Mc in open hearts on fire:
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sophiahonee · 3 months
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Excited to share my new timepiece: the Rado True Square Automatic Open Heart 38mm! ⌚️✨ Its sleek design and fascinating open heart dial give a glimpse into its intricate mechanics. Perfect blend of style and craftsmanship!
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paintmyworldrainbow · 5 months
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🌈 RAINBOW MEDICINE MEMES 🌈 Sending you all the biggest most colorful hug possible 💖
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meta-holott · 11 months
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2012 Paris
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existentialjoyquest · 8 months
The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. 🤝💙 Trust is a bridge built on mutual faith and openness, and taking the first step often paves the way for a strong connection.
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What Love Says... Forgiveness is Love Owl Wisdom
Building bridges of love over stormy or calm waters is a loving kindness on your journey through life. Creating structures which lovingly help you and others navigate with grace.
Create bridges of forgiveness for you and everyone with loving thoughts, words, actions  bringing love and peace within.
Forgiveness releases energy confined allowing love and peace to radiate into every cell of you. Opening your heart to forgiveness you shine more of your light.
With love release all that no longer serves you, allow forgiveness to guide you on a path of peace creating a bridge of love to your heart.
Release the gold on the inside with forgiveness, healing all hearts, including yours. An energetic release through forgiveness you choose to be free, you choose unconditional love.
Forgiveness is golden love and grace.
Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts invites you to embrace love in your life and enjoy What Love Says series.
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concon · 2 years
‘Here is My Open Heart’ is how I feel about making and sharing art. You are just exposing your inner, most vulnerable self. To anyone who could look. It is a scary, but also wonderful thing!
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johnhmcintosh · 2 years
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A closed mind experiences life like a ship that sinks again and again. An open mind is like shuffling the deck chairs around on the Titanic – the ship still sinks. An open Heart is spontaneous and lives in the moment allowing Life to Live Life. It is shown ‘Perfectly’ where to go, what to do, what to say and to whom in every moment.
No matter how open-minded one may be, they are still experiencing life through the lens of separation and as such meet challenges everywhere, which is the normal state for the chaos, confusion and conflict that a world filled with opposites offers.
Only the one who ‘knows’ that “of themselves they are nothing” – that the body-mind-identity is a fiction and that the ONE SELF is their True state … lives without expectations or attachments, saying YES to What Is. This experience is NOT touched by the “slings and arrows” of the world-dream … ‘when’ this Awareness is unbroken.
LIFE: The Descent ‘from’ and Ascent ‘to’ the Awareness of Who’ You Really Are https://www.amazon.com/dp/1792977050    
BOOKS by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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alaskassweetdump · 28 days
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does anyone else feel as though this reaction was SO out of character for ethan in book 3? IT HURT SO BAD
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rishikeshyogaschool · 2 months
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🌿 🧘‍♀️ Unlock New Possibilities with Yoga at Rishikesh Yoga School 🧘‍♂️🌿
Intensive Yoga Learning: Dive into 50 hours of deep yoga practice, covering yoga philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methods.
Skill Development: Learn and refine your techniques in Hatha, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa under the guidance of our certified instructors.
Time-Saving Schedule: Perfect for those with limited time, our 50 Hour Yoga TTC offers intensive learning without a long-term commitment.
Personal Transformation: Experience a profound shift in body and mind, cultivating inner peace, mindfulness, and self-awareness.
Join us in Rishikesh and discover the transformative power of yoga. 🌟
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harmonyhealinghub · 2 months
Embracing Life with an Open Heart: A Journey to Greater Consciousness Shaina Tranquilino July 25, 2024
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In a world that often feels rushed and disconnected, cultivating an open heart can be a transformative practice. To approach life with an open heart is to embrace a mindset that welcomes vulnerability, compassion, and a deeper connection with oneself and others. It is an invitation to greater consciousness, where the barriers of fear and judgment dissolve, making way for authentic relationships and a profound sense of inner peace.
What Does It Mean to Have an Open Heart?
Having an open heart means being willing to experience life fully, with all its joys and sorrows, without shutting down or becoming defensive. It's about:
Vulnerability: Allowing yourself to be seen as you truly are, without masks or pretenses. This means embracing your imperfections and being honest about your feelings.
Compassion: Cultivating empathy and kindness towards yourself and others. It's about understanding that everyone is fighting their own battles and showing gentleness in your interactions.
Presence: Being fully engaged in the present moment, rather than being caught up in past regrets or future anxieties. An open heart is mindful and attentive.
The Path to Greater Consciousness
When we open our hearts, we open the door to a higher state of consciousness. This journey involves several key steps:
Self-Awareness: Developing an understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This self-awareness allows you to recognize when you are closing your heart due to fear or pain.
Acceptance: Embracing yourself and others as they are, without trying to change or control them. Acceptance is the foundation of unconditional love.
Letting Go: Releasing past hurts, grudges, and the need for control. Letting go frees you from the burdens that weigh down your heart and mind.
Gratitude: Focusing on the positive aspects of life and being thankful for the present moment. Gratitude shifts your perspective and opens your heart to the abundance around you.
Benefits of an Open Heart
Living with an open heart brings numerous benefits, both to your inner world and your external relationships:
Deeper Connections: You form more meaningful and authentic relationships when you approach others with openness and vulnerability.
Emotional Resilience: An open heart helps you navigate life's challenges with grace and strength, as you are more connected to your inner resources.
Inner Peace: Letting go of fear and judgment creates a serene inner landscape, where you can find calm even amidst chaos.
Enhanced Creativity: Openness allows you to tap into your creative potential, as you are more in tune with your intuition and inspiration.
Practical Steps to Open Your Heart
Practice Mindfulness: Spend time each day in meditation or quiet reflection to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings.
Engage in Heart-Centered Activities: Spend time doing what you love, whether it's being in nature, creating art, or spending time with loved ones.
Express Gratitude: Keep a gratitude journal and write down three things you are thankful for each day.
Be Kind to Yourself: Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding that you would offer a dear friend.
Forgive: Let go of grudges and practice forgiveness, both towards yourself and others. This frees up emotional space for love and joy.
Opening your heart is a journey, not a destination. It requires ongoing practice and patience, but the rewards are immense. By approaching life with an open heart, you embrace a greater consciousness that enriches every aspect of your existence. You connect more deeply with yourself and others, navigate challenges with resilience, and find a profound sense of peace and fulfillment. So, take a deep breath, open your heart, and step into the fullness of life.
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soultribes01 · 4 months
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✨ Approach psychedelic ceremonies mindfully with #SoulTribe. Embrace each experience with gratitude and an open heart, fostering reverence for the divine journey. 🌿🍄
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whisperbehindthelight · 8 months
Day 31: The Meaning of Faith, paragraphs 222-231
NOTES:   Believing in one God and loving him has consequences. It means making good use of God’s creation. We get to have a relationship with God. God is great and we know him not. We must first serve to get to know him. We have all from God. Our life and all that is in it. We are made in the image and likeness of God. We are to care for his creation. We should treasure everything. It means trusting God, even in adversity. All passes but God is forever. God is enough. We will know God’s greatness and majesty when we follow and love the one true God. As good as we can know you there is always more. God is a mystery. If we love God then we must realize that we are all (humanity) one family and must respect everyones dignity for everyone is made in God’s image and likeness. We should remove everything in our life that takes us away from God. We should substitute anything for God; not pleasure, not money, not power. 
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thezodiacmagic-blog · 8 months
Watch These Full Video 👆. In These short Video you'll get all the details on: 😈3 Zodiac Signs That Will Receive A Lot Of Money In February 2024💰#Moneymanifestation #Cosmicenergy Follow Us For More🫶
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What Love Says...The Gift
You are a loving gift to your self and everyone you encounter. Within you are gifts ready to be loved into existence and shared. As you peel layers surrounding your heart an exciting adventure inward to the essence of you stirs love, truth, knowledge and creativity. You see your light within.You see your path, your potential.
Your inner pathway is lit, beams of courage, strength and love shine within. You see your full potential. You discover unlimited opportunities, possibilities and experiences through courage. This inner standing is a gift of remembering – a message of love from the heart. When the heart opens you are free to choose, free to lovingly create.
As you embrace unlimited potential, consciously choosing thoughts, words and actions that manifest your reality.  With an open heart, you remember who you were, are and always will be, a creator of love and truth. Your heart knows the truth of you – loving potential.
Through your heart you see gifts, you discover the opportunity to create experiences for inner growth and expansion. Lovingly open the gift of inner potential within.
Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts invites you to embrace love in your life and enjoy What Love Says series.
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