#Online House valuation
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Discover the Hidden Value of Your Property with Expert House Valuation in Canterbury
Unlock the True Worth of Your Property in Canterbury with Professional House Valuation Services. Get Accurate Insights and Make Informed Decisions Today!
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aurumproptechltd · 1 year
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In today’s tech-driven world, the real estate sector has seen considerable changes in how it estimates a home’s value. Many professionals and homeowners alike are now turning to new property valuation methods enabled by technology. The primary reason behind the same is that they overcome many obstacles related to valuation including, guesstimations by friends & family, removes middlemen, provide accurate prices, and most importantly save time, money, effort, & energy. Let's explore how these new methods work and how they compare to traditional real estate property valuationsn and also learn about the dynamics of new real estate valuation methods along with their advantages, and why they might be a better choice than traditional ones.
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davidjamesk · 3 months
Timepieces of Worth: The Market for Elgin Fob Watch Valuation
Horology has a wide selection of exquisite timepieces with distinct history and appeal. In this group, Elgin fob watches stand out as timeless icons of quality and elegance. As enthusiasts and collectors seek to evaluate the value of these coveted artifacts, their market value for Elgin fob watches has attracted a lot of interest. We delve into the complexities of Elgin fob watch valuation, examining their historical significance, the factors that influence their value and the importance of platforms such as Bidsquare Cloud in offering comprehensive valuation services.
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Understanding the Legacy of Elgin Fob Watches
Elgin National Watch Company, established in 1864, swiftly gained fame for its high-quality timepieces that were meticulously crafted to the smallest of details. The company's fob watches, with their compact dimensions and beautiful style, were a symbol of style and elegance in the latter half of the 19th century and the early 20th century. Because of Elgin's dedication to innovation and quality, the fob watches earned them a prominent place in the world of horology. They captivated enthusiasts with their enduring appeal.
Factors Influencing Elgin Fob Watch Valuation
The evaluation of the value of an Elgin fob watch demands an in-depth understanding of the aspects that affect the overall value. One of the most important factors to consider is the condition of the watch, which includes the quality of its movement, the condition of the case, and the presence of significant features, such as the engravings or elaborate designs. It is also essential to consider the rarity part, with some variants and models attracting more money due to their rarity and importance to history.
Additionally, the history of an Elgin fob watch will significantly affect its value. Watches that have documented histories of ownership or ties to notable figures usually fetch top prices at auction. In addition, the presence of original packaging, authenticity certificates, and accompanying documentation could increase a watch's worth and provide valuable information for prospective buyers and collectors.
The Role of Bidsquare Cloud in Elgin Fob Watch Valuation
In this digital age, platforms such as Bidsquare Cloud offer invaluable resources to those looking for exact and reliable valuations to value the value of their Elgin fob-style watches. Bidsquare Cloud utilizes advanced algorithms and data analysis methods to evaluate the market worth of timepieces by analyzing factors like sales history and market trends and the unique characteristics of each model.
With Bidsquare Cloud, owners of Elgin fob watches have access to an easy valuation procedure that blends the experience of experienced appraisers and the power of technological advancements. With Bidsquare Cloud's vast data and industry-specific insights, people can receive precise valuations for their Elgin fob watch, which allows individuals to make informed choices about insurance, sales, and collections management.
Navigating the Market for Lord Elgin Watches
Alongside fob watches, Elgin National Watch Company produced an impressive collection of wristwatches sold under the "LordElgin" brand name. The wristwatches are renowned for their high-quality engineering and exquisite design, which are prominent in the horological scene. Like Elgin fob watches, the value associated with Lord Elgin watch demands careful analysis of aspects like condition, provenance, and rarity.
Ultimately, the market for Elgin fob watches reflects the long-standing tradition of excellence and innovation that these prestigious timepieces embody. When determining the value of a vintage fob clock or a traditional Lord Elgin wristwatch, collectors and those interested can depend on websites like Bidsquare Cloud to navigate the complex valuation world confidently and accurately. These timeless pieces of art continue to draw the attention of enthusiasts in the field of horology, and the history of the Elgin National Watch Company remains well-established in history books.
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snarp · 1 month
Real True Law Stories
This is heavily-paraphrased because 1) it happened a while back, and the conversations were longer and involved a lot more of me going "no! no! augh," and 2) the case was not actually about Ale-8 bottles, but its actual focus was similarly-specific, which would have made it really easy to look up.
Dad: Can you value a collection of old Ale-8 bottles for me, honey?
Me: ...possibly, but I'm not going to. Is this a blasting case again? Did someone's designated used Ale-8 bottle shelf fall over?
Dad: No, they got stolen. He had this shed or big closet or something totally full of collectible Ale-8 bottles, he's got all these insurance photos, he'd had them appraised by the national Ale-8 bottle expert -
Mom: Dear...
Dad: No, he's definitely really upset about these lost Ale-8 bottles! He's traumatized! Do you think I don't deal with liars? ...He thinks his estranged drug-addict relative stole the Ale-8 bottles.
Me: No. That did not happen.
Mom: That's probably not what happened, dear.
Dad: Drug addicts steal stuff all the time, what is this -
Me: Dad, no, this is fucking logistically -
Dad: - don't, I'm telling the story, stop it - "logistically" -
Me: A drug addict would not steal and hock a huge collection of Ale-8 bottles! They're heavy and fragile and that's a ridiculous specialist hobby, logistically it'd be way too -
Mom: The bottles were definitely stolen, dear?
Me: Why wouldn't you just steal, like, the TV? Or the car or whatever?! You don't steal the Ale-8 bottles!
Dad: They were stolen! He was gone! He'd had a fight with this person, he couldn't get back into the house for a while, he came back and the bottles were gone, he was heartbroken!
Me: No! You don't steal the collection of Ale-8 bottles, that's not what you steal!
Dad: No, they knew he really liked these bottles, it was revenge or something? Seriously, he keeps asking me why I can't make the police go and arrest this person and find out where they put the bottles, he's really angry! He misses his bottles.
Mom: *sigh* Okay, dear. So the Ale-8 bottles were stolen and insurance won't cover them.
Dad, to Me: So you're going to try and value the Ale-8 bottle collection for me. It'll be easy.
Me: I am not.
Dad: He has a spreadsheet.
Me: No. - You said he already had it appraised!
Mom: Before the Ale-8 bottle heist...
Dad: He did! I mean. There's this guy who writes Ale-8 bottle valuation books, he lives - somewhere, and the client knows him over, I guess, an Ale-8 bottle club? Ale-8 bottle mailing list? On the internet. - and he came on this road trip to just look at these Ale-8 bottles in the guy's shed or closet! Does that make sense?
Me: If this is an actual collecting hobby that other people engage in, and not a scam - if Ale-8 bottle collecting is something that's real - then yes, that's normal if you've got a valuable collection, I guess? How much did he say all these Ale-8 bottles were worth, is this even a sane case to be taking if he's telling the truth?
Dad: [a very large number]
Mom, who has been quietly thinking about this while we do our manzai routine: Well, there are definitely other Ale-8 bottle collectors, honey. [name] likes them, I think?... That seems awfully high. He had them in a shed? Like a garden shed?
Dad: I've seen the book! He showed me the Ale-8 bottle book! It was a shed or a garage or a side room or something. They weren't outside.
Me: If what you're trying to figure out is whether this guy and the appraiser are for real, I'd just... look around online and make sure there are actually people buying and selling these things, and talking about them to the extent he says there are, I guess?
Mom: If there's a real community and a real buyer base.
Dad: The Ale-8 bottle book had numbers in it, like values.
Me: The numbers don't mean anything if his buddy wrote the book and if they're the only two people who care about Ale-8 bottles!
Dad: You know, you're awfully suspicious of these Ale-8 bottles...
Me: It's a completely ridiculous story. - You're suspicious of them, too! That's why you even asked me to value Ale-8 bottles!
Dad: You're just not a trusting person. You're paranoid. You know, I trust all my clients completely -
*My Ale-8-bottle-related-outrage HP drops too low and I die.*
Mom: No. What she's saying is that their book value -
Dad: Yeah, that's the word, their book value! Like a Kelley Blue Book value for a car, that's what this other guy does, he does the Blue Book for the bottles. So all I have to do is show the insurance company the Kelley Bottle Book, right?
Mom: No.
Dad: It's fine! The insurance company will be completely cooperative. What are they going to complain about, it's right there in the book.
Mom: Does the book reflect the market values of the bottles? The street values? Are these the prices that people pay on eBay or wherever when they're buying the bottles?
Dad: I don't know.
Mom: Are they the prices he paid for them?
Dad: I don't know. Probably.
*I finish my corpse-run and resurrect.*
Me: There's got to be an actual market for there to be market prices. People who buy the things and have opinions about how much they're worth and stuff.
Dad: Can you research that for me, honey? Research the Ale-8 bottle market?
Me: I'm not going to do that. You have [name] in the office, right? You are paying her money to do this stuff for you, correct?
Dad: You never want to help me. Help me research Ale-8 bottles. I don't know why my daughters never help me.
Mom: And then you have to prove all this stuff to the judge and jury. Will they believe that Ale-8 bottles are worth anything?
Me: Please show us how you will emotionally convince the jury that these Ale-8 bottles are worth money. Make it sound like you're really sad about the loss of the valuable Ale-8 bottle collection.
Dad: Nnnno! *laughs* Oh, my god, they're such bullshit! They're these little bottles! And he had zillions of them! He must have some sort of trauma in his past, I'm going to ask [Psychiatrist Who Acts As An Expert Witness In PTSD Cases] to examine him... - Well, this is some southern thing, like the little toy stock cars that guy had. I don't know, maybe a southern jury will buy it?
Me: Say that "a jury of your peers" means "a jury of Ale-8 bottle collectors."
Mom: Yeah, hope you get a collector on the jury or on the bench.
*- several months later -*
Dad: So do you want to hear what happened at court the other day? With my Ale-8 bottle guy?
Me: You're going to tell me about the Ale-8 bottle guy regardless. Did it turn out to be insurance fraud?
Dad: No, actually! - well, I don't know. "A reasonable doubt for a reasonable price!"
Mom: Dear.
Dad: So obviously the insurance guys are like, "this is bullshit! It's bullshit! Ale-8 bottles aren't worth anything, the whole thing is bullshit!" And I'm like, okay, well. And they don't want to go to mediation, and they give us this lowball number to settle, and, obviously, no.
Dad: So we go in front of Judge [X] the other day, and I'm like, *solemn expression* "Judge. My client has had his extremely valuable Ale-8 bottle collection stolen, and his insurance will not pay for it even though he had it personally appraised by The Ale-8 Bottle Man."
Me: Who is his buddy and who may well be artificially inflating the prices of stuff he and his friends have a lot of, sure.
Dad: You don't know that!
Mom: And opposing counsel said…?
Dad: So, [Other Lawyer], he got up there and he was like, "Well, Judge, I mean. Ale-8 bottles, right? They're Ale-8 bottles." And they start - but then the judge goes, "Actually. I wanted to say, I was looking over the documents in this case. And, well, I've got a bit of a collection myself - I've got the - 1492 Foofrall-something Bottle and a mint-condition Bluh-buh-buh Bottle, and" and then he just sits there and lists all these Ale-8 bottles he's got for like, several minutes.
Me: Is this a joke. Did this actually happen.
Dad: It happened! It did happen!
Me: Mom!
Mom: I know, dear. It happened. He is not making this up.
Dad: So I get out of there and I go over and talk to opposing counsel, and just! The looks on their faces! They looked so defeated.
Me: They've got to be really suspicious of you right now.
Mom: "Is this why he took the case? Did he know?"
Dad: No! I had no idea! I was just as flabbergasted as they are, I've never heard him - okay, did you know this terrible fact about Judge [X]? Did you know he was one of them? The Bottlers?
Mom: I did not know this. I knew that he golfed.
Dad: So, long story short, I kind of think that this case is going to settle?
Mom: Unless the bottles are just in his basement, and he posts a picture of them to his Facebook without thinking.
Dad: Huh?
Mom: Like your other guy.
Dad: Those weren't bottles.
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dirttodelight · 4 months
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Finding the Motivation to Start; What You’ll Discover at the Other End.
  The most pivotal point in an artist's life is when they decide to make their art a priority in life. Being a full-time artist is not a feasible job for the average person, and unfortunately, there’s still a societal stigma against being a full-time artist. This can prevent artists from investing in their craft because art is typically thought of as something that can be done in between “more important” things. I beg to differ, however, as hobbies outside of official work benefit the quality of life of those who participate.
The presence of art is unavoidable regardless of the circumstance; humans are essentially surrounded by it on a daily basis. A majority of the time, it’s in passing, such as a design in the tile underfoot, advertisement art on a website pop-up, or a random vase you’ve never noticed in your house. These things are all art in their own respect, but we don’t necessarily notice or consciously view it the same as something we would view in a museum. We use it and see it every day, yet we hesitate to invest time in our own process of creating.
By taking the first step and investing in your own creative outlet, you are investing in yourself. Art takes labor, and labor has always created value. There are, and always will be, multiple avenues from which to profit off your art if you choose, even if it’s not monetarily. Other benefits can be a sense of pride or overall mental wellness; simply having some form of stability and structure in your life. Additionally, there are multiple practical uses for art in everyday life, especially ceramics because it can take essentially any form you assign it.
Where There's Labor…
There’s going to be money tied into the efforts of your labor, but the difficulty becomes finding the need for your craft. A lump of clay does not become an eye-pleasing, durable, and usable piece without someone’s skilled hands taking time and resources to make it. The information that you have learned about your craft and the time you’ve put into your pieces add value. Something that is handmade, especially if it’s commissioned, is worth far more than something that is mass-manufactured.
Your art is already projected to grow in value; Yahoo! Finance posted in their online article, “Ceramics Market is Forecasted to Reach US$ 240 Billion Valuation by 2034: Fact.MR Study,” that “The global Ceramics Market is estimated to reach a value of US$ 133.7 billion in 2024 and expand at a 6% CAGR over the next ten years (2024 to 2034)” (Yahoo!), later citing one of the reasons as “…the high popularity of ceramic art pieces…” (Yahoo!). Therefore, there is money to be had within the ceramics industry if monetary gain or becoming a full-time ceramicist is something you would like to pursue.
Sometimes, you get the opportunity to achieve both monetary gains and emotional fulfillment from your ceramics pieces. This is the case for Blayze Buseth, a ceramics artist in Fergus Falls who founded a ceramics business after graduating high school. The newsletter “Studio opens in western Fergus Falls” details Buseth’s inspiration for opening his business: “...he made an urn for a friend whose mother had passed.” (Meier) His story highlights the importance of art as a mechanism to memorialize people and its relationship with the grieving process. In the newsletter, Buseth further elaborated: “This is something that can be set on their mantle and be passed down from generation to generation” (Meier).
While Blayze Buseth may not be who is remembered when people look at the pieces he’s made, he is still ultimately their creator. By this logic, any artist who creates something holds the possibility of sharing that gift in whatever way they want. The emotional satisfaction that is present when you see a piece that you have admired for so long being appreciated by someone else is incomprehensible.
If Not Money, What?
More than just money can be gained from enjoying your hobby; most of the time, there's an emotional need that is satisfied when a piece is finished. The ceramics process is hard, and there’s a chance of failure at every step. This difficulty and attention to detail required make it all the more rewarding when you successfully create a piece. An article that discusses the association between having a hobby and mental health, written by Daisy Fancourt, a professor of psychobiology and epidemiology at University College London, reflected: “Meta-analytic fixed-effects findings showed that having a hobby was associated with fewer depressive symptoms, and higher levels of self-reported health, happiness, and life satisfaction” (Fancourt). Therefore, as much as we enjoy being lazy and sleeping in, humans thrive off participating in physically and mentally engaging activities.
Ceramics can teach many lessons in spirituality, overall mental wellness, and even just being able to use your hands to physically make something. Seth Rogen, actor, comedian, and ceramicist, in his casual chat with Interview Magazine put it in his own perspective, stating: “...work I do is very intangible in a lot of ways, so being able to create something you can hold in your hands is very appealing.” (Williams) Being able to hold or admire something that you’ve made in ceramics makes it difficult not to appreciate or celebrate because it is quite literally a quantifiable weight and feel to the success.
There is something oddly satisfying and rewarding in even the tedious duties of having a functional studio. I’ve grown a particular appreciation for the clay recycling process and wedging stiff clay back into a workable consistency. Initially, it seems impossible; everything's a crumbling mess under your already-aching hands, and you debate whether or not you should just abandon the clay entirely until you finally feel some give. The stability of the rhythm of the clay underneath your hands slowly melting everything else you may have been worried about away. I have grown to particularly appreciate the cyclic activities present within this art form because they allow for moments of pausing and reflecting. I believe that these moments of reflection are often neglected in everyday life, which is just one reason why I’ve decided to implement ceramics into my everyday life.
These procedural steps that have to be taken along the process of creating art have been used by artists for generations, and they are part of the reason why a studio provides a sense of stability. Since creating my own, I’ve noticed that whenever I walk into my studio, I always know exactly what steps to take, almost as if it’s a mapped-out dance. There’s no randomly forgetting as soon as I walk in, or “where did I place this?”; it is all consistent and set in stone. This stability was studied in the online article “Opening Art Therapy Thresholds: Mechanisms That Influence Change in the Community Art Therapy Studio,” in which it states: “the people and actions within the space changed, but the studio remained constant” (Nolan). There will always be changes occurring in your life outside of your studio, and most of the time, you’ll have no control over the outcomes.
Most people, particularly college students like me, struggle with time management issues, which, in the long run, can be detrimental to all aspects of life and ultimately can cause excess stress. Having your own studio space and creating your own ceramics provides you with the ultimate say in what you create while having a stable routine in place to create a successful piece. Under the “Results” subtitle of the article “Opening Art Therapy Thresholds: Mechanisms That Influence Change in the Community Art Therapy Studio,” author Emily Nolan provides an explanation for the description of the results that they gained from the study: “From this description, change…in community art therapy studios is influenced by the safety and structure within the studio, acceptance of self, others and artwork; and opportunity to explore, attend to self-care, be authentic, and find a new perspective…” (Nolan). Therefore, not only does the structure and stability reduce stress and improve mental wellness, it encourages healthy growth in the creativity of artists.
Why there is No “Right Time”
A majority of people make the mistake of waiting for the “right time” to do something. Life is constantly changing, and certain priorities take precedence, but there really is no better time than right now. From the first time that I sat at a potter's wheel, I knew I’d eventually have to invest in one myself. The want to create an art space is no hard thing to find, but the courage and funds to do so are.
Space and time seem to be of no consequence when you begin to notice the benefits of investing in yourself after using a shared space. No more cleaning other people's messes, worrying about clay vultures, having to use the communal slip bucket (with lizard tails and mosquito larvae), or readjusting machinery. The extra time that I spend tending to my own studio is time that I would’ve otherwise spent on something likely less rewarding, like scrolling on my phone. I identify heavily with what Seth Rogen says in his interview when asked about what prompted him to make his own at-home studio, he stated: “I identify as a lazy person in many ways, but then I slowly came to terms with the fact that I actually enjoy doing things and that I find it more relaxing to actually create more things and find more outlets of expression.” (Williams) Therefore, once you start the process of creating, it doesn’t stop because every time you’re not in front of the wheel, you’ll begin to think about what you’re going to create next. Working with ceramics is a never-ending self-motivating process that simply requires a little push at the beginning to cascade into a rewarding experience.
The process of building your own studio can be quite daunting at first because of the steep prices of equipment. Space is another relevant factor to take into account, but as Soul Ceramics states in their article: “Any space in which you can comfortably and safely work from can become your pottery studio, whether that’s a spare room in your house, the basement, the garage, or even the attic.” (Soul Ceramics) Use the space you have available to you in order to safely make your pieces; you know what tools you need to succeed (or you should at least have an idea). The previously mentioned article further elaborates: “When it comes to equipment, it really depends on the kind of pieces you will be creating and the techniques you use to create your art.” (Soul Ceramics) Which essentially means all of my hand-builder folks, congratulations! You’ve won the “spending the least money as a ceramicist” award (for equipment at least). Meanwhile, my fellow wheel throwers and slab rollers have to bite the bullet and invest in reliable heavy machinery. This investment, however, comes with a bounty of rewards.
This is the part where we put our thinking caps on; what issues will you face? What external resources can you seek out to make your goal more achievable? How can you budget or plan to earn extra money to fuel your project? Furthermore, are you planning on making it back? Even if all you do today is browse through Facebook Marketplace looking for second-hand gear, you are taking one step closer to unlocking your creative potential and creating a studio tailored towards you.
“Ceramics Market Is Forecasted to Reach US$ 240 Billion Valuation by 2034: Fact.MR Study.” Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo!, finance.yahoo.com/news/ceramics-market-forecasted-reach-us-130000305.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMu6Q70NVsT8L9A3hutPQbhFUN--D_9RC1t2259w_FmQ89Cwzh1gSUrYGRaFct79hkaL8pMHUxtX7zb2ZVb5qF54U2J5imapWE8SMdNBwgLI5VTO5v4m6t_sf-2o4vNCtZ9IAYcYNmOwD44cV5Bi3AGdYsx9MTbY7WyEvmdtsRSc#:~:text=Key%20Takeaways%20from%20Market%20Study,240%20billion%20by%202034%2Dend. Accessed 14 Feb. 2024.  
Fancourt, Daisy, et al. “Moderating effect of country-level health determinants on the association between hobby engagement and mental health: cross-cohort multi-level models, meta-analyses, and meta-regressions.” The Lancet (British Edition), vol. 402, 2023, pp. S41–S41, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02091-3.
Meier, Jeff. “Studio opens in western Fergus Falls.” TCA Regional News, 2016.
“A Mini Guide to Starting Your Own Pottery Business.” Soul Ceramics, Soul Ceramics, www.soulceramics.com/pages/starting-pottery-business-guide. Accessed 14 Feb. 2024.
Nolan, Emily. “Opening Art Therapy Thresholds: Mechanisms That Influence Change in the Community Art Therapy Studio.” Art Therapy, vol. 36, no. 2, 2019, pp. 77–85, https://doi.org/10.1080/07421656.2019.1618177.
Williams, Conor. “Seth Rogen Is Hooked on Ceramics.” Interview Magazine, Interview Magazine, 13 Dec. 2019, www.interviewmagazine.com/art/seth-rogen-pottery.
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danyvcollins8 · 8 months
Antique Auction Guide: What to Know About Buying & Selling
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You’re at an antique auction. You feel the thrill of potential discovery in every item up for bid. But how do you know what’s worth your money or just old trash?
If selling is more your game, can you spot a hidden gem among Grandma’s heirlooms that others would dream of owning? This guide aims to unravel these mysteries by offering insights into buying and selling antiques effectively. Dive right in; let this be your road map through the exciting world of antique auctions!
Types of Antiques Offered at Auction in Clearwater, FL
From vintage furniture to remarkable pottery pieces, every auction offers a unique selection that’s sure to impress antique lovers. It is quite common for people to find Chinese Ming Dynasty pottery and Art Nouveau jewelry while browsing furniture pieces from the Victorian era or items from mid-century modern tables. Moreover, these scavengers often discover a plethora of aged wine bottles from Europe.
On your next trip, finding classic chandeliers with intricate detailing dating back centuries could be possible! Even sports memorabilia make their appearance in auctions sometimes. This includes autographed baseball cards and historic match tickets.
Stay eager because comic books that bring waves of nostalgia can also spring surprises, along with old-world paintings stirring profound emotions! It just showcases how diverse and versatile Clearwater’s antique offerings are, providing endless opportunities worth exploring for everyone interested!
Tips for Buying at an Antique
Diving into the world of antiques can seem daunting, but remember, knowledge is power. You must understand that in Clearwater, Florida, auctions, online platforms usually charge lower premiums compared to direct auction services, and this could save you a significant amount. The price range for items at an auction varies widely; some may be surprisingly affordable, while others might reach astronomical figures.
Keep yourself updated with prices through regular research so as not to overpay or underbid for artifacts. Are there hidden costs? Sellers pay what’s called ‘seller premiums,’ which are fees based on a percentage of the final sale cost. Buyers, too, have their share known as ‘buyer premiums.’
A key term you should know about is ‘reserves’. A reserve is a minimum acceptable bid amount set by the seller. Sellers reserve the right to withhold a sale if bids do not meet this reserve number. However, they still have to pay listing fees regardless of whether a sale occurs or not.
Remember: Bidding requires registration, so ensure your paperwork is done correctly before hitting any auction houses!
Determining Your Budget Before Shopping Antiques
While venturing into Clearwater’s antique market, take steps to set your financial limits. This precaution prevents costly mishaps, as antiques can range from moderately priced to astonishingly expensive. Before shopping for antiques, you have two tasks: understand the general price range of desired items and decide what you’re willing to spend.
Research helps in both areas. Identify reputable online platforms that offer an idea of current pricing trends for various antiques. Consider enlisting a professional appraiser who specializes in your area of interest for a more personalized budget estimation. They provide precise valuations that aid in making informed decisions about potential purchases or even sales later. Remember, though: while setting out hunting relics with deep pockets may seem appealing, respect your personal spending boundaries regardless of how enticing that vintage piece looks.
Don’t let perceived value override established monetary confines; seek enchantment within your allotted fiscal sphere.
Selling Your Own Antiques at an Auction House in Clearwater, FL
When planning to sell your own antiquities at an auction house in Clearwater, FL, there’s a clear process you can follow. First, connect with the auction house staff so they’re aware of your interest. They will inform you about upcoming auctions and provide catalogs for them.
Next, inspect properties alongside a knowledgeable professional, such as a builder or handyman. This way, all necessary repairs can be accounted for before making pricing decisions. Procuring legal packs from the auctioneer may also prove fruitful, giving comprehensive insights into each available property.
This means no hidden surprises later down the line! However, swift action remains crucial due to the short periods between catalog releases and actual auctions.
Remember that setting budgets precedes any other step. Understanding how much renovation costs might be, plus knowing payment methods, adds value, too! Lastly, but importantly, don’t overlook those terms and conditions paperwork. Stay familiarized with what needs to be paid without any nasty surprises on D-day.
Essential Expert Advice when Attending Auctions In Clearwater, FL
Auction catalogs come out a month beforehand, so use this time wisely. Investigate the item of interest by researching its history, condition, and value range. Additionally, obtain information about any associated costs, such as set fees or percentages owed to the vendor or auction house. These expenses can add up quickly if they are not taken into account, so be sure to factor them in when making bids at Clearwater auctions.
Always have sufficient funds for deposits, usually around 10%, since failure to provide that could lead you into legal trouble with sellers.
Therefore, avoiding relying solely on selling items at an auction is important. This is because vendors always set a reserve price, which is the minimum acceptable bid they must receive for them to sell the item. As such, there is no guarantee that items will always be sold through auctions.
Additionally, be cautious while referring to guide prices provided by auction houses; they’re often lower than the actual worth to boost public attention, but they might misdirect you when setting your budget limit.
Common Mistakes to Avoid During the Antique Buying & Selling Process
Your attitude during the negotiation plays a vital role. Approaching dealers with respect ensures they will be more receptive in their responses. People may believe that haggling is a must during this process. Unfortunately, this assumption can lead to misunderstandings or neglected opportunities for discovering good items at fair prices.
When you pressure an antique dealer into dropping the price drastically, it may seem unfair and disrespectful toward their expertise and business expenses. Don’t let reality TV fool you, either! Those massive discounts stay confined primarily to television sets as part of scripted deals rather than actual transactions on the ground. So, keep expectations realistic!
Credits: https://blackwellauctions.com/antique-auction-guide-what-to-know-about-buying-selling/
Lastly, remember one man’s trash might just turn out to be another’s treasure. Targeting lower-priced antiques alone won’t suffice. Instead, focus on finding pieces that resonate personally. Striking a balance between taste and affordability should remain your goal.
Navigating the exciting world of antique buying and selling shouldn’t be intimidating. Knowledge is power; knowing what items to look for, understanding the auction process, and acting promptly are key. Always remember that every art piece has a story; your goal should be discovering its worth, considering its historical value.
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brostateexam · 2 years
It’s also the kind of instant gratification business that for a brief moment in recent years seemed to have the potential to change e-commerce forever. “We’d build a plan and they’d [investors would] say you’re not spending enough,” Ilishayev says. “It’s easy to get caught up when you’re having a lot of things go right.”
Gopuff is part of a class of startups that soared during the pandemic, trying to solve a logistics and math puzzle that’s dogged Silicon Valley for decades: Can an e-commerce company whisk products to your house in under an hour? And more important: Can it actually make money doing so?
Flying cars and nuclear fusion it certainly isn’t. But the problem has confounded nearly everyone who’s tried to solve it, starting in the 1990s with Kozmo.com, whose bike messengers swarmed New York and a handful of other cities, offering free one-hour delivery of everything from magazines to 16-ounce Cokes, before it was vaporized in the dot-com crash. Two decades later, Covid-19 lockdowns created the perfect conditions for the model to finally work—billions of people trapped at home, desperate to have anything and everything delivered as quickly as possible, for almost any price. Nearly $10 billion of venture capital gushed into so-called quick commerce companies like Gopuff and the Istanbul-based Getir in 2021, according to PitchBook Data Inc. That didn’t include the exponential growth of delivery apps like DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Instacart, which ferried food from restaurants and supermarkets. Meanwhile, the biggest deliverer of all, Amazon.com Inc., was notching a 40% annual growth rate.
Gopuff, which had been kicking around since 2013, emerged with a different strategy than its DoorDash ilk, mostly middlemen apps that relied on a contract workforce and often skimmed a margin of up to 40% from the restaurants and retailers they made deliveries for. Instead, Gopuff had an Amazon-like approach of storing and stocking products in its own mini warehouses staffed by full-time employees, then using contractors to deliver products to people’s doorstep for $1.95 an order. Its founders, Ilishayev and Yakir Gola, each now 29, got to know each other when they were undergrads at Drexel University, where they started an online business selling hookahs and other smoking paraphernalia to other college kids (early slogan: “Puffin’ has never been this easy”). It wasn’t until 2015 that they entered the booze business, charging an additional $2 fee per order for alcohol, and gradually expanded their assortment and ambition.
By early 2020, Gopuff had 165 warehouses covering some 600 US cities. Then, in the span of two years, the startup raised an astounding $3 billion in venture capital from the likes of SoftBank Group Corp.’s infamous Vision Fund, acquired the 28-year-old liquor retailer BevMo!, and expanded into Europe by buying two smaller competitors. By 2021 its valuation had risen to a hyperbolic $15 billion, and the founders had cashed out by selling some of their shares to investors. They bought a private plane and decamped from Philadelphia to intracoastal mansions in Miami.
Paywall Free version here.
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yogpetshame · 1 year
I know it's available online, but posting a picture of their house and then looking up the floorplan and valuation is all not cool - it's creepy as fuck (and bordering on stalking)
I've followed your blog for a while, but you really ought to cut it the fuck out
dear Paul,
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0613magazine · 1 year
201112 WSJ Magazine
Why BTS Runs the World
The South Korean pop group has reached the top of the U.S. charts, united millions of fans around the world into a self-styled ARMY, shattered online viewing records and been part of a major IPO. Now BTS is preparing to release a new album.
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It’s been a really long time since we had a face-to-face interview like this.” Rapper j-hope, 26, a member of the South Korean group BTS, jumps into conversation while waiting for his bandmates to settle in. The coronavirus pandemic put a hard stop to the group’s world tour, which would have taken them across 17 cities on three continents this year. But it hasn’t made them any less busy as they look ahead to the release of a new album.
In early September, all seven members of BTS—short for their Korean name Bangtan Sonyeondan, which they alter in English to “Beyond the Scene”—were camped out in Seoul’s artsy Yeonnam neighborhood, just weeks after their latest catchy hit, “Dynamite,” topped global charts and became the most downloaded song of 2020 in the United States. Decked in monochrome outfits, rappers RM, SUGA and j-hope and vocalists Jung Kook, Jin, V and Jimin—as they are known by their stage names—shuttled between interviews and the WSJ. photoshoot inside a house-turned–chic cafe. Clearing security to meet them involved surprisingly little hassle: a name check, temperature screening and Covid-19 health form followed by a short walk to the entrance where security personnel quickly glanced at name tags.
In July, BTS broke the Guinness World Record for staging the biggest virtually attended livestream music performance, which attracted fans from over 100 countries. They miss the real thing, though. “That feeling [of being onstage] is really the best thrill I probably get in life. Even if I leave one day, I think I’ll be back for this,” says Jin, 27, of being onstage in front of BTS’s devoted fans, officially dubbed ARMY. The name stands for “Adorable Representative M.C. for Youth,” though the demographics of the band’s fan base now extend well beyond that age group.
In part thanks to the ardor of the ARMY—which one count estimates as high as 48 million, based on online commentary by unique authors—the band is often called “the Beatles of the 21st century.” The group has exploded the familiar boy band recipe, taking the concept of fandom into new territory and developing the South Korean genre known as K-pop into a global force. A voluntary census conducted by fans between July and September gathered over 400,000 responses from surveys translated into 46 languages, according to University of Nevada, Las Vegas, graduate student Nicole Santero, who led the effort with two others under the Twitter handle @ResearchBTS. The data, which is still being analyzed, is pointing toward the demographic and geographic diversity of BTS fans.
BTS has topped Billboard’s song chart, released one of America’s bestselling albums of 2020 and performed at the Grammys with Lil Nas X. They sold out London’s Wembley Stadium in 2019, won four MTV Video Music Awards this year and smashed the record for the most views on YouTube in a 24-hour period (over 100 million)—all while singing almost entirely in Korean. They have also collaborated with musical stars such as Ed Sheeran, Sia, Nicki Minaj, Halsey, Charli XCX and Charlie Puth.
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Their impact has extended beyond music. In June, the band donated $1 million to Black Lives Matter, a sum that was matched by fans across the world in just over a day. The group also used its clout to launch Connect, BTS, a public art project showcasing works this spring by the likes of Antony Gormley and Tomás Saraceno in New York, Berlin, London, Buenos Aires and Seoul. In October, the band’s management company, Big Hit Entertainment Co. , went public on the South Korean stock exchange. The company raised about $840 million through its initial public offering with a valuation of about $4 billion, which leapt to $7.6 billion by the end of trading on the first day, October 15, before sliding over the next few days to $5.9 billion. (By way of comparison, in early June, Warner Music’s IPO resulted in a $15 billion valuation, which has since dropped slightly to a $14.36 billion market cap.) Big Hit’s stock debut put the equity holdings of Bang Si-hyuk—the 48-year-old founder and co-CEO of Big Hit and the mastermind behind BTS who owns nearly 35 percent of the business—at a value of around $2.8 billion. BTS is Big Hit’s largest asset, and Bang has given each band member 68,385 of his personal shares, worth over $15 million to each on the day of the IPO. BTS’s global success has powered Big Hit, which is only 15 years old, to revenues high enough to bump one of South Korea’s traditionally entrenched “Big Three” entertainment companies from the top rankings.
“These guys have achieved gradual growth by putting their voices into music,” Bang said by email. “BTS’s music that sings of the emotions and experiences of youth first resonated among their peers. Then it resonated among the contemporary global citizens. And that sentiment transcended borders and reached to the peripheries of the world. That’s how the group got to receive so much love and support. This enables BTS to be connected to their fans wherever they are, and is what makes the seven boys special.”
The latest single, “Dynamite,” is their first group song recorded entirely in English, and their first track to truly break on American Top 40 radio. The track is their first song to get to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. It was quickly followed by their second U.S. chart-topper, a remix of Jason Derulo and Jawsh 685’s TikTok hit “Savage Love (Laxed—Siren Beat).” Their fifth album, BE (Deluxe Edition), is out this month, and the members of BTS say they’re trying to keep their focus on their music. “We’re preparing our next album now, [and I] think it’d be great if all our songs make it into Billboard’s Hot 100,” says Jimin, 25. “Another performance at the Grammys would be great.” A few seats away, Suga, 27, teases, “Just say you’d like to receive the award.”
Who are BTS? And how did they get so famous? The questions have persisted even as the world has become mesmerized by BTS’s irresistible hooks, Technicolor production and high-flying choreography.
Boy bands have long been one of pop music’s most consistent and reliable constructs. Though we now look back at the Beatles fully aware of their world-changing musical and cultural innovations, when they appeared in the early ’60s, more attention was paid to their haircuts than to their songwriting. The Fab Four also established the blueprint of distilling members to one characteristic—The Quiet One or The Cute One—and having fans identify with a favorite.
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These patterns reappeared a few years later with a couple of family groups with ear-candy hooks and elaborate dance moves: the Jackson 5 and the Osmonds. The structure became formalized in the ’80s—enhanced with a sprinkling of light hip-hop—with New Edition (a teen spin on R&B groups with multiple vocalists like the Temptations) and New Kids on the Block, who sold more than 70 million albums worldwide. Puerto Rico–based band Menudo reinforced the genre’s formulaic reputation by replacing members when they reached the age of 16.
Meanwhile, pop music in South Korea was also establishing a lane for groups of singing and dancing teenagers. As far back as 1962, a single released by a Korean girl group called the Kim Sisters even cracked the Top 10 of the U.S. Billboard charts. But contemporary K-pop is generally seen as starting with the ’90s trio Seo Taiji and Boys, who synthesized Korean music and style with gleaming highlights taken from Western pop and were propelled to stardom on a TV talent show. One of the Seo Taiji and Boys members, Yang Hyun-suk, then founded YG Entertainment in 1996; it is now one of Korea’s “Big Three” entertainment companies, and has spawned its own bands, including girl group Blackpink.
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In the U.S., boy bands went nuclear at the turn of the century with the notorious manager Lou Pearlman’s Florida pop factory, which assembled both the Backstreet Boys and NSYNC, and dominated the charts for years. Pearlman tried to repeat history with O-Town and LFO, while other groups like 98 Degrees followed a similar model. At the same time, in the Asian music industry, groups such as the Taiwanese band F4 and the Japanese group Arashi were logging huge hits, with g.o.d. setting the pace in South Korea.
Inevitably, there was a backlash, and then inevitably—because there’s always a new generation of teenagers coming of age—about a decade later, the pendulum swung back. One Direction, constructed by British music producer Simon Cowell in 2010, mixed in some rock and EDM elements to the usual pop confection and became the biggest U.K. phenomenon since the Beatles. (Atypically, they spun off successful solo careers for all five members after the group began its extended hiatus in 2016.)
In South Korea, though, K-pop continued to become more popular and more formalized, as it became part of an international phenomenon called Hallyu, or “the Korean Wave.” BoA and Wonder Girls were among the acts who attempted to crack the Western market but stalled, while Psy’s 2012 hit “Gangnam Style” was the first YouTube video to reach a billion views. But it still came as a surprise to many when seven Korean guys married the simmering global appeal of K-pop and the resilience of the boy band—amplified by social media—and started storming the charts.
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BTS debuted on June 13, 2013, but their first release, “No More Dream’’ (a rap-heavy song that begins with “Hey, what’s your dream?”), hardly made a dent in the K-pop scene, which was dominated by established acts and rising groups such as EXO and Apink at the time. From the start, Big Hit’s Bang was looking to create a hip-hop group that could produce their own songs with messages that would resonate with their audience. In a 2011 lecture at his alma mater, Seoul National University, Bang predicted the coming of “wholesome idols” who could “sing and dance, act for sure and even play instruments and compose.” By then, he was well underway crafting K-pop’s next-generation of superstars.
His first pick was RM (given name Kim Nam-jun, now 26), in 2010. At the time, RM was performing in South Korea’s underground hip-hop scene under the stage name Runch Randa. The next to join, that same year, was Suga (Min Yun-ki), who was performing and producing under the name Gloss, after he placed second in a rap audition organized by Big Hit. J-Hope (Jeong Ho-seok) was part of a dance crew called Neuron before signing on as a Big Hit trainee, as performers in an apprenticeship period with Korean entertainment companies are often called.
Jung Kook (Jeon Jeong-guk), now 23, joined as a trainee after participating in a local televised singing audition program. He received offers from multiple agencies but chose Big Hit after seeing RM. Jin (Kim Seok-jin) was a college student on his way to school when an official at Big Hit approached him to audition. V (Kim Tae-hyung), 24, was discovered at a closed-door audition held at a dance academy. Jimin (Park Ji-min) was the last to join. He was a dance student at the Busan High School of Arts when he auditioned for Big Hit at the suggestion of his teacher. The members have each carved out strong identities for themselves within the group—j-hope is considered the star dancer; RM is seen as the main spokesperson, especially in the U.S., as he speaks English; Jung Kook is the “golden maknae” (meaning the youngest in Korean)—but they have all contributed their songwriting and composing skills to hits such as “Boy With Luv,” “On,” “DNA,” “Run” and “Idol.” j-hope describes his approach as research-heavy. “I first study the topic and think about what story I need to tell and what kind of content it should encompass,” he says. “Sometimes the type of stories I’m dealing with are light, but sometimes they aren’t, so it’s important that I’m knowledgeable about what I’m working on.”
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SUGA says he comes across ideas for his songs from the books he reads. “I tend to think a lot about the meaning behind words,” he says. “We deal a lot with emotions so I spend a lot of time thinking about how words can be construed differently.”
RM, who has credits on many of BTS’s biggest songs, will dwell on a line from a movie or a passing scene, sometimes for years, before starting to work it into his lyrics. “[Writing songs] takes a long time for me,” says RM. “So it hurts, body and soul, when I have to throw one away.”
In recent years, pop music—generally associated with bubblegum, upbeat dance songs—has been getting more serious and introspective. From the Weeknd to Selena Gomez, teen idols have increasingly been writing and singing about mental and emotional health, anxiety and loss. (A 2018 study at the University of California Irvine examined hundreds of thousands of English-language pop songs and confirmed that sadness was on the rise.) Though a casual glance at their intricate choreography may not make it obvious, BTS is celebrated by their fans for touching on psychological and social issues in their songs.
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“I don’t like talking about my dark side,” says Jin. “I’m in the camp that believes idols should always show their bright and positive side.” Still, a conversation with Bang inspired Jin’s 2018 solo ballad “Epiphany,” which focuses on self-acceptance. V, who contributed to the neo-soul “Stigma”—which includes lines like “The pain is never soothed”—recently received a phone call from producer Bang on a song he was writing. “Could you tone down this a little?” Bang asked.
“How come he never says things like that to me?” SUGA jumps in.
RM responds. “Because that’s (your) personality.”
j-hope chimes in, laughing, “I’m a bit envious of [SUGA’s] expressions.”
“I’m the type that speaks out first, and then thinks about it,” SUGA explains.
Pdogg, Big Hit’s chief producer, who has provided musical direction for BTS’s albums from the start, says it’s the band members who decide on the message (like their album title Love Yourself) they want to send through their music. “The most important thing for BTS as a team is the message that members want to convey,” he says. Musically, the band’s initial heavy lean into hip-hop has become fused with genres like Brit rock, EDM and future house over the years.
The music “still has a footing in hip-hop sound, but when it comes to genre, we’re in the process of expanding the parameters to create a hybrid sound,” said Pdogg in late September, a few days after he had completed production for BTS’s upcoming album. “We’re in the process of perfecting BTS’s unique hue.”
For their new album, BTS members had made separate bids to feature melodies they had written as the album’s lead song. Jimin describes that process as “painstaking and tearful.” Jung Kook points out that the members weren’t just competing against each other, but against other composers who also submitted attempts to Bang. Jin alone sent him three different melodies. SUGA made it to the finals. RM, though, chose to sit this one out. “The competition was too fierce,” he says.
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The seven members of BTS spent their childhoods in different parts of South Korea. Jung Kook and Jimin were born in Busan, a southern port city. Jung Kook grew up in a creative household, with an older brother who’s a talented illustrator and parents who like to sing. As a child, Jimin learned kendo (a Japanese martial art using bamboo swords) and thought of becoming a policeman but changed his mind after starting to dance in middle school. His father used to say he should become a prosecutor.
V wanted to be a singer since his childhood, possibly influenced by his father, who had dreamed of becoming a star himself. (“Tae-hyung’s father is super-talented,” Jin says, referring to V by his real name.) Jin grew up in an entrepreneurial household. “My family is all in business, so they’re all good speakers,” he says, and V jumps in to note, “You’ve got your mom’s way with words.”
j-hope was born in Gwangju and raised by his father, a literature teacher, and a “strong-willed” mother who once ran an internet cafe. “I used to wonder how I could dance,” he says, referring to how no one in his family danced or sang. (“His dad’s quite strict,” Jin adds.) SUGA was born in Daegu to a family that he describes as “far from having anything to do with the arts and entertainment,” though his mother picked up drawing in her 60s. As a kid, he thought of becoming a fireman, and at one point his father tried to persuade him to study journalism. He composed his first song when he was 13. He’s since lost the recording but says, “I remember it—I’ll use it one day.”
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RM, who once considered studying journalism in college, wrote his first song in 2007. He describes it as a disaster but he held onto it anyway. “I can’t even tell if the lyrics are Korean,” he says.
Social media has overturned the rules of the music industry and elevated the power of the fan, with BTS’s ARMY leading the way. For years, the group has had the most social engagement of any act in the world. Many avid fans take it as their personal responsibility to stream new BTS songs and videos through as many devices as possible as many times as possible, helping to juice the band’s chart positions. The sense of intimacy provided by constant social media contact also leads to an intensity and identification with the BTS members that simply wouldn’t have been imaginable for previous bands. (ARMY is a tightly knit collective. Many fans declare “I’m ARMY,” or “I’m an ARMY,” when describing their devotion to the band.)
“BTS knows how to engage fans between their big video drops with a steady stream of content,” said Lyor Cohen, global head of YouTube Music, by email. When the band released their single “Dynamite” in September, they had also uploaded over a dozen additional clips related to the song, Cohen says, including individual videos of each member singing the song, a reaction video, footage from their choreography rehearsals and a “B-side” clip of their music video showing the band from different camera angles.
The efforts pay off. When “Dynamite” premiered on YouTube, it instantly drew three million viewers, according to Cohen. (At press time in early October, it had nearly 500 million views.) “They are truly a global act with a legion of loyal fans from around the world.” Over 90 percent of BTS clip views this year have come from outside South Korea, including the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Japan and India.
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The group has several ongoing video series on YouTube, including Bangtan Bomb (short behind-the-scenes clips), with over 600 episodes and counting, and Episode (longer videos of BTS at photo or music-video shoots). There’s also Run BTS!, a near-weekly entertainment program showing the seven stars involved in games or other activities, which is released on South Korean livestreaming service V Live and on Weverse, Big Hit’s own online platform, which offers exclusive content as well as premium paid memberships. This is in addition to the usual music videos, vlogs, interview clips and reality TV shows in which the band appears.
Randy Suh, a K-pop critic in Canada, says BTS’s success has highlighted the importance and strength of new media in the music industry. From their early days, BTS used to put out three or four clips on YouTube every week and release mixtapes on blogs, she says. “That gave them an approachable image as singers, and it came at a time when people started preferring [social media] influencers who felt closer than some pop singer far away.”
The content empire that BTS produces is so vast that even fans can’t keep up. When “Dynamite” launched, Michelle Tack, 47, a cosmetics stores manager from Chicopee, Massachusetts, requested a day off work to stream the music video on YouTube. “I streamed all day,” Tack says. She made sure to watch other clips on the platform in between her streaming so that her views would count toward the grand total of views. (YouTube says it has systems in place to eliminate videos viewed by computer programs, which can skew the measure of a video’s overall popularity.)
“It feels like I’m part of this family that wants BTS to succeed, and we want to do everything we can do to help them,” says Tack. She says BTS has made her life “more fulfilled” and brought her closer to her two daughters, 12 and 14. The younger one introduced her to the band two years ago.
If feels like I’m part of this family that wants BTS to succeed, and we want to do everything we can do to help them.— Michelle Tack, BTS fan
Fifteen-year-old Abbey Hammond, who lives in Falmouth, Massachusetts, recalls her reaction when she first watched a BTS video in seventh grade. “Their vocals were amazing; they were rapping, dancing, plus they do a lot of acting in the videos—I just thought they were all-around talented, and then looking at the lyrics, they were really meaningful,” says Hammond. The language barrier was never an obstacle. “I don’t think you have to understand what they’re saying to understand what emotions they’re putting out there,” she says. “A lot of it comes from their performance. Words aren’t the only thing you need in order to get them.”
“The best K-pop utilizes storytelling in really innovative ways,” says Colette Balmain, 58, a senior lecturer in film and media and communications at London’s Kingston University, who organized a BTS academic conference in January 2020, at which 200 papers were submitted. She also examines “Bangtan Universe,” an ever-evolving narrative around BTS that is told through multiple mediums, including music videos, online blog posts and social media postings where Big Hit discloses clues or story pieces. The storyline of Bangtan Universe, in which the seven members adopt fictional personas, isn’t revealed in chronological order. Some avid fans take part by writing and changing the stories based on different clues dropped by Big Hit.
“We had albums that have themes in the West, but a story across albums is unusual,” says Balmain. “What Big Hit is doing with BTS is innovating not just the Korean entertainment business, but also the U.S. entertainment business.”
Lee Ji-young, a philosophy professor at Sejong University in Seoul, a self-proclaimed ARMY and author of BTS, Art Revolution, says BTS’s success in the American music industry holds historical significance. “This shouldn’t be seen as just a victory for South Korean singers, but a paradigm shift in America’s racial and linguistic hegemony.”
Lee says BTS’s innovations are also reflected in how ARMY is redefining pop group fan bases. “This is an extremely active community,” she says, pointing to a Twitter account operated by BTS fans to organize charity fundraising projects (@oneinanarmy), free tutoring services within the ARMY community and an academic journal, The Rhizomatic Revolution Review, for which she is an advisory board member. It publishes peer-reviewed papers on “the art, fandom, economic effects and sociocultural forces generated by BTS and ARMY.”
The band, which signed a new seven-year contract with Big Hit in 2018, has other hoops to jump through looking ahead, including starting mandatory military duties for roughly two years by age 28. That means enlisting next year for Jin, 27, the band’s eldest member. Calls for exempting the members from service (a legal option for high-performing athletes and award-winning classical musicians) have been on the rise, though no precedent exists for K-pop stars. So far Big Hit has been silent on the issue.
The stars of BTS say there are still more things yet to achieve. “In the past, we had clear goals and a thirst. We had to do well—we were desperate,” says Jung Kook. “I still have a similar mindset. It’s the achievements we’ve made every step of the way that are prompting me to want to challenge myself more.”
“Before, we were all just fixated on looking for the camera when the red light came on,” says Jimin. “Now we feel more relaxed.”
Source: WSJ
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homeloandubai24 · 20 hours
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Apartment in Dubai
Selling an apartment in Dubai can be a complex process, and making mistakes can lead to delays, financial loss, and unnecessary stress. This guide highlights common mistakes to avoid to ensure a smooth and successful sale.
Mistake 1: Overpricing Your Apartment
One of the most common mistakes is overpricing your apartment. An unrealistic price can deter potential buyers and prolong the selling process.
Conduct a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA): Compare your apartment with similar properties recently sold in your area to determine a competitive price.
Get a Professional Appraisal: Hire a professional appraiser for an accurate valuation of your property.
Consider Market Conditions: Adjust your price according to market conditions. In a buyer’s market, competitive pricing is essential to attract buyers. For pricing assistance, visit Buy Property in Dubai.
Mistake 2: Neglecting Necessary Repairs and Maintenance
Failing to address repairs and maintenance issues can make your apartment less appealing to potential buyers.
Fix Visible Issues: Repair leaky faucets, broken fixtures, cracked tiles, and other visible issues. A well-maintained apartment gives the impression that it has been well cared for.
Deep Cleaning and Decluttering: A clean and clutter-free apartment appeals more to potential buyers. Consider hiring professional cleaners to ensure every nook and cranny is spotless.
Professional Staging: Staging your apartment can make it more attractive. Arrange furniture to highlight the space and features. Professional staging services can help create an inviting atmosphere. For professional staging services, visit Luxury Properties For Sale in Dubai.
Mistake 3: Incomplete Documentation
Incomplete or inaccurate documentation can delay the sale process and cause legal issues.
Title Deed: Ensure your title deed is clear and updated. It proves ownership of the property.
No Objection Certificate (NOC): Obtain a NOC from the developer. This certificate confirms there are no outstanding dues or legal issues with the property.
Sales Agreement: Draft a comprehensive sales agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the sale. Both parties must sign this agreement.
Mistake 4: Poor Marketing Strategies
Effective marketing is crucial to attracting potential buyers. Poor marketing strategies can limit your reach and prolong the selling process.
Online Listings: List your apartment on popular real estate websites and platforms. Use high-quality photos and detailed descriptions to showcase your property.
Social Media Promotion: Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach a broader audience. Share your listing and highlight unique features.
Virtual Tours: With the rise of digital tools, offering virtual tours can attract remote buyers and give them a realistic view of your apartment. For marketing assistance, visit home mortgage uae.
Mistake 5: Not Hiring a Real Estate Agent
Selling a property involves numerous tasks, from staging and showing the apartment to handling inquiries and negotiations. Not hiring a real estate agent can result in missed opportunities and increased stress.
Licensed Agent: Ensure the agent is licensed by the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA). A licensed agent is familiar with the market and legal processes.
Agent’s Responsibilities: The agent will help market your property, negotiate with buyers, and handle the legal documentation.
Commission and Fees: Understand the agent’s commission and fees before signing an agreement. Ensure it aligns with your budget and expectations. For expert assistance, visit Rent Your Property in Dubai.
Mistake 6: Being Inflexible with Showings
Limiting showings or being inflexible with timings can deter potential buyers and prolong the selling process.
Organize Open Houses: Organize open houses to allow potential buyers to view your apartment. Ensure the apartment is clean and well-presented.
Schedule Private Showings: Schedule private showings for serious buyers. Be flexible with timings to accommodate their schedules.
Highlight Key Features: During showings, highlight the key features and improvements you’ve made to the apartment.
Mistake 7: Poor Negotiation Skills
Effective negotiation can help you secure the best deal for your apartment. Poor negotiation skills can lead to financial loss and missed opportunities.
Prepare for Negotiations: Know your bottom line and be ready to negotiate. Understand the buyer’s needs and preferences.
Stay Professional: Keep negotiations professional and focused on the property’s value.
Counter Offers: Don’t hesitate to make counter offers if the initial offer is below your expectations. Highlight the features and improvements that justify your asking price. For negotiation assistance, visit Dubai Property Mortgage.
Mistake 8: Not Considering the Costs Involved
Selling a property involves various costs, including agent commissions, legal fees, and transfer fees. Not considering these costs can impact your overall profit.
Agent Commissions: Understand the agent’s commission and factor it into your pricing strategy.
Legal Fees: Budget for legal fees to cover the cost of preparing and reviewing documents.
Transfer Fees: Be aware of transfer fees charged by the Dubai Land Department and factor them into your overall costs.
Mistake 9: Ignoring Market Conditions
Ignoring market conditions can lead to poor pricing decisions and prolonged selling times.
Research Market Trends: Stay updated with the latest market trends by reading real estate reports and news.
Evaluate Property Demand: Determine the demand for apartments in your area. High-demand areas can lead to quicker and more profitable sales.
Assess Economic Conditions: Economic factors such as interest rates and employment rates can influence the property market.
Mistake 10: Not Seeking Professional Advice
Selling a property involves various legal and financial aspects. Not seeking professional advice can lead to costly mistakes.
Hire a Legal Advisor: A legal advisor can ensure that all legal requirements are met and that the paperwork is handled correctly.
Consult a Financial Advisor: A financial advisor can help you understand the financial implications of selling your apartment and plan accordingly. For professional advice, visit Sell Your Property in Dubai.
Selling an apartment in Dubai can be a rewarding experience when done right. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure a smooth and successful sale. Prepare your apartment, gather necessary documents, set the right price, and market your property effectively. Work with professionals when necessary and stay informed throughout the process.
Selling an apartment in Dubai can be a rewarding experience when done right. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth and successful sale. Good luck!
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House valuation is a critical step in the real estate process, whether you're buying, selling, or refinancing a property. Understanding how to accurately assess the value of a house is crucial for making informed decisions and maximizing your investment.
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From evaluating location and market trends to assessing the property's condition and features, we will explore the key factors that influence house valuation. By the end of this guide, you'll have a solid understanding of the valuation process and be better equipped to navigate the real estate market.
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jerrysmith5439 · 1 day
Best Realtor in Delta - Your Partner in Real Estate Success
Delta is a vibrant and rapidly growing community, known for its picturesque landscapes, thriving economy, and exceptional quality of life. As experienced realtors, we understand the unique characteristics of the Best Realtor in Delta market and are dedicated to helping you navigate it successfully.
Comprehensive Real Estate Services
Buying Your Dream Home
Purchasing a home is a significant investment, and our team is here to guide you through every step of the process. From identifying your needs to closing the deal, we provide personalized services that include:
In-depth Market Analysis: We provide detailed reports on market trends, pricing, and neighborhood statistics to help you make informed decisions.
Property Search and Tours: Our extensive network and local knowledge enable us to find properties that match your criteria. We arrange viewings and provide virtual tours for your convenience.
Negotiation and Closing: We represent your interests in negotiations, ensuring you get the best possible terms. Our expertise extends to handling all the paperwork and legalities involved in closing the sale.
Selling Your Property with Confidence
Selling a property requires strategic planning and market knowledge. We offer comprehensive services designed to maximize your property's value and attract potential buyers:
Market Valuation: Accurate pricing is crucial. We conduct thorough market evaluations to determine the optimal listing price.
Marketing Strategy: Our marketing approach includes professional photography, virtual tours, online listings, and targeted advertising to reach a wide audience.
Open Houses and Private Showings: We organize and manage open houses and private showings, ensuring your property is presented in the best light.
Offer Management: We handle all offers and counteroffers, providing expert advice to help you make the best decisions.
Expert Guidance and Support
Local Expertise
Delta's real estate market is diverse and dynamic. Our team has an in-depth understanding of the local market, including trends, zoning regulations, and upcoming developments. This knowledge allows us to offer tailored advice and strategies to meet your real estate goals.
Personalized Client Care
We believe in building lasting relationships with our clients. Our approach is client-focused, ensuring that your needs and preferences are prioritized throughout the entire process. We offer:
Regular Updates: Stay informed with frequent updates on market conditions and the status of your transaction.
Accessibility: Our team is available to answer your questions and address your concerns at any time.
Professional Network: Benefit from our connections with reputable lenders, inspectors, contractors, and other professionals.
Investing in Delta Real Estate
Opportunities and Growth
Delta is a prime location for real estate investment. With its growing population, robust infrastructure, and proximity to major cities, the area offers numerous opportunities for investors. We assist in identifying high-potential properties and provide guidance on:
Residential Investments: From single-family homes to multi-unit properties, we help you find lucrative residential investments.
Commercial Properties: Explore commercial real estate options, including retail spaces, office buildings, and industrial properties.
Development Projects: We support investors interested in development projects, offering insights into land acquisition, zoning, and market demand.
Committed to Your Success
Our Promise
We are dedicated to delivering exceptional service and achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients. Our commitment to excellence, combined with our extensive knowledge and experience, makes us your ideal partner in real estate.
Contact Us Today
Ready to embark on your real estate journey in Delta? Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve your real estate goals.
Go to Check - https://www.mmsold.ca/delta/
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abbassadvocacy · 2 days
How to Invest in Property in Easy Ways | 2024
What characteristics make for an ideal real estate investment? An ideal real estate investment must have an increased chance of success or return on your investment, in conjunction with minimal risk. Even when selecting investments with high probabilities of success, success cannot be guaranteed; thus it would not be wise on how to invest in property or any other investments if it is impossible to afford any potential losses.
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Though a traditional mortgage requires 20% to 25% down payments, 5% deposits can sometimes suffice in buying entire properties. This flexibility gives investors confidence when flipping or renting properties out quickly; real estate flippers and landlords can use second mortgages on existing homes to provide down payments on additional properties. Below are five strategies investors can employ when investing in real estate.
Rental Properties
Owning rental properties is an attractive investing strategy for those with the skills and patience necessary to do their own renovation work and manage tenants effectively. They may be located nearby or even out-of-state opportunities may present themselves; this investing strategy requires substantial capital for upfront maintenance costs as well as covering periods when tenants don't pay their rent on time.
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Real Estate Investment Groups
Incorporating REIGs requires both capital and access to financing options for investment.
REIGs (real estate investment groups) act like small mutual funds in that they invest in rental properties. 5 In a typical real estate investment group scenario, a company typically buys or builds multiple apartment blocks or condos before offering investors access through this same company to purchase them - thus becoming part of the group.
Individual investors may own one or multiple units of self-contained living space, while the company that runs their investment group manages them all collectively - handling maintenance tasks, advertising vacancies and interviewing tenants as needed; in exchange for this service, they receive a portion of monthly rent as payment for managing them all.
House Flipping
House flipping requires considerable expertise in real estate valuation, marketing and renovation. As with any investment strategy, house flipping requires capital as well as the means to perform or oversee repairs as necessary.
Real estate flipping can be considered the "wild side" of real estate investing. Just as day trading differs from buy-and-hold investing, real estate flippers differ significantly from landlords by selling undervalued properties quickly for profit within six months or so.
Property Strategist Melbourne typically do not invest in improving properties; thus, any investment must already have enough intrinsic value to turn a profit without needing modifications, otherwise they will rule it out of contention.
Real Estate Investment Trusts
REITs are formed when a corporation (or trust) uses investor money to buy and operate income properties, which they then sell on major exchanges like any stock.
REITs must distribute at least 90 percent of their taxable profits as dividends in order to remain eligible as REITs and avoid paying corporate income tax; by doing this, REITs avoid having to declare whether or not to distribute its post-tax profits as dividends.
REITs provide investors who prioritize regular income with an appealing investment option that may not be possible otherwise - such as malls or office buildings that would normally not be affordable to buy directly.
REITs are exchange-traded trusts, making them highly liquid investments that don't require Buyers Agents Australia or title transfers to cash out your investment. REITs serve as more formalized versions of real estate investment groups.
Online Real Estate Platforms
Real estate investment platforms allow those looking to join others in investing in larger commercial or residential deals to use crowdfunding - online real estate platforms which enable people to pool their investments together - to do so more efficiently than purchasing properties outright. While crowdfunding still requires capital, its requirements are typically lower.
Real estate crowdfunding platforms can bring together investors looking for investment opportunities with those seeking financial backing for new or current real estate projects, giving you the ability to diversify your investments with limited financial outlay.
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willpaul229 · 7 days
Exploring Trends In Machine Shop Equipment Auctions
Machine shop equipment auctions have evolved significantly in recent years, reflecting broader trends in technology, economy, and industry practices. These auctions, once primarily local and in-person, have now embraced digital platforms, offering a global reach and more sophisticated buying and selling processes. Several key trends are shaping the landscape of machine shop equipment auctions today, driving their growth and transformation.
Digital Transformation and Online Auctions: The most notable trend in machine shop equipment auctions is the shift to online platforms. Digital transformation has revolutionized the auction industry, making it easier for buyers and sellers to connect globally. 
Online auctions offer numerous advantages, such as wider audience reach, convenience, and the ability to participate in real-time bidding from anywhere in the world. This shift to online auctions has democratized access to machinery, allowing smaller businesses and international buyers to participate more readily.
Increased Demand for Used Equipment: Economic factors have driven an increased demand for used machinery. Businesses are looking for cost-effective solutions to maintain and expand their operations without incurring the high costs associated with new equipment. The resale market offers significant savings, making it an attractive option for companies aiming to optimize their budgets. 
This trend is particularly evident in sectors like manufacturing and construction, where the capital outlay for new machinery can be substantial. The durability and reliability of well-maintained used equipment further contribute to this trend, as many machines are built to last and can serve multiple owners over their lifecycle.
Technological Advancements in Auction Processes: Advancements in technology are enhancing the auction experience for buyers and sellers. Modern auction platforms utilize artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to improve the accuracy of equipment valuations, predict market trends, and provide personalized recommendations to buyers. 
Additionally, technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are being integrated into auction platforms, allowing potential buyers to conduct virtual inspections of equipment. These innovations increase buyer confidence and reduce the need for physical inspections, making the process more efficient and accessible.
Sustainability and Circular Economy: Sustainability is becoming a significant factor in the machinery auction market. The concept of the circular economy, which emphasizes the reuse and recycling of resources, aligns well with the sale of used equipment. By purchasing second-hand machinery, businesses contribute to reducing waste and conserving resources. 
This trend is particularly relevant as industries face increasing pressure to adopt more sustainable practices and reduce their environmental impact. The resale of machinery supports these goals by extending the life of equipment and reducing the demand for new manufacturing.
Specialization and Niche Markets: There is a growing trend towards specialization in machine shop equipment auctions. Auction houses are increasingly focusing on specific types of machinery or industry sectors, catering to niche markets with unique needs.
For example, some auctions specialize in CNC machines, welding equipment, or precision measurement instruments. This specialization allows auctioneers to attract targeted buyers and sellers, creating more relevant and valuable auction experiences for participants. It also helps buyers find equipment that precisely meets their requirements, enhancing the overall efficiency of the market.
Machine shop equipment auctions are rapidly evolving, driven by digital transformation, economic factors, technological advancements, sustainability considerations, and market specialization. 
These trends are making auctions more accessible, efficient, and aligned with modern business needs. As the industry continues to innovate, machine shop equipment auctions will likely become an even more integral part of the industrial landscape, offering businesses a viable and attractive option for acquiring high-quality machinery.
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alexawesomeblog · 8 days
The Benefits of Working With an Agent When You Sell Your House
A real estate agent is a licensed professional who represents buyers or sellers in real estate transactions, such as putting up villas for sale in Sri Lanka. Their primary role is to help clients buy, sell, or rent properties. Real estate agents act as intermediaries, facilitating the buying or selling process and assisting clients in navigating the complexities of real estate transactions.
Here are some specific tasks and responsibilities of a real estate agent:
Client Representation: Real estate agents work on behalf of either the buyer or the seller, representing their interests in the transaction.
Property Valuation: Agents help sellers determine the appropriate listing price for their property based on market analysis and comparable sales in the area.
Marketing: For sellers, real estate agents market properties to potential buyers. This may involve creating listings, arranging open houses, and using various advertising methods to attract attention to the property.
Property Search: For buyers, agents help identify properties that meet their criteria, arrange viewings, and provide information about the local real estate market.
Negotiation: Real estate agents negotiate on behalf of their clients to achieve the best possible terms for a sale or purchase. This includes price, closing dates, and other relevant terms.
Contracts and Paperwork: Agents assist in preparing and understanding the various documents involved in real estate transactions, such as purchase agreements, disclosures, and other contractual documents.
Coordination: Agents coordinate with other professionals involved in the transaction, including mortgage brokers, inspectors, appraisers, and closing agents, to ensure a smooth and timely process.
Market Knowledge: Real estate agents stay informed about local market trends, property values, and changes in regulations that may affect real estate transactions. So, if you are looking to place a house for sale in Nugegoda, they will be able to provide you with the proper value for the house and process on how to do it.
Client Guidance: Agents provide guidance and advice to their clients throughout the entire real estate process, helping them make informed decisions.
Real estate agents typically work on a commission basis, earning a percentage of the sale or purchase price of a property. The specific duties and requirements for real estate agents can vary by location and may be subject to local regulations and licensing requirements.
What are the benefits of working with a real estate agent to sell your house?
Working with a real estate agent to sell your house can offer several benefits, leveraging their expertise and resources to make the selling process smoother and more successful. Here are some key advantages:
Market Knowledge: Real estate agents have a deep understanding of the local housing market. They can provide valuable insights into current market conditions, pricing trends, and the competition in your area. For example, they will be able to properly evaluate the value and trends in market of different geo location such as a house for sale in Kandy or a Kiribathgoda house for sale, depending on the dynamics available.
Pricing Guidance: Determining the right listing price is crucial. Agents can conduct a comparative market analysis (CMA) to help you set a competitive and realistic price for your property based on recent sales and market conditions.
Marketing Expertise: Agents have access to a variety of marketing channels and strategies to promote your property effectively. This includes online listings, open houses, professional photography, and other promotional tools to attract potential buyers.
Negotiation Skills: Real estate transactions involve negotiation. Experienced agents can negotiate on your behalf, working to secure the best possible terms for the sale, including price, closing dates, and other conditions.
Network and Connections: Agents often have a network of other professionals in the industry, including mortgage brokers, inspectors, appraisers, and other agents. This network can be beneficial in ensuring a smooth and efficient transaction.
Legal and Paperwork Assistance: The process of selling a home involves a significant amount of paperwork. Real estate agents are familiar with the necessary documents and can help ensure that everything is properly completed and submitted on time.
Time and Convenience: Selling a home can be time-consuming and requires attention to detail. Having an agent handle the process allows you to focus on other aspects of your life, while they take care of the marketing, showings, and negotiations.
Objective Advice: Emotions can run high during a real estate transaction. A real estate agent provides an objective perspective, helping you make decisions based on facts and market realities rather than emotions.
Increased Exposure: Real estate agents have access to multiple listing services (MLS) and online platforms, ensuring that your property is exposed to a wide audience of potential buyers.
Home Staging Recommendations: Agents often provide guidance on how to present your home in the best light. This may include recommendations for staging, decluttering, and making small improvements that can enhance the appeal of your property.
While there are costs associated with hiring a real estate agent (typically in the form of a commission), many sellers find that the benefits outweigh the expenses, especially when considering the potential for a quicker sale at a better price.
How will a real estate agent go about selling a house?
Selling a house involves a series of steps, and a real estate agent plays a crucial role in guiding you through the process. Here is an overview of how a real estate agent typically goes about selling a house:
Initial Consultation: The process usually begins with an initial consultation between the seller and the real estate agent. During this meeting, the agent will gather information about the property, discuss the seller's goals and expectations, and explain the services they offer.
Property Valuation and Pricing: The agent will conduct a thorough analysis of the local market, examining recent sales of comparable properties and current market conditions. Based on this information, they will provide the seller with a recommended listing price.
Marketing Plan: The agent will create a customised marketing plan to promote the property. This may include professional photography, virtual tours, online listings on various platforms, open houses, and other promotional activities to attract potential buyers.
Preparing the Property: The agent may provide recommendations for improving the property's appeal, such as staging, decluttering, or making minor repairs. First impressions are crucial, and a well-presented property is more likely to attract buyers.
Listing the Property: The agent will list the property on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and other relevant online platforms. They will create a compelling property description and highlight its key features to attract potential buyers.
Showings and Open Houses: The agent will coordinate showings and open houses to give potential buyers an opportunity to view the property. They may also gather feedback from these events to make any necessary adjustments to the marketing strategy.
Negotiation: When offers are presented, the agent will negotiate on behalf of the seller. This includes discussing the terms of the offer, such as price, closing dates, and any contingencies. The goal is to reach an agreement that satisfies both parties.
Acceptance of Offer: Once the seller accepts an offer, the agent will guide them through the process of signing a purchase agreement. This legally binding contract outlines the terms and conditions of the sale.
Inspections and Appraisal: The buyer may conduct inspections, and an appraisal may be required to ensure the property's value aligns with the agreed-upon purchase price. The agent will coordinate these activities and address any issues that arise.
Closing Process: The agent will work closely with the seller, the buyer, and other professionals involved in the transaction (such as attorneys and title companies) to ensure a smooth closing process. This includes handling paperwork, coordinating the transfer of funds, and finalising the sale.
Throughout the entire process, a real estate agent provides guidance, advice, and expertise to navigate potential challenges and ensure a successful sale. Their goal is to maximise the seller's return on investment and facilitate a seamless transaction.
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How to Choose the Best Mortgage Company in UAE: A Comprehensive Guide
Choosing the right mortgage company in the UAE is crucial for securing the best mortgage terms and rates. With numerous options available, making an informed decision requires careful consideration of various factors. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential steps and considerations for selecting the best mortgage company in the UAE.
For more information on Dubai's real estate market, visit Home Loans in Dubai.
Understanding the Mortgage Market in UAE
Market Overview: The UAE mortgage market is dynamic and competitive, with numerous local and international banks offering a variety of mortgage products. Understanding the market landscape is the first step in choosing the right mortgage company.
Types of Mortgages: Mortgages in the UAE can be categorized into fixed-rate and variable-rate mortgages. Fixed-rate mortgages offer stability with consistent monthly payments, while variable-rate mortgages can fluctuate based on market conditions.
Eligibility Criteria: Mortgage companies in the UAE have specific eligibility criteria, including income requirements, employment status, and credit history. Understanding these criteria can help you narrow down your options.
For more details, explore Buy House in Dubai.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Mortgage Company
Interest Rates: Compare interest rates offered by different mortgage companies. A lower interest rate can save you a significant amount of money over the loan term.
Loan Terms: Consider the loan terms, including the repayment period and flexibility in repayment options. Longer loan terms may result in lower monthly payments but higher overall interest costs.
Fees and Charges: Be aware of any additional fees and charges associated with the mortgage. These can include processing fees, early repayment penalties, and valuation fees.
Customer Service: Evaluate the customer service offered by the mortgage company. A company with a strong reputation for customer support can make the mortgage process smoother and more manageable.
Approval Time: The time taken to approve a mortgage can vary between companies. Choose a company that offers a quick and efficient approval process to avoid delays in your property purchase.
For mortgage services, visit home mortgage uae.
Steps to Choosing the Best Mortgage Company
Research and Compare: Start by researching various mortgage companies in the UAE. Use online platforms, read customer reviews, and compare their mortgage products and services.
Seek Recommendations: Ask friends, family, or colleagues for recommendations. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights into the reliability and efficiency of different mortgage companies.
Consult a Mortgage Broker: A mortgage broker can provide expert advice and help you find the best mortgage deals. They can also assist with the application process and negotiations.
Pre-Approval: Get pre-approved for a mortgage to understand your borrowing capacity and increase your chances of securing a good deal. Pre-approval also makes you a more attractive buyer to sellers.
Meet with Representatives: Schedule meetings with representatives from different mortgage companies to discuss your needs and ask questions. This will help you gauge their responsiveness and willingness to assist.
Review Terms and Conditions: Carefully review the terms and conditions of the mortgage offers. Pay attention to interest rates, loan terms, fees, and any other conditions that may affect your mortgage.
For property management services, visit Rent Your Property in Dubai.
Popular Mortgage Companies in UAE
HSBC: Known for its competitive interest rates and flexible mortgage options, HSBC is a popular choice for homebuyers in the UAE.
Emirates NBD: Emirates NBD offers a range of mortgage products tailored to different needs, along with excellent customer service and quick approval times.
Mashreq Bank: Mashreq Bank provides personalized mortgage solutions with attractive rates and minimal fees, making it a preferred choice for many buyers.
ADCB: Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB) offers comprehensive mortgage products with competitive rates and flexible repayment options.
Dubai Islamic Bank: For those seeking Sharia-compliant mortgage solutions, Dubai Islamic Bank offers a variety of Islamic mortgage products with favorable terms.
For property sales, visit Sell Your Property.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of John and Sarah, who recently purchased their dream home in Dubai. By researching different mortgage companies and consulting with a mortgage broker, they were able to secure a mortgage with favorable terms. The mortgage company they chose offered excellent customer service, competitive interest rates, and quick approval times, making the home buying process smooth and stress-free.
For more insights into Dubai's real estate market, visit Home Loans in Dubai.
Future Trends in the UAE Mortgage Market
Digitalization: The UAE mortgage market is embracing digitalization, with many companies offering online application processes, digital document submission, and virtual consultations. This trend is making the mortgage process more efficient and convenient.
Sustainable Mortgages: There is a growing demand for sustainable mortgages that support environmentally friendly and energy-efficient homes. Mortgage companies are beginning to offer products that cater to this demand.
Flexible Mortgage Products: Mortgage companies are increasingly offering flexible mortgage products that cater to the diverse needs of homebuyers. This includes options for expatriates, first-time buyers, and investors.
For property sales, visit Sell Your Property.
Choosing the best mortgage company in the UAE involves careful research, comparison, and consideration of various factors. By understanding the market, seeking expert advice, and evaluating your options, you can secure a mortgage that meets your needs and financial goals. For more resources and expert advice, visit Home Loans in Dubai.
Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions or need further assistance with choosing a mortgage company in the UAE!
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