#One piece modern au
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5 - ʟᴀᴛᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ꜰᴜɴ
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Summary: After your shared exam was finally over, Law invites you to the party, showing a more relaxed side of himself. As the night progresses, his boldness starts to emerge, especially after a few drinking games and making out session in the bathroom.
a.n.: Ikakku as the bartender, Shachi being drunk and Penguin somewhere drunk as well. Enjoy! (4,5k words whoops got a bit carried away)
tags: One Piece, Law x Reader, Modern AU, University AU, Penguin and Shachi as Laws flat mate, Law on a sick motorcycle cuz its hot
>>[ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ɪɴᴅᴇx]<<
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“You invited her?! Dude, nice!” Shachi exclaimed, holding up a hand for a high-five.
Law just stared at it, unimpressed, and ignored the gesture. He didn’t really feel like it was something to celebrate. Sure, he was glad you wanted to come to the party, but beyond that? Whatever. He was more relieved the exam was over and had gone well. The fact that you’d be there too? Casual excitement—nothing to make a big deal about.
"Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your party?" Law said, towel-drying his damp hair while still dressed in his sweatpants. He had a bit of time before he needed to pick you up. After giving you the address and realizing how far the nearest bus stop was from the party, he suggested giving you a ride.
“Boo, you’re such a buzzkill,” Shachi grinned, throwing on his jacket and grabbing his keys. “Better bring a better mood to the party.”
“Whatever.", Law scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Aigh, see ya later!” Shachi called over his shoulder, before heading out the door.
Law watched him leave, glad for the silence settling in the apartment. He took a deep breath, finishing up getting ready, and tried to shake off the exhaustion...or was he nervous?
While Law was casually getting ready, you were in a whirlwind of chaos. It wasn’t that you were nervous—okay, maybe just a little. Who were you kidding? You were a nervous wreck. It had been a while since you went out with someone, let alone to a party full of strangers. At least Law would be there, a familiar face in the crowd. But speaking of Law, you really had to hurry—he’d be there soon.
Minutes later, the doorbell rang, just as you managed to pull yourself together. Grabbing whatever you might need, you hurried to the door and opened it, greeted by Law, who looked pretty much the same as always. His hair was a little neater than usual, but what really caught your eye was the extra helmet he was holding.
"Hey, you ready?" he asked, his tone as casual as ever. You nodded, quickly closing your apartment door behind you, and followed him outside…while your keys were still on the kitchen counter.
"Thanks again for giving me a ride," you said with a smile, tugging your jacket tighter against the chilly night air. Law shrugged, as if to say it was no big deal, and handed you the extra helmet.
"You know how to backpack?" he asked suddenly, and you blinked, confused. Backpack? What?
Seeing your puzzled look, Law grinned and nodded toward his motorcycle. "Sitting behind someone on a motorcycle."
You couldn’t help but chuckle. "That’s kind of a cute term. But no, I haven’t done that before."
Law gave a small nod and stepped toward his bike. "No worries, it’s easy. I’ll show you."
He straddled the motorcycle first effortlessly, then waited as you climbed on behind him. He knew it took a little getting used to the first time, but thankfully, the ride wasn’t too long. “You can put your feet here,” he instructed, pointing to the foot pegs. “Hold on tight to me, and lean with me when we hit the curves. That’s all there is to it.”
You gave a quick nod and pulled on your helmet as Law did the same. Before you could adjust it, he turned around and snapped your visor shut, then clicked his own into place. You watched, before he fired the engine to life with a throaty roar.
Feeling a bit unsure, you leaned forward slightly, gripping the sides of his jacket with a tentative hold. Law noticed and stopped for a moment, then without warning, he reached for your hands and pulled them tighter around his waist, making you grip his chest and fall against his back. The sudden closeness made your heart race.
“I said tight,” he teased, his voice laced with amusement. “Don’t want you falling off.”
A light, embarrassed chuckle escaped you as you adjusted your grip, hugging him more securely. “Right, got it,” you murmured.
With a grin you could almost hear, Law revved the engine, and moments later, you were off.
 “Come, this way,” Law said, nodding toward the faint sound of music already seeping into the air. You followed him while you two left the bike at a parking spot, feeling the buzz of anticipation as you approached the building. The party was tucked away in the basement, and as you descended the steps, the volume of the music grew louder.
The moment you stepped inside, you were hit by the heavy, stuffy air mixed with the distinct smells of alcohol and something you couldn’t quite place. The crowd was already thick, bodies swaying to the rhythm in the dark colorful lights, and despite the chaotic energy, there was something about the atmosphere that started to get you in the mood.
Law seemed familiar with the place, confidently navigating through the room. “Want to take off your jacket?”
“Yeah, thanks,” you replied, handing it over to him. When he pulled off his own leather jacket, though, something caught your eye. For the first time, you noticed the tattoos that stretched beyond his knuckles, trailing up his forearms. The black ink swirled in intricate patterns, with just a hint of it peeking from beneath the sleeve of his black T-shirt.
Suddenly, you felt a rush of heat. Was the room always this warm, or was it just you?
Law turned to you and gestured toward the bar, silently suggesting to get a drink. You nodded with a suddenly shy smile and followed him through the crowd. You had to admit, the party was surprisingly well-organized. The lighting, the music, the setup—everything looked pretty impressive, especially the bar. Apparently, the engineering students knew how to throw a party.
When you reached the bar, a young woman with dark, curly hair held back by a bright yellow headband greeted you with a warm smile. Her eyes landed on you first, then shifted to Law.
“Hey, Law! Glad you could make it!” she said cheerfully.
“Pleasure's mine, Ikkaku,” Law replied, giving her a friendly smile. It was clear they knew each other. You stood there, a little shy, but smiled politely.
“Oh, hi! I’m Ikkaku! I don’t think we’ve met before,” the woman said, extending a hand toward you. You shook it and introduced yourself, instantly being taking in by her radiating smile.
“Y/N, nice to meet you.”
Law watched the exchange, a small smile tugging at his lips. He wasn’t too worried about you meeting Ikkaku. Unlike Shachi and Penguin, who could be a bit much at times, Ikkaku was a breath of fresh air. She radiated confidence and had a feisty side that Law respected very much.
“So, what can I get you two?” Ikkaku asked, leaning forward with a grin. “First drink’s on the house.”
“You got the northern vodka by any chance?” Law asked, leaning slightly forward with a casual air. Ikkaku’s grin widened, clearly in on it. Of course she had it, especially since Shachi had specifically brought it for the party. He’d stashed it under the bar, trusting Ikkaku to keep an eye on it and only serve it to close friends. After all, it wasn’t cheap or easy to come by.
“Sure do. With soda?” she asked.
“Yes, please, but for the love of god, mix the drink like a human this time,” Law said, causing Ikkaku to laugh along.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she teased, shaking her head with a playful grin as she turned toward you. “And for you, Y/N?”
You placed your order, and she got to work, carefully mixing both drinks. As promised, she kept it reasonable, not trying to drown either of you in alcohol. Law kept an eye on her as she poured, just to be sure she didn’t pull any tricks. The memory of getting absolutely trashed on the first he came here flashed in his mind—along with the unpleasant experience of throwing up into his helmet. He was careful not to repeat that disaster tonight.
With your drinks, you both decided to move to a quieter table, away from the crowd. Setting your glasses down, you slipped into an easy rhythm of conversation.
“So, you said your friends were here too?” you asked, leaning in a bit closer.
Law hummed in response, casually leaning back as his eyes scanned the crowd. His long legs stretched out below the table, brushing your knee ever so slightly.
“Yeah,” he said, finally nodding towards a corner of the room. “See the guy over there trying—and failing—to juggle the beer pong balls? That’s Shachi. He’s studying engineering, good friends with Ikkaku, the bartender.” His gaze shifted to another spot. “And that’s Penguin, the guy in the beanie. You’ve met him before, right? We live together.”
You chuckled at the sight of Shachi fumbling with the beer pong balls. “Penguin seemed pretty nice when I met him. Shachi, though… definitely can’t juggle.”
“Nope,” Law said, grinning as he took a sip of his drink. His eyes drifted back to you, and for a moment, he found himself quietly studying your face. It suddenly hit him how stunning you looked tonight, the soft light from the party casting a warm glow over your features. The way your eyes sparkled when you laughed, or even just how you looked at him—it was captivating. He found himself lingering in the moment longer than usual.
How has he never noticed how pretty you were?
You broke his trance suddenly by asking, “Kind of in a mood of beer pong, are you good at it?”
It caught him off guard a bit as he came back to reality, but only for a second. A playful grin spread across his face when he heard your suggestion. Was that a challenge?
“Maybe. Wanna find out and lose?” His voice had that teasing, competitive edge. Law could get fiercely competitive with games like these, a trait he knew well enough to admit. He didn’t just want to win—he needed to.
“Oh, I don’t plan on losing,” you said boldly, ready for a challenge.
Law raised an eyebrow, the spark of competition fully lit and enjoying your bold anticipation. “Alright, game on,” he said, pushing his chair back and standing up, already mentally preparing to take the win—or go down swinging.
You and Law made your way to the beer pong table tucked away in the corner, where Shachi was struggling to pick up the ping pong balls. He kept fumbling, his coordination long gone thanks to the alcohol he’d consumed. Law, amused by the scene, stood back with a lazy smile and simply watched his friend, leaving you to step in.
“Here, let me help,” you said, handing the ball directly to Shachi. He blinked up at you in surprise, clearly thrown off by your pretty face. For a second, he just stared, caught by how good you looked. But when he spotted Law next to you, the gears in his foggy mind slowly turned. As much as his drunken state allowed, he pieced things together. You must the girl he had the study date with.
"Law! There you are!" Shachi greeted, pulling him into a sloppy, brotherly hug, clapping him on the shoulder. As he did, he leaned in closer to Law and grinned, whispering into his ear, “You didn’t tell me she was hot.”
Law rolled his eyes at Shachi’s comment, a flicker of both annoyance and amusement crossing his face, but he didn’t bother to respond. Shachi, still riding the high of his drunken state, flashed you a wide playful grin.
"You guys wanna play?" he asked, already grabbing the cups with a clumsy enthusiasm.
You shared a glance with Law, and something unspoken passed between you, before you stepped closer to the table.
The game kicked off. You helped arrange the plastic cups, filling them with something light, cautious not to overdo it too soon. Law handed you the first ball with a subtle smirk, one that made your pulse quicken. He was watching you intently, his gaze lingering just a bit longer than necessary as you lined up your shot.
With a flick of your wrist, the ball sailed effortlessly into the cup. You grinned, teasing him with a playful look. “Try to keep up,” you taunted lightly, savoring the first little victory.
Law raised an eyebrow, his lips curving into that faint, knowing smile. “Alright,” he said smoothly, before taking his first cup in one clean motion, his eyes never leaving yours.
For a moment your mind went blank, those stormy eyes locking with yours so intensely completely threw you off guard. You had a feeling Law knew what he was doing.
Shachi, playing the part of an overly enthusiastic referee, was more of a distraction for Law than anything else. He cheered only you on and did his best to throw Law off, witch loud coughs and "Look over there"s.
Every time Law stepped up to take his shot, there was an obvious tension in the air. He wasn’t just throwing the ball; he was challenging you with each toss, silently daring you to keep pace. And while you landed a few solid shots, Law’s precision was undeniable. Even when he had to hold on on the table, the alcohol clearly starting to catch up with him, he still managed to sink the ball into your cups with impressive accuracy.
By the time your side was completely wiped out, Law still had three cups standing. You huffed in mock frustration, but deep down, the competitiveness had only made things more fun.
Shachi clapped his hands together, grinning like an idiot. “Rules say you’ve gotta finish the winner’s cups!” he teased.
You sighed defeated, “Fine, Law. You win.”
As you reached for one of his cups, though, Law’s hand shot out, stopping you. His fingers brushed against yours, sending a small jolt of electricity through you. He held your gaze for a moment, before he spoke up. “Let’s share it. I’d rather not have to carry you home wasted.”
The teasing edge in his voice made your stomach flip, but the offer itself was unexpected. Law was competitive by nature, and Shachi knew he usually liked to rub his victories in. This time, though, he was...different.
You accepted his offer with a small smile, taking one of the cups while Shachi gleefully grabbed the last. Shachi, clearly impressed, raised an eyebrow at Law. “Wow, Law. Didn’t expect you to go soft on her.”
Law just shrugged, his eyes flicking to you briefly before he downed the rest of his drink. “She made it a decent game,” he said with a casual smirk, though the look he gave you was anything but casual.
“Another round?” Shachi asked, grinning as he set down his cup, already eager for more.
You shook your head with a soft laugh, feeling the alcohol making your head spin just a little. Even Law seemed to be feeling it, though his cool demeanor didn’t falter. He looked at you, the corner of his mouth lifting in a slight, teasing smile. “Maybe next time.”
As the night continued, Shachi separated from you two, wanting to go on a dance battle with Penguin. You watched him stumble away with an amused grin, and leaned against the beer pong table. "He's pretty fun."
Law leaned beside you, arms crossed, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, he’s chaotic, but he’s great." It was something Law probably wouldn’t admit when sober. He valued his friends more than anything, but he wasn’t the type to be openly affectionate.
“How did you guys meet?” you asked, seizing the moment. Law seemed more relaxed than usual, probably thanks to the alcohol and the lively party atmosphere. His eyes remained fixed on his friends, who were currently tearing up the dance floor, before he turned back to you.
“We’re childhood friends,” he replied, rather casually.
Your eyes widened slightly, a warm feeling spreading through you. There was something undeniably sweet about hearing that. Law, already sensing where this was heading, scrunched up his face and quickly looked away.
“Don’t say it—” he began, but it was too late.
“Aw, that’s adorable.”
“God, here we go,” Law groaned, rubbing his eyes in mock exasperation. But despite his feigned annoyance, a grin tugged at his lips.
"Sorry, I had to," you said with a grin. "Hey, how about we play a question game? Taking turns?"
The suggestion piqued Law's interest. It was a good idea, and honestly, he was relieved that you came up with activities instead of him. He wasn't the type to take the lead with things like this.
"Like 'Never Have I Ever'?" Law asked, thinking of the drinking game. You hesitated for a moment before nodding, even though you knew it would probably loosen you up more than you intended.
After returning to the bar and ordering some diluted shots from Ikkaku—not wanting to black out too soon—you both sat back down at the table. Law took the first turn, thoughtfully considering his question. He didn’t want to embarrass you; it was just a fun opportunity to get to know you better.
"Never have I ever… cheated on an exam," he said with a smirk.
As you lifted your glass to your lips, Law shot you a mock judgmental look, causing you to laugh.
"What? The professor left the damn room for twenty minutes."
"You don't have to justify it," he chuckled. "I didn't say anything." He watched you down your drink, still amused.
"Alright, my turn," you said, thinking for a moment. "Never have I ever… slept with my ex."
Law lifted his glass, and this time, you gave him a playful judgmental look. He shrugged before he downed his shot.
"What? I'm not proud of it," he admitted with a wry smile.
"Why did you do it, then?" you teased, leaning in closer with a grin.
Law scrunched his eyebrows and sighed, rubbing his face as if the memory itself drained him. "No clue. It was a bad decision, and I’m definitely not making that mistake again. Not with her."
His tone made you even more curious, and you mentally noted that his relationship with his ex hadn’t been the best. You couldn’t help but wonder what had happened between them—and what kind of girl Law had dated in the first place. He was so guarded when sober, often keeping his walls up. Yet here he was, relaxed and open, at least for the moment. It made you wonder who had managed to break through those walls and actually get into a relationship with him.
"Okay, my turn again… never have I ever… stalked someone online before a date." Law asked, and leaned back in his seat.
You acted without thinking, your hand already lifting the glass. But as realization hit, you froze mid-motion and looked at Law with wide eyes. He raised an eyebrow and leaned in closer, clearly intrigued by your reaction.
You remembered how you’d stalked Law’s Instagram before your first study session together at the café, and the embarrassment started creeping in. But it was too late now—you downed the drink and set the glass back on the table.
"Why did you hesitate?" Law asked, narrowing his eyes at you suspiciously.
"What? I don’t know what you mean," you replied, laughing nervously.
"Cut the crap, tell me," he said with a grin, clearly enjoying this.
The alcohol made your tongue loose, and you couldn’t help but admit the truth. "Fine... I may have, possibly, looked you up online before we met for the first time. Maybe. Just... a little."
Law leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He wasn’t sure how he felt about this. Being a private person, he let the silence stretch between you two, deliberately creating a sense of pressure. It felt like an interrogation.
You shifted uncomfortably. "I just... Look, you were a random delivery guy. I didn’t trust that you were actually a med student. You even know where I live, and remember how you picked up my uni ID?"
Law listened, nodding slowly, his expression unreadable.
"I kind of panicked," you continued, running a hand through your hair. "I thought maybe you were just pretending to be in med school to... I don’t know, lure me in. Since you knew I was studying medicine." You sighed, feeling a bit ridiculous now. "Sorry, I was just anxious."
You braced yourself, half expecting Law to lecture you—or, worst-case scenario, leave the table and leave you sitting there alone at the party. But what you didn’t expect was for him to give you an amused smile, followed by a low chuckle.
"Smart girl," he said, surprising you. "Makes sense. Anyway, your turn."
"Wait, you don’t mind?" you asked, blinking in confusion.
Law shrugged casually. "Probably would have done the same if i was a chick living alone and inviting a random stranger to meet up."
"Wow you make me look like a loser." You laughed an rolled your eyes, to which Law shook his head with a grin. "Just laying out the facts, now go on, your turn."
You continued your game with Law, enjoying the lighthearted fun, until eventually, nature called. All that liquid had to leave your system, and you asked Law where the bathroom was. He motioned for you to follow him, leading you to a small unisex bathroom. He waited outside while you quickly headed in.
As you finished up, you suddenly became aware of how dizzy you felt from the alcohol. You were still able to walk and talk without slurring, but your head was spinning badly. Gripping the sink, you took a moment to steady yourself, trying to calm the whirlwind in your mind. The dim bass from the party music in the background only seemed to make the dizziness worse.
Meanwhile, outside the bathroom, Law leaned against the wall, checking his phone. You’d been inside for a while, and he was starting to get concerned. He debated whether to check on you, but worry quickly got the better of him. Knocking gently on the door, he called out, “Y/N, hey, you okay in there?”
He listened closely but didn’t hear a response. Anxiety bubbled up inside him, and he knocked again, louder this time. “Y/N?”
Finally, the doorknob turned, and you opened the door, holding your head. "My head is spinning. Give me a sec," you mumbled, stumbling slightly as you leaned back against the wall for support, slowly sliding down against it.
Law was quick to react. He stepped inside, closing the door behind him for privacy, and crouched down next to you. "You need some water?" he asked, his voice calm but filled with concern.
You shook your head slightly, the dizziness still overpowering your senses. Maybe the drinking game after beer pong hadn’t been the brightest idea.
He watched you for a moment, taking in the way you sat there, trying to compose yourself. Silence fell between you two, but this time it was comfortable. You leaned your head back against the wall, Law sitting next to you, mimicking the gesture.
Your gaze drifted back to him, and as if by fate, your eyes met. The dim lighting softened everything, but his grey eyes still seemed to cut through the shadows, intense and focused. He really was something, you thought, as your gaze unconsciously dropped to his lips.
Without realizing it, you began to inch closer, noticing how Law didn’t pull back. In fact, he seemed to lean in as well, the air between you thick with unspoken tension. Your heart raced, the moment stretching longer, making it almost unbearable.
Law swallowed, hesitant for a split second before his hand lifted, gently cupping your chin. His touch was careful, as if he was afraid of breaking you.
The space between the two of you disappeared, you could feel his breath on your skin as he tilted his head slightly, bringing your lips closer to his. Unsure of what to do, but not wanting to stop, you let the moment happen.
The second your lips touched, your eyes fluttered shut.
At first, the kiss was light, almost tentative—neither of you rushing it. But then, you moved your lips softly against his, and Law followed, matching your pace. The hesitation faded, and the connection deepened as you both let yourselves get lost in the moment.
Laws hand traveled from you chin to the back of your head, suddenly grabbing a handful of your hair and pulling you in closer. You grabbed his T-shirt instinctively and let the kiss get more heated. Your breath was going heavy, desperate for air, yet neither of your two wanted to break the kiss.
Without pulling apart, you managed to somewhat clumsily get on your feet. Law walked you back against the sink, his lips still attached to yours, as he grabbed your thighs and effortlessly lifted you up. Sitting at the sink was pretty uncomfortable, but your mind was busy with other things. Your hands traveled down from his chest, to his belt, blindly trying to loosen it impatiently.
And Law seemed to be on the same page, he let his inked hands disappear under your top, fumbling with the clip your bra. The air was thick with tension as you two made out and tried to rip each others clothes off.
Laws zipper was already open and his belt hung lose on his jeans, while he was kissing your neck sloppily and pushed your top upwards, trying to get more of your sweet flesh.
While you two were in the heat of the moment, you completely forgot that you occupied the only existing bathroom at the party. The impatient knock of someone at the door reminded you what you were doing.
"Hey, I gotta piss, hurry up!"
Suddenly both of you froze, feeling like being caught in the act.
Law sighed in frustrating and let his head hang low, while you pinched the bridge of your nose. Great, getting cock blocked by a random stranger.
"In a fucking minute!" Law shouted back, and slowly let go of you, letting you hop of the sink. Both of you adjusted your clothes quickly and gave each other a disappointed look. It was great while it lasted.
Law walked ahead, swinging the door open with a bit more force than necessary, revealing the unfortunate person who had been banging on the door. The guy stood there, confused, clearly piecing together what had been happening inside. Law gave him a cold glare, making it obvious that he was pissed off and didn't really care the guy probably knew that you two were making out in the bathroom. You, on the other hand, followed Law out, feeling too embarrassed to meet the guy’s eyes.
As you walked away, still flustered, you spoke up quietly, "Hey, I’m still feeling a bit dizzy... I think I might call it a night." You rubbed your arm shyly, not wanting to seem like you were bailing, but the dizziness was still lingering mixed with exhaustion.
Law nodded in understanding, brushing a hand through his hair as he sighed. "Yeah, let’s leave," he agreed, his tone softer now. He placed a hand on your back gently, guiding you away from the noise of the party, and the two of you headed for the exit, leaving the chaotic atmosphere behind.
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tag list: @mars-mizuko @tadomikiku (Comment to be added 🖤)
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Cant have shit in Detroit.
Happy Birthday Luffy :) hope you enjoyed your cake
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imperialnyx · 1 month
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A place of worship..
shrine provider @dannymans66
583 notes · View notes
teazingsassy · 1 year
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sometimes i just...think about them
3K notes · View notes
d1gitalrabbit · 2 months
Trafalgar Law Modern AU
[Med Student, Surgical Unit🩺]
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371 notes · View notes
certainty2witch · 6 months
Crocodad, in a modern au where he raised Luffy.
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I probably wanna expand this au, since I already had something in mind (nothing so original, is more like a common slice of life thing), and maybe giving more informations about.
Let me just say that as a firmly “Crocodile is trans” believer in canon, well i made him afab here too. And is divorced with Dragon, they just keep the child by turns (Croco doesn’t like to see Dragon at all, it ended not so well, but I believe they still have some feelings for eachother).
My twitter:
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acelvrr · 6 months
Op characters + their rooms (modern au)
pt.1 ft. Ace, zoro, law
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- whoooow it stank
- LED lights are always on blue cuz my mans always in his feels.
Only turns them red when he’s tryna get the mood on if u know what I mean 😽
- For your own mental health don’t look under his bed or else you’ll get flashbacks to the Tacos you had last Tuesday
- only cleans his room when you are coming over (his definition of cleaning is throwing everything under his bed)
- has his tv opposite his bed so you guys can cuddle and lie in bed whilst watching a movie
Netflix and chill 😼
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-Room smells like body spray mixed with a hint of lavender because of his lavender sleep mist
-Basic ass room
Argues that he doesn’t need to decorate it because all he does is sleep and workout in there
- everything is either black or grey
- has more dumbbells in his room than clothes
- Buys a super expensive mattress that ‘helps with back problems’. (he got scammed by Nami)
-then shortly after got scammed again, this time into buying overpriced pillows.
Would’ve only bought one if he wasn’t with you
- Has a framed picture of you on his side table and he gets flustered everytime he looks at it 🤭
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- clean freak and also very freaky
- changes his sheets everytime someone comes over
- practically lives at his desk, he’s so studious 🤭
- his desk can get veryyyy clattered and messy
- has a towering bookshelf full of textbooks and other books he hasn’t read yet
- whilst he’s studying he always has candles lit , humidifier on and white noise playing in the background
-He rarely ever switches his ‘big light’ on, always used warm toned lamps and is big on using natural light.
-has a few posters up but nothing too fancy
- you are the only person he actually likes having over
-also has a mirror opposite his bed because he’s freakyy
but moves it before going to sleep cuz he claims he doesn’t want any paranormal activity to take place
(he’s just a nerd that spends wayy to much time on Reddit reading about niche topics)
548 notes · View notes
velvateen · 1 year
hiii can i request a reader x luffy fic on how luffy would act if the reader like fell asleep on his shoulder or something? thank uu😸😸
oh anon i went above and beyond for you… tysm for this cuteeeee request mwahhh •.*
monster trio x gn reader - falling asleep on their shoulders!
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warnings: fluff, zoros is a little teensie weensie bit suggestive leave me alone, no pronouns used!
On the plush couch of your apartment, Luffy’s leg shook in excitement as he queued up a movie for you two to watch while you ate the take-out you ordered. He was ready to eat, and ready to watch one of his favorite movies with you. You got up, heading towards the kitchen.
“What do you want to drink, Luffy?”
“Anything is fine, water, quick quick you gotta watch this part, it’s important!” He brought the takeout box to his chin, using his chopsticks to pile an ungodly amount of noodles into his mouth. You smiled at him from behind the counter, taking in the sweet ambiance.
You two had just started dating a few weeks ago, and moments like this were so fun to share, so simple. You walked back and sat next to him, your legs brushing him with the proximity. You could feel him tense at the feeling, still not used to how he got to be near you whenever he wanted, but he relaxed quickly, his leg moving to bump yours in a playful acknowledgement. You smiled as you ate, quickly becoming transfixed at the tv screen.
Half of the movie later, your stomach full and eyes drooping, your head began to drop. You quickly would jerk it back up, but it was becoming impossible to stay awake, and the cycle kept continuing. After a cool moment in the movie, Luffy turned to you to see your reaction.
“Wasn’t that co--” he started, interrupted with how cute you looked, illuminated by the blue glow of the tv, eyes closed and head tilting down, fighting to stay awake. He took a deep breath and turned back to the tv fighting a smile, you were so beautiful and he couldn’t believe you were his. Even when he thought that this night couldn’t get any better, you proved him wrong as your head lolled onto his shoulder. Your destination finally made, you fell into a proper sleep, your steady breaths ghosting his shoulder. Reaching to pause the movie, Luffy returned to you and brought his head to rest atop yours.
He looked at you, his arm wrapping under yours to hold your hand gently, basking in the knowledge that he was the only one you trusted to hold you like this.
“We can finish it tomorrow.”
“Man, I’m beat,” you huffed, dropping your bag on the floor. Kicking off your shoes at the entry way, you stumbled into your apartment. Zoro was sitting in the living room, watching tv after his afternoon workout, by the looks of his clothes.
“Long day?” he asked, pausing the show to hear your response.
You sighed, “Guess. I’m gonna shower, you coming or what?”
You sat in your bed, leaning against the headboard, book in hand. Zoro was next to you, sitting beside you but his eyes closed, nodding in and out of sleep. The book you had found was so good, but the long day you had was really catching up with you, and fast. To your credit, you had gotten a few chapters read before the book slipped from your hands and fell onto your lap. With the movement, Zoro cracked an eye open. Your head was tilted back, face relaxed as sleep began to take over you. Zoro grinned, sneaking his arm behind your shoulders, his hand pulling your head towards his. He pressed a kiss to your head while he massaged your scalp gently, urging you deeper into your well-earned sleep.
The car ride home in the taxi was pretty quiet, save for the occasional stray question asked by the driver, and the soft music that played from the front of the car. After the day-long string of activities Sanji had planned, ending at one of your favorite bars, you were ready to go home and catch some sleep before undoubtedly seeing him again tomorrow. It was only your second date tonight, but it was going so well that it felt like you’ve known him forever. You and Sanji sat side by side in the taxi, his hand resting on his thigh, pinky outstretched and linked with yours. The rock of the car was gentle as the tick of the highway played a steady rhythm, warm yellow street lights casting quick shadows across your bodies.
His hand snaked around your arm, now fully holding your hand. “So did you have fun tonight, my love?” You looked at him, him returning your gaze. You smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek, then opting to settle your head on the crook of his shoulder. He tilted down to help you settle there, feeling your cheeks rise as a smile rested on your lips.
“So is that a yes?”
You hummed in response, eyes closing as you began to nod off. Sanji smiled, his head tilting back against the headrest. A few minutes later, the driver pulled onto your street.
“Excuse me?” Sanji asked. The driver looked back. “How much for you to keep driving a little longer?”
a/n: thank you sm for this awesome silly tres cute little baby fic it was so fun to write (i need sanji in a way that sets feminism back). please send me more requests but!!! if yours includes a character i haven’t met in the show (i’m at thriller bark) it might take a little while longer bc idk how to write them yet. patience is a virtue, kitties. okay meow (cat saying ciao) •.*
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hitoshi-yuuto · 4 months
Modern AU
Luffy : Tra-o! Give me your dagger!
Law : My dagger??
Luffy : Don't you carry a dagger in your bag?
Law : Have you ever met a person carrying a dagger in their bag??
Luffy calling Ace : Hey Ace do you carry a dagger in your bag?
Ace : Of course, I'm not an animal.
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alastxrs · 3 months
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Your Brother is Mine, Sorry Not Sorry.
𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐃. 𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐨𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐨'𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐘/𝐍. 𝐇𝐞 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥….
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lawbelongstoy/n POSTED...
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♡ 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐘, 𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟐.𝟓𝐤 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬.
lawbelongstoy/n- yeah, I stole a bitch's brother. I'm not giving him back.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝- hisfuturehusband
theoldestdonquixote- WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!!
➩lawbelongstoy/n- having a date 🖕
theoldestdonquixote- I TOLD Y/N TO BREAK UP WITH YOU.
➩ hisfuturehusband- I'm an adult Doffy, I am not going to listen to you just because you don't like my boyfriend.
CORAROSINANTE- awwwww, you two are cute :))
➩hisfuturehusband- this is why you are my favorite brother ♥︎♥︎
➩lawbelongstoy/n- thank you Cora.
KINGUSOPP- This is why Y/N didn't come to lunch....
namiishere- I'm still wondering when Y/N is going to take me out on a date :/
➩hisfuturehusband- when Law learns to share, and when I tell him no (jk I just like being with him)
EUSTASSKID- and this is why I want to block you both.
[liked by theoldestdonquixote and 1k others.]
hisfuturehusband POSTED...
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♡ 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐲/𝐧, 𝐁𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐏𝐎, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟏𝟒𝐊 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬.
hisfuturehusband- Sorry I have to show off my man (thanks to Bepo for taking a picture)
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝- lawbelongstoy/n, BEPOBEPO
penpenpenguin- why was Bepo invited only???
➩lawbelongstoy/n- Because he offered to take pictures.
➩hisfuturehusband- and because I owed him lunch :))
shachishachi- you have to bring penguin and I next time.
theoldestdonquixote- I TOLD YOU TO STOP POSTING PICTURES!!
➩hisfuturehusband- For the million time, no I will not listen to you and you cannot ground me when I am an adult.
theoldestdonquixote- Y/N!! MESSAGE ME NOW!!
CORAROSINANTE- at least my favorite brother is happy :))
[liked by hisfuturehusband and 1.5k others.]
HUNGRYLUFFY- I could've gotten free food? :(
➩hisfuturehusband- I'm sorry Luf, next time
chefsanji- thanks for coming to my restaurant.
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♡ 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝, 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝟓 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟐.𝟓𝐤 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬.
CORAROSINANTE- my baby brother and his man reading his books, they invited me to read with them :)))
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝- hisfuturehusband, lawbelongstoy/n
BEPOBEPO- Can I come over?
➩hisfuturehusband- Yes my son, I'll message you the address :)
penpenpenguin- Law looks so interested in his books!
shachishachi- Dude will do anything for Y/N, his brother's gotta suffer with two simps
theoldestdonquixote- NOT YOU TOO, CORA.
theoldestdonquixote- I DONT WANT TO SEE THESE TWO ON MY PAGE
theoldestdonquixote- BREAK UP ALREADY
➩namiishere- it's funny how you are their biggest hater
theoldestdonquixote- CORA, SEPERATE THEM.
KINGUSOPP- Everyone looks to the comment section to see Doflamingo's reaction to Y/N and Traffy
chefsanji- crazy how the guy is reacting to his adult brother dating.
lawbelongstoy/n POSTED...
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♡ 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐁𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐏𝐎, 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟐.𝟓𝐤 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬.
lawbelongstoy/n- y/n said I need to know the pleasure of being a 'passenger princess' so he's spoiling me. (Luffy in the backseat eating)
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝- hisfuturehusband
penpenpenguin- oooooooo, our two boys!!
BEPOBEPO- Law getting spoiled~!
HUNGRYLUFFY- We are having a hang out :)) Getting the food I was promised
➩hisfuturehusband- anything for my son ♡
➩HUNGRYLUFFY- thank you Y/N :)))
theoldestdonquixote- Y/N LET GO OF HIS HAND RIGHT NOW!!
theoldestdonquixote- WHAT THE FUCK
theoldestdonquixote- IS HE WHY YOU CALLED OUT OF WORK???
➩EUSTASSKID- and this is why your brothers want to leave you.
[liked by hisfuturehusband, lawbelongstoy/n and 100k others.]
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Y/N groaned when he kept getting messages from Doflamingo, he turned off his phone and he moved the phone into his cupholder.
"Your brother still being annoying about us dating?" Law squeezed the taller/shorter man's free hand and he looked at his boyfriend with a small frown on his lips. "He needs to get over it."
The (H/C) haired man nodded while keeping his eyes on the road. "Yeah! We've been dating for a year."
Luffy piped in from the back. "Imagine if you guys got married, he'd be pissed."
Y/N glanced at Law with a grin on his face.
"Luffy, I'll buy you all the meet in the world."
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lawbelongstoy/n posted...
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♡ 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐘, 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝, 𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟏𝟒𝟎𝐊 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬.
lawbelongstoy/n- relationship status: engaged. (Luffy took the picture)
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝- hisfuturehusband, HUNGRYLUFFY
hisfuturehusband- can't wait for our wedding :))
CORAROSINANTE- I'm so happy for you both!! congrats!!
➩lawbelongstoy/n- thank you Cora.
➩hisfuturehusband- thanks big bro!
EUSTASSKID- I've got the popcorn ready and your comment section on my TV.
penpenpenguin- WOOOO! I call being best man
➩lawbelongstoy/n- sorry that belongs to Bepo
➩hisfuturehusband- I promised my favorite brother that spot
BEPOBEPO- congrats guys! :D I can't wait for the wedding.
rorozoro- How did you get Luffy to take the picture instead of eating?
➩hisfuturehusband- he had food in his mouth while taking the photo
➩HUNGRYLUFFY- I do it for all my photos :D
theoldestdonquixote- NO
theoldestdonquixote- NO
➩hisfuturehusband- Rosa gave permission to Law
theoldestdonquixote- YOU CAN'T DO THIS
theoldestdonquixote- HOW DARE YOU
➩hisfuturehusband- For everyone reading the comments for more of my brother's reactions, he is blocked from Law's account :)) Yes, finally.
[liked by lawbelongstoy/n, EUSTASSKID, BEPOBEPO and 150k others.]
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hisfuturehusband posted a STORY...
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buff-muffin · 25 days
Thinkem bout a modern AU where Ace and Sabo obviously being two or three years older in school, were experiencing things years before Luffy would. Things like prom, grad and all that. But because he could COME to these events they did their best to get him envolved as much as possible so he wouldn’t feel left out. And when years rolled around, Ace and Sabo are well into collage each on different sides of the country. They still come down to help pick out an outfit for him and be there for his graduation. After all he was there for them.
Luffy manages to graduate by the skin of his teeth and a LOT of work from all of the east blue gang. No teacher thought he would make it and it really was a moment of celebration. And as Luffy takes that paper thingy, and looks over the crowd. He thinks if only for a moment, no one is there. Gramps is Busy, Makino is running the bar, Dadan and the others of the Share house all have jobs they gotta go to.
Then all of a sudden he hears the loudest cheers in an almost quiet room. And there are his brothers, Dadan trying to wrestle them down and Makino laughing with Woop Slap. His brothers from schools hours away. His brothers who are in collage and following there dreams. His brothers are here just like they promised three years ago when they graduated. Completely forgetting to thank the teacher, he runs down the steps and Usopp has to stop him from going to them right away since there were still other students. So the rest of the ceremony he’s sitting on his chair like he’s going to explode quietly whispering to all them “ My brothers are here!! They made it!!” And all of them can’t even be mad cause Luffy deserves it for all the effort he puts in
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sanjisboyfie · 1 year
one piece smau: dating sanji edition
— modern! au , so fun , slight nsfw bc sanji is funny like that ig LMFAO
— SANJI X MALE READER one of my favorite pairings to ever cross the universe
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liked by [name]s.chef, uso_pp, 9k others
lvrboy[name]: oh my god hes so fine someone give me this guys' number
-> dni_nami: no fucking way, why did this guy just leak his number TO HIS OWN BOYFRIEND
uso_pp: the day sanji doesn't comment in all caps to his boyfriends posts is the day the apocolypse comes
-> roro.zoro: fr why he always yelling at him....
-> freeluffy: sanji is so aggressive to his own boyfriend, should we help [name]? -> [name]s.chef: YOU MORONS HAVE NEVER BEEN IN LOVE AND IT SHOWS
-> uso_pp: ruhroh he angry
love.pudding: is he single?
[liked by lvrboy[name]]
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liked by freeluffy, dni_nami, boahancock, and 10k others
tagged: lvrboy[name]
dni_nami: never seen you smile that wide before
-> roro.zoro: i wish i never saw it, it's terrifying
-> [name]s.chef: i fucking hate you, dont interact with any of my posts you idiot
-> [lvrboyname]: holy shit whenever you guys breathe do you have to insult each other
-> [name]s.chef: I WON'T ANYMORE MY BABY
SUPERCOLA: do you guys remember when sanji said he hated [name] and rejected the idea of being in love with him.
-> lvrboy[name]: LMFAOAOOA
-> {name]s.chef: that wasnt me, that was my evil twin that was plotting on my downfall.
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liked by [name]s.chef, roro.zoro, and 10k others
lvrboy[name]: personal bottle boy <3
tagged: [name]s.chef
[name]s.chef: until the bed breaks. as many rounds as you want, any position you want, anything.
-> dni_nami: sanji please be fucking normal challenge
[liked by roro.zoro and 100 others]
dr.law: is this sanitary???
-> lvrboy[name]: deez nuts in your mouth are about to be sanitary
-> [name]s.chef: TELL HIM BABY TELL HIM !!!
-> dr.law: this shit doesnt even make sense ???
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liked by [name]s.chef, lvrboy[name], and 15k others
freeluffy: i can't eat when sanji is making out with [name] across from me. i'm never going out with these two again.
tagged: [name]s.chef and lvrboy[name]
uso_pp: LMFAO i thought it was known to never go out with sanji and [name]? sanji just ends up ignoring you and only paying attention to [name]
-> [name]s.chef: and that's the way it should be. who else should i pay attention to when my beautiful, handsome, erethral boyfriend is right in front of me?
robinkills: i have never heard luffy sound so serious before, what did you two do to him?
-> roro.zoro: probably traumatize him
lvrboy[name]: i'm sorry lu, i'll make it up to you sometime
-> freeluffy: pay for my meals on campus for a week straight :D
-> lvrboy[name]: i'll pay for it for two weeks, i'm really sorry luffy </3
roro.zoro: i think i vomitted in my mouth a little bit, happy for you guys ig.
-> lvrboy[name]: thank you...?
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liked by [name]s.chef, dr.law, and 10k others
lvrboy[name]: my bby in crop tops >>>
tagged: [name]s.chef
-> lvrboy[name]: i love you so much muah
SUPERCOLA: sanji and [name] stop making out challenge literally fucking impossible.
[liked by dni_nami, uso_pp, and 90 others]
-> skullnsoul: they're so funny
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liked by lvrboy[name], roro.zoro, and 14k others
[name]s.chef: my beautiful boy suprised me by preparing me food with his own recipe today, i think i could cry genuine tears. you guys don't understand how happy i am that i found him and am now able to call him mine. i will love [name] until my last breath. i am so, so lucky.
tagged: lvrboy[name]
uso_pp: okay i guess this was a cute post or whatever.
[liked by dni_nami, robinkills, and 100 others]
lvrboy[name]: sanji i'm gonna cry :< i love u sm too
-> [name]s.chef: pls dont cry my love
ttchopper: my favorite couple, you two are so sweet!
roro.zoro: cant even say anything mean, this is very heartwarming
-> lvrboy[name]: sanji won't tell you this but he giggled and kicked his feet when he read this.
lvrboy[name]'s story
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my boyfriend's so fucking sexy-
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Grand Line Crew Modern Au Gang!
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i hope yall enjoy, this took a while to get all together, here
ASL post
East Blue Crew post
Friends we made along the way 1 post
Friends we made along the way 2 post
i dont have many additional headcanons for this lot, but i did write a short story with them :) enjoy
Brook only wears the absolute grooviest of clothing at all times.
Brook only wears the absolute grooviest of clothing at all times.
Brook only wears the absolute grooviest of clothing at all times.
That’s just gonna have to be there 👆 tumblr likes to glitch out my posts.
Dont give chopper caffeine. He’ll either have a heart attack or operate on 5x speed, its a gamble every time.
robin and franky love watching home improvement shows, house hunters, how its made, myth busters, and other technical shows together.
When Luffy shows robin memes on his phone, she takes out her reading glasses and holds the phone like a mom does. Ya know that squint. You know.
Jinbei used to be a trucker and had a convoy with s bunch of his truckin’ buddies. They had matching leather jackets with “the sun truckers” embroidered on the back
Franky has a wig closet. It is vast. If you went in there you'd think you were in Narnia or something
Chopper is BEYOND CONVINCED that Sabo is a vampire.
One day, sabo volunteered as an assistant in a medical class chopper was taking. He was acting as chopper’s patient as he was learning the patient procedures of a checkup.
It was all going fine, chopper got all the patient identification out of the way and next was to acquire blood pressure, breath count, and heart rate. But the stethoscope and pressure monitor wasn’t working, and it make it seem like Sabo,,, didnt have a pumping heart,, or blood,,, or really breathed at all(he doesnt take very visible breaths).
Chopper was stricken with fear at this and assumed the absolute worse as he looked in horror at Sabo’s naturally pale complexion and long canine teeth. Chopper simply jotted down the average count of each recording instead of getting new equipment, and tried not to think about it, but
“huh, all of those numbers are usually lower than that. Maybe all that Special Concoction™ i drink is finally catching up to my heart rate.”
“how much have you.. drunk?”
“like for today? Or since I woke up.”
Chopper is fucking horrified. Sabo woke up to being a vampire and drinks blood as a special concoction. He cannot believe this.
”Never mind, I don't need to know, its all normal, you're normal.”
“Wow… that's the first time a medical practitioner has called me normal. My brothers are gonna get a real kick outta this.”
CHOPPER IS FUCKING HORRIFIED. HE HAS BRETHEREN??? Chopper just keeps his head down and finishes up the check up practice as Sabo remarks he has another class in the blood bank, which was lemon in the paper cut for chopper.
For a month or so after that day, Chopper didn’t see Sabo at all, and he forgot about his fear for a little while. However one night as chopper was hanging with Luffy and a few others in the straw hat friend group, there was a knock at the door. Chopper happily said “I’ll get it~” as the rest of the group continued in conversation.
Chopper skips over to the door and when he opens it, he sees the figure of Sabo standing in front of him. Tall and opposing, smiling a big toothy grin with bright blue eyes shining from the overhead lighting. He’s wearing a long trench coat with the collar popped and an ascot was wrapped around his neck.
What chopper was seeing before him.
Was the vampire.
He let out a scream right out of a horror film and promptly fainted.
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A minute or two later, he awoke laying on the couch, feet elevated and vest unbuttoned, to his friends looking at him from the foot of the couch.
He goes to stand up, but a strong gloved hand stops his movement and guides him back down
“Don't get up too quickly, little man.”
Chopper looked next to him and saw The Vampire. What was he doing in his house?!?!?
“Are you alright, bud? You opened the door for me, screamed in my face, and then passed out.”
“I’m fine, thank you,” Chopper said with the highest voice-crack to word ratio in his entire life.
“Right. Well again, dont get up too quickly, if you need water or anything let your friends know. I just came here to pick up Luffy cuz some family stuff came up. Have a good night!”
“…you too, and thanks for taking care of me…”
“No prob!”
“One last question?” Inquired chopper.
“What's up?”
“Did someone invite you in?”
the end
PS: Sabo's "special concoction" consists of Red Bull and Espresso. He hasn't slept in 72 hours. This will have lasting effects on his health.
thats all for now! thanks for reading~
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imperialnyx · 4 months
The Vinsmoke siblings
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Rich Snobby University Elites
The Strawhat gang ✨
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Everyone wants to be in their inner circle
This will be a mini comic series that takes place in a modern/university au with the strawhats and Vinsmokes(mainly the vinsmokes..). 👍🏼
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teazingsassy · 6 months
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i just wanted to draw zoro wit a pink bandana again
luffy eats too much for abs not because i hate drawing them...
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bitchapalooza · 2 months
Modern au where Sanji and Zoro were classmates in elementary school. They, like other kids, were into pokemon and traded cards all the time in recess. Sanji had this mint condition base set charizard, you know a card that exactly worth *that much* at the time but actually climbed and absolutely soared in collector’s value in time. Sanji *lent it* to Zoro for his deck for one single battle with another kid—but he never gave the card back because the teacher came over and said his uncle was here to pick him up. Zoro didn’t come back the next day. Sanji never got his charizard back.
Cut to present day. They’re in college. They realize they are the actual Zoro and Sanji from each other’s childhoods. Turns out Zoro had moved away and just didn’t even realize he was moving (“I just thought my uncle really liked cardboard boxes…”). Sanji asks about the card. Zoro says he doesn’t know where it’s at, he stopped being into pokemon after the move because that’s when his uncle enrolled him into his new dojo for sword fighting, it kinda took over his headspace. Now they have a petty arch enemy type of relationship purely because Zoro lost his charizard—he’s not even into pokemon anymore either, BUT ITS ABOUT THE PRINCIPLE OF THE FACT. He wants his goddamn base set charizard back dammit!
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