t be able to do another year in F2 anyway - you were ineligible to participate in the series again after winning the drivers’ championship in Formula 2. 
As far as Bee’s plans for next season, she’d continue her simulator and test work with Mercedes. It was already confirmed and announced by Andy Roche, the new team principal for the team that would become UNI-Virtuosi, that she would be taking an F2 seat for her second season - no need to fight it out and hope for the best in Abu Dhabi this year. It was a relief. Artem moved to Japan to compete in Super Formula, and would be replaced by a rising F3 driver. Her incoming teammate would be a Chinese driver named Zhou Guanyu, who was a Renault junior.
Once again, though, she was stuck with a blue racing suit for the season. She cursed when she saw the preview images that Andy had emailed her. At least this time, it was a royal blue, and not a navy blue. And there were blocks of yellow up the sides, so if she was able to keep her custom bumblebee helmet instead of using a team-designed helmet, at least it would match something. She considered asking Toto - jokingly, of course, why Mercedes junior drivers didn’t get a livery and suit that matched their sponsoring team, like Red Bull and Renault did. Guanyu was attached to the Renault academy, so his suit and car livery was black and yellow. 
There were two races left in the season for her - Sochi and Abu Dhabi. There was a month between Monza and Sochi, and another month between Sochi and Abu Dhabi. The F1 flyaway races were happening during this time. She wasn’t going to any of them except for the US Grand Prix, and then she’d be going to Michigan for a few days with her parents to visit her grandparents. She hadn’t actually seen them in about five years now. They came to Germany then, but now they were getting a bit too old to travel internationally. 
During the lead-up to Sochi, she was putting in hard service in the gym and the simulator. She spent the days hammering out shoulder presses, delt flys, bench dips, working with resistance bands, working on neck strength, core exercises, leg presses, pilates - she hadn’t been quite as prepared as she’d like to have been for her test in the W09, and would rather not be in the kind of pain she was in after that test again.
Bee had always used exercise as a way to siphon off her anxiety. This had not changed, even after she had started working with Natalie. And the more she started thinking about being asked to test for an additional team, the more she realized that it might be the first step into an actual Formula 1 seat, which made her anxious. Her anxiety spurred her on to put in more sets, more reps, more weight, more hours in the gym. 
She woke up one morning, a week and a half before Sochi, and was unable to turn her head. She tried not to panic as she drove to the factory with some difficulty (hard to look both ways in traffic when you can’t really move your neck) to see Rebecca, the physiotherapist the team had on contract, before going straight to the doctor.
“It’s a strain,” she said, gently palpating the tender cord of muscles around Bee’s neck and shoulders. “You’ve been pushing a bit too hard. But it should feel better in a day or two. You just need to rest for now.”
“Would, like… I don’t know, massage help?” Bee said.
“No, honestly, it would just do more damage to the inflamed issue at this point. Once the pain is out of the acute phase, we can do that, but for now, you will just need to take care of it the old-fashioned way - rest, ice, and some paracetamol. And don’t be tempted to try to stretch it right now, that will just make it worse.”
As she was applying the KT tape to Bee’s neck and shoulder (“it will help with the inflammation”), Rebecca said, “If I catch you in the gym again before you go to Sochi, I’m going to tell Toto.” 
“But -”
“You’ve been going too hard at it lately, and there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. You need to rest.” 
“I’m just trying to make sure I’m ready for my tests this year. I wasn’t ready for Hungary and felt awful for the next two races afterwards.”
“I know, I get it. But you’ll have plenty of time between Sochi and Abu Dhabi to be ready.” Rebecca said. “Trust me.” 
“Fine,” Bee grumbled, as she struggled to put her shirt back on. 
“And stay away from the sim, too.” Rebecca added, seemingly reading Bee’s mind. “When I say you need some rest, I mean it.”
Faced with the possibility of having to sit in her flat, idle, for over a week, Bee decided to catch a last-minute flight to Stuttgart for a few days, and fly on to Sochi from there. If she was going to have to sit around the house anyway, she thought it was better to spend time with her parents than spend time alone in Northampton. 
“So, what did you do to your shoulder, exactly…?” her dad said at dinner the night Bee got home, eyeing the bright stripes of KT tape visible under the collar of her shirt.
“Just overdid it in the gym is all, it’s just a strain. It should be fine in a few days.”
John looked a little confused. “Now, I admit, I never played sports growing up, and racing is the only sport that I watched, but… I guess I’m just surprised by how much of your time you spend in the gym, or with a physio, how much you have to pay attention to your diet, any of that. It’s not something I expected when you started moving up to single-seaters, that’s for sure.”
“Well… it takes a lot to drive these cars. It’s very physical. I was sore for a while after driving the W09 in Hungary, just because I didn’t anticipate how much more forceful taking corners would be.”
“I don’t doubt it. I just remember, when I was a teenager and it was Lauda, Hunt, Scheckter - those guys definitely didn’t live like elite athletes. It seemed like they did more partying than racing.” John said. “Then again, it seemed like a few of them died every season, so I guess they had to cope somehow. And, I suppose the cars are way faster now than they were then.
“I mean, I think a lot of the guys in F1 still do party quite a bit. Not everyone, though. But they also work their asses off.” Bee said. 
“All things in balance.” John said.
Bee also made sure to have an appointment with Natalie before Sochi. They talked about how she was feeling ahead of being invited to test for another team. 
“I guess it’s just… strange to think that I’m getting attention outside of Mercedes, even though Mercedes is a big team. It’s something I’ve always kind of… fantasized about happening but now things seem to be actually happening and I’m afraid of it for some reason.”
“What is it that you’re afraid of happening?” 
“I don’t know. Wrecking their car, which costs them a fortune and could set back development time and affect their performance in races. Doing poorly at the test. Making myself look stupid and confirming that women don’t belong in motorsport?”
Natalie thought for a moment. “Well, let’s look at it this way. You’ve already had a test a few months ago, for an even bigger team than the one you’re testing for. That was on an actual race weekend, not post-season testing. And you did fine! More than, from what I remember. And you had an amazing performance at your last race, so I think you’ve proven that you belong. And it’s not like a male driver has never crashed during testing. It happens quite regularly, from what I remember.”
“I know, but, if they do it, people don’t blame it on their gender. If I do it, that’s the first thing they’ll blame.”
“Who are these ‘people’? Does anyone that knows anything about driving a Formula 1 car say that?” Natalie said.
“Well… no. I mean, there’s a team principal that might, but -”
“Okay. If they don’t know, their opinions surely can’t be worth much, and people will find something to complain about with any driver. And I know it’s not your team principal that says that, so his opinion isn’t worth much, either. There are a lot of people that support you. It’s going to be hard, but you just have to be more conscious of your yeasayers than your naysayers.”
Bee loved that she could always rely on Natalie to put things in perspective.
Adler District, Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia September 27th, 2018
Toto let Bee know that they would meet Claire for lunch on the Thursday of Sochi’s race week. Bee’s flight landed in the morning and she went straight from the airport to the hotel to her meeting with Clare. Bee was a little surprised that they wouldn’t have just met in one of the team hospitality areas, or have arranged to meet in the UK. Grove, where Williams was based, wasn't too far from Brackley or Northampton, but Bee had noticed that she had a different - a distinctly American, despite growing up in Germany - definition of what constituted a “long drive” than most people from England. 
Either way, Claire had picked a nice place that was right on the shore of the Black Sea, but not in the Olympic park by the track. 
Bee spotted her when she stepped inside - Toto had not yet arrived. She’d seen Claire around the paddock, of course, but they hadn’t ever talked to each other. She recognized Claire’s pin-straight, shoulder-length brown hair and large, expressive eyes, never mind the white Williams Martini polo she was wearing. 
Bee approached the table. Claire was reading the menu and hadn’t seen her yet. 
“Hi, Claire?”
Claire looked up. “Phoebe!” she said, standing up and shaking Bee’s hand. “It’s so nice to finally meet you, I’ve seen you around the garages but I never thought to say hello.”
Bee sat down, and Claire followed suit, and continued. “I just wanted to say, I was so impressed by your performance in Monza. P1 in every session, and a lap record to boot - I’ve been around racing a long time, and trust me - that’s incredibly rare.”
Bee blushed. “Well, I think Monza is just a particularly good track for me, but -” 
She was interrupted by Toto and Susie coming in. Bee waited while they exchanged greetings and hugs, and gave each of the Wolffs a hug herself. 
“Sorry we’re late,” Toto said. “I was caught out by one of the engineers as I was trying to leave. You know how it can be. Hopefully I haven’t missed much!”
They all chatted a bit, about mundane things like flights, weather, the state of Bee’s shoulder and how she’d been barred from the gym via the threat of Toto hearing about it, George’s upcoming contract, and their prospects and predictions for the F2 and F1 races.
Finally, Claire said, “Well, let’s get to why we’re here. Phoebe, I fear I haven’t been completely transparent with you. I told you over the phone that I wanted to talk to you about testing, but it’s a bit more than that. Of course, I still want you to test in Abu Dhabi, but I’d also like to bring you on as a reserve driver for the next season, since we’re promoting George. You’ll still be able to run in F2, as I understand you already have a seat with Virtuosi. It’s rare that reserve drivers are ever used. I won’t say never, but we haven’t had to use one in a few years. In addition to joining us trackside at races, you would also be undertaking testing and development duties for us as well.”
Bee was stunned. She’d been surprised enough to have been offered a test, let alone a position as a third driver. It meant going to every race weekend with the team and staying prepared in case there was a need to step up and take the race seat  - if she accepted, it meant she could be a case of the flu away from her F1 debut. 
“But - you haven’t… I haven’t even driven your car yet? What if I’m awful at it?”
“Well,” Claire said. “Ultimately, this offer is pending your test in Abu Dhabi. However, from your test in Hungary it’s clear you’re no slouch as a driver. And you had that performance in Monza. And… you may have had someone vouch for you as well. Well, two someones, one of whom has held the job before.”
Bee looked at Susie, who smiled at her. It was almost mischievous. Susie shrugged. Bee was a bit speechless. Her brain was trying to process it all. 
“I won’t expect you to have an answer now, I imagine you will want to discuss things with Toto and there will likely be a bit of negotiation involved regarding your contract, anyway. But, we would be excited to have you on our roster.”
Bee caught a car with the Wolffs back to the paddock from the restaurant. She and Susie sat in the back seat, talking quietly to each other. 
“You told Claire to make me the reserve for next year?” she said. 
“Well, why wouldn’t I? She needed one, with Lance’s move to Racing Point, Sergey moving on, and George moving up. They didn’t really have a permanent reserve last year, and are bringing on George and another driver. You’re talented, you’re dedicated, and I think you’re ready for it. Plus, who is better to judge a candidate for an opening than the person that had the position before?”
“I don’t know. Honestly, there’s part of me that feels a bit bad, and it may sound strange but…”
 She thought back to what she had told Will Buxton during his interview with her in Hungary on the morning of her test, and started to doubt her own words. They’d talked about this before, of course, but back then, Bee’s career and berth into Formula 1 was merely a hypothetical. She was now a hair’s breadth away from it being a reality. 
“I’m stepping into the role you were in. I don’t want to… replace you or what you meant for the team, I guess.”
Susie put her hand on Bee’s shoulder. It was gentle and warm.
“I don’t see it as you replacing me, Bee, not at all. I never wanted to be the last one. The fact that I had to struggle is all worth it if I can help someone break the barriers that I wasn’t able to break through. I will always have a legacy in racing in my own right, and now… you get to be a part of that legacy, too.”
Bee almost started crying. She would have hugged Susie if they weren’t in the backseat of an SUV, so she simply settled for giving Susie’s hand a squeeze. 
“That means… well, everything to me. I’ll do my best to make you proud.”
“I know you will. But, I’m already proud of you.”
There was a moment of quiet in the car, until Bee thought of something.
“Wait, she said someone else recommended me. Toto, was it you?”
Toto turned around in his seat a bit to look at Bee. “No. I mean, it’s not that I wouldn’t, but we’d just never talked about it until she called and told me that she wanted to meet while we were here. I am very pleased for you, obviously. You absolutely deserve it."
Bee couldn’t equal her Monza performance in Sochi, nor was she expecting to be able to. She placed P6 in the feature race and P8 in the sprint race. She felt terrible for Artem, though. He wasn’t even in the points on the Feature race, which must have felt terrible in front of a home crowd. She was hoping for a decent result for both of them, racing in Russia as part of an ostensibly Russian team, but it was not to be, but that was racing. 
Brackley, Northampton, England, United Kingdom October 16th, 2018
Bee and Toto had their regular meeting when Toto returned from Japan, and Bee expected them to talk about Claire’s contact. Toto said that’s what they would do, but - 
“It does somewhat complicate things. Since George is getting promoted to the Williams seat, we are down one reserve and development driver. Truthfully, George is still considered a reserve driver for us. We have the option to borrow him, should the need arise. And, at the moment, it looks like Esteban will be replaced at Racing Point because of Lance being moved to the team. I do not know if a seat will open up for him elsewhere for the time being, but if not, he will be our first reserve.” 
Toto leaned back in his chair a little. Bee knew that Esteban Ocon was another Mercedes development driver, but he had been driving with other teams for a few years now. “However, I had intended to offer the second reserve position to you before Claire mentioned that she was looking at you. You’ve done extremely well for us with simulation and development, and you do deserve the position. I do not intend to hold you back from it, because I’m you manager, and it is definitely in the best interest of your career. But I was curious - we have, previously, had a second reserve driver that did part-time development for us. That is an option we have if you’d like to take it.”
Bee thought for a moment. “Wouldn’t that be… a conflict of interest?”
“Well, yes, and no. As I told you before, we couldn’t do this sort of thing with a team that didn’t use our engines. But Williams does. And the history of our teams is fairly interlinked at this point, so it wouldn’t be so much of an issue. You would be bound by a mutual non-disclosure agreement anyway, and those are pretty serious if you break them.”
“It’s tempting,” Bee said. “I’m excited about the Williams reserve, but… I don’t know, I’ve been a little conflicted because I don’t want to leave Mercedes behind. I’m guessing you’d still be my manager either way. But… isn’t that a lot for one person to do?”
“Well, we would have some flexibility. It’s mostly just so we retain you in our driver development pipeline, and so you still have access to our resources. Williams is a good team with a lot of heart, but… as far as budget goes, well. It’s not quite the same. You will see.”
They spent a while working out the details, things to finalize with Claire when they would next meet in Austin. Bee’s schedule would be busy next season, but the compensation was incredibly fair for the work she would be doing. Toto emphasized that he would work with her on scheduling for her Mercedes duties, to try to keep everything manageable. Plus, because he was her manager, Claire would have to work with Toto on any matters related to Bee and her schedule anyway. 
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stephdrawsjohnlock · 2 years
Fandom Trumps Hate 2023
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Looking for a scene drawn for your story? A piece to help inspire you to write a fic? How about covers for your story with full print-ready Graphic Design service? Maybe a pinup, or some trading cards (up to 10)?? Maybe a gift for someone, or just your vision of a character(s) (up to 3 character sheets) for your AU?
Well, that’s just some of the stuff I’m willing to offer for this year’s @fandomtrumpshate​​ Charity Event! FTH is a WONDERFUL community project that supports amazing non-profits through donations for fanworks via  this wonderful annual event!
I am participating for my fourth year by offering 2 fanarts for y’all in either the BBC Sherlock, Good Omens, or Our Flag Means Death fandoms, starting at 25$ for the non-profit of your choice!
Here are some past FTH pieces I’ve done, if you’re interested in getting a custom art piece from me:
GO - :FTH 2020 – Lagniappe for Big_Edies_Sun_Hat:
GO - :FTH 2020 BONUS – Réveillon for Big_Edies_Sun_Hat:
SH - :This Year: (FTH #1 for @discordantwords​​)
SH - :Burlesque Johnlock: (FTH #2 for @ohlooktheresabee​)
SH – :A Quiet Moment: (FTH #1 for @totallysilvergirl)
SH – :Against the Wall: (FTH #2 for @anarfea)
And of course, you can browse all my art to see my range:
stephdrawsfanart on Instagram
@stephratte​​ (Primary Multifandom Art ​Blog)
stephratte on deviantART
I will draw any ship from any of the above fandoms. All my work is done as a hi-res 12x12 print-ready piece in CMYK or RGB in Procreate. Traditional media (markers, India ink, and pencils) is also available if you prefer, done on illustration or marker paper at the paper’s size, with the option of acquiring the original if you choose. I will also do it at a requested size if you have a preferred format for something specific. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions.
The browsing begins on Feb. 26, and the bidding opens on March 1! I hope I once again get a chance to do a couple fantastic pieces for y’all!! I love doing this so much, so keep an eye out for my info post soon once it’s official!
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stocksupdates · 2 years
A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Best Book for Intraday Trading
Intraday trading is an exciting way to make money in the stock market. It requires a certain level of expertise and knowledge to be successful, and one of the best ways to gain that knowledge is through reading books. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the right book for your needs. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key factors to consider when choosing the best book for intraday trading in India.
Guide No. 1 For Choosing Best Book For Intraday Trading In India.
First and foremost, it's essential to choose a book written by a reputable author. Look for books written by authors with a proven track record of success in the stock market. They should have a good understanding of the Indian stock market, intraday trading strategies, and risk management techniques.
One way to find the best book for intraday trading in India is to ask for recommendations from fellow traders, friends, or family members who have experience in intraday trading. They may be able to suggest a book that helped them in their trading journey.
Otherwise you can visit any Stock Market Training Institute. For Asking that from Which Intraday Trading Book You had Created your Best Stock Market Course In India. This can help you to find Best Book For Intraday.
Guide No. 2 For Choosing Best Book For Intraday Trading.
Another crucial factor to consider when choosing a book for intraday trading is the level of detail provided. Look for books that provide a step-by-step guide to intraday trading, including strategies for identifying potential trades, risk management techniques, and how to handle emotional and psychological factors that can affect trading decisions.
The best books for intraday trading in India should also cover technical analysis and charting tools. Technical analysis involves using charts and other tools to identify trends in stock prices and predict future price movements. A good intraday trading book should provide a detailed explanation of technical analysis and how to use it to make trading decisions.
The best book for intraday trading should also cover fundamental analysis. This analysis involves looking at a company's financial statements, economic indicators, and other factors that can affect its stock price. Understanding fundamental analysis can help traders make informed decisions about which stocks to buy and sell.
Guide No. 3 For Choosing Best Book For Intraday Trading.
In addition to technical and fundamental analysis, the book should also cover various intraday trading strategies. The book should provide an overview of different trading strategies and explain how to apply them in real-world trading scenarios. Look for books that cover popular strategies such as scalping, momentum trading, and breakout trading.
When choosing the best book for intraday trading in India, it's also essential to consider your level of experience. Look for books that cater to your level of expertise, whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced trader. A good book should be easy to understand for beginners but still provide enough depth for experienced traders.
Now that we have discussed the key factors to consider when choosing the best book for intraday trading in India let's take a look at some of the best options available in the market. One of the best books for intraday trading in India is "Mastering Intraday Trading" by Prashant Shah. This book covers various intraday trading strategies and provides a step-by-step guide to making profitable trades. It also covers technical analysis and risk management techniques.
Guide No. 4 For Choosing Best Book For Intraday Trading.
Another excellent option is "Intraday Trading Ki Pehchan" by Ankit Gala and Jitendra Gala. This book is written in Hindi and covers various intraday trading strategies, charting tools, and technical analysis. It also provides an overview of the Indian stock market and how to use it to make trading decisions.
If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to intraday trading, "Intraday Trading Strategies" by Bansari Parikh is an excellent option. It covers technical and fundamental analysis, various intraday trading strategies, and risk management techniques. The book also provides real-world examples of successful intraday trading strategies.
In conclusion, choosing the best book for intraday trading in India is a crucial step in your trading journey. Look for books written by reputable authors, provide a detailed explanation of intraday trading strategies, technical analysis, and risk management
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