#One piece chapter 1016
bobauthorman · 1 year
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Just so you know, if it wasn’t for Usopp, Tama would never have been able to turn the Pleasures against the Animal Kingdom Pirates so swiftly and thoroughly.
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algumaideia · 3 months
Uh Tama ia well
More details about Luffy past kinda
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One Piece — "How high will your ceiling go?!!"
From Volume 99 - Chapter 1001 / Season 14 Episode 1016. Luffy has reached the rooftop of Onigashima, and to everybody's surprise, he strikes the first blow! Just a couple weeks ago, it didn't matter if Luffy hit Kaido as hard as he could, and it didn't matter if Kaido was drunk out of his mind, nothing Luffy did could hurt him, and he knocked Luffy out in one swift blow. But things are different now. Who did he train with? And what's he trying to accomplish?
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north-pole-penguin · 3 years
One Piece 1016
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Everyone celebrating in the Flower Capital for the fire festival. Hitetsu and Otko are there and there is a giant fire they have set up in the festival that pay homage to the people who have passed away. So the fire festival is like Día de Muertos, day of the dead, if you ever watched the movie coco but this is the one piece version. Hitetsu lets Otko know the fire is burning so high it reached the heavens and  Yasuie is looking down on them.
 CP0 is basically sports commentating the entire war and I like the mid recap of showing whats going on overall. Thanks to Tama the Samurai now have 7,000 on their side against the Beast Pirates’ 20,000. Still, all the eye people are talking to each other and see everything in the island and know that Momo and Shinobu pretty much fell off a cliff last week. Like Shinobu used her devil fruit to collapse the side of the ledge and we don’t see them anymore. Any who, one of the eye people are like, “ima tell the whole island that Momo died, that’ll make them stop fighting brb” Little does she know
 Nami gets a powerrrrrr uppppppppp!!! Usopp is funning saying that he is so good at making weapons he is the reason Nami’s climate baton is talking lol. Really what happened is Zesus right before he was going to get eaten by Hera he was already unconscious and his spirt was slipping out of his body and in the last moment when Nami gave him some black balls (thunder clouds ahaha) before he got eaten, his spirt was able to go into Nami’s baton.
 Crazy side note is that Zeus said he can’t get out of Nami’s baton with out Big Mom’s power’s so I wonder if Big Mom is going to take Zeus’s soul out of Nami’s baton in a later point in Wano. I hope not, I like this Nami power up.
 Nami and Usopp are going to the platform so Tama can give an order to all the gifters but the eye person is there who wants to tell the island Momo is “dead” I guess her name is Bao Huang. Right when Nami, Usopp, and Tama make it there Ulti comes flying through and head buts Usopp. Ulti gets Tama and is going to hurt her cause Ulti finds out Tama is the reason the gifters switched sides and is blaming Tama for why Page 1 got hurt. Nami isn’t playing that so she swings her baton and Zeus transforms into like a giant mase!?!?! Crazy. Can Zeus have observation haki? Cause he tells Nami that Ulti is hurt on the inside and one good lighting attack will finish off Ulti. Or maybe he just understands Big Mom’s attacks iuno. Zeus tells Nami to use her baton like she normally does and Zeus will help her out but Nami doesn’t want to do a lighting attack cause it will hurt Tama. Usopp hits Ulti with a little seed I think and it turns into like a garden of flowers on Ulti so it can give Tama the chance to get away from Ulti.
 Nami gets her lighting attack ready and Zeus is just a giant power boost, he becomes a part of Nami’s regular weather eggs. Zeus tells Nami he can name him something else and Nami says “Fluff” but Zeus still calls himself Zeus lol. A cool part though was Zeus declaring that he is Nami’s right hand. Nami does a hugggeeeeeeeee lighting blast but it misses Ulti. It ain’t over though, Zeusus lighting blast follows! Freaking follows! Ulti until it hits her. That’s tight! I wonder if Oda knew he was going to give this power up to Nami the whole time? Cause Lola gave Nami Big Mom’s vivre card all the way back in thriller bark so its like Nami has been connected with a piece of Big Mom’s soul for a long portion of the story. So it makes sense that Nami still has a portion of Big Mom’s soul in Zeus?
 Ulti is knocked out cold. I’m really happy for Nami that was a cool feat and it makes sense, yea Ulti had to take a hit by Big Mom first to help Nami knock her out but still! This is a cool Power up for Nami and a cool moment. Shouts out Usopp for the assist too.
Bao Huang, eye lady, gets shocked for what happened and yells out that two of the Tobi Ropo are down and that goes through the whole island. So instead of breaking the moral of the Samurai she ends up breaking the moral of the Beast Pirates. Usopp hits Bao Huang with a Green Starr to hold her up and Tama speaks into her.  All the gifters hear Tama and get excited and are ready to take orders from her.
 Last page, its Yamato and Kaido on the roof top 1 v1. Yamto declares she is going to leave to sea with Luffy! So Yamato for nakama!? Will see. Something that stood out to me is Kaido saying “don’t think I’m leaving for anywhere else. I’m here because its Wano!” Is there something even more special in Wano that we don’t know about? Like I know Kaido is there cause of teaming up with Orochi to make weapons and prolly because of the road poneglyph but is there anotherrrrr reason why Kaido wants to be in Wano? Maybe a void century reason we don’t know about? Yamto also says that Luffy is the man Oden was waiting for. Kaido in previous chapter said Luffy isn’t Joy Boy but when Yamato said that Luffy is the man Oden is waiting for then does that mean Luffy is Joy Boy?
 Yamto is clearly strong cause Kaido automatically went hybrid to attack him. Yamato knows he can’t beat Kaido but he tells Kaido he is going to hold him back for as long as he can.
Things I hope to see in Kaido vs Yamato
·        I hope we get Kaido backstory from this fight.
·        Yamato backstory
·        Yamato possible devil fruit transformation? Like why does Yamato have fangs?
·        On tops of Kaido backstory I hope we also learn about the void century/ Joyboy/ will of D. Cause Kaido and Yamto clearly know about it so this could Oda’s way of informing us.
Great Chapter!
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p0chy · 2 years
Meanwhile, during the fight against Kaido and big mom in onigashima...
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It took me way too long but after seeing those three dumbasses fighting against each other and having Zoro scolding them, I had to, hope you enjoy don't forget to stan Killer for clear skin
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every-yamato · 2 years
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fer-artsy · 3 years
(kinda) One Piece ch. 1016 spoilers
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I believe in Nami supremacy
I couldn't decide whether to draw her or Yamato but I always draw him so here she is ksndlaksbl
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gayathefierceknight · 3 years
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brave-symphonia · 3 years
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Please, please tell me this will be true.
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cienie-isengardu · 3 years
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I'm so excited for Nami now, I want to believe Cotton was infused with Haki, please anime, just give me that, it makes sense for Nami to have armament haki.
Ok, how many emotions at almost 3 am.
Otoko made me sentimental at the beginning, poor child, the town laughing for real this time, I hope they get their emotions back.
Fuck you Kaido and that thing I don't remember its name, the usurper.
Usopp fighting until the end, MVP. The Cotton bit was a cliche, always make you laugh kind of joke.
Duck them up Otama, you can do it, CP0 will have to change the colour of a lot of pieces.
Fuck him up Yamato, Fuck. Him Up. We need a good diary reading at the end of Wano, narrated by Momo.
I want Luffy to come back and for Kaido to be like what the fuck. Wano keeps on giving week after week damnit. What great content, I hope Oda takes his time, after Miura I gain more knowledge about mangaka's schedules, they're the wooorst, super detrimental to their healths, they should take some breaks.
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writingmysanity · 2 years
Favor (Prologue)
Summary: Science reigns, as godly devotion fails. After being abandoned for his work, Viktor turns to the one source he believes can help him- the old gods. Granting him their favor, they allow him to access the source, the magic itself and all that it is intertwined with- with supervision of course. Content with his visions, they decide to show their favor once more- a gift only whispered about in myths and legends. A soulmate.
Master List Next>
Requested by @spiderholland101 {Hello! Was wondering if you'd be willing to do a Viktor x reader? And in this story, it could be based off the movie Howl's moving castle? I just thought that it would be a super cute little combination.}
Word count: 1016
TW: Attempted murder, burning, erm... wounds, blood... if I missed anything, please let me know.
A/N: this was meant to be a smaller piece and may even do smaller pieces in the universe much like for Sanctuary. I am sorry @spiderholland101 but the ideas got a little out of control.... this ended up being multi-chaptered. I hope you like it. Thank you so much for your kind words and sweet support! combining my comfort character and one of my all-time favorite comfort movies has been a thrill.
Beta'd by the ever lovely @silcoitus I know that Viktor isn't your cup of tea, but I really really appreciated you looking it over for me!
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A shriek beats against the rocks, echoing along the water's surface. The sound reverberates down the coast and across the channel, deafened only by the clap of thunder that follows. The sound of a body hitting the water is swallowed by the rain, pelting from the heavens. 
In the silence that follows, a shadow lurks, peering through makeshift curtains, pinned crudely to the window sill, the rough cotton fabric browning with age. Hesitantly, the shadow moves, wading out to the channel’s edge, looking out over the choppy waves slapping along the bank. The sickly glow that flickers in his hand only seems to extend the shadows, curling and snapping with movement as the flame dances. Frowning, he swipes at his face, flinging droplets from his eyes- the jagged cliffs just on the other side of the channel little more than a wall of shadows, looming with malintent. But there is nothing more.
Viktor is about to turn back in, shaking his head to slosh beads of rain from his face, when a flash of white catches his attention. Grunting in effort, he ignores the way his healed foot thumps against the pebbles awkwardly, shaking up his body as he jogs over. 
Rubbing more rain from his eyes, he blinks out over the rocks edge, golden eyes narrowing in an attempt to see better. Not ten feet away, slammed against the alcove, is a body. White dress pools on the surface snagged between jagged boulders looming overhead and the rough banks. A mess of hair makes it hard for him to get a good look at you, crimson waves sloshing around your shoulders. Awkwardly, he slides down the rock face, stumbling to your side—falling unceremoniously to his knees as he reaches for you. 
Flopping you over, he rests his head over your chest lightly, feeling for the rise and fall of your breath, listening for a beat. He ignores the way the water leeches through his clothes, a chilled shudder wracking through him as he tugs you closer, sagging in relief when your chest lifts on its own. 
Slowly, he lays you out, adjusting you so that he's able to wrap an arm around your shoulders. The other secures under your knees as he lifts you with little more than a grunt, wincing when your head flops at the movement. Biting back an apology as your head flops back towards him again, he scoots along the bank, testing each step twice before taking it, unable to see his feet. Keeping a steady gait, he works to keep from jostling you as much as possible, keeping his arms even. 
“Wh-” stumbling to a halt, he stares down at you, eyebrows pinching. He is about to shush you gently, tell you that you’re safe—he means no harm—but you continue, a look of reverence crossing your features. Slowly, you smile. “Your eyes,” you croak softly, hand lifting to trace under his eye. Freezing, he doesn't dare look away, transfixed on your own. “They’re like the sun.”
Swallowing nervously, he opens his mouth to speak—say something—but the words die on his lips as you lull in his arms again. With an oddly content hum, you allow your eyes to flutter shut, hand dropping from his cheek to rest on his chest, nose tucking in beside it. 
Gasping, Viktor swallows a yelp as he stumbles, fighting the way his arm sags, threatening to give way to your weight. Violet streaks of lightning flash through his veins, up his arm, searing pain ebbing from his wrist. Stumbling to one knee, he waits for the pain to fade. Sagging over your body, he groans into the whispers of the wind, nothing but the patter of rain to accompany his ragged breaths. But he doesn't drop you. Slowly, in spite of the pain searing up his arm, he stands again. Pushing forward, he focuses on the light from his door filtering around a lingering shadow standing before it, red eyes glowing in the dimmed light of the night.
“Are you… okay?” the soft whirring of gears reaches his ears, the almost childlike modulated voice cutting through the silence that had surrounded him. Slowly, he nods, ignoring the way the red narrows.
“Inside, Blitzcrank,” he evens his tone, careful not to snap at the robot as it steps back slowly, the almost silent creak of metal accented by a hiss of steam.
“Inside,” Blitzcrank agrees, letting Viktor in, watching as his master slides past him, limping, his foot thudding softly against the aging planks. Blitzcrank’s metallic steps thunder after him curiously. “Need help?” 
Viktor shakes his head as he lowers you into his bed, careful not to jostle you too much, finally able to get a good look at the damage. Red seeps from your forehead, trailing down your cheek, purple and blue blooming under your skin on just about every bit of skin he can see. There are several smaller cuts from being bashed against the rocks, though they are not of consequence- but he is sure they will be sore come morning.
Flopping back into his chair, Viktor finally chances a look at his arm, grouching about the newest trials being a failure as his eyes trace brilliant, shimmering purple lines that paint his veins from his shoulder down to his wrist where the inky substance seems to have pooled. Frowning, he leans forward suddenly, catching the attention of his companion as he works on their guest, tending to her head wound with a gentleness not expected from a robot. 
Viktor ignores the questioning hum as he inspects the blackened lines seared into his wrist. Slowly, he traces the words there, swallowing another yelp, the skin still puffy and raw.
Your eyes… they're like the sun.
He is so absorbed by the swoopy calligraphy, inky lines solidifying against his skin, that he doesn't notice Blitzcrank hovering over him, a knowing hum echoing as another crack of thunder shakes the walls, nearly swallowing the sound.
“You've been favored by the Gods,” he observes, the modulated voice smoother, softer than he is used to. “Again.”
Arcane taglist:
@grumpyoutlaw @thehistoriangirl @rainbowpitofdoom @wizarrdofooze @uniquedeerwitch @ace-of-zaun @aerynwrites @queenxxxsupreme @beeblybub
If you would like to be added to the tag list, please send me a message or ask or something.
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algumaideia · 3 months
Go Yamatoooo
Also go Tama
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animebw · 2 years
Reading One Piece: Chapters 1015-1016
-”After all this time we’ve been together, how many miracles have you seen?” Yeah, Luffy’s gonna find some way out of this mess. Just you wait.
-”Take care of him! He’s got the strength of ten when he’s healthy.” Sanji complimenting Zoro? What’s the world coming to?
-”Face your death like a warrior!” GOD FUCK THIS SHIT
-”Luffy is going to win!” God, Momonosuke’s finally come into his own. Thank god.
-”My climate baton... just talked!” ...no.
-”I think you mean father, Yamato.” “No! I’m here to cut these chains!” ALRIGHT TIME FOR THIS FIGHT
-”I’m certain he is looking down at this very moment, watching you and the fate of the country.” Drrrrrramatic irony!
-I cannot fucking believe Zeus turned into an actual powerup for Nami’s weapon. What are the odds?
-”Fluff!” “I am Zeus, arm of the mighty Nami!” skjfhksdjfh so much for that new name
-”Luffy is the man who will free Wano! And until he returns, I’m going to hold you back!” Now that’s more like it.
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nnvv3 · 3 years
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Sorry I was late for the memes about one piece chapter 1016. But I got distracted by E3! Anyway here the memes
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every-yamato · 2 years
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The composition of this panel... Chills
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