#Onion Grading Machine
allroundvp · 1 year
The Allround Shake grader is designed to grade potatoes according to the square size. The potatoes are fed to the top of the machine on to the top sieve. The sieves in the machine shake in sequential frequencies, which causes the potatoes to move along on the sieves.
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
careful daughter // marcus armstrong
summary: she's always been the careful daughter. when she slips up on a final exam, marcus knows jsut how to make everything better. or, where he fell in love with a careful man's once careless daughter.
warnings: talks of past regrets
pairing: marcus armstrong x female! reader
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she knew she'd bottled it almost as soon as she'd handed in the paper
even though she'd looked it over, confused and frustrated, four separate times, she was one of the first to hand it in
the perfect student who looked like she was always on top of things, the smartest in the room
but she didn't feel like it as she walked towards the campus parking lot, a pit in her stomach as she waited for marcus
since she didn't need to be at the campus for long, he said he'd drop her off before the exam, and then take her out to dinner afterwards
and god did she need marcus cornelius armstrong right now.
she needed him to hold her and tell her that everything was going to be fine.
"princess, what's wrong?" marcus asks her, the air in his bmw heavy with the anxiety radiating off his girlfriend
"i fucked up, marcus. the most important exam of my college career, and i think i bottled it."
"oh, honey. i'm sorry." marcus frowns, taking her hand in his.
he doesn't know what to do
roles are usually reversed because he's the one bottling something (a.k.a his entire formula 2 season)
he takes her to a fifties themed diner, some place nice and quiet
not exactly romantic, but he hopes it might be able to cheer her up
they order burgers, fries and milkshakes, with a basket of onion rings to share
"i used to be an awful person, marcus. i allowed myself to be defined by one thing and i thought that other people didn't like me, so i pushed them away before they got the chance to really get to know me. i thought i was stopping myself from getting hurt, that i was the only person i needed. i wasted so much time being that person, and now that i'm not, i've spent so much time trying to figure out who i actually am. i have days where i regret every single decision that i have ever made. and what if i'm wasting more time now on a major that's not meant for me?"
and marcus is shocked, for the first time in his life, he's speechless
"baby, listen to me. you aren't that girl any more, and you don't have to be, either. it's just one test. i know first hand how much effort you have put into this course. and you are so fucking good at it, princess. you are going to be the best in your field. none of this has been a waste of time, yeah?"
there's a jukebox in the corner, and he knows just what to do
he gets up, puts a quarter in the record machine
and selects a dolly parton song that he knows is going to make y/n laugh
"tumble out of bed, and stumble into the kitchen, pour myself a cup of ambition"
he knows his singing and dancing routine is awful, all shrugged shoulders and foot-shuffling as his glasses slide down his nose
despite everything, she's laughing, her face lighting up as marcus invites her out onto the tile floor to dance with him to '9 to 5'
and how can she be upset around someone as lighthearted and full of love and life as marcus cornelius armstrong?
the song changes to an aerosmith ballad, for the jukebox is only equipped with the classics
and their food is practically forgotten as they sway together in the middle of the diner to 'i don't want to miss a thing'
and for once, she's not worried about her test, or her grades
she knows she's going to be okay in the end
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Pancake Household: Chapter 9, Part 1
Time to check in with the Pancakes stack!
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Nicknames: Bob = Sleek, Eliza = Jumble
Brindleton Bay in autumn, the best world/season combo or so I’ve been told. We start with Ginger chasing her tail and Bob and Eliza  waking up.
Eliza: You ready for tonight?
Bob: Tonight?
Eliza: The dinner party Sleek
Bob: I remember we were having one I just didn’t remember it was tonight. Let me just call in work
Eliza: I could always cook
She looks at him but can only keep her face composed for a few seconds before laughing at her own joke.
Bob: *laughs* Let’s not burn the house down Jumble
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Since we’ve last visited the youngest Pancake, Fergus, has been diagnosed with ADHD. He wants to see if he can manage without medication for the moment which makes Eliza a little nervous now and then.
Fergus: Morning dad, morning mother. Is Emi still coming for dinner
Eliza: Her and her parents, as well as Onyx’s friend Carson and his parents
Fergus: Just remember you have to call her Artemisia because you’re normal, I get to call her Emi because I’m her friend
Eliza: *quietly* Thank the watcher our eldest picked a simple name
Bob: You’re telling me
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Bob stands and pulls Eliza up to kiss her on the cheek. He’s hoping they’ll have a daughter soon.
Onyx: Good morning everyone. Dad, mother, I couldn’t help but notice we still have a horse shaped hole in our lawn
Fergus: Did you dig up the yard?
Onyx: It’s an expression *switches to talking to Eliza* because I’m an A student mother
Eliza: Must be the only grade A student in detention
Onyx: It was one detention! Everyone gets at least one detention
Eliza: I didn’t
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Bob: It’s not the detention that’s a problem. Your mother and I are concerned about how you’d manage taking care of a horse on top of your school and cheerleading responsibilities
Onyx: I’d fit it in. Please mother, I’m sad I don’t have a horse
Eliza: How about a test then
Onyx: A test?
Eliza: You take over walking Ginger for a while and if you can manage that we can talk about a horse again
Onyx: Deal. My dog walking skills will be legendary
The table bursts into laughter at this response.
Eliza: Oh I do love your confidence honey
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Bob: Of course we’re lucky we can afford Ginger
Eliza: Bob…
Bob: For a while there my books weren’t doing so good
Onyx: They weren’t?
Bob: The first critic, what did he say Jumble?
Eliza: *sternly* Bob
Bob: That it was expensive toilet paper
Onyx: Oh my watcher! That’s awful! Is that why we had to move? Do we owe the mob money? Will they kill us in our sleep
Bob: What?
Clearly surprised that this new has upset Onyx, Bob turns to his wife to signal for help. Good thing she’s already prepared.
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Eliza: It was a long time ago and we got through it. We may not be rolling in simoleons like some other families but we’re certainly in no danger of losing Ginger or the house
Bob: You’ll see Onyx, we’ll be… good?
Eliza: Thank you Bob, that was very convincing
Bob: *laughs* Thank the watcher charisma levels can’t go backwards
Onyx: I just have to do my homework mother then I’ll walk Ginger, you’ll see, I’ll have loads of time
Bob and Eliza watch their kids hurry off to get their homework out the way, Eliza feeling proud, Bob wondering if he should have added more onions to the breakfast quiche.
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Settling onto the workout machine Bob thinks it’s a good time to do a short livestream, he still can’t believe he has fans, but he’ll have to get more for promotion.
Bob: Hey viewers. I’m having a dinner party tonight and I’m getting ready by exercising early! Remember to do your warmup stretches and add the weight you lift gradually. So my kid is 14 and I’m wondering… is it safe to let them in my kitchen? Let’s do a poll!
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Inside in their room Onyx is oblivious to their responsibility being debated online, focusing instead on finishing their homework correctly. It would probably be easier if Eliza hadn’t picked now to vacuum but with visitors coming she will not be accepting dust bunnies today!
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After completing his own homework assignment Fergus sets about doing the laundry. He checks all the pockets and gets it in the machine. Just as he sets it to go Onyx comes out for their cheer practice.
Onyx: Did you just do the washing
Fergus: It’s only right, we have guests coming and mother can’t do all the chores
Onyx: Suppose
Fergus: Plus if I do it you’ll have time to walk Ginger
Onyx: That’s nice of you, thanks-
Their words are interrupted by Fergus having chosen the porch as the best place to practice dramatics! Onyx shrugs and carries on their own practice, may as well practice not being distracted by random noises.
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Livestream finished Bob heads inside to start prep for the dinner party. It’s here he realises he has a fridge full of batter but no dough, oops.
Bob: Hey, Jumble?
Eliza: Library! Doing chess!
Bob: Oh. Turns out I have to wait some time for the dough to mix together. I was wondering if I could persuade you to join me in bed for our own mixing
Eliza: *smiles* ask me nicely
Of course they do end up in bed and spend far longer mixing together than is required for the dough.
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Previous (Romero) ... Next
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⛑️ or 🥰 with Curtis and honey - your choice! 💖💖💖 Love these two (and you for sharing them with us)
Hey babes! I went with both of them because I just loved both of these themes. Thank you so much for playing babes.
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Life Is Short So Make It Sweet Masterlist
So Many Things
Warnings- Mentions of knife cuts and blood.
You were busy in the kitchen, your mind in a hundred places at once.
Dice the veggies. Your brain chided while you grabbed them from the fridge.
But I got those papers...no dice the veggies. You scolded again, intent on getting dinner on the table. Curtis had been doing it all week for you, you could at least get it done tonight.
I wonder if I can do that stitch on the sewing machine? It would be faster than by hand. Y/N Focus! You sighed as you grabbed a knife and started chopping. Trying to stay focused. The movement became methodic as you diced the peppers, prepping to make a stir fry. It was quick and easy, this you could do. You had to get it done while your stomach reminded you with a rather angry burst that you were starving after a day of being too busy to eat. You grabbed at a piece and popped it in your mouth, in an attempt to quiet yourself.
You went back to it, now dealing with onions to toss in. I can make this fajita style, we have that chicken. Then I should call Yona, tell her about tomorrow... Your mind still wandered. You never heard Curtis come in from the garage, heading for the sink to wash his hands.
"Hey Honey, what you got cooking?" He simply asked and that startled you, making the knife slip across the board and bit into your palm, making you yelp in alarm.
"Oh shit." You drop the knife on the cutting board, grabbing your palm to try and cover it from bleeding everywhere.
"Whoa, hold on." Curtis grasped your shoulders lightly, steering you to the sink that still had running water from where he just cleaned his own hands. "Lemme see Honey." You felt your eyes welling up at the sting in your palm and frustration that you weren't paying attention. Curtis eased your hand under the water, making you hiss at the sting of it. "I'm sorry Honey, I promise to be quick." He muttered while leaning over the sink to get a better look. Grabbing a clean towel nearby, he pressed it over your palm to put gentle pressure on it.
His gaze lifted as you gave a sniffle, the tears now big dollops falling down your cheeks. Curtis lifted his free hand to your face, his thumb running under each eye to clear them. "It's shallow Pretty Girl, no need for the hospital. You okay?"
"No." Your nose wrinkled at the overwhelming feelings that were pestering you. "I fucked up, bled all over the food, I wasn't paying attention, and ruined dinner."
Curtis's eyes widened in surprise at your words. His thumb tilted your chin up to look at him. "Y/N, you didn't fuck up Honey. Accident's happen and I'm more worried you're in pain than anything else." He tugged you with him, keeping a hold of your palm while he sat in a kitchen chair and eased you on his leg, refusing to let you try to hold yourself off him.
"I feel like I did." You sighed as you gave into him, settling in against him.
"I think you need to give yourself a break Pretty Girl." Curtis tucked your head under his chin, his free hand rubbing against your back. "Let me order us a pizza tonight. Forget about making dinner and we can crash on the couch together watching shit tv the rest of the night."
"I got so much to do though." You muttered, really liking the sounds of what he was offering.
"Is it anything that needs to be done right this second Honey?"
"Well dinner was the main thing, then I was gonna grade some papers."
"I can help you with the papers, Im good at copying your writing now on them." Curtis chuckled, popping a kiss to your temple as you straightened back out. He eased the towel off your hand, seeing that it had stopped bleeding. "But first let's bandage this hand and I can call us that pizza delivery."
You made no move to get up, but with your uninjured hand, you cupped his face, letting your forehead lean against his, your eyes looking into his as a gentle relieved smile eased in place of the worried frown you had earlier. "Thank you, Curtis, for taking care of me."
He pressed his mouth to yours, muttering against your lips after a gentle kiss. "Always plan to Honey."
Warnings- Curtis relives the car accident that took his family.
It was cold, and freezing, the car horn wouldn't stop. Curtis tried plugging his ears against the noise, no longer a man but a little boy stuck in the car that was blaring its horn, and everything was so cold he couldn't stop shaking.
Why wouldn't it stop? He wondered as he struggled in his seatbelt, the feeling of fear making him want to cry out for his mom, his dad, and his brother, Tyler. Where were they? They should be with him. Curtis struggled again, trying to pull off the seatbelt holding him in place.
Somewhere there was yelling, calling his name. He could feel the tears hot in his eyes as they came rolling down, his voice turning hoarse as he cried out for whoever was yelling his name. I'm here, I'm here...
"Curtis, baby wake up. You're having a nightmare." You were sitting next to him on the bed, watching your boyfriend's face screw up in fear while tears were running into his beard, making it gleam in the bit of light in the room. Your hand rubbed at his heaving chest as he gasped several times in his sleep, which initially woke you up. "Curtis." You said a little louder and this time his eyes sprang open, shining brighter blue than you can recall ever seeing them, the tears making them intense.
"What?" He half sprang to a sit, turning into you while you held him, letting him ease against you. "Shit, I woke you, didn't I?" His face was half buried against your chest while he tried to make sense of where he was and what was going on.
Your hand soothed over his buzz cut and down to his tense shoulders, working your fingers into the muscles to loosen them again. "Your dream was upsetting you, Curtis. You were crying in your sleep."
"I know, shit, I'm sorry." He shuddered, now that it was all coming back to him. His arm eased around your waist, hugging around you while he started to loosen back up, relaxing now that he realized he was home, safe in bed, with you. The shivers that were wracking his body earlier were imagined, all from the freezing cold in his dream.
You're okay, you're not in that car anymore, You're not a little boy stuck in the wreck. He reminded himself as he let his face rub against your soft breasts, relishing in how warm and soft you were against him.
"It's okay Curtis, do you want to tell me about it?" You asked softly, your touch never stopping. It was soothing, a reminder that life was okay now, he was right where he needed to be. Did he want to relive the dream, talk about what happened when he was so little that he only remembered it in bits and pieces? Mostly in his nightmares.
No, not really. Not right now.
"If you don't want to Curtis, we don't have to." You continued gently when he didn't answer you right away. "We can talk about something else till you're ready to sleep again."
He lifted his head off you finally, shifting till he was stretched next to you instead of smothering you under him. "Tell me something about when you and Jade were kids?" He requested and you smiled at him, scooting back in closer towards him till you could let your head rest on his shoulder.
"Well, there was this one time we..." You started and Curtis let himself just listen, forgetting all about his past and picturing you as a kid yourself, never having to lose your family so suddenly.
Send Me An Ask To Comfort A Character
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wilsonthemoose · 2 years
Thursday's Child
(Stanford Era) ~1400 words, Sam/Jess. (Link to Ao3)
He's almost normal, for a while.
Okay so maybe he's never been quite normal.
Maybe he plays card games and laughs in the middle of the circle and maybe he holds himself still when his elbow rubs against the person next to him, huddled as they are in the back benches of the class in the introductory lecture when the professor hasn't shown up yet. Maybe he wins and shrugs and feels out of place. Maybe he thinks it takes time and he'll belong here one of these days.
Okay so maybe he knows he's full of shit.
(Funny isn't it when life knocks the rose-tinted glasses off your face?)
Unreasonable, how much you miss something you swore you hated.
The rumble of the car, the legos knocking around in the vents. Back country roads and a sheaf of maps sprawled on the tables.
His father.
Diners, the same in every town and slightly different each time they walked through a door. How it didn't matter all that much that no one liked him at that one school in Des Moines or that he wrote too much of himself into the essay in fourth grade. How every new town was a place to exist for a few weeks before leaving and hitting the road with news channels distorted on their radio or AC/DC loud in the speakers.
Dean's music.
He gets a walkman and a couple of cassettes and can't listen to a full song, stops trying.
She wears her hair loose, it curls around her neck and stands out golden against his canvas jackets when he forgets to brush the stray strands off his clothes.
He sells his bicycle to buy her a lamp the first time she invites him to a birthday. She cries, two years later, when it breaks.
It scares him sometimes, how she cries out in pain when she cuts herself chopping spring onions for soup and how tears spring to her eyes when she needs stitches for a small cut on the back of her arm.
He never knows what to say, scared of insensitivity and his brother's brand of brusque comfort. Sometimes she looks at him like she's wondering if he even cares at all and he lifts his chin like he's sure of himself and says "It'll be okay."
He never knows why she sticks around.
When she tells him he'll crash and burn without her, he nods affirmation and knocks on wood. It makes her laugh because she doesn't know.
It scares him, all the time, how much he's got that he could lose. How she doesn't know how to protect herself from all the things out there in the wide world. He carves a rune into a pendant and conceals it behind a mood-stone for her and he never has to ask her to wear it.
"Why do you keep so much salt?" she asks, balancing on her tippy-toes on a stool, leaning into the cupboard over the counter, tossing a can of salt in the air like a cocktail shaker. He tells her a half-truth about how, as a kid, he'd make ice-cream out of milk, cereal, and marshmallow with ice from the ice machine. "Salt melts the ice," he says, "It chills faster."
"Here," he says and grabs the salt out of the air before she catches it again. He mixes a bowl of coffee flavoured ice-cream, worse than he remembered and better than he hoped.
Does it say something about them? That he lies all the time about his life and she lets him. That she says she'll never be her mother and he sets a framed photograph of his own parents on a corner table in their apartment as if he'd like to be his father.
He's a freak, a loner with a scholarship, a great GPA, and a shitty wardrobe but he's sincere and maybe that counts for something because there are people who let him hang around.
Brady who copies off his notes and complains about the way Sam writes ts and hs. Rebecca who changed her major twice and misses her family almost as much as he does.
He never stops feeling like if he stood up to throw his cup away and never came back, no one would notice.
Too much sun in California. Too many people who know him by name. He still trips over it sometimes.
He makes spare change making fake IDs, makes up stories for what he's doing over Christmas, where he's going in the summer, picks up jobs on campus and off; shoots pool, sometimes, just for the nostalgia. He doesn't need to hustle to win anyway.
When she introduces them, her father calls him son.
It's probably a catch-all term, used indiscriminately for delivery boys and Walmart tellers. He hates it anyway.
It's a good life. She makes the best chocolate chip cookies in the world and manages to burn the milk every morning without fail (coffee starts tasting off to him if the milk isn't burnt).
She always says it twice, "I love you, I love you," like he might not have paid attention to her the first time.
Maybe it starts to feel a little bit like normal, switchblade tucked into the seams of his bag and an iron poker leaning against the wall behind the fridge. Mementos on the tables and pictures on the wall, her neat little notes "Knock 'em dead xoxo" tucked into his notebooks like placeholders and in his wallet like he needs to save them. Like she wouldn't call him a dork and write him another hundred if he asked. Like she wouldn't be smiling thinking she was the luckiest girl in the world.
He's homesick, incurably and suffocatingly homesick. There is no home. A door thumping closed behind him on a damp-cushioned latch and a warning not to come back.
Morbidly sometimes, he reads obituaries. It's a relief, an obsession, and an itch.
Sometimes he wants to go back.
He studies a little too much and works a little too hard. She spends a bit too much of her parent's money, and when she's drunk, talks about her little sister almost drowning in the lake the summer they were learning to swim.
He thinks about fires and drowning and assignments and stops sleeping quite so well. She's pinned to the ceiling in his dreams every night.
He drinks a little too much and hustles a game too many and she types his essay while he flexes his bruised knuckles and holds an ice pack against his jaw. He's more amused than anything else, that she makes such a big deal of it, even when the liquor's worn off, he's a little bit off. Not entirely himself, whoever he's supposed to be.
A freak and a loner, a little too good at hustling and a little too quick on his feet. Far too good at playing a part, fitting into a decent role. Sam Winchester, son of an ever-wandering father, with an ascent coloured with Louisiana and South Dakota and all the other places he's been, a map of more near-escapes than he has a right to.
Sam Winchester, misfit wherever he goes. On the fringes, the sidelines, dead center and still out of place.
She teaches him how to tie his tie and sits with him when he's trying not to cry.
He dreams of his father as a young man, bloodsoaked and lifeless, his mother crying, hair curly like Jess but fierce too, like Dean.
He wonders why he cares so damn much. The closest he's ever got to her is a few pictures and a few stories. A single dream.
When Dean tells him their father's on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days, he wonders if he should put more stock in his dreams.
Sunday evening with smoke in his throat, he knows he picked the wrong dream.
(Lightning too has been known to strike the same place twice.)
They call it an electrical fault.
Of whatever little survived the fire, he doesn't keep anything.
In another world, they might've learnt to be happy.
He'd go to law school, she'd be a doctor. He'd practice opening statements in front of the mirror, she'd learn anatomy tracing her fingers along his spine. He'd try to make her laugh, she'd try to make him forget. They'd be safe.
He just missed his brother. Wanted to find his Dad.
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polyglotnotes · 2 years
American English to British English
airplane - aeroplane
apartment - flat
apartment building - block of flats
arugula - rocket
ATM - cashpoint/cash machine
attendance, take - register, take the
baby crib - cot
bachelor party - stag do
bachelorette party - hen do
bandaid - plaster
bangs - fringe
barf (verb) - chunder (verb)
bathrobe/robe - dressing gown
bathroom/restroom - loo (slang)
bathroom/washroom - toilet/bathroom
bathtub - bath
beets - beetroot
bell pepper - pepper/sweet pepper
Bic - biro
blinds - curtains
blood sausage/boudin noir - black pudding
broil (verb) - grill (verb)
bus - coach
camper van/RV - caravan
can - tin
candy - sweets
caravan - convoy
caregiver - carer
cart - trolley
cash register - till
checkers - draughts
checking account - current account
chic/classy/fancy - posh
closet - wardrobe
co-education/co-ed - mixed school
coach class - economy class
comforter - duvet
cookie - biscuit
corn - maize
corn starch - cornflour
cotton swab/Q-tip - cotton bud
couch - sittee
counterclockwise - anticlockwise
CPA (Certified Public Accountant) - Chartered Accountant
crosswalk - zebra crossing
custom-made - bespoke
diaper - nappy
downtown - city centre
eggplant - aubergine
elevator - lift
eraser - rubber
exclamation point - exclamation mark
expensive - dear
faculty member - academic staff
fall - autumn
faucet - tap
fire truck - fire engine
first floor - ground floor
fish sticks - fish fingers
flan (=sweet soft food) - flan (=fruit cake, not sweet)
flashlight - torch
flyby - flypast
freeway/highway - motorway
french fries - chips
French press - cafetiere
front desk - reception
furnace - central heating boiler
garbage can - dustbin
garbage collector - binman
gas/gasoline - petrol
gearshift - gearstick
grade - mark
green onion/scallion - spring onion
grocery store - grocery shop
ground beef - minced meat
ground/grounded - earth/earthed
ham - gammon
high beam (car) - full beam (car)
high school - secondary school
hot (sexy) - fit (sexy)
intersection - crossroads
janitor - caretaker
jumper dress - pinafore
jungle gym - climbing frame
kindergarten - preschool/nursery school
knickers - parcel
ladybug - ladybird
line - queue
liquor store - off license
mailman - postman
math - maths
median strip - central reservation
mom and pop store - family business
mommy/mom - mummy/mum
motorcycle - motorbike
movies, the - cinema, the
open house - open day
overalls - dungarees
pajamas - pyjamas
panties - knickers
pants/slacks - trousers
paper towel - kitchen roll
parking - car park
pay raise - pay rise
period - full stop
pharmacy - chemist
pickle - gherkin
pimple/zit - spot
pitcher - jug
plastic wrap - clingfilm
potato chips - crisps
principal - headmaster
public holiday - bank holiday
puffer vest - gilet
purse - handbag
quotation marks - inverted commas
rappel (verb, climbing) - abseil (verb, climbing)
recess - breaktime
round-trip ticket - return ticket
rubber boots - wellington boots/wellies
rummage sale - jumble sale
schedule - timetable
scotch tape - sellotape
second floor - first floor
shots - jab
sidewalk (=pavement is concrete/tarmac road) - pavement (=road for pedestrians)
silverware/flatware - cutlery
sink - washbasin
sketchy - dodgy
sneakers - trainers
soccer - football
soda/pop/coke/tonic - fizzy drink
special election - by-election
spelunking - potholing
store - shop
stove - cooker
stroller - push chair
study (verb) - read (verb)
subway/metro - underground/tube
sweater - jumper
sweater vest - sleeveless jumper/slipover
swimming suit - swimsuit
table (= verb – delay) - table (= verb – suggest)
tap - faucet
teachers' lounge - staffroom
teleprompter - autocue
teller - cashier
thong (=shoe) - thong (=underwear)
tic-tac-toe - noughts and crosses
tire - tyre
traffic circle/rotary - roundabout
trailer park - caravan park
transportation - transport
truck - lorry
trunk - boot
undershirt - vest
underwear - pants
vacation - holiday
vacationers - holidaymakers
vest - waistcoat
wallet - purse
windbreaker - cagoule
windshield - windscreen
woods, the - wood, a
yard - garden
ZIP code - postcode
zipper - zip
zucchini - courgette
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flavionsindia · 24 days
The Rise of Onion Exporter Companies in India: A Comprehensive Overview
India, known as the land of spices and diverse agricultural products, holds a prominent position in the global market for various produce, especially onions. As a staple in culinary practices worldwide, the demand for onions has consistently soared, making it one of the most traded vegetables globally. Indian onion exporter companies have capitalized on this demand, playing a crucial role in the global supply chain. In this blog, we will explore the dynamics of onion exporting in India, the challenges faced by exporters, and the key players in the market.
1. India’s Dominance in Onion Production
India is the second-largest producer of onions in the world, contributing approximately 20-25% of the global output. The country's diverse climatic conditions and rich soil fertility make it an ideal place for onion cultivation. The major onion-producing states in India include Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Bihar, and Madhya Pradesh. Among these, Maharashtra leads with the highest production, significantly contributing to India's export volume.
2. The Onion Export Market in India
India’s onion export market is vast, with the country exporting onions to over 90 countries. The key markets include Bangladesh, Malaysia, UAE, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. Indian onions are popular globally due to their pungency, taste, and long shelf life. The different varieties, such as the Red Onion, White Onion, and Pink Onion, cater to diverse culinary preferences worldwide.
3. Key Players in the Indian Onion Export Market
Several companies in India have established themselves as leading onion exporters, known for their quality produce and robust supply chain mechanisms. Here are some key players:
Nashik-based exporters: Nashik, in Maharashtra, is often referred to as the onion capital of India. Companies from this region, such as Agrion, are known for their vast networks and efficient export processes.
Farmers Fresh Zone: This company has made a mark by promoting farm-to-fork supply, ensuring fresh onions are delivered to international markets.
Kinal Global Care Private Limited: Known for its commitment to quality, Kinal Global Care has a significant presence in the Middle East and Southeast Asia.
These companies are characterized by their strong logistics networks, adherence to quality standards, and commitment to maintaining the freshness of their produce.
4. Challenges Faced by Onion Exporters in India
Despite the lucrative opportunities in the global market, onion exporters in India face several challenges:
Price Volatility: The onion market is highly volatile, with prices fluctuating due to seasonal factors, domestic demand, and international market conditions. This volatility can impact the profitability of exporters.
Regulatory Hurdles: Indian onion exporters often grapple with government regulations, such as export bans or restrictions during periods of domestic shortage. These regulations, while aimed at stabilizing domestic prices, can disrupt export operations.
Quality Standards: Meeting the stringent quality and safety standards required by international markets is another challenge. Exporters must ensure that their produce is free from pests, has a uniform size, and meets the residue levels for pesticides.
Logistics and Transportation: Efficient transportation and storage are critical for maintaining the quality of onions during transit. Exporters need to invest in cold storage facilities and efficient logistics networks to prevent spoilage and ensure timely delivery.
5. Technological Advancements in Onion Exporting
To overcome these challenges, many Indian onion exporters are embracing technological advancements. The use of blockchain technology for traceability, automated sorting and grading machines, and digital platforms for market intelligence are helping companies streamline their operations and improve the quality of their exports.
Blockchain for Traceability: Blockchain technology allows exporters to provide detailed information about the origin, cultivation practices, and quality checks of the onions. This transparency builds trust with international buyers and ensures compliance with global standards.
Automated Sorting and Grading: Modern machinery enables precise sorting and grading of onions, ensuring that only the best quality produce reaches the international market. This automation reduces human error and enhances efficiency.
Digital Platforms: Exporters are increasingly using digital platforms to access real-time market data, price trends, and demand forecasts. This information helps them make informed decisions and optimize their supply chain.
6. Sustainability in Onion Exporting
Sustainability is becoming a critical aspect of the global food supply chain, and Indian onion exporters are not far behind in adopting sustainable practices. From reducing the use of pesticides to implementing water-efficient irrigation methods, companies are making efforts to minimize their environmental footprint.
Water-Efficient Irrigation: Onion cultivation requires significant water, and exporters are promoting drip irrigation and other water-saving technologies to conserve this vital resource.
Eco-Friendly Packaging: To reduce plastic waste, many exporters are shifting towards biodegradable packaging solutions. This move is not only environmentally friendly but also appeals to eco-conscious consumers in international markets.
7. The Future of Onion Exporting in India
The future of onion exporting in India looks promising, with several factors driving growth:
Rising Global Demand: With the global population increasing and more countries incorporating onions into their diets, the demand for Indian onions is expected to rise.
Expansion into New Markets: Indian exporters are exploring new markets in Europe, Africa, and North America, diversifying their customer base and reducing dependency on traditional markets.
Government Support: The Indian government is taking steps to support agricultural exports, including onions, through initiatives like the Agriculture Export Policy. This policy aims to boost export volumes and promote India as a global agricultural powerhouse.
8. Conclusion
Onion exporter companies in India play a vital role in the global agricultural landscape. Despite the challenges, the sector has shown resilience and adaptability, driven by technological advancements, a focus on quality, and a commitment to sustainability. As global demand for onions continues to grow, Indian exporters are well-positioned to capitalize on new opportunities and solidify their status as leading players in the international market.
India's onion export market is not just about trading a vegetable; it reflects the country's agricultural prowess, the entrepreneurial spirit of its exporters, and the global appeal of its produce. With continued innovation and support, Indian onion exporters are set to reach new heights in the coming years.
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eldritchsurveys · 2 months
Have you ever gotten a flu vaccination? >> I have.
Do you know anyone who drives a BMW? >> I do not.
When’s the last time you hugged your mother? . What’s the last restaurant you ate at? >> I'm having a hard time remembering. It's been a while.
Double dates: a do or don’t? >> I don't know, I have no experience with them.
Do you know any guitarists? >> Not anymore.
Quick, name 3 of your favorite radio stations: .
How do you feel about full length beards? >> I don't have any feelings about them.
Have you ever been to a circus? >> I don't think so.
Do you know anyone who’s gone to a Fat Camp? >> Not that I’m aware of.
Are you straight-edge? >> Not at all.
Do you use Facebook IM everyday? >> I do not.
How many surveys have you done already today? >> This is the only one.
What’s the WORST show on Adult Swim? >> I don't even know what's on Adult Swim anymore. I liked most of the shows from back in the day.
Do you have any relatives that have shunned you, or vice versa? .
Has anyone ever posted a HORRIBLE picture of you for everyone to see? >> By my standards, yeah. But I assume they just didn't think the photo was as awful as I did.
Which grade in school was the most fun for you? .
Which would you rather have, a new puppy or kitten? .
Does drama seem to follow you everywhere you go? >> Not even a little bit.
Do you ever just want to go away to a new place where no one knows you? >> I don't. I'm desperate for a place where I am known and loved.
You’re ordering a pizza, you can have any kind of toppings, what are they? >> Green peppers, mushrooms, onions, black olives.
Do you hit ‘quiet’ or ‘ignore’ on your cell? Which one usually? >> My phone is permanently set to Do Not Disturb.
Do you ever regret giving your number to people? . Have you ever been told that you’re afraid of your own shadow? >> I have not.
Have you ever tried Gouda cheese? >> I have. It's all right, but there are many other cheeses I prefer.
Does/did your high school have pop machines? >> I think the last one I attended had them.
Do you use a public computer, or do you have your own? >> I have my own. Do you ever find it odd how you type LOL when you’re not really laughing? >> It's not odd to me because I'm used to it. I understand the complex vernacular function of the non-literal LOL.
Have you ever gambled? >> I've done scratch-offs and that's the extent of my gambling history. Do you know anyone who’s won the lottery? >> I do not.
If you could work at any retail store, which one would it be? >> I don’t want to work at a store.
What’s the shortest you would ever cut your hair? >> Completely off.
Do you listen to any deathcore? >> Possibly? It wouldn't surprise me if some band I listened to fell under that genre, but I wouldn't know offhand.
Do you subscribe to any teen magazines? Which ones? >> I do not.
Do you know someone who never smiles? >> I do not. Has anyone ever made you feel uncomfortable at work? .
Do you still watch South Park? >> I'm not into it. Even if the humour was my thing (it isn't, but for the sake of argument), the animation style isn't.
Tell me one movie you’ve seen recently that sucked: >> I like most of the movies I've seen lately but I wasn't crazy about Under the Skin or Sound of My Voice. I don't think they sucked, precisely. I just wasn't crazy about them. Oh, Savageland, that was one I saw this month that I just flat-out disliked.
Have you ever carved something into a dinner booth somewhere? >> I have not.
When’s the last time you were carded at a bar? >> When's the last time I was at a bar, is the real question... Do you smoke little cigars? Have you ever tried them? >> I've had them. I think technically Djarum Blacks are cigars, and those are my favourite (non-THC) thing to smoke.
You’re babysitting, what do you expect per hour for pay? . What’s the last thing you returned at a store? >> The last thing I returned was a CPU fan that I ended up not needing for Sparrow's PC build. I returned it to the Amazon kiosk in Whole Foods.
What’s the name of the last cat you pet? >> I don't remember the last time I pet a cat.
Do you still look at clouds and make shapes of them? >> I don't think I ever did this.
If you had to dye your hair for one year, what color would you pick? . Who’s got your heart? >> Can Calah.
What’s your television addiction? >> I don't know what that means, but relatedly I just discovered this brand new show called The Decameron which is pretty fun.
Have you ever stringed green beans before? >> I have not.
What do you do to make yourself more relaxed when you’re nervous? >> I usually pause and spend time with Can Calah when I'm riddled with anxiety.
Do you cook? If so, what’s the last thing you made? >> Occasionally, usually with the aid of appliances because I don't enjoy all the steps involved in traditional cooking. The last thing I made was "fried" rice in the rice cooker.
Have you ever had any painful dental work done? If so, what? >> I have had teeth removed, yes.
How do you usually spend your Saturdays? .
Do you make your own jewelry or clothing? >> I do not. What’s your favorite thing to do when you���re bored? >> If I'm actually bored, then that means none of my favourite things to do are engaging me.
Do you use drawing to describe what you’re feeling? >> I do not.
Do you like the smell of new school supplies? .
Do you give everything you do 100%? >> Absolutely not.
Do you shop at any independent music stores? >> I don't shop at music stores at all. There is a pretty cool record store downtown, Vertigo, that I would patronise if that was the sort of thing I was into buying.
How do you feel about mainstream music? >> Most of it just doesn't interest me personally. Every once in a while I'll encounter a song I like, though.
What song lyrics describe your mood at the moment? .
Do you have healthy eating habits? >> I think my relationship with food is quite healthy. Put simply: I eat what I want, funds willing, and I'm really good at tuning out this society's alarmist anti-science body-shaming noise about it.
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allmyblogs · 9 months
The Culinary Wizardry of Food Processors: A Kitchen Must-Have
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In the ever-evolving world of culinary innovation, one kitchen appliance has stood the test of time as an indispensable tool for both professional chefs and home cooks alike—the food processor. This multifunctional marvel has revolutionized the way we approach food preparation, making it faster, more efficient, and incredibly versatile. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of food processors, exploring their features, benefits, and myriad ways they can elevate your culinary endeavours.
Evolution of the Food Processor
The food processor's journey began in the 1960s when Pierre Verdon, a French catering company salesman, envisioned a machine that could automate labour-intensive kitchen tasks. His collaboration with a commercial blender manufacturer led to the birth of the first commercial food processor, the Robot-Coupe. Over the decades, advancements in technology and design have transformed the food processor from a bulky, professional-grade machine to a sleek and user-friendly kitchen that caters to a wide range of culinary needs.
Features and Functions
Blending and Pureeing: One of the primary functions of a food processor is its ability to blend and puree ingredients with precision. From silky smooth soups to homemade sauces and creamy nut butter, the food processor's sharp blades and powerful motor make quick work of these tasks, eliminating the need for manual effort.
Chopping and Dicing: Say goodbye to tears while chopping onions! Food processors have various blade attachments that can effortlessly chop, dice, and slice vegetables, fruits, and herbs. This saves time and ensures uniformity in your ingredients, leading to consistent results in your recipes.
Grinding and Milling: Transform whole spices into aromatic grounds or grind your coffee beans to perfection—the food processor excels at these tasks, too. It's grinding and milling capabilities make it a versatile appliance for anyone who appreciates the freshest flavours in their dishes.
Kneading Dough: Baking enthusiasts rejoice! Many food processors are equipped with a dough blade that takes the hassle out of kneading and mixing dough. Whether you're making bread, pizza, or pastry dough, the food processor ensures a consistent and well-mixed result every time.
Shredding and Grating: Grate cheese and shred vegetables for salads, or create your coleslaw effortlessly with the shredding and grating attachments of a food processor. This feature is not only time-saving but also provides a level of convenience that home cooks appreciate.
Benefits of Using a Food Processor
Time Efficiency: Time is of the essence in the kitchen, and a food processor is a time-saving wizard. It can perform tasks that would take considerable time and effort manually, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your cooking or enjoy more leisure time.
Consistency in Results: Achieving consistency in chopping, slicing, and dicing is a breeze with a food processor. This enhances the visual appeal of your dishes and ensures an even distribution of flavours.
Versatility: The versatility of a food processor is unmatched. It can handle various ingredients and tasks, from basic chopping to complex dough preparation. This makes it an invaluable tool for both amateur cooks experimenting in the kitchen and seasoned professionals pushing culinary boundaries.
Reduced Physical Strain: A food processor is a game-changer for those with physical limitations or who want to reduce the strain on their hands and wrists. It automates laborious tasks, allowing you to enjoy cooking without the physical toll.
Creative Exploration: The food processor encourages culinary creativity by simplifying intricate tasks. Experiment with new recipes, try different techniques and broaden your culinary horizons—all with the confidence that your food processor has your back.
In kitchen appliances, the food processor reigns supreme as a culinary workhorse. Its evolution from a commercial-grade machine to a user-friendly kitchen companion highlights its adaptability and enduring popularity. With features ranging from blending and chopping to kneading dough and shredding, the food processor is a versatile powerhouse that caters to the needs of both novice cooks and seasoned professionals.
Investing in a high-quality food processor is not just a purchase; it's a step toward unlocking a world of culinary possibilities. As technology continues to advance, we can only imagine the exciting innovations that lie ahead for this indispensable kitchen tool. Embrace the culinary magic of the food processor, and watch as it transforms your kitchen adventures into a seamless and enjoyable experience.
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askthebests · 1 year
The Food Processor Buying Guide
The Food processor is one of the best appliances that can transform your life in the kitchen for the better. The product is known to offer the user relief from spending too much time, energy and effort on pre-food preparations. Now, various (boring) tasks like chopping, grating, kneading, blending, mixing, pureeing, cutting, slicing and more can be done with a simple click of a switch. Though expensive, the product is worth every penny you invest, as it enhances your efficiency by many folds. So, which is the best food processor in India and how do you make the right choice? Here is a tiny Buying Guide: 
The Function: This is what the food processor is all about function and better function. The main benefit of the food processor is to be able to converge the various time-taking processes into a matter of minutes. Now you don't have to sit around chopping onions and crying for hours. The Food processor can get that done for you within 10 minutes!
The Motor: Now, this is the heart of the machine and this is where the power lies. In order to accomplish the entire task swiftly and in a manner of minutes, you need to purchase a Motor power of about 500W to 700W. 
Bowl Capacity: How large or small is your family and what are your food processing needs? Well, be sure to purchase a food processor with a capacity that can complement your needs. 
The Blades: It is recommended by the experts to purchase blades made from food-grade 304 stainless steel material. This is not only durable but also efficient in being able to swiftly process your food ingredients. 
The Design: It is always a good idea to opt for a food processor that is compact and simple in design. This makes it easier to store, maintain and also manage in the long run.
The Budget: Of course, it is an expensive machine. Hence considering your budget is a major concern. It should fall within your price range. Various models are available within various budgets ranging from low to high. 
The Attachments: This is the main purpose of the food processor. The more the number of attachments better are the functions it performs. 
So, there you have it people, these are some of the main factors to consider when trying to select a food processor best for you. 
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allroundvp · 1 year
The Allround Shake grader is designed to grade potatoes according to the square size. The potatoes are fed to the top of the machine on to the top sieve. The sieves in the machine shake in sequential frequencies, which causes the potatoes to move along on the sieves. The movements of the sieves is caused by the motor on the front side of the machine. This motor drives a crankshaft. The crankshaft causes the shaking of the sieves.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] OQUA all in one Dough Kneader can help in kneading Aata , Chopping onion, blend soup and smoothie , whip creams for cake and pastries, prepare delicious batter and purees, shred, slice and grate vegetables, and squeeze healthy juice with ease. Food grade Blade for kneading.Powerful copper motor that support kneading and chopping. Measuring glass from perfect mixture of water and flour according to the machine power and jar quantity. Stainless Steel Blade chops the vegetables in good quantity for a family. This blade can also be used to knead mix dough with vegetables like methi(fenugreek ), palak (spinach), dal( pulses), etc. Citrus juicer attachment helps to extract seedless juice from citrus fruits. Citrus fruits like orange, Anar(pomegranate), mosambhi(sweet lime), etc. It is designed for daily use operation for drinking juice in the morning, evening, etc. Food grade measuring glass is specially made to make an accurate combination of wheat flour and water for the perfect texture of the dough. Two glass of flour and one of water knead a well-textured dough. With this, anyone of any age can make perfect mixture dough for their any meal. 【CONVENIENT and HYGIENIC 】: Unbreakable bowl for chopping & kneading 【FOOD GRADE BLADE】: Food grade Blade for kneading & peas peeling 【EASY TO USE 】: Measuring glass from perfect mixture of water and flour according to the machine power and jar quantity. 【EASY TO CLEAN 】: Unbreakable Polycarbonate jar for chopping, kneading and whipping [ad_2]
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handelplayssims · 2 years
We’re back and let’s start with a Neighborhood Watch update!
Brindleton Bay: A cat was adopted by the Nakajima household.
Ah, my house rule. If you move into Brindleton Bay, you are getting a pet! Because, unless you have the Dog or Cat Lover trait, I don’t really think about getting pets that often. Though I usually only allow for one adoption so, off to the Manage Households I go to reset the settings and turn off adopting pets.
Now we return on a dark and stormy morning. My intent was to visit the food stall in San Myshuno with Belle but alas, a vendor was not around and now she’s sleepy so she’s just eating a cookie in the fridge and going to bed. Leaving Rua free to do his homewor- oh wait! Low fun motive need. We can’t have that! He picked up one of Belle’s acting books, put on his favorite tunes (Island music by the by) and had a nice read before fixing up some eggs for breakfast.
His social need was a bit low so before we jump back into the homework, I’d figure we could catch up with someone. I decided on shooting a happy text over to Knox Greenbrug, someone he briefly chatted with at the library the day before. He is a local and why not get to know the locals?
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Sending an emotive text usually comes with an offer to hang out somewhere, unless the other person is indisposed, such as being asleep or at their job. Here we got an offer to Pupperstone Park, the park in Brindleton Bay. Sure, why not? Hopefully it’s not storming over there.
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Nope! It’s blizzarding! Even worse! There’s no way of knowing the weather of a place before you drop in on it and man, today just doesn’t seem to be a good day to go anywhere. But go somewhere we will!
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Here we go. Merely snowing at Willow Creek. Which considering it’s based on New Oreleans seems incongruous but eh. Time to have a chat with Knox to fill up that social meter, finding out he’s an apprentice technician and that he’s a Green Fiend. You know, one of those environmentally conscious people. After awhile, the two mutally got some friendly sentiments, being closer from spending quality time together. It’s nice!
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Though he did run off to go and learn about the onion, gardening obsessed as he is. And with a few more socials, the two became offically friends. Which is good, because that’s Rua’s aspiration! Friend of the World. Many friends, all the friends.
Anyway, it’s now time to get back into homework time so I popped into the local library, Knox in tow. The second floor seemed like an excellent spot to work on a presentation in peace.
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Some college courses either have papers that must be written, or presentations to be made. All of these are on Tuesday/Thursday classes. I tend to do the first half before the first class and then the second half after it. Just for timing sake. I mean come on, it’s enough that I’m doing all of this homework before I even go to the first class!
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We also got this. Sims will ask for advice now if they want to get married and such at this point. And my thought is, we’ll get to it when I decide to do it and no other. Hold yer horses and let me play my stories out other sims.
Anyway, presentation orgainized, I can focus on Rua’s wants and whims. Listening to Island Music, playing an instrument or, the venue given one, reading a book. I elect…
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To research. Because when there is a skilling machine as the Research machines are, why not use them? I could also use them to study up on my course but eh, I find I get good grades if I just do the homework and put it in on time. Besides which, getting to research level 3 means I get homework done quicker!
Anyway back to the home once Rua is done researching. For he is tired again. Belle actually still has the same wants as before so well, I decide to do my best to make her flirty and prep for date night! Besides which, that’ll definitely help with Rua’s fustrations with her. Hopefully.
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...or I would, if I could ask on date. Alas and alack! -cracks knuckles- We have to do this the old fashioned way. Romance socials!
Which goes even worse than normal thanks to her being unflirty and he being well, anxious about her. Belle being jealous and unflirty is a hilarious combo and no wonder their relationship is going so poorly. I had Belle apologize for the whole “cheating” thing, so at least that was smoothed over.
And then I had an idea...what better way to bring a couple on the rocks together than by cooking! Cottage Living introduces multi-person cooking as a mechanic and it makes massive servings...which isn’t really my thing but more importantly, postitive sentiments!
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It does require multiple countertops free and available to use. -glances over at Gallery and it’s clutter filled counter-tops- (I mean it is accurate we we need function!)
Anyway, after trying an embrace...their romantic relationship fell even further in the red and both of them are embarassed. Yeesh. It’s definitely going to have to be on Rua to try to salvage this relationship as the unflirty Belle is having trouble breaking through to him.
Anyway, both are in bed and asleep so let’s end it there!
Neighborhood Watch Alerts:
Kinley Carabajal in the Carabajal household has started a job as a Clickbait Writer in the Social Media career.
Newcrest: The Paoa household has moved in.
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welltrust · 2 years
Onion slicer machine
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1, looking in the direction of the arrows andįIG. 2 is a sectional view taken on the line 2-2 of FIG. 1 is a plan view of an onion slicing machine built according to one embodiment of this invention įIG. Other objects of the invention will be apparent hereinafter from the specification and claims, particularly when read in conjunction with the accompanying drawing.įIG. The primary object of this invention is to provide a machine which will be simple in construction and which can cut an onion into the required number of slices in one operation and in one set-up, and without waste.Īnother object of the invention is to provide a machine of this nature which is relatively compact, and which employs readily replaceable and inexpensive cutting tools. Moreover the known machines can cut only thick slices. The several portions, that are gouged-out in toto in cutting the several slices in the onions amount to a rather considerable portion of the total thickness of the onion, sometimes as much as a quarter and this is all waste. The cutting blades have to be of substantial thickness, and therefore must gouge out of the onions portions of substantial thickness as they pass through the onions. The machines heretofore provided for these purposes, and particularly those for slicing onions, are wasteful of the product.
Our onion processing products have passed with CE, ISO and SGS Certificates and have been widely sold all over the world.The present invention relates to machines for slicing vegetables, fruits, and the like, and more particularly to machines for slicing onions that are to be canned, frozen, fried, or otherwise preserved or processed. Now, Our factory can provide onion dry cleaning machine, onion size sorting grading machine, onion water washing machine, bulk type onion peeling machine, green onion peeling machine, batch type onion peeling machine, onion peeling and root cutting machine, onion root concave cutting machine, onion ring cutting machine, onion cube shape dice cutting machine, onion slice cutting machine, onion paste machine, onion crisp frying machine, onion dryer machine, onion powder production line, onion dosing packing machine, onion mesh bag packing machine, onion transplanter and onion seeds planter Romiter Machinery wins a wide reputation for high-quality machines with high efficiency, excellent reliability, easy maintenance, long lifespan and an excellent technical support team. is a market-leading designer and a manufacturer of onion processing machines. Specification of Onion Slicing Machine Model
You can choose the cutters for slicers or shreds cutting, but can’t cut dicers.
The cutters can be changed easily and the machine can be operated and cleaned easily.
One machine comes with multi-purpose and powerful uses.
The machine shell is made of stainless steel and is durable in use.
It is suitable for central kitchen industries, canned food processing industries, frozen food processing industries, food processing plants, catering industries, canteens and etc for use.
The slicer’s thickness is 1mm-8mm, the shares thickness is 3mm-8mm. One machine comes with one set of cutters and the thickness of the cutter can be customized.
It can cut slicers, shreds, and strips by changing the cutter.
It can be used to make an onion rings, which need work to put onion in the silo and press the pushing device. Automatic Onion Slicing Machine is used to cut onion to slice, it is suitable for whole onion feeding, we can get onion slice with good quality, this machine can be used for onion, carrot, potato, sweet potato, taro, bamboo shoot, onion, eggplant, apple, ginger, pawpaw, pineapple and etc cutting.
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polyglotnotes · 2 years
British English to American English
abseil (verb, climbing) - rappel (verb, climbing)
academic staff - faculty member
aubergine - eggplant
autocue - teleprompter
aeroplane - airplane
anticlockwise - counterclockwise
autumn - fall
bank holiday - public holiday
bespoke - custom-made
binman - garbage collector
biro - Bic
biscuit - cookie
boot - trunk
bath - bathtub
black pudding - blood sausage/boudin noir
block of flats - apartment building
breaktime - recess
beetroot - beets
by-election - special election
cafetiere - French press
cagoule - windbreaker
car park - parking
caravan - camper van/RV
caravan park - trailer park
carer - caregiver
caretaker - janitor
cashier - teller
cashpoint/cash machine - ATM
central heating boiler - furnace
central reservation - median strip
Chartered Accountant - CPA (Certified Public Accountant)
chemist - pharmacy
chips - french fries
chunder (verb) - barf (verb)
cinema, the - movies, the
city centre - downtown
climbing frame - jungle gym
clingfilm - plastic wrap
coach - bus
convoy - caravan
cooker - stove
cot - baby crib
courgette - zucchini
cornflour - corn starch
cotton bud - cotton swab/Q-tip
crisps - potato chips
crossroads - intersection
current account - checking account
curtains - blinds
cutlery - silverware/flatware
dear - expensive
dodgy - sketchy
draughts - checkers
dressing gown - bathrobe/robe
dungarees - overalls
dustbin - garbage can
duvet - comforter
earth/earthed - ground/grounded
economy class - coach class
exclamation mark - exclamation point
family business - mom and pop store
faucet - tap
fire engine - fire truck
first floor - second floor
fish fingers - fish sticks
fit (sexy) - hot (sexy)
fizzy drink - soda/pop/coke/tonic
football - soccer
flan (=fruit cake, not sweet) - flan (=sweet soft food)
flat - apartment
flypast - flyby
fringe - bangs
full beam (car) - high beam (car)
full stop - period
gammon - ham
garden - yard
gearstick - gearshift
gherkin - pickle
gilet - puffer vest
grill (verb) - broil (verb)
grocery shop - grocery store
ground floor - first floor
handbag - purse
headmaster - principal
hen do - bachelorette party
holiday - vacation
holidaymakers - vacationers
inverted commas - quotation marks
jab - shots
jug - pitcher
jumble sale - rummage sale
jumper - sweater
kitchen roll - paper towel
knickers - panties
ladybird - ladybug
lift - elevator
loo (slang) - bathroom/restroom
lorry - truck
mark - grade
maize - corn
maths - math
minced meat - ground beef
mixed school - co-education/co-ed
motorbike - motorcycle
motorway - freeway/highway
mummy/mum - mommy/mom
nappy - diaper
nil - zero
noughts and crosses - tic-tac-toe
off license - liquor store
open day - open house
pants - underwear
parcel - knickers
pavement (=road for pedestrians) - sidewalk (=pavement is concrete/tarmac road)
pay rise - pay raise
pepper/sweet pepper - bell pepper
petrol - gas/gasoline
pinafore - jumper dress
plaster - bandaid
posh - chic/classy/fancy
postcode - ZIP code
postman - mailman
potholing - spelunking
preschool/nursery school - kindergarten
purse - wallet
push chair - stroller
pyjamas - pajamas
queue - line
read (verb) - study (verb)
reception - front desk
register, take the - attendance, take
return ticket - round-trip ticket
rocket - arugula
roundabout traffic - circle/rotary
rubber - eraser
secondary school high school
sellotape - scotch tape
sweets - candy
shop - store
sittee - couch
sleeveless jumper/slipover - sweater vest
spot - pimple/zit
spring onion - green onion/scallion
staffroom - teachers' lounge
stag do - bachelor party
swimsuit - swimming suit
table (verb – = suggest) - table (verb – =delay)
tap - faucet
thong (=underwear) - thong (=shoe)
till - cash register
tin - can
timetable - schedule
toilet/bathroom -bathroom/washroom
torch - flashlight
trainers - sneakers
transport - transportation
trolley - cart
trousers - pants/slacks
tyre - tire
underground/tube - subway/metro
vest - undershirt
waistcoat - vest
wardrobe - closet
washbasin - sink
wellington boots/wellies - rubber boots
windscreen - windshield
wood, a - woods, the
zebra crossing - crosswalk
zip - zipper
0 notes
midoriima · 3 years
tr characters as embarrassing things that i've done.
ft. sano majiro, ken ryuguji, mitsuya takashi, baji keisuke, ryouhei "peh" hayashi, haruki "pah" hayashida, kazutora hanemiya, hinata tachibana, takemichi hanagaki, emma sano, hanma shuji, and têtta k!saki — swearing — not proofread
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Like every other day at school, Mikey is sleeping in class with his arms around his face, blocking all the sunlight in the room to get his some sleep.
He always slept in class but this day, he felt extremely tired yet he can't sleep well, he just keeps waking up.
Just when he could finally rest, a voice woke him up and his head shot up, sweat on his forehead and his face oily. "Sano-san, did you fall asleep again?" He turned to his back to see a classmate, worriedly staring at him, he looked haggard but he didn't even care about it before going back to sleep.
KEN -draken- RYUGUJI
"Okay, class, go get five different colored papers." The teacher said and to Draken's dismay, he didn't have whatever the fuck the teacher said.
Before school even started, he thought he didn't need it cause, "it's fucking ninth grade, not preschool," so he didn't buy colored paper, but apparently, they still needed it.
He turns to the person behind him who was getting his own colored papers, as he looks at him, he starts contemplating whether or not he should ask from this guy but he did it anyway, "Give me whatever the fuck the teacher said and you get to keep your bones,"
Mitsuya was walking around the school to find inspiration, nothing around really sparked up any ideas, but he still walked around anyway in hopes that he will find that inspiration he was looking for.
He decided to stop by a vending machine, but just as he was about to, his foot got caught on the platform and just when he was about to fall face flat on the cement, he caught himself with his hands holding him up from the ground.
He wipes his hands before furrowing his eyebrows, utterly embarrassed.
In silence, he ate dinner with his mum. The sound of silverware clanking on their bowls as well as barely audible munching could be heard.
Baji's thoughts were messy, he didn't have one specific thought that he was able to think of, but suddenly a memory popped up in his head, an embarrassing one at that.
As if to shake away that memory, hurriedly, he tilted his head far to the left, and his mum could only furrow her eyebrows as she looks at her son, concerned. "...what are you doing?"
"Nothing..." He said before eating again.
It was seldom that Peh-yan was so focused, but he was now. As his eyes linger on the TV screen, he left his mouth wide open for drool to run down to his legs and a fly to almost fly inside his nose, that was then his eyes darted away from the screen, and he let out an exhale from his nose.
He wiped his legs from the drool before looking around, embarrassed.
(except for the tv & fly, this happened to me when i was dicing onions and left my mouth open 😑😑)
"Damn it, who told Draken to take his sweet ass time in the bathroom?!" Pah-chin thought, he needed to take a piss right now, but he won't do it outside.
The gang were hanging inside his house and currently, he was pacing around the kitchen, circling the table to help him keep himself from pissing his pants because Draken is taking too fucking long.
He hears laughter in the living room and he turns to see them playing a board game. That second he stopped, he was like this 🤏 close to releasing it all in his pants, and went back to walking around the table, hips going side to side as he crossed his legs while circling the table.
Peh-yan soon turns his head to Pah and asked, "Pah, what are you doing?"
Draken finally comes out of the bathroom, "Someone called me?"
Pah-chin shoved him out of the way before hurriedly getting inside.
The girls (me) were having fun in playing with his hair, tying it into ponytails or buns, that was until the teacher arrived in the classroom, and everyone went back to their seats.
Partially listening in the lecture, he takes the hair tie he borrowed from one girl (me 🥳) and ties his hair far to the side, not noticing those strands of hair that stuck out, making a lump on top of his head, making him look a little funny.
He didn't even notice it and had walked around the school with that hairstyle.
(this was the most embarrassing time of my life in 2nd grade)
Currently helping her brother, Naoto, study, Hina suddenly remembers of that time she used to send Takemichi letters and remembered one embarrassing and corny line she wrote in one of the many letters.
Her face turned sour and her face was suddenly in the palms of her hands, her face beet red and her heart beating fast.
"So damn embarrassing..!"
Akkun and the others had left him all alone in the school, he was just walking around, and thought, "This is so boring."
He glanced at many people before his eyes stayed on one person and he approached them, hoping to make a friend to talk to. "What's your name?"
"Uh, Naomi."
But he suddenly walks away.
(yes, their name was naomi 😑 and no, if you still remember that time and recognize me, that did not happen and i also apologize for being so weird back then.)
Currently scrolling through her Instagram, she comes across a sketching video and was reminded of that time she used to draw.
Emma goes back to her account and scrolls down her many posts when she finds her old drawings were still up on her account, her face soured and her eyebrows furrowed as she cringes looking at her drawings back then, before deleting them all.
Hanma was bored with nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no one to pick a fight on. Though, he could easily do the latter but he wasn't in the mood for it, especially because he knows they won't even try to fight back.
Sitting on the couch, he looks up at the ceiling, slouching on the chair when drool ran down his face and he snapped out of his trance.
"What the fuck."
Kisaki was feeling great in his Social Studies class, confidently typing out his answers in the chat for the questions that others didn't know.
That was until a classmate of his tells him that the teacher can't see what he's typing because they're presenting, he soon stops typing when the teacher calls for his name, sounding a little pissed that nobody was answering his questions.
The moment the teacher called his name to answer a question he didn't know, he left the call.
um yeah so... el oh el 🧍‍♀️
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