#One Liberty Plaza
thethief1996 · 11 months
Israel has just bombed a hospital where hundreds of wounded and refugees were taking solace. Journalists in Gaza have reported there was hardly a single body whole in the aftermath (If you can stomach it, there's a video of a father holding what remains of his child). At least 500 people killed by IOF soldiers, who planned this action, got into an airplane and dropped that bomb willingly. The deadliest attack in five wars, according to the Ministry of Health.
Israel has denied ownership of the attack and said it was a misfired Hamas rocket. Originally, they celebrated it on their social media, saying they had destroyed a Hamas target, treating the deaths like an unfortunate collateral. After international backlash, they posted videos to their social media claiming it was a Hamas rocket. The video, though, shows a second explosion 40 minutes after the airstrike, and they edited it our of their tweet in a pathetic attempt at covering up.
Israel has said multiple times that they were going to bomb hospitals. They told doctors to evacuate and leave their patients to death because they were going to bomb, namely: Al Shifa, Shuhada Al Aqsa and the Quwaiti Hospital. Al Shifa housed at least 10.000 refugees and wounded, and worked as a hub for the press because it was one of the only hospitals that still had working generators. Medical crew worked with sirens blaring to signal the hospitals were not empty. This was a purposeful massacre. These people died hungry, thirsty and in pain because of the Israeli government's cruelty.
CNN and other media outlets already tried to pin the blame on Hamas, parroting back the pathetic propaganda being sold by the IOF. Even in death, Palestinians can't be respected and are used to further their own oppression. These people's deaths are not going to be in vain. Within our lifetimes, Palestine will be free.
Take action. The Labour Party in the UK had an emergency meeting today after several councilors threatened to resign if they didn't condemn Israeli war crimes. Calling to show your complaints works.
FOR PEOPLE IN THE USA: USCPR has developed this toolkit for calls
FOR PEOPLE IN THE UK: Friends of Al-Aqsa UK and Palestine Solidarity UK have made toolkits for calls and emails
FOR PEOPLE IN GERMANY: Here's a toolkit to contact your representatives by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN IRELAND: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN POLAND: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN DENMARK: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN SWEDEN: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
Protests in support have already erupted in Beirut, Madrid and Rabat in response to the shelling of the hospital. Join your local protest and raise your voices. For people in the US, Israel has just asked for additional $10bi in aid on top of the annual $3.8bi already given to them. Palestinians are asking that you refuse this loudly, with their every breath.
Here's a constantly updating list of protests:
Global calendar
USA calendar
Here are upcoming events:
WASHINGTON, DC: Outside Congress on 18/10 at 12 PM
WASHINGTON, DC: NATIONAL MARCH in front of the White House on 4/11 at 12 PM
SAN DIEGO: 2125 Pan American E Rd. (Spreckles Organ Pavillion) on 18/10 at 7 PM
NEW YORK: 72nd st. And 5th ave., Brooklyn on 21/10 at 2 PM
NEW YORK: CUNY Grad Building on 18/10 at 2 PM
NEW YORK: Oct 18, 5pm, Steinway & Astoria Blvd.
DALLAS: 1954 Commerce Street (Dallas Morning News Building) on 19/10 at 3 PM
[CAR RALLY] KITCHENER-WATERLOO: Fairview Park, 2960 Kingsway Dr. on 18/10 at 6 PM
KITCHENER-WATERLOO: CBC Building, 117 King St. W on 19/10 at 5 PM
HOUSTON: Zionist Consulate, 24 Greenway Plaza on 18/10 at 4 PM
OMAHA: 72nd St & Dodge St on 18/10 at 6 PM
SAINT PAUL, MN: Oct. 18, 5:30pm. State Capitol, 75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
BALTIMORE: Oct 20, 6pm. Baltimore City Hall
DUBLIN: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 1 on 18/10 at 5 PM
THURLES: Liberty Square on 19/10 at 7 PM
LURGAN: Market Street on 21/10 at 3 PM
PORTO ALEGRE: Rua João Alfredo, 61 on 18/10 at 19h
RIO DE JANEIRO: Cinelândia on 19/10 at 17h
RECIFE: Parque Treze de Maio on 19/10 at 17h
MANAUS: Teatro Amazonas, Largo de São Sebastião on 19/10 at 17h
SÃO PAULO: Praça Oswaldo Cruz on 22/10 at 11h
FOZ DO IGUAÇU: Praça da Paz on 22/10 at 9h
TSHWANE: Belgrade Square Park, Jan Shoba Street on 20/10 at 10 AM
VEREENIGING: Roshnee Sports Grounds on 21/10 at 14h30
Feel free to add more resources
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female-buckets · 1 month
You know what irks me about most celebs I see this year talking about the wnba? They’re only talking about Caitlin, or wearing her jerseys, or going to local games when /she’s/ in town. Even like big name female athletes of other sports!! I get their schedules can be intense but come on! You can’t afford a single other jersey?? You can’t manage to go to a single game when she’s not there??
(Sidenote, I do appreciate Aubrey plaza being into the wnba for a while, she’ll often go to sparks games with her sister. Hell she went to the all star game and took one for the team with her knee! I think I’ve seen her at liberty games too!)
But so many of the other celebs and sports celebs, it’s to obvs performative and surface level deep it’s insulting.
They do that for their own publicity. They want to ride the Caitlin wave. They think if they wear a Caitlin jersey, some of her fans will give them a follow on social media. And they're right. Country singers have been doing it for months now.
We won't know whether the Caitlin wave has actually grown the game until the economy falls. Everything grows in a good economy. But how will this league look when the economy turns again? Will it be on life support like it was in the 2000s?
The NBA can weather tough economies because they have cultural capital. People invest money and effort to preserve the things that have cultural capital. A league develops cultural capital if every generation of athletes is idolized and mythologized by the public. Kate Fagan and Seimone Augustus wrote a whole book on this called Hoop Muses.
90% of Caitlin's fanbase thinks Caitlin just fell out of a coconut tree. And the Barstool Sports crowd is running smear campaigns against WNBA hall of famers. They are deliberately erasing the context of all that came before Caitlin.
So if the WNBA does end up surviving the 2030s, it won't be because of these people.
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ontherocks21 · 9 months
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Someday I'll Write It:
Lady Vader Part III
She was only present because she had to be. All Imperial Senators were required to attend the Emperor's grand unveiling of "the ultimate defense system that would forever banish war from the galaxy".
Banish war.
And opposition.
And liberty.
"Peace" ensured by absolute terror.
It was a sham shrouded by a shameless celebration.
But freedom was a lifelong friend of hers, so mandatory as her presence was, not attending its funeral was unthinkable.
Besides, she would never leave Anakin to face this abhorrent public propaganda alone.
Up on center stage, standing stiffly on Palpatine's right, he stares out across the attending guests, billowing black robes the only movement to betray the human when all the galaxy sees is a formidable and fearsome statue.
Billowing black robes and blue eyes screaming for her.
"Senator Skywalker," Bail says in polite acknowledgement on her left.
Padmé doesn't take her eyes off her husband.
"Are you sure I shouldn't be called something else?"
In her peripheral vision, she sees Bail trace the invisible string tautly pulled between their locked gazes and fail to suppress his grin.
"Would you prefer the alternative, milady?"
His amused undertone shocks her, as does the brazenness of his implied joke that hangs precisely on the overly formal enunciation he uses to stress her title.
Lady Vader.
Bail's brown gaze twinkles at the quick, narrowed side-eye Padmé spares him before she turns back to Anakin's watchful stare. Almost imperceptibly, her husband's head tilts questioningly, sensing her disquiet.
No one mocks the wife of a Sith Lord and gets away with it.
Infinitesimally, Padmé shakes him off.
"We are running out of time," Bail presses. The camaraderie and light tone paling under the dark intonations casting empty promises across a bewitched audience.
"He's doing what he can, Senator." Her voice is low, sharp. "It's not even operational. He's stalled the engineering project..." Padmé trails off when she notices the Senator from Dallomir's uninvited attention. Politely, demurely she smiles back at him and he quickly averts his wandering eye.
No one ogles the wife of a Sith Lord and...
"It was never even supposed to reach this point," Bail hisses. "We need another person on the inside if we have any chance at stopping this thing."
He's frustrated. Not at her, not really. Not even at Anakin. She knows because frustration simmers angrily in her blood, too.
But rallying the opposition who were willing to whisper would be impossible if whole systems could be wiped out with the barest flick of a switch.
As if he can hear their rebellious conversation across the plaza, Anakin's piercing blue eyes lock into hers once more. Her heart flutters into gear simply by the look that makes their enemies cower. Vexation looks dashing on him, she thinks with another smile.
"Someone on the inside?" Padmé asks, purposefully dangling the question until Bail takes the bait.
"Any chance one of the engineers would like to meet Lady Vader?"
Image Credit: Eli Hyder
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gamebird · 3 months
The Soonercon Convention Report
I went to Soonercon this last weekend and I wanted to share what it was like in an attempt to encourage others to attend similar local events, for those who don't know what they're missing.
It’s a science fiction/fantasy convention held in Norman, Oklahoma every year. It has what I take as the standard scifi/fantasy convention events including: Dealer’s room where people sell stuff, gaming room where scheduled and pickup games are held at all hours of the convention, art show where you can buy fandom-related paintings, prints, or sculpture (or commission an artist if you have something special in mind), a costume contest, panels by authors, artists, media guests, and other folks, and various socializing events (a dance, a burlesque show, a drag show, a Star Wars parade, a philosophy discussion den, a cartoon watching event, crafting events, etc.)
The only thing Soonercon didn’t/doesn’t have that I’ve seen at other conventions is a con suite where snacks are available either at all hours or specified hours, and a designated media room playing classic shows 24/7. Plenty of other conventions also have party rooms or even a party floor of the hotel. Some will have live action role play events. Some will have a few big-name guests. Soonercon’s guests were smaller names like voice actors or the guy who played the hero of NeverEnding Story. If they had hardcore partying, it was kept well clear of the convention areas. I heard nothing of it.
There's a lot for everybody! I go to attend the panels. My son goes for the gaming room. My nephew goes for the cosplay. My spouse/partner goes to be supportive and present (also he meets up with a friend of his from that city who volunteers at the con or at least likes fandom). My daughter likes the merchandise, the gaming, and cosplay.
It’s a very relaxed vacation for us. We get a hotel room at the convention and all go our separate ways from that safe home base.
I thought I’d go over the various things I went to and some of my thoughts about them, to give a window on what a person might do:
Friday we arrived. I went through the dealer’s room in detail by myself, which was nice to do instead of speeding up or slowing down at someone else’s pace, or having them there calling my attention to whatever they wanted me to see. I bought some delicious pomegranate gummy fruit. I made preliminary arrangements with a leatherworker for some items.
I went through the art show, which I have never been to at the beginning of the show. The previous two years I showed up at the end and rushed through. I took my time again.
I also wandered the halls at liberty, with no agenda. I didn’t think much of the panels available that day, so I did other things. I did attend an author’s reading of horror fic. One of the stories was titled ‘Grindr’ by a gay man, featuring a gay character. As soon as he went over that, two of the six in his audience left. It was a good story. The other author read a bit of theirs (also good). And then we discussed. One of the things discussed was how this was Oklahoma and the very mention of gay sent two people out of the room. It was good and thoughtful conversation.
Later that evening, I attended a comedy panel that was ‘Am I The Asshole?’ with various heroes or villains of popular fan movies discussing if they were the asshole for their role in the plot of their respective media product. It was funny and a light end to the first day.
Saturday, we got up in time for ‘Cartoons with Cereal’ panel where we ate a couple weird over-sugared cereals while watching an 80s cartoon that featured transforming vehicles and masked/helmeted action figure type characters. After that, we went to a better breakfast, complimentary at the hotel plaza.
My first regular panel of the day was ‘Essential Sci-Fi Television’ where I was hoping to see if there were important shows I haven’t seen. Maybe? Maybe not? They talked a lot about the different flavors of Star Trek and the different ways people get into fandom. I didn't add anything new to my list, but I did get more emphasis that I really ought to watch The Expanse.
At 11, I went to a panel titled ‘How do I put THAT on my resume?’ about how to translate fan interests and skills into marketable descriptive terms that can get you hired. I attended not so much for myself, as I hope to never work again after my current job, but for my son and daughter and my attempts to give them advice on how to present themselves in the business world. I’d encouraged my son to go to this panel, but he went to the gaming room. It wasn’t a great panel – I think he made the right choice. But you don’t know these things until you attend them.
I had lunch and then attended a panel titled ‘I ship it!’ thinking it would talk about the range of shipping in fandom circles. And maybe it did, but mostly it was the panelists talking about rare pairs in anime fandoms – both fandom and characters unfamiliar to me. They were excited to talk about it. I managed to steer them into sharing their thoughts about why antagonists are often more interesting to pair with a hero than the designated side kick or another hero, and then a little about what fueled ship wars/fandom drama. It was good to hear, as always, that totally different fandoms have the same problems.
After that was ‘Libraries, Intellectual Freedom, and Book Challenges’ about what books were banned, why, how, and what efforts were going on or the attendees could undertake to oppose book bans. Afterward, I approached one of the panelists for her advice on finding a good Ursula LeGuin book since I hadn’t liked Always Coming Home, but did like Left Hand of Darkness. Turns out she was a core convention organizer. I sent her an email so she could send me a rec later and separately, I filled out a form to volunteer at the next con.
At 3 I went to early dinner with my spouse/partner and his local friend, who was the one who told me the panelist I’d talked to was high up in the convention hierarchy. At 4, I roamed the dealer's room again, finalized things with the leatherworker, and bought a bunch more delicious candy.
At 5 I had a panel titled ‘LGBT+YOU, Discuss the Plus’. Given the conversation the day before with the gay horror author, I was particularly interested. Also, the panel was focusing mainly on the queer identities other than LGBT – asexuals, aromantics, pansexuals, polyamorous, etc. I found it something of a relief to see them stumble and fail to define an aromantic relationship in a way that differentiated it from non-aromantic ones. The panelists varied from early-30s to mid-60s, some partnered, some not. It was lovely to hear people’s experiences with living queer in Oklahoma.
At 6 I attended ‘Fandom Life vs Long-Term Illnesses’ but found it not super helpful. It was mostly about arthritis and diabetes, neither of which are issues I have. But I listened and learned a bit. I enjoy these authentic little windows into other people’s lives.
I attended the costume contest for the rest of the night, which was a big event with a stage show and a music act. My fave costume won! Even cooler, someone I knew was announced as winner of the Fashion Show which was an informal or less formal contest they’d had earlier in the day. I was thrilled for them.
That night at 1:11 am, someone set off the fire alarm, but it was quickly squelched. Still, everyone woke up. Later sleuthing turned up that it was a person attempting to smoke inside their hotel room.
Sunday! We had a nice breakfast again. My first panel of the day was ‘Hollow Humanism?’ talking about utopia, dystopia, and the philosophy of humanism – what were the things that prevented us from making a better world? I had hoped for stuff I could incorporate into my headcanons for Preservation or the Corporation Rim. Not so much.
Then I went to ‘Fandom – The Next Generation’ which was not about Star Trek but instead about the intergenerational fandom experiences of the panelists. I found this not very helpful. Those weren’t my families. It wasn’t about how to interest my kids in fandom (not that I needed that – they’re into it) or how I could better relate to their interests (something I was very interested in). I asked a few questions trying to guide it toward what I wanted, but the panelists really wanted to tell the audience about their lives. So. I listened.
At noon my group packed and checked out of our rooms.
But we hung around as there was a panel at 1 pm I wanted to attend, ‘Neurodivergent Characters in Fantasy and Anime’. Alas, they did not discuss Murderbot. In fact, they didn’t discuss specific characters or genres at all. Instead, they discussed neurodivergent representation in general, mindfulness, coping strategies, dealing with negative social pressures to conform, masking, exhaustion, career intersectionality, disabled rep, and a lot of things I was equally interested to hear about. So that was neat!
At 2, there was a panel about ‘Oklahoma in Fandom Media’ that I attended half of. It was fun to hear the various filming projects and other media mentions Oklahoma featured in. I left halfway through to help our group depart.
And so we drove home. It was a delightful, low-stress vacation. Lots of viewpoints. Lots of experiences. It was lovely seeing people face-to-face and getting such different impressions. It’s a very different experience than Tumblr or discord or streaming. I would very much recommend it to all of you! Get out and meet people in person in your area. Talk to them. Listen to their stories. Find out what they have to share. Share a bit of yourself in turn.
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crowfootwrites · 2 months
What Happens on Risa [Gul Macet x Fem!Reader]
So, the other day, I found a document in my Google Drive from OCTOBER 2023 that just said, "Gul Macet takes his "nephew" (Gul Dukat’s son) to Risa for his 16th birthday, where he meets reader and they *ahem* keep in touch (2376 – post-Dominion War)" and had a singular page written. Then ✨ B A M ✨, inspiration hit and I sat down and wrote the rest, smut and all. I'm not even bothering to share it in pieces, because why wait, you know? You can also read it on AO3!
Without further ado, here's a little Gul Macet one shot!
Tagging some fellow space lizard-lovers, in case y'all wanna read: @horta-in-charge, @starrynightgardens, @sleepycat82, @vreenak, @deepspacedukat (please let me know if you don't want me to tag you, lol, I just be takin' liberties at this point)
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ on this, bois, 'cause there's some vacation hanky-panky goin' on: inter-species sex (sex involving Cardassian genitals), oral sex, vaginal fingering, PIV smut, unprotected sex; but generally fluffy sweet love-makin! Not beta'd, we die like men. | Words: ~6,555
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“Bo’yadik!” his nephew called from the open front door.
Gul Akellan Macet grinned at the sight of the young man, grown several inches since the last time he’d seen him, his posture proud and calm, despite the eagerness in his voice. He made his way up the sandy front path, grasping his nephew’s shoulder and giving it a firm squeeze.
“It is good to see you again, Mekor,” he commented, unable to temper the satisfaction on his face. His last stint on the Trager had taken him from Cardassia for far too long, and although he loved his ship and his crew, there was nothing like coming home again. Although, this time around, he had something special planned for Mekor and wouldn’t be remaining on Cardassia for very long. He’d returned to his own home near the Imperial Plaza to drop off belongings and pack a bag before coming to collect Mekor.
“Akellan!” The call floated around Mekor from further inside the house, heralding the arrival of his cousin’s wife just before she arrived in the doorway behind her son, whose stature already towered over hers.
“Kelana,” Macet greeted her with a smile and a nod, eyeing the baby clinging to her hip – this would be Dukat’s last son, then. It infuriated Macet to dwell on the way a beautiful and proud woman like Kelana continued to bear children for his cousin, even as he slept with half the Alpha Quadrant. He did not know her motivations, nor did he care to know. He only cared that they were taken care of, and Kelana was nothing if not resourceful. No one had heard from Dukat since last year and it had been generally accepted amongst their family that he had died or been otherwise lost in the Dominion War.
It was precisely why Macet was here, planning to ensure that Mekor’s 16th birthday was special, unmarred by his father’s absence, although that had been the case for much of his life, even before Dukat was presumed dead.
Mekor stepped to the side slightly, giving his mother room. “Will you stay for dinner, Akellan? It’s been so long since your last visit,” she asked with a genuine smile, bouncing the fussing child on her hip.
Akellan sighed good-naturedly. “I wish that I could, my dear, but Mekor and I have a transport to catch. When we return, however, I have several more days before I must report back for duty, and I would love to spend time with you and the children.”
 “I look forward to it,” Kelana replied. She placed a hand on Mekor’s arm and smiled up at her son. “Have a safe trip, cestUl. Be careful, listen to Akellan, and have fun.”
Mekor’s hand reached over to rest atop his mother’s. “I will, adik.”
The baby in Kelana’s arms began to fuss more loudly, and she turned to stride back into her home.
“Let me grab my bag!” Mekor exclaimed before rushing inside to gather his belongings.
Macet rested against the doorframe, embracing the damp heat of his home world, lounging in a ray of dusky sunlight like a contented gettle. He chuckled at the din that his nieces and nephews were creating inside the house, their chatter and the clanging of dishes and toys carrying through the open door.
Mekor bounded back through the door, nearly breathless, his dark eyes lit with excitement. “I’m ready.”
Akellan laughed and pulled his nephew under one of his arms, mussing his hair. “Let’s go, then,” he crowed, leading Mekor back down the path toward the street, headed for the transport site where they would catch their passenger ship.
• • •
The bar was crowded, packed with bodies of all shapes and sizes and colors (and in various stages of undress), as people waited for their drinks. A heavyset Bolian man stepped backward, bumping into you soundly before turning to offer profuse apologies.
“It’s alright,” you assured him with a small smile, although truthfully, you were at your limit of social interaction for the day. The heat of the Risian twin suns high overhead and the press of bodies surrounding you made you grouchy, irritation drawing your shoulders up toward your ears.
A handsome Risian bartender finally handed you your fluorescent blue drink, topped with piles of fruit and colorful flowers, tossing a charming smile your way as you backed away from the bar desperately. You turned away to watch where you were going and made your way past clusters of palm trees and bushes full of magenta flowers back onto the sandy beach where your companions had gathered.
Although, they were gone by the time you arrived – you spotted one of the three friends you’d come with chatting with a Risian woman in a gorgeous silver swimsuit near the ocean’s edge. It was anyone’s guess as to where the other two had wandered off. You settled yourself back in your plush chair beneath a wide umbrella, taking a bracing sip of your very sweet, very alcoholic beverage.
Taking a deep breath of salty air, you closed your eyes, enjoying the way the breeze caressed your skin. It had been… too long since you’d last had a vacation. Being a teacher aboard Starbase Epsilon was an exciting and fulfilling job, but you’d been doing it for a long while. You’d taught there all through the Dominion War, which had only ended the year before, even as the Cardassian Union’s treaty with the Dominion threatened the safety of all outlying Federation planets and bases. It had been a stressful time, to say the least, and even in the year that had passed since the Dominion forces surrendered, there was little respite from the damage that had been done while the war had rampaged.
Given the starbase’s proximity to Cardassia Prime, Epsilon, along with Deep Space Nine, housed scores of displaced Cardassians, as well as Starfleet officers and Federation civilians who flocked to Cardassia to help them rebuild.  
Your student body population had swelled then, and you’d had to hire more teachers to assist you – your three companions who were with you now on Risa. You’d decided a few weeks ago that you all deserved a break, after a long year of modifying curriculums, wrangling students, and managing parent expectations.
And so you found yourself on Risa, unsure how to relax like this after so long without any leave.
A spray of sand jerked you from your thoughts as it surged over your legs and chair. You bolted upright with a surprised yelp, eyes wide as you looked for the source of the shimmering sand now pooling beneath you in your chair.
A shadow fell over you from the side as a tall Cardassian rose from the ground, dusting himself off. He looked young, his chu’en and scales still relatively smooth. He looked at you sheepishly, and you glimpsed the hoverball he tucked nervously behind his back. “I’m very sorry, miss, I –”
With a laugh, you waved him off. “It’s alright. I’d rather get hit with sand than a hoverball.”
The Cardassian laughed with you, his relief evident in the sound.
Another Cardassian man came jogging up behind the first, this one older and bare-chested, with small patches of hair adorning his chin.
His eyebrow ridges rose slightly as his gaze fell on you, taking in the sand dusting your bare legs and settled in your lap, a light blue tint coloring his chufa.
“I must apologize, miss, my nephew and I were getting a little out of hand, it would seem,” he confessed, his voice low and more than a little captivating. He bumped his nephew with his shoulder. “Did you apologize, Mekor?” he asked.
As Mekor began another guilty apology, you chuckled again. “It’s quite alright,” you assured him. “I’m fine, no harm done.” To demonstrate, you rose from your chair, sand cascading down your legs as you wiped at the bottom half of your swimsuit and the tops of your thighs with one hand, the other still clutching your drink.
A glint of something like hunger flashed across the older man’s eyes as your gaze met his, but he blinked and it was gone.
“Perhaps I could replace your drink,” the man offered.
“Oh, I-,” you began, glancing down toward your hand to find the fruit and flowers atop your glass indeed shimmering with sand. You looked back up at him shyly. “Oh. That would be lovely, actually – thank you.”
The man nodded and motioned toward the bar. His hand came to rest softly on your lower back as you stepped around the chair and to his side.
With a smirk and a benign shake of his head, you saw Mekor toss the hoverball up and follow it back to wherever they’d camped out along the beach.
“What is your name, my dear?” the Cardassian at your side asked, his head turned to watch you. You smiled, biting your lip nervously. His proud posture and the way the sun gleamed against his bare chest made you a little self-conscious.
You gave him your name, trying to force some nonchalance into your tone.  
“Lovely,” he murmured. He guided you back towards the bar you’d come from not too long ago, the shady seating area still overrun with patrons. Unlike your last excursion, however, the throngs of people seemed to part without thought for Akellan’s presence. “I am Akellan.”
As you went to respond, a group of young, rowdy humans veered drunkenly into your path. Before any of them could collide with you, however, you felt Akellan’s hand grasping at your waist, tugging you closer to him. 
You glanced over at him, your heart stuttering at the proximity. He kept his arm wrapped around you and, with excitement coursing through you, you couldn’t bring yourself to mention it. You ducked your head slightly to hide the smile that painted your lips. He guided you forward slightly as you approached the bar top, protecting your back from the jostling of others with his tall frame. 
You ordered another of your gaudy blue cocktails and Akellan ordered a kanar for himself, to be charged to his room. Mesmerized by the crystalline ocean beyond the bar and beach, you didn’t notice his careful observation of you. His eyes traced the gentle slope of your neck down to your shoulders, the delicacy of your collarbones, the way the shimmery green swimsuit you’d chosen accentuated your curves. He’d never been more grateful for Mekor’s youthful ungainliness than he was right now.  
As the bartender handed you your respective drinks, Akellan stepped away from you, but held out a hand, a smirk playing over his lips.
Offering him a smile of your own, you slid your hand into his, allowing him to tug you gently back the way you came.
“So, what brings you and your nephew to Risa?” you asked curiously, your toes relishing in the warmth of the sand. Akellan slowed his stride as you reached the beach, as though he wasn’t particularly eager to get you back to your chair. 
“Ah,” he started brightly, his blue eyes glimmering in the sunlight, “yesterday was Mekor’s 16th birthday, and I wanted to do something special for him.”
“That’s very kind of you!” you replied, squeezing his fingers lightly. 
Akellan chuckled, a rich, gravelly sound you immediately wanted to hear again.  
“I certainly try to be a good uncle. His father is not around anymore and as the oldest, Mekor has many responsibilities and not much time to enjoy his youth.” A mixed group of very attractive Risian and Trill women passed you both and, despite their giggling and heated looks in Akellan’s direction, he didn’t spare them a glance, his gaze focused firmly on you as he spoke. “I suppose I’m spoiling him a bit, but I can’t help but want to provide him with good experiences. Living on Cardassia, he’s been through plenty already.”
You nodded somberly at that. “I can certainly understand that,” you murmured, reluctantly pulling your attention away from him as you approached your beach chair. A sinking feeling tugged at your chest, realizing it was likely time to part ways. But Akellan hadn’t released your hand yet. He was standing so close to you. You wiggled your toes further into the sand nervously, willing the tension out of your muscles.
“Thank you,” you offered, lifting your drink up slightly.
“Of course.” He glanced around at the vacant chairs, strewn with your friends’ abandoned towels and half-finished cocktails. “Have your… friends abandoned you?” he asked, the ridge above one of his eyes raised slightly. You heard the question behind his question and exhaled a laugh. 
“Yes,” you replied as you placed your drink on the small table beside your lounge chair, “my friends seem to have found other diversions for themselves.” 
He paused, studying you again, a mischievous curiosity in his features. “And, if I may ask, what diversions will you be partaking in?”
You glanced skyward, tapping a finger against your chin theatrically. “I’ll probably go for a swim. I have a new novel I’m looking to finish… Perhaps I’ll do some people-watching.” You shot him a sly grin. “There are some very attractive people here, you know.” 
“Oh, I am well aware,” he muttered darkly. Heat rose in your chest and cheeks.
As his gaze returned to yours again, he looked hopeful. “I’ve promised to thoroughly beat Mekor at hoverball today,” he explained, and you laughed. “I have a reputation to uphold, after all… But perhaps you would like to join me for dinner this evening?”
The butterflies in your stomach erupted into your tightening chest, the prospect of taking a deep breath daunting in that moment. You nodded enthusiastically, biting your lip to keep from grinning like an absolute fool.
“How does 1900 sound?” he asked, sounding somewhat relieved that you’d agreed.
“That works for me!” You cleared your throat quietly, trying to take the overeager pitch out of your voice. “I’m in room 151.”
With a nod, Akellan began to walk backward, as though he wasn’t quite ready to take his eyes off you. You took the opportunity to appraise him, to appreciate the patterning of his scales and the way his muscles shifted beneath his skin. When your gaze returned to his, although he’d put considerable distance between the two of you, he smirked. He finally turned away from you to watch where he was walking, and you sank back onto your beach chair and off of your wobbly legs.
Akellan and Mekor had settled themselves not far from your location on the beach and you found yourself unable (and frankly, unwilling) to stop stealing glances at Akellan. You tried to focus on your novel, you really did, but your eyes flicked up over the top of the PADD in front of you often, in an almost compulsive way. Sometimes, you’d glance up to find him already looking at you and, playing coy, you’d bite your lip and refocus on your PADD.   
After an hour of re-reading the same page of your novel, you finally put it down, groaning at your own giddiness. You stood and made your way into the crystalline surf, hoping a swim would clear your mind. You could see, in your periphery, that Akellan was watching, shading his eyes from the sun with one hand, the other holding the hoverball teasingly above his head as Mekor jumped desperately for it beside him.
Trying not to focus on his staring, you let the sea pull you in, diving beneath rolling waves until you were past any other tourists, capturing a bit of ocean for yourself. Taking another deep breath and feeling the pull of currents against you, you floated onto your back, the rocking waves indeed soothing the somewhat overwhelming anticipation that had been zipping through you since Akellan first approached.
You let your mind wander, contemplating how long it had been since you’d felt this way about anyone. Too long, if the lack of surfacing memories was anything to go by. Even your last couple of boyfriends hadn’t really inspired that kind of energy in you – you’d loved them, certainly, but in each instance, there was some measure of passion missing that never really materialized.
But it felt ridiculous to think that maybe Akellan was what you’d been looking for. After all, you were just vacationing in the same place. You didn’t know anything about him or his life. Maybe he was just after a one-night stand. A fling. A little vacation hanky-panky. The thought made your heart feel leaden behind your ribcage. 
Blowing a raspberry at the sky, you glanced toward the shore to ensure you hadn’t been pulled too far out.
A small smile crept across your lips as you watched Akellan and Mekor play together, their laughter and teasing carrying on the wind.  
You stayed in the water a while longer, letting the setting suns warm your skin as they painted the sky in gorgeous ribbons of pink and orange. When you finally swam back toward the shore and strode out of the surf, you noticed Mekor and Akellan packing up. As Akellan’s gaze landed on you, you smiled and gave him a small wave, continuing on toward your chair and your own belongings. You caught his grin before you turned away, his hand lifted in a half-wave as though he’d lost his train of thought.
• • •
You agonized over what to wear. It wasn’t like you to fuss over outfits, and you knew it made little sense to care so much about what a man who’d already seen you in next-to-nothing thought about your clothing choices. But still, you agonized. You certainly hadn’t anticipated a dinner date on this trip, meaning you hadn’t brought too many options with you. After significant pacing and long stretches in front of the mirror, you decided on a blue, strappy linen dress that hugged you in all the right places. 
By the time you’d gotten yourself ready, your door chime was sounding. You zipped to the door to answer it. 
As the door slid open, you were greeted by Akellan’s wide smile. The sight of his lean frame clad in a soft, deep green shirt and loose brown pants stole all the thoughts from your head for a moment. He looked so… touchable. 
“You look stunning,” Akellan remarked as his own gaze appraised your exposed shoulders and the way your dress wrapped around you. 
“As do you,” you replied, your fingers twitching at your side. You tucked your traitorous hands behind your back, trying not to give yourself away or paint yourself as too eager, but if his smirk was anything to go on, Akellan hadn’t missed the minute movement.
Akellan offered you his arm as the pair of you made your way down the hall toward the lobby of the hotel. 
“And where is Mekor this evening?” you asked conversationally. “I hate to steal you away from him,” you added, although you knew your tone gave away that you didn’t feel that badly about it. 
Akellan chuckled. “He has found some entertainment of his own, I fear, in the form of a group of Risian teenagers… I believe they’re going to see some live music in one of the coves.”
It was a perfect night for it, you thought. Balmy and pleasant - you looked up into the rapidly darkening night sky scattered with stars. Akellen followed your gaze.
“I must admit that I simply assumed you were from Earth - how far are you from home?” he asked quietly, steering you beside him on the paved path towards Suraya Bay. 
You hummed, mapping planets in your head. “Only a little closer than you, I think.” You glanced over at your companion, whose browline ridges had raised in interest. “You were somewhat correct in your assumption - I’m originally from Earth, but I’ve been living on Starbase Epsilon for the last five years.”
“Ah,” came Akellan’s quiet response. As the two of you made your way toward the cove, Akellan’s demeanor seemed to have shifted. He held himself less cavalierly, appeared less amorous and more curious. It was… comforting, you realized. It made you feel less vulnerable. “You are very close to Cardassia, then. I understand that Epsilon is one of the starbases that has seen the most refugees from the war?”
You nodded. “I’m a teacher on the ‘base, so I’ve had the unique opportunity to have Cardassian culture taught to me by children,” you responded with a laugh. 
Akellan chuckled. “I couldn’t imagine the chaos, honestly.”
“It’s been an adjustment, to be sure, but I enjoy teaching. And the new students I’ve had have generally proven themselves to be very capable and bright.”
“That’s a relief,” Akellan said, sounding like he was only half-joking. 
Your jaw dropped slightly as the pair of you rounded a corner, revealing a small, open-air restaurant strung up with twinkling lights sitting just at the water’s edge. The stars and lights glinted white on the rippling surface of the sea and you knew you couldn’t wait this long for another vacation again. There was nothing like this view on the starbase; even the holosuites couldn’t compare to the real thing. 
“I didn’t even know this was here,” you murmured, feeling slightly choked up. This was very romantic.
“I like to think I have a few surprises up my sleeve,” Akellan told you, guiding you by the elbow through the double glass doors. A very tan Risian waiter inclined his head with a smile before guiding the two of you directly toward a patio filled with small, intimate tables, surrounded by a low stone wall. The waves lapped softly against it as Akellan pulled out your chair and you glanced up at him as you sat, the lights on the ceiling glowing like a halo behind him.
He bent toward you as he pushed your chair in, his breath whispering against your ear. “You look lovely in this light.”
Heat crept into your cheeks and you bit your lip to stop from kissing him then and there. As though sensing this, Akellan winked then turned to take his own seat.
Dinner was a delight. Over wine and fresh seafood, Akellen regaled you with tales from his ship, the Trager, as well as stories from his own childhood and family life back on Cardassia. He asked about your youth and experiences teaching children on a starbase. Humor seemed to be a shared language for the two of you, and you were granted your earlier wish of hearing Akellan’s laugh over and over again. His bright smile was contagious and brought with it a tightness in your chest that you identified as falling hard and fast for someone. 
“So, how often do you get to spend time with Mekor?” you asked over a sip of springwine. “You two seem very close.”
Akellan’s eyes darted away from yours briefly. He sighed. 
“We are very close. Mostly because his father spent much of his life putting his military and political ambitions above all else, including his family. Even when he could have returned to Cardassia, he often did not. I have always had… different priorities than my cousin,” he told you earnestly. “So I have helped to raise Mekor wherever I could. And lately… well, Dukat has been missing in action, though likely deceased, so I am trying to do right by my family.”
You choked slightly on another sip of wine, covering your mouth as you coughed. “I’m sorry,” you croaked. “Gul Dukat is your cousin - is Mekor’s father?”
“You know of him?” Akellan looked genuinely surprised.
“I do,” you admitted. “I have friends on Deep Space 9. I’m assuming you probably already know, but there was a rumor going around that Dukat had gotten in with the Pah-Wraiths, causing trouble for Captain Sisko, the Emissary. I think he thought that the Pah-Wraiths could maybe turn the tide of the War in favor of Cardassia and the Dominion.”
To your surprise and immediate dismay, Akellan looked somewhat ashamed. You hated it - it was an expression that did not mix well with his proud, sincere features. You fidgeted with the stem of your wine glass.
“I apologize for bringing it up,” you murmured. “I imagine it can’t be easy to talk about.��
“My lovely girl, you needn’t apologize. Dukat made his decisions, whatever they were. I now have the distinct pleasure of taking over where he has failed - I will be the person that Mekor and his siblings go to when they need a father’s advice.”
A seed of dread sprouted deep in your belly. “Does… When you say that, is there a Cardassian tradition wherein you… take over for Dukat? As in… I mean… I’m sorry, I’m normally more eloquent than this you,” you mumbled, thoroughly embarrassed. You pinched the bridge of your nose, closing your eyes to collect yourself, but they opened again when you felt Akellan’s soft grasp on your hand that remained on the table. 
“You have no reason to fear me, dear girl. Ask away.” The openness and curiosity in his face was going to kill you, you realized.
“Um.. is it a tradition in Cardassia,” you began slowly, “that you must take over Dukat’s family for him? As in, marry his wife and raise his children as your own?” You bit your lip awkwardly. You couldn’t even imagine having to end this because Akellan wanted a fling before he returned to Cardassia to marry his cousin’s wife.
A slow smile graced his lips. There was compassion in his gaze. He took a deep breath before ending your suffering.
“Certainly not,” he said with a meaningful shake of his head. “One day, I would like to have a wife and children of my own. I would not take up Dukat’s - besides, I doubt Kelana would have me,” he added with a chuckle. “She can be quite… prickly. It was a good match for Dukat, but would not be so for me.”
He gently squeezed your hand that rested under his.
“Family is very important on Cardassia. I want to help mine, where I can.”
Relief flooded your system as rapidly as though Akellan had thrown cold water over you. “I can understand that,” you replied sheepishly. “I just… I didn’t want to get involved if you had something else going on back on Cardassia.”
Thoroughly embarrassed, you moved to pull your hand away from his on the table, but he grasped it firmly and cradled it in his.
“I have no such obligations to anyone. I would, however, like to find out what this could be. With you.” The words sat heavy over the table between you both.
Your heart had lodged itself in your throat. You swallowed around it and nodded. “I’d like that,” you whispered.
• • •
The cool night air caressed your bare shoulders as you stepped out onto the balcony overlooking the pale sands on the beach below. Leaning forward onto the railing, you took a deep breath to settle the nerves that Akellan’s very presence seemed to set on fire. 
As though your thoughts had called to him, you heard him approach behind you, felt the solidness of his form as he pressed close to your side, handing you a small glass of kanar. The two moons of Risa cast an ethereal light across his features, contrasting sharply with the dark, desirous look in his eyes. Feeling somewhat spellbound, you took the drink from him and brought it to your mouth. Akellan’s eyes tracked your every move, fixating on the way your lips pressed against the glass.
A sound almost like a growl rumbled in his throat. His fingers slipped beneath yours, removing the drink from your grasp and setting it on the railing with a loud clink as his other hand rose to cradle your jaw. His lips connected with yours feverishly and, without conscious thought, your body responded - your hands grazed upward over his firm chest and shoulders, looping around his ridged neck, your whole body surging upward, pushing you closer to him. 
Akellan’s free arm wrapped firmly around your waist, keeping you trapped against him. He broke from you with a groan, his mouth traveling to pepper rough kisses along your jaw and the column of your neck. 
You tilted your head back with a whimper as he sucked at the sensitive spot just below your ear. 
“Do you know how long I have been considering how I might get you to make sounds like that?” he demanded, his lips drifting over your skin in a way that sent shivers down your spine.
“How long?” you breathed up into the night sky, twining your trembling fingers together at the nape of his neck.
“Since you first… brushed that sand…” he muttered between restless kisses, “off your lap.” He sighed, his hands tracing your sides to settle on your hips. “I would have given a great deal to replace your hands with mine in that moment.”
You moaned at the thought, shifting your fingers to pluck needily at the collar of his shirt. He hummed against your skin. “You like that, don’t you, darling girl?” You could do no more than nod, dropping your head forward to brush your nose against his.
Akellan separated from you a bit, and you released your hold around his neck as he tugged his soft shirt up over his head, tossing it to the side. As if drawn by a magnet, your hands returned to his skin, palms tracing the scales and ridges decorating his torso. He sighed again as your fingers traipsed over the spoon formation on his chest; a very different kind of sigh this time, one that foretold heated gazes and lingering touches between crisp sheets in the warm Risian night. You couldn’t wait.
Smoothing his hands down your sides, Akellan caught the hem of your dress and began to push it upwards, his palms caressing your sides as though you’d disappear if he stopped touching you. Heat built between you as you pulled your dress up and over your head, leaving you standing before him in only your mismatched undergarments. 
His fingers traced your jaw lightly as he shifted into your grasp again, a stark contrast to the firm tug of your hair tangling in his fists. A moan slipped through your lips just before they collided with his. Distractedly, the pair of you gravitated toward your bed in the center of the room, not bothering to close the balcony doors behind you. 
Akellan guided you down onto your back on the bed, his palms tracing your skin, mapping the hills and valleys of your body. Memorizing them, if the concentration in his eyes was any indication.
His gaze caught yours as his fingers slipped beneath the hem of your panties, pausing, asking silent permission. You rolled your hips slightly, spurring him on. “I want you, Akellan,” you managed, the heat rolling through you making your thoughts fuzzy. You felt as though you were consumed by thoughts of the Cardassian hovering above you and what he might do with you. 
Any restraint he might have been showing seemed to disappear then. Your underwear were on the floor in a matter of seconds, and Akellan was running slow kisses up the inside of one of your legs. Your whimper hung heavy in the air between you and you couldn’t miss the arrogant smirk that played at the corner of his mouth.
Your head tipped back against the comforter as Akellan’s fingers finally (finally!) stroked the apex of your thighs. As Akellan shifted, resting his free hand beside your head before leaning in to capture your lips in a slow, deliberate kiss, you felt a telltale hardness against your thigh. Your mind whirled with the possibilities lying before you this evening and the realization propelled you forward. You surged upward into a seated position, pushing Akellan back without breaking the kiss. 
With an unexpected level of gracefulness for you, you managed to pull Akellan onto the bed beside you and, kneeling beside him, your fingers made quick work of his belt. There was a brightness around his eyes, as though both surprised and incredibly turned on by this little display of assertiveness. 
“My, what an eager girl you are,” he murmured, his fingers again finding the cleft between your legs and continuing his earlier ministrations. The slick sounds of your pleasure, in combination with Akellan’s teasing, gravelly voice sent shudders rolling through you. You’d just managed to get Akellan’s pants over his thighs and pulled out his prUt with minimal fumbling when he slipped slipped a finger inside you. The moan that tumbled from between your lips was nearly shameful, but the hungry look in your lover’s eyes dismissed any cares you might have had. One of your hands rested on Akellan’s scaled thigh, clenching as you adjusted to the intrusion and the wave of pleasure that his curling, exploratory finger brought. 
You thanked past you roundly for doing some cursory studying of Cardassian anatomy when the starbase began housing so many Cardassians - Akellan’s cock was only intimidating in the way that first-time sex usually was, instead of the “I have no idea what to even do with this thing and it’s the first time” kind of way. 
With gentle fingers, you traced the length of Akellan’s everted prUt before landing on the especially-sensitive ring of scales at its base. A deep groan reverberated beside you, Akellan’s head thrown back and his free hand gripping the comforter like a lifeline. The groan morphed into a predatory growl as you brought your lips to his slippery length and licked from base to tip. 
You faltered for a moment in your quest to take him fully in your mouth as he added another finger to your needy cunt. But only for a moment - you were determined to show Akellan the same kind of pleasure he was bringing you as he curled his fingers experimentally inside you. 
The air around you was thick with groans and gasping breaths. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you remembered the open balcony doors, but in that moment, lost in the haze of mounting ecstasy, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. 
Akellan’s free hand loosened around the comforter and grasped instead at your hair, gently guiding you into a rhythm that quickly had his hips rolling. You massaged the irllun at his base as you did your best to take him deep into your throat. Akellan moaned your name desperately, and then the world was spinning around you as he maneuvered you over him and pulled you into a searing kiss. 
His tip teased at your entrance as he growled, “As much as I’d love to continue fucking that pretty mouth of yours, the feeling of you clenching around my fingers is driving me mad. I need you on my Cho’Ch.”
A whispered sigh of his name slipped between your lips as you sank onto him, fulfilling his need and yours. Your palms found their home pressed against the scales patterning his chest as you lifted yourself slowly onto your knees and back down again, rocking in a rhythm that made Akellan swear in Kardasi.
Akellan’s hands squeezed tightly about your hips, grinding you into him with every downstroke, the gratifying friction against your clit building until you were practically wailing into the balmy Risian air. The Cardassian beneath you pulled himself into a seated position, expertly removing your bra and burying his face in your chest, biting and sucking at your skin between groans that were starting to sound pained and impatient. You understood the feeling, rising ever higher toward your peak and ready to crash over the edge with Akellan. 
The amber-lit bedroom tilted around you again as Akellan maneuvered you onto your back on the soft sheets. He wasted no time thrusting back into you, his pupils wide in blue eyes that were focused intently on yours. 
“You feel exquisite,” he said darkly, resting his forehead against yours without losing his rhythm. 
“I’m so c-close, Akellan, please, please don’t stop-'' you begged, one of your hands coming up to squeeze Akellan’s bicep while the other raced down to twirl frantically around your clit. 
“Oh, I won’t, lovely thing, not until you’ve come for me,” he whispered, the heat of his words cradled in the shell of your ear as he buried his head against your shoulder, the tickle of his facial hair a pleasant contrast to the heavy, overwhelming sensations emanating from the meeting points between your bodies. 
And suddenly it was all too much - the heat, the grind and press of your bodies, his voice, the feel of his lips tracing the slope of your shoulder. The ever-tightening string in your core snapped and with a loud cry, an explosion of starlight burst behind your eyes. You vaguely registered the sharp intake of Akellan’s breath as you clenched around his length, the sound heralding his own climax as Akellan buried himself inside you, deeper than you thought anyone ever had before. 
In the heady, panting, messy afterglow, you felt Akellan pull out of you and you winced. Akellan appeared to notice, peppering your face with kisses and brushing your hair away from your face. He pulled you against his chest as you each caught your breath and you realized you couldn’t remember the last time you’d been this comfortable.
 • • •
“Come on, babes, we’re gonna miss the transport!”
You could hear your friends shouting for you to hurry, but it felt near impossible to let Akellan Macet out of your grasp. You hugged him tighter and he returned the gesture, his palm cradling the back of your head where it was nestled in the crook of his shoulder. 
“Don’t worry, my sweet girl, I’ll see you soon enough. I promise,” he whispered into your hair. You’d spent every remaining day of your vacation with Akellan and Mekor and the time spent with them had only solidified the hold he was building around your heart.
You pulled back just a bit, to meet his gaze dubiously. There was affection and patience in his smile. “You forget,” he murmured. “I have a ship at my command, and you are rather close to my homeworld. Besides, I have your personal number - I will write to you often, I swear it.”
You nodded a little mournfully. 
“And you will write back?” he asked, a little insecurity coloring his voice.
“Every day, if you wish it,” you whispered in return, meaning it. 
Akellan beamed and you couldn’t help the lifting of your own lips in response.
“I so look forward to our next meeting.” Akellan’s thumb gently traced your jaw before pulling you in for one last, slow kiss. As it ended, he bumped his nose against yours playfully. “Have a safe journey, my dear. I will see you soon.” With that, he turned you around carefully and nudged you towards your waiting friends, a couple of whom were sporting raised eyebrows and impressed looks. Heat flushed into your cheeks as you realized just how much explaining you were going to have to do on the transport home.
Bo’yadik – uncle [lit. father’s brother] – in this case, Macet is technically his first cousin - once removed, but for the purposes of this story, it’s just simpler to say that he calls Macet uncle.
CestUl - child
Adik - Mother
Chu’en - the collective term for the Cardassian dermal spoon formations (chufa, chula, and chuva)
prUt - term for the Cardassian penis (Cho’Ch is a slang term for this)
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kdval · 9 months
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Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
› OC: Ha'al a.k.a. Pale Man [1/?]
Ok, actually he's the character from my fantasy novel (yes... I write fantasy book). One day I decided to recreate him based on my own vector character poster (I'll show it later). Given the fact he's not human, though he can transform into human, and in his true form he looks like a hybrid of an insect and a reptile, I tried to design him to reflect all of these traits. Do you think I succeeded?
So. Imagine a man as dangerous and poisonous as Wakako Okada, as tough and brutal as Kurt Hansen, and as charming and scheming as mr. Hands. Imagined? That's him. That's Ha'al.
Believe me, if Ha'al had gotten into the Konpeki Plaza, Arasaka wouldn't exist anymore.
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ask-molly-hh · 2 months
Dearest Molly, what was your favorite thing to do when you were alive, I heard your from New York. So what place do you recommend to visit for a traveler like myself?
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But yeah, the pier by the factories in the Brooklyn. Expecially the stone one. I'd sit there for hours.
Now mod time ⬇️
Hi so, I visit new york a lot cause of family and I know a lot you can do.
If you like history 100% go to the museum of natural history, and bring your student ID for cheaper entry. Its in manhattan. There's a lot to see, it's not interactive but there's litterally so many rooms to see.
Another museum that I liked is the Immigration Museum on Ellis Island. Ellis Island is right next to the statue of liberty, you take a ferry there, and it's where everyone went to get into the country and was entered through there. It has a lot of history and is kinda depressing but if you visit the statue of liberty, visit ellis.
Bronx zoo, donations on Wednesday for cheep entry, if you like animals, and are okay with the sun it's nice, pretty big
Coney island - take the train there, and walk the board walk. There's the beach, luna park (amusement park), go on the ferris wheel, and eat at the Nathan's hot dogs. It's fun. It's hot as hell in the summer. Avoid the bathrooms like the plauge.
One world observatory - this is on the world trade center, highest point in new york, it's indoors, I was scared out if my mind but it's one hell of a view
Empire state biulding- this one you can go outdoors- go inside, buy a ticket, and go up. There's something amazing about seeing the city so high in an old biulding. Pinicale of modernist architecture. I almost flew off when I was nine cause of how windy it was.
Central Park - it was snowing last time I went to the park and it was so pretty. But yeah, no matter when, it's a nice park.
Winter time, Rockefeller center, there's a giant Christmas tree and it's so worth the view, and go ice skating, it's a blast.
42 street - manhattan. You've heard the song, you know.
34th street - manhattan. Winter only. to see the Macy's Santa windows
Dumbo - mom told me to add, I don't know what she's talking about???
5th Avenue - Brooklyn. Bunch of shops to go down and see.
Industry city - Brooklyn- this used to be a bunch of factories but one they shut down they all got abandoned. Recently they've been turned into stores and plaza and stuff and it's a blast, expecially at night.
Greenwood cemetery- my mom said to add this. Be respectful to the dead please if you visit. It's very peaceful there.
walk the bridges. There's a few. You know about the Brooklyn bridge and yeah. It's a walk but the bridge is pretty if your into exercise.
And general advice. Keep track of you phone and wallet at all times. And always be aware of your surroundings. Expecially the people. Don't go walking alone, look over your shoulder, make sure your not being followed. As much as I love new york it's a city. And citys, expecially new york with how it is right now, is dangerous. Stay safe - al
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purplesigebert · 2 months
Thanks for tagging me @forasecondtherewedwon 💜!
rules: list 5 of your favourite books on a poll, so your followers can vote which book they think captures your vibe the best
Tagging: @the-road-betwixt, @austennerdita2533, @galvanizedfriend, @orlissa, and @cbk1000.
Book summaries from Goodreads below the cut:
A Murder for Her Majesty by Beth Hilgartner
Horrified at having witnessed her father's murder and fearing that the killers are agents of Queen Elizabeth I, eleven-year-old Alice Tuckfield hides in the Yorkshire cathedral by disguising herself as one of the choirboys.
The Way Lies North by Jean Rae Baxter
This young adult historical novel focuses on Charlotte and her family, Loyalists who are forced to flee their home in the Mohawk Valley as a result of the violence of the 'Sons of Liberty' during the American Revolution. At the beginning, fifteen-year-old Charlotte Hooper and her parents begin the long trek north to the safety of Fort Haldimand (near present-day Kingston).
The novel portrays Charlotte's struggle on the difficult journey north, and the even more difficult task of making a new home in British Canada. In the flight north, the Mohawk nation plays an important role, and Charlotte learns much about their customs and way of life, to the point where she is renamed 'Woman of Two Worlds.' Later in the novel she is able to repay her aboriginal friends when she plays an important part in helping the Oneidas to become once again members of the Iroquois confederacy under British protection.
Strong and capable, Charlotte breaks the stereotype of the eighteenth-century woman, while revealing a positive relationship between the Loyalists and aboriginal peoples.
The Romanov Prophecy by Steve Berry
Ekaterinburg, Russia: July 16, 1918. Ten months have passed since Nicholas II’s reign was cut short by revolutionaries. Tonight, the White Army advances on the town where the Tsar and his family are being held captive by the Bolsheviks. Nicholas dares to hope for salvation. Instead, the Romanovs are coldly and methodically executed. Moscow: Present Day. Atlanta lawyer Miles Lord, fluent in Russian and well versed in the country’s history, is thrilled to be in Moscow on the eve of such a momentous event. After the fall of Communism and a succession of weak governments, the Russian people have voted to bring back the monarchy. The new tsar will be chosen from the distant relatives of Nicholas II by a specially appointed commission, and Miles’ job is to perform a background check on the Tsarist candidate favored by a powerful group of Western businessmen. But research quickly becomes the least of Miles’ concerns when he is nearly killed by gunmen on a city plaza. Suddenly Miles is racing across continents, shadowed by nefarious henchmen. At first, his only question is why people are pursuing him. But after a strange conversation with a mysterious Russian, who steers Miles toward the writings of Rasputin, he becomes desperate to know more–most important, what really happened to the family of Russia’s last tsar? His only companion is Akilina Petrov, a Russian circus performer sympathetic to his struggle, and his only guide is a cryptic message from Rasputin that implies that the bloody night of so long ago is not the last chapter in the Romanovs’ story . . . and that someone might even have survived the massacre. The prophecy’s implications are earth-shattering–not only for the future of the tsar and mother Russia, but also for Miles himself.
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond
In this "artful, informative, and delightful" (William H. McNeill, New York Review of Books) book, Jared Diamond convincingly argues that geographical and environmental factors shaped the modern world. Societies that had a head start in food production advanced beyond the hunter-gatherer stage, and then developed writing, technology, government, and organized religion—as well as nasty germs and potent weapons of war—and adventured on sea and land to conquer and decimate preliterate cultures. A major advance in our understanding of human societies, Guns, Germs, and Steel chronicles the way that the modern world came to be and stunningly dismantles racially based theories of human history.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling
Harry Potter, along with his best friends, Ron and Hermione, is about to start his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry can't wait to get back to school after the summer holidays. (Who wouldn't if they lived with the horrible Dursleys?) But when Harry gets to Hogwarts, the atmosphere is tense. There's an escaped mass murderer on the loose, and the sinister prison guards of Azkaban have been called in to guard the school...
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aceghosts · 11 months
WIP Wednesday Tuesday
Hey everybody! I'm doing Wip Wednesday a little early since I can't post it tomorrow. Thanks to @cassietrn, @inafieldofdaisies, @direwombat, @nightbloodbix, @captastra, and so many others who have tagged me!
Tagging: @sstewyhosseini, @marivenah, @alexxmason, @captmactavish, @anonymousmalkavian, @clicheantagonist, @voidika, @jillvalentinesday, @theelderhazelnut, @socially-awkward-skeleton, and uhhh...anyone else who wants to be tagged! I'm blanking a little tonight. (If you ever wanna be tagged in something, just let me know!)
So, I've actually started writing again, and well it's all for Rooney's CP2077 verse. It's going to be a long one since I haven't shared anything in a while.
This first snippet is a continuation of this. It's set right after the beginning of the Phantom Liberty DLC (So spoilers, if you haven't played it yet.) An exhausted Rooney has dragged themself back to Konpecki plaza after Reed gets Myers out of Dogtown, and Yorinobu is giving them the third degree after Rooney shows up looking like they've been put through the wringer:
“Did Kurt Hansen do this to you?” Yorinobu cuts straight to, and Rooney notices the anger and concern in his eyes. “No.” Even though he sent the Barghest after Rooney and Myers, he hadn’t set the Chimera on them. Wasn’t So Mi’s fault either. Whatever had been in the Chimera was something else. A shudder runs up their spine at the thought of it. “The thing that did this to me is dead.” His shoulders drop, relaxing slightly as he motions for them to sit. They sit in the chair, trying not to wince from the pain on their left side. “I have no doubt that anyone who intends to harm you would not leave with their life, Shepard. But-,” He emphasizes the word, “I do not think you are telling me the full story.” “There isn’t much to tell. Just a standard missing persons case.” There is so much Rooney wants to tell him. They’ve trusted him with other parts of themselves that others wouldn’t be allowed to see, the parts that made Rooney vulnerable. Yet, anything they say to him about Myers and So Mi could put him in danger. And Rooney won’t do that to Yorinobu. “Things were rough for a while, but I found them alive and well. A happy ending.”
This second snippet is from a fic centering on Rooney and Yorinobu's discussion about why Rooney is in an Arasaka facility, and why they let Arasaka experiment on them. (Spoiler Alert: Wasn't Rooney's choice. This part of the timeline is supposed to be similar to ME2 where Cerberus is responsible for bringing Shepard back to life. Thanks again to Mika for this idea!):
A moment later, rational thought kicks in. It may just be an Arasaka employee coming to check on Rooney. Someone who wanted to hurt them wouldn’t make so much noise. They’ll continue with the one-word answers, the easiest way to get any corpo to leave. Yesterday, Rooney’s psychologist nearly left their session in tears of frustration at Rooney’s refusal to provide anything real. They would talk with someone, just not someone who is in the pocket of Arasaka. Yet, Rooney still grabs a wrench in their right hand, their still human one, for good measure, before pretending to be deep in concentration while working on their motorcycle. The footsteps stop, and Rooney glances briefly at the doorway. Yorinobu Arasaka leans against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest, a smirk on his face. Nothing inter-. They do a double take, trying to conceal the genuine surprise on their face. What the hell is he doing here? Rooney takes it back; they do miss the quiet, even if it leaves them with too much time to think about things they shouldn’t dwell on. He needs to leave, now. “Whoever you’re looking for isn’t here.” Rooney returns their gaze to their motorcycle, tone very matter-of-fact. “You don’t even know who I’m looking for.” They don’t respond. Who does he think he’s kidding? Rooney and Yorinobu both know that he isn’t looking for them. “Don’t be hasty, Shepard.” Maybe he is looking for them. But why? They feel themself tense, swallowing nervously. The last encounter between the pair ended with a glaring match and barbed insults.
And the last snippet is during the events of 2077 after V and Jackie's disastrous heist. Up until this meeting, Rooney and Yorinobu haven't spoken in a while after Rooney chose to go back to the military rather than helping Yorinobu take down Arasaka. Yorinobu mentions his father's plans for the relic, and well:
“And what does the Relic do?” They already know what it does. It turns idiot mercs with delusions of grandeur into long-dead rockstars. “My father wanted to live forever,” Yorinobu’s voice is grave, “The Relic was his answer to that.” Their eyes widen in horror, the awful insinuation not lost on them. That’s…that’s…There are not enough words in the human language for Rooney to express how awful it is. Placing the datapad down, Rooney turns to face him, horror clear on their face. Without thinking, Rooney cups his face out of concern. Doesn’t matter that they haven’t talked to him since the argument when Rooney left the facility. They’re still worried for him. “Yori…,” their nickname for him slips out as he takes this opportunity to pull them closer, “Saburo… he didn’t try to… he didn’t…?” Even after all they’ve seen, Rooney can’t bring themself to finish the sentence. “No, he never got the chance.”
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boroughshq · 5 months
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Welcome to the community bulletin board! Here are some events happening around the Boroughs this month:
May 4: Star Wars Night @ The Corner Pub, Brooklyn
May 5: Cinco do Mayo @ Queens Night Market, Queens
May 6: Met Gala Watch Party @ Becky's Martini Bar, Manhattan
May 10-12: BoroughsHQ Event 002: Art Festival
May 12: Build-A-Mama-Bear @ Bay Plaza Mall, the Bronx
May 18: Kite Festival @ Prospect Park, Brooklyn
May 21: Garden Walk @ Snug Harbor Botanical Gardens, Staten Island
May 24: Beach Volleyball Tournament @ Rockaway Beach, Queens
May 31: Taste of Spring Special @ Bake My Day, Queens
Continue reading below to find descriptive blurbs of each event. As a reminder, community events are optional events for members to use during their threads throughout the month of May.
May 4: Star Wars Night @ The Corner Pub, Brooklyn
May the 4th be with you! Patrons are welcome to join the Corner Pub for Star Wars night. Bring any droids or lightsabers you have with you for a fun night of Star Wars themed trivia, topped off with a costume contest - winner gets a free entrée and drink of their choice!
May 5: Cinco do Mayo @ Queens Night Market, Queens
Queens Night Market is going all out with a Tex Mex themed celebration! Tequila, tacos, nachos, margaritas, and more available for cheap, with fun music to boot!
May 6: Met Gala Watch Party @ Becky's Martini Bar, Manhattan
Who said normal citizens can't also dress up for the Met Gala? Walk the rainbow carpet at Becky's and enjoy a night of martinis and outfit critiquing as livestreams of Met Gala press plays on the big screens. Don't forget to dress in theme: The Garden of Time!
May 10-12: BoroughsHQ Event 002: Art Festival
A festival of colorful spectacular, soon to take over the boroughs over the weekend of the 10-12 (& a week of ooc writing between 10-17). More information to come! **No threads allowed until week of event.
May 12: Build-A-Mama-Bear @ Bay Plaza Mall, the Bronx
In honor of Mother's Day, the Build-A-Bear located at Bay Plaza Mall is doing Build-A-Mama-Day special, topped with all kinds of fun mother-related outfits and accessories. Build on the fun with their 2-for-1 special, where mothers and daughters are welcome to make a mama and daughter bear for the price of one!
May 18: Kite Festival @ Prospect Park, Brooklyn
Kite enthusiasts rejoice, the kite festival is back in town! From noon through to the evening, kite flyers everywhere are welcome to come and enjoy a day of color, wind, and awe with a community of fellow enthusiasts. Bring your own kite or make your own at the kite making station featured at the festival!
May 21: Garden Walk @ Snug Harbor Botanical Gardens, Staten Island
The peony's are in bloom, and Snug Harbor would love to share their beauty with you! For just a small fee, members of the community are welcome to join workers on a guided Garden Walk of the botanical gardens, complete with a complimentary floral cocktail.
May 24: Beach Volleyball Tournament @ Rockaway Beach, Queens
Sun's out and school's out, and beach season is officially underway! Local college graduates have put together a beach volleyball tournament to celebrate, and anyone of all ages are welcome to sign up and join, or watch from the sidelines! It's bragging rights galore for the winning team!
May 31: Taste of Spring Special @ Bake My Day, Queens
Summer is just around the corner, but Bake My Day isn't quite through with celebrating spring. For the last day of the month before summer-season kicks into gear with the start of June, the bakery will offer specialty "flights" of bite-sized spring-flavored treats. Lavender and lemon and basil and thyme, oh my!
Admin Note: The above events are all optional events that members are free to use as the setting for threads throughout the month of May. Though each event comes with brief descriptions, writers are free to manipulate and take liberties with them however they like for their threads. Additionally, writers are not restricted to only writing threads on the dates of the events listed; you are free to create threads around these events and post them whenever you like during the month of May.
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Round 1 of Extinct Disney Parks attractions and experiences matchups
Group A:
Horizons vs Space Mountain - Ghost Galaxy
Innoventions vs Magic of Disney Animation
Rocket Rods vs Backlot tour
Disneyland's Peoplemover vs Adventure Thru Inner Space
River country vs Discovery island
Wonders of Life Sensory Fun house vs Honey I Shrunk the Kids playset
Stitch's Great Escape! vs The Enchanted Tiki Room:Under New Management
Shark reef (Typhoon Lagoon) vs Kim Possible: World Showcase Adventure
Cinderella Castle Mystery Tour vs ExtraTerrorestrial Alien Encounter
The Great Movie Ride vs World of Motion
California Screamin vs Maelstrom
Test Track 1.0 vs Ellen's Universe of Energy
Cranium Command vs El Rio del Tiempo
Journey Into Imagination vs 20k leagues under the sea
Season of the Vine vs Mission Tortilla Factory
Superstar Limo vs Orange Stinger
Group B:
25th Cake Castle vs Stitch TP castle
Epcot Spaceship Earth Wand/2000 vs Earffel Tower
Pre-Frozen Norway Epcot vs Wonders of Life pavilion
The Land fountain/pre 2004 The Land vs Epcot future world floor fibre optic lights
Downtown disney vs Millennium village
Aunt Polly’s vs Soundstage restaurant
Mouse Gear vs Old World of Disney
Old entrance plaza/section of DCA vs A Bugs Land
Pizza planet vs Electric umbrella
Big coke bottle mist sprays at MGM vs Space Mountain bouncy walkway after ride
Cinderella Castle Christmas lights vs Old Cinderella Castle colors
Toontown fair vs Streets of America
MGM Sorcerer's hat vs DCA letters
Fountain of Nations vs Old Polynesian Lobby
Ice Station Cool vs Old MK hub/plaza
Pleasure Island vs Disney Quest
Group C:
Mickey and the Magical Map vs Main Street Electrical Parade
Spirit of Aloha dinner show vs Legend of the Lion King
Remember the Magic/Magical Moments parade vs Dream Along With Mickey show
Magic Journeys vs Honey, I Shrunk the Audience
Illuminations vs Star Wars Fireworks
Red Cad Trolley News Boys vs Club Buzz / Calling All Space Scouts… a Buzz Lightyear Adventure
Character dining at the Liberty Tree Tavern vs Push the Talking Trash Can
Food Rocks/Kitchen Kabaret vs The Muppets Present...Great Moments in American History
Golden Dreams vs Eureka! The California Adventure Parade
Tapetry of Nations parade vs Wishes
Citizens of Hollywood/Main street vs Lucky the Dinosaur
Mickey climbing the Matterhorn vs Disneyland mermaids
Paint the Night Parade vs Mad T Party
Stars and Motorcars parade vs Mickey's Jammin Jungle Parade
Animagique vs Kitetails
Spectromagic parade vs Mickey Mania parade
Group D:
Old Kilimanjaro Safaris with plotline/Little Red VS. Fountains in Small World/old colors
Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights vs Jedi Training Academy
Disney dollars vs Hard tickets at Disney World
Old look of chocolate coins in parks(with Dumbo, Jiminy Cricket, and Scrooge) vs Wake Tinker Bell at Tinker Bell’s Treasures
Wading in lakes/beaches vs Riding in the front of the monorail
Tom Sawyer paint brushes vs Magical express
Pal Mickey vs Epcot Living statues
Strawberry Minnie Fruit bars vs Simba Paw ice cream bar
Extra magic hours(Like, the ones where they stayed open til 12am or even 3am) vs Star Wars Weekends
Yellow ponchos vs Hotel mickey soap
Unique Bedspreads vs Resort Bedtime stories TV
Fun road signs vs Epcot Innoventions and old Entrance loop
Epcot kidcot masks/duffy vs Penny press with cranks
Free roaming characters in Disney World vs Paper fastpasses
Mickey straws vs Pirates of the Caribbean barker parrot
Old attic scene in Haunted Mansion with pop up yelling jump scare ghosts VS. Pre 2007 Spaceship Earth ending
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mtaartsdesign · 1 year
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Donald Lipski’s new permanent artwork “Bessie and Roxey” (2023) at the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) Mineola station celebrates two separate but interconnected figures of Long Island history – aviator Bessica (Bessie) Raiche and Roxey the LIRR dog.
Bessica Raiche, credited by the Aeronautical Society of America as the “First Woman Aviator of America,” in 1910 took flight alone for the first time in a biplane constructed with her husband at their Mineola home. After starting a company with her husband building planes and giving flying lessons in the neighborhood, Raiche resumed her previous career as a physician and went on to become one of the first women specialists in obstetrics and gynecology.
Roxey, a stray dog who found his way to LIRR Garden City Station in 1901, was adopted by the station master and became the de-facto LIRR mascot. Roxey regularly rode the trains and was given a pass to sit wherever he chose. The beloved dog even traveled with President Theodore Roosevelt in his private car to Oyster Bay and visited the President’s home at Sagamore Hill.
Lipski’s 20’ tall bronze sculpture joins realistic depictions of the two in a pose reminiscent of the Statue of Liberty. Rendered in the familiar green patina, Raiche holds up the LIRR dog in place of the torch. Standing on a stone base, the towering figure can be seen in the station plaza and from across the platform.
Lipski collaborated with modelling artist Christopher Collins to create the figures, and Art Castings Co then fabricated the work in bronze finished with patina.
Photos: Jason Mandella
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chussyracing · 9 months
F1 related bits from the past days
2024 engine limit is now set on 3 power units for the whole season (it was 4 last season with less races)
Monza is doing track and circuit infrastructure repairs and improvements as part of the effort to keep the track on the calendar after 2025 when their current contract expires
Mahindra in Formula E made an AI Ambassador????? Icky.
Sauber academy (so Stake / Kick / Alfa Romeo) hires Carrie Schreiner for F1 Academy (it's her last chance at 25 because the series is for 16-25 years old)
Rodin Carlin changes name to Rodin Motorsport after Trevis Carlin left
Haas' technical director Simone Resta is leaving the team after disagreement with Gene Haas, he is speculated to join Ferrari or Audi (and there's a rumour that Steiner may be fired because his name no longer appears on the website of the team)
Las Vegas organizers named the pit building Grand Prix Plaza (if you wanna know more about why it's isn't called paddock like at other venues, head over here) and they will make the building permanent all year round as official US HQ
McLaren partnered with Alpinestars for race wear sponsorship deal
I also suggest reading what Ben Sulayem had to say from Motorsport Week here because he says: Liberty Media could sell the lease anyday, FIA will be there always, he knows everyone and knows who is spreading hate about him behind his back etc etc
As another part of their move, Alpha Tauri moves the aero department from Faenza to Milton Keynes
Business owners in Las Vegas demand compensations for profit loss from f1
Taylor Barnard joined McLaren formula E team as a reserve and development driver
As for the rumours there are always some about Ferrari (that they found 30 downforce points, that they will be 7 tenths quicker in race pace, that Carlos' management is lying about his pre contracts with other teams to try to get one from ferrari), about Angela Cullen (potentially coming back because of some post on social media where she "hinted at it") and about McLaren (that they CFD and windtunnel data look great)
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riverofinkofficial · 9 days
Painting Your Own Path
I previously submitted this short story to a competition that Reedsy.com hosted. I hope you enjoy it here as well!
SUMMARY: A young artist moves out of her childhood home to travel and paint only to return home when her unforgiving mother falls ill. Join her in her journey of self-growth and forgiveness.
Word Count: 1,617
It is always the cold winter night, when frost overtakes the town and snow buries our favorite memories. It is when the clouds dominate the sky and so our universe seems to disappear. Or is it that my family only fights on christmas then cries and pleads with one another as they leave the gathering. No, I think it is when the sun rises but no light is strong enough to break through; that is how I know that the winter has been cursed.
Well, I stopped going to family gatherings, in fact I have not seen any of my family in three years! Practically the moment I turned eighteen I was out the door and riding a one-way ticket to anywhere I could manage. That ended up being a two-and-a-half-hour drive from my hometown to Albuquerque and a four-hour flight from there to New York City. Only to discover that big cities are definitely not my cup of tea. I sold some of my watercolor paintings to buy a taxi to Boston. I traveled around like that for the first couple of years. I would stay in one place for two weeks or at times a month. My watercolor paintings (or as my mom put it “a waste of gods good colors”) sold relatively well wherever I went. In some cities I set up an easel in the street and sold people’s portraits! I was in Chicago painting the snowy landscapes of the city when I got the call.
“Maggie, where are you? Your mother has been worried sick! I only found you cause  of those silly photos on the Photogram! You can’t go running off without a word in the middle of the night!” What a lovely reminder of why I left. I threatened to hang up, there is no room in my life for my family’s chaotic energy. But then she shook my world.
“She’s in the hospital Maggie, the doctors are doing what they can but she ain’t looking too good.” That was not the surprising part, her health has been deteriorating for the past few years. She says it is the stress of having a failure for a daughter that causes it but everyone knows it is the alcohol that will do her in one day. It sounds to me that the day has come. “Maggie? Are you there, don't you have anything to say?” 
The truth is, I do not know what to say. What do you say when the person who beat you, dehumanized and hated you is on their deathbed? What are you supposed to feel when you get to see someone receive their karma for the harm they did to you? If you feel relieved, does that make you a bad person? If you feel pain, does that mean you are still under their spell? Or maybe you feel nothing, does that free you from the responsibility of responding or even acknowledging them at all? All of these feelings rush through me with the wind, the town square I had been painting rocks in its place on the easel. Someone picks up a canvas from my little ground display then pushes some money into my hand as they walk off with it.
“Maggie?” What should I do?
A great gust of wind howls through, my easel rocks and some canvas I have on display fall over. A painting of Lady Liberty topples over into the snow, I can almost smell the embers of her fire turning to smoke. Behind her was an old painting of a statue in the Taos Plaza. I painted it while I was feeling homesick in Ohio last summer. That must be some sort of sign. I told my aunt that I would get a flight home and hang up before she could say another word. Man, the winter really is haunted, isn’t it?
I pack up my canvases and tools, make one last sell on a hyper-realistic DuSable Bridge painting, then I hail a taxi. There are no tickets available to fly to Albuquerque so I wait in the gate lounge only half hoping someone does not show up so I can get their seat. The woman coordinating passengers comes out to announce two empty seats for sale at a reduced price. I hurried over and secure my seat at 9A and rushed on board the plane. My thumb traces the colorful heart on the corner of the ticket in anticipation. 
“Good evening, ladies and gents, this is your captain Henry speaking!” The captain runs through safety precautions, sprinkling in his own friendly jabs. “...we will be landing in Albuquerque, New Mexico at about nine-thirty PM. Please enjoy your flight and remember, no skydiving without me!” There are a few chuckles, most people are already asleep or deep into conversations. As we took off, I noticed a small boy, perhaps merely five years old, staring at me from the neighboring aisle. The rhinoceros doll he is clutching seems to be staring too. When we are permitted to use our devices, I pop in my wired earbuds and open my Photogram. I posted a goofy photo of me on the plane, captioned with Where do you think I’ll end up this time?! It does not take long for people to start seeing it, comments and likes begin rolling in. For a street painter I have made quite a name for myself in so few years. Maybe I could really do something with my talent, like my mom always said I never would. The little boy from before interrupts my thoughts, he stands in front of me with his doll hugged tight against his chest.
“Miss?” I try to smile though I am uncomfortable, whose kid is this anyway? “I don’t like planes, Stan doesn’t like ‘em either.” He hugs the stuffed animal tighter so it must be the one called Stan. 
“Do you want to play games on my phone for a while?” His eyes light up and he nods eagerly. I set him up with some puzzle games I have on my phone and he returned to his seat humming happily. 
The rest of the flight was undisturbed, the boy gave me the phone back, I shook Stan’s plush hoof and waved bye as he ran to his grandma. Now as I walk down to the bus stop, I begin feeling tight and far away from everything. I do not truly see the bright blue bus as I step into it nor do I see the people around me as we bob down the highway. It was not until we reached the bus stop in front of the courthouse that the world came back to me. Now I am standing in the frozen wasteland which I once called home wondering how I have gone so far only to end up back here. I begin my march through memory lane. It really is not a long walk to the house on Gusdorf street but it felt like hours, every possible scenario runs through my head, my mixed emotions war with each other. The front door of my childhood home flies open, my tear-soaked aunt bursting out the door.
“She’s barely holding on, Maggie. We have to go now!” She embraced me for the first time since I was a young child. A sweet cherry aroma emanates from her flawless cardigan. She had always blamed me for my dad leaving which sent my mom into depression and alcoholism. I suppose desperation helps us find forgiveness when we otherwise would not. I do not know if my mom would feel the same way, when we got to the hospital the doctor greeted us solemnly. I must have looked more shook than I felt because my aunt took me by the arm and softly sat me in a chair.  As he explains their efforts and pushes us to understand the severity of her condition, I only stare at the nameplate on his clean desk. Dr. Eric R. Foreman. The man who failed my mother.
I cannot say it was heartbreaking when I saw her in the hospital bed. It was more like it just was not happening. Even now at her funeral I cannot name the feeling. It is the kind of detachment that grows a very particular sort of pain deep inside. Maybe it just has not hit me yet but somehow, I know I will keep moving on as I always have.
How do you learn to judge yourself without tearing apart your soul to do it? How do I make moving on okay, shed my guilt and live my life despite her absence? I tell myself she was never present in the first place. I know better though, because even after I left, I kept her in the foreground of my mind. I know that I was the one who ultimately set fire to our bridge. Regret? No, I don’t think I do. It is necessary for my survival to move on… though I will hold my inevitable love for her in my heart forever. If there is regret to be had it is only that I don’t know if she ever would have come to love me the same. I stuff my journal into my side bag and stare up into the great blue sky. A bright young couple walks up to request a portrait. I move my sketch of the Space Needle aside and get started.
Just one painting at a time will take me on my journey to wherever I am meant to be, I have never felt so alive!
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panicinthestudio · 6 months
In the first moments after the huge quake hit, Lanni Hsu grabbed her dog and her family, and fled. Running down five flights of stairs, she headed outdoors to seek safety from falling objects.
Hsu lives in Hualien, a busy tourist city on Taiwan’s east coast, where the 7.2-magnitude quake struck on Wednesday morning. The death toll then stood at seven, but has since risen to nine, with 800 injured and hundreds trapped under rubble.
Three people among a group of seven on an early-morning hike through the hills that surround the city were crushed to death by boulders loosened by the earthquake, officials said. Separately, a truck driver died when his vehicle was hit by a landslide as it approached a tunnel in the area.
Hualien’s people are no stranger to deadly earthquakes. Even so, this was the most frightened Hsu had felt, she said.
While her panic-stricken neighbours wondered what to do next, they learned that the basement of their building was starting to flood. Fearing the building could collapse, they decided to leave.
As Hsu and her family drove in search of an open space for refuge, the city’s streets became clogged with traffic and emergency vehicles. She could hear the earth rumble as the aftershocks hit.
Wednesday’s earthquake, which hit south-east of Hualien, is the strongest in Taiwan in almost 25 years, and for intensity almost matches the “921” earthquake, named after the date it took place on 21 September 1999, which left more than 2,400 people dead.
Hualien’s people have faced many serious earthquakes in recent years. In September 2022, a 6.9-magnitude quake with its epicentre near the city toppled buildings and derailed a train, killing one person and cutting off power for thousands of residents.
Yashwanth Kuthati said he had just dropped his children at school and was driving away on his moped through Hualien’s Wednesday morning rush-hour traffic when the quake hit. First, he felt as if the air had been let out of his moped’s tyres. Then, within seconds, there was chaos as drivers around him slammed the brakes, or fell off their bikes amid the tremors. Even after reaching safety, he still felt distressed.
“We can see people screaming and the tremors have kept coming every few minutes, for many hours,” he said, adding it was the biggest earthquake he had witnessed in 12 years living in Taiwan. “I don’t think I can sleep inside the house tonight,” he added. “I feel very scared.”
Lai Hung-shu, a hostel owner in Hualien county, said she was used to earthquakes, but this one was different.
“When the earthquake first started, we weren’t really exceptionally nervous, we get earthquakes all the time, but the thing that was different about this earthquake was the shaking felt much more violent and went on far longer than they typically do.”
Her hostel is in the mountains, and when the quake began she could hear the sound of rockfall coming down the mountain. Aftershocks continued all day, she said. She worried about the long-term effect on the tourist industry.
“The primary reason that we have visitors to our hostel is to see the beauty of Taroko national park, we won’t know how long it will take for repairs to be made or for guests to think about returning here.
“The road connecting Hualien with the north has been completely destroyed … this is the most serious damage to infrastructure we have ever seen.”
In central Taipei, light damage was visible on some buildings on Wednesday morning, including at Liberty Square, one of the city’s most prominent tourist landmarks.
Outside the Howard Plaza hotel, passersby gazed up at the damage to the hotel’s exterior, where the earthquake had cracked its brickwork and dislodged some lettering on the hotel’s sign.
“I’ve never felt this kind of earthquake in LA, even though we have earthquakes pretty often,” said Mike Hung Hsu, a hotel guest visiting from the US who was woken by the temblor. “I used to live in Taiwan; in my memory we never had an earthquake like this one.”
He said his family had cancelled a planned sightseeing trip to Yilan county, near Hualien on the island’s east coast, as there was no way to travel by public transport.
Aftershocks from the Hualien quake continued for hours after the initial temblor, and tremors were reportedly felt as far away as Hong Kong, Fujian and Shanghai.
Kuthati, who rents scooters to tourists in Hualien and operates a guest hostel with his wife, expects a big impact on his income from lost tourist business, with many of the main roads into the city blocked and rail lines out of service. Taiwan is about to observe a four-day weekend for the Tomb Sweeping festival, when families traditionally pay their respects to their ancestors or travel to the island’s many nature spots.
Hualien usually draws large numbers of backpackers, hikers and cyclists seeking the stunning natural beauty of the surrounding landscape, including the nearby Taroko national park. But with landslides in the vicinity, many will probably stay home for the next few days.
The Guardian
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Ortiz Basualdo Anchorena Palace
Hi Guys! I leave this residence here. Could not find the floorplan, so I took some building liberties.
As always, you  will need lots of CC for it to work properly, mostly from Felixandre, TheJim, SYB, Aggresivve Kitty, among others.
Thanks to my patreons for all the support! I really appreciate your participation and gives me a boost of confidence!
Please let me know if you like it :)
DOWNLOAD: https://www.patreon.com/posts/81865201
A little bit of context and history:
The disappeared Ortiz Basualdo Anchorena Palace (better known as the Ortiz Basualdo Palace) was a luxurious residence that existed facing the San Martin Plaza in the neighborhood of Retiro, Buenos Aires.
This grand mansion, which occupied half a block bounded by Basavilbaso, Maipú, and Arenales streets, was designed by Belgian architect Jules Dormal at the request of Mrs. Magdalena Dorrego de Ortiz Basualdo (1826-1905) for her eldest daughter, Inés Ortiz Basualdo (1853-1922), widow of Estanislao Peña y Lezica, and her youngest son, Carlos Ortiz Basualdo (1863-1910) married to Matilde de Anchorena Castellanos, all members of important aristocratic families of late 19th century Argentina.
The mansion was completed in 1904, and that year, the Municipality of Buenos Aires awarded it the First Prize for Best Façade in its annual competition. This palace should not be confused with the one built in 1912 for Daniel Ortiz Basualdo (1860-1935), the second son of Mrs. Dorrego de Ortiz Basualdo, married to Mercedes Zapiola, at the corner of Cerrito and Avenida Alvear, now the Embassy of France.
The Ortiz Basualdo Palace, which appeared as a single unit, actually contained two important adjacent but independent residences. One with an entrance at Arenales 733, with a grand porte cochère, was that of Inés Ortiz Basualdo de Peña, who, already a widow, moved into it with her daughter Elisa Peña de Uribelarrea (1878-1943), newly married to Manuel Adrián de Uribelarrea Anchorena, a marriage that had ten children. In 1943, Elisa Peña de Uribelarrea died, already a widow, and the executor of the estate entered into negotiations to sell her part of the palace to the Russian embassy, which finally bought the house of Celedonio Pereda on Rodriguez Peña street.
The other great residence with an entrance at Maipú 1210 was that of Carlos Ortiz Basualdo, married to Matilde de Anchorena Castellanos in 1896. Carlos Ortiz Basualdo died in 1910, after having five children, four boys and one girl. Matilde de Anchorena Castellanos married François Verstraeten Dunois in 1914, with whom she had a son and a daughter. Her son, Francisco Verstraeten de Anchorena, married Raquel Terán Etchecopar in 1942, and her daughter, Elena Verstraeten de Anchorena, married Enrique Ibarguren in 1941. The Verstraeten Anchorena family lived in the palace until their last days. After the death of Doña Matilde de Anchorena Castellanos de Verstraeten in 1969, the remaining part of the palace was auctioned and demolished.
The Ortiz Basualdo Palace was one of the most important examples of the palaces and mansions that emerged in the early 20th century in the neighborhoods of Retiro, Recoleta, and Palermo. These mansions were clustered around the San Martin Plaza, along Avenida Alvear and adjacent streets. Until the crisis of 1930, family successions and the emergence of rationalism in architecture definitively put an end to them, both in aesthetic exhaustion and economic reality.
Argentina de Antaño
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