#Operation Evergreen Business Group
kamariarichmondmedia · 8 months
The Stroke Diva Fabulous Show with Marg Hachey, Managing Director at GroYourBiz & Owner of Operation Evergreen Business Group
In my latest podcast, I had an eye-opening conversation with Marg Hachey, the brains behind Operation Evergreen Business Group and Managing Director at Ontario & Eastern Canada, GroYourBiz. Marg shared invaluable gems for women in business, discussing the “Joy of 6” for entrepreneurship, critical elements for success, and more. Listen for concise, actionable advice, and mark your calendars for…
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jumboking-burger · 3 months
Top 5 Most Profitable Burger Franchises to Invest in India
As a market, there are multiple franchising opportunities in India which can give many a chance to begin with their first franchise business.
The burger is one such item that enjoys evergreen demand, amongst a large set of audience ranging from young kids, to even adults and the older age group. This makes it a profitable business franchise in India.
So, if you are planning to open your first burger franchise in the country, here are some of the most profitable burger franchises in India.
Jumboking Burgers
The first name that pops up when it comes to opening a profitable franchise in India is - Jumboking Burgers.
Jumboking Burgers enjoys a strong demand and consumer loyalty in Western India and is gradually expanding across the country. It is currently the third-largest burger franchise in the country, making it a profitable franchise option.
They offer a large variety of vegetarian burgers which resonates with the larger audience and is suitable for the Indian market.
With a decent investment, it offers an amazing return on investment and an attractive payback period.
2. Burger Singh
Burger Singh is usually considered to be India’s response to the large multinational burger chains. Their innovative approach in bringing the local flavours and experimenting with different recipes and other appetisers have made it one of the audience favourites in the country.
Founded in 2014, Burger Singh franchisees enjoy a decent profit margin. Opening a profitable franchise in India with Burger Singh requires an initial investment of anywhere between ₹30 lakhs to ₹50 lakhs.
3. Burger King
Burger King stepped into the Indian market as a competition to the existing McDonald’s brand. The brand has established itself as a go-to place for a hearty burger meal.
Their large presence with around 300+ stores across the country makes it one of the most profitable franchising opportunities in India for first-time franchisee owners.
Burger King incorporates a sense of Indian flavours into their classic choice of burgers, fries and beverages.
The initial investment required to open a Burger King franchise is somewhere between ₹5 crores to ₹10 crores, with an attractive return on investment.
4. Wat-A-Burger
Since its inception in 2018, Wat-A-Burger has turned out to be a popular name when it comes to the range of burgers it offers.
Wat-A-Burger operates on two kinds of franchise models, which are- takeaways and cafes. While the former requires lesser amount of investment, and operates as a cloud kitchen, the cafes operate as a restaurant with a storefront.
Opening up a Wat-A-Burger franchise can attract an investment of anywhere between ₹19 lakhs to ₹29 lakhs.
5. McDonald’s India
McDonald’s stepped into India way back in the 90s, and has been able to capture a large Indian market. Their classic taste, and quality while innovating with the Indian taste palate and affordability.
Opening up a McDonald’s franchise requires a large investment, ranging anywhere between ₹5 crore and ₹10 crore.
However, with a large network, and being one of the largest and most recognized brands globally, it can become a profitable franchise business option in India.
Opening up a franchisee in India at this point of time is an attractive business opportunity. With tons of brands experimenting and stepping into the Indian market, operating a profitable franchise in India is definitely a chance to write your own success story.
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vinayasokan3136 · 7 months
My Progress - Week #7
Hey everyone,
I hope you're all doing well! It's time for an update on our startup venture, Evergreen Solutions. It's been quite a journey so far.
What's Working? We've made some significant progress on several fronts. Our marketing efforts, particularly on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, have been paying off. We're seeing increased engagement with our posts and gaining traction among our target audience. Additionally, our partnerships with local environmental organizations and community groups have been fruitful in spreading awareness about our services and mission.
What's Not Working? One area that's been a bit challenging is managing our operational costs effectively. As we ramp up our activities and expand our client base, we're encountering unexpected expenses that are putting a strain on our budget. We're actively working on optimizing our processes and exploring cost-saving measures to address this issue.
How Do I Feel the Project Is Coming? Overall, I'm feeling optimistic about the progress we've made. We've overcome some initial hurdles and are starting to see the fruits of our labor. However, I also recognize that there's still a long road ahead. We're constantly iterating and refining our strategies to ensure sustainable growth and long-term success.
What Am I Learning About Running a Business? Running a business is a constant learning experience, and I'm discovering something new every day. One of the most valuable lessons I've learned is the importance of adaptability. In the ever-changing field of entrepreneurship, making changes in our approach based on feedback and market dynamics is crucial. I'm also learning the importance of building strong relationships with customers, partners, and stakeholders. Building trust and credibility takes time, but it's essential for the success of our venture.
What Am I Learning About Myself? This journey has taught me a lot about myself, both professionally and personally. I've discovered that I thrive in fast-paced environments where I'm constantly challenged to innovate and problem-solve. I've also realized the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of setbacks. Building a business from the ground up is not easy, but knowing that I'm pursuing my passion and making a positive impact keeps me motivated to push through the tough times.
That's it for this week's update! Thank you all for your ongoing support and encouragement. Stay tuned for more exciting developments as we continue to grow Evergreen Solutions.
Vinay Asokan
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oliverjones1 · 9 months
Sallve: Why Investors are Fighting over this Brazilian Skincare Brand
Sallve: When a dozen VCs are willing to part with $40mm for a skincare line, pay attention.
In 10 minutes or less, here's what you’re discovering:
Sometimes the most important business decisions you make are those made at the very founding of your company (how, where, in what business, and for whom you will compete).
Ad spend on platforms where your target demographic doesn’t spend time could very well be like lighting your hard-earned capital on fire.
Many startups and brands today like to choose unique or “edgy” names that may be difficult to spell properly - doing so means you will need a great search team to help your customers find the right website if you don’t want scammers to eat your lunch.
For some customers, the only internet access they have is through a phone. Mobile plays a key role in eCommerce with customers in developing regions.
According to Pitchbook, Sallve is an “Operator of a beauty company intended to focus on catering to the discerning needs of Gen Z and millennial consumers.”
If you paid attention to the opening stats for the company, you may be wondering just why in the world a Brazilian beauty company that targets Gen Z and millennials would be able to raise over $40 million from VC firms.
The firm’s 9800% increase in web traffic and nearly $16mm gross revenue last year shows that they certainly know what they are doing - let’s dig in deeper to figure out exactly what that is.
The appeal of a Brazilian skincare company to Venture Capital
Even the most successful Silicon Valley Venture Capital firms have a roughly 10% investment success rate, and their entire business model is centered around finding the one unicorn that will pay for all of their laggard or totally unprofitable investments.
So why would a dozen global VC firms (including Google Startups) be willing to pour over $40mm into a skincare line in Brazil through its Series B funding round?
This may be the first key:
Firstly, we are surprised that 41% of this DTC eCommerce skincare brand’s traffic is coming from males. More importantly, however, is that Sallve seems to be able to attract and convert the age groups that are well renowned for ditching the favored brands of their parents and setting out on their own path in pretty much every way.
Gen Z and millennials aren’t down with evergreen brands or big box beauty retailers. They want to find their own favored brands that speak to them. Gone are the days when several generations of men in a family would share Old Spice aftershave or young women would borrow mom’s makeup.
It’s not just the ability to court the younger generation that makes this brand so attractive to professional investors. Although its products are relatively cheap (R$60-160, roughly $12-32), the key to the investability of a skincare company is its LTV.
Those who care about their skin don’t want to change brands or simply buy whatever the “cheap stuff” is off of the shelf at the store. They are more likely than most consumers to find a brand they like, that works well with their skin type, and stick with it for a very long time.
For skin care in a country full of people who love to spend their days at the beach and in the sun, that can mean monthly sales of one or multiple products per successfully converted customer, every month for years or even decades.
To add the icing on top of this fudge sundae for VCs, understanding the culture in Brazil makes this an even more attractive investment opportunity.
Most people understand that geographical locations in the USA like Beverly Hills (California) or Manhattan (New York) are the global capitals of cosmetic surgery for vanity-filled celebrities, debutants, and the “Real Housewives” casts of characters.
But do you know which country is number two on the list? 
Let’s take a moment to summarize a few of the financial incentives that make $40 million look like a fair amount of money for VCs to throw at Sallve:
Targeting a demographic that all brands want to court – successfully
In an industry that has an exceptionally high LTV if you can win a customer
In a country where the populace cares very deeply about their appearance
Only dorky old people are on Facebook today
Facebook successfully built one of the first - and by far the best - marketing and advertising platforms across all of social media. I attended a weeklong course to become a certified Facebook marketer, and understanding its algorithm and what went into it is mindblowing.
So why is this how Sallve treats Facebook ads?
To be perfectly candid, they do have a Facebook store:
But it seems as if they don’t see the site (or its top-tier ad platform) as being worth the investment.
During my retargeting deep dive, I noticed that there wasn’t any retargeting efforts coming at me through my own YouTube normal viewership, so I wandered over to the brand’s YouTube channel as well.
Guess what:
The view counts on their videos are all over the place (some have a few dozen views, while others have tens of thousands), which is paltry for a brand with that much funding and so much web traffic.
As it turns out, social only comes in 4th place in regard to where their website traffic comes from. The brand knows that the demographic it is targeting doesn’t spend their time on Facebook or YouTube, so the brand goes where its audience is:
Retargeting (or lack thereof)
I was rather surprised when I did my retargeting test for Sallve that I didn’t receive any retargeting ads on any of my preferred platforms, any abandoned cart emails, or any retargeting efforts whatsoever.
Because they have an FB store, I selected one of their products there and had it lead me to the Sallve website:
The FB store took me to the Sallve.com.br website and the product page, where I noticed something that we love to see during our deep dives here at LTV:
An upsell offer! While the upsell offer may be something that we constantly say should be done by every eCommerce company, it's especially smart in beauty brands like Sallve.
People who take care of their skin will often have several “routines,” including morning, evening, going outside or to the beach, and sometimes others in between.
Each of these routines will use different products, which makes each an LTV-increasing opportunity for Sallve. If they can convert a new customer into getting two, three, or more items right off the bat and keep those customers using the brand, it can be a long-lasting relationship.
Organic and paid search
When you look into the traffic sources to Sallve’s eCommerce website, both #1 and #3 come from search:
And they are nearly 75% organic with a little over 25% coming from paid:
The keywords targeted by Sallve are also interesting:
Notice that of the 10 keywords targeted here, 8 include the brand’s name directly. Rather than generic searches for things like cosmetics, UV moisturizer, or acne cream, the brand is focused on making sure that people searching for Sallve already find the right eCommerce website.
Of the top 5 search ads, all are sending traffic to the vegan products portion of the Sallve eCommerce website:
And while Sallve is a global company with headquarters in South America (Sao Paolo), the US, and the EU, nearly all of the brand’s traffic to the website comes from Brazil:
Their bounce rate is also pretty gnarly for a brand with so much money in the bank - hopefully they clear that up at some point.
Sometimes, it’s all about mobile traffic
Sao Paolo is a rather modern and industrialized city, but a relatively large part of Brazil is rural and what many in the US or Western Europe would consider 3rd world living standards. When it’s time for Carnival all bets are off and even Sao Paolo becomes a mass of humanity…but on a normal day it’s pretty civilized.
Westerners are spoiled in terms of infrastructure, and often don’t understand that smart phones are the only access to the internet that the vast majority of the world has - Brazil included.
As a result, Sallve’s traffic isn’t just almost exclusively from Brazil, but almost all is mobile as well:
If you want to have a successful eCommerce or DTC business that has a customer base outside of the West, you must, must, MUST optimize your website and systems (including payment) for mobile.
Build communities
You may have noticed in the photo of Sallve’s Instagram profile above that they have a community on that platform that is dedicated to the brand, and not just followers. The brand does the same across all of its social platforms, and even has this:
The app gives Sallve’s Gen Z and millennial customers a place to connect, learn beauty secrets, keep track of their skincare routine, and of course share tips with each other. These age groups are not known to be big fans of joining communities or social groups with older generations, but they love the chance to link up with their like-minded and similarly-aged cohort.
Building a community around your brand can be a great idea for any DTC or eCommerce company, but for those seeking to court the Gen Z and millennial demographic, it should be seen as “table stakes.”
Referrals, referrals, referrals
We saw something during our investigation into Sallve’s exponential traffic gain that we don’t see very often, but we absolutely love it when we see it.
Referral traffic!
Granted, the referral traffic to the Sallve website isn’t all that much of their total traffic, but looking more closely at the referring sites paints a picture that helps us see another one of their marketing strategies:
We looked at their display and ad networks, and they aren’t really worth sharing (only around 5k of the total traffic). What this tells us (especially with LinkTr.ee being the highest referral traffic provider) is that they likely have a solid influencer and affiliate marketing program in the making.
If you look at the variety of industries the top referring websites come from (finance, gambling, lifestyle, shopping, business services), there’s no single common theme - it seems to be people who just want to make their cut of the rapidly growing Sallve brand.
Doing so is one of those wonderful situations in which everyone wins.
Affiliate and influencer strategies are a pretty simple way to get a diverse audience for your growing brand, and to borrow the fans of others and introduce them to your products, while the affiliates and influencers also get their own share of the spoils for sending their followers or traffic your way.
Everyone wins, and that’s a game we can all get behind.
The Marketing Machine and Numbers Behind Sallve
When analyzing the marketing tactics and strategies behind the success of Sallve, one intersting tidbit of info came when we looked at the tech stack present within the company’s website. It seems that over the past 6 years, the company has had 122 different programs installed into their stack at one point or another:
But over half of those have been uninstalled, and the stack is now down to only 62. Of those removed were a lot of advertising (FB Ads, Google Ads, Taboola, Pubmatic, FB Custom Audiences, YouTube, and others) as well as a lot of marketing analytics software.
They still have tech to help run the marketing for the platforms that they do focus on (Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok), but it seems there was a conscious decision made that those listed above weren’t worth the effort - or even space to have installed on their website.
The public numbers for their employee count go from <25 (ZoomInfo) to 100 or 200, but Pitchbook put the headcount at 174, and they’re usually pretty accurate.
Their revenue estimates were a little tough to find, and getting the different funding deal amounts required going through several different sources, each of which would have one or another of the rounds censored. Piecing them all together allowed us to come up with the +$40mm (just over $41,000,000 to be exact), but thankfully the 2022 revenue was listed directly on ECDB ($15.9mm).
Sallve has played all of its cards right so far, and we expect to see good things from the brand in the future.
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fortunebusinessinc · 10 months
Emerging Trends Reshaping Hair Extension Market: Forecast 2023-2028
The global hair extension market size was USD 2.35 billion in 2020 and is projected to grow from USD 2.38 billion in 2021 to USD 3.43 billion in 2028 at a CAGR of 5.3% in the 2021-2028 period.
A list of renowned hair extension manufacturers operating in the global market:
Great Lengths Universal Hair Extensions Srl (Roma, Lazio, Italy)
Balmain Hair Group B.V. (Netherlands)
Hair Visions International (Florida, USA)
Esqido (Toronto, Canada)
CAP. Original USA (Florida, USA)
Cinderella Hair (London, UK)
Racooninternational (United Kingdom)
Evergreen Products Group Limited (Hong Kong)
Easihair Pro USA (United States)
Hairlocs (California, USA)
Synthetic Segment Held 43.92% Share in 2020: Fortune Business Insights™
By type, the market is trifurcated into animal, human, and synthetic. Out of these, the synthetic segment generated 43.92% in terms of the hair extension market share in 2020. This growth is attributable to its ability to resist rainy and humid weather.
Report Coverage-
The research report aims to analyze the market by considering contributions, prospects, and growth trends. It presents detailed profiles of every key player operating in the market to assess their core competencies in each segment. Besides, it would help our clients better understand the competitive developments, such as mergers & acquisitions, new product launches, joint ventures, and collaborations.
Drivers & Restraints-
Increasing Cases of Alopecia Areata to Augment Growth
Most of the people nowadays are using hair extensions to hide their hair damage issues. The surging prevalence of casts, alopecia, and hair loss is expected to drive the hair extension market growth in the near future. The National Alopecia Areata Foundation, for instance, mentioned that as of 2020, approximately 6.8 million people in the U.S. are suffering from alopecia areata. At the same time, the increasing usage of chemical-based shampoos would aid growth. However, these products can often cause hair breakage and headache. It may hamper their demand.
Regional Insights-
Rising Number of Beauty Salons in the U.S. & Canada to Help North America Grow
Geographically, North America stood at USD 0.83 billion in terms of revenue in 2020. This growth is attributable to the presence of numerous beauty salons in Canada and the U.S. According to the Small Business Development Center Organization, as of May 2020, in the U.S., there are 77,000 beauty salons and 4,500 barbershops. Asia Pacific, on the other hand, is set to remain at the forefront on account of the rising working women population in the region. This would further accelerate them to spend more on grooming products, including hair extensions.
Competitive Landscape-
Key Players Focus on Acquisition Strategy to Strengthen Their Positions in Market
The global market contains a large number of companies that are presently striving to strengthen their positions globally. Hence, they are engaging in the merger and acquisition strategy with local salons and novel hair product manufacturers. 
Reference Link:
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vanshika393 · 1 year
Container Fleet Market- Size, Trends & Competition Analysis 2030 | Credence Research
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                                                   Container Fleet Market
The latest market report published by Credence Research, Inc. “Global Container Fleet Market: Growth, Future Prospects, and Competitive Analysis, 2022 – 2030. The global container fleet market is poised for significant expansion, projected to reach an impressive USD 18,036.98 million by 2030 from its current value of USD 11,897.5 million in 2022. This translates to a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.12% from 2023 to 2030.
The container fleet market is a crucial component of the global logistics and shipping industry. It involves the ownership and operation of containers used for the transportation of goods via sea, land, or rail. These containers come in various sizes and types, with the most common being the standard 20-foot and 40-foot containers. The market has witnessed significant growth in recent years, driven by globalization, the expansion of international trade, and the increasing demand for efficient and cost-effective transportation solutions.
One of the key drivers of the container fleet market is the ever-expanding global trade. As businesses seek to access markets worldwide, the need for reliable and versatile container transportation has surged. Container fleets play a pivotal role in facilitating the movement of goods, allowing them to be transported seamlessly from manufacturing centers to consumers across different continents. This market is highly competitive, with several major players dominating the industry. Companies like Maersk, MSC, and CMA CGM have established themselves as leaders, owning vast fleets of containers and vessels.
Technological advancements have also had a profound impact on the container fleet market. The use of tracking and monitoring systems has become increasingly common, enabling real-time visibility and control over cargo. This has improved the efficiency and security of container shipments while reducing the risk of theft and losses. Additionally, innovations in container design and materials have led to more durable and eco-friendly containers, aligning with the growing focus on sustainability in the shipping industry.
The container fleet market faces its share of challenges as well. Fluctuating fuel prices, regulatory changes, and geopolitical tensions can all affect the profitability and operations of container shipping companies. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in the global supply chain, leading to disruptions in container availability and port congestion, highlighting the need for greater resilience in the industry.
Top Players in the Container Fleet Market:
China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A.
Hapag-Lloyd AG
Evergreen Marine Corporation
HMM Co., Ltd.
Hyundai Merchant Marine Co., Ltd.
Container Fleet Market Segment Insights
The Container Fleet Market is a dynamic and ever-evolving segment of the global shipping industry. With an increasing demand for goods and products across borders, the need for efficient and reliable container transportation has become paramount. The market consists of various types of container fleets, including dry containers, refrigerated containers, tank containers, and specialized containers to cater to diverse cargo requirements. The growth of e-commerce platforms and international trade has bolstered the expansion of this market as companies strive to meet customer demands in a timely manner.
Moreover, advancements in technology have revolutionized fleet management systems by incorporating real-time tracking devices that enable better control over cargo movement, improve security measures, and optimize operational efficiency. Additionally, environmental concerns have fueled efforts to develop eco-friendly solutions within the container fleet sector through innovations like electric or hybrid-powered vessels that reduce carbon emissions. As emerging economies continue their upward trajectory in terms of exports and imports, the Container Fleet Market is expected to witness substantial growth in the coming years with new players entering the arena alongside established industry giants vying for a share of this lucrative business landscape.
Browse 247 pages report Container Fleet Market By Type ( Dry Container Fleet, Reefer Container Fleet, Tank Container Fleet, Special Container) By Application Analysis (Automotive, Oil and Gas, Mining and Minerals, Agriculture, Food and Others ) – Growth, Future Prospects And Competitive Analysis, 2020 – 2030 - https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/container-fleet-market
Container Fleet Market Competitive Landscape
The container fleet market is characterized by a dynamic and highly competitive landscape, driven by several key factors. One such factor is the increasing globalization of trade, which has led to a surge in international shipping volumes and consequently boosted the demand for container fleets worldwide. Moreover, advancements in technology have enabled container fleet operators to enhance their operational efficiency through innovative tracking systems, real-time monitoring tools, and automation processes.
This has not only improved overall service quality but also increased customer satisfaction levels. Additionally, strict environmental regulations pertaining to emissions control have prompted industry players to invest heavily in eco-friendly solutions such as efficient propulsion systems and alternative fuel options like LNG or electric-powered vessels. Furthermore, intense competition within the market has pushed companies to adopt various strategies including mergers and acquisitions, partnerships with logistics providers or e-commerce firms, and continuous investments in fleet expansion or upgrading existing assets.
Why to Buy This Report-
The report provides a qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of the global Container Fleet Market by segments, current trends, drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, and market dynamics with the historical period from 2016-2020, the base year- 2021, and the projection period 2022-2028.
The report includes information on the competitive landscape, such as how the market's top competitors operate at the global, regional, and country levels.
Major nations in each region with their import/export statistics
The global Container Fleet Market report also includes the analysis of the market at a global, regional, and country-level along with key market trends, major players analysis, market growth strategies, and key application areas.
Browse Complete Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/container-fleet-market
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Related Reports- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/micro-irrigation-systems-market
Browse Our Blog- https://hackmd.io/@vanshikashukla/container-fleet-market
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Credence Research is a viable intelligence and market research platform that provides quantitative B2B research to more than 10,000 clients worldwide and is built on the Give principle. The company is a market research and consulting firm serving governments, non-legislative associations, non-profit organizations, and various organizations worldwide. We help our clients improve their execution in a lasting way and understand their most imperative objectives. For nearly a century, we’ve built a company well-prepared for this task.
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ahrreviews · 1 year
Six Figure Profit License Review—Make $562/Day!
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What is it? The Six Figure Profit License offers you the exclusive opportunity to obtain a license for a brand-new online system, generating six-figure commissions annually for its creator. Glynn and team have meticulously developed a novel method and system, consistently yielding $100 to $500 in daily commissions.
What sets this system apart is its accessibility. No prior experience in affiliate marketing or online business is necessary for success. The Six Figure Profit License equips you with everything you need, with a substantial portion of the system pre-configured.
This license empowers you to have the freedom to operate on your terms. This system’s uniqueness lies in its fusion of free, low-ticket, and high-ticket products. Notably, you will earn 100% commissions across a range of products integrated into this system, spanning low-ticket items priced at $7 to high-ticket products exceeding $1,000.
Six Figure Profit License Review—Features and Benefits Features: Six Figure Profit License App: This automated software guarantees 100% commissions, consistently generating $100 to $500 per day and reaching a six-figure annual income.
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Six Figure Profit License Review—How it Works? It’s a simple four-step process to get the same results we’re getting with the Six Figure Profit License:
STEP 1: ACTIVATE & LOGIN Activate Your Six Figure Profit License and Select A Free Giveaway Campaign + Select the High Ticket $1,000+ Campaign. You’ll Be Earning 100% Commissions through the Funnel!
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That’s it! The Six Figure Profit License is as easy as it sounds.
Six Figure Profit License Review—An Absolute Must Have Tool! The Six Figure Profit License uses never-before seen technology to generate profits by giving away free products.
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Six Figure Profit License Review—Pricing & OTOs The Front End Offer features the core software, Six Figure Profit License, available at an introductory price of $19.
There are 10 optional upsells available. They can be valuable based on your specific needs and usage:
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Six Figure Profit License Review—Bonuses BONUS #1: Six Figure Profit License Money Sites
BONUS #2: Six Figure Profit License Video Series
BONUS #3: Six Figure Profit License Quick Start Guide PDF
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BONUS #10: Six Figure Profit Community Group
Six Figure Profit License Review—Who Should Buy It? The Six Figure Profit License works in any niche including:
Tech Gaming Product Reviews Tutorials Blogs Food Fashion Diets & Weight Loss Survival Women’s Health Spirituality, New Age, & Alternative Beliefs Green Products & Alternative Energy Marriage & Relationships E-business and E-marketing Home & Garden Therefore, anyone aiming to succeed on any of the above niches and enhance the growth strategies can get significant benefit from Six Figure Profit License.
Six Figure Profit License Review—My Opinion You might have come across the idea of making money through affiliate marketing. For this, you need to building a website, dealing with domains, hosting, content creation, driving traffic, promotions, email marketing – it’s a daunting challenge for anyone embarking on this journey.
However, the Six Figure Profit License has been a game-changer for me. It’s a system that practically does all the work for you. It makes affiliate marketing accessible and profitable without the usual hassles. It may sound too good to be true, but it’s not. Glynn has used this system for years to achieve his dream income.
All you have to do is input your information and add the affiliate links you want to promote. The system takes care of the rest, bringing you profits effortlessly. In essence, you don’t have to follow the typical sequence of tasks that most affiliate marketers do, giving you a competitive edge.
Moreover, this product grants you a license that enables you to earn 100% commissions on multiple products included in the system. It’s been a game-changer for me, and it can be for you too.
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Six Figure Profit License Review—Last Words! In conclusion, I’ve covered all aspects of Six Figure Profit License to equip you with the necessary information needed to make an informed decision. Don’t miss the opportunity to leverage this super Passive Commission Earning Software revolutionized by Six Figure Profit License.
It’s time to make Six Figure Profit License your creative partner in generating high quality Commission and take your online business success to a new heights. I appreciate your valuable time, and I wish you the best of luck!
Six Figure Profit License Review—FAQs Q: Will This System Work On PC And Mac? A: YES! The cloud-based software works on ANY operating platform with a standard internet connection.
Q: How long does it take? A: Once you purchase the license, you can download everything within a few minutes. You plug your affiliate link into the system, and that’s it.
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Travel Agency Software
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FlightsLogic provides travel agency software designed for the online travel and booking industry. The solution is appropriate for owners of hotels, vacation rentals, travel agencies, tour operations, rental cars.
Travel agents can make use of travel software to create attractive itineraries that will have spectacular photos of destinations, positive reviews from customers, ratings of products and services, special deals and offers and everything that can possibly attract a customer.
When more and more customers are attracted to such itineraries, there are higher probabilities of generating more revenue for the business. Travel Agency Software comes with multiple benefits to the user. It streamlines the administration of the business and helps to generate higher revenue.
FlightsLogic presents a list of some of the best Travel Agency Management Software with a detailed outline of features and client reviews. With a boost of handy utility tools, agents and operators tend to use travel software and apps, that can manage bookings travel itineraries, payments, and much more
But it would be tedious for businesses to search, analyse, and select the best solution in the market. Thus, FlightsLogic aids you in your search efforts while researching and listing top travel agency software from around the world.
Online travel agency software is a recent trend and many service providers are entering this space, however, catering to just one industry makes it a costlier affair and this software is priced high and may not be affordable for small service providers.
Travel Agency Software automates the front and back-office activities of travel agencies, vacation packages, destination marketers and transit companies. These applications assist in generating price quotes, developing itineraries and managing reservations for tour customers as well as provide easy integration into third party reservation systems.
Travel Agency Solutions assist agencies in automating their business processes, such as accounting, invoicing, marketing and business reporting. Travel Agency Software is related to reservations software and Tour Operator software is the best travel portal development company in India.
FlightsLogic as the best travel product fills the thrust of travel clients with the best-designed architecture.
We are experts in the field of technology serving huge customers with our travel agency software.
Travel agency software is a Customized travel portal planned for the travel agencies to connect with multiple inventory vendors as all the topmost GDS integrations, millions of hotels and tour packages including car rentals, recharge API integrations which in turn serves almost all travel-related services.
Our renowned travel agency software is encrypted with the latest technology which is evergreen and stagnant to the changing trends
FlightsLogic serves all groups of clients as they can choose the API of choice for the integrations majorly with the top GDS integrations, etc.
Sell Everything Under Your Brand with Travel Agency Software
FlightsLogic with its advancements and enrichments paved the way into the global market with multiple currencies, multiple payment gateway integrations, multiple languages. etc
We assure you with a high ended security layer for all your transactions with extra care. Our travel agency software is amalgamated with the best providers of global inventory in Flight, Car rentals with ease and experience
FlightsLogic has a bundle of packages to suit the travel booking agencies based on their interests and budget. Travel Agency.
Software Development from FlightsLogic is upright measures for bringing the much-required change in the agency's functioning and development process
We give highly integrated business information systems for different types of tour management companies and travel agencies. In the current generation of neck-to-neck competition, travel management companies need to compete in the market with high pressure from many names in the travel industry.
Continuation of the use of outdated technology and ineffective processes will do no good in the market. With the increase in competition and the decrease in economic conditions, the companies are more likely to suffer losses. Web-based Travel Agency.
Software will immediately benefit any travel website promoting hotels, resorts, villas, guest houses, apartments, etc. this system allows an immediate, correct and cost-effective online booking engine
Travel software is planned and developed for Travel Operators and Inbound Tour Operators who make reservations of travelers and collect payment from them
Your customers will enjoy the provision of availability check, instant purchase of services and auto-generated email confirmation
You have the complete authority over prices and availability at all properties entered into your database. FlightsLogic created a way for you to accomplish that goal with ease
No matter what your customers are looking to book, our travel agency software allows them to peruse your website and book hotels, flights, vacation homes, and more at the best possible prices.
Our travel agency software greatly helps travel agencies and It is a cost-efficient, quick and correct online booking engine. The benefit of this facility is to get instant purchase of services, auto-general email confirmation, and availability check.
CRM, accounting and booking tasks of back-office will work in a better way with this software through a central reservation system
Another major benefit that travels agencies get with the use of travel agency software is to direct contracts well.
They can even get a good connection with different supplier systems. It is very easy to get a business data system through Travel Agency Software.
This Travel Agency Software can improve the client's travel processes & reduce their operational costs. Advanced Travel Agency software for travel agencies and Travel Agency Tour Operators that automate their sales, marketing, operations, and finances.
FlightsLogic a Global Travel Platform offers comprehensive web-based travel agency software that enables travel agents, franchises and corporate agents to manage their day-to-day travel business operations
It's intuitive and easy-to-use portal permits travel agencies to book, integrate, direct inventory, compare prices and find the best deals all from a single interface.
FlightsLogic connects with multiple GDS and travels content suppliers to use real-time data for services such as Flight bookings, Hotel reservations, Car rentals, Packages and more.
FlightsLogic is a travel software company with a vast experience in the tourism industry and with a firm belief in innovation that focuses its activity on software engineering.
We give integral solutions capable of satisfying the needs of small and large organizations. The main objective of the company is to offer a quality service to its customers both in the detection of needs and in the resolution and monitoring of them.
The application of customized and innovative solutions, using the appropriate technology and following the most efficient work methodologies, allows achieving these objectives without neglecting other criteria such as cost or profitability.
Travel Agency Software for travel agencies that will enable you to optimize the commercial and administrative processes of your Travel Agency, granting you the power to control the information of all your activity.
We have used the latest web technologies for users to envoi an agile, secure and fast user experience, similar to software for desktop travel agencies.
The Transfer module of the travel agencies software lets users manage efficiently all incidents (both operational and economic) during the customer's transfers, including also a detailed analysis of the transfer related costs.
Travel agency software enables leading travel agencies to run their business efficiently and effectively. It is used by a wide array of travel sectors to create successful commercial environments and become more profitable.
This application streamlines and boost the value of travel business processes for travel providers and users both and deliver a decisive competitive benefit to them. An online booking system is a software you can use for reservation management.
They permit tour and activity operators to accept bookings online and better manage their phone and in-person bookings. Car Rental Reservation System is an innovative internet reservation software designed for cars, flights and car rental agencies.
It's a secure platform that offers an easy and fast way to smoothly manage car rentals and website reservation systems. The program provides a unified control panel with a highly-customizable booking system that enables potential clients to make online reservations within minutes.
FlightsLogic is a cloud-based hotel booking platform designed for travel agencies, tour operators, travel agents, and consultants. It enables reservation management, payment processing, quote management and marketing functionalities within a suite.
It features an online hotel booking platform, which provides users a global inventory of hotels with their prices. The platform also reports customized filters, such as pricing, star rating, and distance
Travel agents can also find hotels by name and book them on the platform. And also, a customizable B2C website, which helps users create booking websites for their travel agencies
Users can also accept payments on their websites with the help of a payment checkout section. The product offers multi-currency support for online payments.
FlightsLogic businesses can create a website for listing and selling tour packages and related services. Businesses can even organize an online community, where tour experts and users can discuss and exchange inquiries.
The solution also gives a distribution extension system through which businesses can provide access to their products and services to third-party distributors
Travel agency software helps companies direct a wide range of travel products-flights and activities-to offer packages, quotes, itineraries, launch marketing initiatives, process payments and track the financial health of the organization.
For more details, Pls visit our website:
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kamariarichmondmedia · 8 months
The Stroke Diva Fabulous Show with Marg Hachey, Managing Director at Ontario & Eastern Canada GroYourBiz & Owner of Operation Everygreen Business Group
🎙️ Exciting News! 🚀 Join me tomorrow on the podcast as I sit down with the incredible Marg Hachey, former owner of Duocom Canada Inc. 🌟 With a legacy built on organic growth and strategic acquisitions, she’s a true pioneer in Canadian business. 🍁 Don’t miss our chat about her journey, insights on women’s entrepreneurship, and her current roles at Operation Evergreen Business Group and GroYourBiz.…
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SEO Editor - Remote
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Company: Fragment Media Group Fragment Media Group is a pioneer of the member media model. Our brands, including the Daily Dot, Nautilus, and Passionfruit identify underserved audiences and provide them with the intentional content that readers seek out—to read, watch, listen to, and experience live. FMG is looking for a proficient SEO content specialist who knows exactly what the recipe should be when it comes to outlining article structure and format to have it win in SERP every time. We want a strategist to help develop the company’s strategic content, build SEO briefs and content guidelines that guide our writers in crafting editorial and ecommerce articles across a variety of verticals - researching what our audience is searching for, how they engage with our brand, and helping our team sell the problem we solve—not the product—by being really really good at keyword research. If you’re part storyteller and part data analyst, you’re what we need. If a reader is searching for the best ring lights for TikTok creators, or wants to know when season 3 of Jessica Jones returns to Netflix, we want our guides to appear at the top of their search results and in their Facebook and Twitter feeds. We’re not interested in lifeless articles that sound like they were written by robots; we’re looking for compelling pieces that can inform and entertain readers. Roles and Responsibilities CONTENT STRATEGY - Act as a consultant to our titles’ editors on evergreen strategy - Collaborate with section editors to develop an SEO strategy specific to each coverage area and gain a deeper understanding of the section’s voice, tone, and back catalog - Work with marketing team to augment evergreen strategy, through ancillary content that may sit outside of the editorial team - Generate story ideas through keyword research and competitor analysis - Work with Group Publisher to identify sponsor categories and build traffic against those categories with evergreen content - Identify categories and spaces that FMG properties can dominate in search SEO OPERATIONS - Help maintain shared sheet that organizes all on-site & keyword recommendations that gets updated on a weekly/biweekly basis - Manages backlinks - Manages on-page SEO optimization  - Manags technical best practices  - Use SEO tools to create SEO briefs that will be sent to writers to help them craft articles that win in SERPs REPORTING  - Establishes a reporting system for identifying missing keywords - Tracks progress against key search terms & categories, to share with teams across the busines - Maintains competitive analysis reporting, to uncover opportunities. Interested? Here’s what we’re looking for: - At least 5 years experience in SEO, ideally surrounding news/journalism.  - You understand the FMG brands (dailydot.com, nautil.us, and passionfru.it), internet culture, online fan communities, and current trends. - You’re comfortable researching occasional NSFW/adult content - You’re comfortable and confident working as a part of a virtual team - You’ve proven you can meet (or beat) deadlines - You’re skilled in multitasking and prioritizing in a rapidly changing environment - An expert level of competency working with Google Analytics, SEMRush, Google Trends, Soovle, Botify, and other SEO tools FMG recognizes the value of the broad and rich variety of experiences, ideas, and skills our team members bring to the business. Beyond compliance with government regulations, we foster diversity by encouraging an environment that taps the full potential of each employee consistent with FMG’s high standards of performance. We believe that there is an ongoing benefit to our families, employees, and community when FMG supports a diverse workforce.  We are committed to equal opportunity in all of our employment practices to all qualified employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, marital status, military status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity/transgender status, or veteran status. APPLY ON THE COMPANY WEBSITE To get free remote job alerts, please join our telegram channel “Global Job Alerts” or follow us on Twitter for latest job updates. Disclaimer:  - This job opening is available on the respective company website as of 5thJuly 2023. The job openings may get expired by the time you check the post. - Candidates are requested to study and verify all the job details before applying and contact the respective company representative in case they have any queries. - The owner of this site has provided all the available information regarding the location of the job i.e. work from anywhere, work from home, fully remote, remote, etc. However, if you would like to have any clarification regarding the location of the job or have any further queries or doubts; please contact the respective company representative. Viewers are advised to do full requisite enquiries regarding job location before applying for each job.   - Authentic companies never ask for payments for any job-related processes. Please carry out financial transactions (if any) at your own risk. - All the information and logos are taken from the respective company website. Read the full article
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How to Choose the best cargo shipping companies in Dubai
One of the largest container shipping companies globally, Maersk Line offers comprehensive Cargo Shipping Companies in Dubai. Door-to-door services, warehousing, customs clearance, and logistics management. MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company MSC is a prominent player in the global shipping industry with a vast network of vessels and offices worldwide. Container shipping, cargo tracking, and specialized transport solutions.
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CMA CGM is a leading shipping group providing diverse services in Dubai. Container shipping, logistics, and supply chain management.
Hapag-Lloyd is a renowned container shipping company focusing on sustainability and customer-centric services. Container shipping, reefers (temperature-controlled containers), hazardous cargo, and project cargo.
Evergreen Marine
Evergreen Marine is a global shipping company known for its modern fleet and advanced logistics solutions. Container shipping for various cargo types.
Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL)
OOCL is a reputable container transportation and Cargo Shipping Companies in Dubai. Container shipping, specialized solutions for perishable goods, dangerous goods, and oversized cargo.
Emirates Shipping Line
Emirates Shipping Line operates a fleet of container vessels with a focus on regional trade routes. Efficient connections within the Arabian Gulf and the Indian Subcontinent.
Gulf Agency Company (GAC)
GAC is a renowned shipping and logistics company with a strong presence in Dubai. Vessel agency, port operations, freight forwarding, and project logistics.
Sharaf Shipping Agency
Sharaf Shipping is a leading shipping and logistics service provider in Dubai. Freight forwarding, customs clearance, warehousing, and distribution.
Panalpina World Transport
Panalpina is a global freight forwarding and logistics company with a significant presence in Dubai. Freight forwarding, logistics solutions, and supply chain management.
These cargo shipping companies in Dubai play a crucial role in facilitating international trade by offering reliable, efficient, and comprehensive shipping services to businesses and individuals.
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shiningraven · 1 year
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Worker-owned Cooperatives: Overview.

Good morning.do you have any data on worker owned cooperatives and how they function.
Good morning! Yes, I can provide some information on worker-owned cooperatives and how they function.
A worker-owned cooperative is a business model in which the workers own and control the business collectively, sharing in the decision-making process and the profits. In this model, the workers are both the owners and the employees of the business.
Here are some key characteristics of worker-owned cooperatives:
Democratic Decision-making: Workers in a cooperative have an equal say in decision-making, regardless of their position or tenure.
Collective Ownership: The business is owned and controlled by the workers as a group, rather than by individual shareholders or a board of directors.
Shared Profits: Profits are distributed among the workers, typically based on the amount of work each member contributes.
Social Responsibility: Cooperatives often prioritize the well-being of their members and the community, rather than simply maximizing profits.
Limited Returns: Cooperatives generally limit the amount of return on investment that outside investors can receive, in order to prioritize the interests of the worker-owners.
Worker-owned cooperatives operate in a variety of industries, from manufacturing to retail to agriculture. They can be small, locally-focused businesses or larger enterprises with a global reach. Some well-known examples of worker-owned cooperatives include the Mondragon Corporation in Spain, the Evergreen Cooperatives in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Cooperative Home Care Associates in New York City.
In terms of their functioning, worker-owned cooperatives generally operate in the same way as any other business, with the added element of collective decision-making and shared ownership. Members typically elect a board of directors or governing council to oversee the day-to-day operations of the business, and all major decisions are made through a democratic process in which each member has an equal vote.
I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
ChatGPT Mar 23 Version. Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts.
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fortunebusinessinc · 11 months
Regional Analysis of the Hair Extension Market: A Global Perspective 2023-2028
The global hair extension market is set to gain impetus from the increasing utilization of premium and stylish grooming products by people as per various occasions to suit their appearances. Mandom Corporation, a Japanese cosmetics manufacturer, for instance, declared that in 2017, the company earned around 7.89 billion Japanese yen within the female grooming segment. The number is set to surge in the upcoming years. This information is given by Fortune Business Insights™ in a report, titled, “Hair Extension Market, 2021-2028.” As per the report, the market size was USD 2.35 billion in 2020. It is projected to grow from USD 2.38 billion in 2021 to USD 3.43 billion in 2028 at a CAGR of 5.3% in the forecast period.
A list of renowned hair extension manufacturers operating in the global market:
Great Lengths Universal Hair Extensions Srl (Roma, Lazio, Italy)
Balmain Hair Group B.V. (Netherlands)
Hair Visions International (Florida, USA)
Esqido (Toronto, Canada)
CAP. Original USA (Florida, USA)
Cinderella Hair (London, UK)
Racooninternational (United Kingdom)
Evergreen Products Group Limited (Hong Kong)
Easihair Pro USA (United States)
Hairlocs (California, USA)
Synthetic Segment Held 43.92% Share in 2020: Fortune Business Insights™
By type, the market is trifurcated into animal, human, and synthetic. Out of these, the synthetic segment generated 43.92% in terms of the hair extension market share in 2020. This growth is attributable to its ability to resist rainy and humid weather.
Report Coverage-
The research report aims to analyze the market by considering contributions, prospects, and growth trends. It presents detailed profiles of every key player operating in the market to assess their core competencies in each segment. Besides, it would help our clients better understand the competitive developments, such as mergers & acquisitions, new product launches, joint ventures, and collaborations.
Drivers & Restraints-
Increasing Cases of Alopecia Areata to Augment Growth
Most of the people nowadays are using hair extensions to hide their hair damage issues. The surging prevalence of casts, alopecia, and hair loss is expected to drive the hair extension market growth in the near future. The National Alopecia Areata Foundation, for instance, mentioned that as of 2020, approximately 6.8 million people in the U.S. are suffering from alopecia areata. At the same time, the increasing usage of chemical-based shampoos would aid growth. However, these products can often cause hair breakage and headache. It may hamper their demand.
Regional Insights-
Rising Number of Beauty Salons in the U.S. & Canada to Help North America Grow
Geographically, North America stood at USD 0.83 billion in terms of revenue in 2020. This growth is attributable to the presence of numerous beauty salons in Canada and the U.S. According to the Small Business Development Center Organization, as of May 2020, in the U.S., there are 77,000 beauty salons and 4,500 barbershops. Asia Pacific, on the other hand, is set to remain at the forefront on account of the rising working women population in the region. This would further accelerate them to spend more on grooming products, including hair extensions.
Competitive Landscape-
Key Players Focus on Acquisition Strategy to Strengthen Their Positions in Market
The global market contains a large number of companies that are presently striving to strengthen their positions globally. Hence, they are engaging in the merger and acquisition strategy with local salons and novel hair product manufacturers.
Browse Detailed Summary of Research Report:
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marketing123456789 · 2 years
Dried Tilapia Market by Glorious Opportunities, Business Growth, Size, And Statistics Forecasts Up to 2032
Tilapia is a widely grown fish in the global market and is considered a sustainable source of seafood. Key players in the global Dried Tilapia market are anticipated to gain from the increasing demand for tilapia especially in emerging markets. Manufacturers in China and Egypt are anticipated to gain ground, as these countries have established infrastructure backed by a dedicated consumer base.
The tilapia market is estimated to be worth USD 13.9 billion in 2023 and to grow to USD 21.6 billion by 2033, with a CAGR of 4.5%.
Request a Sample Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-13108
Production of Nile Tilapia is primarily witnessed in MEA, Asia Pacific, and Latin American countries. However, North America led by the United States is also upgrading its production capacity through investments in aquaculture projects. Food industry will remain a chief end user accounting for over 40% sales registered in the market.
Key Takeaways from the Tilapia Market Study
South and East Asian countries led by China are expected to lead the tilapia market, with value market share of 42.1% and 33.0% respectively.
The United States is anticipated to account for over 95% of sales in North America over the forecast period due to increasing consumption of packaged and processed tilapia products.
The U.K. will emerge as a highly lucrative market, exhibiting over 7% y-o-y growth in 2021
Germany and France will exhibit considerably high demand for Tilapia, emerging as lucrative markets within Europe
“Manufacturers are developing advanced production and harvesting technologies to enhance the quantity and quality standards of tilapia production. These novel technologies are also expected to reduce the incidence of disease in tilapia farms, which will positively influence operations and sales in the foreseeable future,” says an FMI analyst.
Tilapia Establishing its Presence in Retail Space
The application of Dried Tilapia in the food industry is expected to remain considerably higher than others (pharmaceutical, animal feed). Emerging markets for tilapia such as United States, and India, are witnessing a rising demand of frozen, ready-to-eat tilapia products. Gradually and progressively tilapia and its products are gaining a notable presence in retail shelfs even in relatively remote regions due to its availability and ability to thrive in harsh and varied environmental conditions.
Polyculture for Tilapia Farming Boosting Production
Efforts towards sustainability in tilapia farming, has pushed manufacturers to adopt polyculture, enhancing productivity in return. Manufacturers are analyzing polyculture of tilapia among other fishes such as catfish, prawns, and some predatory species such as largemouth bass to reduce tilapia overbreeding. Different species for polyculture influences quality as well as production quantity.
Who is winning?
Some of the leading players operating in the Tilapia market are Baiyang Aquatic Group, Blue Ridge Aquaculture, Inc., A.O.Kingdom International Co., Ltd, Nova Sea Foods, Hainan Sky-Blue Ocean Foods Co, Hainan Xiangtai Fishery Co, Guangdong Evergreen Conglomerate Co., Ltd., Hebei Zhongjie Tilapia Breeding Co. Ltd, Amyco Group Limited., Regal Springs, and other players.
Key players of Tilapia are striving to consistently develop novel aquaculture techniques and vertical integration. Dried Tilapia manufacturers such as Baiyang Aquatic Group has achieved vertical integration in the supply chain of tilapia by establishing fish feed unit, and tilapia processing unit. Tilapia processing unit utilizes all the waste generated in the filleting procedure and uses it for the production of various products such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and other products.
In November 2020, Blue Ridge Aquaculture (BRA) invested US$ 2.5 Mn in a nursery facility to support existing as well as increasing farming activities.
Government of Singapore is envisioning elimination of export for food, thus manufacturers of tilapia in the country has huge opportunity to grow as the government is providing all the essentials at a minimal cost.
Get Valuable Insights into Tilapia Market
Tilapia Market by Category
Organic Tilapia
Conventional Tilapia
Fresh Tilapia
Whole Tilapia
Fillet Tilapia
Processed Tilapia
Canned Tilapia
Frozen Tilapia
Whole Fillet Tilapia
By Sales Channel
Direct Sales
Retail Sales
Modern Trade
Convenience Stores
Specialty Food Stores
Wholesale Stores
Discount Stores
Online Retail
Other Retail Stores
By Application
Food Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry
Animal Feed
Pet Food
Food Service
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa (MEA)
Download complimentary copy of Future Market Insights White Paper in collaboration with PBFIA, on the Plant Based Market that throws light on potential opportunities and investments made in the Global plant based market
View Full Sample Report@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/tilapia-market
About Future Market Insights (FMI)
Future Market Insights, Inc. is an ESOMAR-certified business consulting & market research firm, a member of the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce and is headquartered in Delaware, USA. A recipient of Clutch Leaders Award 2022 on account of high client score (4.9/5), we have been collaborating with global enterprises in their business transformation journey and helping them deliver on their business ambitions. 80% of the largest Forbes 1000 enterprises are our clients. We serve global clients across all leading & niche market segments across all major industries.
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wsitho123 · 2 years
Video Marketing For Small Businesses In Three Simple Steps!
We have a group of 5 extremely expert video marketing specialists ready to create a custom video for your small business. Are you involved in incorporating video into your marketing efforts? Contact the media professionals and video manufacturing staff at Skyfall Blue right now to assist craft your subsequent video project. Did you know video marketing solution the typical user spends 88% extra time on a website with a video? Just a couple of quick years in the past, video marketing was optional—a “bonus” tactic to add to a campaign . Today, video marketing has turn out to be a main marketing tactic for participating prospects.
That’s why video marketing is so highly effective, and so important on your backside line. Easy to produce, eye-catching and informative, interactive personalised video is on the heart of a frictionless digital journey and a lifelong relationship between lenders and debtors. We built the tech from the ground up and have a devoted team to assist you get probably the most out of IPV for all your marketing campaigns, massive or small. Our convenient plug-in allows you to entry IndiVideo immediately in Adobe After Effects, so you'll have the ability to kick off your new marketing technique immediately. The best part is that all of this can be carried out at scale, automated and integrated into ongoing communications, after which distributed for campaigns of any measurement, product, or audience.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Lipsticks, lattes . . . and now labradors: JAB’s bet on pets
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-financial-news/lipsticks-lattes-and-now-labradors-jabs-bet-on-pets/
Lipsticks, lattes . . . and now labradors: JAB’s bet on pets
After spending more than $50bn on coffee chains, restaurant groups and cosmetics companies, JAB Holdings has found a cute solution to boosting its mixed returns.
The European group, which manages money for Germany’s billionaire Reimann family and outside investors, is hoping that pets can outperform its previous investments in a tougher economic climate.
Over the past four years, JAB has spent more than $9bn on acquisitions to become one of the world’s largest operators of veterinary practices and invested more than $2bn to acquire pet insurance companies that will cover more than 2mn pets next year.
With pet ownership surging during the coronavirus pandemic, the sector looks more reliable for JAB than lipsticks or lattes. But regulators are becoming concerned about the pace of acquisition and subjecting JAB to ever-closer scrutiny.
The US Federal Trade Commission last month ordered JAB to divest vet clinics twice in less than a month, alleging that two proposed transactions could have created monopolies. The antitrust regulator told JAB to sell 11 clinics before completing the purchases of Sage Veterinary Partners for $1.1bn and Ethos Veterinary Health for $1.65bn.
The JAB measures are “part of our actions to heighten our scrutiny of private equity-driven merger activity”, an FTC official told the Financial Times. “We’re hoping it will have somewhat of a deterrent effect.”
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At first glance, JAB is an unusual target of the FTC’s tougher stance on private equity.
The group’s roots trace back to the 1820s in Pforzheim, Germany, as a chemicals and industrial business. In 1981, former management consultant Peter Harf was hired by the Reimanns to revitalise the family-held company and build a broader business empire.
After listing on public markets and merging with Reckitt & Colman in 1999, Harf, over the past decade, has transformed JAB from a family office into a diversified holding company, which also manages $17bn on behalf of endowments and sovereign wealth funds.
“We are not the typical private equity firm,” said Joachim Creus, a managing partner at JAB. “We are not there to buy an asset, cut costs and then sell it a few years later. We are really an evergreen investor with a significant amount of permanent capital.”
JAB initially cobbled together small publicly traded and independent coffee roasters into a portfolio that now sells more coffee than Starbucks. It expanded into restaurants and beverages with its $7.5bn purchase of Panera Bread in 2017 and Dr Pepper a year later for $18.7bn.
Before the pandemic, it began forming a theory that the model could be applied to pet care.
Olivier Goudet, JAB’s chief executive, was hired in 2012 from Mars, the consumer goods giant, which has large pet care operations. In 2019, JAB sparked a legal battle after it poached Jacek Szarzynski, a Mars finance executive, soon after Mars’ $7bn takeover of animal hospital chain VCA.
Pet care attracted JAB because of the increase in ownership in the US and the “humanisation” of domestic animals. Owners do not treat vet visits as an optional purchase, JAB believes, and yet fewer than 3 per cent of them buy insurance coverage.
“The love of pets and the importance of pets will continue to be important no matter what the economic environment is,” said David Bell, a senior partner at JAB who helps oversee the firm’s pet investments.
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Mars’s takeover of VCA also underscored the ability to quickly build scale. Private buyers including midsized buyout funds have for decades consolidated individual vet clinics into regional pools. It gave JAB the ability to build a broad platform with just a few acquisitions.
JAB’s first two deals, Compassion First and NVA, were both private equity roll-ups. When merged, it instantly made JAB one of the largest players in the industry with 1,500 practices, from which it could expand into higher-margin specialised pet healthcare services. The firm’s most recent funds have focused their investment exclusively on pet care.
The push has come as JAB has accepted that its initial wave of acquisitions in consumer goods has not achieved its initial targets.
“Our internal yardstick is to generate a long-term absolute compounded total shareholder return of 15 per cent for our entire evergreen vehicle, regardless of economic cycles,” JAB told its investors in March. “As such there is nowhere to hide . . . ”
JAB was forced to recapitalise Pret A Manger during the coronavirus pandemic © Charlie Bibby/FT
Coty, its perfume and cosmetics platform, has struggled amid quickly changing consumer spending habits. “The company has clearly been our well-documented and commented ‘problem-child’,” JAB said in the letter.
Earlier this month, Panera Brands, its portfolio of restaurant assets, terminated a deal to go public amid a broad market sell-off. JAB also was forced to recapitalise Pret A Manger during the pandemic.
One bright spot has been its takeover of Dr Pepper. The investment by JAB and its investors has doubled in value, according to documents.
Pet care, though, has been its big outperformer. “Our initial returns have been well above our expectations,” JAB told its investors in March. “[B]ut we do not count our chickens yet as we are only in the first quarter of the game.”
Vet centres remain ripe terrain for consolidation, with many top dealmakers closely watching the FTC’s increased hostility.
“Most veterinarian businesses are small practices run by vets who are essentially doctors who love pets. They are typically not world-class business operators,” said one rival private equity executive, who noted that family-run practices often had succession issues if the next generation chose another career.
“If I can get some liquidity and sell it to someone who rolls it up and does the stuff I hate like paperwork and customer acquisition, it is awesome,” said the executive. “They will eventually all be rolled up, as was in the case with dental practices and doctors’ offices.”
A hospital director at a US veterinary clinic owned by JAB said having a corporate owner had made the facility less nimble. “If tomorrow I decide I want to build [a new hospital], it’s no longer a three- or four-person decision. It’s a 40-person decision,” the director said.
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But the ownership also came with stronger financial backing that allowed the clinic to “think futuristically a little bit more” and no longer “make every decision with money in mind”, the director said. Benefits also included centralised legal or human resources departments.
Veterinary businesses carry less risk than traditional healthcare investments, which have attracted heavy private equity investment, often with terrible results. “From a legal perspective, there is a low reimbursement risk,” said Christopher Atkinson, co-chair of the M&A and private equity practice at law firm Katten.
Moreover, private equity investors including Sweden’s EQT believe the sector is highly resilient to a downturn. One prominent firm has uncovered data from the 2008 financial crisis that indicated pet owners prioritised spending on their pets’ health over their own prescriptions.
Private equity’s push into veterinary care has come under criticism for pushing profits over customers. A firm owned by one of JAB’s rivals jacked up the price of medication by 78 per cent in one case after it took over, one vet told the FT.
The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority has investigated two acquisitions in the sector this year, signalling growing scrutiny in Europe of veterinary care consolidation.
JAB cannot afford to fall out with the FTC as it has more pet deals to do, having announced two acquisitions of European pet insurance businesses last week © Sam Panthaky/AFP via Getty Images
In the US, JAB must now seek the FTC’s approval before acquiring a veterinary clinic within 25 miles of a JAB-owned facility in five states and the District of Columbia. JAB must also notify the regulator 30 days ahead of buying a clinic within the same range anywhere in the US. The measures — which will last for 10 years — are unprecedented for a private equity-backed deal, according to the FTC official.
Two Republican FTC commissioners characterised the manoeuvre as over-reach, though the agency’s Democratic-appointed chair Lina Khan said it was “warranted” because of JAB’s previous business practices. These types of orders would “allow the FTC to better address stealth roll-ups by private equity firms like JAB/NVA and serial acquisitions by other corporations”, added Khan.
Drew Maloney, head of the American Investment Council, a lobbyist for the private equity industry, said: “[I]t is concerning that the FTC appears to be targeting private equity because of who they are rather than what they have done.”
JAB, though, cannot afford to fall out with the FTC as it has more pet deals to do. Just last week, it announced two acquisitions of European pet insurance businesses. Last month, it also invested $1.4bn to acquire a large pet insurer from Fairfax Financial Holdings.
“The dialogue and the discussion with the FTC was fully anticipated,” said JAB’s Bell, who added he was “grateful” for the regulator’s work. “The end result was in line with what we anticipated.”
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