#Op how does it feel to be 100% correct
An App Does Not a Master Naturalist Make
Originally posted on my website at https://rebeccalexa.com/app-not-master-naturalist/ - I had written this as an op-ed and sent it to WaPo, but they had no interest, so you get to read it here instead!
I have mixed feelings about Michael Coren’s April 25 Washington Post article, “These 4 free apps can help you identify every flower, plant and tree around you.” His ebullience at exploring some of the diverse ecological community around him made me grin, because I know exactly what it feels like. There’s nothing like that sense of wonder and belonging when you go outside and are surrounded by neighbors of many species, instead of a monotonous wall of green, and that is a big part of what led me to become a Master Naturalist.
When I moved from the Midwest to the Pacific Northwest in 2006, I felt lost because I didn’t recognize many of the animals or plants in my new home. So I set about systematically learning every species that crossed my path. Later, I began teaching community-level classes on nature identification to help other people learn skills and tools for exploring their local flora, fauna, and fungi.
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Threeleaf foamflower (Tiarella trifoliata)
Let me be clear: I love apps. I use Merlin routinely to identify unknown bird songs, and iNaturalist is my absolute favorite ID app, period. But these tools are not 100% flawless.
For one thing, they’re only as good as the data you provide them. iNaturalist’s algorithms, for example, rely on a combination of photos (visual data), date and time (seasonal data), and GPS coordinates (location data) to make initial identification suggestions. These algorithms sift through the 135-million-plus observations uploaded to date, finding observations that have similar visual, seasonal, and location data to yours.
There have been many times over the years where iNaturalist isn’t so sure. Take this photo of a rather nondescript clump of grass. Without seed heads to provide extra clues, the algorithms offer an unrelated assortment of species, with only one grass. I’ve gotten that “We’re not confident enough to make a recommendation” message countless times over my years of using the app, often suggesting species that are clearly not what I’m looking at in real life.
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Because iNaturalist usually offers up multiple options, you have to decide which one is the best fit. Sometimes it’s the first species listed, but sometimes it’s not. This becomes trickier if all the species that are suggested look alike. Tree-of-Heaven (Ailanthus altissima), smooth sumac (Rhus glabra) and eastern black walnut (Juglans nigra) all have pinnately compound, lanceolate leaves, and young plants of these three species can appear quite similar. If all you know how to do is point and click your phone’s camera, you aren’t going to be able to confidently choose which of the three plants is the right one.
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Coren correctly points out that both iNaturalist and Pl@ntNet do offer more information on suggested species—if people are willing to take the time to look. Too many assume ID apps will give an easy, instant answer. In watching my students use the app in person almost everyone just picks the first species in the list. It’s not until I demonstrate how to access the additional content for each species offered that anyone thinks to question the algorithms’ suggestions.
While iNaturalist is one of the tools I incorporate into my classes, I emphasize that apps in general are not to be used alone, but in conjunction with field guides, websites, and other resources. Nature identification, even on a casual level, requires critical thinking and observation skills if you want to make sure you’re correct. Coren’s assertion that you only need a few apps demonstrates a misunderstanding of a skill that takes time and practice to develop properly—and accurately.
Speaking of oversimplification, apps are not a Master Naturalist in your pocket, and that statement —while meant as a compliment–does a disservice to the thousands of Master Naturalists across the country. While the training curricula vary from state to state, they are generally based in learning how organisms interact within habitats and ecosystems, often drawing on a synthesis of biology, geology, hydrology, climatology, and other natural sciences. A Master Naturalist could tell you not only what species you’re looking at, but how it fits into this ecosystem, how its adaptations are different from a related species in another ecoregion, and so forth.
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Map showing Level III and IV ecoregions of Oregon, the basis of my training as an Oregon Master Naturalist.
In spite of my criticisms, I do think that Coren was absolutely onto something when he described the effects of using the apps. Seeing the landscape around you turn from a green background to a vibrant community of living beings makes going outside a more exciting, personal experience. I and my fellow nature nerds share an intense curiosity about the world around us. And that passion, more than any app or other tool, is fundamental to becoming a citizen naturalist, Master or otherwise.
Did you enjoy this post? Consider taking one of my online foraging and natural history classes or hiring me for a guided nature tour, checking out my other articles, or picking up a paperback or ebook I’ve written! You can even buy me a coffee here!
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epickiya722 · 25 days
I know ppl wanna be kind and all that shit but i will 100% support any bkdk shipper if they wanna be petty, esp to an ass like that.
Y'all know I'm all for good times and vibes, but I also have limits and I do agree with you, Anon.
I fully believe that if there is a time to be petty, do it. Especially, when it is obvious the person attacking you.
I feel like if these antis keep getting this kind of reaction, you know that petty treatment, then maybe they'll get to the point of stop being complete assholes.
The nerve to even thrown in the "I'm just stating facts" is honestly so ridiculous because OP of the post wasn't even wrong.
Izuku was indeed blushing. Katsuki is not a girl.
So what exactly did that anti think they were going to accomplish besides be another example of how annoying and irritating they are?
Could have easily made their own post with the proper tags, but no. They indeed, on purpose, chose to invade a space they were not welcomed in.
"I don't mean to be condescending." Yes, you did. You meant it and you buckled down when you got called out as you should be. You should feel bad about doing that and maybe you'll learn not to do it again.
That person even started off with "Hey, man, I think you turned off the comments. 🤔"
Why is that important? Because you wanted to bombard on OP's post.
Wanted to be all "logical" by showing an example of Izuku having a "full face of a blush and that's romantic" because Ochako got in his face.
Uh... no. That isn't a romantic blush either. That's him being nervous and sheepish because a girl got close to him. Izuku reacted like that before with other girls, so I guess all those times like him having Mei's boobs in his face is "romantic".
Maybe a stretch, so OP @socalledsomethingorother feel free to correct me, but I think the point of that BkDk is that antis will constantly throw out "Izuku isn't gay" because he blushes around girls (out of being anxious mind you) just to hate on BkDk and the time he does blush at the end of the series? It's not only towards a MALE character but towards KATSUKI BAKUGOU.
Of course, that may have flew right over that anti's head and went on to prove so. And with a meme drawing image, by the way.
"I'm fine with other's opinions." No, you're not.
"If this is for fun---" Then why did you take the route that you did? They had to feel called out or offended or something! (How smart it is to reveal yourself like that!)
"I just wanted to prove it wasn't factual!" But why? Over a ship? Did I already use the word "ridiculous"?
They wanted a fight, that's what they wanted. They wanted a fight and they felt salty.
Anti-BkDks are always pulling some bullshit like that and I, for one, think BkDks should be petty when it comes to people like that.
For years, I have seen BkDks get blamed for this and that, get hate messages, have to tell antis to properly tag their posts and stay out their space. Tried to be nice and people are still assholes. Limits, folks, and a lot of people have crossed them.
So, yes, if a BkDk is petty towards an ass, I don't hate it.
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bibibbon · 2 months
lately i’ve seen some ppl talking abt how the scene where shiggy and compress cut off overhauls arms is pointless.
i 100% don’t think so because it shows that the lov have motivations outside of destruction and dismantling society.
(you could say that their personal motivations already show that but they all relate to destruction or dismantling society in one way or another.)
ppl say that it was just to get overhaul out of the way and yeah maybe it was but my point still stands.
they intercepted the convoy not to try and take overhaul or anything like that, but simply for revenge.
(yes ik they killed a pro hero but that was just a symptom of their goal, and im more specifically talking abt the taking of overhauls arms anyway.)
the need for justice or revenge is probably one of the most human things someone can experience.
the feeling of being wronged and no one doing anything about it so you feel the need to take things into your own hands. it’s something that everyone has or will probably experience at least once in their life.
compress takes overhauls left arm as revenge for taking his own. and shigaraki takes his right arm as revenge for killing magne.
the hero’s and basically anyone who’s not in the league don’t know how much they care about one another.
they’re a family, a very strange family, but a family nonetheless.
but no one understands that, they don’t understand why they go to such lengths to save each other. because they don’t think villains are capable of feelings other than hate and anger.
so that scene shows that they cared enough about someone to get revenge on her killer. that they didn’t just see her as a random co-worker. she was their big sis, she was their friend.
tl;dr the scene (probably unintentionally knowing isayama) very subtly show the lov’s humanity. it also makes me wanna cry and throw up aggressively.
anyway thanks for listening to my rant
I can't help but think that a reason as to why overhaul was taken out by the leauge was also to get him out of the plot so he wouldn't be too op but I do actually agree and see your point.
No I don't think that the scene was useless but I do actually have some problems with the build up to that scene.
Overhaul losing his arms is ironic especially after he made compress lose an arm. Compress and the league got revenge and like you fantastically worded revenge and anger are very human emotions. The problem I have is that there isn't much material we have on magne. Her death didn't evoke much on the readers and it wasn't a huge talking point within the league. I get the point that her death was supposed to serve but I just wish that we have more material of her before she died.
Magne's death is also supposed to be the first death we see on screen so it does end up being a bit underwhelming since we're still so distant from the character.
Sure there is like one scene that shows that the league were close with magne which is when toga and twice correct overhaul when he misgenders her but then again my point stands that we needed more material before and after her death to really drive the point home.
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The overhaul arc is the first true dark arc of MHA. This is the first arc where shigaraki asserts his role as leader and the parallels between overhaul and shigaraki drive that clear. At the end shigaraki is presented to be the much more caring leader whereas overhaul would do anything for his goal shigaraki actually cares for his team.
Shigarakis actions do matter because by doing what he did he shows the leauge that he cares for them and that anyone that harms them would be punished. This helps shigaraki build trust with the league, trust that he maybe lost after the training camp arc and magne's death.
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Ironically this scene manages to humanise the lov in more ways than one. Yes, the league of villains are humanised by their feelings of anger and wanting to get revenge for what happend to compress and magne but we as the audience are also aware of just how much of a bad person overhaul is. We as the audience are aware of what Eri had to go through and we're also aware of overhauls hypocrisy so we look at the scene in a way which the leauge are serving both revenge and justice and we also end up feeling satisfied and joyful when we see what the league does to overhaul rendering him completely useless.
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p1nk-matter · 5 months
...debunking PT did it
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So let me preface this by saying this was 100% inspired by a tiktok comment in a hxh phantom troupe's religious symbolism video back in 2021 (:/). The person who commented made such an impact I screenshotted their comments which unfortunately are not in correct order and messaged them this year (i just know they think im weird) but they never responded. I'd give their @ but its their government name (I take it) so msg me for deets. All credit goes to them as I'm just polishing and tidying these thoughts.
First op talks about Meteor City, a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts. People who live there do not exist on any official records and are treated horribly from the outside, people are taken from Meteor City for crimes, prostitution, slavery and no one's doing a thing to stop it. People go outside and face racism, like the one guy accused of a crime he didnt commit and when the truth is shown no one does anything (think op meant The Bum Incident, vol 11, Chapter 102). These people get no justice, they're just used and this is where the duality of Chrollo comes in, he is a demon to the outside world because he is challenging the gods but also a Jesus figure for the underprivileged Meteor City. Even his reverse St Peters Cross on his jacket means that he feels unworthy to be crucified in the same manner as Jesus. Thats his way of saying he doesnt see himself as worthy of savior. His priority is the Troupe so they can together be seen to the outside world, they are literally a troupe of phantoms, trying to be recognized. This is why when he asks Neon if she believes in ghosts and she says no, she is the oppressor that doesn't understand the one hurt.
If you read the story with this idea in mind you start to observe that the Troupe only attacks people hazardous for the City (mafia, ants) or when they want revenge for one of them killed so its weird they are presented in a positive almost heroic light. Only exception that sticks out to the story? Kurta massacre.
The og commenter wondered why it was that the Troupe was always presented in a positive light. We've known the Phantom Troupe does acts of good alongside the bad but we also haven't seen anything entirely "evil" commited by any of them yet. Most of the legends surrounding them are hearsay. And though they could have easily killed Gon and Killua, they don't, twice. Also, Uvogin when taken by mafia/Kurapika says if freed, they wouldn't hurt them as they are not the target.
Op comments on how narrative should be filtered as its being commented via Gon- a non objective source, they claim that the 1st arc feels like a kid show whereas chimera arc feels dark, thats not to say it is actually like that but as Gon's perspective changes so does the narration. At first when innocent people die, he doesnt really care but in chimera we need a narrator to explain as Gon is too biased at that point. Regarding the massacre we only have Kurapika's word but what we are being told/shown about the Troupe is different. The characters talk about the Kurta massacre, how horrible and brutal it was but the narrative is keen and favors the Troupe, it paints them in a favorable light and why should the narrative do that, they don't become better people like the Ants after all.
From the moment they appear on screen, the narrative wants us to see them as underprivileged, both in York New and in the ship, even when they're fighting in Meteor City, they're fighting for injustice or when somebody hurts them. Then why justify their actions everytime they appear on screen if they massacred the Kurta Clan? If they are responsible for this why make them the underprivileged representation? Both Kurta and Troupe says the op are ostracized by the outside and seen less from people.
Say they did it. 3 ideas were proposed as to why.
1. for the eyes (Chrollo likes the eyes, like Hisoka said but Hisoka is a liar and also Chrollo has never shown interest in the show for them. For someone who steals things he likes, why make an exception and murder here?)
2. for money (that's not correct, we are told multiple times they don't care about it, neither money nor fame, they want to be recognized by the world but how would that work by killing a clan that's been hidden for 100 years, they dont get anything out of it.)
3. for revenge: Revenge for what? Kurta are a peaceful clan that hide for years. We know the Troupe left a note that is the motto of Meteor City (I'm adding here what op referred to: "we reject no one so take nothing from us"). Op says note means they serve justice to their city, when someone takes things away from them so what did Kurta take? From the thematic and narrative point they are not set up to have done it, op thinks thats 100% intentional.
Like said above, BOTH have the thematic of oppression from the outside world, they are a commodity for the rich and powerful (gods) but why is Phantom Troupe put in the light of both, the oppressor and the oppressed? Why would an oppressed group oppress another one for NO good reason? The Troupe doesn't kill innocent people if not necessary, they do NOT care about money or fame and the revenge aspect doesnt work because the Kurta were isolated from the outside.
If we look back at the York New Arc they never state the massacre, they simply suggest it and of course from a Kurapika POV they are guilty but if you look again you have to ask..are they really?
this took ages for me to coherently formulate and ik it goes back and forth but bless op's heart because it changed my perspective completely (more than any yt analysis found online) !
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gojoest · 7 months
I have so many thoughts about creep! bf gojo. Mainly bc he probably didn't get a lot of normal interactions as a kid, either he was being praised for being 'the chosen one' or left completely to his own devices. and so his sense of decency and normalcy are skewed so far off. He does what he wants and can't see the reason why that would be seen negatively, he loves you and he's clingy n e way, creep! bf gojo steals your underwear 100% -🦅
oh god….you really know your way to get to me, don’t you………..bc yes. yes, you are so correct . oh my god. i’ve talked about this before here and there but yes. i think satoru was very neglected growing up despite being born as a boy with a spark incomparable to any other, a special boy. the first descendant in the gojo clan in 400 years to inherit both limitless & six eyes.
and i think, even when he was little, a lot of people feared him bc of that. and naturally, the care and affection people usually show to a child provoked by the internal need to protect such a small being, that very sense to love and shield what needs to be loved and shielded, dulled before the eyes of fear. this, and the envy of prying eyes and all who wanted him gone before he fully blossomed into something bigger, sow the seeds of loneliness in him. he was an outcast, and not because he was looked down on but because he was looked up on, too much at that.
i don’t think he was ever truly loved, even by his parents actually. maybe they loved him to some extent. but not because he was their blood and a beloved symbol of their love. what made their chest swell was rather pride than love. and they were not proud of him, they were proud of themselves for bringing such a special boy to existence.
i don’t believe he was ever genuinely looked after and cared for. what people around him looked after was the shell of a boy that carried the innate techniques derived from the gojo clan. nobody knew what his favorite color was, what his favorite food was, what he loved doing outside of training sessions. i don’t think he knew himself tbf bc it’s hard to shape your own understanding of the world and what’s precious while growing up when you’ve never witnessed it with your own eyes, when no one has ever shown it to you what it means to love and favor something. bc children take inspiration from those around them. and i don’t think he had anyone around him to look up to and be inspired from.
i remember reading a post connecting the lack of presence in the sense of support and source of inspiration in satoru’s life to how it affected the way he carries himself later in life in the sense of, let’s say, fashion. i don’t remember the url of the op i am so sorry but god damn, they were so right. bc if you look closely you will notice that most characters in jjk have their own style, a specific physical trait unique only to them, whether a hairstyle or a fashion sense or whatever. but saotur? except for the blindfold, he’s got nothing. right? and the blindfold he wears is not for the sake of being eccentric or unique, it’s not for the sake of creating a trademark on his end. it once again comes down to his technique. 
so yea for someone like satoru, who’s never had a normal human connection in his life before, love is very likely to border with obsession. and like, i don’t think he is completely unaware of the feeling “love” but it’s one thing to know of it through books, movies or whatsoever and another to live and actually experience it firsthand. so when he loves, it’s raw, it’s inexperienced, it’s limitless (hehe see what i did there). there is no moral compass, there is no stop sign for him—he’s going to be weird. he’s going to cross certain boundaries. he’s going to disregard your personal space. but it’s not because he’s an actual sick freak just for the sake of it, it’s because he loves you with all the pent up loneliness in him and now that he’s tasted love and knows how good it feels, he doesn’t want to lose it.
p.s.: yes, he’s a pathological panty stealer
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cosmiccoincidence · 1 month
on that last post, prev and prev prev mentioned in the tags that while op was right, it’s also kind of an anglocentric thing.
which made me think of my mom’s friend.
She’s from Turkey, english is her second language. When she learned english, she literally learned ‘dude’ as a gender neutral term of address. She calls anyone dude if she’s trying to be friendly.
little old ladies who stop to chat at the supermaket? dude. cashiers asking about her day? dude. neighbor out walking his dog? dude. me, a person she is 100% certain is a woman? dude.
and she’s not doing it to be subversive, or to make men and women more equal or whatever reasons people who have english as a first language might. she does it because she heard other people around her doing it and thought, okay. this is a non-formal term of address in english, and people use it when they’re being Friendly. I’m a friendly person, I want to make friends, I’m going to call people dude a lot. (not her Exact words on it, but this is the gist of it)
this worked out pretty good for her. she’s a very sweet person, so she makes friends with people pretty easy. if anyone ever found her calling them dude off-putting, they must have kept quiet. through roughly 26 years of living here no one said a word.
Up until she went to a drag show on her birthday. She was wearing a little ‘birthday girl’ necklace and such, so when one of the queens was canvassing the crowd asking them how they were enjoying the show ect ect, she asked her how old she was now. She said “46, dude! :D” and the queen was like. “did you just call me a dude? sweetheart that’s not very nice. i’m all woman”
and the whole venue laughed. my mom’s friend was absolutely Mortified.
now, i’m not saying the queen was wrong here. she can and should correct people misgendering her. 100%. especially in front of so many people, you check that shit.
but later as she’s telling the story to me and my mom, it’s not just that she was feeling bad because she got laughed at by 100 people for not getting her english quite right, its that she wasn’t trying to be rude and had basically No Idea that saying it might offend. she was like “dude isn’t for girls? have i been making women uncomfortable this Whole Time???”
and it was like. maybe. a lot of women don’t really care these days. more trans woman do than don’t though, because many people do see it as gendered, but it stings less for cis woman to be lumped in with men.
but how was she supposed to know that if she could spend a quarter century in an english speaking country and manage to have it never get brought up?
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onepiece-oc-archives · 4 months
How to write Luffy in general without him coming across as stupid? I feel like in the animanga when you can see him, it's different from a story, where a reader (like a friend who wants to read your story) who is not a op fan might be confused about why Luffy is acting this way. I feel I write him too childish sometimes... or Zoro being too dumb... but then again I've been accused once of writing Sanji "too normal" because I had him not fall high over heels for every woman he sees and I left out the nosebleed too. How to find the right way to write the characters?
Hiya, thanks for your question!
To say it in one sentence: There isn't one correct way to write a character. You might not want to write things that directly contradict canon but, at that point, are you even writing the same character anymore?
You're definitely right on the fact that a visual format like anime or manga is different from a story though. For example, I would never write Sanji going 100% heart eyes and spinning around the room like a hurricane without human form because that just doesn't sound believable in a story - at least not in my writing style. If you write a crackfic, you can definitely still do that. I'd say: Write characters the way it feels right for you.
How do you find what's write for you? Well, by engaging with the characters. Preferably the main source material, so the animanga or live action, depending on what universe your story is set in. But it can also be helpful to read some fanfic and think: "Hm, do I agree with this? Does this feel right for me? Or does this just not fit the character in my eyes?" In the end, everyone will have their own interpretation of a character and that's okay - and even appreciated! I mean, it would be boring if we all wrote the exact same things, right?
Now, for some character-specific tips. I'm gonna just give a few of my thoughts on Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, since those are the three you mentioned.
Sanji is a great case of what I mean when I say that some things just don't work out in writing, like I already said. What I like to do for animanga!Sanji is to write him like a lovesick fool but without the physical comedy. Because he is a lovesick fool. Or at least he comes across as one. I can't really go into too much character analysis here without derailing the post and diving into spoilers, but he has his reasons for treating practically every woman like a goddess. So, don't be afraid to show that! It's a vital part of his character, so you can't just leave it out. I mean, imagine someone writes Sanji kicking a woman! He would never do that and has repeatedly said so in canon. Well, not yet in OPLA, but I don't see that as a spoiler. Literally look at him and how he behaves towards Nami and Nojiko. Generally, OPLA is a great example of how to make Sanji work without the physical comedy. He's still an absolute fool for every woman but he's not inhumanly weird. I love OPLA Sanji and I will never stop gushing about that - sorry not sorry <3
Zoro! Like with Sanji, you should keep his main characteristics, which is a lot easier for him that for curly-brows, I'd say. Zoro is blunt about his opinions, he has literally no sense of direction and he likes to sleep a lot. So far so simple. I also wouldn't say he's dumb, though he can come across that way. He just... doesn't care. He cares about getting to slice people and has a very pragmatic approach to a lot of problems. But you've gotta remember that he's also very knowledgeable about some things, mainly about swords and fighting technique. As much as it looks like he just rushes into battle without thinking, his attacks are actually thought-out and precise. Put him in the right situation and he might as well be a genius. Unfortunately, that situation doesn't apply a lot of times, so you're left mainly with his pragmatic side. But that pragmatic side actually does a lot of good for the Straw Hats, especially further down in the story.
And now, Luffy... Luffy is actually stupid. Yeah, I mean it, he's not the most intelligent guy. Not a calculated thought in that boy's brain. If he ever comes up with something like a plan, he comes up with it on the fly - and that's not a bad thing! It creates a contrast between him and the more calculated members of the crew. So, yeah, you don't really have to worry about Luffy coming off as too dumb, but you might not want to make it the main point of the scene too often or make it come off as forced. Think about it, how stupid could a human you meet on the street possibly be? Most people don't say nonsensical things all the time. There is definitely rhyme and reason behind the things that Luffy says and does, but he has his own perception of what "rhyme and reason" is. Also, he might not be smart, but he's emotionally intelligent.
I suppose the only way to really "get good" at writing characters is to get really familiar with them and try to understand how they think. Also, to just do it. There have been so many times where I never even got started on writing stuff because I was scared I wasn't going to do the characters justice - but I figured it out on the way, doing what felt right for me, and those fics have become my most popular yet. So, don't be afraid to experiment a little!
There you go, I hope that helped! Have a lovely day <3
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sapphyreopal5 · 5 months
I’d like to add a couple of interesting things to your last post, this is not the first s*x supplement she advertised/used.
She did an ad if I remember correctly when she had nowandgen ,and now this one , plus her very cringy replies on Sm saying she rides it every chance she gets and aother comments that suggest how very horny she is for him all the time, and that allegedly post s*x pic .
Now you know what’s so damn funny?
She made that super embarrassing shower video jared suggested that they should go have s*x and she asked him to promise her that it’s going to last more than five minutes 😂 (jared please wake up and stop doing everything she says, you look bad sweetie)
No wonder she needs that d*ldo (the one she posted by mistake😭) and God knows what that needle for .
And those awkward kisses where they miss each other’s lips after 14 years of marriage.
Plus him constantly going to breastrestaurant rather than staying with this s*xual Godes lol
Yeah , she’s not fooling anyone but herself and jared .
Hello Anon, thank you for the feedback. I did write before about who Gen is an incarnation of and who Jared is as well. I believe that even tough the mythologies aren't correct as far as divine match pairings go, it is worth mentioning here I think Jared is trying to come off as this super supportive husband when the two secretly can't stand each other. Between all of this and his flirty behavior towards fans, especially coming from a friend who went to the Nashcon and a few others in the past who made some very interesting observations (ex. has been a little more friendly and flirty than in the past, notices the women who have more cleavage, Jensen was talking to him for a few min before autos began at Nashcon longer than usual [you okay there, Jared?], etc.), I believe that Jared deep down believes his real love is out there somewhere and that she's gonna be waiting in line for him at a con for an autograph or photo op. Jared just wants to be genuinely loved and adored, Gen just wants his money. He is also 100% scared of being alone. I swear to you it goes back to that palm reading he got and where he said while talking about it he half expects his love life to get screwed up (right around when Sandy and him broke up, and right before him and Gen met). Also did Gen REALLY post that dildo photo by mistake Anon? I think we both know the answer to that one LOL!
Us women tend to be more "logical" about how we fall in love, whereas men are more emotional. Of course this is just a general rule here but it's also true that many times over, women are who ask for a divorce initially more often then men overwhelmingly so too. I feel like women have more of a checkbox with love (money/job, stability, sense of humor, intelligence, generosity, values, etc. while men are more about if she's cute, they can have good conversations, things like that. There are multiple reasons why women are said to initiate divorce more which has proven over several decades to be consistently true but the point is, I think that this also means women check out of marriages more. Even though Gen is scared of losing her following 'cause she decided it was a genius idea to sell the crunchy, homestead mom image with her TOWWN "organization", she does not genuinely love Jared. She loves his wallet and the prestige that comes with being his wife. Commonly cited reasons for divorce are as follows:
* Infidelity; (why is Gen REALLY buying this supplement given everything else that's coming into play here? Hmm...) * Spouse unresponsive to the other’s needs; * One spouse grew tired of making the marriage work; * One spouse thought the other was immature; * One spouse felt he or she was being emotionally abused; * Spouses had different financial priorities or spending habits, and * Alcohol and drug abuse by one spouse. * One spouse wanted to pursue a different life; * One spouse found out unknown revelations from the other’s past; * One or both spouses felt they married too young; * One spouse physically abused the other; * One spouse’s career came before family; * There were insurmountable cultural or religious differences between the spouses; * One or both spouses had problems with the other’s family, or * One spouse was addicted to pornography.
I highlighted the ones I could see being potentially relevant with Jared and Gen being marital issues. The infidelity is a big question mark and is highlighted in green because Gen seems to be letting the world know she is sexually repressed somehow. I can't seem to count how many supplements are in this woman's body but I am struggling at this point to see how she could be missing anything to make her not want sex. I think it's all in your head honey [Gen]...
I also decided to go look up the whole Community Property (Texas being one) versus Equitable Distribution State (such as Connecticut) as one of my besties decided to look into this about Danneel and Jensen. I found this tidbit interesting about Texas being a Community Property Jurisdiction state:
Marital debt is debt that is created or liabilities that are incurred during the marriage. It can include the balance of a car note, a mortgage, credit cards, personal loans, student loans, medical debts, and other liabilities. The court is not required to divide debt equally upon divorce. It is required only to make a “just and right division” depending on the circumstances of the parties. Both spouses are responsible for the debts and liabilities of the marriage, regardless of which spouse created it or the name that is on the title or note. A car purchased on credit during the marriage is community property. A divorce court can award the car (and balance owed) to one spouse, but does not have the power to remove the other spouse’s name from the contract that created the debt. The creditor can still look to the other spouse for payment. The same holds true for credit card agreements, mortgage contracts and other debts. If your spouse opened an account using your information without your knowledge or consent, it may be considered fraud or identity theft.
One thing that's interesting about the state I live in that's not a thing in Texas is the said waiting period. In Texas it's 60 days. In my state however, because North Carolina only permits no fault divorces, which require a 1 year separation at least. Here's something also interesting about no fault divorces in Texas:
No-fault divorces in Texas can be faster and less expensive than a “fault” divorce because there are no allegations of marital wrongdoing to resolve. In Texas, there are two types of no-fault divorce: (1) a divorce based on insupportability and (2) a divorce based on living apart for at least three years. A divorce based on insupportability does not require you to prove that your spouse did something wrong—you just need to show that the marriage is “insupportable” because of discord or conflict between you and your spouse that can't be resolved. Keep in mind that you don’t need to provide evidence of irreconcilable discord or conflict. In a divorce based on living apart for at least three years, the court must find that you have been living separately and apart from your spouse for three continuous years without any cohabitation (living together).
I suppose I'm sharing this stuff here because I sometimes wonder if they actually even sleep under the same roof anymore (Jared in guest house Gen in main house kind of deal). Someone brought up a very interesting point on one of my last posts about how Jared is signing up for more foreign cons and how it seems both Jared and Jensen feel like they're "guests" in their own homes. I believe Jared has been starting to catch onto this in more recent years and it's been a very painful awakening process for him. From stuff I recall also being told in PMs and also as I speculated in the past from divination readings, I believe that Jared and Gen are quietly "separated" but are trying to maintain their faux happily married public image for some weird reason.
Thanks for coming by Anon :)
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delgado-master · 3 months
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Spacelazarwolf trying to discredit me some more.
Here’s Spacelazarwolf’s linked post, trying to discredit me. I’ll post comments on it below.
“you know what? i'm pretty done with your bullshit and also with this guy lying abt me and obsessing over me ten months later so i'll go ahead and reblog this on my main.
here's some screenshots to reference, because the screenshots in the linked post don’t actually prove anything he’s claiming.
this is what actually happened: narvin reblogged a post of mine that was a poc sending me an anon abt their frustration with white fragility and made a big fuss about the post that ended with "i'm fucking tired of people pretending that just because racism is a thing, all white people never faced bigotry [which the anon never said]. and may i remind you a lot of people consider jewish people white." which was a direct dig at me. i called him out, he doubled down, ended with "i'm just really fucking tired of people blaming white people in general for genocides that only certain white people participated in", at which point i unfollowed him. he dm’ed me to try to argue further and i responded that i was not going to talk about it, after which he went off the rails pretty quickly. he started posting a bunch of shit about me on his blog, ranging from saying shit like “see jewish people can be racist!!” to “i can’t be antisemitic i’ve been fighting antisemitism since childhood!!!” to comparing me to an abuser. he tagged me in posts and reblogged posts of mine, trying to instigate further conflict while also claiming i was somehow the one harassing him. i blocked him, and now ten months later he’s still obsessing about the incident. he usually posts about it every couple of months or tries to start shit on other people’s posts, trying to get drama started again.
his accusations fluctuate between claiming someone in my comments called him white (which i also didn't see happening and he hasn't provided any actual evidence for) and claiming i called him white (which is a straight up lie). the screenshots he does provide in his various posts are mostly people saying "white irish people are white." which is correct. lots of accusations of "denying that [he's] hispanic" which also just straight up did not happen. no one was talking about him specifically. we were all trying to have a bigger conversation about race and ethnicity but he made it about himself.
he claims people were "denying irish oppression" but again has yet to provide a single piece of evidence outside some screenshots of someone saying (to paraphase) "scots/irish/italian/etc people became active beneficiaries of white supremacy and white privilege in america" which is true. there have been numerous books written about this. the commenter said "if they immigrated today they'd potentially experience xenophobia but they wouldn't be considered 100% not white anymore because the idea of whiteness has expanded and changed from what it was back then." which is, again, correct in the context of the united states. he claims this is "denying anti-irish sentiment is serious" but considering this was all a reaction to a conversation about racism against darker skinned poc, i feel like we should all understand why "ok but white irish people don't experience racism" isn't "denying anti-irish sentiment is serious."
he’s also admitted several times that he’s fallen into antisemitism during this bizarre crusade, including claiming that i can “get away with being racist because i’m jewish, and yet he still doesn’t seem to want to examine how that engrained antisemitism might be affecting the way he’s continuing to obsess about me and straight up lie about what happened.
also as for you op, the interaction that made me block you was you losing your shit about a post where people were trying to have difficult conversations about white fragility in the trans community and the way that people try to flatten trans experiences so it becomes impossible to talk abt our lived realities without trans people that are materially safer throwing a tantrum because they feel invalidated. i think your exact words when confronted with the racial and ethnic dynamics of the conversation were “look at me, meekly trying to ask that they reconsider, instead of calling them transphobic dipshits like they deserve for endorsing this” followed by more complaining abt me “making the conversation about race.”
for y’all to now jump on the soviet-style zionist accusations because your last few attempts at a harassment campaign haven’t worked is fucking rich. so yeah. both of you can shut the fuck up now because i’m pretty done with dealing with bullshit from goyim who are uncomfortable when they aren’t the center of attention.”
Look I didn’t say I handled the situation well. What I do have issue with is Spacelazarwolf *literally called me white*. I have a fucking screen shot. And also, it’s rich he’s claiming it’s a harassment campaign when he previously lied about me sending DMs comparing him to an abusive ex boyfriend. Anyway I’m tired of people being able to brush aside racism because they are the louder voice.
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“I don’t even ship zutara but moral authority …..”
1) Sounds like you do ship zutara if you’re getting this mad.
2) No one is questioning Zutara’s morality. We’re complaining about how y’all can’t mind your own fucking business and constantly shove Zutara down everyone’s throats, even when others have stated that it’s not their cup of tea. Every time an anon DOES complain about Zutara’s morality, however, op always calls that anon out (as you should).
3) There’s Zutara shippers who enjoy all kinds of questionable things in your camp. Your smut week had rape despite the rules stating that rape isn’t allowed and despite those very same people loudly declaring that anyone who ships Kataang supports SA. Worry about that first.
4) If I were you, anon, I’d be embarrassed. People who tend to enjoy incest are pretty open to all shipping dynamics in general. This means that your fandom is so deranged that you’ve managed to piss off people that otherwise would be completely fine with Zutara. That’s the part you’re really upset about - the part you’re disguising as “you ship incest but you’re dictating what I can or cannot ship!!!”
Yeah, I got the feeling that the "I don't even ship Zutara" argument was hollow since everytime I criticized the ship - or rather, the bad apples among the shippers - I'd get some angry zutarians "calling me out" for shipping Zucest (because apparently they assume the thing I do very openly is some kind of dirty secret I don't want anyone to find out about)
"Every time an anon DOES complain about Zutara’s morality, however, op always calls that anon out (as you should)" Awn, I'm glad me going "it's not that deep, bro" has become a praise-worthy aspect of this blog.
Ah, Zutarians criticizing any ship for having any problematic elements (and making them up when they can't find any) only to then take said elements up to eleven in their own fics will never not be amusing to me. Like, buddy, if you want the right to explore any kind of topic/dynamic on your fics without having people assume you authomatically endorse everything you make the characters do, the very least you gotta do is respect that other fans have as much right to do it as you do, and admit that they're not "abuse apologists" just because their pairings had low points.
"People who tend to enjoy incest are pretty open to all shipping dynamics in general. This means that your fandom is so deranged that you’ve managed to piss off people that otherwise would be completely fine with Zutara" You are 100% correct about that, my friend.
I used to be completely neutral on Zutara. I could only see them as friends, and quite liked that dynamic, but I had no problem with the ship. Until the shippers started harassing me, the only "criticism" it'd get from me was this:
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To me, the ship was bland and only existed because people like the Good Girl X Bad Guy thing - but that was not my fucking problem, and I wouldn't have liked to get unsolicited opinions on why the ships I did like were bad in other people's eyes, so I minded my business.
But after three years of getting asks saying everything from "You should stop writting Zucest and write Zutara instead because I said so" all the way to "Kill yourself since you don't like what I like", seeing my friends be treated the same way, seeing Zutara fans be treated like shit their fellow shippers because they liked Aang and Mai as characters or thought the ship war was pointless and immature, and seeing nearly every fic and meta written by zutarians be wildly out of character and clearly focusing on just praising their own ship while demonizing everything else, I realized that while the ship itself was not a problem, the toxic, spoiled fans sure as hell were.
These people really dig their own graves and then get mad when no one is feeling sorry for them (and in fact side with a "creep" like me instead).
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Since I got into MBTI a few months ago, I've been trying to type every single person I know - real or imaginary. There are quite a few people out there like me who like typing TV characters, but there have been very few sources out there that talk about the MBTI of the 2015 Thunderbirds Are Go series. So I thought I'd discuss my thoughts on a few more controversial (main) characters on TAG. Keep in mind that these are just my thoughts, and may not be 100% aligned with the theories. This is all in good fun.
Disclaimer: as Gordon and Alan's types are quite straightforward and widely accepted, I will not be discussing them.
Most commonly accepted types:
Virgil: ISFP
John: INTP
Gordon: ESFP
Alan: ISFJ
The Hood: INTJ
Not confirmed:
Starting off with Scotty. People (myself included) call him the Commander, ie. ENTJ according to the 16 Personalities website. I've done the test myself on his behalf (self-righteous me haha) and the results are quite conclusive: ENTJ. This is quite accurate, given his decisive demeanour in the field which corresponds with dominant Te. That's why I think ESTJ wouldn't be too far off either.
As for ESTP, they're known to be very spontaneous (and frankly, crazy...no offence intended!) The main reason people get this idea is because of certain episodes (High Strung) that suggest Scott was something of a 'thrill junkie' as a younger person. However, the episode also suggests he is not proud of his past and is not like that anymore (or at least tries not to be). So my conclusion is that he has grown into his role as head of IR, which requires an ENTJ personality, while suppressing the extraverted sensing which is dominant in an ESTP.
Next up, Virgil. Virg's known to be the family artist, and ISFPs are the stereotypical artists. In that sense, ISFP is pretty correct - but Virgil doesn't exactly strike me as (and I'm making a big generalisation here) a crybaby. So what are the alternatives? First, I'd agree he's mostly an introvert, though he sometimes does give off a more E energy. Next, I'd say that he could he either intuitive or sensing, and he seems like the kind of guy to come up with a plan at the scene. So I'd go so far as to say he could be an INTP. Conclusion: ISFP/INTP.
Now with Johnny, most people can agree that he's INTP. I once read somewhere that he's INFP, however, which I thought was interesting - INFPs have the stereotype of being ignored all the time, which relates to John's situation of being the guy stuck on the lonely space station and the middle child. But it doesn't feel as if he has dominant Fi, so I agree with the opinion that he's INTP. INTPs are stereotypically nerdy, and although John isn't a complete dork, he is shown to be afraid of crowds (and in general, people!) particularly in episodes such as The Man From TB5. So INTP is fair.
Kayo is an interesting case. I have found literally zero consensus on the net on Kayo's MBTI, so I have just gone ahead and typed her as ISTP/INTJ.
Kayo is, how shall we say it, very cool. Even aloof, like an ISTP, the typical lone wolf or cool guy. ISTPs also tend to have good street smarts, being very versatile quick learners. That is what makes them good candidates for being spies, or in Kayo's case, covert ops. She's formidable because of her skills, quick thinking and determination in protecting her ideals (her insisting that IR get involved in the 'bad guy catching business') - dominant Ti.
Some people also think she's an INTJ for obvious reasons. In Legacy, she reveals she has all sorts of contingency plans for Tracy Island, and even her uncle, the great mastermind, fell into her trap. That sort of scheming is very INTJ. It's probably an influence of her having the Hood as her uncle.
You could argue that Kayo is completely INTJ, and I'd say that's possible as well. The reason I've put ISTP is that some of the things she does are a bit too physical and real-world, things that typical INTJs would die from. Of course, she could be an Fi and Se developed INTJ. It depends on how you look at it.
Now finally...our favourite villain, Hoodie Guy. INTJ, the mastermind. No one can deny that the Hood is the ultimate criminal mastermind, with his scheming plots and evil smirk (!) However, there are some qualities he has that aren't exactly INTJ, which is why I'd argue that he's an INTJ/ENTJ hybrid.
First, he's very impatient. We see this in a lot of episodes, and in Signals Part 2 he even admits he was short-sighted (and therefore impatient) to have tried to commandeer a Thunderbird. That's quite unlike an INTJ, who must be patient in waiting for their plots to unfold over time. The Hood is almost too rash to be an INTJ.
Secondly, INTJs are known for being cold and calculated, and although the Hood is that, he's also very personal. And by personal I mean he gets very hung up on personal vendettas, namely the one against Jeff Tracy. INTJs don't usually put the focus on people - unless the person is merely an obstacle in the way of them getting what they want. They do not act on impulse - dominant Ni ensures that. ENTJs, however, can be 'personal'. They have vendettas, and they will use dominant Te to act even if it's not exactly wise.
Finally, he's too famous. INTJs do not thrust themselves into the spotlight as the Hood did even in the first episode - that is way too not subtle for INTJs, who work from the shadows and get what they want without anyone being the wiser. ENTJs, on the other hand, are known and feared by the world. Sound familiar?
Of course, the many cliffhangers we get informing us the Hood has gotten exactly what he planned tells us he's still an INTJ - but not entirely. Things like personality typing are never black and white, and no one is completely 100% one type or another.
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
how do you find unbiased sources about the historical events/political events? do you just read all the newspapers? could you mention some sites/places you get your info from? i'm interested in knowing all perspective and deciding for myself, but ugh its hard when biased media and prejudice is all around
Hindustan times is a good enough source, the news is reported by minute on their yt channel so there's not much scope for favourable editing, although I feel like there might be some BJP bias there (idk,might be the cautionary within me speaking). Wion and surprisingly firstpost are good aswell these days, but you need to know that unbiased news sources tend to leave some corners uncovered.
For making up for those, I look at biased sights next, I read the same article from Print or Quint and Op India or Swarajya (worrying how the sites that clearly claim to favour right still deliver more aspects of news than those claiming to be neutral, tbh)
Watching leaning channels like Mohak (liberal) and Sham Sharma (right) helps aswell. Dhruv and Akaash are all BS not to mention, they deliberately hide stuff and present things in a way that changes the entire meaning. Although right wing channels like AKTK, String, and again, Sham are great if you are trying to put things in perispective, especially the last one since he acknowledges the whole issues and never leaves stones unturned to favour his side. (Well, neither do the other two, they are very thorough with their research, String is outright impressive in debunking the propagated narrative of the left. Its just that they favour right too much to not be considered a bit too politically motivated, even though they are correct and don't pull the cheap tricks Banerjee and Dhruv do)
Other than that, if I come across a claim like "abc attacked xyz" or other such stuff from past, the first thing I do is search it up on wikipedia, they are biased but cannot lie about the timeline and such of incidents. From there you get a lead and can search up with required keywords.
As for claims of present day incidents not on wikipedia, search up and look at articles from newspapers and live news that reported the whole thing. When it comes to newspapers, how it is worded might vary, some may be vague enough to not name who started it or how it happened, but the subsequent sequences will make it clear. And if it does not, that too can be sorted.
One example is:
"The group of attackers killed 100 people, and inflammatory slogans were chanted. In retaliation, following this the mob from xyz community attacked"
Now search up with words "attackers kill 100 people and chant religious slogans" and you will see a biased news sight or live news portal give you the names of who these attackers were. From there you can construct your own timeline.
Sometimes, Quora too can prove to be useful.
This is all I can think of for now, if yoy need more feel free to hmu in DMs again <3
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youkaigakkou-tl · 2 years
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The Kyoto Arc Analysis Post (Part 1)
In other words, “OP has been consumed by wikipedia rabbit holes for the past 3 months”
Starting writing this in September, now it's November. Also this thing is nearly 7000 words.
TLDR: This is basically a crash course on ancient Kyoto, the mythology then, and stuff that details in this arc points to. Chinese philosophies and mythology are mentioned too, when relevant.
Spoilers for chapters 82 to 94.
I keep hitting image limit so this has been split into multiple posts
This part covers the urban planning of ancient Kyoto, what the four gods are, and some locations shown in ch 83.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
(If you want to read the whole thing in a google doc, here's the link)
Warning: I’m not a historian, just some rando on tumblr, I’ll probably get some details wrong. If you have anything to add or anything to correct, please do, also don’t get too mad at me.
Also, if this shows up in the searches for some of the other mangas I namedrop, I’m sorry!
If there’s a concept you’re interested to know more about, just google it. I’m bound to leave out stuff bc not everything is relevant (and there’s already plenty of irrelevant stuff in here sobs), people write whole books about this stuff, I’ll be here for 1000 years if I were to bring up all of it.
I Don’t Know How To Start This
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I guess I’ll recommend some other manga that have to do with gods, Shinto, that stuff.
Well. Everyone knows what Noragami is. If you don’t, go read/watch it. If you do, go read/watch it again. It’s probably better than you remember it being. That’s the curse of monthly manga, it feels like there’s pacing problems when you read it once a month, but usually when you binge it you find it’s structured pretty well. Strangely I don’t find this with youkaigakkou, but maybe because I think about it 24/7.
Touge Oni, or “Primal Gods in Ancient Times”. This manga leans heavily into ancient Japan, Shinto creation myths, stuff like that. Tonally it’s kind of like Mushishi, in the way that powers beyond human comprehension just do crazy shit. Anyway, great manga, highly recommend.
Wow, The Actual Manga, Right
Just some trivia to start with. This is going to wander quite a bit, because there’s a lot about history and mythology, which means everything is connected to everything else. You know how it is.
Shinto shrines are called shrines, 神社 -jinja, meaning “place of the god(s)”
Buddhist temples are called temples, 寺 -dera or -ji.
The temple they’re staying at is called “Bonnou-ji”, or "worldly desires temple". As far as I can tell, this isn’t a real place, nor could I figure out what temple it’s based on just from the scenery we get to see. (We don’t even get a general location of what part of Kyoto it’s in.)
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You may have noticed South is oriented at the top on this page.
I have a guess, but I can’t be sure it’s right.
Why does it matter? First of all, we have to talk about the other thing Seimei mentions about Kyoto: It’s built in a grid.
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(By the way, this is an insane thing to say. What does he mean?? Does he mean “ah yes city was built like this over 100 years ago so one day someone could use this specific spell involving a grid to subdue a giant booba monster”?)
Also, the word he uses for “grid” here is “碁盤目 (gobanme)”, which in the literal sense means “shaped like a Go board”, which is cute. I want to see them play Go.
Heian-kyo (the name for Kyoto back then), like Japan’s previous capital of Heijo-kyo (now Nara), was modelled after the Chinese capital of Chang’an (now Xi’an).
For the record, they probably didn’t call themselves “Heian-kyo” back in those times, and started calling themselves Kyoto around the 11th century. It’s kinda like how we call it “ancient Japan” but they didn’t call themselves that. To them it was just “now” and “the capital”. Why make a name for “the capital” when there’s just one capital that will be capital forever? Makes sense.
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(Just for reference, the layout of the streets and where Heian-kyo would be compared to modern Kyoto.)
The emperor’s palace is in the northernmost part of the rectangular city, with the main street Suzaku-oji going down the center of the city to the southern gate.
The reason behind that is the idea that left (east) is more important than right (west), and that the emperor should sit with his back facing the north star (Polaris), so that the sun rises from the left (east) and sets on the right (west).
What Heian-kyo and Chang’an are both based off is the urban planning fengshui idea of “shijin-so-o”, which translates to “four gods topography”, which is the very same four gods we’re talking about this arc.
There are two very similar versions of this philosophy, the original one and the one derived from that.
The original version is based off the idea of “zofu-jusui” meaning storing wind and water. There is to be mountains in the North, hills in the East and West, and a body of water in the South, creating a sort of jug.
The expanded version is:
Seiryuu to the left, flowing water in the East Byakko to the right, thoroughfare in the West Suzaku to the front, lake in the South Genbu to the back, mountains in the North
Basically, a city is to be bounded by mountains in the North, a river in the East, a road in the West, a lake to the South. Also, again, left and right in this definition is based off the emperor’s perspective, which could explain the direction labelling on that page.
In any case, both of these definitions apply to Kyoto.
Also, Chinese maps traditionally were oriented with south at the top, I can't say for certain if Japanese maps did too, but it's likely!
However, if you look at maps today, you may find that there’s no major body of water south of Kyoto.
In the past, there used to be the Ogura-ike pond south of Kyoto, which symbolised Suzaku. (Despite being called a “pond”, it was more the size of a lake, 4km by 3km). In the 1930s, it was filled in because of land reclamation, to create more farmland.
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In a sense, Kyoto had “lost Suzaku”.
It’s also BECAUSE of this very philosophy that Kyoto nowadays gets abnormally hot in summer (above 35 degrees celsius for 15 days a year on average, compared to 5 days everywhere else).
Because it’s inland and blocked by mountains on all sides, on hot days, cool air can’t flow in from elsewhere so it just keeps getting hotter. Sounds like a stupid trade-off for stupid philosophy, but the practical reason behind the philosophy was probably that surrounded by mountains, Kyoto would be harder to invade.
The main street, Suzaku-oji, also gets its name from the four gods. The main entrance to the palace, connected to Suzaku-oji is also called Suzakumon, or Suzaku Gate.
Speaking of Suzakumon, it shows up in the manga!
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It’s where Byakko brings the gang when they go to the Seimei shrine. (Albeit a surreal version) The text on the plaque over the door is hard to read on this manga page, but it’s clear in this chapter promo art.
I believe it’s also where Shutendouji appears in ch 89. The text over the door is even harder to make out, but the building itself looks just like in that promo art.
Back to Suzaku-oji. Looking at modern Kyoto, you may notice that there's no major road down the center, instead there’s that major road to the right (in yellow). Zoom in! Enhance! What’s that road called!
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Karasuma-dori street. Corresponding to Karasuma-koji of Heian-kyo, and has replaced Suzaku-oji in modern times as a main street of Kyoto. You know, like Karasuma Ranmaru. (launches myself out the nearest window)
So anyway, what gets me hung up about why south is at the top in that page, is that it just does not correspond to the map under it.
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Left side is a miniature model of Heian-kyo, it’s basically a perfect match. And you can see Suzaku-oji right there on the miniature model, that big wide road, stretching from the palace gate towards the south, which would mean that south should be at the bottom of the page instead of north.
So why is it like that? idk
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ALSO, IF YOU LOOK AT THIS PANEL FROM CH88, WHERE IS THE MAIN STREET???? This panel drives me insane. YOU KNOW WHAT THIS LOOKS LIKE? If you took that top half, the palace, and just pasted it at the bottom. And also the sides. DID THEY THINK NOBODY WOULD NOTICE? You know what they had a point. Canada “most sane yohaji enjoyer”, OP of this blog, who spent 2 months looking for sources on ancient Japanese and Chinese urban planning in 3 different languages, is an outlier and should not be counted.
What does this have to do with Kuji-kiri?
Honestly? I don’t know! There’s not a super obvious connection.
Kuji-kiri is the grid thing Douman does, “kuji” means nine words, “kiri” means cut. It’s a version of the kuji-in (nine hand seals), where the kuji-in is nine hand signs paired with nine words or phrases, the kuji-kiri is 5 horizontal and 4 vertical lines, drawn alternating, starting with a horizontal line.
It’s said to be derived from the principle of yin-yang in Taoism, which Onmyoudou as a whole comes from. (Onmyou and yin-yang use the same kanji)
Specifically, the 5 horizontal slashes are yang and offensive, the 4 vertical slashes are yin and defensive.
Worth mentioning, Onmyoudou also incorporates the philosophy of gogyo (five elements). Will elaborate on that later.
9 is a symbolic number in Taoism, said to be the perfect number in divination for yang, or the nine planets, or the seven stars of the big dipper plus two guardian stars, believed to be the gateway to heaven. There is the most tenuous of connections here, in that 9 was an important number in Chinese philosophy, where an ancient Chinese urban planning guide states “9 li x 9 li squares” (“li” is a unit of measurement) and “9 vertical and 9 horizontal streets in the city”
To that end, I assume the connection is simply that Kyoto is grid = Kuji-kiri is grid.
Four Gods
Four gods, auspicious beasts, symbols, guardians, whatever. The idea originated from China, and didn’t change all that much when they got to Japan. They don’t have this many names in Chinese, it’s just called “si xiang”. “Si” means four. “Xiang” doesn't have a great exact translation.
Not to be confused with any other mythical figures that come in fours that China/Buddhism/whatever seem to love so much, for all that “four” is an unlucky number.
Like a lot of other Chinese mythical things, while associated with Taoism, the four gods didn’t really originate from any religion. In that sense, I think they occupy the same cultural space as Japanese youkai, in that while sorta connected to religion, they’re not the focus.
They’re not gods of any religion, so what are they?
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They’re constellations.
In Chinese astronomy, much like the western zodiac, the night sky is split into parts corresponding with the Earth’s position throughout the year. (Albeit, based off the moon rather than the sun.)
The night sky is split into 4 quadrants and 1 middle section, the middle around polaris symbolizing the emperor, and each quadrant is one of the four gods.
As said before, this is relevant because it’s part of the fengshui stuff behind the layout of Chang’an, which was inherited into the layout of Heian-kyo.
What does this have to do with Abe no Seimei?
Well. Onmyoudou is just divination, which is just astrology.
The four gods are very much tied to the Gogyo (five elements), which is half of the basis of Onmyoudou (the other half is yin-yang).
We know it's specifically the Taoist Gogyo and not the Buddhist Godai (another thing with 5 elements), because Seiryuu specifically says his domain is “wood” and “wood” is not present in the Godai.
If you’ve seen other media with Abe no Seimei, you may have heard of the 12 divine guardians (or divine whatevers, you get the idea). They’re shikigami employed by him, four of which are these four gods. I’m not entirely sure if it’s these four gods themselves, or if they just share namesakes.
(Also not to be confused with whatever other figures in Buddhism/whatever that come in twelves)
These 12 divine guardians also each correspond to a direction and the Chinese year zodiac.
The idea of the four gods is oddly extremely tied to Abe no Seimei, I assume because of the astronomy and astrology connection, so much that the gate to the Seimei shrine is the “shijinmon” or “four gods gate”, and also the pillars with the four gods carvings that show up in the manga as well.
Abe no Seimei tangent! According to legends, Abe no Seimei's mom was a white fox, Kuzunoha, often considered a youkai, but also sometimes said to be the envoy of a god or is a god herself.
In other words. What I’m trying to say is. I want to see fox Haruaki. (OP's worldly desires)
Also, look at this fun story about how Seimei died.
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Tbh, I don’t know how much of this is common knowledge. I’ve seen a pretty big variety of people reading youkaigakkou, from people who are hearing about youkai for the first time to people who know absolutely everything about onmyoudou and onmyouji. I guess in this essay so far, the Abe no Seimei stuff is more towards the “everyone knows this” end of the spectrum and the Heian era urban planning is “who the fuck knows this”.
Youkaigakkou Geoguessr
That was a lot, so here’s me messing around on google maps for a little bit.
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This panel was changed slightly in the volume release, but these are the Toji pagoda, the Fushimi Inari Shrine torii gates, and Kyoto Tower.
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At the start of ch83, they’re at Nijo Castle.
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When Haru hears Byakko’s voice and runs off, this is probably where this panel is. I can’t get an exact angle from google street view, but it probably looks like the panel if you’re on the sidewalk. The parking sign, tree, and road sign line up almost exactly, and the building looks roughly right. (Seimei shrine also marked on the map for reference)
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Mans casually sprinted 1.5km. You go king.
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Seimei shrine is pretty cool. Sensei got to go there for photo references. It never really occurred to me how weird featuring real places in a manga would be, as cool as it always is, all the paperwork you probably have to do. (They have a link to apply for that on the website) They have a wall with Ema (wooden plaques) written by actors, authors, filmmakers and mangaka that feature the shrine in their works. I wonder if Tanamai sensei got to write one.
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This page was also changed in a pretty big way in the volume release.
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I mentioned this in my TL note, but this is referencing the reports of taxi drivers ferrying ghosts, especially after major natural disasters.
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Yasaka shrine, roughly 3km straight line distance from Seimei shrine, 5km on the road. I’ll take the manga at its word as the closest Ebisu shrine lol. That panel in the manga specifically would be the west gate, which lines up with the road they probably took (straight south and then east).
The main deity enshrined there is Susanoo-no-Mikoto, but there’s a bunch of shrines on the grounds dedicated to different gods, one of which is to Ebisu.
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Specifically, it’s the “kitamuki-ebisu-sha”, or “north facing Ebisu shrine”. Because it… uh… (checks compass) faces north… I guess…? The interesting trivia about this is that Ebisu is written like “蛭子” instead of “恵比寿” (though it’s read as “ebisu” all the same)
蛭子 is more commonly read as “Hiruko”. (Anybody watch Summer Time Rendering here?)
Ebisu is thought to originate from the first child of Shinto creation myth big names Izanagi and Izanami, Hiruko, meaning “leech child” because he was born without bones, and was cast into the sea and floated ashore somewhere. In a popular version of the story, he washed ashore in Hokkaido, to be raised by an Ainu guy called Ebisu Saburou. (Or sometimes this guy is an Ainu deity? I cannot find a reliable primary source for this. This name comes up fairly frequently but I can’t pin it down.) I’ve also seen claims that “Saburou” is a generic name meaning “third child”, and since he is definitely the first child, that the “first two” are Izanagi and Izanami.
In any case, this would make him the older brother of Susanoo-no-Mikoto, who I’m not saying has any connection to any Mii-kuns we know of, but you know.
I got to the image limit, so the post gets split here.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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virtualbunny · 2 years
How would the boys TM deal with an insecure s/o?
Hi bestie! tbh I don't know what TM means and I tried to google it but couldn't get anything up so i'll pretend it's a spelling mistake unless someone corrects me 😅 Anyways i'll do this in a headcon version for so long heh.
Miller's squad: having an insecure s/o
John Miller:
If you're looking yourself in the mirror and crying he'll come up to you from behind and kiss your shoulders
Will tell you over and over again that you're beautiful/handsome or whatever
Mike Horvath:
Doesn't get why you think so about yourself
Knows he get simply change how you feel about yourself that much but tries to make you forget about it
Daniel Jackson:
In his eyes you're the most beautiful creature to ever exist
Writes at least a 100 hand written notes about all the things he finds ethereal about you
If you're crying about yourself he'll kiss away all your tears
Definitely is heartbroken that you feel that way about yourself
Richard Reiben
As your #1 fan his soul would disintegrate everytime you say something bad about yourself
Seriously, he'll hold you in his arms and tell you over and over that you're gorgeous and he won't let go until you you're happy or biting him... concidering that he's literally holding on to you for dear life
Irwin Wade:
Also a bit heartbroken that you feel that way about yourself
Writes does little sticky notes about all the things he loves about you and puts them on every mirror he can find
Will do everything and anything to make you love yourself
Stanley Mellish:
Probably gets a bit angry
Not towards you but towards himself for not making you love yourself enough
Writes songs about all the things he loves about you
Timothy Upham
Everytime you degrade yourself in anyway he'll tear up
As someone who's a good writer (probably better than Jackson ops) he'll write notes and poems about you and why he loves you and everything in between
Adrian Caparzo:
You... insecure? laughs
to him you're the most celestial being
But honestly, is upset at himself for not making it clare to you that you are
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As that one guy in nyc one's said: accept yourself, love yourself
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mobs-99 · 1 year
Ok. Ok. Prev post (edit: link to the post) bc like its making me have thoughts but I know its just a silly joke so im not gonna put that on ops post. But like to me that is never how reigen would interact with mobs parents and its like almost funny that we never see reigen interact with them but I almost think thats intentional bc its another way of mob separating himself out and trying to be acceptable to different people???
But anyway I do think reigen just acts the utmost respectful and like a model citizen around the kageyamas and thats both bc he wants to make a good impression bc he knows how useful mob is and he is not going to jeopardize that w mobs parents. But also because reigen wants to be seen as responsible bc thats something he personally values. He wants to be seen as a responsible adult and I think esp considering his relationship w his own mother that would be something he would try his absolute hardest to come across to the kageyamas.
This also got me thinking about ritsu and reigen and what ritsu meeting reigen for the first time would have been like. And I absolutely dont think ritsu would have known reigen was a fraud from the get go and I dont even think thats the main reason ritsu dislikes him. Bc first of all if mob came home and said this man is a psychic and hes going to teach me about my powers. There is absolutely no reason ritsu would not believe mob was 100% correct. Bc of the reverence (and also fear & envy) ritsu had towards his brothers powers he would take mob as the authority on this.
I do think, however, that if mob came home and said "this man is a psychic and hes going to teach me about my powers" that would cause immediate resentment and also fear in ritsu. Bc not only is that a part of mobs life that ritsu inherently feels left out of its also a part that he has his own trauma about. (Which is of course the reason mob was so desperate to separate that from his family life in the first place.)
Of course the kageyamas are very respectful and have taught that to their kids, so I'm sure even at what like 10? Ritsu would have been very respectful to an adult, even if really he really really didnt like him. But I also think that ritsu picked up on the fronts reigen was constantly putting up. Im talking abt the acting like a model citizen w the kageyamas specifically, bc we know he had plenty of ways he acts but specifically that is the thing ritsu would see upon meeting him. But the reason he would see that, is not because reigen is obvious with his attitudes, we KNOW hes a good liar and a child isnt ready to just see through that, but because ritsu would unconsiously see himself. And the things that he does, acting like hes nicer than he feels, acting like he only wants to get high grades and function in society as he has been told to function. Acting just like a model citizen and i think reigen is a bit too similar to ritsu in a lot of ways. And I think thats what ritsu dislikes the most about him....
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
Devastated || 1. The Island
Paring: (Christopher "Sully" Sullivan x Original Female Character Mance!)
Word Count: 2660
Warnings: slight language
Next: Untimely
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Jennifer gets out of her taxi heading to the boat, and Henry sees her, so he rushes down to her, "I was worried you wouldn't make it because of your text stuck in traffic." He hugs her.
"I made my driver take every back road there was. No way I would miss this day." She smiles, hugging him back, "Abby here yet?"
"Not yet."
"She'll show up. She's like me. She won't miss this day either." Jennifer hugs him again before they go join the others.
He, Abby, and Jennifer were best friends when they were kids. Abby and Jennifer lived on the island, while Henry and his family would come just for the summer.
"Champagne for the lady." Sully holds out a glass for her.
"Really, Sully? You know her." Danny grabs a beer for her, so she takes it from him.
"Thank you."
"You haven't changed a bit in a year, have you?" Sully smiles down at her.
"Neither have you, playboy?"
"Hey, I've changed." He gets defensive.
"I doubt that based on how you're reacting to me calling you that, honey." She drinks her beer while the guys laugh.
When Abby shows up, they hug for a while before drinking with the guys, "How does it feel going back?" Abby asks her.
"I think I should be asking you that question, Abs."
"It's just for a little while." Abby drinks, "Plus, I need to go home, or I never will."
"I agree with that for you."
"Why exactly did you leave the island?" Abby asks.
"My mom thought it was best for me. To get out and go to a good college. She didn't want me staying there after everything and him trying to kill her too." Jennifer explains to her.
"Did you actually want to leave, or were you forced to like me?"
"It was a mixture... I've always wanted to leave, but I didn't want to leave behind the same person you did." Jennifer explains, looking out at the water.
"Have you been in contact with him?" Abby asks, so she shakes her head no.
"I mean, I've tried, but he never answered me."
"Well, he knows it wasn't 100% your idea to leave the island; it was y'all's moms." Abby tries to comfort her.
"Yeah, so why is he upset with me?"
"It's been long enough for him to get over it." Abby puts an arm around her shoulder.
Some time on the boat, Abby and Jenny walk around, running into Henry watching Trish's family take a photo, "Shouldn't you be there?" Danielle asks him.
"I don't think that's the plan. There'll be plenty of photo ops this week."
"That is very true." She laughs as the three look at the water now.
"You didn't think I was going to show, did you?" Abby asks him.
"I knew you were coming, and Jenny knew too." He laughs.
"I didn't. But I realized if I didn't come home now. I might never. And that scared me."
"You know, it's been seven years, Ab, since the murders. The islands moved on. It feels normal again. That's why Trish and I are getting married there. You'll see, it's the place we loved as kids." He explains to her.
"That would be nice." She smiles before Jennifer starts to bring up funny memories from their childhood.
"Abby and Jenny should have been his best man/ men's instead." Danny tells the group as he sees the three laughing.
"You're mixing up best man with best friend. Best friend takes care of the feelings. Best man takes care of the bachelor party." Sully corrects him, "And those two are the best friends."
"You're still mad; Jennifer never fell for your charm?" Booth makes the guys laugh.
"We don't know if that's true."
"Yes, we do." Danny nods his head.
"Last time she saw you, she said word for word, never going to happen." Malcolm reminds him.
Sully looks over at Jennifer in the distance, "She's just playing hard to get."
"Sure." They all tell him.
When they get to the island, Jennifer sees her brother, so she walks over to him as he walks to her. "Welcome home, stranger. I would hug you, but I don't want you to smell bad since you're just here for a wedding."
"So you're still upset with me for leaving, I see." She sighs.
"I'm not upset you left... I'm-, How about when you have time, we can catch up?" Jimmy asks his sister.
"I would like that, and I'll be looking forward to it." She smiles, starting to walk away, "Oh, I missed you, loser." She turns back to him before joining the others.
"You okay?" Henry sees a look in her eyes.
"Yeah, just talked to Jimmy. Said we'll meet up when I'm free." She takes a seat on the golf cart.
When they arrive at the Candlewick Inn, Jennifer walks away from going toward the path Abby should be coming from at some point.
"Waiting for your sister?" Henry jokes since when they were younger, they acted like sisters growing up.
"I'm worried about her out there. The tree is on the way here, Henry. I should have walked with her." She looks at him with a worried expression.
"Then let's go find her. Would that make you feel better?" Jennifer quickly nods her head, so they walk to go find Abby, and when they do, she was looking up at the tree.
"It's okay. The killer's dead. Wakefield is dead." Henry explains as she bumps into them and gets spooked, "Should've cut down that tree a long time ago. Come on, come on. Let's get out of here. It's a good thing Jenny wanted to come look for you."
The three walk in silence till Abby speaks up as they arrive, "Look, sooner or later, I was gonna walk past that tree, so I thought... why not get it out of the way?"
"Yeah. No, great. Ease into it. Make Jen worry. Hey, maybe we can drop in and say hi to your dad while we're at it. Okay, bad idea." He laughs as she kicks him playfully.
"Henry! Henry Dunn! You're here!" Maggie rushed over and was happy to see the girls too.
"Don't worry me. Got it?" Jenny faces Abby.
"I'll be fine. I promise." They laugh to go get their room keys.
Meanwhile, Jimmy was still working when Shane joked about the boat. "Who did he bring in today?" He asks Jimmy.
"A wedding party. Trish Wellington is marrying Henry Dunn."
"Really? The Princess and the Pauper." Shane jokes.
"Henry's okay."
"For a guy who only came to the island for the summers and knew a lot about boats. Tell me his psycho little brother isn't coming." Shane says working.
"I don't know. I'll tell you who did come, though. Abby."
"Don't go back to that, man. She dumped you. She didn't even give you a kiss goodbye in the rearview mirror." Shane sighs before they go on talking about her.
"Also, my sister came too." Jimmy gets out of the water after helping Al.
"You're sister? Jenny's back?" Shane crosses his arms.
"So she'll come back for her friend's wedding but not to visit her brother?" Shane laughs.
"Our mom is the one who got her off the island. And she has tried reaching me in the past, but I ignored her." Jimmy explains.
"What? She tried once in seven years?"
"No. It's my fault anyways." Jimmy sits down.
"Still, dude. She could have come to visit you anytime and never did."
"Are you mad for me and my relationship with my sister? Or are you mad because when she left, you two were on bad terms, and you're still butt hurt?" Jimmy chuckles.
"First one because I don't care that she decided to ditch me for the city life."
Jimmy just looks at his friend, "You sound so believable right now. Again, our mom wanted her off the island after everything."
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For the dinner party, Jennifer got dressed, did her makeup, and curled her hair before heading out. As she walked in, the first person she saw was Trish, so she went over to her, "I'm gonna say this again. If Henry was to marry anyone, I'm so glad it is you. Other than being around Abby and me, especially when we were younger... I've never seen him so happy. You two are basically made for each other."
"Aw, thank you, Jennifer. That means a lot to me, especially since you're like a sister to him. I know you know him way more than me, so you saying you really see it makes me so happy." Trish hugs her, "By the way, Sully is eyeing you from the table." She laughs.
"I'm not surprised."
"You really aren't going to give him a try? He's been trying for like eleven years." Trish holds her arm.
"He's never given a reason why I should. Trish, tell me does he look like he settles? He eyes every single girl there is."
"I guess you're right. But I wouldn't blame you for just playing around with him." Trish winks, going over to the girls while Jenny goes to the bar.
"Look at you. I'd be careful around Sully." Henry walks up to her side.
"Trish said he's already eyeing me." Jenny gets her drink, so Henry looks back, and sure enough, Sully was.
"Well, I know I don't have to worry about you since you've made it clear he's not exactly your type." Henry says, making her laugh.
"I'm a smart lady. Save myself the heartbreak for when he's ready to move on to the next hot girl that catches his eye."
"Sully is a good friend of mine, but you're one of my best friends, so I know you could do better than him." Henry pulls her into his side.
"Can I? My first boyfriend was Shane Pierce. I feel like Sully is at least a step up." She giggles, resting her head on his shoulder.
"Hey, I was your first kiss."
"Yeah, and I went downhill from there." Jenny laughs as Sully comes over to get drinks.
"Jenny, you look good tonight." He gives her a smile.
"You know she always looks good, Sully." Henry laughs as she leaves to go talk to the guys.
"Did you try putting in a word for me?" Sully asks once she is gone.
"Dude, I asked you, and you said you would help me. I've been trying for eleven years, man." Sully whines.
"Exactly, you've been trying for eleven years, and she hasn't cracked once." Henry looks over at her chatting with the guys.
"Come on, for your buddy. I just need you to talk her into giving me a try. She'll listen to you because you're her best friend." Sully grabs his drink before going back to the guys. "How do you feel being back home?" He asks her.
"Weird, but okay." She drinks her drink. The guys start to chuckle as they watch him try to chat with her and fail, "Am I missing a joke or?" She looks at the guys, confused.
"Just a guy thing." Danny says, so she nods her head and, feeling awkward, goes to join the bridesmaids.
"Hi, Jennifer." Lucy smiles.
"Hello girls." Jenny takes a seat.
"I have to ask because you're best friends with Henry. Have you two ever hooked up?" She asks, causing Jenny to laugh.
"God, no. When we were younger, he was my first kiss, and it was hilarious, but no, nothing else ever than that." She explains to them, so they drop it till time passes, then ask Abby the same as she sits down with them.
"I...umm..." Abby was cut off by Henry putting his hands on her shoulders.
"Hey! You having fun? Has anyone seen JD?" He asks the four.
"I'm on it; I'll find him." Abby gets up.
"Oh, I'll help you." Jenny gets up too.
"No, wait, that's not why, I asked." Henry stops them.
"We know. Go find that fiancée of yours, and let us worry about finding your brother." Abby tells him before they walk away.
"Oh, hey you might wanna start...,"
"At the Cannery. We're on it!" They say at the same time to him.
When they get to the Cannery, Nikki sees them right away, and they all hug each other happily to see one another.
While Abby goes to the bar, Jenny sees Jimmy, so she goes over to him, "Eww, look at you all dressed up." He laughs at her.
"It was a dinner party. I have to dress up. I can't wear a rubber apron and gloves with boots." She hugs him and sees Shane behind him. "Shane." She gives him a head nod.
"What are you girls doing here?" Jimmy asks.
"Came to find the younger Dunn, which we did. Now, I'm gonna get a beer while you call Abby to come play some pool." She pats his arm. "Nikki, please get me something I can't get at a wedding dinner party, please." Jenny leans on the bar.
"Got you babe."
"I'm surprised you came back even for a wedding after you left in such a rush?" Shane walks up next to her.
She looks at him annoyed, "You know it was my mom who sent me away, Shane. I told you that the day before I left."
"But you never came back to visit, Jimmy... You left your brother. And you didn't come back when your parents died either."
Jennifer grabs his arm, moving them to the side away from fewer people, "I know that, and I regret leaving Jimmy to deal with all that alone, but I couldn't do it. I have my reason why I didn't come back and why I was okay with my mother sending me away." She tells him. "And yes, your points are valid for Jimmy to be upset with me but not you, so stop pretending you're upset I'm back for Jimmy's sake. Just man up and say you're upset because I left you."
"Yeah, I'm upset. We were supposed to fix what happened, and the next thing I know, you were running off to go to the big city to go to a big fancy college." Shane does exactly what she asked him to do. "You made it seem like you deserved better than all of this."
"I didn't think I deserved better. I've always wanted to get off this island, and I finally could. I wish it was on my own terms, but I still got to go. I wanted to do something and see how it was out there. You know how boring it gets here."
"Seven years and didn't come back." Shane ads again.
"Again, I had my reasons." She sighs
"What reasons?" He gets a little loud with her.
"My father hated me because of my mother. My mother was almost murdered but got away. She went crazy with me and demanded I had to leave because she didn't believe Wakefield was dead and he would take me from her. Whatever that was supposed to mean. My father threatened me that if I ever stepped foot on this island, I would regret it. I was scared, Shane. I was scared to come back home, and I wanted to come back."
Shane stays quiet but then sees Kelly talking to JD, so he goes over to them, starting shit with JD. "Shane! Stop it!" Jennifer rushes over as he kicks the shit out of JD.
"That's enough, Shane!" The sheriff shows up so Jimmy gets Shane away from JD.
"Hi, dad." Abby tells him.
"You're fucking ridiculous." Jennifer shoves Shane on the way out since the Sheriff was going to drive the three back to the Inn.
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