nyctophicbtch · 2 years
The King's Healer - Nikolai Lantsov
Summary: As Nikolai’s healer, neither of you dared making a move, and you were determined in refusing Zoya’s proposal of marriage to secure the throne. That is, until Ravka’s king decided to stumble into your room all bloodied in the most ungodly hour of the night.
Warnings: King of Scars spoilers, slight angst, mentions of blood
Word Count: 2,500
The private meetings in the war room were your least favorite part of the day, only because you’d have to spend a good amount of time listening to Zoya mention all the terrible things that had been happening recently, as if you everyone wasn’t already stressing about it enough.
The meeting had always been occasionally filled with witty retorts between the king and his general, along with their three trusted grisha. And if that hadn’t been irritating enough to Nikolai, Zoya had been persistent in securing Ravka’s throne through marriage.
“This is the perfect opportunity for you to find a bride.”
“Absolutely not,” Nikolai replied immediately.
“Fine. If you won’t bother to listen to the long list I have then just marry her,” she suggested, raising her eyebrows expectantly at you as if she’d already expected Nikolai to refuse the idea of marriage.
You shot Zoya a pointed look. It was late at night and you wanted nothing more than to jump into the soft mattress of your bed.
“Having a grisha on the throne is not the most ideal measure.”
“Alina Starkov was grisha, yet no one was against it.”
“She was the sun summoner; she was a saint. That was different,” you argued, hesitantly glancing at Nikolai to see his face masked as ever whilst watching your exchange with his general, the same emotionless face he’d wear in council and war meetings displayed.
“Better than a stranger to his claws.”
“No, Zoya.” Your tone held certainty to it, concluding the conversation to an end.
There was no marrying Nikolai. He would have to find someone of a high rank lovesick enough to hopefully ignore the monster he becomes at night. And then you would go back to becoming his healer and no more.
It disgusted you to admit how much the thought pained you. After all those years of tending to Nikolai, as both the prince and privateer, and now as your king, you had the most access to him. His days as the prince and privateer weren’t the most subtle when it came to you either, shamelessly flirting with you any chance he got.
“The next try will be more compelling,” Zoya stated, turning to leave through the doors.
Genya stood still, eyes on the ground, and David looked expectantly at Nikolai.
A look passed between Genya and her king as she brought herself back from whatever thought she had been in, and Nikolai took that as his cue to say something.
“Yes, you are dismissed, David.”
He slightly bowed in respect, ushering Genya out of the war room and making sure to close the doors behind him; and as soon as you heard the hefty click of the doors closing, you turned to Nikolai who already had his eyes on you from across the room, a glint of suggestion in them.
“Nikolai, no.”
“Marriage wouldn’t be so bad, you know.” As soon as the words left his mouth, you caught a glimpse of the young prince before you, his solemn king facade fading. It was in rare moments like this with you he’d find himself at ease, not having to strategize every facial expression or word that comes out of his pretty mouth.
It was always easy with you. You were by his side for as long as he could remember. Every wound and every injury he had to deal with as Sturmhond and as prince Nikolai, you were there to wipe them all away, making sure to follow his request of taking your sweet time to avoid any scars. But the both of you knew that was never his only intention though, only keeping you longer to endure his derisive flirting.
“Yes it would be,” you insisted as Nikolai strided his way to you from the far corner of the table. “The least that Ravka needs right now is a grisha as their queen, let alone a healer. The country’s vulnerable, it needs someone of high power, better yet a strong alliance for our benefit. I will do no good for the throne except securing it. What then? It doesn’t solve the crisis our country is in. It will do you better to marry someone with more political benefits and-”
And his lips were on yours, silencing the lecture he had already gotten plenty of times, more so enough to sink into his head. Yet he could care less. Nikolai was not going to marry off some stranger he didn’t know. He wanted you as his queen and he was going to make that damn well known to you.
His kiss grew more fervent every passing second, a hand coming up to hold your face close to his and the other wrapping around you as he slowly guided you backwards until you felt the table against you.
“Nik- '' you managed to breathe out as he broke apart to trail his lips down your neck, hands feeling at your sides.
Nikolai pulled back slightly, just enough for you to see his breathless state and the haze he had in his eyes as he stared you down through hooded lids. Even in the dim light, you could make out how his pupils had dilated, the sharp edges of his face illuminated by a soft glow.
“Marry me.” His words were a whisper against your lips.
You could care less about the lecture you wanted to give him right now, and instead engrossed yourself in the feel of his lips against yours once more, fingers urgently tugging at his hair in an attempt to pull him closer than he already was. At this point, you were sitting atop of the table with his hands caging on either side of you and not caring that you were knocking the miniatures forming Ravka’s battle plans.
You could already feel his small grin of amusement starting to form against your lips as he felt frustration coarse through every bone in your body.
Nikolai had gained a liking in seeing you irked towards him during his privateer times. Every glare you sent his way only increased his satisfaction, knowing he could affect you in ways no one else could.
“You are not going to woo me into securing the throne,” you said breathlessly after gently pushing him away.
“I’m not wooing you to secure the throne. I’m doing it for personal selfish reasons.”
“We can’t keep doing this, Nikolai.”
“So marry me,” he reasoned, a hint of plea edged onto his voice. “No more hiding and holding back; no more uncertainty.”
You shook your head, pushing him further away to give you space to stand and walk out without uttering another word. And Nikolai let you. He never stopped you or pushed the boundaries he came to learn throughout the years.
Genya could’ve been more subtle with her anticipation.
“I’m not marrying Nikolai, Genya.”
“You say that as if it’s more of a disadvantage than it is beneficial.”
“The only good it will do is secure the throne.”
“Better than nothing.” Genya shrugged, opening the doors to your room. “If he were to marry anyone else it could backfire once the monster is unleashed.”
“Not if they're enticed enough. Shouldn’t be too difficult with Nikolai’s natural charm.”
The tailor kept silent bidding you a silent goodbye as you walked into your room.
“He’d never want harm to come your way, you know. Don’t be afraid,” you heard her softly speak before closing the doors.
You were afraid.
You weren’t sure if you were ready to face what lied ahead if you said yes to his many attempts of proposal, afraid of the change that would come with it. After the numerous changes that happened all at once with the Darkling, the thought of ruining what you once had with Nikolai terrified you.
Right now, you wanted nothing more than to shove all thoughts away in deep slumber. Unfortunately for you, Nikolai was not going to allow that, seeming as how the loud noise of the doors opening caught your attention as he staggered into your room.
“I’m not hearing any of it Ni-” You paused once your gaze landed on his bloodied form, red seeping through the side of his clothes.
“Saints, Nikolai.” You quickly rushed to his side before his legs could give out and tore open his shirt. “What happened?”
“So eager to undress me now are we?” He managed to cast a weak grin when you guided him to the floor.
Even bleeding to death he still managed to flirt with you.
It reminded you of the countless times Sturmhond would burst into your room on the Volkvolny with blood staining his shirt, in dire need of your abilities before he bled to death. Most times, it ranged from broken and bruised to a tiny cut on his lips.
Does it have to be your hands? Or can you heal through a kiss? he would ask every time and your response would always be a jab to his other wounds, causing him to recoil in pain and slap your hand away.
“Shh. Stay still. The more you move the more blood you’ll lose.”
“Always so demanding when I’m on the brink of death,” he protested.
You ignored the never ending comments he threw at you and worked on the huge gash on his side, trying to keep him from losing any more blood than he already had managed to lose on his own.
“Don’t you dare close your eyes,” you ordered when you noticed his eyelids drooping.
“How could I when all I can see is you- Ow,” Nikolai winced when you sealed a small part of his wound, hands going limp at his sides.
“Apologies, moi tsar.” It didn’t sound the slightest bit sincere.
For the next hour you continued working on Nikolai, nudging him awake every time he’d go silent and deafening comments stopped flowing out of his mouth. He did end up falling unconscious after a while and although you’d never admit it, you were surprised that he could stay awake for so long in his terrible state. Maybe it was because he had gotten used to being threatened to stay awake when you fix him up, or perhaps he was just that keen on annoying you as you struggled to save his life.
“You beef-witted idiot,” you whispered as you gently laid him down on your bed and pulled the covers over him. You couldn’t recall when you gave in to your tiredness and closed your eyes, but when you found your eyes fluttering open to the sunlight shining through your windows, you knew Zoya would be demanding answers.
It hadn’t even been a second after you regained your senses that you jumped upright, and when you found Nikolai still soundlessly asleep beside you, you allowed yourself to relax and lay back down.
Your fingers acted on their own accord, threading through his soft golden locks as you eyed his sunlit features. Even disheveled he managed to look like he was crafted by the saints himself. His shirt was torn open in the middle and you were sure Nikolai wasn’t going to let that go so easily even if it was a means to save his life. He had a tiny cut on his forehead that managed to go unnoticed during the night, given how preoccupied you were with the bigger task at hand.
Your fingers left his hair to hover above the cut, sealing it without leaving a trace.
“Well, don't stop now.” The sound of his voice brought some assurance to you that you hadn’t failed him yet
“Morning,” you hummed as he adjusted his eyes to the light.
“I certainly wouldn’t mind waking up like this every morning.” Nikolai shifted his body and winced at the soreness he felt, wrapping an arm to snuggle against you nevertheless.
“If another proposal is coming, I swear to the saints, Nikolai-”
“I love you.” Nikolai sensed the way your body tensed at his confession. He rubbed gentle motions on your bare arm with his thumb in an attempt to soothe you. “I love you with every fiber of my being and I’m sorry I hadn’t said it sooner.”
This time he looked at you with so much intensity you weren’t sure whether you wanted to hit him in the head or burst into tears for finally saying it out loud.
“You don’t have to marry me if you don’t want to. But I’ll never forgive myself if I end up hurting you by having you watch me learn to love someone else. If that is even possible.”
Your hand reached out to his jaw and Nikolai closed his eyes, relishing the feeling of your hands gently cradling his face. This time, the kiss that came was gentle and filled with longing.
Yes, you were afraid of what was to come, but somehow, Nikolai and his stupid charm managed to drown those fears.
“Yes,” you mumbled against his lips.
“What?” He slowly pulled away, allowing you to get a glimpse of his brows furrowed in confusion.
“I’ll marry you, Nikolai Lantsov.”
The grin that found its way to his face was even more blinding than the morning sunlight that had woken you up and you found yourself mimicking his beaming expression, until his lips curled suggestively and you dread the comment that was going to come with it.
“Don’t forget, we still need an heir to properly secure the throne,” he whispered against the shell of your ear, earning a push to his wounded side.
“Ow. Well don’t re-open it.”
“I just might and seal it back again if you keep this going on.”
Before Nikolai could give one of his snarky responses, the door flew open to reveal Zoya marching in with Genya trailing behind her.
“He’s missing-” Zoya’s words got caught in her throat as she saw Nikolai looking cozy beside you.
“You were supposed to stay drugged,” she deadpanned. “Care to explain what happened?”
The trail of dried up blood along the hallway and on your floor was certainly one of the great sources for questions. Innumerable things had happened the past few hours to an extent where you had forgotten to question how Nikolai had ended up in such a concerning state in the first place.
“Wasn’t drugged enough. Transformed back mid-air and managed to land in the armory. Luckily, I managed to get here before I bled to death. No, I don’t think I flew far off and stayed inside the palace walls. Oh, and we’re engaged.”
The rare occurance of Nikolai catching Zoya off guard was an amusing sight to witness. Whatever words she was expecting, it certainly wasn’t that. But she was never one to let any emotion other than discontent display on her face for too long.
“Get dressed. War room in fifteen minutes.”
“I thought you were the king,” you bemused once Zoya was out of earshot.
“And yet Baghra managed to scare the entire royal family.”
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roguesimagination · 2 years
y'all give me Avatar requests!! im in the mood to write but i want ideas!
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sunstormrecs · 2 years
ship Kim Seungmin/Seo Changbin
tags Domestic, Blow Jobs, Facials, Kink Exploration, background hyunho, Explicit Sexual Content, Established Relationship
summary Love is a matter of chemistry, sex is a matter of physics, but kink takes engineering.
Seungmin and Changbin try something new.
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neo-techculture · 2 months
Sneek Peek 👀
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Sneek peek for the new OC x Reader fic that will be coming out within 21/07/24. Stay tuned & tysm for reading my works!! Each one of you are precious <3!!
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herstoryheaven · 30 days
Descendants James Hook x Reader: Insecure Reflections
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Request: Can you please do one where the reader is dating James and is Bridget's sister and he gets jealous when she starts to hang out with Morgie. So James thinks that she is cheating on him and goes to Bridget to ask her what is going on with her sister.
Reader: Female
Word count: 4484
Average reading time: 16 min 20 sec
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Among the grand halls and ancient towers of Merlin Academy, students learn to master their powers, navigate alliances, and discover who they truly were. It was a world where friendships were forged, rivalries blossomed, and most importantly love found its way even in the most unexpected places.
Y/n, the younger princess of Hearts, was one such student. Her dorm room, tucked away in one of the quieter corners of the academy, was her sanctuary. It was a space filled with different shades of pink, white, and gold decor, a reflection of her royal lineage, yet softened by personal touches that made it uniquely hers. A small heart-shaped window overlooked the lush academy gardens, and her desk was littered with half-finished letters and books of spells.
It was in this room that she often found herself daydreaming about James Hook, the pirate who had stolen her heart. They had been together for nearly a year now, their romance the kind that others whispered about in the halls. Y/n couldn't help but smile at the thought of him, his teasing smirk, the way he always called her nicknames in that irresistible accent of his.
But as much as she loved him, she couldn't deny that their relationship had its challenges, like the time it took for her to get close to his friends. James, Uliana, Morgie, Maleficent and Hades were a tight-knit group, and it had taken some effort for Y/n to break through the guarded exteriors of his friends.
Now, things were different. She got closer to them and had found a close friend in Morgie, who shared her love of adventure and often teased her about how hopelessly in love she was with James. It was all in good fun, but Y/n couldn't help but notice the way James's eyes darkened every time Morgie made one of his jokes.
It had been a long day of classes, and Y/n was sitting on her bed, flipping through her spellbook, while being lost in thought, reminiscing about the moments she had shared with James. Her mind drifted back to the time he had surprised her with a moonlit picnic by the sea, the gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore as he pulled her close, his hook resting lightly on her waist. She remembered how his deep, smooth voice had sent shivers down her spine as he whispered stories of his adventures, his eyes always fixed on hers with that intense gaze that made her feel like the only person in the world.
She smiled to herself, recalling the way his fingers had brushed against hers when he handed her a flower he had found, an almost bashful expression on his face as he confessed it reminded him of her, delicate yet strong. Those quiet moments, where the world seemed to fade away and it was just the two of them, had become the highlight of her days. Every touch, every stolen kiss had streghtend the bond between them, making her feel a warmth she had never known before.
Just as Y/n was about to lose herself in another memory of James, the soft knock at her door snapped her back to the present.
"Come in!" Y/n called, her voice light and carefree as she glanced up from her spellbook. She expected the familiar face of her sister Bridget, her boyfriend James, or maybe Ella, Bridget’s roommate and close friend. But when the door swung open, it was Morgie who stepped into the room, his mischievous grin already lighting up his face.
"Hey, Y/n," he greeted, his tone as casual as ever, though his eyes sparkled with his usual mischief. He walked into the room with the kind of confidence that only Morgie could pull off, plopping down on the armchair across from her. "Busy with daydreaming about your pirate prince?"
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, but despite her best efforts, she couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at her lips. Just the mention of James was enough to make her heart flutter. "Maybe... Anyways, what's up?"
Morgie stretched out, his long legs draped lazily over the armrest as if he owned the place. "Just thought I'd check in on you, see how the lovebirds are doing. You're practically glowing, you know."
Y/n felt her cheeks warm at his words, her mind immediately flooding with images of James, his intense gaze, the way his voice sent shivers down her spine, the gentle touch of his hand as he brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Am I?" she teased, though she couldn’t deny the truth in his observation. There was something about James that made her feel alive, more herself than she had ever been. And yet, the depth of her feelings for him made her shy, almost hesitant to speak them aloud, even to someone as familiar as Morgie.
Morgie grinned, clearly sensing her bashfulness. "Yeah, you are. And don’t even try to deny it. It’s written all over your face." He paused, his grin widening. "What about you? Trying to avoid Hades’s wrath after the prank you pulled last week?"
Morgie laughed, the sound echoing through the room like a melody. "Oh, come on, he deserved it! And besides, I think he's secretly proud of me. But we're not talking about me." he said, shifting the focus back to Y/n. "We're talking about you and James. He's got it bad for you, you know?"
Y/n’s blush deepened, her thoughts once again drifting to James, the way he looked at her like she was the most precious thing in his world, the way his voice softened whenever he spoke her name. "I guess you could say that." she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "We just… fit, you know?"
Morgie leaned forward, waggling his eyebrows in exaggerated amusement. "Fit like a hand in a hook, huh?"
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh, grabbing a pillow and tossing it at him in mock annoyance. "You're impossible!"
The banter between them flowed easily, filling the room with lightheartedness, and for a moment, Y/n was able to push aside the shyness that always crept in when she thought about her feelings for James. But as they continued to talk, neither of them noticed the door slowly creaking open behind them.
James stood in the doorway, his tall figure framed by the dim light from the hallway. His dark eyes immediately took in the scene before him, Morgie sprawled comfortably in Y/n’s room, making her laugh, making her blush. A sharp pang of something unwelcome twisted in his chest. He knew she loved him, he could see it in the way her eyes softened whenever they were together, in the way her hand lingered in his, as if she never wanted to let go. But seeing Morgie with her, hearing her laugh at his teasing, brought a surge of jealousy he couldn’t quite suppress.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her, or even Morgie for that matter. But Y/n meant everything to him, and the mere thought of anyone else making her smile the way he did unsettled him more than he wanted to admit.
Later that evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the sky turned a deep shade of indigo, James returned to his dorm room. The familiar space he shared with Morgie and Hades felt different tonight, smaller, more suffocating, as if the walls were closing in on him. Normally, their room was a place to rest, a place where they could be themselves, free from the expectations and judgments of the outside world. But tonight, every shadow seemed to loom larger, every creak of the floorboards seemed louder.
Morgie was already there, sprawled out on his bed, lazily flipping through a comic book. He looked up as James entered, immediately sensing the tension in his friend's posture. James’s usual confidence was absent, replaced by a tautness in his shoulders and a brooding intensity in his eyes that Morgie rarely saw.
"Hey, James. Everything alright?" Morgie asked, his tone casual, but his sharp eyes missing nothing. He knew James well enough to recognize when something was eating at him.
James didn’t answer right away. He tossed his leather jacket onto a chair, the movement almost aggressive, and sat on the edge of his bed, his back to Morgie. He ran a hand through his unruly hair, a habit that always betrayed his inner conflict. "Just thinking." he muttered, though his voice was tight, strained.
Morgie raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. He had seen James in all sorts of moods, angry, cocky, even vulnerable, but this was different. "About Y/n?" he guessed, a knowing smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. He couldn’t resist a little teasing, though he had a feeling this wasn’t the time for it.
James shot him a look over his shoulder, one that was sharp enough to cut. Morgie’s smirk faded, and he sat up a little straighter, realizing that whatever was bothering James wasn’t something to joke about.
"I saw you two together earlier." James said slowly, his voice measured, as if he was trying to keep it from breaking. "You seem awfully close."
Morgie blinked, taken aback. The implication behind James’s words hit him like a slap to the face. He had known James for a long time, long enough to understand that jealousy wasn’t something he succumbed to easily. But the way James was looking at him now, with a mix of hurt and suspicion, made Morgie’s stomach twist. "Whoa, wait a minute. You think… you think there's something going on between me and Y/n?"
James didn’t respond immediately, which only made the silence between them more oppressive. Morgie felt a surge of frustration, mingled with disbelief. He had grown to view Y/n as a sister, nothing more. The idea that James could think otherwise was almost insulting.
"James, seriously?" Morgie’s voice was laced with exasperation. "Y/n’s like a sister to me, you know that. Besides, she’s head over heels for you. Anyone with eyes can see that."
James wanted to believe him, truly he did. He knew Y/n cared about him, her eyes lit up whenever they were together, and her touch was always tender, filled with unspoken affection. But the image of Morgie making her laugh, of her blushing at something he said, gnawed at him, a dark cloud of doubt that he couldn’t shake. The thought of anyone else, even Morgie, bringing that look to her face, filled him with a possessiveness he didn’t know he was capable of.
Instead of responding, James simply stood up, his movements abrupt. He grabbed his jacket, the tension in his body clear, and without another word, stormed out of the dorm room. Morgie called after him, his voice tinged with concern, but James didn’t look back.
Before he knew it, James found himself standing in front of Bridget's dorm room, his hand hovering over the door. He was breathing heavily, his heart pounding in his chest. He wasn’t sure what he was doing here, but something in him needed answers. Maybe Y/n’s sister might know what was going on, or at least help him make sense of the storm of emotions raging inside him.
He hesitated for a moment, questioning whether he should even be here, but the growing jealousy wouldn’t let him walk away. With a deep breath, he knocked on the door, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts of Y/n and what he might learn once the door opened.
After a moment, Bridget opened the door, her warm smile fading slightly as she saw the worry etched on his face.
“James.” she greeted, stepping aside to let him in. “Is everything alright?”
James hesitated before stepping inside, the room cozy and welcoming, much like its occupants. “I need to talk to you about Y/n.” he said, his voice tense.
Bridget motioned for him to sit down on one of the plush chairs near the window. She sat across from him, her expression filled with concern. “What’s on your mind?”
James ran a hand through his dark hair, struggling to find the right words. “It’s about Morgie. Y/n’s been spending a lot of time with him lately, and… I can’t help but feel like there might be something going on between them.”
Bridget raised an eyebrow, her expression shifting from concern to something more akin to amusement. “You think Y/n is interested in Morgie?”
James shrugged, his shoulders tense. “I don’t know. It’s just… they seem close, and I can’t shake the feeling that she might be slipping away from me.”
Bridget sighed, leaning back in her chair. “James, Y/n loves you. You know that, right?”
“I do.” James replied, his voice softening. “But what if… what if she’s realizing that Morgie is better for her? He’s fun, and they get along so well. What if I’m not enough?”
Bridget’s expression softened as she leaned forward, her tone gentle. “James, listen to me. Y/n has always been my little sister, and I know her better than anyone. She’s crazy about you. Morgie is just a friend, nothing more. They’re comfortable around each other because they’re friends, but that’s all there is to it.”
James nodded, though the worry still lingered in his eyes. “I want to believe that, Bridget. I really do. But it’s hard when I see them together, and it feels like they have this connection that maybe… I don’t.”
Bridget reached out and placed a comforting hand on his arm. “James, the connection you have with Y/n is special. She chose you, and she chooses you every day. But you need to trust her. Don’t let your insecurities ruin something beautiful.”
James let out a long breath, the tension slowly leaving his body. Bridget’s words were reassuring, and deep down, he knew she was right. “You’re right. I’ve been a fool.”
Bridget smiled, giving his arm a gentle squeeze. “Just talk to her, James. She loves you, and she deserves to know how you’re feeling. And if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me.”
“Thank you, Bridget.” James said sincerely, standing up. “I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime.” Bridget replied with a warm smile. “Now go to her. I’m sure she’s wondering why you have not visited her today.”
James hesitated at the door, his hand still on the knob. There was a sense of relief in Bridget's words, but something inside him wasn't completely settled. He turned back to face her, an uncertain look in his eyes.
"Bridget." he began, his voice soft yet urgent, "what if... what if it's not just me? What if there's something I'm missing, something about the future that I don't know?"
Bridget regarded him for a moment, her expression unreadable. "Are you asking if you’re missing a sign or if fate has something else in store for you and Y/n?"
James nodded, struggling to articulate the swirl of emotions within him. "I just feel like I need to know for sure. I can't shake this feeling, and it’s eating me alive."
Bridget sighed and stood up, moving toward a small wooden box on her bookshelf. "You know." she said quietly, "there’s a way to see the future, or at least get a glimpse of it. But it's not something to be taken lightly."
James’s heart skipped a beat. He had heard rumors about Bridget's abilities, whispers in the corridors about her possessing something... otherworldly. "What do you mean?"
Bridget opened the box, revealing an antique hand mirror with an ornate, golden frame. The glass had a strange, ethereal quality to it, almost as if it were alive, reflecting not just the present but something more.
"This," Bridget said, holding the mirror delicately, "is a looking glass that shows possible futures. It’s not definitive, what you see is just one of many possibilities, shaped by your actions and choices. But it might give you some clarity."
James stared at the mirror, his curiosity battling with a sense of apprehension. "How does it work?"
Bridget smiled softly, sensing his hesitation. "You need to focus on the question you want answered. The mirror will show you a vision, but remember, it’s only a possibility, not a certainty."
James swallowed hard, his mind racing. Did he really want to see what the future held? What if the vision only made things worse?
But before he could second-guess himself, he found himself reaching for the mirror. Bridget handed it to him gently, her gaze serious. "Be careful, James. What you see might not be what you expect."
James nodded, his grip tightening around the handle of the mirror. He took a deep breath, staring into the glass, focusing on the question that had haunted him for days.
'Will Y/n leave me for Morgie?'
The mirror's surface began to shimmer, swirling with mist that gradually parted to reveal a scene. James watched as the fog cleared, revealing himself and Y/n standing by a lake. They were older, perhaps a few years from now. Y/n’s smile was as bright as ever, her hand intertwined with his. They were laughing, a carefree sound that made James's heart swell.
But then, the scene shifted. Morgie appeared, walking toward them with a grin on his face. Y/n’s smile didn’t fade, but James noticed something else, a hint of uncertainty in her eyes as she looked between him and Morgie. She said something to James, and though the vision was silent, he could see the sadness in her expression as she spoke. James’s heart sank as he saw himself pull away slightly, his own face clouded with doubt.
Then, the vision changed again. This time, it was a different future. Y/n was sitting alone by the same lake, her face lined with sorrow. James wasn’t there, nor was Morgie. She looked lost, as if searching for something, or someone who wasn’t coming back.
James’s breath caught in his throat. The mirror’s images continued to flicker between the two futures, one where they were together, happy but with underlying tension, and another where Y/n seemed to be mourning a loss, alone.
Finally, the mirror went dark, its surface stilling as if nothing had happened. James blinked, the weight of what he had seen crashing down on him.
Bridget gently took the mirror from his hands, placing it back in its box. "The future isn’t set in stone, James." she said softly. "What you saw… it could happen, but it doesn’t have to. The choices you make now, how you handle your fears and insecurities, they’ll shape what comes next."
James nodded numbly, the images still vivid in his mind. "So, if I don’t confront this, if I don’t trust her…"
Bridget’s eyes were filled with understanding. "You could lose her. Not because she wants to be with Morgie, but because your fears might drive a wedge between you. But if you talk to her, if you’re honest about how you feel… you can build a future together, one without regret."
James stood there for a moment, letting her words sink in. The future wasn’t fixed, he still had a chance to change it. With newfound confidence, he nodded and headed for the door.
"I need to talk to her." he said firmly, more to himself than to Bridget.
"Good." Bridget replied, her smile returning. "Remember James love is about trust, not just passion. Trust her, and she’ll trust you."
As James left Bridget’s room, he felt a sense of clarity. The path ahead was uncertain, but he knew what he needed to do. Tomorrow, he would speak to Y/n, not as the worried boyfriend, but as someone who trusted her completely, determined to build a future together, one that the looking glass hadn’t shown him yet.
That same night, after everyone had gone to bed, James found himself wide awake, his thoughts a relentless swirl of emotions. The dorm room, usually so calming, felt stifling, too quiet, too full of the lingering echoes of his doubts. He couldn't bear it anymore, not when his heart was pulling him elsewhere. Before he knew it, he was out of bed, slipping into his clothes, and heading down the dimly lit corridors of Merlin Academy. His feet moved almost instinctively, guiding him to the one place where he knew he could find peace.
Y/n's dorm.
The moonlight filtered through the tall, arched windows as he walked, casting soft shadows on the stone floors. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat a reminder of the uncertainty he had allowed to make its way in his head, but also of the clarity that had finally started to form. When he reached her door, he hesitated for a moment, his hand hovering just inches from the wood. He could turn back, wait until morning, but the thought of spending another moment in doubt was unbearable. Taking a deep breath, he knocked softly, his knuckles barely brushing the door.
It creaked open after a moment, revealing Y/n, her hair slightly tousled from sleep, eyes blinking in the low light. Concern immediately replaced the drowsiness in her gaze when she saw him standing there.
"James? What’s wrong?" she asked, her voice a gentle whisper in the stillness of the night. She stepped aside to let him in, her expression a mixture of worry and affection.
James entered, and as the door clicked shut behind him, the reality of the moment settled over him. He didn’t answer right away, instead reaching out to take her hands in his, pulling her close until her body was pressed against his, their heartbeats aligning. He could feel the warmth of her, the steady rhythm of her heart, and it grounded him, anchoring him to the moment.
"I’ve been an idiot, love." he murmured into her hair, his voice thick with emotion, a raw honesty that surprised even him.
Y/n frowned, her hands squeezing his as she pulled back slightly to look up into his eyes, searching for an explanation. "What do you mean?"
James sighed deeply, closing his eyes for a brief moment as if trying to gather the courage to speak. When he opened them again, there was a vulnerability in his gaze that he rarely allowed himself to show. "I let myself get jealous. Over you and Morgie." he confessed, the words tumbling out in a rush. "I thought… I thought maybe there was something more between you two, something I couldn’t see."
Y/n’s eyes widened in surprise, but then, to his astonishment, she laughed softly. It was a gentle sound, filled with affection and a touch of amusement. She shook her head, her eyes twinkling in the moonlight. "Oh, James. There’s nothing between us. Morgie’s just a friend, more like a brother. You’re the one I love."
Hearing those words, hearing her say it with such certainty, made the tension that had been coiled tight inside him finally unravel. It was as if a great weight had been lifted off his chest, and he could breathe freely for the first time in what felt like days. "I know, darling." he whispered, his voice full of relief and remorse. "I know that now. I’m sorry I doubted you, even for a moment."
Y/n’s smile softened, and she reached up, her hand cradling his cheek, her thumb brushing against the rough stubble of his jaw. "It’s okay." she said, her voice a soothing balm to his troubled soul. "I’m glad you told me. I don’t ever want you to feel like you can’t talk to me, James. We’re in this together, always."
Her words, simple yet sincere, struck a chord deep within him. They summarize everything he had ever wanted, someone who saw him, truly saw him, and loved him anyway. Without hesitation, he leaned down, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. It was not just a kiss of love but one of deep yearning and a declaration of their love. His lips roamed across hers with passion, trailing down to her neck, where he planted soft, possessive kisses that marked her as his.
Y/n’s breath hitched at the intensity of his touch, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink. She felt a shiver run down her spine as his hands traveled down her body, tracing her curves with a gentle but firm insistence. Her initial shyness melted into a warm, accepting glow. There was something undeniably thrilling about the way James’s kisses spoke of his desire and need for her, and she found herself responding with equal passion, her hands threading through his hair, pulling him closer.
As James’s kisses grew more fervent, Y/n’s heart raced, but she felt utterly cherished and adored. She melted against him, allowing him to mark her with his affection, her shyness giving way to a deep, encompassing love. Each kiss, each touch, was a way to prove his devotion and a promise of his unwavering commitment.
When they finally drew apart, their breaths mingling and their foreheads resting together, James’s arms remained securely wrapped around her, as if he were afraid that letting go might shatter the fragile peace they had found.
"You’re my most important treasure, Y/n." he whispered, his voice full of conviction, each word carrying the weight of his love. "And I’m never letting you go. Not for anything, not for anyone. You’re everything to me."
Y/n’s eyes glistened with unshed tears, not of sadness, but of overwhelming love. She cupped his face with both hands now, her touch warm and reassuring. "And you’re mine, James. Always."
They stood there, wrapped in each other’s embrace, the rest of the world fading into the background. It didn’t matter that they were in a place filled with magic and uncertainty, or that the future was still a vast, unknown place. All that mattered was the love they shared, a love that was strong enough to withstand anything life threw at them.
James knew with absolute certainty that he had found his forever home. The visions from the looking glass no longer haunted him. Instead, they served as a reminder of what he had to cherish, what he had to fight for. The future was theirs to create, and he was determined to make it a happy one, filled with laughter, love, and the kind of connection that couldn’t be broken by doubt or fear.
Finally, after a moment of shared silence, James took her hand and led her towards her bed. As they settled under the soft covers, the moonlight spilling gently through the window, they felt the promise of their future together in the quiet intimacy of the night.
As James held Y/n close, they drifted into a peaceful sleep, their hearts content and their souls at ease, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, hand in hand, heart to heart, forever and always.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
Requested by: @midalantics12
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gummygowon · 1 year
thank you color-request-fest!
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hi guys!
thank you so much for five hundred followers! it's actually crazy how much this account has grown over the past two years since i started this account just for fun. i know i don't post as often but anytime i do, i am truly grateful for every like and reblog i get.
to celebrate me hitting five hundred, i am opening up a color fest (?) i don't know how else to word it but basically how it works is this:
send a color + genre/trope + member
for example: sky blue + fluff/childhood friends to lovers + yunho
however there are some rules before you request
i'll only be writing for ateez for this event!
requests closes april 10th!! (12am pst)
each oneshot will be about 200-1k max just so i can everyone's requests in!
i'll take smut requests just no cnc or omgeaverse stuff
i am in college and have a part time job so i may taken a little long to get to your request so please be patient!
once again thank you guys so much for supporting me! i appreciate and love all of you! :]
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latelyanobsession · 2 years
NSFW/SFW Alphabet still running!
Currently Used:
Billy: A B C D G I P S T
Jason: G T
Eddie: R Z
Steve: none
Johnathan: A
Argyle: none
All other letters not listed are open. Send em in!
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adrienneleclerc · 4 months
Heyy can you write a onsehot of charles being really really really clingy to the reader ,like wanting cuddels kisses
YES!!!!! I don’t think I ever wrote Charles in a clingy way so it’ll be fun to try!
Attached at The Hip
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina reader
Summary: Charles has a break between races and decides to spend it with his girlfriend. However, his girlfriend is not paying attention to him.
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: sorry it’s been a while since I have posted anything, I went to California as my graduation gift. Thank you for your request! I am so happy you like my writing enough to request a oneshot! If I haven’t gotten to your request yet, I AM WORKING ON IT, te lo juro por las haditas.
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Charles had a 3 week break between races and what better way to spend this break than with his lovely girlfriend? When Charles came back Tuesday afternoon, he cuddled with his girlfriend, they watched a movie together, he gave her many kisses because he missed her so much. However, Wednesday morning Charles woke up without Y/N by his side and with the smell of baked goods. Charles walked into the kitchen and saw Y/N with her cupcake apron, frosting one batch of cupcakes, pulling another batch out of the oven, and putting another batch in the oven.
“Mon ange, it’s 7 am, what are you doing baking?” Charles asked.
“I received an order for cupcakes, muñeco. It’s a birthday party so I’m making cupcakes for the children and for the adults. I made margarita cupcakes for the adults and s’mores cupcakes for the children. I obviously wanted the cupcakes to be fresh, the party starts at 1, that also gives me time to deliver these.” Y/N said, showing Charles the tray of macarons that were made yesterday before he came over. “I spent the entire morning frosting them. If you can take the cupcakes out of the oven when the timer rings, I would greatly appreciate it.”
“I thought we were going to spend the day together.” Charles pouted, getting closer to hug Y/N but she walked away from his hug.
“Muñeco, i would love to cuddle you, but I have to deliver these to the café before they open.” Y/N packed the macarons in boxes very carefully and left the apartment, leaving a very sad Charles. When the timer dinged, he took out the cupcakes using Y/N’s oven mitts and placed them on top of the stove, turning off the oven. Y/N got back with bags of groceries for her apartment and her business.
“Ma Belle, are you still going to bake?” Charles asked.
“Charles, i supply macarons everyday for a café plus personal orders. I’m a busy girl, muñeco.” Y/N responded, Charles hugged her from behind.
“Can’t you take a break, please.” Charles whispered in her ear, kissing her neck as well.
“Muñeco…” Y/N whines
“I haven’t gotten any attention today.” Charles whined
“Let me frost the cupcakes and I’ll give you all the attention you want. Until 12 that is, then I’ll have to deliver these cupcakes.” Y/N said.
“I’ll take it.” Charles pulled away from Y/N, kissing her and letting her do a baker’s job. As soon as she finished frosting the cupcakes, she laid down with Charles and he was very happy with her in his arms. They watched the Spanish TV show “Ni Una Más” with English subtitles for Charles when Y/N’s phone rings, it was the mom who was throwing the birthday party.
“Hello, yes the cupcakes are ready, I’ll be over there in a few. S’mores cupcakes for the kids and margarita cupcakes for you guys, alright, bye.” Y/N hung up the phone. “Muñeco, I gotta go.” Y/N tried to get up but Charles held her tighter.
“No, please stay.” Charles begged against her neck.
“Muñeco, this is how I make my rent, I have to drop off the cupcakes.” Y/N said, getting up successfully and putting the cupcakes in their respective containers. Charles got up as well.
“At least let me drive you.” Charles said.
“Nope, you’re staying here like a good boy, okay.” Y/N said, opening the apartment door with cupcake boxes in hand. “Stay…good boy.” Y/N left the apartment, leaving Charles again.
After Y/N was paid 200 euros for the cupcakes since they are flavors that not everyone else makes, she went back to her apartment and found Charles on the couch.
“Finally, you’re home! Let’s spend some time together, yes? We should go out on the yacht.” Charles said, “or we could stay in bed,” Charles hugged Y/N from behind.
“You’re so clingy. But you’re adorable, let’s go.” Y/N said. Charles silently cheers and grabs Y/N’s hand to lead her into her bedroom so they could watch TV and rot in bed together.
The End
I hope you like it, I don’t know how to write “clingy” because I have a fearful avoidant attachment style so I don’t know what “clingy” typically looks like but I hope it’s acceptable
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stxrvel · 1 year
hate is a strong word
summary: you hated Bucky and you were convinced that he hated you back. until one time he was talking to you and it started to sound... lovely? what was happening?
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader
words: 6k
warnings: some bad words, a lot of arguments, a HUGE flashback, a little bit of angst i think? bucky and reader insult each other, reader doesn't like to listen, bucky is easily angered, bucky likes to destroy things when he gets angry but regrets it easily, this is not exactly a healthy relationship(? descriptions of weapons, missiles and buildings being bombed, reader is also very stubborn and likes to put her life at risk… or so.
note: hi guys!! so i came back and i am kinda proud of this one. i think i haven't felt that way in a long time. i gave myself the time to write when i felt like it and it was wonderful, so this came out. also i put the poll for a whole week and i can't change it now >:(, but i think this onsehot fits the angst with a happy ending (im not sure if this fits the angst tho, you gotta tell me) but im gonna try to do something else that fits the vibe, and i'll probably do some other poll to write about someone else. (also i think i should warn you guys that i dont think im that good writing action scenes or tension scenes, so if that's bad i hope you forgive me): anyway, hope you guys like this one!! i love reading your comments so if you want and can, please leave some <33 love you all and see you next time!
part 2
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Bucky was really pissing you off too much at that moment. Or maybe you were feeling a little uncomfortable.
He hadn't spoken a single word to you since you had arrived at that tiny house, only shrugged silently and then exploded. You had seen Bucky explode several times before and you admitted that watching him was somewhat entertaining; seeing the faces of frightened people, trying to flee away from his angry face and destructive hands, but physically forced to stand by and listen to his scolding. You used to have fun with that. However, at the time, when you were the extreme recipient of that anger, it wasn't so much fun.
You had already heard a couple of broken glass, shattered wood and metal containers fall to the ground. Maybe five minutes or so had passed and he was barely pausing to look at his artwork. It wasn't too much that he had taken and thrown while you had stayed in the room, but it had all sounded very loud, so you had no choice but to go out and see what he was doing.
You were leaning against the threshold of the hallway to the bedrooms, right across from the living room and kitchen. Bucky looked like he had just finished getting all his anger out when he finally stood silently. He probably thought you were asleep while he was doing all that, as if that sound couldn't wake you up. Was he really that angry about what you had done? You mean, yes, it was very risky, but there you were alive, weren't you?
You felt the best thing you could do was to stay quiet and wait for him to say or do something, because you could risk that angry outburst really coming down in your face. For that moment he had only taken it out on the house, which had nothing to do with your problems, and you didn't want the arguments to start filling the silence that followed his stillness.
But, well, you didn't always do the right thing. That's why you were in that situation in the first place.
“Are you done yet?” you signed your sentence.
Bucky had a tense posture, squared shoulders moving in rhythm with his accelerated breathing. His back was to you, staring at the kitchen counter that had been left completely empty. You knew by the way he was clasping his hands that he was trying to maintain his composure.
“Are you serious?” his voice came out hoarse, a sign of his growing anger.
Maybe you should have stopped there, or when he continued to not turn to look at you, but you just couldn't keep your mouth shut.
“What's your problem, Barnes? Yes, I took a chance, but it's not that big of a deal. It's not for this,” you pointed to the mess around you, even though he wasn't looking at you.
“It's not a big deal, you say?” Bucky moved and you felt yourself watching his angry figure move in slow motion. “What's your problem?”
His beady eyes met yours. You felt a little intimidated by the ripples of annoyance coming off his body, filling the entire room with an unbearable, suffocating tension. His scowl and that strangely calm tone of voice made your hair stand on end.
None of the pieces of glass or splintered wood on the floor looked as dangerous as that expression on Bucky's face. He looked very angry, yes, but there was also something in his eyes when he looked at you. Something like concern… but that was impossible.
“Really, Y/N, what's your problem? Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“Now, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“I was the mission leader!” his voice rose, his body moving forward as he pointed his index finger at himself. “And you were supposed to follow my orders.”
“I did, Barnes, I-”
“No,” he exclaimed, again moving closer. “You didn't do anything I asked you to do! Why can't you just…? Argh.”
You moved back a little as he planted his hands on the dining room table. You felt a little pressure in your chest at the sight of him like this, as if defeated and hopeless. Disappointed. But that was a common thing. That's why you used to have individual missions, and that's why you didn't really like working in a team. You mean, it wasn't wrong to do it, but everything always ended up in arguments because nobody liked the way you worked, so it was better to do it alone, right?
Seeing Bucky like that reminded you of how many times you had seen that look on the faces of Steve, Natasha, Tony, Clint, even Thor… It was never welcome nor were you comfortable with what was coming next, but it was the way you worked, how could you change out of nowhere something you had done your whole life?
Maybe you just had to apologize, sometimes that worked. Because you also knew that, knowing how bossy and caring Bucky was, you should have at least held back a little during the mission. Bucky's patience couldn't stand that sort of thing.
“Listen, I'm sorry, okay? I was a little careless, but that's how-”
“A little careless?” he interrupted you, his voice and face incredulous. "You almost got yourself killed."
“We're in this job under that risk, Barnes, that's not news.”
The man in the middle of the mess ran his hands over his face, elated, frustrated and surely overwhelmed. He let out a sound somewhere between a snort and a growl before turning back to look at you.
“Why can't you just listen?”
His accusing gaze enlarged a hole in your chest that you constantly tried to ignore, planting bitter feelings of sadness that you were usually very good at avoiding. But at that moment, for some reason, you couldn't stop your face from twitching at the strong, hurt tone of the man who looked at you as if he couldn't believe who you are and what you do. It seemed like Bucky was always in denial and today he realized that what everyone always told him was true.
That look, that dull gleam in his eye, that expression of understanding… All of that you were used to seeing, but coming from him it felt different. As if you hadn't really meant to cause those feelings, as if you wanted to turn back time to do things differently. The surprisingly incredulous and remorseful look was digging deep into your head, searing itself with hot iron to make sure to haunt you in the future.
At that moment you didn't care if Bucky realized how much his words affected you. Maybe you deserved to feel that way. Maybe he should have known that it affected you too much, that would surely do more than an apology.
“If only you had listened to me, we would have left sooner and without any trouble,” Bucky spoke again after what felt like hours of silence.
You couldn't take him back. It was true.
“Why did you…? Argh. Whatever. I'm going to report to Fury.”
His figure passed you like a blur. You barely felt his presence very superficially before all was silent again.
Your heart ached again. For some reason, it wouldn't stop hurting that it was still beating.
The day before.
“WHAT?” you exclaimed in disbelief and the director's tired look reappeared.
“It's already scheduled, Y/N, I can't undo it. So just go, try to cooperate together and come back in one piece,” Fury leaned back against the back of the chair, putting his feet up on the desk.
You looked at his shoes as if they were to blame for everything.
“It's funnier to think Bucky reacted the same way,” Tony spoke up, sitting in the chair next to yours, a mocking expression on his face.
“Shut up,” you smacked his arm before turning back to the director. “Sir, you know Barnes and I don't get along and knowing that, what makes you think we'll hit it off on a mission?”
Fury shrugged. “A hunch.”
“A hunch…?” you repeated in a low tone, twice as incredulous that the big SHIELD director had just said that.
“That's it, agent, you're dismissed.”
You left his office on your own, not because you had been dispatched. The walk to the housing complex took you longer than ever at that point.
You'd only had one mission with Bucky Barnes once a couple of years ago and it had been a disaster. Your group missions usually ended with a close call, but that time with Bucky it was like going to hell and back.
You two had never gotten along. Regardless of Fury's hundreds of attempts to get along, you had never managed to vibrate on the same frequency. It seemed more like you repelled each other every time you were together, and it was totally justified because Bucky was too bossy and wouldn't let you breathe for a single second. Every second of the mission had to be ruled by him because otherwise he was going to explode into a sea of rage and, God, no one wanted to piss Bucky off in that Complex. However, you were always the first to tell him that his tactics weren't working or that he was too slow and well, naturally, you ended up arguing.
You met Natasha and Steve halfway to the rooms and from the way they both looked at each other before the redhead approached you knew you must surely have a scrunched up face.
“Did something happen?” Natasha asked as soon as she reached your side and started walking at the same pace as you, slightly more hurried than usual.
“Fury assigned me a mission with Barnes,” you spat out the good news, impossibly frowning harder at the mention of that name.
“Oh,” Natasha nodded. “Well, you could try to work things out-”
“What things, Natasha?” you paused, turning to look at her as everything around you turned red. “There's nothing to fix here, because Barnes is a stubborn, obstinate, childish, bossy, stupid man who is incapable of speaking like a civilized adult and only knows how to shout orders everywhere as if he's the bossy one in the Complex. I can't stand him!”
You heard his voice.
“I hope you know the feeling is reciprocated.”
You turned to see him, his body was leaning against the island at the entrance to the kitchen, in a strategic spot as if you could never realize he was there because your path was to the other side. Natasha watched between the two of you like a tennis match, fearful as if at any moment the screaming would start and she would have to run away.
You didn't know what to do. You were super angry, yes, and you felt your blood boiling inside your veins, too. And you'd said all that stuff to Bucky's face before, and God knows how many times before you'd argued just by seeing each other in the halls of the Complex. Despite that, you felt trapped. The anger was still there, yes, but his gaze pierced through you like a sword.
“Believe me, I don't want to go on this mission with a stubborn, obstinate, headstrong, ignorant, individualist like you either, who cares not for the safety of the team but for her own victory, no matter how she achieves it.”
With his eyes sharp, his heavy footsteps approached you, echoing in your head loudly like the second hand of a clock. He had stopped at a safe distance as he spoke and at one point Natasha had grabbed your arm when it seemed you had tried to approach him as well.
“You're a hypocrite,” you spat at him.
“Ha! Me?”
“You always play the saintly dove, but you know you're not much different from me.”
“I'm nothing like you,” Bucky wrinkled his face, as if the very thought caused him to shiver with disgust.
“You're an individualist, too, imposing your plans on others.”
“You never have a plan! What do you expect me to do, let you go and die?”
“I do have plans! But you don't like them because they are more effective than yours.”
“They're more effective at the cost of risking more of our lives.”
“That's what our job is all about!”
“Our job is about protecting! How are you going to accomplish a mission if you're dead?”
“Well, I've done pretty well so far, in case you haven't noticed.”
“If I had a nickel for every time you've gone airhead straight into danger and ended up nowhere near dead, I'd have as much money as Stark.”
“And if I had a nickel for every time your stupid, slow plans have caused you to lose sight of the target and made you come back empty-handed, I'd be twice as rich as Stark.”
“At least my kill rate is minus five.”
“And my hit rate is one hundred by the way.”
“Are you even listening to what you're saying?”
“That I always finish missions on the first try, unlike you?”
“That you're treating your life like it's something insignificant.”
“Ah, now you care about my life?”
Natasha tightened her hand around your forearm again preventing you from again getting too close to the man who was getting on your nerves. Before he could respond, you spoke again:
“Look, Barnes, to make it absolutely clear to you for the rest of your long life: I love my life and I love my job. I love my life because it allows me to have this job and I love my job because it allows me to have this life. If you have a problem with how I choose to do the job, that's just that, your problem. But don't think you're coming here to give me a psychology lesson to make me believe that I don't value my life just because now you've run out of arguments. It's because I value my life, Barnes, that I always come out of every mission unscathed. I don't put myself at risk because I'm oblivious. I always have everything figured out and that's why everything always works out for me.”
Bucky snorted, his body moving away from yours, but despite that expression on his face he didn't respond again. He gave you a sidelong glance before walking back into the kitchen.
Your shoulders felt a little lighter. For a moment you thought he was going to continue arguing.
Natasha next to you sighed, finally letting go of your forearm.
“Why did you hold me so tight?” you frowned at her, rubbing the part of your skin that was slightly red. “Did you really think I was going to fight a super soldier?”
Natasha shrugged under your gaze.
“We've known you to do crazy things.”
“I wouldn't have stood a chance of beating him even if he gave me the upper hand.”
Five hours earlier.
You hadn't seen Bucky for the rest of the day after that discussion, until the next day when you had to get on the Quinjet and didn't even glance at each other.
Steve was in charge of handling the airplane and, apparently, he was also in charge of briefing you on how you were going to proceed on the mission, because Bucky was too busy drilling holes with his gaze somewhere else on the Quinjet away from the two of you.
Neither spoke when you descended nor when you approached the base apparently in a state of abandonment.
Bucky's mission were flat and simple, but as usual he had no backup plan, because all his backup plans were the same: run away. Bucky had a chick's sense of survival, that's why when things went bad was the time when he would scream at you the loudest.
Just like it happened on that mission.
“This place is deadly quiet,” you spoke for the first time, barely earning a sidelong glance from the man next to you.
You had already finished thermo-sensor checking every floor of the building and it was indeed desolate. Still, you felt a strange uncomfortable chill run down your back.
“Well, that's what deserted means,” Bucky commented, his sarcasm sharp.
You rolled your eyes at him, even if he couldn't see you, and kept walking with your gun raised as you approached the checkpoint.
“I mean I can't even hear birds or crickets, doesn't that strike you as odd?”
“Well, we're on the fourth floor, wouldn't it make it stranger if you could hear them at this altitude?”
“Well, you can hear at this height. Tell me, do you hear anything down below?”
Bucky paused. They were a few steps away from reaching the room. His deadly stare caused you nothing but boredom and you would have ignored him completely except that he let out a sigh, dejected. You detailed him minutely as he seemed to focus his hearing on external sounds.
“There's nothing,” he spoke after a few seconds, his brow slightly furrowed.
“You see?”
“But that doesn't mean anything. We'd better finish this quickly.”
Ignoring the grimace on your face, Bucky moved to step into the room whose door was wide open. You stared offended at his back and felt the urge to smack his big head with the butt of your gun.
“Here it is,” you heard him exclaim from inside.
Sighing you made your way to where he stood. A large display of old computers anchored to the wall.
“You should do it yourself,” you looked at Bucky with a smirk. “I don't handle equipment this old.”
Bucky only snorted in response and moved with his gun to another side of the room, leaving you in complete silence to do your job.
You moved quietly and sat down in front of the machines. You plugged them into the power source you brought in your suitcase and in a few minutes they began to work.
The mission was simple. There was one of the old HYDRA bases that contained specific information that Fury needed to find. Up to that point, they had searched about seven abandoned bases without any success. So there you were with Bucky, at the eighth base they had identified, digging through old commands and in another language trying to find the information they needed.
Ever since they left the Complex that morning you were convinced you would find nothing. They had already raided several bases and there were still a few more to go. The probability that you would find that information at that time was…
“Got it,” you exclaimed to Bucky.
You heard his hurried footsteps and then felt the warmth of his body next to you.
“Is that it?”
“Just a folder.”
“And why does it load so slowly?”
“It's an old computer, Bucky, it works at its own pace.”
Bucky gave you a sidelong glance. “Wish you understood me like you understand that thing.”
“Aish,” you pouted by way of mockery. “Jealous, Barnes?”
The aforementioned just snorted.
The load was running at forty percent and truth be told, yes, it was too slow. But you could do nothing but wait, there was no way to speed it up.
Bucky paced back and forth behind you and you just watched the green lines move as if that helped at all. But, well, what else could you do?
At one point, as the charge was about to reach eighty percent, you heard interference on your communicators.
“Argh,” you shook your head and raised your hand to move the device a little away until the sound died down. “Steve?”
There was no response.
You turned to look at Bucky, who had the same quizzical expression.
The interference returned and then you heard Steve's voice distorted.
“… of… moment!”
“What the fuck is he saying?”
Bucky remained silent, tapping the device on his ear as if that would fix it.
But you saw it before you heard Steve's voice again.
A clump of people through the window. A freshly loaded cannon.
And at that moment, Steve's voice filled them with clarity.
“It's an ambush! Get out of there now!”
The quickness of the impact didn't let you process what was happening. Less than a second after hearing Steve the ground shook beneath your feet. The cracks in the floor started small and then swallowed you apart.
You held onto a beam, barely lucid enough. You propelled yourself upward, swinging your forearms over the patch of ground that was still intact. You heard Bucky's grunts in the distance. He was surely all right.
You heard him call out to you too, but as soon as you could sit down on the ground, the first thing you did was to reach for the pendrive.
Your heart was pounding, so hard it might as well have flown out on its own. Your breathing accelerated, with adrenaline rushing through your body was the only thing you could feel. At that moment you felt capable of anything.
You stood up quickly to look out the window again. The people were gone and the cannon had been destroyed.
It was at that moment that you realized that Steve was still talking on the communicator.
“I'm fine,” you replied, after being able to decipher his words amidst the constant buzzing from the sound of the explosion and the dizziness you felt at the sight of the hole next to you.
“Okay, you're both fine,” the Captain spoke again.
“Y/N, you can get down from there and get to the floor below. I'll catch you.”
At the sound of Bucky's voice, you moved away from the window.
Bucky had landed on the floor below, and yes, from where you were you could jump up and you'd probably have nothing but a cramp.
“How's it going up there?”
“Well, the shields are holding up okay, but I've got poor vision. I think they're regrouping somewhere else.”
You looked around.
Most of the floor had swallowed up the computers, but the main one was still loading the document. You could see the green from where you were. It was at ninety-seven percent.
But it was dangerous to get too close. The pendrive was dangling from the main computer which was about to succumb to the cracked floor.
There was some concrete left in front of the computers that you could walk across, so, without a second thought, you mapped out a mental guidance plan and moved forward.
“Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?”
“I'm getting the pendrive.”
“What? Are you insane? That side of the floor isn't going to support your weight!”
“Yes it will. I know how to do it.”
You started walking all over the remaining edge of the floor in front of what was left of the computers. Small pieces would break off as you passed causing Bucky to hiss.
“Y/N, you'd better stop and get down right now. There's still a risk of them firing again.”
“I'm gonna get it, Barnes.”
“Y/N! Get down, now!”
Ignoring his command, you held onto the remaining wall in front of you as you continued on your way, almost reaching where the pendrive was, about to fall into the abyss.
Ninety-eight percent.
“Fucking hell, Barnes, will you shut the fuck up? Your yelling is breaking my concentration.”
“You want me to just stay quiet while you walk to your certain death?”
“I'm not going to dieee- ahh-”
Your left foot, the one in front, wobbled as a piece of the floor came loose. You clung tightly to the wall as best you could, breathing deeply to calm your racing heart. Panicking at that moment wasn't going to do any good.
“God, I can't believe this,” you heard Bucky's voice, muttering to himself. “Now are you really going to get off?”
His voice sounded reprimanding, but agitated. In the midst of that mess, you wondered for a moment if he was really worried.
“I'm almost there.”
You heard him grunt in the distance.
You kept moving your feet in the direction of the main computer, this time more cautiously and more slowly. The floor all along that edge was too cracked, on the verge of falling. You were surprised it had lasted this long.
At that point, Bucky started talking to Steve, but you kept your full concentration on not falling. Maybe Bucky was right and you really didn't have any regard for your life, but…. No, no. You were very sure of what you were doing. You couldn't give up without trying everything. Maybe for Bucky it was too risky, but that was your life. And you knew you could do it.
You had reached the critical point on the ground.
The voices of the two men were becoming too overwhelming, so you quickly took off your communicator and stuffed it in one of your tactical pants pockets.
“What the fuck did you just do?” Bucky exclaimed, a considerable distance away. He wasn't as far away as you thought.
“Your voices are distracting me!”
Good. You were close. Maybe from there you could reach it… if you stretched a little… a little more… a little- Whoop. Nope. You weren't that close. Another chunk of floor fell and with it everything around you shifted. The concrete was so unstable that it tilted further into the abyss after your not at all incredible maneuver.
You had to get even closer.
You had to use plan c.
But for that, the pendrive had to be one hundred percent charged and you weren't sure you could wait for that. Or well, you weren't sure the floor would hold. You had to be quick.
You heard Bucky behind you, but his words were carried away by the wind. You couldn't focus on him because that would be too distracting.
So, arriving at point x, you executed your plan as quickly as possible.
You ran. Even if the world was falling down, you ran. In the direction of the pendrive. The green number didn't change. You took a deep breath. You felt the sparks fly around you. The sound of the ground cracking was going to haunt you in several dreams.
You picked up the pendrive. You would have a few extra seconds as you leaned over and climbed over the computers to gain momentum.
The bing of the computer filled you with a rush of adrenaline.
One hundred percent.
You jumped. You held your breath for a second. Nerves built up in your throat. You felt like you were going to lose consciousness for a minute. Maybe you heard Bucky in the background, you weren't sure, but knowing him he was probably still scolding you.
In the midst of a deep exhalation…
Your feet hit the ground. You rolled. You moved quickly as you turned to see that the ground was still falling. You got up and ran.
You ran until you collided with a solid body. Bucky was shaking your shoulders.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?" he exclaimed, his face angry.
You could hear Steve's voice through his communicator because of how close he was.
He grabbed your arm and you ran again.
Somehow, Bucky managed to get you out of the building as they bombed it again. You had a gunfight the moment you touched the cold snow.
You moved alongside Bucky like a symphony, aiming and firing with your gun until you managed to get away.
When you noticed that you kept going and kept running…
“Where's Steve?”
“If you had your fucking communicator on…”
Bucky grabbed your hand again to keep running.
You quickly reached a shack that looked abandoned and the man next to you wasted no time in letting go of you and running in the direction of what appeared to be a garage. There was a motorcycle.
You reached into your pocket only to realize that the communicator had been destroyed.
And Bucky looked too angry to want to talk.
“Get on.”
He drove all the way into town, but he didn't stop there.
You were on the road for at least about two hours. You had no idea where you were.
Somewhere along that trip, Bucky stopped in front of another abandoned shack and from there he pulled out a car. He set the bike on fire.
You went back on the road, for at least another hour.
Until you reached a small town and Bucky finally stopped in front of a house that didn't look so neglected.
“They destroyed the Quinjet's shields at missile point. Steve had to leave. We'll stay here until I can get through to Fury and we know what to do.”
His voice gave no room for retorts.
Well, yes, you were a bit reckless during missions, but so what? You got what you needed thanks to your incredible action plans and always came out unscathed. If you didn't do that during missions, how far behind would they be now in their knowledge against the enemy? They would probably be sitting ducks. Bucky didn't see that.
You two didn't talk for much of the afternoon and evening. You had spent it in the living room, trying to avoid the mess he had made to get something to eat and rest. You had perhaps slept for about three hours when you woke up and saw him sitting in one of the dining room chairs. The room looked cleaner than before.
Bucky sighed when he realized you had woken up.
“I'm sorry I yelled at you.”
You frowned. “What?”
“Earlier when we arrived. And for all the mess,” he averted his gaze when you leaned on your forearm to get a better look at him.
“Don't you think it was the least you could do?” quizzical, you sat back on the couch.
“Weren't you the one who said I don't know how to talk like a civilized adult?”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Sometimes.”
“Well, now I want to. That's why I deeply apologize for reacting that way.”
You remained silent, not really knowing how to answer him. On the previous mission you'd had with Bucky, when the whole mess was over and you were quietly in the Quinjet taking it all in, Bucky had only said “you're fucking crazy” to you before exiting the aircraft. There was no scolding, at least not from him, no complaining, no yelling. Just that. And with that you stayed for a week because you never even saw him again.
Despite the number of times you had heard that, you couldn't see it that way. That was your job, that was what you did and you didn't dislike it. You had done it forever, it was basically your way of life and you had always done it excellently. You trained and practiced for situations like that, that's why you were part of SHIELD's risk management team for so long. You used to risk your life like that to save other people and it didn't bother you. Now you were still doing it, also to save people. There was no dark reason behind it. You were contributing to a common good and that was enough.
“I guess I haven't made things bearable for you either,” you admitted with a hint of remorse.
“No, never,” Bucky shook his head in agreement.
“I'm sorry I scared you,” the words slipped from your mouth. You wanted to say something else, but, well, that had to work.
Bucky let out a short laugh. His head jerked in sync, his shoulders loose as if he didn't have a care in the world. For a moment you felt like you were somewhere else; maybe in a living room, some alcoholic beverage in one of your hands as one of your favorite songs played softly in the background, and Bucky. Bucky sitting in front of you, just like that moment.
Wow. What the fuck was that?
“You apologize for my reaction, but not for what you did?” his sly grin was getting on your nerves. You preferred it when he wasn't trying to upset you at the point of smirks. You never thought that was a weapon he could use against you.
No, I hate Bucky Barnes. This is unacceptable. Mind, get your shit together.
“Well, I tried to do that earlier and you didn't care. I don't know what you want from me, Barnes,” you turned your head away, nonchalantly playing with your hair to avoid seeing those light eyes again.
“You'd better leave it at that. I couldn't take that knack away from you if I tried for years,” the sigh that accompanied his words reminded you of something you'd thought of when you were in the building. His face still looked calm, but a little upset by the wrinkle between his eyebrows.
“Why do you care so much about that?” you asked him directly now that you had the chance.
You looked at him as he turned his head away, his eyes roaming over your face, confused.
“Are you asking me why I care about your life?”
Puzzled, you shrugged. His look almost made you think that was a weird thing to ask, but was it really? “Yes. Well…. You hate me.”
“What? I don't hate you,” Bucky shook his head, his face more contracted than before as if you'd said he had cat ears on his head. He looked almost offended.
And that was the really strange thing.
You mean, almost as long as you'd known Bucky your relationship had been based on fights and demeaning adjectives to each other. That he would say that made even less sense than you asking him why he cared so much about you. He had to be pulling your leg.
“What? But I hate you because you hate me,” you explained vaguely, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. That was one way of putting it; that is to say, Bucky never gave any indication that he didn't hate you. Or well…
“I don't hate you,” Bucky shrugged, his nonchalant expression confusing you that much more. “You're just a little… insufferable sometimes.”
You rolled your eyes. “That's just a synonym for hating.”
“I don't hate you,” he repeated, this time turning to look you in the eye. For a moment you felt like your breath caught in your throat and you were going to choke. “I know we argue and say a lot of things to each other, but… hating is too strong a feeling.”
“Are you really serious?” you shook your head to get the extraneous thoughts out; that wasn't the time to make a discovery, to realize you had lived a lie.
“Yes. And just to make you more sure, I wouldn't mind hanging out with you outside the Complex,” Bucky blurted out, matter-of-factly.
Your head went blank.
Several seconds stunned.
Bucky barely cracked a smile at your dumbfounded expression. It sure looked like you'd actually seen cat ears grow on his head. The things he was now saying… they didn't make sense. “You dislike the idea that much?”
“Do you want to not say things so drastically different every moment? You're changing my perception of reality.”
Bucky kept his small smile and you had to swallow hard to ignore the warmth that settled in your chest. It wasn't welcome, not at that moment. The sound of that music in the living room in your head was getting louder, as if your own mind wanted to mock your surprise.
“Well, back to your question,” Bucky moved his hands nonchalantly over his lap and your eyes followed his movement unashamedly, “I don't see why I shouldn't care about your life. We are partners, after all.”
Partners? After all you had been through? Were you partners? Did Bucky believe that?
“Are we?” you didn't try to hide the incredulous tone that accompanied your words, because it already sounded like you'd just stepped through the door into a parallel dimension.
“Sure,” Bucky nodded to emphasize your words and the calm expression on his face became more familiar with each passing second. Could it be that that had always been the reality and you had been deprived of it? “We've known each other for five years.”
“I always thought you hated me…” you mumbled to yourself, looking lost because your head recalling every fight of the last few years, since you met him, every tongue out and every exalted word, but his incredible hearing clearly picked up what you said as if you had murmured it in his ear.
“Surely it was a mistake in communication.”
“Mistake?” you frowned at his reassurance. “You always called me stubborn and childish every chance you got.”
“I thought we were annoying each other. Although, of course,” his face became a little more serious, “there were times when I knew you hated me intensely. You said really hurtful things, what was I supossed to do? That's why I never bothered to talk to you like this. You did hate me.”
“Because I thought you…! Argh.”
Bucky smiled again.
“You're the insufferable one, Barnes.”
You hated the way your head snapped back to that image in the living room, so peaceful and calm, so serene and warm, the moment his barely noticeable smile hit you again. You had barely managed to get those words out of your mouth before you felt yourself running out of breath again.
Were you asthmatic?
And why was your head suddenly filled with platonic thoughts you'd never had before in your life?
What the fuck was happening to you?
“This is the longest civilized conversation we've ever had,” Bucky spoke again, his gaze wandering somewhere in the room.
Yes, that was true. Whenever you talked for this long it was always to argue and say hurtful things to each other. But you were too surprised by everything he had said, because just yesterday he told you that he didn't want to come on this mission with you either and in his eyes you were sure you saw something like what you felt. Something of hatred, when you saw your eyes through his.
Did you just… imagine it all?
Did you think he hated you because you hated him too?
Or maybe you wanted to convince yourself that he hated you. Maybe it was easier to deal with that than with the idea that you…
Oh no.
No, no, no. There's no fucking way that's it.
But then Bucky stood up and with his smug, know-it-all, hateful look, with that sly, evil grin, like he'd always known everything, like he was squirming around enjoying your confused stare, he held out his hand to you and said:
“Shall we fix something to eat?”
Oh, no, you were screwed.
a/n: thank u so much for reading!! <3
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extralively · 6 months
hi i'm extra and I just made this tumblr ¯\_(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)_/¯
I write fics in my free time! .......well ok, I've been writing this one monstrosity of a fic/series and that's about it. The first part is complete, though, and there are a bunch of fun (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) onsehots you can read as standalone:
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Series: Under the Cover of Shadows
Gojo Satoru/Original Female Characters General tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, (but mostly) Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn (the slowest), Co-parenting the Fushiguros, Found Family, Sexual Tension, Pining (lots of it), Idiots in Love, Eventual Smut, Some Plot, Angst, Fluff
Out of the Shadows (Main story) (Complete) No one had expected Gojo Satoru to form a friendship with the unknown girl that joined school in the same year he did. Not even Gojo Satoru, or Yura herself, especially considering he’d been an asshole to her the first time they met. A complicated friendship was born, one that would last years to come no matter how many headaches the white haired menace would give her – he was like gum in your hair, she mused, too much work to cut it out so why even bother trying?
Morning Surprise (Oneshot) (NSFW) Satoru was happily surprised when he came back to his apartment and found that Yura was still there. ...And that she was wearing his shirt for the first time.
One Less Barrier (Oneshot) (NSFW) A little accident happens, and it leads Yura to seek out a new way of preventing them from accidentally producing any heirs...
A Private Onsen (Oneshot) (NSFW) Satoru and Yura finally get to enjoy their hotel room's private onsen bath together.
Drunk (Oneshot) At two different points in time, Satoru had to be the responsible one for a change and take a drunk Yura home. But a drunk Yura acted a little differently than normal, sober Yura...
Deeper in the Dark (Main story) (In progress) Sequel to Out of the Shadows. Life had fallen into an easy rhythm for Satoru and Yura as they got comfortable in their kinda-sorta relationship, teaching at Jujutsu Tech and caring for the Fushiguros together. But peace only lasts for so long in the jujutsu world, and when the safety of Yura’s little family is suddenly put in jeopardy, she has to fight to make sure everyone gets out alive—while still trying to figure out the truth of the thing inside of her.
Movie Night (Oneshot) (NSFW) Satoru has Yura over for a little movie night, but what he has in mind is something completely different. So Yura decides to teach him to have a little patience as she... 'enjoys the movie'.
Bringing You Home (Oneshot) (NSFW) After leaving a boring clan event, Satoru brings Yura with him to his private quarters on the Gojo Estate. Yura gets to snoop a bit in what is essentially Satoru's childhood bedroom, before the two of them actually get started with the, ahem, after-party...
School Stories (Collection of oneshots) A series of snapshots of Yura and Satoru's lives during high school, as their relationship evolves from constant bickering into a semi-functional friendship and all the hijinks in-between.
Catoru (Oneshot) (Absolutely unserious) Satoru gets turned into a cat, and Yura suddenly has to catsit the white furry menace until he turns back.
More will be added later, and new chapters are posted every week for the main fic!
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otherperson12 · 2 years
Hi, could I request a onsehot in which the reader is jealous because Lo'ak is spending a lot of time sith Tsireya and she thinks he likes her? So, they get into an argumebt and she accidentally confesses her feelings for him, which leads to a heated make out session (if you're okay with that). Also, the reader is human
Together again (Lo’ak x reader)
Why do I have to create a complex plot for each request to make it as logical as possible? I like to complicate my existence. I have to admit that this is the first time I write something like this, I hope you like it. In this story, Lo'ak is 15 (which is the age I thought he had been from the beginning).
Happy New Year to all, may all your wishes come true.
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Pandora was her home, it was the only thing she knew. Spider and she had grown up as siblings, war orphans raised by scientists loyal to the Na'vi. Max had taken charge of her education, from the basics to anything she asked, the best of all was sharing his knowledge with the Sully children. Especially with the rebellious Lo'ak.
They had all grown up together, the four Na'vi and the two little humans were inseparable and hoped it would always be that way. Everything changed when the Sky People returned. The Omatikaya were forced to hide in the mountains, that meant being away from everyone, being away from her.
One day, Lo'ak came to the laboratory fuming, his tail wagging like a whip reflecting his fury; he went to her room, took her by the hand and before she could protest, led her into the forest. They walked - rather he walked, she could do no more than try to keep up with him, running - until they went deeper and found a place away from prying eyes, Lo'ak stopped suddenly, his tail still evidencing his mood.
"We're going to the mountains." He informed in complete annoyance, turning his back on her. She was saying nothing. "Dad says it's dangerous for the clan to stay in the forest. We leave tomorrow at dawn."
She said nothing. She was trying to process what he had said; they needed to go away, far away. Jake had decided that the Clan should take refuge in the mountains. She knew it was for the best after the last attack in the forest, leaving meant that everyone would be safer, that Neteyam, Kiri and Tuk would be safer. That Lo'ak would be safer. But with being safer, they were farther away. It would take her and Spider hours to reach the camp on foot and climbing.
With a squeezed heart and trying to hide the grief, she approached the na'vi and took him by the arm to turn him around, reached up to the opposite face and caressed it tenderly. Lo'ak saw the beautiful eyes behind the mask, full of tenderness and a hint of sadness.
The boy leaned into the opposite hand, placed his own much larger hand over hers, "I don't want to leave you."
"Oh, Lo'ak. You're not leaving me, how far away you are isn't going to change anything. We'll still see each other the same as we always have." She assured him with a small smile.
Lo'ak was still upset with his father's decision, he was forced to leave his friends. Soon after the rest of the Sully children arrived along with Spider, they played and explored all afternoon as they did before the arrival of the Sky People, they took advantage of the hours to be with each other, their hearts pounding full of warmth.
Both humans helped the Na'vi move to their new home in the mountains.
On each mission, she stayed with Kiri, Spider and Tuk until the warriors returned; with her heart in her throat, the girl waited for Lo'ak's arrival praying to Eywa that he would be safe and sound. She knew Lo'ak, and as a good son of Jake Sully, he was impulsive to the max, he did not think or calculate the situation, he only acted. And in that only acting, he could get hurt. She was there waiting for him.
When he got hurt, she took care of his wounds; when he did something and his father scolded him, -after she herself scolded him and pulled his ear- she was there to comfort him. Being together was difficult but they did it, Lo'ak would pick her up at her ikran and then drop her off at night; the routine was different but it worked, they always found a moment for each other.
When Quaritch appeared and took Spider away, she was completely destroyed, her brother had been taken away. It was thanks to Lo'ak that he hadn't taken her either, he had protected her as best he could, after all, he was the one who had put them in danger. The girl was crying inconsolably as she tried to run after the helicopter the other human was in. She screamed and ran after her brother until it was Jake who stopped her, she pushed him and screamed along with Kiri, both completely incredulous at her actions leaving the boy with a monster like the colonel. Lo'ak felt so guilty that he didn't approach for fear of her rejection, he let Neteyam go over and comfort her.
Once again, Lo'ak had approached her to give her the bad news that once again they had to leave, this time even further away. With drooping tail and floppy ears, pain in her every word. This time there would be no visits. Lo'ak would not be able to fetch her and carry her in his ikran, feel her closeness and warmth as they flew. She would not be able to scold or tease him, they would not be able to explore or play together. He would not be able to see her daily or see her at all. What hurt the most were his eyes completely wet from the loneliness she felt. In between cries, as she hugged him tightly as if he would vanish at any moment, she begged him to stay by her side no matter how selfish that was.
"I don't want to be alone." Was what the girl told him. Lo'ak simply hugged her tightly.
The Sullys left and she stayed behind. The first few weeks were the hardest, Lo'ak had to learn to live like the metkayina: to hold his breath, to get used to the water, to put up with Ao'nung and his kind and the loneliness of not having his friend around. He had left her alone and broken in the forest. Tsireya was a beautiful and friendly companion, she showed him the way of the water and made him feel welcome, less "alien", but she was not his girl. She was not his human.
Loneliness had made her quiet and sedentary, she no longer had reason to leave the lab or go to the Omaticaya camp, to laugh or smile. Life was no longer fun or simply happy, she missed her friends too much, she missed Lo'ak too much. He counted the days and prayed to the heavens and Eywa that his favorite na'vi would be okay and stay out of trouble.
Payakan had been a great comfort, they were both outcasts. He was confident enough to talk about his human friend that he had to leave behind back home. He would start with a small anecdote but once he started talking about her, he couldn't stop, he would spend hours and hours talking about the human, how she was different from him. Her hair, skin, eyes, her smile, how she always took care of his wounds with gentleness while she did nothing but curse him.
"..., she is my human." He gestured with his hands to the tulkun who chirped happily.
He wished with all his heart to return to the forest soon and be able to see her, to see his human.
When Norm and Max were alerted of Kiri's attack, both scientists told the girl to follow them to the Metkayina clan. The joy of seeing everyone again settled on her face with a huge smile - she also hoped Kiri was okay - her heart was pounding at the mere thought of being together with Lo'ak again. Every minute they spent in the helicopter was a minute less to see Lo'ak, every minute that passed was a minute less to be next to him and hold him in her arms and be able to hug him. She really missed him.
When she managed to see the different islands scattered in the sea of Pandora she wondered which one he would be on. It was Norm who pointed out the island where the Sully's were, it was a paradisiacal and beautiful place, the white sand and the crystalline salty waters were all the view they had from the sky. Once they landed Jake hurried to take them to the marui where Kiri was, the human was following them from behind when he heard a scream. It was Lo'ak, who from the water and together with his brothers called out to the human with joy. Beside him, the three metkayina, Ao'nung, Roxto and Tsireya watched in confusion.
Lo'ak swam swiftly to shore shouting and calling out to the girl.
"Lo'ak! Lo'ak!" she responded as she dove into the sea to catch up with him.
They both ran into each other's arms excited to be together once more. They had waited so long, dreamed of the reunion that sooner or later would come...brimming with joy, a smile from ear to ear adorned their faces. The human threw herself into the arms of the na'vi and he lifted her from the sand and embraced her, spinning her in the air. They laughed and called each other's name, still not believing that they were together once again.
"You're here! You're here!"
"I'm here, Lo'ak! I'm here!"
"Your mask!", Lo'ak pointed out as he saw that instead of the usual mask, he was wearing a tube in his nose.
It was Max's idea. He and other scientists had been thinking for some time that oxygen masks were a delay for life on Pandora, they had to have spare respirators to breathe and always be aware not to suffocate. For months they worked on a prototype that collected the little oxygen that was in the environment and transported it to the human lungs through a nasal style tube leaving the face uncovered. They had been successful and decided to give the first model to the girl as a gift.
The boy could caress her face and see her eyes without a glass in between, he could feel the warmth of her cheeks and the skin under his fingers. He was completely fascinated by that opportunity, he had to thank the genius son of a bitch who created that little machine.
"Don't worry, it works perfectly," the human assured him with a smile.
"It doesn't bother you?" he asked, referring to the tube.
"No, it doesn't bother at all."
Lo'ak hugged her again.
The rest of the Sully children came to her side and with tight hugs greeted each other. Neteyam was the one who noticed how his little brother never took his eyes off the human's face, he could see how Lo'ak was happy as he had not been for a long time.
Slowly the metkayina approached the omaticaya, intrigued by the new arrival. Lo'ak noticed how Tsireya and her siblings viewed the human, after all, they had never seen one before.
"Tsireya," Lo'ak called to the girl as he took her arm to pull her closer to the human who noticed the touch and closeness between the two na'vi. "She is the friend I told you about." He mentioned to her pointing to the human who was hugging Tuk.
F-R-I-E-N-D. That had hurt. The human was simply Lo'ak's childhood friend. Obviously, humans and na'vi did not coexist, the only thing that existed between the two species was war and death. To Lo'ak, she was simply a friend.
"It's nice to meet you, I'm sorry if any of them caused you trouble." Said the girl referring to Lo'ak and Neteyam.
Before the beautiful girl could respond, her brother stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. He looked at the human with disdain and distrust.
"Stay away, Tsireya. It's a demon." Ao'nung ordered firmly.
Before the situation could escalate, the girl grabbed Lo'ak's hand and tugged him to get his attention.
"It's okay, Lo'ak. We should go with Kiri." She suggested trying to pull him away from Ao'nung.
She knew the boy was angry, his tail was wagging furiously from side to side and not only his, Neteyam's and even Tuk's, too. They were on dangerous ground, at any moment one of them would jump on the other and blood would end up running and that was the last thing they needed.
Lo'ak looked furious at Ao'nung, how dare he call her a demon in her face? She wasn't like the rest of the Sky People, she was kind and gentle, she loved Pandora as much as any na'vi, she would never cause him any harm.
"Come on Lo'ak." Insisted the girl trying to get him to follow her.
Lo'ak was reluctant to move, he was going to kill him. He was about to move when Tsireya hit Ao'nung behind the head and approached them with a shy smile. Tsireya had never seen a human in her life, the stories of the destruction they caused and the battle fought against Toruk Makto was evidence of that. But seeing Lo'ak and the Sully’s so comfortable with the human, she was not frightened. Slowly he approached the girl and studied her in detail, they were so different from them.
"She is Tsireya, she has taught me everything to survive in the sea." Lo'ak commented turning away from the human and approaching the na'vi.
"I have done what I could." she replied shyly.
"I have had a good teacher."
The human girl only watched as Lo'ak smiled at Tsireya, and how could he not, she was beautiful as a pearl and they were of the same species, theirs could work. The human just smiled at him, her eyes reflected sadness, Neteyam noticed this and hurried everyone to the marui to see Kiri.
They waited until the scientists could do something to help her, sitting outside with the view of the ocean in front of them.
"This may take a while." Jake said to the children. "Why don't you guys go and show her around?" he suggested referring to their friend.
Lo'ak called his ilu and mounted then motioned for his human friend to ride after him. The girl put on her mask leaving the tubes aside and climbed up next to Lo'ak holding him by the waist so she wouldn't slip and fall.
The boy led the ilu among the reef and corals showing every underwater creature that swam calmly, the bright and vivid colors of the fish and the sea flowers that swayed with the water as if they were dancing. The human was in awe at the marine display in front of her, no doubt it was beautiful. Lo'ak held her thigh firmly so she wouldn't fall, her back emitted a comfort warmth that she didn't want to part from, every time they passed by something she knew the human might be interested in, she would catch her attention with a tap on her leg and point to what he wanted to show with a smile. He loved to feel the warmth of the girl behind him, her presence and her smiles, how her eyes sparkled behind the mask with wonder with everything around her. He had truly missed their adventures together.
Tsireya from her own ilu, caught up with them and waved. Lo'ak let go of the human's leg and greeted the na'vi with a smile. They both began to sign while the girl behind Lo'ak didn't understand what they were saying but managed to see how they both smiled and looked at each other, she was becoming left over.
She caught the attention of the boy in front of her with a small squeeze on the shoulder and pointed upwards implying she wanted to return to the surface. Lo'ak complied and led them out of the water.
"Is something wrong?" He asked without tending to the sudden change in attitude.
"No, I want to go back to the beach." She replied curtly.
"Because I'm tired."
"You were looking good a moment ago.“
"Take me back to the beach, please, Lo'ak." She requested leaving no room for argument.
"Is everything okay?" asked Tsireya who had followed them after seeing Lo'ak and the human girl leave. She sensed the tense atmosphere between the two friends, as if they were arguing.
"Everything is fine, don't worry. I'll drop her off in the village and be right back." Lo'ak assured Tsireya.
Before she could respond, the boy's ilu was starting to swim back. They didn't speak or even meet each other's eyes. The human was annoyed at being jealous of the obvious: she was human and Lo'ak a na'vi, theirs would never work and even if she tried to say something, she would probably be rejected. Lo'ak had the pearl of the island in front of him, they would be a good match.
When they returned to the island, Kiri had woken up relieving everyone, she was safe and sound, but it was time for the girl along with Norm and Max to return to the forest. She didn't want to leave, she wanted to stay with Lo'ak but with the feeling of wanting to stay there was also the feeling and idea that Lo'ak had found a new friend and possible mate.
Jake invited his old friends to stay a while before leaving, they must have been exhausted from the trip, besides, it was extra time for the little human to stay with her friends for a couple more hours. Norm and Max agreed and the girl had no choice but to go to the beach.
She was sitting on the sand, away from everyone, when she heard Lo'ak call out to her. She quickly got up and started to walk away as fast as she could.
"Hey, hold on." Called the boy to the human as he followed her. He really was confused by her attitude, had she done something?
"Leave me alone, Lo'ak. I want to be alone." She informed him the girl trying to walk away at a quick pace. Seeing Lo'ak hurt her, it hurt her not to be able to tell him everything that was in her heart.
"Not until you tell me what's wrong with you." He insisted, quickly catching up to her.
"I said I want to be alone!"
"And I heard you the first time! What's your problem?" He was already angry, he really didn't understand what the fuck was wrong with her; out of nowhere she was happy and then she was completely pissed at him for no apparent reason.
He held her arm firmly enough to stop her, she refused to look into his eyes or see him at all, she knew he would have a scowl and droopy ears with a tail wagging behind his back. She did not want to see his golden eyes full of confusion, one because she knew that in that confusion there was pain at rejection, and two, if she did, she would fall completely.
Lo'ak said nothing however, his presence was enough to imply that he wanted concrete answers and would not let go of the girl until he got them. He didn't think it was fair for him to remain in doubt, he didn't want to continue to be rejected by anyone, least of all her.
"Please." Lo'ak asked sincerely.
He wasn't one to beg, but he couldn't handle the mere thought of his favorite human walking away from him. He didn't even want to imagine that, once again, a life without her by his side.
"Let go of me."
"Let go of me, Lo'ak."
"Not until you tell me."
"Let go of me!" she demanded in exasperation beginning to struggle with him.
"Tell me."
"What is happening to you? You really expect me to let you go when you've been ignoring me for half the day?! I've been waiting to see you for weeks and the first thing you do is get mad at me and ignore me for no reason!" Lo'ak said raising his voice. "What is your problem?!"
"She! She is my problem! You are my problem! The way you look at her and smile at her, the way you touch her and seem happy with her!" Confessed the human girl turning her face to the na'vi. Her face was red in anger and she was breathing heavy, her hands shaking uncontrollably on every word. "You are so happy with her and that's fine, but I can't stand to see how my favorite person is with someone else because while I was alone in the forest you were with her. You see her and I...She's like you and I'm not, but I still want to be with you."
The boy was standing in the sand like a statue, at some point he had unknowingly let go of her arm and just looked at her. Lo'ak was stunned, he really didn't know what to say. He watched as she hid her face in her hands somewhere between embarrassed and terrified of whatever he was going to say. He didn't even move trying to process everything she had said to him.
"I was alone, so alone...I couldn't stop thinking about you but you have someone here." The girl spoke still holding her face in her hands.
Lo'ak, slowly approached the girl in front of him. He approached her human and gently took her hands away from his face. At first she wouldn't let him but he insisted until the human gave in, still with her face slumped and struggling to keep the tears from falling to the sand beneath her feet.
Still holding her by the wrists he pulled her closer to himself, bent down to her face, moved his hands to her arms to pull her even closer and kissed her.
It was a simple touch and pressure that made his heart swell with delight, he was about to pull away when she responded to the kiss with the same love as he did. Lo'ak embraced her with one hand on the back of her neck and one on her waist as she placed her hands on his shoulders. They kissed trying to show all that was in their hearts, the feelings that were recently silent and secret on the contrary. They didn't care where they came from or what they were, what others thought or the future, now it was the two of them loving each other.
The gentleness and shyness was left behind as Lo'ak pushed her in such a way that both chests pressed together and she was left with her back completely bent under the weight of him who seemed to want to be on top of her.
Lo'ak grabbed her thighs and made her jump and wrap both legs around his waist, slowly he sat down on the sand with her on top of him. The kiss was fiery and hot in a combination of lips, tongues and teeth. They both breathed heavy at the arousal, their hands exploring the opposite body up and down in search of grounding a place and coming down from the heaven they were in.
Lo'ak broke the kiss and moved from her face to her neck, kissing, licking and biting at all the skin he could find.
"Lo'ak..." sighed the girl in his ear, music to his ears.
With every kiss there was a sigh, with every bite there was a tug on his head and with every lick there was a shudder. Every reaction made Lo'ak seek more responses from her, he felt like an animal that couldn't be stopped. He felt on fire, his heart was pounding wildly in his chest and his hands trembled at the euphoria he felt.
The girl began kissing on his temple and nibbling on his ears, caressing his neck and now free braids. She clung to him fervently as his tail wrapped around her waist. Lo'ak had stopped biting her enjoying her actions, he sighed and called her name as he squeezed her thighs into his own.
The girl held the back of his neck and pulled him away from her neck, they breathed each other's air heavily, she caressed Lo'ak's temple with her cheek in an intimate and tender act. Lo'ak held her tightly as if he never wanted to let her go and he didn't want to, he wanted her only for himself.
"I'm never letting you go." Lo'ak informed looking into her eyes, she simply laughed as she pushed two braids away from her face.
"We'll have to come back sometime." She reminded the girl with a smile caressing his cheek.
Lo'ak laid his head on her chest and closed his eyes. He wanted to stay there for the rest of eternity, he didn't want to face the future. The human took Lo'ak's hand and placed it palm to palm next to hers, she always did that when he felt different and strange, knowing that at least their hands were alike comforted him.
"We are together now and that is what matters."
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springseasonie · 1 year
Complicated | NJM (M)
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Best friend's boyfriend x fem reader
Summary: you love your best friend. you've known each other for practically your whole lives. she knew practically everything about except for one thing: your relationship with her boyfriend Jaemin. all you wanted was to be like her, but now you've taken it too far and are suffering for it.
Warnings: sexual content, kitchen sex (scandalous), vanilla sex, oral (fem receiving), mentions of arguing/yelling, lots and lots of cheating/infidelity, lots of angst grrr, Jaemin is kinda mean tbh :/, may contain errors even though I proof read :p
Word count: 3,4k
Song recs: tread carefully by sza, open the door by lolo zouaï
A/N: heyyy. this is my first official onsehot that I'm posting 😭 kinda nervous to post it ngl. I wanted to post something before my birthday at least and I wrote so many other things but they didn't really stick. I like this this one enough to post it, so I hope you all like it too. Please let me know if I'm missing any warnings. Feed back is always appreciated 🩷🩷 also just know that Maya is just a character and not at all related to Maya from XG PLEASEEEE 😭
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You felt so guilty, you really did. You hated yourself everyday for giving into your selfish desires, sinful needs, intrusive thoughts. Your best friend was important to you, the most important person to you in the world, but you couldn't help it. You wanted him, you needed him, and unfortunately he gave himself up to you.
It all started on a camping trip you and your friend group went on last summer. Maya wouldn't leave his side the entire time and it pisses you off. You didn't know why it pissed you off, but something about the way she stuck to him like glue was annoying.
"Jaemin, where are you going," she whined, making a childish pouting face.
"I'll be back. I'm just going to get more beer," he replied.
"I'll come too." You stood up following behind him back into the cabin.
Jaemin loved Maya, he really did, but he couldn't help finding himself becoming more and more irritated by her as the trip went on. Her constant nagging, need to be near him, treating him like he was her personal assistant. He had enough of it but couldn't tell her, in fear it would fuck up the vibe of the group.
Jaemin opened the door, allowing you to walk in before him. "Are you getting more beer," he asked.
You were taken by surprise, expecting for the both of you to walk to the kitchen in silence. "Oh no, I just wanted to get away from the outdoors. I don't like bugs and they get rowdy at night, you know?"
Jaemin chuckled softly at your statement, opening the fridge. You smiled as you watched him. Maya didn't really get him like you did now that you thought about it. Jaemin always laughed at your jokes. There wasn't one moment where the both of you felt uncomfortable around each other. You didn't know if it was because of his friendly nature or his good looks. Maybe it was because he reminded you of the dad you never had. You always felt envious seeing him beside Maya, protecting her, holding her, even when he didn't want to.
You've always envied her since a young age. She was perfect, probably everything you wanted to be. Perfect body, likable personality, amazing fashion. You never really understood why she was friends with you, the both of you being so different from each other. Maya never had trouble when it came to dating, but when you met her new boyfriend, you couldn't help but lothe how perfect their relationship looked and how much you wanted it too.
"Well if you aren't bringing anything, do you mind taking some of these for me," he asked.
"Yeah, sure I don't mind." Jaemin placed a couple of beers in your arms. You began to walk, but tripped on your own feet in the process. You felt your feet struggling to gain balance as you tried to pick yourself up, holding the bottles at the same time.
"Woah, woah. I got you." Jaemin wrapped his arms around you, balancing you. Your back was against his chest, and you could've sworn you felt his heart jump out his chest for a second. "You okay?" Jaemins face was leaning down from behind you. His closeness startled you, but didn't scare you enough to move away.
"Yeah! I'm fine just a bit-" you turned your head slightly, lips almost touching his. Jaemin swore time stopped at that moment. He hadn't felt this way with Maya in a while, but something about you was different. He was intrigued, but he knew he couldn't go further. The both of you knew you couldn't go further.
But at that moment, he didn't care. He didn't care that he was leaning into you, lips brushing over yours, sending tingles through your spine.
"Jaemin stop. You're dating my best friend," you say, trying to reason with him. You want your words to be convincing so badly, but the way they come out in a small whisper makes Jaemin feel insane.
Before Jaemin could even speak, he heard the door open with a loud call for his name. The both of you separated at the speed of light, you clinging onto the bottles and him pretending to look in the fridge for something.
"Jaemin," Maya called in a sing-song voice,"where are you two?"
"In the kitchen," he called back.
Maya waltzed in the kitchen, immediately gravitating to Jaemin. You stood there and watched as she hooked her arms with his. She looks so in love. This was the first time you felt the guilt hit you like a truck. Seeing her so happy, and realizing how you almost ruined it a second before she came into the room was your wake up call, and you were sure you wouldn't fall asleep again.
But it's never that simple is it?
You and Jaemin kissed later that night cleaning up the outside of the cabin. It was the most romantic thing that ever happened to you in your life. Under the moon and stars, in front of a campfire, his hand holding yours. You couldn't get it out of your head. The next morning when you saw Maya, you wanted to run and hide. You wanted to tell her right away, but something in you couldn't pull it out. You couldn't break her heart and neither could Jaemin, so the both of you decided to keep it a secret and never let that happen again.
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"Jaemin, please. I need you so bad."
Jaemin kissed your neck feverishly as he sits you on your kitchen counter. His hands grasped your hips tight as his tongue ran down the sides of your neck. Jaemin moved his hands from your hips to your thighs, opening your legs wider. His hands make quick work of your shirt and shorts, throwing them somewhere in your kitchen.
You quickly unncliped your bra, shaking it off your shoulders and arms. Jaemin steps back watching you with hungry eyes as he pulls his shirt over his head, taking it off swiftly.
The guilt came in waves sometimes. It was there, then it wasn't. On some days, it was like a tsunami, flooding and pouring all over your mind. The heartbreak you couldn't escape not just for your best friend, but for yourself. You try to convince yourself that it wasn't all your fault, but instead all Maya and Jaemin, no matter how much they meant to each other, they were not good for each other. There were so many times where she called you crying or where you heard him yelling and shouting at her despite how perfect they looked on the outside. Maya was never as sensitive and soft as she looked though. She had a mean streak everyone around her knew about. Always taunting him and bringing up his parents when she knew him and his mother had a bad relationship. They were truly awful for each other, but at least they had each other.
Jaemin immediately attached his lips to yours, hands gripping your legs hard enough to leave marks. He bit your lip, tugging at it softly. When Jaemin pulls away, his eyes are foggy, almost like he'd been crying. He looks so pretty to you, it doesn't matter what he does. Jaemin dropped to his knees, pulling your legs apart even further. He makes quick work of your underwear, tugging them down roughly and throwing them somewhere obscure. Your hands tangle in his brown hair, watching him kiss up your thighs.
"Don't take your eyes off me," he mumbled against your skin.
And with that, his face completely disappeared between your legs. All you could feel was his lips and tongue working at you like he was made for you. You wanted to feel guilty right now. You wanted to hate yourself and him, but how could you, especially when he made you feel this good.
Jaemin held your legs to stop them from clamping around his head. You hissed in pain feeling his nails dig into your skin. His tongue moved against you quickly, making you against his mouth roughly. Your mouth opens, soft gasps and curses leave your lips.
Jaemin watched you as you basically fell apart right above him. You looked so pretty to him every time you fucked, never a dull moment with you. He didn't feel this way with Maya. Feeling like he could do whatever he wanted to you, the feeling knowing he could ask you if whatever and you would argue. Sometimes he wished that it was you he got to hug and hold and kiss and show around to everyone, but he was grateful to you for even letting him in your apartment.
Your brows furrowed as you felt yourself getting close. You let go of his hair, immediately moving your hand to the back of his head pushing his mouth closer to your core. "God, I'm so fucking close."
Jaemin nods, pulling your body closer to his. You let go of his head, placing your hand behind you to keep your balance. You feel your whole body shiver as a tight ball from your stomach. Your moans escape louder, filling the room and Jaemin's ears. His name spills past your lips over and over while you cum on his tongue, giving him satisfaction. Jaemin stood up, kissing you without giving you a chance to breathe. He pulled you off the counter and turned you around, immediately bending you over the surface.
"I-I thought you had something to do with Maya," you asked.
"She can wait."
You weren't as discreet with your excitement as you thought, but it didn't matter that much to you. Jaemin knew you didn't care and he didn't care either. He didn't care that he was doing something he wasn't, saying things he wasn't supposed to.
Jaemin pulled his length out his sweats, taking a condom out his pocket. You watch him as he quickly slides it on. You don't feel guilty, you never have. In fact, you couldn't be happier, especially when he's pushing himself into you slowly, filling your insides like right now. Every time he fucks you, you swear he was made for you.
Jaemin rocked his hips into you slowly, holding your hips firmly. Soft grunts left his lips while you let out soft moans, head resting on the counter.
"Fuck," you mumbled.
"That feel good?"
You nodded, moans becoming whiny with every movement. Jaemin loved every sound you made. Every moan, groan, whine, even gasp felt so genuine, so real. Only you could help him in his fucked up stressful days. Just your voice, body, just you, but he would never admit that, especially while he was with Maya.
"Faster Jaemin."
Jaemin obliged, thrusting inside of you faster. Your moans became louder with each movement, some muffled by your hands. You looked back at him, immediately being met with his piercing gaze. He loves looking in your eyes when he fucked you. It was something he never really did with Maya because she hated the emotional part of sex. But the emotion was something he always had with you, even with no eye contact and that's what scared him the most.
Jaemin's hands never left your sides, especially when you reached back and clasped your hand with his. He thrust deeper into you, making his brows furrowed in pleasure.
"You feel so good," he mumbled.
"I know baby.."
"Fuck Y/N.."
Jaemin leaned down, leaving small kisses on your neck. You tilted your head giving him more access. Jaemin, who was too wrapped up in his emotions, bit your neck softly. Maya told you he did that to her a couple of times, that he only does it when he's in a heated state of mind. This was the first time he did it to you, and probably the first time you felt so close to him in a while.
"I'm so close Y/N," he moaned softly.
"Me too."
"Cum with me okay?"
He watched as you moaned his name, throwing your head back. The grip you had in his hand grew tighter as your moans grew louder. You were close, so close.
"I-I'm cumming Jaemin," you whined loudly.
He nodded as he felt you squeeze around him tight, making him groan in pleasure. Jaemin came right after you, pressing his hips into you. The both of you stood there, Jaemin slumped over your body in pure bliss that was soon taken over by the irritation of having to leave right away.
You could tell how quickly the mood shifted when he lifted himself from your body and pulled out of you carefully.
"I have to go," he said plainly.
It took everything in you not to break down and cry right there. It was embarrassing really- a girl who just fucked her best friend's boyfriend for the 100th time- is sad because he has to go back to her. You're sad because he can't just stay with you for the rest of the day, just lay with you and cuddle. It shouldn't break your heart but it does every time.
"Can't you just say for a little bit?" Your voice came out small, shaky from trying not to break down. You were pulling on your clothes, hands shaking as he stood in front of you with a blank expression.
"I have to leave," he replied sternly.
"I never ask you for anything-"
"You do this every time." Jaemin's voice began to raise a bit. He often yelled when he was angry, you've heard it and experienced it on many occasions, but it was nothing like what Maya had to go through.
"Why do you act like I'm holding you hostage to stay here? Cut the fucking attitude."
Jaemin clenched his jaw, eyes scanning your face when you lean against your counter silently. He didn't want to leave you. He didn't want to be on the receiving end of your angry text, your threats, your attitude. "Why can't you just understand that I have to go and leave it at that?"
"Because you come here and fuck me, then leave and expect me to deal with it and not be upset," you confess.
"You shouldn't be upset. We shouldn't even be doing this," he groans in his palms.
You look at him, hurt filling your eyes. You hated it when he said it out loud. It's as if he doesn't know the torment that occurs every time you see him at your front door. You shouldn't be doing this, but neither should he.
"This wouldn't be happening if you didn't kiss me," you mumbled.
Jaemin moved his hands from his face, a shocked and confused smile on his lips. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
You looked at him, rolling your eyes. "What," you asked with indifference.
"Did you just try to blame this on me," he questioned angrily.
You stood there silent just staring at him with your arms crossed. You couldn't answer. Jaemin walked up to you, looking down at you with an intimidating, dangerous gaze.
"You can't talk all of a sudden," he taunts.
"Fuck you."
Jaemin let a dry, unamused laugh leave his lips. He backed up from you and leaned on your fridge. "Cursing at me isn't going to undo anything we just did you know."
"Do you think I don't feel like shit when you walk in here? You think I feel good knowing how much I'm hurting Maya?" The tears you tried so desperately to hold back began spilling. You frantically wiped your tears when you looked at you.
"No I don't," Jaemin answered, shrugging his shoulders. "I think you don't care enough to have been fucking me all this time."
"You're one to talk. You initiated this-"
"And you agreed. If you were a good friend, you would tell her, but you're not." Jaemin spoke plainly, heartlessly. His words cut through you like glass and it hurt him a bit more than it should. You needed to hear it though. It was the truth after all. "And you might not think so, but I feel guilty too."
"Coming here fucking me doesn't show it," you spat.
"You're not a saint." Jaemin was beginning to grow tired of your victim mentality. Nothing was ever your fault in your eyes. It was always him or her or them, but nothing was ever on you.
"I don't try to be," you yelled. "I'm going through a lot and-and I'm trying to work on it okay? Jaemin what we have is complicated-"
"Complicated," he questioned. "It's not complicated. Nothing about this is complicated."
"So you're telling me you feel the same way with her," you questioned.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"You're telling me when you leave here and go back to her you don't think of me?"
Jaemin's mouth opened to answer you, but he had nothing to say. He did think of you, all the time in fact, even when he was with Maya. Sometimes he couldn't wait to get away from her just to see you for 10 minutes at most. The first time he realized that was the first time he felt guilty. At first, it was just you and him and a small fling, but when you began arguing, that's when he knew it was much deeper. Maya wasn't good for him, but neither were you.
You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces hearing the way he said your name. You knew what was going to happen. You thought about it a lot more often than you should, but what did you expect? The relationship you built with him was nothing more than spontaneous. It wasn't supposed to go on for this long, just some fun for the both of you.
"Jaemin, please." The tears were spilling from your eyes freely, fat drops of salty water filling on your shirt. You were shaking, emotions at an all time high.
"We can't do this anymore," he said, a pained expression on his face.
"P-please Jae. I can't handle it. We can work something out," you sobbed. You grabbed his hand, holding it tight as hot tears fell from your face.
"I'm done with this, and I'm done with Maya. I can't keep doing this to the both of you and myself. I'm sorry," he mumbled. He watched you cry, wanting to just hold you in his arms, but he couldn't. He couldn't say the things he wanted to say, do the things he wanted to do. "We're gonna have to tell her.."
You looked up quickly, fear taking over your broken heart. You couldn't tell Maya. You've seen what she did to people who crossed her. Maya might've been sweet and funny, but she was ruthless to people she hated. You didn't want to be hated by her, that's the last thing you wanted from her.
"No, no, no. We-we can't," you stuttered, shaking your head.
"I know you're scared of her, but there's nothing that she'll do to you that she won't do to me," he said, attempting to comfort you.
"You don't understand, Jaemin. She will kill me. Please don't tell her," you begged.
Jaemin frowned, letting go of your hand. "I wish you would at least be truthful to her after this time. You don't have to do it for yourself or me, just her. She deserves to know that her best friend broke her trust.'
His words stung your heart. It was like him rubbing salt in the wound over and over again, reminding you of what you did. "Whatever, just leave."
He let out a heavy sigh grabbing his phone and keys from your counter. "Please know that I didn't want any of this to happen."
And with that, Jaemin left. You couldn't watch him walk out the door, not wanting to cry again in front of him. It's unfortunate that the person you had to fall for had to be your best friend's boyfriend, but that's the way life works sometimes. In the end, you'll always be the secret or the second choice. You were used to it and this was no different.
You stood there for at least an hour, staring at the door or your phone hoping he would come back or text you, but you got nothing. The months of just you and Jaemin finished as fast as it started. Not surprising to you in the slightest, just not what you envisioned. You wanted it to end on a poetic note, much more intimate and emotional, but how could you ask him of that? After all, what the two of you were was complicated.
It didn't matter now, what was done was done, and all there was left to do was wait for everything to crash and burn.
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greetingfromthedead · 13 days
Being forced away from writing during difficult times really makes it clear to me just how much I vent my feelings and emotions through creative writing.
I miss it, especially the onsehots. But now I face the problem that even as I give myself some time to write and unwind through that, stress has put a damper on my creativity, and I lack ideas.
So there really is no winning.
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persona1lies · 2 months
i want to see more wlw social media au’s! i want to see more wlw blurbs and drabbles! i want to see more wlw onsehots! i want to see more wlw headcannons! i want to see more wlw series! i want more wlw!
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goldenbi · 4 months
hi golden!!! may i request eye fucking please
Of course!!!
So this is another sirireggie onsehot, and I wanted something where they are using the people around them as a proxy for who they really want. It’s has my some of my favorite marauders boys in it! It will have wolfstarbucks and rosestarkiller(?) explicitly and sirireggie as the main pairing but they don’t touch. It’s based off of this scene from skam.
Regulus’s eyes were fixed on the Gryffindor boys laughing in the corner, Sirius’s hands in James’s hair. 
Regulus pulled Evan closer, grinding his body against him. Finally, Sirius’s eyes alighted on his. His eyes darkened and he stepped closer to James and whispered in his ear. 
Regulus’s felt himself heat. He slipped a hand under Evan’s shirt, felt the nipple piercing beneath. Sirius dragged James by the hair until they were backed into Remus. Remus cocked his head as James told him something, he looked up right at Regulus and then back to James. Remus laid his hands on Sirius’s hips and pressed close. 
Then all three were dancing together, Sirius’s eyes still on Regulus’s.
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v1nsmoke · 11 months
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⌫ who should i tag in my upcoming stories? please comment under this post what you want to be tagged in out of the following works! ♡
☆ upcoming works☆
-> night - max rockatansky x reader (onsehot)
-> untitled - dean winchester x oc / reader (deeply in works, likely a multi-part series)
-> For old time's sake - soldier boy (ben) x oc (the boys multi-part series)
-> strawhat's adventure club - luffy x reader (doki doki literature club inspired, featuring east blue five strawhats) [dark content]: release date to be announced
-> guns n' roses - cult leader!law x reader PART 3: release date to be announced
☆ oneshots ☆ (not part of spooktober, though a few may slip into it)
-> hitman - hitman!zoro x reader: release date to be announced
-> officer friendly - cop!shanks x reader: release date to be announced
☆ characters ☆ (if you want to be tagged when i post a fic about a specific character)
-> comment down below ♡
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⌫ thats all so far! thank you flr reading, have a nice day! ♡
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