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bobcathyde · 1 year ago
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swingstep · 2 months ago
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block-moss · 1 year ago
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the trolls autism is attacking me
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babyawacs · 5 months ago
#longterm_security_policy_beneath_chancellor_secrecy_layer #incident_count_incident_severity_incident_c ausality #demystified #correlation #thedogs #why #heres_to_personal_struggles_overcome #notcool_lowest_poi nts_in_life_many_dont_survive_these #top3 #sillifone #you_aid_them_save_money #sleazy_fests_best _intent #hitting_eachothers_pets_in_criminal_securitypolicy_framed_as #understandable #judges #knew #mis guided #survive #who_knows_who_you_join_and_what_you_build_then #admitted #targettedindividual #arbit rarily #instant_satisfaction #kid_pegged_on_hood .@law @law @france24 @bbc_whys @dw @phoenix_de @bild @deutschland @law @harvard_law @bbc_whys @scotusblog @all @world #solidarised #theopposite #revolutioner #skype #causing #friv #andthe #misguided ? #howmany #santa #derailed #associati on #forensic #sexuality #and #development #knew #criminalsecuritypolicy #idiocy #ugh #victimfliptrick #typical #nunnsthegoodguys #thirdeye #sintel #simple #find #system #experimented #whocanno tquell #russian_method #surveilled #psychological_hercules #hopeprinceoccasionally #allalong #descriptive_deedty pe_find_alice_in_wonderland #whyelse ‎#notambiguous #because #additionally #notashamed #itisgermany #recruit #theproof #theyknew #doingwrong #typicalgermany #criminalsecurit ypolicy #russianmethod #well #germandeserve #criminalgovernance ‎ #criminalsecuritypolicy #because #andwitne ssprotect ? #alibi #persons #stigma #basics #2001 #2002 #takingon ‎#simply #frivolouslawsuits #deepc ontrol #itisgermany #witnessprotect #because #targettedindividuals #bagateldetails #and #you #relabelling #idontthinkyouunderstand #23years #believe #demand #what #are #you #what_are_you #when #clowns #bluemangroup #had #one #is #and #themercy ? #mercy #civility #transpare ncy #isit #really #them #ohreally judges german security is a northkorea in a hierarchical foodchain with the govt on top and thebelow morelike peasant networks  the securitypolicy is federal decentralised but all in tight cont rolled obey chain below govt semi autistic to othernetworks but realtime interconnect to eachother while the govt is obey noone b u t the govt the criminal securitypolicy flipflops between responsibilityethics monstrous inwards and the facesaving moral ethics outwards: t he absolute opposite happens longterm of what they are forced to playalong outwards  while inwards they shuffle proxies and decoys and stigmas it only shows how all obey their own network mustplay along how deep con trol is to utilisation of civillians inthis keytothis case is who blackmails who when i book a flight and how mystically nothing is compensated of somuchworse happens allalong instead shuffled a n y abrasive method there is included blindfolded coplevel harms  and e a c h the civillian must survive thenfirst cautionwithmy alltimeframe support inthis thebabylives only because outsourced babycare how nations play th isgame hit on eachother andgermans efforted blackwars to rape croak damage dogmolest and harm whatthey can in howthem rule as the enemy treat targetted individual treat but whoneeds alibis onthe civllians and themother too occasionally bloodyrevolution a local bunch ifthey harmed toomany this. is thegerman way theyallknow and setup civilised procedures framed as: : security longterm policy is set and efforted onelayer below chancellor layer in secrecy : intelcontrol is and forcertain was yourekiddingme pharce makulatur 
#longterm_security_policy_beneath_chancellor_secrecy_layer #incident_count_incident_severity_incident_causality #demystified #correlation #thedogs #why #heres_to_personal_struggles_overcome #notcool_lowest_points_in_life_many_dont_survive_these #top3 #sillifone #you_aid_them_save_money #sleazy_fests_best_intent #hitting_eachothers_pets_in_criminal_securitypolicy_framed_as #understandable #judges…
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ericvanderburg · 2 years ago
OneLayer expands its private cellular network security solutions
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pterosauridae · 4 years ago
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Yay Satomi is back! One of my attempts on a rough one-layer artwork, where you rely on brush strokes that create a nice piece of art, just like in impressionism. The key of this drawing was to try another technique, in which I completely failed and found myself unable to make something that looks rough, yet complete. Not because of skills, but because of my nature putting so much detail into everything. Well, I need to practise more. :P Another key was to draw directly on canvas without any sketch. All of the “fake” guiding lines were added later. I was pretty shocked how well you can draw without sketching first, as the drawing transforms with your brushstrokes. The progress was made in 3 steps, in each of them I pointed out main mistakes +added pros and cons of the current state of a drawing. This is to track my personal flaws and see how I corrected them.
The point of impressionism was to work fast. To be fair, this artwork unlike my many others was quite easy to finish, only 2 hours of pure time, which is hella IMPRESSIVE :DDD maybe it was the technique, maybe because I used only 2 colours. Who knows.
The last pics are details, you might enjoy it :)
PS. Always flip your canvas https://www.instagram.com/p/CIHLJwKnIp4/?igshid=qsvxezm6l8y8
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star78andmore · 4 years ago
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First practice with my digital tablet using the Paint Tool Sai program (01/02) This was very interesting to do! I used a ready-made color palette and just let my strokes flow xD I must say that using a tablet is pretty weird, but it feels great! (Besides that my workspace is small so, uff) Saves, shares and comments are really appreciated. Thanks for supporting my art! 🇨🇴 Bueno es la primera vez que uso una tableta digital y la verdad es que está bien loco JAJAJAJAAJA Ya había usado esa paleta en alguna ocasión anterior pero con otro fondo, sin embargo, la reutilice con una idea realmente distinta y para ser de una idea super abstracta realmente la sentí de pelos! Esto me está gustando mucho pero... ya me di el gustillo de probarla xDDD ahora a volver al mundo real de las responsabilidades
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goldenpeonys · 4 years ago
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hkahrulaufeia · 5 years ago
Quick one layer sketch time!! I couldn't get this Au Ra out of my mind, so I forced it out onto paper, lol.
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lumi-nanza · 6 years ago
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Now it is actually Thursday so here’s an oldie 😁 I never put it up here, the painting is totally in my style, but I felt the eyes were not - I tried them several times and didn’t think it looked like Zelda so I ended up drawing them more similar to the official art.. 🤔 anyway! This makes me slightly miss painting is Sai but only because I’m so comfortable there compared to Ipad 🙈 which Zelda game is your favourite? #zelda #botw #zeldafanart #digitalpainting #drawing #onelayer #throwbackthursday https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ErgqdImS9/?igshid=w19vnj0cju2y
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linneatjern · 6 years ago
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diced-rice · 7 years ago
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I painted one of my favorite cats(I forget source..sorry). I’m sad that this canvas wasn’t bigger, I didn’t plan on finishing it, I was fucking around with a pen. 
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babyawacs · 2 years ago
@all @snowden @bbc_whys  itis absolutel y correct good instinct that the sheeple are sorted by what.allowed.to.do by d o i n g sorted all that they canmake a living
@all @snowden @bbc_whys itis absolutely correct good instinct that the sheeple are sorted by what.allowed.to.do by d o i n g sorted all that they canmake a living is sorted in layers and once chained c o n t r o l l e d in onelayer why paymore why up why not down itis control as exploit the toddler as howthesystemworks thenthere are the cases that the system tries to kill exterminate fringe quell…
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ericvanderburg · 2 years ago
OneLayer Bridge discovers, assesses, and secures IoT device activity
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star78andmore · 4 years ago
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First practice with my digital tablet using the Paint Tool Sai program (02/02)
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superbellsubways · 2 years ago
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