#Ooe Kanade
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choujinx · 9 months ago
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CHIHAYAFURU (2007-2022) by suetsugu yuki
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marcod0meupolo · 5 months ago
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chihayafuru provavelmente tem meu cast feminino favorito quando se trata de animanga! todas elas tem personalidades tão únicas, motivações e defeitos que fazem a gente ter um apego tão forte até pela com menos aparições delas também sou completamente apaixonada por como as mulheres adultas e idosas são escritas tão poderosamente como as mais novas
e quando eu digo que amo todas elas é porque eu amo MESMO todas elas
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suikyounamegami · 11 months ago
Shirakami Kanade (白上 奏) - Ariake
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Ariake es un personaje que asociamos mucho con 'feminidad' 💋
así que seguramente la mayoría de nosotros pensó que el tono de su voz también sería 'femenino'
pero para nuestra "sorpresa", su voz resultó ser más 'masculina' de lo que esperábamos 😅
El seiyuu de Ariake es "Shirakami Kanade", cuyo seudónimo tampoco me suena de ninguna parte 🙄, pero pienso que la voz encaja bien con Ariake, ya que se escucha como de alguien de su edad (25)
ni demasiado juvenil ni demasiado adulto
ahora, la propia Rinko ha descrito la actuación de este seiyuu como 'monstruosa'
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así que al ser uno de mis favoritos, obviamente quiero escuchar como es el tono de su voz cuando pasa del Ariake normal al Ariake en modo Femme Fatal Man 😳
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y sobre lo que dicen sus audios...
■ el primero es de la escena en donde se encuentra con Oosaki por primera vez (la escena en la que casi se cae del barco...)
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le está diciendo a Oosaki que lo salvó y le pregunta que si no le duele nada
-luego se disculpa con él diciéndole que fue que saltó con todas sus fuerzas...
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■ en el segundo está diciendo que ya son las siete y que tiene hambre...
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-luego dice que no hay peces en la isla Ooe, pero que el que pescaron en la mañana es un pez de la isla(?)...
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■ el tercero es de la escena en donde le está contando a Oosaki la historia del funeral de Ann
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dice que cuando a ellos les tocó hacerse cargo de su funeral, fue triste y solitario, pero también feliz...
-luego se disculpa por ponerse 'sentimental'
■ y en el cuarto le está diciendo a Oosaki que desde el momento en que se encontraron ha sentido una especie de 'talento' en él, y que si no le suelen decir que es un 'genio'...
-luego dice que muchas de las personas que son 'silenciosas' suelen tener algo 'apasionado' dentro de ellas (algo que les arde por dentro 🔥)
y termina la frase diciendo que 'es justo como pensaba'...
y aquí voy a empezar con mi suspicacia... 😓
● lo del primer audio...
yo la verdad no creo que Ariake se haya encontrado con Oosaki por casualidad 😩
mi teoría es que Ariake desde el principio sabía quien era Oosaki y por eso se acercó a él 😤
(fingió que se iba a caer del barco, para poder establecer contacto con él...)
porque el solo hecho de que Ariake sea la primera ruta, y que sea el primer asistente con el que Oosaki se va a encontrar
ya me da para pensar que Ariake sabía muy bien cual era la ruta tenía que tomar 🤨
es muy conveniente que precisamente él (quien parece estar más obsesionado con Oosaki), haya podido adelantársele a los demás 😒
Oosaki y Ariake viven en ciudades diferentes, así que él no hubiera podido hacer esto a menos de que ya supiera el itinerario de Oosaki ese día...
● lo del segundo audio...
sé que esto podría parecer irrelevante 🙄, pero así como Aomi es el único de los asistentes al que hemos visto con un paraguas
Ariake también es el único al que le hemos visto un reloj...
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y este asunto de que esté pendiente de los horarios me llama un poco la atención porque Funeno en uno de sus audios menciona que no se puede fumar después de las doce, y sabemos que Ariake es fumador...
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● lo del tercer audio...
todavía no sabemos que significa estar 'triste' o 'feliz' en el idioma de Ariake, pero al parecer le está insinuando algo a Oosaki con este comentario... 🙁
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● y lo del cuarto audio...
aquí le está preguntando a Oosaki que si la gente no le suele decir que es un 'genio'
y este comentario de cierta forma lo asocio con Daiba
ya que a él nos lo han descrito como 'brillante' para su edad...
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no voy a extenderme demasiado hablando sobre esto 😩, pero una de mis teorías con Ariake, es que tal vez su 'obsesión' no es hacia Oosaki, sino hacia Daiba 🤨
(está del lado de Oosaki porque este se está haciendo pasar por Daiba...)
porque ciertamente, sabemos que Oosaki posee varios talentos como la pintura
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pero como mencioné arriba, todo este asunto de que 'casualmente' le tocara irse en el mismo barco que Oosaki, me huele a que complicidad entre él y Daiba... 😟
porque a menos de que Ariake sea un ac0sad0r, los únicos que deberían saber la información sobre el lugar y la hora a la que se iba Oosaki
son su jefe Shinkiba y el propio Daiba 🤨
y en el caso de que su interés realmente fuera por Oosaki y no por Daiba, pues entonces mi otra teoría sería la misma que mencioné en el primer audio 🙁
(que Ariake ya conociera a Oosaki de alguna parte y se hubiera interesado por él precisamente por este dizque 'talento'...)
porque dudo mucho que Ariake haya podido darse cuenta de que Oosaki tenía un talento en un intervalo de tiempo tan corto 🙅‍♀️
él ya debía conocer a Oosaki y por eso fingió que se iba a caer del barco... 😒
lo que quería era comprobar si su presentimiento era real (confirmar que Oosaki fuera la persona que él pensaba...)
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ahora, sobre lo que dice en el resto del audio
no sé si estará dando a entender que Ann era callada, pero al ser él un empleado de una funeraria
esto de ser callado y llevar algo por dentro, lo asocio con su*cidi0 😔 (que es la supuesta causa de muerte de Ann...)
yo personalmente me inclino más hacia la teoría de que fue un asesinat0 🙄, pero como no sabemos nada de su trasfondo, no sabemos si estaba pasando por un mal momento...
así que esto nos podría estar dando a entender que Ann de un momento a otro 'expl0tó' y dejó salir todo eso que le ardía por dentro (se su*cidó...)
y ya para finalizar
todo este asunto de ser 'silencioso', aparte de Oosaki, también lo asocio con Aomi y Hinode
pero especialmente lo asocio con Hinode, ya que su aflicción es la ira...
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una cosa que tienen en común estos tres personajes, es que los tres son 'callados', pero al parecer esconden algo en su interior...
y resulta que curiosamente, a Hinode lo hemos visto en algunas imágenes junto con Ariake...
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y sobre esto tengo dos teorías 🕵️‍♀️
la primera es que el interés de Ariake por Hinode podría ser porque ve en él ese mismo "fuego" del que le está hablando a Oosaki...
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así como se siente atraído por el "talento" de Oosaki, también podría estar interesado en Hinode porque ve algo en él que los demás no... (un poco similar a lo de Shiodome y Takeshiba)
la ruta de Hinode seguramente va a estar muy conectada a la ruta verdadera, así que es muy probable que en alguna parte del juego lo veamos quebrarse y dejar salir todo eso que le "quema" por dentro...
todas esas emociones que ha estado reprimiendo...
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y en cuanto a la segunda...
yo sé que puede sonar descabellado 🙄, pero otra de mis teorías locas con Ariake
es que él y Hinode podrían tener algún tipo de relación... 😶
la supuesta conexión de Ariake con Daiba podría venir ya sea de Sukekiyo o de Hinode, ya que las edades coinciden
Sukekiyo (30-40) - supuesto padre de Hinode
Mamá de Hinode (30-35) - supuesta esposa de Sukekiyo y posible pariente de Ariake
Shizuma (27) - tío de Hinode
Ariake (25) - pariente de la madre (hermano o primo)
y Hinode (13) - hijo de Sukekiyo, sobrino de Daiba y posible pariente de Ariake...
pero no se limita solo a las edades 🤨
también hay otros aspectos que me llevan a pensar que Ariake y Hinode podrían estar relacionados
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pero no voy a profundizar demasiado ya que el post se volvería muy largo 😵
en resumen, la razón por la que Ariake le tendría el ojo puesto a Hinode, sería porque ya se conocían de antes... 😕
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deducingcircumference · 2 years ago
OUGH I just realized the new policewoman character, Chihaya, has a best friend named Shinobu Ooe
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franniebanana · 3 years ago
Fic: Fast Friends
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Title: Fast Friends Author: fmpsimon (on AO3) Fandom: Chihayafuru Relationship: Ayase Chihaya/Mashima Taichi Rating: G Summary: Years after graduation from Mizusawa High School, Kana finally asks Chihaya and Taichi how exactly they became friends, and it takes a while for the couple to agree on the details.
“In all the years I’ve known you, I’ve always been curious about how you two met,” Kana said, her fingers wrapped tightly around the hot mug of tea. “I know you played karuta together when you were in Elementary School, but you had to have known each other before then, right?” Chihaya and Taichi exchanged glances across the table: Taichi’s face was sheepish, Chihaya’s a bit mischievous. “So,” Kana continued, “how did you become friends?”
Read it on AO3!
Written for Taichihaya Week 2022 Day 2 - First Meeting
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stellacolletore · 4 years ago
i know this much (you will never be enough) summary: Mashima Reiko is crazy, and rich, and the mother of the person she loves. note: title and blurb inspired by the film ‘crazy rich asians’ because reiko is basically eleanor
“If you’re not doing it, I will.”  
Chihaya didn’t dare breath. A single move from her and she knew—she knew Sumire will see through her threat. Her thumb was perilously close to pressing the dial button. Should Chihaya say the wrong thing, she might end up having to answer to Mrs. Pressure without any mental preparation at all.
“Wait!” She pleaded. “I’ll call tonight. Promise.”
Sumire narrowed her eyes. Assured that Chihaya was completely serious about her resolution, Sumire handed the phone back to her.
Everyone in the club room exhaled. No bomb was unnecessarily detonated this afternoon, fortunately. “Man, you’re almost as scary as Mashima-san just now, Hanano-san.” Nishida remarked, finally able to swallow the pork bun in his hand.
Sumire sighed, still exasperated. “It’s been three days since I gave Ayase-senpai Mashima-san’s number. Forgive me if I sound impatient right now, because I totally am.”
Chihaya prostrated on the tatami. “Sorry, Sumire-chan!”
“Don’t be like that, Chihaya. We understand,” Kanade patted Chihaya’s head lightly. “But Sumire is right. Mashima-kun has been sick for three days already. We’re all very worried about him, just like you are.”
Komano fixed his glasses. “And as his unofficial girlfriend, the task to check up on him falls on you.”
Chihaya exhaled in defeat. She had ran away long enough.
It was time to face the inevitable.
Chihaya felt like coming down with the flu herself as she searched Mashima-san's contact number on her phone directory. It was a good thing she delayed eating dinner—her stomach was in knots just thinking about finally calling Taichi's terrifying mother and asking her a favor.
"You're a Queen, Chihaya," she muttered to herself, "You can do this."
Momentarily psyched up by her pep talk, she pressed the CALL button.
Clutching her Daddy Bear to her chest, she nervously waited for the other line to pick up.
"Moshi moshi. Mashima residence."
The voice unmistakably belonged to Mashima Reiko. Chihaya instinctively froze at the recognition, failing to follow through with a greeting.
"Hello? Who's ca—"
"It's Chihaya!" she blurted. Voice slightly shaky, she chattered, "Um, this is Chihaya. Good evening, Mrs. Pre—Mashima-san."
Reiko's voice instantly turned ice cold. "Ah, Chihaya-chan. It's a pleasure to receive your call at dinnertime."
Chihaya's eyes latched on the clock. Of course she'd end up calling at an absolutely inconvenient hour. She instantly replied, "I'm so sorry! It's just—I'd like to ask if Taichi's okay..."
She could hear a disappointed sigh. "If he is still unable to message you and your friends, I believe that means he's currently unwell. Now, do you have other questions, Chihaya-chan?"
Every nerve in her body was desperately begging for her to drop the line already, but if Chihaya would back down now, she's sure Sumire would find a way to still make the request, which may make things more difficult. Steeling herself, she took the plunge. "May I come over tomorrow?"
When she was met with silence, Chihaya rambled on, "I was asked by Tsukue-kun—I mean, his classmate—to deliver the notes for the lessons he missed. And our club members bought him oranges and apples and—"
"You may come tomorrow at five. You can help me prepare dinner."
Chihaya almost choked her stuff toy. This wasn't on the plan. "Sorry?"
"I believe you have excellent hearing, Chihaya-chan. Surely I won't need to repeat myself."
Like a soldier under scrutiny by her commander, she automatically replied, "Y - yes, Ma'am."
Pacified with her answer, Reiko said, "If that is all, then I must be going back to dinner. See you tomorrow."
"Thank you for your time, Mashima-san. S - see you tomorrow."
As soon as the call disconnected, Chihaya collapsed on the bed, energy spent. A minute later she got up, exited the room, and dashed down the stairs.
"Mom! Please teach me how to cook!"
"Woah—is meeting Taichi's mom really that scary for you?" Nishida inquired, staring at Chihaya's bloodshot eyes. "And what happened with those?" He pointed at Chihaya's freshly bandaged fingers.
Chihaya blinked rapidly, moistening her eyes. In between yawns, she explained, "I slept late. Mrs. Pressure asked me to help her with dinner so I had to learn how to chop vegetables. Perfectly."
Nishida gave her a comforting smile, "Ganbatte, Ayase. If you survive tonight, I'll treat you with pork buns for lunch tomorrow."
Resting her head on the desk, Chihaya muttered, "Thanks, Nikuman-kun."
Had Chihaya been a lucid dreamer, she would've realized that the castle was simply a representation of the Mashima house, the sleeping prince was Taichi all along, and the fire breathing dragon guarding the gate was definitely Mashima Reiko. If she were, she may not have woken up with a start, embarrassing herself in the middle of Fukasaku-sensei's class.
Looking at how messed up Chihaya was, Nishida began to doubt if he'd be able to buy her pork buns the next day.
It's okay, Chihaya, she's not really a dragon, she inwardly declared. She pressed the doorbell with her free hand, and then sighed in relief when she found Rika peering excitedly at her from the entranceway.
"Welcome, Chihaya-chan!" Taichi's younger sister greeted. Quirking an eyebrow at her, she then questioned, "Do you want some water? You look pale."
Chihaya waved her worry away. "I'm fine."
Locating Reiko at the kitchen, Chihaya presented the basket clutched in her hand. "G - good afternoon, Mashima-san. This is from everyone in the club." She proceeded to extract Komano's papers from her bag. "And these are the notes from Tsukue-kun."
"Please extend our gratitude to them, Chihaya-chan." Reiko took the basket and began to put the fruits inside the refrigerator. "You can leave the notes on Taichi's desk later."
Chihaya's heart skipped a beat. For all the stress she had gone through in the past twenty-four hours, the prospect of actually visiting Taichi had been at the back seat on her mind, overshadowed by the daunting ordeal of dealing with Mrs. Pressure without her son's intervention. Her thoughts led her to look in the direction of Taichi's bedroom.
She had never seen Taichi this sick, and she dearly hoped she could help him recover, if only a little.
She heard Reiko clear her throat. "You may see him as soon as we finished making dinner."
Chihaya's gaze snapped back to Reiko. "H - hai."
Reiko seemed to consider something, staring at her with a surprisingly concerned expression. "Would you like to have some tea first? Your face is pale."
Chihaya slapped her cheeks in response, giving some color to them. "I'm okay!" Encouraged by the thinly-veiled worry for her wellbeing reflected in Reiko's eyes, Chihaya attempted a smile, "I'm ready."
Having tried her hand in kitchen work for the first time last night, Chihaya could recognize how admirable Mashima Reiko moved through the space, retrieving cooking tools from the cupboards and ingredients from the refrigerator with exceptional grace. Taichi must have inherited his poise from his mother.
Chihaya put the vegetables in the strainer and headed to the sink. "I'll wash these up, Mashima-san."
Reiko hummed in agreement. "I'll be seasoning the meat." She turned to her daughter perched on the dining table stool, happily watching over the two of them. "Go work on your homework, Rika. You have nothing to do here."
Rika started to protest. "But I wanna see—" her words were cut abruptly, and from behind her Chihaya could guess that Mrs. Pressure had given Rika her intimidating gaze.
If Mashima Reiko were karuta Queen, Chihaya was sure she'd never become a challenger. If she did, she would have to play blindfolded, just so she can avoid that look.
"Fine," Rika relented. "Ganbatte, Chihaya-chan." She proceeded to go upstairs, leaving Chihaya and Reiko alone.
Finishing her first task, Chihaya deposited the vegetables on the container next to the chopping board.
Time to show what I've practiced. She picked up a medium-sized knife and was about to slice the head of a cabbage when Reiko suddenly ordered, "Stop."
Chihaya stared at her, dumbfounded. Was she already deemed a failure? That fast?
Reiko withdrew the knife from her hands. Then she remarked. "Your fingers are hurt."
Chihaya blinked. "They're all right. I can still—"
"Take a sit over there and just watch me, Chihaya-chan," Reiko instructed, her tone clearly expressing that Chihaya have no other choice but to follow. Flustered, Chihaya merely nodded, settling on the stool Rika had previously occupied.
Reiko continued preparing the meal, making Chihaya feel more and more anxious at being utterly unhelpful each second that passed. She knew she should attempt to make small talk, but her mind can't come up with any dialogue, not even about the weather.
It was Reiko that broke the silence. "If I remember correctly, you've injured your hand once before. Was playing karuta that challenging?"
Taken aback by Reiko's recollection, Chihaya failed to filter her thoughts. "Harada-sensei trained me harder so I won't get injured like that again. I, um, got these last night chopping carrots."
As soon as the words were left hanging in the air, Chihaya bit her lip. Please don't think much about it please don't think much about it please don't—
Reiko stopped swirling the ladle in the pot. Chihaya held her breath, preparing herself for whatever it was that will come out of Mrs. Pressure's lips.
Her imagination couldn't have predicted what she had finally said. Not in a million years.
"You know, I never disliked you, Chihaya-chan." Reiko resumed her motions, "Just how early you arrived."
Even though they were merely two sentences, Chihaya couldn't begin to grasp what Mrs. Pressure was telling her.
Even without Chihaya's prompting, Reiko elaborated, "When I became a mother, I promised to myself that I will raise my child with the same standards that my parents had set for me." Having finished cooking the broth, she turned off the stove. Reaching for the box of genmaicha tea, she continued, "Fortunately, I hadn't had much trouble with Taichi. He is naturally brilliant and determined. He listens to my demands and takes on the challenges I set for him. But then one day he came home saying he wants to be good at playing this obscure game,"—Chihaya straightened up, ready for a lecture—"and it worried me, not just because it wasn't in my plans, but also because the game came from a girl that has taken more than his attention, even though he's unaware of it at the time."
Reiko poured hot water on two porcelain cups, then submerged the tea kernels in them. "Just as how my parents had given me freedom to choose the person I like, I must give the same choice to my children. But you happened to come into Taichi's life far earlier than when Oligo came into mine, and I can't help but treat you with unwarranted hostility for that." Reiko gave her a stricken smile, "But maybe it was for the better. If I had Taichi controlled for all these years, he might have been leading a broken life by now." She slid one cup towards Chihaya. "I suppose I owe you both an apology and my thanks, Chihaya-chan."
Unable to completely digest the sudden disclosure from Reiko, Chihaya could only refute her last statement. "That's not true! Taichi is the person he is right now because of your efforts, Mashima-san." Chihaya recalled a moment from way back their first team tournament as a seven-membered club. She relayed the details of the event to her, narrating how Taichi had uncharacteristically snapped at Tsukuba for arguing with the word 'but' all over his sentences, declaring that a man has no use for the word. Chihaya had then commented how Reiko's strictness with Taichi had disciplined him, allowing him to become strong in his own way.
This time it was Reiko who was rendered speechless. Chihaya sipped the tea, finding her nerves settling. After finishing her cup, she shyly ventured, "If you will, I'd like to take up Taichi's dinner with the notes now, Mashima-san."
Composing herself, Reiko nodded, then started assembling the food.
She found Taichi covered under layers of blankets when she entered his room. Setting the tray on the study desk, Chihay tiptoed towards his huddled figure.
She rested a hand on his arm, finding it awfully warm. "Passing Todai must've been so hard, ne, Taichi?" She swapped the dry towelette for a cool one, setting it on his forehead. Feeling the sudden chill, Taichi stirred. His amber eyes connected with Chihaya's, and he muttered weakly, "Now I'm delirious."
Chihaya chuckled, placing a hand on his cheek. "Not yet. I'm real."
Taichi sounded genuinely lost when he insisted, "You can't be. You'd have to get past my Mom to be here, and you're terrified of her."
Chihaya perked up, "About that..." she decided against telling him about her upgraded relationship with Mrs. Pressure. Taichi would be more convinced that he was hallucinating if she did. Instead, she took his hand. "Everyone was worried about you. Please get well soon, Taichi. I missed beating you in matches."
Taichi grinned mischievously, "You could leave out the beating at matches part."
Chihaya felt her face warm. "Fine, just because you're sick this time. I missed you, Taichi."
Satisfied at her admission, and perhaps still feeling very much unwell, Taichi began to drift off again. Checking her wristwatch, Chihaya noted that there was still an hour before he had to take his medicine.
Reaching up to gently caress his head, Chihaya found herself narrating, "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful prince who was stuck in a castle. There was a big, fire breathing dragon at the gates and everyone in the land was afraid of her. It turns out, the dragon wasn't bad at all, and so when the princess..."
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mirrorcities · 5 years ago
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Many won't like my opinion but I truly don't think Shinobu's grandmother's thinking that Shinobu will create an era where Karuta players flourish is correct.
Yes, it's true that like Plum Blossoms Shinobu blooms before everyone else but she isn't much of a team player. She told Arata during 2and year that exceptional players are those who play alone and was furious at him for creating a team during 3rd year. In fact at the beginning of Queen match against Chihaya despite how much both Koishikawa and Yuikawa have helped her for months kept insisting that she needs no one.
While it's true that the condition to be allowed to stay at her grandmother's house was that Shinobu needs to excel at something and her mother was no help it just highlights the fact that whenever Shinobu looses she unravels so she doesn't get the chance to grow properly.
And if it's the matter of Shinobu not being accepted by peers then neither is Chihaya but the latter does her best to make them understand her passion and she listens to them as well.
Plus Chihaya is the one who knows most players better because she doesn't mind opening herself in front of others and they too confide their feelings, thoughts with Chihaya.
Maybe Shinobu will begin that era but it's Chihaya who will be the core.
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t-vw · 6 years ago
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mistyslittlemistakes · 7 years ago
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A woman must always move with grace, whether you're wiping a table or drying sheets. Or in the fight for your life. – Ooe Kanade (Chihayafuru)
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liliumsmangacaps · 4 years ago
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ioribranford · 6 years ago
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Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/439304757
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boitedecrayons · 4 years ago
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Irreverent kouhai!
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pollys-manganime · 5 years ago
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Chihayafuru, Suetsugu Yuki
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yomifuda · 2 years ago
volume two
In Chihayafuru's karuta, there are two types of cards in the deck. There's the yomifuda, or "reading cards," for which this tumblr is named. These are the ones drawn by the readers and feature a traditional portrait of the poet, their name, and the complete poem. They're not illustrations of the poem, but at least they are in color. The cards that Chihaya and the rest of the players of the game arrange during a game of karuta, however, are the torifuda. They, like the manga, are purely black and white lines of text, incomplete if you read them alone, imbued with meaning only when in play or reunited with their other half -- which conversely does not need them to be complete. What color Ooe Kanade teaches Chihaya to see in these cards is only projection, a story we tell ourselves to see color that doesn't exist, to connect the torifuda with the picture implied in the corresponding yomifuda. So of course Suetsugu-sensei begins a chapter in which Kanade teaches Chihaya about the longing underlying the "chihayaburu" card with a fashionable, almost erotic splash page of Arata, accompanied by text simultaneously fallen-leaf-light and passionately heavy: "After I came home from Fukui, I dreamed of Arata again and again."
Chihaya is so innocent and oblivious at this point in the story that to imply her feelings about Arata are anything but wholesome would be laughable. She won't see her romantic feelings for Arata in Hyakunin Isshu #17 until a while later -- for now, she sees in the cards birds, deer, flowers, two ancient Japanese beauties watching the moon, " one hundred friends" and her new friend "Kana-chan.” Still, I'd be remiss not to point out that 色 is both the word for "color" and the word for "lust," that it's not an uncommon Japanese expression of love, or rather passion, to declare that you want to be dyed in your lover's colors. As if you were a piece of cloth, or the waters of Tatsuta.
By the way, even though much ink is spilled by Kanade and me on Hyakunin Isshu #17, one other poem shows up twice in volume two: Hyakunin Isshu #34, "tare o ka mo." Chihaya is listening to it when Taichi finds her sleeping on the high school grounds, and she thinks of it again when she considers calling Arata to tell him about Taichi's girlfriend. When she is reunited with Arata in Fukui, it is in an echo of the way Taichi finds her: her supine on the ground, Arata/Taichi looming over her, surrounded by trees (though not pines). Chihaya feels abandoned, so she sees herself as Fujiwara no Okikaze, asking with quiet desperation, "where have the friends of my past gone?" She sees herself as the torifuda, looking for Arata and karuta (and Taichi’s) yomifuda to complete her. But the opening line of #17 is "even in the age of chihayaburu gods.” Arata may be Chihaya's god of karuta now, but it is Chihaya who will eventually be chihayaburu. She is the one, actually, that Taichi and Arata long for, that represents powerful, almighty completeness.  
Selfishness is generally thought of as being a bad personality trait, or if not bad then at least it is not a word that is used to describe the likes of Jesus or Buddha or whatever holy entity comes to mind. But to me, being selfish is a means of self-preservation, and it is one way someone might orient themselves in this otherwise directionless world. It is easy to prioritize what you want because desire is a thing even infants act on. But selflessness requires context and understanding, and it requires a second entity for you to act upon. Chihaya is by most accounts an extremely selfish person. She is impulsive. She moves before she thinks. Selfishness doesn’t mean you are thoughtless, and if you think before you act, then you can often mask and mitigate selfishness. I think a lot of people could benefit from prioritizing themselves more. There is a balance, though. And when you end up doing the thinking after the acting, a lot of times you end up walking over someone or something else in ways you did not intend. 
Visiting Arata wasn’t an act intended to save Arata. Chihaya and Taichi didn’t know if he needed saving in the first place, and even after the facts are unveiled, it’s not really them who would be doing the saving (if “saving” is even the right word to begin with). But if she’d thought about it a bit, then maybe she would have realized that obviously something happened. There were a lot of signs, but her single brain cell was a little thing of desire that wanted to bring back specifically what we saw in the first volume -- the three of them, happy, playing karuta together. But, as I said last week, memories are fleeting. Unreliable. And impossible to recreate. You can’t make a second memory without already having experienced the first memory. Chihaya will slowly become more considerate as we read on, but her core -- the burning selfishness -- will not change. That is also what draws people to her. We see, already, Taichi hopelessly orbiting her and her unaware. It will be some time yet before she notices how close he is because she is more interested in keeping the idea of him around than actualization of him. And that slow, crushing, painful yearning he will feel and we will see him feel is part of what makes this series so fun. Misery loves company, and what are we but company.
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circumference-pie · 3 years ago
Yuletide 2021 Letter
Chihayafuru, Qihun, Elana Series, Nirvana in Fire
Hi Mystery Writer! Thank you for writing for me, you are amazing! I am sure I’ll like whatever you create. But in case you wanted more inspiration, here are some words:
AO3 name: circumference
General likes: angst, fluff, character introspection, worldbuilding, identity shenanigans, canon or canon divergence universe, in-world artifacts (e.g. a historical document, a news article, the script of a TV advertisement, an in-universe movie review, etc).
General DNWs: coffeeshop/high school/roommate AU, crossovers, pregnancy, porn without plot, non-canon dubcon.
Characters requested: Any (Ayase Chihaya, Harada Hideo, Komano Tsutomu, Mashima Taichi, Ooe Kanade, Suou Hisashi, Wakamiya Shinobu, Wataya Arata, Wataya Hajime)
Fandom-specific likes: character exploration and introspection, gen fics and fics focused on deep platonic relationships. My favorite characters are Shinobu and Arata. Romantic ships I like include Sudou (I know he's not in the tagset, *cry*)/Anybody, Chihaya/Arata/Taichi, Arata/Taichi, Shinobu/Happiness, and Taichi/Self-Actualization.
Fandom-specific DNWs: I'd rather not have any Chihaya/Taichi without underlying Chihaya/Taichi/Arata. (Sorry, it’s a ship I used to like, but fandom discourse rubbed me the wrong way.) Standalone Chihaya/Arata is fine, but please no Taichi-bashing.
I am up-to-date on the manga.
Optional prompts/ideas
The manga keeps reiterating that Shinobu is lonely -- but she does have people who care about her! Chihaya, Arata, Suou, her mother, Ise-san (in his own way -- I personally think he regrets isolating her). I want them to roll her up in a blanket and hug her (metaphorically, but literally is okay too).
I would also be interested for her to meet Kana. I think they might have things to talk about.
Again, I know Sudou's not in the tagset, but I'd love to see a day in his life. Other characters can come too.
I think Sudou interacting with Kana would be particularly fun; she’s unwilling to take bullshit, but can be flustered. Which buttons will Sadistic Sudou hit? (As a sidenote to this prompt and the previous one, I am pretty neutral towards Kana/Tsutomu and would be fine with Kana paired with other characters.)
We know playing Wataya Hajime affected Harada-sensei for the rest of his life, but what about Wataya-sensei? Harada has inspired a lot of people; did he leave a lasting impression on the Eternal Meijin? I don't necessarily mean this as a shippy prompt, although if that's how you're inspired, go for it.
Arata/Taichi, maybe with underlying OT3. I would be happy with any story featuring this pair, but I think a lot about the implicit pressure Taichi’s under to just not be gay, to marry a woman and be a respectable doctor and have perfect offspring, just -- ugh. I want Taichi to be able to go buckwild. Preferably for Arata.
Crack: The T-shirts in this canon are top-notch. Where does the cast get their shirts from? Is there a specific shop that sells clothing with pithy and absurd English on them? What is their process for deciding what gets printed on what? IS NIKUMAN’S SISTER INVOLVED???
More crack: I would love to know more about the Snowmaru and Daddy Bear franchises.
Qihun (Hikaru no Go)
Characters requested: Chu Ying
Fandom-specific likes: all the character interactions on this show are adorable. As for shipping, I’m partial to canon-typical Shi Guang/Yu Liang.
Optional prompts/ideas
There must be so much mischief you can get up to with an invisible friend, besides learning Go and cheating on tests. You can impress and confound your friends with your "mind reading" skills and apparent eyes in the back of your head. You could "pay attention" to two movies at once. You'd be invincible at hide-and-seek (at least once, before your invisble friend refuses to help you cheat again). Maybe Mom praises you for noticing things that you didn't notice before, thanks to Friend pointing them out. I'm curious about ways Shi Guang and Chu Ying could have leveraged their situation to do some interesting things. Bonus: Yu Liang watching from the sidelines, growing increasingly bamboozled.
It frustrates me SO MUCH that Chu Ying just disappeared. Was he able to go back home and live out his life? Did he become starstuff? What happennnnnnnned.
Any missing scenes between Shi Guang and Yu Liang. If you choose this prompt, Chu Ying doesn’t have to be in it. (But it’d also be funny if he showed up to tease Shi Guang about it!)
Chu Ying meets Yu Liang. I don't know how it happens, but it does.
Elana Series
Characters requested: any (Elana, Kari, Randil, Evrek)
Fandom-specific likes: worldbuilding, backstory
Optional prompts/ideas
I've always been dissatisfied with the way Kari needs to stay ignorant and on her planet. What if she pursued this case to the ends of the earth? What if she found traces of the universe beyond? What if she was also able to take to the stars?
Elana, in her waning years, takes a self-indulgent visit to Andreica to observe what became of it.
I want to know Evrek's take on the events of Enchantress.
What does the Federation file on our planet look like?
If you’re wondering what this somewhat obscure series is, it’s two short novels; The first, Enchantress from the Stars, is a YA book that asks the question, “what if we had knights and dragons and sorceresses, but the magic is just technology, and the sorceress is from a far-advanced civilization?” -- and tells it from the advanced civilization’s point of view. It’s great fun. 
The second book, The Far Side of Evil, features the same main character all grown up, and is considerably more adult, and grapples with themes of morality and human nature. It is very much a product of the author wrestling with the existential questions of the Cold War. For what it’s worth, I actually like this one more.
Both are available as e-books.
Nirvana in Fire
I’ve been crying over this show since 2018
Characters requested: any (Consort Jing, Fei Liu, Gong Yu, Grand Princess Liyang, Lin Chen, Lin Shu | Mei Changsu | Su Zhe, Meng Zhi, Mu Nihuang, Mu Qing, Princess Xuanji, Qin Banruo, Xia Dong , Xiao Jinghuan, Xiao Jingrui, Xiao Jingyan, Yan Que, Yan Yujin)
Fandom-specific likes: I really like explorations of character and identity in this fandom. I adore the Jiangzuo crew and their interactions with MCS. I am ALSO weak for the tension between Jingyan and Mei Changsu (his best friend! In more ways than one!). Prefer gen, but really could roll with any ship.
Optional prompts/ideas
The invasions of Ep 54 don’t happen, but MCS is still dying. Without the springboard of the invasions to let him reassume Lin Shu’s identity, how does he cope? Does he reconcile with Jingyan instead of keeping himself apart? Does he tell Nihuang the truth? Does he just run away to the jianghu after all? Does he stay in the capital and angst? How does he deal with the question of Fei Liu? Does he con the Bingxu pill out of Lin Chen in the end? You can surprise-save him at the end if you like, but I would like to see him resolve his self-deceptions and hurt he’s caused other people without the crutch of knowing he’s going to live after all. Also posted to NiF plotbunny farm here: https://nirvana-in-fire.dreamwidth.org/12917.html?thread=79989#cmt79989
It’s been six years since Lin Chen and his father rescued that foolish ingrate Mei Changsu, who also happens to be Lin Chen’s best friend. And the way Changsu is going, he won’t see another six years. Lin Chen devises a plan to stop Changsu from working away his depleted health: “That person you keep talking about? The emperor’s seventh son? Write to him.” Can be canon-compliant or canon-divergent. Also prompted in the Nirvana in Fire Exchange 2019.
I know he's not part of the tagset, but I find Gao Zhan fascinating. What was the Chiyan massacre through his eyes? How did he feel about MCS's plotting? How much did he know at various points? What tipped him off that there was scheming going on in Prince Jing's name?
Lin Shu, oh Lin Shu. The shadow he casts is so interesting. Anything about who Lin Shu was before Meiling. What aspects of Mei Changsu’s current brattiness/trollishness were present in his past life, what aspects of it came from... later influences (*cough* Lin Chen *cough*)? How much are Jingyan and Nihuang editorializing when they characterize Lin Shu as the best and brightest and most loyal and...?
I’d also like to see the problematic sides of Lin Shu (and by extension, possibly Lin Xie and Prince Qi too). I think the present hero-worship is very much a product of don’t-speak-ill-of-the-dead, but they must have had faults. The Hua genocide was too easily swept under the rug, for instance.
I would love character introspection/missing moments/more backstory for one of the more minor characters: Yan Que, Gong Yu, Banruo, Mu Qing, Liyang.
(Am I participating in the NiF Exchange this year? Yes. Do I want even more NiF fic? Also yes.)
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