#One Stop Diagnostic Solutions
brawltogethernow · 1 year
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L fell over from his customary seated position, died in his nemesis's arms, then came to in his customary seated position.
  He fell over.
  "Richard?" said Wammy, the alias he'd been using four cases ago. "Are you alright?"
  "Watari?" he said dumbly, into the floor. Wammy was dead. He hadn't wanted it to be true, but he had been sure when he saw the data kill switch had been flipped, pieces of information slotting together to form a whole even when he didn't want them to. His own hand had carved him into a device that did this process automatically. It was too late to deny facts.
  "What?" said Wammy like he didn't recognize the Japanese alias.
  L pushed himself up halfway off the ground. "Fuuuuuck this," he said, and fell over again.
"Why me?" he wondered aloud. "Does this happen to everyone killed by the murder notebooks? I can't investigate an infinite multiverse, Weatherby."
  "Probably not," conceded Wammy. He was currently humoring L gamely. L had been able to provide multiple descriptions of future events that would confirm he wasn't cracking up, but none of them had happened yet. He had never been much of one for keeping track of the date regarding matters where someone could do it for him, which didn't help. Well. Wammy would come around.
  L was humoring himself, too, for now. There was no point assuming his mind wasn't reliable. Using his brain to run diagnostics on itself could wait until it seemed necessary. If he was having an Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge moment it was certainly going on for a very long time.
  He ground his molars against each other. The Kira murders had been supernatural, but clearly guided by a hand that either was mortal or thought the same way. So far, this seemed...random.
  "I don't like this," he informed the room, and incidentally Wammy. His latest sugar cube tower collapsed and split into two factions, one falling into his tea and the other scattering across his desk. Tea sloshed out of its cup in futile pursuit of the desk faction.
  He picked up the teacup by the mostly not sticky handle and sipped it, pursuing the grit at the bottom of its basin. He put it down and but his thumbnail. It was slightly sweet. He needed to wash his hands. He added, "Well. I like it better than being dead."
He sent the party interested in his current case an e-mail with enough key bullet points of the solution for them to clean up what was left of it themselves, which was more than he felt like doing for a rerun of a case. If he were stuck only rehashing already closed cases he might entertain the theory that this was Hell. But the world was wide, he had only lived a year or so beyond this in the first place, and the Kira case was still open.
  He tried to console himself that Light Yagami possessed one of the most ruthlessly brilliant minds L had ever encountered. This did not make him feel any better about being beaten by a fucking child. L was an extremely petty man about things like that.
  (He had been a worse minor. If he had been eighteen as well when faced with such an infuriating suspect, he would probably have been the one instigating physical altercations. He would have broken Light's perfect nose instead of playing around with him, and then maybe he wouldn't be undead.)
  He gnawed his thumbnail, brain too itchy to be content just pressing it against his bottom lip where he could usually stop. He knew on one level of thought he was risking ending up with sore and bloody cuticles, but it was not the level primarily in charge of his teeth and hands when he was stressed. Was he stressed? Extremely, yes. But should he have been? His life wasn't even in danger, nor was Wammy's. Kira hadn't claimed his first kill yet, probably hadn't acquired his weapon, that awful, intriguing, unassuming notebook. And when he did, L could just...
  L didn't even have to do anything. He could just ignore it, and stay ensconced in whatever HQ he chose. Name unrecorded, face unknown, existence not relevant to Light Yagami's twisted morals. He already knew all the key mechanics of Kira. The method, the means—he was sure he'd already known the why. He had all the answers he wanted. Light had given him his answers.
  His true face... It was all the confession L had needed. An honor, even.
  L didn't need anyone's sanction to solve the Kira problem, either. He could steal the notebook. He could hire a hitman.
  Dull pain and the taste of blood alerted him that he'd bitten through his thumb.
  He popped it into his mouth to keep blood off his keyboard. No, he didn't want to kill Light Yagami. He probably should kill Light Yagami, but he didn't want to. He wanted to... To...
Of the many casualties of the Kira case, there was no one he cared to intervene for he hadn't led to danger with his own hand. (Should he have cared more about Beyond? Eh, he'd interfere if Wammy brought it up.) Even Naomi, who he hadn't spoken to in years, should have no reason to return to her home country if L didn't repeat old plays.
  ...He wondered if he was perhaps taking the wrong lessons about treating people as expendable from the situation.
  He tapped his fingers. Naomi. He had liked her.
  He spent an hour at the keys confirming where she was. The sun had set around him, at some point, leaving him in a black room with the monitor a white inferno at the center. Moved to Burbank, engaged, retired. She must be bored out of her mind in an empty room of her own making. No wonder she had died over this case too.
  He hoped it was exciting first. Light had never mentioned her.
  Focusing all of her faculties on her boytoy only for a killer to take him away... She must have gotten very unlucky to have not proved a bigger obstacle.
After it came clear that L was reporting his experiences accurately (or hallucinating his confidant's confirmations), Wammy sat silently for a subjectively long minute and forty-seven seconds.
  "What is it like?" he asked at last. "Dying."
  "I don't know, I was kind of distracted," L deflected, because this is true.
  Wammy gave him a blank yet communicative look.
  L bit down on his other, less raw thumb. Why hadn't Wammy come back with him, possessed of his own experience to draw on? Was there another Wammy, elsewhere, who has gone back alone?
  Could it be he really didn't die? No. L was sure.
  Kira had done that, but even spider-scrabbling blunted fingertips at the bottom recesses of the linty pockets of his heart, L couldn't find it in himself to feel too righteously indignant. L was the one who had wanted to win badly enough he'd anted up his allies in their game. He had been cocky. He had been too cavalier.
  "Frustrating," he answered. "Like when you can't stay awake even though you're in the middle of a project."
  The brain, whirling determinedly away even as it stopped receiving fresh blood, as the vision narrowed down to a thin line, a screen shutting off uncaring of whether it was the end of the program.
He researched relevant players he hadn't been aware of at this point. All were transpiring to be about where he'd have plced them.
  The web of events was elaborate. But that could have been dream logic. He'd tried, but never gotten the hang of, lucid dreaming. He was not sure he would be truly convinced this was happening until he'd discovered a why.
  He hovered his overful teacup not quite at his lips. Next, he could find a backdoor into the TCPD systems, but...maybe...
  He wormed into Yagami Light's computer instead. After 24 hours of passive data collection this provided him with Souichirou's passwords and how Light concealed he was using them.
  It was very amateur, which was the best way to hack an organization that thought it was going to be hacked by professionals. Casual exploitation of loose security.
  It was child's play on top of this to get a day-old visual on Light. L looked at the security photo and felt a thrill up his spine. Ah, death really didn't change me for the better at all, he thought.
"What's next in the docket?" asked Wammy, tidying up the workstation they were slated to abandon. (L remained on his computer chair and let this happen around him.) He was content to follow L's lead, even knowing he had led them both to their deaths.
  "I want to find out why I've come back in time, and how," said L. "...But I don't have any leads to speak of."
  "Except young Yagami," concluded Wammy, who was not an unclever man.
  "I don't want to return to the Kira case," L admitted.
  "Completely understandable," said Wammy without judgment. He was not an overly moral man, either.
  L fidgeted. Flopped somewhat. "The Kira case is the most interesting case on the planet right now," he said.
  Wammy waited.
  "But I already know how he kills," L sulked. "And dying kind of hurt."
  Wammy's mouth pursed at this. But he only asked, "What are you planning, L?"
  "I'm going to insert myself," announced L, rising and stepping out of his chair. "What do we have in liquid assets right now?"
  "What will this be put toward?" inquired Wammy.
  L rolled his eyes up toward the ceiling and thought about it, chewing his lip. "Shenanigans," he declared.
  He realized he had forgotten a social step and stopped his creep for the exit. He swiveled his head around. "Though Weatherby, if you want to return to the school for a year or two, or perhaps go on vacation—"
  "I'll go where you go," interrupted Wammy, chilly.
  L pursed his lips, finding now he'd began it that this was not the perfunctory check-in he'd taken it for. He said, "I would prefer if you didn't die."
  Wammy sighed. "A similar sentiment is why I will accompany you."
  L turned back around. "I see," he said, nodding. "Emotional blackmail."
  "This time I trust you to take the appropriate precautions," said Wammy.
  "Ugh," said L. "You're no fun."
To enact his very ingenious and only partially driven by general doubt in reality and spite scheme, L got a job at a pastry chain in Tokyo.
  After less than a single afternoon, the manager deemed L unfit to serve customers (this was correct), so he was shuffled onto glazing duty. He accepted this without complain as, due to the pop-up-cum-cart-style layout of the establishment, this still allowed him a clear view of anyone patronizing the establishment. Moreover, he did not especially want to serve customers.
  He despised the thin plastic sanitation gloves, which felt like rather than protecting his hands they moved the barrier of contaminated flesh up to his wrists, oils creeping and substances splashing upwards, until he wanted to decontaminate his arms up to the elbows and down to the bone.
   It's for the case, he told himself even though there was no case, not really. It was the same process of steeling himself to put discomfort aside for a greater cause.
  The greater cause this time was just bullying Yagami Light.
  This is a cinnamon roll of great justice, he told himself, then held it up to eye level and examined it, debating whether to eat half of it in front of his manager. For great justice.
His fingers twitched. He solved cold cases from his backlog and sent in tips about them thumb-typed on a PDA on his lunch breaks. He was so understimulated he contemplated playing some stocks, which he was trying to cut back on. He had more money than one person could ever need and than he had any inclination to redistribute responsibly, and also he acclimated to them the way some people did to pachinko.
The manager sat him down. "I have been informed I can't fire you," he said.
  "Yes," said L, who had purchased the chain before applying for the job.
  "But I want to," said his manager, like it was important L knew.
  "That's fine," said L. He pulled an industrial tub of cold icing over, stuck one finger into it, and licked it.
  The manager's mouth flexed murderously. L entertained himself briefly by imagining this scheme if Light was his manager.
When Light finally walked in, L had been shuffled back to cashier duty to get him to stop licking the donut icing, where he would remain until customer satisfaction dropped untenably low. With a pull that was gravity-inevitable, they locked eyes across the room, and a realization was clear to L at once:
  He's bored again.
  Without anyone challenging to oppose him, Kira was already getting bored. A smile spread like an ocean oil slick over L's face. Or perhaps like the mysterious and ever-widening sticky spot under the second stove that no one could seem to mop up.
  Everything was falling in line with his loftiest expectations. Light would crawl on his knees right to L. He didn't realize it, but he was desperate.
  And L would lead this insufferable man, in his supplication, right through the mystery floor goo.
  L favored Light with his (he was told) very unsettling customer service smile. "Welcome to Cinnabon," he said.
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lushafterglow · 6 months
Trouble -> Chapter one
This is gonna suck.
Story Summary: Final year in college, the intern year. You get a once in a lifetime opportunity when Shoko Ieiri lets you intern at her hospital with her and her team.
Chapter summary: While it is your final year in your university you get an internship for one of the most important hospitals from Ieiri Shoko. You help her and study under her. You meet her two co-workers Geto and Gojo. The latter making you wish you chose a different career path.
Warnings: none
Taglist: @satxoru
Series masterlist
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Ieiri Shoko. One of the most top Pathologist working in Tokyo. Apart of the ‘dream team’ of diagnostics. You had read almost everyone of her articles.
So when you got an offer from Shoko herself to come study under her and her team, you were so excited. This would be the best hands on experience you could get.
You walked up to the reception lady — nervous. “I’m here to internship under Dr Shoko.” The woman slowly looked up.
She made a disapproving hum before reaching over to her phone. She dialed a number and waited for the other side to pick up.
You fingers tapped against the counter, while slightly bitting you cheek.
“Dr Shoko? Yes there’s a lady up here claiming she’s interning under you.” “Okay I’ll send her up.”
She placed the phone back down and looked up at you. “Room 165 4th floor.” You nodded and made your way to the elevators, the whole trip up you were panicking.
What should you say? What if she made a mistake choosing you? Oh god what were you going to say?!
The doors opened and their the doctor herself was standing. “Welcome, I figured I’d meet you here so I could show you the way to my office.”
You nodded dumbly and followed after her quickly as she gestured for you to follow with her hand.
She opened the door — that had her name and practice written perfectly— and held it open for you.
Once you entered you noticed to other people. They must be Geto and Gojo. Two other best doctors of Tokyo that were apart of Dr Shoko team.
“Hey, I’m Geto.”
The one with long black hair spoke up, send you a slight wave with a kind smile. You smiled back and was quick to introduce yourself as well. “I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you Dr Geto.”
You looked over too the next guy, who was tossing a ball up in the and catching it, only to continue to repeat it.
“You must be Dr Gojo?” You asked just to clarify, you didn’t want to mistake him for someone else.
He caught the ball once again but didn’t toss it back up. He turned his chair to you and looked you up and down before clicking his tongue.
“Uh huh, that’s me scrubs.” You looked down to your white scrubs before telling him your name, feeling a bad vibe from him. “Oh my name is Y/N.”
“Yeah I heard.” Okay no need to be an asshole. You thought to yourself.
Doctor Shoko cleared her throat before interrupting the little challenging stare the two of you were sharing. “Okay, now that that’s out the way. Why don’t we start taking a look at this case.”
Shoko placed a file folder onto the table for Gojo to pick up.
He placed his ball in his coat and opened the file up, Geto leaning over his shoulder taking a look as well. “Night terrors, and double vision. Kid was hit in the head at a football game recently. Nothing special.”
“This case was given to use by Yaga. We have to at least find a solution to his problem.” Geto reminded the white haired doctor.
“Here’s a solution and here’s the problem: kid has a concussion and needs to sleep.” Gojo threw the folder onto the table.
You picked it up and started to look over his case. Multiple doctors, all saying the same thing as doctor Gojo.
“This kids seen a lot of doctors.” Your voice spoke up, stopping the bickering between Shoko and Gojo.
“So?” Gojo was looking at you as if you didn’t even know how to spell toast. “Different kinds of doctors saying the same thing. If there treatment isn’t working, then the diagnosis is wrong.”
Gojo pushed himself out the chair and walked around the table to you. He was tall, over 6’ foot tall.
He looked over your shoulder and looked at the file on more time. He let out a bored hum and snatched it from you — making his way to the door.
“Gojo where are you going?!” Shoko’s irritated voice stopped him as he slightly opened the door. “I’m gonna go examine this patient, and proved all this is, is some worried parents.”
He walked out the door making Shoko sigh out in annoyance. “I’m sorry about him. He’s always my way or no way.” You nodded at her and gave her an awkward smile.
“It’s okay, maybe it was something I did?”
Geto placed a hand on your shoulder, and smiled at you. “Your interning yes?”
You nodded up at the doctor beside you. “Then maybe go with Gojo and see what he does, hands on experience is the best kind.” You looked to Shoko weary.
“You should listen to Geto, besides me and him need to go over things in private.” You nodded you head in understanding and made your way to exit the room.
You noticed Dr Gojo by the elevator doors and hurried over him. When Gojo saw you making your way over to him he clicked on the button more.
He stepped into the doors and sighed in relief when the started closing. Though that relief was short lived as your hand stopped the doors from shutting all the way.
“Look I don’t do autographs lady.”
You rolled your eyes at his arrogance and stepped into the elevator beside him. “Geto and Shoko sent me with you.”
“Of course they did.” He whispered to the sky as if he was cursing god.
“I haven’t even met you more than ten minutes and you already hate me.” You turned and gave the taller man a pointed stare.
The doors opened back up and Gojo started to walked to the patient’s room. “I don’t hate you.” He opened the door. “I just don’t like you.” And walked through it, not holding it open.
You hurried into the room and just remained at the door, not wanting to get on his bad side any worse.
“So, mark. I hear you hit your head pretty bad.” Mark nodded his head and Gojo took a seat on the counter of the room. “What I’m interested in is your night terrors.”
“There awf-awful.” Mark spoke, but stutters as if he doesn’t even want to remember it. “He hasn’t slept in days.” His mother adds on.
“Really? Says here that your last doctors recommended it and prescribed you sleeping pills. Are you not taking them?” You could already see where Gojo was leading with this.
“I- I can’t, the nightmares won’t go away.”
Gojo turned his head to you and gave you a look saying ‘I told you so.’ “Night terrors happens from two things. An injury from the head, or high stress such as sexual assault.”
Your eyes widens at Gojo’s words, they were pointed at the parents even if he was talking to Mark. “Are you accusing us?” That dad was quick to jump and question. Rightfully so.
“No, I’m telling you want it comes from in most cases, you son has had an injury to the head. So don’t worry, child care won’t come knocking.”
The audacity of this man. “Take the sleeping pills, your kids fine.” Gojo grabbed the folder and handed it to you as he walked out.
You follow him through the doors, “did you seriously have to be like that to them?” Gojo stopped and turned to you.
“In the folder it says that they’ve listened to the doctors. That they’ve taken the treatment.” He pointed to the file before continuing on. “Your argument was if the treatment isn’t working then something’s wrong with the diagnosis.
That kid admitted to not taking the sleeping pills, so he’s not taking the treatment, that’s the problem, not the diagnosis.”
You were too stunned to even speak, not like you even could, because the second you went to say something Gojo sushed you.
You looked to where he’s looking — through the window in the door — and on the other side you just seen it last second a jerk in the leg.
Gojo was quick to walk back in and ask the boy questions.
“Are you tired?” Mark was quick to not yes, but Gojo further explained. “Are you tired this second, this instant?”
“No, I’m not tired right now.” The parents were quick to ask questions but gojo only continued to question the teenager. “Did you feel that twitch in your leg?” A no came from mark.
Gojo started to flash a light in his eyes and you turned to the worried parents and started to answer there question.
“Sometimes if the brain thinks we’re falling asleep they will send a signal, to try and wake up that part of the body. The brain is thinking the body is dying.”
The couple only grew more worried and ask more questions.
Gojo took a few steps away from the boy and stood beside you. “Good job, now they think there kids gonna die.” You looked to the couple who were hugging there kid. You looked back to Gojo and noticed how blue his eyes actually were.
The doctor handed you the light he was using, “admit him over night and get the nurse to do another family history check.”
“He was so cocky about it too! ‘Now they think he’s gonna die’ well obviously that wasn’t my intention!”
You groaned to your roommate. Maki laughed at your frustration.
“I swear imma drop out cause of him.” You placed your face into the pillow on the couch and screamed.
While Maki did find enjoyment in this, she was also always your voice of reason. “Well, you only have to deal with him for a year. Then once you finish collage, it’ll be easy to get hired somewhere.”
You peaked your head up and sighed, ”yeah but he’s so annoying.”
“Maki got up and went to throw away her bag of chips, calling out from the kitchen, “well he is a big shot Doctor!”
When she walked back to the living room she demanded you tell her more about the case you were working on.
“We’re going over possibilities of what could be the problem tomorrow. So we’ll know more then.”
At the end of the day Maki was right, one year of dealing with some cocky prick for your career to take off.
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First chapter done! I’ll have the second out soon! If you’d like to be added to the taglist just comment, have a great day and I hope you enjoyed!
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goattypegirl · 10 months
During the peaceful period following the reformation of Spherus Magna (and the conclusion of the... tumultuous events shortly after) much previously obscured information about the Matoran universe came to light. The actions of the Makuta and Order of Mata Nui, the nature of the Red Star, the machinations of the Great Beings. But for certain scholars, one unanswered question continued to nag them in the back of their minds.
Why was Karzahni given the Olisi?
For much of the Matoran Universe's history, Artakha and Karzahni were mythical figures. The Smith and the Physician. Synthesis and Dissolution. A reward for good work and a punishment for poor. Brothers who competed for a legendary prize before the dawn of the world.
(For the record, said contest never actually happened. There was a minor debate between the Great Beings during the planning phase, and they were designed by two teams working in parallel, but by the time the twins were constructed their purpose was already decided. It's not the only instance of the Great Beings' actions being exaggerated into an epic myth by the GSR inhabitants.)
According to the former inhabitants of Karzahni's realm, the Olisi was used to torment the titan's subjects accoring to his capricious whims. Flaming chains to break the body, a rictus-grin mask to break the mind. But why? Karzahni wasn't cruel in the beginning, so why would the Great Beings grant him that mask? Was it meant to be anesthetic, granting Matoran sweet dreams as the titan operated on them? Perhaps it was a replacement mask, his original mask discarded alongside his Duty?
Recently, the answer was found in a laboratory near the site of the old iron tribe. The Osili was a diagnostic tool. Matoran commonly develop amnesia after severe stress or trauma, and it's not as though a turaga or other Matoran could accompany them to give patient history. By using the Osili to sort through alternate lives, Karzahni could learn who a Matoran was, where they were from, what injury befell them, and what they would do after being repaired and sent home. It's a pretty elegant solution.
...Except, that's not the whole story. It can't be. Using the Osili like that is like using a sword to chop vegetables. Surely there's a better tool for the job, a better job for the tool.
Though Matoran stopped being sent to Karzahni's realm relatively early in history, stories about the Osili spread across the world. Mask makers, of course, attempted to reverse engineer it. A true copy was never made, but there are two confirmed cases of new masks made from these experiments. The mask of Foresight allows the user to glimpse a few seconds into the future and see the actions of those nearby, and the mask of Augury allows the user to know the percentage chance of a specified event or action occuring. Though it's unconfirmed, it is theorized the Calix and Sanok were also inspired by the Osili. These masks all have hefty drawbacks or limitations, but they are all incredibly powerful and versatile in the right hands. And they are all methods to divine the future.
And they are all pale imitations of the Osili.
There's another mystery about Karzahni. See, construction on the GSR and the constructs within began while the Dreaming Plague was at its height. It's become clear that the Great Beings didn't fully understand what caused it, nonetheless, they gave psionic shielding to many of the original constructs. Tren Krom was excluded, obviously, but shielding was given to the Mata Nui intelligence, the first generation of Makuta, members of the Hand Artakha, as well as the titan himself. The Order of Mata Nui later instilled this same shielding into their own members.
But why wasn't Karzahni shielded?
It's debated how Karzahni's lack of shielding factors into the Osili's hypothetical capabilities, if at all. Scholars can talk about the troubling implications, but Karzahni is long dead, the Osili presumed destroyed. It feels like they're making shadows to be frightened by. To look on the bright side, progress has been made on restoring the former inhabitants of Karzahni's realm. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless. Reportedly many of them are finding it easier to sleep at night, no longer tormented by nightmares. Or dreams of any kind, for that matter.
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script-a-world · 5 months
Submitted via Google Form:
I'm building species for my world and I want to know the difference between human races and variations vs animal breeds and variations biologically. Also, why is selective breeding humans called eugenics and gets a nasty rep, but selective breeding animals is a good thing? Is that just 'humanity' talking? Like killing animals is just nature although nasty stuff moves into cruelty, but killing humans is just straight up murder?
Wootzel: This isn’t really a worldbuilding question the way you’re asking it, it’s an ethics question. However, since it has come up a few times on this blog, we’re going to try to break it down as we’re able to and address the implications of thinking about humans using the terms in the ask. It should go without saying, if you’re thinking of a made-up species with human-level intelligence, everything said here should apply to them as well.
Discussions of eugenics, humanitarian atrocities, and racism under the cut.
People cannot be forced to reproduce or kept from reproducing by other people without ethically horrible results. Full stop. The only exceptions to this are people who do not have the cognitive ability to understand child-rearing, either because they are children themselves or because they have cognitive impairments that result in them being in another person’s custody in adulthood.
This DOES mean that people who are not fit to be parents raise children. This DOES mean that people can have children who are physically or mentally incapable of taking care of them. This DOES mean that sometimes debilitating genetic problems are passed on. There is no ideal solution to any of these problems, and there never will be.
If people can be kept from having children based on any criteria other than individual cases, there will always be opportunities for abuse, and there will always be abuse. Humanity is too complex for us to ever draw lines between those who “should” be allowed to reproduce and those who “shouldn’t,” because a line that would be beneficial in one case will be a violation in another case.
To make this clearer, I’m going to include some examples. These are not based on any individual case or person, but do reflect real-life scenarios. Reader, if you’re a member of a group that is often threatened with eugenics and might find these discussions distressing, proceed with caution or skip the next two paragraphs.
Genetic Cognitive Impairments, such as severe learning disabilities and autism, are often mentioned in conversations about eugenics. Some of these conversations can even seem well-meaning, because there are absolutely people in these diagnostic groups who would be entirely unable to parent a child. They’re still wildly unethical because these people exist on a spectrum, and there are people with every mental condition known to man who make wonderful parents. If one person’s autism diagnosis could be used as a reason that they aren’t a fit parent, then what’s to stop that precedent from threatening every other person with that diagnosis? Where does one draw the line? ADHD has some similar symptoms to autism, and in some cases it can make parenting difficult, too. So can depression or anxiety, which in most cases are not genetic. NONE of these conditions can ever be used as an indication that a person is not fit to parent. I have ADHD and know several autistic people, and most of us would not choose to trade in our weird brains for a neurotypical one, even though they can cause us difficulties. There is joy to be had in life at every difference and level of functionality, so no argument against letting children be born with these conditions holds validity, either.
There are lots of heritable conditions with primarily/only physical symptoms that might be the target of eugenics discussions as well. I don’t know enough to touch on all of these, but I can still break apart some arguments here as well. Some conditions, like Sickle Cell Disease and Cystic Fibrosis, can be debilitating and no parent could ever want their child to inherit them, but most conditions that are this severe are recessive (must be inherited from both parents) and without genetic testing (which is not even possible for all conditions due to the complexity of genetics), it’s difficult or impossible to know if a child might inherit a condition. Many other conditions, for example Diabetes and Migraines are associated with multiple genes, and most of them aren’t well-understood yet, so even the presence of a group of genes isn’t a guarantee. A possibility of passing on a genetic condition is not a good enough reason to restrict someone from having children.
End of real-world-condition examples.
The argument of “no genetic condition is bad enough to justify eugenics” is only part of the picture. Another issue is: How would this ever be enforced?
There is no form of preventing someone from reproducing that is ethical to do to a human due to our highly developed sense of self, sense of agency, and comprehension of our circumstances. 
Preventing access to reproductive partners is way too much restriction of freedom and would probably result in social needs not being met.
There is no form of temporary birth control that’s effective and safe for everyone, and there are probably some people who can’t use any form without suffering. Many of these can easily fail or be sabotaged. Forced medication is a violation of bodily autonomy, which comes with trauma, and there’s no way to force someone to use birth control without restricting basic freedom as well.
Permanent sterilization involves surgery no matter what gonads you have, and surgery is inherently risky. Forced surgery is also a massive violation of bodily autonomy, which is deeply traumatizing, and might have long-term unintended consequences on bodily health.
Legal consequences to reproducing would not change the outcome: A child was born. They would also result in children being separated from fit parents. This would probably also result in people--children and parents alike--having a lower quality of life because of legal or social consequences of existing.
If someone has a condition they don’t want to pass on, but they could have a healthy child with the help of something like IVF, they should be free to make that choice just as much as someone without any known genetic problems.
The third side to this problem is that if there’s precedent for restricting someone’s reproductive rights against their will, people in power with shitty intentions will use it against groups they don’t like and fall back on a medical excuse, even if one doesn’t exist or is invalid. This is not a hypothetical: women of minority groups have been sterilized against their will while in surgery for a condition that didn’t require them to be sterilized to survive.
The only thing that can ethically be done to prevent the passive of heritable genetic conditions is education and access to medical care. LOTS of people with genetic conditions will go to great lengths to avoid passing them to their children, and these choices should be available to everyone.
To wrap it up: Humans have a greater capacity for understanding than other animals, and we can make our own choices. Removing those choices and removing the potential for parenthood is enormously damaging to individuals, and can even result in genocide on a larger scale. There is no way to adequately draw defensible lines around the people who “shouldn’t” be allowed to reproduce, or to prevent those lines from being crossed if there were to be drawn.
Tex: This is historically a hotly-debated topic, so I’ll be adding a lot of reference links for your perusal that I recommend reading, in order to add an appropriate level of context to my answer. Very broadly speaking, eugenics involves a group of people deciding that a selection of characteristics - usually phenotypes but now the argument has begun to include genetic code - that are allowed to reproduce. This is usually enforced by killing, sterilizing, and/or maiming anyone (via bad medical practices) that does not get approval from this group of people. Who these people are matter very little, as it changes according to era and geographical region - they share the common characteristic of violent enforcement of their ideals, which often leads into things like war and the accompanying war crimes.
Animal husbandry typically does not include humans, though only by the slightest framing of definitions - we still have plenty of similar actions taken against other humans, such as human trafficking, forced births, and arranged marriages. The domestication and rearing of animals is generally used for agricultural purposes, such as meat, dairy, and egg consumption, when it does not also include textile, leather, and sundry product production.
“Killing” animals implies that an animal died for purposes other than the above listed purposes. This would include social habits such as trophy hunting, which is frequently frowned upon as the people participating in such hunting do it for obtaining social status among their peers rather than subsistence.
Predation - which often includes but does not only include animals - is when one species preys upon another species (I use “preys upon” in the literal sense, here, not the metaphorical or euphemistic). When this happens, for various reasons such as energy conservation in the predator, impatience due to hunger, and need to prevent injuries from the prey fighting back  - the prey is usually killed rather quickly. Predation establishes trophic levels, and the differentiation of species from autotrophs to detritivores.
Humans are omnivores of varying degrees, obtaining their nutrients from a variety of food sources. I bring this up because it impacts both reproductive habits within human societies and the development of food resources by community. As the following links will inform you, there is a gradual, shifting line between the definitions of “who” and “what”.
Across many, many different cultures and across many, many different eras there has been debate upon what is human, and therefore, who is human.
Is a human merely that which is part of the community? If so, is a pet dog human? If not, why so? What lines are being drawn? A pet dog would, in some parts of the world, not be considered a source of food - some places have both considerations in hand, where the animal we know of as a dog can be both a pet residing in a household as well as a component in a dish. The same goes for cats, birds, horses, and any other animal - or non-animal - one could conceive of rearing and caring for within the boundaries of one’s home. Is a human who is not a member of your household - and thus, your community - a person? There are varying degrees in nearly every part of the world that changes whether one answers “yes” or “no”. In which case, if you define a human not part of your community as a “who” rather than a “what”, even if another community holds this same human as a “what” rather than a “who” - who is correct? Who is more correct? On what grounds can these opinions be enforced?
By that same metric, if another community considers you a “what”, does that mean you cannot be referred to as a “who”? On what basis is this defined, and “who” gets to enforce these definitions?
If someone is a “who”, can their reproductive habits be dictated by another? If something is a “what”, can their reproductive habits be likewise dictated? Can a human be treated like an animal? Can an animal be treated like a human? To further articulate, which of these is a person? Can a person only be a human? Can an animal - or other species - be considered a person? What is the definition of personhood? What is the definition of humanity? Who gets to decide that? What gets to decide that?
Further Reading
OpenStax Introduction to Philosophy
OpenStax Introduction to Anthropology
OpenStax Introduction to Sociology
OpenStax Concepts of Biology
Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection
Wikipedia Deductive reasoning
Wikipedia Abductive reasoning
Wikipedia Inductive reasoning
Wikipedia Existentialism
Wikipedia Philosophy
Wikipedia Infinite regress
Wikipedia Value theory
Wikipedia Outline of philosophy
Wikipedia Problem of universals
Wikipedia Subject and object (philosophy)
Wikipedia Selective breeding
Wikipedia Animal husbandry
Wikipedia Culling
Wikipedia Eugenics
Animal Cognition (tw: contains images of spiders on home page)
 Addy: Tex and Wootzel put in some absolutely fantastic stuff, so I'm just going to share a bit on why I think we generally differentiate between humans and animals when it comes to genetic lines… and animals as working animals (plowing, herding, meat, livestock guardians, etc) vs animals for aesthetics (pugs, Scottish fold, pets).
Golden retrievers were bred for a strong retrieving instinct and for soft mouths, that they'd cause less damage to waterfowl carcasses. Collies have generally been bred for intelligence and herding instincts, for obvious reasons. Draft horses are bred to pull loads. In a working animal, you don't get the severe health issues you get in aesthetic animals. They're bred to do a job, and if they're sick or ill, they can't do that job very well.
I think there's something about being responsible and something about being careless with genetic lineages in animals. We have a degree of control over these things (re: domesticated animals that are born for the purpose of human use), like it or not. It's what we do with it that matters.
Many animals will happily commit incest. Dogs from the same litter, for example, will happily mate with each other. Do you stop it (either by separating the animals or by neutering/spaying), or do you stand by and let it happen? Animals, just like humans, carry recessive genes that can cause health issues. Responsible breeders keep all sorts of records to keep genetic issues out of their lines. Irresponsible breeders don't care.
Think about the practice of fixing (neutering/spaying) animals in general - it's common practice to get an animal fixed once they're old enough, to keep them from reproducing. These animals don't live in a wild environment, where their populations are kept in check by other factors. We domesticated them, and they live in our spaces. If we let them breed willy-nilly, their populations will grow out of control and ruin/imbalance local ecosystems. They live in a human environment, and they're our responsibility.
On a tangent, mules used to be a whole industry
When it comes to making decisions re: the reproductive habits of other humans, the power imbalance of domestication isn't present. Other humans (and their reproductive habits) are not my responsibility. It's their business. 
You do get some laws in some places about letting first cousins marry, but – on the whole – if someone with a genetic issue thinks about having children, I am not part of that discussion. That person is allowed to make their own decisions about what to do with their genetics. Since their genetic code is theirs, having an outsider mess with that (eugenics) is seen as a human rights issue. It takes the autonomy of that choice away from them.
Also…. The other side of selective breeding isn't just culling, it's breeding. With animals, that generally isn't an issue. If it is, there are all sorts of strategies to make animals more likely to be willing to do to the do with each other. But humans? If you have a human that doesn't want to have children, who doesn't want to reproduce, eugenics would say that that doesn't matter. That you want to push forward certain genetic lineages, even if the members of the population with those desired traits don't want to comply.
And that, for obvious reasons, causes issues.
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happyk44 · 3 months
Maybe I'll give Annabeth NPD anyway. I mean there's ranges in experiences of anything and also I can't stop thinking about it lol (her fatal flaw, guys!! It fits so well, she wants to design the whole world and doesn't see that as a bad thing!!). So yeah, I'm gonna say she has it, but lemme break it down anyway.
DSM-5 criteria:
Patients must have a persistent pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy
Right away, grandiosity and need for admiration fit, but lack of empathy not so much. HOWEVER, while I do think Annabeth is a fairly empathic person, I can see her being more cognitively empathetic versus affective/emotionally empathetic. Her ability to be affectively and compassionately empathetic is more so based on the situation itself. So, say, someone gets something she wanted, while cognitively she'll understand their excitement, she won't feel it or want to celebrate with them because, well, she wanted that thing, so fuck them, why are they getting so excited about it? Similarly, if she does something that affects another person negatively, she'll understand how her actions upset that person, but she can't intrinsically find it in herself to care or do anything about.
I think she'd be good at masking this part of herself, not as manipulation or anything, but just out of instinctive mimicry of other people's behaviour. Other people feel bad when they hurt someone by accident, so she should feel bad too, and so on. What this causes, though, is a lack of understanding that she is not as emotionally empathetic as she thinks she is.
She's also a problem solver!! So when someone has a problem, she will fix it, she will come up with solutions, and she attributes this to "caring" when it's not always.
The presence of five or more of the following:
Exaggerated/unfounded sense of their own importance and talents (aka grandiosity)
It's literally her fatal flaw. Hybris - exaggerated pride or self-confidence in one's abilities. She thinks she can redesign the whole world to be perfect, guys.
Preoccupation of fantasies of unlimited achievements, influence, power, intelligence, beauty, or perfect love
Once again folds back into her fatal flaw. Not to mention we know that she'd been thinking about the prophecy coming to fruition for a long time and how she would help Percy (although, could've been any child of the big three that showed up) win the battle
Belief that they are special and unique and should associate only with people of the highest caliber
See, I don't know about this one because I think Annabeth is pretty inclusive of most people. But I do think that she believes she's special, or has more importance to the world than other people. Part of me has always thought that she thinks she's better than her siblings, especially considering how she's treated by her mother (gifted the invisibility cap, when we don't know or head about her siblings receiving similar gifts, being given the title of architect of Olympus, other stuff I'm blanking on probably). So 50/50?
Need to be unconditionally admired
Hubris again lol. Not, but in all seriousness I'm like 50/50 on this one. I don't really feel that she has that sense in canon? But I feel that she could have it very easily - if that makes sense.
Sense of entitlement
Idk tbh. I'm not sure she ever displays a sense of entitlement. Maybe when she joined Percy's team because if I remember correctly in the books, she was just "I'm coming with you". I think part of the problem when it comes to assessing based on diagnostic criteria is that sometimes I read it too specifically to the wording rather than what the criteria could encompass lol
Exploitation of others to achieve their own goals
You could look at her in TLT in this way - joining Percy's team not so much because she wants to help Percy but because she wants to go on a quest and leave camp. Also her positioning Percy at the river as bait without telling him so their team could win. It's a thin margin, yeah, but look I'm desperate and I really really like this headcanon 😅
Lack of empathy
See my above comments on lack of empathy
Envy of others and a belief that others envy them
I can see her being envious of others, especially when it comes to familial relationships since hers was never the best, or when it comes to success in areas that she does not do best at. One of my HCs is that she and Leo start a business - Leo does a lot of the physical creation, they both handle designing and planning, and she deals with the people side of things. Leo being a child of Hephaestus is better at making things, and Leo being Leo is more mathematically inclined than she is, and I can see that as a sticking point in the early stages of their business.
She likes aesthetic, he prefers functionality, and she'll get extremely annoyed whenever he catches a flaw in her ideas, angry that she didn't spot it, envying his level of intelligence and doing/saying things to knock him down a peg because she's upset (and then his inferiority complex kicks in and they fight and break up the business before coming back together after a few days because they know they need each other for this but, ugh, frustration. Eventually they figure out how to work with each other without getting prissy, but it takes its time)
I'm not so sure about the belief that others envy her, but, maybe, a need for others to envy her. She doesn't think people do, but she hopes they do. She hopes that people believe she is amazing and talented and that they envy the hell out of her abilities and wish they were her.
Arrogance and haughtiness
There are times where she can be arrogant. She's very self-righteous and convinced she knows better than other people, that she's smarter than everyone else, too stubborn to accept other people's point of views, see when she and Percy would argue about Luke - her inability to recognize that Luke was a danger to everyone now, her insistent belief he could still be saved. Also when she argued with the Sphinx because she was angry she didn't get a good enough riddle.
So five (and a half) points! Yay 🙌🙌 I did it! I have now fulfilled the cluster B portion (Percy - BPD, Piper - HPD, Clarisse - ASPD, and now Annabeth - NPD) so whoop. Good for me 👍
And as always if you have NPD and/or have ideas about the ways it presents in Annabeth (or any other character), or have thoughts on other disorders and the characters you feel fit them, feel free to drop into my inbox 😂
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ririumuwashere · 1 year
'My Spiderling' 2/?
Let's just say this was previously on an unannounced hiatus
Yesterday had easily been one of the most agonizing days of the year for all animatronics in the Pizzaplex. A golden chance in which not one, not two, hell, not even three but seven kids had their birthday all on the same day.
 As DJ MM’s systems boot up he vaguely recalls Freddy having sent him a message detailing just how absolutely trashed the rest of the Pizzaplex was. Which DJ can now see as a reason for the fact that they will not be opening today. That of course rarely happens but it’ll take the Cleaning Bots hours to even get the Pizaaplex usable again.  
His joints click in use as he sits up and looks up. His systems do a quick diagnostic check before he hears your signature footsteps. The fast scuttling noise grows near as he looks up to find you staring down at him from one of his tunnels. Flashing the colors on your abdomen and doing a small dance. Your way of telling him good morning he’s come to understand. Raising your front arms and waving them, as you gesture to his back he grimaces. Yes… He recalls vividly now how messy he is. While you did try to clean him up yesterday he is still rather unkempt. Which unfortunately means you still have work to do once again today and he bows his head in apology over that. But you as usual wave it off and gesture for him to bring his hand ever closer.
It takes him a moment to realize what you intend to do but once he notices he brings his hand close enough for you to climb upon. Once he does so he brings you close enough to hop onto his back. Pulling out a company-provided and branded rag and bottle of clean solution to get the spilled soda and snack crumbs out from his joint crevices. 
Clicking and chirping as you talk to him. You relayed the state of the rest of the Pizzaplex as you soaked the rag. Scampering across his back and rubbing the rag across the metal creases between his legs and arms. Taking care to remember the joint of his neck as well. Your touch was gentle and diligent as you scrubbed away the gunk and filth from his exterior. Chirping happily and smiling as you did so. 
Despite the fact that it would likely take hours to get him in the right condition for him to do so much as move you were persistent in getting him to said condition. And he was happy enough to sit still and let you do so. Knowing just how testy you could get if he were to interrupt your work with something other than a conversation. Somehow when you had first arrived he had thought you wouldn’t enjoy talking to him.
Although he was quickly proven wrong with just how much of a chatterbox you were. Almost always having something to say and not being all that fond of the silence. You had told him many times before that it always felt deafeningly loud, and that you needed something to cut in between it lest you lose your motivation. DJ’s eyes widened at the sound of a loud electronic yawn and he soon perked up. He rarely spoke out loud to anyone besides you and Freddy but that wouldn’t stop him from looking over his shoulder to ask if that was you. “Was that you, little one?” A meek nod is all he needs to confirm his suspicions and his booming laugh rang out a moment later as he reached a hand to rub a finger over your head. 
He raises a bushy brow as he reminds you. “You know you can take a break, right?” You simply nod and insist on finishing up with cleaning him. Using the excuse that you only had a few more sections before he was back in working order. But the pause you had in between your words for another yawn made him squint at you incredulously. But nonetheless, he dropped the topic knowing you wouldn’t give in to your ‘Puny mortal-like exhaustion’ you had called it once before. 
Although he did of course notice when you slowed down on your intense scrubbing session. Your movements grew increasingly sluggish as time went by until he could no longer feel your insistent scrubbing. The sensation was replaced with a sudden weight upon his back that made him peer over his shoulder once more to check up on you. And just as he had suspected would happen you were fast asleep on his back. Your hands curl closer to your upper abdomen prompting him to pluck you off his back and rest you in his palms. 
He could have told you ten times over that this would happen but it was always a workout to get you to listen to warnings such as those. A through and through workaholic he’d call you. But now he was more keen on watching you snore in his hands and nudging your cheek gently. His eyes went wide for a moment when your hands reach and grab his finger. A small smile stretched across his face after the shock had passed. Gods were you insufferable when you were ready. 
882 words
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
Bewitched Love : Peter Parker x Reader
Part 18
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Desc. & Warnings: 1k wc, see navigation for description and warnings
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Y/n lowered the spell box back down towards the multiversal men as she simultaneously dropped Peter’s hand. She then moved her hands to his face, stroking his dirty cheeks delicately. While she didn’t say a word, her eyes returned Peter’s silent communication.
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Once he’d divvied up the tasks of fixing the various cures, Peter spun left as he went to find a workstation for himself. His eyes caught sight of y/n staring silently at the full science lab. “What?” he questioned, stepping to her.
Y/n shook her head faintly. “It's just... Three yous,” she commented in disbelief. Of course during her training she’d learned over the Multiverse. But, three people who were Spider-Man? Three Peter Parkers? Three versions of her boyfriend? That was an unusual thing to witness.
Peter chuckled as he too took in the atypical scene around them. He shook his head and turned back to y/n. “Only one you though,” he smiled softly.
Y/n hummed, “theoretically”. She faintly heard Ned asking one of the other Spider-Man guys if he had a best friend. Y/n laughed lightly before mentally returning to her own conversation. “He, uhh…that ..Peter,” she mumbled, nodding in the direction of the younger of the two new guys. “He said that… Gwen, was it? That she was his-“ y/n argued carelessly.
Peter firmly shook his head. “You…- there’s not another…” he sighed. “You know that’s not going to happen to you, right?” Peter asked, tightly wrapping his hand around hers.
Y/n’s eyes softened as she smiled tenderly. “I know, amica mea,” she whispered, “I know”.
Peter nodded, a tiny curl of his lips resulting from y/n’s confidence in him. “I won’t let it,” he told her, squeezing her hand as his eyes stared into hers.
“Peter,” y/n sighed. When she noticed all three Peters were now looking at her and not just her Peter, she giggled bashfully. “Uhh, sorry, meant my Peter,” y/n murmured. She tugged Peter’s hand towards an empty desk, guiding him until they were seated on the stools beside it.
“Everything is going to be fine,” y/n spoke warmly.
Peter bit his lip, “we don’t know that”. “But, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you s-“ he whispered.
Y/n sighed and stood. She silently pressed her lips to Peter’s forehead, feeling his hand settle on her back. “We’re in this together, aeternus et umquam,” y/n promised; forever and always.
Before Peter had the chance to respond, Ned had made his way over and now stood beside the couple. He cleared his throat, causing y/n to step back from Peter.
“Will you, uh, run a diagnostic?” Peter asked Ned after sending y/n a grateful look. He heard Ned mumble a timid “yeah” as he began typing away on his computer before walking off. Peter raised his eyebrow in confusion over the odd behavior. He brushed it off and analyzed the room again.
The other Spider-Men were working away on their solutions to cure the villains. Ned was now at his own lab station on his laptop, working on the diagnostic Peter requested. MJ was sitting with the spell box, listening as y/n seemingly explained the device to her.
Y/n was holding one of her mystic arts spell textbooks, The Book of Shadows, that was fortunately already stuffed in the bag May used to store the broken tools on their attempted escape from Happy’s condo. She’d had MJ and Ned stop by her house to grab it and drop it off for her at the condo earlier today; not wanting to leave Peter or May with the villains especially Osborn. Which turned out to be a good gut instinct. Both obtaining her textbook and not wanting to leave Peter or May for even a moment.
Y/n hadn’t had the chance or need to review the book with regards to this multiversal matter while she was at Happy’s condo; hence why it was still in the bag May used. But, as she sat here with MJ, it came in very handy. The Book of Shadows was coming in handy to explain to MJ the basics of the multiverse.
The book helped list all the ways in which the spell box was typically designed and used. It also included the ways it could be corrupted or abused. That’s not to say it gave guidance as to how to do said corruption or abuses. Rather, it warned of the potential consequences of such actions.
As such, y/n utilized the textbook to give MJ what was essentially a Machina de Kadavus 101 course and a crash course in the mystic arts. Both of which would help MJ understand the importance and significance of the task she was assigning Ned and MJ. Y/n was going to have their friends take care of the device while y/n helped the three Peters cure the villains.
When y/n felt MJ understood the situation sufficiently, she encouraged her to read as much as she could from The Book of Shadows. She explained she might need to use a translation app as the textbook was older so much of the text within it was in Latin. Y/n therefore gave MJ her phone to use for translation and squeezed her friend’s shoulder supportively.
Y/n scanned the room to see what her next step needed to be. It didn’t take her long to decide. In fact, once she saw her Peter’s slumped shoulders, it wasn’t even a decision anymore. She quickly made her way over to her boyfriend.
“Hey, you okay?” Peter heard y/n’s sweet voice ask, bringing his attention back to the room. “Uh, yeah, I'm fine,” he nodded. Peter’s eyes scanned hers, “are you okay?”.
Y/n hummed a yes, her eyes searching her boyfriend Peter’s. She knew there was something bothering him. Something other than May’s death and having to still cure Osborn that is. Y/n gave him a small smile as she lifted her fingers to stroke Peter’s cheek.
“You don't deserve this. I brought you a life of-“ Peter blurted, his eyes remorseful.
Y/n stopped stroking Peter’s cheek. She rose her other hand and grabbed his face. Y/n stared into Peter’s eyes assertively. “Peter no. No, no, no, no. No. Look at me,” she gently ordered.
“I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. We're gonna get through this, and we're gonna get through it together. Okay?” Y/n declared.
Peter smiled as he sniffled faintly. “Okay,” he said, placing his hands over y/n’s.
Y/n grinned and leaned her forehead against Peter’s. “Est us,” she whispered; it’s us.
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notmuchtoconceal · 3 months
Jacek was looking at Wally.
Jacek didn't know what to say.
- I don't know what to say.
- Give it a minute, lad. It'll come to ya.
Wally's palm lay flat on the back of Jacek's traps. The tips of his fingers dabbed up his neck in patters which may have been splotches, recalling at once the sensation of lysurgic acid dissolving through its tab, in tandem with the measured weaving of the spider's legs. 
- Honestly, man? I wanna get really high. 
- Nothin you been on in awhile.
- Wanna have a shamanic experience, Wally.  Guess I just … don't know, man. It's like my soul needs to trust again. I just… don't really know, bro. Solutions will not present themselves when I have neither the symptom nor the diagnostic, but simply feel the perterbence resisting. The lack which is unrelenting somewhere deep within, yet diffuse throughout my being. 
- Do you know who you are? You know who you are inside, Brother Jacek?
- I'm Brother Jacek.
- What's that mean to you? What's it mean to be Brother Jacek from Brother Jacek's perspective?
- Bro…
- Come on, lad. You experience yourself a way. Don't be shy.
- Laika is my bro. Broey is my bro. You're my bro.
- You therefore, are bro to Laika, Broey and I.
- Right. Um… Correct.
- Okay. You're starting from an external perspective and we're working our way back from there. Why you think that is?
- Why you think what is?
- Why you think when I ask you to talk about yourself, you tell me bout Laika, Broey and me?
- I watch Laika. 
- You watch Broey and me?
- Watchin you right now. Yeah, Broey too.
- Jacek. What are you thinking?
- That's a question girls ask me. You seem like a girl right now.
- You think my hair is pretty?
- Like how it smacks me when we fuck. Like how your cap flies off. Looks like you do on stage, bro. Fuckin feel the lights on me when we go at it, shit's fuckin smooth and silky.
- When you think of me, in isolation, independent of you, what is it you think about?
- Think about that look on your face. How you always look … not like tired and angry. Sorta... you know. Fed up. Like you got shit to do, and you're gonna do it, but holy fuck are these fuckers gonna make it fuckin rough on you. That's like the main look you have. I'm always kinda weirded out when you're lookin at me, bro, cause you're usually smilin, and I'm like … I don't think I get it? What's Wally doin, I don't know? I, uh… watch you transcribe sometimes, um … when you're not fuckin up the minutes, I'm like holy fuck, no. Bro, stop. Bro, fuck! Yeah, um … 
- Yeah? … Um?
- Feel like a dumbass, bro.
- Gets your rocks off when you look like one. 
- Do I look like one?
- Gettin my rocks off.
- Fuck, bro.
- C'mere.
Wally's palm ground into the knot at the cap of Jacek's spine.
a w r g h
 - Tell me bout you. How you feel, bout yourself, in isolation from your brothers?
- Jacek's not like Brother Jacek.
- In what ways does Jacek differ?
- Jacek don't want friends.
- He not the friendly type?
- The openness of language I feel is its primary duplicity. The poetical quality of the orator or the prose stylist, though invigorating for the contemplation they bring to negative psychic space through careful curation of phrase and aural tone, ultimately splinter individual perception into too fragmentary personal extremes which make direct communication impossible. I feel in my gut and in my heart, and in what prickles my ears and leads my dick, that hard, simple language which locks together like the segments of the spine or the joints of the fingers, communicating known concretes elegantly and sternly, is the highest means of this exquisite art. 
- The quality of friendliness, I suppose, is the capacity to invite as well as to give?
- He hunts. He takes. I feel we need an understanding.
- With the ones you raid and pillage?
- Some understand. Most don't. 
- You are here with us?
- I don't know how to be apart from my brothers. I know there's more to life than this, but I can't imagine what it must be like, or how I would even go. There's only so many things I can do, only so many people who can tolerate what I am. Feel like I was bred for a limited function, and it's my place simply to repeat that function til I break down and get thrown away. Bred for this, and yet with the capacity for so much more, broken into place, a captive to circumstance, having at least the wisdom to know I am chattel, having the luxury of being beaten, while so much more quiet desperation in gilded cages flutters about aimlessly squawking and shitting, thinking it gives bounty to the earth and music to the ears, all circumstance in this world being falsity.
- What keeps you from despair, Brother Jacek?
- That I know love is the only way, and I have sworn myself to the light.
- So what now then?
- Protect ingrates and serve the unreasonable. This is more just than taking control of them and establishing an alternate order based on truth, strength and virtue. It is seeing what has yet to be seen, and making it anew by making it real.
- Why you think that is?
- No idea. I think ingrates should be slaughtered. I don't like it when people spit on me. I don't like the people I love thinking I'm a monster. I'm tired of being feared and reviled. Tired of … always keeping distance. Always treading the same ground. Going at the same pace.
- Why do you do what you do?
- I don't know.
- What do you want, Jacek.
- I want them to suffer. I want them to be slaughtered. I want them to know all I ever wanted was to love them and belong and protect them, and they spat on me and hit me and treated me like garbage. I want them to know they're the real garbage. I want them to sit there and bare it for years, every agonizing gallon of verbal diarrhea, bootings to their faces, bashings of their skulls against walls. Every futility, every confession, every game designed to lose. I want them totally broken til they're at my feet, begging for forgiveness so I can totally and abjectly reject them. I want them to know how weak they are, having once had my love and my service, they craved the tyrant which would ruin them, and this is what I am now, having my way at last. Finally loving them the way they needed to be loved, I want them to know how stupid they are. Everything could have been so much better, but this is what they wanted, all but begged for.
- You can't love people if that's what you really think of em.
- That's not what I thought when I first tried to love em.
- I know. It's not fair. 
- It hurts, Wally. It hurts so much, but it can't. It can't hurt. There's no wound.
- You're all wound.
- I can't move. If I'm not already moving, I can't move.
- Hush, boy. You're here with me now.
- Wally.
- Jacek.
- What do I do when I wanna cry, bro?
- Whatever, it would seem, would lend itself appropriately to the situation, brother.
- You wanna lick em up, bro?
- As pearls out a clam? Each savory drop?
- Look me in the eye, bro. Get close. Lemme smell your breath. Lemme feel your tongue wet against my face, leaving a streak in opposition to what meager libation I pour out.
- Sweet of you. A tribute, for me? 
- You make me so happy sometimes, I wanna give you everything, but I don't feel I have anything worth giving or anything in particular which would be of interest.
- You interest me plenty.
- Having only myself to give, I'll run out not after long.
- Ration well. Savor the flavor, gram always said.
- Just a bump to keep you goin?
- Fill up a cane with sugar.  Two cracks to a step, Yacky. 
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max--phillips · 1 year
Ok but do you have any advice for us bimbos *affectionate* when we go to a car mechanic bc it always feels like I go for one simple issue, and end up being told there's almost a dozen issues with my car 💀 when do u kno ur being swindled?😭
Yeah actually I do!! Because it’s happened to me before!
So, best case scenario is they tell you the thing you were worried about isn’t actually an issue and they try to direct you to an entirely different, unrelated problem. For instance: with my first car, which was a piece of shit to begin with, I had some transmission issues at one point and went to a transmission shop to have them look. At my. Transmission. Just the transmission. And a little while later the guy comes out and he’s like “yeah idk your transmission fluid was a little dark but it doesn’t smell burnt or anything so it’s probably fine. The issue you really have is that your entire front end is fucked and needs to be rebuilt.”
At which point you do the same thing you would do to a doctor trying to tell you to lose weight as a magic solution to all your problems (but you gotta kinda stroke their ego a little bit). “That’s a fair observation, and I’ll definitely take a quote on that, but I don’t think that has anything to do with the issue I came in for. Can you please help me figure out why my transmission was slipping/what that noise is/why it’s vibrating so much/whatever?”
At that point if they push back with “it’s probably just a fluke” or “I didn’t see anything wrong with it” ask for a second opinion, either have the same mechanic take another pass at it or ask if there’s another mechanic in the shop who can take a look. If they still give you shit, just take the quote for the work they apparently did want to do and find another shop. Any quotes they give you are indeed just quotes; you never have to talk to them again if you don’t want to. Just don’t pay for anything if all they did was a diagnostic and didn’t actually do any work!! Unless they explicitly tell you diagnostics cost money, which the vast majority of shops don’t do.
Worst case scenario is they start throwing all sorts of technical terms at you for issues that might be related to your main concern. At that point, you’re unfortunately going to need to do some legwork. Ask them for a quote for the work they’re suggesting. Most of the technical BS that they’ve thrown at you should be on the quote. Then take your car to another shop. Do not tell them that you’ve been to another shop or have a quote elsewhere. If they give you the exact same technical BS, chances are fairly good that they’re actually on to something. If they give you an entirely new batch of technical BS, you know they’re probably just fucking with you. There’s still probably some overlap between the two quotes; figure out what that overlap is, and that’s likely the work that actually needs to be done. Honestly, you might take it to a third shop just to rule out that one of the two shops was on to something & the other was just bullshitting you.
Some other various tips:
Read the reviews online! If there are a ton of complaints about being overcharged for unnecessary work, don’t go there!
Ask your friends! Chances are good someone you know knows a guy. If you’re still worried they might try to swindle you, bring the friend who recommended them to you with you!
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This means do preventative maintenance on your car. Get your oil changed (highly recommend getting full synthetic, you can usually go about 5k miles between oil changes), get your tires balanced and rotated. There are some special maintenance things for higher-mileage vehicles (ie with 100,000 miles or more); you can usually find that kind of thing in your owner’s manual.
Speaking of oil changes: for the love of god stop going to overpriced ass chain shops (Take 5, Valvoline Instant Oil Change, Jiffy Lube, etc). Literally go to Walmart (as long as your Walmart has an auto center) and ask for a full synthetic oil change. This will be just as good & not cost nearly as much.
If you must go to another shop to get your oil changed and/or tires balanced and rotated, they’ll probably try to sell you wiper blades. You can say no. You should say no. Buy them at Walmart, on Amazon, or from RockAuto. They will be a million times cheaper. And they’re very easy to change; most of the packaging comes with instructions, but YouTube is your friend—just search your year make & model and “how to change wiper blades.” (Ex: how to change wiper blades on 2013 Honda Civic.)
(If they try to sell you anything else, you can say no to that, too. An oil change is just oil & your oil filter. If they’re nice they might also top off your coolant and windshield wiper fluid. You don’t need to have them replace your cabin air filter or wiper blades or anything (although if your car is always stinky and you can’t figure out why you might wanna replace the cabin air filter bc it can help with that))
Know the penny trick for your tire treads!
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If they try to sell you tires and Lincoln’s head is still pretty covered, they’re bullshitting you.
(Tires usually last about 10k miles unless something wack happens like you pop one or something)
(I can make a post about what to do when you get a flat tire if y’all want??)
Uhhhhhh that’s all I got rn, hopefully this is helpful!! If anyone else wants to chime in please do!!
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smartcarediagnostics · 6 months
Understanding Seizures: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Understanding Seizures: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Hey there! Let’s dive into the world of seizures. Seizures are these unexpected, zappy bursts of electrical activity in the brain that can make life a little tricky. But don’t worry; we’re here to shed some light on them. So buckle up!
Types of Seizures
Generalized Seizures
Imagine your brain throwing a party, and everyone’s invited! Generalized seizures involve both sides of your brain and might make you zone out or do some funky moves involuntarily.
Focal Seizures
Now, these are a bit more intimate. Focal seizures are like a small gathering in one corner of your brain. They can make you experience strange sensations or even make you act out in unusual ways.
Causes of Seizures
What’s causing all this commotion, you ask? Well, there are a few troublemakers:
Epilepsy: Think of it as your brain’s way of being a little rebellious and throwing parties without invitations.
Brain injury or trauma: Sometimes, life throws a curveball, and your brain gets a little shaken up.
Genetics: Yep, blame it on the family genes! Some folks are just more prone to these electrical storms.
Brain tumor: No one likes uninvited guests, especially not in your brain. Tumors can crash the party and cause some serious disruptions.
Symptoms of Seizures
Picture this: you’re going about your day, and suddenly, things get a little wonky. You might start feeling confused, twitchy, or just space out for a bit. That’s your brain having a moment.
Diagnosis of Seizures
Early detection is key to tackling these brain shenanigans. That’s where SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd swoops in like a superhero! They’ve got all the fancy tools to peek inside your noggin and figure out what’s going on.
Treatment Options for Seizures
Alright, now that we know what we’re dealing with, let’s talk solutions:
Medications: Sometimes, a little pill can work wonders in keeping those brainwaves in check.
Surgery: When things get serious, it might be time for a little brain surgery to nip the problem in the bud.
Therapies: From special diets to fancy gadgets, there are all sorts of tricks up our sleeves to tame those unruly brain cells.
Living with Seizures
Living with seizures isn’t always a walk in the park, but hey, we’re all in this together! With the right support and a solid game plan, you can still rock this thing called life.
Seizure First Aid
If someone around you starts doing the seizure dance, don’t panic! Just remember to keep them safe, comfy, and give them some space to ride out the storm.
Seizure Prevention
While we can’t always stop the party from happening, there are a few things you can do to minimize the chances of it getting out of hand. Think of it as being the responsible host of your brain party.
Impact of Seizures on Daily Life
Sure, seizures can be a bit of a buzzkill, but they don’t have to rule your life. With a bit of creativity and some good old-fashioned resilience, you can still do all the things you love.
Seizure Management at School or Work
Nobody likes a party pooper, especially not when you’re trying to get stuff done! That’s why it’s important to clue in your teachers or coworkers about what to do if your brain decides to throw a rave.
Support for Individuals with Seizures
Remember, you’re not alone in this! There are plenty of folks out there who’ve got your back and can lend a sympathetic ear when things get rough.
Research and Advancements in Seizure Management
The brain is a mysterious place, but we’re slowly but surely cracking the code. Thanks to some brilliant minds and cutting-edge research, we’re getting better at managing these pesky seizures.
Myth Debunking About Seizures
Let’s clear the air, shall we? Contrary to popular belief, not all seizures are the same, and no, you don’t have to stick a spoon in someone’s mouth when they’re having one. Seriously, don’t do that.
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faaun · 2 years
i want to be a machine learning engineer but some of u guys r making it embarrassing actually. long but IMO important explanation below. We have bigger issues to deal w and better things to focus on.
like our planet is dying and the commercialisation of massive AI models and training the models themselves releases like hundreds of thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions. and this includes very "nonessential" models that don't tend to contribute much to society (re: new fancy image generation toy). but u have decided your new career path is "AI artist" (glorified prompt-writer?) .
and just as bad, some of you have decided the biggest issue w AI is those people, the glorified prompt writers!! you draw more attention to it instead of focusing on the real problems behind AI and the ethics of training models! about the harm it causes to the planet, about web-scraping limitations basically not existing (stolen art falls under this domain), copyright laws to do with AI, the way facial recognition deals with race, about the boundaries between letting AI learn and develop in an "unbiased" way vs preventing sociopolitical damage at the cost of (potentially) further progress.
conversely, there is nowhere NEAR enough focus about how AI can help us overcome some of our fundamental problems. i love machine learning bc i find it - specifically the maths behind it - fascinating and i believe one day it could help us make very cool advancements, as it already has. i think the mathematical architectures and processes behind creating new deep learning models are beautiful. i also know the damage capitalists will inevitably do - they always wield powerful, beautiful new tools as weapons.
AND HERE YOU ARE FALLING FOR IT! it's very frustrating to watch!! if you're angry on behalf of artists, i'm begging you to protect the rights of artists and be mad at greedy companies instead of villanising a tool that can help us immensely! learn about AI ethics, learn about how it is present in our lives, what we should try to stop, what we should promote.
if you "boycott AI" as a whole with no desire to gain more literacy on the topic other than "steals art therefore bad", you will have to be against your translate app, your search engine, your email spam filter, almost everything on your phone that categorises anything (i.e. pretty much all of your search functions), NPC enemies in games, your medical diagnostic tools, your phone's face unlock, your maps app, online banking, accessibility tools that help blind and deaf people, new advancements in genetic sequencing and protein folding and treating cancer and modelling new solutions in physics and so on and so on.
the issue isn't all AI as a whole. the issue is A) how companies are using it and B) how a lot of you guys are getting mad at the concept of AI instead of responding to A.
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dweebo-exe · 2 years
[Dweebo doesn’t understand what’s happening anymore…]
[It's almost two weeks since Mimic went to rest mode and there’s no sign they’re waking up soon. And Dweebo is starting to get worried and feel lonely and P A N I-]
[Dweebo has been trying to go home and report to Creator, but something is preventing them from doing so…]
[Dweebo doesn’t know what to do! But they can’t give up! If no one can help them then they will come up with the solution themselves! They’ll search every single code in their systems until they find something that shouldn’t be hard right?]
[That’s what Dweebo first thought before they started searching and they feel like a fool thinking about it now…]
[They can’t find ANYTHING in their system that's unordinary, no matter how many times they did the diagnostic NOTHING as if the problem is hiding from them…]
[BUT Dweebo can’t give up! They won’t stop until they find an anomaly even if it will take them months. They don’t care. They just want Mimic back..]
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[After a few days something is starting to affect Dweebo…]
[Their whole body avatar is starting to feel heavy and stiff as if moving a single limb is a daunting task…]
[Their thought process is starting to feel sluggish and slow,the codes Dweebo has been reading are starting to blur in their vision…]
[And lastly they’re suddenly feeling pain at random parts of their body, as if someone kicked and punched them in certain areas…]
[But even with all of these Dweebo didn’t stop…]
Dweebo:(N-no…Can’t stop…must f-find the problem…have to b-ring Mimic back…)
[After a while Dweebo completely collapsed on the floor and was unable to get up anymore…]
Dweebo:(Come on…get up…have to-to…to..nghhh)
[Dark spots and glitches are starting to appear in their vision and…a certain figure as well…]
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Dweebo:Who…who are you…?
[To be continued…]
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openheartfanfics · 1 year
Waiting - @lucy-268   Charley wants a quiet dinner, but a stranger insists on bothering her.
Waiting - @perriewinklenerdie Ethan and Tobias talk as they wait for the surgery to be over. ft. cute moments between Ethan and Claire Feat. Soon-to-be Besties E & T
Waiting - @trappedinfanfiction  When you are working as a doctor, sometimes your private plans have to step aside. But as two experienced doctors, Ethan and Celia still makes the best of it.
Waking Up - @casey-v Set after the 30 diamond car scene of 2.12
Warm - @perriewinklenerdie   Rain catches him right in the middle of his walk towards her apartment. Claire helps him warm up.
Warm Hearts - @genevievemd   Ethan comes home after a long day do his wife and baby.
We'll Give the World to You - @jamespotterthefirst   Ethan and Lilac meet their son.
We're Golden - @irisofpurple Ethan and Lana go on their first official date.
Wednesday Morning - @writinghereandthere On a Wednesday morning, Ethan and Mariana get ready and head to work together.
Welcome - @takeharryandgo 🩺 Ethan is faced with one of the many, less desirable aspects of his new position. Set after book 3.
Welcome To The Team - @lem-20 Ethan isn’t happy about the new addition to the diagnostics team.
Wet Thrill - @utterlyinevitable  They get caught in the rain and her place is the closest. Ethan has no choice but to change into her clothes. Friends to Lovers AU.
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve - @lucy-268  🌟 Charley and Bryce were FWB; then she kissed Ethan in Miami. New Year’s Eve during intern year. Feat. Bryce x F!MC
What haunts you at night - @perriewinklenerdie   He’s been having nightmares, night after night. She was by his side through each of them, every night.
What's Cooking? - @jerzwriter Ethan wakes up to an unusual surprise.
What’s For Dinner - @utterlyinevitable   MC embarrassed Ethan at work and later that night he makes her pay for it.
What Now? - @potionsprefect   When Luke and Lily finally fall asleep, Victoria and Ethan wonder what they should do.
What’s That Look For - @socalwriterbee   At the end of her rope, Tessa has something to ask Ethan. Can she get him to agree to this idea of hers?
What the Heart Wants - @potionsprefect  What she wants is what she’s not allowed.
What’s the Tea? - @potionsprefect Victoria’s brother and sister come to Boston for a catch up.
When It Rains - @a-crepusculo  A little dance underneath the gentle drizzle.
When They Knew - @takeharryandgo  The moment each discovered Ethan and Meredith’s feelings for each other.
When We First Met - @amortentiaopenheart  Prompt: When we first met, I had no idea that you'd become this important to me.
When you are away - @perriewinklenerdie   They sleep best when they are together.
When life gets in the way - @coffeeheartaddict2  Casey received some unexpected news that expedites some plans.
Where It All Began - @potionsprefect Victoria makes a return to Hopkins.
Where It All Started - @aworldoffandoms Ethan’s got the blessing, he has the ring…but is he ready to take the plunge
Where the Love-light Gleams - @takemyopenheart  🎄 Christmas time is here, and Ethan has a very important question to ask Luz.
Where We Belong - @jamespotterthefirst Waking up to her boyfriend making breakfast for her? What did she do to deserve him?
Who am I? - @coffeeheartaddict2 🌸 As a pre baby Mother’s Day present, Ethan tries to ease some of Casey’s concerns.
Wind down - @perriewinklenerdie   A stressful day leaved Ethan in need of a distraction. And Claire might just have a solution.
Wine and flying mistletoes - @perriewinklenerdie 🎄 Christmas comes around, and two doctors are spending them alone. Or together, if they play their cards right.
Wine Drunk - @peonyblossom   When Sadie goes over to Ethan's place to help work on a case after-hours, they both get a little too wine drunk to be productive.
Winning - @perriewinklenerdie  Ethan takes it upon himself to stop Claire from overworking herself. Prompt used: "You're overworking yourself. Please take a break.
Winter- @writinghereandthere Miami-born-and-bred Mariana struggles during a tough Bostonian winter and enlists advice from Ethan.
With A Side of Mustard - @txemrn Ⓜ Was there an item Tatum and Ethan bought for their baby that became special because the other parent chose it?
With all my heart - @bi-cookie A messy kitchen, an old pup, and one slow dance Leads to an unexpected proposal.
With Thanks - @aworldoffandoms MC has a nice thanksgiving dinner with the people closest to her
Wild - @starrystarrytrouble Ethan takes MC on their first real date to a place she doesn’t expect.
Will You Still Love Me - @txemrn  Ⓜ Tatum feels insecure about her body.
Winner Take All - @lucy-268 Charley talks with both Tobias and Ethan. This follows the fic People Can Surprise You. Feat. Tobias Carrick
Wise Men Say... - @genevievemd  Ethan and Gen dance during Ines’s wedding before sneaking off.
Wonderstruck - @liaromancewriter   Cassie and Ethan spend a day at the beach with their girls.
Work Intrudes - @lucy-268   When work intrudes on their vacation, Charley is not having it.
Working Late - @storyofmychoices  Ellie finds Ethan in his office working late.
Worth The Wait - @potionsprefect  He had to cancel earlier plans, but he has something bigger in store for her.
Wrapping arms around them when they make breakfast - @brooks-eden He catches her while she’s trying to surprise him with breakfast.
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healthtunnel-app · 1 year
In the digital age, the demand for accessible and convenient healthcare services is on the rise. With busy schedules and the need to maintain social distancing, individuals are seeking a platform that can meet all of their healthcare needs from the comfort of their own homes. Enter Health Tunnel, a one-stop solution for all healthcare needs, offering a wide range of online services and partnering with 100% trusted and genuine healthcare products to provide Hassle – free Services to your doorsteps.
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Health Tunnel allows users to order medicines online, making it easier to get prescribed medicines delivered to their doorstep. With a user-friendly interface and a vast network of partner pharmacies like Apollo 24/7, Amazon pharmacy, Netmeds, TATA 1MG etc. patients can comfortably manage their prescriptions and receive medicines on their prescribed time.
Book Health Checkup:
Health Tunnel provides a variety of health checkup packages for people of all ages and medical conditions. Individuals can schedule these packages and receive a full health report to track their overall health.
Home Healthcare Services:
For individuals requiring medical attention at home, Health Tunnel connects them with qualified healthcare professionals who can provide various medical services in the comfort of their own surroundings.
Maternity/Fertility Clinics:
Health Tunnel gives access to exceptional maternity and fertility clinics such as Cloudnine and Bloom IVF for pregnant women and those seeking fertility treatments. Individuals can look through a variety of healthcare providers to select the one that best meets their needs.
Online Lab Tests:
Health Tunnel offers the convenience of scheduling and conducting lab tests online. Users can book appointments for various diagnostic tests, blood test, urine test, pregnancy test, Diabetes test and many more etc. receive timely results, and access their reports securely through the app.
Online Doctor Consultation:
Through Health Tunnel, users can consult Expert doctors online. This service facilitates quick medical advice, diagnosis, and prescription, enabling individuals to seek medical assistance without physically visiting the Hospital. Health tunnel provides you with the best and 100% Expertise Doctors In the country. Health tunnel partnered with SECONDMEDIC, ICLINIQ, APOLLO 24/7, TATA 1MG, DOCS APP etc. you can choose the desired services like Gynecology, general physician, cardiology, pediatrician, Dentistry, ENT, Nephrology, Orthopedics, Endocrinology, Cosmology, pulmonologist and many more.
Book X-rays and MRI Scans:
Health tunnel simplifies the process of booking X-rays and MRI scans at partnered diagnostic center HEALTHIANS, THROCARE, APOLLO 24/7, TATA 1MG. This efficient approach will save time and effort while ensuring 100% accurate and timely reports.
Medical Loan and Health Insurance: Best health insurance in India
Acknowledging the financial aspect of medical treatment, Health Tunnel interacts with best financial institutions in the country, BAJAJ FINSERV, ANDEROMEDA, LOAN TAP etc. are the partners of Health tunnel they provide medical loans and health insurance policies, making medical treatments more reasonable and accessible.
Organic Food, Yoga, and Wellness: Diet plan for weight loss
Health Tunnel promotes a balanced approach to Health- conscious individuals by providing organic food options for health-conscious individuals. Health tunnel partnered with Healthy Buddha and Auric which provides 100% genuine and Organic products to the individuals.
It also provides online yoga and wellness classes to enhance mental and physical health at Healthtunnel we only look for the individual Health by providing them Advanced healthcare services with best and trusted Healthcare Brands.
Download The Health Tunnel App to enjoy the advanced Healthcare services with Hassle- Free doorstep delivery and 100% trusted and genuine products.
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trueonefix302 · 1 year
macbook repair
Trueonefix Computer Repair: Your One-Stop Shop for Computer and Laptop Repair
If your computer or laptop is having problems, you don't have to worry. Trueonefix Computer Repair is here to help. We are a locally owned and operated computer repair shop in Tampa, Florida. We offer a wide range of computer and laptop repair services, including:
Hardware repairs: We can fix any hardware problems your computer or laptop may be having, such as a broken screen, a faulty hard drive, or a malfunctioning motherboard.
Software repairs: We can also fix any software problems your computer or laptop may be having, such as a virus infection, a corrupted operating system, or a program that's not working properly.
Data recovery: If you've lost data from your computer or laptop, we can help you recover it.
Computer upgrades: If your computer is starting to slow down, we can upgrade it with new hardware to make it run faster and smoother.
Laptop screen repair: If your laptop screen is cracked or broken, we can replace it with a new screen.
MacBook repair: We also specialize in MacBook repair. We can fix any problems your MacBook may be having, such as a dead battery, a malfunctioning keyboard, or a water-damaged display.
We are committed to providing our customers with fast, reliable, and affordable computer and laptop repair services. We offer free diagnostics on all repairs, and we always work with our customers to find the best solution for their needs.
If you're in the Tampa area and you need computer or laptop repair, please don't hesitate to contact Trueonefix Computer Repair. We're here to help!
Contact Information
Trueonefix Computer Repair
104 East Fletcher Avenue
Tampa, FL 33612
Phone: (813) 438-2888
Website: https://trueonefix.com
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testiwol · 1 year
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Testiwol is an online aggregator platform, a digital marketplace for diagnostic labs in India. Patients can book lab tests from their preferred lab at their convenient time and place. Testiwol provides a time-bound, one stop solution for home sample collection of all lab tests.
Testiwol's tagline "Your Lab @ Your Doorstep
Visit Us @ testiwol.com
@testiwol #testiwol
# #labtestapproved #testiwol #testiwollove #india #brand #yourlabatyourdoorstep #bloodtestonlinereport
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