#Open access Journals of Biomedical Science
biomedres · 23 days
Recurrent ADEM Mimicking Young Stroke
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Recurrent ADEM Mimicking Young Stroke in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
A 30-year male, right-handed, presented with a history of fever for 7 days, holocranial episodic acute severe headache for 3 days, which was associated with nausea, photophobia, and phonophobia. Headache was short-lived but was recurrent, it persisted for around 2-3 hours and get relieved. No triggering factor for this exacerbation. No associated neck pain. The patient also had 1 episode of involuntary body movements, frothing from the mouth, urinary incontinence with loss of consciousness for 1 day. H/O altered sensorium with the irrelevant talk was present. A few hours later, the Patient complaint of Weakness of the left upper and lower limb with facial deviation to the right side. Weakness was to the extent he was unable to lift hand and legs above the bed. On examination, patient was conscious but altered sensorium, left UMN facial nerve palsy, left hemiparesis (Grade- 3/5), brisk deep tendon reflexes, bilateral Extensor plantar reflex, no meningeal signs, no involvement of bowel/bladder, and the sensory deficit was there. Systemic examinations were normal. Blood picture and biochemical investigations were within normal limits. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain showed focal hyperintense lesions (FLAIR and T2) in the subcortical white matter of right basal ganglia, right corona radiate, left parietal- temporal- occipital region [(Figure 1)-MRI July 2018], and bilateral cerebellar hemisphere and no restriction in DWI &meningeal enhancement in a gadoliniumbased MRI contrast study.
For more articles in Journals on Biomedical Sciences click here bjstr Follow on Twitter : https://twitter.com/Biomedres01 Follow on Blogger : https://biomedres01.blogspot.com/ Like Our Pins On : https://www.pinterest.com/biomedres/
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kathleenjovie · 2 years
About Us
The only motto of International Journal on Biomedical Research and Technology (IJBRT) Publishers is accelerating the scientific and technical research papers, reflecting the standards of technology and the human health in the progressive levels and several emergency medical and clinical issues associated with it, the key attention is given towards biomedical research. Thus, asserting the requirement of a common evoked and enriched information sharing platform for the craving readers.
IJBRT is such a unique platform to gather and expose scientific knowledge on science and related discipline. This multidisciplinary open access publisher is rendering a global podium for the professors, academicians, researchers and students of the relevant disciplines to share their scientific excellence in the form of an original research article, review article, case reports, short communication, e-books, video articles, etc.
IJBRT Publishers are self-supporting, with no dependance on any other external sources (like universities, centers) for funds and strives for the best and enhanced quality publications competes the worldwide open access publishing market.
We always rely on the support from the members of our IJBRT family that is relevantly our Authors, Editorial Committee members, advisory board, Reviewers Board, and all the technical support teams all over the globe. We trust in the communal coordination and collaboration in terms of communicating the scientific knowledge of persons and Groups of Research centers/areas will in turn educates and elicits in innovative research.
In this case we would like to act as a media that anchors in the transformation of information in the form of global online publication.
To know more about our Journal: https://ijbiomed.com/
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biomedscis · 2 years
Facile Synthesis of Chitosan Nanoparticle with Different Features and Histopathological Ultrastructural Study on the Effect of its Bio-complex with Bovine Serum Albumin in Mice Liver
Facile Synthesis of Chitosan Nanoparticle with Different Features and Histopathological Ultrastructural Study on The Effect of Its Bio-complex with Bovine Serum Albumin in Mice Liver by Maged El-Kemary* in Open Access Journal of Biomedical Science (OAJBS)
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We have synthesized chitosan nanoparticles (CS-NPs) with different characteristics using ionic gelation method. Results showed that the synthesized CS-NPs with different concentrations of trisodium polyphosphate (TPP) are irregular – spherical shaped with narrow size distribution and high stability. The microporous chitosan was also synthesized with new features characterized with different techniques as SEM, EDX, FTIR and BET. The synthesized microporous chitosan has a surface area and pore volume of 245.571m2/g and 0.155cm3/g respectively. Its microporous surface is functionalized with carboxyl and amine groups. Histopathological and ultrastructural studies of mice liver were performed using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) by intraperitoneal (IP) injection of male mice to evaluate toxicity of free and BSA-CS-NPs inside the body after three, six and nine days. However, no pathological or illness signs were observed in mice throughout the in vivo experiment with non-significant changes on body and relative weight of liver in compared to the negative control group. In addition, biochemical parameters exhibited a normal functionality of liver after BSA-CS-NPs administration. Accordingly, mild histopathological or ultrastructural alterations were observed in the liver of treated mice in all groups with respect with the negative controls. Activated Kupffer cells and leukocytes were observed due to the synergism of adjuvant effect of CS-NPs and antigenic peptides involved in BSA. Herein, we opened new direction for synthesis of different forms of CS-NPs and providing an obvious insight on histopathological and ultrastructural changes after administration of CS-NPs and its protein bio-complexes.
To Know More About Open Access Journal of Biomedical Science Please Visit: Biomedscis
Are Click on: https://Biomedscis.Com/
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
Tumblr keeps crashing each time I send this so I gotta be quick: do have any tips on how to study biology (college is not an option atm)
Oh boy! I will do my best!
I've listed the basic irl resources for biological information first, followed by some online resources.
I've got a strong Animalia bias, so apologies that I don't have any botany-specific sites for you. 😔
I'm sure there's some stuff I'm forgetting. I'll add on to this if I think of anything!
If there's anything specific you need help finding a reliable biological resource for, let me know and I will try my best to help find you something!
Finding primary sources (stuff written by the scientists who did the research [i.e. a journal article]) is always very good, but reliable secondary resources (someone else summarizing other people's research [i.e. Wikipedia page, book]) can be very valuable as well.
Meatspace Resources
I would highly recommend checking to see if there is a Nature Park in your area! Nature parks often have volunteer programs and/or free educational opportunities. In my experience, naturalists are always very excited to meet new people interested in learning about local ecology!
There's also Zoos and Aquariums of course, although I know they cost money and are typically geared more towards kids. I'm lucky to live near some nice ones. Maybe check if there are any special programs happening at Zoos/Aquariums in your area (by checking their website[s]), where you might learn more than you would on a normal day trip.
Plus natural history museums, which usually have rotating exhibits so that you can keep learning new things when you come back! They also have more of an all-ages vibe than Zoos in my experience. Once again dependant on if there's one near you, and not free.
Last but not least: the local library, although obviously not every published book is a flawless resource. Still, might be interesting to poke around! There's usually some sort of digital search catalogue to make finding things easier. Libraries are fun :)
Online Resources
Jstor is GREAT. Not all jstor articles are open access/free, but some are! And you can set a search filter to show you only things you can access.
One good way to find out what experts have written for other experts about biology: search a species name or biological concept or type of experimental study, etc. etc., in jstor's journal articles. I've linked a search for journal articles "I can access" containing the word "biology" as an example.
The website layout can feel a little obtuse at first but I think if you fiddle around with it a bit, it's not too bad to figure out? Feel free to kick my ass if I'm wrong djgjkeg
Wikipedia is actually a very good place to introduce yourself to a lot of biological concepts. I would recommend checking out some of the sources yourself if you can-- usually at least some of them are free, and that can introduce you to new free resources for learning more (today I discovered bugguide.net!). Often they will link you to jstor.
But biology-focused wiki pages have a pretty good track record for Correct Information in my experience. The only issue I've run into is there being too little information sometimes.
Pubmed is a really good resource to read biomedical scientific papers for free if that interests you at all! Reading scientific papers is a really important skill and I think you can pick up a lot just by diving in and googling words you don't know.
A well-designed experiment is replicable (that is, you can understand from the paper how they set things up to the point that you could do it yourself, given the resources). It's also important to pay attention to sample size. The more times you replicate any process in an experiment, the more likely you will be able to identify what the most common result really is, and why.
Fishbase is a website I was introduced to in my icthyology class to find info about different fish species :) It kind of just dumps all the info on you in a big text wall, but many pages include great details about life cycle and diet that might go unmentioned on wiki pages.
I've never used bugguide.net before today, but so far it seems solid and like it has a lot of good info. I assume it is similar to fishbase but for bugs
I used both of these for university classes at some point. I didn't use them much, so there may be issues I don't know about.
In my experience though they were solid resources, if a little confusingly worded at times. Bouncing between the textbooks and wikipedia tended to help me.
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editorbjbmr · 15 days
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BJBMR Calls Manuscript Submissions — Submit Now!
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**BJBMR Calls for Manuscript Submissions — Submit Now!**
The British Journal of Biomedical Research (BJBMR) is excited to invite researchers to submit their manuscripts for publication. As a leading journal in the field, BJBMR is committed to linking global research efforts, promoting cross-border collaboration, and integrating international research to create significant impact. This blog post explores how BJBMR fosters global research connections, harmonizes initiatives, and manages cross-border integration. Discover how submitting your work to BJBMR can enhance its visibility and contribute to the advancement of biomedical science.
### BJBMR Links Global Research Efforts
BJBMR excels in linking global research efforts by providing a platform where scientists from various countries can share their findings. The journal’s extensive international reach ensures that research from diverse regions is accessible to a broad audience. By publishing with BJBMR, you contribute to a global network that connects research efforts across borders, promoting collaboration and advancing the understanding of biomedical challenges on a worldwide scale.
### Promotes Cross-Border Research Collaboration
Cross-border research collaboration is essential for addressing complex biomedical issues that span multiple countries. BJBMR actively promotes such collaborations by serving as a hub for researchers from different regions to connect and work together. The journal’s open-access model facilitates the sharing of research findings, fostering partnerships that enhance the quality and impact of scientific studies. Submitting your manuscript to BJBMR means participating in a collaborative effort that transcends geographical boundaries.
### Integrates International Research for Impact
BJBMR is dedicated to integrating international research to maximize its impact on global health. The journal publishes studies that address universal biomedical questions and encourages research that bridges gaps between various disciplines and regions. By integrating research from diverse sources, BJBMR helps create a comprehensive understanding of health issues and promotes effective solutions. Submitting your research to BJBMR ensures that your work contributes to a coordinated global effort with significant impact.
### Harmonizes Global Research Initiatives
Harmonizing global research initiatives is a key focus for BJBMR. The journal provides a platform for research that aligns with international scientific goals and priorities. By publishing studies that contribute to a unified understanding of biomedical topics, BJBMR helps synchronize efforts from different regions and disciplines. This harmonization enhances the relevance and effectiveness of research findings, leading to more cohesive advancements in the field. Submit your manuscript to BJBMR to be part of this global synchronization effort.
### BJBMR Consolidates Research Across Borders
One of BJBMR’s strengths is its ability to consolidate research across borders. The journal aggregates studies from various geographical locations, providing a comprehensive view of global biomedical issues. This consolidation helps overcome geographical and disciplinary barriers, fostering a more integrated approach to scientific research. By contributing your work to BJBMR, you help consolidate research efforts and enhance the overall quality and scope of biomedical knowledge.
### Strengthens Global Research Connections
BJBMR is committed to strengthening global research connections by linking researchers from different countries and disciplines. The journal’s platform facilitates interactions and collaborations that enhance the quality and impact of scientific research. By publishing with BJBMR, you join a network of researchers dedicated to advancing biomedical science through shared knowledge and collective expertise. Strengthening these connections is crucial for addressing complex health challenges and driving innovation in the field.
### Bridges International Research Gaps
Bridging international research gaps is a priority for BJBMR. The journal addresses gaps in knowledge by publishing studies that explore under-researched areas and by facilitating collaborations between scientists from different regions. This bridging of gaps helps to advance the field of biomedicine and improve global health outcomes. By submitting your research to BJBMR, you contribute to filling these gaps and enhancing the overall understanding of biomedical issues on an international scale.
### Manages Cross-Border Research Integration
BJBMR excels in managing cross-border research integration by providing a platform for seamless collaboration between scientists from various countries. The journal’s editorial and review processes support the integration of research findings from different regions, ensuring that studies are evaluated with a global perspective. By choosing to publish with BJBMR, you benefit from this effective management of cross-border integration, enhancing the quality and impact of your research.
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### Unique FAQs About Submitting to BJBMR
**1. What types of research can I submit to BJBMR?**
BJBMR accepts a wide range of research types, including original research articles, reviews, case studies, and methodological papers. The journal covers diverse biomedical topics, from clinical and molecular research to public health studies. Submissions should offer new insights, innovative approaches, or significant contributions to the field. Whether your research addresses fundamental science or practical applications, BJBMR provides a platform for sharing high-quality work with the global scientific community.
**2. How does BJBMR promote cross-border research collaboration?**
BJBMR promotes cross-border research collaboration by offering an open-access platform where researchers from different countries can share their findings and connect. The journal’s international readership and collaborative environment encourage scientists to engage in joint projects and partnerships. By publishing with BJBMR, you join a global network that values collaborative efforts and enhances the impact of research through shared knowledge and expertise.
**3. How does BJBMR integrate international research for greater impact?**
BJBMR integrates international research by publishing studies from various regions and disciplines, creating a comprehensive view of biomedical issues. The journal encourages research that addresses global health challenges and bridges gaps between different fields. Integration of diverse research findings enhances the overall impact by providing a unified understanding of complex topics. Submitting your work to BJBMR contributes to this coordinated effort and drives meaningful advancements in the field.
**4. What is the benefit of consolidating research across borders with BJBMR?**
Consolidating research across borders with BJBMR provides a more complete and integrated understanding of biomedical topics. The journal aggregates studies from different geographical locations, overcoming barriers and fostering a global perspective. This consolidation enhances the quality and relevance of research findings, leading to more effective solutions and innovations. By contributing your work to BJBMR, you help consolidate global research efforts and advance the field of biomedicine.
**5. How can I stay updated with BJBMR’s latest developments?**
To stay updated with BJBMR’s latest developments, subscribe to the journal’s YouTube channel. The channel features interviews with leading researchers, highlights of recent publications, and discussions on current trends in biomedical science. Subscribing provides valuable insights and keeps you informed about advancements and updates in the field. Engaging with the BJBMR YouTube community helps you stay connected with the global scientific community and stay current with the latest research.
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### Conclusion
Publishing with the British Journal of Biomedical Research (BJBMR) offers an excellent opportunity to contribute to a leading platform that links global research efforts, promotes cross-border collaboration, and integrates international research for significant impact. By submitting your manuscript to BJBMR, you become part of a global network that consolidates research across borders and bridges international gaps. Enhance the visibility and impact of your work by joining BJBMR today. Don’t forget to subscribe to BJBMR’s YouTube channel for the latest updates and insights into biomedical research.
### Please Subscribe to BJBMR’s YouTube Channel
Stay updated on the latest developments in biomedical research by subscribing to BJBMR’s YouTube channel. The channel features interviews with leading researchers, highlights of recent publications, and discussions on current trends in the field. Subscribing provides valuable insights and keeps you connected with the global scientific community. Join the BJBMR YouTube community today to stay informed and engaged with advancements in biomedicine.
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academicstrive · 26 days
Exploring Innovations in Biomedical Sciences
AcademicStrive #CSRBS #BiomedicalSceience #OpenAccess #ResearchArticle
Launched by Academic Strive, the Journal of Biomedical Science is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal with the mission to foster the successful development of knowledge in the biomedical discipline. This interdisciplinary journal is an indispensable instrument for those researchers who have been working in human and animal health, with the biological and clinical aspects of health and disease being particularly highlighted. Through an extensive discussion about the topics like biochemical functions, physiological processes, anatomical and histological structures, epidemiology, and pharmacology, the journal guarantees the readers as well as the scientists the overall understanding of biomedical science.
The study presented in the journal recently demonstrates how human and animal studies are combined to gain the most efficient understanding of health. One example is, comparative research of physiological and biochemical processes among different species, which reveal the mechanisms of disease and thus, the identification of energy sources and treatment alternatives. By establishing that the animal model is analogous in many aspects, scientists are now in a position to design new drugs that either disappear side effects or reduce them. This not only development of new therapies which are more efficacious and less side effective but also the acceleration of biomedical research is achieved by this approach.
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Academic Strive is an advocate for open-access research and is making the publication of science open for all talents. The Journal of Biomedical Science accepts a variety of submissions, such as research articles, case reports, review articles, short communication, mini-reviews, and editorials, which make it possible for the researchers from all around the world to express their thoughts on the field of science and technology. Through the open access option of this journal, the knowledge generated in biomedical science will be disseminated to a larger audience and the results from various collaborations will faster than ever before turn into a reality. For more information, visit Academic Strive.
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Fullerene Trend in Biomedicine: Expectations and Reality
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Fullerene Trend in Biomedicine: Expectations and Reality- Crimson Publishers
Fullerenes are the third allotropic form of carbon, along with diamond and graphite, where carbon atoms are situated in vertices of the closed shells (cages) [1]. Since their discovery in 1985, fullerenes have attracted an attention of scientists not only because of their unique and beautiful structure but also as the materials for possible applications in engineering and medicine. Lots of fullerenes with hollow carbon cages were synthesized and chemically functionalized. Biomedical effects of such “empty” fullerenes are mostly defined by the chemical groups attached to the fullerene cage [1,2]. Besides, there are the so-called endohedral metallofullerenes (EMF) molecules of which contain one or more atoms, among them lanthanides or heavy elements like Pb or Bi trapped inside the carbon cage [3,4]. The goal of this editorial is to summarize the ideas of using fullerenes for biomedicine and express our opinion concerning the prospects of their application for therapeutic purposes.
For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: https://crimsonpublishers.com
For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Please click on link: https://crimsonpublishers.com/rmes/
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ahz-associates · 5 months
Study Abroad in Cardiff University!
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Located in Cardiff, Wales, Cardiff institution is a renowned public research institution in the world. It is one of the top five Russell Group Universities and is situated in a lovely, vibrant neighborhood. "Truth, Unity, and Concord" is the institution's motto.
The institution is proud to be a recognized leader in both innovative and strategic research, with a solid international reputation. This higher education institution is dedicated to providing students with an exceptional learning experience by fostering a close relationship with business.
There are well-known, internationally recognized undergraduate and graduate programs. It operates with a large pool of knowledgeable instructors through current research endeavors, and twenty-two percent of its faculty members are foreign nationals.
The institution produces basic and applied research and is well-known as a global leader in biomedical research. Above all, the school makes it possible to integrate international pupils into a multinational community.
The University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire was the university's original name when it was founded in 1883. It was one of the foundation colleges and was renamed the University of Wales in 1893. The institution became well-known in 1997 after starting to award degrees to pupils.
The esteemed University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology was a partner in 1988. Cardiff University became the official name of the university in 2005.
At that time, it was well-known for being an autonomous institution that had started conferring degrees. As a result, it is the sole Welsh member of the Russell Group of research-based universities and the third-oldest university in Wales. Cardiff University has twenty-six academic departments.
The three colleges that comprise the schools are the College of Arts and Humanities, the College of Social Sciences, the College of Biomedical and Life Sciences, and the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering.
Fee Schedule
International students at Cardiff University pay a tuition price ranging from £18,700 to £23,950.
Scholarships at Cardiff University
Scholarships from Chevening and Global Wales 2023
Up to £10,000 in 2023 for the Global Wales Postgraduate Scholarship
Program for Commonwealth Master's Scholarships 2023
Scholarships at Cardiff University for 2021
A degree program in electrical and electronic engineering is eligible for a Power Academy scholarship.
The UK Electronics Skills Foundation (UKESF) fellowship is open to undergraduate students in the UK and the EU who want to pursue degrees in electrical and electronic engineering.
The David Lloyd Vocal Scholarship and the Morfydd Owen Instrumental Scholarship are two examples of musical scholarships that can be applied to BMus or BA single honors degree programs. (Students from the EU/at home).
Scholarships for Chorus (male bass, tenor, and alto).
The Bursaries are given below:
Cardiff University Bursary,
Armed Forces Bursary,
Asylum Seekers Opportunity Award,
Care Leavers Bursary,
Estranged Student Bursary,
Student Carers Bursary,
Next Step Bursary,
NHS bursary
In addition, there are additional funding resources accessible for developing talent:
Grants and loans, Assistance for those seeking asylum, assistance for part-time undergraduate studies, financing for students, money for full-time medical and dentistry school, and so forth
Resources and Amenities
A well-stocked library has a vast collection of journals, online books, and printed books. Fantastic It incorporates a virtual learning environment into computer facilities.
Possibility of book borrowing and online journal and book access As a result, print services, photocopying, and printing are offered.
With the use of visiting and membership cards, students are welcomed during critical times (NHS). Students complete job placements in nearby companies to help pay for their education.
vital new instruments for medical and health research have been created and made available.
Research-based courses and skilled, experienced tutors.
Student Life
The voice of college students is represented by the Students' Union. They help those with unique needs and interests and are active from freshmen week until alumni night. Cardiff is constantly improving thanks to a number of initiatives managed by the Students' Union, including citizens, companies, and council members.
Students adore Cardiff and feel more comfortable participating in these activities as a result.
Cardiff's community is robust enough to use art and culture to enhance surrounding neighborhoods. International students congregate here to organize community gatherings.
The student union retaliates against any transgressions and has modified the Section 46 Law's penalty guidelines. To maintain city safety, the local police and the community collaborate on a daily basis.
The housing available at Cardiff University is comfortable and reasonably priced. Students can find both busy and tranquil living spaces in the resident halls or in privately rented homes.
Because it's conveniently located within walking distance or a short bus ride away, students feel at home here. Cardiff Market's unique stores, eateries, and cafes—all styled in the Victorian aesthetic—help to boost the area's appeal.
In order to raise housing standards, the Welsh Government thus takes action with regard to House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) licensing in Cathays. Wales is a cultural hub with a wealth of cultural experiences. Pupils have excellent opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities, art, culture, and excellent shopping.
Cardiff offers both local and national bus and coach services. Newport Bus launches brand-new, all-electric bus routes. First to offer the Double Deck Bus service was Vintage Bus. Thus, excellent bus services are offered in the Rhondda Valleys, Swansea, and Cardiff.
Newport Transport was the company that handled the taxi license plates. There are also executive minibus and chauffeur services offered. Cardiff University is conveniently positioned near several locations in the UK and abroad due to its coastal location.
Excellent air, rail, and road communications are available. The high-speed rail service takes just two hours to get to London. Moreover, Bristol and Cardiff airports offer a large number of direct flights to locations in Europe and the United Kingdom. It's much simpler because there are pedestrian routes through the student residential communities.
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goodresearchtopics · 6 months
What are some good life sciences journals which publish research papers free of cost?
There are several reputable life sciences journals that offer free access to research papers. Here are a few examples:
PLOS Biology - PLOS (Public Library of Science) publishes high-quality research across all areas of biology. They operate under an open-access model, making all articles freely available to the public.
BMC Biology - BMC (BioMed Central) Biology publishes research articles across all areas of biology and welcomes submissions from all disciplines. They offer immediate open access to all articles.
PeerJ - PeerJ is an open-access journal that publishes research in biological and medical sciences. Authors can choose between different publication plans, including a free plan for those who are unable to cover the publication fee.
Frontiers in Life Science - Frontiers is a community-driven open-access publisher and research networking platform. They cover a wide range of life science disciplines and offer free access to articles.
eLife - eLife is a nonprofit organization that publishes research in the life and biomedical sciences. They offer immediate open access to all articles and operate under a fair and transparent peer-review process.
F1000Research - F1000Research is an open-access publishing platform for life scientists. Authors can publish their research rapidly, and all articles undergo transparent peer review.
Wellcome Open Research - Wellcome Open Research is a platform for publishing research funded by the Wellcome Trust. It covers a broad range of life sciences topics and provides free access to all articles.
These journals are known for their commitment to open access and high standards of peer review. However, it's always a good idea to verify the reputation and impact factor of any journal before submitting your work.
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ijps-journal · 9 months
Points to Consider to get the best Pharmaceutical Journals to publish the results of your research
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In this blog we talk about how to find the best Pharmaceutical Journals to publish the results of your research
What considerations should be made when choosing a publication to publish a research paper
You must publish your work in reputable journals to gain recognition and a high level of pleasure for yourself in order to complete your education and launch a career in the field of biomedical research.
However, there are numerous other important factors that must be taken into account before submitting our work to the journal. Impact factor, SCImago Journal rating, article processing fees, frequency of journal subscriptions, length of journal processing or review procedure, publishing agency network, journal access, etc. are some of the factors that are taken into consideration.
Impact factor
The "average the article" in a journal has been referenced on average over a certain period of time, which is measured by the impact factor, which is frequently used to assess the relative importance of the journal within its associated subject. 
SCImago Journal rating
The SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR), a metric for evaluating the scientific significance of academic journals, takes into account both the volume of citations a journal receives and the standing or significance of the other journals from which it receives citations. The SJR of a journal is a numerical statistic that represents the average number of weighted citations gained for each article published in that journal over the course of the previous three years. A higher SJR rating denotes a more prestigious journal.
Article processing fees 
Article Processing Charges (APC), usually referred to as a publication fee, are sometimes levied against authors in order to make their work accessible online in open access or hybrid journals. The author, the author's institution, or the research funder may be responsible for covering this charge. Authors make a one-time APC payment to cover the costs of managing peer review administration and professional article development. 
Frequency of journal subscriptions 
The majority of articles in a journal are often published online once, twice, four times, or every month throughout the year. Journal subscribers can choose to get a softcopy or hardcopy of the articles at regular intervals. This could be on a monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annual basis. 
Length of journal processing or review procedure 
The time between submitting an article and it being accepted for publication is known as the journal processing or reviewing procedure duration. 
Publishing agency network 
The platforms that systematically bring journals online are publishing agency networks. They offer readers and researchers all readily available tools, including article submission, review, proofreading, and article format. 
Journal access 
Journal access refers to a set of guidelines and a variety of tactics used to publish research paper outputs online, either totally free of charge or with other access restrictions. By applying an open license for copyright, the open-access restrictions that are firmly defined or maintained are also negotiated for or removed.
So these are the top points to consider before publishing your research in a  Pharmaceutical journal. You can publish your study or thesis work taking into account the journal's theme and scope, publication costs, publication time frame, submission and review procedures, etc. You may contact the International Journal in Pharmaceutical Sciences to publish your work.
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scholarsedge · 9 months
The Leading 10 Search Engines for Research Papers [2024]
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In the contemporary digital research sphere, the accessibility of scholarly materials is redefined by specialized search engines tailored explicitly for research papers. These platforms serve as indispensable tools, granting scholars unrestricted entry to an extensive array of academic information. Among these platforms, Google Scholar stands as a pinnacle, symbolizing the broadening of academic knowledge accessibility and setting the stage for specialized tools in the field.
The transition from conventional library-centric research to digital platforms has brought convenience but also presents a challenge—selecting the most suitable search engines amid a multitude of options. Each platform varies in the quality and relevance of search results, demanding effective navigation of this diverse landscape.
ScholarsEdge introduces an all-encompassing guide to the top 10 search engines for research papers, designed to amplify the efficiency of academic research. These search engines are not only free but also grant swift access to a wide spectrum of scholarly resources, effectively breaking down the barriers of paywalled academic content.
Understanding Academic Search Engines
Comprehending the intricacies of what defines an effective research engine for academics is paramount. Academic search engines, distinct from general ones, offer advanced features such as precise filtering, citation tracking, and complete text access. Their emphasis on academic precision and relevance caters specifically to scholarly content.
The Foremost 10 Search Engines for Research Papers
Google Scholar: A multidisciplinary platform providing extensive access to scholarly literature across disciplines, citation tracking, and seamless integration with academic profiles.
SciSpace by Typeset: Multidisciplinary, specializing in scientific fields, offering advanced filtering, citation data, full-text access, and an AI research assistant.
Semantic Scholar: Strong in computer science and biomedical fields, featuring AI-powered semantic analysis, citation and reference tracking, and comprehensive scholarly articles.
ResearchGate: Focused on science and research, facilitating networking for scientists and researchers, providing access to various academic papers, and tracking impact.
PubMed: Specialized in biomedical and life sciences, granting access to over 30 million citations, with a focus on medical and healthcare literature and links to full-text articles.
IEEE Xplore: Focused on engineering and technology, delivering technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics.
JSTOR: Multidisciplinary, particularly strong in arts and humanities, providing access to thousands of academic journals, books, and primary sources.
Scopus: A multidisciplinary platform with an extensive abstract and citation database, offering advanced analytics and tracking tools.
Consensus: Multidisciplinary and AI-focused, offering AI-driven search capabilities for efficient retrieval of academic papers and data.
CORE: An open access multidisciplinary platform featuring millions of open access research papers, promoting open knowledge and accessibility.
This comparison table delineates the unique features and expertise of each academic search engine, providing a snapshot of their offerings. Whether you're seeking the top search engines for research papers, a comprehensive list of reliable academic search engines, or the finest websites for research papers, ScholarsEdge is here to guide you toward the perfect resource for your scholarly pursuits.
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biomedres · 1 year
SARS-CoV-2 and its Transmission Ability Through the Nasal and Oral Cavities
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SARS-CoV-2 and its Transmission Ability Through the Nasal and Oral Cavities in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research 
Since the beginning of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, it was identified that its ligand Spike Protein (S protein) is the receptor of the Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2), which is present in epithelial cells of the nasal mucosa, the surface of the tongue in the oral cavity, the pharynx, and the salivary glands [1]. These last have a higher ACE2 expression, which facilitates the virus to infect a person. Because saliva is a secretion from the oral cavity produced by the parotid, sublingual, and submandibular glands, it is in constant contact with perioral tissue, such as the tongue, which due to its mobility, facilitates saliva to be in contact with the entire oral cavity [2]. The presence of viral RNA in saliva has allowed the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the early stages of infection and promptly identify asymptomatic individuals [2,3]. Saliva also contains IgA and IgG isotype antibodies which could be relevant in immunized people against SARS-CoV-2 [2]. In general, if a healthy person comes into contact with aerosols contaminated with the virus, the following alternatives can occur: a) If the virus enters through the open oral cavity, it will come into contact with saliva. The viral particles could go into the digestive tract because the epiglottis blocks saliva access to the lungs [4], thus reinforcing findings of the virus in feces [5] and gastrointestinal symptoms.
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literaturepublisher23 · 9 months
Journal of Medical Case Reports
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Journal of Medical Case Reports accepting case reports in medical science journal, medical case reports journal, journals accepting medical case reports, journals publishing medical case reports etc. Journal publishes methods of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. The practice of medicine involves multidisciplinary study and application of concepts of several branches of biomedical sciences, genetics, microbiology, immunology etc. Furthermore, practice of medicine also requires a thorough knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences and surgery. It also takes the help of other therapies like physiotherapy, psychotherapy and preventive medicine. Medicine research is therefore, an intricate subject that has multiple facets, each of which needs to be addressed in great detail before a specific diagnostic or therapeutic method is standardized for large scale application.
Journal Homepage: https://www.literaturepublishers.org/
Manuscript Submission
Authors are requested to submit their manuscript by using Online Manuscript Submission Portal:
(or) also invited to submit through the Journal E-mail Id: [email protected]
American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics: American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics is an open access peer reviewed and monthly published research journal that publishes articles in the field of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics. It is an international journal to encourage research publication to research scholars, academicians, professionals and students engaged in their respective field.
Related Journals: Herbal Medicine: Open Access, Natural Products Chemistry & Research, American Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics
Translational Biomedicine
Translational Biomedicine: Translational Biomedicine is an international open access, peer-reviewed academic journal. The Journal publishes original science-based research that advances communication between the scientific discovery and health improvement. Translational Biomedicine publishes Original research and/or commentary on diseases with implications for treatment Clinical translation where scientific ideas are translated into clinical trials or applications, Nutrition research: the interaction and validation between research and application Perspectives and Reviews on current basic science or clinical science research topics Survey of recent significant published findings. Journal Highlights Includes: Translational Biomedical Research, Translational Research and Clinical Intervention, Translational Stroke, Translational Neurology, Translational Oncology, Translational imaging, Translational Psychiatry, Orthopedic Translation, Stem Cell Translation Medicine, Translation Proteomics, Translational Neuroscience, Translational Cancer Research, Discovery Biology, Medical Biotechnology.
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literaturepublisher10 · 10 months
Journal of Medical Case Reports
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Journal of Medical Case Reports accepting case reports in medical science journal, medical case reports journal, journals accepting medical case reports, journals publishing medical case reports etc. Journal publishes methods of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. The practice of medicine involves multidisciplinary study and application of concepts of several branches of biomedical sciences, genetics, microbiology, immunology etc. Furthermore, practice of medicine also requires a thorough knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences and surgery. It also takes the help of other therapies like physiotherapy, psychotherapy and preventive medicine. Medicine research is therefore, an intricate subject that has multiple facets, each of which needs to be addressed in great detail before a specific diagnostic or therapeutic method is standardized for large scale application.
Journal Homepage: https://www.literaturepublishers.org/
Manuscript Submission
Authors are requested to submit their manuscript by using Online Manuscript Submission Portal:
(or) also invited to submit through the Journal E-mail Id: [email protected]
American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics: American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics is an open access peer reviewed and monthly published research journal that publishes articles in the field of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics. It is an international journal to encourage research publication to research scholars, academicians, professionals and students engaged in their respective field.
Related Journals: Herbal Medicine: Open Access, Natural Products Chemistry & Research, American Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics
Translational Biomedicine
Translational Biomedicine: Translational Biomedicine is an international open access, peer-reviewed academic journal. The Journal publishes original science-based research that advances communication between the scientific discovery and health improvement. Translational Biomedicine publishes Original research and/or commentary on diseases with implications for treatment Clinical translation where scientific ideas are translated into clinical trials or applications, Nutrition research: the interaction and validation between research and application Perspectives and Reviews on current basic science or clinical science research topics Survey of recent significant published findings. Journal Highlights Includes: Translational Biomedical Research, Translational Research and Clinical Intervention, Translational Stroke, Translational Neurology, Translational Oncology, Translational imaging, Translational Psychiatry, Orthopedic Translation, Stem Cell Translation Medicine, Translation Proteomics, Translational Neuroscience, Translational Cancer Research, Discovery Biology, Medical Biotechnology.
Related Journals: Translational Cancer Research, Orthopedic Translation, Translational Proteomics, Translational Biomedical Research, Translational Neuroscience, Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology, Molecular Therapy, Stem Cell Translation, Translational Biomedical Research, Translational Clinical Research
American Journal of Ethnomedicine
American Journal of Ethnomedicine: American Journal of Ethnomedicine is an open access, peer-reviewed, bimonthly, online journal that aims to promote the exchange of original knowledge and research in any area of ethnomedicine.
American Journal of Ethnomedicine invites research articles and reviews based on original interdisciplinary studies on the inextricable relationships between human cultures and nature/universe, Traditional Environmental/Ecological Knowledge (TEK), folk and traditional medical knowledge, as well as the relevance of these for environmental and public health policies.
Specifically, the journal will cover the following topics: ethnobotany, ethnomycology, ethnozoology, ethnoecology (including ethnopedology), ethnometereology/ ethnoclimatology, ethnoastronomy, ethnopharmacy, ethnomedicine, ethnoveterinary, traditional medicines, traditional healthcare in households and domestic arenas, migrant healthcare/urban ethnobiology, pluralistic healthcare in developing countries, evidence-based community health, visual ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, gender studies and ethnobiology, as well as other related areas in environmental, nutritional, medical and visual anthropology. Botanically-centered manuscripts must clearly indicate voucher specimens and herbaria.
Journal of Biomedical Sciences
Journal of Biomedical Sciences: Journal of Biomedical Sciences is an international, peer reviewed journals which publishes high quality of article and novel research contribution to scientific knowledge. The Journal of Biomedical Sciences is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that encompasses all fundamental and molecular aspects of basic medical sciences, emphasizing on providing the molecular studies of biomedical problems and molecular mechanisms. The Journal of Biomedical Sciences gives an area to share the information among the medical scientists and researchers
Journal highlights includes: Cognitive and neurosciences, Biochemical engineering, Molecular biology, Gas transport and metabolism, Cardiac assist devices, Vascular autoregulation, Protein science, Structural biology, Biomedical ultrasound, Neuroengineering, Heart mechanics, Biomedical science, Genetics
Related Journals: Biomedicine Journal, Biomedical Science and Engineering Journal, Medicine Journal, Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences, Journal of Biomedical sciences and Research, Journal of Biomedical Research, Neurology Journal, Biomedical Engineering Journal, Cellular Biology Journal, Alzheimer?s Disease Journal, Clinical Immunology Journal, Genetics and Genomics Research Journal, Archives of Medicine Journal, Journal of Clinical & Biomedical Sciences, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience Journals, Behavioral Sciences journal, Journal of Neuroscience & Cognition,  Journal of Psychology, Journals of Gerontology 
Journal of Regenerative Medicine
Journal of Regenerative Medicine: Regenerative Medicine journal covers wide range of topics such as regenerative medicine therapies, stem cell applications, tissue engineering, gene and cell therapies, translational medicine and tissue regeneration etc. The journal provides hybrid access platform to publish the original research articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc and provides the rapid dissemination of significant research in various disciplines encompassing all areas of stem cells and regenerative medicine.
Journal Highlights: Cell and Organ Regeneration, Cell Engineering, Cellular Therapies, Diagnostics and Imaging, Ethical and Legal Issues, Gene Therapies, Human Pathological Conditions, Immunotherapy, Models of Regeneration, Nanoscaffolds in Regenerative Medicine, Regenerative Biology, Rejuvenation, Stem Cell Transplantation, Stem Cell Treatments, Stem Cells, Tissue Engineering, Tissue Repair and Regeneration, Translational Medicine, Translational Medicines, Translational Science, etc.
Related Journals: Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Journal of Regenerative Medicine & Tissue Engineering, International Journal of Stem Cells, Stem Cell Research, Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy, Stem Cell Biology and Research, Biomaterials, Cardiovascular Journals, Cell Biology Journals, Hematology Journals, Liver Journals
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editorbjbmr · 15 days
Ready To Publish? Submit To BJBMR Now!
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**Ready to Publish? Submit to BJBMR Now!**
The British Journal of Biomedical Research (BJBMR) is a leading platform for publishing high-impact biomedical research. As an esteemed journal dedicated to fostering global scientific advancement, BJBMR is now accepting manuscripts for publication. By choosing to publish with BJBMR, you join a network that unifies international research initiatives, integrates global research efforts, and fosters collaboration across borders. This blog post explores how BJBMR enhances global research synergy and provides answers to common questions about the submission process.
### BJBMR Unifies International Research Initiatives
BJBMR excels at unifying international research initiatives by providing a platform where scientists from around the world can share their findings. The journal’s open-access model ensures that research is accessible to a global audience, bridging geographical and disciplinary gaps. This unification helps to consolidate efforts from different regions and disciplines, promoting a comprehensive understanding of biomedical challenges and solutions. By publishing with BJBMR, you contribute to a cohesive global research network that drives innovation and scientific progress.
### Integrates Global Research for Synergy
One of BJBMR’s core strengths is its ability to integrate global research for synergy. The journal achieves this by publishing studies that address universal biomedical questions and by promoting interdisciplinary collaboration. Integration of research from diverse sources enhances the quality and impact of the findings, leading to more effective solutions for health challenges. Submitting your manuscript to BJBMR means participating in a collaborative effort that enhances the overall synergy of global biomedical research.
### BJBMR Combines Worldwide Research Efforts
BJBMR plays a crucial role in combining worldwide research efforts by serving as a central platform for high-quality biomedical studies. The journal’s international reach allows for the aggregation of research from different regions, providing a comprehensive view of global biomedical issues. By publishing with BJBMR, you help to merge research efforts from various parts of the world, creating a more complete and unified understanding of complex scientific topics. This combination of efforts strengthens the impact of your research and contributes to global scientific advancement.
### Fosters Unified Global Research Collaboration
BJBMR is dedicated to fostering unified global research collaboration by providing a venue for researchers from different countries to connect and work together. The journal’s broad readership and commitment to open access facilitate collaborations that span geographical and disciplinary boundaries. By submitting your research to BJBMR, you engage with a global network of scientists who share your commitment to advancing biomedical science. This collaborative environment enhances the quality and reach of your work, driving progress in the field.
### BJBMR Blends International Research Expertise
BJBMR blends international research expertise by bringing together studies from a wide range of disciplines and regions. The journal’s editorial team includes experts from various fields who ensure that published research reflects diverse perspectives and approaches. This blending of expertise enriches the content of BJBMR and provides readers with a well-rounded view of current scientific developments. By contributing your research to BJBMR, you add to this pool of international knowledge and benefit from the collective expertise of a global scientific community.
### Connects Global Research for Impact
Connecting global research for impact is a key focus of BJBMR. The journal provides a platform for research that addresses significant biomedical issues and has the potential to influence global health outcomes. By publishing with BJBMR, you ensure that your work is part of a broader conversation that reaches an international audience. This connectivity enhances the impact of your research and helps to drive meaningful improvements in healthcare and medicine around the world.
### Merges Worldwide Research Efforts Effectively
BJBMR effectively merges worldwide research efforts by publishing studies that reflect a range of perspectives and findings from different regions. The journal’s global reach and open-access model facilitate the integration of research from various sources, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of biomedical topics. By submitting your manuscript to BJBMR, you contribute to this process of merging efforts and enhancing the overall quality and impact of global biomedical research.
### BJBMR Coordinates Global Research Activities
Coordinating global research activities is essential for addressing complex biomedical challenges. BJBMR plays a key role in this coordination by providing a platform for researchers from different regions to share their work and collaborate. The journal’s editorial and review processes support the integration of research findings and ensure that studies are evaluated with a global perspective. By choosing to publish with BJBMR, you participate in a coordinated effort that enhances the effectiveness and reach of global research activities.
### FAQs About BJBMR’s Scope and Submission Criteria
**1. What types of biomedical topics does BJBMR cover?**
BJBMR covers a wide range of biomedical topics, including clinical research, molecular biology, genetics, epidemiology, and public health studies. The journal welcomes research that offers new insights, innovative approaches, or significant contributions across these diverse fields. Whether your study focuses on basic science, translational research, or health policy, BJBMR provides a platform for disseminating high-quality research that advances the understanding of biomedicine.
**2. How can my research be considered innovative for submission to BJBMR?**
To be considered innovative for BJBMR, your research should introduce new concepts, methods, or findings that advance the field of biomedicine. Innovative research often addresses current gaps in knowledge, proposes novel solutions to existing problems, or employs cutting-edge techniques. Highlighting the originality and potential impact of your work in your manuscript can enhance its appeal to BJBMR’s editorial and review teams.
**3. What criteria does BJBMR use to evaluate submissions?**
BJBMR evaluates submissions based on several criteria, including originality, scientific rigor, relevance to the field, and potential impact. Manuscripts are assessed for their contribution to advancing biomedical knowledge, methodological soundness, and clarity of presentation. The review process involves expert peer reviewers who provide feedback on the significance and quality of the research, ensuring that only high-impact studies are published.
**4. Can I submit research that combines clinical and molecular aspects?**
Yes, BJBMR encourages submissions that integrate clinical and molecular research aspects. The journal values studies that bridge different areas of biomedicine, as these often provide a more comprehensive understanding of health and disease. Research that combines clinical findings with molecular insights or explores their interplay can offer valuable contributions to the field and is welcomed by BJBMR.
**5. How does BJBMR handle public health research submissions?**
BJBMR actively seeks submissions in the area of public health research. The journal is interested in studies that address public health challenges, evaluate health interventions, or explore epidemiological trends. Research that provides actionable insights for improving health outcomes at the population level is particularly valued. By publishing with BJBMR, you can contribute to the broader conversation on public health and its impact on global health systems.
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### Conclusion
Submitting your manuscript to the British Journal of Biomedical Research (BJBMR) provides an excellent opportunity to be part of a leading platform for global scientific advancement. BJBMR’s commitment to unifying international research initiatives, integrating global research efforts, and fostering cross-border collaborations enhances the impact and reach of your work. Join BJBMR today and contribute to a vibrant network of researchers dedicated to advancing biomedical science. Don’t forget to subscribe to BJBMR’s YouTube channel to stay updated on the latest research trends and insights.
### Please Subscribe to BJBMR’s YouTube Channel
Stay informed about the latest developments in biomedical research by subscribing to BJBMR’s YouTube channel. The channel features interviews with leading researchers, highlights of recent publications, and discussions on current trends in the field. Subscribing to the channel provides you with valuable insights and updates that can enhance your research and keep you connected with the global scientific community. Join the BJBMR YouTube community today to stay engaged and informed about advancements in biomedicine.
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skreddy · 1 year
 Navigating the World of Knowledge: Finding the Best Science Journals
In the ever-evolving landscape of scientific research, staying updated with the latest discoveries and breakthroughs is crucial. For scholars, students, and enthusiasts alike, accessing the best science journals is like having a key to the treasure trove of human knowledge. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of finding and accessing the best science journals to quench your thirst for scientific understanding.
What Makes a Science Journal the "Best"?
Before we dive into the search for the best science journals, it's essential to understand the criteria that make a journal stand out:
Peer-Review Process: Reputable science journals employ a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring that published articles meet high standards of quality and accuracy.
Impact Factor: The impact factor is a measure of a journal's influence within its field. Journals with higher impact factors are generally considered more prestigious.
Scope and Coverage: The best science journals cover a wide range of disciplines and sub-disciplines, providing a comprehensive view of the scientific world.
Open Access vs. Subscription-Based: Consider your access preferences. Some journals are open-access, meaning their content is freely available, while others require a subscription or one-time purchase.
Online Accessibility: In today's digital age, easy online access is a must. Look for journals with user-friendly websites and search features.
Top Sources for Finding the Best Science Journals
Now that we understand the criteria for identifying the best science journals, let's explore where to find them:
PubMed is a goldmine for biomedical and life sciences research. It offers access to a vast collection of peer-reviewed articles, making it an indispensable resource for anyone in the field. The articles here are often from top-tier journals.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar is a versatile search engine that indexes scholarly articles across all disciplines. It provides links to both free and paid journal articles, making it an excellent starting point for broad research.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
If you prefer open-access journals, the DOAJ is a fantastic resource. It hosts a comprehensive list of high-quality open-access scientific journals, covering various domains.
. Subject-Specific Databases
Many scientific disciplines have their specialized databases. Examples include IEEE Xplore (for electrical engineering), JSTOR (for humanities and social sciences), and Scopus (for multidisciplinary research). These databases often allow you to filter results by journal, making it easier to find the best ones in your field.
University Libraries
University libraries often have subscriptions to a wide range of journals, both in print and digital formats. If you're affiliated with a university, don't forget to take advantage of this valuable resource.
Tips for Effective Journal Searching
Here are some tips to streamline your search for the best science journals:
Use Keywords: Be specific with your search terms. Include the topic, subtopic, and any related terms to narrow down your results.
Utilize Filters: Most journal databases allow you to filter results by publication date, relevance, and more. These filters can help you find the most recent and pertinent research.
Read Reviews: Look for reviews or recommendations from experts in your field. They often highlight the journals that are considered the best in a particular domain.
Explore Citations: When you find an article that's relevant to your research, explore its citations. This can lead you to other high-quality articles and journals.
Consider Collaboration: If you're working with colleagues or professors, ask them for journal recommendations. They may have insights into the best journals for your specific research.
Accessing the best science journals is essential for staying at the forefront of scientific knowledge. By considering the criteria for journal quality and utilizing the resources mentioned above, you can navigate the vast sea of scientific literature with confidence. Whether you're a researcher, student, or simply curious about the latest discoveries, these tools and tips will help you discover the best science journals for your needs. Happy reading
Hyderabad  Telangana
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