green-character · 10 months
I love One Piece but there's something that's really bugging me off about Usopp. Poor bro has to suffer from the black charcater cliché ( absent father, weird donut lip ) but still he is so white in the anime timeskip. Is he not Black ? I wonder ? Because I've watched OPLA first and now I'm reading the manga so I'm picturing him like Jacob Romero Gibson but I'v seen image from the latest anime annoucement and he is so white ( they sall seem so white washed for me, like I'm sorry but Robin and Zoro ? Luffy ? )
[ also just so yall know I'm currently reading Dressrosa ]
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sarishari · 1 month
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
thinkin bout ghosts rn
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liviainforma · 3 months
Intervienen a Fuerza por México
Consejo General del OPLE Veracruz Xalapa En sesión extraordinaria del Consejo General del Organismo Público Local Electoral del Estado de Veracruz (OPLE Veracruz) declaró el inicio del procedimiento de prevención del Partido Político Local, Fuerza por México Veracruz (FxMV). También designó a la persona interventora responsable del control y vigilancia de los recursos y bienes del mismo partido.…
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encontrasteveracruz · 5 months
Llega material electoral al OPLE
#EnContrasteVeracruz #OPLE #CórdobaCórdoba, Ver.- Material electoral “no custodiado” llegó este día a las instalaciones del Organismo Público Local Electoral (OPLE), mismo que será utilizado en el proceso electoral del próximo dos de junio, así lo dio a conocer, Virgina Montalvo Jiménez, Consejera Presidente del Consejo Distrital Local 19.El material que se recibió, consiste en canceles, urnas de…
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Signan convenio de colaboración CEDH y OPLE Veracruz
Xalapa, Ver. A 13 de Julio de 2023. – Con el objetivo de impulsar acciones de colaboración en materia de promoción y capacitación de derechos humanos, autoridades de la Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos (CEDH) signaron un convenio de colaboración con el Organismo Público Local Electoral (OPLE). La firma del documento estuvo a cargo de la Doctora Namiko Matzumoto Benítez presidenta de la CEDH,…
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kurjat · 2 months
if you're still accepting doodle requests, how about 2 and salamander meeting?
Doodle requests always open allthough I don't promise to always fullfill them!
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I feel bad this feels so mean 😭😭😭 All the things Salamanders picking on him on are like some of my fave things about two SO. <3 I think its so cute that Twos first reaction 2 Salamander was to call him handsome & question peoples judgement on him- so as his foil, I guess Salamander could do the opposite... so... Alternate meeting for these two! Ive missed doing comics i need 2 do more...
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One Piece: innuendos and flirting
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3416 · 1 year
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thanks to @nhldraftbust for bringing this to my attention and this random ig user for publicly posting but... LOOK AT THEM!!!!!!! LOOK . AT . THEM .
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catsloverword · 5 months
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𝗟𝗮 𝗙𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗶 𝗹𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶 viene celebrata il 1º maggio di ogni anno in molti paesi del mondo, per ricordare tutte le lotte e festeggiare le conquiste dei lavoratori di tutto il mondo.
𝗜𝗹 𝗯𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗽𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗼 in azienda, la sicurezza sui posti di lavoro e un equilibrio vita lavoro sono conquiste ancora da raggiungere.
#OPL Ordine degli Psicologi della Lombardia
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esta-elavaris · 4 months
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Part One [1,592 words]
Prologue is here, I'll make a proper navigation post for it soon!
Jane Eyre inspired Aemond Targaryen fic (except there's no wife in the attic - only Vizzy T and his miniatures) -- I've been meaning to write this for ages and now with the new season around the corner my brain said it is time.
It's not on AO3 for now but I do have a whole load of other fics over there! I'll tag folk in the replies -- hmu if you want to be added to the list!
Dividers by cafekitsune.
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A fingertip was tracing the birthmark in the crook of her arm. As the name implied, she’d had it since birth – no bigger than the nail of her little finger, a few shades darker than her skin…and in the distinct shape of the Seven-Pointed Star. Jeyne had never paid it much mind growing up. The novelty of it wore off around the same time that her school-and-orphanage managed to rid her of any silly fantasies that it meant the gods had something fantastic in store for her. In fact, she never thought about it at all until Aemond.
As the bond between them deepened, he’d taken to tracing his fingertips across it just like this – a habit so engrained and unfailing that it almost had the feel of a ritual. A tender ritual, if there ever was such a thing, and one so intimate that she’d almost fancied it felt like a kiss. Up until the first time he did actually kiss her, anyway, and then she realised how silly that thought had been.
But how was she to know? Before him, she’d never been touched in a manner that wasn’t corrective in nature. Not as far as she could recall, at least.
“We’re not at war. We’ve a strong position. Marriage for the sake of an alliance doesn’t seem pressing,” he murmured, his voice so low it was practically a purr as he stroked her arm.
“Princess Rhaenyra is married to your uncle,” Jeyne pointed out in return. “And Prince Aegon to Princess Helena. You’re all they have to offer, should an alliance be needed with a House beyond the Targaryens…or the Velaryons. Your family won’t allow that to be cast aside. Not for me.”
“The King would not,” he agreed readily enough. “But my mother…she might be swayed. She might be sympathetic. She’s fond of you, you know.”
What would fondness help, when the Queen’s word could not override the King’s wishes? If it did, Aegon would have been made heir apparent long ago. Jeyne voiced none of this, though, not wanting to spoil this little haven of peace they carved out for themselves here, together.
“The King’s health has been declining since before I was even born,” Aemond pointed out, his voice lower than a whisper. “But now it’s less of a decline and more of a…freefall.”
Jeyne was dangerously still, where she lounged at his side. What he was saying was barely sidestepping treason, to discuss the death of the King thus. Perhaps it was fine for him to do so, he was the King’s son, but if she joined in? A servant? It wouldn’t be right. Worse than that, it would be stupid.
But, going against their usual way, Aemond was not content to allow her silence. His silken silver hair slipped across his shoulder as he turned his head to regard her with his good eye.
“You’re not a simpleton, Jeyne. You know what I’m saying.”
“Of course I do,” she murmured.
“But you find it distasteful.”
“No! It just…it hardly seems real. Nor likely enough to hope for.”
“You doubt my resolve?” there was a teasing to his tone now that rejection had been ruled out.
“I’d never be so foolish as to do that,” she snorted.
“My affections, then?” the teasing tone remained, but she knew fine well that if she answered poorly the results could be disastrous.
So it was a good thing she tended towards honesty, as a rule.
“No,” she replied. “But I do doubt everybody not in this room – and how enthusiastic they would be to give you what it is you intend to ask for.”
Growing tired of having to keep his head turned if he wanted to see her, Aemond rolled atop her in a flash, his legs tangled amongst her skirts. They did like to kid themselves that so long as they both stayed mostly dressed, they weren’t toying with danger here. How neatly his hips slotted between her thighs said otherwise.
“I don’t intend to ask for anything,” he replied, his nose nudging hers. “I’ll demand it. And I’ll keep demanding it, until I’m granted it.”
“Aemond…think of everything you could lose…”
Her doubt might’ve held more weight if not for how her hands slid up his sides, then around to his back, feeling the wealth of lean muscle beneath the dark undershirt he wore.
“I prefer to think of all I could gain,” he smirked down at her.
“Oh yes, a more advantageous match there never was.”
There was a time when she’d never dare tease him thus – but now it had a fondness gleaming in his eye, maybe because he knew he was one of the very few she’d ever joke with at all, and he kissed her slowly.
“I don’t give a shit about advantages,” he replied simply when he drew back. “Names…gold…alliances…What could any other House bring that House Targaryen doesn’t already have? That we couldn’t just take from them, if we really needed to? With our dragons? But a wife like you, Jeyne?”
He paused then, planting a forearm into the bed beside her to hold his weight, so that he could use his other hand to trace the back of one finger slowly down the side of her face as he continued.
“That can’t be bartered for in the Small Council.”
“Your duty…” she murmured softly.
“My duty is to marry the woman who could best support me as I carry out my role. None could do that more than you.”
Lying there, with his weight pressing down, solid and comforting atop her, she tried to picture all that he promised. Herself, standing by his side in the Great Hall as court was held. Sitting by his side at banquets. Having the dragon-emblazoned cloak of House Targaryen draped across her shoulders in the Sept of Baelor.
Her imagination was seldom disappointing – it was her main source of solace throughout her childhood. But while she could picture all of those things, they felt like they were just that. Daydreams. Incredibly fanciful ones, no less.
And though Aemond only had one eye, it missed nothing, and he caught the doubt on her face easily enough.
“Five years ago, if you were told that you’d find employment in the Red Keep, would you have believed it?”
“Not at all.”
“And on your first day here, did you suspect you’d find yourself here?”
“Of course not. If I could scheme that well, I’d rule the Seven Kingdoms by now.”
“Mm. Maybe one day.”
“I’ve already come so far – risen far higher than my birth should have allowed. How realistic is it to expect more?”
“Realistic,” he echoed with a teasing sort of exasperation on his face. “The last time I set my mind to something this thoroughly, it got me Vhagar. If you can put your faith in nothing else, put it in this. In me.”
The touch at her arm, combined with the warmth in her limbs and the softness of the sheets beneath her, were all more than enough to have reality slipping from Jeyne’s mind. Her lips even parted, ready to murmur to him about the terrible nightmare she’d suffered, when another voice spoke instead.
“I think she’s waking up.”
The voice – that of a woman – opened the gates for reality to sweep in.
Jeyne’s eyes opened, already half-sitting up, but a hand pressed against her shoulder, urging her back down.
“Rest. You’re safe here.”
She was in a large square room, bundled in furs on the floor by the hearth. Before her knelt an older woman with kind grey eyes and dark curly hair, streaked with grey. Her skin was tanned and weatherbeaten – a farmer? If she was, she was well off. The floor beneath her was wooden, rather than dirt, and the walls were made of stone instead of wood.
A fierce gale blew outside, rattling the shutters on their hinges.
“Listen to that,” the woman murmured. “If she’d have been out in that tonight, she’d have died.”
It took Jeyne a moment to realise who she was talking to – another woman, of a similar age, with red hair bound tightly in a bun at the nape of her neck. She sat at the large wooden table at the other end of the room, mending by candlelight.
“I’m sure we’d all survive with one less beggar out there,” she responded without looking up.
“Ignore her,” the brunette said.
Obeying was easy enough, mostly because she was too concerned with looking about for her satchel. She spotted it, discarded by the door, still buckled shut, and the relief left her weak. Or maybe it just left her able to feel the weakness that had always been there.
“If you could just give me some water, please, I can be on my way in a moment,” she rasped.
“You’ll be going nowhere. Not until you recover your strength,” the woman argued firmly. “We’ve space and food aplenty, do not worry. What’s your name?”
“I…” she almost lied – up until she realised doing so might send them through her bag for cues when she next lost consciousness.
Judging by the black spots floating across her vision, that would be soon.
“Jeyne,” she breathed.
“Rest, Jeyne,” the woman urged. “You’re safe with my sister and I.”
She fell back against the furs, the strength sapping out of her limbs, her eyelids fluttering.
“What did you expect?” Aemond had sneered at her, in the end.
The answer was simple: nothing he hadn’t promised her.
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Furnace 0.6.7 - The ultimate chiptune music tracker
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devircy · 1 year
MIHAWKS ACTOR REPLIED TO MY DM ON IG AND IM COLLECTIVELY LOSINF MY MIND. THIS MAN is the sweetest person WE NEED TO PROTEct him. Ugh he’s literally the perfect casting. This is the one thing I will NOT take criticism for, he is perfect.
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artbykatybug · 9 months
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Cable and Ophelia being the hottest people at the bar ❤️💙
I call this illustration "Me and My Partner Saw You From Across the Gaslamp and We're Judging Your Vibe" ehehe -- one day Ople being the hottest people at the bar will be canon..... I long for that day....... 🤭
{ @casukaga 's Cable (he/they) and my Ophelia (she/her), from @crowfood 's lovely Angels of Apostasy campaign :3 }
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night-rider-lily · 7 months
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Falling into your smile is the best comfort drama to watch!
Xu Kai is just so charming! Also it is so nice to see a real esports team Fnatic (FNC) collabing a little bit in this drama!
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ghostlover4life · 3 months
i want my mom to be shot dead, her body ran through a tub of glass shards, put into acid and then let a pack of wild dogs eat her body and then put her in a bin full of necros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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