#Omaeno Ushiro
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morbid-dreamzz · 1 year ago
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Cutest guy in sevens fr
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ygo-sevens-but-i-ruined-it · 3 months ago
👏👏👏Episode 10👏👏👏
Gay Guitar Hero invites 11 yr-old hacker midget, Low-Budget Sonic the Hedgehog, and Elementary school Iida to one of her band’s, The Very Famous and Gay Eleven Year-Old Theatre Kids, concerts. A bunch of stuff happens, and in Gay Guitar Hero’s prep room, 11 yr-old hacker midget throws a guitar at Gay Guitar Hero that she can play children’s card games on. Elementary school Iida gives her a bouquet of non-poisonous greenery (this time), and seeing that everyone brought gifts except for Low-Budget Sonic the Hedgehog, he becomes despacito and runs to find something. When he’s in the very dark and spooky scary skeleton hallways of the stadium he notes that it is, in fact, not the gift shop. Then he finds someone who gives him a heart attack, a panic attack, a mental breakdown, a psychological breakdown, a case of spontaneous breakdancing, and a stroke. This alerts 11 yr-old hacker midget and Elementary school Iida. More stuff happens and they go to the stage and have front row not-seats. Gay celebrity boy is onstage being a (REDACTED) (REDACTED) (REDACTED) (REDACTED). Then being the (REDACTED) (REDACTED) (REDACTED) (REDACTED) he is, he forces 11 yr-old hacker midget, Low-Budget Sonic the Hedgehog and Elementary school Iida to play children’s card games with him and both of his slaves best friends (well, we assumed, at least). Low-Budget Sonic the Hedgehog plays children’s card games with the same person he met in the hallways, and it is revealed that the person is Gay identity crisis. The children’s card game starts and Low-Budget Sonic the Hedgehog needs to stop looking behind him for the life of him. Low-Budget Sonic the Hedgehog has another heart attack, another panic attack, another mental breakdown, another psychological breakdown, another case of spontaneous breakdancing, and another stroke. Gay identity crisis is smiling and having a grand ol’ time inflicting these mental and physical diseases onto Low-Budget Sonic the Hedgehog. I approve of his actions. While Low-Budget Sonic the Hedgehog is having a heart attack, a panic attack, a mental breakdown, a psychological breakdown, a case of spontaneous breakdancing, and a stroke, 11 yr-old hacker midget and Elementary school Iida are also having these things. Sadly, Low-Budget Sonic the Hedgehog wins at the end 😔 but he does promise to remember his name 😁 but he forgets it in like four days or smthn 😔 Gay celebrity boy is still a (REDACTED) (REDACTED) (REDACTED) (REDACTED). Everyone prepares for the next children's card games.
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omaeno--ushiro · 6 months ago
okay kids!!! kickstarter for postinf about omaeno ushiro more!!!
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eclipses-circus-trash · 1 year ago
Romin: Roa's late for practice again. Getta: How did this happen? I called him at 8 o’clock this morning and pretended it was 11. Romin: I printed up a fake schedule for him saying we were starting at 9 instead of noon. Ushiro: I set his clock to say PM when it’s really AM. Getta: We... may have overdone it. Roa bursts through the door Roa: wHAT YEAR IS IT?
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ryoken-gamer-boy-kogami · 2 years ago
This goes out to the one Toombs fan out there.
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I see you.
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ushirofan · 2 years ago
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eclipses-circus-trash · 1 year ago
Sundew from wings of fire (a literal dragon) vs all of RoaRomin (ygo sevens, they're all eleven year olds with, altogether, every disease)
*cough cough*
yeah it's painfully obvious to see that current obsession™ ain't gonna win.
1. Yes they have to fight, 2. Tell me who’s fighting who in the tags! (I’ll add the most ridiculous combos in a reblog)
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taxguy314 · 1 year ago
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i think the reason they did not add him to duel links because his ace is op . His ace can loop you with burn damage because his ace return to the hand when the effect is used meaning you can use it over and over if you have the resources and the burn deck can be annoying to face. at least he was in the switch games unlike getta. in short his ace is too op in duel links
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merryfortune · 1 year ago
The Shadow of Your Success
Written for the 100ships Challenge
Prompt - #86 Shadow
Title: The Shadow of Your Success
Ship: not applicable | Romin/Ushiro
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens
Word Count: 1,406
Rating: T
Tags: Fluff, Slight Angst, Slight Hurt/Comfort, Crushes, Minor or Implied Kirishima Roa/Getta Taira
   Roa and Romin. Romin and Roa. RoaRomin.
   Ugh. It was all about them, them, them!
   No mention of either he or Taira. Nope, none, nada. If he was lucky, he and Taira might get called “those two guys” and at least mentioned in the background but more often than not. They got less than half a sentence each, if they were lucky. They were completely in the shadow of Roa and Romin’s success and it annoyed Ushiro to no end. 
   The band might have been called RoaRomin but Roa and Romin were just the face of it, the beginning of it. The drums and bass guitar were very much not performed by them. The whole band was successful, not just the Kirishima cousin duo. So a little credit where credit was due would be nice.
   His brow furrowed deep as he read the newspaper front page to back page again. Just in case he missed something in regard to the RoaRomin article which was splashed all throughout it. From the blockbuster headline with a full colour photo printed on the top to the back page hocking discounted seats in the nosebleeds. It was all about them. Their music, their singing, their lead guitar skills and nothing with regards to either the bassist or the drummer.
   Ushiro gripped on even tighter to the newspaper, until it scrunched underneath his fingers going white as he hardly contained his frustration. He read through for all the little details but found nothing useful. Just the statistics of the weather and Roa’s favourite food or holidays on sale for seniors or if Romin had a favourite fast food joint. All stuff either irrelevant to him or something he could get if he asked his fellow bandmates. 
   Not even lip service to either him or Taira. Ushiro’s mouth quivered. Frustrated or annoyed didn’t begin to describe, truly, just how shafted he felt not just for himself but for Taira, too. But at least he was memorable, all thunder and lightning! Roa’s bestie! He was just… 
   He was just their friend.
   Ushiro huffed.
   “Hey, you okay?” Romin asked as he gently placed her hand on Ushiro’s shoulder.
   Funnily enough, she startled him.
   His eyes went wide and he had a full shiver response, alarming Romin. She retracted her hand and awkwardly stepped back as Ushiro was sent whirling and she could only watch. 
   Ushiro shuddered as he ripped himself from the pages of the newspaper, all but falling back into the soft middle part of the lounge in the studio where he had been practising… Until vanity had gotten the better of him and he’d seen the newspaper lying about on the provided coffee table.
   He looked up at Romin and she seemed genuinely concerned. Once she had calmed down some from seeing Ushiro Omaeno, of all people, get startled from an unexpected shock.
   “Oh, uh, Romin, yeah, I’m fine.” Ushiro said and he tried to play it off cool.
   He crossed his arms and the newspaper half folded into his armpit because of it. He blew a puff of hair to move his fringe out of most of his face and leaned back only for it to flop back where it started over his forehead, eyes, and nose. Romin watched, unimpressed.
   “You’ve been reading these dumb gossip rags again, haven’t you?” Romin accurately deduced.
   She snatched the newspaper out from underneath the edge of Ushiro’s bony arm. She glanced through it and saw enough when she saw her cousin’s face on no less than three pages. Romin sighed. She tossed it aside and it messily fluttered back down onto the coffee table from where it had been laid initially by Roa, probably.
   “You really shouldn’t pay any mind to these hack journalists, they just want a quick buck and the most eyeballs on their words. They don’t care if it's fair or true, or even accurate.” Romin complained.
   “I know, I know, but…” Ushiro conceded and he leaned forward, elbows on his knees as he stared, glumly, at the floor “it's just… it would be nice… if once in a while someone remembered I - or, uh, Taira - existed.” 
   “We know you exist.” Romin offered with a smile.
   She was so bright, Ushiro couldn’t look her in the eye. They were true and blue and kind. She offered her hand and Ushiro made a point of not taking it, he retreated further under his fluffy mop of black-brown hair. 
   “I’ve been practising the bass for, like, as long as I can remember. I want people to remember that.” Ushiro miserably admitted.
   Romin sighed and put her hand on her hip, she jostled her guitar which was strapped to her back in its bag. “You are the best bassist I know.”
   “I’m the only bassist you know.” Ushiro said.
   “In real life!” Romin clarified, her voice going squeaky as made fists in front of herself. “I know of plenty of bassists and you are my most favourite.”
   “Am not.” Ushiro grunted.
   “Are to!” Romin argued back. “I’ll prove it!”
   She then proceeded to list off all the bassists she knew of and thought were inferior to Ushiro and it was… a surprisingly long list. Filled with grown ups from near and far in the annals of rock music history. Some of them were pretty good, even favourites and idols of Ushiro’s who had inspired him to pick up the bass guitar barely out of toddlerhood. 
   He couldn’t believe it but Ushiro found himself blushing which meant Romin was satisfied. She had done her job to hype him up again. She sat down next to Ushiro and elbowed him in the side playfully, he squirmed and tried to suppress a giggle.
   “Believe me now?” Romin smirked.
   “Maybe.” Ushiro lied quite obviously. 
   “C’mon, you are instrumental to our success, Ushiro, I promise.” Romin said as she readied her own guitar, wordlessly inviting Ushiro into a jam session with her.
   Ushiro straightened up his posture. He leaned over and picked his bass off its stand by the lounge. Romin made more room for them both. She began to play a couple chords, some to check tuning and others because she liked how they sounded. Ushiro mimicked and he could feel his head cool as he got into a better frame of mind rhythmically following along until they actually found themselves in the middle of a song. It was second nature to them both to meld into a familiar melody of one of their hit songs. 
   It was a lot of fun for the two of them to tear up and down those four-chord progression scales. 
   Ushiro felt his heart begin to race. It was a bit sopping wet and embarrassing, after all how many great bands before them had broken up because of members catching feelings for each other but yes. Ushiro had something of a crush on Romin. Only a small one, though. A really small one which didn’t give him insomnia at all.
   Like, sure, he wanted better conditions of fame for not just himself but Taira too but Taira had a leg-up on Ushiro because he came in kind of a pair with Roa. He and Romin didn’t really have that. They weren’t a duo within the quartet. They were just friends. Just bandmates.
   But what if?
   Ushiro had to be careful not to get too far into his own head as these kinds of mushy thoughts made his palms sweat. He didn’t want to slip from the position he held on the neck of his bass as he played it. He really respected Romin for her talent on the lead guitar. He thought she was cute and ferocious and hard-headed at times and a lot of fun to be around.
   Case in point: right now. She was great to play with and did a great job at sticking up for him, too. She looked gorgeous, head-banging in magenta, sweat on her brow, as she practised hard enough to make more than perfect. There were absolutely worse places to be than right beside her, Ushiro thought. 
   Sure, according to these dumb gossip rags, he - and Taira - didn’t exist. They were completely overshadowed by the other half of the band’s success but Ushiro found himself caring less and less. That newspaper could rot for all he cared because he was Romin’s favourite bass guitarist and the band’s success was built on all four of them.
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morbid-dreamzz · 1 year ago
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Color test
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Without effects (they aren't really visible lol)
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eclipses-circus-trash · 1 year ago
ah yes they've never interacted before ever.
*proceeds to rb a couple millions times*
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Anyways here’s my contribution to society
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ygo-sevens-but-i-ruined-it · 4 months ago
you know when Yuga and Luke were trying to find the cure for brainwashed Swirly and they briefly went to Ushiro for help? Is no one gonna question the fact that he had a human-sized cage handy? Have we ever talked about that?
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eclipse-needs-sleep · 2 years ago
time to confess a secret I blocked someone for insulting Ushiro Omaeno (ygo sevens) you don't insult my fellow creepy people and get away with it.
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eclipses-circus-trash · 1 year ago
Yuo: You okay?
Ushiro: Nah, just chillin.
Ushiro: Oh, and I got shot, can you call an ambulance or something?
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rockman-x · 1 year ago
Ushiro in your inbox
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Ushiro in your inbox
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ushirofan · 2 years ago
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